Water Quality Analysis of Nairobi Dam

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This study was carried out between may 2011 and march 2012 on the water quality
of Nairobi dam on the basis on pollution parameters and water quality index. The
study was aimed at establishing whether the water meets the quality to support life
especially living organisms. The area of study was located at the source of the main
inlet R.Ngong Katwekera within kibera slums, substream joining the main river at
Lindi, the entry to the dam at Laini Saba and finally the outlet near Nyayo High-rise

The study was carried out through field survey and laboratory testing of samples
taken from the river/dam .the result which were obtained from the laboratory test was
analyzed and compared to establish surface water quality criteria by ministry of public
health and sanitation and world health organization (WHO). However Human activities
along the water course have severely impacted on the river and dam water quality.

The study area had an average ph of 6.38, the average turbidity was 67.6 NTU, the
average BOD was at 92.0 mg/l, the average COD was at 222.4 mg/l, the average DO
was at 2.86mg/l and finally the average total suspended solid was 207.5mg/l,
therefore the dam and its water course can be said to be so polluted as indicated by
the water quality index (WQI).write your conclusion and recommendation


I OMOLO ELLY ORWE (Registration No 109/07413) declare that this is my original

work and it has not been submitted to any other university for examination

Student Sign

Date Presented.

This work has been submitted with the approval of Ms Masese as the supervisor



Its my pleasure to thank the almighty God for granting me an opportunity to complete
this study in my career. I sincerely thank Eunice Anyango, Gordon Otieno and Linet
Okuku for their great support to me.


BOD Biological Oxygen Demand

CBD Central Business District

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

DO Dissolved Oxygen

DST Define Substrate Technology

EMCA Environmental Management and Coordination Act

FAS Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate

NEMA National Environment Management Authority

PH Potential Hydrogen

PPM Parts Per Million

TSS Total Suspended Solids

UNEP United Nation Environmental Program

WHO World Health Organization

WQI Water Quality Index

Table of content

Abstract ........................................................................................................................ i

Declaration .................................................................................................................. ii

Dedication .................................................................................................................. iii

Acronyms ................................................................................................................... iv

1.0 CHAPTER ONE .....................................................................................................1

1.1Background information .........................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................2

1.3 Purpose of the study ..............................................................................................3

1.4 Objectives of the study ...........................................................................................3

1.4.1 Specific objectives ............................................................................................3

1.5 Hypothesis .............................................................................................................3

1.6 Justification of the study .......................................................................................3

1.7 Area of the study ...................................................................................................4

1.8 Location of the study .............................................................................................5

1.9 Climate of the area.................................................................................................6

1.10 Physiography of the area ......................................................................................6

1.11 Demographic aspects ...........................................................................................7

2.0 CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................8

2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................................................................8

2.2 Water PH ...............................................................................................................8

2.2.0 What causes PH of water body to change? .......................................................8

2.2.1 Synergistic effect of PH ....................................................................................8

2.3 Dissolved oxygen ...................................................................................................9

2.3.0 Factors which affect dissolved oxygen ..............................................................9

2.3.1 Effects of low/ high dissolved oxygen ............................................................. 10

2.4 Biological oxygen demand (BOD)..........................................................................10

2.4.0 How BOD affects organisms...........................................................................10

2.5 Water coliform count (E.coli) ................................................................................11

2.6 Total Suspended solids (TSS) ...............................................................................11

2.7 Turbidity ..............................................................................................................11

2.7.0 What causes turbidity? ..................................................................................11

2.7.1 Impacts of high turbidity ...............................................................................11

2.8 Chemical oxygen demand (COD) ..........................................................................12

3.0 CHAPTER THREE .............................................................................................. 13

3.1 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................13

3.1.1 Laboratory test analysis .................................................................................13

3.1.2 Nephelometer /turbidimeter ..........................................................................13

3.1.3 Spectrophotometer ........................................................................................ 13

3.1.4 Potentionmetric/PH meter .............................................................................13

3.1.5 Defined substrate technology (DST) ............................................................... 13

3.1.6 D.O Meter ......................................................................................................13

3.2 Methods of data collections ..................................................................................14

3.2.0 Observations .................................................................................................14

3.2.1 Sampling techniques ..................................................................................... 14

3.3 Research design ...................................................................................................14

4.0 CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................15

4.1 Task and activities ............................................................................................... 15

4.1.0 Procedure used during test analysis .............................................................. 15

4.1.1 Analysis of PH ............................................................................................... 15

4.1.2 Equipments ...................................................................................................15

4.1.3 Procedure ......................................................................................................15

4.2 Analysis of Biological Oxygen Demand BOD ........................................................ 16

4.2.0 Reagents ........................................................................................................16

4.2.2 Procedure of the analysis ...............................................................................16

4.3 Analysis of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) ................................................... 16

