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PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering

Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2013



Achmad FADILLAH, Tubagus NUGRAHA and Jemmi GUMILAR

Energy and Mineral Resources Office, West Java Gov

Soekarno Hatta Street,
Bandung, West Java, 40286, Indonesia

priority in phase geological survey to prelimenary.

ABSTRACT This paper give us image of geothermal growth in
Almost 30 years since Kamojang, the first West Java since his early exploration until now.
geothermal power plant in Indonesia located in West Beside that, it will explain the regulation that support
Java, had produced 30 MWe electricity that makes geothermal development and investment opportunity.
West Java become the oldest brother for
geothermal development in Indonesia.
Geothermal energy is one of the biggest energy
Now after 30 years, West Java geothermal
source that used in West Java. It is because
development had been advanced with total Energy
geothermal energy in West Java make the important
Sales Contract reach 2.295 MWe in 8 location and
role for that potential in resources or reserves. We
have been produce 47% or approximately 1.075 MW
know that when Indonesia located along the
from Kamojang (200 MW), Darajat (271 MW), Salak
legendary Ring of Fire, the Pacific Islands are host to
(377 MW) and Wayang Windu (227 MW). The rest
some of the largest resources of geothermal energy in
1.222 MW were still develop like Kamojang V,
the world. As much as 40% of the world's geothermal
Darajat III, Wayang Windu II, Patuha, and Karaha
potential is found in Indonesia alone.
Bodas. Another location like Mt. Tampomas, Mt.
Tangkuban Parahu and Cisolok Cisukarame was still For that number, West Java become the biggest
in exploration phase. Beside that, there was Mt. province that had geothermal potential with 6.101
Ciremai that in geothermal working area bidding MW or about 22% from 29 GW geothermal
process. Last but not least, there were 7 location Indonesia potential. The West Java government

Picture 1. Distribution map of geothermal manifestations

divided the potential into 2 categories : existing and and oil company, now PT. Pertamina) to explore and
non existing due to when the geothermal permit exploited geothermal prospecting area in Indonesia.
published. Kamojang (200 MWe installed capacity), Kamojang become 1 of 15 geothermal area that
Darajat (271 MWe), Salak (377 MWe), Wayang developed by PERTAMINA.
Windu (227 MWe), Karaha Bodas, Ciater, Cibuni
Geothermal operation working area in Kamojang
and Patuha are become first criteria. Non existing
about 45.000 Ha. Operationed by PT. Pertamina
geothermal potential consist of IUP (geothermal
Geothermal Energy (PT. PGE). The power plant
working permit) and developing area after
installation is in Laksana Village, Ibun, Bandung
manifestation survey in 2009 and 2010.
Regency about 40 km from Bandung City. Weather
West Java Government also had compile developing condition in Kamojang commonly in fresh weather
scheme that we called West Java Road Map with temperature from 15 - 200C and annual rainfall
Geothermal Developing Until 2025 to reach 2.032 reach 2.885 mm.
MW. Its took to harmonize with Indonesian Road
The geothermal manifestation is by active surface
Map Geothermal Developing Until 2025.
thermal features encompassing steaming ground,
EXISITING GEOTHERMAL turbid hot lakes, mud pools and hydrothermally
altered ground with temperatures mostly close to
Existing geothermal developers are developers who
boiling point. The lower temperature hotspring of
are not bound by Law 27 of 2003 on Geothermal.
Citepus located in the southeast of the field margin
This is because the contract had been formed
represents distal outflow fluids from the main system.
previously is still true today. Existing geothermal
After drilling in 5 (five) eksploration wells (KMJ-6 to
concession contract is based on Presidential Decree
KMJ-10), we know that Kamojang reservoir is high
No. 22 in 1981. Among them there are eight existing
temperature dry steam domination (230 - 245oC).
development Kamojang (200 MWe installed
capacity), Darajat (271 MWe), Salak (377 MWe), Until 2012, PT. PGE in Kamojang has drilling 89
Wayang Windu (227 MWe), Karaha Bodas, Patuha wells include 30 production wells, 4 injection wells,
Cibuni and Ciater. 9 abandoned wells, and 46 monitoring wells.
