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Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 26 (2013) 227242 227

DOI 10.3233/BMR-130373
IOS Press

Case Report

Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for

chronic subacromial impingement syndrome:
An insight on evidence based Treat the
Cause concept A case study and literature
M. Nagarajana, and P. Vijayakumarb
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, INTI International University, Laureate International Universities, Nilai,
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, National University of Malaysia, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract. Recent evidences suggest functional thoracic hyperkyphosis (FTH) could be a different approach in the management
of subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). This case study aims firstly with the development of evidence informed FTH model
for SIS. Secondly this study aimed to develop well defined multimodal physical therapy intervention for FTH and its related
mechanical consequences in elderly patient with chronic SIS. As a result, Level IV positive evidence was found in both the short
and long-term pain and disability of chronic SIS, using FTH model with 26 months of follow-up.

Keywords: Subacromial impingement, functional thoracic hyperkyphosis, pain

1. Introduction Repetitive overhead arm elevation [105] especially

with 10% or more of work cycle [112] is the most
Subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS) due to evidenced functional cause for decreased subacro-
subacromial space compromise considered as a pre- mial space. Pathophysiological mechanisms [61] in-
dominant mechanical contributing factor in the devel- duced by decreased subacromial space are: increased
opment and maintenance of chronic rotator cuff le- intramuscular pressure [60,107], local muscular fa-
sion [122]. The reported prevalence of SIS among the tigue [106], and impaired local circulation [2,157].
rotator cuff lesions accounts 4465%, often occurs The clinical characteristics of scapular dyskinesia [53,
with prolonged painful arc sign and shoulder move- 125,134] such as depressed, anteriorly tilted, down-
ment dysfunctions [74]. ward and internally rotated scapula; elevated clavi-
cle; superiorly migrated humerus; aberrant scapulotho-
racic neuromuscular recruitment and myofascial trig-
Corresponding author: M. Nagarajan, MPT, Department of Phys-
ger point are the most evidenced biomechanical and
iotherapy, MAHSA University College, Level 1 Block C, Jalan
neurophysiologic factors that maintain ongoing pain
University Campus, Jalan Elmu Off, Jalan University, Kuala Lumpur
59100, Malaysia. Tel.: +603 7965 2539; Fax: +603 7960 7995; sensitization in patient with chronic SIS. Latest study
E-mail: showing positive influence of manual scapular assis-

ISSN 1053-8127/13/$27.50 
c 2013 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
228 M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome

tance test [124] on arm elevation further proves the till cess with clearly-defined clinical patterns of SIS. Need
date emphasis on scapular dyskinesia in SIS. for valid and practical classification system with spe-
Exaggeration of thoracic kyphosis angle (> 40 ) in cific outcome measures for pain, activity and participa-
relation to age is called postural/functional thoracic hy- tion restrictions for shoulder disorders are still recom-
perkyphosis [150]. Prevalence of Functional Thoracic mended strongly. Contemplating on treat the cause
Hyperkyphosis (FTH) in elders is 20% to 40% [136] concept in SIS with current evidences, the finding from
with the progressive increase from age of 40 years [37]. this case study will;
The reported mean of FTH angle is 43 in women 1. Introduce evidence informed case specific func-
aged 55 to 60 years and, 52 in 76 to 80 years of tional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic
age [34]. FTH may develop from both muscle weak- SIS.
ness and spondylosis which may often lead to impaired 2. Provide fundamental Level IV evidence for ef-
mobility, performance and quality of life among the el- fectiveness of well-defined manual and exercise
ders [67]. interventions targeting FTH and its relative con-
History of evidences [27,33,46,49,63,68,71,82,84] sequences in the patient with chronic SIS.
strongly supports the correlation between FTH and
scapular dyskinesia, particularly in elders > 45 years.
Studies show increased probabilities of acromian im- 2. Subjective examination
pingement during shoulder elevation activities among
the individuals with FTH [36,40]. Positive correlation 2.1. History and pain evaluation
between the impaired thoracic extension mobility and
SIS also was recently evidenced [139]. A 55 year old female, diagnosed as right grade-
Routine musculoskeletal examinations always con- I supraspinatus tear and acromioclavicular joint hy-
sider FTH among all shoulder pain population. But it pertrophy visited physiotherapy department with se-
could be argued that, how often FTH is considered vere painful movements in the right shoulder since
in the management process of SIS. Since FTH seems 3 months which was gradual in onset. The patient past
to be the most predominant factor that maintains the medical history revealed with mechanical neck and bi-
scapular dyskinesia, the intensive management target- lateral interscapular pain since one year. Patient dis-
ing recovery of FTH and its mechanical consequences; continued all household work since one month. Expec-
maintenance of normal thoracic posture during thera- tation of the patient was to get involved in the normal
peutic exercises involving arm elevation must have vi- ADL and family life. Refer to Fig. 1 for pain distribu-
tal role in reducing recurrence and long-term prognosis tion and Table 1 for details of pain description.
of pain and disability in SIS, particularly in elders.
Looking at the interventions, moderate evidences for 2.2. Outcome measures
specific exercise management [75,135], limited evi-
dence for the use of shoulder manual therapy [65] and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Quick DASH [6,
thoracic and rib mobilization [3,5,64] were available 7,30,62] were measured on the first day before treat-
for SIS related pain and disability. ment. Post intervention was taken on 2nd , 4th , 8th ,
Since clinical manifestation of chronic SIS seems to 12th week initially during the treatment and, further
be multifactorial, appropriate pattern recognition, clin- follow up on 11th , 16th , 22nd and 26th months (Table 2).
ical estimation of contributing factors, diagnosis and Patient responded for the 10 of 11 items in general
decision making remains as unique challenge [29,131]. module and all the items in the work module of Quick
This ensures the importance of multifactorial conser- DASH. VAS measurement was also considered before
vative management in chronic SIS. Particularly in el- and after every intervention session.
ders > 45 yrs with [38] the history of gradual onset,
prolonged symptoms and severe pain, weakness and
loss of shoulder movement, the evidence for successive 3. Objective examination
conservative approach still limited and remains chal-
lenging [76,142]. Observation reveled age related exaggeration of tho-
Conclusions from Level I evidences [75,135] signif- racic kyphosis, forward headed posture, round shoul-
icantly stress the need for well-defined exercise inter- ders, right anteriorly prominent humeral head and ster-
ventions based on a structured decision-making pro- nal end of clavicle, and depressed scapula.
M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome 229

