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the Wonder of Water

Without this common substances uncommon traits, life as we know it would not exist. By M A RY H O F F

ts solid as a rock, but
light enough to oat. Its
a gas that turns to liquid
when it touches cold air. In
liquid form, it dees gravity. Its
one of the strangest chemical
compounds ever discovered. Yet
its the most common substance
on Earth. Its found on every
continent in the world. Its in the
sky, in the oceans, in your back
yard, in your houseeven in
you. Its weird, wonderful water.
Water is almost everywhere,
so were pretty used to it. In fact,
you might think of it as a little
boring. But its not. Due to some
chemical quirks of nature, water
behaves dierently than other
substances. And that makes
all the dierence in the world.
Plants and animals depend on
waters odd traits to carry out
the everyday business of living.
If water werent so strange, life as
we know it would not exist.

As a gas (left), liquid (center),

or solid (right), water molecules
have sp e cial p r op er tie s
Il lu st rat io n s by TA I NA L I T WA K that make them behave in
wonderful ways.

34 Minnesota Conservation Volunteer JulyAugust 2005 35

Amazing Molecule

hy is water weird? bits of stu called protons, neutrons, When hydrogen and oxygen atoms molecule attract the Os of others. This
Its the way its put and electrons. Sometimes atoms share join together to form water, oxygen attraction, called a hydrogen bond,
together. electrons. When they do, atoms stick shares one of its electrons with each makes water molecules do some very
Rocks, plants, animals, air, and together like friends holding hands. of the hydrogen atoms. But it also has strange things. Turn the page to see!
other things in the world around us A group of stuck-together atoms electrons it doesnt share. This makes the
are made up of tiny bits of stu called is called a molecule. Just as there are oxygen part of a water molecule act like TRY THIS: Water molecules are
atoms. There are more than 100 kinds many kinds of atoms, there are many the negative () pole of a magnet and the a lot like mini magnets. Take two
of atoms. Some are familiar: oxygen, kinds of molecules. Water molecules hydrogen parts act like the positive (+) magnets and try to stick the + end
gold, helium. Others you may never are made up of three atoms: two pole of a magnet. of one to the end of the other.
have heard of: molybdenum, cesium, hydrogen atoms (symbolized by H) So what? Well, just as the + end What happens? Try to stick the +
scandium, antimony. and one oxygen atom (symbolized by of one magnet attracts the end ends of the two magnets together.
What happens then?
Atoms are made up of still smaller O). Thats why we call water HO. of another, the Hs from one water


electron ()

proton (+)

two hydrogen atoms

+ electrons ()

In reality, neutrons
and other particles are
present in an atom. A
protons (+)
protron would be about
1,800 times larger than one oxygen atom
an electron.

Atoms contain protons, which have a positive (+) charge, and electrons, each. But it also has electrons it doesnt share. As a result, the
which have a negative () charge. When an oxygen atom joins with two water molecule has + and poles, like a magnet. These poles attract
hydrogen atoms to make a water molecule, it shares an electron with each other, forming weak links called hydrogen bonds.

36 Minnesota Conservation Volunteer JulyAugust 2005 37

Three Phases rain or snow. As a liquid, it soaks
into the ground or runs downhill,
forming streams and rivers that carry

ater, like other it to lakes and eventually to the sea.
substances, can Along the way, some water molecules
exist in three forms evaporate (turn to gas) and travel
or phases: solid, liquid, or gas. As back through the air again.
temperatures go up, water changes
from solid to liquid to gas. WATER CYCLE
In a solid, molecules are packed and
stacked together in organized patterns
and dont move relative to each other.
gas-phase molecules morning fog
In a liquid, the molecules are farther
apart and they move around. In a gas,
molecules are even farther apart and
more active.
Most molecules about the size of
a water molecule, such as carbon
dioxide, exist only as gases at
temperatures we commonly nd on
Earth. Because of their hydrogen
bonds, water molecules stick together
more than other molecules do. As
a result, water exists as a liquid and
a solid as well as a gas at everyday This movement of water is called
temperatures. Thats why on a warm liquid-phase molecules dew drops the water cycle. The water cycle helps
winter day you can splash in a puddle, make water available to all creatures,
slip on ice, and breathe air with water wherever they live.
molecules in it all at the same time!
Waters ability to exist in all three
forms of matter at temperatures TRY THIS: With a grown-ups


