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Introduction to Computing GS-1201 Ch 102 (16 Weeks of study) ‘Gredit Hours BH1 ~ Course Instructors A. Course Description: To acquaint the students with the structure, operati ‘computers. Prerequisite Course(s): None Co reqi isite Course(s): None B. Course Goals and Objectives: Goal01; History, classification. {01 Lecture, 5% scheduled learning a Objectiveo1: Objectiveo2: Explain the classification of computing Goal02: and devices, physical and lo (04 Lectures, 15% scheduled learning Explain and discuss various componen : Explain different storage media and or} Basic components, CPU, memory, gical storage, data n, programming, and applications of cfivities) Discuss the history of computers masher evolution. systems, peripheral devices, storage media organization, file storage \ctivities) s of a computer, Banization of data, Objectiy Problem specification, flow chaft. (02 Lectures, 15% of scheduled learning activities) Explain the process of Problem specification and followed by developing 2 solution for the problem. . Explain the process of flow charting ahd algorithm design. ; ° variables and constants. {01 Lectures, 5% of scheduled learning activities) 01: Explain different data types for variables and constants. = Goalo6; Arrays, input/output terminatio (02 Lecture2, 10% of scheduled learnihg activities) Objectiyeo1: Explain the declaration of arrays and their usage. ObjectiyeO2: Explain the usage and C++ code for input output termination etc. e Goal07: —_ Decision statement, if...else Selection Statement , switch Multiple- Selection Statement , break and continue Statements , infinite condition and exit condition ,Logical Operators, Nested-If, unary Operator, Multi-way decision statement, , unconditional branch( go to statement), bitter truth for break continue. (02 Lectures, 12% scheduled learning activities) Explain the usagé and C++ code fr Decision statement, if..else Selection Statement, switch, Multiple-Selecton Statement, break and continue Statements Understanding the, infinite condition and exit condition, Logical Operators. ae Nested-If, unary Operator, Multi-way decision statement , unconditional ranch. Repetition Statement, overflo' Repetition Statement | (02 Lectures, 14% scheduled learni Objectiveot: Explain Repetitive Structure, while Repetition Statement. Objecti Objectiveo3: Explain for Repetition Statement, ovdrflow with the loop variable, do...while Objectiye01° je02: Understanding Compound Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement operator. Repetition Statement. Functions (encapsulation, information hiding), Program Modules in C hg and using Functions, Passing arguments by values and by reference ive functions, Argument Promotion ahd Casting, library functions Scope of “Declarations (Local and Global), (02 Lecture, 14% scheduled learning activities) Explain Functions encapsulation, iformation hiding), Program Modules in Declaring and using Functions, Passing arguments by values and by reference Objectiye02: Explain Recursive functions, Argumenf Promotion and Casting Objective03: Explain library functions Scope of Declarations (Local and Global), Header file. ; Cc. Recommended text: Deitel and Deitel, “C++ How to Program” Brian Williams and Stacey Sawyer, “Using|information Technology”, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072260748, (Latest Edition). Patt and Patel, "Introduction to Computing Systems from Bits and Gates to C and Beyond", Mc-GrawHil ditional Reading: C+#Programming, D.S Malik, Fifth Edition] sm Solving with C++ by Walter Savitdh Government College University, Lahore : Department of Electifcal Engineering | thd sHeme for semester work for this course: Weightage in Semester Work 65-70% % of Semester Quizzes |((Multiple Choice Questions) Marks Assignment 30-35% of Semester Marks (Application of concepts studied class by asking students to collqct information through examples) in inal Paper The student will be assessed in final paper from|the following Units. The breakup of each unit and its weightage in the final question paper is given as follows: re erry Beene erro Examination 30-50% THeory / Knowledge Recall / Comprehension Goal1 | 20% 50-70% Adalysi eis 30-50% Theory / Knowledge Recall / Comprehension | unit2 | Goal 2 ea | y ige Recall / Comprehension | | 50-70% Ajalysi ee lon | 30-50% THleory / Knowledge Recall / Comprehension talon 30-50% THeory / Knowledge Recall / Comprehension 90-70% Arialysis 20% 30-50% Theory / Knowledge eee | 50-70% Arfalysis Students have to separately pass semester work and [inal examination by securing at least 509% marks] hs Recall / Comprehension

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