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Alaina Woodford

ENGL 329 Reading log quotes


I found myself laughing and underlining quite a lot while reading Don
Quixote, and so I wanted to give a taste of the quotes I laughed at (most of
them Sanchos) and the quotes I found thought-provoking (most of them Don

Collection of quotes I laughed at:

As he was saying this he came to a crossroads, and this brought to his
mind those other crossroads where knights errant would pause to
consider which way to go; and, to imitate them, he remained
motionless for a while Narrator, 45
And who killed him? asked Don Quixote. God did, with a pestilential
fever, replied the bachelor of arts. That means, said Don Quixote,
that Our Lord has relieved me of the task I would have had of
avenging his death. Don Quixote, 150
All youve got to do is lift your visor and let anyone looking at you see
your face, and without any need of a picture or a shield theyll call you
the Knight of the Sorry Face straight away. Sancho Panza, 152
I know very well that it was not my hands but this pike that I
laid on you Don Quixote, trying to get out of excommunication for
laying violent hands, 152
I have already told you, sir, never even to think of mentioning fulling-
mills again, said Don Quixote, or I swear my most solemn oath that I
shall mill your very soul out of your body. Don Quixote, 167
theres nothing to be done but curl up, hold your breath, shut your
eyes and let yourself go wherever fate and the blanket take you.
Sancho Panza, 169
All that is needed now is to discover which Christian or pagan king is
waging a war and has a beautiful daughter Don Quixote, 173
the ass hanging its head, lost in its thoughts Narrator, 186
It does have to be admitted, though, that the verses written by the
knights of old are distinguished more by spiritedness than by
elegance Don Quixote, 189
his only concern was to press on whichever way Rocinante wanted to
goin other words wherever Rocinante could manage to plod
Narrator, 191
why were you so concerned to stick up for that queen with bad
asthma Sancho Panza of Madasima, 205
quick antics, just the most relevant ones Sancho Panza, 218
Noble and slobbered-on lady Sancho Panza, 225
this is more an exaggeration of poets than a sober truth Narrator,
Since the solitude of these sierras hasnt been sufficient to hide me
Dorotea, 249 (Number of people currently wailing and wandering the
sierras: three)
he was running the risk of never getting to be an emperor, as he
damn well should, or even an archbishop, which was the least you
could expect. Narrator of Sancho Panza, speaking about Don Quixote,
there must have been kings before now whove had a bit on the side.
Sancho Panza, 277
he said hed never seen or read such a pretty letter in all the days of
his born life, even though hed read out lots and lots of letters of
excommunication. Sancho Panza, 280
I hope all their errantry does them every bit as much good as its
done me. Andrew, 288
Don Fernandos worthy heartnourished, after all, with illustrious
blood Narrator, 344
Chapter IX: In which is related what will be found in it Narrator, 539
her beauty, which was boosted no end by a mole she had on the right
side of her lip, a bit like a moustache, with seven or eight blond hairs
like threads of gold growing out of it, more than a handsbreath long.
Sancho Panza, 550. (This cant ever have been a genuine marker of
beauty, can it??)
you had better move those pearls from her eyes to her teeth, because
it is clear that you have mistaken one thing for another, Sancho, and
confused teeth with eyes. Don Quixote, 552
take my advice, which is never to fight play-actors, theyre a
protected species. Sancho Panza, 555
intrepid ferrets Don Diego, 586
Im in no fit state to reply, replied Sancho, because it feels as if the
words are coming out through the holes in my back. Sancho Panza,
God Almighty! said Sancho. Thats a great mystery youve cleared
up for me and explained so neatly! By my body and soul, was the
cause of my pain so hard to find that I needed to be told that where
the stick hit me it hurts? Sancho Panza, 678
that there Miss Givings dead right Sancho Panza, 714
Ive seen a few asses go into government before now
Sancho Panza, 719
Was it me that gave birth to the lady Dulcinea del Toboso by any
chance, for my bum to have to pay for her sins? Sancho Panza, 729
here she comes asking me to tear my flesh open with a lash, and then
she calls me soul of lead and untamed beast and a whole string of bad
names, and the devil can put up with that.Whathas she brought to
win me over? No, its just one insult after another.Well, they can all
bloody well go away and learn how to ask for a favour Sancho Panza,
I agree to my bad luckI mean to say I accept my penance Sancho
Panza, 733
you are, without the slightest shadow of doubt, a dunderhead Don
Quixote of Sancho Panza, 767
if a man cannot read, or is left-handed Don Quixote, 773
To Get out of my house and What do you want with my wife?
theres no reply Sancho Panza, 774
by informing him that that fat little body of yours is nothing but a
sackful of proverbs and mischief Don Quixote of Sancho Panza, 775
But the cat disregarded these threats Narrator, 795
in this costume he looked like the weirdest ghost imaginable
Narrator, 805
The fountain in the squares dried up and the pillorys been struck
with lightning, and I couldnt care less. Teresa Panza, 844
You lot can take any enemy Ive beaten and nail him to my
forehead, as far as Im concerned. Sancho Panza, 848
ham-bones that didnt allow of any chewing but couldnt prevent
themselves from being sucked Narrator, 852
God grant them as much prosperity as there is truth in that
particular tale. Sancho Panza, 863
Can there really, Sancho, be anyone on the whole globe who does not
say that you are made of solid folly, double-lined with the same
material and trimmed with your own special variety of knavery and
villainy? Don Quixote, 881
there isnt an absurdity they sing or write that isnt put down to poetic
licence the musician, 959
the protector of widows and the slaughterer of maidens Sancho
Panza of DQ, 968
Come over here, lads, if you want to see an ass looking as spruce as a
sparrow and an old hack as skinny as a skeletonand then you can
have a good giggle at the dun and Rocinante, too. village boys, 972
however youve earned it you wont have started up any new customs
in the world Teresa Panza, 973

