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1. Axially loaded Spiral Column in WSD method

The allowable of the spiral is given by the formula-

Pu Ag (0.25 f ' c f s g)

Where, Pu = Allowable axial load in kips.

Ag = Gross area of the column in sq. in.
fc = Compressive strength of concrete in ksi.
fy = Allowable working stress of steel = 0.4 fy
g = Steel ratio = Ast /Ag = 0.1 to 0.8
Where, Ast = required steel area in sq. in.
From this formula, we can easily calculate the gross area required when the axial
load is known according to the following formula-
(0.25 f ' c fs g )

From the gross area of the column, the diameter of the column can be calculated
by the formula-
D (4 Ag / 3.14)

Then we can calculate Steel area required of the column, by the following way-
The concrete contribution of load, Pc = Ag 0.25 fc
Load carried by steel, Ps (Pu Pc )
Again Ps =Ag fs g = Ag fs Ast /Ag =Ast fs
Ast =P s /fs
From the above formula, we can find out the required steel area in square inch.

Now the diameter & steel area of the column is known. Then we can design the
spirals as expected before in USD method.

2 . Eccentrically loaded spiral column in WSD method:

For the design of a circular column subjected lo compression plus bending i.e.
loading with eccentricity, at first we have to estimate the dimension or gross area
of the column and steel area from the formula of axially loaded circular column
which discussed before
.Now we have to check,
fa / Fa + fbx / Fb + fby / Fb =1
Where, P = total axial load on column in kip
Ag = gross area of the column in sq. inch
Fa = 0.34 fc' (I + m g )
Where, fc' =Compressive strength of concrete in ksi
m =fy / (0.85 fc')
fy = Yield strength of steel
g = Steel ratio = Ast / Ag
Ast = required steel area
fbx = lx / S ut
Where, Mx = Moment in X-direction (i.e. which rotate X-axis)
Fb = 0.45 x fc
fb = My / Sut
Where, My = Moment which relate Y-axis
M =P ey
ey = distance of the load from Y-axis
Sut = l /c (3.14 D 4 / (64 + (2 n -1) x Ast (D - c.c) 2 / 8))
Where, D = dia. of the column

c.c = clear cover = 4.5 to 5 inch

n= modular ratio = Es / Ec
Now if (fa /Fa + fbx /F b + fby /F b ) < 1.
Then the diameter and steel area that is calculated first is OK. If not then we
increase the diameter and steel ratio of the column and check it. When satisfied
then tile diameter and steel area is selected. Now we have to design spiral
arrangement. This is same as explained before,

3 . Square tied axially loaded column in USD Method

The maximum permissible axial load on a short tied column is given by the
following formula-
Pu =0.8 0.7 (0.85 fc (1- g ) + fy Ag
Where, Pu =Allowable axial load or factored load in kips
= 1.4 Pd +1.7 Pl for USD
Where, Pd=Dead load in kips.
P1=Live load in kips.
Ag= Gross area of the column in sq. in.
fc = Compressive strength of concrete in ksi.
fy = Yield strength of steel in ksi.
g = Steel ratio = Ast /Ag
Where, Ast = required steel area in sq. in.
From this formula, we can easily calculate the gross area required when the axial
load is known according to the following formula-
(0.8 0.70 (0.85 f ' c (1g) fy g))

Then the dimension of the column is T Ag in inch.

Now the size of the column is known, now we have to find the steel area required.
For this at first, we calculate the contribution of concrete that means the load that
is carried by concrete by the following formula-
Pc 0.8 0.7 (0.85 f ' c Ag (1g))
Load carried by the steel, Ps (Pu Pc )
Again, Ps 0.8 0.7 fy Ast
Ast in sq. inch.
(0.8 0.7 f y )
After knowing the size & steel area of the column, now we have to design the tie
bars. According to ACI code, the spacing of the tie is the minimum of the
S1 = 48 Ds1
S2 = 16 Ds
S3 = T
Where, Ds1 = dia of the tie bar.
Ds = dia of the main bar.
The lowest of them is taken as the spacing of the ties. So the programming is so
made that the minimum spacing is the lowest of them.

