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ASME Section 5

Direct VT Minimum Light Intensity 100fc . (Distance 6~24, Angle 30 )

Authorized Inspector Annual Vision Test . (Standard J-1 Letter on Standard Jaeger Chart)
Radiographic Test
RT Size: 1 / Common Gamma Ray Source: Co 60 (1.5~7), Ir 191 (0.25~3)
Mass: Density, Thickness (More Mass, Less Radiation), Slag Inclusion/Weld Density .
Film: Class 1/2, Circumferential 1 Coverage, Weld 3/4 Coverage / Film Developing Time: 5~8 at 68
IQI (Penetrometer): Sensitivity , Hole Type (0.75X1.5, 3 Holes with 1/2/4T), Wire Type (6 Wires)
Source Side IQI . , Both (Film/Source) Side .
Film Side IQI IQI Lead Letter F . (Film Side IQI Thin .)
IQI : Base Metal (Same Material Group Based on Density: Carbon Steel/Chrome/Stainless Steel Physical
Density ) + Thickness (Nominal + Reinforcement) IQI Thickness 2~4%
IQI Placement: Wire(Weld + Wire Weld ), Hole (Weld (IQI Number Weld Outside
) Weld )
Hole Type IQI(SE-1025) Essential Hole Size 2T . Wire Type IQI(SE-747) Essential Wire Size
Radiograph IQI 1 , Source Cylinder 3 IQI .
Single Wall Exposure Technique: , Multiple Film/Panoramic , Both Side
D.W Technique: Single Wall Viewing (Film Side Weld , Min. 3 Shot, Film Wrapping, Source )
Double Wall Viewing (Elliptical/Superimposed, Min.2/3 Shot, OD 3.5(3NPS) , Film Flat, Source )
Density( = Dark) of IQI/Weld (Area of Interest): Gamma Ray (2.0 ~ 4.0), X-Ray (1.8 ~ 4.0)
Film Density of Weld (Area of Interest): (0.85~1.3) X IQI Density ( IQI .)
Shim Weld Density IQI Density 15% (Lighter) (w/Hole Type IQI)
Shim(IQI Density ) Size IQI , IQI 3 Sides Film . (Part IQI )
Densitometer( ) 90 Calibration with Calibrated Step Wedge Film
Step Wedge Comparison Film Verification . (By Calibrated Densitometer)
Film B(1/2X1/16) Backscattererd Radiation . (Faint Lighter B Unacceptable)
Geometric Unsharpness (Image Edge Shadow Size: Fd/D): Diameter of Source(F), Source to Object
Distance(D), Object to Film Distance (d) / Film Fogging/Streak Artifacts .
Film Identification: Contract, Weld Number, Manufacturers Name/Symbol, Date
Location Marking Weld/Film . (Flat Plate Source Side )
Ultrasonic Test (Frequency: Over 20,000Hz)
UT Size 1NPS .
Size 2NPS Specialized Equipment .
Reference Block Known Material Sound Wave Velocity Material .
Reference Block 1 , 2 Calibration Test Block Min/Max Thick. .
( Same Material, Heat Treatment, Surface Condition) / Calibration Block 25
Maximum Scanning Rate Procedure . (API RP 577: Max. 6/sec)
Sound Wave . ( 100 Thickness Reading 1% .)
150 (Hot UT ) 1/8 / PAUT Sensor: 8~128
Specially Designed Instrument 1000 .
UT Calibration Before/After Exam (System Check: 4 )
UT Scanning Overlap Transducer Diameter 10%.
Angle Beam: Scan Primary Reference Level Sensitivity 2 , Evaluation 1
TOFD: D Scan (Along/Non-Parallel), B Scan (Across/Parallel), Top/Bottom Angle Beam
PT(Capillary Action) / MT(Magnetic Flux)
MT/PT Competency: Jaeger Type #2 Standard Chart (12 ), Color Contrast (Vision)
Test: 5 , Black Light Intensity 1000microW/cm2 Warm-Up 5
Black Light Intensity Check: , Power Source Interruption/Change, , 8
Cleaning 1 Margin (Light Intensity: 100fc)
Light Meter 1 Repair Calibration (Magnetizing Equipment 1 )
Applicable Temperature: PT(40 /125 Qualification), MT(Manufacturer Guide)
Stainless Steel PT Chlorine/Halogen/Sulfur . (Dwell Time: Metal Wrought 10 )
Developing Time Dry Developer Wet Developer .
Final Interpretation 10~60 . (Light Pink: Excessive Cleaning, Excessive Background: Inadequate Cleaning)
MT 2 Separate Examination .
Magnetic Flux Direction Indicator: Pie Gauge (Octagonal, Carbon Steel + Copper Brazing, Copper Side Up)
Prod Spacing 8 .
