Peizoelectricity and Piezoelectric Roads

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Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016

Piezo-Roads :

The Next Best Step to Harvest Electricity

from Roads.

Electricity has become a lifeline of present day civilization and thus its demand is
enormous and is growing steadily. There seems no end to the different ways one
can generate pollution-free electricity. At one hand, rising concern about the gap
between demand and supply of electricity for masses has highlighted the
exploration of alternate sources of energy and its (energy) sustainable use. On the
other hand, traffic on road all over the world is increasing day by day and thus,
congestion on roads is becoming inevitable with the fancy of masses towards
personal transportation systems for their growing mobility.

Energy demand and heavy traffic correlation motivate to dream about a device in
the road that would harvest the energy from the vehicles driving over it. For this,
piezoelectric material embedded beneath a road, the piezo-smart road, can
provide the magic of converting pressure exerted by the moving vehicles into
electric current. The system is based on piezoelectricity, which uses pads of
metallic crystals buried over hundreds of meters of road to generate electricity
when put under the pressure of quickly moving traffic. It opens the doors of
opportunities to the much dreamt greener future.

Piezoelectricity, a centuries old discovery, and it was buried under grounds of

doubt and inefficiency. But the recent advents in the field of electronics and
allied streams of electricity harnessing and storage technology have made it
possible to capture the energy that always went unnoticed so far. Energy that is in
fact invisible- energy that can be triggered by applying pressure on some specific
substances, with pressures varying from that due to the flick of a finger to the
landing of heavy aircrafts. Thus, making the Piezo-effect a very utilitarian
concept. Recent developments in different parts of the world have shown how
much impressive this new technology is.
Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016

With this technology, now, engineers are poised to harvest some of the spare
energy of the worlds moving vehicles. When a vehicle drives over the road, it
takes the vertical force and compresses the piezoelectric material, thereby
generating electricity.Piezo-tiles are now increasingly used in places ranging
from train stations to dance floors, making them self-sustained units in terms of
energy and costs.


In order to satisfy the rising energy demands of global consumption, a new

cleaner and renewable power source needs to be explored, conceptualized and
developed. This paper intends to introduce an alternative source of energy by
using Piezoelectric material - a class of smart material. A piezoelectric road
that will produce electricity from the stress experienced by the roads due to the
movement of automobiles is proposed. The main principle behind this is the
piezoelectric effect. The energy is produced from the consumers participation
and it does not require any separate source of input energy.


Literature research methodology is to read through, analyze and sort literatures

about Peizo-electricity and its Application in order to identify the essential
attribute of material.
Literature were selected as per:
What sort of text it contains? What is the methodology? What are the
definitions used? What is the theoretical basis? What evidence is used to back
up the thesis/literature? What are the conclusions?
Sorting is done by:
Writing short summaries out of each literature. Organizing the summaries
Deciding on the order of presentation Writing the conclusion out of all the
data collected.

Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016
The Piezoelectric effect was first discovered in 1880 by the brothers Pierre and
Jacques Curie. This two French physicists, discovered that piezoelectric materials
can produce electricity. They discovered that when certain crystalline minerals
are subjected to a mechanical force, the crystals became electrically polarized.
Shortly later, the French Gabriel Jonas Lippmann discovered the converse effect;
how certain materials physically change when a charge is applied.
Despite these exciting discoveries, it wasnt until the early twentieth century that
practical devices began to appear. Today it is known that many natural materials
like Quartz, Topaz, Rochelle salt & synthetic materials as PZT have this effect.

Piezo means pressure in Greek language. Piezoelectricity is the relation between

pressure (or mechanical stress) and electrical voltage. When a force is applied on
a piezoelectric material, this results in the development of a charge in this
material. The activating force can be caused by deforming its crystal lattice
without fracturing its structure. When there is no applied stress, the material is in
balance and the positive and negative charges are evenly distributed. During the
application of force, the lattice of the piezoelectric material is changed slightly,
whereby a charge imbalance is created, which results in a potential difference.
This resulting voltage, can be as high as several thousand volts. Since the current
is extremely small, the generated power is also limited. The electrical
polarization of the material & the resulting voltage, are in proportion to the
applied force. Tension and compression generated voltages of opposite polarity.
This principle, of creating a charge difference in response to applied stress, is
known as the direct piezoelectric effect.

The process whereby the piezoelectric effect takes place is based on the
fundamental structure of a crystal lattice. Crystals generally have a charge
Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016
balance where negative and positive charges precisely nullify each other out
along the rigid planes of the crystal lattice. When this charge balance is disrupted
by an external force, such as, applying physical stress to a crystal, the energy is
transferred by electric charge carriers, creating a surface charge density, which
can be collected via electrodes.


A wide range of materials is available for the use in piezoelectric devices. The
important criteria behind the selection of a material are Piezoelectric Voltage
Constant, availability & productivity, cost effectiveness, sustainability.
Considering the above mentioned factors Quartz is as most suitable which can be
reclaimed most easily and is also abundant on earths surface. Lead zirconate
titanate (PZT) is also considered as one of the most economical piezoelectric
materials because it is physically strong, chemically inert and relatively
inexpensive to manufacture.

