24 Coach Train

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Northern Railway t!i't' l . -,..,'i ..:,
;,, Headquaffers-.Office;

Baroda House,
New Delhi.

[s tlz{tl6r0rPolicYiPt. -l llMC-l Date: 14.09.2011

Dhiud Railway Managers.

ffficrn Railway ,/
Dij. HB. FZR, Uil,IB, LKO.
Sub:. Runnfng 9f 24 coach trains with ICF design coaches.

Ref: EDMEiChg./ Rly. Bd. Letter No. 20071M Ct137t16,claied 06.09-2011. i

Railw$y Board vide above refened letter (copy enclosed) has Cesired that ift

order to anest falling stendard of crashworthiness of coaches lches lR, Zanal H--
lR, Zonal RailwaYs- , - ail
forbidden frqm airthorizing any furthep* protiferation'- of 24 coeches trains wiih
conventional tCF design/stJlnless steel SG coaches vriih ICF bogie.
. _ _., _ _ L _.
Any violation of th6se instructions would be a breach of statutory function5 ct
concemed offic*r. s

It is, tl''ieref*ie, Ce;ii"ad ihai'riie insiruciions be foiieweci ir'i ieiier end spirii.

Dy.CME/Chg. 1

DA: As above.
i.t*y'-or ___

cqBy to:
1. Sr, DMEs/C&WlDLr, LKo , FZR, MB, ,l^#;l1,19rya1ion and
' necessary action '

?.#- DoM/qLI, LKO, FZR, MB, UMB - ior information aRd

necessary aetion.

. r/ 'y,t1 crff
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