4. Rectangular Column in USD Method :

The allowable load of a rectangular tied column is given by the formula-

Pu =0.8 0.7 (0.85 fc (1- g ) +fy g )
Where, Pu =Allowable axial load or factored load in kips
= 1.4 Pd +1.7 P1
Where, Pd=Dead load in kips.
P1=Live load in kips.

Ag= Gross area of the column in sq. in.

fc = Compressive strength of concrete in ksi.
fy = Yield strength of steel in ksi.
g = Steel ratio = Ast /Ag
Where, Ast = required steel area in sq. in.
From this formula, we can easily calculate the gross area required when the axial
load is known according to the following formula-
(0.8 0.70 (0.85 f ' c (1 Rg ) f y Rg ))

Then we can chosen small side B of the column, then we can calculate the others
sides of the column by the formula-
Where, T = Large side of the column.
Then we can calculate the required steel area. The procedure for finding out the
steel area is as follows-
The concrete contribution load-
Pc 0.8 0.7 (0.85 f ' c Ag (1g))
Load carried by the steel, Ps (Pu Pc )
Again, Ps 0.8 0.7 fy Ast
Ast in sq. inch.
(0.8 0.7 f y )
From the above formula, we can easily calculate the required steel area in sq. in.
After knowing the size of the column, now we have the design the tie bars.
According to ACI code, the spacing of the tie is the minimum of the following-
S1 = 48 Ds1
S2 = 16 Ds
S3 = Least dimension of the column.
Where, Ds1 = dia of the tie bar.

Ds = dia of the main bar.

The lowest of them is taken as the spacing of the ties. So the programming is so
made that the minimum spacing is the lowest of them.

5 . Spiral Column in USD Method for Eccentric loading

Spiral column are reinforced with longitudinal bars enclosed by a continuous,

rather closely spaced, steel spirals. The spiral is made up of either wire or bar & is
formed by the shape of a helix.
The allowable load of the spiral column is given by the formula:
P u =0.8 0.7 (0.85 fc (Ag-Ast ) +fy Ast
Where, Pu =Allowable axial load or factored load in kips
Ag = Gross area of the column in sq. in.
fc = Compressive strength of concrete in ksi.
fy = Yield strength of steel in ksi.
g = Steel ratio = Ast /Ag
Where, Ast = required steel area in sq. in.
From this formula, we can easily calculate the gross area required when the axial
load is known according to the following formula-
(0.8 0.70 (0.85 f ' c (1g) f y g))

From the gross area of the column, we can easily calculate the diameter of the
column by the formula-
D= (4 Ag / 3.14

Then we can calculate the steel area required. The procedure for finding out the
steel area is as follows.
The concrete contribution of the loads
Pc 0.8 0.7 (0.85 f ' c Ag (1g))

Load carried by the steel, Ps (Pu Pc )

Again, Ps 0.8 0.7 fy Ast
Ast in sq. inch.
(0.8 0.7 f y )
From this formula, we can calculate the required steel area in sq. in. Now the
diameter & the steel area of the column are known. Then we have to design the
spirals. Clear space between spirals must not exceed 3 in. or not less then 1 in.
The ACI code gives that the spiral steel RS must not be less than the value given
Ag f 'c
Ast 0.45 ( 1) ( )
Ac fy

Where, Ag = gross area of the column.

Ac = Core area of the column.
Again, Rs =
Where, A = Volume of spiral steel in one turn.
B = Volume of column core in height, g
g = c/c spacing of the spiral, sometimes called pitch.
as 3.14 Ds
Rs =
( g)
4 (Dc2)
4 as
Or Rs = where, Dc = Ds
(g D c )
Where, as= spiral bar area.
Ds = Spiral dia.
Dc = Core dia. = (D-3.0) in.
4 as
(Rs Dc )

Then we calculate the pitch in inch by the following formula. We select the spiral
bar dia. & calculate the spiral bar area by the formula-

as = 3.14 (ds1 /4)2

Where d s1 =spiral bar dia.