Table 1
Physiotherapy diagnosis based on the International Classification of Functioning and Disability (ICF) [20]
Structural Right supraspinatus Grade I tear and, right acromioclavicular joint hypertrophy
impairment Superior migration of humeral head and, reduced right subacromial space
Forward head posture with mild functional thoracic kyphosis
Elevated 1st and 2nd rib at right side
Left flexion-rotation-side flexion (FRS-left) positional dysfunction of T1 and T2
Functional Grade IV tenderness during skill rolling over T1-T7 (Rt)
impairment Grade-II tenderness at upper four sternocostal junction
Right upper Spontaneous pricking pain at suprascapular region, C7-T2 up to acromion process
quadrant pain Spontaneous sharp cramping interscapular pain between T4-T7 (Rt > Lt)
(sensory Sharp, pinching pain at antero-lateral shoulder region
impairment) Dull, poorly localized ache at postero-lateral shoulder region
Deep, dull ache at lateral deltoid region
Slight pin-prick referred pain over lateral arm, forearm region
Pin and needle at palm (occasional, especially at night)
Right upper End range pain and apprehension on all active shoulder movement
quadrant Painful (VAS-8) passive and active medial rotation; horizontal adduction; arm lowering.
movement Sharp, cramping and deep aching with shoulder flexion, abduction and both rotation.
Painful (VAS-8) restriction of active and passive neck extension, with referred pain over the right superior angle of scapula
and interscapular region
Painful and restricted right lateral flexion and rotation of neck with interscapular pain
Restricted thoracic spine extension and upper rib (1st , 2nd and 3rd ) mobility, expiration more than inspiration.
Painful (Grade-IV) and restricted joint play over C7-T1 transverse process; 1st and 2nd Rib angle; CV and CT joint with
referred pain over the right interscapular region (T4-6).
Painful (Grade-I) and restricted unilateral PA joint play over C5-C7 (Rt) with referred pain over right superior angle of
Painful (Grade-II) and restricted postero-anterior joint play over T4-T7 (Bilateral)
Restricted antero-posterior joint play of humeral head on glenoid
Pain (Grade-II) and absence of joint play at acromioclavicular joint
Normal sternoclavicular joint play with anterior displacement of sternal end of clavicle.
Right upper Inhibition of serratus anterior, lower trapezius and deep cervical flexor muscles
quadrant motor Grade 3 muscle power on infraspinatus, subscapularis, rhomboids with mild tenderness.
impairment Grade 4 muscle power on biceps and triceps muscles weakness with mild tenderness.
Active trigger point with taut band and Grade-IV tenderness at lower infraspinatus and long head of triceps with respective
referred pain
Over active deltoid and upper trapezius and levator scapulae with Grade-I tenderness.
Tight levator scapulae, pectoralis major and minor, scalene muscles.
Myofascial tightness on right and left anterior neck region and lateral thoracic region.
Grade-II tenderness and spasm over the cervico-thoracic paraspinal region
Activity Unable to elevate and rotate the right arm; Unable to control the arm lowering
limitation Unable to carry out activity of daily livings
Participation Not involving in Household works; Not willing to work due to pain
restriction Not able to sleep on right side and disturbed sleep
Personal Fear about major diseases; Depression and highly worried about resting pain
factors Dissatisfaction about quality of active life
Environmental Positive family environment; Good economic back ground; Housemaid support

