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John McMinn*

NTRODUCTION the automatic blowing machine at paratively jaded terminology.

If we discount glass bead pro- the end of the 19th century and the Hence, we maintain terms that
duction, evidence for which invention of the automatic gob no longer reflect the equipment
dates back 5,500 years, it is feeder in 1923. they purport to describe.
believed that hollow glassware Perhaps, because of the glass We do not work in working
production, in the form of vases, industrys long and distinguished ends, we do not refine in refin-
began some 3,800 years ago. history, we lack the exciting but ers and the forehearth is no
The technique of glassblowing confusing acronyms that have longer a gathering hole in front of
came to us some 2,000 years ago, blossomed amongst the newer the furnace.
culminating, admittedly some- technologies of the 21st century It could also be said that we no
what later, in the introduction of and have to make do with com- longer cool in forehearth cooling
zones but rather, we thermally ture geometry in general, and the the flow differential between the
condition the glass by a process roof block shape in particular, central glass stream and the side
in which cooling is but one effectively define and identify indi- glass stream increases, as the glass
element. vidual forehearth systems. becomes more viscous towards
Lack of consensus and pre- the channel walls. The aim of the
REDEFINING THE sence of patents has ensured that an forehearth is two-fold; it must dis-
PROCESS interesting array of cooling solutions sipate these gradients and it must
More demanding forming has proliferated amongst the major stabilize the glass temperature at a
processes such as NNPB, and tech- forehearth designers. Ignoring the level consistent with the require-
nological innovations in forming more esoteric, these can be cate- ments of the forming process.
machines such as the new NIS gorized as radiation cooling, muf- Abstractly, this requires a me-
machine, impose higher perfor- fle cooling and longitudinal direct chanism that can selectively remove
mance expectations on both the cooling. Within varying degrees, and replace heat from the glass
processes that supply the machine each of these designs has indivi- over a variety of tonnage and tem-
and those which it supplies. Faster dual merits yet, if examined more perature conditions.
machines and processes require closely, one can identify weak- To implement this mechanism,
faster ware handling downstream nesses associated with each design. an understanding of the impor-
from the machine. Similarly, faster They may achieve cooling but do tance of glass surface and super-
production requires faster gob they achieve conditioning? To con- structure refractory surface is cru-
delivery and more effective fore- sider this, we must first define cial. In a dynamic control situation,
hearth operations. An innovation in conditioning. all heat input to the glass or removed
one section of the process should, Conditioning is a purely thermal from the glass occurs through the
therefore, be balanced by innova- process and can be defined as the glass surface. In addition, the
tions in the other processes. As a key achievement of a stable, desired amount of heat input to, or removed
element in the process, the fore- glass temperature universally dis- from, the glass surface is defined
hearth not only requires innovation tributed throughout the vertical by the Stefan-Boltzman law:
in design but also a reconsideration and lateral planes of the glass at the Q = e s A (T14 T24)
and redefinition of the role of the entrance to the spout. In isolation, Where e is the emissivity, s is
cooling zone. The term cooling a forehearth cooling system will the Stefan Boltzman constant and
zone does not adequately describe be unable to satisfy this definition. A is the area being radiated to or
the intricate processes that occur in Typically, the glass will have from. Clearly, the amount of heat
the forehearth, nor does it reflect the lateral and vertical temperature radiated is dependent on the rel-
innovation in refractory engineer- gradients associated with both the ative temperatures of the fore-
ing, superstructure geometry and flow through the forehearth and hearth roof block (T2) and the
flue exhaust controls that are vital the substructure conductive heat glass surface (T1), and, therefore,
to the conditioning process. losses. Because of the influence by controlling the refractory sur-
In short, it is too simplistic to call of temperature on glass viscosity, face temperature, one can con-
a forehearth cooling zone a cool-
ing zone it is a thermal condi-
tioning zone.
With varying degrees of ima-
gination and success, different
forehearth designers have attempt-
ed to maximize the conditioning
potential of their forehearth designs.
Generally, all forehearth design-
ers accept that the forehearth cool-
ing function is the primary control
element in achieving gob tempe-
rature and, consequently, this fea-
ture is the basis on which most
forehearths are designed. Since
Fig. 1 forehearth superstructure geome-
Direct forced try plays a vital role in the cooling
function, and hence the condi-
tioning process, the superstruc-
trol the amount of heat taken from will act to reduce the bulk glass tem- removed from the glass can be
or input to the glass. Cooling the perature but will not effectively controlled. Unlike the direct air-
forehearth superstructure will condition the glass. cooling configuration, muffle-
therefore produce glass cooling; The response time associated cooled forehearths, such as the
selectively cooling different parts with direct cooled forehearths is Emhart Glass 540, guarantee sep-
of the forehearth superstructure by desirable in a forehearth cooling sys- aration of the cooling and heating
different degrees, however, will tem but, in order to achieve thermal components.
produce glass conditioning. conditioning, a mechanism is In combination with the 540
required to separate and target the roof block, the profile of which is
CONDITIONING heating and cooling elements with- designed to concentrate the com-
SOLUTIONS in the forehearth. bustion at the forehearth sides,
Although we can add heat There are currently several muf- this cooling zone design com-
through the combustion system fle-cooled forehearth designs, ty- bines separation with a degree of
and we can take heat out using the pical of which is that illustrated selectivity of heat input/removal
cooling system, the engineering in Figure 2. and therefore conforms in many
issues associated with selectivity or
directionality of heat removal and Fig. 2
replacement are considerable. Muffle-cooled
It is not simply a matter of opti- forehearth
mizing the cooling and heating design
elements in isolation. It is necessary
to understand how each of these ele-
ments interact within the fore-
hearth and how the superstructure
geometry and exhaust configura-
tion affect this interaction.
Most forehearth designs employ-
ing longitudinal, direct forced con-
vection cooling cannot achieve
optimum conditioning primarily
because no mechanism exists to
provide separation between heat-
ing and cooling inside the fore-
hearth chamber.

