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Our jobs A foglalkozsunk

- Hello. My name is Jane. What is yours? - Hello. Az n nevem Jane. s a tid?

- Peter, nice to meet you. - Pter, rlk a tallkozsnak.
- Are you a student? - Tanul vagy?
- No, I'm not. I am a journalist. And you? - Nem. jsgr vagyok. s te?
- I study history. - n trtnelmet tanulok.
- How interesting! I like history very much. - Milyen rdekes! n nagyon szeretem a trtnelmet.

- My name is John Brown. I am a businessman. - A nevem John Brown. zletember vagyok.

- Nice to meet you. My name is Robins. - rlk a tallkozsnak. A nevem Robins.
- What do you do? - Mivel foglalkozik?
- I am an engineer. I am from England. What about you? - Mrnk vagyok. Anglibl jttem. s n?
- I am from America. - n Amerikbl.

- Are Paul and Julia American? - Paul s Julia amerikai?

- No, they are not. They are Russians. - Nem. k oroszok.
- What are their jobs? - Mi a foglalkozsuk?
- Paul works for an insurance company, and Julia is a - Paul egy biztosttrsasgnl dolgozik, s Julia
nurse. poln.

- Who is the manager? - Ki az igazgat?

- He is the man over there. His name is Mr. Johnson. - Az a frfi, ott. A neve Mr. Johnson.
- Do these people work here? - Ezek az emberek itt dolgoznak?
- Yes, they do. The girls work at the reception. The boys - Igen. A lnyok a recepcin dolgoznak. A fik hor-
are porters. They carry the bags to the rooms. drok. k viszik a brndket a szobkba.

Pat is a doctor. She works in a big hospital. Pat orvos. Egy nagy krhzban dolgozik.
Gerald is a scientist. He works in a laboratory. Gerald termszettuds. egy laboratriumban dolgozik.
Jennifer is an engineer. She designs houses. Jennifer mrnk. Hzakat tervez.
Albert and Fred are waiters. They work in a very good Albert s Fred pincrek. Egy nagyon j tteremben
restaurant. dolgoznak.
George is a pilot. He flies big planes. George pilta. Nagy replgpeket vezet.
Barbara and Susanne are stewardesses. Barbara s Suzanne lgi utasksrk.
Monika is a student. She studies Art. Mnika tanul. Mvszetet tanul.
Stewart is a policeman. He wears a uniform and keeps Stewart rendr. Egyenruht visel s rt ll.
Maria is a cook. She cooks food. Maria szakcs. teleket fz.

- Do you know Mary? - Ismered Mary-t?

- Yes, I do. She works with Paul. - Igen. Paullal dolgozik.
- Does she drive? - vezet?
- I do not know. I think she does. - Nem tudom. Azt hiszem igen.

- Do you like Hemingway? - Szereted Hemingway-t?

- Yes, I do. He is an excellent writer. - Igen. Kitn r.
Cars of the future A jv jrmvei
When I was a child, a horrible image of the nineties was fed Amikor gyerek voltam, a 90-es vekrl szrny kpek
into my innocent mind. The film industry helped distribute voltak tudatlan elmmbe tpllva. A filmipar segtett
scenes of what the future would look like. The earth bemutatni a jv vilgnak ltvnyt. A Fldet fldnkvli
invaded by powers from outer space after it had lost the er znltte el, miutn elvesztette csatjt egy borzaszt
battle in a terrifying nuclear war. Left short of resources nukleris hborban. Az elhagyott forrsokon s
and hope, much of the earth's face having to change. No remnyeken kvl a Fld arcnak is vltoznia kellett. Nincs
room for primitive means of transportation, spaceships igny a szllts primitv formira, rhajk utaznak a
travelling faster than light and carrying us throughout the fnynl gyorsabban, s visznek minket a galaxison
galaxy. Within the remnant of cities, moving pavements keresztl. A vrosok helyi maradvnyain bell mozg
and awkward vessels did the job. No gas stations scattered jrdk s nehzkes hajk vgeztk dolgukat. Nincsenek
along the highways. No traffic jams or road accidents. Not benzinkutak az orszgutak mentn. Nincsenek kzlekedsi
that it became a better place to live in, but more like a dugk vagy kzti balesetek. Nemhogy alkalmass vlt
deserted planet! volna az letre, de inkbb egy lakatlan bolygv vlik.
Radioactive particles polluted both the air and the ground Radioaktv rszecskk szennyeztk a levegt s a fldet s
and left us with only memories of cycling and jogging. neknk a biciklizsnek s a kocogsnak csak az emlkt
No fancy cars nor the fight jostle parking lanes. No horns hagytk meg. Nincsen luxusaut s a parkolhelyrt val
and definitely not a glimpse of a road sign. Driving license kzdelem sem. Nincsenek dudk sem tjelzsek. A
regarded an old-fashioned and driving lessons optional, kzlekedsi szablyok divatak lettek s a vezeti leckk
with robots doing the tough mission of space travelling. tetszlegesek, robotok vgzik az rutazs fradtsgos
I grew up unwilling to put up with such horrors. kldetst. Felnttem, gyhogy nem vagyok hajland
Soon, the eighties went by and the threat of an ugly fate belenyugodni ilyen szrny dolgokba. Hamarosan tlpjk
was getting closer and closer. a nyolcvanas veket s a csnya vgzet fenyeget veszlye
Yet, we haven't given up most of our conventional modes egyre kzelebb s kzelebb kerl. Mg nem adtuk fel
of transport. High-class cars still capture our attention and legtbb, hagyomnyos kzlekedsi szoksunkat. Az els
the contents of our pockets. osztly kocsik mg mindig megragadjk figyelmnket s
Underground tubes have taken a new course now and are zsebeink tartalmt. A fld alatti metr j irnyt vett s vz
done underwater. Intercontinental journeys covered at alatt is elkszlt. A nemzetkzi utazsok az rhajzs
space-age speed are an everyday reality. High-ranking kornak sebessgvel, mindennapos realitsok. Magas
officials have scoured the skies for fast, reliable and safe beoszts hivatalnokok meghdtottk az eget a gyorsabb
trips. s megbzhatbb, biztonsgos utazsok miatt. A
And most importantly, we haven't stopped improving legfontosabb, hogy nem hagytuk abba a ltez lehetsgek
already existing facilities. We are getting prepared for the fejlesztst. Felkszltnk a jv forradalmi vltozsaira
future, for revolutionary changes in this field. It doesn't ezen a tren. Nem muszj olyan kellemetlennek lennie,
have to be as unpleasant as fictional films suggest. On the mint amivel a fantziafilmek mtanak minket. Msrszt
other hand, we'd better expect the worst and hope for the jobb felkszlni a legrosszabbra s remnykedni a
best. It's naive to think that nothing could go wrong with all legjobbrt. Naiv dolog azt gondolni, hogy semmi nem lehet
statistics showing quite the opposite. rossz, amikor a statisztikk ppen az ellenkezjt mutatjk.
Depleted fuel sources, environmental hazards, fatal diseases Kimerlt zemanyagforrsok, krnyezetszennyezsek s
caused by waste, thick exhaust fumes and many more. hallos betegsgek, amelyeket a szemt, a sr rtalmas
It's about time we took action! Unless you find living in a fst s sok ms okozott. Itt az id, hogy cselekedjnk!
flying saucer something worth looking forward to. Klnben egy repl csszealjban tallod magad s vrsz
valami rtkesebbre.
Present, shopping Ajndk, vsrls
- Mark, it's your mother's birthday next week and we have - Mark, a jv hten van anyukd szletsnapja s vs-
to go shopping. rolnunk kell.
- What are we going to buy her? I think a dinner party - Mit fogunk neki venni? Azt hiszem egy vacsoraparti elg
would be enough. lenne.
- I don't think she'd like that. I saw a beautiful bracelet at - Nem hiszem, hogy tetszene neki. Lttam egy szp kar-
the new jeweller's that's just opened downtown. It's really ktt az j kszersznl, ami a belvrosban nylt. Nagyon
beautiful. szp.
- How much does it cost? - Mennyibe kerl?
- I don't know. I thought you might call in and ask. - Nem tudom. Gondoltam beugorhatnl s megkrdezhet-
- Let's discuss the dinner party first. - Elszr vitassuk meg a partit.
- OK. I'll drop by the butcher's and the greengrocer's to get - Ok. Holnap hazafel beugrok a henteshez s a zlds-
the meat and vegetables I need on my way home geshez, hogy megvegyem a hst s zldsget, ami kell.
- And I'll go to the confectioner's to order the cake. I'll also - n meg elmegyek a cukrszhoz, megrendelni a tortt. Be-
pop into the florist's. By the way, what kind of flowers nzek a virgoshoz is. Aprop, milyen virgot vegyek?
should I buy?
- Well, I thought a bunch of red roses would be nice. - gy gondoltam, egy csokor vrs rzsa szp lenne.
- So, we're having her for dinner, buying her a cake, and - Teht vendgl ltjuk vacsorra, vesznk neki tortt s
giving her some flowers. Don't you think that makes a nhny szl virgot. Nem gondolod, hogy ez egy
wonderful birthday gift? csodlatos szletsnapi ajndk?
- I don't know, Mark. She's your mother. - Nem tudom, Mark. A te desanyd.

In the area where I live, there are a lot of shops. Right Azon a helyen, ahol lek sok bolt van. Az utca msik feln
across the street there is a newsagent's. It's not a big one, van az jsgos. Nem nagy, de lehet kapni helyi s klfldi
but you can find local and foreign newspapers and jsgokat s magazinokat.
magazines there. Next to it, there is a butcher's shop, to the Mellette van a hentes, s a jobb oldaln egy nagy
right of it there is a big supermarket. Opposite it there is a szupermarket. Szemkzt van egy tejcsarnok, egy virgos s
dairy, a florist and a shoe shop. Not far from there, you can egy cipbolt. Nem messze onnan tallhat egy posta s egy
find a post office and a big park. Go through the park and nagy park. Menj t a parkon s elred a piacteret.
you'll reach a market place. They sell fresh fruits and Friss gymlcst s zldsget rustanak ott, ezrt neknk
vegetables there, so we really don't miss a greengrocer's. nem hinyzik a zldsgbolt.
On the other side of the park there is a watchmaker, and a A park msik feln van az rs s egy modern mosoda. Az
modern launderette. The only thing we don't have round egyetlen dolog, ami nincs a krnyken, az a fodrsz szalon.
here is a hairdresser's.
Looking for a job llskeress
Sunshine Tours, Napfny Turist,
45-47 B.Zs. Road, B.Zs. t 45-47.
P.O.Box 701 Pf. 701

J.B.Thomas J.B Thomas

Head of employment management Munkagyi osztly vezetje
12 Main Road F t 12.
P.O.Box 555 Pf. 555
Budapest Budapest 21st Aug, 1995. Budapest Budapest 1995. aug. 21.

Dear Mr. Thomas, Kedves Mr. Thomas!

I have read your advertisement for tourist guides that Olvastam az idegenvezetknek szl hirdetst, amely a
appeared in this month's edition of Tourism magazine. I Turizmus magazin e havi kiadsban jelent meg. gy rtem
understand there is a vacancy in Sunshine Tours for French van megreseds a Napfny Turist-nl francia s/vagy
and/or Spanish- speaking guides. I wonder if you could spanyolul beszl idegenvezetknek. Kvncsi lennk, el
provide me with further details of the position. I am tudna-e ltni tovbbi rszletekkel a munkahelyre
particularly interested in tourist guiding and I would like to vonatkozan. Kifejezetten az idegenvezets rdekel s meg
know if I have the necessary qualifications. I look forward szeretnm tudni, meg vannak-e a szksges adottsgaim.
to receiving a reply at your earliest convenience. Nagyon vrom, hogy postafordultval vlaszt megkapjam.

Yours faithfully, Tisztelettel,

Dora Szeles Dora Szeles

J.B.Thomas J.B. Thomas

Head of employment management Munkagyi Osztly vezetje
12 Main Road F t 12.
P.O.Box 555 Pf. 555
Budapest Budapest

Miss Dora Szeles Miss Dora Szeles

Sunshine Tours, Napfny Turist,
45-47 B.Zs. Road, B.Zs. t 45-47.
P.O.Box 701 Pf. 701
Budapest Budapest

Dear Miss Szeles, Kedves Miss Szeles!

Thank you very much for your letter of August 21st. We Nagyon ksznm az augusztus 21.-ei levelt. Az utazsi
have indeed got some vacancies on the staff of our travel irodnknl, a Napfnynl, valjban van reseds.
agency, Sunshine tours. We are interested in young single Fiatal, egyedlll idegenvezet rdekel minket, aki kivl
guides who happen to have a full command of written and rsbeli- s szbeli spanyol s francia tudssal rendelkezik.
spoken Spanish and French. To apply, you need to have A jelentkezshez el kell vgezni egy management- s
completed a course in tourist management. You also have idegenvezeti tanfolyamot. Szintn be kell mutatnia a
to submit language certificates or authentic copies of them. nyelvvizsga bizonytvnyait, vagy hiteles msolatot rluk.
If you worked previously as a tourist guide, then please Ha mr elzleg is dolgozott, mint idegenvezet, krjk
specify your former employer's name, full address and a rszletezze elz munkaadja nevt, teljes cmt s
letter of recommendation if possible. An application form is ajnllevelt, ha lehetsges. Krsre a jelentkezsi lap nem
not mailed on request. However, you are welcome to fill in postzhat ki. Azonban szemlyesen kitlthet egyet.
one in person. I find myself obliged to tell you that a Ktelessgem kzlni nnel, hogy az gynksg
personal interview is an integral step undertaken by the vezetjnek krsre egy szemlyes meghallgats
agency's management before a decision is made whether to nlklzhetetlen lps lenne a dnts eltt, mieltt brkit is
accept any applicant. If you have inquiries, do not hesitate alkalmaznnk. Amennyiben rdekldik, ne ttovzzon,
to contact me. I would be delighted to clarify any points on lpjen kapcsolatba velem. Nagy rmmre szolglna, ha
which you are unclear. eloszlathatnm ktsgeit.

Sincerely yours, Szvlyes dvzlettel,

J.B.Thomas. J.B.Thomas.
Department Store, shopping ruhz, vsrls
At The Department Store Az ruhzban

Mary and Sofia are shopping. They are in front of the Mary s Sofia vsrolnak. A ni ruhaosztly eltt llnak.
ladies' wear.