4.3.0 Reagents ........................................................................................................17

4.3.2 Procedures.....................................................................................................17

4.4 Analysis for turbidity ........................................................................................... 20

4.4.0 Reagents ........................................................................................................20

4.5 Biological Analysis (E.coli).................................................................................... 20

4.5.0 Requirements ................................................................................................ 21

4.5.1 Procedure ......................................................................................................21

4.6 Analysis of dissolved oxygen ................................................................................21

5.0 CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................21

5.1 Result Of The Rport ............................................................................................. 21

5.2 Parameter Ph .......................................................................................................21

5.3 Parameter Turbidity ............................................................................................. 21

5.4 Parameter Chemical Oxygen Demad ....................................................................22

5.5 Parameter Coliform Count ................................................................................... 22

5.6 Parameter Biological Oxygen Demand ..................................................................23

5.7 Parameter Dissolved Oxygen ................................................................................23

5.8 Parameter Total Suspended Solids .......................................................................24

5.9 Prameter Nitrate ..................................................................................................24

5.10 Table 1...............................................................................................................25

5.11.0 Effects of low level of Dissolved Oxygen........................................................ 25

6.0 CHAPTER SIX ....................................................................................................27

6.1 Discussion and analysis ...................................................................................... 27

7.0 CHAPTER SEVEN ............................................................................................... 30

7.1 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................30

7.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................30

8.0 CHAPTER EIGHT .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.1 References .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.0 CHAPTER NINE ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.1.1 Appendix one (1) ............................................................................................ 32

9.1.2 Appendix two (2) ............................................................................................ 34


1.1Background information

Earth is very different from other planets in the solar system unlike the other planets,
earths surface is almost 70% covered with water most of these water is in the oceans
mountain caps etc. however water is also found in the lakes, streams, rivers and
wetlands as well as ground water and glaciers. Even though there is a lot of water on
the earth surface 97% of it is salty water, of the 3% which is remaining two thirds of it
is frozen in the ice caps. Therefore only about one percent of the water in the
hydrosphere is water we can use for domestic purpose and agricultural purposes.(Dale
&. Thomas year)

On the other hand Africa is endowed with immense renewable resources such as fresh
water resources yet these resources are subjected to pollution. Natural phenomenon
such as rainfall patterns and climate change has increasingly threatened the
sustainability of water resources in Africa. Due to increasing population coupled with
pollution, poor people are vulnerable to water related diseases. There are over 50
international shared water resources in Africa (UNEP, 20002) and this is not enough
to support both human and the growth of industries.

Kenya has been recognized as a water scarce country whereby water demand exceeds
the renewable fresh water resources. It is also clear from the National Water Master
Plan of 1992 that out of 164 sub-basins with perennial rivers flows. Ninety (90) will
suffer from surface water deficit by 2010 while already 33 sub-basins without
perennial river flow. The internal renewable surface water resources are estimated at
20.2km2 per year while about 3.5km2 of ground water is produced annually, whereas
L.Victoria covers about 8% of he country, Rift Valley basins is at 22.5% , Athi basins
covers 11.5%, Tana basin stand at 21.7% and finally Ewaso Ngiro North covers 36.3%
of the country. (National Water Master Plan 1992).

In regard to the above mentioned water sources of the world and Kenya as a whole
there is widespread of pollution especially Nairobi which is the capital city of Kenya.

With immense water resources in Nairobi ranging from Nairobi River, Mbagathi
River,Montane Ngong River,Ruiru River and Mathare Rivers. As a result f high
population in the city these resources are subject to pollution and pressure coming
from different land-uses which reduces water quality in hem (UNEP 2005 and NEMA
Report 2009)

Nairobi dam is an artificial wetland or lake which lies on the latitude of 1degrees19 S
and 36,48 E and borders kibera slums and Wilson aerodrome to the west and east
respectively. Its surface has been covered completely with water hyacinth since the
1990s, so neither sailing nor diving can take place. The artificial dam was the main
Nairobi source of water until the mid 1950s. The ecological function has also been
disrupted by heavy raw sewage that emanate from kibera slums (UNEP 2002).

Wetland has been the most environmental problems in the 21st centaury although
some kind of water pollution occurs as a result of natural processes but most
pollution occurs as a result of human activities. Water pollution occurs when a body of
water is adversely affected due to the addition of large amount of materials to the
water and when it is unfit for its intended use (University of Nairobi Water Quality
Report 2005)

Human settlement along Ngong River and the Nairobi dam have increased
dramatically due to growth in the city population. This increase in population has also
led to mushrooming of informal settlement along the river bank and the shore of the
dam where there is no proper sanitation facilities hence raw sewage and domestic
effluent are discharged into these systems thus lowering the water quality

1.2 Statement of the problem

Quality of portable water which forms one percent of the earth surface is increasingly
becoming polluted while its use has grown to six fold globally over the last 25 years.
Based on the importance of water to support varying life forms and biological
processes there is need to protect our water sources from pollution as a result of
human activities and natural processes.

