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Automated Analysis of Road Safety

with Video Data

Nicolas Saunier and Tarek Sayed

Traffic safety analysis has often been undertaken with historical collision about safety. The technique therefore provides a means for analysts
data. However, well-recognized availability and quality problems are to immediately observe and evaluate unsafe driving maneuvers at
associated with collision data. In addition, the use of collision records for an intersection. However, incomplete conceptualization and the cost
safety analysis is reactive: a significant number of collisions has to be of training observers and collecting conflict data have been factors
recorded before action is taken. Therefore, the observation of traffic con- inhibiting extensive application of the technique. Therefore, the suc-
flicts has been advocated as a complementary approach in the analysis cessful automation of extracting conflicts from video sensor data by
of traffic safety. However, incomplete conceptualization and the cost of using computer vision techniques appears to have practical benefits
training observers and collecting conflict data have been factors inhibit- for traffic safety analysis.
ing extensive application of the traffic conflict technique. The goal of this This research aims at implementing a complete system to interpret
research is to develop a method for automated analysis of road safety vehicle interactions and detect traffic conflicts in real-world video
with video sensors to address the problem of dependency on the deterio- data (provided by one stationary camera). This system should be
rating collision data. The method automates the extraction of traffic generic, robust, and low-cost for regular use by traffic safety prac-
conflicts from video sensor data. This method should address the main titioners. The emphasis is on intersections that are crucial parts of
shortcomings of the traffic conflict technique. A comprehensive system road networks for safety. An approach is presented here for such a
is described for traffic conflict detection in video data. The system is traffic conflict detection system, and its feasibility is demonstrated
composed of a feature-based vehicle tracking algorithm adapted for inter- with experimental data.
sections and a traffic conflict detection method based on the clustering of
vehicle trajectories. The clustering uses a K-means approach with hidden
Markov models and a simple heuristic to find the number of clusters PREVIOUS WORK
automatically. Traffic conflicts can then be detected by identifying and
adapting pairs of models of conflicting trajectories. The technique is Traffic Conflicts
demonstrated on real-world video sequences of traffic conflicts.
The concept of traffic conflicts was first proposed by Perkins and
Harris (5) as an alternative to collision data, which in many cases are
Given the magnitude of the traffic safety problem, road authorities scarce, unreliable, or unsatisfactory. Their objective was to define traf-
around the world are working hard to improve road safety in an effort fic events or incidences that occur frequently, can be clearly observed,
to reduce the economic and societal costs associated with traffic and are related to collisions. An internationally accepted definition
collisions. Traditionally traffic safety analysis has been undertaken of a traffic conflict is an observable situation in which two or more
with historical collision data. However, there are well-recognized road users approach each other in space and time for such an extent
availability and quality problems associated with collision data. In that there is a risk of collision if their movements remain unchanged
many jurisdictions, the quantity and quality of collision data have (6). A traffic conflict between two road users includes two compo-
been degrading for several years. In addition, the use of collision nents: a collision course and an emergency evasive action. Deciding
records for safety analysis is a reactive approach: a significant num- if two road users are on a collision course depends on the extrapola-
ber of collisions has to be recorded before action is taken. Because tion hypotheses. Common hypotheses are extrapolations with con-
of these problems, the observation of traffic conflicts has been advo- stant direction and speed. A traffic conflict is an interaction defined
cated as an alternative or complementary approach for the analysis as an observational situation in which two or more vehicles are close
of traffic safety from a broader perspective than collision statistics enough in space and time.
alone (1 4). The traffic conflict technique involves observing and The relationship between traffic conflicts and collisions needs to
evaluating the frequency and severity of traffic conflicts at an inter- be established to use traffic conflicts as surrogates for collisions in
section by a team of trained observers. Traffic conflicts are more fre- safety analysis. Many researchers (7, 8) assume that all interactions
quent than collisions, and their study can give detailed information can be ranked in a safety hierarchy, with collisions at the top. The
interactions located next to the collisions in the safety hierarchy are
Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, 6250 Applied often called quasi-collisions. The interactions can thus be recursively
Science Lane, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada. Corresponding ranked in the safety hierarchy. For this concept to be operational, the
author: T. Sayed, safety hierarchy is transferred into measurable parameters based on
certain assumptions. For each interaction in the hierarchy, a severity
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2019, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
can be estimated matching its location in the hierarchy; that is, the
D.C., 2007, pp. 5764. proximity to the potential occurrence of a collision is measured, which
DOI: 10.3141/2019-08 is related to the probability of a collision. The main elements that

