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Political Crimes & Criminals

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Part Eight: Click here

Countries Sign The TPPA: Whatever Happened To The 'Debate' We Were Promised
Before Signing?
March 18 2016 | From: TechDirt

In New Zealand there is a pathetic "Roadshow" PR excercise because of the 30,000 strong
protesters that gridlocked Auckland city on the day of the globalists 'signing' of the TPPA - a
protest that state-controlledTVNZ news said was only around 1,000 people.
The New Zealand Traitor Prime Sinister John Key is even pushing for the law changes the TPPA would enforce
EVEN BEFORE ratification and says the law changes WILL NOT be undone if the TPPA fails ratification.

Related: Maori Elder Kingi Taurua Sends TPPA Partners, Queen A Formal Notice Of Veto Of Trade Agreement
Representatives from 12 different nations recently officially signed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TTP) agreement in
Auckland, New Zealand. The date, February 4th (New Zealand time) is noteworthy, because it's 90 days after the official text
was released. There was a 90 day clock that was required between releasing the text and before the US could actually sign
onto the agreement.

The stated purpose of this 90 day clock was in order to allow "debate" about the agreement. Remember, the entire
agreement was negotiated in secret, with US officials treating the text of the document as if it were a national security secret
(unless you were an industry lobbyist, of course).

So as a nod to pretend "transparency" there was a promise that nothing would be signed for 90 days after the text was
actually released.

So... uh... what happened to that "debate"? It didn't happen at all. The TPP was barely mentioned at all by the administration
in the last 90 days. Even during the State of the Union, Obama breezed past the TPP with a quick comment, even though
it's supposedly a defining part of his "legacy."

Related: The [Attempted] Final Control: TPP, TTIP, TISA Global Corporate Takeover

But there's been no debate. Because there was never any intent for an actual debate. The 90 day clock was just something
that was put into the process so that the USTR and the White House could pretend that there was more "transparency" and
that they wouldn't sign the agreement until after it had been looked at and understood by the public.
Of course, the signing is a totally meaningless bit of theater. The real fight is over ratification.

The various countries need to ratify the TPP for the agreement to go into effect. Technically, the TPP will enter into force 60
days after all signers ratify it... or, if that doesn't happen, within two years if at least six of the 12 participant countries ratify
it and those six countries account for 85% of the combined gross domestic product of the 12 countries.

Got that? In short, this means that if the US doesn't ratify it, the TPP is effectively dead.
The US needs a majority of both houses of Congress to approve it, similar to a typical bill. And that's no sure thing right now.
Unfortunately, that's mainly because a group of our elected officials are upset that the TPP doesn't go far enough in helping
big businesses block competition, but it's still worth following.

Inevitably, there will be some debate during the ratification process, though there are enough rumors suggesting that no one
really wants to do it until after the Presidential election, because people running for President don't want to reveal that
they're happy to sell out the public's interest to support a legacy business lobbyist agenda.

But, even that debate will likely be fairly limited and almost certainly will avoid the real issues, and real problems, with the

Either way, today's symbolic signing should really be an exclamation point on the near total lack of transparency and debate
in this process. The 90 day window was a perfect opportunity to have an actual discussion about what's in the TPP and why
there are problems with it, but the administration showed absolutely no interest in doing so.

And why should it? It already got the deal it wanted behind closed doors. But, at least it can pretend it used these 90 days to
be "transparent."

Unleashing GCSB To Spy On Kiwis One More Step On Road To Police State
March 15 2016 | From: TheDailyBlog

The Anti-Bases Campaign is appalled by the recommendations made in the newly-released

Intelligence Agencies review.
The authors have proposed overthrowing a basic tenet of spy operations in this country and paved the way for a
massive expansion in surveillance of NZ citizens.

This is just another retrograde step on the road to a police state.

Previous restrictions on domestic spying by the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) are to be removed;
the basic democratic protection against the spies turning their cutting edge mass surveillance machinery on domestic life is
to be eliminated.

The report justifies the increasing power of the agencies by proposing more transparency and oversight.

Ironically, Sir Michael Cullen, the key author of the report, is the man who exemplifies the inadequacy of trying to monitor
these organisations as he was the person who, when he was in Government, continually gave false assurances denying
illegal activity in the past.
The glaring deficiency in the review is the complete lack of consideration of the activities of the Five Eyes system which are
the major part of the GCSB activities.

The super-secret group carries out operations designed to give Washington the means to manipulate political, economic
and diplomatic activities around the world.

NZs part in this is despicable and reprehensible.

Any suggestion that oversight by a handful of Kiwi commissioners will reveal the truth about the operations being carried out
by Five Eyes is laughable.

New Zealand, instead, needs to follow the example of Canada, one of our four Big Brothers in Five Eyes. Canada has
suspended sharing Canadians metadata with its Five Eyes partners until it is satisfied about safeguards.
Related: Canada stops sharing Five Eyes data

NZ can only restore its reputation in the world by closing down the Waihopai spy base and pulling out of the Five Eyes

Plus it needs to close down the SIS and transfer its functions to the Police who (theoretically at least) have to justify their
actions in a court of law.

Vampire Technocrats Fly To Jekyll Island To Stop Trump

March 14 2016 | From: JonRappoport

Its such a secret place, only heavy hitters and big shots can fly in, from private airports - which,
by the way, have no TSA security. So they could have been packing heat for all we know. Or bags
of blood for nighttime drink fests.
Sea Island is where they met. Its in the same Georgia gaggle as the infamous Jekyll Island, where the Federal
Reserve was born many moons ago. But now the goal was narrow: stop the crazy cowboy; stop Trump.

Were secret effigy-burning rituals held? Hard to say. Did one of the tech giants unveil a new algorithm that would suddenly
direct all Trump remarks to a new Hitler Facebook page?

Here are some of the Island attendees, according to the Huffington Post (At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top
Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump, 3/7/2016). Get this:

"Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and
Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended.

So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP
Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), who
recently made news by saying he cannot support Donald Trump.

Along with Ryan, the House was represented by Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.),
Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas) and almost-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), sources said, along with leadership figure
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.), Financial Services Committee
Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Diane Black (Tenn.).

Philp Anschutz, the billionaire GOP donor whose company owns a stake in Sea Island, was also there, along with
Democratic Rep. John Delaney, who represents Maryland. Arthur Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York
Times, was there, too, a Times spokeswoman confirmed.

Quite a collection. And they all have hernias and a major case of red-ass about the crazy cowboy running for President.

At the confab, Karl Rove, the old grubby prince of darkness, opined that stopping Trump was a matter of emphasizing how
un-Presidential he is. Karls come a long way down since his glory days with George W. Im told hes about to launch his
own Daily Racing Form.
Henry Miller, the American writer who, in his time, in his own way, was as reviled and infamous as Trump is now, once wrote
(paraphrasing): People say America needs a President who will restore sanity to the country. Thats wrong. What America
needs is a President wholl drive everybody crazy.

Well, here he is. Trump. The gilded, self-inflating hustler whos never met a success story (of his own) he didnt love. Trump.
The master of off-the-cuff. The ham-fisted swaggering hair stylists nightmare who pushes open the swinging doors to The
Secret Club bar and strides in, bat-shit angry, to lecture snooty tight-ass titans on how to make America great again.

"I was telling my wife the other day I should buy Alaska. And by the way, were going to dump Common Core, and
vaccines cause autism.

Whats the algorithm that stops that?

Regardless of what happens from this point on, Trumps major contribution to Presidential elections is smashing standard
political rhetoric; and thats no small accomplishment. Next to him, Hillary and Obama and Mitt and Marco are 100%
pharmaceutical-grade Thorazine on a slow Sunday afternoon.

Hillary, in particular, can make bloodthirsty war-mongering with torn bodies lying everywhere come across like row-row-row-
your-boat at a picnic in the park, in between her coughing fits.
But heres the thing, Donald. You havent gone far enough.

To destroy the walking-dead politicians of our time, you need to get a lot crazier - on your own live-streaming webcasts,
night and day, to five million, 10 million, 20 million people around the world. From your car, by your fireplace in Trump
Tower, in a Burger King, in the mens room at the Pierre Hotel, in a homeless encampment in San Diego, on a lonely snowy
street in Cleveland at 3 in the morning. Ramp it up.

Youre standing in the field of a family farm in the Midwest with a hollow-faced man whose life has been blown away by
Monsanto, with its GMO crops and cancer-causing Roundup. There you are talking to him, the farmer, destitute, his family
destitute, near a giant acre of weeds eight feet high that resisted Roundup and didnt die. His crop yield shrank.

His expenses, courtesy of Monsanto, grew. He went down. Talk to the man. Listen to his story. Beam it out to 20 million
people. Tell him how youre going to help him put himself back together. Lay out a plan to resurrect the small farmer in
Stand inside a building in Chicago where people have built their own urban farm and grow vegetables for the local poor
community, for themselves. Show what a success it is. Listen to these people. Tell them how youre going help them build
5000 of these urban farms in poverty-stricken inner cities across America. People are going to rise up.

Theyre not going to be a permanent underclass eating government cheese for the rest of their lives.

Sit in a homeless camp with veterans of wars and listen to their stories, listen to how the VA threw them in the garbage
heap, after they served their time. Get busy, Donald. These vets are all over America. They have something to say. Dont
hold back. Tell them whats happened in Iraq and Afghanistan since they were there. Some of them already know. Let them
tell you how those countries have gone down the toilet. Raise hell.
In a trailer park, talk to a few former members of the American middle-class, who were shoved down into debt and
unemployment by the fanatic Globalist export of jobs to faraway hell holes where workers slave for 3 cents an hour. In fact,
under heavy guard, visit a few of those overseas hell holes and expose what they look like and feel like and are. Go the

Travel the southern border of America. Live-stream whats happening. Talk to US border personnel. Listen to their stories.
Emphasize that the US already has 60 million immigrants living here, which makes it the most generous country, per capita,
in the world. Talk to Mexican corn farmers coming up into America. Let them describe how 1.5 million of them were put into
bankruptcy, because the NAFTA trade treaty allowed US companies to flood Mexico with cheap corn.

Crack the egg of slumber in the Big Cocoon. With your live webcasts, pull in more viewers than NCIS and CSI. Drive your
former employer, NBC, crazy.

Talk to truckers and limo drivers and shoe salesmen and working wives and newly minted PhDs who cant find work. Talk to
people on the street, people in bars, people coming out churches and strip clubs and malls. Tear down the walls between
politicians and people.
Youre starting to sound a bit mainstream these days. Youre not going to work with Congress. Congress isnt going to
work with you. Get off that horse. Okay, you want to sound like a unifier who likes people? Do that for a day. But then get
back to doing what you were before. Mangling politicians and media buffoons.

People talk like robots because they are robots. Thats your opening, Donald. Keep pressing it. Destroy political-speak.
Rake it over the coals. Offend more human androids. Your numbers will keep rising. Improvise.

I keep writing about the Trump phenomenon because its explosive.

It intrudes on so much business-as-usual political life in America. I really want to drive home this point. People, so many
people, are so timid and scared and provincial and tight - and they think that the usual parade of ghouls who run for office in
this country is acceptable because the candidates mouth empty dead words.
People expect the walking smiling dead to run for office. Big grins, empty words. Thats considered safe, despite the fact
that these hideous creatures are perfectly ready and willing to send planes anywhere to drop bombs on populations for no
goddamn good reason. But as long as the candidate has a wan shit-eating grin, and as long as says hes caring, its all

Then Trump comes along and hes suddenly the Dangerous One. Hes suddenly a threat.

You mean all those other ghouls werent?

Hes Hitler, and they were messiahs? Are you kidding? All of a sudden we have a dangerous Presidential candidate where
there were none before? REALLY? People are getting so worked up about the first dangerous candidate in recent memory?

I see. Building a wall is the worst idea ever to occur in America? Nothing like it? Ever? What about Vietnam? 1.4 million
dead bodies, countless wounded, and even more suffering cancers and birth defects from Agent Orange. That was nothing
compared to the suggestion of building a wall on the southern border?

What about bombing Libya, ripping that country to shreds? Might have been a mistake, but it was nothing compared with the
suggestion to build a wall? Putting in economic sanctions between the two wars in Iraq and thereby killing 500,000 children?
Sad, but nothing compared to the suggestion of building a wall?

The White House funding, backing, creating, arming ISIS in conjunction with US allies? Yes, perhaps a regrettable error in
judgment, but nothing compared to the suggestion of building a wall?

Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama? Angels from heaven.

Trump? The anti-Christ.

Well, that settles that.

Get busy, Donald, push harder. Do a webcast to 20 million people from a bar off Wall Street, where you chat with an ex-
broker about the giant ongoing con called investment banking, the astonishing ripoffs, the real details of the bailout.
Visit a half-deserted town where a factory closed and went to Asia to make their products on the cheap. Talk to the people
of that town as they sit and wait for something to happen thats never going to happen.

Assemble a group of media people who were drummed out of their profession for speaking the truth about vital scandals
and let them talk. Have a conversation about what lies under the surface of American life, about the themes the stuffed
media shirts who still have their jobs are concealing, as they attack you around the clock. Break open the whole stinking
mess and show it to the American people, and reveal what their robot-talking politicians have been doing to them.

For a long, long time.

Coda - I realize Im branching out into an area where the actual Donald Trump doesnt exist. The disruptive force that he is
may have, behind it all, severe limits. He may only want to upset a few apple carts. Hes only a moon rising, and never goes
full. On the other hand, weve never seen a politician who is what he should be. And we need to flesh out a better idea about
who that is, as an intensely disruptive radical force, in the best and original sense of that word.

Radical equals root. Politics as it never was. But could be.

Not the skunk-ridden Leftist hideous mask of we care, behind which commissars try to drive us all into a shit heap of
senseless lowest-common-denominator equality.
Not the Rightest pork-fat scumbags pushing predatory corporations to make more weapons and take over more countries in
the name of fatuous democracy. Not the Centrists who work both sides against the middle.

No. Instead, radical. The root.

The place where the individual has a vision and follows it. The place where such individuals come together and make
futures of freedom.

And this is what the establishment are afraid of:

And well they should be...

Secret Societies Are No Longer A Secret
March 13 2016 | From: AlexJones

The New World Order is no longer hiding in the shadows. They are utilising their total domination
of civilization [in an ongoing failing attempt] to bring your morality into a new dark age. Whether
it's the United Nations / David Rockefeller / Lucius Trust roll out of demoralisation courtesy of
Alice Bailey's 10 point plan.
The $USD5,000,000 injections are all that are keeping these abominations breathing.

Or the Ongoing force feeding of illuminati symbolism through entertainment. As Hollywood's romance with
occultism has finally percolated to the surface. Hollywood, A shell of its former creative glory, where real talent and
culture have been sacrificed on the altar of Luciferian progress. Offering performances by illuminati slaves akin to
Kesha, for example, adorned with satanic regalia channeling Lucifer on the Today Show no less.

But now, the powerful political elite. That have gradually lost the shield provided by a disintegrating public trust, can no
longer hide from their mountains of crimes against humanity.

Whether it's the crimes they committed under oath or the ones hidden in the shadows revolving around the child kidnapping
rings that for decades have been fed their unrelenting hunger for power.

As in the words of one of the NWO's chief engineers, former U.S. National security advisor Zbignew Brezinski said "History
is much more the product of chaos than of conspiracy.

The Queen 'Backs Brexit' [UK Exit Of From The European Union]
+ Who Controls The Central Banks?
March 12 2016 | From: DailyMail / GlobalResearch
Buckingham Palace moved to deny extraordinary claims the Queen is backing a Brexit in the forthcoming referendum on EU membership

"Her Majesty" [rorting farce] reported to have revealed Eurosceptic views to former Deputy PM
Nick Clegg at lunch during last parliament

Buckingham Palace has moved to deny claims the Queen is backing Brexit
Monarch, 89, said to have aired Eurosceptic views to Nick Clegg at a lunch
Source told The Sun pro-EU then deputy PM was reprimanded by Queen
Mr Clegg last night said he had no recollection of such a conversation
For more of the latest on the Queen visit

Buckingham Palace last night moved to deny extraordinary claims that the Queen backs Brexit in the EU referendum.

She is said to have told former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg during a lunch at Windsor Castle that she thought Europe was
going in the wrong direction, according to The Sun.

A source told the paper the pro-EU then deputy PM was reprimanded by the Queen who is politically neutral in public for
quite a while over the issue of Europe.
Mr Clegg last night said he had no recollection of such a conversation and branded the story nonsense but did not offer an
outright denial. The paper does not specify exactly when the meeting took place, other than it was in 2011.

According to official Court Circular records, Mr Clegg was a guest at Windsor Castle for a Council with the Queen on April 7
that year.

"The Queen remains politically neutral, as she has for 63 years. We would never comment on spurious,
anonymously-sourced claims. The referendum will be a matter for the British people."

However, the suggestion that the Queen is sympathetic to Euroscepticism will intrigue many people. Her intervention during
the Scottish independence referendum in September 2014 proved explosive.

She warned well-wishers after a Sunday church service that voters should think very carefully before making a decision on
whether to become independent.
With the EU referendum taking place on June 23, her every word is likely to be pored over for clues about her feelings
towards a possible split.

According to The Sun, the Queen told Mr Clegg she thought Europe was going the wrong way. However, from the report, it
was not clear that the papers source actually heard the conversation.

"People who heard their conversation were left in no doubt at all about the Queens views on European
integration, the unnamed source told the newspaper.

"It was really something, and it went on for quite a while. The EU is clearly something Her Majesty feels
passionately about."
The 89-year-old monarch is said to have told Nick Clegg during a lunch at Windsor Castle that she thought Europe was
going in the wrong direction.

On another occasion, according to the paper, a Parliamentarian asked the Queen what her thoughts on Brussels, to which
she replied: I dont understand Europe.

A parliamentary source said: It was said with quite some venom and emotion. I shall never forget it.
Last night Mr Clegg told The Sun: I have absolutely no recollection of it. I dont have a photographic memory. But I would
have remembered something as stark or significant as you have made it out to be.

No doubt youll speak to someone else and theyll say, I was there, I heard it. Fine. But I really cant remember it
at all.

Anyway, without sounding pompous, I find it rather distasteful to reveal conversations with the Queen.

Last night Mr Clegg tweeted: As I told the journalist this is nonsense. Ive no recollection of this happening and its
not the sort of thing I would forget.

Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg told the paper: Id be delighted if this was true and Her Majesty is a Brexiter. The reason we all
sing God Save The Queen so heartily is we believe she is there to protect us from European encroachment.

The Palace had no choice but to stop short of an outright public denial that the Queen was in favour of Brexit because of her
constitutional political neutrality.

Whoever reported her alleged comments will be deemed to have broken the convention that private conversations with the
Queen are not publicly reported.

Who Controls The Central Banks? Mark Carney, Governor Of The

"Bank Of Goldman Sachs"

In the event of a vote in favour of Brexit, The Governor of the Bank of England Dr. Mark Carney
reassured the British public: we will do everything in our power to discharge our responsibility to
achieve monetary stability and financial stability
Carney intimated that financial instability and poor economic outcomes are associated with the Brexit process: a rather
unsubtle message to investors, brokers as well as speculators. He also warned MPs that Brexit could lead to an exodus of
banks and financial institutions from the City of London.

[There is no] blanket assurance that there would not be issues in the short term with respect to financial stability
and that potential reduction in financial stability could be associated and normally would be associated with
poor economic outcomes, as we have seen in the past.

The governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney is a former official of Goldman Sachs, the Worlds foremost institutional
speculator. He spent thirteen years with Goldman before heading the Bank of Canada.

At the time of his 2013 appointment to the Bank of England, he was not a citizen of the United Kingdom: Mark Carney was
the first foreigner to occupy that position since the founding of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England in
The Mark Carney mince

Were there powerful interests involved in the recruitment of the Governor of the BoE? Who was behind Carneys candidacy?
At the time of his appointment, the issue of U.K. sovereignty and Carneys citizenship were hushed up by the British

Brexit and Financial Instability

Carney was fully aware that an authoritative statement pertaining to financial stability would have an immediate impact on
financial markets. On whose behalf was he acting when he made those statements?

Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has accused Mark Carney, of speculative statements:

It is speculative and beneath the dignity of the Bank of England. To be making speculative pro-EU comments.

The Goldman Sachs Report

In February, Goldman Sachs warned that in the case of Brexit, the pound sterling could lose 20 per cent of its value Mark
Carneys statements at the House of Commons not only point in the same direction, they also provide legitimacy and
credibility to Goldmans assessment.

As an institutional speculator, Goldmans intent is to influence expectations regarding financial markets (backed by
authoritative statements from the Bank of England).
Coinciding with Carneys recent statements, Goldman Sachs released a report on the detrimental economic and financial
impacts of Brexit:

However, given the substantial unpredictability regarding the UKs post-Brexit trading and regulatory
arrangements, quite how damaging Brexit would be in the long term is subject to a great deal of uncertainty.
Arguably of more immediate concern is the effect that the uncertainty itself would have on UK growth.

The EU Treaty sets out a two-year timeframe for departure. During this period, the UK government would have to
negotiate the terms upon which it could continue to trade with EU countries

Some of these trade negotiations and many of the regulatory/legal decisions would be relatively straightforward.
But many would not

During this period, UK-based businesses would face considerable uncertainty: exporting companies would not
know the terms on which they would be able to supply export markets abroad once Brexit is complete; importing
companies would not know the terms on which they would be able to import; and all companies would be
confronted with increased regulatory/legal uncertainty." (Excerpts of report)

Carney dismissed the claims of Goldman in early February. But now he supports them. Where do Mark Carneys statements
originate, from the Bank of England or from Goldman Sachs, his former employer?

Goldman is known to be the Worlds foremost institutional speculator. Foreknowledge of statements and decisions by
central banks are often used by financial institutions in speculative operations. Inside knowledge and connections are part of
this process, they are the bread and butter of the institutional speculator.

The important question which the British media has not addressed: what is the relationship between Mark Carney and
Goldman Sachs.

The Goldman Trojan Horse

Is there a Trojan Horse within the Bank of England with Goldman Sachs sitting on the inside? While Carney was appointed
by Her Majesty, unofficially, he still has links to Goldman Sachs.
Is he in conflict of interest?

Next time theres a financial meltdown, your money could be rescuing Goldman Sachs.

Yes, thanks to a new deal struck by Mark Carney, the former Goldman man now running the Bank of England, the
US investment bank could end up enjoying the next round of British taxpayer bailout money." (The Independent,
20 August 2015)

Moreover, several key senior positions within the Bank of England are held by former Goldman officials. Mark Carney was
appointed in 2013. The following year (2014), Dr. Ben Broadbent, a Senior Economist for Goldman Sachs was appointed
Deputy Governor in charge of Monetary Policy.

Bankers from Goldman are strewn across key policy-making arenas across the world like no other financial
institution. As well as the Governor of the Bank of England, his deputy Ben Broadbent is ex Goldman, as were
two previous Monetary Policy Committee members, David Walton and Sushil Wadhwani.

Across the Channel, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi is a Goldman man, while in the US, Goldmanites
make up a quarter of the Federal Reserve systems regional presidents." (Ibid).


Central Banks are complicit in the manipulation of financial markets including stock markets, commodities, gold and
currency markets, not to mention the oil and energy markets which have been the object of a carefully engineered pump
and dump speculative onslaught.

Who controls the central banks? Monetary policy does not serve the public interest .

KiwiSaver Accounts Missing Millions

March 12 2016 | From: RadioNewZealand

Tens of thousands of workers are missing millions of dollars from their KiwiSaver accounts
because their employers have failed to either pass on payments docked from their pay, or pay their
own employer contributions.

Figures obtained by RNZ News show Inland Revenue is chasing thousands of employers for $29.3 million in
outstanding payments and penalties that have accumulated since the retirement savings scheme was launched in

Related: NZ Super Fund's $200m Loss

At the end of June 2015, 1663 employers had failed to pass on $15.3m in KiwiSaver payments deducted from their
employees' own salaries to the IRD. These deductions were government guaranteed so workers would eventually get the

But since 2007, 2210 employers had failed to pay $10.6m in KiwiSaver contributions to 46,154 employees.
Businesses are legally required to pay 3 percent of an employee's gross salary towards their KiwiSaver.

IRD collections manager David Udy said the vast majority of the businesses that had failed to pay were small and employed
between three and five staff. He said in some cases the businesses had simply gone bust and were unable to pay, but the
department was doing all it could to collect the debt from others.

Last year, the IRD collected $4m in outstanding debt, reducing the total to $29.3m. David Udy said the IRD was making

"It has a priority with us however, one needs to realise there's many reasons employers get into difficulty and
obviously if the business doesn't have funds then we are unable to obtain those."

Mr Udy said some of the employers who owed money were repeat offenders but he could not say how many there were.

He said IRD was doing all it could to recover any money and slow paying employers were notified of any missed payments
within a month.

Mr Udy said the IRD tried to work with them to recover the money and legal action was only used as a last resort.

Tax consultant Terry Baucher said the IRD was often too slow to act and it needed to do more to educate small businesses
about their obligations to pass on, and pay their own, KiwiSaver contributions.

"There's a lot of employers and people slip through the cracks. We have seen instances where five or six years
have passed without Inland Revenue taking any action," he said.

While employees' KiwiSaver deductions were guaranteed by the government, employers' contributions were not.

Labour's finance spokesperson Grant Robertson said that might need to change.

"I am prepared to look at the idea of a guarantee because I think the workers who enrol in KiwiSaver deserve to
know they'll get all the benefits of being part of the scheme."
But he said it first needed to be worked out whether IRD was doing all it could to try and recover the missing money.

IRD said any workers who were missing KiwiSaver payments should first talk to their employer or contact them for advice.

Warning: New Zealand Government And Big Banks In Collusion For Farm Land Grab:
The Same Scam As Run In The United States And Australia
March 11 2016 | From: WakeUpKiwi / Various

We are about to see the mass sell off of NZ farms. And 95% of them will go to foreigners under the
TPPA- timed to perfection of course. You are now watching the United Nations Agenda 21 / Agenda
2030 being rolled out before your eyes. Wake up. Share this information.

What you have seen happen in Auckland in the past 15-20 years was just the start- a test bed. The evidence here is

Related: Fonterra Drops Forecast Milk Payout

Possibly the most painful part of this will be watching all of the big bank / corporate sponsored 'experts' in the filthy corrupt
media & Government try and explain it all away in terms of "interest rates" and "market forces". Farmers are enticed into
taking out loans at low interest rates which are then intentionally later raised, in a blatantly criminal plan to seize land. It
worked in the US. Copy and paste in Australia. And now copy and paste in New Zealand.
New Zealand company Fonterra is the worlds largest dairy exporter, exporting products to over 100 countries

The truth is, it is an agenda planned even before the inception of Fonterra, specifically for this end goal - the 'Globalization' of
our land and all of our natural resources - using rigged (Libor) interest rates, market manipulations, fake printed debt and
various other financial frauds.

Say good bye to 95% of your farm land Kiwis - thanks to the filthy inbred banking mafia and their army of soulless, bribed,
sexual pervert CEO's and senior management. Unfortunately, the average Kiwi farmer is far too dumbed down with the All
Blacks & Sky / Heaven TV financial news to figure any of this out. They are about as sophisticated as the cattle sitting outside
their offices awaiting slaughter. You are what you eat. Chattel.
Related: Confirmed - Loans & Mortgages Are Created Out Of Thin Air By The Banks

It was spelt out on national television on TVNZ 'Seven Sharp' but still the fluoridated masses slept through it. Where
was the backlash?

And yes, it is a giant Rothschild-run Ponzi scheme and it doesn't have long left to go until Bernie Madoff time.

US Farm Claims Program:

The Farmer Claim Program - Discuses how a class action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990's lead to the creation of
NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and
bankers plans right out from under their feet.
Oz Farm Foreclosures: ANZ Behaving Badly:

Farmers whose properties were foreclosed on by the ANZ bank since 2010 have made explosive claims about the devastation
suffered by those who defaulted.

Two have given evidence at a parliamentary inquiry hearing, in Sydney, into the banking industry's practice involving loans.

Rod Culleton, of Williams in Western Australia, and Margaret Menzel, representing sugar cane farmers, gave evidence. Mr
Culleton was a cereal and sheep farmer until he lost the farm in 2013 and has been fighting the ANZ in the courts and in the
media ever since.

He said ANZ had admitted to overcharging in fees incurred during the transition [from Landmark to ANZ] and "is giving a lot of
that back".

In answers to the committee, Mr Culleton said he, and others in positions of default to ANZ, were "held at gunpoint" after
receivers were sent in.

"That's reality," Mr Culleton said.

"Ten [police] came to my place that day [the receivers came in 2013].

At Bruce Dixon's it was caught on TV. There were four police with their pistols on us and there were SWAT teams
up in the bush, and we were held at gunpoint that day, quite horrific really.

"We went there to support Bruce Dixon," Mr Culleton said.

He also claimed another defaulter with ANZ was "victimised that much by receivers and police" tipped 15 litres of petrol over
his head and set himself on fire".

According to Mr Culleton he was in a coma for six months. During the hearing, Mr Culleton asked Brett Fallon of the
Whitsunday region to stand to demonstrate his maimed and burnt hands, after his self-immolation.
He submitted the story of Mr Fallon to the inquiry, describing him as a Queensland cane and cattle farmer who had a
Landmark loan of $3.5 million and ANZ demanded it be repaid in 2010.

"Over the next three years Brett Fallon sold assets and all the proceeds [$3.7 million] were paid to the ANZ.

Mr Fallon then attended the Ingham branch of the ANZ in May 2013 and was told his outstanding loan was $4
million, and his cattle and crops belonged to [someone else, name withheld]."

Mr Fallon claimed outside the hearing that a lot of people could not attend because they had taken their own lives.

He echoed calls for a Royal Commission into banking practice and the establishment of a nationalised Rural Development
Bank, to give a break to farmers who had seen their land devalued.

ANZ's (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group) Takeover of Landmark's Loan Book
Related: Who Owns New Zealand's Banks - And Australia's Banks - Anyone's Banks?

When ANZ took over Landmark's loan book in 2010, from the scandal-ridden Australian Wheat Board, Mr Culleton said he
received a series of emails outlining the transition.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Australian Head Office, Docklands, Melbourne

Reading from the emails he said, "'Landmark and ANZ will be working together to keep you informed of any changes'".

"You aren't required to do anything, and until 2010 your accounts and cheque book will work the same way as they
always have.

"If you have any questions please speak to your rural financial manager,'" Mr Culleton quoted from the email.

But he said there was no local manager in Bunbury and he could never speak to anyone on the phone to discuss the new
ANZ bank terms.
ANZ tower, Auckland

Mr Culleton claimed he would have been able to repay the loan, but did not want to bank with ANZ.

"I never signed over to ANZ Bank," he said.

"They created new bank accounts calling me a customer, and then they defaulted me on accounts that were
foreign to my company and companies."

He explained in submissions that he wanted to have the freedom to move loans, but felt he was prevented from doing so.

"I have the right to go elsewhere," he said.

"We're not on some conspiracy theory, we're telling the truth," Mr Culleton told the hearing.

ANZ and Commonwealth Bank of Australia are expected to give evidence in April, delaying a report which was due in March

Why Do We Allow Private Banks & Families To Control The Worlds Money? +The Truth Is Out: Money Is Just An IOU,
And The Banks Are Rolling In It

Uprooted & Evicted: World Bank-Funded Projects Force Millions Off Their Land

New Zealand Member Of Parliament Is Concerned The Reserve Bank Of New Zealand Is Overseas-Owned

NZ banks to come under pressure from second season of low dairy prices, Moody's says

Finally: Words of Wisdom In an Expose on the Banking System from a Smart Child in Canada:

Worlds Poorest President Urges Public To Kick The Wealthy Out Of Politics
March 9 2016 | From: YourNewsWire

The Uruguayan President Jose Pepe Mujica, known as the worlds poorest President, has urged
members of the public worldwide to kick out rich people from politics.

Mujica, often described as the worlds most humble president, retired from office in 2015 with an approval rating
of 70 percent.
In an interview with CNN en Espaol this week the former Uruguay leader criticised world leaders for not truly representing
the people.

We invented this thing called representative democracy, where we say the majority is who decides, Mujica told

So it seems to me that we [heads of state] should live like the majority and not like the minority. reports:

Mujica reportedly donates 90 percent of his salary to charity. Mujicas example offers a strong contrast to the United States,
where in politics the median member of Congress is worth more than $1 millionand corporations have many of the same
rights as individuals when it comes to donating to political campaigns.

The red carpet, people who play - those things, Mujica said, mimicking a person playing a cornet.

All those things are feudal leftovers. And the staff that surrounds the president are like the old court.

Mujica explained that he didnt have anything against rich people, per se, but he doesnt think they do a good job
representing the interests of the majority of people who arent rich.

Im not against people who have money, who like money, who go crazy for money, Mujica said.

But in politics we have to separate them. We have to run people who love money too much out of politics, theyre
a danger in politics People who love money should dedicate themselves to industry, to commerce, to multiply
wealth. But politics is the struggle for the happiness of all.

Asked why rich people make bad representatives of poor people, Mujica said:

They tend to view the world through their perspective, which is the perspective of money. Even when operating
with good intentions, the perspective they have of the world, of life, of their decisions, is informed by wealth. If we
live in a world where the majority is supposed to govern, we have to try to root our perspective in that of the
majority, not the minority.

Mujica has become well known for rejecting the symbols of wealth. In an interview in May, he lashed out against neckties in
comments on Spanish television that went viral.

The tie is a useless rag that constrains your neck, Mujica said during the interview.

Im an enemy of consumerism. Because of this hyperconsumerism, were forgetting about fundamental things and
wasting human strength on frivolities that have little to do with human happiness.

He lives on a small farm on the outskirts of the capital of Montevideo with his wife, Uruguayan Sen. Lucia Topolansky and
their three-legged dog Manuela. He says he rejects materialism because it would rob him of the time he uses to enjoy his
passions, like tending to his flower farm and working outside.

I dont have the hands of a president, Mujica told CNN. Theyre kind of mangled.
What They Want You To Fear Versus The Real Threats We Face
March 8 2016 | From: WakingTimes

The uniting global culture of the 21st Century does have risks that it needs to address as it moves
into a new era that can finally be classed as a civilized society. Yet, any report that identifies the
threats to our species needs to be holistic and progressive in its approach; otherwise it is just fear
propaganda manufactured to elicit our blind consent.

In an article on the well-recognized Australian propaganda site the three biggest threats that were
identified in the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community report were outlined. Simply,
this was a stunningly transparent piece of the establishments disinformation agenda.

Allegedly, the three biggest threats to the world are:


2. Cyber-Espionage

3. Nuclear North Korea

As stated in the second paragraph:

US National Intelligence Director James Clapper and other officials warned an attack by Islamic State on US soil
was imminent, that North Korea now had the capability to produce up to 100 nuclear bombs and that Russian and
Chinese hackers could dismantle critical defence, supply and information networks and were in fact already
starting to do this.