- Mary? What do you think of this blouse? - Mary? Mi a vlemnyed errl a blzrl?
- The blue one? I don't know. You have already got lots of - A kkrl? Nem tudom. Sok kk holmid van.
blue things.
- Do you really think so? - Tnyleg azt hiszed?
- How about that long black dress? - Mit szlsz ahhoz a hossz fekete ruhhoz?
- Black isn't my favourite colour. - A fekete nem a kedvenc sznem.
- Well, I meant for me. I think it's rather expensive. Let's go - Nos, magamnak gondoltam. Szerintem ez meglehetsen
and see if they have some new ladies' shoes. drga. Menjnk, nzzk meg van-e valamilyen j ni
- All right. Please remind me to go to the chemist's before - Rendben. Krlek emlkeztess, hogy menjnk be a
we leave. gygyszertrba.
- What do you want to buy there? - Mit akarsz ott venni?
- Some herbal tea and a tube of toothpaste. Look at these - Gygytet s egy tubus fogkrmet. Nzd ezt a sportcipt!
sport shoes! They are really nice. I think I'll try them on. Nagyon szp. Azt hiszem felprblom.
- That's size 39, isn't that too big? - Ez 39-es, nem nagy ez?
- Yes, it is. I can't see another pair on the shelf. - De igen. Oh, nem ltok tbbet a polcon.
- I'll go and ask the shop assistant. - Megyek s megkrdezem az eladtl.
... ...
- Sorry, that's the last pair. - Sajnlom, de ez az utols pr.
- Oh, dear. - Oh, Istenem.
- Is there a telephone here? I wonder what the children are - Van itt egy telefon? Kvncsi vagyok mit csinlnak a gye-
doing. I'd better check. rekek. Jobb, ha ellenrzm.
- Relax, they're probably watching TV. - Nyugodj meg, biztosan TV-t nznek.
- I'll be right back. - Mindjrt visszajvk.

Later... Ksbb...
- They are OK. We can continue now. - Jl vannak. Most folytathatjuk.
- We've hardly bought anything. - Alig vettnk valamit.
- I know. Would you like to have a coffee? - Tudom. Szeretnl egy kis kvt inni?
- I'd love one. Let's go to the coffee shop round the corner. - Nagyon szeretnk. Menjnk a sarki kvzba.

At The Supermarket A szupermarketben

- Let's see what the list says. Washing powder. - Nzzk, mi van a listn. Mospor.
- That's over there. But there are plenty of them, which one - Az ott van. De ott sokfle van, melyiket vegyem?
should I get?
- This one is good for both white and coloured clothes. - Ez j a fehr s sznes ruhkhoz is. Ez j lesz.
That'll be fine.
- What's next? - Mi a kvetkez?
- Soap. It should be here. That's it. Three bars of soap will - Szappan. Itt kellene lennie. Ez az. Hrom szappan elg
be enough for now. A packet of sugar. lesz. Egy csomag cukor.
- A kilo or a half kilo packet? - Egy kils vagy flkils?
- A kilo. A litre of skimmed milk, a hundred grams of - Egy kils. Egy liter flztt tej, 100 gramm sajt s tejfl.
cheese and some sour cream. That's all. Is there anything Ez minden. Akarsz mg valamit?
you want?
- Can I have an ice-cream? - Vehetek egy jgkrmet?
- Sure. - Persze.
- I'd like a strawberry-flavoured one. Shall I get you one? - Egy eper zt szeretnk. Neked is hozzak egyet?
- No, thanks. I almost forgot. We ran out of shampoo... I'd - Nem, ksznm. Majdnem elfelejtettem. Elfogyott a sam-
better get some. I think we have all what we need. ponunk... Jobb, ha veszek. Azt hiszem ez minden, ami
Car, accident Aut, baleset
- What's happened to you, George? - Mi trtnt veled, George?
- I helped Tom fix his car. - Segtettem Tomnak kocsit javtani.
- Look at the mess! I'll never be able to wash these oil - Nzd ezt a koszt! Soha sem fogom tudni kimosni ezeket
stains out. What was wrong with his car? az olajfoltokat. Mi volt a baj a kocsijval?
- He had a flat tire. And the battery went dead as well. - Gumi defektje volt. Oh, s lemerlt az akkumultor. Sem-
Nothing serious. mi komoly.
- I wish I could say the same about your clothes. Where are - Brcsak ugyanezt mondhatnm a ruhidrl is. Hov msz?
you off to?
- We haven't finished yet. He hasn't got a spare wheel, so - Mg nem vgeztnk. Nincsen ptkereke, ezrt tviszem
I'm going to get mine. Then we're washing the car. neki az enymet. Utna lemossuk a kocsit.
- Great! But I don't understand. Why does Tom get into all - Nagyszer! Nem rtem. Mirt kerlt Tom ennyi bajba,
this trouble when he rarely uses his car? amikor ritkn hasznlja a kocsijt?
- He does use the car. But he doesn't drive downtown. It's - hasznlja a kocsijt. De nem vezet a belvrosban.
very difficult to find a place to park, and there are always Nagyon nehz parkolhelyet tallni s gyakori az utckon
traffic jams. It takes more time to get to the city centre by a kzlekedsi dug. Tovbb tart a vroskzpontba
car than it takes by bus or tram. bemenni kocsival, mint busszal, vagy villamossal.
- OK, George. I'm sorry I asked. - Ok, George. Bocs, hogy krdeztem.
- It's all right, dear. I'll be back for dinner. - Rendben van, drgm. Vacsorra visszajvk.

I saw a terrible accident on my way home from a long trip Lttam egy szrny balesetet egy hossz utazsbl
last month. It was one of those slippery days in autumn. I hazajvet mlt hnapban. Ez egyike volt azoknak a csszs
was just leaving the highway when I saw a big crowd at the szi napoknak. ppen elhagytam a futat, amikor
side of the road. At first I didn't want to stop. meglttam egy nagy tmeget az t szln. Elszr nem
Then I heard somebody shouting "fire". akartam megllni. Aztn hallottam, hogy valaki azt kiablja
So I pulled over away from the traffic and got out of my "tz van". Flrehzdtam s kiszlltam a kocsimbl. Ez
car. It was the worst accident I'd ever seen. A trailer was volt a legszrnybb baleset, amit valaha lttam. Egy
lying on its side, with the windshield in pieces and the ptkocsis teheraut fekdt az oldaln, a szlvd
driver bleeding. I couldn't tell if he was alive. darabokban volt s a vezet vrzett. Nem tudtam volna
Not far from it, there was a car in flames. megmondani, hogy lt-e mg. Nem messze tle egy
It was impossible to get near it. autroncs lngokban llt. Lehetetlen volt a kzelbe menni.
I was standing there not knowing what to do when I heard Ott lltam, nem tudva mit csinljak, amikor meghallottam
the siren of the ambulance and the fire-engine. The police az ambulancia s a tzoltaut szirnit. A rendrsg
came later. They were trying to find out how the accident ksbb jtt. Prbltak rjnni, hogy trtnt.
had happened. Some said the car was overtaking a coach Nhnyan azt mondtk, hogy a kocsi pp egy buszt elztt,
when the trailer came from the opposite direction and tried amikor a ptkocsis teheraut jtt az ellenkez irnybl s
to avoid the car, but it was already too late. megprblta ugyan kikerlni a kocsit, de mr tl ks volt.
The trailer had hit the car. The driver of the trailer must A teheraut nekitkztt a kocsinak. Azutn a teheraut
have lost control afterwards. I waited to see if there were vezetje elvesztette a kocsi feletti uralmt. Vrtam, htha
any survivors, but the police had already cleared the area, ltok tllket, de a rendrsg megtiszttotta a terepet, ezrt
so I left. I'll never forget it. elmentem. Soha nem fogom elfelejteni.
My Family Az n csaldom
My name is Sofia Brown. Az n nevem Szfia Brown.
I am fifteen years old. 15 ves vagyok.
I live with my mother Julia, my father Robert, and my older Anymmal, Jlival, apmmal, Rberttel s btymmal,
brother Peter. Pterrel lek.
Peter is twenty-one years old. Pter 21 ves.
He is a car mechanic. autszerel.
My father is a car mechanic too. Az apm is autszerel.
My mother is a housewife. Az anym hztartsbeli.
We all live in a lovely big house. Mi egy szp, nagy hzban lakunk.
My grandfather and grandmother live with us too. A nagyapm s nagyanym szintn velnk lakik.
They are my father's parents. k az apmnak a szlei.
Grandmother likes us very much. Nagyanym nagyon szeret minket.
Every Sunday my Uncle Ray and aunt Meg come to visit us. Minden vasrnap nagybtym, Ray s nagynnm, Meg
megltogatnak minket.
Aunt Meg is my father's sister, and uncle Ray is her husband. Meg nni az apm testvre s Ray bcsi az frje.
They have two daughters and a son. Nekik kt lnyuk s egy fik van.
Their names are Amanda, Maya and Steve. Az nevk Amanda, Maya s Steve.
I love my cousins. Szeretem az unokatestvreimet.
We play in the garden and my grandfather sits and watches A kertben jtszunk s nagyapm l s nz minket.
He says it's his favourite hobby. Azt mondja, hogy ez a kedvenc hobbija.
When lunch is ready, we all eat together. Amikor az ebd elkszl, egytt esznk.
I always help my mother wash the dishes. Mindig segtek anymnak mosogatni.
My grandmother usually bakes some apple pies. Nagyanym ltalban alms pitt st.
The adults drink coffee but we have some juice. A felnttek kvt isznak, de mi gymlcslevet iszunk.
We go on playing until it's time for them to leave. Mi jtszunk tovbb, amg el nem mennek.
I like it very much when all the family is there. Nagyon tetszik, amikor az egsz csald ott van.
It's real fun. Ez igazn j.

- Peter! Let's play a game. - Pter! Jtsszunk egytt!

- OK, Sofia. - OK, Szfia.
- Think about somebody from the family. I ask some - Gondolj valakire a csaldbl. Felteszek nhny krdst, s
questions, and you answer with yes or no. igennel vagy nemmel vlaszolj.
- All right. - Rendben.
- Is it a child? - Ez egy gyerek?
- No. - Nem.
- Is it a woman? - Egy n?
- No. - Nem.
- Then it's a man. - Akkor egy frfi.
- Yes. - Igen.
- Is he old? - Ids?
- No. - Nem.
- Then it can't be grandfather. Is he married? - Akkor nem lehet a nagyapa. Ns?
- No. - Nem.
- Then it's you! - Hiszen ez te vagy!
- Yes, you guessed it. - Igen, eltalltad.

- Excuse me madam, do you have any relatives? - Elnzst hlgyem, vannak rokonai?
- Yes, a son. - Igen, egy fiam.
- Does he smoke? - dohnyzik?
- No, he doesn't. - Nem, nem dohnyzik.
- Does he come home late at night? - Ksn jr haza jszaka a fia?
- Never. He always goes to bed right after dinner. - Soha. Vacsora utn egyenesen az gyba megy.
- Marvellous. How old is he? - Nagyszer. Mennyi ids?
- Ten months today. - Ma tz hnapos.

Mother (to small son who is going to a party) Anya (a kisfihoz, aki egy partira kszl)
- Now, dear, what are you going to do when you finish - Nos, kedvesem, mit fogsz csinlni ha befejezted az tke-
eating? zst?
- Come home, mother. - Hazajvk, anya.
My day Az n napom
I wake up at six o'clock everyday. Minden nap hat rakor bredek fel.
I usually have white coffee and biscuits for breakfast. Rendszerint tejeskvt iszom keksszel reggelire.
Sometimes I take my dog out after that. Ezutn nha kutyt stltatok.
It likes its walk very much. Nagyon szeret stlni.
At quarter to seven I leave home. Hromnegyed htkor indulok el otthonrl.
I always take the bus to school. Mindig busszal megyek az iskolba.
It takes twelve minutes to get there. Tizenkt perc alatt rek oda.
Sometimes I meet my friends on the bus. Nha tallkozom a bartaimmal a buszon.
The first lesson starts at half past seven. Az els ra fl nyolckor kezddik.
We study different subjects. Klnbz tantrgyakat tanulunk.
I like Geography, Mathematics and Languages. Szeretem a fldrajzot, a matematikt s az idegen
I always get high marks in Languages. nyelveket.
Mindig j jegyeket kapok a nyelvekbl.
During the break I meet my friends and we have lunch Sznetben tallkozom a bartaimmal s egytt
together. ebdelnk.
I don't have time to make a sandwich in the morning, so Reggel nincs idm szendvics ksztsre, ezrt veszek
I buy something from the school canteen. valamit az iskola bfjben.
We finish at quarter past two every day. Negyed hromkor vgznk minden nap.
On Friday we finish early, then we go to play football. Pntekenknt korn vgznk, ezutn futballozni
We often play until it gets dark. Gyakran jtszunk sttedsig.
I never go home before six in the evening on Fridays. Soha sem megyek hat rnl elbb haza pntek
When I go home, I have a shower. Amikor haza rek, letusolok.
At eight o'clock we have dinner. Nyolc rakor vacsorzunk.
I try to watch TV, but I am usually very tired. Prblok TV-t nzni, de rendszerint nagyon fradt
I go to bed at half past eight. Fl kilenckor lefekszem.

We study different subjects Klnbz tantrgyakat tanulunk.

Jane and Pat are very good friends. Jane s Pat nagyon j bartok.
They are students, but they do different things. k tanulk, de klnbz dolgokat csinlnak.
Jane studies science at the University. Jane termszettudomnyt tanul az egyetemen.
Pat studies business at College. Pat kereskedelmi fiskolra jr.
Jane studies chemistry, biology and physics. Jane kmit, biolgit s fizikt tanul.
Pat studies mathematics and marketing. Pat matematikt s piacszervezst tanul.
They sometimes meet and talk. Nha tallkoznak s beszlgetnek.

- Are you all right, Jane? - Jl vagy, Jane?

