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LOSING LOVED ONES., Joana dArc, 03 01 2017.

Source: The Gospel according to Spiritism, V: 21


21. When death cuts down someone in your family, carrying off the youngest before the oldest without
discrimination, you are accustomed to say that God is not just: because He sacrifices he who is strong and has
all his future before him, leaving those who have lived many years and are full of deceptions: because He takes
those who are useful and leaves behind those who are no longer able to work: because He breaks the heart of a
mother by depriving her of the innocent creature who was her only joy.
Humans, it is on this point that you must lift yourselves above commonplace thoughts about life in order
to be able to understand that goodness is frequently where you judge there to be evil, and the wisdom of
providence where you think you perceive the blind fatality of destiny. Why do you evaluate divine justice by you
own ideas? Do you suppose that the Lord of the Worlds applies justice through mere caprice, in order to inflict
cruel punishment? Nothing happens that has not an intelligent meaning and no matter what happens there is
always a reason for it. If you scrutinize better all the pain that redounds to you then you would surely find divine
reason, regenerating reason, wherein you would see the worthlessness of your interests which, as a
consequence, would become so secondary as to be cast into last place.
Believe me, in the case of an incarnation of twenty years, death is preferable to any of the shameful
dissipations which bring untold distress to respectable families, break the hearts of mothers and cause parents'
hair to whiten before their time. Premature death is frequently a great blessing which God concedes to those
who depart, so preserving them from the miseries of life or the seductions which possibly occasioned the loss of
life. The person who dies in the flower of youth is not a victim of fate. God judges that it is not suitable for that
person to remain longer on Earth.
What a terrible tragedy, you say, to see the thread of life that was so full of hope, cut! To what hope are
you referring? That of the Earth? Where he who had gone could have perhaps shone or made his way and
become rich? Always there is this restricted vision which prevents one from rising above that which is material.
Who can tell what might have been the actual fate of that life which you thought so full of hope? How do you
know that it would not have been saturated with bitterness? Do you then disdain the hopes offered by the future
life, to the point of preferring this fleeting existence here on Earth? Do you suppose that a high position amongst
men is worth more than an elevated place amongst the blessed Spirits?
Instead of complaining, rejoice when it pleases God to withdraw one of your children from this vale of
miseries. Would it not be selfish to wish that they continue suffering at your side? Ah! This is the pain conceived
by those lacking in faith, who see death as an eternal separation! But those of you who are Spiritists know that
the soul lives better when it is separated from its material form. Mothers, know that your beloved children are
near you, yes, very near. Their fluidic bodies embrace you, their thoughts protect you and the remembrances
that you keep delight them with happiness; but your unreasonable pain afflicts them, because it reveals a lack of
faith, so constituting a revolt against the Will of God.
Those of you who understand the meaning of spiritual life, listen to the beatings of your heart when
calling to these loved ones. If you ask God to bless them, you will feel great consolation, the kind which will dry
your tears; you will feel magnificent aspirations which will show you the future which our Supreme Lord has
promised. - SAMSON, ex-member of the Spiritist Society of Paris, (1863).
Death is a natural law, but as we find ourselves trapped in matter in varying degrees more or less
coarse only upper classmen spiritually understand who we really are, spirits who need to embody and
reincarnate many times in order to evolve and have progress, because we are perfectible and progressives.
God did not create us ready and perfect, but perfectible, giving us free will, i.e. the freedom to better
ourselves to our own stepping, giving us Laws to guide us, be the ones of causes and effects, or others who

accompany us, being that the laws of God are the supporting aid which take us to the virtues and the
blessings which comforts us , which accompanies us, which conducts us to the sheepfold, which illuminates us
which directs us to the finality of the purpose of God of having created us. (Psalm 23).
The fear of death arises from the law of preservation, survival instinct for the need to live and gain
experiences, because in practice comes perfection, and also the fear of the unknown, which is also an
instinctive caution in staying alive, formerly the old navigators did not dare to go far beyond the known seas
afraid there would be a abyss at the end of the world in which they might fall desperately; over passed time and
with the knowledge of the truth these fears were forgotten.