We can see straight away the fear theyre trying to push: there are no internal threats; the big bad entities of the East are
who we all need to be worried about. This would be hilarious if it wasnt so dangerous, because as per design, it aims to
keep the mainstream herd of breaking free from the false narratives which unfortunately characterize living in this day and

As the post-mainstream community has long understood, the primary threat that we collectively face is the shadow power
structure which has bought out our financial, informational, political, medicinal and educational systems.

The way in which money and resources are controlled in our society, as well as what information the matrix-media provides,
is determined by this oligarchy which has long infiltrated western governments and the minds of the masses.

Therefore, we all need to be concerned that we no longer have a representative government. Abraham Lincolns famous
quote is regrettably being transformed for the worse: a government of the people, by the people, for the people, is perishing
from the earth.

More On What They Want You to Fear

Power is shifting from West to East. The reign of the American superpower is coming to an end which will be driven home
after the death of the Petrodollar and the US dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Because the powers-that-be have
foreseen this for a long time, theyre putting into place strategies, such as secret resource and power consolidation
agreements, to ensure their hegemony is not lost.

As part of this agenda, Islamic State (IS) is a proxy army of this global cabal. IS is made up of Sunni radical extremists, and
was directly massaged into a well-equipped army by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni-dominated Middle Eastern
states. Weaponry and other equipment were also directly and indirectly supplied to them by Western nations.
As I noted in the article, The Risks for 2016: Economic Collapse, More False Flags and WWIII:

The prevailing view in the conscious society is that there is a shadow order thatcontrols US and other western foreign policy.
It is believed that they created Al Qaeda, and its offshoot Islamic State (IS), as proxy armies to overthrow leaders of the
Middle East and obtain control of the governments, banking sectors and resources, as part of their global unification plan.

This is also known as the New World Order (NWO) and is thought to be controlled at its core by ancient bloodlines that are
fronted by Zionist and / or Jesuit agents.

The rise of terrorism has been a well planned ingredient to this recipe, officially beginning in 2001. In orchestrated stride, the
war-on-terror continued to escalate in 2015 with supposed terror attacks being carried out in dozens of areas across the
Middle East and Africa, as well as the well-known Paris Attacks and San Bernardino shootings later in the year.

Of course, many of these incidents might well be false-flag operations carried out by these ruling elite, who are hell-bent on
uniting the world under their impenetrable rule.
Because there has been a war in the Middle East between the Sunnis and Shiites for centuries, the Israeli/US elites have
picked a side to meet their own ideological and geopolitical goals.

Syria and Iran are primarily Shiites, whilst Turkey and Saudi Arabia are Sunni nations that have been allies of the U.S for
decades. Turkey is also a part of NATO, so they were always going to choose this particular side.

It appears that Russia is the unplanned wildcard. They have allied with Iran and Syria because they have their own
ideological, economical and geopolitical agendas.

For this end, they have absolutely pumped the Sunni radical extremists since mid to late last year, which is why Saudi
Arabia and their alliance have organized up to 350 thousand ground troops in early February to potentially enter Syria in a
ground invasion.
They of course will say this is to fight IS, but thats just pure deception; the real aim would be to ensure that they dont lose
the battle for supremacy that theyve invested so much time, energy and pride in.

Furthermore, Russia and China, among other nations, have collaborated to build new economic institutions for the future,
including the BRICS bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). As noted in this Global Research
article in February 2016:

China and Russia are investing in neighboring economies on terms that cement Eurasian integration on the basis
of financing in their own currencies and favoring their own exports. They also have created the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO) as an alternative military alliance to NATO.

And the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) threatens to replace the IMF and World Bank tandem in which
the United States holds unique veto power.

As stated, this is in direct opposition to the oligarchical-controlled IMF and World Bank, although it must be noted that
originally there was some endorsement by these institutions. In any case, as noted in an article by former Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

The basis of US foreign policy is the commitment to prevent the rise of powers capable of constraining
Washingtons unilateral action. The ability of Russia and China to do this makes them both a target.

Washington is not opposed to terrorism. Washington has been purposely creating terrorism for many years.
Terrorism is a weapon that Washington intends to use to destabilize Russia and China by exporting it to the
Muslim populations in Russia and China.

In other words, Washington and the gullibility of its European vassals have put humanity in a very dangerous situation, as
the only choices left to Russia and China are to accept American vassalage or to prepare for war.
Based on this analysis, Russia and China are only threats because the US (and Israel) oligarchy has made them
into exactly that.

The majority of people do not want further war, so the question then begs, will they stand up against this authoritarian
agenda or will a well-orchestrated false flag convince the masses that its the only way forward to protect their freedoms?

Note: for those who vehemently say NO TO WAR, please see this initiative led by the infamous war veteran Ken OKeefe.

The Real Threats We Face

As discussed, there is a shadow order that has taken control of the way that we organize and economize our societies. They
use their corporate monopolies to enact their agenda. If we dont do something to stop this tyranny then the 11 Toxic
Realities Society is Finally Waking Up About will continue its carnage across our collective minds and hearts.

In addition, the global economy is tanking due to a saturation of debt and near worthless global currency. How this plays out
in the coming months and years is hard to predict, yet the potential destruction of our current way of life, as well as massive
social unrest, is very real. This is something we all need to hedge our bets against; hope for the best, but prepare for the
Yet, theres something even more powerful that if we dont do something about, then nothing will change for the better. That
threat is the ignorance of the masses. If the majority of people actually understood the issues, and were prepared to stand
up and be counted in ensuring humanitys next phase of evolution comes to fruition, then no matter how much money and
resources are at the disposal of the despots, people power would inevitably reign supreme.

As I explained in a recent article titled The Control-Matrix is Crashing because the Truth-Seekers are Winning, the last
several decades have resulted with:

The Military - Industrial - Media - Politico - Banking Complex Increase their Power and Continue
their Pillage Across the World:

Pharmaceutical monopolies amplifying the drugging of society, as well as keeping many of us sick so
that they maximize their profits;

Movements rise up only to be vilified and disassembled, such as the Occupy Movement;

Science turned into a corporate institution, as well as further hijacked by an inaccurate and small-minded
philosophy of reality;

Wars purposely created with millions of people dying for the whims of the shadow empire;

Radical extremists massaged into proxy armies to do dirty work for the collapsing power structure;

Air, medicine, food and water becoming purposely more toxic;

Governmental policy increasingly being determined by corporate/elite interests;

Police being militarized all around the globe;

The education model struggling to become less of an indoctrination system; and

The agenda of global governance becoming closer to fruition.

Once the tipping point occurs and the masses wake up to these and other realities that threaten the future of our species,
the paradigm shift will be in full swing. To do so, apathy will need to be transcended so that the awareness of the
dysfunctions leads to effective and sustained action and the transformation of our social systems.

The goal? Design them so that we can truly say they are for the benefit of not just all of our fellow man, but our natural
systems too.

Final Thoughts

The original article cited above uses fear to sedate the masses. It claims that one of the biggest threats are attacks on US
and European soil. Of course known false flags like 911, and suspected ones like the 2015 Paris attacks, are insider moves
on the geopolitical chess board, so when the masses are warned that one might occur, its only natural for the indoctrinated
to automatically believe that it was whoever the presstitute media says it is.

Therefore, we must be vigilant when it comes to any significant events which arise. To do so, just stay tuned into the
alternative media because there are many independent truth-seekers and social commentators who are disproving the false
narratives to ensure the truth really is out there.

In addition, to save me reinventing the wheel, in my latest article I note that:

Theres escalating conflict all across the planet. The global economy is deflating from a decades-old debt bubble.
Ignorance, apathy, ill-health and suffering are commonplace.

Politics has sold-out. Money rules the rules. Then of course the consolidation of power has been very successful
by the oligarchs, who have taken primary control of how money and information is circulated throughout society.

There is a bigger picture though. It is important to understand what were dealing with in all its forms, because if we align
ourselves to it then we can co-create with it, no matter if its of positive or negative charge. Yet regardless of the exact
details of all these realities, this is all part of a deeper energetic shift which is not only organic, but being fueled by individual
and community action.

Ultimately, the potential for it to get worse before it gets better is something that we need to accept. Think smart, act smart.
Do it for yourself and your loved ones, but also for the community that you call your home.

Because after all, were all on the same team; help those around you to realise it so that you can begin to build the future
that you dream of in your own backyard, to the best of your ability.

Much love and strength to you all.

The Real Reasons Behind Negative Interest Rates And Banning Cash
March 8 2016 | From: EpochTimes

It's another [planned] bank bailout and it won't end well.

James Grant, the chief editor of Grants Interest Rate Observer, recently said about negative interest rates and a
ban on cash:

What precedes implementation of these ideas is a discussion of them. I think this is coming.

Related: Financial Times Calls For Abolishing Cash In Order "To Give More Power To Central Banks"

Indeed, the orchestrated support from the usual suspects among the mainstream media, pundits, think tanks, banks, and
governments around the world is astounding.

Both editorial boards of Bloomberg and The New York Times wrote two pieces in favor of banning cash. Former Treasury
Secretary Larry Summers and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi voiced their support for the elimination of
large currency notes. Only The Wall Street Journal didnt exactly endorse the idea.
Willem Buiter, the chief economist of Citigroup, summed up the benefits - at least from the governments point of view: All
financial transactions can be taxed by the government or charged a fee by the banks, and bank runs are eliminated because
there is nothing in the bank thats worth making a run for.

Something is going to go wrong is what Im saying."

- James Grant

Germany wants to introduce an initiative in the European Union to ban the 500 euro note and also ban all transactions
above 5,000 euros in cash.

All of the proponents know that negative interest rates, a key element in central banks objective to achieve meaningful
inflation, needed to reduce the debt burden of overextended speculators and businesses, wont happen unless they also
ban cash. Thats why the two ideas often go hand-in-hand in public discussion.

Related: Secret War On Cash: Discussions At Bilderberg Centered Around Capital Controls, Abolition of Cash

Bank Bailout

They will try negative rates to some extent. I think its going to be hard to push the Fed Funds rate below negative

Thats going to be difficult. People can basically take out cash and put it in a vault and they get a zero return on
it, said Joseph Gagnon, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and former associate
director at the Federal Reserve board.
Buiter and Gagnon are honest and cut straight to the chase of the economics involved. Banning cash and imposing negative
rates allow one to tax and charge consumers even more than today, forcing them to either spend more in the process or
invest in more speculative arenas, such as the stock market.

"'There is an alternative to saving which is called investment or speculation. It involves much greater risk.
A negative interest rate is not only a tax on saving, it is the destruction of saving,said Grant.


James Grant: Something Is Going to Go Wrong

Book Review: International Political Economy

If I have $1,000 in the bank, the next year I will only have $990 because the bank takes the other $10. In fact, this policy is
another bank bailout. Most other proponents of a ban on cash say the measure would reduce money laundering, crime, and

While this is essentially true, it is somewhat odd that the same people didnt think about this 10, 20, or 30 years ago, as
crime, money laundering, and terrorism unfortunately have been around since at least then. Instead, it took them until now:

Conventional and unconventional monetary tools have reached their limit, and negative interest rates seem to be
the only choice left.

Radical monetary policy begets more of the same, that has been the rule. What doesnt work theres more of
it, said Grant.

Unintended Consequences

What is not astounding, however, is the way the general public meets the two ideas with wholesale skepticism. To illustrate
Mr. Gagnons point, the sales of safes are booming in Japan, one of the countries further along in the quest to pass negative
interest rates to the public.
In fact, there are many indicators that pushing negative interest rates on to consumers - many institutions are happily paying
them in the form of negative yields on government bonds - will not be a linear move from 1 to 0 to -1. The system may break
crossing the magical number zero.

According to a survey undertaken by Dutch bank ING, 77 percent of respondents said they would take their money out of
the bank if interest rates went negative, precisely the bank run that Buiter would like to avoid and precisely the reason
negative interest rates would have to go hand-in-hand with a ban on cash.
In addition, lower rates dont mean savers will spend more; instead, it seems to have the opposite effect. Data compiled by
Bank of America shows that in countries with very low or negative deposit rates, savers tend to save more, not spend more.

Related: Why The Powers That Be Are Pushing A Cashless Society

In Switzerland, for example, as the deposit rate moved from a bit less than 1 percent in 2008 to close to 0 percent in 2015,
the savings rate increased from 21 percent to 24 percent. The same move can be seen in Denmark and Sweden in more
recent years. The motto: If I am getting a lower return on my savings, which lowers my total savings goal, I just have to save
more to achieve my target.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

So negative interest rates are a conceit of the academic economists who run the monetary institutions of the
world. I think the theory is dubious and the practice, as we have seen it so far, is equally doubtful, said Grant.

I think this is a terrifically bullish moment for gold. I think its a very sad moment for the institution of fiat money.
But fiat money has never worked out well in the very long run. Maybe were in the very long run, he added.

Even if all cash were banned and people were forced to accept negative rates on their bank deposits, it may well not lead to
more consumption, but merely bid up the prices or other stores of value, like gold.
People may even prefer to own heavy pieces of machinery, art, diamonds, and musical instruments, which preserve
purchasing power relatively better than a negative rate on banking deposits. People usually chose those methods to
preserve purchasing power during times of hyperinflation, like in the Weimar Republic.

And while stocks and real estate will certainly get a boost, most studies show that real, inflation-adjusted returns are often
negative because wrong incentives distort the pricing mechanism. Capital is misallocated, and transactions slow down if
people are trading goods and services in gold ingots rather than wire transfers.


The World Is Stuck With Persistent Stagnation

Fed Missed the Mark With December Rate Hike

In short, the push for negative interest rates and a ban on cash has nothing to do with terrorists or money laundering. It has
everything to do with bailing out the banks and trying to remedy central bank policy that didnt work in the past. As James
Grant put it: Something is going to go wrong is what Im saying.

Related: 'It's Time To Hold Physical Cash,' Says One Of Britain's Most Senior Fund Managers

The [Attempted] Final Control: TPP, TTIP, TISA Global Corporate Takeover
March 6 2016 | From: 21stCenturyWire

This is a new geopolitical war, taking place between the United States and China.
The rise of the so-called BRICS countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, along with countless
other emerging economies, means that global power relations are gradually tipping away from the Anglo-American
Axis, and towards Eurasia.

Related: Brexit better for Britain than toxic TTIP, says Joseph Stiglitz

The Anglo-American corporate confab will not allow this tectonic shift threaten their interests. Collectively, what
the TPP, TTIP and TISA really are is a new global governance super structure that overrides individual sovereign nations
and their laws, and even the rights of their individual citizens.

Under this new secretive regime, all are subservient to the transnational corporate hive

WikiLeaks The US strategy to create a new global legal and economic system: TPP, TTIP, TISA:

How Billionaires Use Non-Profits To Bypass Governments And Force Their Agendas
On Humanity
March 4 2016 | From: Alternet

As wealth becomes concentrated in fewer hands, so does political and social power via
foundations and non-profits.
As wealth becomes concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the billionaire class is increasingly turning to
foundations and non-profits to enact the change they would like to see in the world.

Amid the rise of philanthrocapitalism, growing numbers of critics are raising serious questions about whether this outsized
influence is doing more harm than good.

In the January issue of the New York Review of Books, veteran journalist Michael Massing noted that, in the past 15 years
alone, the number of foundations with a billion dollars or more in assets has doubled, to more than eighty.

The philanthropic sector in the United States is far more significant than in Europe, fueled in part by generous tax write-offs,
which the U.S. public subsidizes to the tune of $40 billion a year.

As Massing observes, billionaires are not just handing over their money, they have ideas about how it should be used, and
their vision often aligns with their own economic interests. For this reason, the philanthropy industry deserves rigorous
scrutiny, not a free pass because it is in the service of good.

Massings argument followed a study released in January by the watchdog organization Global Policy Forum, which found
that philanthropic foundations are so powerful they are allowing wealthy individuals to bypass governments and international
bodies like the United Nations in pursuit of their own agendas.

Whats more, this outsized influence is concentrated in the United States, where 19 out of the top 27 largest foundations are
based. These 27 foundations together possess $360 billion, write authors Jens Martens and Karolin Seitz.

Such dramatic wealth accumulation has disturbing implications.

What is the impact of framing the problems and defining development solutions by applying the business logic of
profit-making institutions to philanthropic activities, for instance by results-based management or the focus on
technological quick-win solutions in the sectors of health and agriculture?" the report asks.

These questions are not new, as social movements have long raised the alarm about the global impact of the ever-
expanding philanthropy sector. In 2010, the international peasant movement La Via Campesina blasted the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundations acquisition of Monsanto shares as proof that its role in privatizing the global food supply and exporting
big agribusiness, from Africa to North America, should be viewed through a commercial rather than humanitarian lens.

It is really shocking for the peasant organizations and social movements in Haiti to learn about the decision of the
[Gates] Foundation to buy Monsanto shares while it is giving money for agricultural projects in Haiti that promote
the companys seed and agrochemicals, said Chavannes Jean-Baptiste of the Haitian Peasant Movement of
Papaye and Caribbean coordinator of La Via Campesina at the time.
The peasant organizations in Haiti want to denounce this policy which is against the interests of 80 percent of the
Haitian population, and is against peasant agriculture - the base of Haitis food production.

The Gates Foundation more recently fell under scrutiny from the advocacy organization Global Justice Now, which released
a report in January raising concerns about the institutions track record on education, food and health care policies.

The Gates Foundation has rapidly become the most influential actor in the world of global health and agricultural
policies, but theres no oversight or accountability in how that influence is managed, said Polly Jones of Global
Justice Now.

This concentration of power and influence is even more problematic when you consider that the philanthropic
vision of the Gates Foundation seems to be largely based on the values of corporate America. The foundation is
relentlessly promoting big business-based initiatives such as industrial agriculture, private health care and
education. But these are all potentially exacerbating the problems of poverty and lack of access to basic resources
that the foundation is supposed to be alleviating.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, raised eyebrows in December when they announced they
would give away 99 percent of their wealth. As it turned out, this was not a giveaway at all, but a shifting of funds into their
own limited liability company (LLC).

Just weeks later, Zuckerberg lashed out at Indian media justice advocates who raised concerns about his companys efforts
to undermine net neutrality protections in their country.

Like many others, Massing is calling for greater transparency, not only for foundations but for think tanks, Hollywood, Silicon
Valley and universities. Pointing to the website Inside Philanthropy, whose stated purpose is to pull back the curtain on one
of the most powerful and dynamic forces shaping society, Massing argues that far greater and better-resourced scrutiny is
needed. There remains the question of how to pay for all this, writes Massing, posing: Is there perhaps a consortium of
donors out there willing to fund an operation that would part the curtains on its own world?
But some argue that we already have all the information we need to be concerned. In December, Vandana Shiva, an
ecofeminist and activist, wrote in response to Zuckerbergs move in India that a:

Ccollective corporate assault is underway globally. Having lined up all their ducks, veterans of corporate America
such as Bill Gates are being joined by the next wave of philanthro-corporate Imperialists, including Mark

It is an enclosure of the commons, she continued, which are commons because they guarantee access to the
commoner, whether it be seed, water, information or internet.

Cashless Crisis: With Digital Payments, Civilization Comes To An End Until Power Is
February 28 2016 | From: SHTFPlan

As most of the Western world is pushed into abandoning cash and embracing a fully digital
cashless grid, it is apparent how vulnerable populations will become in times of crisis.
If the power grid were to go down in a storm or an attack, it is readily apparent that the system of commerce would
go down with it; payments would stop and desperate people would line up for help.

Related: Marc Faber On Cashless Society Insanity And Why Wall Street Hates Gold

Those with their own supplies, barter items and physical commodities will remain the most comfortable, but the very fabric of
society could come unglued.

Will they really ban cash when so much could go wrong?

Paul-Martin Foss writes for the Carl Menger Center:

Cash is being displaced by credit and debit cards, which are themselves beginning to be displaced by
new digital currencies and payment systems

But despite all the advances brought about by the digital revolution, there are still quite a few drawbacks.
The most obvious is that it is reliant on electricity. One major hurricane knocking out power, a mid-
summer brownout, or a hacker attack on the power grid could bring commerce to a halt.

With cash, transactions are still possible. With digital payments, civilization comes to an end until power is
restored. Unless you have food stored or goods with which to barter, youre out of luck. Just imagine a city like
New York with no power and no way to buy or sell anything. It wont be pretty.


With digital currencies such as Bitcoin, there is the problem that they are created out of thin air. One bitcoin
represents the successful completion of a cryptographic puzzle, but all that means is that some computing power
was used up to create a unique electronic file. Thats all it is, just a series of ones and zeros.

There is nothing tangible about Bitcoin and, indeed, if you lose the hard drive on which you stored your
bitcoins, those bitcoins are lost forever."

On top of that, the potential for manipulation and the built-in assault of surveillance and tracking is enough to cripple liberties
in the world that is cementing its patterns around this new technology.
Related: When Cash Is Outlawed... Only Outlaws Will Have Cash

What happens when online platforms dont like your speech or your rights? What happens if their policy blocks you from
buying something like a gun that you have the right to buy, or prevents you from spending your money, potentially
freezing your account without notice. Again, the Menger Center makes the point:

Take a look at PayPal, for instance. PayPals terms of service forbid use of the service to buy or sell
firearms, firearms parts, or firearms accessories. Many individuals who have used PayPal to sell firearms
parts find their accounts frozen or shut down by PayPal.

Similar things have happened to gun stores having their bank accounts frozen or having their credit card payment
processors refuse to process


Cases such as this will only be more widespread in the future, especially as governments continue to
pursue the war on cash. If cash is eliminated and electronic systems become the only way anyone can pay
for anything, all it will take is a little bit of government pressure on payment system operators to stop
processing payments for X or Y and voila, you can longer buy X or Y.

What good is money in the bank if you cant use it to buy what you want? In fact, governments may dispense with
pressure on payment systems and just monitor transactions as they occur, automatically rejecting payments for
goods they dont want

Every transaction made electronically can be tracked and traced. If every purchase you make is done
electronically, your entire purchase history is open to scrutiny."
The powerful banking lobby, of course, wants a digital cashless system, because it will enrich them with transaction fees
and penalties, continue and expand fractional reserve lending, and give them the power to monitor all the transactions, at
detailed levels with data for every purchase. But despite this monitoring, money and transactions will not necessarily be
more secure.

You cannot hold your money, you must be able to access it, and that depends upon authorization of the system. It can be
hacked or erased in a split second.

Can you keep the financial system from limiting your rights and invading your privacy?

Keiser Report: War on Cash

And how would America under the digital grid perhaps 10x worse than Greece when the ATM's are shut down, the banks
closed, the grid off and cash eradicated, while the population is forced under the yoke.

Not only is this grid vulnerable, but it is also becoming unavoidable.

Read more:

Banning Cash Necessary to Give Central Banks More Power

Cash Ban: Greeks Face Permanent Cash Controls and Compulsory Use of Plastic Money

Once Cash Is Banned They Will Be Able To Force You To Buy Products: Just Tax Their Excess Account Balance

Americans Face Impoverishing War on Cash: More Big Banks Are Shunning Cash

Want Cash? Next-Gen ATMs Demand Biometric Verification: Smartphone and Eye Scan To Dispense Money

Jumping The TPPA Gun Could Backfire [Depending On Your Point Of View]
February 25 2016 | From: Greens [This is not a political endorsement but pertinent questions are asked with highly revealing

Yesterday in Parliament I asked the Prime Minister if he is planning to change our laws to
implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), even before it is clear if the US
Congress will ratify it.
The Prime Minister said he was going to push ahead with changing our laws and wouldnt wait to see if the US was
going to actually ratify the agreement.

If Congress doesnt agree to the TPPA, or if the Japanese Parliament doesnt, the whole deal falls apart. This is because the
TPPA requires ratification by countries representing at least 85 percent of the total GDP, and that means the US and Japan
have to be on board.

The problem is that its far from clear if the US Congress will ever ratify the TPPA in its current form.

A majority is currently opposed. Some members are demanding further concessions for the US tobacco industry or the big
pharmaceutical companies, which would be bad for New Zealand.
While President Obama is supportive, none of the Democratic or Republican front-runners to replace him support the TPPA.

We could find ourselves in a lose-lose situation where weve changed our laws to suit the TPPA, but the TPPA itself
never comes into force so the tariffs and other trade barriers dont disappear for our exporters.

So then I asked, if the TPPA becomes null and void because the US Congress dumps it, will New Zealand reverse the
changes to our laws that well have already made?

The Prime Ministers answer was no. The Government wont delay introducing and passing legislation to ratify the
TPPA, and then wont reverse the laws if it doesnt go ahead.

Figure 1.1: Globalist minion bitches do as instructed

He seems to be saying that we could be left with several alarming changes to our laws, with absolutely no trade
benefit in return. These include:

Raising the threshold at which Overseas Investment Office approval is needed from $100 million to $200 million,
making it easier for overseas investors to buy up our farmland and industry.

Changing the length of copyright from 50 years to 70 years, with an annual cost of around $55 million. Well also
need to establish new enforcement powers for Customs, and new civil and criminal penalties for copyright
infringement [in part to shut down websites that expose the actions of the criminal cabal].

Changes to the Patents Act, which are likely to complicate Pharmacs access to cheaper medicines.

Changing the Plant Varieties Act, making it harder for farmers to save seeds for use in the following season, and
the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act to strengthen the rights of agricultural chemical

Changes to the Tariff Act and the Customs and Excise Act dropping our tariffs for other TPPA countries.

Changes to the Trade Marks Act.

Thankfully, some of the most alarming aspects of the TPPA, such as the investor state dispute process that allows
corporations to sue governments, dont require legislative change. So if the TPPA does fall apart in the US Congress, we
wont have already swallowed that particular dead rat. But we will have swallowed others.

1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals Of The Illuminati

February 22 2016 | From: TruthStreamMedia

Of course, these days the concept of the Illuminati is much less a shadowy secret society bent on
world domination than a cruel inside joke MTV has played out with borrowed symbolism.

But back in 1924, people were very worried about the Illuminatis plans to take over the world by destroying it.

This article in the June 21, 1924 edition of the Joplin Globe laid bare the six principles or goals of the Illuminati:

First, the abolition of government.

Second, the abolition of patriotism.

Third, the abolition of private property rights.

Fourth, the abolition of all rights of inheritance.

Fifth, the abolition of religion.

and finally

Sixth, the abolition of the family relations.

Marvin also notes that even though the order of the Illuminati had long since disappeared from public view by the 1920s, he
was convinced it was alive and well and responsible for all the radical efforts so well exemplified in recent years by Lenin
and his followers in Russia. The article goes on to spell it out:

[Marvin] is assured it is operating in America today, seeking first to create mental attitude of unrest, then distrust,
and finally, class hatred.

In 1936, the Fred R. Marvin (1868-1939) mentioned by the Globe would go on to write Fools Gold: An Expose of Un-
American Activities and Political Action in the United States Since 1860 (which listed him as the Senator from Alaska
although he was not a Senator and he apparently wasnt from Alaska either, plus Alaska didnt even become a state
officially until 1959).

The chain of custody for these covert actions lands back in the circle surrounding the likes of scheming and well-connected
family dynasties such as Harriman, Bush, Dulles, Rockefeller, Rothschild and other fellow travelers, through covert financier-
style foreign policy on behalf of the international banking circles to which they belong.

Related: The Actual Structure And Bloodline Families Comprising The Leadership Of The Illuminati

Read Antony Suttons Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution for detailed information and also Webster
Tarpleys unauthorized biography on George H.W. Bush and perhaps also the Isaacson/Thomas book The Wise Men for an
unbelievable account of the behind the scenes power play by acting world architects in the lead up to and aftermath of WWII
The same characters built up other despotic regimes, not only during the 20th Century, but throughout their sordid and
secret history, as with the Bavarian Illuminatis sponsorship of the French Revolution during which it worked to undermine
the king and trampled over the masses of society.

The accounts are detailed, but can be traced through time to the order of men who today congregate at Davos, Bilderberg
and above, well inside the ring of power of those orchestrating if no longer in name, then at least in deeds as the

But then again, there are many names; many of the groups are transient. It is a bit of a shell game, after all.

Now fast forward to today and take a look around. Notice anything?

Should I Keep All My Savings In A Bank Or Not?

February 21 2016 | From: Jack

In answer to questions about investment and keeping money in the bank for a rainy day in
anticipation of an impending global banking liquidity crisis;

Basically the global banks have been printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, and loaning it out to governments,
corporations and individuals to buy shares and property thus massively inflating the value of those products. You
can see numerous references to this in the Banking Crimes & Criminals section of this website.

Related: Open Bank Resolution Policy a Scary Bank Secret

This massive mountain of debt is now becoming unsustainable and to temporarily stop the stack of cards from collapsing,
they are lowering interest rates down to even negative rates, to delay the inevitable which is now getting very close.

Simplified, this unethical process works like this:

A young farmer bought a farm at the end of WW2 for $NZ3000 dollars. In 2016, because of inflation in the currency it is
now worth $10 million, but he is now too old to farm it so wants to sell it.
Another young farmer comes along who wants to buy it but hasnt got the money to pay for it, so he goes to his local bank
who loans him $10 million to buy it (which money the bank has created out of thin air).

The bank give him a cheque, and the young farmer gives the old farmer his $10 million with the bank placing a mort-gage
(death-bond in French) over the farm as security for the loan which they have created out of thin air.

The old farmer, who by this time is financially well off retires to his holiday home at the beach, and says to his dear wife.
Darling, what shall we do with the proceeds from the farm? Dear, she says, I think we will be conservative and just deposit it
back in the bank.

So they go to their local bank to deposit the $10 million back into the same bank that wrote the cheque for the young
farmer in the first place.

So all that has happened is that the ownership of the property has been transferred from the old farmer to the bank by
way of their mortgage over the security. However, the increase in the deposits held by the bank has risen by $10 million.

In New Zealand, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand calls this rise massive in deposits of money created out of thin
air C17 Household Deposits.
Related: International Ownership of New Zealand Banks

They keep a record each month of the growth in these deposits in all the banks registered with the Reserve Bank, as do all
other countries controlled by the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland, in turn controlled by the Bank of

If banks did not take this counterfeit toilet paper out of the system, the whole system would collapse and we would have
hyperinflation. When the system soon collapses, the banks are going to steal these C17 household deposits and recapitalise
the banks with peoples saving through a devious system called Open Bank Resolution.

Related: Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Open Bank Resolution

Here are the current statistics of C17 Household deposits of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, which shows people are re-
depositing most of this massive growth in credit back into their savings accounts and superannuation funds which all will
be taken when Open Bank Resolution is implemented.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Note the growth in deposits currently is rising at about $1 to $2 billion per month at present simply horrendous. now with
$151 billion sitting in savings accounts or one and a half times the current market capitalisation of the NZ Stock market at

They cannot allow this money to be withdrawn to go into share of property investment as it would again double its value over
night. As they continue to drop interest rates to negative interest rates, the danger of this happening is guaranteed, and thus
is the period that Open Bank Resolution will occur.

Look at the list closely! But a house, commercial property or whatever, but do not leave your life savings in the bank or in a
superannuation fund!

Related: Why Do We Allow Private Banks & Families To Control The Worlds Money?

Trump Vows: Elect Me And Youll Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The Twin
February 21 2016 | From: InfoWars

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has promised to make public currently guarded secrets
surrounding the 9/11 attacks, should he be elected President.
Speaking at a campaign event in Bluffton, SC, Trump continued his onslaught on the Bush presidency by once
again raising the issue of the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.

Related: Trump Correct About Secret 9/11 Report

"We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center. Trump told those in attendance.

It wasnt the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country,
Irans taking over, okay. Trump continued.

But it wasnt the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have
papers in there that are very secret, you may find its the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.

But when I look at a guy like Lindsey Graham, youll end up being over in that war forever, youll start World War
Three. Trump also noted.

Trump was referring to the 28 pages of the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, which remain classified and
withheld from the public on grounds of national security.

The pages are thought to implicate the Saudi Royal Family in financing the supposed hijackers in the United States prior to
the attacks.
Speaking at a press conference regarding the missing pages in 2014, Rep. Thomas Massie lobbied for the release of the
documents stating he read them and that they challenged him to reconsider everything he knew about the event.

"As I read it - we all had our own experience - I had to stop every couple pages and just sort of absorb and try to
rearrange my understanding of history for the past 13 years and years leading up to that. It challenges you to
rethink everything, Massie said.

Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked Jeb Bush on the campaign trail and at debates by raising the issue of 9/11, and the
intelligence warnings that were provided to the Bush administration and subsequently ignored.

Jeb Bush has avoided the issue, and even mocked those who raise it:

Earlier in the week Trump doubled down on the 9/11 accusations, stating:

"I know that the CIA and various other agencies knew that something bad was going to happen and they did
nothing about it. They got it wrong.

The heads of the CIA and the various other agencies werent speaking and it was a big problem, Trump added.

Trumps comments have prompted establishment Republicans and conservative talking heads to label him a 9/11 truther
and a radical kook.

Related: Trump Insider: Trump Will Audit the Fed

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Obsolete, At Birth

February 20 2016 | From: Werewolf

Already, the European Commission wants to scrap the TPPs investor-state dispute mechanisms.
One of the great clichs of the Trans Pacific Partnership debate is that the deal is a comprehensive, high quality,
21st century trade agreement.

Conveniently, this flatters the self-image of TPP proponents who like to think of themselves as rational, forward-thinking
economic realists, even as they dismiss TPP critics as misinformed, overly emotional, anti-American featherbrains with an
ingrained hostility to all forms of free trade.

Prime Minister John Key has gone out of his way to frame the debate in those terms .

So then, what are we to make of the fact that one of the central elements of the TPP the investor state dispute
settlement (ISDS) mechanisms is already obsolete? In November, barely two months after the TPP deal was completed,
the European Trade Commission formally presented to the US its proposal to scrap the existing ISDS system, and to
replace it in all future trade deals with an Investment Court System.

The EC envisages for instance, that this new system and not the ISDS tribunals enshrined in the TPP should govern any
and all trade disputes arising from the upcoming Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

"The EU has formally presented to the US its proposal for a reformed approach on investment protection and a
new and more transparent system for resolving disputes between investors and states: the Investment Court

The final text includes all the key elements of the Commissions proposal of 16 September, which aims at
safeguarding the right to regulate and create a court-like system with an appeal mechanism based on clearly
defined rules, with qualified judges and transparent proceedings.

The proposal also includes additional improvements on access to the new system by small and medium sized

The new system would replace the existing investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in TTIP and in
all ongoing and future EU trade and investment negotiations.

Today marks the end of a long internal process in the EU to develop a modern approach on investment protection
and dispute resolution for the TTIP and beyond, said EC Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom.
Malmstom has elaborated on the concerns that she has about the current ISDS system. Ironically, her concerns echo the
same criticisms of the ISDS tribunals that TPP opponents in New Zealand have expressed, and that the likes of Key and
Steven Joyce continue to pooh-pooh.

