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Chapter 19 Roosevelt and the New Deal

Polio SEC Sit-Down Strikes
Gold Standard The TVA Social Security
Bank Holiday The First New Deal Court Packing
Fireside Chats Deficit Spending Keynesianism
Ideology WPA Mediate
FDIC Binding Arbitration Safety Net
Learning Objectives

Ch. 19-1

1. Why was FDR elected? Why was Hoover defeated?

2. What was the New Deal?

3. What were some of the successes of the first New Deal?

Ch. 19-2

4. What were criticisms of FDR from the liberal (left) and conservative (right) sides?

5. How did the Wagner and Social Security Acts impact Americans?

Ch. 19-3

6. What is Keynesianism and how does it work? Why do you think it was (and
remains) a popular idea?
7. The last major piece of the New Deal was the Fair Labor Standards Act. What are
some of the biggest accomplishments of that act?

8. What are the legacies of the New Deal? How did it change the way government

9. What lessons do you think can be learned from this period of American history?

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