3.1. Physical examination ward rotation and internal rotation of scapula, devia-
tion of arm towards horizontal adduction (flexion), pre-
Functional movement observation revealed signifi- mature humeral elevation and cervico-thoracic ipsilat-
cant painful apprehension towards elevation, arm low- eral lateral flexion behaviors were observed. Side flex-
ering and rotation activities. During right scapulo- ion and rotation movements of neck were moderately
humeral rhythm there was significant reduction in up- restricted without any radicular pain. No step sign, sul-
230 M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome

Table 2
Values of outcome measures
Outcome measures Pre treatment Post treatment (26 month follow-up)
1st week 2nd week 4th week 8th week 12th week 11th month 16th month 22nd month 26th month
VAS (10 point) 8 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Quick DASH: 45% 32.5% 25% 20% 7.5% 5% 2.5% 0% 0%
general module
Quick DASH: 50% 25% 25% 18.75% 12.5% 0% 0% 0% 0%
work module
(house hold works)

Fig. 2. PA and lateral view of thoracic spine. (Colours are visible

in the online version of the article;
Fig. 1. Pain distribution. (Colours are visible in the online version of
the article;

4. Intervention
cus sign were noticed at right shoulder. Refer to the
Table 1 for the detailed palpation; movement exami- From the available evidences patient specific FTH
nation; muscle inhibition, weakness and tightness find- model for SIS were developed (Appendix-I) and in-
ings. terventions were planned accordingly. The patient was
The provocative tests revealed positive findings with informed about the 12 weeks (34 time/week) of in-
tervention, long term follow-up and informed written
painful arc and drop arm sign; empty can, Hawkins-
consent was obtained.
Kennedy, Neers and horizontal adduction test [1]. Iso-
Long duration complaints (physical and functional
metric strength testing were showed marked weakness
impairment) with history of gradual onset were sug-
with full can test, lateral rotation and lift-off strength gestive of both central and peripheral mechanisms be-
test. ing responsible for the ongoing symptoms) Though the
X-Ray findings revealed mild degenerative changes correlation between the psychological, environmental
on thoracic spine, FTH (Fig. 2); positional malalign- factors and the pain severity were poor (8 on VAS) ini-
ment in cervicothoracic, upper costovertebral (CV) and tially cognitive functional therapy (CFT), was con-
costotransverse (CT) joints (Fig. 3). MRI shoulder was sidered in the form of patient education to improve
interpreted with Grade I right supraspinatus tendon the understanding between pain, disability and need of
tear and acromioclavicular joint hypertrophy (Fig. 4). planned intervention.
M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome 231

sure (DIP) with concept of strain counter strain (SCS)

with guidelines of Leon Chaitow [79]. Deep friction
massage (DFM) was applied in a relaxed muscle state
to deactivate the trigger point (TrP). Combination of
PIRT and myofascial release techniques (MRT) were
used with the guidelines of Leon Chaitow and Craig
Liebenson [80] and Carol [18] to achieve normal neu-
romechanical recovery in tight and overactive muscles.
After soft tissue mobilization, neuromuscular train-
ing was carried out using specific inhibitory and facil-
itation procedure. Initially elastic proprioceptive tape
was applied to facilitate neutral thoracic spine pos-
ture, scapular posterior tilt and, to inhibit the deltoid
Fig. 3. Enlarged PA view of upper thoracic spine with costovertebral and upper trapezius muscles [24,28,56,59,97,98,126].
and costotransverse joint dysfuctions. (Colours are visible in the on-
line version of the article; Secondly individual lower trapezius and serratus ante-
rior facilitation using interferential therapy (2000 KHz,
Unipolar method, 10 mins each muscle) combined
with repeated active shoulder abduction and flexion
movement was considered. Finally, active and self-
assisted training were given for subclavius, serratus an-
terior, lower trapezius and rotator cuff muscles.
FTH corrective exercises were developed as home
exercise using selective modifications from Spinal
Proprioceptive Extension Exercise Dynamic (SPEED)
program [128,129]. The exercise was adapted from the
SPEED protocol used by Benedetti [8] and modified as
per the need of this patient targeting the spine align-
ment, rib torsions, scapulothoracic and rotator cuff
muscle management. Refer to Appendix-II for detail
description of above interventions. The home exercise
was advised for lifetime for the both shoulder, with
more emphasize for right shoulder.
Fig. 4. MRI right shoulder with grade 1 supraspinatus tear and ACJ
hypertrophy. (Colours are visible in the online version of the article;
5. Results
Initially mobilization procedure [90] was used to im-
prove the extension mobility at the cervical and tho- Significant progressive reduction in shoulder girdle
racic regions. Secondly T1-T2 CV and CT dysfunction pain and disability was observed (refer to Table 2) in
were treated with Maitland GD [90] concept using the both the short and long-term outcome from the speci-
HVLT positions [110]. Thirdly, left FRS dysfunction fied physiotherapy management using FTH model.
and related rib torsions were treated with the guide-
lines of Timothy [144]. Fourthly clavicle mobilization
over the sternal and acromian end [66,89]; and humeral 6. Discussion
head mobilization [90] was performed. Finally right
posterior glenohumeral capsule stretch was performed Increasing prevalence and poor outcomes in patients
using post isometric relaxation method (PIRT) in com- with chronic SIS still demands successful alternative
bination with static posterior glide using the guidelines modes of conservative management. Above finding ev-
by Kevin [72]. No discomfort was noticed during the idences the importance of multifactorial pathomechan-
above procedures throughout the interventions. ics that can mislead the clinician who consider the
After articular mobilization, neuromuscular thera- supraspinatus tear as main source for pain and dis-
pies (NMT) were applied using direct inhibitory pres- ability. Estimating these multifactorial findings could
232 M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome

be more difficult since all could influence subacromial ion the ipsilateral upper ribs approximate; glides su-
space with similar or non-similar pain pattern [29]. periorly at CV and CT joints; rotate anteriorly at the
Thus insight on variation in symptoms with its respec- CT joint as the ipsilateral transverse process glides in-
tive mechanism is more vital to optimize diagnostic feriorly. Similarly, during normal thoracic spine flex-
and treatment strategies in chronic SIS. Relating the ion, the ribs rotate anteriorly (anterior rib torsion) at
FTH as one of the predominant mechanism that could the CT joints and glide superiorly at the CV and CT
maintain other contributing factors of SIS, therapeutic joints [78,108,121]. Above normal kinematics corre-
implication of available evidence targeting FTH cor- lates the documented physical findings (Table 1) of this
rection shows crucial role in long-term recovery of this patient such as specific muscle tightness and spasm,
patients with chronic SIS. As this is a first study to use restricted facets and upper rib mobility as a compen-
the FTH correction as a major tool for long term recov- satory maladaptation due to routine demand of shoul-
ery of SIS, results of this study can be argued with pre- der girdle with FTH related dysfunctions. This mal-
vious studies that correlate the current pain and disabil- adaptation may further aggravate the ongoing routine
ity patterns with postural impairment related treatment stress on right shoulder girdle.
manifestations. Other than the cervical and thoracic spine induced
The principle link between structural alignment and scapulohumeral joint stress, it can be hypothesized that
impairment states that, alignment deviations are likely the FTH and repetitive shoulder movement induced
to be linked to impairment only through movement anterior rib torsion could further cause the following
dysfunction [120]. Sharmans [120] above statement chain mechanical consequences related to SIS such as;
further supported by Greenfield et al. [47] that tho- Rotation and side flexion torsion on sternum; thus
racic postural impairments are seen as a predisposing may influence the SCJ
factor for shoulder dysfunction. Though above state- Anterior malalignment of the sternal end of clavi-
ments are nonspecific towards SIS, studies by Meurer cle, thus protraction and anterior rotation of clav-
and Grober [93] and Betz and Grober [10] supports icle (due to sternal rotation)
the restricted thoracic movement as a cause in SIS. The resulted side flexion of sternum could cause,
Most recent reviews by Ludewig and Jonathan [84], inferior malalignment of sternal end of clavi-
Ludewig and Braman [83] and Seitz et al. [124,125] cle thus elevation of clavicle and, increased lat-
states that thoracic joint mobilization may be another eral long axis forces on clavicle, thus increased
rehabilitation approach to be considered in SIS. Clin- acromioclavicular joint compressive force.
ically this sounds more feasible since suggested re- Maladaptive protraction (internal rotation) and
quirement of normal thoracic extension during unilat- anterior tilt of scapula due to above clavicle
eral arm elevation is only 9 10 and approximately malalignment.
15 for bilateral arm elevation regardless of age [25, The influence of above hypothesized maladaptation
132,149]. The positive long-term disability recovery could cause cumulative stress on acromioclavicular
observed in this patient with intensive FTH manage- joint and subacromial space. Though there are insuf-
ment coincide with the results of many earlier stud- ficient evidences to support the above rib torsion in-
ies that supports thoracic kyphosis management in im- duced hypothetical compensation, it is still logic to
proving shoulder elevation [16,120,152]. The articu- correlate the right upper rib anterior torsion induced
lar mobilization indicated on thoracic spine in this pa- sternal and clavicle compensatory changes as a core
tient and improvement in thoracic spine extension (in- cause for prominent right sternal end of clavicle; right
directly informed from the long-term shoulder func- acromioclavicular joint hypertrophy and supraspinatus
tional recovery) can be well supported by the recent tear in this patient. Hence, addressing and managing
work of Ivan Bautmans [58]. the cervical and thoracic spine facet joints; costover-
Influence of cervical, thoracic facet dysfunction and tebral and costotransverse joints, and sternoclavicular
its role in persistent pain on shoulder girdle and tho- and acromioclavicular dysfunctions in this patient can
racic region are well aware by musculoskeletal clini- be very well rationalized.
cians. Looking into the normal biomechanics, the up- Pain characteristics of cervical and thoracic facet
per thoracic (T1) T2-T7 ipsilateral side flexion and dysfunctions are well explained by Fukui et al. [41,
rotation is the commonly observed kinematic chain 42]. Referred pain over the neck-shoulder junction is
movement during arm elevation [132,141,156]. During from C4/5, C5/6; suprascapular region is from C4/5,
normal cervico-thoracic and thoracic spine lateral flex- C5/6, C7/T1, T1/2; superior angle of the scapula is
M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome 233