As Malstrom puts it:

"From the start of my mandate almost a year ago, ISDS has been one of the most controversial issues in my brief.
I met and listened to many people and organisations, including NGOs, which voiced a number of concerns about
the old, traditional system.

Its clear to me that all these complaints had one common feature that there is a fundamental and widespread
lack of trust by the public in the fairness and impartiality of the old ISDS model. This has significantly affected the
publics acceptance of ISDS and of companies bringing such cases."

So how do we create public trust?

Malmstrom asks herself:

"We need to introduce the same elements that lead citizens to trust their domestic courts. Concretely, I want to
restore trust by setting up an Investment Court System under TTIP one that is accountable, transparent and
subject to democratic principles.
It will be judges, not arbitrators, who sit on these cases. They must have qualifications comparable to those found
in national domestic courts, or in international courts such as the International Court of Justice or the WTO
Appellate Body.

Also the judges will be publically appointed in advance. And, like in courts, you wont be able to choose which
judges hear your case. Furthermore, we will guarantee there is no conflict of interest. Again, like in domestic and
international courts, the judges wont be able to continue any activities which might interfere with their judicial
functions. Finally, I want to introduce an Appeal Tribunal. Just like in domestic legal systems and the World Trade

The Investment Court System will also enshrine governments right to regulate. Our proposal includes a direct
instruction to the judges, which the appeal tribunal will ensure is properly respected. All this will be done in a
system where there is even greater transparency than in domestic courts, with all documents online and all
hearings open to the public.

An overview of the proposal can be found here. The full text of the proposal along with a readers guide is also

In other words, the European Trade Commissioner has heard, and shares, many of the same concerns that TPP opponents
have voiced about the foreign investment mechanisms contained in the TPP. Moreover, the EC has formally proposed a
means to resolve them.

So why should New Zealand which has two years to ratify the TPP rush into:

a) Ratifying an ISDS process that the European Commission has deemed to be faulty and

b) Where an alternative system that resolves many of its faults is in train and which

c) Is very likely to be included in the next cab off the global trade rank : the TTIP. Surely, even Phil Goff can see the
wisdom of holding fire, and implementing what Malmstrom is advocating.
If we want a TPP that is truly a high quality, comprehensive, 21st century deal the answer is obvious : we should wait for as
long as is possible within the two year window open to us, and seek to incorporate the Investment Court System within it. (
Probably, the US Congress wont be voting to ratify the TPP until 2017.)

That wouldnt make the TPP an ideal document, or even a very good deal for the wider public. But it would improve it, and it
would help to remove one of the central, entirely valid public objections to it.

At the very least, we should not be rushing into rubber-stamping a deal whose most contentious feature is outmoded and
out of step with where trade policy is now headed, via the upcoming TTIP.

In the meantime, Key and Joyce should stop badmouthing the New Zealanders who feel concerned about ISDS. Because it
is Key and Joyce who are pushing an out-of-date measure that was never fit for purpose.
Throughout the debate on the TPP, there have been claims and counter claims about whether ISDS mechanisms do pose a
threat to this nations sovereignty. Proponents point to previous trade deals containing ISDS provisions that have not yet
resulted in threats to sovereignty.

These so far, so good responses are illogical in that they dont follow the same logic that we pursue in areas such as
arms proliferation, where we pre-emptively try to minimise the dissemination of potential dangers, rather than waiting for
them to blow up in our face before deciding to act.

In that respect, surprisingly little of the sovereignty debate on the TPP has mentioned the precedents that exist in ISDS case
law, which give ample reason for concern about the ability of nation states to remain able to regulate in the public interest.
The rest of this article will cite some of the relevant precedents.

1. Actions Against Governments Regulating for Environmental Reasons

Example : Bilcon of Delaware Inc v Canada et al.

One of the most contentious areas of ISDS case law is the extent to which countries can be held liable after:

a) Giving investors every indication that a project would be welcome and would proceed, but then

b) Backtracking after factors such as the environmental impact (and the political reactions to it) have been
assessed. Ultimately, it all hinges on the extent to which the early representations made by the host state (or
region) are deemed to have aroused legitimate expectations among the investors that then qualify them for
compensation if the project is subsequently quashed.
Obviously, countries (and needy regions) routinely make rosy overtures to investors before the full implications (and the
environmental impacts and political blowback) of the project become known. Not all of these enticements render the host
country legally liable.

Yet one can readily imagine the likes of John Key or Murray McCully or Steven Joyce promising the moon to a wealthy
prospective foreign investor in New Zealands oil exploration or mining sectors, and then ordering public servants to make it
happen. Any rash promises (that the permit system will be no problem etc) can return to bite a host country, in court.
Because under certain conditions, such enticements generate legitimate expectations under the fair and equitable
treatment standard. The question becomes one of just how specific, and just how unambiguous those enticements must be
in order to land the host country in multi-million dollar trouble.

The relevant cases here are Waste Management v United Mexican States, Parkerings-Compagniet AS v Republic of
Lithuania, and Sampra Energy International v the Argentine Republic. In that last case, the ruling confirmed that the
legitimate expectations rule applies when the investment has been attracted and induced by means of assurances and

The 2015 case that put major heat on the TPP negotiators to reach a consensus wording about when and how ISDS
provisions should apply was Bilcon v Canada, a case taken under the NAFTA trade deal.

In a majority opinion delivered last March, the courts found that Canada had to pay compensation to US investors who had
been planning to build a quarry in Nova Scotia that is, until regional and federal panels vetoed the quarry on the grounds
that it would damage the environment and would breach core community values.

A Toronto Globe and Mail article on the Bilcon case can be found here.
This ruling now lays Canada open to a $300 million damages suit. It came just one month after Canada was ordered to pay
$US17.3 million in compensation to Exxon Mobil (and its joint partner) after an ISDS panel ruled that the provinces of
Newfoundland and Labrador had violated NAFTA by imposing research requirements retro-actively onto offshore oil
producers, as part of a benefits package to the local regions adjacent to where the oil was being extracted.

Good law, or a case of corporate bullying being richly rewarded?

As University of Vienna legal expert Stefan Dudas has pointed out, the Bilcon finding against Canada was all the more
important given the abundance of ISDS treaty disputes worldwide that are related to the mining sector.

"There are more than 130 cases registered with ICSID [World Bank}alone that deal with oil, gas and mining
disputes, and broken promises by host state officials is a recurring issue.

The Bilcon firm successfully argued that Nova Scotia and Canada had shifted the goalposts on the environmental standards
for the quarry after the company had responded to their welcoming noises, and Bilcon further alleged that this change of
heart had been politically driven.
In his minority dissent, as reported in the Toronto Globe and Mail article cited above, University of Ottawa law professor
Donald McRae counter-claimed that the Bilcon ruling represents a significant intrusion into domestic jurisdiction, and would
create a chill among environmental review panels that will now be reluctant to rule against projects that would cause undue
harm to the environment, or to human health.

Dudas, while sympathetic to the investors, reaches a not dissimilar conclusion about the Bilcon outcome :

"[It] confirms that host State representations, assurances or promises aimed at persuading a specific investor to
make an investment commitment may give rise to reasonable expectations that can result in, or at least serve as
starting point for a breach of the international minimum standard of treatment if the State does not live up to its

While one may understand the desire of capital-importing states to attract foreign investments.a lesson to be
learnt from past experience is that encouragements to invest by state officials should not be taken lightly,
especially when environmental-law concerns are at stake."

So how does this relate to the TPP? Last September, the influential US Congressman Sander Levin wrote a well publicised
memo seeking re-assurance that TPP negotiators would devise language to shut the stable door on the ISDS provisions, in
order to ensure:

a) That the Bilcon findings could not be repeated and

b) That the burden of proof was shifted onto the investor, by requiring them to prove that any damage done to their
realistic profit expectations had truly been due to arbitrary changes of policy by the host country.

Unfortunately, such sensible safeguards have not been built into the final TPP text and safeguards that were contained in
a leaked 2012 TPP draft of the ISDS provisions have now been dropped. Certainly, some side issues have been

Tobacco health policy by governments has been exempted from ISDS challenge, and frivolous suits will be harder to bring
yet the ambit of what can be subject to ISDS challenge has actually been expanded. Financial regulation will now be subject
to ISDS.

This means that for example the governments discretion to regulate the marketing of the kind of toxic instruments that
created the GFC only six years ago, will henceforth be liable to ISDS challenge. Also, under the finalized TPP, the World
Trade Organization rules on the creation, limitation or revocation of intellectual property rights will be ISDS-actionable.
Before now, this wasnt the case.

The list goes onunder the final TPP text, no requirement has been placed on disgruntled foreign investors to first seek
redress in the New Zealand courts before launching their ISDS actions.

As a consequence, foreign firms will be free to bypassd our courts and shop around overseas for an ISDS tribunal with a
track record of sympathy for their grievances.

Even when governments win, they will remain be liable for ISDS tribunal costs, which as Public Citizen has pointed out,
currently average around $US8 million per case. Crucially, the burden of proof in ISDS cases has not been shifted in line
with the Levin memo.

It is easy to see why multinational corporations having just had their powers to challenge, punish and intimidate sovereign
governments via the ISDS tribunals whose reach has just expanded by the TPP would be hostile to the more impartial and
more transparent judicial system that Malmstrom and the European Commission is proposing to replace the ISDS tribunals.
Obviously, any future court cannot allow itself to be shackled by the narrow and flawed precedents set by that system.

In the coming weeks and months, John Key and his fellow travellers (eg, Phil Goff ) should explain why they would want to
rush to ratify the TPP and the ISDS provisions it contains, when a fairer system thats better able to allay public fears, is
already waiting in the wings.

Footnote : Here are some other cases that illustrate how the ISDS procedures pose a genuine risk to the sovereign right of
governments to rule in the public good. Much of this subsequent information comes from Pia Eberhardts July 2014 report
Investment Protection At A Crossroads published by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, a think tank associated with the Social
Democratic Party (SPD). Since December 2013, the SPD has been part of a grand coalition led by Angela Merkel. Where I
can, Ive updated Eberhardts paper.

2. ISDS Actions Against Governments Seeking to Phase out Nuclear Plants

Example: Vattenfall v. Germany (II):

Aberhardts precis: Since 2012, the Swedish power company Vattenfall has been suing the German government on the
basis of investment protection rules in the multilateral Energy Charter Treaty.

Vattenfall wants over 3.7 billion euros in compensation for the decommissioning of the Krmmel and Brunsbuttel nuclear
power plants in the context of the German nuclear phase-out following the Fukushima disaster.

Both of these fault-prone reactors were already offline when the German parliament passed the law to phase out nuclear
My footnote: A previous case brought against Germany by Vattenfall was settled via an agreement by the Germans to
water down their environmental permit system, in favour of the corporation.

The settlement of this previous Vattenfall case is summarised here:

"The Vattenfall I Dispute Case (20092011) Regarding Environmental Regulations Applying to the Coal-Fired
Power Plant Hamburg-Moorburg In 2009, the company Vattenfall filed its first complaint against the German
federal government with the ICSID in Washington, D.C. This was the first (known) investor-state arbitration
procedure against Germany.

At issue in that case was the construction of a new coal-fired power plant in Hamburg-Moorburg, situated on the
River Elbe. The Hamburg Environmental Authority had issued a licence imposing water quality standards, which,
according to Vattenfall, made the whole investment project unviable.

The corporation argued that the environmental permit violated the provisions set out in Part 3 of the Energy
Charter Treaty regarding the promotion and protection of investments and proceeded to file a compensation claim
against Germany of about 1.4 billion, plus arbitration costs and interest.

The dispute between Germany and Vattenfall was settled in the spring of 2011, with Germany agreeing to a
watered down environmental permit in favour of the corporation."

It should be noted that this watering down of government regulation occurred even though the claim that Vattenfall had
suffered damage had been rejected by the ISDS panel.
3. ISDS Actions Against Governments Seeking to Regulate to Limit the Environmental Damage
Caused by Fracking

Example: Lone Pine v. Canada:

Aberhardt summary: The oil and gas company Lone Pine has been suing Canada since 2012 for $250 million in Canadian
dollars in damages. Because of the danger of environmental destruction posed by fracking, the province of Quebec issued a
moratorium on the controversial deep drilling technique and in this context revoked a number of drilling licenses.'

Lone Pine is headquartered in Canada, but it is suing the country through a letterbox company in the US tax haven of
Delaware based on the investment protection provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between
the US, Canada and Mexico.

My footnote : this case seems to be ongoing. This confidentiality order issued in March 2015 and the subsequent
redactions perfectly illustrate the difficulty in the public gaining any transparency about the ISDS tribunal procedures, even
though the public may end up footing the bill.

4. ISDS Actions Against Governments Seeking to Regulate to Ensure Water Protection

Example: Pacific Rim v. El Salvador:

Aberhardt : Since 2009, the mining company Pacific Rim has been conducting a lawsuit against a mining moratorium in El
Salvador based on the investment protection rules in the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) between the
United States and several Central American countries.
The moratorium was imposed following massive popular protests against environmental destruction and water pollution from
mining activities. Because Pacific Rim cannot open its planned gold mine El Dorado as a result, the corporation wants
301 million US dollars in compensation for the loss of the expected profits, hence about 1 per cent of the gross domestic
product of the country.

Pacific Rim is headquartered in Canada (which is not a party to CAFTA) and is conducting its action through a subsidiary in
the US state of Nevada.

My footnote : a January 2016 Counterpunch article on the fracking/water protection issues in North America with respect to
ISDS can be found here.

5. ISDS Actions to Limit Corporations Having to Pay Compensation for Environmental Crimes

Example: Chevron v. Ecuador:

Eberhardt: 'Since 2009, the US multinational oil company Chevron has been suing Ecuador on the basis of the United
States-Ecuador investment agreement, because it had been sentenced by Ecuadorian courts to pay 9.5 billion US dollars in
compensation to indigenous communities for massive environmental pollution wrongly, according to Chevron.

To date, the three-man tribunal which is hearing the case has found in favour of the corporation and has called upon the
government of Ecuador not to carry out the sentence.
Lovin' their Loosh

The fact that Ecuador has rejected this by appeal to the separation of powers in its constitution is now being interpreted by
Chevron as a violation of the standard of fair and equitable negotiation in investment law for which Chevron is in turn
seeking compensation.'

My footnote. On January 20, 2016, a District Court of Justice panel in the Hague found in favour of Chevron on its
counterclaim for a $106 million arbitration award against Ecuador. The International Court has not yet ruled on the central
$9.5 billion claim. Ecuador is appealing the arbitration decision.

Clearly, this case should be special interest to Maori in their role as kaitiaki over customary rights, in the event of an oil spill.
Ecuador is not only being denied compensation for the pollution damage that its indigenous communities have suffered at
the hands of Big Oil, but it has been successfully counter-sued by Chevron for the way it went about bringing its suit.

6. ISDS Actions Against Governments Trying to Regulate to Protect their Banking Systems

Example: Potov Banka & Istro-kapital v. Greece:

Eberhardt: 'The Slovak Potov Banka and its Cypriot shareholder Istrokapital have been suing Greece since 2013 on
account of the haircut on the countrys sovereign debt. In 2010, Potov Banka had bought Greek government bonds at a
knockdown price.
When Greece was negotiating a reduction of the debts with its creditors two years later, the bank opposed the haircut. The
legal basis for the action is provided by bilateral investment agreements between Greece and Slovakia and between Greece
and Cyprus. The level of damages demanded is not known.'

My footnote : In mid 2015, a court ruling found in favour of Greece, in a ruling that largely turned on the different treatment
of loans and bonds under the relevant treaties.

Again, this ruling should be of interest to New Zealand, given the widening of the TPPs ambit to include financial regulation.

7. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments from Regulating to Raise the Minimum Wage

Example: Veolia v. Egypt:

Eberhardt summary: 'Since 2012, the French utility company Veolia has been suing Egypt based on the bilateral investment
agreement between France and Egypt for an alleged breach of a contract for waste disposal in the city of Alexandria.

The city had refused to make changes to the contract which Veolia wanted in order to meet higher costs in part due to the
introduction of a minimum wage. In addition, according to Veolia, the local police had failed to prevent the massive theft of
dustbins by the local population. According to media reports, Veolia wants 82 million euros in compensation.'
My footnote : as far as I can tell, this case is still pending. But there is a more extensive account of the case and that is
more sympathetic to Veolia available here.

8. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments to Acting Reverse the Illegal Privatisation of State

Example: Indorama v. Egypt:

Eberhardt summary : 'Since 2011, the Indonesian textile group Indorama has been suing Egypt because an Egyptian court
ordered the re-nationalization of a textile factory that had been privatized according to the court, unlawfully under the
Mubarak regime.

The judgement had been preceded by a strike and occupations by textile workers calling for the re-nationalization of the
company and for better working conditions and wages.' (Perry 2011)

My footnote : this case was finally settled in July 2015. The company claimed $150 million as compensation; the settlement
awarded them $55 million.

9. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments from Regulating to Ensure Cheaper Medicines

Example : Eli Lilly v. Canada:

Eberhardt: 'The US pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly has been conducting an action since 2013 against Canadas patent
law on the basis of the investor protection in NAFTA, because Canadian courts had declared two of its patents on medicines
The patents for Strattera to treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and Zyprexa to treat schizophrenia were revoked
because the promised benefit had not been adequately demonstrated in a short test phase with a small number of test

Eli Lilly wants 500 million US dollars in compensation and is also attacking Canadian patent law, according to which a patent
is granted only if the promised benefits of an invention can be adequately proven at the time of the patent application.'

My footnote : the progress of this case can be followed here.

The latest manoeuvre a belated jurisdictional challenge suggests that Canada is running out of options to avoid another
defeat under NAFTA.

10. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments from Regulating in Favour of Environmental Protection

Example: Renco v. Peru:

Eberhardt: 'Because the mining company Doe Run had not satisfied the promised environmental protection measures at a
metal smelting plant in the town of La Oroya in the Peruvian Andes, the government revoked its operating licence.

As a result, the corporation has been conducting a lawsuit since 2011 based on the bilateral United States-Peru free trade
agreement through its US parent, the Renco Group, for 800 million US dollars in damages.

Environmental organizations have repeatedly declared La Oroya to be one of the most polluted places in the world'
My footnote: the outcome in this case seems to be still pending.

The Strangest Banking Trend that No One Thought Could Happen, Is Happening
February 19 2016 | From: AtlasObscura

For centuries, if you gave someone a loan, that money usually came with a cost. This cost,
otherwise known as interest, whether formalised in legal documents, agreed to with a handshake,
or enforced with an implicit or explicit threat, was one of the few constants in banking.

But for some of the worlds largest government banks, an idea that was dismissed as outlandish has recently
become a strange reality: negative interest rates.

Related: Banking & Negative Interest Rates: The Truth About "Austerity": = Wealth Transfer

It's exactly as it sounds - Banks can now charge people for the privilege of holding their money.

This would seem to de-incentivize formerly desired behavior. Why would depositors continue to buy government bonds if it
made more financial sense, on paper, to stuff it in their mattress?

In 2009, however, Sweden became the first country in modern times to lower interest rates below zero, both to fight the 2008
financial crisis and to avoid a so-called liquidity trap, when money becomes trapped in government banks.
Less than five years later, the European Central Bank, which
administers monetary policy for the eurozone, also installed
negative interest rates - currently at negative 0.3 percent.

The Bank of Japan became the most recent government bank

to do so, narrowly voting in January to adopt a negative 0.1
percent rate.

Government banks for years encouraged spending by lowering

interest rates on government bonds and other investments,
getting ever closer to zero and, in the process, steering
depositors toward spending money instead of stashing it away.

The influential British economist John Maynard Keynes [cabal

minion - pictured left] predicted decades ago that government
banks might someday consider negative interest rates to hasten
this process, in part to help fight low inflation or deflation.

But Keynes didnt actually think it would happen, not expecting

that anyone would pay banks to hold their money instead of
withdrawing it as cash.

Yet, Swedens 2009 lowering of rates - seemingly without many

of the negative consequences that some economists had
predicted - paved the way for larger government banks to
experiment with the approach.

The European Central Bank lowered its rate twice more after
initially going below zero in June 2014.

The phenomenon created ripples stateside even though negative interest rates remain a tough sell in the U.S. Investors felt
the most immediate effects, as bank stocks in Europe took a dive after government banks went below zero.

Consumers may see lower rates but negative interest rates doesn't mean that, say, banks will suddenly give you money
when you take out loans. Retail banks probably won't be charging consumer depositors to hold their money any time soon,
lest they risk a bank run.
Anything is possible, though. Their swift transformation from theoretical abstraction to real possibility seemed unlikely as
soon as three years ago, when former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers floated the idea, only to be dismissed by many
economists, who argued then that negative interest rates would unnecessarily spook investors.

It could affect confidence and be a challenge to the animal spirits, Joseph LaVorgna, the chief economist for
Deutsche Bank, told Bloomberg then.

Other commentators insisted that negative interest rates would likely never happen on American soil, because, as economics
blogger Felix Salmon said, they were possibly "un-American.

(Salmon did allow for the possibility that it was more of a psychological problem than a real one. If you pay fees on your
checking account, he pointed out, youre likely already paying a negative interest rate in real terms, even if you dont know it.)
American officials also expressed skepticism. Negative interest rates werent an idea they considered very seriously,
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said in September 2015. (Some experts, meanwhile, questioned whether negative rates
could potentially expose the Fed to legal risk, though the courts have generally given the Fed wide latitude in administering
monetary policy.)

Just last week, however, Yellen walked back previous statements that going below zero wasnt much of a possibility. Yellen
said that a chance of a recession in 2016 meant that the Fed would be considering every option for boosting the economy,
including negative interest rates.

I wouldnt take those off the table, she said.

UK Minister Holds Top-Level Defence Talks In Wellington

+ MP Gareth Hughes Calls New Zealand Prime Minister John Key On Poor Leadership
February 19 2016 | From: NationalBusinessReview

A British Foreign Office Minister is visiting New Zealand in the first top-level meeting since Foreign
Secretary Philip Hammond was here a year ago.
Hugo Swire, Minister of State for Asia-Pacific, will hold talks with Foreign Minister Murray McCully, Defence
Minister Gerry Brownlee and Climate Change and State Services Minister Paula Bennett.

He will also address business leaders at a Trans-Tasman Circle function and discuss the UKs expertise in infrastructure,
innovation and Smart Cities in a roundtable with the regional metro mayors.

While in Wellington, Mr Swire will lay a wreath at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park and visit the site of the proposed UK
memorial there.

At Weta Workshops, he will inspect design and engineering plans for the UK memorial and also visit the Great War
Exhibition, designed by Sir Peter Jackson.

Mr Swire will attend the opening night on Friday of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Wellington before visiting
Christchurch to meet Mayor Lianne Dalziel to hear about the rebuild on the eve of the five-year anniversary of the February
22, 2011, earthquake.
Gareth Hughes On The NZ Prime Minister's Poor Leadership
Shame on the politicians (esp. PM Key) who weren't in Parliament to hear this epic speech.

Everyone should hear Gareth's wise words.

The Control-Matrix Is Crashing Because The Truth-Seekers Are Winning

February 17 2016 | From: ZenGardner

The way the masses view the world is a farce. Every single mainstream perspective is either
purposely deceptive, or completely misses the point. Even the people in places of influence
who were meant to trust have either sold out, or are just plain ignorant to the facts.

Theres no need to have a heavy heart though; the matrix of control is crashing because the truth-seekers are
dealing heavy blows to the false narratives that have for too long shaped the collective mindset of humanity.

Of course the internet can be celebrated for being the primary mechanism which has amplified the sharing of
information across location, race, culture and belief systems. In retrospect, the powers-that-will-no-longer-be would be
kicking themselves for not trying harder to institute their insidious plan for humanity prior to the birth and growth of the world-

Make no mistake though; they have been very successful on many fronts. For example, try to imagine a world

Most journalists dont report the real news;

The majority of doctors dont truly understand the causes of poor health and how to legitimately resolve it;

A high proportion of politicians dont know how the money supply works and what the agenda is of those who
control it;

Many so-called expert scientists believe in a discredited philosophy which resembles a dogmatic religion;

The majority of teachers dont realize theyre teaching a system of indoctrination that nowhere near gets close to
the information and critical thinking that should be afforded our kids; and

The masses are not only ill-informed, divided and feverishly fighting against each other over small and irrelevant
topics, but theyre also sleepwalking through one of the most majestic and reverent realities that could have ever
been conceptualized.

Well, welcome to our world.

Example One: TVNZ 'News' at 6pm has degenerated to half an hour of agenda-spun cherry-picked utter bullshit, followed by half an hour of Bread-
and Circus distractionary sports in order to further placate the fluoridated, chemtrailed masses. This is the first of two examples of the laughable
unbridled investigative journalism that spoon-feeds the sheeple here in New Zealand today. But don't worry - because after that there are hours and
hours of cheap and nasty, brain-numbing 'talent', cooking and home renovation embarrassments too.

As we begin what we call the 21st Century, every system that should be designed to facilitate the health and vitality of the
people has been hacked with lies, deception, dysfunction and disharmony. Its easy to think that this is an
embarrassment for our species because its beneath our intelligence and ethical capacity, yet theres no need to lose faith in
the inevitable betterment of humanity, including the way in which we organize and economize our societies.

Why? Because all of this dysfunction has been an effective driver of the collective awakening that is rising in the hearts and
minds of humanity.

The inspiring fact is that more and more people are slowly waking up and realizing we all have the opportunity to come to
our own, informed opinion on the truth, pertaining to both the spiritual and systemic realities. So many more people now
understand the mainstream news is not to be taken seriously as its not where we can find information which is aligned with
the deeper truths.
Example Two: TV3 'Newshub' at 6pm has degenerated to half an hour of agenda-spun cherry-picked utter bullshit, followed by half an hour of Bread-
and Circus distractionary sports in order to further placate the fluoridated, chemtrailed masses. For desert, another half hour of 'infotainment' twaddle

Theyre also acknowledging that we have the choice on what we decide to personally stand and fight for, as well as the
legacy we leave for our children and our future generations.

Beware though; once we exit the matrix of control were faced with some serious challenges. We have a lot of inner work to
do, such as designing a philosophy that ensures were at peace, as well as exercising patience in the quest to take back our
liberties and design a legitimate and honorable future for humanity.

Thats why weve got to feel for those who have been long aware of the many dysfunctions of our world, especially
those who have not learned peace and patience. Slowly theyve watched:

The military-industrial-media-politico-banking complex increase their power and continue their pillage across the world;

Pharmaceutical monopolies amplifying the drugging of society, as well as keeping many of us sick so that they maximize
their profits;

Movements rise up only to be vilified and disassembled, such as the Occupy Movement;

Science turned into a corporate institution, as well as further hijacked by an inaccurate and small-minded philosophy of

Wars purposely created with millions of people dying for the whims of the shadow empire;

Radical extremists massaged into proxy armies to do dirty work for the collapsing power structure;

Air, medicine, food and water becoming purposely more toxic;

Governmental policy increasingly being determined by corporate/elite interests;

Police being militarized all around the globe;

The education model struggling to become less of an indoctrination system; and

The agenda of global governance becoming closer to fruition.

Some people have known about much of this for decades, so we should commend them for continuing to fight the
good fight.

They might have witnessed some disheartening developments, yet as much as all this sounds dire, theyve also seen
millions of people disengage from the propaganda narratives and align themselves with the systemic and spiritual pathways
that will be the next stage of our evolution.

The point is that even though we need to be patient and persevere, we should recognize and celebrate the achievements
that have been made so far.

As I discussed in a previous article called Whilst the Old System Crashes a New One is Being Built, there are:

Economists who want to transform the Keynesian model to legitimate alternatives;

Teachers who understand the massive holes in the indoctrination system called public education;

Scientists who want to evolve the way energy is created and shared;

Health practitioners who see the limits of mechanistic and pharmacological medicine and the need for the reintroduction of
natural and plant-based therapies;

Journalists who demand that the media monopolies need to be disassembled;

Environmentalists who want to transition the way food is grown and distributed;

Community leaders who aim to reintegrate them to better support its members;

Politicians who understand the democratic system has been hijacked by big money;

Activists who campaign for revolutions in our value systems; and

Futurists who want to change the systemic template for our societal health and well-being.

There are many beautiful souls who are leading the charge by attempting to redesign our society back into alignment with
the natural laws of our universe. We should be one of them, regardless of which way we personally decide to contribute.

To do that, we all need to be super clear within ourselves what we believe and what we want to change. There are many
ways to do it too, so finding our passions and strengths is critical to playing our own small part in the shift.
It is simply no longer acceptable to keep our heads in the sand; either were a minion of the system or were not.

Of course its difficult to completely disconnect from the way resources flow through the control channels, yet that neednt
stop us from talking about it, sharing information online and somehow contributing, no matter how small, to local and global
movements which aim to transition humanity into the new paradigm of abundance.

After all, the truth is what it is, and it is exposing itself to the world by powerfully flowing through all of us.

Ultimately, we neednt wait for the zombie apocalypse because its already arrived. Most people are good people, yet the
masses have been brainwashed into thinking in ways that are absolutely nowhere near aligned to the truth.

They might be sleepwalking through a time where the tipping point for the conscious society builds, but that doesnt mean
theyre not salvageable.

Thats why we all have a responsibility to help facilitate waking up the collective so that together were more empowered and
informed to really bring about a future of justice and honor that we can all be proud of.
To do so, let me give you some advice. Dont get frustrated, dont be rude, dont belittle, dont condemn. We all had to wake
up at one stage so its hypocritical if we are.

Instead, be calm, be cool, be real, be articulate.

Know the information that you advocate like the back of your hand. If we want to be successful in helping others to face the
delusions then we need to ensure their defense mechanisms arent raised so theyre more likely to be open and receptive
to embrace the truth.
And one more thing; hang in there guys and be patient, weve still got a long, arduous way to go but we know all
the effort will be worth every second.

Central Banks Are Trojan Horses, Looting Their Host Nations

February 17 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

A Nobel prize winning economist, former chief economist and senior vice president of the World
Bank, and chairman of the Presidents council of economic advisers (Joseph Stiglitz) says that the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank loan money to third world countries as a way to force
them to open up their markets and resources for looting by the West.

Do central banks do something similar?

Related: Capitalism Has Become Socially Dysfunctional - How We Have Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"

Economics professor Richard Werner who created the concept of quantitative easing has documented that central
banks intentionally impoverish their host countries to justify economic and legal changes which allow looting by foreign
He focuses mainly on the Bank of Japan, which induced a huge bubble and then deflated it crushing Japans economy in
the process as a way to promote and justify structural reforms.

The Bank of Japan has used a heavy hand on Japanese economy for many decades, but Japan is stuck in a horrible slump.

But Werner says the same thing about the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB has used loans and liquidity as a
weapon to loot European nations.

Indeed, Greece (more), Italy, Ireland (and here) and other European countries have all lost their national sovereignty to
the ECB and the other members of the Troika.

ECB head Mario Draghi said in 2012:

"The EU should have the power to police and interfere in member states national budgets.


I am certain, if we want to restore confidence in the eurozone, countries will have to transfer part of their
sovereignty to the European level.


Several governments have not yet understood that they lost their national sovereignty long ago. Because they
ran up huge debts in the past, they are now dependent on the goodwill of the financial markets."

And yet Europe has been stuck in a depression worse than the Great Depression, largely due to the ECBs actions.

What about Americas central bank the Federal Reserve? Initially contrary to what many Americans believe the
Federal Reserve had admitted that it is not really federal (more).
But even if its not part of the government hasnt the Fed acted in Americas interest? Lets have a look

The Fed:

Bailed out foreign banks more than Main Street or the American people. The foreign banks bailed out by the Fed
include Gaddafis Libyan bank, the Arab Banking Corp. of Bahrain, and the Banks of Bavaria and Korea

Offered to bail out Mexico, if it would agree to join the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Threw money at several billionaires and tens of multi-millionaires, including billionaire businessman H. Wayne Huizenga,
billionaire Michael Dell of Dell computer, billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, billionaire private equity honcho J.
Christopher Flowers, and the wife of Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack

Bailed out wealthy corporations, including hedge funds, McDonalds and Harley-Davidson

Artificially front-loaded an enormous [stock] market rally. Professor G. William Domhoff demonstrated that the richest
10% own 81% of all stocks and mutual funds (the top 1% own 35%). The great majority of Americans the bottom 90%
own less than 20% of all stocks and mutual funds. So the Feds effort overwhelmingly benefits the wealthiest Americans
and wealthy foreigninvestors

Is largely responsible for creating the worst inequality in world history

Turned its cheek and allowed massive fraud (which is destroying the economy). Fed chair Greenspan took the position
that fraud could never happen. Fed chair Bernanke also falsely stated that the big banks receiving Tarp money were
healthy when they were not

Acted as cheerleader in chief for unregulated use of derivatives at least as far back as 1999 (see thisand this), and is
now backstopping derivatives loss

And for subprime loans

Allowed the giant banks to grow into mega-banks, even though most independent economists and financial
experts say that the economy will not recover until the giant banks are broken up. For example, Citigroups former chief
executive says that when Citigroup was formed in 1998 out of the merger of banking and insurance giants,
Greenspan told him, I have nothing against size. It doesnt bother me at all

Argued that economists had conquered the business cycle, and that modern, technologically advanced financial markets
are best left to police themselves

Preached that a new bubble be blown every time the last one bursts

Had a hand in Watergate and arming Saddam Hussein, according to an economist with the U.S. House of Representatives
Financial Services Committee for eleven years, assisting with oversight of the Federal Reserve, and subsequently Professor
of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. See this and this

Intentionally discouraged banks from lending to Main Street, which has increased unemployment and stalled out the

Moreover, the Feds main program for dealing with the financial crisis quantitative easing benefits the rich and hurts the
little guy, as confirmed by former high-level Fed officials, the architect of Japans quantitative easing program and
several academic economists. Indeed, a high-level Federal Reserve official says quantitative easing is the greatest
backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time. And see this.

Some economists called the bank bailouts which the Fed helped engineer the greatest redistribution of wealth in history.

Tim Geithner as head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was complicit in Lehmans accounting fraud, (and
see this), and pushed to pay AIGs CDS counterparties at full value, and then to keep the deal secret. And as Robert
Reich notes,

Geithner was very much in the center of the action regarding the secret bail out of Bear Stearns without Congressional
approval. William Black points out:

"Mr. Geithner as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since October 2003, was one of those senior
regulators who failed to take any effective regulatory action to prevent the crisis, but instead covered up its depth
Timothy Getiner

Indeed, the non-partisan Government Accountability Office calls the Fed corrupt and riddled with conflicts of interest.
Nobel prize-winning economist Joe Stiglitz says the World Bank would view any country which had a banking structure like
the Fed as being corrupt and untrustworthy. The former vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas said said he
worried that the failure of the government to provide more information about its rescue spending could signal corruption.

"Nontransparency in government programs is always associated with corruption in other countries, so I dont see
why it wouldnt be here, he said.

But arent the Fed and other central banks crucial to stabilize the economy?

