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LABOR LAW 2 [b] LC – A243 – All EEs

INTEGRATION NOTES A244 – Gov’t EEs and GOCC (see EO 180)

A245 – Right of supervisors; right denied to managerial EEs
BASIC PROPOSITIONS A269 – with respect to aliens
Constitutional basis
- government employees included Jurisprudential Rules:
- the Consti is specific: it makes mention of “unions” [1] The right of the worker to self organization is both a constitutionally
- A13 Sec.3 Consti: talks about the Private sector and Labor Relations and statutorily guaranteed right.
rights: [2] The right to self organization is of paramount value and thus cannot
- collective bargaining be denied on nebulous grounds\
- echoes Art. II of Consti [3] Any exception to the rule on self organization must be strictly
- right to engage in peaceful concerted activities including the right construed against the ER and must be liberally construed for the worker
to strike in accordance with law (purpose and means test)
- preferred: voluntary mode of dispute settlement A243 – [a] applies to all EE status, regardless of WON ER is organized
- share in the fruits of production for profit or not.
[b] distinction: Right to SO for purposes of CB, and Right to SO for
A211 LC Policy declarations purpose of Mutual Aid and Protection
- policy considerations
- note that all provision operate under A211 FEU Medical Center case – the amended law no longer limits the
[a] modes of dispute settlement: collective bargaining and negotiation; applicability to establishments profit institutions; it also applies to non-
and arbitration profit institutions.
- the intention of the law is to provide for a democratic way of setting
wages and no court can set terms of employment except as otherwise Kapatiran case and Victoriano Elizalde case – the right to SO is
provided for: *compulsory arbitration under A263(g), minimum wage constitutionally guaranteed. It may run afoul right to religion. When EE
fixing, and in cases of wage distortion, unorganized establishment. exercises right to SO, it is valid and the courts will not disturb. The
[b] unions are valid institutions; policy considerations include: *trade choice to exercise was made by EE, therefore religious tenets canot
unionism where unions are instruments for enhancement of prevail.
Democracy and promotion Social Justice, and a strong united labor
force, *enlighten worker, *just sharing, and *stable industrial peace A245 – Supervisor: acts in the interest of the ER
Limitation in A245: a union must exclusively be a union of supervisors
A212 LC re Definitions A supervisor, when he is performing his function: [a] uses independent
- statutory definitions judgment, and [b] effectively exercises that right
- A212 is used to determine WON Book 5 of LC applies
- “means” v “includes” – means: definition is complete, dictionary Jurisprudential rules:
meaning [1] WON an EE is a supervisor is a question of fact
[2] In the exercise of the supervisor of the right, the question is, is it
RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION effective? If power is present but the exercise is not effective, then he’s
Road map of the law: [a] Consti – states and recognizes the right of NOT a supervisor. (power-present + power effective = supervisor)
workers to self organization
[3] It is not the title which ER confers on the worker that makes him a
supervisor, neither is the job description, BUT it is the job that is - When right to SO is infringed, then there’s possibility of ULP
actually performed by him. - LA has original exclusive jurisdiction
- Compulsory arbitration but may stipulate voluntary arbitration as
A269 – re Aliens allowed under A217
2 Rules: [a] alien is a holder of a valid work permit - There are penal sanctions.
[b] rule of reciprocity: alien’s country recognizes the same
Security Guards
The prohibition in A245 LC with regard to supervisory EEs does not The law on Labor Organization (LO) is anchored on policy declarations
include security guards. in A211.
Meralco doctrine: EO 111 has eliminated the disqualification of security Focus: A234-A re Chartering and Creation of a Local Chapter
guards from forming labor unions. IRR which disqualify security guards A242-A re Reportorial Requirements
from joining rank and file EEs are null and void for being not germane A239 – Grounds for Cancellation of Union Registration
to object and purpose of EO 111. SG’s were direct EEs of Meralco.
A211 – Policy intent of the law: LO’s are valid institutions in Phil.
Workers with NO right to SO: Society designed to promote social justice, a strong and united labor
[a] Managerial EEs (A212.m, A245 and A82) union, and to enlighten the work force in order to function well
[b] Confidential EEs by necessary implication A277 – labor education programs