from C6/7, C6, C7/T1, T1/2; mid-scapular region is tivities among the healthy individuals are well de-
from C7/T1, T1/2, T2/3. Referred pain distribution scribed by the Sahara et al. [119]; Teece et al. [137]
of C7/T1 to T2/3 shows significant overlap. On the and Ludewig et al. [84]. The commonly observed clav-
other side, the reported pain characteristics of the up- icular movements in relation to thorax are, 30 of pos-
per CV and CT joint dysfunction are, localized pain terior long axis rotation; 9 10 of elevation and 9 of
on posterior thorax; radiating pain to the anterior chest retraction. The respective coupling patterns of scapula
wall; pain with deep breathing, coughing/sneezing; in- to above clavicular movements are, 20 30 of upward
creased pain with flexion, rotation, and ipsilateral side rotation and 10 of posterior tilt; 6 of anterior tilt and
flexion; tenderness at CT joint and rib angle [123,145]. 9 external rotation approximately.
The pain patterns of upper (T1 and T2) CV and CT Though the above evidences are sufficient enough to
joints commonly overlap with C4-T2 facet dysfunc- support the influences of clavicle position and move-
tion [14]. Importance of differential pain identification ment in scapular dyskinesia; the earlier hypothesis on
and treatment of pain in upper thoracic region with influence of anterior rib torsion on sternum and clavi-
above joint dysfunction in this patient could be ratio- cle position, thus the sternoclavicular joint movements
nalized [39]. still need further evidences. Presence of prominent
Linking with above normal kinematic coupling in- right side sternal end of clavicle found in this patient
formations, the correlation between the clinical man- and above informed evidences may support the need
ifestations of 1st and 2nd rib articulation (Table 1) and effectiveness of articular mobilization indicated at
and neck movement behaviors (painful and restricted the sternal and acromian end of clavicle. Also recent
right side bending and rotation) evidences the diag- evidence on influences of sternoclavicular joint disor-
nosed FRS-left dysfunction and its management with ders on shoulder impingement can be a further sup-
the guidelines of Greenman [48] and Timothy [144] to port for importance of clavicle mobilization indicated
improve the overall ongoing pain sensitization and dis- in this patient [138].
ability. From the evidences showing the positive correla-
Achieved short-term recovery on cervical and tho- tions between FTH, pectoralis minor length, scapular
racic region related pain with these spine mobilizations kinematics and impairments of SIS [1113,95,130], it
could be supported by the good clinical predictability is strongly arguable that presence of scapular dyskine-
of this patient cervical dysfunction which is grade III sia can be the consequences of FTH. Altered length
tenderness, hypomobility of T1, negative upper limb tension relationship due to scapular dyskinesia may
tension test, and female [118]. Further short-term use further cause scapulothoracic and rotator cuff muscles
of thoracic spine mobilization on cervical dysfunction dysfunction and further reduces the subacromial space,
related pain syndromes are well supported in the latest aggravate the intrinsic subacromial tendon degrada-
systematic review by Cross et al. [26]. tion [89,94,101].
Effective long-term recovery of suprascapular, su- Moreover the importance of recovering neutral po-
perior angle of scapula and interscapular pain sensi- sition, normal osteokinamatic patterns of scapula and
tization and specific muscle over activity; increased its related scapular muscles performance in SIS are
rib mobility; and over all shoulder function observed well described in many clinical studies [45,53,73,83
in this patient following non-thrust thoracic facet and 85,87,111,125,134,143]. The importance of humeral
CV joint mobilization in combination with other men- head neutral position, normal arthrokinematics and its
tioned treatments coincide with the results of clini- related demand on glenohumeral capsule and rotator
cal studies by Kelly and Whitney [70]; Haddick [50]; cuff function in SIS are well evidenced in many clin-
Strunce et al. [133]; Mintken et al. [95] and, physio- ical studies [31,43,51,52,69,85,91,101103,146148].
logical statements by Mclain [92] and Lawrence [77]. Above evidences on scapulohumeral kinematics and
Especially the long term recovery of shoulder pain and its relevance on muscular performance are more suffi-
disability in this patient through standard articular mo- cient to support the prescribed neuromuscular facilita-
bilization procedures indicated in this patient supports tory and inhibitory training; stretching and strengthen-
the latest study by Caldwell et al. [17] and Bennell et ing exercises; glenohumeral joint mobilization towards
al. [9]. recovery of normal kinematics in this patient.
Clavicular movements in relation to thorax (at ster- Prescription of upper trapezius inhibition taping and
noclavicular joint) and in relation to the scapula (at active neuromuscular facilitation targeting the serra-
acromioclavicular joint) during the arm elevation ac- tus anterior and lower trapezius can be directly argued
234 M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome

with evidence links between the presences of abnor- This case report shows the importance of develop-
mal scapular kinematics, decreased electromyographi- ing the diagnostic criteria by identifying the subgroups
cal performance and increased latencies of above mus- (eg: FTH subgroup in SIS) with its relevant multifacto-
cles in patients with SIS [2123,32,96,86,117,151]. rial mechanical factors that reflect similar pain, rather
The long term prognosis observed in overall shoul- than the repeated emphasize on the effectiveness of
der function with scapular muscle facilitation in this physiotherapy treatment techniques. Also looking at
patient coincides with the recent study by Baskurt et the heterogeneity of samples in current available ev-
al. [4]. idence, identifying and establishing the evidence in-
Effect of infraspinatus TrP deactivation and rotator formed subgroup in SIS and its related pain patterns
cuff exercises can be argued with the evidenced cor- may improve the level of evidence in future research
relations between the proximal migration of humeral on conservative management of SIS. Further develop-
head, decreased abduction torque, progressive de- ment of this model should be considered to evidence
crease in rotator cuff performance and co activa- all the mechanical consequences with its appropriate
tion [19,31,81,89,101,113,116,147,153,154], especia- measurement and management methods.
lly in the infraspinatus muscle [57,100,127]. The effi-
ciency and safeness of rotator cuff and scapular mus-
cles strengthening procedures used in this study can Acknowledgments
be well supported by the work of Escamilla [35] and
White et al. [155]. Long term positive outcome in pain
I would like to thank my colleagues Ms. Melissa
and disability of this patient with the integrated use of
Romer and Mr. Lourdhuraj for their help in review-
specific rotator cuff and scapular stabilizer strengthen-
ing the manuscript. I also thank to my colleague Mr.
ing exercises coincide with recent randomized control
Madhavan Krishnan for his expertise in photography
trail by Theresa Holmgren [55]. The successful use of
included in this manuscript. I sincerely thank the pa-
TrP deactivation in reducing the right suprascapular,
tient for her continuous support and consent for long
shoulder and lateral surface of entire arm pain is co-
term follow-up.
incide with recent work of Hidalgo-Lozano et al. [54].
The importance of scapular and thoracic spine feed-
back using tactile and verbal cues during the neuro-
Conflict of interest
muscular facilitation used in this patient can be well
supported by the work of Roy et al. [114,115] and Seitz
et al. [124]. Also the immediate use of inhibitory and There is no authors conflict for this study. No fund
facilitatory taping indicated in this patient can be di- involved for this study
rectly supported from the work of Thelen et al. [140].
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240 M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome

Appendix-I: FTH model for SIS

Presence of Functional Thoracic Hyperkyphosis (FTH)

Associated maladaptive arthrokinematics Associated maladaptive muscular kinetics

Decreased inferior glide at Increased C7-T1 junction flexion Weak erector spinae, deep
C7-T7 & C3-C7 facet joints Increased T2-T7 flexion cervical flexor, trapezius and
Anterior rotation of ribs rhomboids
Superior glide of head and Forward head posture
neck of rib Tight suboccipital extensor,
SCM and pectoral muscles

Decreased efficiency of ipsilateral side

flexion & rotation due to lack of inferior
facet glide at C3-T7 during arm elevation
Compensatory excessive & Tightness on ipsilateral
anterior torsion of ipsilateral Decreased efficiency of scapulohumeral scalene, levator scapulae to
upper rib (1-7) rhythm during arm elevation activity compensate insufficient
(Especially on dominant hand) lateral flexion and rotation
Approximation of ipsilateral
upper rib Tight scalene, pectoralis
Rib torsion induced minor, pectoralis major to
Compensatory excessive Rotation and Side flexion sternal torsion compensate upper rib
superior glide of head and approximation
neck of rib at CV & CT joints

Anterior Misalignment/sublaxation of
Restricted posterior glide of sternal end of clavicle; Protraction and Weak serratus anterior, lower
the sternal end of clavicle anterior long axis rotation of clavicle and middle trapezius &
Restricted superior and
posterior glide of acromion at Tight pectoralis minor,
acromioclavicular joint Internal rotation, abduction and anterior tilt pectoralis major
of scapula (Scapular dyskinesia)
Reduced upward rotation, Altered length-tension
posterior tilt and external relationship and coactivation
rotation of scapula during Humeral positional misalignment of the rotator cuff muscle.
arm elevation (Excessive anterior-superior migration of
humeral head & posterior capsule tightness) Decreased abduction torque
Restricted inferior and & compensatory deltoid
posterior glide of humeral hyperactivity
head during arm elevation
Decreased Subacromial Space
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome 241

