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Lynn Compton District Four Supervisor

February 9, 2017

Mr. Don Wells

President Blacklake Master Homeowner's Association

Dear Don,

I wanted to take a moment to follow up on our meeting yesterday, and to reiterate the need for any
assistance that you deem necessary, in order to restore the full funding that has been taken and
reassigned to other supervisorial districts, more specifically, the money that was taken from Nipomo.

As I explained yesterday, there are specific developmental funds that have been paid by developers and
that currently are, and have been, assessed on homesthat are part of planned communities and/or
developments, such asTrilogy, Cypress Ridge, and Blacklake. These fundsfall into two categories. The
first category is called the Public Facility Fee funds (PFF) category and the second is the QUIMBY fee
category. These fees are assessed on new homes in these planned subdivisions,and amountto
approximately$5,200 per home. The intention (by statute) ofthese fundsand their future use, isto
offset any developmental impacts of that proposed subdivision, by "giving back" to that same
community these same funds in order to offset any burden that the proposed development poses. The
funds are very specific, and can be used for parks, park land acquisition, libraries, law enforcement and
fire services, in and around that particular planned subdivision or community.

Recently, asthe Nipomo Community Park has moved forward, I have been told there are "no funds"
availablefor this park, or the other parks (Jack'sHelping Hand,Jim 0 Miller Park, etc. ) that are on our
list. I did not understand how this could be accurate, as I was aware of the millions of dollars that had
been previously collected in both the PFFand QUIMBYfees categories, mostly due to the Trilogy
subdivision being built. Trilogy is the largest planned community in this entire county. Several months
ago, I asked for a complete accountingofthe moniesthat have accruedfrom these building projects
down here in the past 12 years, and in turn an accounting and documentation ofwherethose monies
have been spent. I requested this accounting because I was told that there is no money available for us
down here, at this time for any park services. Remember, the sole purpose ofthese fees is to benefit
the residents in that particular communities that is impacted by that particular development. These
fees are to be used for services, specifically in that geographical area. After my request for an
accounting, and after a six months delay, I have finally received the full accounting for my district.

County of San Luis Obispo Government enter

1055 Monterey Street | San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 | (P) 805-781-5450 | (F) 805-781-1350 | slocounty.
Thisanalysisandaccountingwasdone by the headof our Buildingand Planning Departmentand
signedoff by all ofthe affecteddepartment heads. I am shockedby whatI found. SouthCounty,
primarily Nipomo, has generated $11 million in funds (PFFfees) yet only received $2 million backto
our communityto be usedfor our parks, our libraries, or ourfire services. Conversely primarily two
other districts have benefltted (received monies)from OURdevelopmentwhilewe have been
"burdened" by it. When I say "burdened" I am using the legal terminology, not stating we did not wish
this development to occur down here. Forexample, in the "CoastalZone," whichcovers areassuch as
Morro Bay, Cayucos, and Cambria, you will find a "no-growth" situation, due to the lack of water and
overwhelmingenvironmental issues. Withthis "no growth" situation, asyou can imagine,there would
be a lack ofgrowth and/or development, hence no such developmental fees would accrue. However,
what I havediscoveredis that in this area, whileonly about $2 million has beengeneratedover the
pasttwelveyearsthat area hasreceivedover $8million. This $8million has been spent on local
skateboardparks, biketrails, andfire and library projects. Now, please understand I am not against
such investments. However, / am o osedtothiss endin when it is eneratedinm eo ra hical
area Ni omo and diverted to another eo ra hicalarea which is de initel ha enin . It is also, in
my opinion, a violation of the law, and certainly its intent.

Needlessto saythis isvery concerningto me asa resident of Nipomo, who hasfelt for a longtime we
have been underrepresented and underserved bythis county. I have broughtthis to the attention of
our county CAO, Dan Buckshi, and have demandedthe discussion be put on the agendaandthe
situation corrected. In my opinionthe county needsto do the right thing andre-allocate any monies
backto SouthCounty, wherethey are (by law) directedto go.

Dueto these findings,and my discussionson the dais,this discussionwill be on the agendaat an

upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting. This item is scheduled for March 7th, yet I don't know the time
of dayat this point. It is my hope that my fellow supervisors will do the rightthing, but I cannot count
on that at this point after they tried to sabotagethe NipomoSheriffsubstation recently. / am askingfor
your help in getting the word out aboutthis injustice, andfor your help in turning out residentswho
are interested in assistingthoseof us down here to fightfor what is ourfair shareof those
developmental fees.

I am hopingyou are on board with helping me. I am just askingfor fairnessfor Nipomo and Oceano
residents in that we get back what was accrued in our area, to be used for our own residents in this
area. Additionally, I anticipate that the $11 million I mentioned earlier will be much higher when we get
the full accountingat that meeting.

Let me knowyour thoughts and if you can help.


^U, C^f>^
Lynn Compton
San Luis Obispo County Supervisor, Fourth District

County offSan Luis Obispo Government Center

1055 Monterey Street | San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 | (P) 805-781-5450 | (F) 805-781-1350 | slocounty.

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