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J. metamorphic Geol., 2004, 22, 179198 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2004.00508.

Vertical extrusion and middle crustal spreading of omphacite

granulite: a model of syn-convergent exhumation (Bohemian
Massif, Czech Republic)
P . S T I P S K A
Institute of Petrology and Structural Geology, Charles University, Albertov 6, 12843, Prague, Czech Republic
Institut fur Geowissenschaften, Universitat Mainz, 55099 Mainz, Germany

ABSTRACT The exhumation of eclogite facies granulites (OmpPlgGrtQtzRt) in the Rychleby Mts, eastern
Czech Republic, was a localised process initiated by buckling of crustal layers in a thickened orogenic
root. Folding and post-buckle attening was followed by the main stage of exhumation that is
characterized by vertical ductile extrusion. This process is documented by structural data, and the
vertical ascent of rocks from a depth of c. 70 to c. 35 km is documented by metamorphic petrology.
SHRIMP 206Pb 238U and 207Pb 206Pb evaporation zircon ages of 342 5 and 341.4 0.7 Ma date
peak metamorphic conditions. The next stage of exhumation was associated with sideways at thrusting
associated with lateral viscous spreading of granulites and surrounding rocks over indenting adjacent
continental crust at a depth of c. 3530 km. This stage was associated with syntectonic intrusion of a
granodiorite sill at 345339 Ma, emplaced at a crustal depth of c. 25 km. The time required for cooling
of the sill as well as for heating of the country rocks brackets this event to a maximum of 250 000 years.
Therefore, similar ages of crystallization for the granodiorite magma and the peak of eclogite facies
metamorphism of the granulite suggest a very short period of exhumation, limited by the analytical
errors of the dating methods. Our calculations suggest that the initial exhumation rate during vertical
extrusion was 315 mm yr)1, followed by an exhumation rate of 2440 mm yr)1 during further uplift
along a magma-lubricated shear zone. The extrusion stage of exhumation was associated with a high
cooling rate, which decreased during the stage of lateral spreading.
Key words: Bohemian Massif; crustal folding; eclogite facies granulite; lateral spreading;
vertical exhumation; zircon dating.

be diagnostic of ductile thinning which is attributed to

exhumation of deep-seated rocks (e.g. Krabbendam &
Exhumation is a process, which refers to the upward Dewey, 1998). The other popular model to explain syn-
motion of a rock relative to the surface (England & convergent exhumation of HP rocks along subduction
Molnar, 1990). The rate of exhumation is commonly zones is based on the high buoyancy of subducted
estimated from the pressure, and therefore from the continental crust (Chemenda et al., 1997). Another
depth, of equilibration of mineral associations and group of syn-convergent tectonic exhumation models
from their age (Duche`ne et al., 1997). This type of assumes corner ow circulation in accretionary wedges
analysis is critically dependent on the cooling history (Cloos, 1982) which was later generalised to large
of rocks evaluated by temperaturetime paths, which is wedges and rocks of high metamorphic grade
possible by dating mineral assemblages and interpret- (Allemand & Lardeaux, 1997; Platt, 1993). Burg et al.
ation of closure temperatures of different isotopic (1997, 1998) have shown that the exhumation of lower
systems (Parrish, 2001). To understand the depthtime crustal rocks may also be related to compressional
and timetemperature paths of exhumed rocks a crustal-scale folding. The last important group of
number of mechanistic exhumation models have been exhumation models emphasises the role of lateral for-
established, which emphasise the roles of different ces responsible for the development of vertical fabrics
processes such as erosion, normal faulting and ductile during exhumation due to ductile extrusion of lower
thinning, etc. (see Ring et al., 1999 for summary). crustal rocks between two rigid walls (Merle &
These authors listed diagnostic structural and petro- Guillier, 1989; Thompson et al., 1997a,b). The ductile
logical features of exhumation processes as well as extrusion process can be approximated quantitatively
problems related to quantication of the exhumation by channel ow models (Grujic et al., 1996) as was
rates. At deep crustal levels the formation of sub- shown for the Himalayan orogenic front (Hodges
horizontal ductile foliations is generally interpreted to et al., 2001).

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1 8 0 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

Structural, petrological and geochronological data

and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) are
used to examine a PTtd path associated with The OrlicaSnieznik complex (OSC) represents the
exhumation of a high-pressure (HP) granulite belt. easternmost unit of the West Sudetes, being bordered
We discuss several of the above-mentioned exhu- by the NW-trending Elbe and Intrasudetic faults
mation models and their relative contribution to the (Fig. 1). The OSC is composed of medium- to high-
bulk exhumation path of the studied rocks. The rate grade orthogneisses and supracrustal metasedimentary
of exhumation is assessed through petrological and rocks. High-grade orthogneisses known as the Snieznik
geochronological data in order to estimate the gneiss (coarse-grained, porphyritic) and Gieraltow
magnitude and time of vertical elevation of HP rocks gneiss (ne-grained mylonitized and or migmatitic)
and the PT conditions and timing of lateral are tectonically interlayered with eclogite facies rocks
spreading at mid-crustal depth. These data are fur- and medium-grade metasediments and metavolcanics
ther used to discuss a well-dated temperaturetime of the Stronie and Mlynowiec Groups. The complex
path and cooling patterns of the entire orogenic structural and metamorphic history of the OSC was
domain. summarized by Don et al. (1990). Zelazniewicz (1988)

Fig. 1. Outline geological map of the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif with the major units shown schematically. Location of study
area (Fig. 2) is outlined. Upper left inset depicts location of the study area within the Variscan belt of Europe.

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argued that the main fabric of the Snieznik orthogneiss locally retrogressed to amphibolite and interlayered
resulted from irrotational strain associated with EW with felsic ne-grained, KyKfs granulite. The sur-
regional shortening whereas Cymerman (1992) sug- rounding orthogneisses are strongly mylonitized and
gested NE directed non-coaxial thrusting. Some exhibit an increasing degree of anatexis and an
workers considered the main foliation to result from a increasing number of amphibolite bodies, between
late Caledonian process, whereas others emphasise the several tens of cm and several metres wide, towards the
importance of Carboniferous events (Aleksandrowski granulite belt. Both types of orthogneiss, the porphy-
et al., 2000; Don et al., 1990; Kroner et al., 2001a; ritic, layered and coarse-grained (Snieznik) and ne-
Turniak et al., 2000). grained (Gieraltow) are present.
The example studied here is represented by a The metamorphic evolution is best studied in
NESW trending, 15 km long and approximately eclogite facies rocks (Smulikowski, 1967) which exhibit
1 km wide belt of eclogite facies omphacite and Ky different thermal evolutions. The peak pressures for
Kfs granulites (Pouba et al., 1985) with stable plagio- the eclogites, the Rychleby granulites and surrounding
clase during the peak of eclogite facies metamorphism gneisses are believed to lie in the coesite stability eld
(see review of OBrien & Rotzler, 2003). The belt is (BakunCzubarow, 1992; Brocker & Klemd, 1996;
located in the eastern part of the OSC in the Rychleby Klemd & Brocker, 1999; Kryza et al., 1996).
and Zlote Mts (Fig. 2). The Rychleby granulites con- Amphibolite facies retrogression in different domains
sist of dark, ne-grained garnetomphacite granulite of the OSC span a wide range, between 2 and 11 kbar

Fig. 2. Geological and structural map of the Rychleby granulite belt, surrounding orthogneisses and adjacent Stare Mesto belt.
Location of samples for zircon geochronology and metamorphic petrology are shown. Lines AA and BB indicate the position of
interpretative structural prole (Fig. 3).