- I'm tired, Pat. I am having an exam today. - Fradt vagyok, Pat. Ma vizsgzom.
- What subject? - Melyik trgybl?
- Chemistry. - Kmia.
- Take it easy, Jane. You study hard. You know a lot - Lazts, Jane. Te sokat tanulsz. Mr sokat tudsz.
- But it's a difficult subject. I don't remember anything. - De ez egy nehz trgy. Nem emlkszem semmire.
- Of course you do. - Dehogy nem.
- And I have a biology test on Thursday. - s tesztet rok biolgibl cstrtkn.
- Poor you! - , te szegny!
Petrol station, shop Benzinkt, shop
Running a non-stop gas station and its shop is by no means Egy jjel-nappali tankol llomst vezetni nem jelent
an easy business. With hundreds of visitors a day dropping knny feladatot. Naponta emberek szzai trnek be
by with a specific order and then racing along the road klnbz rendelssel, azutn tovbb szguldanak az ton
without looking back, I sometimes find it dull. anlkl, hogy visszanznnek, ezt nha kiss egyhangnak
A few weeks ago, I was inside the shop standing in for one Nhny hete, bent voltam az zletben az egyik asszisztens
of my assistants. I had already sent her home when it helyett. Hazakldtem, amikor kezdett sttedni.
started getting dark. I must have said to myself it was just Azt kellett, hogy mondjam magamban, ez is egy nyugodt
another peaceful night. At least that's how it started. By the jszaka. Legalbb is annak indult. Azutn jfl krl,
time it was midnight, I had been doing fine but I was minden rendben volt, csak egyedl reztem magam. Egy
lonely. The sound of a car's engine slowing down through lasst kocsi motorjnak a hangja a bejratnl megrmtett
the entrance had me worried for a moment. I hated being all egy pillanatra. Utltam egyedl lenni ezen a nagy helyen.
on my own in this big place. A few minutes had passed Nhny perc mlva szrevettem, hogy a kocsi elment.
before I realized that the car was gone. I wondered who it Azon gondolkodtam, ki lehetett ez.
could be. Neither filling the car with gas nor asking for any Az, hogy nem tankolt s egyb szolgltatst sem vett
other service made me suspicious. Soon I had forgotten ignybe, gyanakvv tett. De hamarosan elfelejtettem az
everything. Silence roamed all over the place again. Time egszet. Ismt csend telepedett a helyre. Az id nehezen
was hardly passing by and the only amusement I had was mlt, az egyetlen szrakozsom a televzizs volt. Amikor
the TV set. As I was getting up to find something to eat, the fellltam, hogy egyek valamit, az zlet ajtaja fel volt
shop's door was flung open. A tall, broad-shouldered man fesztve. Egy magas, szles vll frfi jtt be a
burst in, in a most unequivocal manner. With a menace legvratlanabb mdon, amit eddig tapasztaltam. Rvid,
tread he walked towards me took out a clasp and pointed to hatrozott lptekkel jtt felm, elvett egy zsebkst s a
the cash desk. He hadn't much to say, neither had I. The pnztrasztalra mutatott. Nem volt sok mondanivalja,
only thing I had left was to hand over all the money to him. ahogy nekem sem. Az egyetlen dolog, ami maradt, hogy
Still, there was no guarantee he'd leave me in peace! My tadjam neki a pnzt. De mg gy sem volt garancia r,
brain was working at twice its normal pace, while my hands hogy bkn hagy engem. Az agyam ktszer olyan gyorsan
were grabbing the money. Showing resistance was one dolgozott, mint norml esetben, mikzben szedtem a pnzt
thing that hadn't crossed my mind. With the kind of build a kezemmel. Hogy ellenlljak, eszembe sem jutott. Tudtam,
he had I knew my chances were nil. egy ilyen masszv felpts emberrel szemben semmi
If I had known he was paying me a visit, I would have eslyem sincs. Ha tudtam volna, hogy ilyen ltogatm lesz,
never stayed alone! Then he started getting impatient. nem maradtam volna egyedl. Azutn egyre trelmetlenebb
Suddenly, the door was pushed open for the second time lett. Hirtelen kinylt az ajt, mr msodszor ezen az
that night. This time two men in uniform came into the jszakn. Ezttal kt egyenruhs ember jtt be az zletbe.
shop. They were more astonished than this fellow was! For k mg inkbb meglepdtek, mint a betr. Nhny
few seconds we were staring at each other, then the three of msodpercig bmultunk egymsra, azutn hrmjukbl
them burst out laughing! It took me a while to collect kitrt a nevets. Idbe telt, mg sszeszedtem magam.
myself. I finally got the message! The latter two were real Vgl felfogtam, mindent. Az utbbi kettvel minden
all right. They have been regular customers and I rendben volt. k rendszeres vsrlk voltak, fel is ismertem
recognised them after I had gathered my shattered senses. ket, miutn sszpontostottam sztszrt figyelmemet. De
The one who was playing the burglar's role, however, was az, aki a rabl szerept jtszotta, viszont csak... egy rgi
only... an old schoolmate. "At least it wasn't just another iskolatrsam volt. "Legalbb ez az jszaka nem volt olyan
dull night for you", one said as he was leaving. I haven't egyhang"- mondta az egyik, amikor elment. Azta nem
dared to complain ever since. panaszkodtam.
Shops Boltok
Shops in our neighbourhood Boltok a szomszdsgban

We live in a pleasant area. Egy kellemes helyen lakunk.

There is a park in the middle. Kzpen van egy park.
There are a lot of shops near us. Sok bolt van a kzelnkben.
Right across the street there is a big grocery store. Pont az utca tloldaln van egy nagy lelmiszerruhz.
You can buy different kinds of fruits and vegetables there. Klnfle gymlcsket s zldsgeket lehet ott kapni.
Next to it there is a supermarket. Mellette van egy ABC.
The baker's is opposite the grocer's. A pksg az lelmiszerbolttal szemben van.
A shop that sells dairy products has just opened where I Ahol lakom, ppen most nylt egy tejbolt.
It's between the baker's and the butcher's. Ez a pksg s a hsbolt kztt van.
If you walk along the street towards the park, you will Ha vgigstlsz az utcn a park fel, a virgrushoz rkezel.
reach the florist's.
If you take a walk across the park and go to the other side Ha tstlsz a parkon s tmsz a msik oldalra, ott is
there are shops there too. vannak boltok.
If you turn right, you will find a big bookshop, and next to Ha jobbra fordulsz, tallsz egy nagy knyvesboltot s
it there is a record shop. mellette van egy lemezbolt.
A chemist is opposite these two. Velk szemben egy gygyszertr van.
Then if you turn left, you will be in front of the post office. Aztn ha balra fordulsz, a postahivatal eltt leszel.
Behind it is a big department store. Mgtte egy nagy ruhz van.
It is three stories high and sells almost everything. Hrom emeletes s majdnem mindent rustanak.
If you stand with your back to the department store, you Ha httal llsz az ruhznak, egy kszerzletet, egy
will see a jeweller's shop, a shoe shop and a watchmaker's. cipboltot s egy rst ltsz.
Now cross the street and pass by the school. Menj t az utcn s menj tovbb az iskolnl.
That's where I studied. Ott tanultam.
And not far from there is where I live. s onnan nem messze lakom.
It's a very nice place to live in. Nagyon kellemes itt lakni.

- I'm going shopping. - Megyek vsrolni.

- What are you going to buy? - Mit veszel?
- The usual things. Bread, cheese, meat, milk and... - A szoksos dolgokat. Kenyeret, sajtot, hst, tejet s ...
- Will you be able to carry all that? - El tudod mindazt cipelni?
- I think I'll manage. - Azt hiszem, igen.
- I'll go with you if you want me to. - Elmegyek veled, ha akarod.
- All right. I'll get the groceries and I'll take a look round - Rendben. Megveszem az lelmiszereket s krlnzek az
the supermarket. You go and get the meat, the milk and ABC-ben. Te pedig menj s hozd el a hst, a tejet s a
the cheese. sajtot.
- How much shall I get? - Mennyit hozzak?
- We need some beef - one kilogram will be enough. One - Marhahs kellene, egy kilogramm elg lesz. Egy liter tej
litre of milk and some cheese. s egy kis sajt.
- How many grams? - Hny gramm?
- 200. - 200.
- Didn't you say you needed some bread? - Nem azt mondtad, hogy kenyr is kellene?
- Yes, you're right. If you find some fresh rolls, please buy - Igen igazad van. Ha tallsz friss zsemlt, vegyl fl
half a dozen. tucattal.
- OK. If you go to the greengrocer's, will you buy some - OK. Ha msz a zldsgeshez, hoznl szibarackot.
- If they sell peaches I'll buy some. - Ha rulnak, akkor hozok.

- Where can I buy some nice flowers? - Hol vehetek szp virgot?
- At the florist's. - A virgboltban.
- And where can I get some toothpaste? - s hol kaphatok fogkrmet?
- At the chemist's, or at the supermarket. - A gygyszertrban vagy az ABC-ben.
- My watch has stopped. Where can I take it? - A karrm megllt. Hov vigyem?
- Take it to the watchmaker. - Vidd el az rshoz.
(At the department store) (Az ruhzban)

- I like this blouse, but I'm not sure it fits me. - Tetszik ez a blz, de nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy j
lesz rm.
- What size are you? - Milyen a mrete?
- Size thirty-eight. - 38-as.
- There is only one left. - Csak egy darab maradt.
- Do you have any skirts? I need a long dark one. - Van nknl szoknya? Nekem egy hossz stt kellene.
- Yes, we have. - Igen, van.
- Can I try both on? - Felprblhatom mindkettt?
- Of course. - Termszetesen.

(At the shoe shop) (A cipboltban)

- Excuse me! Could you show me that pair of brown leather - Elnzst! Megmutatn azt a barna br cipt?
- What size do you wear? - Hnyasat hord?
- Forty-one or -two. - 41 vagy 42.
- I'll bring both sizes for you to try on. - Mindkt mretet hozom, hogy felprblja.
- Thank you. - Ksznm.
- This one is tight; the other one is big. - Ez szk; a msik pedig nagy.
- We have a large collection of leather shoes. Perhaps you'd - Nagy a vlasztkunk brcipkbl. Taln szeretne felpr-
like to try something else. blni valami mst?
- Yes, please. - Igen.

(At the record shop) (A lemezboltban)

- Do you have the new 'Snakes' album? - Megvan nknek a "Snakes" j lemeze?
- Pardon me? - Tessk?
- Any new 'Snakes' songs? - Vannak j "Snakes" dalok?
- I'm afraid I've never heard of them! - Attl tartok, hogy sosem hallottam rluk.
Budapest Budapest
- What are you doing, Steve? You look quite busy. - Mit csinlsz, Steve? Nagyon elfoglaltnak tnsz.
- You can say that again, Kathy. I'm trying to make a list of - Mond mg egyszer, Kathy. Prblok egy listt kszteni
good places to visit in Hungary. Some of my relatives are Magyarorszg szp rszeirl. Nhny rokonom jn Dl-
coming from South America, and I'd like to organise their Amerikbl s szeretnk egy programot kszteni nekik.
stay for them.
- How long are they going to be here? - Meddig lesznek itt?
- A couple of weeks or so. - Krlbell nhny htig.
- That's hardly enough to show them everything. But it's - Ez aligha elegend ahhoz, hogy mindent megmutass ne-
certainly worth a try. Where are you starting from? kik. De, biztosan megr egy prblkozst. Honnan
- Well, I thought it would be better to show them around - gy gondoltam, jobb lenne krbemutatni Budapestet, mi-
Budapest before we leave for other cities. eltt ms vrosokba mennnk.
- That's a good idea. Why don't you make a list of the - Ez egy j tlet. Mirt nem csinlsz egy listt a helyekrl,
places you want to take them to? ahov el akarod vinni ket?
- All right. There's the Statue of Liberty and the Statue of - Rendben. Ott van a Szabadsg szobor, a Szt. Gellrt szo-
St. Gellrt, the Royal Castle, the Matthias Church and the bor, a Kirlyi vr, a Mtys templom s a Halszbstya s
Fishermen's Bastion, and of course the Parliament termszetesen a Parlament plete s a Hsk tere.
Building and Heroes' square.
- So you'd be taking them to both banks of the Danube. - Szval a Duna mind kt oldalra elviszed ket.
- That's not all. My aunt loves museums but we won't have - Ez mg nem minden. A nnikm imdja a mzeumokat,
much time, so I'll take her to the Museum of Fine Arts and de nem lesz sok idnk, teht elviszem t a Szpmvszeti
the Hungarian National Museum. Have I forgotten s a Nemzeti Mzeumba. Kihagytam valamit?
- I think a night drive through the city, or even a cruise - Szerintem egy jszakai utazs a vroson keresztl, vagy a
along the Danube, would be nice. Dunn szp lenne.
- Yes, of course. How else would they get to see the famous - De ht ez termszetes. Klnben, hogyan nzhetnk meg
bridges? The Chain bridge and its lions, the Freedom and a hres hidakat? A Lnchd az oroszlnjaival, a Szabadsg
the Elizabeth bridge. s az Erzsbet hd.
- I'm sure they'll never forget their visit to Budapest. - Biztos vagyok benne, hogy soha nem felejtik el budapesti

Steve's relatives were fascinated by the beauty of Hungary. Steve rokonai el voltak ragadtatva Magyarorszg
They extended their visit another week. szpsgtl. Ltogatsukat meghosszabbtottk mg egy
During their stay they enjoyed not just the monuments and httel. Ittltk alatt nem csak a szobrokban s a tjban
the views, but they also appreciated the hospitality of the gynyrkdtek, de a magyar emberek vendgszeretett is
Hungarian people. Every place they visited told them a lvezhettk. Minden helyhez, amit megltogattak,
different story, and each story gave them part of the nation's klnbz trtnet fzdtt s mindegyikk rsze volt a
history. When they visited the castles and the fortresses, nemzet trtnelmnek. Amikor a kastlyokat s az
they relived the battles that had once taken place there and erdtmnyeket ltogattk, reztk, hogy egykor csatk
could even hear the shouts and the cheers. helysznei voltak s szinte hallottk a srsokat s az
Every statue they saw was a symbol of what that particular ljenzseket. Minden szobor, amit lttak, szimbluma volt
national hero stood for. annak, amirt az a rendkvli nemzeti hs helytllt. A
The temples, the caves, the thermal baths and the wine templomoknak, a barlangoknak, a gygyfrdknek s a
cellars told them much about how they had survived the borospincknek sok mondanivaljuk volt arrl, hogy
centuries. It matters little whether you move east, west, miknt ltk t a szzadokat. Szinte minden ugyanolyan,
south or north in this picturesque country. akr keletre, nyugatra, dlre vagy szakra msz ezen a
Fascination is guaranteed! festi vidken. A bvlet garantlt!
Family Csald
My name is Sali. I am eighteen years old. I used to go to A nevem Sali. Tizennyolc ves vagyok. Iskolba jrtam,
school, but I don't any more. I finished last June. I haven't jelenleg nem tanulok. Tavaly jniusban vgeztem. Mg
decided what to do yet. My mother wants me to go to nem dntttem el, hogy mit csinljak. Anym azt akarja,
college, but I want to work. The problem is I really can't do hogy tanuljak tovbb, de n dolgozni akarok. A problma
much. My father is a car mechanic. My mother is a shop az, hogy nem nagyon rtek semmihez. Apm autszerel.
assistant. My brother Albert is three years younger than me. Anym bolti elad. Testvrem, Albert hrom vvel
He goes to school and is very clever. My parents work hard fiatalabb, mint n. iskolba jr s nagyon okos. Szleim
and we don't spend much time together. My grandparents nagyon kemnyen dolgoznak s nem tl sok idt tltnk
don't live with us, and I haven't got any cousins. I have a egytt. Nagyszleim nem lnek velnk s nincsenek
small family and wonder sometimes how it is in big unokatestvreim. Kis csaldom van s nha kvncsi
families. It must be different. vagyok milyen is egy nagy csald. Egszen ms.
[ring] [ring] [ring] [ring] [ring] [ring]
- 2550405... Hello. - 2550405... Hall.
- Hello there. Can I talk to Ralf, please? - Hall. Beszlhetnk Ralffal?
- Just a moment, I'll see if he is in. ... Ralf left a few - Egy pillanat megnzem bent van-e? ... Ralf pr perce el-
minutes ago. ment.
- When will he be back? - Mikor jn vissza?
- I don't know. He went with his uncle somewhere. Do you - Nem tudom. Elment a bcsikjval valahov. Akar neki
want to leave him a message? zenetet hagyni?
- Yes. Could you please tell him Robert called to say he - Igen. Megmondan neki krem, hogy Rbert hvta s azt
won't be able to play football on Thursday? It's my mondta, hogy nem tud vele focizni cstrtkn.
grandmother's birthday and I have to be with my family. Nagymammnak szletsnapja van s a csaldommal kell
- OK. I'll tell him. - Rendben. Megmondom neki.
- Thank you. Bye. - Ksznm. Viszonthallsra.