help, heat a cup of water in a
common on Earth helps it move pan on the stove. Watch what
from one place to another. As a happens to the water as it warms.
gas, it ies through the air. When it What is in the bubbles that form?
cools, it turns to liquid and falls as When the water starts to boil,
hold a cool plate about 10 inches
Mary Ho is a freelance science above the pan. What happens to
writer from Stillwater.
the plate? Why?
solid phase molecules ice ridge on a lake
38 39
Sticky Liquid TRY THIS: Put 10 drops of red
food coloring into one cup of

water. Cut the bottom end off of a upper
rib of celery (use one that still has leaf LEAF
leaves on top) and put the rib, cut surface
end down, into the water. Leave it
there for a day. What happens to
the colored water?
a water drop
is round
other molecules in the liquid water

ydrogen bonds make water along as well, much as the leader in a
a sticky liquid. Water long line of kids holding hands pulls water
molecules stick to each the others when he or she moves. vapor
othera force called cohesion. They So when gas water molecules rise evaporation
also stick to other thingsa force into the air, they pull liquid water
called adhesion. molecules behind them. This pulling,
called capillary action, allows liquid
TRY THIS: You can watch liquid water to move against gravity.

water molecules cling to each other Capillary action is very important
at the surface, where water meets in nature. It makes it possible for
the air. Fill a glass to the very top
with water. Carefully add more water to travel from the roots of
water, drop by drop. Eventually the plants to the tips of their leaves
water will form a dome above the even to the tops of towering trees!
rim of the glass! The stickiness of the hydrogen bean plant
bonds also causes liquid water to
Cohesion and adhesion help water form a kind of skincalled surface
soak into things. They help water tensionwhere it meets the air. This capillary action
soak into the ground so plants and skin allows insects called water striders ROOT
animals can use it. They help water to walk across the surface of a pond. HAIR
soften hard, dry acorns so they can
grow into new oak trees. They help water strider
water carry out the processes in
your body that keep you alive.
Cohesion and adhesion also help
water travel against gravity! When
a water molecule turns from liquid When water molecules evaporate
to gas, it rises into the air. As it does, from a plants leaves (top), they
the hydrogen bonds cause it to pull draw other water molecules up water
through the stem (center). More
water molecules enter the plant capillary action
40 Minnesota Conservation Volunteer through its roots (bottom).
Light Solid Heat Holder


TRY THIS: Place two pie tins in
a sunny spot. Fill one with water

and leave the other empty. After
or most substances, the solid emperature is a measure of an hour, carefully touch the two
form is denser than the liquid how much molecules are pie tins. Which is hotter? Why?
form. But not for water! As moving around. When you
water molecules move together to heat a liquid, the molecules move What good does this do to the rest
form ice, the pushing and pulling of around more and the temperature of the world? A lot! Waters ability to
and + ends cause them to line up goes up. But hydrogen bonds make absorb heat helps protect Earth from
in a lacy pattern with lots of empty it harder for molecules to move. As wild temperature swings from night
spaces in between. As a result, water a result you can add a lot of heat to to day and summer to winter. It keeps
SNOW CRYSTALS are formed when expands when it freezes. water, but the temperature only goes ocean temperatures fairly constant,
water vapor condenses directly The empty space trapped in ice up a little bit. We say water has a high so creatures that live there have a
into ice. The most dramatic makes ice less dense than water. This heat capacity. relatively stable environment.
patterns are formed at 5 F
(-15 C). The six-pointed shape is a is very important for creatures that Every kind of molecule requires Waters ability to soak up heat as
result of hydrogen bonding. live in lakes. If ice didnt oat, then energy to change from a solid to a it changes from one form to another
in winter the water at the top of the liquid and from a liquid to a gas. helps keep you cool too. When your
lake, near the cold air, would freeze Because it takes extra energy to break sweat evaporates, it draws heat from
and sink to the bottom. Eventually, hydrogen bonds, water takes more your body. Dogs, rabbits, birds, and
AIR 26 F the whole lake would be frozen. energy than most substances to change other animals cool o by holding their
But because solid water is less from one form to another. That means mouths open and letting the water
ICE 32 F dense than liquid water, ice stays on water soaks up a lot of heat energy as it inside evaporate. Turkey vultures pee
top of the water. That gives sh and turns from ice to liquid or from liquid on their legs when they are hot. As the
WATER 32 F other water animals and plants a to gas. water evaporates, it cools them o.
place to live through the winter.
34 F The fact that water expands when it WATER GAINS HEAT from the sun during daytime and releases it
freezes also accounts for many of the after dark. This helps keep air temperatures from changing wildly
36 F changes in the world around us. When from night to day.
water freezes in cracks in rocks, the ice
37 F helps to break the rock apart. This is
part of the process by which soil forms.
39 F TRY THIS: Fill an empty, clean jar
halfway with water. Draw a line DAY NIGHT
to mark the water level. Freeze
WATER IS MOS T DENSE at (uncovered) overnight. Where is heat from heat stored
about 39 F (4 C). As it cools, the the surface of the ice compared to the sun PACIFIC OCEAN in water
molecules line up to make a lacy the water level? What happened as
crystal, ice. The spaces between the water froze?
molecules in ice crystals make
ice less dense than cold water,
so it floats. Minnesota Conservation Volunteer
Dynamic Dissolver Table salt is made
of sodium (Na)
EUREKA! Teachers discover valuable new resource!