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1 8 2 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

and 600650 C (e.g. Brocker & Klemd, 1996; Klemd CambroOrdovician ages of emplacement, but Vari-
et al., 1995; Steltenpohl et al., 1993). Metamorphic scan and CambroOrdovician ages of metamorphism,
conditions in the adjacent Stronie rocks reached the respectively (Kroner et al., 2000b). A Variscan grano-
staurolite or staurolitekyanite grade (Smulikowski, diorite sill was syntectonically emplaced along the
1979), and orthogneisses locally underwent partial boundary between the sheared gabbro and the leptyno
melting (Turniak et al., 2000). amphibolite. Farther to the east occurs the Neopro-
The intrusion ages of the orthogneiss precursors and terozoic basement the Silesian domain that was
metavolcanic rocks of the Stronie Group all corres- underthrust below the Stare Mesto belt and OSC during
pond to a widespread and voluminous Cambro Carboniferous convergence (Kroner et al., 2000b;
Ordovician magmatic event (e.g. Kroner et al., 2001a; Schulmann & Gayer, 2000).
Oliver et al., 1993). The Variscan history is documen-
ted by SmNd garnetclinopyroxene-whole rock ages
of 341 7, 329 6 and 337 4 Ma for eclogite
lenses (Brueckner et al., 1991). Klemd & Brocker
(1999) provided conventional UPb multigrain zircon
Deformational sequence resulting in a steep structural fan
ages of 369360 Ma for magmatic zircon from gran-
ulites of the Rychleby belt, and Turniak et al. (2000) The dominant structure within the Rychleby granulite
dated high-U rims around igneous zircon of an belt is a NESW trending vertical foliation dened by
anatectic Gieraltow gneiss variety, which yielded a an alternation of mac and felsic layers varying in
SHRIMP age of 342 6 Ma. Muscovite and biotite thickness from several centimetres to several metres
Ar 39Ar ages of the Snieznik orthogneiss are (Figs 3 & 4). The earliest and relict structure is marked
328 1.7 and 328 2 Ma (Steltenpohl et al., 1993). by mac layers refolded by F2 isoclinal folds with steep
Lange et al. (2002) presented a RbSr phengite-whole axial planes, indicating the existence of a metamorphic
rock and RbSr biotite-whole rock ages of 337 2.3 foliation S1, the orientation and character of which is
and 328.6 4.4 Ma, respectively, for sheared Sniez- impossible to assess (Fig. 4a). These folded mac lay-
nik orthogneiss. ers are boudinaged and tectonically dismembered, thus
The OSC is bounded to the east by the Stare Mesto indicating complete transposition of an early S1 fabric
belt which consists of a lower crustal complex that was into a new vertical S2 foliation (Fig. 4b).
thinned during CambroOrdovician rifting and was Mac and felsic granulite types are macroscopically
subsequently involved in Variscan collision (St pska isotropic, and a mineral alignment parallel to composi-
et al., 2001). The boundary between the OSC and Stare tional layering is ill dened. Therefore, the anisotropy of
Mesto belt strikes NESW, parallel to the general magnetic susceptibility (AMS) method was used to
lithotectonic sequence. The volcanosedimentary unit determine the internal fabric of the granulite belt. Sixty
at the top of the Stare Mesto tectonic sequence is oriented samples were taken using a portable drill at nine
interpreted to belong to the Stronie Group (Kroner sampling sites along an EW section across the widest
et al., 2000b). Structurally below is a layer of sheared part of the belt. The AMS data were statistically evalu-
gabbro and a leptynoamphibolite suite, both having ated using the ANISOFT package of programs (Hrouda

Fig. 3. Interpretative geological cross-section showing relics of S1 fabric in the granulite belt, major vertical structure S2 and the style
of superimposed D3 deformation in the granulite belt and surrounding orthogneisses. The contact of the OSC with the Stare Mesto
belt is concordant with the sheared gabbro and syntectonic granodiorite intrusion, but discordant with the CambroOrdovician
structure of the leptynoamphibolite complex. Equal-area, lower-hemisphere stereoplots show D2 and D3 planar and linear structures.
Vertical axis is not to scale.

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Fig. 4. Field photographs showing structural features of the granulite belt and surrounding orthogneiss. (a) The S1 metamorphic
fabric of a mac layer is preserved in an isoclinal dismembered F2-fold within the vertical S2 foliation. (b) Vertical S2 foliation in the
granulite belt. (c) F3-folds with axial planes and axial cleavage S3 in the western orthogneiss and dipping to the east towards the
granulite belt. (d) East-vergent F3-folds in the eastern orthogneiss and in the Stronie Group close to the Stare Mesto belt indicate
eastward thrusting. (e) Detail of HT S2 foliation in the orthogneiss, folded by F3-fold. (f) Detail of the development of S3 axial
cleavage in banded orthogneiss.

et al., 1990; Jel nek, 1978). The AMS study revealed two type, and the degree of anisotropy is very low, in
major groups of fabrics (Fig. 5). The rst group exhibits agreement with the almost isotropic macroscopic
steep NESW striking magnetic foliations (poles to K3) appearance of the rocks.
and almost sub-horizontal NESW trending magnetic In order to obtain a more complete picture of the
lineations. These fabrics are both oblate and prolate and structural development we studied the surrounding
have a very low degree of anisotropy. Only locally is a orthogneisses in a c. 2.5 km wide belt to the west
stronger magnetic fabric developed for moderately ob- (referred to here as western orthogneiss) and to the east
late strains. The other group of samples is marked by at towards the contact with the Stare Mesto belt (eastern
magnetic foliations dipping west, south-east or north- orthogneiss) (Figs 2 & 3). In the western orthogneiss
east. The magnetic lineation plunges shallowly to the SE. the NESW striking vertical foliation S2 is dened
The shape of the AMS ellipsoid is mostly of plane strain by strongly elongated ribbons of recrystallized

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1 8 4 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

Fig. 5. Results of AMS study of the

Rychleby granulites. (a) Orientation of K1
(magnetic lineation) and K3 (magnetic
foliation) for vertical fabric (S2) and thrust
zones (S3), respectively. (b) PT diagrams
showing degree of magnetic susceptibility
and variations in shape of AMS ellipsoid.