Lifting Force at Max. Pole Spacing: AC Electromagnetic ( 1 , 10lbs), DC/Permanent (Daily, 40lbs)
ASME Section 9
P-Number (Parent): Welding Procedure Qualification (S-Number ASME B31 )
Group Number (Impact Test Requirement): Composition, Weldability, Mechanical Property
F-Number (Filler) Basis: Usability Characteristics, Qualification
A-Number: Chemical Composition of Weld, Welding Procedure Qualification
Position: Flat/Downward(1), Horizontal(2), Vertical(3), Overhead(4)
Tension Test: Reduced Section (Area=WidthXThickness), Round/Turned (Area = 0.785 X D2), Full Section (Pipe Sample)
Tension Test Thickness: 1 (Full Thickness), 1 (Full Thickness or Multiple Specimen)
Acceptance Criteria of Tension Test: SFailure SWeaker Base (Breaks in Weld), 0.95SBase (Breaks in Base)
Bend Test: Soundness of Weld (Ductility/Flaw ), Root/Face/Side Bend (Side Bend Thick Specimen)
Bend Test (Min. 2): 3/8 (Face/Root Bend), 3/8 ~ 3/4 (Optional), 3/4 (Side Bend)
Acceptance Criteria of Bend Test: Max. 1/8 Open Defect (1/8 Weld OK)
Visual Exam: External Defect , Test , No IP/LOF/Crack
RT: Internal Defect , NO IP/LOF/Crack / Maximum Permissible Rounded Indication: Min [0.2t, 0.125]
Maximum Permissible Elongated Slag Inclusion: 1/8 ( 3/8 ), t/3 ( 3/8~2.25), 3/4 ( 2.25 )
Essential Variable: Mechanical Property (Supplemental: Toughness )
Non-Essential Variable WPS , PQR Optional .
Supplemental Variable Impact Testing Essential Variable .
One PQR WPS Supporting , WPS PQR .
Qualification of Welder (Welder: Manual, Operator: Welding Machine)
F-Number Qualification , Carbon Steel F-Number Qualification .
Tension Test Welder Qualification . (Visual + Bend or RT(UT: 0.5 ))
Minimum Length of Test Coupon for Qualifying by RT or UT: 6 (Welder/Operator) (Pipe Full Circumference)
Minimum Length of 1st Production Weld for Qualifying by RT or UT: 6 (Welder), 3ft (Operator)
RT Qualification : GMAW Short-Circuit Mode, P-21~25, 51~53 (Prone to LOF)
5G/6G Qualification 4 Bend Tests , 2G/5G Combination 6 Bend Tests .
(1G~4G 2 Bend Tests .)
Piping Groove Weld All Position Qualification: 2G/5G, 6G
Qualified Weld Metal Thickness: Max. 2t (All Other), Unlimited (0.5 Over with Min. 3 Layers)
Essential Variable(Welding Method, F-Number) Requalification .
6 Process Unqualified . / Retraining
Visual Test Fail: Sample Visual Test + 1 Sample Mechanical Test
Bend Test Fail: Sample Bend Test
RT Fail: Plate 6 2 Sample, Pipe 2 Sample 12 (Production Weld 2 )
WPQ: Welder Data(Name, Stamp #), Actual Welding Variable, Examination Data, Range Qualified, Certification
Uphill/Downhill Qualification .
With Backing With Backing Qualification , Without Backing Qualification .
Welding Procedure Qualification (WPS: Range Qualified, PQR: Actual Data)
PQR Test Supervision: Manufacturer or Contractor (Owner)
Welder WPS Essential/Non-Essential Variable
Essential Variable Qualification Range Requalification . (Non-Essential )
Coupon Plate/Pipe Plate .
Qualification 2 Tension Test 4 Bend Test . (RT .)
Qualification A-No.1 Qualification A-No.2 Qualification . (Vice Versa)
Consumable Insert Filler Metal F-No. .