Jurisprudential rules: 3 important terms

[1] Deemed confidential EE IF he *acts in a confidential capacity, [1] Legit LO (LLO)– Test: Registration with the DOLE and not SEC
*assists another individual who formulates, determines, effectuates - “includes a local/branch thereof” – not automatically a LLO
mgt policies in the field of labor relations, and *has access to A234-A re union’s limited form of legitimacy for purposes of CE, but
information re labor mgt. relations as *an integral part of his job must satisfy the requirements.
(nature of access + nature of info). A242 re rights of LLO; A242-A re reporting requirements
[2] If the info relates to non-labor mgt relations, no right to SO.
[2] Company Union – defined in A248 (act of company union is an act
[c] Cooperatives of ULP)
Jurisprudential rules: - the organization, formation or administration is assisted by ER (this is
[1] If individual is both an EE and member of coop, there’s no right to ULP)
SO (Rural Bank of Davao case)
[2] If only an EE of coop, then he has right to SO. [3] Workers Association – unlike LO, its purpose is for mutual aid and
* The fact of ownership and not membership in coop is the basis for Airline Pilots Assoc case – the test of what is LO is its purpose: “in
prohibition. Fact of active participation in coop is irrelevant. whole or in part for purposes of CB”. Members of a LO not limited to
[d]Non EEs – If union members are not EEs, no right to organize for the EEs of a particular ER
purpose of CB and to be certified as bargaining agent can be recognized. Dunlop case – where union is of both supervisors and rank and file EEs,
(Republic Planters Bank v Laguesma) then it is not a LO.
Bitonion case – one becomes a member of a LO if intent is coupled with “except for mandatory activities” –
a positive act. Test: consti and by-laws Check-off – authority in writing stating the amount, purpose and
A234 and A237 *distinguish: A113 re check-off of union dues, and A241 check-off of
*A234 re Req’ts of registration of LO special assessment
- independent union, 20% support requirement
- req’t of submission of book of accounts Collateral attack is not allowed. Legitimacy must be attacked directly
- if period of existence is less than 1year, just state so and it will be through a petition for cancellation of registration
sufficient, no need to submit book of accts
*A237 re Req’ts of registration of national federations Union-Member Relations
- no 20% support requirement, application must instead be UST Faculty Union v Bitonio – union’s consti and by laws (CBL) is the
supported by 10 locals fundamental law that governs the relationship between and among
*A235 re action on application: to approve or not members of the union.

- The right to SO is not infringed on LC req’t of registration Admission

Reasons: [a] right guaranteed by the registration are mere statutory A249.a – “LO shall have the right to prescribe its own rules with respect
[b] Protective device argument: protect labor from organizations to the acquisition or retention of membership”
which are not really representatives of labor (Progressive A277.c – any EE, WON employed for a definite period, beginning on
Devt Corp case) his first day of service, shall be considered an EE for purposes of
[c] Valid exercise of Police Power (PAFLU v Sec of Labor) membership in any labor union.
- Registration however is a requirement to avail of right under A242. So
if not registered, it cannot avail of rights under A242, (e.g. KMU is not Discipline – inherent function of union. Basis: survival however,
registered) requisites of due process must always be complied with