58 Transportation Research Record 2019

constitute the severity are the distance in space and time between
the drivers involved and their evasive action or actions.
Many severity indicators have been developed (8, 9), for exam-
ple, the time to collision (TTC), defined for two road users on a col-
lision course as the extrapolated time for the collision to occur. The
similarity between collisions and quasi-collisions is striking enough
(9) to allow their use for safety diagnosis (3). Even if the relation-
ship between traffic conflicts and collisions is not simple (1, 3), traf-
fic conflict techniques offer a powerful framework to investigate the
safety of a location and provide detailed safety information in the Sequence of frames (images)
same way as costly in-depth collision analysis, since the processes
are very similar.

Vision-Based Traffic Conflict Detection
Detection and
Vision-based monitoring of road networks is a complex task. Monitor-
ing of intersections faces more problems than that of highways. These
problems are related to the highly variable structure of the intersections,
the presence of multiple flows of vehicles with turning movements,
and the mixed traffic, which ranges from pedestrians with trucks and
vehicles that stop at traffic lights. Specific classification and occlusion
management techniques are required. Common problems to highways
and intersections include global illumination variations, tracking
of multiple objects, and handling of shadow.
Despite the potential benefits of automated traffic safety analysis
based on video sensors, limited computer vision research is directly
applied to road safety, especially the detection of traffic conflicts
(1013). Maurin et al. (14) state: Despite significant advances in
traffic sensors and algorithms, modern monitoring systems cannot
effectively handle busy intersections. Such a system requires a high-
level understanding of the scene and is traditionally composed of two Reconstituted vehicle trajectories
modules (see Figure 1):

1. A video-processing module for vehicle detection and tracking

and Conflicting
2. An interpretation module for traffic conflict detection.

The input to the system is a stream of images. The detail level of

the traffic conflict detection can vary. Detecting traffic conflicts, with
details about the involved vehicles and their trajectories, is a difficult
task and may not be achieved with enough accuracy for practical use.
An alternative system can yield the sequences that contain traffic con-
flicts. Such a system is successful if all traffic conflicts are detected
and the number of false detections is kept to a minimum. This sys-
tem would act as a filter of video data that would summarize hours
of video data in minutes containing the relevant incidents for further
human review and analysis.
Detected traffic conflicts (or
sequences containing them)
Vehicle Tracking
FIGURE 1 Generic overview of traffic
The goal of the tracking process is to maintain the identity of a mov- conflict detection system composed of
two modules.
ing object over the sequence of frames. Object-tracking methods are
usually classified into at least four groups (12, 15). Model-based track-
ing exploits the a priori knowledge of typical objects in a given scene, is computationally intensive. Region- and contour-based tracking
which is matched to the image data. Region- or blob-based tracking do not cope well with congested traffic conditions involving partial
identifies connected regions of the image, or blobs, associated with occlusion. Many implementations of these methods also require a
each vehicle. Regions are often obtained through background sub- special initialization phase, sometimes manual.
traction and then tracked over time. Contour-based tracking involves Feature-based tracking abandons the idea of tracking objects as a
a representation of the contour of a moving object that is updated whole but instead tracks features such as distinguishable points or lines
dynamically. These first three methods have limitations. Model- on the object. This type of tracking is achieved through well-known
based tracking requires models for all types of moving objects and methods such as the KanadeLucasTomasi feature tracker. Because
Saunier and Sayed 59

a vehicle can have multiple features, it must be determined what set of this work seems promising, the traffic accident prediction system is
features belong to the same vehicle. The features are grouped by using validated on only two accident instances in a toy car experience.
spatial proximity and common motion. Feature-based tracking algo- Robotics is another field that deals with movement learning and pre-
rithms have distinct advantages over other methods: they are robust diction for motion planning. For example, Vasquez and Fraichard
to partial occlusions, they do not require initialization, and they can (16) use statistical learning of motion patterns for motion prediction
adapt successfully and rapidly to variable lighting conditions, allow- of moving objects.
ing real-time processing and tracking of multiple objects in dense Messelodi and Modena (12) describe an alternative approach based
traffic. Nevertheless, feature-based tracking may have difficulty in on occupation rates to evaluate the average probability of an accident
delineating occluding objects with similar motion vectors. for a passing vehicle. However, there is no direct detection of actual
events. Collision probability is computed even for isolated vehicles
without any other interacting vehicle in the intersection.
Traffic Conflict Detection