Collection of quotes I underlined:

the more perfect the imitation the better the writing Narrators
friend, 16
He strung these absurdities together with many others, all in the style
of those that hed learned from his books. Narrator, 31
every man is the child of his own deeds Don Quixote, 43
confident in the justice of my cause Don Quixote, 46
it was only to be expected that one whose hands were so tightly
bound would loosen his tongue a little Narrator, 183
withdrawing isnt running away, and waiting isnt prudent when
danger outweighs hope Sancho Panza, 187
you will sooner hear the news of my death than the sound of my
complaints Cardenio, 190
your beauty made me believe you were an angel, your deeds make
me realize you are a woman Cardenio, 190
Let me add that when a painter wants to become famous for his art,
he tries to copy originals by the finest artists he knows. And this same
rule holds good for nearly all the trades and professions of importance
that serve to adorn a society Don Quixote, justifying his imitation of
madness, 207
A knight errant going mad for a good reasonthere is neither pleasure
nor merit in that. Don Quixote, 208
I depict her in my imagination as I wish her to be, both in
beauty and in rank Don Quixote, 216
my soul loaded down with suspicions and imaginings, yet not knowing
what it was that I suspected and imagined Cardenio, 236
the man who never intends to pay isnt worried about any problems
when he strikes his bargain. Dorotea, 255
the love this man professes does last no longer than it takes him to
have his way Dorotea, 255
if it were not for the might that she infuses into my arm I should not
have the strength to kill a flea Don Quixote, 276
hell be the judge of whos worseme for not being careful what I say,
or you for not being careful what you do. Sancho Panza to DQ, 277
Thats the kind of love, said Sancho, that Ive heard in sermons were
supposed to feel for our Lordfor his own sake, without being moved
by hopes of glory or fears of punishment. Sancho Panza, 285
two treasures that I value, if not as much as I should, then as much as
I can Anselmo, 297
its inappropriate to go performing experiments on truth itself
Lotario, 301
although they have separate souls they have only one will Lotario,
A clear example showing that love can only be conquered by fleeing
from it The Tale of Inappropriate Curiosity, 314
Anselmo returned to his house and didnt notice what was missing
there: what hed taken least care of, yet had most valued. The Tale of
Inappropriate Curiosity, 314
And so in a thousand different ways Anselmo was manufacturing his
own dishonor in the belief that he was creating his own happiness.
Narrator, 333
they wished the tale had gone on longer, because she spoke so
entertainingly about her misfortunes. Narrator of Dorotea, 345
There are plenty of people who get by without control Teresa Panza,
Im well content with my own name, without any donas piled on top of
it to make it too heavy for me to carry Teresa Panza, 517
my simple-mindedness, which is always natural, never affected.
Sancho Panza, 534
I do hope that God gives me even better fortune in my aspirations
than you have in choosing proverbs appropriate to our discussions.
Don Quixote, 544
it must be counterfeit and illusory, like drama itself Don Quixote, 557
the sufferings that spring from well-placed affections should be
considered as favours rather than as catastrophes. Don Quixote, 562
hes pretending to be mad for the sake of helping another knight
whos lost his reason to regain it the Squire of the Forest/Tome Cecial,
he regarded him as a sane man with madness in him, and as a
madman with sane tendencies.what he said was coherent, elegant
