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1 Read the poem given below and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences given
below the poem.

Homework sits on top of Sunday, squashing Sunday flat.

Homework has the smell of Monday, homework's very fat.

Heavy books and piles of paper, answers I don't know.

Sunday evening's almost finished, now I'm going to go

Do my homework in the kitchen. Maybe just a snack,

Then I'll sit right down and start as soon as I run back

For some chocolate sandwich cookies. Then I'll really do

All that homework in a minute. First I'll see what new

Show they's got on television in the living room.

Everybody is laughing there, but misery and gloom

And a full refrigerator are where I'm at.

I'll just have another sandwich. Homework's very fat.

1. The speaker in this poem feels that his homework is

2. The literary device used in Homework sits on top of Sunday is
3. Homework is fat means...........
4. Home work makes the speaker miserable and so he keeps
5. The speakers diversions from homework are snacking and ...


2. Rosa Nair, a student of S.D. Public School. Hamirpur (H.P.) has to take part in a speech
competition on the topic Stop Crowding Hamirpur. During the last decade it has grown from
a lovely green hill station into a heavily populated industrial town. Using the ideas from the
table and the hints given below, and your own ideas, write Rosas speech in not more than 100-125
HAMIRPUR (2003-2013)
2003 2013
Population (in lakhs) 15 22
No. of houses (in lakhs) 02 04
No. of cars (in thousands) 55 90
No. of factories 15 47
Consumption of water (in gallons) 60,000
Consumption of electricity (in watts) 13,000 39,000

* Deterioration in civic amenities
* Pollution levels increasing everywhere
* Overcrowding in streets, buses, markets
* Suggest some practical solutions


3. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful

sentences as in the example.

Example: saw/ a rabid dog / being bitten/ a man /after/ in acute pain/ Louis

Pasteur/ by

Louis Pasteur saw a man in acute pain after being bitten by a rabid dog.

1 then /there /no treatment /was

2 the/ red hot iron/ burnt / with /wound /to be/ had

3 this/ alternative solutions/ he saw/ decided /and /to find/ to /it

4. Read the following conversation carefully and complete the

following passage by filling in the blank spaces appropriately.

Dilip: Ive been watching the sea and there hasnt been any
trace of a ship.

Ralph: I told you yesterday too that well be rescued, so have

Dilip: Why do you ask me to keep quiet whenever I say
Ralph: Have you ever said anything sensible?
Dilip said (a) ______________________________________ Ralph replied (b)
______________________________________and so asked him to have
patience. Dilip angrily asked Ralph (c) __________________to which
Ralph wanted to know (d) ____________________.

5. Pick out five sentences (Direct Speech) from NIE and change them
into Indirect Speech. (You may cut and paste the sentences from the
NIE In your notebook)

SECTION D(Literature)

6. Why does Jody feel that it is their responsibility to bring the fawn home?

7. Why does Jody not want Mill Wheel to accompany him beyond a certain point?

8. How does Jody take care of the fawn?

9. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

And I long to go out in the world beyond!

I wish I could hop like you!

a. Who is the I and you referred to ?

b. What does the speaker want to do? Why?

.10. .Imagine that you are the Kangaroo in the poem, The Duck and the Kangaroo. Write a letter to
your cousin asking him to advise whether you must go on a trip around the world with the Duck or


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