Traffic conflict detection based on video sensors can be achieved with PROPOSED APPROACH
various methods. One would first try the direct approach of extrapo-
lating vehicle trajectories. The approach described by Atev et al. (13) Tracking Vehicles in Intersections
detects pairs of vehicles that would collide if they maintain their
current speeds and directions. It employs a region-based tracking For all the advantages stated in the previous section, the vehicle detec-
method with background subtraction and a novel method for three- tion and tracking approach used in the system presented here relies on
dimensional vehicle size estimation. Tracking and size estimation a feature-based tracking method that extends the method described by
appear to be accurate, but there is no validation of the collision pre- Beymer et al. (15) to intersections. Instead of grouping features inde-
diction results. However, this type of direct approach is likely to pendently in each frame, Beymer et al. (15) group all the feature tracks
perform unreliably because the tracking data are imperfect and noisy. with common motion by integrating this information over as many
Such explicit systems, which use rules adjusted by trial and error, image frames as possible. However, Beymer et al. (15) deal only with
rarely provide generic and robust solutions, especially when the envi- highways, whereas trajectories in intersections are more variable; fea-
ronment and the event patterns change. This difficulty would mean, ture tracks are often disrupted by occlusions and pose change. In the
for example, redevelopment of the system for every intersection. A system used here, no assumption is made with respect to entrance or
better model may be learned from observation. exit regions in the scene, and the algorithm is modified in order to
Two approaches involve learning for traffic conflict detection: use partial feature tracks.
(a) supervised learning for interaction classification and (b) unsuper- The algorithm relies on world coordinates through the estimation
vised learning of vehicle dynamics and movements for prediction. The of the homography matrix. Tracking accuracy was measured between
first approach casts traffic conflict detection as a binary classification 84.7% and 94.4% on three different sets of sequences (see Figure 2
problem between traffic conflict and nonconflict interactions. A clas- for examples of difficult-trajectory reconstitution). Despite the prob-
sifier can be learned on instances of each class. Kamijo et al. (11) learn lems in an open environment such as an intersection, the majority of
so-called ordinary traffic vehicle interactions with hidden Markov vehicles are detected and their movement can be estimated with suf-
models (HMMs), in which a model is learned for each type of activity ficient accuracy for the desired application, the detection of traffic
that needs to be recognized. The results are limited since there are few conflicts. A detailed description of the tracking algorithm is presented
training instances and the system is tested only on this training set. by Saunier and Sayed (17).
The second approach aims at improving the movement extrapo-
lation of the simple extrapolation approach by learning the recurrent Trajectory Clustering
vehicle movements. Hu et al. (10) use self-organizing maps to quan-
tify the vehicle observations and predict the vehicle movements. They The unsupervised learning approach is favored because it is dif-
present a method that computes the probability for two vehicles to ficult to gather sufficient data for training and testing the system.
collide, which is then applied to traffic accident prediction. Although Traffic conflicts, although more frequent than collisions, are rare

FIGURE 2 Examples of disrupted feature tracks still successfully grouped.

60 Transportation Research Record 2019

traffic events. Nevertheless, vehicle movements can be learned in an availability of an HMM per cluster, which provides a simple and fast
unsupervised way. way to match a new trajectory in the detection phase.
There are three categories of strategy for the clustering of sequen-
tial data regardless of whether the sequence elements have numerical
or nominal values (18): Proposed HMM-Based Clustering Algorithm