Nairobi dam which is an artificial lake has a capacity of 98,422m3 of water which can
support city residence without depletion. The dam has been subject to high level of
pollution and therefore it is appropriate to determine the water quality of the dam
based on water parameters. This is to ascertain the extent of pollution along the
course of Ngong River and the dam.

1.3 Purpose of the study

According to the rationale of wetlands and water at large, this research was carried
out to ascertain the level of pollution on Nairobi dam and its implication on water
quality to the ecosystem.

1.4 Objectives of the study

The strategic objective is to determine the water quality of the ecosystem in regards to
aquatic organisms

1.4.1 Specific objectives

1. To determine the level of water parameters (PH, BOD, COD, DO, Turbidity,
Total suspended solids TSS, Fecal Coli forms and Nitrates)

2. To determine the implication of water quality to aquatic life on the ecosystem.

1.5 Hypothesis

1. Water quality has been compromised by discharge of raw sewage from kibera

2. Aquatic organism cannot survive in this ecosystem due to high level of siltation
and degradation.

1.6 Justification of the study

Wetlands are considered the most biologically diverse of the entire ecosystem providing
or regulating the flow of water, ground water recharge and modifying the ecosystem.
Therefore the rationale of this study was to know the water quality through laboratory
testing to determine the level of parameters in regard to survival of organisms.

1.7 Area of the study

The study was carried out in Nairobi county which is located at 1 degrees 1736, 49E,
2, 28dgreesS36, 817E and occupies 684 square kilometers. Nairobi is the capital city
of Kenya.

Figure 1: map of Kenya showing Nairobi County (area of study) source; unodc.org

1.8 Location of the study

Nairobi dam is located at the latitude 1degrees19,6S and 36degrees 48,5 E and it is
about 2km from the central business district (CBD) of Nairobi city. It is within the
Langata District Laini Saba location. It is surrounded by kibera slums to the West and
Wilson aerodrome to the East along Langata Ongata Rongai road.

Figure 2, map of Nairobi showing Nairobi Dam (location of the study) source

1.9 Climate of the area

Nairobi lies at an altitude of 1795 meters above mean sea level. It also enjoy a
moderate climate under koppen climate classification, Nairobi County has also a sub-
tropical highland climate. During June/ July seasons temperature drops to 10degrees
while the warmest part of the year is from December to March. The mean maximum
temperature for this is period is 24 degrees.

1.10 Physiography of the area

The soils in Nairobi vary from black cotton soil (vertisols or montmolironite) in the
Eastlands to red loam soil (kaolinite) to the west of Nairobi. The current land-uses
include Agricultural, settlement; commercial, institutional and recreational parks. The
location of the study area is characterized with red loam soil.

1.11 Demographic aspects

Nairobi is the most populous city in East Africa, with a current estimated population
of about three million according to 2009 population census in the administrative area
of 3,183,295 inhabitants which lived within 696 square kilometers. Two thirds of
these population lives in the informal settlements. The location of the study is
experiencing high population of about 700,000 inhabitants.




Water quality is the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water. It is a

measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic
species and or to any human need. It is frequently done to reference with the set
standards. With regard to this, the research analysis was based on the water
parameter tests.

2.2 Water PH

PH is one of the most common water quality test performed.PH indicates the samples
acidity, but is actually a measurement of the potential activity of hydrogen ions (H+) in
the sample.PH run on a scale of 0-14 therefore each or all organisms are subject to the
amount of acidity and function best within a given range .i.e. 5.5 to 8.0 PH.

2.2.0 What causes PH of water body to change?

The PH of a body of water is affected by several factors: one of the most important
factors is the bedrock and soil composition through which water moves both in its bed
and as ground water oozes.

Another factor is the amount of plant growth and organic materials, when these
materials decomposes they release carbon dioxide which when combine with water
forms weak carbonic acid and finally dumping of chemicals by industries as well can
alter water PH.

2.2.1 Synergistic effect of PH

This is a process whereby two substances combines and produce effects greater than
their sum, for instance when acid rain mixes with certain chemicals within a pool of
water its become lethal to organisms. Fish which a known species living in water may
die when water PH shift from 5.5 to 4.8. Therefore changes in the PH value of water

are important to many organisms however most organisms have weaker adaptation
which renders them vulnerable to extreme changes in water.

