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Leverage Ratio:

Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL)= (EBIT + Fixed costs) / EBIT

Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL)= EBIT / ( EBIT - Total Interest expense )

Degree of Combined Leverage (DCL)= DOL * DFL

Accounting leverage has the same definition as in investments.[10] There are several ways to
define operating leverage, the most common.[11] is:

Financial leverage is usually defined[8] as:

Net Worth Protection=Net Worth/NPA.

Networth = Total Assets - External Liabilities; or

Networth = Share Capital + Reserves & Surplus - Miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not
written off.
External Liablities=Debts to lenders and suppliers, as compared to money owed to shareholders.
Net NPA to Net Advance=Net NPA/Net Advance.
Loan Loss Cover ratio=Loan loss reserves/Toatal Nonperforming loans.

(Loans- Reserve balance)/Total amount of non-performing loans.


Earnings per share (EPS) Ratio = (Net profit after tax Preference dividend) / No. of
equity shares (common shares)

Credit Deposit Ratio=Toal Loans/Total Deposites.

Asset Utilization Ratio = Revenue / Average Total Assets.

Earnings per Employees=Revenue/No. of Employees.

Expenditure per Employee=fixed costs / number of employees.

Return on Assets = net profit before taxes / total assets.
Return on Equity = Net Income/Shareholder's Equity

Liquid Assets to Total Asset Ratio=Liquid Asset/Total Asset.

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