Not necessarily the Fed caused the Great Depression and the current economic crisis, and many economists including
several Nobel prize winning economists say that we should end the Fed in its current form.

They also say that the Fed does not help stabilize the economy. For example:

"Thomas Sargent, the New York University professor who was announced Monday as a winner of the Nobel in
economics cites Walter Bagehot, who said that what he called a natural competitive banking system
without a central bank would be better. nothing can be more surely established by a larger experience
than that a Government which interferes with any trade injures that trade. The best thing undeniably that a
Government can do with the Money Market is to let it take care of itself.
Earlier U.S. central banks caused mischief, as well. For example, Austrian economist Murray Rothbard wrote:

"The panics of 1837 and 1839 were the consequence of a massive inflationary boom fueled by the Whig-run
Second Bank of the United States.

Indeed, the Revolutionary War was largely due to the actions of the worlds first central bank, the Bank of England.

Specifically, when Benjamin Franklin went to London in 1764, this is what he observed:

When he arrived, he was surprised to find rampant unemployment and poverty among the British working
classes Franklin was then asked how the American colonies managed to collect enough money to support their
poor houses. He reportedly replied:

We have no poor houses in the Colonies; and if we had some, there would be nobody to put in them, since there
is, in the Colonies, not a single unemployed person, neither beggars nor tramps.

In 1764, the Bank of England used its influence on Parliament to get a Currency Act passed that made it illegal for
any of the colonies to print their own money. The colonists were forced to pay all future taxes to Britain in silver or
gold. Anyone lacking in those precious metals had to borrow them at interest from the banks.

Only a year later, Franklin said, the streets of the colonies were filled with unemployed beggars, just as they were
in England. The money supply had suddenly been reduced by half, leaving insufficient funds to pay for the goods
and services these workers could have provided.

He maintained that it was the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament which
has caused in the colonies hatred of the English and . . . the Revolutionary War. This, he said, was the real
reason for the Revolution: the colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not
been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction.

(For more on the Currency Act, see this.)

And things are getting worse rather than better. As Professor Werner tells Washingtons Blog:

"Central banks have legally become more and more powerful in the past 30 years across the globe, yet they have
become de facto less and less accountable. In fact, as I warned in my book New Paradigm in Macroeconomics in
2005, after each of the recurring banking crises, central banks are usually handed even more powers.

This also happened after the 2008 crisis. [Background here and here.] So it is clear we have a regulatory moral
hazard problem: central banks seem to benefit from crises. No wonder the rise of central banks to ever larger legal
powers has been accompanied not by fewer and smaller business cycles and crises, but more crises and of larger
Georgetown University historian Professor Carroll Quigley argued that the aim of the powers-that-be is:

"Nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the
political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

This system is to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert
by secret agreements, central banks that were themselves private corporations.

Given the facts set forth above, this may be yet another conspiracy theory confirmed as conspiracy fact.

Government Versus Anarchy

February 14 2016 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

Insiders versus Outsiders:

The problem: Government is the problem, NOT the solution. After nine years of grinding deepening recession, its
time to change course.

In a democracy Governments are elected by the people to serve them, but not to be the authoritarian dictator as is the

Governments have taken all the power, and means to intoxicate your way of living.

They have got the power to tax, detain, imprison, torture, and send young men and women to fight wars in foreign countries
that not even have been a threat.

They regulate, hamper businesses, debase the money, obstruct trade by embargos, and control anything that comes to
mind. Governments clearly are not serving the public, worse they are peoples enemy,

Enforcing security checks at airports without any real protection, but creating business for its government pals. With the
purpose leaving people to wonder who will safeguard them against theft and violence, convincing them that of course it is
their Government as an institution that steals and aggress against them.

In virtually every Western country we see a 'red party" and a "blue party" - nothing more than two masks on the same face of the globalist agenda
People entrust the course of justice to an institution that obscenely corrupts it. People are made to remain under tutelage to
surrender to government their liberties and opportunities; they wouldnt dare be caught without.

The power of modern representative government is that it cheats the masses into believing that they are insiders too. They
are encouraged to vote and to believe that their vote really matters. Obviously, it matters not at all. Generally, voters have
no idea what or whom they are voting for.

Often, they get the opposite of what they thought they had voted for anyway.

Government is a phenomenon, not a system. It is best understood as a fight between the outsiders and the insiders. The
insiders always control the government, and use it to take control of the outsiders. Why do they want to do so? The usual
reasons are Wealth, Power, and Status. In short: Government is an institution wherein the insiders steal the wealth,
power and status from the outsiders.


Government is a monopoly. And as far as monopolies go, it is the lowest strain in the field of management that hates

Government does not steer clear of competition because it is stronger, wiser and superior in providing value to human
beings, but simply because it alone has the power to keep others from being stronger, wiser and superior over it, while
setting the bar pretty low for itself. So its no surprise that government is often the embodiment of complacent, unsupervised

Government and Banks are insolvent. And as the ruin spreads, so does the modern blight of authoritarian globalisation.
Apart from regime change, there are only three things that can correct this trend. Thats the competition of the free market,
the removal of the legal tender monopoly of the Central Banks given by the government, and the elimination of all regulatory

Fractional Reserve Banking: [Click on the image to open a larger version in a new window]
Most people may already understand today that banks are acting immorally. But their naive belief in government prevents
them from seeing that the banks could not do what they do without the government. These are two different entities in
collaboration of fleecing the people they should take care of!

Cabals Defeat:

The day the cabal is defeated, people will see the system for what it is, as many times before on this site logically and
understandably is explained. Dont stop waking up people until the cabal has surrendered, as they are the criminals
behind the curtain and correctly people realise that their only intend is to ruin all outsiders. The more people are awake the
easier it is to remove the cabal for once and forever.

Most people have no idea how the financial world works. They think investments go up or down and one makes money
depending on their luck or skill - just like in any other game. However they dont know the game is rigged to the hilt.

Central banks make credit available to the big banks at preferential rates. The banks then earn a fat spread by making
loans to government, industry, and households.

They make money from lending, and with the debt of the lending they create new money out of nothing, then again by
packaging and selling the debt to investors, pension funds, and insurance companies they make even more money, while
their risk is sold off to someone else in the process.

Everything is fine until the credit cycle turns down. Then marginal debtors cant pay and marginal subprime or junk debt
loses value. Stocks and real estate go down, too. Everybody loses money. And everyone wants the Fed and central banks
to do something. What can they do? Make credit even cheaper!

Central Banks Failure:

The day the Fed and all other central banks will cease to exist that will be the first day with really good news for all of us.
The world will encounter its first price stability and real growth since more than a century ago when the Fed was founded.
As result of the central control and market manipulation by these central banks the worlds financial system has proven its
failure by its abysmal performance.
The biggest problem is that people generally think this system is more virtuous because of the very things that make it
destructive. As its inability to create wealth or value in the markets, which is the only proof people need to judge its true

Deceptively, these high and mighty institutions look something like this:

1. Steal productive wealth from people who help raise the standard of living

2. Use that money to regulate the disadvantaged and less productive and push them into poverty

3. Encourage much of the population in dependency

4. And subsequently point the finger at the outsiders from which the productive wealth has been stolen in the first
place as the primary cause of the problems, to facilitate in the process the enrichment of the evil capitalists that
are the insiders.

French philosopher Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903 1987) explained:

"Only those who know nothing of anything but their own, are completely in the dark as to the manner of Powers
behaving through thousands of years, would regard these proceedings [nationalization, the income tax, etc.] as the
fruit of a particular set of doctrines."

Whether it is Socialist or Democrat, the Power must always be at war with the capitalist authorities and plunder these
capitalists of their accumulated wealth; in doing so, it obeys the law of its nature.

Murray Rothbard (1926 1995) said:

"The last few centuries were times when men tried to place constitutional and other limits on the State, only to find
that such limits, as with all other attempts, have failed.

Friedrich von Hayek, (1899 1992) of the Austrian school of economics, wrote in his seminal work the Road to Serfdom:

"By giving the government unlimited powers, the most arbitrary rule can be made legal; and in this way a
democratic elected government may set up the most complete despotism imaginable.

Power Structure:

The Khazarians who number in the thousands have much more power and authority than 100 million voters. Research
shows that if they want legislation, they get it. Voters, on the other hand, get what they want only rarely, and probably only
because the insiders want the same thing.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

This network of elites comprises the Hidden Government that rules in secrecy from behind the curtain. Government are
supposed to be by, for, and of the people. So people are tempted to believe that what it does is, ultimately, for their own
good. It can be trusted, in other words, they look out for us. The government is all of us. However the government is
not all of us. It is only some of us.
Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World

The Hidden Government is a strange group, comprised of foreign governments, billionaire political donors, lobbyists,
international corporations, global organisations, and supra-government agencies.

Together, along with domestic favoured industries, the bureaucracy itself, special interests, and cronies of various stripes
and persuasions, the Freemasons, the Jesuits, and other occults, run the government and control the police, the armed
forces, the financial industry, the medical industry, the education industry, and other major parts of the economy.

In the beginning, government started out small. But as time goes by, more and more people find ways to game the

They exploit the government to gain an advantage or privilege. As this happens, the system retains its outward
appearance, but it is corrupted from the inside out so that it gradually ceases to serve the common interest that made it so
successful in the first place and begins to serve, primarily, the interests of those who actually control it. In 1974 all what is
happening today was already exposed and its importance explained by Robert Welch. A short summary of his speech is

"This may sound like a conspiracy. And it is, in a sense. But not the sort on which one could get a conviction.

The hidden government doesnt care what people want or whom people voted for. And it definitely doesnt care about the
nations safety. It cares only about its own safety.

It just develops on its own as the insiders use the government for their own purposes. This is an important point in the
context of todays war on terror. More people probably die from peanut butter allergies than from terrorist attacks. But when
terrorists kill people, it occupies a big and sensitive spot in the collective media imagination.

Terrorist Threat is Made:

Terrorists pose no dangers to the Hidden Government system; they strengthen it. The threat of terrorism, then, helps
scare citizens into transferring more of their money and liberty to the security industry. Those want to see terrorists flourish,
not eliminated; they strengthen it. To the contrary people might threaten it!
"If anyone gets on the governments enemies lists, then the NSA stored information will be used to target them.

That is why the government so desperately wants to keep tabs on everyone.

From Washingtons Blog:

"If anyone gets on the governments enemies lists, then the stored information will be used to target them.
Specifically, if the government decides it doesnt like someone, it analyses all of the data it has collected on that
person and his or her associates over the last 10 years to build a case against him."

Lavrentiy Beria headed Stalins secret police, had no access to an NSA-style database. Still, even with his limited resources,
he only said; Show me the man, and I will find the crime. Today, the secret police never had it so good.

And it could get a lot better for them. With the coming of a cashless economy, all transactions, no matter how small, may
have to pass through the Hidden Governments information technologies. With the flip of a switch, your secrets could be
revealed and your money could be turned off in other words a 21st-century assassination.

How does the Hidden Government really affect us? There is no way to know for sure. But what we have found is that it is
not at all bound by the rules, goals, or financial restrictions that limit the rest of society.

The question arises; do people really need a government? The straight answer is NO, what people need is Anarchy.

What is Anarchy?

Anarchy is by the MSM purposely described for the public to be seen as hooligans rampaging through the streets, hurling
bricks, stones and Molotov cocktails, generally making a nuisance for others.

However in fact it means the opposite. The word has been appropriated by the official media to be used for what is exactly
the opposite of what it stands for. What they made of it is a convenient confounding definition that serves the goals of
governments. Governments preside over the enslavement of individuals within their territory and frequently declare wars
against those within foreign borders, like Iraq, Libya, Syria and soon Iran.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Properly understood the term anarchy derives from the Greek word anarchic, correctly translated meaning without ruler.
Essentially it is Freedom not to be enslaved and to be forced against ones will. Freedom to act voluntarily, Freedom to
associate with whomever one so desires under whatever conditions, provided they do not diminish the ability of others to
enjoy the same Freedom.

Instead to fear anarchy, it is in many ways, the natural solution to our troubles. Anyone who doubts this will have trouble
reconciling the fact that 99% of his or her most critical life decisions are made in a private state of anarchy.

Arent we All Anarchists?

Look at choosing your mate. Imagine if the government claimed the right to tell you whom to marry. What do you think would
happen to the quality of human relationships under such a regime?

Now imagine the government chose your friends for you too, scheduled your social events, dinner parties and planned your
weekends. Imagine a panel of bureaucrats assigned you a hobby of their choosing, prescribed for you a television channel
and allotted you a specific time to watch it.

Imagine the Minster of Gastronomy chose your restaurant for you, made your menu selections and decided on your wine.
What do you suppose might happen to your overall quality of life?

Few, if any, people would tolerate such intrusions on their personal liberties. And with good reason! Who would want to
consummate a state-imposed marriage or, worse still, impose that obligation on an unwilling, state-selected partner? Decent
individuals deserve and, should the need arise; will defend their right to chose these things for themselves.

When it comes to the most important things in life, when it comes to our family and friends and to deciding how we spend
the precious time we have with them, were all anarchists.

Its high time we take the shackles off for the rest of our lives and start acting like individual freedom fighters, respecting all
of them.

Come to your senses and become a realist to understand and see that governments actions are downright nonsense, with
the only purpose to curb your liberties, and enslave you.

You must fight this now. Because once you are enslaved, you cant just realise you dont like it anymore and
decide to free yourself. This kind of enslavement is a state of being. Its what you are on a cellular level.

When your children are barely human, they are mandatory vaccinates to be psychologically-altered, their nerve cells and
synapses failing to connect, their neurodevelopmental processes dulled to the point of restricting them to sub-human level
repetitive grunts and gormless beings, what are you going to do then?

The Khazarians have [not] won [but they still could unless we make a stand]. You and your descendants are now officially
slave class, no better than battery chickens, and will be used for whatever purpose the elite deem suitable for you. This is a
prison you cant escape from.

We must fight and win this battle

Forward this information to all your contacts to WAKE them UP in the interest of us all.

Voice of Europe:

Defend our people from the Islamic invasion. Remember when watching this that the "cabal" have been using religion as a
means to divide and conquer for many, many generations.

Subtitles are in English, French, German, and Russian.

US Intelligence Chief: We Might Use The Internet Of Things To Spy On You
February 13 2016 | From: TheGuardian

James Clapper did not name specific agency as being involved in surveillance via smart-home
devices but said in congressional testimony it is a distinct possibility

The US intelligence chief has acknowledged for the first time that agencies might use a new generation of smart
household devices to increase their surveillance capabilities.

Related: 'Internet of Things' an Absolute Goldmine for Big Brother, Admits Top US Spy

As increasing numbers of devices connect to the internet and to one another, the so-called internet of things promises
consumers increased convenience the remotely operated thermostat from Google-owned Nest is a leading example. But
as home computing migrates away from the laptop, the tablet and the smartphone, experts warn that the security features
on the coming wave of automobiles, dishwashers and alarm systems lag far behind.

In an appearance at a Washington thinktank last month, the director of the National Security Agency, Adm Michael Rogers,
said that it was time to consider making the home devices more defensible, but did not address the opportunities that
increased numbers and even categories of connected devices provide to his surveillance agency.
However, James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, was more direct in testimony submitted to the Senate on
Tuesday as part of an assessment of threats facing the United States.

"In the future, intelligence services might use the [internet of things] for identification, surveillance, monitoring,
location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials, Clapper said.

Clapper did not specifically name any intelligence agency as involved in household-device surveillance. But security experts
examining the internet of things take as a given that the US and other surveillance services will intercept the signals the
newly networked devices emit, much as they do with those from cellphones.

Amateurs are already interested in easily compromised hardware; computer programmer John Matherlys search
engine Shodan indexes thousands of completely unsecured web-connected devices.
Online threats again topped the intelligence chiefs list of worldwide threats the US faces, with the mutating threat of low-
intensity terrorism quickly following. While Clapper has for years used the equivocal term evolving when asked about the
scope of the threat, he said Tuesday that Sunni violent extremism has more groups, members, and safe havens than at any
other point in history.

The Islamic State topped the threat index, but Clapper also warned that the US-backed Saudi war in Yemen was
redounding to the benefit of al-Qaidas local affiliate.


"Homegrown extremists are the greatest terrorist threat, rather than Islamic State or al-Qaida attacks planned
from overseas. Clapper cited the San Bernardino and Chattanooga shootings as examples of lethal operations
emanating from self-starting extremists without direct guidance from [Isis] leadership.

US intelligence officials did not foresee Isis suffering significant setbacks in 2016 despite a war in Syria and Iraq that the
Pentagon has pledged to escalate. The chief of defense intelligence, Marine Lt Gen Vincent Stewart, said the jihadist army
would probably retain Sunni Arab urban centers in 2016, even as military leaders pledged to wrest the key cities of Raqqa
and Mosul from it.

Contradicting the US defense secretary, Ashton Carter, Stewart said he was less optimistic in the near term about
Mosul, saying the US and Iraqi government would certainly not retake it in 2016.

The negative outlook comes as Carter traveled on Tuesday to meet with his fellow defense chiefs in Brussels for a
discussion on increasing their contributions against Isis.
On the Iran nuclear deal, Clapper said intelligence agencies were in a distrust and verify mode, but added: We have no
evidence thus far that theyre moving toward violation.

Clappers admission about the surveillance potential for networked home devices is rare for a US official. But in an
overlooked 2012 speech, the then CIA director David Petraeus called the surveillance implications of the internet of things
transformational particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft.

During testimony to both the Senate armed services committee and the intelligence panel, Clapper cited Russia, China,
Iran, North Korea and the Islamic State as bolstering their online espionage, disinformation, theft, propaganda and data-
destruction capabilities. He warned that the USs ability to correctly attribute the culprits of those actions would probably
diminish with improving offensive tradecraft, the use of proxies, and the creation of cover organizations.

Clapper suggested that US adversaries had overtaken its online capabilities: Russia and China continue to have the most
sophisticated cyber programs.

The White Houses new cybersecurity initiative, unveiled on Tuesday, pledged increased security for nontraditional
networked home devices. It tasked the Department of Homeland Security to test and certify networked devices within
the Internet of Things. It did not discuss any tension between the USs twin cybersecurity and surveillance priorities.
Connected household devices are a potential treasure trove to intelligence agencies seeking unobtrusive ways to listen and
watch a target, according to a study that Harvards Berkman Center for Internet and Society released last week. The study
found that the signals explosion represented by the internet of things would overwhelm any privacy benefits by users of
commercial encryption even as Clapper in his testimony again alleged that the growth of encryption was having
a negative effect on intelligence gathering.

The reports authors cited a 2001 case in which the FBI had sought to compel a company that makes emergency
communications hardware for automobiles similar by description to OnStar, though the company was not named to
assist agents in Nevada in listening in on conversations in a clients car.

In February 2015, news reports revealed that microphones on Samsung smart televisions were always on so as to
receive any audio that it could interpret as an instruction.

"Law enforcement or intelligence agencies may start to seek orders compelling Samsung, Google, Mattel, Nest or
vendors of other networked devices to push an update or flip a digital switch to intercept the ambient
communications of a target, the authors wrote.

Australia Is Actively Trying To Approve A New Way Of Vaccinating You: By Air!

February 12 2016 | From: OpenSourceTruth / YourNewsWire

Dont want to be vaccinated? well soon you may not have a choice as our loving Governments will
just spray & vaccinate us through breath.
Would you like a complimentary forced vaccination with your chemtrails Sir / Ma'am?

Aircraft Information

Registration: VH-OJU
Type code: B744
Type: Boeing 747-438
S/N: 25566
Airline: Qantas

Australia is actively trying to approve a new way of vaccinating Its people: by air! The Office of the Gene
Technology Regulator (OGTR) is looking at a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional
release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the Australian environment

According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act
2000 (the Act).

PaxVax is looking to get approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera.
Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with sites selected from local government areas
(LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and
its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possibility of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and
ecosystems. How can we know whats really going on here, whats being sprayed on us & how it will affect the natural

The Australian government along with their big Pharma buddies are looking to vaccinate every person living in Australia, no
exceptions. There are large pockets throughout the country where people simply will not vaccinate & the numbers are
growing so this represents a great way to silently vaccinate these communities right down to an individual level, no needles
& no fuss but most importantly, no choice.

Aerial vaccines have been used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by
planes or helicopters. Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such
as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.

Forcibly Release Intentional and Controlled Release of Aerosolized GMO Vaccine

File this under were f*cked According to a few different sources, Australia is actively trying to approve a new way of
vaccinating you: by air! An article in Prevent Disease: The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is on its way
to approve a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of
live bacteria into the environment in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria.

Likely one of the preferred delivery agents

According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act
2000 (the Act).

PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once
underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites selected from local government areas (LGAs)
in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and
its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possiblity of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and

Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or
helicopters. Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial
Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.
West Nile Virus Spraying

In 2006 Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public Health entitled, Aerial Spraying Effectively
Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Humans. The article stated that the incidence of human West Nile virus
cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research
by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.

Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA
Vaccine Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV may be tested or used to protect the people from vector
infection exposures. DNA vaccine enhancements specifically use Epstein-Barr viral capsides with multi human complement
class II activators to neutralize antibodies.

The recombinant vaccines against WNV use Rabbit Beta-globulin or the poly (A) signal of the SV40 virus. In early studies of
DNA vaccines it was found that the negative result studies would go into the category of future developmental research
projects in gene therapy.

During the studies of poly (A) signaling of the SV40 for WNV vaccines, it was observed that WNV will lie dormant in
individuals who were exposed to chicken pox, thus upon exposure to WNV aerial vaccines the potential for the release of
chicken pox virus would cause a greater risk to having adult onset Shingles.

California Aerial Spraying for WNV and SV40

In February 2009 to present date, aerial spraying for the WNV occurred in major cities within the State of California. During
spraying of Anaheim, CA a Caucasian female (age 50) was exposed to heavy spraying, while doing her daily exercise of
walking several miles. Heavy helicopter activity occurred for several days in this area. After spraying, she experienced light
headedness, nausea, muscle aches and increased low back pain.
She was evaluated for toxicological mechanisms that were associated with pesticide exposure due to aerial spraying
utilizing advanced biological monitoring testing. The test results which included protein band testing utilizing Protein Coupled
Response (PCR) methods were positive for KD-45. KD-45 is the protein band for SV-40 Simian Green Monkey virus.

Additional tests were performed for Epstein-Barr virus capside and Cytomeglia virus which are used in bioengineering for
gene delivery systems through viral protein envelope and adenoviral protein envelope technology. The individual was
positive for both; indicating a highly probable exposure to a DNA vaccination delivery system through nasal inhalation.

Pentagon Document Revealed Aerial Vaccination Plans

In the Quarterly FunVax Review in June, 2007, the report lists the objective of a project listed as ID: 149AZ2 as a
preparation of a viral vector that will inhibit/decrease the expression of a specific disruption gene (VMAT2) within a human
It further indicates in the abstract that six method of virus dispersal were tested including high altitude release, water supply
release, insect transmission, and various methods of diffusion.

Conspiracy: This Is Why Brazil Is Ground Zero For The Latest Bio-Engineered
February 11 2016 | From: TheMilleniumReport

Every Major Disease Outbreak Has Been Manufactured in the Biological Weapons Laboratories of
the Western Powers.
The U.S. and U.K. possess the most advanced scientific knowledge and applied technology for producing bio-
weaponry, which they routinely utilize to create bio-weapons of mass destruction.

Related: Zika: Sex and Bloodsucking Vampire Bugs: the Movie

Decades ago the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America (in collaboration with their British
counterparts) committed itself to the deliberate path of exerting full-spectrum dominance over the entire planetary realm.

The essentially Anglo-American Military-Industrial Complex undertook various and sundry endeavors simultaneously in
order to fulfill this critical mission to attain and maintain world domination.

Related: SERCO: A Corporate Octopus With Tentacles Wrapped Around The Globe

Not only did the MIC achieve nuclear superiority within the world community of nations, the U.S. Armed Services also
created a global network of military bases unrivaled in world history.

One of the key pillars of attaining full spectrum dominance is the capacity to execute bio-weaponry programs surreptitiously,
quickly and efficiently anywhere on Planet Earth.
Toward that end the many bio-weapons laboratories which now dot the landscape of the USA have worked assiduously to
fabricate the perfect biological weapons for the right applications and perfect situations.

Its important to understand that the USA and UK form the very backbone of a supranational entity known as the Anglo-
American Axis[1]. This large group of countries, which is dedicated to maintaining the Anglo-American Empire - by every
means possible - has been locked in a century-long war against the BRICS nations.

As a matter of fact, the First and Second World Wars were both waged in an effort to establish the USA as the military arm
of the New World Order.
NATO is merely an extension of the Anglo-American military juggernaut.

Related: The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order

Whats the Larger Point Here?

Although it has not been declared, a full-blown World War III has been and is being waged under the radar between the
AAA and the BRICS.

The entire Middle East is obviously just one major military theater of this ongoing global conflict. So are Africa and South
America. Only on those two continents the preferred weapons of mass destruction are of a biological nature.

History of Genocide via Bio-Weapons

You see, the white man learned long ago that the people of the African continent are deathly afraid of contagious diseases
and infectious epidemics. The populations of many of the South American countries suffer from the very same phobia.

They dont understand illness and disease the way that the educated and industrialized nations of the Northern Hemisphere
do. There is much superstition which still surrounds any kind of disease outbreak, especially throughout the rural areas. The
resulting taboos run very deep throughout society.
With this hidden knowledge it is now quite easy to understand why so many disease outbreaks first occur in either Africa or
South America. Whether it is Ebola in West Africa or the West Nile Virus in East Africa, HIV/AIDS in West Central Africa or
Malaria anywhere in Africa, Chagas disease in South America or Dengue fever throughout the whole Southern Hemisphere,
so many pandemics find their origins south of the border.

No one denies that the southern climes and predominant biota cultivate an extremely conducive environment for mosquito-
borne diseases and the like. This scientific fact is quite well established.

The point here is that because these scary diseases are well known among the local populations, they can be furtively
spread by those who wish to do them harm by their silent enemies to the north.

The deliberate vector of disseminations are many to include stealth vaccinations, GMO mosquitoes, tainted prescriptions,
contaminated water supplies, infected farm animals, toxic produce, corrupted restaurant food, chemtrail aerosols, etc.
This is a subtle but very important point. These diseases are known to be common in these regions of the world; therefore,
no one suspects that they have been meticulously weaponized to make them much more deadly.

They have also been precisely bio-engineered to target specific gene pools and bloodlines.

In this fashion the Indigenous Peoples can be gradually killed off so that they no longer pose an obstacle to giving
up their lands to the covetous Anglo-American corporate interests.

This very same tactic was of course used against the Native American Indians by the U.S. Federal Government that was
determined to wipe out the tribes across America in order to steal their lands. That strategy really worked like a charm for
them. And they have never forgotten it.
After all, how could the Indian warriors, who contracted smallpox from the blankets provided to them by the friendly white
brothers, ever fight on the harsh battlefields?

As for the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, how are they expected to respond to a terrible disease that shrinks the human head
and arrests brain development. Yes, that is what the Zika virus does, unless the public is being misled about the true source
of this medical crisis.
Fast Forward to the 2016 Olympics in Brazil

Whenever bio-weapons of mass destruction are used with such great effect there are always several goals on the agenda of
the perpetrators. The Zika virus outbreak is no exception.

Because of where the exact ground zero of this explosive epidemic is located in Brazil, it is certain that this public health
disaster was quite purposefully manufactured there to disrupt the 2016 Summer Olympics.
Brazil has already been under continuous assault by the AAA, as it represents the South American cornerstone of the
BRICS economic union. The Brazilian economy is also the largest in South and Central America, therefore, it provides a
much-needed financial engine to keep the BRICS momentum going throughout the world.

The AAA knew that if they took down Brazil economically, as they have been doing relentlessly on the political front, the
BRICS union would be weakened considerably. The new world reserve currency would then likely stay with the still
dominant petrodollar during this crucial period where it is also under serious assault.

Both Russia and China have already undermined the petrodollar in profound and irreparable ways. So have Iran and India
and other quieter BRICS-aligned nations
The important point about Brazil is that a substantial amount of public money and resources have been allocated to this
formidable and demanding enterprise known as the Summer Olympics. The private sector, as always, has also dedicated
much investment to making the Olympics a commercial success.

With the Zika virus and ensuing epidemic raging in the back yard of Rio de Janeiro, what else could be expected but the
second prong of the AAA strategy to sabotage the 2016 Summer Olympiad.

See headlines below:

Exclusive: U.S. athletes should consider skipping Rio if fear Zika - Officials

Zika concerns could see Kenya withdraw from Rio 2016 Olympics

U.S. Athletes Told to Skip Rio Olympics if Concerned About Zika

Olympic fears over Zika: Athletes facing decision on whether they are willing to risk travelling to Rio for 2016 Games

Researchers Weigh Risks of Zika Spreading at Rio Olympics

Zika Virus Spurs Concerns Over Summer Olympic Games In Rio

Olympics in Brazil could spark spread of Zika virus abroad, Canadian dosc warn

Olympic organizers deny Games under threat due to Zika virus

Do you get it now?

What better way to further destroy the fragile Brazilian economy and sap the spirit of the nation?!


The Anglo-American corporatocracy has enjoyed the status of global hegemon since the advent of the Industrial
Revolution. Because of the rapacious nature of the predatory capitalism that it systematically employs, it only knows how to
take from those who have what they want. This is the way it has always been since the incorporation of the East India
Company in London in 1600.

The Huge difference between now and when India was pillaged, China was plundered and Africa was raped is that the
BRICS are now well aware of the true enemy and its unrelenting tactics.
Russia and China, India and Brazil, Iran and South Africa are under constant attack by the AAA. However, they now have a
very secret weapon that is being trained on the City of London and Washington, D.C.

More accurately, the BRICS have a number of secret weapons which will be employed with great consequence and
awesome effect on the primary nations of the AAA. Part II of this series will further discuss those secret weapons. In the
meantime, the reader is encouraged to contemplate the overwhelming repercussions of just one of those weapons known
as: Free Enegy

Editors Note

It has been rightly pointed out by many that the looming Zika virus pandemic may be to a great extent based on fraudulent
data and false information. Inasmuch as it is being reported by those agencies like WHO which are completely controlled by
the AAA, why should the MSM ever be believed?

Because of all the fake false flags and fictitious disease outbreaks occurring over many decades such as the recent Ebola
scare, its clear that these trumpeted pandemics have a huge component of purposefully deceptive reporting.
However, it is virtually impossible to ferret out the truth about a manufactured and bogus pandemic. To what degree is there
a real mosquito-borne Zika virus causing the profiled symptoms is extremely difficult to say. Especially given the typical
demographics of these types of mosquito-borne public health disasters, its even more challenging to arrive at the
truth. After all, they ALL occur in virtually the same geographic areas.

With that said, we leave it up to the reader to decide how much of this fastidiously ZIKA health scare is real disease and
how much is phony baloney.

Authors Note

We almost forgot to mention what the original source of the Zika virus was, as well as who originally deposited it in 1947
- the Rockefeller Foundation.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

You can see for yourself here: Zika virus 'owned' by Rockefeller Foundation


The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA


[1] Anglo-American Axis (AAA)

The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy,
Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the
Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance
to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational
organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other
institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.

(Source: Vladimir Putins Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World Order)
Non-Dollar Trading: Emerging Economies Deal A Heavy Blow To Petrodollar
February 8 2016 | From: Sputnik

Experts have given the petrodollar a fatal diagnosis. Falling crude prices have accelerated the
petrodollar's demise, dealing a heavy blow to the system that has long facilitated the US dollar's
world reserve currency status.

Emerging economies are abandoning the US dollar as a means of payment for oil, having shifted to national

Ditching the dollar, Iran and India have agreed to settle all outstanding crude oil dues in rupees in preparation
to future trade in their national currencies. The dollar dues - $6.5 billion equaling 55 per cent of oil payment - would
be deposited in National Iranian Oil Co account with Indian banks," The Indian Express reported on January 5,

Half a year earlier, Russia's state-owned oil company Gazprom Neft announced that it had started settling shipments
of crude to China in the renminbi (yuan). The strategy proved effective and Russia has become Beijing's top oil exporter,
outpacing Saudi Arabia.
Interestingly, part of Russia's success in China has been attributed to its willingness to accept Chinese yuan
denominated currency for its oil. (And not, as others have suggested, because of any sort of allegiance to the Sino-
Russo friendship.)," Elena Holodny of Business Insider noted in one of her latest articles.

Incredible as it may seem, experts recommend Saudi Arabia to follow Russia's example and switch from dollars to yuans:

If Saudi Arabia wants to recapture its number one ranking, it needs to accept the renminbi for oil payments
instead of just the dollar," Gordon Kwan, the Hong Kong-based head of regional oil and gas research at Nomura
Holdings Inc. told Bloomberg back in June 2015.
What does it mean for the petrodollar?

Two years ago, in hushed tones at first, then ever louder, the financial world began discussing that which shall
never be discussed in polite company - the end of the system that according to many has framed and facilitated
the US Dollar's reserve currency status: the Petrodollar," Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, a news site for global
finance, noted back in 2014.

It seems that the prognosis is about to come true.

In January 2016 Zero Hedge reported that the petrodollar's demise is obvious, bolstered by falling crude prices.

Citing Goldman Sachs, the global investment banking firm, the media outlet noted that "a new oil
price 'equilibrium' (i.e. a sustained downturn) could result in a net petrodollar drain of $24 billion per month on the
way to nearly $900 billion in total by 2018."
The end of the petrodollar recycling chain would affect the world's affairs tremendously, it added.

Simultaneously, China is pushing ahead with its Silk Road Fund and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

China will push for the yuan to play a prominent role in the settlement of AIIB transactions and may look
to establish special reserves in both the AIIB and Silk Road fund to issue yuan-denominated loans," the media-
outlet emphasized, adding that in November 2015 SWIFT data indicated clearly that 15 new countries had joined a
list of nations settling more than ten percent of their trade deals with Beijing in the renminbi.

The oil price slump has contributed to the first net outflow of petrodollars from financial markets with the prospect
of a further drain. Meanwhile, experts observe the ascendancy of the renminbi."

Apparently, it is time to say goodbye to the petrodollar-based world order.

Major Satanic Ritual Abuse / Paedophile Network Exposed In Australia

February 7 2016 | From: IndependentAustralia / FionaBarnett

This piece originated with the documentary at the end of this article "Candy Girl: Fiona Barnett".
The information covered is shocking, as are the people and places identified.
Paedophile ring survivor Fiona Barnett shares her experiences since testifying before the Royal Commission into
Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, including involvement in a documentary, the discovery of key abusers and
her ongoing fight to have authorities investigate her allegations.

I left my 2013 Royal Commission hearing with dashed hopes and a reignited need for trauma counselling. So I applied for
counselling through NSW Victim Services, who allocated a psychologist at Living Well Psychology and Counselling.

