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Springdales School, Dubai

SYLLABUS (2016 2017) - TERM 3

Subject: ICT Grade 8

VB notes (Refer Term 2 notes) Continues.

Visual Basic Environment:

1. Toolbar
2. Toolbox
3. Menu bar
4. Form
5. Form Designer
6. Form Layout Window
7. Properties window
8. Project Explorer


Elizabeth Vinitha - ICT

Springdales School, Dubai

Control Panel:
Forms / Pages

Editor / where we write Program Codes:

Elizabeth Vinitha - ICT

Springdales School, Dubai

Data type means the type of data that a variable or object can hold in computer
programming. Data types are an important factor in virtually all computer programming
languages, including C#, C++, JavaScript, and Visual Basic.

Elizabeth Vinitha - ICT

Springdales School, Dubai

Dim stands for dimension, used to declare variables in visual basic with proper data type
definition. Visual Basic uses the DIM (or "Dim") statement for any variable declaration.
Dim username As String
Dim password As String

Static and Dynamic pages: - UNDERSTAND WHAT IS STATIC

What is Static page and Dynamic page?

Ans: Web pages can be either static or dynamic.

"Static" means unchanged or constant, while "dynamic" means changing or
A static website doesn't change. It's usually just a bunch of html,
css, and possibly javascript files.
A dynamic website has a front end and backend program.
Example for front end program like JAVA, PHP, Python, Ruby etc
Back end like, MYSQL, ORACEL etc

Elizabeth Vinitha - ICT

Springdales School, Dubai

Dynamic websites can take user input and change their content
based on databases.
Example for Static Website is small company websites. So
content of this website remains the same.
Example for Dynamic websites are Facebook, Google,
Springdales etc.
We created Login page and Registration page in VB, this is also
example for dynamic pages, because this page can take user
input and if this page is connected to database we can change
content based on database.

Why we use Radio Button? Explain with example.

RadioButton Control. A radio button or option button is a type of graphical user

interface element that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of options.
When a user clicks on a radio button, it becomes checked, and all other radio
buttons with same group become unchecked.

Elizabeth Vinitha - ICT

Springdales School, Dubai

It displays multiple choice but you can choose one choice at

a time.


The Combo Box control is used to display a drop-down list of various items. It is a
combination of a text box in which the user enters an item and a drop-down list from
which the user selects an item.


Allows user to select one item from a drop down list. So displays a list of values that a
user can quickly select from.

Elizabeth Vinitha - ICT

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