In fact it' happens the same in the spiritual life, as Jesus told us: ' you shall know the truth and the truth shall
make you free ' (John, VIII: 32), but Jesus could not deliver us from many prejudices and ingrained superstitions
that there was in his time and so said: ' a lot of things I have to tell you, but you do not comprehend ', (John,
XVI: 12),
However Jesus did not fail to say: ' I came that you may have life and life more abundantly "(John, X:
10), Jesus came to free us from a fear of God misunderstanding and fear of the future life, teaching us that God
is love and that we are immortal spirits and that how we live in this life brings further consequences in saying: '
to each one according to his works ' , (Matthew, XVI: 27), and their works follow them ',it is a law taught by
Jesus which brings us profit in knowing it , because it does advance us in the knowledge of the future as much
as not having any fear of death by accepting it as a natural law and necessary to us all, law wisely planned by
God and not by other interpretations, because being God perfect just and good His designs are perfect and not
as we who do something saying: if it doesn't work we will improvise and do it again , it is not so with God He
knows infinitely the beginning and the end; God does not derogate Laws, because they are concluding.
God is not of: ' two weights and two measures ', (Proverbs XX: 20), God is not what the men thought of
regret and change of mind as men, so death has always existed as the law of God and understanding-well,
there were no changes, but rather in mens understanding, and the understanding of man is relative amongst
them, because in the gradual advancement among the spirits who are men incarnate it is logical that the ones
that are older or of more higher degrees, do see and understand things or laws of God in a higher plateau, than
spirits who are still in inferior scale of the spiritual graduation, on the understanding that the spiritual scale is
infinite on the ascension since the atom to Arch angel or pure spirit. (The Spirits book, Q. 110 to 131).
The fear of death in humanity is already losing gradually its strength, because of the knowledge and
faith in God that man are gradually accepting, rather than be suspicious if it is right to die or not. Yes there are
still people who do not understand that death only gives the world the material body and hoping that in the
future there might be cure for the disease that took ones loved one to death, use of science that can freeze the
body for the future development that might have the necessary healing, bring back the loved one to life, but the
man or spirit who used the body continues to live, hence the spirit just loses its carnal clothing, but has in
himself his spiritual body which Spiritism calls ' Perspirit ', (the spirits book Q. 93), then in the words of St. Paul:
' there's fleshly body and the spiritual body ' (I Corinthians XV: 40) and then So Paulo say: ' Oh death where is
thy sting ' (1 Corinthians, XV: 55) (Oh death where is thy Sting).
Yes, when someone dearly to us dies, always remains a strong feeling and to everyone does fall some
tear, but the love of for each other prevails, as spirits we are going to be seeing each other in the future, and in
that knowledge of the future meeting, we should allow the loved one follow one1s immortal way with God ,
wishing him all the best with God and with his own happiness and peace, Jesus in the world lived in peace and
said: ' my peace I give unto you ' (John, XIV: 27) peace which the world cannot offer, but that the spirit world has
and can offer, so let us allow then that the ones who leave establish themselves in the spiritual peace offered
by God to all His children; Yes to all His children because everyone is created by God. (John, XVI: 28)
Knowledge of Natural Law The spirits book Q. 619:
619. Has God given to all men the means of knowing His law? "All may know it, but all do not
understand it. Those who understand it best are they who seek after goodness. All, however, will one day
understand it; for the destiny of progress must he accomplished." The justice of the various incarnations
undergone by each human being is evident when seen in the light of the principle just enunciated;
since, in each new existence, his intelligence is more developed, and he comprehends more clearly
what is good and what is evil. If everything had to be accomplished by each man in a single existence,
what would be the fate of the many millions of human beings who die every day in the brutishness of