6 Eccentrically loaded Rectangular tied column in USD


For the design of rectangular tied column which is subjected to eccentric load, at
First we have to estimate the dimension or gross area of column and steel area
from the formula of axially loaded rectangular tied column which is discussed
Where, fa = P/ As
Then we can calculate strain of steel by the following formula
Ey = fy / Es
Where, fy = Yield strength of steel in ksi
Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel in ksi
Then we determine distance of neutral axis from lop
c = Eu d / (Eu + Ey )
Where, Ey = strain in steel
Eu = strain of concrete when crushed
Where, H = large side of column
d' = distance of compressive steel from top = 2.5 inch
Now, we determine the depth of stress block
a= Bl c < H
Now, we determine the stress of compressive steel by the following formula-
fs=Eu Es (c-d') / c<fy
Now, we determine the stress of tensile steel by the following formula- -
fs = Eu Es (d-c) / c < fy

After the computation of tensile and compressive steel stress, we have to

determine ultimate load carried by the column using the following formula-
Pn = 0.85 fc' a b + As' fs' - As 1s in kip
Where, fc' = compressive strength of concrete in ksi
b = small side of the column in inch
As' = area of compression steel in square inch
As = area of tensile steel in sq. inch
For usual cases As = As'
Then we determine the design load of the coiling
Pd = 0.7 Pn in kips
Now we calculate the ultimate moment carrying capacity of the column by the
Mn = 0.85 fc' ax b (H/2-3/2) +As' is' (H/2-d') +As fs (d-H/2)
Then we determine the design moment of the column by the formula -
Md = 0.7 Mn
After computation of the design load and design moment carrying capacity of the
column, then we compare these values with applied load and applied moment.
Applied moment can also be calculate by-
M= P e
Where, e is the eccentricity.
If design load is greater than or equal to applied load and design moment is greater
than or equal to applied moment, then the dimension and steel area of the column
which is calculated first are OK. If not then we increased the dimensions and steel
area of the column and check it. When satisfied then the dimensions and steel area
is selected. Now we have to design tie bars, which is same as explained before.
For square tied column, the process is same as described for rectangular tied
column, only the exception that b = H in square tied column.

Foundation design

1. Design of Isolated column footing (USD method)

From the given allowable soil pressure and base of footing below ground, surface,
we can calculate the effective bearing pressure by the following formula

Qeff = Qa-P
Where Qeff =Effective bearing pressure in ksi
Qa = allowable bearing pressure in ksi
P = Pressure of the avg. material in ksi
Then we determined the area of footing by the following formula-
A = P / Qeff
Where, P = total load on the column = Pd + P1
Where, Pd = dead load on column in kips
P1 = live load on column in kips
A = Area of footing in square ft
Then the size of the square column fooling
B =SQRT (A 144) inch
Then the bearing pressure caused by column load can be determine by the
following formula-
Qu = (1.4 Pd +1.7 PI) / A in ksf
Now we calculate the developed moment by the formula-
M= (wx lx x2 )/2 = (Q u B (B-D) x2)/ (144 12 8)
Where, M = developed moment in kip-ft
D = Dimension of the square column in inch
Then we choose minimum steel ratio by the formula-
min =200/ (fy 100)

Where, fy = Yield strength of steel in ksi

Then we calculate d for the strength design by the following formula
d= (M 12)/ (0.9 min ly ( 1-0.59 min fy/fc)) in inch
fc'=Compressive strength of concrete in ksi
Then we check punching shear by determining the developed punching shear and
Allowable, which are determined by the following formula-
Vvl = Q u (B2-b0 2 )/144 in kips
Where, b0 = (Dl + d) x4 in inch
Allowable Punching shear
Val = 0.85 Vc - 4 0.85 ( fc 1000) bo d ) /1000 in kips
If allowable punching shear Va l is greater than or equal to developed punching
shear Vv l, then the section is adequate to resist punching shear. On the other hand,
if developed punching shear is greater than allo wable punching shear, then it is
required to increase the footing section, mainly lo increase the depth of the
footing. Then beam shear is checked at a distance d from the face of the column.
This can be checked by determining the developed shear force and allowable shear
force developed beam shear
Vv2 = Qu B (B/2-(D1 /2+d))/ 144 in kips
Allowable beam shear
Va2 = 2 0.85 SQRT (fc' 1000) B d in kips
If Va2 = Vv2 , then the section is adequate to resist beam shear. On the other hand if
Va2 < Vv2 , then it is required to provide shear reinforcement. Now we have to
calculate the steel area. Procedure for finding out the steel area required as
As =M 12/ (0.85 fy (d-a/2)) in sq. inch
Where, a = d /5 in inch
Then we check the value as follows-
a = As fy/ (0.85 fc' b)

