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Reasnneqa 6 cuss 0 At $a 79, sanmnaihufinannmanes - SIA Hinze tusesiuwdiasa ao quo a Gidnasow waanit envheatitin, mnraRienalnsitunnlh wt enics erie groturcéisindecn Fadaod 99,8 Humueumuldinssci.2 sed lurcsiundawnd 3 + | Fela) vx anvreewretto adi 29,0 HH nnidrosowiieinin 18 Eukninveis nani 0 tFuauénraoiniinin 10 Binge 2 | awa) ex Kren), | asnanihiniis 2 =| FANG), ck aleqo’| enanemneittacta 0 finnaldidnmennaatl 158-25" 3c 26" apt Vek a “sapludolannstieoaiaiioton -f ms fe ae © [is Padi crniscor [wonemetins sere eon : Asie cya 40.15, #onbuigntien : : + wean 2 aenautihtulinndhuta re, 1. niiitpvaieuethnsnvinudonuieatidooviievtan fc usaf 3 shits Hinaneis's, 7. = isu Fsfignifon gpniaimengy A. ueenil 4 aarazmeluntiintuie [resco 2-22, Hauedtureitin unvdinisdiuutiandan tpn Salngnitos Hrofiuonricionesacwovestbianainahy i tela ernie arene eee +5 8. entaailqmmogmndt foi tiarudulagns Sndune A 4a uses iornueadaninh hae atti if i Bete a eeestes te Aveo. amuffinfadlunnenuqadelalt 4. 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(-e3,-8)u €3,5] 4 Ges) U 61,3) (5,0) 2 “Test druay 100 Aaeuna. vrhdaubuniilertn is A.M SO) Sx? Bee Sues OX) = hk Bh SETS hash Rudy net bane bil seareuneTaOa, 2 Bina Be dqeamnatoiy sane > akzpoue shes bd SL x2 wnat b fe shangenastisiiy @ _antarunstnil andi 20 goon inte bP a: ee = athvlimeadlisulerinl = asininouarainhh Lae 2 BM 48; hori veiw sGotmuatitnady EE LP cuayh Oa Snerinoan flviine iad aon | = {00 = VIS%, o0) = ae os ce ee ee 7 h@h= 24.4, fstnflornves SESS ogy ge retin 2,4: ae avounia oe 2-5 e " “fogofogofogofaganti6) 2 Ho 09, rom A ust 3 hurl ein A EB 24 82 48 A @UD) ASB SHo'117, ak eune g dhailattuliana io fogoo sx #2 Raja SAB A BLAS cit ge) = Wolafiodives “hg. iv OB =A WAR eB - 4 : os ss) St ‘ anti hOB 0 uth AB line Be A’ Cece of 40-24. Be. ad fetal BOTOMENGOD. Ae : . Manlesamaeew. ce So ‘huh 2 “Mo vie. Wf hutatsiniderionits dolnioliibsignios ete hu BOE OY sureties De * “fof = FFof 4ocatunniaura x youhirinne itso ‘liunttegn : ‘$0 179, Famanniossanlatptaiidcintign 1, log Ge-+2)+log (x — 1) “ewe C2) 3. Joga (logs ¥) =1 - Hoga 1 43: 81. 274x163xiot Ha reo nsunebvies Gasraza nO, Stenwintisiela tologas= SE ~p0.098 | za rab = Sonning “ter sic0 : Fo,121. K.-T heat your wie collapsed an vas rashed co _ hospital a week ag: Issheokay?, . Bi~ Don't sory Sie feng much baler now: “F What esha 4. Vega to ear thatt 1st that pity? 3. Hoyéuiforunatel = ee re ae ee Felicemins ts tcc ajbigina?-< 2 Mani Visca looked: ; Policeman: Really Wal. 2 sory seb you Toey to-get you in trouble... 43. thanks for your helpfulness E anks foe yaut donation: =~ $o123, Situation: Your iead invites you to have dinner with * ion. You svould love to g; but you havé fo subint your "port yomosrow What woul jou say to kim? + Li Ming if Leake rain eek? 2, tm sorytt's ining ats and dogs. ©.$, Com fain dr shine: Pisce you then.” «= As Thanks, But you had Ber save your taney’ fora any diye 2 S E e124, Police were hipslet to Find enough evideoe to sve ‘tnd in Coleg noever te da ner hey found the clue teiding o the arest of the wrongdoers mame Linvatiably =, Fsecidetitally AAwiltingly: © A, cacelessly- * 0.125: A food that contingsubsaces thar-ire pov for a stadia 3. suficient 2. reisonable 3. precio’ 4, trtional ‘he 126, Jenniler’s essay was chosen to be the fist prize of her class because it wos 1 anibiguows 3.ouistanding 7 tonne 4. contuiag He 137.4 Londowespta hus jut amounésd 9 new fav eus buns and kininttioos by using bony aie, rar _ Leresull 2 treatment 3. ness ‘to 128, An assessment report is usually written by someone in shorty sic a your employer. resents ant the positives and negatives ofa person in ede 0 make sie kindof judge or recommendation. = Velleulles 2 divides prepares evaluates ‘F819, alah die magnet red to explain ly Join wis tei fo sb, he iateasinably complained 7 about Being tated until Which the etsest meaning of “in 2. unwillingly 4. cmhusiatically. 