2.3 Dissolved oxygen

Dissolved oxygen demand is the amount of oxygen that dissolved in water and is
essential to healthy streams, swamps, lakes and wetlands. The dissolved oxygen level
can indicate water quality, however when the level is low due to aerobic decomposition
of organic matters in the water, living organisms are affected and even the taste for
human consumption changes. Much of dissolved oxygen in water comes from the
atmosphere and photosynthesis of aquatic plants. It is determined through the use of
percentage saturation value (PSV)

2.3.0 Factors which affect dissolved oxygen

1. Temperature, cold water can accommodate more oxygen than warm water as a
result of pollution from industries (thermal pollution)

2. During sunny days, this is attributed with the physiological processes such as
photosynthesis which consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen hence
replenishing dissolved oxygen.

2.3.1 Effects of low/ high dissolved oxygen

Dissolved oxygen levels typically can vary from 0-18 parts per million (ppm) although
most rivers and steams require a minimum of 5-6ppm to support a diverse aquatic
life. However, a range of 0-3ppm can become adverse to aquatic life and this may lead
their pre-mature death.

2.4 Biological oxygen demand (BOD)

This is the measure of the quantity of the oxygen used by microorganisms (aerobic
bacteria) in the oxidation of the organic matters. Natural sources of organic mattres
include, plant decay and leaf fall however, plant growth and decay may be unnaturally

accelerated when nutrients and sunlight overly abundant due to human influence.
Urban run-off usually carry raw human feaces and fertilizer from lawn farms.

2.4.0 How BOD affects organisms

During the decomposition of the organic matters, bacterias consumes a lot of oxygen
during there metabolic reaction thereby creating deficit of oxygen supply. Organisms
that are more tolerant of low dissolved oxygen level may replace a diversity of natural
water ecosystem.

Most of the bacteria in aquatic water column are aerobic that means they use oxygen
to perform their metabolic activities hence uses a lot of oxygen thereby, lowering
oxygen concentration to below 5ppm which can not various organisms in water.

Lake Naivasha experienced algal bloom and nutrients overload from flower farms
which led to low level of oxygen concentration, this led to suffocation of fishes from the

2.5 Water coliform count (E.coli)

This is a method of detecting disease causing pathogens in polluted water using E.coli
and Entrococcus bacteria to indicate whether pollution is taking place (USA EPA
report 1992)

The standard microbiological purity for portable water is around 100ml per coliform
and because of this, E,coli are generally used to indicate or measure the level of
microbiological quality of water however, these organisms are not generally the one
that causes the disease but they show pathogenic bacteria presence.

E.coli indicates the presence of mammals and birds feces in the water.therefore
human feces are the biggest concern because anything that which infect one human
could also infect another organism and this is related to raw human feces disposed
into the water course.

A risk assessment of this scenario is viewable in the Nairobi dam where a high level of
raw human wastes are discharged into the dam corresponding to millions of grams of
fecal matter hence giving a positive correlation of quality deterioration.

2.6 Total Suspended solids (TSS)

These are both in the form of fine suspended soli particles, minerals and nutrients
contained in water which may interfere with physiological and biological of aquatic

These suspended solids may react due to temperature inversion and become lethal to
aquatic organisms, for instance fluoride may retard the growth of fish and crabs due
to weakening of shells and bones.

2.7 Turbidity

This is the measure of the degree to which the water loses its transparency or clarity
due to the presence of suspended particulates. The more total suspended solids in the
pool of water the murkier it seems and the higher the turbidity. That is cloudinesss ,
haze or absence of clarity.

2.7.0 What causes turbidity?

There are various parameters influencing the cloudiness of the water

1. Phytoplanktons

2. Sediments from soil erosion

3. Domestic effluents

According to world health organization, the established standards should be within

the range of <5 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) and should be ideally below 1

2.7.1 Impacts of high turbidity The suspended solid absorbs heat from the sunlight,
making turbid water become warmer and so reduce the concentration of oxygen in
water. Suspended solids scatter light penetration thereby reducing the rate of
photosynthesis and finally particles clogs the respiratory of the aquatic organisms.

2.8 Chemical oxygen demand (COD)

This parameter is used to measure oxygen equivalent to the organic matter content of
a sample that is susceptible to oxidation by strong chemical oxidant.Please consult a
chemistry lecturer to clarify on these terminologies



Several techniques were used to determine the quality of water using various methods
as outlined herein

3.1.1 Laboratory test analysis

Water parameter analysis involves use of instruments which are both analog and

3.1.2 Nephelometer /turbidimeter

This is an instrument used to measure turbidity of water. It is a digital machine which

displays the result with regard to set standards of the machine.

3.1.3 Spectrophotometer

This was used to measure the level of biological oxygen demand in the water sample. It
is also digital machine.

3.1.4 Potentionmetric/PH meter

This is a PH meter which was used to measure the PH indices collected from different
sampling point. It was used to reduce the ambiguity of using comparative indicators.

