ICD Assesment

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ICD Assesment

1. Family history of cancer of the gallbladder _______________

2. Counseling for victim of child neglect _______________
3. Gambling problem _______________
4. Personal history of schizophrenia _______________
5. Counseling for perpetrator of spouse abuse _______________
6. Marital problem with sexual dysfunction _______________

1. Chest pain, rule out acute myocardial

infarction ______________________
2. Syncope, likely viral influenza ______________________
3. Fatigue, suspected iron
deficiency anemia ______________________
4. Severe left temporal headache,
probable brain tumor ______________________
5. Abdominal discomfort RUQ,
possible gall bladder disease ______________________
6. Abnormal Pap smear; likely cervical cancer ______________________

1. Malarial fever with hepatitis ____________ ____________

2. Rheumatoid arthritis with polyneuropathy ____________ ____________
3. Diabetic retinitis (type II diabetes) ____________ ____________
4. Cholecystitis with bile duct calculus ____________ ____________
5. Meningitis due to salmonella infection ____________ ____________
6. Diabetic (insulin-dependent) polyneuropathy ____________ ____________

1. Carcinoma of cervical esophagus _______________________

2. Lipoma of breast _______________________
3. Carcinoma in situ, cervix _______________________
4. Endometrial sarcoma _______________________
5. Metastatic carcinoma to brain from lung
Previous resection of lung with no recurrence
at primary site _______________________
6. Reticulum cell sarcoma of the spleen _______________________

1. Intrauterine pregnancy, 12 weeks; long-standing essential

hypertension being monitored closely _____________
2. Delivery complicated by placenta previa _____________
3. Cesarean delivery of twins (liveborn) _____________
4. Premature delivery, frank breech presentation; single liveborn _____________
5. Intrauterine pregnancy, 12 weeks gestation, undelivered, with
mild hyperemesis gravidarum _____________
6. Term pregnancy delivered, single stillborn; terminal abruptio
placentae; cord tightly around neck with compression _____________

1. Trimalleolar fracture of ankle __________________

2. Lacerations, left foot, infected __________________
3. Anterior dislocation of shoulder __________________
4. Ruptured spleen, traumatic __________________
5. Open fracture coronoid process of mandible __________________
6. Stab wound of abdominal wall, infected __________________

E Codes:

1. Fracture of distal end of femur, due to fall from bicycle __________________

2. Passenger injured in accidental derailment of train __________________
3. Open fracture of femur (pedestrian struck by auto) __________________
4. Head injury, due to confirmed child abuse by grandmother __________________

1. Coma due to acute barbiturate intoxication, attempted suicide

ICD-9 code(s) _____________ _____________
E-Code(s) _____________ _____________
2. Diplopia due to allergic reaction to antihistamine, taken as prescribed
ICD-9 code(s) _____________ _____________
E-Code(s) _____________ _____________
3. Syncope due to hypersensitivity to antidepressant medication
ICD-9 code(s) _____________ _____________
E-Code(s) _____________ _____________
4. Toxic encephalopathy due to excessive use of aspirin
ICD-9 code(s) _____________ _____________
E-Code(s) _____________ _____________

1. Burn of esophagus due to accidental ingestion ____________ ____________

of cleaning fluid
2. First degree burns of back of left hand due to ____________ ____________
hot tap water
3. First-degree and second degree burns, thumb ____________ ____________
and two fingers on right hand, from kitchen fire
in nursing home
4. Burns over 38% of body with 10% of body ____________ ____________
involved in third degree burns and 28% involved
in second degree burns

1. Meningitis due to salmonella infection __________________________

2. Acute appendicitis, ruled out __________________________
3. Colles fracture
Patient fell from chair __________________________
4. Chronic asthmatic bronchitis __________________________
5. Burn on tongue from drinking hot coffee __________________________
6. Dementia due to Alzheimer's disease __________________________
7. Intrauterine pregnancy, with pernicious
anemia, not delivered __________________________
8. Severe manic disorder, recurrent episode __________________________
9. Burns over 38% of body, with 10% of __________________________
body involved in third degree burns and
28% involved in second-degree burns
10. Severe epistaxis due to hypertension __________________________
11. Recurrent derangement of ankle __________________________
12. Cesarean delivery of stillborn at 38 weeks __________________________
gestation owing to placental infarction
13. Acute peptic ulcer with hemorrhage and __________________________
perforation and documented obstruction
14. Lethargy due to unintentional overdose of __________________________
sleeping pills

1. Degenerative arthritis of the shoulder _____________________

2. Hereditary epistaxis _____________________
3. Abnormal glucose tolerance test _____________________
4. Lumbalgia _____________________
5. Hyperplastic lymph node, left axilla _______________________
6. Outcome of delivery of twins, both liveborn _______________________
7. Pregnancy test (unconfirmed) _______________________
8. Excessive thirst; rule out diabetes _____________________
9. Influenza with URI _____________________
10. Multiple injuries, due to collision with another car _____________________
11. Giant cell leukemia _____________________
12. Carcinoma metastatized to lung _____________________
13. Seminoma, left testis _____________________
14. Intrauterine pregnancy, term; spontaneous _____________________
delivery; single liveborn
15. Fracture of collar bone _____________________
16. Two-year-old patient ingested an unknown
quantity of mother's Enovid _____________________
17. Acid burns to left cornea from nitric acid _____________________
18. Biopsy, axillary lymph node _____________________
19. Intravenous pyelogram _____________________
20. Laparascopic appendectomy _____________________

