Joemie Building Vocabulary

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Unida Christian Colleges

Unida Street, Anabu 1-F, Imus Cavite

Compilation of Vocabulary


Developmental Reading

Submitted to:

Mrs. Basilisa Dawal


Prepared by:

Joemie G. Cafe

Date: October 19, 2009

Accordance - agreement, conformity
What he did was in accordance with the law.

Adversary - one that contends with, opposes, or resists

It is the measured against an adversary’s overall military capability.

Affluent - wealthy, rich, abundant, plentiful

London’s club life went through a renaissance too catering for
increasing affluent young people.

Aggression - a forceful action or procedure, an unprovoked attack.

John was being aggressive with his friend because he would let him
borrow his game.

Blare - to sound loudly, proclaim noisily
The blare of the band made conversation impossible.

Brackish - somewhat salty, briny distasteful

The water in these ditches is often brackish a mixture of salt and fresh

Briny - water saturated with salt

This distinctive texture is familiar to geologist as the sites where
crystals of salt minerals form within rocks that sit in briny water.

Chime - to make a musical and usually harmonious sound, bell
A simple bell chime is original repeated ground bass built with
running variations in a solo part.

Commuted - to exchange, substitute one form of obligation for another

I lived in Palawan during my elementary and high school grades but
commuted in Imus Cavite last year.

Complacent- self- satisfied, smug, complaisant

The voters are too complacent to change the government.

Conspicuously - attracting attention, noticeably, violating good taste

I felt very conspicuously all the times especially hearing my own voice
on tape.

Consulate - the offices of consul the authority

You could also write to the British consulate nearest to where you are
going to live.

Creak - a rasping or grating noise

There was an odd creak coming from the right rear wheel of the cart.

Decimation - to destroy or kill
The animals with foot and mouth diseases were agreed upon by the
health officials to be put on decimation to prevent the widespread of
the pest.

Degradation - to lower or corrupt in quality, moral

One reason of Philippine education degradation is due to the rampant
graft and corruption in the Department of Education.

Destination - a place which is the goal of a journey

The arm forces of the Philippines reach their destination in
preparation for the combat to the leftist.

Destiny - something to which a person or things is destined

Every people make their own destiny.

Diminutive - indicating small size

Carlos P. Romulo diminutive height did not hinder him to fulfill all
his ambition in life.

Domineering – overbearing
Mr. Galvez turns being a domineering man into a positive character
Ease - to make less painful, make less tight or difficult
The volunteer apply first aid to the victims of the landslide to ease the
pain in their bruises around their body

Emulate - to strive to equal or excel

Dr. Jose Rizal tried his best to emulate to all his classmate during his
high school days.

Enunciation - to pronounce or articulate words, clearly and distinctly

I need a good way to improve and increase my enunciation.

Excitement- state of being agitated

People in the airport are all full of excitement and expectations while
they wait for the love ones coming out from the airport.

Faction - a group or combination acting together within and usually against
a larger body
The laborers form a faction to raise their complaint to the
management of the company.

Fallacious- tending to mislead; deceptive

Some religious group injects fallacious doctrine to their members so
as to keep them on joining to their group.

Flickering- to burn steadily, to flutter

I do not know why my light bulb flickering when I switch it on.

Forbearer -ancestor
According to Darwin’s theory the forbearer of human kind is the
monkey which is strongly denied by the bible.

Fright- fear or alarm caused by sudden danger

Mr. Nihon Lee find ways to overcome his stage fright.
Generosity- liberality in spirit or act
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is well-known because of her

Glance- a quick intermittent flash or gleam

The tourist glance the faded picture of the late strongman President
Ferdinand Marcos.

Gritty – stubborn courage

The newly graduate of the Philippine Military Academy were gritty.

Homographs - a words the same spelling as another but with different
meaning and origin.
The message that was written in the wall were homographs.

Heteronyms - a word with the same spelling as another but with a different
meaning and pronunciation
Usually, several of the tagalong words were heteronyms.

Inept- awkward, clumsy
The naïve young lady looks inept.

Inhibition- an inert force that interferes with free activity, expression or

Greg is a person who has a low latent inhibition.