2T Qualification . (: 1.5 8, 6 1.33T)
Pipe Groove Weld: 2G/5G or 6G Qualification . (Pipe Fillet 5F, Plate Fillet 3F+4F)
GMAW-S: Coupon Thickness 0.5 Qualified Base Metal/Weld Metal Thickness 1.1t
API 510 (Coverage: Alteration, Inspection, Repair, Rerate): Non-Code/Standard Vessel
: P.V on Movable Structure, Exempted in ASME Section Div.1, Small Vessel (UM)
Alteration : Reinforced Nozzle (Size Existing Reinforced Nozzle ), Nozzle (No Reinforcement)
Major Repair: Major Pressure Boundary(Shell/Head) (Nozzle ) (Design Alteration )
Authorized Inspection Agency: Jurisdiction, User, Insurance Company, Contractor
Repair Organization: Responsible for Workmanship, Equipment, Material, QC (: ASME/Other Code Certificate
Holder, Organization Authorized by Jurisdiction, Owner/User, Contractor, R/VR Stamp Holder)
Examiner: NDE (Qualification Guideline: ASNT-TC-1A, CP-189, CGSB, AWS QC1, API QUTE for UT Examiner)
Corrosion Specialist Consulting: 750 / Owner/User : QA Inspection/Repair Management System (Manual)
Audit Team: Other Owner/User, Third Party Organization, Central Office
Internal Deposit/Lining : Inspector (Corrosion Specialist Consulting),
Buried Vessel Factor: CP Effectiveness, Corrosion Rate ( Coupon//Vessel,
Vessel Representative Portion)
CML: Thickness Reading , Non-Wall Loss Type Damage (SCC/HTHA) [Marking: Drawing/Equipment]
Examination Point: Circle Radius < 3 (RP 572: 2), CML 1 Examination Point
CML : High LOF/COF, Localized Corrosion, Higher C.R /CML : Low LOF/COF, General Corrosion, Lower C.R
Thickness Reading: Thinnest Reading or Average of Several Reading at Same Examination Point
Qualified UT Examiner : Pressure Test Alternative, ID Flaw , Sizing
Fastener Uncompleted Engagement One Thread (ASME PCC-1: Repair of Flanged Joint)
Installation (External, Internal Document ), Ownership/Location Change (Internal/External)
RBI Update: Vessel Inspection , Process/Hardware Change
RBI Internal/OSI 10 10 Engineer Inspector Review
(Internal/On-Stream/): Min [10 , 0.5R.L], R.L 4 Min [2 , R.L], Actual
(External): Min [5 , Internal Inspection Interval], Calendar Year , Retired/Abandoned
Manway/Inspection Port Internal Inspection : Small Size ( ),
OSI Internal Inspection : Small Size ( ), RBI , Internal Inspection Review, C.R<5mpy
+ R.L>10 + Service Experience 5 + External Inspection + No Creep/Environmental
Cracking/Hydrogen Damage + No Strip/Plate Lining
: (Inspector, Owner/User), (Inspector, Inspection Supervisor)
Inspector Deferral (Only by Inspector): Min. [6 , 10% of Interval], History Review, Risk Analysis
/ Review: Engineer or Inspection Supervisor
New Vessel Service Change C.R : Same or Similar Service(Owner User Experience/), Corrosion
Specialist, Published Data, 3~6 ()
MAWP Thickness = tactual 2(C.R X Inspection Interval)
LTA Average Length: ID 60 Min[1/2*ID, 20], ID 60 Min[1/3*ID, 40]
LTA Average : No Notch/Creep/Cyclic Service, Min. 15 Reading, Min. Thickness 0.5treq
Acceptable Pit: 0.5treq + treq 7in2 (8 ) + treq 2 (8
Line ) / Joint Efficiency Adjustment : Weld Max [1, 2treq]
Alternative Evaluation for Thinning (ASME Div.2 App.4): Design Stress Specified Min. Yield Strength 2/3
Div.2 Max. Allowable Stress Value , Specified Min. Yield Strength 2/3 .
Ellipsoidal/Torispherical Head: Central Portion (0.8 Shell Diameter) Hemispherical Head Formula
Torispherical: Radius Crown Radius (Shell OD) , Ellipsoidal: Radius K1 X Shell ID )
Document : 1999 Addendum ASME Code Current Stress Value , SA-283 Gr.C (Default
C.S), Non-Ferrous XRF, Default J.E (0.7 for Type 1, 0.65 for Type 2, 0.85 for Seamless Shell/Head/Nozzle)
General Repair Authorization (Only by Inspector): Routine Repair + Repair Organization Competent + Test X
Repair : Carbon (Max. 0.35%/ 0.3% : Attention+Preheating), NDE(Before: PT or MT, After: Applicable NDE)
ASME PCC-2: Flaw Excavation/Weld Repair, Welded Leak Box, Mechanical Clamp, Fillet Weld Patch Design
Temporary Repair: Fillet Weld Patch (External Patch , Opening Reinforcement Overlap Patching
X, Min. Radius 1, Distance=Min. 4SQRT(Shell X )), Full Encirclement Lap Band (Full Vessel Design
Pressure , Long Seam: Full Penetration Weld with Design J.E, Circum. Fillet: J.E 0.45), Non-Penetrating Nozzle
(Crack Permanent Repair )
Permanent Repair: Insert (flush) Patch (Full Penetration Groove Weld, RT or UT (UT Inspector ), Min.
