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Developing of climate data for building simulation with future weather

conditions in a Danish context

Rasmus Madsen and Casper Thalund Hansen

Aarhus University, Department of Engineering, Denmark
Project 1 Research Methods in Civil and Architectural Engineering, masters degree program, fall 2015

Today, climate models are used frequently to describe past, current or future climate conditions in par-
ticular building simulation. A research study of how future climate change will affect the future indoor
environment and buildings energy use in a Danish context has been conducted. To fulfil this research
study, information of how climate models are developed are needed as well. The research study includes
an objective descriptive approach from both Danish and global research of the given topic. The gathered
information from the publications is evaluated with respect to indicators for the quality of the journals
as well as the authors. The method used for development of the Danish design reference year, is not
clear, and to have a full knowledge of how the climate change will affect building simulation in a Danish
context, further research is needed. This research for development of a new Danish weather file will
require both a descriptive and analytical research.

In many ways, it is desired to could have an ac- When doing research, there are different methods
curate model for weather conditions and future and approaches there could be used. Depending
climate change. This could be for a shorter or a on the system of inquiry, a quantitative, qualita-
longer period, and could be used for projection of tive or mixed method approach should be used.
a buildings energy consumption over its lifetime The quality of the executed research is depending
or the indoor environment under future climate on that, the chosen research method is clear, and
conditions. These climate models are used fre- that objectivity is high throughout the research
quently to describe past, current or future climate project. Inclusion of publications and work done
conditions. This has led to the question: What by other researchers is important to require new
influence has weather data on building simula- knowledge and back up assumptions in the re-
tion, and how can future climate change affect search project. To evaluate the quality of these
building simulation performance in a Danish con- publications, certain indicators can guide the re-
text? To answer this research question a litera- searcher to evaluate if the information gathered is
ture research has been conducted. appropriate or not.


System of inquiry and research methods difficult, time consuming and met with much re-
When a researcher is making a research design, sistance (Kuhn 1962). In order to require a wide
the particular research design frame is made of field of information, input from qualitative, quan-
the researchers own assumptions of how the na- titative or mixed methods can be used.
ture affects the reality of the given topic, and how Quantitative research is based on measure-
to understand it. These assumptions is defined as ment of quantity or amount (Kothari, ebrary
system of inquiry (Polkinghorne 1983) or as a 2004). This research method is often associated
paradigm (Denzin, Lincoln 1998). Both of with systematic empiric investigations or statis-
them includes a complete picture or package of tic, mathematic or computational techniques.
large groups of research and represents the whole When having phenomena there can be hard to ex-
process from the beginning to the end. When a press in terms of quantity, but is relating to qual-
researcher is researching a new field, and estab- ity or kind, qualitative research is concerned.
lishing a new paradigm, prior understanding is to An example could be investigation of reasons for
be reconstructed. This process of generating new human behaviour (why some people are moti-
understanding and establishing new paradigm is vated to think or do things in a certain way and

Page 1 of 12
other people in another way), it are called Moti- searcher should also determine the strategies of
vation research there is a type of qualitative re- inquiry. The researcher should determine which
search (Kothari, ebrary 2004). Quantitative and investigations there are planned to be conducted
qualitative research is however not as discrete as and how rigorous they should be. When having
they appear, and should be viewed as different the knowledge claim and strategy settled, the re-
ends of a continuum (Newman, Benz 1998). A searcher needs to determine specific methods for
study could be more qualitative than quantitative data collection and analysis. This could be prede-
or vice versa. If placed in the middle of this con- termined methods, emerging methods or both
tinuum, the approach mixed methods research which are applied for respectively quantitative,
is concerned. Here, the main assumption is that a qualitative and mixed method approaches (Cre-
combination of qualitative and quantitative ap- swell 2003). Hereafter the concepts for the re-
proaches will provide a more complete under- search are settled and the approach can be chosen
standing of the research problem, than either ap- and translated into a practice design process of
proach alone (Creswell 2014). research. The design process contains of several
The researcher starts a project with certain as- steps, where the researcher starts with listing up
sumptions about what they will learn and how the questions there are to be answered and ends
they will learn it during their inquiry, and these up with a validated analysis there answers these
assumptions are called knowledge claims (Cre- questions. An illustration for this research pro-
swell 2003). At the start of a project, the re cess is set up at Figure 1.