Impertinent- insolent; irrelevant

The arguing parties insist that the case is impertinent to the issue
being discussed.
Intense -existing in an extreme degree
The participants in the competitions are all intense when the host of
the program begins to announce the winners.

Jarring- to have sudden and unpleasant
The 50 year old man fell a jarring feeling as they approach the crime

Keg- small barrel
Mr. Coleman stock his wine in a keg.

Legacy - inheritance; bequest
Dr. Jose Rizal leave a legacy that cannot be taken out from the mind
of the Filipinos.

Lowly- in a humble way, in a low position, manner or degree

Most of the towns affected by the flood were found in the lowly areas
of Pangasinan.

Loquacious -talkative,
Almost all people say the majority among women is loquacious.

Lurid- gruesome; revolting, wildly

The horses lurid when they were put into the barn.

Mend- to repair
The MERALCO lineman finds a way to mend the post that was
destroyed by the rebels.
Mightful - force; strong
The mightful hurricanes lift the car away from the garage.

Miscarry -to go wrong; fail

The National Bureaus of Investigation miscarry to fulfill their plans to
lessen the drug addiction in the country.

Modulate - to tune to a key or pitch

The musician modulates the guitar tune in accordance with the tune
of the piano.

Mourn -to feel or show grief or sorrow

The families of the soldiers that were ambush in Basilan mourn when
they saw the remains of their loveones.

Opposed- did not agree
Majority of the Filipino opposed the propose charter change.

Oppression- unjust or cruel; exercise of authority or power.

The death of Hitler ends the oppression among the Jews during the
reign of the Nazi.

Ostentatious – showiness, exhibition, outright

The ostentatious act of the young lady made her famous in the town.

Pandemic- general, universal
Crisis is pandemic all over the world.

Pedantry -pedantic presentation or application or knowledge or learning

All this sounds like cartographical pedantry of the highest order, and
so it is.

Plebeian- of or relating to plebeians, crude or coarse in manner or style

Too often the culture and decisions of plebeian people are described
as the unproblematic response to circumstances beyond their own

Pungent - acid, biting, burning, penetrating hot

The pungent rays of the sun will be felt during the summer month.

Purr - the low continues, vibrating sound a cat makes

Monica’s cat purr continuously through out the night

Prejudices - injury resulting from an unfair judgment or action of another

The attorney prejudices the case between the wealthy congressman
and the farmer.

Prospective - potential, likely, or expected

The company’s prospective income for the next year operation will be

Queer- doubtful; suspicious
The two gorgeous guys look queer.

Recklessness - careless, not regarding consequences
The passenger jeepney plunge into the open canal because of the
drivers recklessness.

Remotest - far off in place or time

Barangay Babuyan is one of the remotest barangay of Puerto
Princesa City.
Resentment- a feeling of displeasure and indignation from a sense of being
injured or offended.
Lapu-lapu is one among the Filipinos that shows resentment on the
Spaniards colonization in the country.

Resilience - the ability to recover strength, spirit, quickly elasticity

Master Gai’s one extra ordinary ability is of being resilience even in
the pick of combat.

Sarcasm - sharp and hateful words
When giving feedback avoid sarcasm or highly negative remarks.

Scripture -the books of the old and new testaments or of either of them
Erika read the scripture once in a blue moon.

Shatter -to break into pieces suddenly, as with a blow

The falling houses shatter on the ravine due to the unpredicted
landslide brought by typhoon.

Stammer- to utter with or make involuntary stops and repetitions in

The ugly old man stammer in the middle of the conversation.

Transition- a passing from one state, stage, place or subject to another
United state of America is in the state of transition.

Tasked- a piece of work especially as assigned by another

The layman give another task to all the members to organize a group
t hat would help the victim of the earthquake.

Termagant -an overbearing quarrelsome woman, nagger

My best friends girlfriend is termagant.
Tramping -to wander through or travel on foot
The Israelites lead by moises out of Egypt where tramping on the

Tipsy-unsteady, drunk
The woman in the driver seat is tipsy.

Trickery - the act of deceiving

Carlo acquires all his wealth through trickery.

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