Radius 1, Existing Weld X), Weld Overlay (PT + Base Metal P3/4/5 Delayed Cracking 24
UT ), Strip/Plate Lining, Crack Grinding/Welding
Filler Metal Strength : Repair Thickness Max. 0.5treq( ), Min. 2 Pass, Tfill = d X (Sbase/Sfill),
Reinforcement 3:1 Taper Rounding/Blending
Welding: No Welding (<0), Base Metal 3 60 Heating (0~32)
Hot Tapping: API 2201 (Welding on In-Service Equipment), Rod (Low H2 Electrode: E7016/7018/7048, Extra Low H2:
EXXXX-H4 (CE 0.42 )), Burn Through (Thickness 1/4 Rod Diameter 3/32 ), Flow Rate:
1.3~4.0ft/s (Gas Mas. . Min. Burn Through , Max. Fast Cooling )
Local PWHT: Min. Preheat 300, 2tbase , T/C 2 , Controlled Heat (Nozzle/Attachment),
Metallurgical Review for Environmental Crack Prevention
Preheat Alternative (Notch toughness not required): P-1(Gr.1~3)/3(Gr.1/2), SMAW/GTAW/GMAW, Min. Preheat 300,
Max [4, 4tbase/depth of repair weld], Interpass Temperature Max. 600
CDW(WRC Bulletin 412/Temper/Half Bead) Alternative (Notch toughness by PQR): P-1/3/4, SMAW/GTAW/GMAW,
Specific WPS Qualified (Unlimited Qualification: Base Metal 2 ), Lower Strength Filler Metal X, Max
[4, 4tbase/depth of repair weld], Diffusible Hydrogen: H8 , Shield Gas Dew Point -60 , SMAW 50050
Hydrogen Bakeout for Min. 2 (H4 Waive ), Final Layer
RT UT/Alternative NDE : ASME Code Case 2235 (UT), J.E No Radiography (UT )
Rerating: 1968 (Original Design Allowable Stress ), 1999 addendum (ASME Code Case 2290/2287
Figure 8.1 Latest Code ), Pressure Test ( Rerated Pressure Test
, Pressure Testing Special NDE )
Certified Inspector : BS + 1 (Inspection ), 2 + 2 (Inspection 1 ), + 3
(Inspection 1 ), 5 (Inspection 1 )
Recertification: 3 (Inspection Actively Engaged ), 6 Demonstration
Actively Engaged: 3 20% Inspection or 75 Inspection Activity
API 571
Microstructure: Ferritic(SS405/SS409/SS430/SS442/SS446), Martensitic(SS410)
High Strength Low Alloy Steel: Low C, Ti/V/Nb 0.1%, H2 Embrittlement (Delayed Cracking), Underbead Cracking
Nickel Alloy: Nickel 30wt% / Sub-Surface Cracking: HIC, Wet H2S Cracking
Externally Detectable Corrosion: , Caustic SCC, H2 Blistering, Soil Corrosion
Grain Size Brittle Fracture/Mechanical Fatigue .
ASME Section 8 1987 Brittle Fracture . ( UCS 66 )
PWHT Brittle Fracture .
Ero-Corrosion: Al/Cu , (Erosion Hardness )
Fatigue: Endurance Limit UTS 40~50% (Carbon/Low Alloy Steel, Ti), Fatigue Strength 106 ~ 107 Cycle
(Stainless Steel/Al), QT Fatigue , Multiple Clam Shell, Branch
Connection / Thermal Fatigue: Swing 200
Vessel in Cyclic Service: PSA Adsorber, Coke Drum, Mole Sieves
Atmospheric C.R: Dry Rural (<1mpy), Moderate Humidity/Rainfall (1-3mpy), Industrial Airborne Acids/Sulfur (5-10mpy),
Marine (20mpy), C.R 250 , Most Severe at Pipe/Support
CUI: Carbon/Low Alloy Steel (10~350), 300 Stainless Steel (140~350/400), Duplex (280~350)
CUI Mineral Wool Closed-Cell Foam Glass . / Most Severe (212~350)
CUI Inspection Method: Neutron Backscatter (Wet Insulation), Deep PECT, IR Thermography, Guided UT, Profile RT
Cooling Water Fouling : 140 (Fresh Water), 115 (Brackish/Salt Water), Min. 3fps ( Flow Meter)
Titanium Hydriding: Over 180 / Cooling Water Corrosion 140 )
Caustic Corrosion: 150 (Corrosion of C.S/SS)/ 175 (General Corr. of C.S)/ 200 (Very High General Corr. of C.S)
Concentration Mechanism: DNB, Evaporation, Deposition
Sulfidation: 500 (450) / Temper Embrittlement: 650~1100 / Sensitization: 800~1650
Graphitization: 825/ Creep of 1.25Cr, Creep Embrittlement: 900
Cl SCC : pH above 2, 140, Nickel 8~12wt% (35% Highly Resistant, 45% Nearly Immune)
Caustic SCC: 50~100ppm, Inter, Fine/Oxide Filled Crack (300 SS Trans), PT , 50% at 49
Amine SCC: MEA/DEA, 2~5wt% Amine ( 0.2%), Intergranular, Oxide Filled Crack, PT .
