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PIB Gist June2016

PM releases National Disaster Management Plan

1. Released National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) - first ever national plan in India.
2. Based on 4 priority themes of Sendai Framework:
(i) Understanding Disaster Risk.
(ii) Improving disaster risk governance.
(iii) Investing in disaster risk reduction (through structural & non-structural measures) and disaster

(iv) Early warning & building back better in the after math of a disaster.
Salient Features:

1. Covers all phases of disaster management: prevention, mitigation, response & recovery.
2. Spells out the roles and responsibilities of all levels of Government right up to Panchayat and Urban
Local Body level.
Cabinet approves setting up of India Post Payments Bank
The Union Cabinet approves India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) as a Public Limited Company under the
Department of Posts.
100% GOI equity.
Largest Bank in the world in terms of accessibility.
Services from 650 payments bank branches, post offices.
Can accept deposits up to Rs.1lakh.
Can sell insurance & mutual fund product.
Credit option not available.
Exercise Desert Eagle-II
Bilateral exercise between Indian Air Force (IAF) & UAE Air Force (UAE AF).
Asia's first Gyps Vulture Reintroduction Programme' launched
Union Environment Min. with State Haryana.
Diclofenac, a pain killer drug given to cattle which can kill birds. When vultures feed on the carcasses of
animals with Diclofenac, they also die. Later the drug was banned by the government. As vultures play a
vital role in keeping the environment clean, their breeds should be increased and the government is
constantly working to increase their numbers.
World Environment Day
5 June is the World Environment Day.
Universal Health Coverage: A Step Towards Sustainable Development
1. 2000: Millennium Development Goals (MDG) - 15 years plan.
2. Post-2015- Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 17 goals & 169 targets.
3. 3rd Goal=Health.
4. Universal Health Coverage- envisaged by WHO for quality health care services to all without any
financial hardship.
Social Inclusion Programmes for Socially Disadvantaged
Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana:
1. For uplift of urban & rural poor through enhancement of livelihood opportunities through skill
development and other means.
2. Promotion of self-employment through setting up individual micro-enterprises and group enterprises.
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao:
1. To ensure survival, protection & empowerment of girl child.
1. Prevention of Gender biased sex selection elimination.
2. Ensuring education & participation of girl child.
Sukhanya Samridhdhi Yojana:
A small savings investment for girl child- Sukanya Samridhdhi Account, part of BBBP campaign.
Nai Manzil:
1. For minority youth b/w 17-35 yrs who are school-drops or educated in the community edu. inst. Like
2. To prove them formal edu. & skill training with cert. For better employment.
3. Funding-World bank
Skill Development and Private Sector
1. By 2025, Indias demographic dividend is expected to contribute 35% of the global workface.
2. For this massive skill development & employment initiatives are required.
3. Various campaigns launched- National Skill Development Mission, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Yojana(PMKVY), Skill Loan Scheme etc.
4. Until Eleventh Five Year Plan- no focus on skill development.
Roles that Private sectors plays in this domain:
As a Consumer-by training available man power with appropriate skills and ultimately employing
As a non-profit facilitator- through funding and investment.
As a for-profit enterprise- providing edu & training at a price by opening of schools, training
institutes & universities.
Ways that the private sector can create a positive impact on skilling :
1. Strategic Partnership with training providers- not all Pvt. Co. have necessary in-house ability to
develop training, hence, they should tie up with trainers as per their needs.
2. On-the-job training & apprenticeship- should open their jobs to trainees in large through on-the-job
training and apprenticeship opportunities.
3. Channelizing CSR funds for skill development programme- with the 2% mandate, companies should
invest in skill development programs.
Our demographics can make us very powerful providing the work force to the world but this will only
happen when we build an excellent partnership b/w Pvt. Sector & Govt.
Agreement for Global promotion of Traditional Systems of Medicine
1. Min. of AYUSH, GOI & WHO signed historic Project Collaboration Agreement(PCA)
2. For cooperation on promoting the equality, safety & effectiveness of service provision in traditional &
complementary medicine.
3. PCA to help WHO in WHO Traditional and Complementary Medicine Stratergy:2014-2023 & global
promotion of traditional Indian Systems of Medicine.
4. PCA for 2016-20 to deliver first time WHO benchmark document for training in Yoga and WHO
benchmarks for practice in Ayurveda, Unani & Panchakarma.
International Day Of Yoga
1. 21 June-International Yoga Day.
2. Proclaimed by UN, proposed by India, endorsed by 175 member states.
3. Yoga=Sanskrit word, means to join or unite.
4. 2015, Only Yemen not participated.
5. Logo Symbolises:
Folding both hands- union of individual consciousness with that of
universal consciousness, a perfect harmony b/w mind & body, man &
Brown leaves-Earth Element.
Green leaves-Nature
Blue-Water element
Brightness-fire element.
Sun-source of energy & inspiration
Assessment & Certification Of Yoga Practitioners
1. 2015:Min. of AYUSH-Quality Council of India(QCI)
2. To develop scheme for evaluation & certification of Yoga Professionals.
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
1. Will replace existing bankruptcy law.
2. Will improve the ease of doing business in India.
3. Covers individuals, Companies, limited liability partnerships & partnership firms.
Why reforms:
1. Existing laws are governed by multiple laws like Companys act, sick industrial companys act.
2. Entire process was long.
3. Courts, debt recovery tribunals all having says in the process-lack of clarity of jurisdiction
4. Judiciary-Lack of financial expertise-delay in outcome.
5. World Bank 2014 report- avg. time to solve insolvency- 4yrs. (India), 0.8 yr.(Singapore), 1 yr.(London).
Salient Features:
1. Insolvency Regulator- establishes Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board- 8 members.
2. Insolvency Resolution- may be initiated by either debtor or creditor, to be completed in 180 days
(extension max. 90 days) for companies.
3. Insolvency Professionals- process will be managed by licensed professionals.
4. Bankruptcy & Insolvency Adjudicator-
(i) National Company Law Tribunal for Co. & Ltd. Liability partnership firms.
Debt Recovery Tribunal for individual & partnerships.

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