3.1.5 Defined substrate technology (DST)

This was a standard test that was used to determine the general coliform and the
E.coli in the water sample which involves culturing of organisms.

3.1.6 D.O Meter

This is also a digital instrument used in measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen in
water. It is used in the field since sample may be affected with other external forces
when carried to the laboratory for the analysis.

3.2 Methods of data collections

3.2.0 Observations

The physical quality of water both in the river and the dam was assessed using
observation method by comparing the color of the standard solution and sample from
the river and the dam.

Observation gives a clear indication of the physical quality of water.

3.2.1 Sampling techniques

The sampling method was used to collect water for laboratory testing for water
parameters. Plastic bottles were used to collect the sample at equidistant of 300m
along the river course and the dam. The sampling were done at strategic points of
(049) near Ngong forest, (050) katwekera,(051) Lindi, (052) laini saba and (053) Nyayo
Highrise outlet of the dam.

3.3 Research design

The type of the research that was undertaken based on this analysis was experimental
where the researcher analyzes water sample in the laboratory in regard to water
parameters to check the water quality of Nairobi dam.Plese see the chemistry lab
technician to clarify your methods. This applies to the next chapter as well


4.1 Task and activities

4.1.0 Procedure used during test analysis

There were a number of procedures used during the analysis of water parameters in
the laboratory as outlined below;

4.1.1 Analysis of PH


1. Buffer solutions of 4.0

2. Buffer solution of 7.0

3. Buffer of solution of 9.2

Buffer is used to re-set the PH meter to its normal after staying for sometimes because
it looses its sensitivity.

4.1.2 Equipments

1. PH meter

2. 100ml beaker

3. 50ml measuring cylinder

4. Burette

5. Stirrer and magnet

6. Water sample

4.1.3 Procedure

Calibrate the PH meter using the buffer PH 4.0, buffer 7.0 and finally buffer of 9.2. To
calibrate the meter, pour PH 4.0 into 50ml beaker and place the electrode (rinsed)
into the solution adjust accordingly. Repeat the same for the remaining PH7.0 and PH

of 9.2.then measure 50ml of the sample, put in a beaker and insert the PH electrode,
read and record the stable PH value.

4.2 Analysis of Biological Oxygen Demand BOD

Laboratory procedure was used to measure/determine the relative oxygen requirement

of waste water and polluted waters. The test was also used to measure the molecular
oxygen utilized during the incubation period for the biochemical degradation of the
organic materials and oxygen used to oxidized inorganic materials.

4.2.0 Reagents

1. 1 pellet of KOH (potassium hydroxide)

2. Distilled water

3. Water sample

4.2.1 Equipments and glassware

1. Incubator

2. Oxitop with magnet stirrer

3. 250ml cylinder

4.2.2 Procedure of the analysis

1. Measure the volume of the sample; put into BOD bottle (the volume used
depends on the relative degree of pollution). I.e. if the sample is highly polluted
measure a round 43.5ml.

2. Place pellet of KOH in the breather of the bottle and cork using oxitop and zero

3. Place the prepared sample into the oxitop box for 5 days and read the result
from the oxitop.

4.3 Analysis of the chemical oxygen demand (COD)

This was used to measure oxygen equivalent of the organic matter content of the
sample.COD is often used as a measurement of pollutant in waste water and natural

4.3.0 Reagents

1. Conc. sulphuric acid

2. Distilled water

3. COD indicators

4. Potassium dichromate

5. Standard ferrous Ammonium sulphate (FAS 0.1M)

4.3.1 Equipments

1. Digestion vessel- it is heating block calt aluminum 45-50 minutes deep with
holes fit for culture tubes.

2. Pipette

3. Culture tubes

4. Fillers

5. Burette

6. Oven to operate at 148 degrees

4.3.2 Procedures

i. Arrange the culture tubes in the test rack for different samples and add two for
a blank and standard.

ii. Add potassium dichromate 1.5ml into each culture tubes.

iii. Add 2.5ml of distilled water into tubes for standard and blank

iv. Take between 2.5ml sample for less polluted water and 0.001ml for highly
polluted water plus distilled water.

v. Measure 3.5ml of conc. Sulphuric acid and add to the standard then mix

vi. Also measure 3.5ml of sulphuric acid with silver sulphate and to the blank and
the entire sample you have prepared.

vii. Tightly cap the tubes and invert to mix them and then place them in the
digester for two hours at 148 degrees. After two hour heating cool the samples.

viii. Titrate the sample with ferrous Ammonium sulphate using ferrion indicator.

Calculation formulae

Molarity of FAS solution =Volume0.0167K2Cr207*0.1

Volume of FAS used

HENCE COD = (A-B)*M*8000

Volume of the sample

Analysis of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

The sample used was collected from undisturbed water on the sampling points
along the water course.