K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz and by the pre- Different late structures were identied in the west-
ferred orientation of biotite. Microstructural features, ern and eastern orthogneiss belts (Figs 3 & 4). In the
such as dynamic recrystallization of both feldspars and western belt, the early HT D2-fabric was refolded by
a low viscosity contrast between quartz and feldspar, metre- to several metre-scale asymmetrical F3-folds
indicate the HT nature of the mylonitic fabric (Pr ikryl with axial planes dipping east. The foliation in the
et al., 1996). In the ne-grained gneiss variety, the east-dipping long limbs is frequently reworked and
foliation is generally dened by relicts of recrystallized transformed into mylonite, whereas the short, steep,
feldspar ribbons but locally only by a planar arrange- NW-dipping limbs contain a strong, east-dipping cre-
ment of biotite in a granoblastic quartzfeldspar mat- nulation cleavage (Fig. 4e,f). The attitude of the fold
rix. Towards the granulite belt, the boundaries of the axial planes and of the cleavage progressively changes
recrystallized ribbons of individual minerals become from steeply east-dipping to sub-horizontal going to
diffuse and progressively disappear in conjunction with the west, where the folds become symmetrical. The
the development of leucosome layers, reecting an metamorphic grade associated with this F3-folding and
increasing degree of migmatization. Here, both types shearing corresponds to the amphibolite facies as
of gneiss were transformed into layered, leucocratic indicated by the ductile character of mylonitization
migmatites. parallel to the long limbs. Rocks adjacent to the
Within the eastern orthogneiss the dip of the NE granulite belt were retrograded during a localized
SW striking sub-vertical foliation becomes progres- amphibolite facies overprint, as seen in steeply east-
sively shallower going to the east (Figs 3 & 4d). In dipping melt-collecting shear zones. Folding is devel-
addition, the textural character of the foliation changes oped between these shear zones, but much less intense
from migmatitic to mylonitic towards the contact with than farther east.
the underlying Stronie Group and Stare Mesto belt. Flat isoclinal F3-folds rarely overprint the early
The fabric in the Stronie Group rocks is concordant and dominant steep fabric in the eastern orthogneiss
with that of the hanging wall gneiss. The gneissosity is belt. Along the contact with the Stronie Group, the
folded into tight to isoclinal, locally asymmetric and early HT foliation was reactivated by medium- to
east-vergent folds with sub-horizontal hinges and low-temperature shearing, leading to disintegration
rounded shapes (Fig. 4d). of the anatectic or HT layered texture and to the
development of ne-grained quartzofeldspatic myl-
onites. The mylonite foliation S2-3 dips W at
Sub-horizontal reworking of the steep fabric
moderate angles and often contains a vertical to sub-
The dominant vertical fabric S2 was reworked in all horizontal stretching lineation. Decimetre-scale shear
lithologies to varying degree by D3 shear zones and bands and asymmetrical folds (Fig. 4d) related to the
recumbent F3-folds with a mylonitic axial cleavage S3 mylonites near the contact with the Stronie rocks
that developed during amphibolite facies conditions indicate thrusting to the east or a dextral sense of
locally leading to anatexis (Figs 2, 3 & 4). Within the shear.
main granulite belt, rare HT D3 shear zones associated
with melting are developed. The dip of these NESW
Structures in the Stare Mesto belt
striking shear zones ranges from vertical to sub-hori-
zontal, and the shear planes frequently bear a vertical The structural evolution of the Stare Mesto belt was
to sub-horizontal NE-trending stretching lineation. described in detail by Parry et al. (1997) and St pska

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et al. (2001). The Variscan deformation in this area is SX 50 at ETH Zurich and a JEOL microprobe at
dened by emplacement of a large syntectonic grano- the University of Mainz. Representative mineral ana-
diorite sill, which is concordant with the fabric of the lyses are listed in Table 1. Errors given in thermo-
hangingwall mylonitic gabbro (Fig. 3). The Variscan barometric calculations are 1r.
fabric dips to the NW at steep to intermediate angles
and bears a sub-horizontal mineral lineation. Import-
Eclogite facies stage M2
antly, the leptynoamphibolite complex in the footwall
of the granodiorite intrusion exhibits a discordant at
Petrography and mineral chemistry
planar fabric, which is CambroOrdovician in age
(Kroner et al., 2000b). The CambroOrdovician meta- Sample Ry8 is a ne-grained (0.11 mm) garnet
morphic rocks of the leptynoamphibolite complex clinopyroxene granulite with a macroscopically ill-
experienced fairly weak Variscan deformation, mani- dened foliation. The matrix assemblage is composed
fested by brittleductile dextral shear zones and open of GrtOmpKyPlgQtzRt, where feldspar and
folding. This structural discordance with respect to the quartz show a weak shape-preferred orientation and
Variscan pervasive fabric of the granodiorite sill, the oval-shaped garnet as well as the cleavage of the
mylonitic gabbros and adjacent OSC rocks implies that omphacite are preferably aligned parallel to the foli-
these rocks behaved as a rigid block during Variscan ation (Fig. 6a). Based on these textural criteria, the
convergence (Fig. 3). matrix assemblage is interpreted to correspond to PT
conditions during development of the vertical S2 foli-
ation. Kyanite is overgrown by a corona of garnet or
plagioclase (Fig. 6b). Garnet is zoned with rather
homogeneous cores and narrow rims marked by a
To characterize metamorphic conditions of the sub- decrease in grossular and an increase in pyrope
vertical (D2M2) and at fabric (D3M3), one (Alm39 42Grs35 26Py21 28Sps1Andr4 3; XMg35 40).
sample of omphacite granulite (Ry8) and two sam- In the omphacite a trend of highest jadeite contents in
ples of granulite retrogressed in amphibolite facies the cores decreasing at the rims from Jd28 to Jd20 was
shear zones were studied (Ry155II & Ry155III). observed; XMg varies between 0.79 and 0.74. Plagio-
Mineral analyses were carried out on a CAMECA clase is unzoned andesine (Ab78)82An17)20Or2)3).

Table 1. Representative mineral analyses of omphacite granulite sample Ry8 and retrogressed granulite samples Ry155II and Ry155III.
Sample Ry8 Ry8 Ry8 Ry8 Ry8 Ry155II Ry155II Ry155II Ry155II Ry155III Ry155III Ry155III
Analysis 199 371b 287 287 329 407 435 391 378 75 39 116
Mineral grt core grt rim cpx core cpx rim plg grt core grt rim amp plg amp cpx plg

SiO2 39.43 39.59 52.28 51.33 64.49 39.94 39.47 44.47 58.05 45.23 53.48 57.17
TiO2 0.10 0.13 0.59 0.59 0.00 0.11 0.06 0.42 0.08 0.87 0.06 0.04
Cr2O3 0.05 0.05
Al2O3 22.53 22.60 10.80 10.49 23.33 22.44 21.98 12.09 26.38 10.66 0.67 26.69
FeO 19.51 21.32 6.83 6.67 0.16 20.77 24.16 15.96 0.17 14.82 8.20 0.14
MnO 0.36 0.48 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.49 1.46 0.34 0.00 0.23 0.28 0.01
MgO 5.45 7.54 9.57 9.92 0.00 7.66 6.26 10.85 0.00 11.47 13.17 0.00
CaO 14.27 10.26 17.50 17.97 4.05 9.99 7.96 11.46 8.30 11.87 23.74 9.10
Na2O 0.00 0.00 4.00 3.41 9.06 0.01 0.02 1.47 6.94 1.13 0.29 6.63
K2 O 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.50 0.01 0.02 0.75 0.23 1.08 0.00 0.21
Total 101.65 101.92 101.70 100.48 101.59 101.42 101.35 97.81 100.15 97.36 99.89 99.99

Cations Charges 8 24 8 24 4 12 4 12 5 16 8 24 8 24 13 + K +Na + Ca 23 5 16 13 + K +Na + Ca 23 4 12 5 16

Si 2.97 2.97 1.87 1.86 2.81 3.00 3.01 6.50 2.59 6.67 2.00 2.56
Ti 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00
Cr 0.00 0.00
Al 2.00 2.00 0.45 0.45 1.20 1.99 1.98 2.08 1.39 1.85 0.03 1.41
Fe3+ 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.01 0.34 0.00 0.01
Fe2+ 1.19 1.28 0.15 0.16 0.01 1.31 1.54 1.29 0.00 1.49 0.26 0.00
Mn 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.09 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00
Mg 0.61 0.84 0.51 0.54 0.00 0.86 0.71 2.36 0.00 2.52 0.73 0.00
Ca 1.15 0.82 0.67 0.70 0.19 0.80 0.65 1.80 0.40 1.87 0.95 0.44
Na 0.00 0.01 0.28 0.24 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.60 0.32 0.02 0.58
K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.20 0.00 0.01
Total 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 15.34 5.00 15.39 4.00 5.00

XMg 0.34 0.40 0.78 0.77 0.40 0.32 0.65 0.63 0.74
Xpy 0.21 0.28 0.29 0.24
Xalm 0.40 0.43 0.44 0.51
Xgrs 0.39 0.28 0.27 0.22
Xsps 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03

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1 8 6 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs showing metamorphic evolution of the omphacite granulite. (a) HP assemblage consists of garnet,
omphacite, quartz and plagioclase arranged parallel to the vertical foliation (sample Ry8). (b) Corona of garnet around
kyanite. (c) Retrograde amphibolite facies stage with the assemblage garnet, plagioclase and amphibole (sample Ry155II) or
(d) amphibole, plagioclase and clinopyroxene (sample Ry155III).

