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Book of Mormon Camp

Wilderness Training
I willbe your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you, ifye will keep my
commandments;ye shall be led towards the promised land; and ye shall know that it is by me
that ye are led. 1 Nephi 17:13

Day Principle Possible Scripture Heros Helpers

Monday Faith Lehi and Sariah, Nephi Each day was led by a
Tuesday Prayer Enos, Brother of Jared different group of volunteers
Wednesd Missionary Abinadi, Alma, Alma the after the Welcome and Song
ay Work Younger and Sons of Mosiah Practice. Each group had a
Thursday Courage Samuel the Lamanite group leader making up
between 3-4 adults per day.
This can change as needed
but was nice to have to help
with rotations. Helpers at the
start and the end would be
cool if you have them helping
with set-up and assisting
children to arrive and get
settled and assisting children
gather belongings and depart
and clean-up
Friday Endure to the Mormon and Moroni Primary Presidency
Things to consider:
Managing groups: The number and ages of participants will largely determine how many
groups you run in camp. We had 43 sign-up prior to the day and ended up starting with 4 groups
of around 10 divided by age so that amending activities to be age appropriate was easier. To
sign-up to participate children Sunbeam AND potty trained-11 were invited. To help give
leadership opportunities and pass of Faith in God requirements we had older children act as
group counselors to be an extra set of hands to help with each group. We had VAL9 VAL11 as
well as youth age volunteers fulfill this role but it depends on the maturity and helpfulness of the
kids involved. They will surprise you! They are great! Also be flexible! There will be people who
sign-up last minute and some who dont sign-up at all. For us it was most important that
everyone who wanted to participate be able to so no one was excluded. It meant adding kids
and creating new groups last minute but it all worked out in the end. We ended up with 5 groups
of between 8-12.
T-shirts: To keep track of groups we utilized different colored t-shirts with our camp logo. We
bought the T-shirts at the Dollar Store and endedProject:
Service up with creative
(Cannedcolors! The logo we created
Good Drive,
on Word and then used iron-on T-shirt transfers to add the logo.
Blanket Drive to help Catholic Charities and
Schedule their Refugee Services)
T-shirt Logo Design: T-shirts for the
Time Activity
Dollar Store and Iron on T-shirt transfers
9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-9:30 Songs
Music Practice: Sisters in Zion/Well Bring
9:30-10:00 Scripture StoryHis Truth Duet with New Words
the World
Divide into groups and rotate by Janice Kapp Perry to be sung on Sunday
10:00-10:20 Scripture Video & Snack
10:20-10:40 Scripture Story: Videos from
Snack: Watermelon, gold fish, orange
slices, pretzels, animal crackers, bananas,
10:40-11:00 Activity
Come Back together as 1 group
11:00-11:10 Summarize Story
11:10-11:30 Lunch
11:30-12:00 Game
Book of Mormon Camp Outline

Time Daily Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9:00- Welco Sisters in Zion and Well Bring the World His Truth Duet
9:30 me and
9:30- Scriptu Nephi: Faith Brother of Abinadi, Samuel the Mormon &
10:0 re Jared: Prayer Almas, Sons Lamanite: Moroni:
0 Story of Mosiah: Courage Enduring to
Missionary the End
10:0 Scriptu Coloring Decorate Mark Book of Coloring Page Coloring Page
0- re Page pages for Mormon
10:2 Story/S Boats
0 nack
10:2 Activity Plates of Make Boat Pack a suit Headband Testimony
0- 1 Brass case decoration Gloves
10:4 Activity Seed of Sail Boats Missionaries Freeze game Testimony
0- 2 Faith Experience Time Capsule
11:0 Activity Book of Tower of Babel Picture where Be Samuel Gratitude
0- 3 Mormon youll serve a Notes
11:2 Bingo mission
Entire Group
11:1 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Testimony
0- Meeting
11:3 Game Wandering Water Balloon Missionary Quiz/Dodge Finding the
0- in the Relay and Relay Ball/ break the Nephite
12:0 wilderness Fight wall
Stories we picked: We assigned a group leader over each given day. As a group they decided
on the scripture story and principle they wanted to focus on. You can use these or really any
others! Sariah with compass or Enos and bows and arrows, let alone Teancum or Helaman, and
weve previously done Captain Moroni and made title of liberties as well. Thats whats so great
about diving into the scriptures, principles are everywhere and there is always more to learn!
This year the Friend has had awesome scripture hero cards and stories that would be so cool to
use in the future.
Resources: Attached links and pdfs below.
Coloring Pages:
Scripture Story: The stories were read from the scriptures. Keeping children engaged by
having them interact through acting out portions, summarizing portions, using dress-ups and
props, or moving around the room.
Lunch: We have different boxes for each group where the children put their lunches for the day.
Then kids ate in the gym and returned the lunch boxes to the boxes for easy return at the end of
the day.
Parent Participation: We ran our camp as a type of co-op. If your family participated than
parents needed to volunteer in some way. This help could be cutting out items, preparing
snacks, helping with sign-up or organization. And Parents were invited to tag along and
participate. Our bishopric also made an effort to be there throughout the week and be with the
Directions for Rotations:
Plates of Brass:
Planting a Seed of Faith:
Book of Mormon Bingo:
Wandering in the Wilderness: The object of this game is to get from point A to point B without
being tagged by cactus in the wilderness and being frozen. Have children begin on one side of a
large space. We used half of the gym. Use 4-6 volunteers to spread out and be cactus in the
wilderness. As a cactus they cannot move their feet but can otherwise lean and reach to tag the
children as they try to cross the other side without being caught. If they are touched they then
become a cactus and try to catch others. The cactus can all spread out in between the different
rounds. The game continues until there is only 1 child left with the last few children then
becoming the cactus for the next game.
Making and Destroying Tower of Babel: using wooden blocks. Magnet blocks, and legos children
built Towers and then destroyed them
Make Paper boats: or other ideas
could be as follows
Pool noodle boat
Cork boat
Sail Boats:
Water Balloon Relays:

Pack a Suit Case:
Missionary Experience: Asked returned missionaries to come and share their pictures,
experiences, and testimony with children.
Missionary Relay: Divide children into 3 separate groups mixing ages. Have three separate
courses set for each team.
1-Fitness: 25 jumping jacks, 5 sit-ups, 5 pushups
2- Get Ready: put on a tie and suit jacket or a dress then take it off
3-Laundry : sort light and dark laundry into 2 buckets
4- Packing: fit all the clothes and miscellaneous items into a suitcase and close it.
5-Bike: ride a bike through 2 cones
6-Teaching: Recite a scripture or song and then run back to the start
Picture where youll serve a mission: We put up a large world map and each child took a turn
pointing to where they hoped they would be called on a mission and getting their pictures taken.
We developed each picture and gave to families as a keep sake.

Headband decoration:
We used jewels, stickers, and glitter as well.
Musical Freeze game: Using primary songs and musical instruments children played freeze,
musical chairs, and danced
I am Samuel: Children took turns being Samuel. Kids climbed onto a ladder and cried repentance
while other children took turns throwing mini-marshmallows at them. You could also make a
marshmallow shooter
Dodge-ball, Build a wall. Older kids played a dodge-ball while the younger children took turns
using large brick blocks to build walls and then knock them down.

Testimony Gloves:
Testimony Time Capsule:
We took a large plastic tote and had children write down, or draw pictures of their testimonies
and goals for the future to be opened next year.
Gratitude Notes: these are notes of appreciation for all the helpers throughout the week.
Testimony Meeting: We have a primary that loves to share their testimonies! We were able to
gather, sing our song, have the Bishop share a message with the children and then have a sweet
testimony meeting with them. It was so special! We had worried that reverence might be an
issue but it really wasnt. The children all did a wonderful job and the spirit was so strong.
Lamanite Bluff (blind mans bluff)
Things to consider:
Space: We were fortunate to be able to use our local church building gym, primary room,
kitchen, nursery, and multi-purpose rooms. Last year we did it at each others homes! The first
year we had about 30 kids and all those kids came over and we had a great time in our then
1200 sq foot house! Dont let space stop you. We were outside and in and kids were all over but
it was a blast!
Time: Camp doesnt have to be a week long. It doesnt have to last from 9-12. It can be a
super Saturday activity, a group of Family Home Evening Activities throughout the summer, with
friends, without friend, during the day or in the evening. It can look like anything so long as it is
time set apart for studying and applying the scriptures and building relationships with a lot of
service and happiness.
Chaos: Embrace the chaos! Things are crazy but will work out.

Song Lyrics:

As Sisters in Zion Well Bring the World His Truth

The Sisters of Zion We have been born, as Nephi of old,
The sisters of Zion are called to Gods labor, To goodly parents, who love the Lord.
We willingly serve him with Spirit and Might. We have been taught, and we understa
We go to the nations with truth everlasting, That we must do as the Lord command
We teach of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have been saved for these latter-da
We thank Thee, o God, for a prophet to guide us, To build the kingdom in righteous ways
We trust in his words and our purpose is clear. We hear the words, the prophet declar
The angels of heaven are walking beside us, Let each whos worthy, go forth and s
Well share our glad message with all who will hear.
We know His plan, and we will prepare
We go forth enlisted with Helamans army Increase our knowledge through study
In numbers much greater than ever before. Daily well learn, until we are called
With power and spirit well faithfully witness To preach the Gospel to all the World.
The heavens have spoken and truth is restored!
For we are as the armies of Helaman.
We have been taught in our youth
And we will be the Lords missionaries
To bring the world His truth.

Inspired by the EFY duet that combines the two songs we choose different verses to sing. We
utilized the 2 songs and used the introductions to blend the songs together. We sang as follows:
(WBWHT Well Bring the World His Truth, SIZ- Sisters in Zion)
WBWHT Verse 1 and Chorus (All Children)
SIZ- Verse 1 (Activity Day Girls)
WBWHT Verse 2 (Cub Scouts) and Chorus (All Children)
WBWHT Verse 3 (Cub Scouts and Junior Primary) and SIZ- Verse 3 (Activity Day Girls) and Chorus
(All Children)

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