A241, A222 and A113 Election – ER should give voter’s list if not records of SSS is a valid
A241 par. m, n, p are the most difficult part alternative
*distinguish between extraordinary fees in A241 and atty’s fees in A222
Last par. of A241 – don’t bother because there’s A226: any inter/intra
A222 speaks of atty’s fees re disputes union is governed by the jurisdiction of BLR and A226
A241 speaks of special assessments and extraordinary expenses; this
can be processed thru check off Union Affiliation and Disaffiliation
How to pass: Right of union to affiliate and disaffiliate
- a meeting called for that purpose Right of worker to join, not to join and to disaffiliate
- required quorum: all members --- part of the right to SO
- records req’ts and attestation clause Jurisprudential rules:
[1] Right to affiliate includes the right to disaffiliate, right to join
2 Rules: [1] No shortcut is allowed by law; there must be total absolute includes the right not to join
compliance (ABS-CBN case), [2] Authority must be in writing
[2] Union has a right to disaffiliate, but it must comply with the [a] composition: all or less than all EEs of a particular ER
procedure to disaffiliate if such procedure is provided and at the same [b] ER equity musrt also be considered (administration of CBA)
time valid. [c] group EEs with a commom interest (with respect to wages, hrs of
[3] An affiliate is not a creation of a national federation. One is work and othr terms and conditions)
independent of the other Reason for the grouping: To best assure workers’ right to CB & SO
[4] Both may enter in a CBA or other contracts, and in case of
disaffiliation the local union will own the contract because nat’l UP v Calleja – there’s no test or guide provided by LC except the word
federation is only an agent. “appropriate.” But since 1956, SC has consistently applied the
commonality or mutuality of interest test.
*Adamson, Atlas and De La Salle cases are no longer applicable: The
amendment of the law provides that both rank and file EEs union and - Freedom to agree between EE and ER to determine ABU. If not, then
supervisors union of the same ER may now affiliate with the same nat’l through BLR and NCMB.
Gen. Rule: Dayotogan and Interphil – Corporate fiction, treated as
Union Security distinct corporations even if there’s common ownership.
A249 – basis Exception: Philippine Scouts Veterans case – If there’s pervasive
Union security provisions are valid commonality, piercing the corporate veil is justified.
Jurisprudence: Union security provisions do not violate the freedom to
associate *A prior agreement on the composition of a bargaining unit is not
a. closed shop binding. Appropriateness of bargaining unit composition may change.
b. union shop
c. maintenance of membership UNION MAJORITY STATUS
- Union of their own choosing – majority of workers in ABU – negotiate
3 basic concepts with ER
a. What is the access to the labor market? - Before a union can negotiate a CBA with ER:
b. What is the condition for continuing employment? [a] union must be legit LO
c. When is employment lost? [b] it must represent majority of EEs in the ABU
[c] there must be ER-EE relationship; absent ER-EE rel, there’s no duty
Rules: to bargain
[1] if there is termination, ER must comply with the procedural die
process. The union’s offer to exempt ER from liability will not lie if ER Mechanism: [A]*Do I want a union? *if Yes, which one?
does not comply with due process [B ] I do not want a union
[2] Union security provisions applicable to present and future EEs, but
not to members of other unions. Rules: (see A246 and A257)
[1] CE is only an inquisitory proceeding, not adversarial
*Note amendments: A234-A, A239, and A242-A [2] There can be no direct certification, because CE is a statutory policy
APPROPRIATE BARGAINING UNIT that cannot be circumvented
A255 and A256 [3] The law is partial to CE because it’s the most democratic and most
Key: definition of Rothenberg, used by Justice Narvasa in UP v Calleja: efficient way of settling majority status
2 ways to determine majority status (prior to voluntary recognition) Colgate-Palmolive case and Samahan ng mga Manggagawa case –
- Certification Election (CE) There is no direct certification. Neither can ER voluntarily recognize the
- Consent election union because in effect it is a direct certification. In Colgate, the act of
*Voluntary recognition (VR) came in by IRR the Labor Sec. certifying without conducting CE violated A256. In
Samahan, ER’s voluntarily recognizing the union is invalid because in
Law Prior to VR effect it’s direct certification.
- There was no direct certification. Law is partial to CE
- A256 (organized establishment, A257 (unorganized), A258 (ER Law After VR
initiated) DOLE implemented VT in IRR but provided safeguards:
a. there’s only 1 union in the establishment
Warren case – introduced consent election, but with a limited purpose: b. the union is a LLO
to determine majority status only to administer already existing CBA. c. fact of VR is reported to DOLE and advertised
Consent election is bar to CE.
In sum,
A256 – Structure - Today Colgate and Samahan cases are still valid
[a] There’s existing CBA or no existing CBA but there is a union - A256 and A257 are still valid and not deemed repealed by the IRR
recognized. - Voluntary Recognition (VR) has not yet been challenged in court
[b] Petition for CE in relation to A253-A, filed only within freedom
period. Mechanics of A256:
[c] Petition for CE must be accompanied by substantial support. *There’s a support but only DOLE can question the veracity of such; no
Jurisprudence: [1] Petition filed within freedom period and not other parties can
before or after expiration. *A256 and A257 are union-initiated elections (see A212 on Legit status
[2] Substantial support rule need not be shown at the time of filing of petitioner, and also A234-A)
the petition, but within a reasonable time thereafter before CE *A258 is ER initiated
[3] Withdrawal of signatures has no effect, CE continues
A257 – no existing certified bargaining agent Mecganics of CE:
A258 – ER requested to bargain & ER doubts majority status *CE must be validly held, because if not the question of run-off does not
Q: When is CE automatic? *Majority of the workers cast their votes
[a] In A256, it is automatic if it is filed within freedom period and *For a union to win it must garner the majority of the valid votes cast.
there’s substantial support
[b] In A257, election is automatic if a union files a petition for CE Run-off election: Requisites:
- CE was validly conducted
Q: When is CE discretionary? - There were 3 or more choices
A: CE is discretionary under A256 if even absent substantial support, - Not one of the choices had majority of the valid votes cast
CE will achieve the purpose of the law, which is CB - The combined votes of all the unions = 50% of votes cast

