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1. Pikachu, Mudkip and Cynadaquill have different chances of hitting the target. Pikachu can
hit the target of the time, Mudkip can hit the target 2/3 of the time and Cyndaquill can
hit the target of the time. They all go for the target simultaneously. What is the
probability that at least one of them will hit the target?
A. 23/24 B. 1/24 C. 1/4 D.3/4
2. Maria loves chocolate milk so she visits a plant every day. However, each day the plant
has a 2/3 chance of bottling chocolate milk. What is the probability that the bottling plant
bottles chocolate milk exactly 4 of the 5 days Maria visits?
A. 0.329 B. 0.923 C. 0.239 D. 0.392
3. What is the probability of getting 9 exactly once in three throws of a pair of dice?
A. 0.561 B. 0.862 C. 0.263 D. 0.751
4. We flip a fair coin 10 times. What is the probability that we get heads in at least 8 of the
10 flips?
A. 45/1024 B. 7/128 C. 47/1024 D. 5/128
5. The probabilities are 0.4, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.1 respectively, that a delegate to a certain
convention arrived by air, bus, automobile, or train. What is the probability that among 9
delegates randomly selected at this convention, 3 arrived by air, 3 arrived by bus, 1
arrived by automobile, and 2 arrived by train?
A. 0.77% B. 7.7% C. 0.27% D. 2.7%
6. Four light bulbs are chosen at random from 20 bulbs of which 5 are defective. Find the
probability that exactly one is defective?
A. 0.2787 B. 0.0493 C. 0.1897 D. 0.4696
7. What is the probability that of 5 cards dealt from a well- shuffled deck, 3 will be hearts and
two spades?
A. 143/16660 B. 29/4560 C. 253/16660 D. 43/44560
8. In a class of 28 students, the teacher selects four people at random to participate in a
geography contest. What is the probability that this group of four students includes at
least two of the top three geography students in the class? Express your answer in as a
common fraction.
A. 37/819 B. 73/819 C. 73/918 D. 37/918
9. During a laboratory experiment, the average number of radioactive particles passing
through a counter in 1 millisecond is 4. What is the probability that 6 particles enter the
counter in a given millisecond?
A. 0.2041 B. 0.4102 C. 0.4012 D. 0.1042
10.Your neighbor has two children. If you know that one of his childrens name is Peter, what
is the probability that Peters siblings is also a boy?
A. B. 1/3 C. D. 1/5
11.Urn 1 contains 5 white balls and 7 black balls. Urn 2 contains 3 whites and 12 black. A fair
coin is flipped; if it is Heads a ball is drawn from Urn 1, and if it is Tails, a ball is drawn from
Urn 2. Supposed that this experiment is done and you learn that a white ball was selected.
What is the probability that this ball was in fact taken from Urn 2?
A. 12/37 B. 12/25 C. 13/44 D. 31/47
12.In a certain assembly plant, three machines, B1, B2 and B3 make 30%, 45%, and 25%,
respectively, of the products. It is known from past experience that 2%, 3%, and 2% of the
product made by each machine, respectively, are defective. Now, suppose that a finished
product is randomly selected and is found defective. What is the probability that it is made
by B3?
A. 10/49 B. 12/25 C. 13/44 D. 31/47
13.One half percent of the population has a particular disease. A test is developed for the
disease. The test gives a false positive 3% of the time and a false negative 2% of the time,
Tsupul(a random person) just got the bad news that the test came back positive; what is
the probability that Tsupul has the disease?
A. 12% B. 14% C. 16% D. 21%
14.Find the particular solution of the curve which passes through the point (1,2) if the
equation of its slope is dy/dx =2x-3.
A. y= 2x2-3x +4
B. y=x2-2x+6
C. y= 3x2-3x+4
D. y=x2-3x+4
15.Find the general solution to the differential equation: cos 3xdy-dx=0
A. 2y= sec x tan x + ln (sec x + tan x) +C
B. 2y= sec x tan x - ln (sec x + tan x) +C
C. y= 2 sec x tan x + ln (sec x + tan x) +C
D. y= sec x tan x + 2 ln (sec x + tan x) +C
16.The solution of 2xydx + (x2 +1)dy =0
A. xy2 + 2y = C
B. 3xy -5y =C
C. 2xy + y2 =C
D. x2y +y =C
17.Solve the differential equation:
x (y+1)dx + (x2-1) dy = 0
If y=2 when x =2, determine y when x=4.
A. 0.376
B. 0.311
C. 0.342
D. 0.282
18.Determine the solution to the differential equation;
(xy + y2)dx- x2dy=0
If y=1 when x=1.
A. X=exp(1-y/x)
B. X=exp(1-x/y)
C. X=exp(1-x/y)
D. Y=exp(1-x/y)
19.Which of the following is an exact DE?
A. (x2 + 1)dx -2xydy=0
B. 2xydy + (2+x2) dy =0
C. xdy + (3x-2y)dy =0
D. x2ydy ydx =0
20.Solve (x+y)dy=(x-y)dx
A. x2 + y2 = C
B. x2-2xy + y2 =C
C. x2+2xy + y2 =C
D. x2-2xy - y2 =C
21.Solve the differential equation:
y- (3y/x) =x3; y(1)=4
Find the particular solution.
A. y= x3+x2
B. y= x4+3x3
C. y= x4+3x2
D. y= 3x3+x2
22.A certain piece of dubious information about phenyl ethylamine in the drinking water
began to spread one day in a city with the population of 100,000. Within a week, 10,000