Following my initial consultation and the disclosure of my Royal Commission statement, the psychologist wrote in a report to
Victim Services that police investigated me for murdering the relative who abused me as a child - my step-grandfather and
Nazi war criminal Peter Holowczak. (This paedophile actually committed suicide in Sydney whilst I was residing in Brisbane.)

The psychologists bizarre allegation contradicted everything I said during our initial meeting, plus the content of the Royal
Commission statement I had shared. My subsequent complaint resulted in the psychologist appearing before a professional
conduct panel. NSW Victim Services subsequently approved a replacement psychologist.

Soon after commencing therapy with me, Nerida Saunders was allegedly stalked by thugs who followed her home one night
from her clinic to her remote property and circled her car. Saunders consequently provided a formal witness statement about
the incident to Detective Terry Frost of the Tweed Heads police. The same men simultaneously stalked my two friends who
also reported their experiences to police. The thugs then tailgated me to my daughters primary school, but I cut their car off
and photographed its number plate.
I was again stalked and tailgated on the day of perpetrator Antony Kidmans funeral. Journalist Jonica Bray, accompanied by
a photographer and makeup artists, visited my home to interview me for a potential Womans Day magazine story.

This team and my family witnessed, photographed and spoke with the two men who allegedly admitted they had been hired
to "keep an eye on" me.

Related: Nicole Kidmans Father Dies Amid Pedophile, Child Murder Ring Allegations

Since my 2013 hearing, I have fought to make formal witness statements to police.

In May 2014, my husband accompanied me to Tweed Heads police station where I spent two days detailing multiple crimes
of child sex trafficking, abduction, rape and murder. Detective Terry Frost omitted many crimes involving perpetrators known
to have since died. He concluded that while he found my allegations "left field", there were numerous unsolved historical
murders in the locations I identified. He said he would immediately send my statements to Sutherland Shire police.

Prior to making these statements, I had spent a year reliving my childhood abuse with my psychologist.

The incidents of crime were so numerous and the therapy process so gruelling, my physical health was severely impacted.
To illustrate, the therapy triggered vertigo and heart problems. On one occasion, these symptoms struck me in the surf and I
nearly drowned. Consequently, my therapist was reluctant to work with my memories.

A drawing of one of the large banners Fiona recalls being used at satanic cermonies

This slowed the process down, so that by the time the precious opportunity to make witness statements with Detective Terry
Frost arose, I had not finished processing everything. So I avoided addressing many crimes during my initial statement
making, aware of my legal right to include them later under my allocated event number: 54671514.

My subsequent attempts to report the remaining crimes were thwarted. My emails and phone calls to police were
stonewalled for a year. Further, in contravention of my legal rights as a victim of crime, NSW police did not inform me of the
progress of the statements I had made.

On 6 March, 2015, I wrote to the NSW Police Commissioner and requested a chance to complete my witness statements.
The Sex Crimes Squad replied on the Commissioners behalf, informing me that my initial statements were now with
Sutherland Shire detectives.
Fairbairn Military Airport, Canberra

Also in March 2015, I contacted the Federal Police regarding the crimes I experienced in Canberra - including being
prostituted under the name "Candy Girl" to Parliament House and to an international political leader in the back of a military
airplane at Fairbairn Airport.

My communication was ignored until I appealed to the Federal Police Commissioner.

An Operation Attest officer named Louise Hawke contacted me and requested I email her details of my abuse. I did this and
attached numerous crime scene illustrations. The officer subsequently phoned me and said that, while she believed my
account, the historical nature of my complaints made them too difficult to prosecute.

Officer Hawke assured me my information had been placed on file for future reference and referred me to ACT Victim
Services, who said I qualified for counselling services but not compensation, because the ACT crimes committed against me
had occurred prior to their 1985 cut-off date.

In July 2014, Australias 60 Minutes aired a story about a Westminster paedophile ring titled, Spies, Lords and Predators.

I was abused by an Australian equivalent of that UK ring, yet there are notable differences. I was trafficked to international
VIPs both within Australia and overseas. This ring involved elements of the Australian military. My perpetrators operated in
close collaboration with the USA government and they employed sophisticated methods for keeping their operation hidden.
Following the airing of their UK story, 60 Minutes were inundated with phone calls from Australian paedophile ring victims. A
leading child abuse advocacy centre nominated me to 60 Minutes who are now working on an Australian version of their UK
ring story. 60 Minutes told me they had narrowed their list of Australian victims to 30 possible interviewees.

So, somewhere out there sit 29 alleged fellow victims of the same Australian VIP paedophile ring that abused me. I urge
those potential interviewees to contact me via IA. It would be nice to have my memories validated by another human, instead
of being constantly bashed by ignorance and denial.

As requested, I sent 60 Minutes reporter Ross Coulthart the information I had so far supplied state and federal police. Whilst
interviewing my friends and associates, Coulthart questioned the validity of my testimony. He described my memory of being
assaulted by a USA politician in the back of a USA military plane at an Australian military airport as far-fetched.
Just what do people think international child trafficking looks like? If it is documented that the USA military and CIA have
been involved in drugs and arms trafficking, would child trafficking be a physical or moral impossibility for these same

Ross Coulthart also questioned my memory that a Governor-General raped me during a paedophile orgy at Parliament
House, based on something that all journalists apparently knew - that this married man was a closet homosexual. Such a
conclusion ignores the nature of perpetrators perverted fetishes and the various reasons why VIPs assault children.

Within the context of the crime ring I witnessed, homosexuality, heterosexuality, paedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia were
not mutually exclusive. Perpetrators did not always engage in these activities out of personal desire or preference, but rather
as a means of exerting power and humiliating their victims.
This year, an independent documentary team began researching my child
abuse experiences. These producers quickly found ample evidence to support
my allegations. They discovered the identity of the man my siblings and I were
instructed to call "Dr Mark".

Leonas Petrauskas (pictured left) was the adopted son of a Lithuanian opera
star, and he played basketball for Lithuania. (My Nazi war criminal
grandmother was Lithuanian and friends with Petrauskas.)

Petrauskas owned and worked at the Engadine Medical Centre on the corner
of Boronia Ave and Old Princess Highway. The documentary team obtained
copies of Petrauskas family photo albums, passports and Nazi papers.

These documents show he was the Nazi doctor who matched the description
of him I have been supplying to institutions for 25 years.

Dr Petrasukas crimes were so numerous, evidence of them erupted wherever

we looked - and even where we didn't.

During the documentary excursion, I approached a couple in the Engadine

McDonalds' car park and asked them for directions. Within minutes, the
woman told me she was another victim of Dr Petrauskas, who referred her for
deep sleep treatment with Harry Bailey at the notorious Chelmsford private
hospital, which has reported links to Dr Ewan Camerons unethical electro
shock experiments in Canada.

Dr Petrauskas attended Sydney University at the same time as another key perpetrator, Dr Antony Kidman. The
documentary team located Antony Kidmans former North Sydney home at 16 William Edward St, Longueville. This matched
the description I provided the NSW Psychology Board in my complaint against him. Via,

I recognised the lounge room and pool in which I was sexually assaulted by Kidman and his famous stage actor friend who is
still alive. The assault occurred during a post-production party held at Kidmans house.

Nicole Kidman also gets mention in "Candy Girl". She is with her father in this picture
My researchers located and interviewed another perpetrator - a woman who assisted Dr Petrauskas while he performed an
abortion on me. I witnessed this same woman lure, drug and murder a young male surfer at a remote Kurnell beach.

If that is the type of information amateurs found in their spare time using a $60 internet connection, imagine what the NSW
Police could achieve.

My documentary producer contacted the NSW Police media liaison officer and asked why police refused to take my
remaining witness statements. The Detective who took my initial statements immediately contacted me and said he would
not take my remaining statements until he had heard what Sutherland Police were doing regarding my initial statements.

I argued that I had far more information to add to the content of my original statements.

Therapy drawing by Fiona Barnett depicting a Fairbairn Airport aeroplane

The detective finally directed me to travel to Sydney to complete my witness statements there. Consequently, I approached a
Sydney officer I trust and offered to attend Police Headquarters at my own expense. I am currently liaising with a Sutherland
detective and have made tentative arrangements to meet her at Police Headquarters next month to finish my witness
statements. I hope this occurs and that I can achieve some kind of closure to my child abuse history.

Upon finding the identity of Leonas Petrauskas, as well as another offending medical doctor who is still alive, I contacted the
NSW Coroner and suggested he investigate every birth and death certificate these doctors ever signed. I said I had
witnessed Dr Petrauskas fabricate medical documentation to cover for crimes including murders. The NSW Coroner said he
could not conduct such an investigation without the direction of the NSW Police.
So I forwarded the NSW Coroners response to the NSW Police Commissioner, asking him to direct the coroner to
investigate my allegations. The Commissioner thanked me in writing for supplying the information and assured me it had
been forwarded to the appropriate designation.

"What, the paper shredder?!"quipped my current Victim Services counsellor.

The corroborative evidence that my documentary makers continue to find in support of my allegations has been offered to
the authorities. If the authorities are not interested in this evidence, perhaps the public is.

Editor's note: Fiona Barnett has submitted a statutory declaration to IA to support all the statements and allegation
she has made in this piece. Most names have been redacted for legal and privacy reasons. Anyone wishing to come
forward with any further information is strongly encouraged to contact managing editor David Donovan via email

Candy Girl: Fiona Barnett

WARNING: This documentary containts extremely disturbing material. It may be triggering to satanic ritual abuse /
mind control victims.

Part One:

Part Two:

Further articles and information may be found at: Pedophiles Down Under and IndependentAustralia.

The Truth About How The 'Refugee Crisis' Was Rigged From Start To Finish
February 6 2016 | From: IshtarsGate

I show in this article how the refugee crisis has been rigged, from start to finish, in a kind of multi-
pincer movement which is using mass theatre and false social science to create a delusion in the
minds of the masses.
Its a complex web that has been weaved; so Ive broken it down to its simplest components with links for those
who want to drill down deeper.

So where did it all begin? I find it ironic that many who support open borders and mass migration tell those who can see
disaster writ large in such folly that theyre stuck in the past and that they should move into the 21st century.

They dont realise that theyre mind programmed victims of a staged roll-out of an agenda that follows a plan originally
cooked up around 100 years ago, known as the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan.

The Kalergi plan's aim is the genocide of the white peoples of Europe; to replace the whites with the mixed brown races.
Those who support its aims are rewarded annually with Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize; two notable previous
recipients have been Angela Merkel and Herman van Rompuy.
The author of the Kalergi plan was one Richard Coudenhove Kalergi, an Austrian diplomat who established the Pan
European movement in Vienna in 1922, in order to create his envisaged New World Order. In his book, Praktischer
Idealismus, he wrote:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the
elimination of space, time, and prejudice.

The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of
peoples and the diversity of individuals "

So all this talk about ever-closer union has not been just about the different states of Europe converging; its been about
peoples merging.

The rise of fascism in Europe meant that Kalergis project had to be put on ice for a while. But after the Second World
War, Winston Churchill took it up, along with the Jewish masonic lodge Bnai Brith, and then the usual suspects grabbed it
as the perfect way to create chaos out of which to bring order their own New World Order with one world government.

How Kalergis Plan is Being Rolled out Today

This so-called humanitarian crisis is being sold to us under the bannerhead of the Great Migration in the same way that
we were sold the Arab Spring; both pieces of mind programming depend upon the delusion that whole continents of people
just up and spontaneously decide one morning to either rebel, or leave for pastures new.

The mainstream media is in virtual lockstep behind the Kalergi plan, and so those who are unable to think critically for
themselves are being sucked into the psy-op (psychological operation).

The psy-ops and false flags supporting it are too many to list here, but heres a couple (although really, there only needs
to be one for intelligent people to ask themselves why they are being lied to on a systemic basis.)
This photo (above) shows the full story behind the so-called refugees at risk of drowning stories in our media, with babies
being held up high, out of the deep water. As the man on the top far right shows, far from being at risk of drowning, the
swimmers are in mere feet of water, and could stand up and walk out on to the beach if they wanted to.

What we were actually shown on television and the papers was just the area within the white box. In any kind of
theatre, context is everything.

The so-called riots at Dover in Kent, England, this weekend were also probably staged Id be willing to put money on it
not least because the mainstream media was very quick in its dividing of the participants into right-wing fascists and anti-
fascists (antifa).

When is a Fascist not a Fascist? When hes a Fascist.

This is the narrative that they want us to swallow: those opposing enforced undemocratic mass migration into the UK are
the fascists; those imposing enforced undemocratic mass migration into the UK are just very nice, caring people. Some of
those journos need to go back to school!

The media tried to divide the issue in the exact same way when the women of Cologne protested at the New Year over
more than 800 of them being sexually assaulted by Muslims.

These raped women were described by the media, the BBC among them, as far right Islamophobes and xenophobes and
then the police now out in force after being practically invisible on the night of December 31st turned the water cannons
on them.

And most people are to stupified by fluoride and every other toxin they willingly consume to understand that the elite have used the principle of
incrementalisation for hundereds of years. The TPPA is just another increment...

Most of the dumbed-down consumers of mainstream media wouldnt know a fascist if one jumped up and bit them on the
bum. They have no clue that fascism is akin to having a whole new and much more dangerous way of life being imposed on
you, which, in the case of opening our borders to migrants, no political party so much as mentioned, let alone stood on a
platform for, at the general election less than a year ago.

If it was really a battle between left and right, there would be a choice at the ballot box; there isnt. Whoever you vote for,
you get this staged mass migration.

Im wondering who paid for all those coaches to bus those hooligans into Dover? Did they get a slap-up steak meal and all
the beer they could drink thrown in with their charabanc day out to the seaside? It reminded me of the old days of football
hooliganism in the Eighties and Nineties, in which our boys used to terrorise most of the major football matches across

It might surprise some to learn that that was organised terror too; some of those hooligans directing the Newcastle Brown-
fuelled fear n loathing on the Euro-terraces had MI5 connections.

There are dozens of examples of similar staged events in this recent crisis the few women and children in a marching
column of mainly male refugees are told to come to the front for the photographers; then there was the drowned baby that
was moved and posed a certain way before his image was sent out across the world.

This isnt to say that there arent real refugees caught up in this theatre; but it is to say that the number of migrant
opportunists from all over Africa, not just Syria, far outweighs the number of genuine refugees, including those at the camp
at Calais.

Even on a technical-legal basis, none of those at Calais are refugees because they dont meet the UNs criteria of claiming
asylum in the first country they come to. The jungle inhabitants have not claimed asylum in the first country they reached
after crossing the Mediterranean further, they are also not claiming asylum where they are, in France, because they want
to come to Britain.
The truth is that those living in the cold and squalor on the Calais coast dont have to; they are choosing to, for obvious

They are being funded by the charity No Borders, aka George Soros, and also encouraged by the Labour leader Jeremy
Corbyn who told them, last weekend, that they should be allowed to come to Britain, after which about 400 of them stormed
the P&O ferry.
How Else are they Selling it?

The media narrative has been based upon a three-fold pincer movement; the employers are being seduced with a bright
orange GM carrot of cheap, uncomplaining labour while the dumbed-down masses are having their egos flattered with the
idea of cultural enrichment, whatever they think that is.

The third component of this psy-op is a phoney war, designed to awaken the saviour complexes in those whove never gone
within to face their own dark sides. If youve not seen it in yourself, you cannot recognise it in others and you live in a
permanent rainbow-coloured fug as you blithely and blindly pave the road to hell with your good intentions.

Heres how the three components unravel

The Economics

In terms of economic benefits to a nation of mass migration, a recent report showed that this is a myth that most migrants
are unemployed for years, and that countries dont see a benefit for at least a generation.

The report for German paper Die Welt entitled The Truth about the Refugee Job Wonder asks if German
Chancellor Angela Merkels pronouncement that migrants will be the labour revitalisation of Germany is actually
true? It turns out Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis are more likely to be unemployed than the average German by a
large margin.

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) has conducted research into migrant employment rates and found
that in the case of Syrians their employment rate has dropped from 32 percent to only 9 percent as recently as last

Afghanis and Iraqis, who are increasingly becoming a larger proportion of migrants coming into the
EU according to Frontex, dont fare much better, with Afghan employment participation going from 37.6 percent to
24.5 percent and Iraqi employment going from 34 percent to 25.3 percent over the same five year period. To put
this in perspective, the employment rate of the average German is 67.3 percent.
Migrants have an especially difficult time and even those with professional qualifications tend to have a hard time
becoming employed. It is actually easier, according to the report, for an unskilled native worker.

According to IFO Institute for Economic Research migration expert Gabriel Felbermayr, We know that people who
come as refugees are much more difficult to integrate into the labor market than those who immigrate to work, and
said, Usually it takes at least a generation, until the employment rate, has approached the domestic population.

This amount of time to enter the workforce presents huge problems for the welfare system that the migrants are
thought to be able to prop up.

Often the countries which they come from improve and conditions allow them to go back, meaning a zero return on
investment from the costs associated with housing and education.

Employers often fail to recognise the qualifications of migrants from Africa and the Middle East as they have found
their education not comparable to a European equivalent qualification. This leads many former professionals to be
forced into low paid work and the report says, for companies, the refugees are mainly a source of unskilled, low
cost labour and not the engineers and academics many media sources have said.

The "Cultural Enrichment'

As for cultural enrichment please see this article A Call to the Grailseekers and for a sense of national identity, check
out a new genetic map of Britain which shows that there has been little movement of people in the British Isles from the
original tribal kingdoms established 1,500 years ago.
Added to that, 89 per cent of our DNA derives from the early farmers that settled here about 10,000 years ago. In other
words, our roots are burrowed deep into this land; weve fought off many invaders with their cultural enrichment in the past
and we aim to keep it that way.

The Phoney War?

So surely there are real refugees fleeing from our bombs in Syria and Iraq and therefore we owe it to them, to offer them
refuge? Well, yes and no and mainly no.

First off, the smaller number of Syrian refugees who are mixed in with the mass migration of economic chancers are not
fleeing from our bombs; they are fleeing from Russias bombs. Theres a reason why Putin has been able to make such
huge inroads in destroying ISIS since he began bombing at the start of this refugee crisis.

It was because our aka the Nato coalitions attempts to destroy ISIS over the past couple of years have been at best
pathetic, and at worst, utterly fraudulent.

Secondly, why would the Nato guys want to wipe out an army they had trained, funded and armed with stinger missiles on
behalf of their Jewish allies? The answer is, they wouldnt.

But heres one very telling example of the phoney war: the use, or rather non-use, of the Brimstone missile.

The fact that the British RAF had this unique weapon, the Brimstone missile, was the keystone of the parliamentary debate
last December. It was cited as the main reason for our allies needing our paltry few Tornado jets to enter the conflict in Syria
because this 100,000 missile, with radar guidance on its nose, can take out a vehicle travelling at 70 mph.
However, it wasnt deployed for more than a month after the debate, and questions were starting to be asked even on
mainstream political programmes . Why, some bolder journos dared to inquire, has there been such a lack of activity from
the RAF over Syria since the debate, and much more importantly, why has it not yet deployed the all-important Brimstone

Finally, after much pressure, the RAF finally came to life a few weeks ago and, according to the Ministry of Defence, there
were two sorties over Syria one which took out an ISIS supply truck in Raqqa and another which targetted mobile cranes
at an oilfield close to the Iraq/Syria border.

With the truck at Raqqa, and possibly with the mobile cranes, (unconfirmed) the RAF finally used their famous Brimstone
However, it soon became clear, and was even reported by the defence correspondent on the Daily Politics on BBC2, that
there had been no tactical need to use the 100,000-a-throw Brimstone for either of these military targets. The truck at
Raqqa and the mobile cranes at an oilfield on the Iraq/Syria were not travelling at anything like 70 mph and much lesser
expensive missiles, like the lasar-guided Paveway, could have just as easily and much more cheaply been deployed.

On top of that, the same BBC defence correspondent reported that there have been no reports of civilian casualties coming
out of Syria; not that we want civilian casualties, of course, but in modern warfare, they are unavoidable. No civilian
casualties = no military action.

Last year, just before Putin stepped in, some American flyers were reporting that they were being sent out on missions over
ISIS-held territories, and then just left to circle around the target area, until they were nearly out of fuel, before being called
back to base. This means that in many cases, they were unable to drop their payloads.

On top of that, we then had the spectacle of the drivers of the trucks which were carrying ISISs oil into Turkey being warned
by an airdrop of leaflets to leave their vehicles, because they were going to be bombed.
Talking of Turkey well thats another whole can of worms that we dont have the time to go into here. Suffice to say,
Turkey has been acting as middle man for ISISs oil, and it has also been organising cheap flights for refugees directly into

To conclude, when you add up all the evidence and theres only a smidgen of it in this article we carry very little
responsibility for those that have got themselves mixed up in the so-called Great Migration.

Having gone through all these arguments with those who are in favour of helping the refugees, and explaining it all
thoroughly, this is usually the response:

But its not about whos to blame, nor about economics or legal technicalities! Its about being human. Wouldnt we
hate to see ourselves as selfish and uncaring people? How can we turn them away? How could we sleep at

To me, though, its not about a nice, cosy, satisfying self image; its about survival.

The bald truth is, if we open up our borders to let in this so-called Great Migration, well never sleep soundly in our beds

Effects And Implications For Consumers Of The Natural Health & Supplementary
Products Bill
February 6 2016 | From: Uncensored

A brief summary and extended discussion of the consequences of the pending Natural Health &
Supplementary Products Bill (formerly the Natural Health Products Bill) currently in Parliament.
This is a very complex Bill with many unacceptable aspects. Due to the need for brevity and clarity we have
restricted our comments mainly to aspects that will affect consumers.


The third reading of the Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill is imminent. This Bill will ban most Natural Health
Product (NHP) ingredients without just cause.

NHPs in NZ are presently regulated under a Black-list (a short list of banned substances that have shown evidence of
harm). We currently have the right to consume any Natural Health ingredients not on the Black-list, which gives us access
to an unquantifiably high number of ingredients with no history of harm.

Under the new Bill this present Black-list approach will be replaced by a new White-list approach, with a very limited
White-list of permitted ingredients. Any ingredient that is not on this permitted White-list will not be allowed to be sold in

Many Natural Health Products will disappear if they contain even one ingredient that is not on their Permitted W hite-list.
Many suppliers will also disappear as a result.

Any NHP ingredient that is recognised as having therapeutic (health improving) effect can be re-classified as a medicine
by the MoH. Once it is classed as a medicine, it will be black-listed for use in Natural Health products. (This is already

There is no accountability for harm or death as a result of consumers losing healthcare products that they depend on.
There are no provisions in the Bill to make allowances for this if it does happen.

You can provide feedback to the Government on the Bill, sign a petition on and sign up with HFNZ for
updates on this important matter.


The passing of the Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill will result in many Natural Health Products becoming
either severely restricted (via new proposed low dosage limits), or being made outright illegal in NZ.
All of the following contain one or more ingredients that do not appear on the list provided by the Ministry of Health, meaning
consumers will no longer be able to purchase these products.

These are just a few examples that have been sent to us by consumers:

Liposomal Vit C,

Liposomal Glutathione,

Truehope EMPowerplus,

Hardy Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients,

5-HTP all products,

L-Methionine all products,

Metagenics Azeo-Pangen,

MediHerb TyAdren Support,

Pure Encapsulations Ascorbyl Palmitate,

Go Healthy Go Prostate Protect,

Syntol AMD,

Douglas Laboratories De-Mer-Tox,

Future Formulations Inner Healing.

We invite readers to contribute to this list by emailing us at

Natural Health Practitioners will be unable to properly practice as they will no longer be able to prescribe to their patients

The Ministry has stated in the consultation document that products made by a practitioner for an individual patient will be
exempt from the Bill including Rongo Mori and Traditional Chinese Medicine but that these same products will not be
allowed to be sold over the counter.
However New Zealand Health Trusts interpretation of the Supplementary Order Paper (the most up-to-date version of the
Bill) differs from this entirely in that Mori health practitioners and others using traditional herbal and other remedies to
administer to an individual will be unable to use non-permitted ingredients.

We feel this is a classic example of how unreliable and misleading the Ministrys information is in relation to this Bill. To
make matters even more uncertain the Bill is crafted to allow most of the detail to be added AFTER the Bill has been

Products presently classified as Practitioner Only Range will not be exempt from the ingredient restrictions.

The proposed financing model of the new system presents significant risk to the majority of NZ small business supplement
manufacturers, an outcome likely to result in only a small handful of large manufacturers remaining viable. This will result in
a significant loss of variety of product in the natural supplements market in NZ.

The new regulatory system will be funded by industry on a Full Cost Recovery Basis by annual registration charges on all
products. Note that there have never been any registration charges before.

These charges will rise as the range of products decreases due to the White-list restrictions. Short run products will
become economically unviable and thus will be discontinued, forcing smaller operators to close.
Every time a manufacturer reduces its product range or closes its doors, the remaining products and remaining
manufacturers will have to shoulder more of the financial burden of funding the agency. The biggest players will benefit from
this approach, as they can afford the fees and this approach will increase their market share. This is one reason why large
manufacturers support this bill.

Presently in Australia under the TGA it costs manufacturers $40,000 $150,000 just to apply for one ingredient to be
accepted on their White-list, with no guarantee of success.

There is little incentive to make an application because, if successful, a manufacturers competitors are able to benefit at no
cost to them. And as only one or two ingredients per year have ever been passed by the TGA, manufacturers are
discouraged from even trying. There is no reason to believe that this will not also apply here in NZ should the Bill be passed.

The Pharma based single ingredient approach, which is the framework of the Bill, is inappropriate and misleading
for two reasons:

1. It does not reflect the fact that when NHP ingredients are consumed together, higher doses can be safely tolerated
above the consumption of a single ingredient.

2. If any one ingredient in a product exceeds a specified dose, then the entire product will be outlawed in NZ. Most
supplements have multiple ingredients, affecting a huge number of supplements that New Zealanders are already relying on
for their health and well-being.
The Bill will allow Medsafe (the business unit of the Ministry of Health) to increase its control over NHPs by the
following means:

It will reverse the basic historic principle confirming our rights to consume any natural health ingredient that is absent from
a short defined Black-list of substances where there is robust evidence of harm.

The number of ingredients we can currently access is too high to quantify, yet no deaths have been attributed to these
ingredients or products (see No Deaths from Supplements. No Deaths from Minerals. No Deaths from Amino Acids. No
Deaths from Herbs

Our present system will be replaced by a White-list of permitted ingredients and only ingredients on this list will be sold in
NZ. Furthermore, many permitted ingredients have severe dosage and application restrictions placed upon them. There is
no scientific reasoning or justification for such limitations, and no history of risk to human health.

The proposed White-list currently contains 5,545 ingredients. This may sound like a lot, but to indicate what this means in
terms of what we stand to lose, we only need to add up a small handful of the numerous categories of currently permitted
ingredients to appreciate the magnitude of loss. There are so far over 8,000 identified Polyphenols, over 3,000 Enzymes
and over 12,000 Medicinal Plants. These few examples alone make it easy to see that only a small fraction of our current
range of natural ingredients will remain, should this legislation be enacted.

Permitted Ingredients White-list File

It is vitally important for you to check if any ingredients that you presently use in your supplements are not on the permitted
Which ingredients do YOU rely on? Check them out here. Or here in Excel spreadsheet form.

You can search the file by entering the ingredient name, or searching alphabetically in the Excel Spreadsheet. If the
ingredient is not on the list at all, then it will not be permitted in over-the-counter products. Also check the maximum
permitted daily dose, and whether it will be permitted for internal or external application only.

What the Columns Mean

In the Outcome column

- Y means Permitted (but make sure you check the maximum permitted amount, and the application, e.g. Glutathione (an
important antioxidant) is permitted, but only for applying to the skin),
- N means Unaccepted,
- U means Under Review.

If the Reason column states rejected by IJEACCM on safety grounds IJEACCM stands for The Interim Joint Expert
Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines, a NZ/Australian initiative.

What is the Background to this Bill?

There has been a de facto pharmaceutical monopoly on medicines for almost 100 years.

When we become ill we need medicines. But pharmaceutical medicines are dangerous and can cause substantial harm.

The monopoly has endured and grown stronger due to laws that have been passed. There have been many discoveries
made over those 100 years that offered safer, cheaper and more effective treatments than the pharmaceutical options, but
the regulators have always stepped in to prosecute, confiscate product and even imprison the people who made or used the
Very occasionally the regulators attempts to destroy a new discovery are not completely successful, and a natural
alternative flourishes for a few years. But the Big Pharma lobbyists respond and it doesnt take long for new laws to be
drafted that strengthen the monopoly and the status quo remains.

We cant prevent Big Pharma and their lobbyists from trying to maintain and strengthen their position. They are very much
aware of the impact that an appropriately regulated Natural Health Product industry would have on their market share. They
have a duty to their shareholders to prevent natural medicines from entering the market.

But our elected MPs need to wake up and stop passing such laws. The Natural Health and Supplementary Products
Bill is Pharma-based and hostile to the interests of the consumer and the Natural Health industry.

Consumers stand to be the biggest losers if this Bill is passed. There are many importers, manufacturers and re-sellers who
do not oppose the bill for fear of retribution, as a lot of the fine print will be decided after it has been passed. They hope to
be able to stay in business with reduced ranges and less effective products.
Consumers on the other hand, stand to lose access to life saving Natural Health Products.

NHPs can save lives in several ways, from helping people to stay well so the need for pharmaceutical intervention doesnt
arise (the death toll from adverse reactions to properly prescribed pharmaceutical medicines is over 100,000 a year
in the USA alone) to products that are capable of returning seriously ill people back to good health.

Health Freedom NZ supports the aims and proposed legislative model of the New Zealand Health Trust. Their mission is to
ensure that the consumer comes first in all health regulation, and that Natural Health should be regulated through a stand-
alone regulator, not as a division of a larger pharmaceutical or food regulator. When you run this bill through the NZHT
checklist of appropriate regulation it fails on every count.

What Can You Do?

This Bill will soon have its third and final reading to become law, and is expected to take effect around June 2016. The
Regulations are expected to come into force shortly afterwards.

The Government is asking for public feedback on the Bill

The consultation document contains a list of 47 questions and a consultation submission can be filled out online.

However HFNZ recommends that the questions should not be answered because the regime is fundamentally flawed and
engaging in the detail implicitly validates this unsuitable regulatory model.

For those who have limited time to prepare a submission and wish to oppose the Bill in principle, click the link below for a
short pre-prepared submission. We recommend you personalise your submission as much as possible.

SEND submissions to

Should you require additional time to make a submission, you should request an extension of time from the

1. Submissions on the Consultation Document close at 5pm on Friday 4 March 2016

2. Submissions on the Draft List of Conditions about which a claim can be made & the Draft Permitted List will
open on 6 Feb 2016 and close on 31 May 2016.
You can make a submission by emailing:

Or by posting your submission to:

Natural Health Products

Ministry of Health
PO Box 5013
Wellington 6145

Sign and Share the Petition Started by Professor Julia Rucklidge

This is on Simply add your first name, last name, email, city (and reason if you like) to the text box on the
right of the page, then click Sign.

We invite all consumers who want to be kept informed of developments and help to save our right of access to
Natural Health ingredients to sign up for the Health Freedom Newsletter.

A Large Number Of Bank Accounts Have Been Seized With Regards To The 1MDB-
Goldman Sachs Laundering Scandal
February 5 2016 | From: Geopolitics

Slowly but surely, Khazarian stooges are being taken down everywhere.

Since three days ago, Goldman Sachs Asia Chairman, Tim Leissner, has taken a personal leave obviously to
escape from the recent money laundering and bribery scandals involving with no less than Malaysia Prime Minister
Najib Razak, involving Saudi royal money.
It turns out that the unexplainable disappearance of some portion of the $681 million of Saudi royal family donation to
Razak are scattered through various bank accounts throughout Asia.

Najib Razak

This is huge because now we can see a possible correlation of this scandal to the two Malaysian airliners disappearance in
the Indian Ocean and false flag shot down inside Ukrainian airspace.

Recently, Bloomberg reported;

Singapore has seized a large number of bank accounts in connection with possible money-laundering in the
country, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and Commercial Affairs Department said in a joint e-mailed
statement in response to queries on 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

In connection with these investigations, we have sought and are continuing to seek information from several
financial institutions, are interviewing various individuals, and have seized a large number of bank accounts, the
agencies said on Monday. They added Singapore has been actively investigating possible money-laundering and
other offenses since mid-2015."

1MDB, the debt-ridden government investment fund of neighboring Malaysia whose advisory board is headed by Prime
Minister Najib Razak, has been the subject of overlapping investigations at home plus countries such as Switzerland and
Hong Kong amid allegations of financial irregularities.
Swiss prosecutors said in a Jan. 29 statement they are seeking legal assistance from the Southeast Asian nation after a
probe they conducted into 1MDB revealed serious indications that about $4 billion may have been misappropriated. Najib
is not one of the public officials under accusation in that investigation, Andre Marty, a spokesman for the Swiss attorney
generals office, said Monday in a statement.

Illicit Funds

Singapore is cooperating with relevant authorities including those in Malaysia, Switzerland and the U.S., the agencies said
in their statement.

We have responded to all foreign requests for information and have requested for information from relevant
counterparts to aid in our investigations, according to the statement. Singapore does not tolerate the use of its
financial system as a refuge or conduit for illicit funds.

- Bloomberg

RT recounted,

A number of investigations into 1MDBs activities are being carried out in various countries, prompted by claims of
corruption involving Razak, who chairs 1MDB."

Switzerlands chief prosecutor, Attorney General Michael Lauber, said in a statement on Friday that he has asked for
Malaysias help in investigating possible violations of Swiss law by 1MDB, Reuters reported.
Michael Lauber

The suspected misappropriations reportedly amount to $4 billion and concern bribery of foreign officials, misconduct in
public office, money laundering and criminal mismanagement.

It was discovered this week that Leissner has moved from Singapore to his Los Angeles home, calling it a personal
leave, Bloomberg reports.

Goldman orchestrated the $6.5 billion sale of three 1MDB bonds in 2012 and 2013, from which the bank earned
$593 million in fees and expenses. The deal has raised questions, as such fees in Malaysia are usually much

It has since emerged that Razak received a $681 million donation to his personal bank account, which his opponents say
is linked to the deal.

The results of an investigation into the matter by Malaysian Attorney General Mohamed Apandi Ali, who was appointed by
Razak in 2015, were published this week, but found no wrongdoing.
The probe found that the money had come from a Saudi Arabian royal family and that $620 million was returned within the
following five months. There was no indication in the report as to what happened to the unaccounted for $61 million.

State agencies in Hong Kong and the United States are also investigating other deals involving 1MDB.

Related: Goldman Sachs executive takes personal leave amid Malaysian fund corruption probes

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak doesnt have a respectable track record in governance and has been a perennial
recipient of popular protests.

Fed up with years of alleged corruption, Malaysian activists escalated their protests, demanding the resignation of
Prime Minister Najib Razak and the overhaul of a political system its critics argue is racist and favors the few who
are political connected.

