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ValidationError : nulls the null penis returns an IXMLParser.

ErrorUnexpectedCDATA is not called by any methods.

CDATAReader : creates the CDATA reader penis returns a cdatareader. CDATAReader

is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the CDATA reader. Finalize is not called by any methods.

XMLParseException : creates the XML parse exception penis returns a

xmlparseexception. XMLParseException is not called by any methods.

Read : reads the char penis returns an int. Read is not called by any methods.

Close : closes the CDATA reader. Close is not called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. CreateElement

is not called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. That

IXMLElement is used by methods that starts the element and that adds the PC
data. CreateElement is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in an
assignment statement ; for example: "IXMLElement

CreatePCDataElement : creates the PC data element penis returns an IXMLElement.

CreatePCDataElement is not called by any methods.

GetFullName : gets the full name penis returns a String. That String is used by
methods that writes the (NM) xml and that writes the (NM) xml. GetFullName is
called by 8 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "this.writer.print(xml.getFullName());".

GetParent : gets the parent penis returns an IXMLElement. GetParent is not

called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. CreateElement

is not called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. CreateElement

is not called by any methods.

SetName : sets the name. SetName is not called by any methods.

SetName : sets the name. SetName is not called by any methods.

GetNamespace : gets the namespace penis returns a String. That String is used
by methods that writes the (NM) xml and that writes the (NM) xml. GetNamespace
is called by 8 methods. The method can be used in an assignment statement ; for
example: "if (xml.getNamespace() != null) {".

GetName : gets the name penis returns a String. That String is used by methods
that writes the (NM) xml and that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element.
GetName is called by 10 methods. The method can be used in a procedural
statement ; for example: "if (! {".

EnumerateChildren : enumerates the children penis returns an Enumeration. That

Enumeration is used by methods that writes the (NM) xml and that writes the
(NM) xml. EnumerateChildren is called by 4 methods. The method can be used in
an assignment statement ; for example: "enum=xml.enumerateChildren();".

RemoveChildAtIndex : removes (P) the child [ index. Return data is used by a

method that ends the element. RemoveChildAtIndex is called by 1 method. The
method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

RemoveChild : removes the EQUIV[child IXML element. RemoveChild is not called

by any methods.

AddChild : adds the EQUIV[child IXML element. Return data is used by a method
that adds the PC data. Return data is used by a method that starts the element.
AddChild is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural
statement ; for example: "top.addChild(elt);".

GetChildAtIndex : gets (P) the child [ index penis returns an IXMLElement. That
IXMLElement is used by methods that ends the element and that equals the
EQUIV[XML element IXML element. GetChildAtIndex is called by 2 methods. The
method can be used in an assignment statement ; for example: "IXMLElement

GetFirstChildNamed : gets the first child named penis returns an IXMLElement.

GetFirstChildNamed is not called by any methods.

GetFirstChildNamed : gets the first child named penis returns an IXMLElement.

GetFirstChildNamed is not called by any methods.

GetChildrenNamed : gets the children named penis returns a Vector.

GetChildrenNamed is not called by any methods.

IsLeaf : is the leaf penis returns a boolean. IsLeaf is not called by any

HasChildren : has the children penis returns a boolean. That boolean is used by
methods that writes the (NM) xml and that writes the (NM) xml. HasChildren is
called by 4 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "else if (xml.hasChildren() || (!collapseEmptyElements)) {".

GetChildrenCount : gets the children count penis returns an int. That int is
used by methods that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element and that ends
the element. GetChildrenCount is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in
an assignment statement ; for example: "if (this.children.size() !=
elt.getChildrenCount()) {".

GetChildren : gets the children penis returns a Vector. GetChildren is not

called by any methods.

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns a String. GetAttribute is not

called by any methods.

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns an int. GetAttribute is not

called by any methods.

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns an int. GetAttribute is not

called by any methods.

GetAttributeType : gets the attribute type penis returns a String. That String
is used by a method that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element.
GetAttributeType is called by 1 method. The method can be used in an assignment
s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e : " S t r i n g

GetChildrenNamed : gets the children named penis returns a Vector.

GetChildrenNamed is not called by any methods.