had heard the rumor. Assume that the rate of the increase of the number who have heard
the rumor is proportional to the number who havent heard it. How long will be until half
the population of the city has heard the rumor?
A. 49 days
B. 42 days
C. 46 days
D. 44 days
23.A 400 gallon tank initially contains 100 gal of brine containing 50 lb of salt. Brine
containing 1 lb/gal enters the tank at a rate of 5 gal/sec and flows out a rate of 3 gal/sec,
how much salt will the tank contain when it is full of brine?
A. 393.75 lbs
B. 375.25 lbs
C. 379.96 lbs
D. 493.75 lbs
24.A tank contains 200 L of fresh water. Brine containing 2kg/L of salt enters the tank at the
rate of 4L/min. The mixture is kept uniform by stirring, run outs at 3L/min. Find the amount
of salt in the tank after 30 mins.
A. 196.99 kg
B. 186.50 kg
C. 312.69kg
D. 234.28 kg
25.It is now between 2 and 3 oclock. In what time will the minute hand and hour hand be
perpendicular for the first time?
a. 2:27.27
b. 2:31.35
c. 2:25.31
d. 2:29.57
26.It is between 3 and 4 oclock. In 10 minutes, the minute hand will be as much after the
hour hand as it is now behind it. What is the time?
a. 3:10.36
b. 3:11.36
c. 3:12.36
d. 3:13.36
27.If ab=(a2b-2a2)/(3ab-6b2), find aa.
a. (2-b)/3
b. (2-a)/3
c. (3-a)/2
d. (3-b)/2
28.Find the center of the conic whose equation is 13x 2+10xy+13y2+6x-42y-27=0.
a. (-1,-2)
b. (1,2)
a. (-1,2)
a. (1,-2)
29.A bug starts at a vertex of an equilateral triangle. On each move, it randomly selects one
of the two vertices where it is not currently located, and crawls along a side of the triangle
to that vertex. What is the probability that the bug moves to starting position on its tenth
a. 341/1024
b. 21/64
c. 85/256
d. 171/512
30.Let E, D, G and M be the vertices of a regular tetrahedron. An ant starting from vertex E,
observes the following rule: at each vertex it chooses one of the three edges meeting at
that vertex, each edge being equally likely to be chosen, and crawls along that edge to the
vertex at its opposite end. Find the probability that the ant will be on vertex E on its
seventh move.
a. 547/2187
b. 182/729
c. 61/243
d. 20/81
31.Find the asymptotes of the curve 4x2-y2=49.
a. 2x-y=0 and 2x+y=0
b. 4x-y=2 and 4x+y=2
c. y-2x=0 and y+2x=0
d. y-4x=2 and y+4x=2
32.What is the equation of the upward asymptote of the hyperbola (x-2) 2/9 (y+4)2/16 = 1?
A. 4x+3y-20=0
B. 3x+4y+20=0
C. 4x-3y-20=0
D. 3x-4y-20=0
33.The second degree equation 19x2 + 6xy + 11y2 + 20x 60y + 80 = 0 represents a conic.
To remove the xy terms, we rotate the coordinate axes through an angle of
a. 16.400
b. 17.410
c. 18.430
d. 19.450
34.Find the maximum area of a rectangle that can be inscribed in an ellipse with semi-major
axis of 4 units and minor axis of 6 units.
a. 24 sq. units
b. 12 sq. units
c. 24pi sq. units
d. 12pi sq. units
35.The curve has a parametric equation of x=4cos and y=3sin. Find its area.
a. 24 sq. units
b. 12 sq. units
c. 24pi sq. units
d. 12pi sq. units
36.Solve for the solution of the differential equation y-5y+6y=8
a. y = C1e3x + C2e2x + 8/6
b. y = C1e-3x + C2e-2x + 8/6
c. y = C1e3x + C2e2x + 8
d. y = C1e-3x + C2e-2x + 8
37.Solve for the solution of the differential equation y+2y=5
a. y = C1e2x + C2 + 5x/2
b. y = C1e-2x + C2 + 5x/2
c. y = C1e2x + C2 + 5/2
d. y = C1e-2x + C2 + 5/2
38.Solve for the particular solution of the differential equation (D 2+4D+3)y=e2x
a. y = xe2x/4
b. y = xe2x/15
c. y = e2x/15
d. y = e2x/4
39.Solve for the particular solution of the differential equation d 2y/dx2-16y=e4x
a. y = e4x/4
b. y = e4x/8
c. y = xe4x/4
d. y = xe4x/8
40.Solve for the particular solution of the differential equation (D 2+3D+2)y=3sin2x
a. y = -3/20 sin2x 9/20 cos2x
b. y = -9/20 sin2x 3/20 cos2x
c. y = 3/20 sin2x + 9/20 cos2x
d. y = 9/20 sin2x + 3/20 cos2x
41.Solve for the solution of the differential equation (D 2+4)y=5cos2x
a. y = C1cos2x + C2sin2x (5)xsin2x
b. y = C1cos2x + C2sin2x (5/4)xsin2x
c. y = C1cos2x + C2sin2x (5)sin2x
d. y = C1cos2x + C2sin2x (5/4)sin2x
42.Solve for the particular solution of the differential equation (D 2-6D+5)y=e2xsin3x
a. y = e2x(1/30sin3x + 1/15cos3x)
b. y = e2x(1/15sin3x + 1/30cos3x)
c. y = e2x(-1/15sin3x + 1/30cos3x)
d. y = e2x(-1/30sin3x + 1/15cos3x)
43.Solve for the particular solution of the differential equation y-y-2y=4x 2
a. y = 2x2+2x-3
b. y = 2x2-2x-3
c. y = -2x2-2x-3
d. y = -2x2+2x-3
44.Suppose that f and g are differentiable functions and g(x)=xf(x 2+4). If f(8)=20, f(8)=-3,
what is g(2)?
a. 13
b. 14
c. 15
d. 18
45.Find the total number of set relations between A={1, 2} and B={x, y, z}.
a. 16
b. 32
c. 64
d. 128
46.The functions f(t)=2t2 and f(t)=t4 are
a. Linearly independent
b. Linearly dependent
c. Inconsistent
d. consistent
47.Determine the Laplacian of f=3+cos(x/2)sin(y/2)
a. -1/2 cos(x/2)sin(y/2)
a. 1/2 cos(x/2)sin(y/2)
a. 1/2 + cos(x/2)sin(y/2)
a. -1/2 + cos(x/2)sin(y/2)
48.Determine the Jacobian of x=rsin and y=rcos
a. -r
b. rcos
c. rsin
d. r2sincos
49. z/x2 - 52z/y2 + 3z/x - 4z/y = 6 is a kind of

