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Manual Part Programming

1. In this method of programming, the programmer writes the machining
instructions on a special form called a part programming manuscript.

2. The instructions are prepared in a very precise manner because the

typist prepares the NC tape directly from the manuscript.

3. The manuscript is a listing of the relative tool and workpiece locations,

preparatory commands, miscellaneous instructions, and feed/speed
specifications, all which are needed to operate the machine tool.

4. Manual programming is suitable for point to point applications. Ex.


5. Manual programming can become time consuming for applications

requiring continuous-path control of the tool. More errors and likely to
be generated. Contouring is much more appropriate for computer
assisted part programming
Drilling Part Program

M- 06 Stop
machine for
operator tool

M-13 Turn on
spindle and

M-30 Tape
Computer Assisted Part Programming
Most parts machined on NC systems are considerably complex in shape,
manual programming is tedious and subject to errors.

In these instances it is much more appropriate to employ the high speed digital
computer to assist in the part programming. Many programming language
systems have been developed to perform automatically most of the calculations
which the programmer would otherwise be forced to do. Time saving and
The Part Programmers Job

In computer assisted part programming, the NC procedure for preparing the

tape from the engineering drawings is as follows:
1- Defining the workpart geometry
2- Specifying the operation sequence and tool path

No matter how complicated the workpart may appear, it is composed of basic

geometric elements i.e. points, straight lines, planes, circles, cylinders, and
other mathematically defined surfaces. Example
After defining the workpart geometry, the programmer must next construct the
path that the cutter will follow to machine the part. The tool path
specification involves a detailed step-by-step sequence of cutter moves. The
moves are made along the geometry elements, which have previously been
defined. The part programmer can use the various motion commands to direct
the tool to machine along the workpart surfaces, to go to point locations, to drill
holes at these locations, and so on.

In addition to part geometry and tool motion statements, the programmer

must also provide other instructions to operate the machine tool
The Computers Job

The computers job in the computer assisted part programming consists of the
following steps:

1- Input translation
2- Arithmetic calculations
3- Cutter offset computation
4- Post processor
Input Translation:
The part programmer enters the program written in the APT or any other
language. The input translation component converts the coded instructions
contained in the program into computer usable form, preparing for further

Arithmetic Calculations:
This unit consists of comprehensive set of subroutines for solving the
mathematics required to generate the part surface. These subroutines are called
by the various part programming language statements. This unit frees the
programmer from the time consuming geometry and trigonometry calculations, to
concentrate on workpart processing.

Cutter Offset
The second task of the part programmer is that of constructing the tool path.
However, the actual tool path is different from the part outline because the tool
path is defined as the path taken by the centre of the cutter. It is the periphery of
the cutter that machining takes place. The Purpose of the tool path from the
desired part surface by the radius of the cutter.

A separate computer program that has been written to prepare the punched tape
Tolerance Scheme
NC Part Programming Languages
An NC part programming language consists of a software package (computer
program) plus the special rules, conventions and vocabulary words for using
that software. Its purpose is to make it convenient for a part programmer to
communicate the necessary part geometry and tool motion information to the
computer so that the desired part program can be prepared.

APT (automatically programmed tools): The APT language was the product
of the MIT development work on NC programming. Although first intended as a
contouring language, modern versions of APT can be used for both positioning
and continuous path programming in up to five axes. Versions of APT for
particular processes include APTURN (for turning operations), APTMIL
(for drilling and milling operations, and APTPOINT (for point to point
The APT Language
APT is not only the NC language; it is also the computer program that performs
the calculations to generate cutter positions based on APT statements.

APT is a three-dimensional system that can be used to control up to five axes.

APT can be used to control a variety of different machining operations. There

are over 400 words in the APT vocabulary.

There are four types of statements in the APT language.

1. Geometry statements
2. Motion statements
3. Postprocessor statements
4. Auxiliary statements
Geometry Statements:
To program in APT, the workpart geometry must first be defined. The tool is
subsequently directed to move to the various point locations and along
surfaces of the workpart which have been defined by these geometry
statements. The general form of geometry statement is this:

Symbol = geometry type/descriptive data

Example: P1 = POINT/5.0, 4.0, 0.0

P1 = symbol used to identify the geometric elements (combination of six or

fewer alphabetic and numeric characters
Point = type of geometry element (POINT, LINE, PLANE, CIRCLE)
5.0, 4.0, 0.0 = descriptive data that defines the element precisely, completely,
and uniquely
To specify a line:

L3 = LINE/P3, P4 (two point line)

L4 = LINE/P5, PARLEL, L3 (line L4 must pass through point P5 and be parallel

to line L3

PL1 = PLANE/P1, P4, P5 (a plane defined by three points)

To specify a Circle:

C1 = CIRCLE/CENTER, P1, RADIUS, 5.0 (two descriptive words are used to

identify the center and radius)

The coordinate data must be specified in the order of x, y, z

Any symbols used as desciptive data must have been previously defined.
A symbol can used to define only one geometry element.

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