4 edessly : Fo 130: The students work industriodsly before they have the Spal exaipiation, -~ ‘Which isthe closest meaning of “indsiriousty"? 1 efforesly 2, grahally ‘3 ingiviaatty 4 diligenly +80 131, The Wimbledoi Men's Slgl Final btwesn Federer and - Djokovic has been pu aff because ofthe heavy rin, inably"? 1. purposely Which is the‘closest meaning of “put off”? i 1. postponed '2-eancelied 3. assuined 4. resumed 40 132. My mother collected allot of jewelrés, She gave them to ‘mean fold me that they were worth preserving. ‘Whioh isthe closes meaning of > keping 2. diseating 5 S.aundossianding, A veaning ‘Go 133;,THOUSANDS of fans bid Fn frewel to Heniivod “Trideadse “Por” Saliawong duting his royally-sposored -eremation at Klang Templc'in Buri Ram yesterday, preserving"? ‘The eranting of royal embers ftom His Majesty. the King. is eoisideied 4 great honour forthe late actor and his ‘atily. . Which is the closest meaning of tedead ~ 2, slew expocted time 1 3. ned the end A provius i Bo 134. wile the woman__ ithe pict, a hire sur. Iso 3, lotked 3. wat looking 4 docked 138. Aer Sit=_— "hai he_—_ to ply with fonds at the ployground : Yeah gone oat. 2. a want ut 3. ware ving: wentovt ~, bad; goingant = ‘Mo a6, Choose the gontetico that has the Same meariing (9 the ae Se amie given : > Man Ton ssi hat people shoud et foil : "ish had sted herd, he woutd nat have fie ie edustion sap them frp earing test! : 4:° Chistes De. Gaulle thought that it was @ huge 1," She studied hartl but she failed te rest: 2. “Shes nnd and shed fetal = nt aie, £3, si eied he or oxen set hard, ys lgkbastrs the big big mavies 4,” She ited he ee aes she i stl at » even Spielberg citi iss i, Frets in a eho ior 964, we : f showed te fi ta cine in is hometown, Five undead oo Ss yes wil take 2, as would Hine. tke prope bough tickets, Jaw wes Spielberg's ft film, 1 broke res ‘yill ake" 4. wore aba = Ginema records jn-1975 — it made aver $7 million in one tyedkend People cafoyed ihtening list ft, Jews made $260 mio the USA nd 3470 milion mound the wot. was the-first “block lster” filai::The next enormously successful ciuallenge to tovem France Because people wanted is sixteen, It was a deience Retin film, Spielberg she Boukn’t td iy Smlasses— = \ Glin was Stay ers. Millions of people went to ee tons ist “Sigh in 1977. The fii used amazing speci eects, pedi elfcts we also importnt inthe top blockbuster Fi fall ime 222 Titanic, This Tilon made $1.8 billion, and it won LT Oscars <<" Leonard DiCaprio and Kate Winslet sted in therilm, Some “Ho 1, Chios headed ord thats NOT grermatly <= ores pesos ey and per andowner ke “S wife ‘tivés i Me wei 2 goer =F. A © Soa, Cae heuer pasha NOS grnailly FE an secs es ane ~covrect biockbuster, io 146, Stash POST REPORTERS “Two Keren wen have been detained in separate c€ses she coulda Find hor sunglasses. she didnot find iy sigasses © >=" ‘Ho.i39,L saws wit = Nol only. dag the amyentbut also hpi ie fac 2 aie Titan : : SL Woes.» 2ethe pant | 3! hépe for = 4. Nanmony. “19. Chose the veined word that i HOT grammy scabs cute reckon or