Competency 5

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Competency 5

Field Work Integrative Seminar

Courtney Holt
Engage in policy practice
Identify social policy at the Each client that arrives at the
local, state, and federal level Offenders Resource Center has a
that impacts well-being, drug/substance abuse problems.
service delivery, and access to Though they may suffer from
social services. drug abuse, not every single
offender belongs in jail.
Based off of Fair Sentencing
policy enacted by Former
President Barack Obama in 2010,
the active use of Drug Courts
have helped reduce recidivism
and provided drug treatment and
intervention programs instead
of imprisonment
Engage in policy practice
Assess how social welfare and Policies such as the Second
economic policies impact the Chance Act implemented by
delivery of and access to Congress provides the
social services opportunity for criminal
offenders to access services
that will help find employment
opportunities, offer substance
abuse treatment, as well as
mentoring services.
Once clients are finished with
their required intervention
treatment, they are referred to
reentry programs to meet with
an individual that help them
prepare for employment
Engage in policy practice
Apply critical thinking to I believe that not every
analyze, formulate, and individual who commits a crime
advocate for policies that or abuses drugs is a criminal.
advance human rights and Imprisonment for those that do
social, economic, and not deserve it can permanently
environmental justice alter their life. Policies such
as the Fair Sentencing Act, The
Second Chance Act, as well as,
including federal laws that
provides housing opportunities
for ex-offenders advocate for
this population.

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