Figure 1 Knowledge claims, strategies of inquiry and methods leading to approaches and research design
(Creswell 2003, page 5)

Approaches to research stracting out the reduced data starts. The re-
For the research inquiry to include a whole searcher goal is to create a meaningful under-
worldview, large amount of raw data is required. standing, and this starts with creating intercon-
Zina OLeary (O'Leary 2010) has defined a nection across the dataset. The interconnection
method to drilling the data in, and abstracting it across the dataset can be used to divide the da-
out. First, you start gathering in data with which taset into different themes and new knowledge
has a widespread information level, and hereafter and own explanations are applied to create a co-
you organize it in relationships cross-sectional. herent meaningful understanding of the dataset
The organized data is melted down to make some there initial was used. An illustration for this is
consensual meaning. Hereafter the process of ab- shown in Figure 2.

Page 2 of 12
bles. This is called descriptive research (Ko-
thari, ebrary 2004). If the researcher is doing an
analytical research, facts or information al-
ready available can be used to make a critical
evaluation of the material (Kothari, ebrary 2004).

Qualitative research
When doing qualitative research there are differ-
ent techniques that aims at discovering the mo-
tives and desires of humans (Kothari, ebrary
2004). These techniques can be used in gathering
information in a qualitative research. John W.
Creswell has developed a framework that identi-
fies four types of qualitative information: inter-
views, observations, audio visual information
and documents (Creswell 2014). Some of the
Figure 2 Model for drilling data in and abstracting it data sources for qualitative research are presented
out (O'Leary 2010, page 263). in Table 1, were they are divided into wheatear
they are interactive or no interactive. An interac-
When a researcher is doing research, it can be re- tive approach means if the researcher is in direct
ported what has happened or what is happening, contact with the given activity, or if the approach
and the researcher has no control over the varia- is directly.

Table 1 The variety of data sources for qualitative research (Wang, Groat 2013, page 244)
Tactics Interactive No interactive
Interviews & Open- Face-to-face or phone in-depth interviews Online response to open ended questions
Ended Response For-
mats Focus groups

Task-oriented formats, e.g.: Prompted journaling

mapping exercise activity logs
multiple sorting task photo logs
projective surveys (games)
Observations Participants observation Nonparticipant observation
(research role concealed)

Participant observation
(research role known)
Artifacts and Sites In situ observation & analysis of arti- Photos, drawings or virtual representa-
facts/buildings/urban context/ landscape tions of artifacts and sites
Archival Documents Public documents
Audio visual material
Artifactual or site documentation

Personal journals, diaries, letters,


Quantitative research Quantitative research can be subdivided into in-

Quantitative research is an approach for testing ferential, experimental and simulation ap-
objective theories by examining the relationship proaches (Kothari, ebrary 2004). An inferential
among different elements (Creswell 2014). These approach means to form a database to infer char-
elements can be measured so that numbered data acteristics or relationships of population. Here
can be analysed using statistical procedures. survey could be an example where description of