Kamojang geothermal power plant has producing
Kamojang 2.000 GWh electric annually from 4 unit power plant.
History of west java geothermal development start
when 1926 drilled 5 (five) wells by Dutch
Government in Kamojang, Garut Regency. 4 (four) Darajat geothermal fields is one of two working area
wells become abandoned and 1 (one) of them still that operated by Chevron Geothermal Indonesia, Ltd
blow steam until now and become tourist attraction in West Java. From the old scheme (based on
located on Kamojang creater recreation area. After president decree 22 on 1981), Darajat geothermal
that, effort to build geothermal become economic working area is belongs to PT. Pertamina Geothermal
Energy just like Wayang Windu and Mount Salak.
Otherwise, Chevron as an operator in Darajat had
joint operation contract (JOC) with PT. PGE to
manage this field start on 1984 with energy sales
contract (esc) 330 MW. Energy sales contract is a
contract between a company that be an energy
producer with PT. PLN (national electric company)
as the only electric sales in Indonesia.
Exploration phase end in 1988 and begin to build first
unit of power plant with capacity 55 MW. After 10
years, the first unit start operated in 1994. After that,
development of Darajat geothermal field increase
significantly until the economic crisis in all the world
Picture 2. Production Well in Kamojang make the President of Indonesia publish new contract
energy had been pause until 1971 when Government in electric price. Some of power plant project in fact
of Indonesia (GOI) and New Zealand perform a deal has to be delayed because that condition.
to make joint in Kamojang exploration. That Chevron Darajat Indonesia, Ltd furthermore do
collaboration success to generate first geothermal expansion the unit of power plant and in 2007,
power plant (0,25 MWe) in 1978 and make Darajat III was dedicated with installed capacity 121
Kamojang field become the first Geothermal field in MWe. The Darajat III unit has been approved by the
Indonesia. United Nations as a Clean Development Mechanism
In 1981, GOI publish President Decree no 22 that (CDM) project, a market-based instrument of the
give mandatory to PERTAMINA (national mining UN's Kyoto Protocol to encourage implementation of
cost-effective greenhouse gas reductions. Darajat III MNL seriousness in managing the Wayang Windu
is the largest geothermal energy project to be geothermal field is evidenced by the signing of the
registered under the CDM program. At this time, Engineer, Procure, Construct (EPC) contract with
Chevron Geothermal Indonesia has increase Sumitomo Corporation in June 1997. The design and
electricity up to 271 MWe with annually producing construction was accomplished as an EPC contract
electric reach 2.100 GWh. with the Sumitomo Corporation of Japan, with Fuji
Electric of Japan and Engineering Industries of
Salak Indonesia performing the play two subcontracts for
Cibeureum-Parabakti area, Mt. Salak Geothermal the power plant and the steam gathering system,
Working Area (WKP) among Bogor and Sukabumi respectively.
Regency boundary was belongs to Pertamina with
Currently, geothermal management was taken over
geographical boundary from 060 30 00 060 50
by Star Energy since November 2004 and has been
00 South Latitude dan 000 03 28 010 03 28
operating two generating units with a total capacity
West Longitude and area 10.000 Ha in Bogor-
reached 227 MWe. Unit I operated commercially
Sukabumi Regency.
started in 2000 by 110 MW. While generating unit II
Geothermal manifestation dominated by acid hot were in operation since 2008 with a capacity to reach
spring that location in 3 big area. Area fumarole- 117 MW.
solfatar Cibeureum, Parabakti and Cipamanutan in
Karaha Bodas
location that have altitude 950 1200 meters.
Meanwhile, from geothermal manifestation around The story of Karaha Bodas geothermal management
Awibengkok and Kawah Ratu shapes hot spring, begins with the issuance of geothermal Mining
warming ground and fumarol, theyre can be steaded Permit to Pertamina on the 25th of January 1989.
as like as recreation field, hot water bathing or November 1994 the signing of a Joint Operation
medical purpose. Other used is to make defroster, Contract between Pertamina and Karaha Bodas
agro industry etc. Company. In addition, also signed Energy Sales
Contract (ESC) between Pertamina and PLN with a
Awibengkok and Kawah Ratu geothermal field, Mt.
generating capacity of 400 MW.