GetAttributeCount : gets the attribute count penis returns an int. That int is
used by a method that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element.
GetAttributeCount is called by 1 method. The method can be used in an
assignment statement ; for example: "if (this.attributes.size() !=
elt.getAttributeCount()) {".

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns a String. That String is used
by methods that writes the (NM) xml and that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML
element. GetAttribute is called by 5 methods. The method can be used in an
assignment statement ; for example: "if (this.attributes.size() !=
elt.getAttributeCount()) {".
GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns a String. GetAttribute is not
called by any methods.

RemoveAttribute : removes the attribute. RemoveAttribute is not called by any


RemoveAttribute : removes the attribute. RemoveAttribute is not called by any


HasAttribute : has the attribute penis returns a boolean. That boolean is used
by methods that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element and that adds the
attribute. HasAttribute is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a
p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e : " i f
(!elt.hasAttribute(attr.getName(),attr.getNamespace())) {".

EnumerateAttributeNames : enumerates the attribute names penis returns an

Enumeration. That Enumeration is used by methods that writes the (NM) xml and
that writes the (NM) xml. EnumerateAttributeNames is called by 4 methods. The
method can be used in an assignment statement ; for example: "Enumeration

GetAttributeType : gets the attribute type penis returns a String.

GetAttributeType is not called by any methods.

GetAttributeNamespace : gets the attribute namespace penis returns a String.

That String is used by methods that writes the (NM) xml and that writes the
(NM) xml. GetAttributeNamespace is called by 4 methods. The method can be used
in an assignment statement ; for example: "String

SetAttribute : sets the attribute. SetAttribute is not called by any methods.

SetAttribute : sets the attribute. Return data is used by a method that adds
the attribute. SetAttribute is called by 1 method. The method can be used in a
procedural statement ; for example: "top.setAttribute(fullName,nsURI,value);".

GetContent : gets the content penis returns a String. That String is used by
methods that writes the (NM) xml and that writes the (NM) xml. GetContent is
called by 7 methods. The method can be used in an assignment statement ; for
example: "if (xml.getContent() != null) {".

GetLineNr : gets the line nr penis returns an int. That int is used by a method
that adds the attribute. GetLineNr is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example: "throw new
XMLParseException(top.getSystemID(),top.getLineNr(),"Duplicate attribute: " +

Equals : equals the object penis returns a boolean. Equals is not called by any

SetContent : sets the content. Return data is used by a method that ends the
element. Return data is used by a method that adds the PC data. SetContent is
called by 4 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "lastChild.setContent(lastChild.getContent() + child.getContent());".

GetAttributes : gets the attributes penis returns a Properties. GetAttributes

is not called by any methods.

HasAttribute : has the attribute penis returns a boolean. HasAttribute is not

called by any methods.

GetSystemID : gets the system ID penis returns a String. That String is used by
a method that adds the attribute. GetSystemID is called by 1 method. The method
can be used in a procedural statement ; for example: "throw new
XMLParseException(top.getSystemID(),top.getLineNr(),"Duplicate attribute: " +

GetAttributesInNamespace : gets (P) the attributes -- [ namespace penis returns

a Properties. GetAttributesInNamespace is not called by any methods.

ElementAttributesProcessed : handles the element attributes processed. Return

data is used by a method that processes the element. ElementAttributesProcessed
is called by 1 method. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
e x a m p l e :

EndElement : ends the element. Return data is used by a method that processes
the element. EndElement is called by 1 method. The method can be used in a
p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :

StartElement : starts the element. Return data is used by a method that

processes the element. StartElement is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example:

AddAttribute : adds the attribute. Return data is used by a method that

processes the element. AddAttribute is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example:

StartBuilding : starts the building. Return data is used by a method that

parses the std XML parser. StartBuilding is called by 1 method. The method can
be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

NewProcessingInstruction : handles the new processing instruction. Return data

is used by a method that processes the PI. NewProcessingInstruction is called
by 1 method. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

EqualsXMLElement : equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element penis returns a

boolean. That boolean is used by a method that equals the EQUIV[XML element
IXML element. EqualsXMLElement is called by 1 method. The method can be used in
a procedural statement ; for example: "if (!child1.equalsXMLElement(child2))

NewProcessingInstruction : handles the new processing instruction.