1. In sequence similarity, the comparison between two sequences The approach used in this paper adopts the K-means formulation,
is viewed as a process to transform a given sequence into another. adding a simple heuristic to determine the number of clusters. The
Many approaches with practical use follow that principle, including HMM notation is first defined. For a detailed overview of HMMs,
the dynamic time warping algorithm widely used in speech recog- readers are directed to the work by Rabiner (22). A complete spec-
nition tasks and the longest common subsequence (LCSS) model ification of a first-order HMM with M states [S1, S2, . . . , SM] and a
applied to the clustering of motion trajectories (19). simple Gaussian observation density is formally given by
2. In indirect-sequence clustering, a set of features is extracted from
the sequences. In this space, traditional vector space-based clustering A set of prior probabilities = {i}, in which i = P(q1 = Si),
algorithms can be used. However, the process causes loss of infor- 1 i M;
mation and needs additional knowledge. For example, Khalid and A set of state transition probabilities H = {hi,j}, in which
Naftel (20) use the leading Fourier coefficients, which they describe hi,j = P(qt+1 = Sj qt = Si), 1 i, j M;
as being inherently unsuited for the representation of highly complex A set of output distributions B = {bj}, in which bj (ot) = P(Ot =
trajectories. ot  qt = Sj) = N(Ot, j, j), 1 j M, and j and j are the mean and
3. In statistical-sequence clustering, statistical models like HMMs covariance of the Gaussian of state Sj
and more general dynamic Bayesian networks are built to describe
the dynamics of each group of sequences. Observations are defined where qt and Ot are, respectively, the state and observation at time t.
to be similar in terms of common similarity to a model, expressed It is common to denote a mixture of K HMMs by m = (Hm, Bm, m),
through the likelihood function P (Observation Model). 1 m K. Algorithms exist to

Clustering trajectories reconstituted from video data is difficult Compute the probability of observing a sequence, given a model;
since the trajectories are complex, noisy, and often incomplete. Find the state sequence that maximizes the probability of the
Indirect-sequence clustering is inadequate. Statistical-sequence clus- given sequence when the model is known (the Viterbi algorithm); and
tering is naturally suited to handle variable-length trajectories. Among Induce the HMM that maximizes (locally) the probability of
the sequence similarity approaches, methods based on the Euclidean the given sequence (the BaumWelch algorithm, an expectation
distance are too simple to accommodate noisy and partial trajecto- maximization algorithm).
ries, although they are used by Vasquez and Fraichard (16) for a spe-
cial indoor tracking application in which all trajectories start from Algorithm 1: algorithm for the clustering of variable-length
the same area. sequences with HMMs:
Some studies already have explored statistical-sequence cluster- Input: Let m = (Hm, Bm, m), 1 m K be a mixture of K HMMs.
ing, mainly with HMMs. Most adopt a K-means formulation, which is Let Ki be the initial number of clusters.
extended with soft memberships and applied to video data by Alon Let O = {Oi}, 1 i N be a set of N observations, where
et al. (21). In HMM-based clustering, a set of HMMs, one HMM per Oi is a sequence of Ti vector observations.
cluster, is learned iteratively. At each iteration, instances are assigned Let Nmin be the minimum number of observations assigned
to the HMM that maximize its probability or likelihood, and an HMM to a cluster to keep and retrain it.
is trained on each cluster (see Figure 3). A distinct advantage is the Let n be the maximum number of iterations without a
change in the number of clusters.
Output: a mixture of Kf HMMs.
qt qt qt Initialize randomly K = Ki HMMs m, with a simple
Gaussian observation density adjusted to the obser-
vation set O
Ot Ot Ot
while i n do
train each assign Assign each observation Oi to the HMMs mi that
HMM on its
trajectories maximizes P (O i  m).
to HMMs Let Om be the set of Nm observations assigned to m.
Keep only the HMMs m such that Nm Nmin, reset and
train m with Om
if no HMM was discarded, then

The HMMs are initialized in a standard way: uniform priors

FIGURE 3 HMM-based clustering (q t  state at and transition matrices are used, and the means and variances of
time t; O t  observation at time t). the Gaussian observation density are estimated by using K-means
Saunier and Sayed 61