Salak denote to this Geothermal Working Area. Salak
geothermal field operated by Chevron Geothermal Geothermal manifestations that appear on the surface
Salak, Ltd with JOC scheme between Chevron is to be found in two locations: Karaha craters and
Geothermal and Pertamina since 1982 and sells steam hot springs. Of which there are around Karaha
to PT. IP and sells electric to PT. PLN. There were 6 manifestation in the form of hot springs, fumaroles
geothermal unit with total capacity up to 377 MWe. and steaming ground which can be used as a place of
Geothermal unit 1, 2 and 3 had capacity 60 MWe for recreation, hot baths and treatment and other uses as
each unit selling steam while geothermal unit 4, 5 heating, agro-industry, etc.
and 6 had capacity each 65,6 MW selling electric.
Geothermal power projects Karaha Bodas included in
Wayang Windu 27 private power projects were canceled due to the
economic crisis the government through Presidential
The Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Plant is
Decree No. 39 of 1997 on the suspension / reviewing
located in the Bandung Regency, West Java province
various government projects, the Agency for State-
of Indonesia, about 150 km southeast of Jakarta and
owned enterprises, and private enterprises related to
40 km south of Bandung City. History of Wayang
Government / Owned Enterprises State. As a result of
Windu geothermal field start on 1985 when
the cancellation, sued the government and Pertamina
Pertamina perform Geologic and Geophysics survey
International Arbitration by its partner, Karaha Bodas
to discover geothermal field. Survey activities
followed by shallow drilling at the site has now been
renamed WWA-1 in 1991. From the drilling results The government finally repeal Presidential Decree
is known that Wayang Windu geothermal field can (Decree) No. 39 of 1997 concerning the suspension
be developed into an economic power plant. back 241 government projects, State-Owned
Enterprises (SOEs) and the private sector related to
Magma Nusantara Limited (MNL), a wholly owned
the government or state-owned, by issuing
subsidiary of Star Energy is managed the Wayang
Presidential Decree No. 15 Year 2002 concerning the
Windu geothermal area under a Joint Operation
revocation Keprres No. 39 of 1997. With the lifting
Contract with Pertamina on December 1994 to
of Presidential Decree 39/1997, the private power
develop geothermal resources within the 12,960
projects can be passed back.
hectare contract area. An Energy Sales Agreement
between MNL, Pertamina and PLN, a state owned Currently, the construction activity in Karaha Bodas
utility company, gives Star Energy the exclusive right back done by PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy by
to develop up to 400 MW of electricity - generating drilling in old wells KRH 4-1 and KRH 5-1.
capacity over a period of 42 years.
Commercial Operation Date (COD) for 30 MW Unit wells, by PT. Tekno Geothermal Yala. One of the 3
I planned to take place in 2015. pieces of the wells are wells CBN-01 produced 4.5
MWe, which until now has not dimanfatkan.
The investigation continued with surface drilling
In 1994 Himpurna California Energy Limited (HCE)
three exploration wells, the CBN-01 (TD = 1554 m),
which is a joint venture between the California
CBN-02 (855 m) and CBN-03 (TD = 1403 m) were
Energy with PT. Supra Enersindo Abadi field
carried out in the year 1994 to 1997. CBN-01
development project signed Geothermal Patuha for a
exploration well change the status of a development
total capacity of 220 MW with an investment value
well (exploitation well) because it can produce steam
projected to reach 264 million U.S. dollars.
at 36 tonnes / hour to produce electrical energy
The government hopes to make the business potential of 4.2 MWe. Instead, drilling operations and
economically it is necessary to build more generating CBN CBN-02-03 terminated because the incident
capacity of 160 MW at the site, but the development "stuck pipe" at each depth of 855 m and 1276 m
of the project was delayed by the Presidential Decree with the peak fish (tagged fish) at a depth of 455 m
number 5 in 1998 before freeze agreement. During (well CBN-02) and 1141 m (well CBN-03)
operation, the operator HCE has drilled as many as
13 exploration wells, 17 wells and six development
wells slim since 1994 and cost 136 million U.S. Administratively Ciater including geothermal area in
dollars for the construction and finance. Subang district forked road, while the geographic
area terletakpada position 10738 '45.5 "East
WKP Patuha managed by PT. Geo Dipa Energy who
Longitude and 0646' 33" South Latitude.
is set to become owned by Government Regulation
Achievement to this area can be done by four wheel
No. 62 of 2011 concerning the establishment of PT.
drive from Bandung and Subang within 20 km
Geo Dipa Energy as a company of the Company
north of the city of Bandung.