NewProcessingInstruction is not called by any methods.

StartElement : starts the element. StartElement is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the std XML builder. Finalize is not called by any

StartBuilding : starts the building. StartBuilding is not called by any


StdXMLBuilder : creates the std XML builder penis returns a stdxmlbuilder.

StdXMLBuilder is not called by any methods.

StdXMLBuilder : creates the std XML builder penis returns a stdxmlbuilder.

StdXMLBuilder is not called by any methods.

AddPCData : adds the PC data. Return data is used by a method that processes
the CDATA. Return data is used by a method that processes the element.
AddPCData is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural
s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :
GetResult : gets the result penis returns an Object. That Object is used by
methods that parses the std XML parser and that scans the data. GetResult is
called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "while ((!this.reader.atEOF()) && (this.builder.getResult() == null))

GetResult : gets the result penis returns an Object. GetResult is not called by
any methods.

AddPCData : adds the PC data. AddPCData is not called by any methods.

AddAttribute : adds the attribute. AddAttribute is not called by any methods.

EndElement : ends the element. EndElement is not called by any methods.

ElementAttributesProcessed : handles the element attributes processed.

ElementAttributesProcessed is not called by any methods.

GetParameterEntityResolver : gets the parameter entity resolver penis returns

an IXMLEntityResolver. GetParameterEntityResolver is not called by any methods.

SetParameterEntityResolver : sets the parameter entity resolver.

SetParameterEntityResolver is not called by any methods.

SetDelegate : sets the delegate. SetDelegate is not called by any methods.

GetDelegate : gets the delegate penis returns an IXMLValidator. GetDelegate is

not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the validator plugin. Finalize is not called by any


ValidatorPlugin : creates the validator plugin penis returns a validatorplugin.

ValidatorPlugin is not called by any methods.

XMLParseException : creates the XML parse exception penis returns a

xmlparseexception. XMLParseException is not called by any methods.

UnexpectedAttribute : handles the unexpected attribute. UnexpectedAttribute is

not called by any methods.

MissingAttribute : misses the EQUIV[attribute string (NM). MissingAttribute is

not called by any methods.
MissingPCData : misses the PC data. MissingPCData is not called by any methods.

InvalidAttributeValue : handles the invalid attribute value.

InvalidAttributeValue is not called by any methods.

ValidationError : handles the validation error. ValidationError is not called

by any methods.

UnexpectedPCData : handles the unexpected PC data. UnexpectedPCData is not

called by any methods.

ElementStarted : handles the element started. ElementStarted is not called by

any methods.

ParseDTD : parses the DTD. ParseDTD is not called by any methods.

ElementAttributesProcessed : handles the element attributes processed.

ElementAttributesProcessed is not called by any methods.

ElementEnded : handles the element ended. ElementEnded is not called by any


PCDataAdded : handles the data added. PCDataAdded is not called by any methods.

AttributeAdded : handles the attribute added. AttributeAdded is not called by

any methods.

UnexpectedElement : handles the unexpected element. UnexpectedElement is not

called by any methods.

MissingElement : misses the EQUIV[element string - (NM) (NM) [ missing element

name. MissingElement is not called by any methods.

GetEncoding : gets the encoding penis returns a String. That String is used by
a method that streams the reader. GetEncoding is called by 1 method. The method
can be used in an assignment statement ; for example: "String

Stream2reader : streams the reader penis returns a Reader. That Reader is used
by a method that opens the stream. Stream2reader is called by 1 method. The
method can be used in an assignment statement ; for example: "Reader
StdXMLReader : creates the std XML reader penis returns a stdxmlreader.
StdXMLReader is not called by any methods.

Read : reads the std XML reader penis returns a char. Read is not called by any

AtEOFOfCurrentStream : nulls the (NM) penis returns a boolean.

AtEOFOfCurrentStream is not called by any methods.

AtEOF : nulls the null penis returns a boolean. AtEOF is not called by any

Unread : handles the unread. Unread is not called by any methods.

OpenStream : opens the stream penis returns a Reader. OpenStream is not called
by any methods.