Thermobarometry and modelling of the eclogite facies stage

to lower pressure with respect to the reaction (1) (thick
lines in Fig. 7). Plagioclase occurs on the low pressure
It was assumed in the calculations that garnet cores side of the reaction therefore the addition of CaO into
were equilibrated with high jadeite omphacite cores albite extends its stability eld to higher pressures
and that garnet rims were re-equilibrated with the (dashed isopleths). The relative contribution of diop-
omphacite rims. Garnet and pyroxene cores (Grs33)35, side and anorthite end-members for Jd28An20 (Ry8)
Jd25)27, n 13, at 18 kbar) yielded a temperature of provides a pressure of c. 18.5 kbar (at 900 C) and
913 23 and 897 25 C and garnet and pyroxene plots above the higher isopleth of Jd30Ab. The
rims (Grs23)27, Jd18)24, n 14, 18 kbar) gave a tem- uncertainties for reaction (1) were calculated after
perature of 869 10 and 860 6 C, according to Powell & Holland (1988) to 0.93 kbar and 34 C. The
Ellis & Green (1979) and Powell (1985), respectively. pressure estimate was conrmed by Hollands baro-
To understand the relative contribution of the CaO meter (1983), yielding 18.3 kbar at 900 C for Jd28
component in pyroxene and plagioclase on the pres- An20 and assuming molecular mixing for both phases.
sure estimates, modelling was undertaken using the
VERTEX program (Connolly, 1990) with the ther-
Amphibolite facies overprint M3
modynamic dataset of Holland & Powell (1990).
Mixing properties of feldspar are after Fuhrman & Sample Ry155II is a retrogressed granulite with a
Lindsley (1988) and the disordered model of Gasparik coarse-grained matrix of AmpPlgQtz (Fig. 6c).
(1985) was used for pyroxene. The discontinuous Garnet is surrounded by a corona of plagioclase with
reaction minor amphibole. The garnet cores and contacts with
Ab Jd Qtz 1 amphibole are rather homogeneous (Alm43Grs26-
Py29Sps1, XMg0.40), whereas the composition at con-
becomes continuous with addition of CaO. If CaO tacts with plagioclase changes (Alm54Grs22Py19Sps4,
only enters clinopyroxene, its stability eld is extended XMg0.26). Amphibole corresponds to tschermakite and

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Fig. 7. Results of thermodynamic calcula-

tions using the Vertex program (Connolly,
1990), thermometry and average PT
calculations. The solid lines represent
contours for increasing jadeite content in
omphacite C2 c in equilibrium with pure
albite. The dashed isopleths labelled An10)30
emanating from solid lines are equilibria for
increasing content of anorthite in plagioclase
with a given omphacite. Equilibria for
sample Ry8 (Jd28 and An20) are indicated;
the temperature for sample Ry8 was
calculated using the GrtCpx thermometer
(Powell, 1985). PT conditions of
re-equilibration for samples Ry155II,
Ry155III were calculated using average
PT method in THERMOCALC.

magnesiohornblende. Plagioclase varies from An20 to

Significance of the PT evolution
An40. Sample Ry155III is composed of AmpPlgQtz
Cpx with no garnet relicts. Amphibole is mag- Our maximum PT estimates for the Rychleby gran-
nesiohornblende, tschermakite, edenite or pargasite. ulites are 18 kbar and 900 C and correspond to the
Plagioclase varies between An35 and An42, jadeite development of the vertical structure S2. Kryza et al.
content in clinopyroxene is c. 0.02 and XMg ranges (1996) and Klemd & Brocker (1999) obtained using the
between 73 and 77. In both samples rutile is preserved two-feldspar thermometry and GrtAlsQtzPlg baro-
within amphibole, and matrix ilmenite is overgrown by metry peak conditions for associated KyKfs granu-
titanite. lites of up to 35 kbar 1100 C and 28 kbar 1000 C,
The pressure calculated in sample Ry155II for the respectively. We caution that these UHP may be
GrtPlg contacts and matrix amphibole, using the overestimated due to the possibility that non-equilib-
calibration of Kohn & Spear (1990) gave 10.9 0.9 rium compositions may have been used for the calcu-
and 10.3 0.7 kbar for the Mg and Fe end-member lations. The radial cracks around quartz inclusions
reactions, respectively (at 700 C, n 13). PlgAmp interpreted by BakunCzubarow (1992) as pseudo-
pairs were used to calculate the temperature morphs after coesite are also an indication for UHP.
according to Holland & Blundy (1994). The edtr However, Wendt et al. (1993) emphasized that radial
and edri calibrations provided a temperature of cracks around quartz may result from dilation of
683 30 and 685 34 C, respectively (at 10 kbar, a-quartz and do not necessarily indicate the existence
n 11). Average PT calculations using THERMO- of former coesite. Thus a maximum pressure of
CALC (Powell & Holland, 1988) for GrtPlg con- 20 kbar is preferred, but in the following discussion the
tacts and matrix amphibole yielded 788 83 C and consequences of possible UHP metamorphism are also
10.2 1.9 kbar. In sample Ry155III, the tempera- taken into consideration.
tures calculated using the calibration of Holland & Despite the large range and errors for the retro-
Blundy (1994) are 679 16 and 699 15 C for gression stage, the data indicate that decompression
the edtr and edri endmembers, respectively (at occurred during decreasing temperature and passed the
10 kbar, n 12). Average PT calculations on rim amphibolite facies eld at approximately 10 kbar and
compositions provided 692 94 C and 10.4 700 C. Therefore, the exhumation along the vertical
1.3 kbar. zone reects transport of c. 35 km between peak

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1 8 8 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