(Persero) PT. Geo Dipa Energi.
Some manifestations in this area have been made at
In the southern part of Patuha are geothermal
this time Ciater geothermal direct use (direct use) as a
manifestations such as fumaroles, with a temperature
tourist destination that is making hot water bathing
of 93C, acidic hot springs and hydrothermal
pool. WKP Tangkuban Parahu I (Ciater) currently
alteration. The hot springs are located on the northern
held by PT. Wahan Sambadha Sakti with an area of
neutral Patuha with temperatures 35-83C and the
20 km2.
flow of water between 2-15 liters/sec. Based on the
results of this study indicated that the geothermal There are about 7 (seven) the appearance of acidic
reservoirs is dominated by mountain Patuha vapor is hot springs in the area Ciater, some of which are in
at a depth of 814-1500 meters. Reservoir the sights Sari Ater, hot water temperatures around
temperatures are ranging between 215 - 230oC and 44C, the water discharge of about 50 liters / sec.
pressures up to 30 bar. Also in Cipangsalan and Cicanang River valley is
estimated outflow from the Domas crater. These
Latest activities being carried out by PT. Geo Dipa
manifestations are at an altitude of 1000 m and
Energy is doing the construction of pipelines and
appears in andesite lava outcrops, water with a
power to Unit I of 55 MW. It also is preparing for the
temperature between 36-460 C, and contains a lot of
construction of Units 2 and 3 of 2 x 55 MW is
silica and precipitated iron and aluminum and
planned to start production in 2017
Cibuni Type of hot water in the area is the type Ciater
Cibuni geothermal area in the district Ciwidey chloride - sulfate or chloride sulfate water is
Bandung regency, while the geographical area is characterized by elements of chloride and sulfate
located at the position of 10716'30 "E and 0727'52" contents were relatively high. Hot water discharge
latitude. While the boundary coordinates of the areas are Ciater is quite large ( 15-50 liters / sec)
location WKP Cibuni managed by Koperasi Jasa with hot water temperatures around 44-46C. Based
Keahlian Teknosa (later known as PT. Yala TEKNO on the study of geology, geophysics and
GEOTHERMAL) located at 10719'35 "- 10725'00" geochemistry, acquired approximately 90 MW
E and 706'50 "- 0713'20 "latitude. Location Cibuni potential
geothermal area is 47 km southwest of Bandung
which can be reached by four wheel drive.
As has been presented in the beginning of this paper,
Geothermal manifestations Cibuni crater area has
the second category of geothermal development in
been exploited for tourism purposes, especially
West Java called geothermal working area non
domestic tourists as a place permadian and treatment
existing. Geothermal concession made on this site are
of skin Disease. Around the area Cibuni geothermal
drilling has been carried out for 3 (three) exploratory
fully related to Law 27 of 2003 and all of its base price of USD geothermal 5.8 cents / kWh. PT.
derivatives regulation. TPGP already completed the survey of 3G to MT
since 2010 and is currently preparing to conduct
The second category consists of locations that have
exploration drilling to reach the target of 55 MWe of
been determined to be Geothermal Working Areas
electricity production in 2017. WKP Development
(WKP) geothermal, either already or are being
Tangkuban Parahu estimated cost of USD 200
tendered. In this category are included Geothermal
Working Areas Tangkuban Parahu (PT Tangkuban
Parahu Geothermal Power), Mount Tampomas (PT Tampomas
Wika Jabar Power), Cisolok-Cisukarame (PT Jabar
Geothermal working areas Mount Tampomas
Rekind Geothermal Power) and the Geothermal
published by Ministerial Decree No.