the savage state, or in the darkness of ignorance, without having had the possibility of obtaining
enlightenment? (177, 222.)
Separation of Soul and Body The Spirits book q. 154 and 155:
154. Is the separation of the soul from the body a painful process?' "No; the body often suffers more
during life than at the moment of death, when the soul is usually unconscious of what is occurring 116 ALLAN
KARDEC to the body. The sensations experienced at the moment of death are often a source of enjoyment for
the spirit, who recognises them as putting an end to the term of his exile." In cases of natural death, where
dissolution occurs as a consequence of the exhaustion of the bodily organs through age, man passes
out of life without perceiving that he is doing so. It is like the flame of a lamp that goes out for want of
155. How is the separation of soul and body effected? "The bonds which retained the soul being broken,
it disengages itself from the body." - Is this separation effected instantaneously, and by means of an abrupt
transition? Is there any distinctly marked line of demarcation between life and death? "No; the soul disengages
itself gradually. It does not escape at once from the body, like a bird whose cage is suddenly opened. The two
states touch and run into each other; and the spirit extricates himself, little by little, from his fleshly bonds, which
are loosed, but not broken." During life, a spirit is held to the body by his semi-material envelope, or
perispirit. Death is the destruction of the body only. but not of this second envelope, which separates
itself from the body when the play of organic life ceases in the latter. Observation shows us that the
separation of the perispirit from the body is not suddenly completed at the moment of death. but is only
effected gradually, and more or less slowly in different Individuals. In some cases it is effected so
quickly that the perispirit is entirely separated from the body within a few hours of the death of the latter
but. in other cases, and especially in the case of those whose life has been grossly material and
sensual, this deliverance is much less rapid, and sometimes takes days. weeks, and even months, for
its accomplishment. This delay does not imply the slightest persistence of vitality in the body, nor any
possibility of Its return to life, but is simply the result of a certain affinity between the body and the spirit
which affinity is always more or less tenacious in proportion to the preponderance of materiality in the
affections of the spirit during his earthly life. It is. in fact, only rational to suppose that the more closely
a spirit has identified himself with matter, the greater will be his difficulty in separating himself from his
material body; while, on the contrary, intellectual and moral activity, and habitual elevation of thought,
effect a commencement of this separation even during the life of the body, and therefore, when death
occurs, the separation is almost instantaneous. The study of a great number of individuals after their
death has shown that affinity which, in some cases, continues to exist between the soul and the body is
sometimes extremely painful for it causes the spirit to perceive all the horror of the decomposition of
the latter. This experience is exceptional, and peculiar to certain kinds of life and to certain kinds of
death. It sometimes occurs in the case of those who have committed suicide.
Fear of Death.
941. The fear of death causes perplexity to many persons; whence comes this fear in the case
of those who believe in a future life? "Such fear is altogether misplaced; but when people have been, in their
youth, thoroughly indoctrinated into the belief that there is a hell as well as a heaven, and that they will most
likely go to the former, because whatever belongs to human life is a mortal sin for the soul, they are naturally
afraid, if they have retained their religious belief, of the fire that is to burn them for ever without destroying them.
But most of those who are thus indoctrinated in their childhood, if possessed of judgment, throw aside that belief
when they grow up, and, being unable to assent to such a doctrine, become atheists or materialists; so that the
natural effect of such teaching is to make them believe that there is nothing beyond this present life. "Death has
no terrors for the righteous man, because, with faith, he has the certainty of a future life; hope leads him to
expect an existence happier than his present one; and charity, which has been the law of his action, gives him
the assurance that, in the world which he is about to enter, he will meet with no one whose recognition he will
have reason to dread."(730
The carnally-minded man, more attracted by corporeal life than by the life of the spirit, knows only the
pains and pleasures of terrestrial existence. His only happiness Is in the fugitive satisfaction of his arthly
desires; his mind, constantly occupied with the vicissitude, of the present life, and painfully affected by them, is
tortured with perpetual anxiety. The thought of death terrifies him, because he has doubts about his future, and