pressure and retrograde metamorphic conditions dur- peak of metamorphism. The core of metamorphic
ing D3. grain 7 in sample CS44b provided a 206Pb 238U age of
473 8 Ma (Table 2), and the signicance of this age
is uncertain, although it is likely that this dates an
event in the history of the granulite protolith.
Sample CS46, resampled as CS70, is a porphyritic,
SHRIMP analyses: Isotopic analyses were performed on the Perth
Consortium SHRIMP II ion microprobe (De Laeter & Kennedy,
foliated granitic gneiss of anatectic origin consisting of
1998), and the analytical procedures are described in Compston et al. PlgKfsQtzBtGrt. Sample CS46 showed advanced
(1992) and Nelson (1997). The error in the ratio Pb* U during migmatization and yielded a preliminary PbPb mean
analysis of all standard zircons during this study was 1.28%. zircon age of c. 456 Ma which is difcult to interpret
Analyses of samples and standards were alternated to allow and is suspected to be a mixture of c. 500 Ma igneous
assessment of Pb+ U+ discrimination. Raw data reduction followed
the method of Nelson (1997). Common Pb corrections were applied crystallization and c. 340 Ma overgrowths. Therefore,
using the 204Pb-correction method, assuming that common lead is the least migmatitic part of this rock was resampled at
surface-related (Kinny, 1986) and therefore using the isotopic the same locality as CS70. The zircon in both samples
composition of Broken Hill lead. Errors on individual analyses are are clear or light- to yellow-brown, stubby to long-
at the 1-r level, are based on counting statistics and include the
uncertainty in the standard U Pb age (Nelson, 1997). Errors for
prismatic crystals with idiomorphic or with variously
pooled analyses are at 2r. rounded terminations. Cathodoluminescence images of
zircon from CS70 show oscillatory zoning, typical of
Single zircon evaporation: The laboratory procedures as well as
comparisons with conventional and ion-microprobe zircon dating
magmatic growth. A total of eight grains was evap-
are detailed in Kroner et al. (1991) and Kroner & Hegner (1998). orated individually and produced variable results
Isotopic measurements were carried out on a Finnigan-MAT 261 (Table 3, Fig. 9ac). The three youngest grains have a
mass spectrometer at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemie in Mainz. combined mean 207Pb 206Pb age of 507.1 1.0 Ma.
This is similar to zircon ages obtained for other
New UPb and PbPb zircon ages granitoids in the OSC and is interpreted to represent
the protolith age. Three further grains yielded identical
In order to constrain the tectonic history associated but signicantly higher 207Pb 206Pb ratios corres-
with exhumation of the Rychleby granulites, single ponding to a mean age of 565.5 0.9 Ma, and we
zircon or small grain fractions were dated from critical interpret these as xenocrysts reecting the predomin-
rocks (Fig. 2) using SHRIMP II and or the evapor- antly late Neoproterozoic source region from which
ation technique. The analytical data are shown in the original porphyritic granite was derived through
Tables 2 and 3 and in Figs 8 & 9. melting. One further grain with rounded terminations
Fine-grained felsic granulite samples CS44a and is still older with a minimum age of 665.6 0.9 Ma
CS44b are composed of PlgKspQtzGrtBtRtKy. and most probably is also a xenocryst from a Pre-
The zircon population consists predominantly of near- cambrian basement.
spherical, translucent, multifaceted grains, some 40 Careful selection of ve near-idiomorphic grains
80 lm in diameter and clearly of metamorphic origin. from the more migmatitic sample CS46 yielded a mean
Concordant SHRIMP 206Pb 238U isotopic ratios for 207
Pb 206Pb age of 504 1.0 Ma (Table 3), which is
eight metamorphic grains from both samples (Table 2) slightly younger than the age for sample CS70 and may
yielded a combined mean age of 342 5 Ma (Fig. 8), reect a small component of younger overgrowth that
whereas three small zircon fractions of three to four was not removed during evaporation. Nevertheless,
grains each from sample CS44a produced a combined the ages for CS46 and CS70 are almost identical,
mean 207Pb 206Pb evaporation age of 341.4 0.7 Ma within error, and approximate the time of protolith
(Table 3, Fig. 8, inset). These ages are interpreted to emplacement. One additional grain with slightly
reect new growth of metamorphic zircon near the

Table 2. SHRIMP II analytical data for spot analyses of single zircons from granulite samples CS44a and CS44b.*
206 208 207 206 207 206 238 207 235 207 206
Sample U Th Pb Pb Pb Pb Pb
204 206 206 238 235
(p.p.m.) (p.p.m.) Pb Pb Pb U U age 1 r age 1 r age 1 r

Granulite sample CS 44a

CS 44a-1 95 33 1191 0.1090 117 0.0534 51 0.0539 9 0.397 39 338 6 339 28 347 216
CS 44a-2 364 35 786 0.0296 66 0.0530 30 0.0543 9 0.396 24 341 6 339 17 327 127

Granulite sample CS 44b

CS 44b-1 272 56 5120 0.0724 192 0.0577 83 0.0543 10 0.431 64 341 6 364 45 517 289
CS 44b-2 745 36 2801 0.0108 27 0.0518 13 0.0545 9 0.389 12 342 6 333 9 275 57
CS44b-3 1051 323 11684 0.0939 17 0.0533 8 0.0550 9 0.405 96 345 6 345 7 342 34
CS44b-4 844 50 8007 0.0191 18 0.0530 9 0.0552 9 0.403 10 346 6 344 7 330 39
CS44b-5 446 137 6819 0.0957 28 0.0539 13 0.0538 9 0.400 12 338 5 342 9 367 54
CS44b-6 540 51 5208 0.0308 27 0.0549 13 0.0545 9 0.412 13 342 6 350 9 408 53
CS44b-7 311 137 13553 0.1385 27 0.0563 12 0.0762 13 0.591 17 473 8 472 11 464 47

* 1 is spot on grain 1, 2 is spot on grain 2, etc.

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Table 3. Isotopic data from single grain zircon evaporation.

Sample Zircon colour Evaporation Mean 207 Pb 206Pb 207
Pb 206Pb age
Locality and morphology Grain # Mass scans1 TC ratio2 and 2-rm error and 2-rm error

CS 32 granodiorite (Skoros icky brook, about 1 km NW of Ostry Hill)

clear to light brown, 1 130 1600 0.053241 30 339.1 1.3
long-prismatic, 2 130 1599 0.053244 25 339.2 1.1
idiomorphic 3 96 1598 0.053252 42 339.6 1.8
4 62 1599 0.057326 45 340.0 1.9
mean of 4 analyses 14 418 0.053248 17 339.4 1.1
CS 42 granodiorite (Morava river close to Hanus ovice town -not shown on the map in Fig. 2)
clear to light yellow, 1 110 1600 0.053359 24 344.1 1.4
long-prismatic, 2 130 1597 0.053368 21 344.4 0.9
idiomorphic 3 153 1598 0.053374 10 344.7 0.4
mean of 3 analyses 13 393 0.053368 10 344.5 1.1
CS 44a felsic granulite (Rac valley, 400 m east of Pusty zamek)
clear, near-spherical, 1 95 1619 0.053284 33 340.9 1.4
multifaceted 2 90 1612 0.053308 28 341.9 1.2
3 49 1638 0.053290 23 341.2 1.0
mean of 3 analyses 13 323 0.053294 16 341.3 0.7
CS 46 migmatitic orthogneiss (Rac valley, 600 m north of Pusty zamek)
clear to yellow- 1 148 1597 0.057313 13 503.6 0.5
brown, short- and 2 86 1599 0.057318 19 503.8 0.7
long-prismatic, 3 86 1596 0.057323 16 504.0 + 0.6
ends little rounded 4 96 1599 0.057360 + 22 504.4 0.8
5 64 1598 0.057362 22 504.5 0.8
mean of 5 analyses 15 480 0.057332 8 504.3 1.0
ends rounded 8 129 1595 0.067660 17 858.2 0.8
CS 70 migmatitic orthogneiss (Rac valley, 600 m north of Pusty zamek)
light to yellow- 1 126 1596 0.057392 33 506.6 1.3
brown, short & long 2 86 1598 0.057403 31 507.1 1.2
prismatic, ends rd. 3 108 1599 0.057416 29 507.5 1.1
mean of 3 analyses 13 320 0.057403 18 507.1 1.0
as above 4 173 1598 0.058884 34 562.8 1.3
5 129 1600 0.058869 34 562.3 1.3
6 108 1599 0.058869 29 562.3 1.1
mean of 3 analyses 46 410 0.058875 19 562.5 1.0
ends rounded 7 151 1598 0.061754 25 665.6 0.9
CS 80 granitic melt patch (Cerveny brook, 600 m NE from the village Cerveny Dul)
clear, stubby to 1 74 1596 0.053895 48 366.7 2.0
long-prismatic, 2 88 1598 0.053883 44 366.2 1.8
idiomorphic 3 85 1597 0.053876 29 365.9 1.2
4 81 1598 0.053888 23 366.4 1.0
mean of 4 analyses 14 451 0.053885 18 366.3 1.1

1 207
Number of Pb 206Pb ratios evaluated for age assessment. 2 Observed mean ratio corrected for nonradiogenic Pb where necessary. Errors based on uncertainties in counting statistics.

