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Scene Breakdown List version2

Scene Image Time / Duration Cam/Trans/Description

1 00:00(4s) Professor Koala(ProK) walks toward the Robot.
Background moving.

2 00:04(3s) ProK finished his works and he smiles.

3 00:07(2s) ProK takes a rest and leaves the Laboratory.

The light turned off.

4 00:09(3s) Professor Elephant (ProE) comes to Laboratory.

Going to steal the NDS controller.

5 00:12(2s) ProE looks at the NDS controller.

6 00:14(2s) As ProE takes away the NDS, alarm system turns on.

7 00:16(2s) ProK return to the Lab, to see what’s happen.

8 00:18(2s)
Sudden, the Robot slaps ProK.

9 00:20(2s) See that ProE use the NDS to control the Robot.
Robot still slaps ProK.

10 00:22(4s) Show ProE draw on the NDS.

Cam: Zoom in (to focus on the upper screen)

11 00:26(2s) Here can explain how the brain works.

12 00:28(9s) The senders run around at the brain.

Cam: pan right and then pan to the left.

13 00:37(3s) Cam: Pan down (to see the lower screen of the NDS)
ProE still draws on the screen.

14 00:40(2s) Suddenly, the NDS is out of control!

15 00:42(1s) The Robot is going to hit ProE now.

16 00:43(2s) The Robot kicks ProE too.

17 00:45(2s) The professors are hurt by the Robot.
The Robot leaves the Laboratory.

18 00:47(1.5s) To show that the Robot’s brain is growing up.

19 00:48.5(2s) The Robot ruins everything on the street.

Show the Robot’s movement by silhouette.

20 00:50.5(3s) Cam: Zoom out (to show the whole screen)

Two professors see what happens from the screen.

They plan to stop the Robot.

21 00:53.5(1.5s) Explain there are different parts inside the brain.
Include the cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal cord etc.

Cam: Zoom in (focus on the side view of brain)

22 00:55(4s) Explain what the cerebellum’s function is.

Cerebellum helps us to keep balance.

23 00:59(4s) Introduce the cerebellum.

24 01:03(1s) ProK press the emergency button, in order to stop the

Robot’s cerebellum function.

25 01:04(2s) The Robot still walk toward Fat kid.

26 01:06 (1S) ProE asked ProK why they can’t stop the Robot.

27 01:07(5S) Here let the audiences know the messages can still sent to
the brain through the spinal cord.

28 01:12(1s) The Robot nearly hit Fat kid.

Focus on the Fat kid’s facial expression.
Fat kid: ‘HELP!’

29 01:13 (2s) ProK can’t press the concave button.

30 01:15(1s) ProE: ‘Let me help you!’

Cam: Take this shot from low angle
(make ProE looks like a hero, he’s not bad anymore )

31 01:16(1s) ProE use hie nose to press the concave button.

32 01:17(2s) The Robot is stopped.

The Robot falls down.

33 01:19(2s) Eventually, they talk to each other.

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