Piezoelectric materials are generally utilized for applications where there is a low
power requirement. They include portable electronic devices such as mp3
players, mobile phones, GPS receivers or sensors of remote sensing systems or
transmitters which are conventionally powered by batteries. The amount of
pressure required for distortion of a piezoelectric ceramic element by 0.05mm
can generate nearly 100 kV, however the electric current generated is of the order
of mA to A. Key factors involved in the amount of energy produced by a
piezoelectric material have to do with the stress on the element, which is the ratio
of the applied force to the surface area of the element. When the composition of
the ceramic, the volume of the ceramic element, and the applied force are
constant, the element that has the smallest surface area will generate the most
electrical energy. Very high amounts of electric energy are obtainable with
piezoelectric elements when the amount of stress applied to it is very high or very

For example, a 2 kN force properly applied to a cubic-centimeter sized quartz

crystal produces over 12.5 kV. The amount of energy will increase linearly with
the amount of stress applied to it, so the more pressure there is on the
piezoelectric material, the more power will be generated.
Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016

The energy consumed by the vehicle (sourced in the fuel combustion) utilized for
a variety of applications; one of them is to overcome rolling resistance. A typical
asphalt road can be described as a visco-elastro-plastic material, with elasticity
being its dominant material characteristic. When a vehicle passes over a road, the
road deflects vertically. This deflection is released as thermal energy. For a road
with embedded piezoelectric generators, part of the energy the vehicle expands
on roads deformation is transformed into electric energy (via direct piezoelectric
effect) instead of being wasted as thermal energy (heat).


Only part of the energy from the fuel combustion of the vehicle is used for
moving the car along the road or run useful accessories, such as air conditioning.
The rest of the energy is lost to engine inefficiencies. The energy expended on
the vehicle's movement is mainly used to overcome rolling resistance, resistance
occurring when the wheel is moving forward on the road surface. In addition to
the energy used to move the wheel forward (in the horizontal direction), part of
the fuel combustion is wasted on creating a deformation in the asphalt, which is
basically the product of the loaded wheel's influence on the road surface. A
typical asphalt road can be described as a visco-elastoplastic material, with
elasticity being its dominant material characteristic. When a vehicle passes over a
road, the road deflects vertically. The deflection is proportional to the weight of
the vehicle and the asphalt stiffness. . The only source for harvesting electric
energy is this part of mechanical energy related to the asphalt vertical
Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016
deformation, which is a percentage from the total energy of the vehicle (energy
of the fuel combustion). It is known that the vertical load of the vehicle's wheels
yields compression stress, diminishing with depth. Piezoelectric generators are
embedded at a depth of about 5 cm; the area where the compression stress is

The external load results in the deformation in both the asphalt layer covering the
generators and the generators, similar to the typical deformation in a piezoelectric
column loaded under axial load. The deformation of the generator and the
shortening of the piezoelectric columns embedded in the generators, generate
charges on the piezoelectric columns that are the source for the electric energy.
The energy needed to deform the road is a function of various parameters such
as: the surface quality of the road, asphalt type, environment temperature and


A. Advantages

1) Movement of vehicles are always constant on busy roads and highways so,
power can be generated constantly by this concept.
2) Power generated from Piezo- roads concept is Greenpower and no harm to
the environment.
3) This power can be very well utilized for the street lightning and other small scale
4) This source of electrical energy is a long term investment having merits of
being a continuous source, independent and unaffected by climatic conditions.
B. Disadvantages
Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016
1)Implementing this concept is a little bit tedious.
2)The present day roads need to be relayed again in order to implement this
3) This will result in traffic congestions all over the city and needs a critical
plan of implementation and management.


At a time when governments are finding it hard to make land available for new
power plants, extracting energy while using the vast spread of highways all over
the world seems no less lucrative proposition. However, this idea has not yet
gained enough ground among the policy makers even though researchers have
shown that energy could be extracted from highways by fitting them with
piezoelectric devices, solar panels, wind turbines and other energy generating
Future of the world would depend on our ability to create a self-sustaining
environment where everything could be put to some use and dependent on each
other. The energy generating road designs could become a starting point for a self
sustaining future.
We thus conclude that this thought will be a revolution in power production and
curb down the energy costs thereby improving our countrys economy. This
energy is produced by consumers participation without requiring any kind of
input energy. Further concentration in the work would result in the better
production of energy. We can see a better dimension of this piezoelectric concept
in the futuristic world.


[1] Piezoelectricity. Retrieved March 13, 2011, from Wikipedia:
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[3]. Harper, Douglas. "piezoelectric". Online Etymology Dictionary.
[4] Yang, J. (2005). An Introduction to the Theory of Piezoelectricity. New York:
Springer Science + Business Media. In
Piezo-Roads November 20, 2016
[5]. Gautschi, G (2002). Piezoelectric Sensorics: Force, Strain, Pressure,
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[7] Prof. Haim Abramovich and Dr. lucy edery azulay Innowatech Energy
Harvesting Systems Technion city, Technion I.I.T, Haifa 32000, Israel.

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