Page 3 of 12
trends, views or opinions of a population is made period of a year can be simulated in a few minutes
by studying a sample of that population. A survey or even seconds. In an economical perspective,
can be conducted using structured interviews or simulations can give a much cheaper answer to
questionnaires for which the intent of generaliz- the given task, than to build a physical model and
ing a sample to a population (Fowler 2009). test over the given period.
An experimental approach strides for determin-
ing, if a specific action influences an outcome or Mixed methods research
result (Creswell 2014). This could be assessed by Mixed methods involve combining or integrating
providing a specific action or treatment to one quantitative and qualitative research and data into
group and abstain it from another, and determine a study (Creswell 2014). When quantitative and
how both groups score on an outcome. qualitative data are implemented into a research
A simulation approach constructs an artificial en- database, it could be used to check the validity or
vironment, ex a building or a room, where rele- explain tendencies of the other.
vant information or data can be generated (Ko- A well-known combination of subjective and ob-
thari, ebrary 2004). With a simulation, it is al- jective data is the comforts equation by P.O.
lowed to observe a system, or its subsystem, in a Fanger (1970). Here many experiments with the
controlled environment. The simulation approach subjective feeling of an indoor environment in
can be useful in building models for understand- combination with the measured parameters is set
ing and investigating future conditions. The sim- to give a general equation for thermal comfort
ulation approach is useful where the experiments (Fanger 1970).
would be to detailed, and has its advantages in a


All types of scientific researchs purpose are to Table 2 How to read a paper (Hanson 2000)
make progress for each specific field of science. Preparation:
Scientific research is communicated through dif- Quiet place
ferent types of literature; such as papers, tech- Pencil, paper, photocopy of article
nical reports, books and conference proceedings. Deciding what to read:
The scientific literature can be split into two basis Read title, abstract
categories for primary and secondary literature. Read it, file it or skip?
Primary literature is publications of original re- Read for breadth:
What did they do?
search, and can be published in the listed types of
Skim introduction, headings, graphics,
literature including theses and dissertations. The definitions, conclusions and bibliog-
secondary literature publishes condense for the raphy.
already known knowledge, which could be pre- Consider the credibility
sented in textbooks, manuals, treatises and re- How useful is it?
views which collection of research for a specific Decide whether to go on
topics (Humboldt State University 2015). Find- Read in depth:
ing the right literature for a specific task can be a How did they do it?
time-consuming process, and the amount of liter- Challenge their arguments
ature for some topics could be overwhelming. To Examine assumptions
efficient reading of scientific papers, Hanson Examine methods
(Hanson 2000) has made a guide that includes Examine statics
five steps for how to read a paper. These five Examine reasoning and conclusion
steps are shown in Table 2. The most important How can I apply their approach to my
initial condition for reviewing scientific papers, work
is always why are you doing it? Strategies to re- Take notes:
view a scientific paper should be different, if it Make notes as you read
should be used for an overview, or it should be Highlight major points
used for challenging the method and arguments Note new terms and definitions
in the papers. Summarize tables and graphs
Write a summary