In the example of a direct cooled
forehearth (see Figure 1), the super-
structure geometry has no mecha- MUFFLE COOLING respects, to our definition of a
nism for concentrating the com- Muffle-cooled forehearths ope- conditioning zone.
bustion at the sides of the fore- rate using heat transfer plates The physical isolation of the
hearth or for containing the cool- embedded in the forehearth super- cooling air in muffle-cooling
ing air within the centre. Also, the structure above the central glass designs, however, presents an
single exhaust configuration pro- stream. The plates are covered by operating overhead. Firstly, the
motes mixing of the combustion a longitudinal refractory muffle amount of heat removed from the
gases and the cooling air since the extending over the length of the glass is proportional to the surface
combustion is forced into the cen- cooling zone. area of the cooling plates.
tre of the forehearth prior to being The muffle is fitted with a cool- Consequently, the roof block
exhausted through the common ing air injector. In operation, the area between successive cooling
flue. Because of this inherent mix- central glass stream radiates heat plates does not contribute to the
ing, it is not possible to selective- to the cooling plates, which, in cooling process. (The same argu-
ly heat or cool specific areas with- turn, are cooled by the airflow ment can be applied to radiation-
in the forehearth or to effectively passing through the muffle. cooled forehearths where heat
regulate the amount of heating or By automatically controlling loss is through large openings
cooling applied to a particular area. the flow of the cooling air through positioned longitudinally along
Consequently, the cooling zone the muffle, the amount of heat the centre of the forehearth roof.)
Secondly, the typical response cooling power. However, the high automatically-controlled flue
times associated with muffle-cooled cooling capacity is not merely to exhaust system working in com-
forehearths are generally less than cater for large tonnage produc- bination with the 540 roof block.
those for a similar-dimensioned tion. The ability to remove large The 540 cooling section roof
direct-cooled forehearth. Many of quantities of heat from the glass block effectively divides each cool-
the current forehearth designs have allows much higher grades of insu- ing zone into three separate lon-
been available for 20 years and, lation to be used in the substructure. gitudinal areas.
whilst some designers have intro- Higher insulation levels reduce The central area is used to house
duced alternative combustion sys- structural heat losses, significant- the muffle cooling plates and, in the
tems and many have established ly improve conditioning at lower 340 design, is also used to contain
more complex control strategies, few tonnages and also provide a faster the direct cooling air flow. The
have changed their basic forehearth settle time at job change. This two outer areas are used to contain
superstructure configuration. increase in cooling capacity can the combustion gases when ope-
Although improving the com- be exploited to increase the tonnage rated in cooling mode.
bustion or control system can pro- range over which an individual Each 340 cooling zone is
duce some improvement in fore- forehearth can operate. The same equipped with five automatically-
hearth performance, these alone argument is also applicable for controlled flue exhausts which,
cannot compensate for a flawed extending gob temperature and in conjunction with the cooling air
forehearth design. entry temperature ranges. control valve and the combus-
However, the introduction of a tion gas control valve, can be
EMHART GLASS 340 dual cooling system in isolation adjusted to direct the flow of
Through extensive mathemati- need not necessarily deliver the cooling air and combustion gas-
cal and physical modelling, an potential cooling power or con- es, both longitudinally and late-
optimum roof geometry, flue con- tribute to the thermal conditioning rally within the forehearth cham-
figuration and cooling and com- process. A mechanism is required
Fig. 4 bustion exhaust diameters have to contain and control the cooling
Emhart been identified. This configura- air and combustion gas flow with-
Glass 340
tion has been implemented on the in the forehearth and should provide
in cooling
new Emhart Glass 340 forehearth. separation between the direct cool-
This design employs a unique ing airflow and the combustion
simultaneous dual cooling system gases. It should also be capable
in which a combination of muffle of influencing the areas over which
cooling and direct forced convec- the cooling air and combustion
tion cooling is used. This confi- gases operate.
guration provides the forehearth In the 340 forehearth, this is
with an unprecedented degree of achieved using a sophisticated,