Working Areas Mount Ciremai are still in the tender
1790.K/33/MEM/2007 on May 23, 2007 with an
area reached 27,010 hectares.
The last category is the geothermal site that has not
Manifestations were found on the ground in the form
been investigated further. However, through the
of hot springs and solfatar found only in peak Mt.
manifestation of the data collection activities in 2009
Tampomas. The hot springs in this area are hot
and 2012 conducted by the Office of Energy and
springs Cipanas I at an altitude of 310 m above sea
Mineral Resources of West Java Province has
level has been used for bathing with a temperature of
acquired 7 locations geothermal priority. Seventh
50 C. The hot springs Cipanas II at an altitude of
location is Tanggeung (Cianjur), Jampang
300 m above sea level, has a temperature of 44 C.
(Sukabumi), Cibingbin (Regency Kuningan), Mount
Cihaseum hot springs at an altitude of 277 m above
Kromong (Cirebon regency), Galunggung
sea level, has a temperature of 34 C. Cileungsing
(Tasikmalaya District), Mount Gede-Pangrango and
hot springs, in the form of two pieces of adjacent hot
Cilayu (Garut). Below we briefly describe these
springs at an elevation of 324 m above sea level, has
a temperature of 47 C. Ciuyah hot springs at an
Tangkuban Parahu altitude of 305 m above sea level, has a temperature
of 38 C. Ciledre hot springs at an altitude of 270 m
Geothermal working areas Tangkuban Parahu is one
above sea level, has a temperature of 38 C.
of three WKP West Java was first published by the
Government after the publication Law 27 of 2003. Geothermal Permit WKP Tampomas issued by the
Determination Tangkuban WKP Parahu as Governor of West Java in 2009 for a period of 35
determined by the Minister by Ministerial Decree No. years. Currently WKP Tampomas developed by PT.
2995K/30/MEM/2007 dated December 27, 2007 with Wika Jabar Power as the preferred bidder WKP in
an area reached 44,710 hectares. 2008. PT. WJP already completed the survey of 3G
to MT since 2010 and is currently preparing to
Tangkuban Parahu WKP area is owned by Pertamina
conduct exploration drilling to reach the target of 45
No.76/034/M.PE/89 dated January 25, 1989 by
MWe of electricity production in 2017. WKP
geographical borders 0635'53"- 0651'33" South
Development Tampomas estimated cost of USD 100
Latitude and 10730'00"- 10750'28" East Longitude
with an area of 111,125 ha were returned to the
government in April 2002. Cisolok Cisukarame
Manifestations of heat found in the field Peak District The geothermal system of Cisolok and Cisukarame is
Tangkuban Parahu be symptoms of solfatara, considered a geothermal prospect area in West Java.
fumaroles, hot mud pools and hot springs found in The geothermal manifestation appears at
the crater Pengguyangan Rhinos, Upas crater and 10627'13.4" E and 656'0.5" S in the Cisolok River.
Queen, Domas crater and its surroundings as well as It is about 70 km west of Sukabumi or about 170 km
regional and local Ciater arena. Temperature from Bandung (Figure 1). The geothermal
fumaroles located adjacent to the eastern reaches manifestation of Cisukarame itself is located about 6
more than 172C. In this area was also found to heat km north of Cisolok. At the present, the geothermal
the soil, rocks teralterasi, hot mud pools, hot springs manifestation of Cisolok is used as public bathing
and the temperature is 95C with acidic pH. The place.
springs in the southern part of the southeast (Kareah
The geothermal system considered a geothermal
and Cimanggu) temperature 37C, with a fairly large
prospect area as a result of its intense geothermal
water discharge (16 l /sec) and acidic to very acidic.
surface manifestations including hot spring and
Geothermal Permit WKP Tangkuban Parahu issued surface alteration. Thermal water discharging in the
by the Governor of West Java in 2009 for a period of Cisolok River has a very high temperature that is at
35 years. Currently WKP Tangkuban Parahu times above the boiling point. The thermal water also
developed by PT. Tangkuban Parahu Geothermal has neutral pH and very high discharge rate.