Page 4 of 12
Universities are doing the main part of research, Consistency for publishing the research at an
but also governments and NGOs are doing some. open access model will be that the scientific qual-
Objectivity is key element of research, and the re- ity could be lowered and other researchers avoid
search should be free from financial conflicts and the knowledge because of the publication model
interest. Objectivity should protect the scientist and publisher of the journal.
and university, and most important should the With the high yearly amount of published papers
public confidence and trust for taxes sponsor the and fluctuating quality of journals, some indica-
research (The University of Mississippi 2011). tors for the quality of journals and authors are
The scientific papers are very important in order needed.
to publish the actual science, and distribute the
knowledge in a global perspective. The journals Impact metrics
have a high impact because of the procedure with Impact metrics are an indicator for the citations
peer review of independent experts. The major of the journal. One of the most common metrics
journals with a high acknowledgement receive is the Impact Factor, which measures the aver-
more articles than they can publish. It is difficult age citations per publication, and is published
to get science published in these major journals, every year by Thomson Reuters. A rule of thumb
but that can also be a quality check for the actual for research in buildings states that in impact fac-
scientific research quality. tor below 1 is low and above 3 is excellent. In
other areas, the conditions may be otherwise. An-
There have been written overwhelming many sci- other common metric is the Source-Normalized
entific papers over the years and every year dif- Impact per Paper (SNIP) that measures the cita-
ferent journals publish new papers. In 2006 an es- tions relative to average for discipline (an SNIP
timated 1.3 million papers were published in > 1 means journals are cited more than average
23,750 journals (Lauri, Bjrk et al. 2009). Today for the field). Every year Elsevier makes a list of
it is possible to generate a scientific paper with 21,900 journals SNIP, IPP and SJR metrics (Else-
yourself as author, reference and all general re- vier B.V. 2015). At each journals homepage it is
quirements for layout for a scientific paper online different if they provide an impact metric or not.
(Stribling, Krohn et al. 2005). Some homepages Thomson Reuters does also keep a list of the
are willing to publish the work for payment, and worlds most important and influential journals
often they do not have any review of the actual (Testa 2012). This is a way to have a database of
work. In the search for papers in the critical re- qualified and serious journals. Another list of this
view study, there has been found a paper from a kind is the Danish bibliometric list (Uddannelses-
publisher called Hindawi Publishing Corpora- og Forskningsministeriet 2015), there contains a
tion, which uses the Authors-pays model. This research indicator for journals.
paper contains method for generating typical
metrological year (Haixiang Zang, Qingshan Xu Authors H-index
et al. 2012). The method in the paper for creating The h-index is a measure of how productive an
typical metrological year, are looking similar to author is, and what citation impacts his publica-
the methods described in other papers from more tions has. The h-index indicates the authors most
recognised journals. Richard Poynder (2012) cited papers and the number of citations they
comments on the business model for the Hindawi have in other publications. The definition of the
Publishing Corporation, and finds some critique h-index is that a scholar with an index of h has
that he thinks could have influence on the quality. published h papers, which has been cited in other
papers at least h times (McDonald 2005). An au-
"More broadly, we have to conclude that, how- thors h-index can be checked at Google Scholar,
ever ethical and effective a publisher Hindawi it- there is a database on citations of publications.
self may be, the author-side gold OA model may For it to be possible to check an authors h-index
turn out to be a flawed model, since it can too it is required for him to have a user profile, that
easily be exploited by disreputable (predatory) keeps track of published papers and citations.
publishers to the detriment of the global re-
search endeavor (Poynder 2012).

Page 5 of 12
The total number of papers does not account for ated publications. Google Scholar does not con-
the quality of the scientific work, while the num- tain all publications with their respective authors,
ber of scientific citations is a more appropriate in- and therefore not all citations. If an authors h-in-
dicator, where the h-index is intended to measure dex cannot be found, it can either mean that there
the quality and quantity of scientific output. are no citations the authors work, or it is just not
There is however a number of situations where registered.
the h-index may provide misleading information:
The citation level and behaviour are field-de- In context to the critical literature review that is
pendent, which makes comparison across disci- done here, an exercise of making a review has
plines difficult. The h-index can be manipulated been done, and is submitted in Appendix A Ex-
through self-citations, or even computer-gener- ercise with reviews.


In Denmark, all simulations for buildings perfor- climate data (Wang, Scharling et al. 2013b). The
mance must use the weather file Danish Design Technical rapport from Wang et al (Wang, Schar-
Reference Year 2013 (BR10, 2014). The Danish ling et al. 2013a) gave no indication of how and
Meteorological Institute (DMI) collects data why the data for the new DDRY were selected,
from different weather stations in Denmark. DMI because of lack of references to relevant stand-
has in collaboration with the Danish building re- ards for how to statistic generate a design refer-
search institute developed and published the Dan- ence year. The DDRY is developed for different
ish Design Reference Year (DDRY) (Wang, months of the period 2001-2010. The typical
Scharling et al. 2013b). This development is re- months for the DDRY is set up in Table 3, and no
ported in several technical reports for DMI on the clear consensus is seen between the choosing
establishment of a new reference year. In 2012, months. The only expression for selection of the
there were published a new Design Reference exact months is this passage:
Year (DRY), which contains observations from
DMI's station network, where the parameters Each month has been selected with the climato-
global radiation, relative humidity, temperature logical premises in mind, that it should exhibit
and wind speed was included (Wang, Scharling typical climatological variation. This means no
et al. 2012). The new DRY were made for calcu- extremes, yet some variation is indeed tolerated
lation in the solar energy sector, because of the (Wang, Scharling et al. 2013b).
old DRY (1975-1990), no longer represented the
current climate conditions (Wang, Scharling et al. One of the problems with making science without
2013a). In 2013 a DDRY weather file was pub- any described method is to reproduce the refer-
lished, this was no longer only for the solar en- ence year. The reference year is produced by
ergy sector but also for national building permits. opinions from the authors, and that could be dif-
All building permits from 2014 are required to ferent if other has done the same work.
use the newest DDRY, which are hourly-based