Last weekend the whole family met at my aunt Sara's. We Mlt htvgn az egsz csald nnikmnl, Saranl
usually meet at my grandparent's house in the country, but tallkozott. ltalban nagyszleim hzban tallkozunk
uncle George, Aunt Sara's husband, broke his leg and vidken, de George bcsikm, Sara nnm frje eltrte a
couldn't move. So we all went to visit him. My sister Pat, lbt s nem tud kimozdulni. Teht mi mentnk el
my brother David and his wife Joan, my parents, uncle Tom megltogatni. Lnytestvrem Pat, fitestvrem David s
and his daughter Mary. My grandparents joined us later. felesge Joan, szleim, Tom bcsikm s lnya Mary.
Aunt Sara hasn't got any children. Mary is my only cousin. Nagyszleim ksbb csatlakoztak hozznk. Sara nnmnek
We had a delicious lunch and ate a lot of fruit. In the nincsenek gyerekei. Mary az egyetlen unokatestvrem. Egy
evening we had some tea and ate the delicious apple pie my jt ebdeltnk s sok gymlcst ettnk. Este tet ittunk s
grandmother baked. Uncle George wasn't feeling very well finom alms pitt ettnk, amit nagymamm sttt. George
but he was happy to see us around him. Mary, Pat and Joan bcsi nem rezte magt tl jl, de boldog volt, hogy
went for a walk after lunch while mother and Aunt Sara krltte voltunk. Mary, Pat s Joan ebd utn stlni
were washing the dishes. Grandfather fell asleep when we mentek, mialatt anya s Sara nni mosogattak. Nagyapa
started playing cards. It was another nice weekend with the elaludt, ahogy krtyzni kezdtnk. Ez is egy szp htvge
family. volt a csalddal.
Family celebration Csaldi nnepek
I look at my calendar and hardly find a single week in Megnzem a naptramat s nehezen tallok egy olyan hetet,
which I don't celebrate a special occasion. Starting with the amelyen ne nylna alkalmam egy klnleges nneplsre. Az
first day of the year and all through its three hundred and v els napjtl kezdve mind a hromszzhatvant napon
sixty-five days. It's either a name-day, a birthday, a keresztl. Vagy egy nvnap, egy szletsnap, hzassgi
wedding anniversary or the arrival of a new comer who's vfordul, vagy egy j ember rkezse, aki hozzaddik a
going to be added to the long list. Sometimes I am surprised hossz listhoz. Nha meglepdm azon, hogy mg
I still remember the names. I did forget once and I've been emlkszem a nevekre. Egyszer elfelejtettem s azta is
paying for it ever since! So, I learnt my lesson, and I always fizetek rte. gy megtanultam a leckt s mindig kt htre
check my calendar two weeks in advance. Then, there are elre ellenrzm a naptramat. Aztn, ott vannak a nagy
the big days: Christmas, Easter and my aged mother-in- napok: Karcsony, Hsvt s az n ids anysom
law's birthday. These require a lot of preparation, especially szletsnapja. Ezek nagyon sok elkszletet ignyelnek,
the last one. When going shopping, I make sure not to buy klnsen az utols. Mikor vsrolni megyek, vigyzok
similar presents. However, prices have to be closely related. arra, hogy ne vegyek egyforma ajndkokat. Azonban az
Otherwise, I'd be accused of showing favouritism. rnak egyformnak kell lennie. Megvdolnnak azzal, hogy
Well, that's just not true. I shower my dear mother-in-law kivtelt teszek. Ht, ez ppen nem igaz. Kedves anysomat
with precious things! Despite all the trouble involved, I still rtkes dolgokkal rasztom el. Minden gond ellenre, mg
enjoy these family gatherings. It reminds me of how lucky I lvezem a csaldi sszejveteleket. Arra emlkeztetnek,
am to have them, and how colourless these days would be hogy milyen szerencss vagyok, hogy k vannak nekem s
without them. It's difficult to explain the joy in having all szntelenek lennnek ezek a napok nlklk. Nehz
this trouble with so many different moods and personalities. elmagyarzni, hogy mi az rm ebben a sok fradozsban,
ami ezzel a sok egyni hangulattal s szemlyisggel jr
Imagine Christmas Eve without a bunch of relatives ruining egytt. Kpzelj el egy karcsonyi estt a sok rokon nlkl,
your furniture and appetite, giving you expressions like akik tnkreteszik a btorodat s az tvgyadat az olyan
"you shouldn't have gone to such trouble" while they'd kijelentsekkel, mint: "igazn nem kellett volna" holott azt
rather be saying "How could you?". Imagine a nice quiet mondhatnk: "Hogy tehettl ilyet?". Kpzelj el egy
evening with the music of "I am dreaming of a white X- kellemes, csndes estt, a halkan szl "lmok a fehr
mas" gently playing and with nobody criticizing your wife's karcsonyrl" c. zenemvet hallgatva s senki nem
dress and turkey. Do you have both images in the back of kritizlja a felesged ruhjt s a pulykt. Elkpzelted
your mind? Which one would you rather have? mindkt jelenetet az agyadban? Melyiket vlasztand?
I thought you'd say so. It's not really what they say or what Gondolom, hogy ezt mondand. Nem az a lnyeg, hogy mit
they do, it's simply what they are. mondanak vagy mit csinlnak, hanem egyszeren az: hogy
Deep in your heart you know that each and every one of vannak. A szved mlyn tudod, hogy kzlk brmelyik
them will be right there for you if you're ever in need. They veled lenne, ha szksged lenne r. Lehet, hogy elutastjk
might turn down your presents, but they won't turn you az ajndkot, de nem utastanak el tged!
down! And when you are in trouble, it's a family member s ha te bajban vagy, egy csaldtag segtsgedre siet. Teht
you rush to. So, go ahead! Check your calendar. rajta! Ellenrizd a naptradat!
Home visit Csaldltogats
- Good afternoon! - J napot!
- Good afternoon! - J napot!
- I am doing a survey on European families. Would you - Egy felmrst ksztek az eurpai csaldokrl. Vlaszolna
mind answering a few questions? nhny krdsre?
- Not at all. - Szvesen.
- All right. How old are you? - Rendben. Hny ves?
- I am twenty-seven years old. - Huszonht ves vagyok.
- Are you married? - Hzas?
- Yes, I am. - Igen, az vagyok.
- Do you have any children? - Vannak gyerekei?
- No, I don't. - Nem, nincsenek.
- What about your parents and your grandparents? - s a szlei s nagyszlei?
- My parents live in another city and my grandparents live - Szleim egy msik vrosban, nagyszleim egy faluban
in a village a long way from here. lnek, messze innen.
- What do you and your husband do? - Mit csinl n s a frje?
- I am a nurse and my husband is a clerk. - n nvr vagyok, frjem titkr.
- Thank you very much. Goodbye! - Nagyon ksznm. Viszontltsra.
- Goodbye! - Viszontltsra!

A Survey is a study someone carries out to gain information A felmrs egy tanulmny, amelyet azrt kszt valaki,
about a certain matter. The European Families Survey hogy informcit kapjon egy bizonyos tmval
wants to know as much as possible about different families kapcsolatban. Az Eurpai Csaldok Felmrs minl tbbet
in different countries in Europe. So far, Bob Howard, one akar megtudni Eurpa klnbz orszgainak csaldjairl.
of the people working on it, has gathered some interesting Bob Howard, egyike azoknak, akik ezen dolgoznak,
information. He questioned men and women of different sszegyjttt nhny rdekes informcit. Megkrdezett
ages. Most of the women he asked were married. Some klnbz kor frfiakat s nket. A legtbb megkrdezett
men were divorced and only a few were single. Half of the n frjezett volt. Nhny frfi elvlt s csak kevs volt az
people he asked had only one child. Some said the lived egyedlll. A megkrdezettek felnek csak egy gyereke
with their parents, but a lot of young people are starting volt. Nhnyan kzlk szleikkel lnek, de sok fiatal
their lives on their own. A lot of married couples have to kezdi az letet nllan. Sok hzasprnak dolgoznia kell s
work and leave their child with the grandmother. Bob was a gyerekket a nagymamra hagyjk. Bob szerencss volt.
lucky. A lot of people were happy to answer his questions. Sokan boldogan vlaszoltak a krdseire. Nhny ids
Some old women refused politely. Bob wants to do his hlgy udvariasan elutastotta t. Bob mg folytatni akarja a
survey somewhere else and compare the results. felmrst valahol mshol s sszehasonltani az
Health, doctor Egszsg, orvos
At the Dentist's A fogorvosnl

- Good morning, doctor. - J reggelt, doktor.

- Good morning, Jim. How are you? - J reggelt, Jim. Hogy van?
- I feel much better, thank you. - Sokkal jobban rzem magam, ksznm.
- Sit down, please. Let me see the tooth I filled last week... - ljn le krem. Hadd nzzem a fogat, amit a mlt hten
Well, it looks all right to me. Does it hurt? betmtem... gy nzem, rendben van. Fj?
- Only if something cold touches it. - Csak akkor, ha valami hideg ri.
- Perhaps I can help. I'll prescribe a mouthwash. Use it - Taln tudok segteni. Felrok magnak szjvizet. Hasz-
twice a day. nlja naponta ktszer.
- Should I stop eating ice-cream? - Fel kellene hagynom a jgkrm evssel?
- It'd be better to stop eating anything that causes pain for - Jobb lenne, ha egy kis ideig nem enne semmi olyat, ami
some time. If it is still hurting by next week, come and see fjdalmat okoz. Ha mg a jv hten is fj, jjjn vissza.
me again.
- Oh, dear! Does that mean I'll have injections and drills - Oh, Istenem! Ez azt jelenti, hogy jra injekcit kapok s
again? kifrjk?
- No, Jim. I just want to make sure you have healthy teeth. - Nem, Jim. Csak biztos szeretnk lenni abban, hogy a fogai
- Thank you, doctor. - Ksznm, doktor.

- Nurse! Help, please! - Nvr! Segtsen, krem!

- What has happened? - Mi trtnt?
- My little daughter has fallen down the stairs. - A kislnyom leesett a lpcsrl.
- Let's take her to the emergency ward quickly. She isn't - Vigyk gyorsan az ambulancira. Nem vrzik, de meg-
bleeding but we'll take some x-rays. I'm afraid you'll have rntgenezzk. Attl tartok, kint kell vrakoznia.
to wait outside.

Later... Ksbb...
- The nurse told me you're the little girl's father, I'm Dr. - A nvr mondta nekem, hogy maga a kislny apja, n Dr.
Wild. Wild vagyok.
- How is she? - Hogy van?
- She has broken her left arm. We have put it in a cast, and - Eltrte a bal karjt. Snbe tesszk s felktve kell tartania.
she'll have to keep it in a sling.
- For how long? - Mennyi idre?
- Five to six weeks. - t-hat htre.
- Can I see her? - Lthatom?
- The nurse will show you to her room. I have given her - A nvr megmutatja a krtermt. Adtam neki gygyszert,
some medication, so she might be sleeping. lehet, hogy aludni fog.
- She's going to be all right, isn't she? - Ugye rendbe jn?
- She had a nasty fall. I think it would be better for her to - Csnya egy esse volt. Az hiszem, jobb, ha egy pr napig
remain in hospital for few days. But, she will get over it. krhzban marad. t fogja vszelni.
- Thank you, doctor. - Ksznm, doktor.
Health Egszsg
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." "Naponta egy alma, tvol tartja az orvost. "

- Hi John. - Szia John.

- Hello Mona. Where is David? - Szia Mona. Hol van David?
- He went to see the doctor. - Elment az orvoshoz.
- What's wrong with him? - Mi baja van?
- He caught a cold. - Megfzott.
- How did that happen? - Hogyan trtnt?
- I think he went to the swimming pool, and left with wet - Azt hiszem uszodba ment, s vizes hajjal jtt ki. A mlt
hair. It was quite windy last weekend. htvge nagyon szeles volt.
- How bad is it? - Mennyire slyos?
- He is weak. Thank God he doesn't have a fever, but he - Gyenglkedik. Hla Istennek nincs lza, de khg s tsz-
coughs and sneezes. szg.
- If you see him, will you tell him something for me? - Ha ltod t, elmondanl neki valamit?
- Sure. - Persze.
- Get well soon. - Jobbulst kvnok.
- I will. Bye. - Megmondom neki. Szia.

- What's wrong, Miss? - Mi a baj Hlgyem?

- I have a terrible backache. - Rettenetesen fj a htam.
- How bad is it? - Mennyire fj?
- Well, I can't lift anything no matter how light it is. - Ht, nem tudok semmit felemelni, mg a knny dolgokat
- Does it hurt when you're lying down as well? - Ha fekszik akkor is fj?
- Yes, it does. - Igen.
- I suggest you take some rest. I'll prescribe some pain- - Az javasolnm, hogy pihenjen. Felrok nhny fjdalom-
killers. Come back in a week's time. If it's not better by csillaptt. Jjjn vissza egy ht mlva. Ha nem mlik el,
then we'll try something else. akkor megprblunk valami mst.

- What's wrong? - Mi a baj?

- I have a toothache. - Fj a fogam.
- That's terrible. Why don't you go to the dentist? - Ez rettenetes. Mirt nem msz el a fogorvoshoz?
- I don't like dentists. - Nem szeretem a fogorvosokat.
- I don't like them, either. But I don't like it when my teeth - n sem szeretem ket. s nem szeretem, hogyha valami
hurt. fj.

- What's wrong with little Jimmy? - Mi baj van kis Jimmy-vel?

- Nothing. He has just had his regular check-up. - Semmi. Most fejeztk be a rutinvizsglatot.
- What do you mean? - Ez mit jelent?
- Once every six weeks, I take him to our family doctor. - Hathetente egyszer elviszem t a csaldi orvosunkhoz
You know, just to make sure everything is all right. kivizsglsra. Tudod, azrt, hogy biztos legyek benne,
hogy minden rendben van.
- Once every six weeks? Isn't that too often? - Hathetente egyszer? Ez nem tl gyakori?
- Not at all. Young children like Jimmy can't complain. It's - Egyltaln nem. Az olyan kicsik, mint Jimmy nem tudnak
very difficult for them to accept illness like adults. panaszkodni. k nehezen viselik a betegsget, nem gy
mint a felnttek.
- I know adults should see the doctor at least twice a year. - Tudom, hogy a felntteknek vente ktszer kell orvoshoz
- Quite right. But for children it's different. - Ez igaz. Gyerekeknl ez mskpp van.