Power as the preferred bidder WKP in 2008 with a Hydrothermal alteration occurs at the surface and the
bank of the Cisolok River showing very high Java Province. Geothermal field Gede-Pangrango a
alteration intensity that is dominated by the preliminary field survey conducted by the scheme
occurrence of thick silica sinter and travertine. implementation assignment pursuant to Regulation
No. 59 of 2007 on Geothermal Operations. This
Geothermal working areas Cisolok Cisukarame
scheme is assigned to a third party (private) to
published by Ministerial Decree No.
conduct surveys pedahuluan with funding from the
1937.K/30/MEM/2007 on July 9, 2007 with an area
company itself.
reached 15,580 hectares.
Stages assignment began in 2011 when the Ministry
Geothermal Permit WKP Cisolok Cisukarame issued
of Energy through the Directorate General of New
by the Regent Sukabumi in 2009 for a period of 35
Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation
years. Currently WKP Cisolok Cisukarame
announced preliminary site survey assignment
developed by PT. Jabar Rekind Geothermal as the
104Pm/30/DJE/2011 number on February 2, 2011.
preferred bidder WKP in 2008. PT. JRG already
After the Minister decides to give a preliminary
completed the survey of 3G to MT since 2010 and is
survey of the area assigned to Pertamina through
currently preparing to conduct exploration drilling to
Gede Pangrango Minister Decree No
reach the target of 40 MWe of electricity production
0998K/36/MEM/2012. Currently, 3G survey
in 2017. WKP Development Cisolok Cisukarame
(Geology, Geochemistry and Geophysics) has been
estimated cost of USD 100 Million.
carried out on the location Gede-Pangrango.
Ciremai Mountain geothermal potential is located in
In admisnistrasi Galunggung geothermal prospect is
the administrative district that includes traffic and
located in the village of Cipanas, Linggarjati Village,
Majalengka Kuningan District, West Java Province,
District Sukaratu, Tasikmalaya district.
which is geographically located in the coordinate
Geographically located at 10805'34 .6 "- 10805'40
108o26'0 "-108o31'0" East Longitude and 6o54'0 "-
.04" East and 0715'58, 01 "- 0715'49, 41" South.
6o59'0" Latitude south. Regional activities can be
reached from London as far as 136.71 km using From the results of geochemical analysis of water,
four-wheel drive vehicles or buses, for 4 hours, the type of geothermal fluid in this area have water
through Sumedang - Palimanan - Cirebon - Kuningan type sulfate. Characteristics of water chemistry type
- until the location of activities. as seen from the water sulfate content of SO42 higher
content of Cl and HCO3, water sulfate is a type
Geothermal manifestations were found in the location
derived from the condensation of water vapor mixed
of Mount Ciremai consists fumarola and solfatara at
with meteoric water and associated with the upflow
Crater G. Ciremai (water temperature about 61C),
regions (zone output).
the hot springs on the eastern slopes G. Ciremai
which includes hot springs Sangkanhurip (water As with Gede Pangrango, location Galunggung was
temperature about 48C), Ciniru/Sadamantra (water cultivated with a preliminary survey assignment
temperature about 43C), and Puncakmanik (water scheme through Ministerial Decree No. EMR.
temperature about 33C), the hot springs in the K/30/MEM/2012 3499.
Valley Cilengkrang-Pejambon (water temperature
Five further geothermal locations are priority areas
about 47 oC) on the southeastern slopes of G.
that can be commercialized.
Ciremai, Liangpanas hot springs (the water
temperature is around 56C) in the southeastern foot Cilayu
of G. Ciremai, hot springs deep in southeastern
Administratively, the area is located in the village of
Ciuyah hot springs Liangpanas.
Cipanas Cilayu, Sukajaya Village, District Cisewu,
Geothermal working areas Ciremai published by Garut regency, West Java. Geographically located
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree between 10731'12 "East and 0725'48" South
No. No. 1153 K/30/MEM/2011 about Zoning Latitude. Cilayu area can be reached by land vehicles
Geothermal Mining Work in the Region of Mount from Bandung to Garut, forwarded to a location
Ciremai, Kuningan and Majalengka regency, West which is about 28 km west or southwest Index.php
Java province on 21 April 2011. After the publication from the volcano.
of the Decree, the geothermal tender process WKP The degree of acidity (pH) : 7.0
starting in October 2011.
