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Year 4: Spellings Spring 2

Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5: Week 6:

Y4 Words: Y4 Words: Y4 Words: Y4 Words: Y4 Words: Y4 Words:

circle famous island medicine quarter century
early guide library often surprise popular

eight vein obey serious tremendous seriously

eighty veil they curious jealous curiously
sleigh rein grey hideous enormous hideously
weigh neigh prey anxious outrageous anxiously

neighbour eighteen obeyed obvious poisonous tremendously

reign weight weighed courageous mountainous jealously

weightless freight greyness humorous obviously enormously

neighbourly reigned disobey glamourous courageously outrageously

All children are to learn the year 4 words.

Spelling group 3 must learn the first 6 spellings.

Spelling group 2 must learn the first 8 spellings

Spelling group 1 must learn all spellings each week.

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