(A very upset lady phones her doctor) (Egy ijedt hlgy orvost hvja)

- Come quickly, please. My ten-year-old son has swallowed - Jjjn gyorsan, krem. Az n tz ves fiam lenyelt egy
a pen. tollat.
The doctor was not worried, and said: Az orvos nem vette komolyan:
- I'll come as soon as I can. There are a lot of patients in the - Amikor csak tudok, jvk. Jelenleg sok a beteg a ren-
office now, it will take three or four hours. delben, kb. 3-4 rba telik.
- Three or four hours? What shall I do then? - 3-4 ra? De ht akkor mit csinljak?
- I'm afraid you will have to use a pencil. - Hasznljon ceruzt.
- I don't feel well. - Nem rzem jl magam.
- What do you mean? - Az mit jelent?
- I'm weak and lazy. I don't have much appetite. I can't do - Gyenglkedem, lusta vagyok. Nincs tvgyam. Nem tu-
my daily work. dom a mindennapi munkmat elvgezni.
- Have you seen a doctor? - Voltl mr orvosnl?
- What for? I am not ill. - Minek? Nem vagyok beteg.
- But you're not healthy, either. - De egszsges sem vagy.
- The doctor will ask me if I feel pain anywhere. If I say I - Az orvos azt fogja krdezni, hogy fj-e valahol. Ha azt
haven't, he will think I'm wasting his time. mondom, hogy nem fj semmi, akkor azt hiszi csak az
idejt rabolom.
- Nonsense. Pain is not the only serious complaint. - Hlyesg. A fjdalom nem az egyetlen komoly panasz.
- And what do you do to keep healthy and in good - s mit csinlsz, hogy mindig j az egszsged s j kon-
condition? dciban vagy?
- I don't eat fatty food or sweets. I try to eat a lot of fresh - Nem eszem zsrosat s dessget; prblok sok friss gy-
fruit and vegetables. I have my meals at regular times. I mlcst s zldsget enni. Rendszeresen tkezem. Nem
don't drink alcohol, and I try not to drink too much tea and iszom alkoholt s nem iszom tl sok tet s kvt.
coffee. I exercise and I don't smoke. Tornzom s nem dohnyzom.
- No wonder you always look and feel all right. - Nem csoda, hogy mindig jl nzel ki s jl rzed magad.

- I have a headache. Do you have some aspirin? - Fj a fejem. Van aszpirined?

- You complained of a headache yesterday and several - Tegnap is fjt a fejed s eltte is tbbszr. Nem gondolod,
times before. Don't you think you should see a doctor? hogy orvoshoz kne menned?
- It'll be all right. - Majd csak jobb lesz.
- Have you checked your eyes lately? - Vizsgltattad mostanban a szemed?
- My eyes? - A szemem?
- Yes. If you have a problem with your eyes, you could - Igen. Hogyha problma van a szemeddel, akkor lehet
have a headache. fejfjsod.
- There's nothing wrong with my eyes. - Semmi baj nincs a szememmel.
- Well, I still think you should pay a visit to your doctor. - Mg mindig az a vlemnyem, hogy orvoshoz kne men-
Healthy foods Egszsges telek
You do your best, you starve, count the calories in each bite Mindent elkvetsz, hezel, szmolod minden falat
and still it's not enough. No matter what you do, the figures kalrijt s ez mg mindig nem elg. Mindegy, hogy mit
on your scales make your eyes boggle. Your feelings of csinlsz, a szemed fennakad a mrleg mutatjn. A
guilt aggravate the problem and you rush off to swallow bntudat rzse slyosbtja a problmt s rohansz, hogy
something. Here you go again! The next thing you know lenyelj valamit. Mr megint itt tartasz! A kvetkez dolog,
you're off on your way to your tailor for a new suit after the hogy utad a szabdhoz visz egy rend j ruhrt, miutn a
old one has let you down! What a shame! To pull yourself rgi mr cserbenhagyott. Micsoda szgyen! Hogy kihzd
out of your depression you decide you should see a magad a depresszibl, gy dntesz, hogy elmsz egy
dietician or a nutritionist. dita-specialisthoz, vagy egy tpllkozsi tancsadhoz.
You suffer all right, but you think it's not time for a Kellen szenvedsz, de gy rzed mg nincs itt az ideje,
physician yet. So, what happens? Either one gives you a hogy orvoshoz menj. s mi trtnik? Mindenki ad neked
long list of what not to eat or come near of ready, and a egy hossz listt, hogy mit ne egyl, vagy mg a kzelbe
one-page menu with alien contents of which they expect se menj s egy oldalnyi ment, szmodra idegen sszettel
you to adopt as your new diet. telekrl, s elvrjk, hogy fogadd el ezeket az j
Where on earth are you supposed to find these? And ditdknt. Hol tudnd ezeket a fldn megtallni? Tegyk
assuming you do, have you considered the cost? fel, hogy megtallod, de figyelembe vetted a kltsgeket?
Who said healthy food has to be out of reach? Does that Ki mondta, hogy az egszsges teleknek elrhetetleneknek
make it a luxury? And a million questions no one can kell lennik? Ez mr luxusnak szmt? s mg milli
answer for you. Yet, these extra layers of fat remind you to krds, amit senki nem tud megvlaszolni. Ez a tlzott
take action first and ask questions later. zsrlerakds arra emlkeztet, hogy elbb cselekedj s
A caring friend suggests exercise, another one recommends utna krdezskdj. Egy gondoskod bart tornt javasol,
steam baths. You try both, but keep neither one. egy msik szaunt ajnl. Mindkettt kiprblod, de egyiket
Why? You can't stand the look those slim companions give sem folytatod. Mirt? Ki nem llhatod sovny trsaid
you. On your way home you give yourself a compensatory tekintett. Hazafel menet krptolod magad egy extra adag
extra-large ice-cream. Satisfied? Try saying that to the fagyival. Elgedett vagy? Magyarzd meg msnap reggel a
weeping scales next morning! Now, it's time for your kilendlt mrleg mutatjnak! Most van itt az ideje a
regular medical check. That's it! A state of emergency is rendszeres orvosi ellenrzsnek. Ez, az. Bellt a
announced and your medical advisor is threatening to vszhelyzet, kezelorvosod fenyeget, megbz valakit, hogy
assign your diet to a referee! How would you like that? figyelje a ditdat. Hogy tetszene ez neked?
You're given a new list, which this time looks even leaner Adnak neked egy j listt, ami mg sovnyabbnak tnik,
than former ones. Now you're being tortured with mint a korbbiak. Most ztelen s szagtalan dolgokkal
completely tasteless odourless stuff. I hate to say it, but you gytrnek. Utlom ezt mondani, de erre elre
had been warned! Every time you accepted a double-cream figyelmeztettek. Mindig, amikor megettl egy dupla krmes
cake, a bell rang in your head in a desperate attempt to tortt, egy cseng szlalt meg a fejedben s ktsgbe
make you stop. Each time you helped yourself to juicy esetten prblt meglltani. Mindig, amikor vettl a szaftos
steaks or fried chicken, your stomach cried for mercy. hsokbl, vagy a slt csirkbl a gyomrod kegyelemrt
From now on, you'll have to thrive on wholemeal bread and knyrgtt. Mostantl korpskenyrrel s almval kell
apples. From time to time you'll be offered a piece of lean berned. Idrl-idre egy szelet sovny hst, vagy
meat or a chicken breast. Fish is given the nod of approval csirkemellet kapsz. A hal fogyasztsa is megengedett, de
but no accompanying chips or mayonnaise. Sugar-free nem sltburgonya, vagy majonz ksretben. A
drinks are allowed, but spirits are absolutely out of cukormentes italok engedlyezve vannak, de az alkohol
question! You might refuse to go along with it, sneak off teljesen kizrva! Megtagadhatod, hogy ezt vgigcsinlod s
while not being watched and enjoy a pancake or a bar of amikor nem ltnak elsurransz, hogy egyl egy palacsintt,
chocolate. You may even surrender to an irresistible hot vagy egy szelet csokoldt. Az ellenllhatatlan hot dognak
dog. Go ahead! Order another one. After all, we are what is megadod magad. Rajta! Rendelj egy msikat. Minden
we eat! esetre olyan az ember, amilyen az tkezse!
Agreement Egyetrts
I agree. - I disagree with you. Egyetrtek. - Nem rtek egyet veled.

- It's very expensive to travel by plane. - Nagyon drga replvel utazni.

- You are right, but it's comfortable and fast. - Igazad van, de knyelmes s gyors.
- I agree. - Egyetrtek.

- I have two tickets to a rock concert. Would you like to - Kt rock-koncert jegyem van. Szeretnl eljnni?
- When is it? - Mikor lesz?
- On Friday. - Pnteken.
- I'd love to, but I'm leaving early on Saturday morning. - Szeretnk, de szombat reggel korn elutazom.
- We won't stay until the end, would you come then? - Nem maradunk ott vgig, akkor eljssz?
- I'm afraid I'll have too many things to do, sorry. - Attl tartok, hogy sok a tennivalm, sajnos.
- That's all right. - Rendben.

- Could you lend me your dictionary, please? - Klcsn adnd a sztradat?

- Sorry, I can't. Linda borrowed it yesterday. - Sajnos, nem tudom. Linda klcsnkrte tegnap.

- There have been three accidents in this street since - Mr hrom baleset trtnt ezen az utcn szerda ta.
- Isn't that terrible? They should be more careful. - Ht, ez nem rettenetes? vatosabbnak kne lennik.
- A lot of people drive cars. I think that is the problem. - Sok ember vezet autt. Azt hiszem ez a problma.
- I disagree with you. Too many people drive carelessly. - Nem rtek egyet veled. Sok ember figyelmetlenl vezet.
Sometimes pedestrians don't pay attention either. That's Nha a gyalogosok sem figyelnek. gy trtnnek a
how accidents happen. balesetek.
- In the past, there were fewer cars and fewer accidents. - Rgen, kevesebb aut volt s kevesebb baleset.
- That's true, but this isn't the reason. - Ez igaz, de ennek nem ez az oka.
- I think if fewer cars were on the road, less accident would - Azt hiszem, ha kevesebb aut lenne az ton, kevesebb
happen. baleset trtnne.
- And how could we do that? - s ezt hogyan tehetnnk meg?
- For example, we should use public transportation to the - Pldul tmegkzlekedsi eszkzzel kellene utazni a bel-
city centre. vrosban.
- That is a good idea. I think people should do something - Ez egy j tlet. gy gondolom, hogy az embereknek va-
about it. lamit tennik kellene ezrt.

- Where dose Ann live? - Hol lakik Anna?

- She lives in a village. - Falun lakik.
- Does she like it there? - Tetszik ott neki?
- I think she does. It must be quiet there. I would like to - Szerintem, tetszik neki. Ott biztos nyugalmas. n is egy
move to a quiet place, too. nyugodt helyre szeretnk kltzni.
- Move to a village? I don't think that's a good idea. - Falura kltzni? Nem hiszem, hogy ez j tlet.
- Why not? - Mirt ne?
- There isn't much to do there. No cinemas, no theatres, and - Ott nem sok mindent lehet csinlni. Se mozi, se sznhz,
no discos. se diszk.
- So what? You can find these things in the city. - Na s? Ezeket megtallhatod a vrosban.
- Well then, why not live in the city? - Akkor mirt ne lakjunk a vrosban?
- There is too much pollution and noise. There are too many - Tl nagy a szennyezettsg s a zaj. Tl sok az ember.
- There is life here. There isn't any life in a village. - Itt let van. Falun semmi let sincs.
- I disagree with you. - Nem rtek egyet veled.

- Would you like to go out for dinner? - Szeretnl elmenni vacsorzni?

- Yes, I'd love to. When shall we go? - Igen, szeretnk. Mikor menjnk?
- How about tonight? - Mit szlnl a mai esthez?
- I don't think I can. I'm visiting my grandmother this - Nem hiszem, hogy el tudnk menni. Ma dlutn meg-
afternoon. ltogatom a nagymammat.
- But we would go in the evening. You'll have enough time. - De mi este megynk. Lesz r elg idd.
- I don't think so. Every time I visit her she speaks for - Nem hiszem. Minden alkalommal, amikor megltogatom,
hours. She always bakes a cake and prepares lots of rkig beszl. Mindig kszt stemnyt s rengeteg
delicious dishes. I don't think I'll be hungry after all of finomsgot. Nem hiszem, hogy ezek utn hes leszek.
- I see. Then, let's go tomorrow. - rtem. Akkor menjnk holnap.
- That will be fine. - J lesz.
- This shirt is awful! I don't like it. - Ez az ing szrny! Nekem nem tetszik.
- I agree with you. I don't like the colour much. - Egyetrtek. Nekem nem nagyon tetszik a szne.
- Let's ask to see another one. - Krjnk msikat.
- I would like a different pattern. - Szeretnk megnzni egy ms mintjt.
- Yes, that's a good idea. - Igen ez egy j tlet.

- Would you like some coffee? - Krsz kvt?

- No, thank you. I had a cup this morning. I never drink - Nem, ksznm. Ma reggel ittam egy csszvel. Soha
more than one a day. nem iszom egynl tbbet naponta.
- You're sensible. Too much coffee isn't good for your - Helyes. Tl sok kv nem tesz jt az egszsgednek.

- I'll buy these flowers for my mother. - Megveszem ezeket a virgokat anyukmnak.
- These ones? - Ezeket?
- Yes. Don't you like them? - Igen. Nem tetszenek neked?
- I'm not sure. Are they fresh? - Nem egszen. Frissek?
- I don't know. - Nem tudom.
- I don't think they are. - Nem hiszem, hogy frissek.
- You're right. Those ones over there look better. - Igazad van. Azok ott jobban nznek ki.
- Yes, they do. - Igen.
- I'll take them. - Elviszem ket.

- Could you change this one hundred-dollar note for me? I - Fel tudod nekem vltani ezt a szzdollrost? Telefonlni
want to use the telephone. szeretnk.
- I'm not sure I have enough coins. How many do you - Nem biztos, hogy van elg aprm. Mennyi kell neked?
- Some tens. - Nhny tzes.
- I have two tens. Here, you can have them. - Kt tzesem van. Tessk, hasznlhatod.
- Thanks. - Ksznm.

- I love horror films. - Szeretem a horror filmeket.