a. Heat equation
b. Laplace equation
c. Parabolic equation
d. Wave equation
50.A statement that can be true or false
a. Lemma
b. Proposition
c. Corollary
d. Theorem
51.No matter what the combinations or values, the functions will always be true
a. Tautology
b. Contingency
c. Contradiction
d. Fallacy
52.A proposition regarded as self-evidently TRUE WITHOUT PROOF.
A. Axiom
B. Conjecture
C. Hypothesis
D. Porism
53.A statement also known as an axiom.
A. Proof
B. Corollary
C. Conjecture
D. Postulate
54.A statement that can be demonstrated TO BE TRUE by accepted mathematical operations
and arguments.
A. Proposition
B. Conjecture
C. Hypothesis
D. Theorem
55.A rigorous mathematical argument that unequivocally demonstrates the truth of a given
A. Principle
B. Conclusion
C. Proof
D. Hypothesis
56.A LOOSE term for a true statement that may be a postulate, theorem, etc.
A. Principle
B. Conclusion
C. Proof
D. Hypothesis
57.A proposition that is CONsistent with known data, but has neither been verified nor shown
to be false.
A. Lemma
B. Paradox
C. Proof
D. CONjecture
58.A statement that is to be proven.
A. Proposition
B. Paradox
C. Conclusion
D. Proof
59.An immediate consequence of a result already proven.
A. Axiom
B. Conjecture
C. Conclusion
D. Corollary
60.A/An _________ is a statement that can EITHER be true or false.
A. conclusion
B. permutation
C. involution
D. proposition
61.Possible RESULTS from an experiment.
A. Events
B. Smoke
C. Outcomes
D. Means
62.The probability of one or both of two events occurring is:
A. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B)
B. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
C. P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)
D. P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B) + P(A or B)
63.If two events are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, then the probability of one or the other occurring
A. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B)
B. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
C. P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)
D. P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B) + P(A or B)
64.A collection of 33 coins, consisting of nickels, dimes, and quarters, has a value of $3.30. If
there are three times as many nickels as quarters, and onehalf as many dimes as nickels,
how many dimes are there?
A. 6 B. 9 C. 10 D. 18
65.The derivative with respect to x of 2 Cos (x + 2).
a. -9 Sin(x + 2) Cos (x + 2) b. -8x Sin(x + 2) Cos (x + 2))
c. -8x Sin(x + 2) Cos (x -2)) d. -12Sin(x + 2) Cos (x + 2))