Appendix-II: Descriptions of interventions

Interventions Description of intervention techniques with parameters

Cognitive behavioural CBT were targeted more specific about the pain stimulating structures and its relationship with movements and
Therapy (CBT) ADL. The mechanics of normal posture and shoulder girdle movement during day-to-day life; role of habitual
(Only once before maladaptation of posture, abnormal movement and muscle function in ongoing pain.
Mobilization treatment)
The lack of ability to actively facilitate isolated shoulder muscle activity and to overcome abnormal movement
pattern (shoulder hiking, thoracic kyphosis, and deviation of plane of movement during abduction) and impor-
tance recovering these abilities for pain free shoulder function.
Articular mobilization Grade III-IV central PA glide at T2-T7 delivered in prone lying; in passive end range thoracic spine extension
and in combined extension-lateral flexion-rotation (both side) positions using patient seated with both hands on
the neck and leaned forward on couch supporting the mid-humerus. Followed by this prone, unilateral PA glide
progressively from Grade II to IV were delivered at both sides (Rt > Lt) of C4-7-T1-T2. Above procedures were
applied using Maitland [90] concept to improve the thoracic and cervical extension related mobility.
Costovertebral and costotransverse joint dysfunctions (left FRS) were treated with prone, Grade II-III left trans-
verse glide at T1-2-3 using Maitland [90] concept, followed by Grade III-IV left transverse glide at T2 & T3 re-
spectively using HVLT positions recommended by Peter Gibbon and Philip Tehan [110]. After that, PA & caudal
glide progressive from grade II to IV were applied at T2 & T3 transverse process in pain free right side bending
and rotation (with in barrier limit) as recommended by Timothy [144].
Left FRS related rib torsion dysfunctions were treated by applying expiration mobilization (passive & active
assisted) to facilitate the right 1st , 2nd and 3rd rib external torsion using the PIRT in supine and sitting position.
Supine, Grade II & III posterior and inferior glide to sternal end; anterior and inferior glide to acromion end of
clavicle MacConaill [88] & Kaltenborn and Evjenth [66] were applied to improve the clavicle retraction; posterior
rotation; scapular upward rotation and posterior tilt.
Grade III humeral longitudinal distraction with stable & elevated acromion 23 times with 60 sec hold; Progres-
sive oscillatory AP glide from grade II to IV was applied at loose pack position, 90 of abduction and flexion po-
sition using Maitland [90] concept to improve subacromial space and humeral kinematics during scapulohumeral
rhythm. Followed by this posterior glenohumeral capsule stretch was considered using PIRT for the above pur-
pose using the recommendations of Leon Chaitow [79]; Craig Liebenson [80]; Kevin [72]. All the above proce-
dures were applied as pain free gentle static, followed by oscillatory glide of 10 repetitions each during every
clinical visit of first 6 weeks interventions.
Soft tissue mobilization Infraspinatus and LHT muscles TrP deactivation were considered individually using DIP for 60 sec in passively
1. TrP Deactivation shortened muscle position with the SCS concept during every clinical visit. Slow DFM with-in tolerable pain
intensity (10 to 15 repetitions, once in week) followed by ice cube massage (3 times/day, 10 min each) was
considered after DIP. Subscapularis tender point treated using DIP.
2. Neuro muscular Combined PIRT and MRT within the pain free range was as applied to pectoralis minor & major, levator scapulae,
flexibility management upper trapezius, scalene muscles and latissimus dorsi. MRT for cervical fascia.
Above procedures was advised to perform twice a day at home with minimum of 23 repetitions for each muscle
whenever possible. Most of the neuromuscular release procedures were considered first on the right side to achieve
pain control in right shoulder. The patient was encouraged to perform above flexibility procedures for left shoulder
3. Neuro muscular The elastic proprioceptive facilitatory taping was applied to facilitate neutral thoracic spine posture and scapular
inhibition & facilitatory posterior tilt. Then the inhibitory rigid tape applied firmly across the deltoid and upper trapezius muscle fibers.
management Taping procedures were followed with guidelines provided by Morrissey [98]; Cools et al. [24]; David Knee-
shaw [28]; Janwantankul and Gaogasigam [59]; Morin et al. [97]; Selkowitz et al. [126]; Hsu et al. [56].
Individual lower trapezius and serratus anterior facilitation using interferential therapy (2000 KHz, Unipolar
method, 10 mins each muscle) combined with active shoulder abduction and flexion exercise in erect sitting were
repeated with appropriate rest in between using Borgs scale (RPE) as a short monitoring tool.
Tactile feedbacks were given on medial border and inferior angle of scapula to facilitate upward rotation and
to control pseudo winging/anterior tilt of scapula. Verbal feedback was given to keep the neutral thoracic spine
throughout the movement. This is considered to ensure the appropriate kinematic relearning, with well designed
neuromuscular kinetic relearning.
242 M. Nagarajan and P. Vijayakumar / Functional thoracic hyperkyphosis model for chronic subacromial impingement syndrome