Then we check = As/ (b d)

D= dimension of the square column in inch
Then we choose minimum steel ratio by the formula-
min = 200/( fy 1000)
Where, fy =Yield strength of steel in ksi
Then we check = As/ (b d)
If < min then As = min b d. if > min then As = b d
The two successive value of a is close, then we stop for the calculation of As .
After calculation of width and steel area required of the footing, then we calculate
Development length for main bar. Development length for dowel bar etc.
Development length for main bar
Ld = 0.04 Ab fy / ( (fc' 1000) in inch
Where, fc' and fy are in ksi
Ab == Area of bar used in sq. inch
Then provided length for dowels are calculated as follows-
Ldl = 0.02 fy db / ( (fc' 1000)) in inch
Where, fc' and fy are in ksi
db = Bar dia. in inch
It is the length, which is provided downward.
The minimum lap splice length is calculated as follows-
Ld2 = 0.0005 db fy 1000 in inch
Where, db = bar dia. in inch
fy = yield strength of steel in ksi
This length provided upward.

At last we calculate the no. of bar by dividing the steel area by the cross-
sectional. Area of each bar.
Then total thickness of the footing is calculated as follows-

T = d+4 in inch
Where, T = Total thickness of the footing in inch.

2. Design of Isolated column footing (WSD method)

From the given allowable soil pressure and base of footing below ground
surface,we can calculate the effective bearing pressure by the following formula-
Where, Qeff = effective bearing pressure in ksi
Qa = allowable bearing pressure in ksi
P = pressure of the avg. material in ksf
Then we determined the circa of footing by the following formula-
A = P / Qeff
Where, P = total load on the column =Pd+P1
Where, Pd = dead load on column in kips
Pl = live load on column in kips
A = Area of footing in square ft
Then the size of the square column footing
B= (A 144) inch
Then the bearing pressure caused by column load can be determined by the
Following formula-
Qu = (Pd + P1) / A in ksf
Now we calculate the developed moment by the formula-
M = (wx lx x2 )/2 = (Qu B (B-D) x2 )/ (144 12 8)
Where, M == developed moment in kip-ft
D = dimension of the square column in inch.
Depth Check:

r =fs / fc
Where fs = 0.4 fy
fc = 0.45 fc'
n = Es / (57000 ( (fc '))
k = n/ (n + r)
j = 1 -k /3
D= ((2 M 1000) / (k j b fc))

Then we check punching shear by determine the developed punching shear and
allowable which are determined by the following formula-
Shear force acting on the perimeter
Vvl = Q u (B2-b0 2 )/144 in kips
Where, b0 = (Dl+ d) 4 in inch
Allowable punching shear
Val = Vc = 2 (fc' 1000) bo d /1000 in kips

If allowable punching shear Val is greater than or equal to developed punching

shear Vv l then the section is adequate to resist punching shear. On the other hand,
if the developed punching shear is greater than allowable punching shear, then it is
required to increase the footing section, mainly to increase the depth of the
Then beam shear is checked at a distance d from the face of the column. This can
be checked by determining the developed shear force and allowable shear force.
Developed beam shear
Vv2 = Qu B (B/2-(Dl /2+d))/144 in kips
Allowable beam shear
Va2 = 1.1 (fc' 1000) B d in kips
If Va2 > Vv2 , then the section is adequate resist beam shear. On the other hand
If Va2 < Vv2 , then it is required to provide shear reinforcement.
Steel Calculation:

As = M / (fs j d) sq. inch

Development Length for Main Bar:
Allowable bond stress (u) = (4.8 (fc'))/Bar dia.
Ld = (Ab fy )/ (u bar perimeter)
The Steel calc ulation by general steel calculation formula that is describe