ber. This control provides the

mechanism to selectively input or
remove heat from the glass and
ensures tight control of the ther-
mal conditioning process.
To understand the operation
of the system, it is helpful to
consider the forehearth operating
in either of two modes.

In cooling mode, both cooling
systems operate concurrently and
Fig. 3 are fed from, and controlled by, a
Emhart single cooling air control valve
Glass 340
mounted in the cooling ducting.
Because of isolation of the cool-
ing air, the muffle cooling air flow combustion gases are forced across flue and damper blocks provides
rates are higher than those the full width and length of the much more accurate exhaust area
employed in the direct cooling zone. Exhaust of the combustion control than can be achieved using
system. Both cooling systems have gases is achieved through the cen- a suspended or vertically lifting
dedicated exhaust systems. tral flue and damper arrangement. damper arrangement. Refractory
The muffle cooling air is exhaust- Damper control is a crucial ele- wear tests were conducted to ensure
ed through an uncontrolled flue ment in the 340 forehearth and, by the correct combination of refrac-
at the end of the muffle, and the necessity, a sophisticated damper tory materials have been chosen for
direct cooling air is exhausted control mechanism is employed. the flue and damper blocks. The flue
through a centrally located damper This mechanism is designed to and damper block arrangement
system at the end of the zone. The be maintenance free. Damper posi- also has a self-cleaning damper
position of the direct cooling tion is controlled through three feature in which the dampers are
damper is automatically controlled control shafts mounted on the cleaned of condensate residue.
and is dependent on the flow rate bracing steelwork. The lever arms This residue is collected in a
of the cooling air. The side dampers that connect the damper blocks separate chamber in the flue block
are also automatically controlled to the control shafts are attached from which it can be easily removed.
and their position determined by the to the control shafts using quick-
cooling air flow rate. As the sys- release fasteners. These compo- SUCCESSFUL DEBUT
The first 340 forehearth system
Fig. 5
was installed during Christmas
2002 at a prestigious glass plant in Glass 340
the United States that produces in heating
soda-lime green 1.5-litre wine mode
flasks. The initial results have con-
firmed the model predictions and
the 340 forehearth has already pro-
vided unprecedented thermal effi-
ciency values and highly significant
increases in pack rate. After a pe-
riod of observation and analysis, the
340 forehearth will be commer-
cially available during 2003.
This is a significant advance in
forehearth design and the 340 now
joins the well-established Emhart
Glass 540 and the recently intro-
duced Emhart Glass 240 fore-
hearth to provide a range of fore-
hearths which reflect the diffe-
rent operational requirements of
high-, medium- and low-tonnage
tem transitions into heating mode, nents allow fast and simple align- production.
the cooling air flow rate to the ment of the lever arms. Whether in the future we will
dual cooling system will lessen The maximum and minimum refer to cooling zones as condi-
and the central and side damper required stroke for each damper tioning zones is, based on pre-
openings will decrease. The system block is set during commission- vious precedent, unlikely.
is configured so that although all ing using turnbuckles in the damper The 340 cooling zones will still
side dampers are closed when linkages. The flue blocks are be called cooling zones but, now,
operated in heating mode, the cen- designed with raised refractory they will be thermally condition-
tral damper remains partially open runners on which the damper blocks ing and not merely cooling.
to facilitate the exhaust of the slide. The width of these runners *product manager
combustion gases. ensures the frictional forces between forehearts
the flue and damper blocks are
Heating minimized and therefore no expen- EMHART GLASS
The side damper configuration sive damper counterbalance systems
ensures that in heating mode, all are required. Contact between the

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