Table 3 The twelve typical months from the period 2001-2010, used for DDRY (Wang, Scharling et al. 2013b, page 6)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Year 2009 2009 2006 2010 2006 2005 2009 2009 2009 2008 2010 2009

In 2015, there is an investigation for the Danish compared with a national weather data. The devi-
climate data impacts on energy performance for ation for using local weather data compared with
solar collectors done by Janne Dragsted et al. old reference year gave a 14 % higher energy pro-
(Dragsted, Furbo et al. 2015). The investigation duction in the solar collectors. The investigation
have shown the difference for using the old Dan- is missing to compare the new DDRY with the
ish reference year from the number of years ex- local data from the same period 2002-2010. That
tending 1975-1990 and local weather data from would have shown the differences between using
2002-2010. The investigation shows the im- local weather data compared with the national
portance of using the newest weather data, but DDRY on building simulation.
also the difference for using local weather data

Page 6 of 12
It has not been possible to find any other pub- 25.9% - 37.1% higher compared with the same
lished paper for how climate change influences simulation with a TMY data set.
building simulations or how the DDRY are com- Guan (Guan 2009) described in 2008 different
posed. In global perspective there are several re- methods for projections of future weather file.
searches for the impact of climate change for Figure 3 illustrates how she had come up with
building simulation, and how different types of new hourly weather data, as prediction of future
climate data are composed with a scientific repro- weather variables. Different methods were dis-
ducible method. cussed for the useful method for projection future
climate model. The methods were; present de-
In Poland 2004, there was developed a typical gree-day, Imposed offset, stochastic weather
meteorological year (TMY) for the period 1971 model and Global climate models. The different
to 2000. This are compared by Grudzi ska and methods strength and weakness were discussed,
Jakrusik (Grudzi ska, Jakusik 2015) with more and the conclusion states that the imposed offset
actual climate data from 2001-2012. Results method should be the best method for integrating
shows that the energy consumption, simulated in weather forecasts in building simulation.
BSim for cooling, in a residential building was

Figure 3 illustration for how to get predicted future hourly weather data (Guan 2009, page 797)

One of the imposed offset method for projections There is made an investigation with usage of the
are called Morphing and are developed by morphing method for projection of the energy
Belcher et al. (Belcher, Hacker et al. 2005). consequence in Hong Kong by Chan (Chan
Morphing combines observed weather with pro- 2011). Developing of climate data are done by us-
jected data for climate change as function of the ing typical meteorological year (TMY) and sort
different scenarios of change; this could be emis- them with Finkelstein-Schafer statistical method
sions for greenhouse gasses. The morphing pro- (Schafer 1971). This method are the most com-
cedure uses regional or global climate models to mon for generating typical meteorological years
calculate a monthly mean for the weather varia- (Chan, Chow et al. 2006). With use of future
bles. The algorithm for the Morphing method weather conditions, the energy consumption for
uses three operations; a shift, a linear stretch and an office and dwelling are investigated with using
shift and a stretch. The new monthly mean are EnergyPlus. The energy consumption for air-con-
distributed over a baseline climate which distri- ditioning systems are increased up to 14.3% for
bution comes from previous years' data. How this office buildings and 24% for dwellings in the pe-
baseline will be in the future is there no consen- riod 2020-2090 (Chan 2011). Due to the geo-
sus of, it could be with a general higher mean graphically size of China the climate conditions
temperature or with more periods of heat wave. are divided into different zones. These zones are
(Belcher, Hacker et al. 2005). varying a lot from hot summer and warm winter