- I prefer romantic ones. - n a romantikusokat kedvelem jobban.
- Those are boring and they are all the same. - Azok unalmasak s mind egyformk.
- That's not true. - Ez nem igaz.
Man and health Ember s egszsg
- Good evening everybody. This is your daily program - J estt, mindenkinek! Ez az nk napi egszsggyi
Health Watch, I'm your host Virginia Brown. Upon your programja, Virginia Brown vagyok, az nk
requests we have Dr. James Lord with us. Thank you very vendgltja. Krsk alapjn Dr. James Lord is velnk
much doctor for being here. It's most kind of you to accept van. Nagyon ksznm doktor, hogy itt van. Klnsen
our invitation for the second time on this show. kedves ntl, hogy mr msodszor fogadta el
meghvsunkat ebbe a msorba.
- It's my pleasure. Glad to know that more people care - Nekem rm. rlk, hogy ilyen sokan trdnek az
about their health. egszsgkkel.
- Last time we started discussing what you called the - Mlt alkalommal az n ltal riasztnak nevezett tneteket
warning symptoms like headaches, numbness in the limbs kezdtk megvitatni, mint a fejfjs, a zsibbads a
and others. Tonight you're here to talk about blood sugar vgtagokban s egyebek. Ma este a vrcukor problmirl
problems. fog beszlni.
- Yes. A lot of people suffer from excessively high sugar - Igen. Sok ember szenved a magas vrcukor szinttl. Ha
levels. If we imagine these sugar molecules as serving as elkpzeljk ezeket a cukor molekulkat, mint az energia
building blocks or providers of energy, then one would hordozit, akkor elvrjuk tlk, hogy bent legyenek a
expect them to be within the cells themselves and not sejtben s ne vndoroljanak a perifrikra. Ha kilpnek a
wandering round the periphery. By avoiding the cells they sejtekbl nem tudnak lebontdni, ezrt felhasznlatlanok
can't be broken down and subsequently remain unused. maradnak.
- What pushes sugar inside the cells? - Mi knyszerti a cukrot a sejtekbe?
- A very important hormone named 'Insulin' is released - Egy nagyon fontos hormon, inzulin a neve, norml krl-
under normal conditions from the Pancreas. What this mnyek kztt a hasnylmirigy vlasztja ki. Ez a hormon
hormone does is to force sugar into cells by binding a a sejtekbe knyszerti a cukrot, mikzben sszekti a sejt
specific receptor onto the cell surface thus enabling the felletn lv specilis receptorokkal, gy lehetv teszi,
cells to recognise the sugars and let them in. There are of hogy a sejtek felismerjk a cukrot s beengedjk. Persze
course some cases when this gland is destroyed by a virus, vannak esetek mikor a mirigy egy vrus, betegsg vagy
a disease or even by surgery. In this case the Insulin has to sebszet ltal srl. Ilyen esetekben az inzulint
be supplemented artificially. On the other hand, and this is mestersgesen kell ptolni. Ms rszrl az esetek
true of the vast majority of cases, the already secreted tbbsgben ez trtnik, a kivlasztdott hormon nem
hormone can't meet the body's demand. In other words, tallkozik a test kvetelsvel. Ms szval a felvett cukor
the amount of sugar consumed is far too much for the mennyisge tl sok a hormonnak, hogy feldolgozza.
hormone to cope with.
- So, it's more like a fixed amount of sugar that could be - Teht, ez tbb mint egy lland mennyisg cukor, amely
eliminated. If sugar input exceeds the hormone's rate of eltvolthat. Ha a cukorfelvtel tllpi a hormonlis
clearance, the difference remains in the blood. megtisztts hatrt, a maradk a vrben marad.
- In rough terms, yes. It's very interesting there is a unique - Tbbnyire, igen. rdekes mdon igen klnleges folyamat
sequence. First, the high level of sugar circulating jtszdik le. Elssorban a magas vrcukor fokozza a
increases blood osmosis, which leads to excessive water vrozmzist, ennek hatsra tbb vizet fogyasztanak,
intake and therefore passing it out. For unexplained amely gyakori vizelst okoz. Nem tudni mi okbl, az
reasons these are accompanied by increased eating. So, in elz tnetekhez mg hozzjrul, hogy sok telt
summary we call them the three poly signs: polydipsia, fogyasztanak. Teht, sszefoglalva, gy nevezzk a hrom
polyuria and polyphagia. poly jelet: polydipsia, polyuria s polyphagia.
- That's getting harder and harder for me doctor. New - Ez egyre nehezebb nekem doktor r. j riaszt jelek.
warning signs.
- Indeed. - Igen valban.
- Why is it essential to keep blood sugar levels within - Mirt szksges a vrcukor szintet a normlis hatron
normal limits? bell tartani?
- As I said mostly because we need sugar to pursue - Ahogy mondtam, tbbnyire azrt, mert szmunkra fontos,
numerous activities on the cellular level. The next thing hogy a cukor lefolytasson szmos tevkenysget a sejtek
would be for cells to seek other energy sources or suffer szintjn. Msrszt a sejteknek j energiaforrst kellene
and perhaps die. And that's when a neglected reversible keresnik, vagy vesztesget szenvednnek, esetleg el is
condition results in a function being hampered or even halnnak. Ezrt, ha elhanyagolnak egy megfordthat
lost. In conclusion, I'd like to emphasise the importance of llapotot, ebbl az kvetkezhet, hogy egy funkci lelassul,
regular blood examinations. The ability to control blood vagy esetleg el is veszthet. Vgl szeretnm
sugar levels is now considered to be a medical hangslyozni a vrvizsglatok rendszeressgnek
achievement. The key to this is early diagnosis and fontossgt. Ma a vrcukorszint ellenrzse egy orvosi
obeying the physician's instructions. siker. Ennek kulcsa a korai diagnzis s hallgassunk az
- Dr. Lord, I do hope we'll have you back on the show. - Dr. Lord, remlem viszontltjuk a msorban. Addig is
Until then thank you for this valuable talk. ksznm ezt az rtkes beszlgetst.
Meal, cooking tkezs, fzs
- Who was it, Kathy? - Ki volt az, Kathy?
- That was mother. She says she won't be able to come - Anya volt az. Azt mondta, hogy nem tud korn hazajnni.
home early. She wants us to prepare dinner. Azt akarja, hogy ksztsk el a vacsort.
- Great! - Nagyszer!
- I thought you wouldn't like to. - Azt hittem nem fog tetszeni.
- I have an idea. I'll order some pizzas by telephone. They - Van egy tletem. Rendelek pizzt telefonon. Pillanatokon
will be here in no time. bell itt lesz.
- Don't, David! Mother wouldn't like that. Besides, father - Nem David! Anynak nem fog tetszeni. Egybknt, apa
doesn't eat pizza. nem eszik pizzt.
- Then, we'll order some hamburgers for him. - Ht akkor rendelnk neki pr hamburgert.
- Stop it, David, will you? If you don't want to help at least - Hagyd abba David, megtennd? Ha nem akarsz segteni,
keep out of my way! Let's see what we have. Eggs, legalbb llj el az utambl! Lssuk mink van. Tojs,
potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and I think we have some burgonya, paradicsom, uborka s azt hiszem valahol a
meatballs somewhere in the freezer. fagyasztban van fasrozott is.
- I still can't imagine what kind of dinner you'll make out of - Mg mindig nem tudom, milyen vacsort tudnl kihozni
that. ezekbl.
- A very delicious one. - Egy nagyon finomat.

- Do you mind if I watch? - Nem bnod, ha nzlek?

- No, if you promise not to disturb me. Do you like mashed - Nem, ha meggred, hogy nem zavarsz. Szereted a
potatoes? krumpliprt?
- I prefer French fries. - Jobban szeretem a slt krumplit.
- All right, David. Here you are. Peel these potatoes! - Rendben, David. Itt van. Hmozd meg ezeket a krump-
- What? I said I'd watch. I didn't say I'd help. - Micsoda? Azt mondtam nzni foglak. Azt nem mondtam,
hogy segtek is.
- You want to eat, don't you? - Enni akarsz, nemde?
- Yes, but... I'm not good at it. - Igen, de ... Nem rtek hozz.
- You'd better help, David. Mother will be home any minute - Jobban teszed, ha segtesz David. Anya brmelyik perc-
now, and we haven't cooked dinner yet. ben itthon lehet s mi mg nem fztnk vacsort.
- What are you going to cook? - Mit fzl?
- How does meatballs in tomato sauce and mashed potatoes - Hogy hangzik a fasrozott paradicsomszszban krumpli-
sound? Oh, and cucumber salad. prvel? Oh, s persze uborkasalta.
- That sounds great. - Ez nagyszeren hangzik.
- First I'll boil the potatoes. Meanwhile I'll squash the - Elszr megfzm a krumplikat. Ezalatt kiprselem a pa-
tomatoes, add herbs, and fry them together in little oil radicsomot, hozzadom a fszereket s olajon besrtem.
until the mixture becomes thick.
- Are you sure that's how mother makes it? - Biztos vagy benne, hogy anya is gy csinlja?
- I think so. OK. While the tomatoes on the stove, I'd better - Azt hiszem. OK. Amg a tzhelyen f, felszeletelem az
slice the cucumbers. uborkkat.
- What about the dressing? - Milyen lesz a saltantet?
- We'll need vinegar, sugar and some oil. I'll check the - Lesz benne ecet, cukor s egy kis olaj. Megnzem a
potatoes. They aren't ready yet. krumplit. Mg nincsen kszen.
- Kathy, you forgot the meatballs. - Kathy, megfeledkeztl a fasrtrl.
- No, I didn't. I'll fry them later, so that they are still warm - Nem. Megstm ksbb, hogy melegek legyenek mire
when mum and dad arrive. szleink megjnnek.
- I didn't know you were such a good cook. - Nem tudtam, hogy ilyen j szakcs vagy.
- Wait till you taste it. - Vrj, amg megkstolod.
Meal tkezs
Don't you like fast food? Nem szereted a gyorsteleket?

- Good afternoon. A table for two, sir? - J napot. Egy asztalt kt szemlyre, uram?
- Yes, and the menu, please. - Igen, s az tlapot, legyen szves.
- Right away. Anything to start with? - Mris hozom. Valamit kezdsnek?
- I'd like to have some tomato soup, please. - Paradicsomlevest krnk.
- And the lady? - s a hlgynek?
- Let's see. Do you have any mushroom soup? - Lssuk csak. Van gombalevesk?
- Yes, madam. - Igen, hlgyem.
- Then I'll have that. - Akkor azt krnk.
- Would you like to order the main course now, or shall I - A ftelt most rendelik meg, vagy visszajjjek ksbb?
come back later?
- Let's order now. I'm starving. I would like to have - Rendeljk meg most. Rettent hes vagyok. Csirkt kr-
chicken. nk.
- Grilled or fried? - Grill vagy slt csirkt?
- Grilled. - Grillt.
- Any vegetables? - s zldsgflket?
- Yes. Beans, carrots and potatoes. That's boiled potatoes. - Igen. Babot, srgarpt s burgonyt. Ftt burgonyt. s
What about you, dear? te, drgm?
- I'll have a steak. Well-done steak please and some rice. - n bifszteket. Jl tsttt bifszteket s rizst krek.
- Anything else? - Mg valamit?
- Yes, please. Some salad. - Igen. Egy kis saltt.
- We have cucumber salad, Mexican salad, and mixed - Uborkasaltnk, Mexiki saltnk s vegyes saltnk van.
- What is in the mixed salad? - A vegyes salta mibl ll?
- It contains tomato, lettuce, green pepper, radish and onion. - Van benne paradicsom, fejes salta, zldpaprika, retek s
- That sounds delicious. I'll have that. hagyma.
- Pompsan hangzik. Krek egyet.
- Make that two. - Kettt hozzon belle.
- What would you like to drink? - Mit szeretnnek inni?
- Red wine, please. - Vrsbort, legyen szves.
- Not for me. I'll have some mineral water. - n nem krek. Nekem svnyvizet hozzon.
- I shall serve you your soup. - Mindjrt hozom a levest.

- Waiter! The check, please. - Pincr! A szmlt, legyen szves.

- Was everything all right, sir? - Minden rendben volt, uram?
- It was excellent. Thank you. - Kitn volt. Ksznm.

- I saw Jane and David today. They would like to have - Tallkoztam ma Jane-nel s David-del. Szeretnnek el-
dinner out with us. menni valahov vacsorzni velnk.
- That's a good idea. There's a new place that serves good - Ez j tlet. Van egy j hely, ahol nagyon j hamburgert
hamburgers. adnak.
- Hamburgers? - Hamburgert?
- What's wrong? Don't you like fast food? - Mi a baj? Nem szereted a gyorsteleket?
- I have had enough of fast food. I want a nice meal in a - Elegem van a gyorstelekbl. Egy kellemes tkezst sze-
nice restaurant. Remember? retnk egy bartsgos tteremben. Emlkszel?
- OK...OK. What did you have in mind? - OK...OK. Mire gondolsz?
- Mmm... I'd really like to try some Chinese food. - Mmm... Valjban szeretnm megkstolni a knai te-
- What? I won't eat that. - Mit? n nem eszem meg.
- Why not? It's healthy, tasty and.. - Mirt nem? Egszsges, zletes s...
- ... and very expensive! - ... s nagyon drga!
- Oh, Paul! One dinner won't do any harm. - Oh, Paul! Egy vacsora nem fog megrtani.
- That's what you think! - Ezt gondolod te!
- All right. What did you have in mind? Other than sand- - Rendben. Te mire gondolsz? Msra, mint szendvicsekre?
- Hey, why not take them to an Italian restaurant? - Mirt ne vihetnnk ket egy olasz tterembe?
- Now Paul, just because you like Italian food doesn't mean - Paul, csak azrt, mert te szereted az olasz teleket, nem
we all do. Besides, there aren't many dishes to choose jelenti azt, hogy mi is. Egybknt sincs olyan sok fogs,
from. It's either spaghetti or that half-cooked bread ami kztt vlaszthatunk. Vagy spagetti vagy flig
covered with tasteless ingredients they call Pizza. megsttt kenyr ztelen hozzvalkkal, amit pizznak
- That's not true! Last time I ate there it was really tasty. - Ez nem igaz! Legutoljra, amikor ott ettem, nagyon zletes
- Is that right? And when was that? - Igazn? s ez mikor volt?
- I... I don't remember. - ... Nem emlkszem.
- See what I mean. It was a very long time ago. It has - rtsd meg, mire gondolok. Ez nagyon rgen volt. Ez
changed since then. megvltozott azta.
- Listen! Why don't you cook something, and we'll have it - Figyelj! Mirt nem fzl valamit, s itthon vacsorzunk,
here instead of going out? ahelyett, hogy elmennnk valahov.
- Oh no, Paul! I want to eat out so that I don't have to cook. - Oh nem, Paul! Olyat szeretnk enni mshol, amit nem
nekem kell fznm.
- Well then, why doesn't Jane cook something and we eat at - Akkor mirt nem fz valamit Jane, s vacsorzunk nluk?
their place?
- You know what, I'll call Jane and tell her we can't make - Tudod mit, felhvom Jane-t s megmondom neki, hogy
up our minds. It would be better if they forget the whole nem tudunk semmit eldnteni. Az lenne a legjobb, ha k
thing. I shall never forgive you for this Paul. NEVER! elfelejtenk az egszet. Ezt soha sem fogom megbocstani
neked Paul! SOHA!

- Waiter! - Pincr!
- Yes, sir? - Igen, uram?
- There is a fly in my soup! - Egy lgy van a levesemben!
- It's quite all right, sir. It's dead. - Semmi baj, uram. Mr megdgltt.
- That's terrible! Where is the manager? - Ez szrny! Hol van a vezet?
- He went to the restaurant at the corner to have lunch. - tment a sarki tterembe ebdelni.

- Waiter! What kind of soup is this? - Pincr! Milyen leves ez?