Fig. 8. Concordia diagram showing

SHRIMP II analyses of metamorphic zircon
from felsic granulite samples CS44a and 44b.
Data boxes for each analysis are dened
by standard errors in 207Pb 235U, 206Pb 238U
and 207Pb 206Pb. Inset shows histogram with
distribution of radiogenic lead isotope ratios
derived from evaporation of three small zir-
con fractions from sample CS44a, integrated
from 323 ratios.

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1 9 0 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

Fig. 9. Histograms showing distribution of

radiogenic lead isotope ratios derived from
evaporation of single zircon. (a) Spectrum for
three grains from migmatitic porphyritic granite
gneiss sample CS70, integrated from 320 ratios.
(b) Spectrum for three xenocrystic grains of
identical age from same sample, integrated from
410 ratios. (c) Spectrum for xenocrystic grain
from same sample, integrated from 151 ratios.
(d) Spectrum for 4 grains from unfoliated
granitic melt patch sample CS80, integrated from
328 ratios. (e) Spectrum for four grains from
coarse-grained granodiorite sill sample CS32,
integrated from 418 ratios. (f) Spectrum for three
grains from granodiorite sill sample CS42,
integrated from 393 ratios.

rounded terminations produced a much older age of 369360 Ma from the same granulite belt in southern
858.2 0.8 Ma and is interpreted as a xenocryst. Poland and ascribed these to protolith formation or
Sample CS80 is an unfoliated granite collected from melting during the early stages of high-grade meta-
a large melt patch within the anatectic orthogneiss. The morphism.
sample consists of KfsPlgQtzBtMs and has a Sample CS32 is a coarse-grained granodiorite com-
typical magmatic texture with random orientation of posed of PlgKfsQtzAmpBt. The strong magmatic
the minerals. The zircon are clear, stubby or long- foliation is marked by the preferred orientation of
prismatic crystals with idiomorphic sharp termina- amphibole and biotite. Four long-prismatic, euhedral
tions, typical of magmatic growth. No metamorphic grains of typical magmatic habit were evaporated
overgrowth was visible on cathodoluminiscence ima- individually and yielded a mean age of 339.4
ges. Three long-prismatic grains were evaporated and 1.1 Ma (Table 3, Fig. 9e) that we interpret to reect
provided a mean 207Pb 206Pb age of 366.3 1.1 Ma the time of granodiorite emplacement during major S3
(Table 3, Fig. 9d) that is interpreted to reect mag- shearing.
matic crystallization of the protolith. Klemd & The sample CS42 was collected from the southern
Brocker (1999) reported similar 207Pb 206Pb ages of part of the granodiorite sill, where numerous dykes cut

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the leptyno-amphibolite complex of the Stare Mesto All available evidence therefore supports the inter-
belt. The zircon is clear to light yellow, long-prismatic pretation that metamorphic zircon growth within the
and idiomorphic. Three zircon grains from this sample Rychleby granulites occurred close to peak PT con-
CS42 yielded identical isotopic ratios that provide a ditions. However, taking all SmNd and UPb zircon
mean age of 344.5 1.1 Ma (Table 3, Fig. 9f). Here data into account, it cannot be excluded that the dur-
again we consider this to reect emplacement of the ation of HPHT metamorphism may have ranged
granodiorite. from c. 366 to c. 340 Ma.
The question of precise timing of the S3 fabric
is raised by different ages for samples CS32
Significance of new zircon ages
(339.4 1.1 Ma) with strong magmatic fabric and
One of the main difculties of this study is the correct CS42 (344.5 1.1 Ma) collected from one of numer-
interpretation of the above zircon ages in terms of the ous dykes cross-cutting the Cambro-Ordovician
HP event. UPb multigrain ages of 369360 Ma for a structure of the leptynoamphibolite complex in the
felsic granulite from the OSC (Klemd & Brocker, 1999) Stare Mesto belt. The magmatic activity may have
were interpreted to reect protolith emplacement, been long-lasted and the older age may be related to an
similar to the South Bohemian data of Wendt et al. early magma pulse predating development of the S3
(1994). In a similar way the 366.3 1.1 Ma age of shear zone. The younger age dates the syntectonic
sample CS80 is interpreted to reect magmatic cry- granodiorite pulse associated with S3 shearing and
stallization. We speculate that this event is probably extrusion of hot lower crustal rocks over rigid buttress
related to processes above the subduction zone located of the Stare Mesto belt.
farther west, in the Rudawy Janowickie and Rychory
Mts, where blueschist facies metamorphism was dated
at c. 360 Ma (Fig. 1; Maluski & Patocka, 1997).
However, it still remains unclear whether this melting
Kinematic significance of ductile structures
process occurred before or during the early stages of
HP metamorphism in the OSC. It has been shown that within the steep fabric of the
The combined mean metamorphic zircon age of granulite belt and surrounding gneisses a relict fabric is
341.6 4.7 for samples CS44a and 44b is interpreted preserved, which was refolded by steep isoclinal folds.
to reect growth near the peak of metamorphism and Therefore, the new steep fabric originated through
is in excellent agreement with granulite zircon ages in transposition of the S1-foliation which was probably
other parts of the Bohemian massif (Kroner et al., sub-horizontal originally. It has also been shown
1998; OBrien et al., 1997; Kroner & Willner, 1998; that the S2-fabric in the granulite belt developed at
Kroner et al., 2000a). Roberts & Finger (1997) sug- c. 18 kbar and c. 900 C. Although the PT conditions
gested that zircon crystallization in hot isothermally of steep fabric development within the surrounding
uplifted granulites postdates the pressure peak of the orthogneiss were not determined, the degree of anat-
PT path and, consequently, metamorphic zircon exis indicates a gradual decrease in metamorphic
would grow after exhumation to mid-crustal levels. conditions away from the granulite belt. This implies
However, Kroner et al. (2000a) dated single zircon on that juxtaposition of the granulites with the sur-
SHRIMP, which were included in HP minerals and rounding lower-grade rocks occurred due to differen-
conrmed the 340 Ma crystallization age for the South tial vertical movements. In addition, the AMS study
Bohemian HP event. In addition, SmNd garnet revealed a vertical magnetic foliation with a horizontal
WRcpx isochrons of Brueckner et al. (1991) from lineation and a variable shape for the ellipsoid of
nearby OSC eclogites yielded ages of 341 7 and magnetic susceptibility. In agreement with Hrouda
337 4 Ma which are identical to our zircon ages. et al., 2000), we interpret the horizontal AMS linea-
Because of the high closure temperatures for diffusion tions to reect the orientation of preserved hinges of
of Pb and REE (Lee et al., 1997; Van Orman et al., isoclinal folds and, consequently, they do not represent
2002) we interpret all these data as reecting the age of the transport direction.
eclogite facies metamorphism, rather than retrogres- A steep anastomosing network of amphibolite facies
sion of these rocks. D3 shear zones developed during late increments of
In addition, orthogneisses in which the Rychleby viscous extrusion and indicates a vertical direction of
granulites are found yielded only CambroOrdovician ow in this tabular zone. In contrast, rare at shear
emplacement ages, indicating that eclogite facies zones are interpreted as a result of collapse of vertical
metamorphism was restricted to the narrow belt in fabrics. The S3-fabric in the surrounding gneisses
which Carboniferous metamorphic zircon growth dipping towards the core of the granulite zone is
occurred. The above interpretation is also supported interpreted to reect a transition from vertical ow to
by a UPb SHRIMP age of 342 6 Ma for high-U sideways thrusting at a crustal depth corresponding
magmatic rims surrounding c. 500 Ma igneous grains to c. 10 kbar. The AMS study in the granulite belt
and interpreted to reect anatexis in the Gieraltow conrmed at magnetic foliations bearing SENW-
gneiss in Miedzygorze in Poland (Turniak et al., 2000). oriented lineations, which are perpendicular to the