3. Procedure for combined column footing design

The design is predicated on the assumption that the footing is rigid and that the
soil pressure is uniform. The following explanation may illustrate the procedure:
Step 1 : Convert the column loads to ultimate loads via uP = 1.4(D.L.) + I.7
(L.L.). Then convert the allowable soil pressure to ultimate pressure via qu = (P1u +
P2u ) qa / (P1 + P2 ).
Step 2 Determine the footing length (L) and width (B). First determine the
location of the load resultant distance ( ). This point coincides with the midpoint
of L, thus yielding the value for L. B is then determined from B = Pu / L qu .
Step 3: Draw shear and moment diagrams. The footing is treated as a
beam, loaded with a uniform soil pressure (upward) and column loads
(downward), which are treated as concentrated loads.
Step 4 : Determine footing depth based on shear. Critical sections are at d/2
for diagonal tension (or punching shear) and at the d for a wide beam, the same as
for spread footings. The critical section for wide-beam shear is investigated only
at one point (max. shear) for punching shear. However, an investigation of a three-
or four-sided zone for each column may have to be done; Example 7.1 will
further illustrate this point.
Step 5: Determine the flexural reinforcing steel. The longitudinal (flexural)
steel is designed using the critical moments (negative and positive) from the
diagram. Thus, typically, combined footings will have longitudinal steel at both
top and bottom of the footing, with a minimum percentage of 200/ f y

Step 6: Determine the steel in the short direction. The steel in the transverse
direction is determined based on an equivalent soil pressure q and subsequent
moment, for each column. Even for stiff footings, it is widely accepted that the
soil pressure in the proximity of the columns is larger than that in the zone
between columns. Thus, for design, we account for this phenomenon by assuming
an empirical effective column zone width of s. The soil pressure in this zone, q, is
calculated as q= Pu / Bs, where Pu is the ultimate column load, B the footing width
and s an equivalent width of footer strip for the column In question. Commonly,
the value of s is taken as the width of the column (in the longitudinal direction)
plus about 0.75d on each side of that column.
Step 7: Evaluate dowel steel. The requirements are the same as for
spread footings.
Step 8: Provide a drawing showing final design. This drawing is to
show sufficient detail from which one may construct.

4. Procedure for trapezoidal footing design

Step 1: Convert the column loads to ultimate loads via P u = 1.4(D.L.)

+ 1.7(L.L.) for USD method and Pu=D.L+L.L for WSD method. Then convert
the allowable soil pressure to ultimate; that is, q u = (Ful + Fu2 ) q./(F1 + F2 ).
Step 2: Determine dimensions a and b via simultaneous solutions of
two independent equations.
A = (a + b) L/
x = (L/3) (a + 2b)/ (a + b)
Thus, we solve for a and b.

Step 3 : Draw the shear and moment diagrams. The footing is treated as a
beam, loaded with a uniform soil pressure (upward) and column loads
(downward), which are treated as concentrated loads. Note that while the pressure
is uniform, the pressure force for unit length varies with the width [e.g., at the
narrow end, the load is a (qu ), and b (q u ) at the wide end, etc.).
Step 4 : Determine footing depth based on shear. Critical sections are usually
checked for wide-beam shear at the narrow end and diagonal tension at the wide
Step 5: Determine the flexural reinforcing steel. Because the width varies, it is
advisable to determine -As at several points; the same is now required for +As
since it is typically governed by min .

Step 6: Determine the steel in the short direction. Assume an average length
for the cantilever length; determine the equivalent lengths as for rectangular
Step 7 : Determine dowel steel, as for rectangular combined or spread footings.
Srep 8: Provided a drawing with details for construction.