4.3.3 Equipments

Filter papers dried at 103 degrees Celsius

Pump for sucking water

4.3.4 Procedure

i. Soak filter papers and then dry them at 103 degrees weigh them and then
record their weight.

ii. Place the dried weighed filter papers on the filtering flask and then pour the
sample. Turn the pump on. Repeat the procedure for the remaining

iii. Dry the filter papers again at 103 degrees let them cool to room temperature
and weigh them again.

TSS= (A-B)*1000

A= End weight of the filter paper

B=Initial weight of the filter paper

C=Volume of the water used (sample)

4.4 Analysis for turbidity

Turbidity measurement does not require any sampling preparation, other than
shaking the sample bottle well before analysis. The sample is simply poured a glass
tube and then placed into the instrument with a reference solution and the values are
read directly from the screen.

4.4.0 Reagents

Distilled water

Standards (8ONTU and 40NTU)

4.4.1 Procedure

Zero the turbidimeter using distilled water. I.e. using 80NTU and 40NTU and finally
pour sample in a glass tube (cuvette) and insert into the instrument and then read the

4.5 Biological Analysis (E.coli)

Total bacteria may indicate contamination in a water supply. The presence of only
total coliforms is not necessarily a healthy risks.however; the presence of E.coli shows
the level of contamination

4.5.0 Requirements

1. Media-mackonkey broth, brilliant green with MUG

2. Incubator set to 35 degrees

3. Distilled water

4. Plastic bag (tube)

4.5.1 Procedure

i. Add mackonkey broth MUG into each culturing tubes

ii. Add distilled water for dilution and this should be based on the level of
pollution. Add sample water ranging from 10ml to 25ml

iii. Seal the culture tubes with sealing machine

iv. Incubate for 24 hours at 35 degrees.

The result is analysed using ultra violet ray machine. The violet color indicates
presence of general coliforms.

4.6 Analysis of dissolved oxygen

This is procedurally done in the field using DO meter, the instrument consist of semi
permeable membrane electrode .it is digital instrument and display the result on the
screen with reference value.



To give a reflection of the quality of water in Nairobi dam, it was necessary to collect
sample from the main inlet montane Ngong River \and the dam itself. Based on that
the study identified five sampling points as (049), near Ngong forest ,(050) katwekera
within the slums, (051) substream joining the main river at lindi ,(052) the main
entrance at Laini saba and (053) the outlet and the sampling was done a according to
water quality sampling (De-Lange 1194).the result of the study was as follows;

5.2 Parameter Ph

Sampling points Results

049 near Ngong forest 5.77

050 katwekera 6.74

051 Lindi 5.80

052 entrance at Laini saba 6.68

053 outlet near Nyayo highrise 6.90

Average PH 6.38

5.3 Parameter Turbidity

Sampling point Results

049 Ngong forest 17

050 katwekera 73

051 Lindi 166

052 Laini saba 48

053 Nyayo Highrise 35

Average turbidity 67.7

5.4 Parameter Chemical Oxygen Demand

Sampling points Result

049 Next to Ngong fotrest 16

050 Katwekera 340

051 Lindi 540

052 Laini Saba 120

053 Nyayo Highrise 96

Average COD 222.4

5.5 Parameter Coliform Count

Sampling points Results

049 Near Ngong forest 344.8

050 Katwekera 133

051 Lindi 1986

052 Laini Saba >2420

053 Nyayo Highrise 2420

Average 2240

5.6 Parameter Biological Oxygen Demand

Sampling points Results

049 Near Ngong forest 2

050 Katwekera 190

051Lindi 160

052 Laini Saba 90

053 Nyayo 18

Average 92

5.7 Parameter Dissolved Oxygen

Sampling points Results

049 Near Ngong forests 12

050 Katwekera 6

051 Lindi 07

052 Laini Saba

053 Nyayo

Average 2.86

5.8 Parameter Total Suspended Solids

Sampling point Results

049 near Ngong fores 10

050 Katwekera 220

051 Lindi 520

052 Laini Saba 80

053 Nyayo Highrise 40

Average 207.5

5.9 Parameter Nitrate

Sampling point Results

049 Near Ngong forest 3.4

050 Katwekera 0.58

051 Lindi 0.36

052 Laini Saba 0.29

053 Nyayo 0.59

Average 1.044

The above tables illustrate the result that was obtained from the watercourse of
Nairobi Dam. The figures indicate that the dam and its outlet is so polluted, the
factors that led to this high level of parameters was attributed to raw effluent
discharged into the system