on the observation data. The number of clusters K is automatically 3. Each interacting vehicle trajectory is assigned to an HMM,
adjusted through the use of a minimum number of assigned obser- say, A and B; and
vations per cluster in order to ensure a minimum reliability of the 4. If the two HMMs A and B of both interacting trajectories were
HMM parameters. The HMMs that do not satisfy this condition are both memorized as conflicting, a traffic conflict between these two
discarded. The initial number Ki of HMMs should be larger than vehicles is detected.
the natural number of clusters of the data. The learning process
stops when the number of clusters does not change for a number n of
iterations. A major drawback of HMM-based clustering is the insta- EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
bility of the resulting clustering, since the initialization of the HMMs
is random. The evaluation was based on a set of 10 traffic sequences at the same
location (Figure 4), initially used for the training of traffic conflict
observers in the 1980s. Their length ranges from 10 s to 60 s. Despite
Detecting Traffic Conflicts the videotape aging and the approximate alignment of the field of view
between sequences, these data were readily available and could be dig-
Vehicles involved in traffic conflicts are on a collision course; that itized to test the method. The tracking results on these sequences were
is, the vehicles will collide if their movements continue unchanged. reported by Saunier and Sayed (17) to be 86%.
To decide if two vehicles are on a collision course, their positions, All K HMMs of a mixture had the same structure parameter val-
speeds, and movement directions are required. That is why velocity ues (number of states, simple Gaussian observation density), which
(speed and direction vector) estimations are included in the trajec- were tuned for each cluster of observations with the algorithm. The
tory descriptions, whereas most other research uses the actual vehicle trajectories were measured in the world coordinates and smoothed
displacements. The clustered observations are therefore sequences with a moving average filter with support 5. HMMs were clustered
of four-dimensional vectors, composed of the vehicle coordinates with a set of 560 trajectories from eight traffic sequences. The tra-
(x, y) and velocity (sx, sy) at each time step. The estimated size of the jectories of two sequences were not used for learning since there were
vehicles should also be useful, but it did not improve the results in many detection and tracking errors caused by camera jitter. They
the experiments. Since the trajectories obtained through the vehicle were, however, used to test the generalization ability of the method.
tracking algorithm are noisy, they are smoothed by using a moving The set was large and representative of all trajectories but small enough
average filter (21). to maintain reasonable computation times. The parameters n (number
Even in the unsupervised approach, traffic conflict detection of iterations once the number of HMMs no longer changes) and Nmin
requires some supervision. If typical vehicle movements are known, (minimum size of the clusters) were tuned by trial and error to 3 and 5,
a new trajectory can be matched against them and the best matches respectively.
used for extrapolation. One approach is to combine the other prob- Figure 5 shows that for different settings of the number of states M
able simultaneous vehicle movements and to estimate a collision for all HMMs, the final number Kf of HMMs increases as a function
probability. As researched by Hu et al. (10), this measure is expected of the initial number Ki. When Ki is superior to a certain value, Kf
to reach values for traffic conflicts that are significantly different increases very slowly, and this value can be seen as the natural num-
from normal interactions. ber of clusters to describe the set of trajectories. A value of M = 3
A simpler approach is presented, introduced by Saunier and Sayed states seems a good trade-off for accurate and fast learning. An obser-
(23), that identifies the conjunction of movements that may lead to col- vation of the learned HMMs indicated that the three states (the means
lisions. For that purpose, HMMs learned on each obtained cluster are of the Gaussian observation density) often corresponded to the inter-
adapted into more specific models of conflicting trajectories by using section approach, the conflict zone, and leaving the intersection.
a few traffic conflict instances. The resulting conflicting clusters are Besides, the stopping criterion of the algorithm is quickly reached, and
better models of conflicting trajectories than those that could be learned most discarding of HMMs occurs at the first iteration of the algorithm,
with the available training instances. In speech recognition, it is a tra- followed by n more iterations.
ditional method to adapt a general HMM to each speaker. This method An example of the results of the clustering algorithm is presented
was used recently for unusual event detection by Zhang et al. (24). in Figure 6, which shows the trajectories assigned to each cluster.
Readers are directed to the paper by Saunier and Sayed (23) for the
HMM adaptation formulas. A weighting factor controls the balance
between the original model and the new estimates on the trajectories
involved in the training traffic conflicts. Both the original model and
the adapted model are kept in the set of HMMs used for detection.
When the HMMs are adapted, the learning includes memorization
of the pairs of models to which the pairs of trajectories involved in the
training traffic conflict instances were assigned. Consequently, the
learning phase, before any detection, yields a set of HMMs and pairs
of conflicting models. A traffic conflict is detected when two simul-
taneous trajectories match one of the memorized pairs of conflicting
HMMs. The detection process proceeds as follows:

1. Vehicles are tracked;

2. If two vehicles are close enough (threshold on their distance)
and nearing each other (their distance decreases), they are considered
to be in interaction; FIGURE 4 Image of traffic sequences used for experiments.
62 Transportation Research Record 2019

25 M=4


Average Kf


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 5 Average final number K f of HMMs over 10 runs of algorithm as function of

initial number K i for different number of states M.