an d c hl o rin e

ust as a magnet attracts iron, (Cl) atoms that rom the wonders of water to the year for just $3.60 per student. Plus you will
water molecules attract other act like the + mar vels of mustelids, Minnesota receive your own free copy of each issue and
kinds of molecules. When other and - ends of a Conservation Volunteer introduces young the corresponding teachers guide with lessons
kinds of molecules hang out among magnet. Because readers to the beauty and thrill of the natural and activities.
water molecules, we say they dissolve water has + and world. Every year more Minnesota teach- To order, complete and mail this form
in water. Sugar, salt, soap, powdered - parts too, salt ers include the Conservation Volunteer in their w i t h y o u r p ay m e n t t o M i n n e s o t a
dissolves easily lesson plans. Make sure its in your pack of Conservation Volunteer, 500 Lafayette Road,
drink mixes, lollipops, and many in water.
more things dissolve in water. In fact, teaching tools too. St. Paul, MN 55155-4046.
water dissolves more substances than Young Naturalists stories are tailor-made
for teaching readers ages 10 and up about ONLINE TEACHERS GUIDE
any other liquid. Scientists call water
their home in Minnesotas woods, prairies, Find an online teachers guide to
the universal solvent. and lake country. Start your subscription this The Wonder of Water at
What does that mean for living fall by ordering your 200506 classroom www.dnr.state.mn.us/young_
things? It means water can carry set today. Your students will receive their naturalists/water.
stu from one place to another. own Conservation Volunteer magazine six times a
Rivers and streams carry nitrogen
and phosphorus, which plants need
to grow. They also carry pollutants, Yes! Send classroom set to:
which can harm living things. Water Please start my
classroom set with
carries nutrients from plants roots to this issue (select one): TEACHER NAME
their leaves. It carries food through Sept.Oct. 2005
an animals bloodstream to nourish Nov.Dec. 2005
salt dissolved in water
its cells. Jan.Feb. 2006 ADDRESS
If all of the water on Earth MarchApril 2006
disappeared today, life would MayJune 2006
disappear. Next time you get a drink JulyAug. 2006 PHONE E-MAIL

or splash in a puddle, take a moment NUMBER OF STUDENT COPIES x $3.60 = $ TOTAL COST
to celebrate waters amazing traits
and the hugely important role it PAYMENT: Charge my credit card MasterCard VISA
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TRY THIS: Put a teaspoon of
sugar into a jar of vegetable oil.
Put another teaspoon of sugar CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE
into a jar of water. Stir them. Ive enclosed a check payable to Minnesota Conservation Volunteer.

What happens? Ive enclosed a purchase order from my school.
Please send this form and your payment to: Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, Minnesota DNR,
500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul 55155-4046. Questions? Contact Meredith McNab, meredith.
44 Minnesota Conservation Volunteer mcnab@dnr.state.mn.us, 651-215-0615.

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