5.10 Table 1 representation of the overall result as compared to set standard of world
health organization

Parameter Units Sampling Average WHO

points results guidelines

PH -Log (H+) 049 T0 053 6.38 6.5 - 8.5

Turbidity NTU 049-053 67.6 <5

Dissolved Mg/l 049-053 2.86 >4


BOD Mg02/l 049-053 92 30

COD Mg02/l 049-053 222.4 50

Fecal coliform 1000/ml 049-053 2240 Nill

Nitrate Mg/l 049-053 1.044 <0.1

Suspended Mg/l 049-053 207.5 30


5.11 Implication water quality (parameter) to aquatic organisms.

5.11.0 Effects of low level of Dissolved Oxygen

DO is essential to the maintenance of healthy lakes, rivers and wetlands. The presence
of oxygen in water is a positive sign; the absence of oxygen is a signal of severe
pollution. Most aquatic plants and animals need oxygen to survive. Fish and
amphibians have gills to extract the life supporting gas from water, therefore low level
of oxygen due to microbial breakdown of organic matter may impair the growth of
aquatic fauna and flora as well as disruption of biological processes.

5.11.1 Effects of Turbidity to Both flora and fauna

High turbidity can cause increase in water temperature due to the fact that suspended
solids absorb more heat or sunlight. TSS also scatters light penetration and
these affect biological processes in the aquatic ecosystems.

5.11.2 How BOD affects organisms

During the decomposition of the organic matters, bacterias consumes a lot of oxygen
during there metabolic reaction thereby creating deficit of oxygen supply. Organisms
that are more tolerant of low dissolved oxygen level may replace a diversity of natural
water ecosystem.

Most of the bacteria in aquatic water column are aerobic that means they use oxygen
to perform their metabolic activities hence uses a lot of oxygen thereby, lowering
oxygen concentration to below 5ppm which can not various organisms in water.

Lake Naivasha experienced algal bloom and nutrients overload from flower farms
which led to low level of oxygen concentration, this led to suffocation of fishes from the

Synergistic effect of PH to both plants and animals

This is a process whereby two substances combines and produce effects greater than
their sum, for instance when acid rain mixes with certain chemicals within a pool of
water its become lethal to organisms. Fish which a known species living in water may
die when water PH shift from 5.5 to 4.8. Therefore changes in the PH value of water
are important to many organisms however most organisms have weaker adaptation
which renders them vulnerable to extreme changes in water PH.


6.1 Discussion and analysis

The main inlet of Nairobi dam is Montane Ngong River. The river was acidic upstream
with a PH of 5.77 with decreasing acidity downstream. The increase and falling of the
acidity of the inlet was attributed to organic matter as it transverse through densely
populated kibera slums into the dam. The average PH of the dam and the river course
was at 6.38, this value is within the watercourses standard by world health
organization (WHO) for aesthetic value quality of 6.5to 8.5 thus the dam and its
system is said to be acidic that inhibit survival of living organisms.

The initial sampling point (049) had a turbidity of 17 NTU, the value rose gradually
along the sampling points to 166 NTU. At point (049) the turbidity was low due to the
fact that the river emanate from the forest where there is little or no human activities
which was to associated with high turbidity. As the river passes through kibera slums
at point (0500 the turbidity increases to 73 NTU, this was attributed to erosion and
domestic effluent into the river.

At point (051) there was high turbidity of 166 NTU this high value was tied with
domestic effluent that was emanating from raw sewage mainly from kibera however, at
point (053) the turbidity was at 35NTU this was as a result of the dam to filter and
absorb nutrients.The average turbidity of the watercourse was at 67.6 NTU therefore
the ecosystem is poor source of surface water supply and cannot support varying
aquatic organisms based on the standard set by world health organization of 5NTU
surface water.

In connection to that chemical oxygen demand COD for both Montane Ngong River
and Nairobi dam indicate that there was gradual steady increase in COD from
sampling point (049) to sampling (053) with values ranging from 16mg02/l to
96mg02/l respectively.at point (051) which was asubstream joining main river had the
highest value of 540mg02/l . This was attributed to biodegradable organic matter from
kibera slums therefore according to National Watercourse standard of 50mg02/l
Nairobi dam and its watercourses is so polluted by drainage system from kibera. This
high value cannot support diverse organisms. The average COD was at 222.4mg02/l
therefore the dam can be classified as bad according to klein 1996.

Bacteriological and microbiological of Nairobi dam and its watercourses was analyzed
using defined substrate technology which shows that at point (052) and (053) had the
highest total coliform (E.coli) of 2420/100ml and >2420/100ml respectively. This was
attributed to tha discharge of raw sewage due to lack of proper sanitation amongst
kibera slum dwellers. According to Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation the dam
and its watercourses is highly polluted because presence of high E.coli which signify
the presence of fecal matter.

Similarly biochemical oxygen demand of the watercourse also rose gradually from
sampling point (049) to point (053) with values of 2mg/l to 160mg/l respectively. The
increase of BOD was attributed to be the discharge of domestic effluents. The average
BOD was at 92mg/l

, thus according to klein 1965 the dam and its substreams can be classified as bad
and cannot support diverse organisms as the set standard is at 30mg/l.