The main vehicle streams are represented sometimes mixed in the actions. This increase also explains why the five training traffic con-
same cluster. Most adapted HMMs have fewer assigned trajectories flict instances were detected as 10 interactions. The trade-off between
than do nonadapted models. However, 66 trajectories are assigned adaptation and generalization is illustrated by studying the perfor-
to the largest cluster. The examination of these clusters suggests a mance of a mixture of HMMs with different levels of adaptation,
plausible division of the trajectory space, covering different paths controlled by the weighting factor . In Table 1, the detection results
with differing velocities. are presented for the mixture of HMMs for which the clustered tra-
The training program highlighted nine traffic conflicts in nine jectories are displayed in Figure 6. The most striking is the improve-
sequences (there was no traffic conflict in the last sequence). Among ment of results between the nonadapted HMMs and the smallest level
these, only five traffic conflicts were used as training instances. of adaptation ( = 0.05). Most FAs are caused by detection and track-
Another one (in the fourth sequence) was not used because the vehi- ing errors in one of the test traffic sequences and not by the method
cles were no longer detected at the time they were really in conflict, of traffic conflict detection. The system can generalize, as there are
and the rest of the traffic conflicts involved pedestrians and cyclists, no FAs for all levels of adaptation on the other test sequence without
who are difficult to distinguish because of the quality of the video- traffic conflicts.
tape. Result validation was difficult, because there was no ground There seems to be a good trade-off between adaptation and gen-
truth apart from the traffic conflicts used for training, and they rely eralization for = 0.15 or 0.2. Since the adaptation is more impor-
only on observers judgment, not on objective measures such as the tant, the system becomes very specific to the training traffic conflict
time to collision. instances and is no longer able to generalize to unknown data as
The detection results are presented in terms of interactions. They is shown by the overall decrease in the number of uncertain traffic
are computed on all the available datathe trajectories detected in conflicts. For example, the traffic conflict of Sequence 4 is detected
the 10 sequences. This is a two-class classification problem, traffic for the nonadapted HMMs and for 0.15 but no longer when the
conflicts against nonconflict interactions, with two types of errors: adaptation increases. Such overfitting should be avoided.
false alarms (FAs), when the system accepts a nonconflict inter- The limited data available for testing make this evaluation diffi-
action, and false rejections (FRs), when the system rejects a traffic cult, but these results demonstrate the possibility of detecting traf-
conflict. Designed as the system is, the traffic conflicts used to iden- fic conflicts among all interactions with the current method and even
tify and adapt the HMMs will always be detected. It is sometimes of generalizing to some unseen data. The system can be made more
difficult to decide on the other detected traffic conflicts: some are or less specific according to the application.
clearly FAs, but some could be real traffic conflicts and are counted
in their own category. When these uncertain traffic conflicts are not
detected, no FR is counted. This method allows a more flexible result CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH
A total of 1,501 interactions were detected. The numbers are quite The feasibility of automated traffic conflict detection based on video
high because the tracking is sometimes lost, which increases the sensors was shown. A complete system is presented, including an
number of trajectories measured and therefore the number of inter- improved feature-based tracking method and a first-traffic-conflict-
Saunier and Sayed 63

FIGURE 6 Images representing trajectories assigned to each cluster (trajectories assigned to adapted HMMs are
displayed in last two rows).

detection approach by using the clustering of trajectories with HMMs also will be tried, as they can provide severity measures such as
in an unsupervised way and their adaptation and identification for the time to collision and avoid casting traffic conflict detection in a
further detection. First results on limited real data show the poten- strict classification framework, in which finding a boundary between
tial of this work. Further work includes the collection of more traffic conflict and nonconflict interactions can only be arbitrary.
data for testing. The use of simulated traffic data is contemplated Currently, a detailed validation plan is being developed to test the
to evaluate on a varied set of controlled situations how generic the method presented here. The first component of the validation will
technique is. Improvements of the technique can be made at dif- focus on comparing the conflicts identified by this method with
ferent levels. K-means clustering is only guaranteed to converge human experts identification and ranking of conflicts. The valida-
to a local optimum, and the results are somewhat dependent on tion also will test the ability to use extracted conflicts to produce sta-
the initialization of the algorithm. Other clustering techniques based tistically significant differences in the safety for different intersection
on the sequence similarity approach, possibly in combination with designs. The second component will compare the predictive safety
HMM-based clustering, can make the process more robust. Colli- performance capabilities of using the extracted conflicts with actual
sion probability estimation methods similar to that of Hu et al. (10) collision experience at signalized intersections.
64 Transportation Research Record 2019

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