Wet H2S Damage: pH 7 , 50wppm H2S, 0.05psi, 90ksi, 237HB(), Max. 180 (SSC), NH4SH 2wt%, PT
Wet H2S Condition: pH<4 and Dissolved H2S, pH>7.6 and 20wppm HCN (with Dissolved H2S)
HCl Corrosion: pH<4.5, Alloy 400/B-2 Oxidizing Agent , Ti Oxidizing Condition
Dry HCl , Prevention: Cl 20ppm
Sour Water Corrosion: 4.5<pH<7.0 (H2S+CO2), FCC/Coker
HTHA: Design Margin 25~50, Nelson Curve 10,000psi Conservative, Intergranular, 1500X (Void)
API RP 577
ACFM: Magnetic/Non-Magnetic, Max. 900, Surface Crack Length/Depth
Arc Blow: Magnetic Force Arc (MT Magnetism )
Arc Length: Welding Electrode Tip Weld Pool Surface
Backing: Support/Retain Molten Weld Metal / Inclusion: Foreign Solid Material (Slag, Flux, Tungsten, Oxide)
Undercut: Weld Toe/Root Unfilled Groove (Melted into the Base Metal)
Overlap: Weld Toe/Root
Second Repair Inspector and/or Welding Engineer .
Deposition Rate: GTAW < SMAW < GMAW
SMAW Coating: Shielding Gas, Prevent Excessive Grain Growth, Slag Blanket to Protect Weld, Provides Alloy Elements,
Stabilize Welding Arc, Deoxidizer
SMAW: CC, DCEP (Reverse: Penetration , Good Bead Profile), DCEN (Straight: Narrow Bead, Penetration )
GTAW: CC, DCEN (Deeper/Faster), AC(Cathodic Cleaning: Al/Mg) / PAW: 20,000, Focused, Low Heat Input
GMAW: CV, /, Continuous Filler Electrode, Shot Circuit (Thin, Out-of-Position, Root Pass), Modified-Short
Circuit, Globular (250in/mm, CO2, Flat/Horizontal), Spray (Directed Stream of Discrete Drops, 150in/mm, T>0.25),
Pulsed (Constant + Pulsing Current, 200in/mm, 30~400Hz)
Pulsation: Arc Concentration HAZ , Distortion , Welding Speed
FCAW: DC, CV, , Root Pass Backing / SAW: Only Flat
Stud Welding: DC, DCEN, CC, Carbon Steel Low Alloy Steel
EGW: Toughness , Solid or Flux Cored Wire, Plate 3/8~4, Workpiece 0.4 , Weld Height 4 ~ 50ft
SMAW Electrode: Two Digit (Tensile Strength). 3rd Digit (Position), 4th Digit (, AC/DC, Coating, Arc, Penetration)
GMAW/GTAW/PAW Electrode: ER XX(Tensile Strength) S(Solid) - X(Chemical Composition, Shielding Gas, Position,
Transfer Mode) or ER308L
FCAW Electrode: ER X(Tensile Strength) X(Position) T(Tubercular with Flux in Tube) X (Chemical Composition,
Shielding Gas, Stainless Steel Shielding Gas Only) or ER316T-3
Heat Input: VA60/S [J/in] (S: Travel Speed: in/min) (Higher Heat Input Lower Strength/Toughness)
Preheat Temperature: Delayed Cracking , Cooling Rate , Shrinkage Stress , Moisture
Preheat Weld 2 (CE: 0.35~0.55, 0.55 Preheat + PWHT)
Max. Interpass Temperature: Austenitic/Duplex SS, Non-Ferrous Alloy, Carbon Low Alloy Steel (Impact Test )
Lack of Fusion UT . / Extensively Used NDE Method at Welds: Visual
Examiner Test: 80% Flaw , Overcall 20% / Weld Fillet Gauge: Leg Size 1/8 ~ 1
Defect = Reject (Flaw = Discontinuity = Imperfection = Lack of Homogeneity : Reject or Non-Reject)
Recordable Indication: Reject or Non-Reject / Reportable Indication: Reject
Hardness Limit: 200HB(CS), 225HB(~1.25Cr), 241HB(~12Cr), 22HRC (Wet H2S) / 5 Impression in 1in2
Rockwell Test: 10kg (Minor Load) 60/100/150kg (Major Load)
HAZ = Not Melted, but Exceed 1350 (Hard HAZ Delayed Cracking Ductility/Toughness )
HAZ = 1 away from the Weld (Hardness Test: Fusion Line 0.2mm)
Hot Cracking: Ferrite 5~20%, S/Si/Se/Nb or S/P/Zn/Cu/Pb / Delayed Cracking: P-3/4/5, 24
Buttering: Lamellar Tearing/High Hardness/Distortion , Temper Bead Welding, Thickness/Width Overlap>1/4
Caustic SCC: Cleaning 6 from Weld with Acetic Acid (Water Washing)
API RP 572
API Standard: 660 (S&T Heat Exchanger), 661 (Air Cooled Heat Exchanger), 575 (Tank ~ 15psi)
API 2271A: Guidelines for Safe Work in Inert Confined Space ( : Source 2 , Utility Gas System
Non-Breathing Air Coupling )
API 2214: Spark Ignition Properties of Hand Tools ( PT/MT Guide)
