Currency Project - Precal

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Currency Project

By: Cassandra Iglesias, Jazmin Hernandez,

and Sara Garcia
Traveling to Two Countries from the United States

In Mexico, 20.36 Mexican pesos (MXN) would be equal to 1 Unites States

dollar (USD).
In Japan, 5.55 Japanese yen () would be equal to 1 Mexican peso (MXN).

Therefore the functions would be

f(x)= 20.36x. & g(x)= 5.55x

if in the function f(x), x was the equivalent to 1 USD and in the function g(x), x was the equivalent to 1 MXN
1. 15th largest economy in the world
2. The currency is the Mexican peso
3. Has a $1.26 trillion economy
4. Became competitive as an
automobile exporter
5. A part of NAFTA which makes
Mxico one of the largest trading
partners of the United States.
1. Worlds 3rd largest economy
2. The currency is Japanese yen
3. One of the most technologically
advanced countries in the world
4. 2nd largest global economy by GDP
after the United States
5. Importer of food, lumber, oil, and
Mexico: 20.36 pesos/1 US dollar

Japan: 5.55 yen/1 Peso

Airline: Delta
Price: $2,164.21 US Dollars
United States -----> Mexico Mexico ---->Japan
f(g(x))= 20.36(5.55x) g(f(x))=5.55(20.36x)
f(g(x))=20.36(5.55($2,164.21) g(f(x))= 5.55(20.36($1,167.76)
f(g(x))=20.36(12,011.3655) g(f(x))=5.55(23,775.5936)
f(g(x))=244,441.402 pesos g(f(x))=131,954.544 yen
Staying at a hotel in Mexico: 1,710.24 pesos
Staying at a hotel in Japan: 594 yen

Hotel Prices A Hotel Prices B

Since in Mexico staying at a hotel for three Since in Japan staying at a hotel for three
days costs 1,710.24 pesos this will be days costs 594 yen this will be equivalent
equivalent to $84 US dollars. to 108 pesos.
Mexican taxi: 20.04 pesos/ 2 km
Japanese taxi: 400- 700 yen/ 2 km

United States ---> Mxico Mexico ---> Japan

f(g(x))=20.43(112.82x) g(f(x))=112.82(20.43x)
f(g(x))=20.43(121.82 ($1,343.94)) g(f(x))=112.82(20.43 ($2.11))
f(g(x))=20.43(163,718.77) g(f(x))=112.82(43.11)
f(g(x))= 3,344,774.49 pesos g(f(x))= 4,863.67 yen
Mexico: Nissan Leaf $28,006 us dollars
Japan: Nissan Leaf $36,000 us dollars

United States ---> Mexico Mexico ---> Japan

f(g(x))=20.43(112.82x) g(f(x))=112.82(20.43x)
f(g(x))=20.43(121.82 ($36,000)) g(f(x))=112.82(20.43 ($28,006))
f(g(x))=20.43(4,385,520) g(f(x))=112.82(572,162.58)
f(g(x))= 89,596,173.60 pesos g(f(x))= 64,551,382.30 yen
Visiting a museum in Mexico: around 51 pesos
Visiting a museum In Japan : around 600 yen

Museum Prices A Museum Prices B

Since in Mexico visiting a museum will cost 51 In Japan, visiting a museum costs 600 yen,
pesos which is the equivalent of 2.49 US the equivalent of 108.18 pesos
Inexpensive Restaurant in Mexico: 87.50 pesos
Inexpensive Restaurant in Japan: 1000 yen

Restaurant Prices A Restaurant Prices B

In Mexico, the price for eating at an inexpensive In Japan, the price for eating at a similar
Restaurant is 87.50 pesos, which is the inexpensive restaurant in Mexico would cost
equivalent of 4.28 US dollars. around 1000 yen, which is the equivalent of
180.29 pesos.

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