1. Rheumatoid arthritis with carditis _____________________

2. Uterine hemorrhage, due to IUD perforating uterus _____________________
3. Abnormal heart rate affecting fetus _____________________
4. Lumbalgia due to displacement, intervertebral disc _____________________
5. Atypical hyperplasia of endometrium _____________________
6. Outcome of delivery of triplets _____________________
(two liveborn, one stillborn)
7. Intermittent peritoneal dialysis treatment _____________________
8. Diabetes ruled out _____________________
9. Pericarditis due to histoplasmosis _____________________
10. Injury received by crew member of commercial
airline when he stumbled at take-off _____________________
11, Squamous cell carcinoma in situ, floor of mouth _____________________
12. Odontogenic fibrosarcoma _____________________
13. Aleukemic myelogenous leukemia, in remission _______________________
14. Cesarean delivery of stillborn at 38 weeks
gestation owing to placental infarction _____________________
15. Non-traumatic slipped femoral epiphysis _____________________
16. Lethargy due to unintentional overdose of sleeping
pills _____________________
17. First degree burn of lower leg and second degree
burn of left foot when adding wood to fire _____________________
18. Cystoscopy with left retrograde ureteral
pyelogram _____________________
19. Endoscopic insertion stent in pancreatic duct _____________________
20. Arthrotomy of right knee with excision of right
medial meniscus and patellar shaving _____________________

1. Acute erythroleukemia _____________________

2. Oat cell carcinoma, left lower lobe of lung _____________________
3. Astrocytoma, frontal lobe of the brain_____________________
4. Lipoma, thoracic wall _____________________
5. Chronic myeloid leukemia _____________________
6. Malignant hydatidiform mole _____________________
7. Bowen's disease of face _____________________
8. Nevus, neck _____________________
9. Insulinoma _____________________
10. Rodent ulcer of cheek _____________________
11. Paget's disease of nipple _____________________
12. Papilloma of bladder _____________________
13. Lymphosarcoma of stomach _____________________
14. Malignant melanoma, calf _____________________
15. Osteoma of the tibia _____________________
16. ACTH producing adenoma of the pituitary _____________________
17. Carcinomatosis peritonei _____________________

18. Brain tumor _____________________

19. Metastatic carcinoma of the liver from the breast _____________________
20. Secondary cancer of the rectum _____________________
21. Undifferentiated small cell carcinoma _____________________
of the right ovary with metastases to
the scapular and axillary lymph nodes
22. Angiosarcoma of the spleen _____________________
23. Carcinoma of pyloric canal with extension to duodenum _____________________
24. Carcinoma involving pyloric canal and duodenum _____________________
25. Undifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma _____________________
involving the soft palate and the posterior
wall of the oropharynx. Metastases to the
cervical lymph nodes
26. Undifferentiated oat cell carcinoma originating _____________________
in the main bronchus and extending to involve
the right middle lobe and visceral pleura.
Metastatic carcinoma in the left femur
27. Giant cell glioblastoma involving the frontal _____________________
and temporal lobe of the brain
28. Transitional cell carcinoma involving the bladder, _____________________
ureter and kidney

1. Excessive smoking ______________

2. Korsakov's psychosis ______________
3. Acute alcohol intoxication ______________
4. Severe mental retardation ______________
5. Drug withdrawal syndrome ______________
6. Schizophrenia, childhood type ______________
7. Hyperventilation syndrome ______________
8. Heller's syndrome ______________
9. Developmental dyslexia ______________
10. Arteriosclerotic dementia ______________
11. Hyperkinetic conduct disorder ______________
12. Developmental disorder ______________
13. Dementia in epilepsy ______________
14. Anxiety state ______________
15. Acquired hydrocephalus ______________
16. Pick's disease of brain ______________
17. Meningitis ______________
18. Anoxic brain damage ______________
19. Herpes simplex of external ear ______________
20. Blindness, one eye ______________
21. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease ______________
22. Infantile hemiplegia ______________
23. Presenile cataracts ______________
24. Secondary Parkinsonism ______________
25. Acute secretory otitis media ______________

26. Aortic stenosis ______________

27. Mitral regurgitation ______________
28. Secondary hypertension ______________
29. Pulmonary embolism ______________
30. Cor pulmonale ______________
31. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy ______________
32. Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease ______________
33. Cerebral aneurysm ______________
34. Myocardial ischemia ______________
35. Myocardial disease ______________
36. Subdural hemorrhage ______________
37. Cerebral infarction ______________
38. Malignant nephrosclerosis ______________
39. Psychogenic ulcerative colitis ______________

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