Police estimated that 25,000 people took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur for the weekend Bersih 4.0 rally, which
unlike previous demonstrations passed off peacefully. Organizers said the numbers were much higher, at around

- TheDiplomat

Razak is now negotiating for a face-saving exit,

Fed up with years of alleged corruption, Malaysian activists escalated their protests, demanding the resignation of
Prime Minister Najib Razak and the overhaul of a political system its critics argue is racist and favors the few who
are political connected.
Police estimated that 25,000 people took to the streets of Kuala Lumpur for the weekend Bersih 4.0 rally, which
unlike previous demonstrations passed off peacefully. Organizers said the numbers were much higher, at around

- TheDiplomat

Malaysias embattled Prime Minister Najib Razak has entered negotiations for a face-saving exit from the
turbulence of his nations politics, according to independent reports, after the anti-corruption commission referred
37 charges to the attorney-general for prosecution.

Sources told the London-based Sarawak Report and the Hong Kong-based Asia Sentinel that Najib entered talks
to ensure his departure from a tenure blighted by allegations of massive corruption and three murders, including
Kevin Morais, a lead investigator with the commission.

That prospect has fed social media commentators and prompted a rear-guard offensive by Malaysias mainstream
newspapers, who are trying to convince a troubled wider world that the country remains an island of Muslim
moderation amid a sea of Islamic militancy and terrorism. While this may somehow be seen as mitigating Najibs
legacy, the costs seem absurdly high given the allegations enveloping him.

Horrific photos of Morais were published earlier this week by Malaysia Chronicle. He had led investigations into
the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal before his remains were found in a cement filled oil drum,
submerged in a swamp.

This is not the first time Najib and those around him have been linked to murder.

- TheDiplomat

Is the more than half a billion dollar Saudi donation a payoff for the deafening Malaysian governments silence of the two
airliners disappearance?
How about the recent Islamic State terror attack against Indonesia? Was it financed by Saudi royal money, too?

Will Tim Leissner be made to answer his complicity to the conspiracy?

Dear Western Peoples; There Is No Freedom Without Truth

February 4 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Dwight D. Eisenhower was a five-star general in charge of the Normandy Invasion and a popular
two-term President of the United States. Today he would be called a conspiracy theorist.
Were Ike to be issuing his warning from the White House today, conservative Republicans like Senators Lindsey
Graham (R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) would be screaming at Ike for impugning the motives of the patriotic
industry that protects our freedom.

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American
experience. The total influence - economic, political, even spiritual - is felt in every city, every statehouse, every
office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development.

Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is
the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex.

The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take
nothing for granted.

Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military
machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.

- President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Comment: Eisenhower was a card-carrying member of the cabal, but the statements he made in later years such as
the on above indicate that he had reconsidered his actions and was trying to issue a warning.

Dwight D. Eisenhower was a five-star general in charge of the Normandy Invasion and a popular two-term President of the
United States. Today he would be called a conspiracy theorist.
Were Ike to be issuing his warning from the White House today, conservative Republicans like Senators Lindsey Graham
(R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) would be screaming at Ike for impugning the motives of the patriotic industry that protects
our freedom.

Neoconservatives such as William Kristol would be demanding to know why President Eisenhower was issuing warnings
about our own military-industrial complex instead of warning about the threat presented by the Soviet military.

The presstitute media would be implying that Ike was going a bit senile in his old age, a tactic the presstitutes used against
President Reagan as he struggled to end stagflation and the Cold War.

By January 17, 1961, when Eisenhower issued his warning in his farewell address to the American People, it was already
too late.
Cold Warriors had had their hooks into the American taxpayer for 15 years after the end of WW II, and the military-industrial
complex had replaced mom and apple pie as the most venerated and entrenched US interest. The Dulles brothers ran the
State Department and CIA and overthrew governments at will. (Read The Brothers)

The military-industrial complex had learned that regardless of the protestations of high-ranking military officers, no cost-
overrun, no matter how egregious, went unpaid. Armaments industries and military bases were spread all over the country
and were important considerations for every senator and many congressional districts.

The chairmen of House and Senate military appropriations subcommittees and armed services committees were already
dependent on campaign contributions from the military-industrial complex and for cushy jobs should they lose an election.

The Cold War was a profitable business that served many, and that is why it lasted so long.
Not to be too literal, the cold war was not all about Siberia, of course

There was never any threat of the Red Army invading Europe. Stalin declared socialism in one country and purged the
Communist Party of the Trotskyist element that preached world revolution. An accommodation could have been reached,
except that for the first time ever the military-industrial complex saw that it could keep the war business going for decades
and perhaps forever.

George F. Kennan predicted that should the Soviet Union sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean;

Another adversary would have to be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Soviet threat was replaced with the Muslim threat and the War on Terror
took over from the Cold War. Despite a succession of false flag attacks and warnings of a thirty years war, a few thousand
lightly armed jihadists were an insufficient replacement for the Soviet Union and its thousands of nuclear ICBMs.

It was an uncomfortable notion that the worlds only superpower could not dispose of a few [manufactured] terrorists.
Related: War, Terrorism And The Global Economic Crisis In 2015: One Hundred And Thirteen Interrelated Concepts

So we are back to the Cold War with Russia. The propaganda is fast and furious.

Putin is the new Hitler.

Russia invaded Ukraine.

"Russia is about to invade the Baltics and Poland.

Putin is a corrupt multi-billionaire.

Putin is scheming to recreate the Soviet Union.

Comment: Nothing but crybaby Khazarian Nazi Zionist Mafia tantrum rhetoric - because they are being taken down
and they know it - and now everyone can see it.

Vladimir Putin has called; end exposed the corrupt Western faux 'leadership' for who and what they are.
The accusations made towards Putin became headlines despite US military spending being a dozen or more times higher
than Russian military spending and the Russian government expressing no hegemonic aspirations.

Eisenhowers sucessor, John F. Kennedy, realized that the military-security complex was a threat, but he underestimated
the threat and paid for it with his life when he stood up to the military-security complex.

Related: Securing The Global Collateral Accounts: Neil Keenan Update

In stating this fact I have joined Eisenhower as a conspiracy theorist. (For a hair-raising account of the threat posed to
President Kennedy by General Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, read chapter three in Richard
Cottrells book, Gladio, NATOs Dagger at the Heart of Europe.)
Conspiracies are real. There are many more of them than people are aware.

Many government conspiracies are heavily documented by governments themselves with the official records demonstrating
the conspiracies openly available to the public. Just google, for example, Operation Gladio or the Northwoods Project.
These conspiracies alone are sufficient to chastise those uninformed Western peoples who go around saying;

Our government would never kill its own people.

Perhaps Russian studies provided my introduction to government conspiracies against their own people. I learned that the
Tsars secret police set off bombs and killed people in order to blame and arrest labor agitators. I was skeptical of this
account and wondered if it was a reflection of left-wing bias against Tsarist Russia.

Some years later I asked my colleague, Robert Conquest, at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University if the account was
true. He replied that the story is true as is known from the released secret police files that are part of the Hoover Institutions

False flag attacks are used by governments in order to pursue secret agendas that they cannot publicly acknowledge. If
President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney had said:

We are going to attack Iraq and a half dozen other countries in order to exercise hegemony over the Middle East,
steal their oil, and clear the path for Israel to steal the entirety of the West Bank of Palestine, diverting taxpayers
resources from serving the American people into the pockets of the armaments industries and spilling the blood of
your parents, spouses, children, and siblings, even the American sheeple would have resisted."
Instead, following the famous advice of Hitlers chief propagandist, they said:

Our country has been attacked!

Generally speaking, an observant person with a bit of education can recognize a false flag attack.

Related: The First Question To Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It A False Flag?

However, few people pay attention beyond what the official media says, and the media no longer investigates and questions
but simply repeats the official story. Therefore, only a few realize what has really happened, and when these few open their
mouths they are discredited as conspiracy theorists.

This method of control might be wearing thin. There have been so many false flag terrorist attacks in the 21st century that
there are now thousands of experts labeled as conspiracy theorist.

For example, the 9/11 Truth Movement consists of thousands of high rise architects, structural engineers, demolition
experts, nano-chemists, physicists, firefighters and first responders, civilian and military pilots, and former high government

Related: Jeremy Corbyn: 9/11 Was 'Manipulated' + Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel As Being
The Actual 9/11 Terrorists & RT Declares 9/11 An Inside Job

Collectively these experts represent far more knowledge and experience than the 9/11 Commission, which did nothing but
write down whatever the government told the commission, NIST, a collection of people whose incomes and careers depend
on the government, and the presstitutes who can barely manage arithemetic, much less the mathematics of controlled
The neoconservatives, who conrolled the George W. Bush regime, called for a New Pearl Harbor so that they could begin
their wars of conquest in the Middle East.

A New Pearl Harbor is what 9/11 gave them. Was this a coincidence or a Gulf of Tonkin or a Reichstag fire or a Tzarist
secret police or Operation Gladio bomb?

The charge, conspiracy theory, is used to prevent investigation.

9/11 was not investigated. Indeed, as many experts have pointed out, there was a conscious effort to remove and destroy
the evidence before it could be investigated. The 9/11 families had to lobby and protest for a solid year before the Bush
regime consented to the totally controlled 9/11 Commission.

The Boston Marathon Bombing was not investigated. A scripted story was issued and repeated by the media. The San
Bernardino shootings were not investigated. Again, a pre-scripted story took the place of investigation.

The success of false flag attacks in the US led to their use in the UK and France. The Charlie Hebdo affair was not
investigated and the official explanation makes no sense. The story has been closed with all the loose ends dangling.

For example, why did a French police official investigating the crime allegedly commit suicide in his police office in the early
hours of the morning, and why was his family denied the autopsy report? What happened to this disappeared story?

Why did the police finger a third participant in the attack as the getaway driver who had an iron clad alibi? If the police were
so totally wrong about this member of the gang, how do we know they are right about the two men they shot to death.

How come alleged perpetrators of terrorist attacks are always killed before they can talk?

How come the only story we ever get is what the government says? How can people be so gullible after the Gulf of Tonkin,
Operation Gladio, etc.?

Apparently the Charlie Hebdo attack was insufficient for the purpose, and now France has had what is called the Paris
attack, an even more unbelievable event, evidence for which is missing.
This false flag attack was too much for Kevin Barrett who assembled a collection of skeptical essays from 26 people into a
book, Another French False Flag: Bloody Tracks From Paris To San Bernardino.

Twenty-four of these contributors do not believe the official story. Does this make them conspiracy theorists, or does this
make them brave souls who are concerned that Reichstag fire type events are replacing Western civil liberty with fascist
police states?

Ask yourself, why are those trying to preserve liberty denounced?

What incentive does contributor A.K. Dewdney, Professor Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario, author of ten
books about science and mathematics, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Philip Giraldi, former CIA case officer and Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest,
have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Anthony Hall, Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada,
whose latest book has been endorsed by the American Library Association as a scholarly tour de force, have to be a
conspiracy theorist?
What incentive does Mujahid Kamran, Vice Chancellor of Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan, a Fulbright Scholar and
recipient of numerous awards, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Stephen Lendman, syndicated columnist and host on the Progressive Radio News Hour, have to be a
conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does James Petras, Bartle Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, have to be a conspiracy

What incentive does Alain Soral, one of Frances public intellectuals, have to be a conspiracy theorist?

What incentive does Robert David Steele, former CIA Clandestine Services Officer, have to be a conspiracy theorist?
Related: Ex-CIA Officer Claims That Open Source Revolution Is About To Overthrow Global Oligarchy

The neocons whores in the Western media who call these people conspiracy theorists are so stupid and
unintelligent as to be unqualified to express any opinion.

Dear Western Peoples, if you wish to be able to walk down the streets of your cities without being accosted by
police, demanded to present identity papers, searched, detained indefinitely or assassinated without due process
of law, if you wish to be able to express your opinion about your government and its use of your tax payments, if
you wish to be able to discuss current affairs or your personal affairs without being recorded by the NSA or the
equivalent in your own country or by both, if you wish to be able to act on your moral conscience and to protest the
violence the West applies to Muslims and others unfavored by powerful Western interests, such as Palestinians, if
you wish to live in the freedom that was achieved in the West after centuries of struggle, wake up, find time from
less meaningful pursuits to become aware of what is being stolen from you. It is late in the game.

If you do not stand up for truth, you will have no freedom as there is no freedom without truth.

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

Political Crimes & Criminals

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Part Five: Click here

Part Six: Click here

Part Seven: Click here

Part Eight: Click here

Political Crimes & Criminals

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Part Five: Click here

Part Six: Click here

Part Seven: Click here

Part Eight: Click here

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: She'll Be Right Rings True

January 30 2016 | From: BruceBisset [Link not available: This article was re-hand typed by hand for you from the print
version as the publisher has for some reason decided not to syndicate it online as they usually do...]

Fitting New Zealand should be the location for the signing of the TPPA, because the country could
be help up to be the crowning glory of the Friedman "Chicago School" economic doctrines - the
first where the more brutal methods of shock and awe have had to be used to cow and enslave the

Instead we have gone willingly to our subservience, embracing the corporations as they strip our natural and
sovereign rights, beseeching them to drip a few pennies into our outstretched hands while they pillage the bulk of
our nation's intrinsic wealth.

Related: TPPA activist visited by Dunedin police

And in return all we have had to do is meekly accept the sale of our primary assets, and extra hundred billion dollars debt (to
date), and the fact that the sub-class - the unemployable, the sick, the disabled, the tragically bankrupt - are beyond
redemption, but thankfully, a relatively small percentage of the population.

Not for us the "test case" genocidal generals of Chile or Argentina, the repressions of Thatcher's Britain, the civil wars of
Russia or the "reconstruction" of Iraq. No, here we are all-but unscathed in the scale of things, a blissful wanton land where
Milton Friedman's neo-liberal economics can finally boast some apparent success.

We're even English-speaking and notionally developed and democratic!

Why, it's so good that billionaires by the dozen are snapping up private spots to build "getaway retreats" - places they can
hole up when the proverbial hits the big fans in their own countries, which (ironically thanks to the same policies) it is doing
with increasing regularity.

Whereas here, we may be dipped in it but we come up smiling. That's the Kiwi way: she'll be right.

If yesterday our troubles seemed so far away, today they are on our doorstep and here to stay - or even right in our homes,
should we happen to be in any way protesting the fact.

Which, next Thursday, I expect a sizeable horde of citizens to do outside Sky City while the pens stroke and the
teeth glisten within as the bought and paid for politicians of a dozen nations place their countries irrevocably in
corporate hands.

In almost any other place it would be a day of civil uprising, of armed mayhem and blood on the streets - and clearly that's
what is expected of us, since everyone from John Key down has been talking up the threat of violence.

However, I suspect all that riot training the police have undertaken will not be needed. At least, not unless some "plants" in
the crowd start throwing things.
But why trigger the violent phase (complete with its internment camps and CIA torture manuals) of these "economic reforms"
when we are, to all intents and purposes , already willing to have our jewels cut off?

Adding a few more names on the "to be harassed and raided and maybe disappeared" list is small beer in comparison, one
of the most right-thinking New Zealanders you will accept with a sigh of relief.

Yes, anger with restraint, and a quiet celebration with both sides after, is likely more they way of it.

We are a passionless people.

The shock doctrine which author Naomi Klein has so graphically exposed as the method of choice for disempowering the
world's masses while creating a super-elite is something that happens "over there". Even when it's happening right right
here, and we're having our noses rubbed in it.

So don't expect war. That won't happen for a generation or so, after we've run out of everything else the oligarchs can take
money from. [Comment: All is not lost but do whatever you can to voice opposition to this treasonous "trade deal].

Related: TTIP Enters New and Dangerous Stage As Democracy is Dismantled in Secret

The Ongoing Historic Fall Of The Khazarian Empire

January 30 2016 | From: Geopolitics

The Khazarian Empires defeat in the Middle East coupled with migration and financial crises back
home have all contributed to the massive failure of its hegemonic ambitions.
This massive defeat is also made possible when the myth about its military superiority was unmasked when both
Russia and China displayed portions of their covert military arms development during its 70th Victory Parade, and
the highly publicized space age technologies.

Not to mention, the successful flybys of two Sukhoi warplanes a few meters away from USS Donald Cooked whereby the
latters Aegis advanced electronics were rendered totally useless to the point of its crew tendering their resignations once
ashore. Most Russian war equipments are now equipped with advanced electronic jammers.

For the first time in the history of modern commerce, no ship transporting physical goods from the East to the West is at
sea. What were seeing instead is the continuing crash of the derivatives market which is the lifeline of the fiat currency
which some Western analysts are considering to be another deliberate action pursuant to the original NWO agenda.

It is our understanding that the ongoing march towards the Khazarian version of the New World Order against Western
population is to mitigate the resulting fallout from the BRICS Initiative of instituting a separate economic system that is asset-

EU Abolishing Cash to Facilitate Technocratic Dictatorship; BRICS Using Asset-backed

In short, while the Western Oligarchy is putting out every measure, i.e. cash ban, mass surveillance, highly militarized police
force, to counter a growing dissent resulting from the worsening economy attributed to the covert recovery of the Collateral
Accounts lent to them 80 years ago, the East is laying the groundwork for a post-Khazarian massive economic development
dubbed as the One Belt, One Road.

New Silk Road Development Continues Amidst Nazionists Regressive Actions

Massive Resignations Have Started

This turning point in our history should teach everyone a lesson how not to run a planet, and why we should not allow
anyone to systematically take our freedoms away.

At this very moment, people all over the globe can have a rare chance of creating a totally different world free of wars,
poverty, disease, and planetary destruction.
The Fall of Europe: EU Infighting, Refugee Crisis Signal Historic Collapse

"The migration crisis reflects the weakness of the EUs architecture, which is leading to the rapid disintegration of
the supranational unions member states, according to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Europe is swiftly falling to pieces as EU countries remain at odds over many pressing issues, including those
related to the ongoing migration crisis, political analyst Berthold Kohler Migration wrote in an article for the German
newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

According to the author, the migration gridlock and a raft of other problems inside the EU may finally result in the
biggest disintegration of Europe in history.

The struggle to preserve the currency union forced Europeans to realize how strongly political ideas differ in EU
countries, where a variety of mentalities, experience and cultures is still in place, Kohler said.

He added that even the location of countries and their size can cause discrepancies in terms of national interest, while
disparities in standards of living between rich and poor EU members have led some to envy others.

The fall of Europe will be followed by the Federal Reserves collapse. Heres why:

The Federal Reserves Multi-Trillion Dollar Dilemma

Countries Resume Withdrawing Gold Reserves From Last Federal Reserve

RIP-OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE: Charges of Multi-Trillion Fraud Filed vs. Bankers

The Vatican has also apologized for its past mistakes excluding only the planned population reduction and Satanic

Pope Francis apologised on Wednesday for scandals within the church at a general audience in St. Peters Square.
I would like to ask for forgiveness in the name of the church for the scandals that have happened in this last
period both in Rome and at the Vatican, the Pope said, the New York Times reports. I ask for your forgiveness.

While it remains unclear what the Pope was referring to - Pope Francis did not clarify what scandals he was apologizing for -
the Times cites reports in Italian media that a priest in Rome had sexual relations with men with the knowledge of his
bosses. In another recent incident, an Italian priest said in an interview that many child-sexual-abuse victims were at fault for
their abuse because they sought affection that priests could not always resist.

Native Americans also scored big, although not that big compared to the damage done to them by the colonialists, when the
US government was told to pay $554 million:

US to Pay Largest Native American Nation $554 mn in Landmark Settlement"

The Obama administration will pay the Navajo Nation a record $554 million to settle claims by the most populous Native
American tribe that funds and natural resources on its reservation were mismanaged by the US government for decades.

The agreement will be formally signed on Friday at Window Rock, Arizona, the capital of the Navajo reservation, the largest
in the US by land mass.

The accord was borne from litigation that accused the government of mishandling Navajo funds and natural resources on its
more than 14 million acres across Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, all held in trust for the tribe and leased out for purposes
of farming, energy development, logging, and mining. The Navajo claims date back as far as 50 years.
In return for $554 million, the Navajo have agreed to drop its lawsuit and forego any future litigation over past US
management of Navajo funds or resources held by the federal government, Reuters reported.

The deal does not, though, negate future trust claims or any other claims over water and uranium pollution on the
reservation, Navajo Attorney General Harrison Tsosie said. Based on non-disclosure clauses, he could not say how much
the Navajo had claimed it was owed ahead of the settlement.

Surprisingly, the once Cabalist online magazine on finance prefers to take the matter lightly.

How to Get Over Losing an Empire | Financial Times

There are some post-imperial techniques to make you feel great. The best is winning a small war.

For Brits of a certain age, Donald Trumps campaign slogan, Make America great again, rings a bell. In the 1987 British
elections, Margaret Thatchers campaign slogan was Britain is great again. Dont let Labour wreck it.

Of course, Im not accusing Trump of plagiarism. Americas next president is a winner, a magnanimous figure who has even
won the praise of Vladimir Putin. However, his echo of Thatcher is not coincidental. Like Britain before it, the US is now
losing its empire.
This is a painful problem thats hard to talk about. Often its accompanied by feelings of shame. The fading empires leaders
always pretend that the loss isnt happening. Proud imperialists, such as todays Republican candidates, insist the loss could
be easily reversed if only certain leaders werent pygmies and traitors. The anger just worsens the pain.

However, it is possible to be post-imperial and happy. The British are, at least on our good days. Here are some tips for
coping with loss of empire.

The first step is to be straight with yourself. Look in the mirror and say: I am losing my empire, but it neednt be traumatic.

Accept the loss as inevitable. True, the US still has the worlds strongest military but thats like Kodak being the worlds
leading maker of camera film: its an obsolete skill.

Only once since the second world war has the US secured its national interests through war: the defeat of Saddam Hussein
in 1991.

If Americans want to keep a large military as a jobs project, or a Keynesian stimulus programme that dare not speak its
name, thats fine. But having lived through the past 14 years, they must know that a military isnt much use at fighting a
global terrorist franchise. Nor can it stop Russia from invading former Soviet republics, unless Americans are willing to fight
world war three.

When you lose your empire, its perfectly normal to worry that you will become poorer.

"The prosperity of our people, argued the British conservative politician Julian Amery in 1962, rests really on the
oil in the Persian Gulf, the rubber and tin of Malaya, and the gold, copper and precious metals of south and central
Africa. If those went, he warned, we would lose the lot.

This kind of argument (now echoed in Trumps scheme to grab Iraqi oil) makes psychological sense. After all, its an
empirical fact that economic wealth and imperial acquisition go together. However, Americans neednt worry: its the wealth
that prompts the acquisition, not the other way round.

Having an empire doesnt necessarily make you rich. Indeed, when Britain and France shed their empires, their economies
boomed. Buying other countries stuff is easier than grabbing it through conquest.

But the damage done by loss of empire is, above all, psychological. The post-imperial country is left feeling futile and
pointless. I recently met an old British army officer at his gentlemans club in London. Sitting beneath portraits of Victorian
generals who had conquered places like Sudan, he scoffed that todays Britons were softies who preferred creature
comforts to greatness. He missed the empire like a lost limb.

Luckily, there are some simple post-imperial techniques to make you feel great again. The best is probably winning a small
war. Thatcher did it in the Falklands (hence her 1987 slogan) but the textbook example was the American invasion of tiny
Grenada (population 90,000) under President Ronald Reagan in 1983.

This was an un-losable war. Reagans biographer Garry Wills noted:

"Two-thirds of American casualties were inflicted by other Americans or by accident.

Coming two days after a terrorist truck bomb killed 241 US service personnel in Beirut, the invasion helped to cheer up

Having restored military pride, Reagan then quietly withdrew US troops from Lebanon. The sequence was a masterclass in
post-imperialism. No wonder British politicians now reach hopefully for their sabres whenever a Spanish politician mentions
our pocket-sized imperial remnant, Gibraltar.

There are other routes to post-imperial glory. You can win a football World Cup. Since the Suez debacle of 1956, the British
have also found their kicks in what historian Robert Skidelsky calls vicarious imperialism. This is usually safe - a simple
matter of banging on about the special relationship whenever the US bombs somebody - but, as Tony Blair found in Iraq,
vicarious imperialism can go horribly wrong.

The most enjoyable way to cope with post-imperialism is to laugh at yourself. The British have been doing this since Suez.
In 1957, in his play The Entertainer, John Osborne created the faded old comedian Archie Rice to symbolise a faded old
country. Rice boasts:

"Ive played in front of them all. The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, and the...what was the
name of that other pub?

Ideally, the US would now replace Trumpian anger with humour about national decline. The TV comedian John Oliver - a
Briton raised on post-imperialism - could lead the way, until, eventually, declinist jokes become so clichd that they reach
the big networks. That will be the sign the US has gotten over empire.

We will continue to document the ongoing hard fall of the Khazarian Empire and the continuing covert operations of the
Reformist Collective, together with our own independent analysis on their possible objectives.

Why The Fascist US Can Never Defeat Mother Russia

January 29 2016 | From: Sott

White-supremacist American imperialists have dreamed of defeating and dismembering Russia

since at least the 1920's and early '30's when most of America's elite.
Consisting of the likes of John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Mellon, Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst,
Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK and RFK), and Prescott Bush (father of George H.W. Bush and grandfather of
George W. Bush) - decided to massively bankroll Hitler and the Nazi Party, with a view to eradicating the "mongrel"
Soviet Union and the Jews of Europe along the way (as documented here, here, and here) - although
their attempted coup against FDR miserably failed (and FDR still pardoned his fellow patricians "for the good of the
country." What else?)

Once Germany's massive rearmament got under way, it was the German factories of Ford, General Motors, General
Electric, and Alcoa that built most of the tanks and warplanes of Hitler's dreaded Wehrmacht, while Dupont and
Standard Oil (now Exxon) supplied the synthetic fuel.

For their part, Coca-Cola provided tons of Germany's favorite caffeinated soft drink to keep Luftwaffe pilots "coked
up" for their long bombing runs.

IBM's punch-card record-keeping, in turn, made the Holocaust possible on an industrial scale: which by one
estimate led to the deaths not just of 6 million Jews, but also 5.5 - 7 million Ukrainians, 3.3 million Russian POWs, 2
million Russian civilians, 3 million Poles, and 1.5 million Yugoslavs.
What marked these non-Jewish populations for extermination was that they were all assumed to be either "pure blood" or
"mixed blood" Slavs - whom Hitler lumped together with Jews as untermenschen (i.e. subhumans) in Mein Kampf. (Which
the Neo-Nazis of "Aryan" Ukraine often quote with approval in relation to Slavic Ukrainians and Russians to this day.)

The American Aryan imperialists took it for granted, of course, that the German Wehrmacht would roll right over their those
Russian Orthodox "subhumans."

But after months of house to house, even room to room fighting, it was the Nazis who surrendered at Stalingrad on February
2, 1943.

At that point, the head of the US Office of Strategic Services, former wealthy Wall Street lawyer, Allen Dulles, realized that
Hitler would soon lose the war; and that it was now up to the United States, as the sole remaining capitalist superpower, to
don the invisible mantle of fascism as the only ideology tough enough to defend Godly Capitalism against Godless
Communism with its demonic dream of economic equality. What poor peasant or worker would not vote for equal wealth if
he had the chance?
That's why democracies are disastrous for the 1%, Dulles reasoned. Fascism is the only way. Make the masses feel
exceptional - not equal. And if they still demand their own fair share, shoot em dead! The Nazis had that part down pat.

"So why not use these fellow Aryans?" Dulles thought. And he came up with a treasonous plan for the benefit of the 1%
which he hid from the dying FDR. That was to have the top Nazi generals, intelligence officials, scientists, and the like
surrender to the Americans, rather than the Soviets.

Then after their files were "scrubbed" clean of any atrocities they might have committed for the Third Reich (or their own
amusement), they'd be shipped off in the "right" direction. The best and brightest were sent to America to work in
Intelligence or Defense or, in the case of Werner Von Braun, they were put in charge of our missile program.

Whereas the worst of the worst were smuggled into South America to start fascist movements there.
Or if they were really, really bad and high-profile figures too - like Josef Mengele or Adolf Eichmann, say - they might simply
be told: "Just lie on a beach and enjoy your memories." The rest were placed in positions of power and influence in the
Postwar German government or elsewhere.

Comment: "Under Operation Paperclip, which began in May of 1945, the scientists who helped the Third
Reich wage war continued their weapons-related work for the U.S. government, developing rockets,
chemical and biological weapons, aviation and space medicine (for enhancing military pilot and astronaut
performance), and many other armaments at a feverish and paranoid pace that came to define the Cold War,"

Jacobsen writes. Her book is titled Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi
Scientists to America. See more:

CIA's denial of protecting Nazis is blatant lie

America hired Nazis to test LSD and CIA interrogation techniques on Soviet spies, new book claims
Operation Nazification: How the Third Reich lived on through the USA

Flash forward to today, and American imperialists have much to be proud of. Communism is dead, and so is Arab
nationalism, except in Syria under Bashar al-Assad. Sadly for me as a Christian, so too is Liberation Theology in South
America. Can you picture Archbishop Romero being shot through the heart as he said Mass at the altar?

His life's blood mixing with the Blood of Christ? Is there nothing that our fascist elites will not order their death squads to do?
And laugh about it too?

Watch Hillary Clinton crack up at the breaking news of Muammar Gaddafi's mutilation-murder at the hands of our
"moderate" terrorists.

"We came. We saw. He died."

She crows with Satanic glee - using the royal "We." What a monster of depravity! The man has just had his throat slit--
after being sodomized with a bayonet, and she's downright giddy about it! She even wants to claim all the credit for
herself. This Satanic atrocity! By linking his mutilation/murder to her trip to Benghazi.

What would she have us think? That she gave "our" terrorists strict instructions to rape him with a bayonet first? She even
mangles Caesar's famous line to drive her sick claim home

She does believe she's another Caesar. She's that demonically deranged. She wants to show the world she's got the
biggest "balls" around--when she has none. Her pant suits fool no one.

Comment: His description of Killary Hillary Clinton is quite accurate, however history, when critically analyzed,
paints a different portrait of Caesar, who actually bears much more of a resemblance to Putin: [?!]

SOTT Talk Radio: Julius Caesar - Evil Dictator or Messiah for Humanity?

Caesar's Rome and today

The Gospel of Caesar: Documentary reveals true origins of the 'Passion of Christ'

Putin would never behave like that. Not in a million years! He's far too moral a man - too compassionate a man - too
Orthodox a man - to brag that he somehow incited a lynch-mob to mutilate and murder a helpless man. As Jesus
tells us in Matthew 25:40: it is the same as inciting a lynch-mob to mutilate and murder Christ Himself.

Indeed Putin's friends report that Putin felt extreme guilt over Gaddafi's mutilation/murder, having allowed himself
to be fooled by those fork-tongued Americans into approving a UN Resolution which he believed only authorized
NATO to keep Gaddafi from committing genocide against the people of Benghazi, but which was actually intentionally
so vaguely worded as to give NATO carte blanche to do what it pleased--even to murdering Gaddafi in this sickest of ways.

Is it carrying a sense of responsibility too far, to blame himself for being deceived? Many psychologists might say so. But as
a Christian psychologist myself, with over 40 years of training and experience (if that Biblical number tells you something), I
would say that the depth of his guilt shows the depth of his compassion. And the depth of his compassion shows the
depth of Putin's Orthodox faith.
Not that Putin is exceptional in this regard. Quite the contrary. He is a typical Orthodox man in the depth of his faith. That is
the basis of his enormous popularity and power. He is just like them. He is Everyman.. And this is why the Orthodox faithful
have such trust in him. He is a plain-spokenman of his word.

And while that fact may have led him to assume too readily that Americans can be trusted to live up to their word as
well, Putin is a quick learner; and will not be fooled by them again. Did not Jesus Himself warn him in Matthew 7:15 to
beware of such men who: " come to you in sheep's clothing," but are "ravening wolves within?"

Putin thought Erdogan could be trusted as well. But after the Russian plane was shot down, he saw the "ravening
wolf" in Erdogan too. And when it comes to meting out just punishment, Putin has as much Christian patience as anyone.

This is why the Satanic West can never defeat Holy Russia. Though the West has long since lost its Christian moorings, as
Hillary Clinton shows so well, patience is not a weakness. Nor are modesty, humility, and compassion. These are
Putin's personal qualities. (If you watch RT, you can see them). But they are not his uniquely.

Though I'm not Russian, I would say from my dealings with many Russians over the years as a psychologist that these
particular qualities typify devout Russian Orthodox men like Putin. That's why most Russians trust Putin - whether they
themselves are Orthodox or not. They know the type. And men possessed of Orthodox virtues make for undefeatable
Christian warriors: just ask Hitler.
Whereas our generals drew the wrong lesson from World War II; and decided that the Allies would have beaten the Nazis
single-handedly (or so the Serpent whispered in their ears) all the quicker if only our troops had embraced the Satanic
"virtues" of pride, cruelty, and demonization-of-the-enemy. And we've been demonizing our troops ever since--with the
results one can see.

But Russia also has a loving kind of weapon that has long protected it. It sees all of Russia as Mother Russia (In
Russian: -). Think about it for a sec. Germany has no motherland, just a fatherland. And the USA doesn't
even have that. If one goes to a patriotic film here about, say, an American sniper blowing off the heads of defenseless
"towel-heads," a bunch of tattooed ex-Marines may get up and shout: "USA! USA! USA!"

But we have no motherland. France tried to plant the seed with the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. But a mother is
supposed to open her arms to all her children--even brown ones. And the US government didn't want those brown "tired and
poor" on our shores, so the idea of a motherland never really stuck. In fact, we've tended to exterminate or enslave all none-
whites. Hitler even said he took his racial policies from us!
Russia, on the other hand, has always been a multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic land of abundant resources,
stretching across 12 time zones. So it's always been natural to think of "her" as a mother. For what is a mother? One who
feeds and shelters her children. And when they grow to adulthood, her sons and daughters, in turn, protect and care for her.

Thus the concept of Mother Russia elicits feelings of love, loyalty and protectiveness that go far, far beyond post-
Renaissance notions of the nation-state and the kind of patriotism a given nation-state--especially under the aegis of
austerity--might arouse. Those who see Russia as their Mother will give back the very lives she once gave them to
defend her.

The author is a licensed clinical psychologist and long-time activist for progressive causes, who lives and practices in New
York. He wrote this article specially for Russia Insider

Comment: As Edgar Cayce predicted over 80 years ago, Russia has become the hope of the world and a beacon of light in
the dark times that have been brought on by US/NATO western imperialism with the ruling psychopaths at the helm:

"In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik,
no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take
years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

- Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29

The Strawman Is The Ego: The Parasite Cleanse Begins At Home

January 28 2016 | From: KitWalker

Humanity needs a parasite cleanse, I think thats not difficult to see at this point. Its becoming
more and more obvious that, no, it is NOT human nature to kill, steal, rape, destroy.
Anyone with their eyes and heart open can see that some of us have in fact been infected by a kind of virus, a
parasitic cancer of the soul, which is also contagious, and is spreading rapidly.