and well expressed, and what he did was absurd, foolhardy and
stupid. Narrator (of Don Diegos thoughts about Don Quixote), 597
for I know what courage is, a virtue situated between two extremes,
the vices of cowardice and foolhardiness Don Quixote, 599
the history, which derives its strength from its truthfulness rather than
from dull digressions. Narrator, 601. I consider this statement
arguable, considering the many baffling asides and wayward journeys
made throughout this novel. But I assume the statement was meant a
little tongue-in-cheek anyway.
God will find a remedy, said Sancho, because he sends the ointment
after the wound Sancho Panza, 612
it is easy to see that you are a peasant, and one of those who always
shout Long live the conqueror! Don Quixote, 622
he who errs and mends, himself to God commends Sancho Panza,
proceeding with measured steps and a few unmeasured ones
Narrator, 681
such a knight errant, and such an errant squire Narrator, 692
and that was the first day when he was fully convinced that he was a
real knight errant, not a fantasy one Narrator of Don Quixote, 693
If I could pluck out my heart and lay it before Your Graces eyesYour
Grace would see her perfectly portrayed in it Don Quixote, 706
determined to play some more jestsbecause nothing done in
earnest could provide them with more amusement. Narrator, of the
Duke and Duchess, 733
one of the most unusual and amazing plights that the most plight-
ridden thought on the face of the earth can ever have thought of
Narrator, of Countess Trifaldi, 737
This is where the ink flows most freely, since it isnt much of a
hardship for them to promise what they never intend to carry out
Countess Trifaldi, 746
Sancho, since you want people to believe what you saw in the sky, I
want you to believe what I saw in the Cave of Montesinos. I say no
more. Don Quixote, 765
Fortune to one is mother, to another is stepmother. Don Quixote,
when people see that this does not embarrass you, nobody will try to
make you embarrassed about it Don Quixote, 768
although all Gods attributes are equally excellent, mercy shines out
and catches the eye more than justice. Don Quixote, 769
Walk sedately, speak with deliberation, but not so that you seem to be
listening to yourself; for affectation is always bad. Don Quixote, 771
wine keeps neither secrets nor promises Don Quixote, 771
to be praised not for what he writes but for what he has refrained
from writing Narrator, 776
for there can be no humour without intelligence Narrator, 777 (does
this mean Sancho is intelligent, then?)
no lady who is not excellent has any place in an excellent ladys
mouth Don Quixote, 779
better a blush on your face than a blot in your heart Altisidora, 782
when love is dawning, to be soon undeceived is the best cure Don
Quixote, 792
God be with you and keep you from being pitied by anyone. Don
Quixote to Sancho Panza, 836
who would have done better not to be so ready to believe lovers
promises, which are for the most part quick in the making and slow in
the keeping Don Quixote of Dona Rodriguezs daughter, 840
love knows no respect Don Quixote, 877
whether theyre the sort that come looking for us, or the sort that we
go looking for? Roque Guinart, 899
other events with more truth than good sense about them Narrator,
And yet it seems to me that translating from one language into
another, except from those queens of languages, Greek and Latin, is
like viewing Flemish tapestries from the wrong side, when, although
one can make out the figures, they are covered by threads that
obscure them, and one cannot appreciate the smooth finish of the right
side Don Quixote, 915

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