- It's bean soup, sir. - Bableves, uram.
- I don't care what it has been. I want to know what it is - Nem az rdekel, hogy mi volt. Azt akarom tudni, hogy
now! most mi.
Eating habits tkezsi szoksok
Eating is not just necessary to survive. Az tkezs nem csak az letben maradshoz szksges.
It's also an art. When you buy a piece of raw meat and Egyben mvszet is. Ha veszel egy darab nyershst s
make a delicious meal out of it, you are being creative. A csods lakomt csinlsz belle, akkor kreatv vagy. Legtbb
lot of people spend most of their lives in the kitchen. Some ember lete nagy rszt a konyhban tlti. Egyesek
enjoy cooking for other people. So, what are the basic szvesen fznek msoknak. Teht mik az alap dolgok, amit
things to know about food? This isn't to categorise you or to az lelemrl tudni kell? Ez nem sorol be egy specilis
make you feel guilty about your eating habits; it's more like csoportba, vagy ksztet r, hogy bntudatod legyen az
a friendly talk. tkezsi szoksaid miatt, ez inkbb egy barti beszlgets.
How many of us have a real breakfast before starting their Hnyan reggeliznk mieltt a munkt megkezdennk? Ha
working day? If you are among those who never do, then azok kztt vagy, akik soha sem teszik, akkor itt az els
here comes our first piece of advice. Never work on an tancsunk. Soha ne dolgozz res gyomorral!
empty stomach! Health experts suggest that the weakness Egszsggyi szakemberek szerint, az ebd eltti rkban a
felt by some of us in the hours before lunch could be sokunk ltal tapasztalt gyengesg cskken, ha reggeliznk.
reduced by having breakfast. Of course, tea or coffee alone Termszetesen, a tea vagy a kv magban nem ugyanaz.
doesn't constitute a good breakfast. Now, let's move on to Most jjjn az ebd.
lunch. In some countries this is the main meal of the day. Nhny orszgban ez a napi ftkezs.
First, they have a soup followed by a main course, which is Elszr levest esznek, amit a ffogs kvet, ami ltalban
usually meat and vegetables. Sometimes they finish with a hsbl, zldsgekbl ll. Nha desszerttel zrjk.
dessert. They might even have a rest after such a heavy Mg egy ilyen nehz tel utn pihenhetnek is.
meal. In other countries, however, people work all through Ms orszgokban azonban az emberek egsz dlutn
the afternoon, and a big lunch is a luxury. But that's not a dolgoznak s nincs idejk az evsre. De ez nem problma.
problem. You can do whatever you like as long as you eat Csinlhatsz amit akarsz, amennyiben kora dlutn eszel
something early in the afternoon. If you don't, you'll most valamit. Ha nem, akkor ksbb hes lehetsz s jhet a
likely get hungry later and have a snack. And don't do that! gyorsevs. Ezt ne tedd!
Snacks are the worst thing for your health. A gyorstkezs a legrosszabb, amit magaddal tehetsz.
They ruin your appetite, and upset your digestion. Next is Tnkre teszi a ditdat s elveszi az tvgyadat. Kvetkezik
dinner. If you have a good lunch, all you need is a light a vacsora. Ha kiadsan ebdelsz, akkor elg egy knny
dinner. But don't go to bed immediately! vacsora. Ne aludj el rgtn vacsora utn!
Child, family Gyermek, csald
- Welcome to our weekly program "Ask the Experts". This - Kszntm a heti programunkban, a "Krdezze a Szakr-
is your host Ed Wild. Today's guest is Dr. Amanda Palm, tnket"-ben. Hzigazdjuk, Ed Wild vagyok. Mai
the child and family psychologist. Welcome doctor and vendgnk Dr. Amanda Palm, gyerek- s csald
thanks for coming today. First I'd like to ask you about the pszicholgus. dvzlm doktor, s ksznm, hogy eljtt
role your profession plays in the life of the average family. ma. Elszr is arrl szeretnm megkrdezni, hogy a
hivatsa milyen szerepet jtszik egy tlagos csald
- I've been practising psychology for more than ten years. A - A pszicholgit mr tbb mint tz ve gyakorlom. Nhny
few years ago I decided to specialize in family therapy vvel ezeltt elhatroztam, hogy a csaldterpira
and I came to realize that a child is by far the most specializldom, s rjttem, hogy a gyerek
sensitive and important member of the family. I think messzemenen a csald legrzkenyebb s legfontosabb
today's family needs an expert's opinion when it comes to tagja. gy gondolom, egy mai csaldnak szksge van
raising children. Then a lot of teenage and adolescent egy szakrt vlemnyre, amikor elkezd gyermeket
behaviour would be understood and perhaps corrected in a nevelni. Sok tindzser s kamasz viselkedst lehetne
different manner. megrteni s taln klnbz mdon javtani is.
- Explain, please. - Krem, magyarzza meg!
- All through my career I've been seeing children of - A karrieremen keresztl lttam klnfle htter gyere-
different backgrounds. Some of them grow up to be keket. Nmelyikk sikeres lesz, msok bnzkk s
successful, others turn into criminals and delinquents. I've bntettesekk vlnak. Azt krdeztem magamtl, a
been asking myself if it's a matter of luck. But it's not. szerencse dolga-e ez? De nem. Valakinek a viselkedst,
One's attitude, beliefs and future are much determined by bizalmt s jvjt sokkal inkbb a nevelse hatrozza
one's upbringing. meg.
- So, you're saying well-brought up kids make well- - Teht azt lltja, hogy a jl nevelt gyerek j viselkeds
behaved grown ups. lesz.
- On the contrary, however hard we try we don't always - Ellenkezleg, nem minden jindulat erfeszts vgzdik
succeed. jl.
- It's quite confusing, doctor. - Ez igen zavarba ejt, doktor.
- It is indeed. I've written it all down in my book "Are We - Valban. Mindent lertam errl a "J szlk vagyunk-e?"
Good Parents?", it's out next month. knyvemben, ami a kvetkez hnapban jelenik meg.
- I know you don't want to discuss it in detail, but at least - Tudom, hogy nem akar velnk minden rszletet megvi-
tell us what to expect. tatni, de legalbb mondja el, mit vrhatunk.
- A lot of surprises. For example, in one chapter I'm talking - Sok meglepetst. Egyik fejezetben pl. arrl beszlek,
about how we spoil our children when we start being hogyan rontjuk el gyerekeinket, amikor kezdnk
permissive. In another I'm trying to persuade parents to engedkenny vlni. Egy msikban prblom meggyzni
punish their children when necessary. a szlket, hogy bntessk meg gyerekeiket, ha
- How do you prevent that from being interpreted as abuse? - Hogyan akadlyozza meg, a magyarzattal val vissza-
- I'm not asking any parent to inflict injury on his child. The - Egy szlt sem krek, hogy lland fjdalmat okozzon
point I've been trying to make is our children's need to gyereknek. A lnyeg, amit prblok megmagyarzni,
understand the meaning of discipline. These young minds hogy gyermekeinknek meg kell rtenie a fegyelem
know how to use us. They ask for something and if they jelentst. Ezek a fiatal elmk tudjk, hogyan
don't get it they go into hysterical fits. So, what happens hasznljanak ki minket. Krnek valamit, s ha nem kapjk
next? We hurry to give them what they want. But if you meg, hisztris dolgokat cselekszenek. Mi trtnik teht
show them that there are limits to what you allow, that azutn? Igyeksznk megadni nekik, amit akarnak. De, ha
you won't tolerate their attitude and that they have to megmutatja, hogy vannak hatrai annak, amit megenged,
behave properly otherwise they'll be punished, you'll find hogy nem tri el ezt a magatartst s helyesen kell
it very rewarding. And believe it or not, you won't have to viselkednie, klnben meg lesz bntetve, kielgtnek
do it all over and over again. fogja tallni. s akr hiszi, akr nem, nem kell jra s jra
vgig csinlnia.
- So, that's what today's expert said. Watch out for her - Ht ez volt, amit mai szakrtnk mondott. Keressk a
book. Dr. Palm, thank you very much for your time. knyvt. Dr. Palm, ksznm a fradsgt, hogy szaktott
rnk idt.
- Thank you. - Ksznm.
House Hz
My grandparents live in a nice big house in a village a Nagyszleim egy szp nagy hzban lnek egy faluban pr
couple of hundred kilometres away from here. It takes quite szz kilomterre innen. Sok idbe telik odajutni, de
some time to get there, but I always try to spend most of my mindent megteszek rte, hogy a nyri sznid nagy rszt
summer holiday over there. Both my grandparents retired a ott tlthessem. Mindkt nagyszlm nyugdjba ment
few years ago and live all on their own in the country. They nhny ve s magukra utalva lnek vidken. Szeretik, ha
love it when I am there. The house is right in the middle of ott vagyok. A hz egy nagy mez kzepn van. Nagyapa
a big field. Grandfather grows almost all kinds of fruits and majdnem minden gymlcst s zldsget termeszt a hz
vegetables in the area behind the house. A three-meter high mgtti terleten. Egy hrom mter magas kerts veszi
fence surrounds the house and the field. It has two gates; krl a hzat s a mezt. Kt kapuja van, a fkapu a hzhoz
the front gate leads to the house while the other one opens vezet, mg a msik a falu msik felre nylik.
on to the other side of the village. Not far from the house A hztl nem messze van egy kis t, ahol szni szoktam,
there is a small lake where I swim whenever I'm there. I amikor csak ott vagyok. Nagyon szeretek ott lenni. A friss
enjoy it very much there. The fresh air, the quietness and of leveg, a csend s termszetesen minden finomsg, amit
course all the delicious dishes grandmother prepares. nagymama kszt.

Now, I'll tell you about the house from the inside. The Most bemutatom a hzat bellrl. Lpcsfok vezet a
doorstep takes you to the front door. Once you're in the bejrati ajthoz. Ha egyszer benn vagy a hzban, a nappalit
house a living room is the first thing you see. It's not big ltod meg elsnek. Nem nagy, van benne egy szfa s egy
and has a sofa and an armchair. Next comes the kitchen. karosszk. Kvetkezik a konyha.
This is big and equipped with what any modern kitchen Ez nagy s fel van szerelve mindennel, aminek egy modern
should have. A pantry stands right next to the kitchen. konyhban lennie kell. Az lskamra a konyhbl nylik. Itt
That's where grandmother keeps her canned food. I tartja nagymama a befztt lelmiszereket. Emlkszem
remember hiding there when I was a kid. That's all that amikor kis koromban itt bujkltam. Ez minden, ami a
there is on the ground floor. Upstairs, there are two fldszinten tallhat. Az emeleten kt hlszoba van. Egyik
bedrooms. One for my grandparents and the one that used a nagyszleim, a msik anym volt.
to be my mother's. I usually stay there. The bathroom is ltalban ott tartzkodom. A frdszoba mellette van. Van
next to it. There is a third room, which is empty. egy harmadik szoba is, amelyik res. Nagymama mondta,
Grandmother said they never used it. The room where I stay hogy k soha nem hasznltk. A szobnak, ahol n lakom,
has a big balcony with a beautiful view of the village. On van egy nagy erklye szp kiltssal a falura. Forr nyri
hot summer evenings, I leave the balcony door open while estken nyitva hagyom az erklyajtt alvskor.
sleeping. It's so quiet there. No car horns or alarms or noisy Nagyon csndes ott. Nincs autdudls vagy riaszt, vagy
neighbours waking you up in the middle of the night. I want hangos szomszdok, akik az jszaka kzepn felkeltennek.
to live there all through the year. Szeretnk ott lni egsz vben.
Information Informcik
You are welcome. Szvesen mskor is.

- Can I help you, sir? - Segthetek, uram?

- I'd like a single room for three nights. - Egy egygyas szobt szeretnk hrom jszakra.
- I am afraid we haven't got any free single rooms, sir. How - Attl tartok uram, hogy nincs szabad egygyas szobnk.
about a double room? Ktgyas megfelel?
- How much does it cost? - Mennyibe kerl?
- It costs 65 USD a night. - 65 dollr egy jszakra.
- That's expensive. Haven't you got anything else? - Ez elg drga. Nincs semmi ms?
- It's not really that expensive. It has got a shower, a private - Ez nem drga. Tartozik hozz egy zuhanyoz, sajt toalett
toilet and breakfast is included. s magba foglalja a reggelit is.
- All right then. - Akkor rendben.
- Please fill in this form. Have you got any luggage, sir? - Krem, tltse ki ezt az rlapot. Van csomagja, uram?
- This suitcase only. - Csak ez a brnd.
- Porter! Take the gentleman's suitcase to room 465. - Hordr! Krem, vigye az r brndjt a 465-s szobba.
- I have filled in the form. - Kitltttem a paprt.
- Thank you, Mr. Green. Here is your key, sir. - Ksznm, Mr. Green. Itt van a kulcsa, uram.
- Thank you. - Ksznm.
- You are welcome. - Szvesen.

- Good evening. - J estt.

- Good evening, sir. Can I help you? - J estt, uram. Segthetek?
- I'm looking for Mr. Green. - Mr. Greent keresem.
- Mr. Green. What is his first name? - Mr. Green. Mi a keresztneve?
- Charlie. - Charlie.
- Yes. Mr. Green checked in a week ago, but he isn't here - Igen. Mr. Green egy httel ezeltt jelentkezett be, de most
now. He has checked out. mr nincs itt. Mr elutazott.

- My wife and I are leaving for the city. We are going to - A felesgem s n elutazunk a vrosba. Nhny bartunk-
have dinner with some friends. kal fogunk vacsorzni.
- Very well, sir. - Rendben, uram.
- Could you call a taxi for us, please? - Hvna neknk egy taxit, krem?
- Certainly. Can I have your key, sir? - Termszetesen. Megkaphatnm a kulcst, uram?
- Pardon me. I forgot. Here you are. - Elnzst. Elfelejtettem. Parancsoljon.
- Your taxi has arrived, sir. - Megrkezett a taxija, uram.

- It has been a lovely evening, hasn't it dear? - Nagyszer este volt, ugye drgm?
- Yes darling. - Igen, kedvesem.
- Our key, please. Room 720. - A kulcsunkat, krem. 720-as szoba.
- Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert? - Oh, Mr. s Mrs. Robert?
- Yes, that's us. - Igen, mi vagyunk.
- A telegram has just arrived, sir. - pp most jtt egy tvirat, uram.
- Could I see it? - Megnzhetnm?
- Who is it from, dear? - Kitl jtt, drgm?
- Our daughter. She has already finished her final exams. - A lnyunktl. Mr befejezte a zrvizsgjt.
- What good news! - Micsoda j hrek!
- That's not all. She has booked a ticket and is joining us in - s ez mg nem minden! Jegyet vltott s nhny ra
few hours. mlva csatlakozik hozznk.
- That's wonderful! - Ez csodlatos!
- With her boyfriend. - A bartjval.
- Oh no! - Oh ne!

- Good afternoon. - J napot.