Page 7 of 12
to severe cold, and have influence on the projec- is a new ratio between the parameters used for
tion of future weather conditions. To create rep- developing climate data, and are called a typical
resentative TMY-years it is found that a 30-years principal component year (TPCY). Deviation be-
record gives stable temperatures. The selection of tween for the measured climate and the TPCY is
climate data with the Finkelstein-Schafer method lower compared with the traditional TMY (Yang,
can be with different weighted parameter as Wan et al. 2011).
shown in Table 4. The present study in the table,

Table 4 Weighting factors for Finkelstein-Schafer statistics (Yang, Wan et al. 2011, page 6123).
Index Sendia method TMY NSRDB TMY2 Present Study
Temperature Max dry-bulb temp 1/24 1/20 1/24
Min dry-bulb temp 1/24 1/20 1/24
Mean dry-bulb temp 2/24 2/20 2/24
Humidity Max dew-point temp 1/24 1/20 -
Min dew-point temp 1/24 1/20 -
Mean dew-point temp 2/24 2/20 4/24
Wind Max wind speed 2/24 1/20 2/24
Mean wind speed 2/24 1/20 2/24
Solar radiation Global radiation 12/24 5/20 12/24
Direct radiation - 5/20 -

For the national weather data in the United King- more et al. 2011). For calculating energy perfor-
dom (UK), there are several papers, which de- mance and peak power, for cooling in the UK,
scribe the method for creating design reference there is an average typical weather data and a de-
year. In the UK, they have different weather files sign summer year (DSY) (Watkins, Levermore et
to assess buildings performance compared to the al. 2013). The paper by Watkin, Levermore et al.
Danish method, and have made a lot of research (2013) discuss the limitation of use the DSY,
for projections of future weather data. A case which is develop as an 87.5 % for the mean air
study by Jentsch, Bahaj et al. (Jentsch, Bahaj et temperature for 20 consecutive years. The conse-
al. 2008) demonstrates the impact of climate quence of using only the mean air temperature for
change with a naturally ventilated building. Pro- creating design reference years gave a one-sided
jections of future climate are done with Morphing selection. Other parameters as relative humidity
method of the present day weather. The example and solar radiation could be important parameters
shows that the hot summer 2006 in England, even for choosing a better estimation for weather data.
was more critical than projections of future cli- There are made comparison with the actual DSY,
mate for a middle high emission scenario in 2050. and with three different design reference years
(DRY) for temperature, humidity and total solar
In 2009, the United Kingdom Climate Impact irradiance. The DRY are developed by using the
Program 2009 (UKCIP09) came with projections weather generator UKCIP for a 5 km square at
for the CO2 emission for different types of sce- the Manchester Ringway airport, with the high
narios. These data are used for trying to estimate emission scenario for the year 2080. The results
future climate, and developing DRY for the dif- show that the temperature in an environment with
ferent past couple of decades (Du, Underwood et a high emission factor has the potential to have
al. 2012). The weather generator UKCIP can more hot days for some of the summer months.
generate different weather data as functions of The potential for using DRY outcome from the
different projections of the CO2 emission. For UKCIP weather data generator should provide
simulation, there was some missing data for wind more similar weather data than the more static
speed, wind direction, cloud cover and solar radi- DSY (Watkins, Levermore et al. 2013).
ation that were developed later (Watkins, Lever-