In similar case the test carried out on dissolved oxygen range between 12mg/l to
0.7mg/l for the reach studied. The decrease in dissolved oxygen between these
sampling points (049) near Ngong forest and (053) the main outlet was attributed to
waste being discharge which require plenty of Oxygen for aerobic decomposition to
take place. These values clearly suggest that there was discharge of organic matter on
the watercourse. The average dissolved Oxygen was at 2.86mg/l. This was far below
the required standard of more than 4mg/l of water, therefore Nairobi dam has low
level of oxygen concentration and this cannot support varying orginisms.

Finally the total suspended solids for the study area ranged between as low value of
10mgl to high value of 520mgl at the sampling point (049) and (052) respectively. The
surge in the suspended solid between (050) Katwekera within kibera slums and (052)
sub-stream at Lindi was due to increase in waste deposition as illustrated in table 5.8
in the result analysis. The average suspended solid of the dam and its watercourse
was at 207.5 mgl. This value is higher than the 30mg/l set by Natural Water Master
Plan. In Kenya therefore the value indicates massive pollution emanating mainly from
the informal settlement to the wetland.

Last but not least analysis on the concentration of Nitrate was undertaken to
determine the level of the nutrient in the dam and its inlet and the result that was
found indicates that the level of Nitrate was at a minimal low level of 1.044 mg/l below
the set standard of the 10mg/l. therefore the dam was not choked with overload
nutrient but there is possibility of the dam experiencing nutrient surge.



The entire river surface and the dam are badly polluted as indicated by the water
quality index analysis. Though at the edge of the forest (Ngong) it is not so much
polluted but the main dam has experience pollution to the extent that it is almost
becoming worse in most aspect of water quality. This is too brief

7.2 Recommendation

The following recommendation aimed at improving water quality of both the river the
dam thereby reducing pollution as it made on this study;

i. It was noted that kibera slums are the key polluter while emptied raw effluents
from their loosely structured latrines along the bank of the river and the dam.
This was a breach to supreme legislation EMCA 1999 and action should be
taken by relevant authorities including NEMA and City Council of Nairobi. This
includes polluter pays principle to combat indiscriminate behavior.

ii. Monitoring of water quality of wetlands and rivers should be done frequently
not just amare collection of data. Legislation already laid down should be
enforced to the latter without hesitation .e.g. water act cap (372) and Water Act
of 2002.

iii. The public doest not seem to realize that polluted pool of water can be a source
of malignant ailments. The public especially the poor and marginalized should
be educated and made aware on the need to safeguard the quality of portable
water sources.

iv. Finally the government in cooperation with other stakeholders and NGO should
embark on building amenities or upgrading slums so that proper sanitation and
hygiene is maintained. This will avoid malicious discharge of raw sewages into o
the water course.

1. LIST OF REFERENCESKlein .L. (1996) River Pollution 11 Control Published
by United State of America

2. Shawn .E. (2006-2008) Water Quality Testing and Parameters Publisher and

3. Government of Kenya (1992) the Study of National Water Master Plan

4. Government of Kenya (2006) Water Testing Quality, Published By Central

Laboratory Testing Nairobi Kenya.

5. Water Act Cap (372) the Kenyan Law

6. Water Act (2002) Regulation of Effluent Discharge to Water Bodies. Published

By Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources Kenya.


Appendix one (1)

Example one

How chemical oxygen demand is calculated

Molarity of FAS solution =Volume 0.0167 K2Cr207*0.1

Volume of FAS used in titration

COD = (A-B)*M*8000

Volume of sample in ml

A= ML FAS Used

B=ML FAS Used for sample and M= Molarity of FAS




Example two

Calculation of total suspended solids TSS

Volume used 100ml

Weight of the filter paper before filtration 0.092

Weight of the filter paper after filtration 0.093

Therefore (A-B)*10^6

Volume used





Sample three

Volume used 50ml

Weight of filter paper before filtration 0.092

Weight of filter paper after filtration 0.103







50ml =520mgl

Appendix two (2)

Table 1 representation of the overall result as compared to set standard of world

health organization

Parameter Units Sampling Average WHO

points results guidelines

PH -Log (H+) 049 T0 053 6.38 6.5 - 8.5

Turbidity NTU 049-053 67.6 <5

Dissolved Mg/l 049-053 2.86 >4


BOD Mg02/l 049-053 92 30

COD Mg02/l 049-053 222.4 50

Fecal coliform 1000/ml 049-053 2240 Nill

Nitrate Mg/l 049-053 1.044 <0.1

Suspended Mg/l 049-053 207.5 30



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