Providing For Effective Teaching

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Curriculum development processes as they have been describe so far in this book are
essential resources in helping schools achieve their goals. Quality teaching is achieved not
only as a consequence of how well teachers teach but through creating context and work
environments that can facilitate good teaching. The following issues will be considered:
1) Institutional factors
2) Teacher factors
3) Teaching factors
4) Learners factors
1) The Institution
a. The Organizational Culture
The organizational culture of a school refers to the ethos and environment that exist
within a school, the kinds of communications and decision and making that take place, and
the management and staffing structure they support. Davidson and Tesh suggest that most
language programs have features of both of the organic and the mechanistic models,
depending on the size of the program and the type of staff working in it. With a large program
staffed by experienced and mature professionals, a more organic approach is likely. With
smaller programs or programs dependent on less experienced staff, a more mechanistic
approach may be needed.

b. Quality indicators in an institution

Language teaching institutions vary greatly in terms of how they view their
educational mission. Some school take seriously the development of a sound curriculum and
set of programs, hire the best available teachers. The following characteristics are indicators
of the quality of a schoolm or educational instituation (Morris 1994):

1. There are clearly stated educational goals.

2. There is a well-planned, balanced, and organized program that meets the needs of
its students.
3. Systematic and identifiable processes exist for determining educational needs in the
school and placing them in order of priority.
4. There is a commitment to learning, and an expectation that students will do well.
5. There is a high degree of staff involvement in developing goals and making
6. There is a motivated and cohesive teaching force with good team spirit.
7. Administrators are concerned with the teachers professional developmentand are
able to make the best use of their skills and experience.
8. The schools programs are regulary reviewed and progress toward their goals is
Not all schools embrace a philosophy of quality, however. Some may be viewed by their
owners as little more than business opportunities.
The key dimensions quality and how quality can become a focus in a school or
language program.
1. A sense of mission
2. A strategic plan, such as:
3.Quality assurance mechanisms
4. A sound curriculum
5. Flexible organizational framework
6. Good internal communications
7. Professional treatment of teachers
8. Opportunities for teacher development

2) The Teaching Context

The last set of factors that affect the quality of teaching in a program relate to the
instituation context in which teachers work.
Size and staff structure
Support staff
Teacher work space
Teacher resource room
Teaching facilities
Class size

3) The Teachers
Many things can be done to create a context for good teaching, but it is teachers
themselves who ultimately determine the success of a program. Good teachers can often
compensate for deficiencies in the cirriculum, the materials, or te resources they make use of
in their teaching.

a. Skills and Qualifications

Language teaching institutions vary greatly in the type of teachers they employ. According to
Lortie (1975) a profession is characterised by :
A homogeneous consensual knowledge base
Restricted entry
High social status
The legal right to govern daily work affairs
Although Lortie argues that many branches of teaching cannot be classed as a
profession by these criteria. Core components of teacher knowledge include the
Practical knowledge
Content knowledge
Contextual knowledge
Pedagogical knowledge
Personal knowledge
Reflective knowledge
Focuses on six areas of basic teaching skills:
Language awareness
The learner, the teacher, and the teaching/learning context
Planning for effective teaching of adult learners of english
Classroom management for teaching
Resource and materials for teaching
Professional development
Opportunities to develop these skills can be provided in the following ways:
o Observation of experienced teachers
o Observation of training videos
o Short theory courses
o Practice teaching under the supervision of experienced teachers
o Working with a mentor teacher

b. Support for Teachers

If teachers are expected to teach well and to develop their teaching skills and
knowledge over time, they need ongoing supportt. Yhis may take a number of form:
Adequate materials
Course guide
Division of responsibilities
Further training
Teaching release
Help lines

c. The Teaching Process

The focus here is on the teaching practices that occur within a program, how these can
be characterized, and how quality teaching can be achieved and maintained.

d. Teaching Model and Principles

The former can be viewed as a teaching model compatible with a mechanistic model
of organization design and the latter to the organic model. In language teaching programs,
teaching models are often based on particular methods or approaches. For example:
The communicative approach
The cooperative learning model
The process approach
The whole-language approach

e. Maintaining Good Teaching

The following are strategies that address this issue.
Identification and resolution of problems
Shared planning
Documentation and sharing of good practices
Self-study of the program
f. Evaluating Teaching
If a program seeks to provide quality teaching, it is essential that teachers
performance be regularly reviewed. An appraisal system may have several different purpose:
1. To reward teachers for good performance
2. To help identify needs for further training
3. To reinforce the need for continous staff development
4. To help improve teaching
5. To provide a basis contract renewal and promotion
6. To demonstrate an interest in teachers performance and development

The purpose of the appraisal will determine the type of appraisal that is carried out.
Developing the appraisal system
The focus of appraisal, such as:
Lesson plans
Teacher-made classroom materials
Course outlines and handouts
Class assignments
Participation in profession development activities
Conducting the appraisal
A teaching appraisal may be carried out by a supervisor, a colleague, the teacher
himself or herself, or students.
Appraisal by a supervisor
Appraisal by a colleague
Lesson reports
Teaching journal
Audio/video recording
Student appraisal
4) The Learning Process
Learning is not the mirror image of teaching. The extent to which teaching achieves
its goals will also dependent on how successfully learners have been considered in the
planning and delivery process. The following factors may affect how successfully a course is
received by learners.
Understanding of the course
View of learning
Learning Style, such as:
Concrete learners
Analytical learners
Communicative learners
Authority-oriented learners
Individual assignment

A Resume of Chapter VII Providing For Effective Teaching

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