Interventions Description of intervention techniques with parameters

Above taping with interferential therapy was considered during every visit on first 6 weeks.
Deep cervical flexor facilitation using chin tuck exercise in supine and sitting
Manual facilitation procedure using MET to subclavius muscle using resisted inspiration at 1st rib at sternal
Serratus anterior facilitation in supine, side lying and standing position in scapular plane and sagittal plane.
Lower trapezius facilitation in standing facing the close to wall with both upper extremity placed in flexion
with full extremity in wall contact, from this position the patient was informed to with draw the palm about
0.5 cm and hold for possible time. The same procedure was repeated in prone lying as home exercise.
Multi level progressive isometric rotator cuff strength training within the pain free range using wall assistance.
During this exercise patient was strictly advised to consciously maintain the thoracic spine in neutral extension
as possible. Isometric rotator cuff exercises were prescribed in shoulder in neutral, within the 30 degree of
Supraspinatus isometric strength training: Five degree of shoulder abduction against wall resistance was
advised in standing/sitting position with neutral shoulder rotation and full elbow flexion, using lateral elbow
as a contact point.
Subscapularis and infraspinatus isometric strength training: Standing/sitting position with neutral sagittal
and coronal plane shoulder alignment, elbow 90 degree flexion and using fisted hand as a contact point
against wall resistance. This exercise was prescribed in neutral rotation, and throughout the available rota-
tion with multiple positioning.
Shoulder neuromuscular co-activation exercises: Wall press in 90 degree flexion and abduction position.
Each individual facilitation procedure were advised as a home exercise twice a day with 58 slow repetition. The
patient was strictly advised to repeat the exercise as tolerable by using the RPE as a quick monitoring tool.
Modified SPEED Ice cube massage for infraspinatus and long head of triceps were advised before this exercise.
home exercise
protocol for SIS
Self thoracic postural correction: Supine lying with knees and hips flexed and feet on the floor, small news paper
roll of 58 cm diameter thickness cover by towel perpendicularly placed under the 5th to 7th thoracic vertebrae for
minimum of 1015 minutes or depends on the patient capacity. During this procedure the patient was informed to
support the head with comfortable towel folding. This procedure was strictly adapted by patient as a pre postural
alignment and above rotator cuff exercise procedure at home.
Modified FTH corrective exercise for SIS individuals: Below exercises were taught appropriately by the clinical
therapist and analyzed on the patient in regards to movement performance. Each exercise was advised to repeat
510 times within the pain free range based on RPE. Patient was asked to perform this exercise twice a day at
home, and encouraged to perform the same in early few clinical visits to assure the efficiency of exercise related
movement performance.
1. Supine with towel role as mentioned above, posterior pelvic tilt exercise with isometric hip adductor and
bridging exercise (Head supported with comfortable towel folding)
2. Supine with towel role as mentioned above, pain free chin retraction exercise and chin tuck exercise (Head
supported with comfortable towel folding)
3. In a sitting position with hands hooked at the chin level, deep breathing- in exercise combined with left neck
and thoracic spine rotation, then back to the initial position
4. In a sitting position with arm along the sides, deep breath-in exercise combined with pushing both scapula
backwards combined with chin retraction, then back to the initial position
5. In a sitting position with ninety degree flexed elbows, deep breath-in exercise combined with shoulder exten-
sion, adduction, chin retraction and neck extension, then back to the initial position.
6. In a sitting position with ninety degree flexed elbows, deep breath-in exercise combined with shoulder lateral
rotation combined with scapular retraction and chin retraction then back to the initial position.
7. In a sitting position with hands behind the head, deep breath-in exercise combined with pushing elbows back-
wards with chin retraction and neck extension, then back to the initial position
8. In a sitting position with hands on thighs, deep breath-in exercise combined with shoulder abduction with
palms facing upwards, then pushing the both scapula backwards.
9. In a sitting position holding a stick in two hands, deep breath-in exercise combined with raising the stick
towards flexion.
10. In a sitting position with arms along the sides, lateral bending of the trunk while trying to touch the floor with
fingers from one side to the other.
11. In a standing position in front of a wall, arms overhead wall slides combined with neck extension.
12. In a standing position with back touching the wall, starting from 90 shoulders abduction and 90 elbows flexion,
complete shoulder abduction and elbow extension bringing hands over head .
13. In a standing position with forearms on table, alternate hip extension with knee in slight flexion.
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