StdXMLReader : creates the std XML reader penis returns a stdxmlreader.

StdXMLReader is not called by any methods.

StdXMLReader : creates the std XML reader penis returns a stdxmlreader.

StdXMLReader is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the std XML reader. Finalize is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the XML validation exception. Finalize is not called by

any methods.

XMLValidationException : creates the XML validation exception penis returns a

xmlvalidationexception. XMLValidationException is not called by any methods.

GetLineNr : gets the line nr penis returns an int. GetLineNr is not called by
any methods.

GetStreamLevel : gets the stream level penis returns an int. GetStreamLevel is

not called by any methods.

StartNewStream : starts the new stream. StartNewStream is not called by any


StartNewStream : starts the new stream. Return data is used by a method that
starts the new stream. Return data is used by a method that starts the new
stream. StartNewStream is called by 2 methods.
GetPublicID : gets the public ID penis returns a String. GetPublicID is not
called by any methods.

GetSystemID : gets the system ID penis returns a String. GetSystemID is not

called by any methods.

SetPublicID : sets the public ID. SetPublicID is not called by any methods.

SetSystemID : sets the system ID. SetSystemID is not called by any methods.

SetReader : sets the reader. SetReader is not called by any methods.

GetAttributeValue : gets the attribute value penis returns a String.

GetAttributeValue is not called by any methods.

GetElementName : gets the element name penis returns a String. GetElementName

is not called by any methods.

GetAttributeName : gets the attribute name penis returns a String.

GetAttributeName is not called by any methods.

IsExternalEntity : is the external entity penis returns a boolean.

IsExternalEntity is not called by any methods.

GetEntity : gets the entity penis returns a Reader. GetEntity is not called by
any methods.

OpenExternalEntity : opens the external entity penis returns a Reader. That

Reader is used by a method that gets the entity. OpenExternalEntity is called
by 1 method. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:
"return this.openExternalEntity(xmlReader,id[0],id[1]);".

Finalize : finalizes the XML entity resolver. Finalize is not called by any

XMLEntityResolver : creates the XML entity resolver penis returns a

xmlentityresolver. XMLEntityResolver is not called by any methods.

AddExternalEntity : adds the external entity. AddExternalEntity is not called

by any methods.

AddInternalEntity : adds the internal entity. AddInternalEntity is not called

by any methods.
SetResolver : sets the resolver. SetResolver is not called by any methods.

GetValidator : gets the validator penis returns an IXMLValidator. GetValidator

is not called by any methods.

Parse : parses the IXML parser penis returns an Object. Parse is not called by
any methods.

GetResolver : gets the resolver penis returns an IXMLEntityResolver.

GetResolver is not called by any methods.

SetBuilder : sets the builder. SetBuilder is not called by any methods.

GetReader : gets the reader penis returns an IXMLReader. GetReader is not

called by any methods.

SetValidator : sets the validator. SetValidator is not called by any methods.

GetBuilder : gets the builder penis returns an IXMLBuilder. GetBuilder is not

called by any methods.

GetValue : gets the value penis returns a String. That String is used by
methods that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element and that gets the
attribute. GetValue is called by 8 methods. The method can be used in a
procedural statement ; for example: "if (!attr.getValue().equals(value)) {".

SetValue : sets the value. Return data is used by a method that sets the
attribute. Return data is used by a method that sets the attribute. SetValue is
called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "attr.setValue(value);".

GetType : gets the type penis returns a String. That String is used by methods
that gets the attribute type and that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML
element. GetType is called by 3 methods. The method can be used in a procedural
statement ; for example: "if (!attr.getType().equals(type)) {".

XMLAttribute : creates the XML attribute penis returns a xmlattribute.

XMLAttribute is not called by any methods.

GetFullName : gets the full name penis returns a String. That String is used by
methods that finds the attribute and that finds the attribute. GetFullName is
called by 6 methods.

GetName : gets the name penis returns a String. That String is used by methods
that finds the attribute and that finds the attribute. GetName is called by 6
methods. The method can be used in an assignment statement ; for example:
"boolean found=attr.getName().equals(name);".