: Steel Tape (50ft), High Pressure Water Blasting (8,000~20,000psi)
: MFL (Up to 0.5), Cylinder (60 ), Lamination (200 ), ECT/UT/ACFM (Quick)
Margin: C.A, Nominal Thickness , Min. Thickness , /Design
Skirt : 100 , Steam Warming / Hot Spot: Carbon Steel 750~1000 Replication
Guy Wire Clip : 6 Rope Diameter / Resistance: 5 (25 X)
Concrete Settlement: Rough (Plumb Line, Steel Rule), Accurate (Surveyor Level)
Buckle/Bulge Measurement: Profile Measurement, Surveyor Transit, 180 Optical Plummet
Out-of-Roundness: Center Wire Method, Plumb Line (Optical Plummet), ID
Tray: Ballast/Valve Type Leakage Test / S/A Interface: 6~12
Crack : Amine/H2S/Caustic/Ammonia, Cyclic, High Temperature, High Strength (70ksi ), Coarse Grain
Flange Pipe : Lap Joint Flange, Slip Flange, Van Stone Flange
Tab Lining: 1 X 2 (Corrosion Rate 2 ), One Leg Extending
Holiday Test : Concrete, Brick, Tile, Refractory Lining
Boat Sample: Trepan, Weld Probe Tool (Filing Chemical Analysis )
Detecting Metallurgical Change: , Chemical Spot (/XRF ), Magnetic Test
Hammer Test: Thin Section, Tightness (Rivet, Bolt), Crack (Metallic Lining), Bonding (Refractory), Scale
API RP 576
Scope: Inspection, Test, Repair, Maintenance (API 520: Sizing/Selection/Installation PRD)
Repair Organization : QA/QC Manual, Training Program
Trim: Disk, Seat, Stem, Sleeve / Seating Surface: 0.0000348 (Smoothness: 3 light bead/band)
Pressure Relief Valve: Safety Valve (Gas/Air/Steam), Relief Valve (Liquid), Safety Relief Valve
Relief Valve Rupture Disc Corrosive Service
Safety Relief Valve: Conventional (Spring Loaded, Steam Service X), Pilot Operated(High Set Pressure, Low
Differential, Short Blowdown, Dirty /Viscous Liquid X), Balanced Bellows (Back Pressure ,
Backpressure , Steam Service X, Vented Bonnet)
Pressure/Vacuum Vent Valve ( Tank, Flash Point < 100, Set Pressure < 15psi): Weight Loaded, Pilot-Operated,
Spring/Weight Loaded
Pilot Operated: Main Valve Self-Actuated Pilot Valve (Spring Process Pressure ), Dome
Pressurized Close Vent Open
Rupture Disc: PRV / Corrosive Fluid , Plugging , Burst Pressure Open (No
Reclosing), (Holder , Bolt Loosening)
Rupture Disk Leak Detection: Try cock, Free Vent, Tell-Tail Indicator
Forward Acting: Tension Loaded (Conventional/Prebulged/Domed, Scored), Concave
Conventional/Prebulged/Domed: 70%/65~85%, Fragmenting, Special Design (Back Pressure 15psi ), Vacuum
Support, 1 / Scored: 80~90% of Rated Burst Pressure, Non-Fragmenting, No Vacuum Support
Reverse Acting: Compression Loaded, 90%, Convex, Non-Fragmenting, Inert Gas PRV Test , Liquid
Composite: Domed (80%, Limited Fragmentation, Vacuum Support), Flat (50%, Holder X)
Graphite: Bending/Shear Loaded, 70%, Fragmenting, Support (15psi ), Crack
Valve Working Part Corrosion/Fouling : O-Ring (Elastomer, ), Bellows/Diaphragm Seal, Rupture Disk
Design Pressure: User , Purchase Order , Design Pressure MAWP
Set Pressure (Relieving Pressure): PRV Open Setting Pressure
Simmer: Set Pressure Compressible Fluid Disc Seat
Sticking/Galling: , Foreign Particle, Chattering, Guiding Surface Finishing , Poor Alignment (Disk, Gasket)
Accumulation/Overpressure: PRV Discharge MAWP/Set Pressure
Accumulation : Max. 3% (Steam Boiler), Max. 10% (Vessel with Single PRV), Max. 16% (Vessel with Multiple PRV),
Max. 21% (Fire Contingency)
Back Pressure: Discharge Side Pressure (Built-Up Backpressure + Superimposed Backpressure)
Superimposed Backpressure: PRV Open Discharge Side Pressure
Built-Up Backpressure: PRV Open Flow Discharge Side Pressure (Frictional Loss)
Blowdown: Set Pressure Reseating Pressure (Closing Pressure)
Blowdown Ring: Screw Ring Blowdown Gap Blowdown
Cold Differential Test Pressure (CDTP): Test PRV Open Pressure (Backpressure )
