TOEFL Meeting 1

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1. Use The Correct Singular Or Plural Noun
A problem that is common in the Written Expression section of the
TOEFL is a singular noun used where a plural noun is needed, or a
plural noun used where a singular noun is needed.
On the table there were many dish*
The lab assistant finished every tests*
In the first example, many indicated that the plural dishes is needed.
In the second example, every indicates that the singular test is
In the Written Expression section of the TOEFL we should watch very
carefully for quantifying words such as each, every, a and single that
indicate that a noun should be singular. Also, we also watch very
carefully for quatifying words such as many, several, and three that
indicate that a noun should be plural. The use of correct singular and
plural noun are showed by number 1-10.
2. Distinguish Countable and Uncountable Nouns
In english, nouns are classified as countable and uncountable. For
certain questions on the TOEFL, it is necessary to distinguish
countable and uncountable nouns in order to use the correct
modifiers with them.
As the name implies, countable nouns are nouns that can be counted.
Countable nouns can come in quantities of one, or two, or a hundred.
The noun book s countable because you can have one book or
several books.
Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, are nouns that cannot be
counted because they come in some indeterminant quantity or mass.
A noun such as milk, oil or shampoo. Uncountable nouns can also
refer to abstract ideas such as security, friendship, or hope.
It is important to recognize the difference between countable and
uncountable nouns when come accross such quantifying words as
much and many, amount and number, less and fewer, little and few.

Countable Uncountable
Many Much
Number Amount
Few Little
Fewer less

Much and many have similar meanings, but they are different
grammatically: much is used with uncountable nouns and many is
used with countable nouns.
He has seen much* foreign films
He didnt have many* fun at the movies
In the first example, much is incorrect because films is countable.
This sentence should say many foreign films. In the second
example, many is incorrect because fun is uncountable. This
sentence should be much fun.
The difference between quantfiying words amount and number also
lies in the type of noun they accompany. Amount is used with
uncountable nouns, and number is used to ancountable nouns.
The professor assigned a large number* of homework
The professor gave a large amount* of assignments.
In the first example, number is incorrect because homework is an
uncountable noun. The sentence should be a large amount of
homework. In the second example, amount is incorrect because
assignments is countable noun. The sentence should be a large
number of assignments.
Less and fewer are also quantifying words that are differentiated
by the countable and uncountable nouns they accompany. Less is
used to uncountable nouns, and fewer is used to countable nouns.
The job pays fewer* money than I thought.
It will take less* dollars this way
In the fisrt example, fewer in incorrect beacuse money in
uncountable (we cannot say one money, two moneys, three
moneys). This sentence should be less money. In the second
example, less is incorrect because dollars is countable. This
sentence should be fewer dollars.
There is similar difference between the quatifying words few and
little. Few is used to countable nouns, and little is used to
uncountable nouns.
The plane leaves in a little* hours
There is only a few* time before the plane leaves
In the fist example little is incorrect because hours is countable
noun. This sentence should be a few hours. In the second example,
few is incorrect because time is uncountable. This sentence should
say a little time.


each of the following sentences contains at least one quantfying

word describing a noun. Circle the quantifying words. Draw arrows
to the nouns they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are
correct (C) or Incorrect (I)

(I/C Sentences
...... 1. The automotive shop stocked many part for the various types
of Hondas
2. There were several boxes in the cupboard, and each box
contained a dozen glasses
3. Every receipts must be removed from the chasiers drawer and
4. We will stop for dinner after we cover a few more mile
5. The busboy cleared the only other table and took the dirty
dishes to the kitchen
6. He became more and more discouraged with each passing days
7. An extended cruise would be nice way to spend a vacation one
8. She always surprised that not a single worker was available on
9. The housekeeper cleaned the room and took two of the
occupants dress to the laundry
10. When the first bill was defeated, the Senate immediately
began work on a different bills
11. He received little notice that the bill would have to be paid in
12. The police had few opportunities to catch the thief who had
committed a large amount of crimes
13. It is better to go shopping in the late evening because there
are less people in the market, and you can accomplish a
number of tasks in a short periode of time
14. You will have fewer problems with your income taxes if you
get professional assistance
15. After the strike, the company dismissed many employees
16. Because the bottom corner of the pocket was torn, much
coins fell out
17. Since he bought the new adapter, he has had less trouble
with the machine
18. There are much new items to purchase before leaving, and
there is such a short amount of time
19. The less time you take on the assignment, the less pages you
will complete
20. A few soldiers who had been in heavy combat were brought
back for a little rest

Total soal : 20
Nilai jawaban benar :1
Nilai jawaban salah :0
Nilai :

1 x 20 = 20
Skala 100 20 x 100 = 200
200 : 2
Nilai akhir 100

Ponorogo, 15 Pebruari 2017

Dosen Pengampu,

Lailatul Maulida, M.Pd

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