Bah anda lie por * Both mien are suspected of burning forest land. : wainys dogs can in set ati police ind a ‘Suthin Channgim, the Mae Wang district chief, said | = ‘hidden ittegal objects such as boinbs and drugs. ~ guthorities From the forest protection unit yesterday detained : in stain 2stoelp 3. Tind. such ag ‘Kohchi Lerpoh, 54, for allegedly buriing a forest area. *¥0:143-Chooss thesia’ hi is NOT prnninaly Tisai oves FOG oerpopnel i heii are and ~ bora bust nabs 2 ; * eancet : : ’ = fi E deployed to top Tors fis ¥preaing towards Ba Hay Yank ‘Tivo guifed enndidate fare HI miaiigr position Stik vein gland Mes Wk _ _ shld bi-annual, od ‘Officns found Me Keli tying to stat Hie white rele thoities were onthe mission to extinguish the Blaze, Me Sutin x cipal 2 oe tained, ) for oi; The hes Hiquid comes from.olives picked as soon is tey bosom back; thol is wsed for many thins, “including food, light and medicine. We ear contide fom tetext hg = 1. green and black olives don't come from the sane tse 2, Explanation 4, Persuasion ~2. live oll ha inany practical uses olives captain more vitamins than any oie fruits 4, olive tres give us &fecling of poass Yo vas. as ~ | STAR'SANITARYWARE PCL. oe, De Senet Moor e578 Sco scepreae Mae ~ Someta eae eb | Coc wale ser Eg Forhsenes ‘ees neonaneoasryeorcen —} “Who inight NOT be qualified for the position advertised? ‘ua Je 26 300s te wel o work ees 0 mnanager for a 2. Pa eye in Ma alle inthe a_psion fr 3 yur oy good ttn yd pening Enc, She treo in Basel ee in Marketing She bs bos ing yn asst riage fo} yarn sieilsedornean, abe. avtiefiiinwen, tho iso. RONNIE Dab va hing fortuna athe ehippy ‘sate of Porto Prins Boy in he Piipines when iho cre ipo him fms boat aide dv, Aier atti wim puisng waves fx the noxt 24 hou of op of sea yor, Daal ies Koi trot wig, Fam ostaF now 0 school of round 30 dolphins and pai of whales came nd ae hon oth sides, The dlp stared to nag is tn i a towards he ition ‘of las. Dabo said he pasted ut while il this vis 1 pponing and woke upon the beat Baaay where he wos finely zescued by local residents What i the passage about? = 1 How to survive storm. = 2: A fshernn saved By dolphin 4. Lol esidents who resced a Fhesmis 4. A fisherman's bot destroyed bya violent stor ‘fo 151. THE BRAIDS One of tie mos stesing tings ve ever seen happend! wie was teschitg mide seoo few years ~ gost ered that kids ean be very ere o ote anh, but Pd neverseenanpingastes what happen his sist Kats. Katie was very act bt she did't al fin The oer gis aways gn her a id sms Rate had beaut long ai hat she always wore nto Tong bai tie day Katiearrived at schoot witha Very short haircut, ‘Whe asked Her wha ad apponé to hr bea bras, she ste a eran Fan ou the room, Turned cout that he dy before, Some gis hd pated Kati into an “ip eleso00 and hd chopped fib inking it siould be funny, Tol was thee time féxer sa Ra She was so disiessed thatshe changed toe diferent sehast; bi don tik {hi psig, why asda go upset? 1. Sherenrnd that dhe Bids cared to nich bite Roig : 7 ~ 20S tow Ihe aol ule wr tho we oe sind 43. She femme ha not ony elu bevel others’ but also kids. ~ a = 4: she ela that sometn sna Kids led vo hae * ploblelils in ecrdal wre Ho 152 thsand bs poi ite anton o impaniig knowledge tts ely hic i oil high ate of secdents, mostly involving young people, Thanspong, hist fthe Rosé Safety Policy Fowétion hes 1 of us ever Fagot her. From, ing the New Year break’s seven dangerous days", he’said the number of youths Josing their lives in ead aceieonts