- Good afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you? - J napot, Hlgyem. Mit tehetek nrt?
- I have just arrived and I'd like a room. - pp most rkeztem s szeretnk egy szobt.
- Have you got a reservation? - Van foglalsa?
- No, I haven't. - Nem.
- Terribly sorry, Miss. We are booked out. We haven't got - Szrnyen sajnlom, hlgyem. Telthz van. Nincs tbb
any spare rooms. szabad szobnk.
- Oh! - Oh!
A millionaire has just arrived at an expensive hotel in a big Egy milliomos pp most rkezett egy drga szllodba egy
city. He has asked the manager for a very small and cheap nagyvrosban. A szllodavezettl egy nagyon kicsi s
room. olcs szobt krt.
The manager is asking: A vezet ezt krdezte:
- But, sir. Why a small cheap room? When your son stays - De uram. Mirt kicsit s olcst? Mikor a fia nlunk lakik,
here he always has a big expensive one? mindig egy drga s nagy szobt kr.
The millionaire answered: A milliomos ezt vlaszolta:
- Yes, you see, his father is a millionaire, mine is not. - Igen, tudja, az apja milliomos, az enym pedig nem.

- Can I help you? - Segthetek?

- I'm leaving early in the morning. I need a taxi to take me - Kora reggel elutazom. Szksgem lesz egy taxira, hogy
to the airport. elvigyen a repltrre.
- That's no problem. Anything else? - Ez nem problma. Mg valami?
- Yes. Can I pay the hotel bill tonight? I don't want to do - Igen. Kifizethetnm mg este a szmlmat? Nem akarom
that tomorrow. holnapra halasztani.
- Very well. You have stayed here for six nights, plus - Rendben. Hat jszakt tlttt itt, plusz a ma este. Ez
tonight. That's seven nights all together. You have had a sszesen ht jszaka. Volt egy tvolsgi hvsa s... mg
long distance phone call and... anything else? valami egyb?
- I think that's all. - Azt hiszem ez minden.
- That is 215 USD. Are you paying in cash or by credit - Ez 215 dollr lesz. Kszpnzzel vagy hitelkrtyval fizet?
- Cash. - Kszpnzzel.
- Here is your receipt. - Itt a nyugtja.
- One more thing please. I don't want to miss the plane. Can - Mg egy dolgot, krem. Nem szeretnm leksni a replt.
you give me a call to wake me up at five? Tudna nekem reggel tre bresztst biztostani?
- Certainly. - Termszetesen.
- Thanks a lot. - Nagyon ksznm.
- Have you enjoyed your stay here? - Jl rezte magt nlunk?
- I certainly have. I am going to tell all my friends to stay - Igen. Az sszes bartomnak el fogom mondani, hogy itt
here when they visit. szlljanak meg, ha ideltogatnak.
- Have a safe trip tomorrow. Good night. - J utazst holnapra. J jszakt.
- Good night. - J jszakt.
Book, cinema, TV Knyv, mozi, TV
- Hi, Susan. - Szia, Susan.
- Hello, Bob. - Hello, Bob.
- "The Longest Night"? I didn't know you read thrillers. - "A leghosszabb jszaka"? Nem tudtam, hogy krimiket ol-
- Not all thrillers are so good. This one is really interesting. - Nem minden krimi igazn j. Ez nagyon rdekes.
- I don't enjoy reading about crimes and murders. There are - Nem szeretek bngyekrl s gyilkossgokrl olvasni.
enough of them in real life. ppen elg van bellk az letben is.
- Well then, what kind of books do you read? - Ht akkor milyen knyveket olvasol?
- Nothing special. I have just finished reading the biography - Semmi klnlegeset. ppen most fejeztem be egy sikeres
of a successful journalist, and before that it was "Knowing jsgr letrajznak az olvasst, eltte pedig az ''Ismerd
oneself". That was a great book. You should read it. meg magad''-at olvastam. J knyv volt. El kellene
- Tell me about the last one. - Mondj rla valamit.
- The writer had spent most of his life without any friends. - Az r lete nagy rszt bartok nlkl tlttte el. A ba-
He starts a trip in search of friendship, during which he rtsg keressre indul, ekzben olyan dolgokat fedez fel
discovers things about himself that he had never known magrl, amit ezeltt sohasem vett szre. Aztn rjtt,
before. He realized that it was his character that had hogy a szemlyisge volt az, ami tvoltartotta tle az
turned people from him. embereket.
- So? - Szval?
- So, you'd better read it yourself, Susan. - Szval, jobb, ha magad olvasod el, Suzan.
- Could you lend it to me? - Klcsn adnd nekem?
- I'm sorry. I don't have it. I borrowed the book from the - Sajnlom. Nekem nincsen meg. A kzknyvtrbl kl-
public library. You could check if it's on the shelves at the csnztem ki. Megnzheted, htha mg mindig a
moment. polcokon van.
- But I haven't got a membership card. - De nincsen tagsgi krtym.
- That's no problem. Meet me there at four this afternoon - Ez nem problma. Tallkozzunk ott dlutn ngykor s
and we'll get you enrolled. beratunk tged.
- Thank you, Bob. - Ksznm, Bob.
- You're welcome. - Szvesen.

- Jane and I are going to the cinema tonight. Would you and - Jane s n moziba megynk ma este. Te s Tom is sze-
Tom like to come? retntek eljnni?
- Have you chosen the film yet? - Kivlasztotttok mr a filmet?
- No, we haven't. What do you think? - Mg nem. Mire gondolsz?
- There's a new action movie on now, everybody says it's - Most megy egy j akcifilm, mindenki azt mondja, hogy
good. j.
- Jane doesn't like action movies. She prefers musicals. - Jane nem szereti az akcifilmeket. Jobban szereti a musi-
- Tom doesn't like them, I'm afraid. - Attl tartok, Tom nem szereti ket.
- Neither do I. They're simply ridiculous. - n sem. Egyszeren valtlanok.
- I know Tom wants to see a film about outer space. But he - gy tudom Tom meg akar nzni egy filmet az rrl. Le-
can see it alone. het, hogy egyedl nzi meg.
- Oh, dear! I didn't know that going to the movies was so - Oh, Istenem! Nem tudtam, hogy moziba menni ilyen ne-
hard. hz.
- Don't worry! You two go without us. Anyway, Tom's - Ne bosszankodj! Menjetek nlklnk. Egybknt is Tom
favourite TV program is on tonight. He wouldn't miss it kedvenc TV msora is ma este van. Nem szalasztan el a
for the world! vilgrt sem.
- Well, he could record it and watch later. - Ht, felvehetn s megnzn ksbb.
- Oh, no. Not Tom. - Oh, nem. Tom nem.
- If you change your minds, give us a call. - Ha meggondolntok magatokat, hvjatok fel.
- We will. Bye. - Rendben. Szia.
Traffic Kzlekeds
- You're late again, Tom. - Mr megint kstl, Tom.
- I'm sorry. I missed the bus and I had to wait twenty-two - Sajnlom. Lekstem a buszt s 22 percet kellett vrnom a
minutes for the next one to come. kvetkezre.
- That's terrible! Isn't there an underground station near - Szrny! Nincs a hzad kzelben valahol egy metr-
your house? It's faster and more frequent than the bus. lloms? Ez gyorsabb s gyakoribb, mint a busz.
- There isn't one close to my house. I have to walk for at - Egy sincs a hzam kzelben. Legalbb 15 percet kell s-
least fifteen minutes to reach one. Besides, the bus drops tlnom, hogy elrjek egyet. Emellett a busz pontosan ez
me right in front of this building. eltt az plet eltt tesz le.
- I see. - rtem.
- How come you're never late for work, Sara? - Hogy-hogy te soha nem jssz ksve a munkba Sara?
- I live near here. I come on foot. - A kzelben lakom. Gyalog jvk.
- Lovely! - Remek!
- It's not always that good. - Nem mindig olyan j.
- Why not? - Mirt nem?
- What if it's raining or snowing? Last January I caught a - Mi van, ha esik, vagy havazik? Tavaly, janurban meg-
bad cold. It started pouring down as I was on my way fztam. Elkezdett mleni az es, amikor hazafel mentem.
home. I stayed in bed for a week after that. Egy htig gyban voltam.
- You could always take a taxi if the weather is bad. - Mindig tudsz taxit fogni, ha az idjrs viharosra fordul.
- You must be joking! As soon as I tell the driver where I'm - Viccelsz! Ahogy megmondom a sofrnek, hogy hov me-
going, he starts laughing at me... Here comes Dora. What's gyek, elkezd nevetni rajtam... Itt jn Dora. Mi a baj?
wrong, Dora? You look upset. Izgatottnak ltszol.
- I've just paid a fine. I got into the tram and then - ppen most fizettem ki egy brsgot. Felszlltam a villa-
remembered that I had no ticket. Right after the doors mosra s akkor jutott eszembe, hogy nincs jegyem.
were shut a ticket inspector approached me. It was as if he Azutn, hogy az ajtk bezrdtak, az ellenr jtt felm.
could sense I had no ticket. Mintha tudta volna, hogy nekem nincs jegyem.
- Oh, dear! What a way to start the day! - Oh, Istenem! Milyen szrnyen indul a napod!

If you live in a big city, you have various means of public Ha egy nagy vrosban lsz, vltozatos lehetsgeid vannak
transportation. Some of us have to travel a lot every day. a tmegkzlekedsre. Nhnyunknak minden nap sokat kell
It depends on where you live and how far your working utaznia. Attl fgg, hogy hol lsz s milyen messze van
place is from there. Some even change lines in order to get onnan a munkahelyed. Egyesek tbbszr tszllnak ahhoz,
to their destinations. But finally the rules are the same hogy elrjenek a cljukhoz. Vgl is a szablyok
whichever line you're using. Always carry a valid ticket and ugyanazok akrmit hasznlsz. Mindig vigyl rvnyes
keep it with you all through the trip. Before getting on tram, jegyet magaddal s tartsd magadnl az utazs alatt. Mieltt
train, bus, or trolley wait for the last person to get off. Don't felszllsz a villamosra, vonatra, buszra vagy trolira, vrd
panic! meg, amg az utols szemly is leszll rla. Ne ess pnikba!
The driver can see you from his cabin. There is no getting A vezet lt a flkjbl. A jelz megszlalsa utn nincs
on or off after the signal. Don't stand next to the door! It fel vagy leszlls. Ne llj az ajt mell! Ez ms embereket
disturbs other people. Don't carry large parcels and zavar. Ne vigyl nagy csomagokat s brndket! Msok is
suitcases! Others want to travel, too. If you see anything akarnak utazni. Ha valami rendelleneset ltsz, rgtn jelezd
wrong while travelling, report it at once to the driver. If a vezetnek. Ha az utcn stlsz, figyeld a jelzlmpkat.
you're crossing the street, watch the traffic lights. Use Hasznld a gyalogos tkelt.
pedestrian crossings. Don't run! And remember! Accidents Ne fuss! s ne felejtsd el! Balesetek akkor trtnnek,
happen when people are careless and don't obey traffic amikor az emberek figyelmetlenek s megszegik a
regulations. kzlekedsi szablyokat.
Traffic Kzlekeds
- What are you doing, Paul? - Mit csinlsz, Paul?
- I'm trying to write an essay. It has to be submitted to my - Prblok rni egy esszt. A ht vgig be kell adnom a
supervisor by the end of this week. tanromnak.
- That's plenty of time. - Ez rengeteg id.
- If you know what you're writing about. - Ha tudod, hogy mirl rj.
- You mean you have no theme? - gy rted, mg nincs tmd?
- He told me to incorporate in details of all aspects of - Azt mondta, hogy rjak le mindent rszletesen a kzle-
transportation. How about that as a theme? kedsrl. Mit szlsz hozz?
- How much have you written so far? - Mennyit rtl mr?
- Not a word! - Egy szt sem.
- I don't blame you. Didn't he give any guidelines? - Nem hibztatlak. Nem adott semmi segt vezrfonalat?
- Nothing of the kind. I'm afraid I'll have to give up on this - Semmit. Azt hiszem, anlkl kell megcsinlnom. Az essz
one. I can still sit for my final exams regardless of the eredmnytl fggetlenl mg elmehetek rettsgizni.
result of this essay.
- That's true. But I'd rather you didn't count on that. I think - Ez igaz. De szerintem erre ne szmts. Szerintem mg
we could still save the day. megmenthetjk a napot.
- What do you have in mind? - Mi jutott eszedbe?
- Listen! Since he hasn't specified any methods, why don't - Figyelj! Mivel nem kttt ki semmifle mdszert, mirt
you try something new? Let's say you present him with an nem prblsz ki valami jat? Mondjuk bemutatsz neki egy
investigation. kutatst.
- You mean a sort of study? - gy rted valamilyen tanulmnyt?
- Yes. If you prepare a questionnaire for the participants - Igen. Csinlsz egy krdvet a rsztvevknek, hogy k
about how they travel across the city; how many of them hogyan kzlekednek a vrosban; kinek van kocsija,
have cars, bicycles; how much they spend on it on biciklije, mennyit klt r tlagosan... stb. Aztn begyjtd
average... etc. Then collect these answers and plot them on a vlaszokat s diagrammokat, tblzatokat szerkesztesz
few charts and diagrams, you'll have an essay to hand in to s ksz az essz, amit bemutatsz a tanrodnak.
your tutor.
- It's a good idea, but who shall I ask? - J tlet, de kiket krdezzek meg?
- How about all fourth grade students? Some of them are - Mit szlsz a negyedikesekhez? Nhnyuk mr elg ids,
old enough to drive. But I think you should ask students of hogy vezessen. De szerintem ms kerletek iskolinak
the same age group in a different institute or in another azonos kor tanulit is megkrdezhetnd, csak a
district as well, just for the sake of comparison. hasonlts kedvrt.
- That'll take time. - Ez idbe telik.
- It won't if we combined our efforts. I have a friend in - Akkor nem, ha egyestjk erinket. Van egy bartnm egy
another school, I'll ask her to help if you want. She could msik iskolban, megkrem, hogy segtsen, ha akarod.
distribute the forms among her colleagues for us and Sztosztan a krdveket a kollgi kztt s
collect them. sszegyjten ket.
- It sounds wonderful. Do you think it'll work? - Csodlatosan hangzik. Gondolod, hogy mkdni fog?
- We could try. - Megprblhatnnk.
- What if we asked some teachers to take part, too? I think - Mi lenne, ha nhny tanrt is megkrnnk, hogy vegyen
that would make it even more exciting. rszt benne? Ez mg izgalmasabb tenn.
- All right. What about the questions themselves? Re- - Rendben. De mi van a krdsekkel? Ne felejtsd el! T-
member! They have to be concise, informative and easy to mrnek, informatvnak s rthetnek kell lennie.
analyse. I think we should sit and put them down first. Szerintem le kellene lnnk s lerni ket.
- I agree. It would be better to make it as simple as possible. - Egyetrtek. Jobb lenne, ha olyan egyszeren csinlnnk,
Each question is better followed by three or four choices amennyire csak lehetsges. Minden krds utn hrom
to select from; and there's no need to write, it's enough to vagy ngy vlaszts kellene, gy nem kell rniuk elg csak
circle the corresponding letter or number. bekarikzni a megfelel bett vagy szmot.
- Right! That'll make it easy for us to evaluate later. - Rendben. Ez megknnyti az rtkelst is ksbb.
- Exactly! When can we start? - Pontosan! Mikor kezdhetnk?
- We already have, haven't we? - Mr el is kezdtk, nem igaz?

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