Formula for the calculation of depth, shear and steel area is same as previously

5. Procedure for Strap footing Design:

The design assumes no soil pressure under the strap (other than that necessary to
support the weight of the strap; hence, the weight of the strap is negated) .The
footings are designed as isolated footings subjected to column loads and strap

Step 1: (a) Convert to uP and uq , as previously described. (b) Try a value for e.
This establishes the position of R1 ; subsequently, this influences the ratio of L1 and
B1 . An adjustment in e may be warranted if L1 / B1 appear unreasonable. (c) From
equilibrium (i.e., M = 0 and Fy = 0), determine the values for Rl and R2 .
Step 2: Determine footing dimensions, L and B. Note that q will be
uniform when R coincides with the cancroids of that footing. Also, for
minimum differential settlement, q should be the same for both footings.
Step 3: Draw the shear (V) and moment (M) diagrams.
Step 4: Design the strap as a beam. Use maximum V and M in the
section between footings. Affix the strap to the footings to effectively prevent
footing rotation.
Step 5 : Design the footings as spread (isolated) footings with reinforcement
in both directions including -As steel to accommodate, the negative moment.
Some special assessment for the transverse steel near column 1 is recommended.
Step 6 Provide the final drawing showing details for construction.

Formula for the calculation of depth, shear and steel area is same as previously

6 . Conventional Design of Raft Foundation:

In the conventional method of design, the raft is assumed infinitely rigid & the
pressure distribution is taken as planar. The assumption is valid when the raft rests
on soft clay that is highly compressible, & the eccentricity of the loads is small. In
case when the soil is stiff or when the eccentricity is large, the method does not
give accurate results. The elastic method, which takes into account the stiffness of
the soil & raft, is more accurate in the latter case.

According to the ACI committee 436(1966), design of mat should be done using
the conventional method if the spacing of the columns in a strip of the raft is less
than 1.75/ meters & using the simplified elastic method when it is greater than
1.75/, where is given by
= (B1 x K/4EI)
Where, k=coefficient of sub grade reaction. (KN/m )
B1 =width of the strip (m)
E= modulus of elasticity of the raft material. (KN/m2 )
I=moment of inertia. (m4 )
The coefficient of sub grade reaction of the soil is the pressure required to produce
a unit settlement of a plate. It is given by,
Where, q=pressure (KN/m2 )
Z= settlement (m)
k=coefficient of sub grade reaction. (KN/m3)
The coefficient of sub grade reaction is not a constant for a given soil. It depends
upon a number of factors, such as length, depth & shape of foundation.
The procedure for the conventional design consists of the following steps:
i. Determine the line of action of all the loads acting on the raft. The self-wt.
of the raft is not considered, as it is taken directly by the soil.
ii. Determined the contact pressure distribution as under.
a). If the resultant passes through the center of the raft, the pressure is
given by
b). If the resultant passes has an eccentricity of ex & ey in x & y
q= Q/A (Q.ex )/Iyy x (Q.ey )/Ixx y
The maximum soil pressure should be less then the allowable soil

iii. Divide the slab into strips in x- & y- directions. Each strip is assumed to act
as independent beam subjected to the contact pressure & the columns loads.
iv. Draw the shear force & bending moment diagram for each strip.
v. Determined the modified column loads as expected below.

It is generally found that the strip does not satisfy static, i.e. the resultant of the
column loads & the resultant of contact pressure are not equal & they do not act in
the same line. The reason is that the strips do not act independently as assumed &
there some shear transfer between adjoining strips.

Let us consider the strip-carrying column Q1 , Q2 , & Q3. Let B1 be the width of the
strip. Let the avg. soil pressure on the strip be qav. Let b the length of the strip.
Avg. loads on the strip,
Qav =1/2(downward load + upward load)
= (Q1 +Q2 +Q3 +qav B1 B)
The modified avg. soil pressure is given by
Qav1= qav (Qav/ qav B1 B)
The column loads modification factor (F) is given by
F= (Qav/ Q1+ Q2 + Q3 )
F multiplies all the column loads for strip. For this strip, the column loads are FQ1,
FQ2, and FQ3.
vi. The bending moment & the shear force diagrams are drown for
the modified column loads & modified avg. soil pressure.
vii. Design the individual for the bending moment & shear force found in step
viii. The raft is designed as an inverted floor.
As the analysis is approximate, the actual reinforcement provided is twice the
computed value.
Formula for the calculation of depth, shear and steel area is same as previously

Design of a Cantilever Retaining Walll

The design of a cantilever retaining wall consists in the following steps:

1. Obtain soil parameters and c for both backfill and base soil. Use
cohesion less backfill in a zone slightly larger than the Rankine zone if
2. Estimate the load factors. Use at least 1.7 for cohesion less backfill in the
full ranking zone. Use more than 1.7 for cohesive backfill, or limited
backfill zone. Limit the load factor to an equivalent Ka =1.10 regardless of
the backfill.
3. Select the trail dimensions using Fig.1 as a guide for computer
programming, reduce the dimension about 20 percentage for input & let the
computer optimize the design. Note that it is not necessary or always
desirable to have a tie dimension.
4. Compute the stem thickness t based on the wide beam shear & take the
critical section at the base-shear junction. Use the stem height & apply the
load factor to the resulting shear force.
5. Compute the stem moments & Reinforcing-steel requirements at several
points so that full moment of the steel is not used through out the wall
height, since the moment varies as the third power of h measure down the
wall. Use the load factor in this computation
6. Compute overturning, sliding & deep-seating shear failure. Revise the base-
slab dimensions are necessary. Find x & the eccentricity of the resultant on
the base of the footing. The eccentricity should be e_ L /6 Use the full wall
height (stem + base slab + heel x tan ) for this computation.
7. Compute the bearing capacity of the footing considering that it is a strip &
thus all shape factor = 1. For inclination factors used H = computed

horizontal component of earth pressure; V= sum of the vertical forces of the

retaining wall system. se B= B- 2 ; the allowable bearing capacity of soil
2 (Cohesive base soil)
3 (c- Base soil)
Increase the base-slab width if the actual soil pressure is computed by
V 6e
q (1 )
is larger than the allowable bearing capacity.
8. Establish the pressure profile along the footing base. Normally neglect the
soil over the tie of the footing & include the soil over the heel part. Include
the weight of the base slab in the pressure profile, since it has been used to
obtain V.
9. Using the pressure profile & the differential equations for shear & moment,
compute the shear & bending moment at the intersection of the tie & stem
& find the depth to satisfy wide-beam shear at the intersection. Apply the
load factor from step 2 to both the shear & bending moment.
10. Using the pressure profile & the differential equations for shear & moment,
compute the shear & bending moment at the center of the stem tension-
reinforcing steel. Check the wide-beam shear at the back face & find the
reinforcing steel necessary for bending moment. This steel goes near the
top surface of the heel slab. Apply the load factor from step 2 to both the
shear & bending moment.
11. Dowels will be required to join the stem & the base slab; however, using
bent bar placed on the line with the tie steel & As required value at stem
base will be satisfactory.
Formula for the calculation of depth, shear and steel area is same as previously

Design procedure for pile foundation:

First selecting the size and shape of the pile. If the section is circular, then area of
the pile

A= d2
Where, d = Dia. of the pile.
A = Area of the pile.
For square pile, A =b b
Where, b = side of the square.
Then select the length of the pile
Determine the capacity of the pile by the following formula-
Cp Pr Lp Sf A Eb

Where, Cp = Pile capacity.

Lp = Length of pile.
Pr = Parameter of the pile.
Sf = Surface friction.
Eb = End bearing capacity.
If, Cp > total load acting on the pile than length and section of the is OK. Other
wise increase the length and size of the pile.
Now determining the slender or not by the formula-
Where x = Least dimension of pile section.
If, S r < 10 then slender factor Cr =1 else
1.07 .008 Lp
If, S r > 10 then slender factor Cr =
0.52 x
Steel is calculated by the following formula-

0.25 Fcp
Ast Cc A
Where, F = Total factored load =
Now main reinforcement (longitudinal) in a pile should not be less than-
1.25% of the cross sectional area if _ 30.
1.5% of the cross sectional area if =30 to 40.
2% of the cross sectional area if _ 40.

Lateral reinforcement:
Lateral reinforcement not less than 0.2% of the gross cross sectional area of the
The c/c spacing of the lateral reinforcement bars should not be more than half of
the least width of the pile. For length of about three times the least width of the
pile at each end of the pile, the volume of the lateral reinforcement should not be
less 0.6% of the gross volume.

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