Content elements Chlor : 1421.44
Hot water temperature : 61.3C
Mount Gede-Pangrango located 2958 meter above
sea level at 106o0030 Long and 6o45 6o55 Lat. Discharge of water : 1 liter / sec
Administratively, Gede-Pangrango lies within the Potential : Speculative Resources
regencies of Cianjur, Sukabumi and Bogor, West (100 MW), hypothesis (53 MW)
Temperature Resources : 198.51C Cianjur. Geographically located at 10706 '37.8 "E
(Geothermometer Na / K - Giggenbach) and 0715'29, 8" S. and 10706 '38.4 "E and
0715'29, 7" S. Cibungur Tanggeung area can be
reached by land vehicles from as far south as the city
In admisnistrasi geothermal prospect area is located of Bandung 56.5 Km.
in the village of Bojong Jampang Jengkol, District
The degree of acidity (pH) : 6.8
Central Jampang, Sukabumi. Geographically located
at 10643'47.6 "E and 0701'34,7" S. and 10644 Content elements Chlor : 774.91
'47.6 "E and 0701'34, 7" S. Jampang area can be Hot water temperature : 69,1 70,5oC
reached by land vehicles with mileage of Sukabumi
to location 32 Km. Discharge of water : 2,0 lt/detik
The degree of acidity (pH) : 6.61 Potential : Speculative Resources
(100 MW), Hypothesis (53 MW)
Content elements Chlor : 239.81
Resources Temperature : 122,98oC
Hot water temperature : 38.6C (geothermometer Na/K Giggenbach)
Discharge of water : 2.0 l / sec
Potential : Speculative Resources
(225 MW), Hypothesis (119 MW) Based on the above facts, it is clear that the
development of geothermal energy in West Java has
Cibingbin become a priority in order to meet electricity needs.
In admisnistrasi geothermal prospect areas located in This is because the West Java is the most populous
Kampung cipanas cibingbin, Ciangir Village, District province in Indonesia. When it was noted that the
Cibingbin, Kuningan District. Geographically located number of residents in West Java has reached 44
at 10844'52 .0 "E and 0704'30, 5" LS. Cibingbin million with the growth rate reaching 54 million by
geothermal prospect area is 12.6 km from Kuningan. 2025.

The degree of acidity (pH) : 7,7 Commitment geothermal development in West Java
had no doubt. West Java Province is the first
Content elements Chlor : 9.040,60 province to respond geothermal energy development
Hot water temperature : 54,2 oC in Indonesia. This is evident from the rising of the
West Java Provincial Regulation number 06 year
Discharge of water : 3,0 lt/detik 2006 on the Management of Geothermal governing
Potential : Speculative Resources inventory potential to empower communities around
(25 MW), Hypothesis (13 MW) the geothermal.
Resources Temperature : 132,53oC Geothermal investment opportunities in West Java
(geothermometer Na/K Giggenbach) can be obtained in three ways:
Kromong 1. Cooperation with the developers of existing
Administratively geothermal potential located in geothermal
Village of Mount Kromong Curug, West Palimanan 2. Being a developer of geothermal assignment
Village, District Gempol, Cirebon regency, West scheme preliminary survey at the site survey
Java. Geographically located between 10823 '57.2
"E and 0642' 45.9" latitude. Kromong Mountain area 3. Following the auction WKP normally.
can be reached by land vehicles from Bandung to REFERENCES
Cirebon direction as far as 114 km, forwarded to a
location which is about 71.8 km north of Kuningan Imam Raharjo, Phil Wannamaker, Rick Allis, David
Chapman (2002), "Magneto Telluric Interpretation
The degree of acidity (pH) : 6,6 on The Karaha Bodas Geothermal Field Indonesia,
Content elements Chlor : 3.497,85 Workshop on Stanford
Hot water temperature : 57,9 oC Niniek Rina Herdianita and Wulandari Mandradewi
Discharge of water : 4,0 lt/detik (2010), "Evolution of Cisolok Cisukarame
Geothermal System, West Java Indonesia, Based
Potential : Speculative Resources on Its Surface Manifestation, WGC.
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