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Literature within the field of climate data, the de- DDRY. In order to could fully answer the listed
velopment of weather files, building simulation research questions, it would be necessary to con-
and buildings energy consumptions dependency duct an analytical research study within some
on future weather conditions, contains a huge subareas. This analytical research would include
amount of publications and in general very much simulations to retrieve data or facts there could be
raw data. A literature review has been made, with presented as results to the audience. A sketched
the intention of creating an inquiry there is as model of this process is illustrated at Figure 4.
widespread as possible. The literatures within One could say that a large research study with a
these topics are research done in different loca- widespread inquiry requires minor studies of dif-
tions in the world (UK, Poland and China). The ferent subareas to fulfil the inquiry. If there were
information has been organized to see the inter- a lack of information in a subarea, the researcher
connection between the used methods, and a con- would have to conduct both a descriptive- and an
nection back to usage of this research in a Danish analytical research to fulfil the inquiry. When do-
context. Most of the reviewed literature has used ing state of the art research, this is the process
a quantitative approach to their research. How- there is used, and if the research is good, it could
ever, it has been difficult to determine which be used for another research and the knowledge
method that has been used for making the current within the research field will be expanded.

Figure 4 An overall diagrammatic of a research project (Wang, Groat 2002, page 48).


The literature review reviles that the DDRY was To develop the next research design process, re-
publish with no argumentation for the scientific search questions for this process has to be set up.
selection of the climate data. The starting ques- This questions concern the area of how climate
tion has focus on the future climate changes in- data are selected for building simulation:
fluence in building simulation. However, before
creating weather files for simulation of the poten- How representative is the DDRY for the ac-
tial future conditions it is needed to investigate tual climate conditions, and what intensions
deeper into the current weather file for Denmark. in selection of climate data were used?

Page 9 of 12
What is the difference between the climate DMI. The method for development of a new
data in the DDRY and the climate data de- weather file, and the priority of these parameters
veloped with a scientific method for selec- should be investigated. The new weather file
tion like TMY or TMY2? should be analyzed in building simulation with
What influence has the priority of parame- respect to the current DDRY, and consequences
ters such as temperature, relative humidity, for energy consumption and indoor environment
should be stated. Evaluation of the results should
wind speed, and solar radiation on the selec-
be compared with similar research from other sci-
tion of climate data in a Danish context? entists. It will then be necessary to make a new
The new research questions are even more spe- research for specific investigations of climate
cific, because of the performed literature review. datas importance for building simulation. Con-
To do the future research there is set up a chart in clusion of the planned research will certainly give
Figure 5, for how to work with these new ques- new questions and the process could then be re-
tions. To do a deeper study of the DDRY, it is peated or possible modifications could be imple-
needed to find more literature, or contact the sci- mented for another research design. Such a new
entist there has been a part of the development of research could then be with respect to the initial
the DDRY. This extra knowledge is required for research question, and a potential further work
getting a deeper understanding of the intention could then be a projection of future climate con-
behind the DDRY. To develop a new weather file ditions.
it is needed to collect historical weather data from

Figure 5 Design process of future investigation


It was not possible to get an answer of the begin- to develop a new TMY. As an indicator for the
ning research question throughout the conducted future weather conditions in the UK, the projec-
literature review. The Danish research for devel- tion of the CO2 emission is used. To project the
oping weather files for future weather scenarios future weather data for the different scenarios of
has yet not begun or been published. The research CO2 emission, the Morphing method is used. The
methods for developing climate data for Danish future research should focus on the development
weather conditions need a further investigation to of a weather file from a quantitative method, and
determine the scientific quality, as this is the ba- evaluated against the DDRY with statistics and
sis for projection of the climate data. In a global building simulation. To answer the new research
perspective there have been done some research questions, an analytical research for expanding
for developing weather files from historical data the knowledge in Danish context are required. A
like the TMY. Publications of researches from descriptive research from global publications for
China and UK have used the Finkelstein-Shafer quality assurance and validation of the scientific
methods, for selection of historical climate data methods are also required.

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BELCHER, S., HACKER, J. and POWELL, D., FOWLER, F.J., 2009. Survey research methods.
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