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1 9 2 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

trend of the granulite belt. It is suggested that these rocks. It is likely that the above-described mechanism
fabrics most likely reect the direction of sideways is not sufcient to explain the amount of exhumation
thrusting, whereas the NESW trending linear struc- of rocks from the base of the thickened crust as
tures measured in the eld may correspond to the determined by petrology. We suggest that post-buckle
intersections between the S2- and S3-foliations and to attening may have generated strong viscous
the trend of F3-fold hinges. partitioning (Schulmann et al., 2003) which was
The D2-pattern reveals a predominantly coaxial probably responsible for differential velocities of
structural history related to NESW shortening and exhumation of lower crustal rocks along a weak
vertical extrusion along a NE-trending zone. The channel as modelled by Thompson et al. (1997a),
transition to amphibolite facies sub-horizontal D3- provided that a rigid bottom layer exists. This rigid
ow was probably still coaxial as shown by an almost compensation level may represent the sub-crustal
symmetrical structural pattern around the granulite mantle as suggested by Thompson et al. (2001). The
core and by the AMS fabrics. However, the degree of nal stage of extrusion occurred along the marginal
non-coaxiality of deformation increases towards the zone of retrogressed granulites and partially molten
east, where it is manifested by dextral reactivation near gneisses, whereas the granulite core was almost pas-
and within the Stare Mesto belt, as described from sively transported upwards in form of a rigid plug.
metagabbros and the granodiorite sill (Parry et al., However, the granulite core itself experienced some
1997). deformation during this late stage as shown by the
presence of a heterogeneous network of D3 shear
Mechanisms of granulite exhumation
The transition from steep to at fabric in the OSC
In analogy to mesoscopic folding, the development has already been described by Dumicz (1979), who
of a vertical tabular zone of granulites surrounded by interpreted steep fabrics to be a result of lateral
medium-grade rocks may have originated through shortening and the transition to at fabric as a
folding of crustal layers of signicantly larger scale. consequence of gravitational load and sideways mass
These large-scale anticlines with high-grade gneisses ow. The origin of ductile sub-horizontal fabrics in
in their cores and medium-grade metasedimentary the deep crust has been explained as a result of
rocks in synclines were already recognised by Don gravity-driven ductile rebound of the orogenic root
(1964, 1982). From the consideration of theoretical (Koyi et al., 1999; Milnes & Koyi, 2000). The con-
and physical models, it can be concluded that there cept of sideways ow, termed lateral extrusion
are several stages in the formation of a fold (Bird, 1991), sub-surface collapse (Avouac & Burov,
(Fig. 10). 1996) or lower crustal spreading (England &
The thickened crust should originally have exhibited Holland, 1979) is based on buoyant return of low-
horizontal rheological stratication controlled by the bulk-density and high-pressure rocks (Dewey et al.,
thermal gradient and lithological differences between 1993), that rebound against a rigid lid marked by the
lower and upper crust (Burg & Podladchikov, 1999, brittle-ductile transition. We suggest that the trans-
2000). In our model the lower layer is represented by ition from steep channel ow to sub-horizontal
felsic and intermediate HP granulites, whereas the lateral spreading fabrics in our study area is not
orthogneisses and metasedimentary rocks represent the related to gravity-driven ductile rebound, but was
upper layer. Layer-parallel shortening of such a stra- probably initiated by an eastward movement of the
tied system will generate passive amplication of Stare Mesto indenter. Gently inclined amphibolite
initial surface irregularities to give a characteristic facies fabrics of the Rychleby granulites that devel-
cuspatelobate geometry of the folded interface with oped at c. 10 kbar and 700 C may be correlated
cusps of the hotter and therefore weaker granulitic with Variscan mylonitization of CambroOrdovician
rocks pointing upwards and lobes of the upper crust gabbros at the western margin of the Stare Mesto
pointing downwards (Biot, 1964). Such types of folds belt, which occurred at similar conditions of 710
were described in high-grade terranes but only at a 740 C at 810 kbar (St pska et al., 2001). The
scale of hundreds of metres (Kisters et al., 1996), while preservation of CambroOrdovician metamorphic
the initial size of cusp proposed in this study has to be conditions of 730850 C at 810 kbar in the internal
in the range of several kilometres. As shown by part of the Stare Mesto belt suggests that only its
Fletcher (1982), the formation of high-amplitude cusps western margin was reworked during Variscan burial.
requires a large amount of shortening. High strain may This implies that the Stare Mesto belt acted as a
in our case be related to the proximity of a rigid ind- rigid ramp which was pushed into the weak and
enter which, according to St pska et al. (2001), is rep- thickened orogenic root (Fig. 10a,b). The observed
resented by CambroOrdovician rocks of the Stare strain pattern is remarkably similar to that of
Mesto belt. The process of folding thus led to the extruding-spreading analogous models explaining
formation of a narrow, vertical, tabular zone com- supercial spreading nappes (Merle, 1989). However,
posed of granulites and surrounded by a wider domain in our case study the spreading operated at deep
composed of granitoid gneiss and metasedimentary crustal levels.

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Fig. 10. Model for the tectonic evolution of the study area and summary PTtD plots. (a) Schematic sketch showing the situation
at the end of ductile extrusion and the beginning of lateral spreading. The indenting rigid block of the Stare Mesto belt was
responsible for both D2 extrusion of granulites from c. 70 km and their lateral D3 spreading at a depth of 35 km. A granodiorite
sill was emplaced parallel to D3 fabrics. (b) Enlarged section shows position of new geochronological data with respect to structural
fabrics as well as earlier data sampled east of the granulite belt. (c) Summary PTD plot for the studied granulites and the Stare Mesto
belt. The PT conditions for amphibolite facies retrogression of granulite and of metamorphism of the Stare Mesto rocks are dated by
the age of the syntectonic intrusion of the granodiorite sill during D3. The exhumation rates for stages D2 and D3 are shown.
(d) Temperaturetime path for Rychleby granulite belt (thick lines) and for the entire OSC (dashed lines). Numbers of individual age
determinations refer to Tables 2 and 3. Cooling rate paths are shown for vertical extrusion of the granulite belt and for the lateral
spreading stage.

of PT conditions associated with retrogression. This

Exhumation and cooling rates
may be done by dating of a petrologically estab-
Evaluation of the velocity of vertical ascent requires lished crystallization depth of rapidly cooled granitic
knowledge of the maximum pressures which the intrusions syn-tectonically emplaced along retrograde
rocks experienced and the pressures reecting their shear zones.
retrogression (Duche`ne et al., 1997). These data
permit the determination of the magnitude of the
Depthtime path
minimum vertical path along which the exhumed
rocks travelled. The other necessary information is The exhumation rate of the granulites is now esti-
the dating of peak pressure conditions and the age mated, taking into account the zircon ages for peak

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1 9 4 P . S T I P S K A E T A L .

