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Critical " "

Discourse Analysis . "
" " ( .

( Hammersley
7991 . 832

Critical Discourse
) Analysis (CDA

- " "

" " .



( 7991 Fairclough and Wodak
822-817 " "" """
"" .

( power authority
hegemony control ( ideology


( 8221 van Dijk 778


. .

. power of language
8228( Schaffner 7 language of power

( 7918

( 7991 821-822


" .

" - "
( . 38 :

" .




( (



gender encounters media discourse
political discourse racism
( .parliamentary discourse

" :
" " " "
" . (
- "" ""

"" "

"" "" " "

" "

" - ... ".


. "

( 7991 8:

" "


/ transitivity


" " "" " " " " " " "

" " :Affirmative-Negative "
"" " " :Interrogative "
" "" " :Imperative
" "" "" " ( 8223
762-761" .
nominalizations " ...
" " .... .... .... ".
" "..."
" " " " " "
" - labels, adjectives and epithets "
" " "" " " " "
"" .
metaphor " "

simile personification metonymy
irony .hyperbole
presupposition implicature
.entailment " "
" .
" " ".
address forms
" vocative " " " " " deictic-
- euphemism
- dysphemism
" .passivization " " "
" "" " " " "

" (
"" "" " " " "

" (
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" " " " "


" ( 8221 732
" ideological square


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: 8222 7991( Widdowson
7991( Hammersley Blommaert
8222( Bulcaen

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