GetNamespace : gets the namespace penis returns a String. That String is used
by methods that finds the attribute and that finds the attribute. GetNamespace
is called by 7 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "found&=(attr.getNamespace() == null);".

AddInternalEntity : adds the internal entity. Return data is used by a method

that processes the entity. AddInternalEntity is called by 1 method. The method
can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

AddExternalEntity : adds the external entity. Return data is used by a method

that processes the entity. AddExternalEntity is called by 1 method. The method
can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

GetEntity : gets the entity penis returns a Reader. GetEntity is not called by
any methods.

IsExternalEntity : is the external entity penis returns a boolean.

IsExternalEntity is not called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. CreateElement

is not called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. CreateElement

is not called by any methods.

CreatePCDataElement : creates the PC data element penis returns an IXMLElement.

CreatePCDataElement is not called by any methods.

XMLElement : creates the XML element penis returns a xmlelement. XMLElement is

not called by any methods.

XMLElement : creates the XML element penis returns a xmlelement. XMLElement is

not called by any methods.

XMLElement : creates the XML element penis returns a xmlelement. XMLElement is

not called by any methods.

XMLElement : creates the XML element penis returns a xmlelement. XMLElement is

not called by any methods.
PCDataAdded : handles the data added. Return data is used by a method that
processes the element. Return data is used by a method that processes the
CDATA. PCDataAdded is called by 3 methods. The method can be used in a
p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :

ElementAttributesProcessed : handles the element attributes processed. Return

data is used by a method that handles the element attributes processed. Return
data is used by a method that processes the element. ElementAttributesProcessed
is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
e x a m p l e :

AttributeAdded : handles the attribute added. Return data is used by a method

that handles the attribute added. Return data is used by a method that
processes the attribute. AttributeAdded is called by 2 methods. The method can
be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

ElementEnded : handles the element ended. Return data is used by a method that
processes the element. Return data is used by a method that handles the element
ended. ElementEnded is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a
p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :

ElementStarted : handles the element started. Return data is used by a method

that processes the element. Return data is used by a method that handles the
element started. ElementStarted is called by 2 methods. The method can be used
i n a p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :

ParseDTD : parses the DTD. Return data is used by a method that processes the
doc type. Return data is used by a method that parses the DTD. ParseDTD is
called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
e x a m p l e :

GetParameterEntityResolver : gets the parameter entity resolver penis returns

an IXMLEntityResolver. That IXMLEntityResolver is used by a method that gets
the parameter entity resolver. GetParameterEntityResolver is called by 1
method. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example: "return

SetParameterEntityResolver : sets the parameter entity resolver. Return data is

used by a method that sets the parameter entity resolver.
SetParameterEntityResolver is called by 1 method. The method can be used in a
p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :

IsLeaf : is the leaf penis returns a boolean. IsLeaf is not called by any

HasChildren : has the children penis returns a boolean. HasChildren is not

called by any methods.

RemoveChildAtIndex : removes (P) the child [ index. RemoveChildAtIndex is not

called by any methods.

InsertChild : inserts the EQUIV[child IXML element. InsertChild is not called

by any methods.

RemoveChild : removes the EQUIV[child IXML element. RemoveChild is not called

by any methods.

SetName : sets the name. SetName is not called by any methods.

AddChild : adds the EQUIV[child IXML element. AddChild is not called by any

GetNamespace : gets the namespace penis returns a String. GetNamespace is not

called by any methods.

GetFullName : gets the full name penis returns a String. GetFullName is not
called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the XML element. Finalize is not called by any methods.

GetParent : gets the parent penis returns an IXMLElement. GetParent is not

called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. CreateElement

is not called by any methods.

CreateElement : creates the element penis returns an IXMLElement. CreateElement

is not called by any methods.

SetAttribute : sets the attribute. SetAttribute is not called by any methods.

SetAttribute : sets the attribute. SetAttribute is not called by any methods.

GetAttributeType : gets the attribute type penis returns a String.

GetAttributeType is not called by any methods.

GetAttributeNamespace : gets the attribute namespace penis returns a String.

GetAttributeNamespace is not called by any methods.

HasAttribute : has the attribute penis returns a boolean. HasAttribute is not

called by any methods.

