Questions Always Usually

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1. I arrived at classes & other meetings on time. 195 117

2. I devote sufficient study time to each of my courses 104 141
3. I schedule definite times & outline specific goals for my study time. 120 152
4. I prepare a to do list 46 53
5. I avoid activities which tend to interfere w/ my planned schedule 57 91
6. I use prime time (ganado) when I am most alert for study. 100 133
7. At the beginning of the term, I make up daily activity and study schedules 103 103
8. I begin studying my lessons well in advance 50 74
9. I have the "study-place" habit that is merely, being at a certain place at a certain time means time to study.
124 117
10. I study in a place free from auditory and visual distractions 154 105
11. I find that I am able to concentrate- that is give undivided attention to the task for atleast 20 mins. 125 109
12. I am confident w/ the level of concentration I am able to maintain. 125 165
13. I have an accurate understanding of the material I wish to remember. 123 151
14. I learn w/ the intention of remembering 157 163
15. I practice the materials I am learning by reciting out loud 101 97
16. I recall readily those things w/c I have studied 113 151
17. while I am taking notes, I think about how will I use them later. 112 141
18. I understand the lecture and classroom discussion while I am taking notes. 122 172
19. I review and edit my notes 111 124
20. I take notes on supplementary materials 88 125
21. I have a system for marking textbooks 125 106
22. When reading, I mark or underline parts I think are important. 171 134
23. I write notes in the book while I read 80 91
24. I try to find out what the exam will cover and how the exam is to be graded. 136 130
25. I feel confident that I am prepared for the exam 106 124
26. I try to imagine possible test questions during my preparation for an exam. 155 134
27. I take time to understand the exam questions before starting to answer. 187 138
28. I follow directions carefully when taking an exam 217 121
29. I usually get a good nights rest prior to a scheduled exam 122 110
30. I am calmly able to recall what I know during an exam. 128 169
31. I understand the structure of diff. Types of tests and am able prepare for each type 132 143
32. When reading, I can distinguish readily between important and unimportant parts. 114 135
33. I break assignments into manageable parts 65 121
34. I maintain a critical attitude during my study-thinking before accepting or rejecting 96 149
35. I relate material learned in one course to materials of other courses. 80 146
36. I try to organize facts in a systematic way 88 129
37. I use questions to better organize and understand the material I am studying 97 138
38. I try to find the best method to do a given job 135 139
39. I solve a problem by focusing on its main point 127 170
40. I sit near the front of the class if possible 111 94
41. I am alert in class 78 155
42. I ask the instructor questions when clarification is needed 109 109
43. I volunteer answers posed by instructors in the class 79
116 91
44. I participate in meaningful class discussion 116 126
45. I attend class regularly 253 90
46 I take the initiative in group activities 142 140
47 I use a study method w/c helps me develop an interest in the material to be studied. 127 124
48 Apart from school , do you attend academic tutorials ? ( Kumon, Headstart ) 55 57
49. Do you have tutorials at home ? 30 38
50. Does your parents/ guardians help you in your assigns. / projects ? 71 77
145 19
202 26
185 35
203 170
250 58
190 35
200 65
257 90

173 59
163 51
197 46
156 22
186 7
147 19
188 83
180 18
178 43
168 39
196 41
212 42
167 68
135 37
178 123
170 28
204 36
154 35
134 14
137 7
197 44
210 16
187 12
188 24
226 72
198 32
149 34
213 23
191 31
160 19
139 14
164 96
200 13
192 33
197 49
197 16
95 10
151 26
174 25
102 238
90 292
220 80

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