HP metamorphism and granodiorite emplacement at and Davidson et al., 1994) and conrm that lubri-
a depth at least 35 km shallower than granulite cation of a shear zone by syn-tectonically emplaced
formation. Since these ages are identical, within magma is a very efcient mechanism of rock exhu-
error, the time span indicated by the error in the mation, even for very short time scales. Lateral
least precise age must be considered, which is at spreading or other mechanisms such as, for example,
most 10 Myr. However, the time span is only 2 Myr. ductile thinning and or erosion may be responsible
if the difference between the age of 341.3 0.7 Ma for continuation of the exhumational process to
for the granulite (CS44a) and the age of 339.4 shallow crustal levels as proposed by Brocker &
1.1 Ma (CS39) for the granodiorite is taken into Klemd (1996).
First exhumation occurred along a vertical channel
Temperaturetime path
from a depth of 70 km (18 kbar) to 35 km (10 kbar)
(Fig. 10c). For the time interval of 10 Myr for this The PT estimates suggested here are consistent with a
stage, the minimum exhumation rate is 3 mm year)1 or high rate of temperature decrease from 900 to 700 C
6.5 mm year)1 if the peak pressure values suggested by for peak and retrogressive conditions, respectively
Kryza et al. (1996) are considered. The highest exhu- (Fig. 10). The temperature decrease would even be
mation rate is 15 mm year)1 and 30 mm year)1 for the greater if the peak temperature of 1100 C estimated
time span of 2 Myr as calculated for our pressure by Kryza et al. (1996) is taken into account. The
estimates and those of Kryza et al. (1996), respectively. 342 Ma zircon ages determined for peak conditions of
As shown above, sideways thrusting of granulites granulite and syn-D3 granodiorite emplacement indi-
and gneisses at 10 kbar was correlated with the cate cooling rates of 20 or 100 C Myr)1 assuming 2 or
development of thrust-related metamorphism at 8 10 Myr)1 for the duration of the exhumation process.
10 kbar along the western margin of the Stare Mesto Various metamorphic and cooling ages determined for
gabbros. This thrusting was associated with syntec- the OSC by Brueckner et al. (1991), Steltenpohl et al.
tonic emplacement of a granodiorite sill whose depth (1993), Klemd & Brocker (1999), Turniak et al. (2000),
of intrusion was estimated at 6.57 kbar. Therefore, Lange et al. (2002) and Borkowska et al. (1990) indi-
the vertical transport, corresponding to the 3 kbar cate cooling from 700650 C to 300 C during the
difference between shearing in the gabbros and gra- time interval from 342 to 328 Ma, thus implying an
nodiorite solidication, was accommodated within the average cooling rate of 2530 C Myr)1 (Table 4 &
Stare Mesto belt. According to Paterson & Tobisch Fig. 10d). Even if the structural position of these
(1992), solidication of granodioritic magma takes samples is unknown, we suppose that most of the
about 250 000 years on average, at mid to shallow cooling ages are related to D3-deformation. This
crustal levels. This implies that the late exhumation means that the rocks cooled rapidly during the vertical
increment corresponds to c. 3 kbar over a period of extrusion, whereas the cooling rate slowed down dur-
250 000 years, which is equivalent to an exhumation ing the lateral spreading stage.
rate in the range of 2440 mm year)1. These rates are In agreement with Burg et al. (1998) a high cooling
in agreement with the predictions of Hollister (1993) rate during the early exhumation stage is assumed to

Table 4. Summary of ages related to the metamorphism in the OSC.

N Localization rock Age (Ma) Method Interpretation Reference

Rychleby (Zlote) granulite belt

1 granitic melt patch within orthogneiss 366.3 1.1 Pb Pb, single Zrn evaporation melt crystallization this work
2 mac granulite 369 1 Pb Pb Zrn multigrain protolith crystallization from melt Klemd & Brocker (1999)
3 mac granulite 360 6 Pb Pb Zrn multigrain protolith crystallization from melt Klemd & Brocker (1999)
4 felsic granulite 341.6 4.7 Zrn SHRIMP HP metamorphism this work
5 felsic granulite 341.4 0.7 Pb Pb, single Zrn evaporation HP metamorphism this work
6 mac granulite 341 10, 343 11 Sm Nd, Grt-WR HP metamorphism Klemd & Brocker (1999)
7 mac granulite 352 4 Sm Nd, Grt-Cpx-WR HP metamorphism? Brueckner et al. (1991)
near Rychleby (Zlote) granulite belt
8 eclogite 332.6 2.3 Ar Ar, Hbl cooling through 500C Steltenpohl et al. (1993)
9 orthogneiss 328 2 Ar Ar, Ms cooling through 350C Steltenpohl et al. (1993)
10 orthogneiss 328.8 1.7 Ar Ar, Bt cooling through 300C Steltenpohl et al. (1993)
Miedzygorze belt
11 orthogneiss 337.4 2.3 Rb Sr, Ms-WR cooling through 500C Lange et al. (2002)
12 orthogneiss 328.6 4.4 Rb Sr, Ms-WR cooling through 300C Lange et al. (2002)
13 orthogneiss 342 6 Zrn SHRIMP metamorphism & anatexis Turniak et al. (2000)
Stare Mesto granodiorite
14 granodiorite 344.5 0.4 Pb Pb, single Zrn evaporation pre-D3 melt crystallization this work
15 granodiorite 339.4 1.1 Pb Pb, single Zrn evaporation syn-D3 melt crystallization this work
Other ages (not plotted in Fig. 10)
16 eclogite 341 7, 337 4, 329 6 Sm Nd, Grt-Cpx-WR HP metamorphism or uplift? Brueckner et al. (1991)
17 orthogneiss 335 5 Rb Sr, Bt-Ms-WR cooling Borkowska et al. (1990)

 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


be due to fast exhumation coupled with signicant the zircon analyses were carried out on the Sensitive
lateral heat transfer responsible for efcient cooling High Resolution Ion Microprobe mass spectrometer
of vertically extruded small volumes of granulites (SHRIMP II) operated by a consortium consisting of
through colder mid-crustal rocks. However, the Ar Curtin University of Technology, the Geological Sur-
Ar and RbSr cooling ages reported for the entire vey of Western Australia and the University of West-
OSC probably reect the cooling rate for the entire ern Australia with the support of the Australian
complex and, moreover, for the stage when lateral Research Council. We appreciate the advice of
movements were important (Fig. 10c,d). In fact, A. A. Nemchin and A. Kennedy during SHRIMP
during D3 the granulite body became part of a large analysis. This research is part of an ongoing colla-
system with its own thermal budget and cooling his- boration between Charles University, Prague, Mainz
tory. Our data show a different pattern of cooling University, Germany, and ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
rates than that reported by other authors (e.g. Financial support to P.S. by the Czech National Grant
Duche`ne et al., 1997), and also contradict results Agency (grant no. 205 99 1195) and Charles Univer-
of numerical modelling (Grasemann et al., 1998; sity Grant Agency (grant No.223 2002 B-GEO Pr F)
Thompson et al., 1997a). This is because these models is gratefully acknowledged. Zircon geochronology was
were constructed for simple boundary conditions and funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG,
to explain exhumation of entire orogens, whereas grant Kr 681) to A.K. as were two visits of P.S. to
natural exhumation processes are diachronous, poly- Mainz University. Several visits of P.S. to ETH Zurich
phase and operate through various mechanisms on were funded by the Swiss National Foundation
smaller length scales. (Continuous Orogenesis grant to A. B. Thompson).
P.S. & K.S. also received nancial support from the
Czech Ministry of Education, grant no. 24313005. We
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