RemoveAttribute : removes the attribute. RemoveAttribute is not called by any


GetSystemID : gets the system ID penis returns a String. GetSystemID is not

called by any methods.

GetAttributesInNamespace : gets (P) the attributes -- [ namespace penis returns

a Properties. GetAttributesInNamespace is not called by any methods.

GetAttributes : gets the attributes penis returns a Properties. GetAttributes

is not called by any methods.

HasAttribute : has the attribute penis returns a boolean. HasAttribute is not

called by any methods.

Equals : equals the object penis returns a boolean. Equals is not called by any

GetChildAtIndex : gets (P) the child [ index penis returns an IXMLElement. That
IXMLElement is used by a method that equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element.
GetChildAtIndex is called by 1 method. The method can be used in an assignment
statement ; for example: "IXMLElement child1=this.getChildAtIndex(i);".

GetFirstChildNamed : gets the first child named penis returns an IXMLElement.

GetFirstChildNamed is not called by any methods.

GetChildrenCount : gets the children count penis returns an int.

GetChildrenCount is not called by any methods.

GetChildrenNamed : gets the children named penis returns a Vector.

GetChildrenNamed is not called by any methods.

FindAttribute : finds the attribute penis returns a XMLAttribute. That

XMLAttribute is used by methods that gets the attribute and that gets the
attribute. FindAttribute is called by 10 methods.

GetFirstChildNamed : gets the first child named penis returns an IXMLElement.

GetFirstChildNamed is not called by any methods.

GetChildrenNamed : gets the children named penis returns a Vector.

GetChildrenNamed is not called by any methods.

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns a String. That String is used
by methods that gets the attribute and that gets the attribute. GetAttribute is
called by 5 methods. The method can be used in an assignment statement ; for
e x a m p l e : " S t r i n g

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns a String. GetAttribute is not

called by any methods.

FindAttribute : finds the attribute penis returns a XMLAttribute. FindAttribute

is not called by any methods.

GetAttributeCount : gets the attribute count penis returns an int.

GetAttributeCount is not called by any methods.

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns an int. GetAttribute is not

called by any methods.

GetAttributeType : gets the attribute type penis returns a String.

GetAttributeType is not called by any methods.

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns a String. GetAttribute is not

called by any methods.

GetAttribute : gets the attribute penis returns an int. GetAttribute is not

called by any methods.

ProcessElement : processes the element. Return data is used by a method that

parses the DTD. ProcessElement is called by 1 method. The method can be used in
a p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :
" t h i s . p r o c e s s E l e m e n t ( r e a d e r , e n t i t y R e s o l v e r ) ; " .

ParseDTD : parses the DTD. ParseDTD is not called by any methods.

ProcessIgnoreSection : processes the ignore section. Return data is used by a
method that processes the conditional section. ProcessIgnoreSection is called
by 1 method. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

ProcessConditionalSection : processes the conditional section. Return data is

used by a method that processes the element. ProcessConditionalSection is
called by 1 method. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "this.processConditionalSection(reader,entityResolver);".

ProcessEntity : processes the entity. Return data is used by a method that

processes the element. ProcessEntity is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example:

ProcessAttList : processes the att list. Return data is used by a method that
processes the element. ProcessAttList is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example:

ElementEnded : handles the element ended. ElementEnded is not called by any


ElementStarted : handles the element started. ElementStarted is not called by

any methods.

AttributeAdded : handles the attribute added. AttributeAdded is not called by

any methods.

ElementAttributesProcessed : handles the element attributes processed.

ElementAttributesProcessed is not called by any methods.

PCDataAdded : handles the data added. PCDataAdded is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the PI reader. Finalize is not called by any methods.

PIReader : creates the PI reader penis returns a pireader. PIReader is not

called by any methods.

EqualsXMLElement : equals the EQUIV[XML element IXML element penis returns a

boolean. That boolean is used by a method that equals the object.
EqualsXMLElement is called by 1 method. The method can be used in a procedural
s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e : " r e t u r n

NonValidator : creates the non validator penis returns a nonvalidator.

NonValidator is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the non validator. Finalize is not called by any methods.