this yoar was sitar to that in previous pears ~ a fourth ofthose killed and injured af, ws Yond casualties ck sede uno tbe tals Wn fet 12 0°13 percent of casialties were minors inet Fo 154, A: Could you please pass me some salt? the age of 15 aid most secidents involved imotoreyeles. ~ : °y = Be Hort ist Insist of reparing you people properly about toad As heen tok safety the Thai eduction syste sully faves them eee, , Tara road rules attr ova peri, Thanapong Said i. Takeieay 2: Dod" meni heh ofthe flowing senteice is NOT tse? 3 Srna 4. Novereind ‘Thailand doesnot pay neh atenion f edueating © ss, Mans, tmtaving 9 inpornt jb ieiw oy. youig peopl abut toad safety, ‘ ‘joan “There wete more youth casualties ii road aceidents ‘You're iucky i ae 22; Wellyhave'a great time : 3. Twenty fv pri in ded eine “STL keep my fingers exessed Tor you oon were wenagers, 27 ES 4.1 hope you fee! beter'sodn a caae ‘De he te Row S(t Polis) Faindation ae 156. eo believed tat te Tai edict ina system Should! haver =~ Pd ike to buy mobile phene, please, = gecnagrs fear about rod satey. 2° 7 AS. Follow ine-T' show you oar seledtion. 1159: Seep ig very import, Di you Know tbat sleep is more B;.. Thank you vely much, 7 year sha hast yea ©" importan.thainTeod?-A perion Who dogs not sleep dies. 1, What's the meter ~_faser than i person who does wot eat. = oor 2 Whit ae you doing, “Lats say you go fo sleon 12 hours tte: twill take your ~~ 3, Wiiere do you like t0 20 ~ > body aoa ree vs feta 9 onal: We spend 4, How can Thelp you 1 Ar” Exreuse me, have'you seen'miy suitease? ~ ee : “5A think might have Tet tre. How much soap do we need? Ws real iferenta Bi = £55 by ned. 16 hours af lep evry lay. Children 6 f0 12.2 ‘AL Its dark green and i has a black handle, pre years old néed dn average of 10 (6 12 hours F sleep, LS “71, Where did you pat it? fe © peemigers need 9 to 10 hous‘of sep. An adult needs an ~~ 2, What does i look ike? 55 eiye ot hid a, Toi ar soe pepe, "|, 8. How iy sites did you eve? ©. 2S need nly’S outs of steep, Others need-10 hours of Z 4, When did yow leave : aleep. Afr the age of 50 the-aérige slept gone © Hes “May apo es eet : We woe Tes alsep as we pe LEB =, Would you ike to lee : eee =" ames? Mos pple ve Sone nits when they sano Tee Ar Yes: plese ell hin 6 all Cla a 2468 700. 5 slop, About nein ee erieas tas 9 prblern wi 4; Pm sorry he isn't in “slesp: May f these people cannot fl seep, The ame ~ ofthis poker insomnia, Teor insomnia meas 27. 2: James's speaking 2° 3, Sorry! You mnest-have dialed the wrong number. <> : asleep” Same pools’ aeep aight” =. 4, Call hin again foniorow © ut set aly ine Thy op lily i wakeup = as Tonys ‘ans, How's the ew jb fh bank? 2 sever ines: nthe aging, hey only remembe the Jane: es afl, [have fo work froin 730 a.m. : tyes hey ye vas So they hin they, woe wale a: ee, “to 6 p.m. every day. I have only half an hour : Pnighe’s Fay : es 2 tor tine, © From he pase, ele senteice NOT wu? coor cases Toys” Poor yo «= _ Ls than fala the pope in Araveshove a - Janei__ And not only that, | sometimes Have co work on ~ problein withsteep, 3 + the weekend, = Alter he dye 50, tHe average steep time F6.5 howe” - Foay: Bighes >= Cog ES gS 7 dam Yea nie ideo _Thsiuimber toe sen ges over. 08 wk : 1.-Llnop youl be tne ae olde ee ets [Boles cell tough eyo. rl 3.1 agree with you ‘ould’ steep at all. 4 Why dont you apy for noter job? hewn 16 | : : 7 7 “= an F was ery impressed. ~ I. eouldet ogres die 21 have no iden

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