( x 1) 3
66.Find the derivative of .
3( x 1) ( x 1)
2 3
3( x 1) 2 (2 x 1) 3

x x2 x x2
b. b.
3( x 1) 2
( x 1) 3
3( x 1) 2 ( x 1) 3

x x2 x x2
c. d.

y 2.16 e sin 2 x.
67.Compute the first derivative equation?
4.2 cos 2 x e Sin 2 x 3.42 cos 2 x e Sin 2 x
a. b.
4.32 2 x e Sin 2 x
4.32 cos 2 x e Sin 2 x
c. d.
68.If y = ax + bx and the point of inflection is at (2, 8), what is the value of b?
a. 9 b. 6 c. 3 d. 8
69.A printed page must contain 60 sq. m. of printed material. There are to be margin of 5 cm.
on either side and margins of 3 cm. on top and bottom. How long should the printed lines
be in order to minimize the amount of paper used?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
70.A school sponsored trip will cost each student 15 pesos if not more than 150 students
make the trip, however the cost per student in excess of 150. How many students should
make the trip in order for the school to receive the largest group income?
A. 222 b. 225 c. 223 d. 1144
71.Two houses A and B are to be connected to a water main 1200 m. long and it is desired to
tap the main in one place only. If A and B are 300 m. and 900 m. from the main pipe
respectively. Where the pipe must be tapped to use the least pipe.
a. 300 m b. 400 m c. 500 m d. 600 m
72.The angle between the sides of a triangle 8 cm. and 12 cm. long is changing causing the
area to change at a constant rate of 45 m/min. At what rate is the angle changing in
rad/min when the angle is 30.
a. 1.08 rad/min b. 1.8 rad/min c. 8 rad/min d. 1 rad/min
73.A man is 1.8 m tall walks away from a lamp post 4 m. high at a speed of 1.5 m/s. How
much does the end of his shadow move with respect to the lamp post.
a. 2.3 m/s b. 2.73 m/s c. 2.7 m/s d. 73 m/s
74.Find the area bounded by the curve 5y = 16x and the curve y = 8x 24.
a. 12 sq. units b. 14 sq units c. 16 sq.units d. 5 sq.units
75.Find the area bounded by the curve y = 4x and the line 2x + y = 4.
a. 10 sq units b. 9 sq units c. 12 sq units d. 2 sq units
76.Find the area of the region in the first quadrant bounded by the curves y = Sin x, y = Cos x
and the y axis.
a. 0.41 sq.unitsb. 0.234 sq.units c. 0.414 sq.units d. 234 sq.units
x1 0 to x 2 2
77.Find the surface area of the portion of the curve x + y = 4 from when it is
revolved about the y axis.
a. 8 b. 6 c. 5 d. 9
78.Compute the surface area generated when the first quadrant portion of the x - 4y + 8 = 0
x1 0 to x 2 2
from is revolved about the y axis.
a. 20.34 b. 30.64 c. 40.45 d. 50.78
79.Find the centroid of the area bounded by the curve y = 4 - x the line x = 1 and the
coordinate axes.
a. 1.85 b. 1.96 c. 1.77 d. 1.88
80.Given the area in the first quadrant bounded by x = 8y, the line y 2 and the y axis.
What is the volume generated this area is revolved about the line y 2 = 0?
a. 28.81 cu. units b. 2.81 cu. units c. 28.1 cu. units d. 21 cu. units
81.Given the area in the first quadrant bounded by x = 8y, the line x = 4 and the x axis.
What is the volume generated by revolving this area about the y axis.
a. 50.34 b. 34.50 c. 50.265 d. 265.50
82.Given the area in the first quadrant bounded by x = 8y, the line y 2 = 0 and the y axis.
What is the volume generated when this area is revolved about the x axis?
a. 41.20 cu. units b. 40.21 cu. units c. 2.18 cu. units d. 2.1 cu.
83.Find the moment of inertia of the area bounded by the curve x = 4y, the line y = 1 and
the y axis on the first quadrant with respect to x axis.
a. 7/4 b. 4/7 c. 6/4 d. 4/6
84.A right circular cylindrical tank of radius 2 m. and a height 8 m. is full of water. Find the
work done in pumping the water to the top of the tank. Assume water to weight 9810
3589 kN. m b. 4546 kN. m c. 3945 kN.m d. 3954 kN.m
85.A tank is full of oil (density = 50 pcf). It has a diameter of 10 ft. find the work done in ft
lb in pumping all the liquid out of the top of the tank if the tank is a hemispherical tank.
a. 24555 ft lb b. 45556 ft lb c. 3456 ft- lb d. 24544 ft - lb
1 y