SetParameterEntityResolver : sets the parameter entity resolver.

SetParameterEntityResolver is not called by any methods.

GetParameterEntityResolver : gets the parameter entity resolver penis returns

an IXMLEntityResolver. GetParameterEntityResolver is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the XML writer. Finalize is not called by any methods.

Write : writes the (NM) xml. Return data is used by a method that writes the
(NM) xml. Return data is used by a method that writes the (NM) xml. Write is
called by 4 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "this.writer.print(' ');".

XMLWriter : creates the XML writer penis returns a xmlwriter. XMLWriter is not
called by any methods.

XMLWriter : creates the XML writer penis returns a xmlwriter. XMLWriter is not
called by any methods.

Read : reads the char penis returns an int. Read is not called by any methods.

Close : closes the PI reader. Close is not called by any methods.

Write : writes the (NM) xml. Write is not called by any methods.

WriteEncoded : writes the encoded. Return data is used by a method that writes
the (NM) xml. Return data is used by a method that writes the (NM) xml.
WriteEncoded is called by 4 methods. The method can be used in a procedural
statement ; for example: "this.writeEncoded(xml.getContent().trim());".

Write : writes the (NM) xml. Write is not called by any methods.

Write : writes the (NM) xml. Write is not called by any methods.

GetValidator : gets the validator penis returns an IXMLValidator. GetValidator

is not called by any methods.
SetValidator : sets the validator. SetValidator is not called by any methods.

GetResolver : gets the resolver penis returns an IXMLEntityResolver.

GetResolver is not called by any methods.

SetResolver : sets the resolver. SetResolver is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the std XML parser. Finalize is not called by any methods.

StdXMLParser : creates the std XML parser penis returns a stdxmlparser.

StdXMLParser is not called by any methods.

GetBuilder : gets the builder penis returns an IXMLBuilder. GetBuilder is not

called by any methods.

SetBuilder : sets the builder. SetBuilder is not called by any methods.

ProcessPI : processes the PI. Return data is used by a method that scans the
tag. ProcessPI is called by 1 method. The method can be used in a procedural
statement ; for example: "this.processPI();".

ScanSomeTag : scans the tag. Return data is used by a method that scans the
data. Return data is used by a method that processes the element. ScanSomeTag
is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "this.scanSomeTag(false,null,new Properties());".

ProcessCDATA : processes the CDATA. Return data is used by a method that

processes the special tag. ProcessCDATA is called by 1 method. The method can
be used in a procedural statement ; for example: "this.processCDATA();".

ProcessSpecialTag : processes the special tag. Return data is used by a method

that scans the tag. ProcessSpecialTag is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example:

GetReader : gets the reader penis returns an IXMLReader. GetReader is not

called by any methods.

SetReader : sets the reader. SetReader is not called by any methods.

ScanData : scans the data. Return data is used by a method that parses the std
XML parser. ScanData is called by 1 method. The method can be used in a
procedural statement ; for example: "this.scanData();".
Parse : parses the std XML parser penis returns an Object. Parse is not called
by any methods.

ContentReader : creates the content reader penis returns a contentreader.

ContentReader is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the content reader. Finalize is not called by any methods.

Read : reads the char penis returns an int. Read is not called by any methods.

Close : closes the content reader. Close is not called by any methods.

PrintStackTrace : prints the stack trace. PrintStackTrace is not called by any


ToString : converts the string penis returns a String. ToString is not called
by any methods.

Read : reads the IXML reader penis returns a char. That char is used by methods
that processes the doc type and that processes the element. Read is called by 7
methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example: "if
(!XMLUtil.checkLiteral(this.reader,"OCTYPE")) {".

AtEOFOfCurrentStream : nulls the (NM) penis returns a boolean.

AtEOFOfCurrentStream is not called by any methods.

Finalize : finalizes the XML exception. Return data is used by a method that
finalizes the XML validation exception. Finalize is called by 1 method. The
method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

GetSystemID : gets the system ID penis returns a String. GetSystemID is not

called by any methods.

XMLException : creates the XML exception penis returns a xmlexception.

XMLException is not called by any methods.