*ER is a total stranger in CE

Votes cast – Important in determining [a] the validity of the run-off Jurisprudence: Negotiable issues may either be mandatory or permissive
elections, and [b] WON run off elections can be done (last req’t) [a] mandatory issue – refusal to negotiate a mandatory issue results in
ULP; if there’s impasses, strike weapon is available
[b] permissive issue – refusal to negotiate a permissive issue does not
*Certificate Election is held on a regular business day. CE is valid even result in ULP; strike weapons not available
if there’s strike unless it is so pervasive that a substantial number of
workers weren’t able to vote. *“Other terms and conditions” as negotiable issue – the proposal or
counterproposal must have nexus to the nature of work
3 bars to CE: *The minutes of the negotiation is merely a records and cannot be the
[1] Contract Bar Rule (A232) – CBA valid and contract complete basis of actions. Only the CBA itself can be basis.
If contract is incomplete, it can be completed to invoke the contract-bar *CBA is a contract in personam and not in rem
[2] 1 yr bar rule – from the time elections results were certified UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE
[3] deadlock bar rule – 2 req’ts: *there was effort to bargain but it failed, - any act defined by law as ULP (248 and 249)
and, *that such deadlock had already been submitted for conciliation - designed to redress constitutional and statutory guaranteed rights to
or arbitration self organization and collective bargaining
Key: A212, A248 and A249
Suspension Rule: refers to prejudicial question A246 and A247
Purpose: to level the playing field in order to prevent undue
advantage A248 – interfere, restrain, coerce
Ground: charge of company domination filed by the union which A249 – restrain, coerce
filed the case for ULP
An act is ULP
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING [1] if actor is a labor org, or ER
A250, A251 – designed to implement Consti rights to SO and CB [2] the act is to interfere, restrain or coerce
A252 [3] the act is directed against the right to self organization or collective
A251 – authorizes the parties to a voluntary mode, but it must be
expeditious; if but A250 applies *A248 on contracting out: it is ULP if performed by a union member
and has chilling effect
A250 – proposal and counter-proposals must be in writing
- time frames are not mandatory but merely directory; if such *A247 and 248 re violation of CBA: relate to A260; if it’s not gross and
time frames were not complied, it will not amount to ULP serious violation of economic provisions, it’s not ULP but remains to be
- entry point of NCMB (A233 re privileged communication: a grievance
Nissan case – whatever is discussed in a conciliation proceeding
cannot be basis for award and to compel one to testify) *A248 (a) and 249(a) are bases for the other enumerations of ULP. The
A252 – First part: duty to bargain act is ULP only if it falls in A248 and A249,
Second part: defines what a negotiable issue is
Test: [a] Was there a reasonable tendency to succeed?
[b] Did anti-union bias contribute to his decision? (mixed-motive test) [a] if union officer – “knowingly participates,” or that he authorized or
*ULP cannot be compromised! [b] if union member – mere participation does not constitute as a ground
for termination (it must be participation + identification)
On civil and criminal liability: criminal liability can only be invoked
after civil liability. Jurisdiction is with the LA, however parties can LABOR INJUNCTION
voluntarily confer jurisdiction on voluntary arbitrators Focus: A254, A217, A218 and A264
Preserve management rights of ER so ULP only delves on the manner of 2 rules:
exercise. Gen. Rule: Labor injunction is prohibited under certain conditions to
equalize and level the field (A254)
Exception: Labor injunction is allowed under certain conditions
STRIKES (A217, A218, and A264)
Consti basis – “peaceful concerted activities” and “guaranteed in
accordance with law” Procedure: A217 and A218
*NLRC has jurisdiction
Purpose and Means Test *What cannot be dispensed with at all times is hearing
Peaceful – A264 is the measure *If injunction is wrongly issued, remedies to aggrieved party is
In accordance with law – A263 available

A263 – Allowed strikes: [a] ULP, [b] collective bargaining. All others Injunction in EO 180 is different from injunction in LC
are illegal
A264 – Prohibited strikes: [a] inter/intra union disputes, [b] strikes ARBITRATION
against industries indispensable to national interest 2 kinds: [a] voluntary, [b] compulsory
Voluntary arbitration
San Miguel case – A strike includes a “slow down” or a strike in It is initiated by agreement of the parties
installments. Jurisdiction by voluntary arbitrator: any and all disputes (A260 and
Procedure for Strike
- File notice of intent Compulsory arbitration
- Strike vote to make sure there’s no minority strikes Only labor dispute in an industry indispensable to national interest
- Reporting (to determine liability) Only labor secretary and President arbitrates
- Observance of cooling off period NLRC cannot arbitrate unless there’s conferment
- 7-day ban
- Special procedure: union busting where there’s no observance If there’s compulsory arbitration, by operation of law, return to work
of cooling off period and 7-day ban. Note that the 7-day ban is order is automatic, and compliance is mandatory, and such obligation
distinct and separate from the cooling off period does not amount to involuntary servitude.

*Compliance of the procedure is mandatory READ EO 180

*Liability is individual

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