Effective Discharge Area: Min. Required Relieving Capacity Nominal/Computed Area
Min [Flow Area (d2/4), Curtain Area (DL]
Huddling Chamber: PRV Seat Downstream Annular Pressure Chamber Valve Lifting Force
Lift: PRV Close/Open Disc Actual Travel (Full Lift: Safety 10% Relief 10~25% Overpressure)
Opening Pressure: PRV Close Disc Measurable Lift Pressure
Closing Pressure (Reseating Pressure): PRV Opening Disc Close Pressure
Burst Pressure: Specified (By User), Marked/Rated (By Test)
Pressure Relief Device Setting Pressure: MAWP + Max [10%, 3psig]
Pressure/Vacuum Vent Valve Setting Pressure: 0.5oz/in2 ( 24oz/in2)
PRV Set Pressure Tolerance: 70 psi (2 psi), 70 psi (3 %)
PRV : Performance/Service (Rupture/Vacuum-Breaker Valve) , Typical Process Service (5 ), Clean/
Non-Corrosive (10 ), (CDTP Pressure, VT) , 10 RBI , Visual OSI (5 )
Pressure/Vacuum Vent Valve : ( Test ), Tank Out of Service , Sticking
PRV : Inlet/Outlet Fouling/Corrosion , Pop Test ( )Valve
Setting Pressure Pop Test(Vapor Service: Air/Inert Gas, Steam Service: Steam/Air, Liquid Service: Water,
Pressure Gauge 3/4 Popping )
Pop Test: CDTP Test Succeed (Deposit) / Fail (Valve Setting , Setting ), CDTP 150%
Open Stuck Shut, CDTP (Spring , Valve Setting , Setting )
Tightness Test(API 527): CDTP 90%
PRV Handling: Vertical Position, Rupture Disk (Disk Edge Handling)
Boiler Safety Valve: Set Pressure 75% Disk Lifting , Steam Pop Test
ASME Section 8 Dvi.1
Design Code: 1930 (User/Manufacturer ), 1956 (API/ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code)
Scope : Scope of Other Section/Division, Fired Furnace/Heater, Mechanical/Rotating Equipment, Piping, Some
Water Service (Under 300psi/210, Air ), Indirect Heated Water Tank (Under 210/200,000BTU/Hr/120
Gallon), Low Pressure Vessel (Under Inter/External/Differential 15 psi), Small Vessel (ID/Width/Height/Diagonal < 6),
Human Occupancy
Scope: 3000psi Additional Requirement , Pressure Part Welding Non Pressure Part , Pressure
Retaining Cover / ASME Section 8 Div.3: Design Pressure 10ksi
Vessel Boundary Limit: First Weld/Thread/Flange Face/Sealing Surface
Player: User (Specify/Determine), Manufacturer (QC System , ASME Certi./Stamp , Calculation/Drawing,
Material , NDE/Hydrotest , Qualify Welding/Welder), A.I (Verify / Witness Hydrotest / Inspect
Internal/External / Sign Manufacturers Data Report), Welder, NDE Technician
Authorized Inspection Agency: Jurisdiction, Insurance Company, Manufacturer (User Manufacturer )
Certification Mark (After Hydro/Pneumatic Test): U (Pressure Vessel), U2 (Div.2), UM (Mini), UV (Relief Device)
Certificate of Authorization (Vessel + A.I Stamp ) : QC Document, Authorized Inspection Agency
, ASME Application Fee , Review (ASME , Authorized Inspector Agency)
Manufacturer Data Reports: (Manufacturer), Sign (Manufacturer, Inspector)
UM Vessel: Full Radiograph X, Quick Actuating Device X, Limit(1.5/3/5ft3, 600/350/250 psi) Inspector
Min. Shell/Head Thickness: 1/16 / Plate Mill Undertolerance: Min[0.01, 0.06t]
Minimum Size of Man-Hole: Circular (16), Elliptical (12 X 16)
Material Identification Method: Transfer of Original Marking, Coded Marking, Sketch/Tabulation
Safety Factor: 1999 Addendum/2000 (4~5), (3.5) / MAWP: C.A Other Loading (Top )
Static Head Pressure (psi) = 0.433 X [Liquid Height in ft] / Cylindrical Shell MAWP = SEt / (R+0.6t)
Ellipsoidal Head MAWP = 2SEt/(D+0.2t) / Hemispherical Head MAWP = 2SEt/(L+0.2t) [D: ID, L: Inside Radius]
Cylindrical Shell Thickness = PR/(SE-0.6P), Spherical Shell Thickness = PR/(2SE-0.2P)
Ellipsoidal Head Thickness (2:1 Ellipsoidal) = PD/(2SE-0.2P) / Hemispherical Head Thickness = PL/(2SE-0.2P)
Head Depth (h) = 1/4D (2:1 Ellipsoidal Head), L (Hemispherical)