because he has to leave all his affections and all his hopes behind him he leaves the earth. The spiritually-
minded man, who has raised himself above the factitious wants created by the passions, has, even in this lower
life, enjoyments unknown to the carnally-minded. The moderation of his desires gives calmness and serenity to
his spirit. Happy in the good he does. life has no disappointments for him, and its vexations pass lightly over his
consciousness, without leaving upon it any painful impress.
Happiness and Unhappiness. The Spirits book, Q. 120 and 121:
920. Is it possible for man to enjoy perfect happiness upon the earth? "No; for corporeal life has been
appointed to him either as a trial or an expiation; but it depends upon himself to lighten the evils of his lot, and to
render it as happy as life can be upon the earth."
921. We can conceive that man will be happy upon the earth when the human race shall have been
transformed; but, meanwhile, is it possible for each man to ensure for himself a moderate amount of happiness?
Man is more often the artisan of his own unhappiness. If he obeyed the law of God, he would not only spare
himself much sorrow, but would also procure for himself all the felicity that is compatible with the grossness of
earthly existence." He who is perfectly sure that the future life is a reality regards his corporeal life as being
merely a travelers momentary halt in a wayside inn, and easily consoles himself for the passing annoyances of
a journey which is bringing him to a new and happier position, that will be all the more satisfactory in proportion
to the completeness of the preparations he has made for entering upon it. We are punished, even in the present
life, for our infraction of the laws of corporeal existence, by the sufferings which are the result of that infraction
and of our own excesses. If we trace what we call our earthly ills back to their rigin, we shall find them to be, for
the most part, the result of a first deviation from the straight road. his deviation caused us to enter upon a
wrong path, and each subsequent step brought us more and more deeply into trouble.
Our living, the living well it already is a preparation for death or to have a good death considering that
everyone has to go through this, well so for us to live in peace and harmony, within the laws of God, it is to learn
with Jesus the way of love, for being God LOVE he who lives in love lives with God and as God is harmony
peace and love, of course, he who can live disciplined and policing oneself in this way not only will have a good
death, but also a good spiritual future with welcome in the beyond on getting to his true immortal life.
The living in this material world it is a challenge of scholarship, work and demand of strength to
overcome inferiorities, faith and will desire to get up when fallen in snares that life gives us, be in poverty, in
sickness or in smashed up dreams and surprise obstacles that we may not have preparedness to face
inclusively death of relatives or various ailments such as wars , bankruptcies, epidemics, hence the turn over
the problems which are intellectual exercises that gives growth to the persons spirit, because we have to grow
in moral and intelligence, Jesus after having given examples of love and lived in that love recommended: ' a
new commandment I give unto you, love one another as I have loved you . (John, XV: 12
If someone asks how to live, that's the answer; love one another as Jesus loved, and follow the Gospel
that Jesus taught that boils down to have tolerance, be calm, as it is possible to have peace with all men, have
peace with our adversary while we're on the way, if anyone hit on one side offer the other cheek, to know how to
support each other, be a good man, not to steal , not to kill, help ones fellow man that be on the way as much
possible without going on the other side of the road, it won't be easy.
That the leading one be the servant, is not running for the woods or insulation that one get gains,
because that's selfishness, because one will continue as he was without gaining battles against oneself, not
overcoming ones inferiorities, not gaining attributes in life, that's why to live is to err and very much, but in the
evaluation of conscience and repentance one readjusts oneself, one corrects oneself one gets up oneself, one
rescues oneself, one overcomes oneself,, that is why God grants us time of repentance and redemption which
assembles the law of reincarnation, forgiveness, , mercy, among other laws; congratulations to the winners who
can overcome the world. We have the example of Jesus; he won the world, men killed his body, but he was
resurrected brightingly.
Well, may God be with us, as formerly, today and always.

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