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Reason for Research

Young women in my community of Garth Road, Princes Town

have experienced painful side effect of abortion (e.g. - Bleeding
and not able to have another child), while others are having
abortion because as they say its safe and easy. This research is
conducted to make villagers aware of the dangers of illegal
abortion and hopefully make them think before doing an abortion.
3. What you think people should do to stop abortion from

4. Do you think that having an abortion is a way of solving

unwanted pregnancy? If yes why? If no why?
5. If you ever were to have an abortion what would be your
6. In your mind do you think abortion is equivalent to murder?
7. Do you think counselling should be required for persons
considering an abortion? Select which answer you think is right.

After the age of eighteen (18) women make their own decision

Because the mother might not be thinking rationally

19. Is putting a child for adoption better than having an abortion?

If yes why? and if no why?

20. What would you say is someone told you abortion is safe and

21. Was this questionnaire helpful to you in gaining knowledge of

the danger of illegal abortion? If yes what did you learn? if no
what can we do to make you understand the dangers of illegal
Method of Investigation

In order to collect data from the survey, I have decided to use

printed questionnaires

The questionnaire as a tool for collecting data has a number of

It doesnt take long to complete

It can be done to suit the person who is required to have it


Respondents are not required to write their names in the


It is useful and affective

Negatives are:
respondents may not complete it
Procedures used to collect data

Garth Road Princes Town has approximately 57 households. And

also this research has been carried in the community to get a
response on the statement of problem Are the people in my
community of Garth Road, Princes Town aware of the dangers of
illegal abortion? as stated before. As a total of 57 questionnaires
were printed and distributed to the villagers.
All of the questionnaires that were distributed, was expected to be
returned. These questionnaires were distributed by the help of my
family members. Each household was told that this questionnaire
would be collected in a time period of (2) days. This was done to
ensure that all respondents completed the questionnaires. These
questionnaires were distributed on the 14th ofJjune 2016, and
collected on the 16th of June, 2016. On this date, I personally went
and thanked each respondents for their participation of completing
their questionnaires.
Presentation of Data

A total of 57 questionnaires were distributed to the villages, out of

which 30 were returned.

Figure 1: Against legalizing abortion

1. Should Abortion be legalized in our country?

The pie chart below shows the amount of people who is against
legalizing abortion.


against -54
not against -3

95% of the people in my village are against abortion.

5% of the people are not against abortion

2. Was this research helpful?

The bar chart below shows 98% of the residents in the community
of Garth road was not aware of the dangers of illegal abortion and
said that the research helped them to gain knowledge about it,
while 2% disagreed.

Figure 2: Research was helpful




60 disagreed-1



yes no

3. Do you think counseling should be required for persons

considering an abortion?

Figure 3: Counseling should be required for persons

considering an abortion

Options Percentage
Yes 5%
After the age eighteen (18) 15%
women make their own
Because the mother might not 75%
be thinking rationally
Only if they are under fifteen 5%
(15) years of age

Table 1 shows 75% of the respondents think counseling is suitable

for the person considering an abortion because they may not be
thinking straight. While 15% of the respondents say if the women
are (18) years of age, its their decision. And the rest adds up to 5%
of the respondents saying yes, while the other 5% saying if they
are under (15) years they should seek counseling.
4. Should a mother be obligated to bear a child she has conceived?
Figure 4: Mother should be obligated to bear a child she has



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


30% of the responses were yes.

While 70% were no.
5. In your mind do you think abortion is equivalent to murder?

Figure 5: Abortion is equivalent to murder


75% of the responses said yes

While 25% of the responses said no
Analysis and Interpretation of data

The survey was successfully completely by the residences of Garth

Road, Princes Town. A lot of relevant information was collected.

In figure 1 a pie chart was shown states, that the respondents were
highly against legalizing abortion in my community. This was
proven in a percentage that came up with an astonishing 95%.

In figure 2 it was shown in a bar graph that the research was really
helpful to the villagers, they gain knowledge for the dangers of
abortion, it was proven when the percentage came up to 98% of
the respondents agreed it was helpful while 2% disagreed.

In figure 3 the table represented the percentage of people who

think counseling should be required for person considering an
75% of the respondent thought it was a suitable option for a person
considering an abortion. While 15% of the respondents say if the
women are (18) years of age; its their decision. As for rest added
up to 5% saying yes, while the other 5% said if they are under (15)
they should seek counseling

In figure 4 the bar graph showed that 70% of the respondents

disagreed, a mother shouldnt be obligated to bear a child she has
conceived while 30% of the respondents agreed

In figure 5 a pie chart is represented to show that 75% of the

respondents agrees that abortion is equivalent to murder while 25%

after reviewing the results it was proven that the people in my

community was now educated on the topic abortion. This was of
utmost importance since abortion is a very sensitive topic.

This survey has shown that the majority of the residents in Garth
Road, Princes Town gained knowledge about the dangers of illegal
abortion and were also against abortion.

These include:

People in my community have agreed that this research

helped them by gaining knowledge about the dangers of
illegal abortion.

The majority of the respondents, that answered the questions

provided in the questionnaires, disagreed that abortion is a
way of solving unwanted pregnancy and they were also
highly against legalizing abortion in our country. This has
been proven by a percentage of 95%.

Mostly all the respondents agreed that counseling is suitable

for the person who wants an abortion to be done.

A great majority of the villagers in my community thinks

abortion is equivalent to murder and it shouldnt be done.

Abortion is a sensitive issue and most cases illegal. Truthful

response on the survey proved that majority of the people in my
village highly disagreed on the topic abortion after knowing the
dangers. Almost all the respondents were elderly women and
mother of daughters. It was also evident that some people in my
village didnt have enough knowledge about the dangers of illegal
abortion. One comment from an elderly woman was nowadays
children have it easy, and one of the main reasons that people
should consider not to have an abortion because it is not only
taking the life of an unborn child but you are also doing harm to
yourself as well.
Members of the village can play a part and communicate and talk
to the young adults about pregnancy.

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