Flat Head = d*SQRT(CP/SE) [d: ID, C: UG-34, E: 1.0 Multiple Plate ]
Max. External Pressure = 4B / 3(Do/t) (L: Support/Tubesheet/Stiffener , Head Depth h/3 )
PWHT: Min. Overlap 5ft, Initial Furnace Temperature Max. 800, Heating Up Rate 400/Thickness(inch) (Max. 400
/Hr), Heating 15ft 250 , Holding 150 , Cooling Down Rate
500/Thickness(inch) (Max. 500 /Hr) 800 / Carbon Steel at 1100 (Caustic: 1150)
PWHT (HT) : 1.5 , 1.25 (Preheat Min. 200 ), Lethal Service, MDMT -55
Ratio 0.35 (, P-No.1 Material Impact Test 25 ft-lb ), Unfired Steam Boiler (Design
50psi ), Repaired Casting Quality Factor 0.9~1.0 , Plate Forging Temperature Blow,
Direct Firing (P-No.1: 5/8 , Other: All)
Spot RT: (50ft), Min. Size (6), Reject 2
3:1 Taper : Thickness Difference Min [0.25tsmaller, 1/8]
Welder Stamp: Min. 3ft, Stamp Stencil/Surface Mark (Steel: 1/4 , Nonferrous: 1/2 )
Joint Efficiency Factor: Type of Joint, Location of Joint (Joint Category), Amount of RT
Joint Category: A(Longitudinal, Shell-to-Head for Hemispherical Head, Orange Peel Head Weld), B(Circumferential, Shell-
to-Head for Non-Hemispherical), C(Flange-to-Shell/Head/Nozzle), D(Chamber/Nozzle-to-Shell)
Seamless/Welded Pipe/Tubing E=1 : Category B/C Spot RT +Circumferential Weld Type 1/2 ( 0.85)
Lethal Service (L): Category A (Type 1 Only), Category B/C (Type 1/2 Only), Category D (Full Penetration Weld)
Full RT Condition (Butt Weld): Lethal Service, Thickness > Min [1.5, UCS-57], Unfired Boiler > 50psig (50 psig
Thickness Full RT), Nozzle Butt Weld 3 , Category A/D Butt Weld Based on UW-
12(a), Electro Gas (Single Pass > 1.5), Electro Slag
Full RT Condition: Category A/D (100% RT), Category A/B (Type 1 or 2), Category B/C (Category A Seamless
Head/Shell Intersection: Spot RT)
Full RT Allowable Indication Size: 3/4 (Max. 1/4), ~ 2.25 (Max. 1/3t), 2.25 (Max. 3/4)
RT Factor: RT-1(Full RT), RT-2(Full RT: Full RT Condition ), RT-3 (Spot RT), RT-4 (Part Full RT)
Fillet Welding Throat Size = 0.7 X (Leg Size) (Leg Size = Filtlet Weld Size)
Reinforcement: Area Lost (dtr), Shell (Max[d(t-tr), 2(t+tn)(t-tr)], Fillet Weld (Leg2) [ Corroded Condition]
Limits of Reinforcement: Max[d, d/2+tn+t]
Impact Testing
: P-No.1 Gr. 1/2 Max. 1/2 (Curve A) / Max. 1 (Curve B/C/D), Test , D.T -20~650
(Temporary -20 Under ), No Critical Thermal/Mechanical Shock Loading, No Cyclic Loading
Ratio = trE//(tn-c) = Applied Stress (Pressure) / Max. Allowable Stress (Pressure)
PWHT MDMT 30 Reduction .
-55 Impact Test . (Ratio 0.35 -155 )
UCS Material 0.1 Impact Test -55
Impact Test Condition (SA-370): 3 Specimens (Min. Chart 2/3)
Impact Test : Weld ( 4 + MDMT < 120), Non-Weld ( 6 , MDMT < 120)
Pressure Testing (Duration: 30 )
Pressure Testing : Alteration, Major Repair, Rapair (Inspector )
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing: SS (Chloride Max. 50ppm, 120 ), MAWP , Drain/Drying, (Fluid:
Any Non-Hazadous Liquid below B.P)
Potable Water/Drain/Drying : Very Low Cl Water (Steam Condensate), pH>10, Corrosion Inhibitor
Test PSV Set : PSV , Test Clamp (Valve Spring )
Pneumatic Leak Test: UT Leak Detector, Soap Solution
Hydro/Pneumatic Test Pressure (Top of Vessel) = 1.3(1.5)/1.1 X MAWP X (St/Sd) [1.5 1999 Addendum ]
Metal/Fluid Temperature: 2 (MDMT + 30), 2 (MDMT + 10), Max. 120
Brittle Fracture Test Pressure 20%
Pneumatic Test : 1 (50% of Test Pressure), 2 (Test Pressure 10% )
Pneumatic Test Welds Crack (100%): Opening Weld, Attachment Weld (Non-Pressure Part
Throat Thickness 1/4 )
Pressure Gauge Range: 1.5 X Test Pressure ~ 4 X Test Pressure (Preferred = 2 X Test Pressure)
Gauge 1 Calibration: Deadweight Tester, Calibrated Master Gage, Mercury Column
Minimum Inspection Pressure: MAWP X (St/Sd)

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