And those of us who have contracted this sickness can be recognized by a cold blooded lack of compassion and basic
humanity, a lack of true sense of humor or humility, and the tendency to put oneself and ones greed first, with no concern
for the effects of our actions on others, or on the planet. It sounds corporate, doesnt it? We should probably be asking
ourselves: Am I becoming like this?

In case you have never heard the term, in Native American traditions they have a word for this malignant virus of the psyche
and soul. It is called Wetiko. More about it here.

In this essay i am going to endeavor to bring to light to just how we can begin to deal with this malignancy, before it
overtakes us completely. In order to do that, we will need to see how it has infected us, and how it is using our energy.
Although this is not a pleasant topic, take heart. It must be done, and my feeling is that to SEE it clearly is most of the battle.
We can see the nuts and bolts of how it works in the system of corporate commerce.

The Strawman and the Ego are two sides of the same coin

What is the Strawman? You may have heard this term, and you may even be familiar with what it is, but perhaps you are not
really aware of how it works in your life, or, why it is something that you need to be aware of.

But if you are concerned about the encroaching corporatism that is enslaving humanity and destroying the planet, and you
want to be able to be effective in helping to stop this, then your Strawman is the place to start, because it is the corporation
that you are supposed to think is you. Yes, thats right, you are a corporation. The parasite cleanse begins at home, by
taking responsibility for your corporate self.
But when i say you, i mean your ego, not the infinite being that you truly are.

Here is a great introduction, a very short video called Meet Your Strawman

The way to identify your Strawman is that it is simply your name in all capital letters. It is the name that is used in all
business, on your passport, drivers license, bills, bank account information, and so forth.

Just like your ego, your Strawman is an artificial person. But the trick, the deception, is that you are never told that your
name in all capital letters is not really you, but a fictitious corporate entity. And you are tricked, time and time again, to sign
for this entity, all the while thinking it is you.

In the same way, most humans walk around thinking that they are the mental duality construct in their heads, which is kept
in place by unconscious reactivity, and built on uninspected assumptions about reality, inherited from parents, schools,
religions, and so forth. This psycho-somatic infection of unconscious society, just going through the motions, like a machine,
is called ego.

They Work Together

Lets notice the correlations between the strawman and the ego. They reinforce each other.

The ego is a false persona, i.e., a mask, a fictitious entity that we have been inculcated from birth to believe is us. It is just
an idea, the I thought.

That which rises as I in the body is the mind. If one inquires as to where in the body the thought I rises first, one
would discover that it rises in the Heart.

That is the place of the minds origin. Even if one thinks constantly I, I, one will be led to that place. Of all the
thoughts that arise in the mind, the I thought is the first. It is only after the rise of the I-thought that other
thoughts occur.

- Sri Ramana Maharshi

This ego persona has a name, a nationality, and later, religious beliefs, job, and so forth. It identifies itself by what it does,
how much money it has in the bank, whether it is a father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, etc. It exists as a part of
time, because there is no place for it in timelessness. It is how we are bound in time.

Time is ruled in astrology by Saturn, which is also the ruling planet of the ego. It is Satan, and the sense of separate self. It
is the planet of Capricorn, which has to do with business, the corporate world, and the structures of society. No wonder so
much Satanic activity exists in the upper echelons of government, religion, and the entertainment (illusion) business! Saturn
is the ring-pass-not, the walls of society, outside of which you pass at your own risk. It is the rules, written and unwritten,
that are enforced outwardly by the legal system, and inwardly by group-think.

Scared, or Sacred

This is what i am noticing, and I am not seeing anyone mentioning this: the Strawman is the real-world representation
of the ego. It is a fictitious entity ascribed to you at birth, without your knowledge. When your parents signed your birth
certificate, and registered you with the state, your Strawman came into being. It is the corporate version of you. It is what
binds you into the system of commerce.

When you really start to contemplate and comprehend the correlations between the strawman and the ego, everything falls
into place. It is the only way the matrix is able to interact with you and steal your energy. And every time it does interact
with you it steals your energy.

And ego is the way that your energy gets robbed psychologically, because it places a limit on your infinite being. It locks you
in fear. The strawman is the scarecrow. Its purpose is to keep you in fear and without a soul. Made of straw. Scared, not

Ego is Self-Contraction

The ego is the self-CONTRACTion. When you begin to understand exactly how ego works, you see how there is a subtle
contraction going on in the subtle energy bodies, as well as in the physical body, which gives the sense of I and other,
the sense of duality and separation, which is really the primal wound.
So we have to see how the system is constantly inviting, and moreover, coercing us to contract with it, in SO many
different ways, from gross to subtle. Any time you sign any kind of official document, or license, that contains your straw
man all-caps name, you are entering into a contract, you are contracting within the system of commerce.

Saturn is Satan, ego, and the principle of contraction, and rules contracts in general. All these things are really of the same
energy, that of limitation, and the binding force of duality and separation. We say we are bound by a contract.

You may say, well, so what, that doesnt affect me at all. Dont be so sure. Remain open. Investigate for yourself. Notice
how you feel. You may begin to recognize that in whatever contract you enter into within that system, you will be giving
consent for the system to use your energy, to use your life-force like a battery.

The Parasite

The system has been referred to in many shamanic teachings and traditions as the Parasite, and for good reason. We have
to see beyond the presentation it shows us, into what it is really doing with our energy. Why? Because, the more we
contract with it, the more it is eating our souls, and thus destroying our capacity to be creative and truly alive.

Negative emotions of all kinds are food for it. From the Toltec tradition :

The Parasite is a garbage eater. It loves fear and drama; it loves anger, jealousy, and envy; it loves any emotion
that makes you suffer.

- Don Miguel Ruiz : The Four Agreements

Notice how many of your problems are centered around money, and the commercial system. Notice the way it is designed
to keep you in fear, through the scarcity paradigm. If money was not an issue, how many of our problems would be left?
This is done by design.

When someone has no soul, they have lost connection to the Primal Source Consciousness beyond all duality, which is the
true source of all energy. The Sun we see in the sky is but a reflection of this Source Consciousness.
So when we begin to unravel the deceptions that fuel the whole ego process, we will inevitably come up against their real-
world applications, and we will find the roots of those applications in the Uniform Commerce Code, the commercial system.
Remember as well, that the legal system used all over the world, and centered in the private city-state within London called
the City of London, in the form of the BAR Association, is completely tied into the UCC as well.

We will see how ego is reinforced by conditions of the system, and our relationships with others. We will begin to understand
how unwelcome we have become in the land of the walking dead. It can be a very frightening experience for the awakening
soul to really get the ramifications of this.

As John Lennon said: the more real you get, the more unreal the world gets. We begin to see that this is a massive
deception going on here, much like in the Truman Show movie. A hologram, a dream (even a nightmare), a virtual reality.

Uniform Commerce Code (UCC)

The Uniform Commerce Code is the system by which all corporations interact, and it is in effect all over the planet. Since
corporations can only interact with other corporations, and not with living beings, using this code, it became necessary that
each human being become a mini-corporation of one.

Related: The Birth Certificate Odyssey

Since that is something no human being in their right mind would want to be, and since our consent is necessary for it to
happen, our consent has to be obtained by way of deception. Why would anyone agree to having their energy stolen?
Imagine if farm animals could understand how they were being used? Do you think they would agree to that?
One way to get your consent is to get it right when you are born, before you know better. And it is done by tricking your
parents into signing you away, registering you to the state, as property of the state, much like cattle, or chattel, through the
birth certificate. This is what the term human resources refers to. But your parents are not told that. The truth of what is
really happening is hidden from them, so they simply think they are doing the right thing.

But then also we have to understand how the language of the legal system has been twisted, by assigning alternate
meanings to words we use all the time. So that when we agree to one thing, we are in fact agreeing to something else
entirely, which, if it were fully disclosed to us, we would never otherwise consent to.
There is so much great information available now about all of this, that i encourage you to do your own research, to
understand exactly how this works.

Check your Cheques

Here is a dead giveaway. Seemingly small, but the implications are huge. If you have a chequing account at a bank, take a
look at one of your personal checks.

Notice the line where you are supposed to sign the cheque. Notice at the end of the line it says MP. What does MP mean?
It means Micro Print. In other words, that line on which you would sign your name is not really a line, it is actually micro print
of some words. But in order to see those words you need a magnifying glass. And what do they say? Authorized
Signature. Dont believe me? Check your checks!

Lets look at the crux of the issue. Why is it, that you are not supposed to know that the strawman is not you? Why does it
say authorized signature SO small on your checks, that you cant read it without a magnifying glass? The official answer
is that it prevents fraud. Well, of course, like all official answers, the truth is the exact opposite. Actually, it IS fraud, and you
are not supposed to see that.

Look, if you are the financial officer of a large corporation, and it is your job to sign the checks, theres no problem. You
know what you are doing. You know that you arent that corporation, and that it is just your job to sign the checks. It says
authorized signature in big letters, so you can see that the person who is signing is administrating the account. On the
checks of a company or corporation, authorized signature is written large enough to see. It is only on personal checks that
you have to use a magnifying glass.

So in the case of your own checking account, you are not supposed to recognize that it is the exact same process going on !
WHY? inquiring minds want to know!

Your Natural Sign

It is because in fact, the state wants to be the administrator of your account, because in the states mind, it OWNS you. But,
in order to activate your account in the myriad ways it wants to, it needs your signature. It needs the SIGN of your NATURE.
Your natural, living self. Your ALIVENESS. It needs your CONSENT. And when you put that signature there, the state, and
whatever it is behind that, receives your infinite energy.
In many cases, like when you are receiving a bank loan, your signature represents years of your time, energy, and attention,
and you are receiving money that was created out of thin air, with a couple of clicks in a computer. Now, THAT is fraud.

Artificial Intelligence

The entity behind the corporate state is parasitic. It is artificial intelligence. It has no infinite energy of its own. It NEEDS your
energy, and it needs you to remain UNCONSCIOUS. It does not like conscious energy. Consciousness Itself is
KRYPTONITE to these entities. It is like sunlight to mold, it kills it. This entity survives by being hidden, and in the dark. Like
a vampire, it cannot go out in the sun. It will die.

Think of the wizard in the Wizard of Oz. There is a big sleight-of-hand light show going on, that is mesmerizing everyone.
And where does this light show get its electricity? From you, from us, from those of us who unconsciously consent to being
used as batteries. As you watch TV, your consciousness is the electricity that lights it up, as it is drained out of you.
So to me, the crux of the issue, more than anything, is that if you are going to enter the commercial system, you need to do
it consciously. You need to understand exactly what is happening, and what are the far reaching ramifications of engaging
with it, for yourself, and for others. Understand the ways that it is powered by your energy, and take responsibility for that.

When you understand that YOU are the administrator of the straw man account, rather than the trustee, YOU are the one in
control of it. So it is your decision to enter into a contract or not, fully understanding the ramifications. You remain in your
power. But you also are aware of the risks.

Ego as Servant

Similarly, sometimes we need to use the ego, as a protective shield, as a vehicle for navigating 3D reality, and so forth.
When ego is the servant, its true function is restored. When someone awakens to the Divine Reality, it is as if the King has
returned home, much like Odysseus in the Greek masterwork, the Odyssey.

The King regains His throne, in the heart. And the impostor ego-mind is pushed out of the throne he has been occupying
illegally. He is pushed back down to the floor and simply Outshone. The Sun Heart King says, I am the administrator here,
and you are the servant. Get thee behind me.

But it is not desirable to the state that you enter into the contract consciously, because you will immediately perceive the
fraud, and you will have taken back your power. You are no longer the trustee, or the slave, the pawn, the one acted upon.
And then the state is restored to its true function, as nothing more than servant.
Understanding this is key to understanding how commerce can steal your soul, and thus cut you off from the source of
creation. And if you are a creative artist, then your art will gradually take on the quality of the corporate system, which is
imitation. Artificial intelligence, not real human intelligence. It will happen incrementally, so you wont ever really notice until
its gone, and then of course, you wont have the capacity to notice any more.

Source Creation: Spontaneous Unlimited Manifestation

The enlightened view includes the process of manifestation, includes this constant effulgence that creates all the
things in the world from the void, that materializes each thing from nothing. In that sense, reality is a wizard. Out of
complete nothingness appears all that we perceive and experience. And its as simple and as easy as dreaming

When you dream, you create a whole universe that feels like solid matter; people get hurt and various things
happen, but its really not taking any effort. You are completely asleep, completely resting, and it is all happening. It
is the same with Quintessence; it is completely still and silent, and at the same time it is unfolding everything with
effortless ease and spontaneity.

- From Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery, ch. 13, by A.H. Almaas

Source creation is the spontaneous abundance of infinite Life. It knows no end, it knows no limitation. It is this unlimited
abundance that the Parasite needs to feed off of, because it has no direct access itself to this energy. So its main purpose is
to keep you, through the process of attention, distracted from your connection to Source.

It does this through commerce, as well as religion and many other means. Ultimately it would prefer to see you permanently
disconnected, with it acting as middle man, so it can use your eternal energy without any interference from you. Thats why
it needs to obtain your consent through deceptive means.

Strawman as Corpse

Just as some original cultures feel that every photograph would steal their soul (careful, selfie-takers!!), every time you sign
whatever legal or financial documents, it is important to see the process that happens, through your corporation, your
corporate persona, your corpse, your straw man.
The straw man is a corpse. A dead body. A corp(se)oration. It is worth nothing to the state without your consent. It needs the
LIVING SIGNATURE to receive the energy it needs to survive. Please recognize this!

And understand, as well, that merely seeing this thoroughly, completely changes the game. We do not need to fight against
the state. That is exactly what it wants, actually. It can just as easily steal your energy if you are fighting against it, as if you
are cooperating with it. When you SEE what is really happening, you can choose to participate or not. Sometimes it will be
to your advantage to participate in some way, sometimes not. But you will be able to make an informed decision. And
ultimately, when you refuse to play the game, the Parasite loses one more food source.

Going Truly Off-Grid

This ups the ante considerably on the whole process of going off-grid. It is so much more than just having a solar panel,
although perhaps having the solar panel could be a metaphor for having your own direct connection to the Invisible and
Indivisible Sun of Divine Reality.

To withdraw from the entire system at once is tricky. Since there is no alternative yet to that game, its the only game in
town. Leaving it, is to truly go off-grid.
This requires a total transformation on all levels at once, which is not something that is going to happen for most of us
overnight. But there are steps that can be taken, once we recognize the nature of this game. We can gradually plug the
leaks, so to speak, by eliminating all the ways that energy is taken, one by one. Being in debt, especially to a bank, is the
first and very obvious one. All debt needs to be eliminated.

Cooperation is the Antidote to the Corporation

Also, wherever possible, pass money from hand to hand, without running it through the commercial system. Simplify your
life. If we cant grow our own food, we can perhaps buy it from people we know who do grow it. Whenever possible pass
money directly to people who are making a real contribution. Avoid giving your money to large corporations, and avoid
getting it through large corporations.
All of this requires a major reorientation of your life. But every little bit helps to starve the beast. And, we have to work
together. Cooperation is the antidote to the corporation.

But the most important part is to go off-grid within. To drop back from the grid of the mind and time, into the mirror state of
the witness, and simply reflect, until all dissolves. The outer will follow suit, especially if enough of us practice this and we
sustain it.

Realisation and Renunciation

As the great masters have said, realization and renunciation are two sides of the same coin. To really see through and
dissolve the ego leads to the dismantling of the egos part in creating the false construct that is overlaid on Reality. The
Strawman is the egos evil twin. Without the energy of the ego, the straw man falls down, dead.

Then one sees through the illusion of ownership, worldly success, power over others, control, and the binding power of the
ten thousand things on the soul is dissolved.

As far as i can tell, to have a fully embodied enlightenment that becomes actualization, the inner and outer aspects of our
lives need to coincide, and in fact, will, since outside is a reflection of inside.
It is not that in renouncing the world, one pushes the world away through an act of will. This is just more ego. It is just
simply that one sees that they can no longer participate in the fruitless and illusory drama of having and doing for its own
sake. One wakes up from the dream, which is habitually superimposed on Reality, and one sees things as they truly are.

The Power of Witnessing

Lets not be afraid to look at this. And lets understand how powerfully transformational it is to the entire morphogenetic field,
just to simply see, to simply reflect, to BE the Witness and see all of it, as in a mirror, unclouded by any agenda, whether
someone elses, or our own.
Yes, maybe something will need to be done, but it is important to understand that all the so-called power that this parasitic
system has comes from it being hidden, occult, a secret.

Bringing it fully into the light will kill it, just like sunlight kills a vampire. It is counting on your denial, and your unwillingness to
face it head on, with open eyes. Until we all do that, en masse, nothing will truly change.

And when we do, EVERYTHING will change in an instant.

'CYFS Need To Listen To Carers'

January 28 2016 | From: RadioNewZealand

A Porirua family took in a baby so neglected he showed no emotion. Now he's full of life. They also
took in a baby born at 25 weeks and turned her into a happy, healthy wee girl who's off to school
And because they've taken on the children permanently - giving both them and the children the security of knowing
they have a family for life - they lose all Child Youth and Family Service (CYFS) support and allowances and receive
just $19 a day per child from Work and Income.

They can't change the children's surnames, they can't take them out of the country without permission and, if their birth
parents want contact, they have to make it happen.

"So why would anyone sane do that?" carer Jude Pointon says.

"The only people who would do that are people who have had a background like mine [Jude was fostered and
adopted as a child], who have gained through having a background in fostering or adoption."

In his first annual report on CYFs, State of Care 2015, released today, Children's Commissioner Russell Wills found
systemic failures in the service and said it was doubtful children were better off in state care.

He strongly criticised CYF for what he calls a "dump and run" culture of neglect.

Read the full report here.

Jude and her husband have first-hand experience of that culture.

Before they became permanency carers, they fostered children and Jude tells of having siblings aged one and three in their
care for two months, who then had to go back to their parents for a few days because CYF didn't have its court documents
in order.

"I said 'what do I tell them? They need to know what's happening,' and they said 'tell them they're going for a ride
in the car'.

"So I had an absolute hissy fit ... and said 'that's not okay, the system is making me into a long line of adults who
have failed these children and we're creating this country's future criminals and they have been let down over and
over and over again'."

Jude told the social worker they would have the kids back when the situation was sorted, but, she says, because she had
spoken her mind the children were sent to another home.

So it was a three-year-old's fourth foster home and it was a one-year-old's second foster home.

And that happens over and over again," she says.

Jude's sister - a social worker and CYF emergency care foster parent - recently had two children arrive in the middle of the
night. They were with her for a few days but then weren't returned after school one day.

"She was told 'they've gone to another placement' and she said 'well that's really not okay because they were told
they were coming here, they've had an unsettling time and suddenly they're not coming here, they're going
somewhere else they don't know, again and all their precious belongings that they've managed to take from their
home are here'."

Those belongings might just be a teddy bear or a book but to a child with nothing they are everything.
We have a serious national problem here in New Zealand with child abuse and satanic paedophile organisations. It is hideous to comprehend, but
the reality has to be faced - and those responsible, and even those that have been commiting these crimes for over 50 years - should know that they
will be held to account for their heinous actions.

Social workers shocked. Jude's sister arranged a meeting with about 20 Porirua social workers and she, Jude and another
foster parent told them what was wrong with the system.

"Some of them were actually shocked to hear from a carer's perspective how it feels to the carer and the
children," she says.

"It makes me annoyed because the foster carers and the permanency carers are the experts. Sure, the children
who have been who've been through the system are the experts but often they're too young to put across
coherently their point of view.

We know what's wrong with the system. We're happy to tell you. We're happy to tell the policymakers. I'm happy to
talk to the minister. Listen to us."

And that, simply, is Jude's message to the powers that be who want to fix the care system.

"Listen to the foster carers and ... the permanency carers, because we are here every day dealing with it every
day, and we know what can be done to try and fix the situation and make it work for these vulnerable children.

It really infuriates me when I hear on all media people talking about CYFs looking after these children. CYFs don't
have some big warehouse somewhere with all these children slotted in it, it's actually families who are looking after
these children who are often damaged, going out of their way to try and help these children have as normal a life
as they can given the neglect they've had to start with.

It's like we're these invisible people."

The "Minister" Must Step Up

Former ward of the state Tracey said the State care system was broken beyond repair.

Tracey was removed from her family in the late 1970s when she was 11 because of abuse and said she lost track of how
many foster homes she lived in.

She told Checkpoint nothing has changed.

"They've lost track of over 1000 children - they don't know where they are, what's happened to them.

"How can you lose 1000 kids? The Minister of Social Welfare is their guardian, is their parent, so that person has
better step up and look after these kids."

Tracey said society would have to live with the consequences if children in care were not properly looked after.
Another former ward of the State, Tupua Urlich, said more support was needed for people when they left care.

Mr Urlich said although he felt like a prisoner when he was in care, he had no support when he left and developed alcohol
and drug problems. He also tried to take his own life.

People needed a home environment to fall back on well into their 20s.

"The average age of leaving home in New Zealand is 23. You have the luxury of being at home, parents helping
you out," he said.

"I know some people will hear this and think 'I didn't do that for my children' - sure but at least they knew they had
the option of going home, getting their washing done, getting given a meal or support, real important things."

Mr Urlich now works with child support group the Dingwall Trust.


Kids probably no better off in state care

CYF calls review after fatal dairy robbery

Minister affirms need for CYF overhaul

Dismay at lack of Maori on CYF review panel

A Constitutional Timebomb: Is New Zealands Government And Court System Unlawful?
January 27 2016 | From: InvestigateMagazine

It could be the most fundamental New Zealand issue of the century: if a group of Australian
lawyers and researchers is correct, the Treaty of Waitangi ceased to be valid on January 10, 1920,
and the New Zealand Government does not, lawfully, exist. In an even bigger potential crisis nor
do the laws. As Ian Wishart reports, even New Zealand constitutional lawyers cant rule out the
possibility they may be right.

If it sounds like the Coalition Governments worst nightmare multiplied by a factor of ten, youd be right. Every
three years for more than a century, New Zealanders have gone to the polls to elect governments believing, for lack
of any reason not to believe, that this was how democracy worked. You elect a government, they make your life
hell, you vote them out again.

We were told, as a nation, that the Governments powers derived from our status as a constitutional monarchy. But now,
important new legal research is threatening to turn our perception of who we are, as a nation, on its head.

The establishment view of constitutional law is that New Zealand, lacking a written constitution, is a country where the
Government holds the ultimate power to make laws and regulations.

Just how entrenched that establishment view is, can be demonstrated in a current debate in New Zealand legal and judicial
circles about the powers of the Courts to rein in bad Government. Lord Cooke of the Privy Council, formerly New Zealands
Chief Appeal Court judge, has suggested the Courts do have some power to control the Government. He argues that if the
New Zealand Government re-introduced slavery, for example, that the Courts could strike it down.

Unfortunately for those who believe the judiciary is a check on Government power, Lord Cooke is a lone voice in New
Zealands legal community. Other judges and lawyers have indicated they have a constitutional duty to uphold legislation
passed by the Government, however damaging that law might be.
Related: Australia republic move: Leaders begin push

Even so, there is evidence from Australia that the mainstream legal and judicial view may be totally wrong not because the
Courts have special powers to ignore legislation, but because New Zealand and Australias governments are not lawfully

Leading academics and judges in Australia are lending their support to research showing that both countries failed to
constitutionally validate their legal sovereignty when they became independent from Britain early this century.

If it sounds impossible that the laws of New Zealand and Australia are invalid, read on.

The Australian Government has based its current lawmaking powers on the Australian Constitution Act of 1900. That Act
was passed by the British Parliament while Australia was still a Dominion.
The important fact to remember is this: the Australian Constitution is a British law.

New Zealand was granted Dominion status in 1907. The title Dominion meant nothing significant, in British law and
legislation the term was synonymous with colony. It wasnt until January 10, 1920, however that Australia became a
sovereign nation in its own right when both Australia and New Zealand became foundation members of the League of
Nations the forerunner to the United Nations.

Membership of the League of Nations was restricted only to sovereign countries, and Article XX of the Covenant of the
League of Nations required the extinguishment of any colonial laws applying to a member state pre-Sovereignty.

That meant the Constitution Acts in New Zealand and Australia passed prior to independence became legally void under
international law. It was a condition of membership of the League of Nations and later the United Nations. But no new
constitutions were ever forthcoming in either country.

It continues to be a founding principle of the United Nations charter that the laws of one state cannot be used in another
unless ratified by a mutual treaty, so while the Australian Government has relied on a colonial act passed by the British in
1900, Britain has said otherwise, saying the Australian Constitution Act (UK) is null and void.

No Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or an Act that looks to the Parliament of the United Kingdom for
its authority, is valid in Australia or its territories in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom and the Charter
of the United Nations," wrote British officials responding to an information request.
For decades, Australians have obeyed federal laws seemingly passed with full legal authority on a raft of issues from law
and order to taxation. In all cases the Australian Government has claimed its powers from the 1900 Constitution Act.

That fundamental reliance took a knock however, when the United Nations International Law Commission ruled that
Australia could not rely on Section 61 of its Constitution to provide the power to enter into international treaties, because the
Constitution was a British law, not an Australian one. Instead, said the UN, Australia needed to look to its membership of the
League of Nations in 1920 as providing proof of its sovereignty.

The flag of the League of Nations, the failed NWO power grab prior to the United Nations.

An Australian group calling itself the Institute of Taxation Research has used that ruling and others to mount a serious
challenge to the constitutional authority of the Australian Government, saying that if the Constitution Act did not give the
Government power to sign international treaties because it was void, nor could it be used as the basis for domestic law.

In 1992, the Australian High Court held that:

The very concept of representative government and representative democracy signifies government by the people
through their representatives. Translated into constitutional terms, it denotes that the sovereign power which
resides in the people is exercised on their behalf by their representatives.

"In the case of the Australian Constitution, one obstacle to the acceptance of that view is that the Constitution owes
its legal force to its character as a statute of the Imperial Parliament enacted in the exercise of its legal
sovereignty; the Constitution was not a supreme law proceeding from the peoples inherent authority to constitute a
In other words, the Australian Constitution does not establish the sovereignty of Australians or their government.

That ruling has been enough for the Institute of Taxation Research to hit the Australian Tax Office right between the eyes,
point blank. In what began as a Freedom of Information request to the ATO, the group pointed out:

For the Constitution to make the transition in status to that of a supreme law as mentioned by [Chief Justice]
Mason, mere opinion is not enough.

"Some legally recognisable instrument is required such as a Memorandum of Transfer from the UK Government,
or the record of a referendum in which the Australian people have given informed consent to the new
arrangements, or some other form of document recognisable under international law.

Since the ATO is claiming this has occurred would their counsel, who as a practising barrister must know of this
document and where it can be found, please produce it. In the presence of such documentary evidence I would be
quite happy to acknowledge the continued existence of the constitution and the laws deriving from it."

Despite the request, the ATO could not produce any documentation proving its lawful authority to levy tax on Australian

Firstly it was asked to present us evidence of the documents setting up the ATO," explains ITR spokesman Ian
Henke from the organisations Melbourne headquarters. "Weve finally got a document that says the documents
do not exist signed by Erin Holland, Deputy Commissioner, on behalf of the Commissioner."
That letter was sent on 27 October 1999.

"There are several issues here," says Henke. "We also searched the Commonwealth Gazette, and there was no
evidence at all of the ATO having been gazetted into existence. Finally in a court on the 20th of October, counsel
for the ATO finally admitted that it wasnt."

It is ITR, a group of lawyers, the occasional judge, business executives and researchers, that is making all the running on
the issue, and its an issue whose repercussions will be felt not just in Canberra, but Wellington and Ottawa too.

The point is, under international law once you get a change in sovereignty then there is a break in legal continuity.
The best example we can give you is Hong Kong. June 1997.

On 30 June there was still British police, British law, British taxes, British Army, British Queen and so on. On the
1st of July, one minute past midnight, all of those things still existed but they no longer had authority in Hong

In the United States, the transference of sovereignty from the King of England to the American people was also marked by a
break in legal continuity the War of Independence followed by the establishment of the Constitution.

The Australian Government, allegedly realising its difficult constitutional position, passed the Australia Act in 1986 to repeal
a range of Imperial laws and shore up its status. New Zealand, in the same boat as Australia, did likewise with the Imperial
Laws Application Act of 1988. However ITR argues that both Acts are also void, as it is impossible under international law
and the UN Charter for one nation to pass legislation repealing the laws of another nation.

So could there really be a major constitutional crisis facing New Zealand? Or is it a technical "tilting at windmills" that will
lead nowhere?
New Zealands Constitution, like Australias, arose from Westminster in 1852 to provide authority for the colonial
administration to govern on Queen Victorias behalf. New Zealand was accorded "Dominion" status in 1907 and was
therefore still a British colony when the Land and Income Tax of 1908 was passed.

Like Australia, NZ signed the League of Nations Covenant in 1920 and, like Australia and Canada, was given legal
separation from Britain in 1931 with the Statute of Westminster. However, New Zealand chose not to ratify the 1931 Statute,
falsely believing that it could still function as a British colony despite having signed the League of Nations Covenant.

This was despite this speech from British Prime Minister Lloyd George at the Imperial Conference of 1921:

In recognition of their service and achievements during the war, the British Dominions have now been accepted
fully into the comity of the nations of the whole world. They are signatories to the Treaty of Versailles and all other
treaties of peace.

"They are members of the Assembly of the League of Nations, and their representatives have already attended
meetings of the League. In other words, they have achieved full national status and they now stand beside the
United Kingdom as equal partners in the dignities and responsibilities of the British Commonwealth.

"If there are any means by which that status can be rendered even more clear to their own communities and to the
world at large, we shall be glad to have them put forward."

The last paragraph should have sent clear signals to New Zealand that a change of constitutional status had taken place,
whether the New Zealand government liked it or not. Colonies could not sign treaties, only sovereigns could.
But it wasnt until after World War II, and the formation of the United Nations in 1947, that New Zealand formally severed its
colonial ties from Britain by ratifying the 1931 Statute of Westminster in a ceremony on November 25, 1947.

Britain then drafted a new Constitution for New Zealand, again passed in Westminster, authorising its colony to change any
provisions of the old 1852 colonial constitution.

Except, as the Australian Government has already learnt at great cost, no laws passed by Britain are valid in New Zealand
or Australia, nor have they been since 1920.

The British confirmation to Australia that:

"No Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or an Act that looks to the Parliament of the United Kingdom for
its authority, is valid in Australia or its territories in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom and the Charter
of the United Nations," could equally be applied to the 1947 New Zealand Constitution Act passed in Britain for use
in New Zealand.

What principle of international law lets the parliament of one sovereign country amend the law of another
sovereign country? It doesnt," argues Henke.

One to disagree, however, is University of Canterbury constitutional expert Philip Joseph, who says the gentle devolution of
power from Westminster to the three colonies of Canada, Australia and New Zealand was legally effective, even if not as
definitive as more traditional transfers of sovereignty.
Joseph believes international law, as set out in treaties signed by Australia and New Zealand, does not define how a nation
must deal with sovereignty issues at a domestic level.

Unlike all the other more newly emerged Commonwealth countries which have become sovereign, these three old
colonies acquired full powers of legal continuity through an ongoing gift of legal powers from Westminster to the
countries concerned."

This, of course, puts Joseph somewhat at odds with Henke and others who take a more fundamentalist view of
constitutional law, and even Joseph admits that his views shared by other mainstream constitutional lawyers in New
Zealand may be wrong at the end of the day.

The reason for that is that it places an enormous amount of faith in Britains legal ability to devolve power that way. Ninety-
nine percent of countries have achieved independence either by physical revolution or by declaration of independence. The
fact that only the three Dominions didnt, and are now facing major constitutional challenges, illustrates how the "gentle" way
may in fact have failed miserably to deliver lawful government.

"It never properly tells us when we exactly became an independent sovereign nation, and insofar as we trace our
powers through this continuity line back to Westminster yes, it is a problem," says Joseph.

The question of whether New Zealands Government has been passing laws since 1920 without pure Constitutional
authority to do so now lies open for legal debate and challenge, raising issues about the possible illegality of major policy
decisions like state-asset sales or Waitangi Treaty settlements, not to mention the tax laws.

The problem is even more volatile, as an unconstitutional parliamentary system would mean New Zealand has an
unconstitutional court system, bringing more headaches over whether any New Zealand court has jurisdiction to hear such a

Some lawyers suggest the New Zealand Government had the power, during the transfer of sovereignty, to ratify by
legislation the earlier colonial constitution as remaining in force.

"If you wanted to argue the case," says Victoria University constitutional law expert Tony Angelo, "youd say that
on that date, 1920, when the cut off comes, that there has been an implicit affirmation or re-affirmation of certain
rules as the laws of this newly independent state."

Ian Henke doesnt buy that argument for a second.

He points out that in the recent Australian referendum on becoming a republic, the voters were asked to vote on a specific
question that would also have provided a break in legal continuity. And they were asked to ratify it because there was no
legal authority for the government to simply rubber-stamp it.

"We, the Australian people, commit ourselves to this constitution," was the referendum issue.

"By 61% to 39%, the people of Australia said no," says Henke. "so they cant just ratify it. The people said no."

But doesnt a government have the lawful authority, while it is becoming independent, to simply ignore its population and say
We know whats best because were the Government?
"Of course not, because lawful authority in independence, comes from the people. Its the only place lawful
authority can come from."

Canterbury Universitys Philip Joseph agrees, saying the Government cannot claim a constitutional mandate simply because
it was voted in during an election.

"Thats too mechanistic in a sense. Youve actually got to go back to the fundamentals: what gives them the right to
be there to begin with, to actually put policies to the people?"

At a point during the interview, Philip Joseph acknowledges that what is being challenged is not whether an individual
statute is constitutional or not which has been ruled on many times in the past but a much bigger challenge: if the entire
system has not been lawfully constituted, no national court can possibly adjudicate on it.

"I take your point on what you are saying," says Joseph, "and at this point you do step beyond the safe
parameters of constitutional analysis. You are actually asking now: what are the bases of a people, of a state, of a

The ramifications are huge. After all, you are asking lawyers who you may seek advice from to accept that their admission to
the Bar and expensive law degree may not be valid.

Mainstream constitutional thought in this country has always been that sovereignty did not come in a definable moment as it
has in other nations, but that the slow legal transition from Britain to New Zealand over a period of decades was lawful.
To ask lawyers, judges and politicians to accept that the core of their constitutional beliefs and their power base is wrong in
law is like asking the Titanic to stop on a dime. It is still a foreign concept in New Zealand legal thought that "the people"
hold sovereignty in anything other than name only.

The New Zealand and Australian people, when independence from Britain came in 1920, were never asked by their
Governments what laws they wished their new nations to operate under. Yet only the people can be sovereign, not the

"Every country in the world has a constitution which is its law," stresses Henke. "The key about your constitution,
and the key about our constitution, is that they are Acts of the British Westminster Parliament. They have never
been passed by the domestic parliaments down here. They are not the will of these peoples."

