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Act II Prologue Study Guide

1. What does the metaphor Now old desire doth in his deathbed lie,/ And young affection gapes to be his
heir mean?

2. What does the metaphor Now Romeo is beloved and loves again,/ Alike bewitched by the charms of
looks, mean?

3. What does the metaphor And she steal loves sweet bait from fearful hooks./ Being held a foe, he may
not have access/ to breathe such vows as lovers use to swear mean?

Act II Scene 1 Study Guide

4. What does Mercutio do/say to try and make Romeo come back? (Warning: Do not copy the text and do
not write an overly simplistic answer. Mercutio might be casting a spell but there it more to it than that)

5. Why is Mercutios spell ineffective? Please provide evidence and explain.

6. How does Benvolio react to Romeos disappearance? Please provide evidence and explain.

7. What is Mercutios state of mind when he and Benvolio leave the scene? Please provide evidence and
Act II Scene 2 Study Guide
8. What does the metaphor What light through yonder window breaks?/It is the eas, and Juliet is the
sun mean?

9. What example of figurative language Arise fair sun, and kill the envious moon,/Who is already sick
and green/ And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off. What does the phrase mean?

10. What example of figurative language is Tis not to me she speaks. /Two of the fairest stars in all the
heaven/ having some business do entreat her eyes? What does the phrase mean?

11. What rhetorical strategy is Juliet using when she says Whats Montague? It is nor hand nor foot,/ Nor
face, nor any other part/ Belonging to a man.? What does the phrase mean?

12. What rhetorical strategy is Juliet using when she saysWhats in a name? That which we call a rose/ by
any other word would smell as sweet. /So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,? What does the
phrase mean?

13. What does the phraseBy a name I know not how to tell thee who I am./ My name, dear saint, is hateful
to myself/Because it is an enemy to thee. Had I it written, I would tear the word? mean?

14. What example of figurative language is With loves light wings did I oerperch these walls/ For stony
limits cannot hold love out,/ And what love can do, that dares love attempt./Therefore thy kinsman are


no stop to me. ? What does the phrase mean?

15. What does the phrase Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye/Than twenty of their swords. Look thou
but sweet,/And I am proof against their enmity. mean?

16. What metaphor is in Oh swear not by the moon, th inconstant moon,/ That monthly changes in her
circle orb,/ Lest that thy love prove likewise variable ? What does the phrase mean?

17. What example of figurative language is My bounty is as boundless as the sea,/ My love as deep. The
more I give to thee,. The more I have, for both are infinite.? What does the phrase mean?

18. What metaphor is in Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books/ But love from love,
toward school with heavy looks? What does the phrase mean?

19. What metaphor is in I would have thee gone--/And yet no farther than a wantons bird,/ That lets it hop
a little from his hand,/ Like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves,/ And with a silken thread plucks it back
again,/ So loving-jealous of his liberty.? What does the phrase mean?

Act II Scene 3 Study Guide

20. What does the metaphor But to the earth some special good doth give,/ Nor aught so good but
strain'd from that fair use/ Revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse:/Virtue itself turns vice, being
misapplied;/And vice sometimes by action dignified./ Within the infant rind of this small flower/Poison
hath residence and medicine power:/ For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each part;/Being
tasted, slays all senses with the heart./Two such opposed kings encamp them still/ In man as well as
herbs, grace and rude will;/ And where the worser is predominant,/Full soon the canker death eats up
that plant./ mean?

21. What example of figurative language I have been feasting with mine enemy,/Where on a sudden one
hath wounded me,/That's by me wounded: both our remedies/Within thy help and holy physic lies:
What does the phrase mean?

22. What example of figurative language is J esu Maria, what a deal of brine/Hath wash'd thy sallow
cheeks for Rosaline!/How much salt water thrown away in waste,/To season love, that of it doth not
taste!/ The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears,/Thy old groans ring yet in my ancient ears;/Lo,
here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit/Of an old tear that is not wash'd off yet:?What does the phrase

23. What does the phraseThy love did read by rote and could not spell. mean?


Act II Scene 6 Study Guide WIP

24. But come what sorrow can/ It cannot countervail the exchange of joy/ That one short minute gives me
in her sight./Do thou but close our hands with holy words,/ Then love-devouring death do what he dare;/
It is enough I may call her mine. What does this quote mean? What does it reveal about Romeos



25. These violent delights have violent ends/ And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,/ Which, as they
kiss, consume. The sweetest honey/Is loathsome in his own deliciousness/ And, in the taste, confounds
the appetite./ Therefore love moderately. Long love doth so;/ Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow./
What is the metaphor in this quote? What does this quote mean?



26. Here comes the lady. Oh, so light a foot,/ Will neer wear out the everalsting flint./ A lover may bestride
the gossmaers/ That idles in the wanton summer air,/ And yet not fall; so light is vanity. What is the
metaphor in this quote? What does this quote mean?



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