1 0
86.Evaluate .
a. b. 1/13 c. 1/14 d. 1/12
2 2 2
2 4 x 4 x y

0 0

0 dxdydx
87.Evaluate 4 .
b. 8 b. 9 c. 3 d. 6
( S 10)( S 20)
88.Determine the inverse Laplace transform of .
11e 10t 11e 20t 12e 10t 12e 20t 10e 10t 10e 20t 1e 10t 1e 20t
c. b. c. d.
89.Of 300 students, 100 are currently enrolled in mathematics and 80 are currently enrolled
in Physics. These enrolment figures include 30 students whose are enrolled in both
subjects. What is the probability that a randomly chosen student will be enrolled in either
Mathematics or Physics?
a. 0.45 b. 0.50 c. 0.55 d. 0.60
90.Given: sec 2 = and 2 in quadrant IV. Find: cos 4
a. -0.60 b. -0.70 c. -0.80 d. -0.90
91.Find the height of a tree if the angle of elevations of its top changes from 20 degrees to 40
degrees as the observer advances 23 m toward its base.
a. 138.5 m b. 148.5 m c. 158.5 m d. 159.5 m
92.A tower standing on level ground is due north of point A and due east of point B. At A and
B, the angles of elevation of the top of the tower are 60 degrees and 45 degrees
respectively. If AB = 20, find the height of the tower.
a. 18.32 m b. 17.32 m c. 16.32 m d. 15.32 m
93.Find the area of a regular five pointed star that is inscribed in a circle of the radius 10.
a. 121.62 b. 112.26 c. 122.16 d. 126.21
94.Compute the difference between the perimeters of a regular pentagon and a regular
hexagon if the area of each is 12.
a. 0.31 b. 0.21 c. 0.41 d. 0.51

95.The area of the sector of a circle having a central angle of 60 degrees is 24 . Find the
perimeter of the sector.
a. 34.4 b. 35.5 c. 36.6 d. 37.7
96.Find the volume of a regular tetrahedron whose edges are each equal to 6.
16 2 17 2 18 2 19 2
a. b. c. d.
97.The lateral area of a regular pyramid is 514.5 and the slant height is 42. Find the
perimeter of the base.
a. 24.5 b. 26.5 c. 22.5 d. 28.5
98.A wedge is cut from a circular tree whose diameter is 2 m by a horizontal plane up to the
vertical axis and another cutting plane which is inclined at 45 degree from the previous
plane. The volume of the wedge is
a. b. c. 2/3 d.
99.A parabolic arch has a span of 20 m and a maximum height of 15 m. How high is the arch
4 m from the center of the span?
a. 10.6 m b. 11.6 m c. 12.6 m d. 13.6 m
100. The earths orbit is an ellipse with eccentricity 1/60. If the semi major of the orbit is
93 M miles and the sum is at one of the foci, what is the shortest distance between earth
and the sun?
a. 89.43 M mi b. 90.44 M mi c. 91.45 M mi d. 92.46 M mi

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