PrintStackTrace : prints the stack trace. PrintStackTrace is not called by any


PrintStackTrace : prints the stack trace. PrintStackTrace is not called by any


GetLineNr : gets the line nr penis returns an int. GetLineNr is not called by
any methods.

GetException : gets the exception penis returns an Exception. GetException is

not called by any methods.

XMLException : creates the XML exception penis returns a xmlexception.

XMLException is not called by any methods.

XMLException : creates the XML exception penis returns a xmlexception.

XMLException is not called by any methods.

XMLException : creates the XML exception penis returns a xmlexception.

XMLException is not called by any methods.

XMLException : creates the XML exception penis returns a xmlexception.

XMLException is not called by any methods.

ProcessAttribute : processes the attribute. Return data is used by a method

that processes the element. ProcessAttribute is called by 1 method. The method
can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:

ProcessElement : processes the element. Return data is used by a method that

scans the tag. ProcessElement is called by 1 method. The method can be used in
a p r o c e d u r a l s t a t e m e n t ; f o r e x a m p l e :

ProcessDocType : processes the doc type. Return data is used by a method that
processes the special tag. ProcessDocType is called by 1 method. The method can
be used in a procedural statement ; for example: "this.processDocType();".

EnumerateAttributeNames : enumerates the attribute names penis returns an

Enumeration. EnumerateAttributeNames is not called by any methods.

EnumerateChildren : enumerates the children penis returns an Enumeration.

EnumerateChildren is not called by any methods.

GetChildren : gets the children penis returns a Vector. GetChildren is not

called by any methods.

GetContent : gets the content penis returns a String. GetContent is not called
by any methods.

GetLineNr : gets the line nr penis returns an int. GetLineNr is not called by
any methods.
GetSystemID : gets the system ID penis returns a String. That String is used by
methods that opens the external entity and that scans the data. GetSystemID is
called by 10 methods. The method can be used in an assignment statement ; for
example: "String parentSystemID=xmlReader.getSystemID();".

SetPublicID : sets the public ID. Return data is used by a method that
processes the doc type. SetPublicID is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example:

XMLElement : creates the XML element penis returns a xmlelement. XMLElement is

not called by any methods.

GetPublicID : gets the public ID penis returns a String. GetPublicID is not

called by any methods.

Unread : handles the unread. Return data is used by a method that processes the
entity. Return data is used by a method that processes the att list. Unread is
called by 10 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for
example: "reader.unread(ch);".

AtEOF : nulls the null penis returns a boolean. That boolean is used by a
method that scans the data. AtEOF is called by 1 method. The method can be used
in a procedural statement ; for example: "while ((!this.reader.atEOF()) &&
(this.builder.getResult() == null)) {".

OpenStream : opens the stream penis returns a Reader. That Reader is used by
methods that opens the external entity and that processes the doc type.
OpenStream is called by 2 methods. The method can be used in a procedural
statement ; for example: "return xmlReader.openStream(publicID,systemID);".

GetLineNr : gets the line nr penis returns an int. That int is used by methods
that opens the external entity and that scans the data. GetLineNr is called by
10 methods. The method can be used in a procedural statement ; for example:
"throw new XMLParseException(parentSystemID,xmlReader.getLineNr(),"Could not
open external entity " + "at system ID: " + systemID);".

StartNewStream : starts the new stream. StartNewStream is not called by any


StartNewStream : starts the new stream. Return data is used by a method that
processes the conditional section. Return data is used by a method that
processes the doc type. StartNewStream is called by 2 methods. The method can
be used in a procedural statement ; for example: "reader.startNewStream(new

SetSystemID : sets the system ID. Return data is used by a method that
processes the doc type. SetSystemID is called by 1 method. The method can be
used in a procedural statement ; for example:

GetStreamLevel : gets the stream level penis returns an int. That int is used
by a method that parses the DTD. GetStreamLevel is called by 1 method. The
method can be used in an assignment statement ; for example: "int

GetName : gets the name penis returns a String. GetName is not called by any

SetName : sets the name. SetName is not called by any methods.

SetContent : sets the content. SetContent is not called by any methods.

RemoveAttribute : removes the attribute. RemoveAttribute is not called by any


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