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Name: Hunter Bruce

Grade Level: 5th
Content Area: Physical Education
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Microsoft Excel
Standards Addressed: PE5.4.a: Participates in criterion referenced fitness assessments with close
teacher guidance and supervision (Ex. Fitnessgram)

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class:
In my classroom students would be using Microsoft Excel to make spreadsheets for their
personal fitness statistics. In physical education students must exercise and go through units such as
the fitness gram throughout the year. Each time students take these tests data is recorded and sent
off. To help students prepare for the fitness gram, one week out of every month will be dedicated to
working on these test.
Each student would be given a spread sheet with the exercise activities down the vertical side
and the class dates on the horizontal side. One week out of every month students will do through
practice fitness grams to help them better prepare for the official one when it comes around.
Students will test on each of the skills such as the mile run, pushups, curl ups, etc. Based on their
results students can analyze their work and work towards improving their results with each practice
run up until the official fitness gram. After each week practice runs take place, students will write a
few sentences on what they could work on to improve their time or repetitions in each category.

Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This activity would be a LoTi level 4 because
students are getting hands on with the technology and their being asked to use high levels of Bloom's
Taxonomy. They are having to evaluate and analyze their results and then write about what they can
do to improve them.
Description of the sample spreadsheet and graph/chart provided *: Students will be able to use
the spreadsheet to track their data from the practice FitnessGram trials. After they record their data
students can analyze their results and set goals on how to improve them by the next practice test.
Students will also see a line graph develop each time they input data. This will give them a visual
overtime to see how much they have improved due their hard work trying to reach their goals. This
will help students better prepare for the official FitnessGram test.
Other comments about your proposed spreadsheet/graph/chart activity: This would be a great
activity for students to do throughout their student lives and into their adult lives with physical
fitness. It allows them to see their results and then reflect on what they can do to improve in the

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