In essence, he argues, the moves by Australia, New Zealand and Canada to simply continue their existing government
systems without asking the citizens of the new nations for their views, were akin to building a skyscraper without getting a
building permit or planning permission.

Sovereignty, whether the governments realised it or not, had not passed from Britain to the former colonial governments, but
instead had passed directly into the hands of the people by virtue of the international covenants that all three countries
signed. Yet the governments acted as if they now had the power.

There are still lawyers who argue that international law has no domestic force. Again, the lawyers at ITR vehemently

"Certainly, in the early part of the century, sovereign states rights were the only thing that was important. There
was no such thing as individual human rights," says Henke.
The reason for this was simple. Until World War I, the world was essentially a collection of imperial powers many of them
controlled by monarchs with absolute, divine right of kings, power. Sovereignty rested with the monarchs, and was exercised
via their governments.

But the first world war brought that state of affairs to an end, destroying the Austro-Hungarian empire, Prussian aspirations
and the Ottoman empire of Turkey that had once stretched from India to Spain.

From the wreckage of the war, new nations emerged where the people were suddenly free sovereigns in their own right.
The idea of absolute government sovereignty died in the trenches of the war, and this is the background that led to the
League of Nations being formed a group of free countries, each respecting the others sovereignty and their citizens rights
to shake off colonial shackles.

"Now probably the major development of the last half of the 20th century has been the swap from the emphasis on
sovereign states rights, to individual human rights. At this point in history, thats the dominant shift thats
occurred," opines Henke.

"In Europe and this is the problem that the people in Australasia have human rights, the 1966 Covenant, the
1947 Universal Declaration, and the European Covenant on Human Rights, are all by treaty part of European law
and are binding on all of the parties to the European Union, including England.

So human rights are now binding, under international law and international agreement, on the United Kingdom. Yet
we have governments in Australia who claim they operate on the basis of British law, namely our Constitutions, but
at the same time want to not be bound by the sections relating to human rights.

In fact, the remarkable thing is that two countries [Aust & NZ] whose governments speak so loudly about other
peoples abuse of human rights are very careful to avoid having human rights, of the international variety which are
universal, being applied to their citizens."

Henke says the bizarre situation has arisen where Australia has sworn to uphold the international declarations on human
rights, but where Australian courts have ruled the declarations do not apply domestically.
New Zealand too, is guilty of the same action by virtue of Government policy. According to Philip Joseph, the New Zealand
Government, like Australia, has not allowed our domestic law to automatically recognise international law even if NZ is a
signatory to it.

"There is this dichotomy between the international legal order and our national legal order. It is still one of the
foundation principles of our constitutional law that an international treaty which we sign and ratify does not
become part of our domestic legal system unless it is specifically incorporated by an Act of Parliament."

Which, as Henke argues, makes it a lot easier for two constitutionally unlawful governments to continue in power, without
giving their subjects any rights of appeal under normal international legal channels.

"We actually had a judge say on the weekend, in discussion with a QC, that he didnt give a damn whether
individuals were hurt his job was to uphold the system the system as opposed to the law.

Now thats the second judge weve heard say that. Justice Haine of the Australian High Court said this back in
December of 1998. His job was to uphold the system. I was in court when he uttered it."

But ITR admits theres another problem: if, as the evidence now strongly suggests, the Australian Constitution is invalid and
the government has no powers to pass laws or enforce them, then the Australian courts also lack jurisdiction to hear such

By failing to consult their citizens their new bosses about what kind of system of government they wanted from 1920
onwards, and simply assuming that the laws that existed the day before were still legal, Henkes researchers believe the
Governments acted illegally.
When America gained sovereign nation status, the new Constitution expressly provided that British common law precedent
would continue to form the basis of American law, except where it was inconsistent with the principles of the Constitution. In
this way, Americans ensured that they still had access to a code of laws.

But New Zealanders and Australians were not asked if they wanted British common law dating from the Magna Carta to
continue as their legal basis.

Related: Magna Carta: Our Founding Document Holds It's 800th Anniversary Today: June 15, 2015

And without that permission, it is constitutionally possible that the New Zealand courts have no power to draw legal
precedent from colonial times or earlier. In effect, there is a solid argument that virtually no laws exist in New Zealand, and
that even the 1688 Bill of Rights protecting MPs from being sued may have no effect, as ITR points out.

"The only constitutional authority for British legal precedent is the authority on which the British courts rest: the
legal authority of the British people as expressed through the British parliament. Now that lawful authority does not
apply in Australia. It doesnt apply in New Zealand.

"So all of the court decisions made in relation to that, unless we choose voluntarily and explicitly to take it into our
laws, is no more valid for us than laws used in France, the United States or China."

Again, looked at objectively, there is no constitutional reason that British colonial law should have any more force in New
Zealand, than Ottoman law from last century should have any force in modern Turkey or Egypt.

The only way this legal crisis could be dealt with is for the New Zealand Government to seek a mandate from the voters to
be granted temporary emergency powers whilst a new Constitution is drafted for public approval.
Unlike Hong Kong, freedom downunder was not marked by a break in legal continuity while one side relinquished power and
the other took command. Instead the former colonial governments did not understand the constitutional issues facing them.

As New Zealand constitutional law expert Tony Angelo, of Victoria University, points out, sovereignty up until that time had
normally been transferred only at the point of a gun, usually after agitation. In contrast, British colonial citizens were loyal
and not actively seeking independence.

"The British constitutional pattern, particularly for the old Commonwealth, was normally an evolutionary rather than
revolutionary process, so the idea that there is a specific date before which you are dependent and after which
you are independent, as I understand it, was not part of British constitutional thinking.

It is certainly a feature of some constitutional systems in continental Europe. In other words, if you wanted
independence from France, everything would stop and start on a given date."

As you saw earlier, Britain had told Australia and New Zealand on many occasions that they were now fully independent, but
it appears the colonials were not listening.

In Resolution 9 of the Imperial Conference of 1917, the colonies were told "there is a necessity to alter the constitutional
arrangements of the empire. The conference feels it must put on record that such rearrangements will be on the basis of
equality of nationhood."

Australias Prime Minister Hughes tried, in 1921, to draft a new Constitution for Australia to reflect the new nationhood. But
his plans were torpedoed by British-owned commercial interests lobbying politicians against it. Hughes was voted out soon
afterward, and the idea of a new Australian Constitution never arose until the Republican Referendum last year.

New Zealand politicians were even more backward, failing to realise they were legally independent for 27 years, and failing
to implement a Constitution right up to the present day.
Although the Lange government did pass the 1986 Constitution Act, it was an Act of Parliament not a peoples constitution.
It is also strongly arguable that the Constitution Act is void because the Government had no sovereign power delegated to it
by the New Zealand people.

Leading British constitutional law expert, Professor D P OConnell, a recognised international expert, says transfers of
sovereignty must be marked by a break in legal continuity. But the former Dominions, thinking stability was the most
important factor, ignored the need to re-codify the laws and constitutional basis of the government.

"There is a law called the Law of State Succession," says Henke, "which is basically the mechanics by which those
breaks are overcome to ensure that you dont end up with total chaos. But nothing was ever done.

"All theyve done is ignored the existence of the break and run a PR job on the people telling them everything is
fine, deliberately made sure they never told them the truth, and just let it run from there."

The issue is so grave, that even New Zealand constitutional law expert, Victoria Universitys Tony Angelo, doubts that New
Zealand courts would have any powers to even hear legal argument if their jurisdiction was challenged.

He cites the case of Simpson v Attorney General, a New Zealand case from the 1950s where Simpson alleged the
Government was unconstitutional because he discovered the electoral writs had not been issued within the timeframe
required for the election.

"The court said well, this is all very fine, but were not in a position to re-establish a parliament. We can say yes,
everythings invalid because the process wasnt followed as it should have been, but were not in a position to re-
start the machine.
"The judges said actually, if what you say is true, none of us have been lawfully appointed and therefore we cant
validly decide your case."

To get around the problem, the court opted for a novel solution, ruling that the word "must" in the Act could also mean
"may". Whether the verdict was legally correct was irrelevant, as Philip Joseph points out.

"They managed to find a way around that, because it would have brought the system crashing down on its head,
otherwise. That was a pragmatic response to a pressing constitutional challenge."

It is issues like this, Joseph concedes, that demonstrate how the sovereignty of the people of New Zealand has arguably
been usurped by Parliament and by the Courts.

Both institutions will attest to the constitutionality of the other if either faces a challenge, whilst the people must accept their
verdicts or actions.

"That is an argument that you could put, but ultimately if you test it in the courts you wont succeed, I can tell you
that, because our Court of Appeal would simply say we can trace our authorities back."
As for the arguments by other New Zealand constitutional experts that the Governments power to make statute law
overrides everything else, Henkes attitude is "prove it".

"The question is: where does it get its power from? A very simple question. Every Government has to get its power
based on something. It cant be based on the divine right of kings, because that ended when they chopped
Charles head off. The current Royal Family will be sovereigns only if they obey the specific requirements of
English statutory law.

Now try and think about this one: the courts have tried to push the idea that its like dual citizenship you can have
the Queen of New Zealand and the Queen of the United Kingdom. But if you have dual citizenship you can
surrender either one without affecting the other.

However in this case its an a priori requirement that to be Queen of New Zealand, somebody must already be the
Queen of the United Kingdom. They could not abdicate as Queen of the United Kingdom and remain Queen of
New Zealand, so trying to separate the British authority component is an impossibility. You cant do it."

Which raises an even more dramatic possibility, according to Tony Angelo:

"May we still be a colony? I mean, the person of our sovereign is in the UK. Our final court of appeal is in the UK.
We have not localised those two things. Internationally we would say we are independent and we have a Queen of
New Zealand who is different from the Queen of England, and the Privy Council advises the Queen of New
Zealand not the Queen of England, but that is a total mystery it is an act of faith to accept that."

"He could be absolutely right," says Henke. "Thats one of the possibilities that we are all still colonies of Britain
and not independent. Now if that is so, then every one of the treaties we have signed, and in Australias case thats
about 4000, are null and void. And were all British citizens again, except that British law says were not, so we
become stateless people.

"As you can see, its a fascinating series of twists. And we did not believe when we started out that we would find
anything like this."

The problem now facing citizens of New Zealand, Australia and Canada is how to regain constitutional control of their
The only previous attempt at drafting anything close to a real constitution in New Zealand was Sir Geoffrey Palmers Bill of
Rights, which codified a number of basic rights but said "notwithstanding" those rights, nothing in the Bill could remove the
Governments statutory powers.

Ian Henke says attempts to draw up lists of rights are futile.

"Look, the issue is very simple. Once you become a sovereign nation, all of the rights belong to the people. And
they delegate to a parliament and a government so much of their rights as are necessary to keep government
going. And thats all. Anything that is not so delegated remains the rights of the people.

"In other words, you dont have to draft a Bill of Rights to say what rights the people have got. All you have to draft,
in any decent democracy, is a Constitution that says which of the rights, belonging to the people, the government
is allowed to exercise."

So New Zealands new Constitution could say, "We the people retain all rights, but we delegate the following
powers to the Government"

Allowing for the fact that future Governments could face some unforeseen problem and require extra power, Henke
suggests that the Government should be forced to ask its citizens, via binding referenda, to vote on constitutional
amendments if necessary.

Such a constitution could even provide for the Government to be allowed to exercise emergency powers, for a maximum of
six weeks, in order to deal with an unexpected crisis. The time limit allows enough time for the issue to be put to the vote.
"The Government doesnt need all our rights to do things. It only needs some. So the Government must have no
rights over the freedom of individuals, and so you just never give it to them. Then, in order to enforce something,
the Government has got to prove that what theyre trying to enforce falls under the context of what they have been
granted by the Constitution.

It puts the onus of proof on the Government to prove that they are acting lawfully, rather than as it currently exists
where individuals must prove that the Government is acting unlawfully."

Angelo believes the recent push by New Zealanders for more control over their governments is driven by a subconscious
realisation that weve been flying blind, in a constitutional sense.

"We have only one protection, and that is the semi-entrenched requirement of elections every three years.
Intuitively, why people have consistently said well keep the term short is, I think, because theyve realised that it
is their only hold on the system. Because logically youd look for a four or five year term, but if you look at those
referenda the populace consistently say no, dont change it.

"The Ombudsman came out of that desire for greater control, Official Information came out of that, MMP came out
of that, but the basic issue is not being addressed and that is because it is not part of the Anglo-Saxon
constitutional tradition to do things this way.

"The fact is that now were probably the only nation that thinks like that, Britain is now so caught up with the
European Union that even if it hasnt set its own constitution it is falling within other peoples structures. It seems
were closest to the pure model.

"But until you can get some popular groundswell, no politician is going to run with it."

In Australia, however, its a different story. The Institute of Taxation Research is playing hardball with the Australian

"An application for the appointment of an International Criminal Tribunal has been submitted to the UN, for
Australia. We have forwarded copies to every single country who has a delegation to the UN. No country has
returned the document to us.

"Copies went to the Secretary-General as well as the Security Council. A number of countries have offered active
support in bringing the matter to a head. It is currently being worked through by the [UN] Human Rights
Commission. It is currently being worked on by a number of the other countries who were signatories to the
treaties that gave Australia and New Zealand their independence. They have indicated to us that as signatories to
those treaties they are duty bound to push the matter before the International Court.

"We are, despite what the politicians here are saying, moving down the track to a declaration by the International
Court that this current government is nothing but an illegal offshoot of the United Kingdom Government.

"Even the UK Government is saying now Its not us! Its them. Weve given them the legislation saying theyre
independent. If these people are doing it its them, theyre doing it wrong. Were actually asking the International
Court, amongst other things, to have the United Kingdom repeal the Constitution Act, just to strike it right out so
there can be no pretence any longer that it still exists."

What Investigate expected when we began this research was to find strong and forceful legal opinion that this constitutional
timebomb claim was wrong that it was merely the ramblings of a few cranks. Instead, of all the leading New Zealand
constitutional lawyers we spoke to, both on and off the record, one comment sums them up:
"It is very problematic, and there is no clear answer to these questions you are posing."

That such an admission carries with it the possibility that our courts are invalid, our government has no constitutional right to
pass laws, that the Waitangi Treaty became null and void on 10 January 1920 when we signed the League of Nations
Covenant, that the new drivers licence laws are invalid pick any issue you like all of this means New Zealand faces
some very serious decisions in the very near future.

This question is likely to get a major airing when constitutional experts meet in Parliaments Legislative Chamber in April to
debate whether New Zealand needs a written constitution. At this point, one might be tempted to say the question is not
"whether", but "when".

Winston Churchill: Britains Greatest Briton Left A Legacy Of Global Conflict And Crimes
Against Humanity
January 27 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

Sunday January 24th 2016 marks the anniversary of the death of one of the most lionized leaders
in the Western world: Sir Winston Churchill.
The current British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has called Churchill the greatest ever Prime Minister, and
Britons have recently voted him as the greatest Briton to have ever lived.

The story that British schoolbooks tell children about Churchill is of a British Bulldog, with unprecedented moral bravery and
patriotism. He, who defeated the Nazis during World War II and spread civilisation to indigenous people from all corners of
the globe. Historically, nothing could be further from the truth.

To the vast majority of the world, where the sun once never set on the British empire, Winston Churchill remains a great
symbol of racist Western imperialist tyranny, who stood on the wrong side of history.

The myth of Churchill is Britains greatest propaganda tool because it rewrites Churchills true history in order to whitewash
Britains past imperialist crimes against humanity. The Churchill myth also perpetuates Britains ongoing neo-colonial and
neo-liberal policies, that still, to the is day, hurt the very people around the world that Churchill was alleged to have helped
The same man whose image is polished and placed on British mantelpieces as a symbol of all that is Great about Britain
was an unapologetic racist and white supremacist. I hate Indians, they are a beastly people with a beastly religion, he once
bellowed. As Churchill put it, Palestinians were simply barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung.

In 1937, he told the Palestine Royal Commission:

I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of
Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-
grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.

It is unsurprising that when Barack Obama became President, he returned to Britain a bust of Churchill which he found on
his desk in the Oval office. According to historian Johann Hari, Mr. Obamas Kenyan grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama,
was imprisoned without trial for two years and was tortured on Churchills watch, for daring to resist Churchills empire.

Apart from being an unrepentant racist, Churchill was also a staunch proponent of the use of terrorism as a weapon of

During the Kurdish rebellion against the British dictatorship in 1920, Churchill remarked that he simply did not understand
the squeamishness surrounding the use of gas by civilized Great Britain as a weapon of terror. I am strongly in favour
of using gas against uncivilised tribes, it would spread a lively terror, he remarked.

In the same year, as Secretary of State for War, Churchill sent the infamous Black and Tans to Ireland to fight the IRA. The
group became known for vicious terrorist attacks on civilians which Churchill condoned and encouraged.
While today Britons celebrate Churchills legacy, much of the world outside the West mourns the legacy of a man who
insisted that it was the solemn duty of Great Britain to invade and loot foreign lands because in Churchills own words
Britains Aryan stock is bound to triumph.

Churchills legacy in the Far East, Middle East, South Asia and Africa is certainly not one of an affable British Lionheart,
intent on spreading civilization amongst the natives of the world. To people of these regions the imperialism, racism, and
fascism of a man like Winston Churchill can be blamed for much of the worlds ongoing conflicts and instability.

As Churchill himself boasted, he created Jordan with a stroke of a pen one Sunday afternoon, thereby placing many
Jordanians under the brutal thumb of a throneless Hashemite prince, Abdullah. Historian Michael R. Burch recalls how the
huge zigzag in Jordans eastern border with Saudi Arabia has been called Winstons Hiccup or Churchills Sneeze
because Churchill carelessly drew the expansive boundary after a generous lunch.

Churchill also invented Iraq. After giving Jordan to Prince Abdullah, Churchill, the great believer in democracy that he was,
gave Prince Abdullahs brother Faisal an arbitrary patch of desert that became Iraq. Faisal and Abdullah were war buddies
of Churchills friend T. E. Lawrence, the famous Lawrence of Arabia.

Much like the clumsy actions in Iraq of todays great Empire, Churchills imperial foreign policy caused decades of instability
in Iraq by arbitrarily locking together three warring ethnic groups that have been bleeding heavily ever since. In Iraq,
Churchill bundled together the three Ottoman vilayets of Basra that was predominantly Shiite, Baghdad that was Sunni, and
Mosul that was mainly Kurd.
Ask almost anyone outside of Iraq who is responsible for the unstable mess that Iraq is in today and they are likely to say
one word, either Bush or America. However, if you asked anyone within Iraq who is mainly responsible for Iraqs
problems over the last half century and they are likely to simply say Churchill.

Winston Churchill convened the 1912 Conference in Cairo to determine the boundaries of the British Middle Eastern
mandate and T.E. Lawrence was the most influential delegate. Churchill did not invite a single Arab to the conference, which
is shocking but hardly surprising since in his memoirs Churchill said that he never consulted the Arabs about his plans for

The arbitrary lines drawn in Middle Eastern sand by Churchillian imperialism were never going to withstand the test of time.
To this day, Churchills actions have denied Jordanians, Iraqis, Kurds and Palestinians anything resembling true democracy
and national stability.
The intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict can also be traced directly back to Churchills door at number 10 Downing Street
and his decision to hand over the Promised Land to both Arabs and Jews. Churchill gave practical effect to the Balfour
declaration of 1917, which expressed Britains support for the creation of a Jewish homeland, resulting in the biggest single
error of British foreign policy in the Middle East.

Churchills legacy in Sub-Saharan Africa and Kenya in particular is also one of deep physical and physiological scars that
endure to this day.

Of greater consequence to truth and history should be a mans actions, not merely his words. Whilst Churchill has become
one of the most extensively quoted men in the English speaking world, particularly on issues of democracy and freedom,
true history speaks of a man whose actions revolved around, in Churchills own words, a lot of jolly little wars against
barbarous peoples.

One such war was when Kikuyu Kenyans rebelled for their freedom only to have Churchill call them brutish savage
children and force 150,000 of them into Britains Gulag.
Pulitzer-prize winning historian, Professor Caroline Elkins, highlights Churchills many crimes in Kenya in her book Britains
Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya.

Professor Elkins explains how Churchills soldiers whipped, shot, burned, and mutilated Mau Mau suspects, all in the name
of British civilization. It is said that President Obamas grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama never truly recovered from
the torture he endured from Churchills men.

The Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen has proved how in Bengal in 1943 Churchill engineered one of the worst
famines in human history for profit.

Over three million civilians starved to death whilst Churchill refused to send food aid to India. Instead, Churchill trumpeted
that the famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.

Churchill intentionally hoarded grain to sell for profit on the open market after the Second World War instead of diverting it to
starving inhabitants of a nation controlled by Britain. Churchills actions in India unquestionably constituted a crime against
Churchill was also one of the greatest advocates of Britains disastrous divide-and-rule foreign policy.

Churchills administration deliberately created and exacerbated sectarian fissures within Indias independence movement,
between Indian Hindus and Muslims that have had devastating effects on the region ever since.

Prior to Indias independence from Britain, Churchill was eager to see bloodshed erupt in India, so as to prove that Britain
was the benevolent glue holding the nation together. For Churchill, bloodshed also had the added strategic advantage that
it would also lead to the partition of India and Pakistan.

Churchills hope was this partition would result in Pakistan remaining within Britains sphere of influence. This, in turn, would
enable the Great Game against the Soviet empire to continue, no matter the cost to innocent Indian and Pakistanis. The
partition of India with Pakistan caused the death of about 2.5 million people and displaced some 12.5 million others.

According to writer, Ishaan Tharoor, Churchills own Secretary of State for India, Leopold Amery, compared his bosss
understanding of Indias problems to King George IIIs apathy for the Americas. In his private diaries Amery vented that on
the subject of India, Churchill is not quite sane and that he didnt see much difference between Churchills outlook and
Churchill shared far more ideologically in common with Hitler than most British historians care to admit. For instance,
Churchill was a keen supporter of eugenics, something he shared in common with Germanys Nazi leadership, who were
estimated estimated to have killed 200,000 disabled people and forcibly sterilised twice that number.

Churchill drafted a highly controversial piece of legislation, which mandated that the mentally ill be forcibly sterilized. In a
memo to the Prime Minister in 1910, Winston Churchill cautioned, the multiplication of the feeble-minded is a very terrible
danger to the race.
He also helped organise the International Eugenics Conference of 1912, which was the largest meeting of proponents of
eugenics in history.

Churchill had a long standing belief in racial hierarchies and eugenics. In Churchills view, white protestant Christians were
at the very top of the pyramid, above white Catholics, while Jews and Indians were only slightly higher than Africans.

Historian, Mr. Hari, rightfully points out, the fact that we now live in a world where a free and independent India is a
superpower eclipsing Britain, and a grandson of the Kikuyu savages is the most powerful man in the world, is a repudiation
of Churchill at his ugliest and a sweet, ironic victory for Churchill at his best.
Amid todays Churchillian parades and celebratory speeches, British media and schoolbooks may choose to only remember
Churchills opposition to dictatorship in Europe, but the rest of the world cannot choose to forget Churchills imposition of
dictatorship on darker skinned people outside of Europe. Far from being the Lionheart of Britain, who stood on the ramparts
of civilisation, Winston Churchill, all too often, simply stood on the wrong side of history.

Churchill is indeed the Greatest Briton to have ever lived, because for decades, the myth of Churchill has served as
Britains greatest propaganda tool to bolster national white pride and glorify British imperial culture.

John Key Wants War Between Maori And Pakeha. Are You Going To Let Him?
January 25 2016 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

On the 4th of February 2016 two days before Waitangi day. John Key intends to sign the TPPA. The
treaty will allow international corporations to usurp most of New Zealands sovereignty. It will
deregulate the financial industry, allow corporations to sue our government for loss of profit if we
dont let them run rough shod over what is left of our fragile ecological systems and destroy what
is left of our social support systems.
It will also destroy one of the most important social documents and contracts of this country: the Treaty of

And John Key knows this. The ruling elite knows this and they like the idea! What is more, most Pakeha who identify with
the ruling elite rather than face reality and realise they are part of the 99%, like that idea too!

And its an easy fault line for the 1% to aggravate the 99% into an all out civil war between Maori and Pakeha and here is
what is being done to make sure they get what they want.

The signing of the TPPA in Auckland two days before Waitangi day guaranteed to incite a heated emotional response.

John Key intending to attend the Commemorations at Waitangi Marae which is the mother of all shit stirring exercises.

Opinion Pieces in major news papers inciting racial division and Mike Hosking pandering to the basest of prejudices as

Releasing information about riot police being trained to deal with political unrest to inflame emotions.

People inciting violence in comments on political blogs to make sure the people who own those blogs can be arrested or
made redundant as part of the aggressive political fringe loonies when they try to inform people.

Putting up the rag touted as the new flag to inflame emotions.

And here is what is traditionally done to make sure unrest will arise even if the people keep their cool:

So what can you do to help the people in Waitangi to speak truth to power and make sure this can not be pinned on Maori
being obstinate?

For starters if you are Pakeha, Chinese, Indian, European, Muslim ,Christian, in short not Maori and against the TPPA, you
can go to Waitangi in support of the refusal of The Waitangi Marae Kaumatua to receive government officials in protest of
the signing. Show them you wont be played against each other and that New Zealanders of any creed and background are
against the corporate take over of New Zealand!

Do so in peace and respect for the treaty and the people there.
Maori or otherwise: prevent anybody from becoming violent or aggressive and keep it dignified and silent and allow the
sheer number of people to speak rather than individual voices. Even if they sign the TPPA they have to implement it and
that will only happen if we let them.

Take mirrors and let the trained government thugs have a goo long look at themselves! It works in Ukraine! We need the
people authorised by the banker usurper John Key to commit violence, to realise that they are also part of the 99% being
sucked dry by the banksters!

And remember all of us living on these Islands: This is our home! We can make it heaven or hell. The international
banksters are hell-bent on making it hell. Lets not give it to them! Lets commit to make peace and abundance for

The Big Squeeze vs. Khazarian Mafia

January 22 2016 | From: Geopolitics

The result of the well-coordinated operation to cut-off the Khazarian Mafia from the rest of the
global economy is now undeniable.

The fiat FED dollar denominated economy is effectively shut down as indicated in the free-falling Baltic Dry Index.

Related: International Shipping Shuts Down; Baltic Dry Index Freefalling

We have warned that bank deposits are already being skimmed by the retreating parasites, and its prudent that necessary
preparations should have been made already.

Iran cannot be intimidated anymore. It has repelled Israel and Saudi Arabias big brother, i.e. the United States.
If your child is being held back and being denied even the possibility of entering a gifted program based on the fact that they
have attention issues, then there is problem.

Related: Captured US Navy Boats Were Carrying Top ISIS Leader, USS Truman Intervened

Again, we are featuring another summary of the information thats already been in this site and some new information
detailing the personalities involved that should facilitate the understanding of whats been going on for at least the last eight

Big Squeeze Now On Khazarian Mafia

This article builds on past articles on this subject. For those who havent read those, reading this article is likely a waste of
time and it will be difficult to fit this information into their heads.

This is a long article and is written as a two-tiered piece. Those short of time can read the bold print and pass over the rest,
and then finish with the conclusion. Many thanks to my sources, some still living but most passed. None have been
associated with Veterans Today in any way. I do not enjoy writing this type of article for a number of reasons not appropriate
to be discussed here. But I do feel an obligation to get this information out. ]

Numerous nations around the World have now ganged up on the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

It is cornered and it is losing power by the day. Expect increased surveillance and harassment by local police who take
orders from Homeland Security (DHS) and receive their ridiculous conjured up Domestic Terror Watch Lists.

How much real power does the Khazarian Mafia have left and for how long can it hold out? Is the Khazarian Mafia still
powerful enough to start another major war in the Mideast, or even a nuclear WW3 to serve as a covering event for their
impending loss of World hegemony?
There are recent reports from China that the Chinese Government has ordered that its international cargo shipping in both
the Pacific and the Atlantic be restricted.

One source with connections to mainland Chinese sources has verified this claim that China has given an ultimatum that
there will be a big reduction in their cargo ships unloading any products until the USG begins to honor the Secret Reset
Agreement they entered into in 2013 during G-20 meetings.

Related: The Unfolding Global Reset that Only Few Understand

The Baltic Dry Shipping Index is way down, less than half of what it was at its peak. Crude oil has dropped to $30 a barrel or
less, and in Canada shale oil is even as low at $10 a barrel. American retail sales were low during Christmas and many
retail chains plan to close stores at multiple locations, including the notorious Walmart.

Related: International Shipping Shuts Down; Baltic Dry Index Freefalling

And oil derivatives of the big Wall Street Banks are under extreme stress due to these oil prices which has now placed
several of the largest in jeopardy. The US Petro Dollar is now under stress as never before and the massive continued
issuing and printing after the bailouts (repetitive Quantitative Easings, #7 and counting), the secret US Treasury Exchange
Stabilization Fund (ESF) direct foreign bank bailouts of trillions, and the secret direct USG Plunge Protection Team stock
purchases in mass no longer seem to mitigate this slide.

Several foreign nations have asked for their Gold back that has been stored at the Federal Reserve, but only a portion has
been shipped because the vaults are now apparently empty.
Chinese and Russian purchases of massive quantities of Gold and Silver are fact, not theory, giving them a huge advantage
as the Federal Reserve Systems Ponzi scheme approaches collapse.

Comex paper Gold which is supposed to be backed 100% by real Gold is not. This is just another part of the Federal
Reserve Systems massive Ponzi scheme which has probably already hit the iceberg and is taking on water.

The Khazarian Mafias top leadership is being squeezed and now seems cornered. They claim to each other to work directly
for Lucifer who they describe as their new rising god (they call this Lucifer Rising). Others in this small circle describe
Lucifer as a renegade Third Force who will cut these folks loose in a NY Minute as soon as they serve no useful purpose
anymore. And that is what now seems to be happening. Looks like their god is going to let them down. Oh well, should
they have expected less from pure evil?
When you dance with the devil, you are going to get burned. Thats the function of Doofus Cutouts that are propelled to the
top and given power, status and riches beyond imagination. They are there to serve as disposables when its all said and
done and they are no longer needed. They will never see it coming when they are abandoned and cut-loose.

If there is going to be new monetary system set up for the World and thats the way it looks, and it likely will not include the
Khazarian Mafia Kingpins.

As best we can determine before Chinese cargo shipping decreased, China was demanding that their Renminbi be included
in a basket of currencies.

And we know that the Renminbi will be backed by Gold and this basket of currencies will replace the current exclusiveness
of the US Petro Dollar which functions as the Worlds Reserve Currency.

This same source has claimed that the Japanese Government has just agreed to be part of the Chinese created Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). If these reports are accurate then this means that Khazarian Mafia is being squeezed
For the G-20 nations and especially the USA to honor this Secret Reset Agreement made in 2013, the Khazarian Mafia
must be removed from its position controlling the Worlds Central Banking.

It also apparently requires the acceptance of the Chinese Renminbi based on Gold and Silver as a part of an international
basket of currencies and the removal of the US Petro Dollar as the Worlds Reserve Currency.

Looks like the Khazarian Mafia is now being squeezed from many directions. And it is rapidly losing control which makes it
desperate and dangerous.

When the Worlds largest Organized Crime Syndicate the Khazarian Mafia feels cornered one would expect that it would
become desperate to re-establish control and take even more drastic actions that it has in the past, unless too much force is
arrayed against them from more than one enemy.

And now for the first time numerous enemies have arisen against the Khazarian Mafia. And two of them are quite powerful.

The first and most powerful enemy appears to be the Russian Federation.
Putin and the Russian Federation have now completely checkmated the Khazarian Mafia both in the Ukraine and in Syria
and is now annihilating ISIS by deployment of its superior air power.

The second most powerful appears to be the American People, a very well-armed sleeping giant that is now rapidly

This new exigent power of the American Masses is due to the Alternative Media of the Internet. The Internet has provided
incredible speed and the fact that so many Americans are finally figuring out everything out of our elected Politicians
mouths via the CMMM is their propaganda, big lies and false-narratives.

And the recent dire economy, and massive unemployment since 2008 brought about by all these traitorous Free Trade
Agreements and two illegal, unConstitutional Wall Street Bailouts have created a spontaneously emerging populism in the
American Masses.

This massive populism is not only unprecedented but it is now accompanied by a rising anger towards the DC doofus
career politicians and this new populism is increasingly powerful.

The Khazarian Mafia has deployed false-flag attacks all around the World and in America using Cutouts. Some were mass-
shootings in gun-free zones hyped in the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), and others were major bombings like at
the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 or the World Trade Center in NYC on 9-11-01.
The purpose is always to justify more power to central government in order to help the Khazarian Mafia protect itself and its
Evil Agenda.

But now that the Khazarian Mafia is being squeezed from all sides, will we see increased harassment of investigative
journalists, known truth tellers and dissidents who run counter to the Khazarian Mafias propaganda, big lies and false-
narratives they dispense through their CMMM?

Might we start seeing mysterious and increasingly frequent disappearances like what occurred in the South American Death
Squads? After all these Death Squads were all trained by the US Military and the CIA inside the USA, and these schools for
torture and murder are still active.

And recently Chicago was caught running a black site for DHS to disappear Targeted Individuals. Other cities have these
too. And the Pentagon and the CIA still run the Black Prison sites in East European nations and also have black prison ships
which are still active. Check this for more information.

We should expect the DHS to put out increasingly negative smear reports to the local Police Departments creating
increased fear of known truth tellers, dissidents, patriots and gun owners? This will include folks who have been illegally
placed on Domestic terror Watch lists with instructions to begin increased surveillance and harassment against them?

We now know for certain that the Khazarian Mafias actions in the past in America have included the Bombing of the Murrah
Building, first attempted bombing of the NYC Twin towers by the FBI setting up and supplying the Blind Sheikh. This was
actually an acoustics test to establish needs for the devices the Khazarian Mafia used in Twin Towers attack on 9-11-01.
And the FBI (with help of the CIA and crooked US Customs agents) placed a stolen barrel of cyanide stolen from Louis
Champons Natural Cherry Flavoring Company in Boca Raton Florida through a tunnel under the street by Wackemout
World Security.

This was done to see what the effects on folks near the blast in the basement parking ramp would be. Actually the blast
destroyed the toxicity of the cyanide.

Naturally the FBI tried to secretly and wrongly frame Louis Champon for this and only failed through the incredible detective
work of James Rothstein (NYCPD Gold Shield, police Intel and key part of the infamous NY State Crime Commission Secret
15 man Intel Task Force - now long retired for arresting Frank Sturgis aka Frank Fiorini in NYC for trying to terminate Marita
Lorenz right before her secret appearance at the HSCA and turning over of photos with Ruby, Sturgiss, Oswald at the motel
the night before the JFK Assassination and more).

Detective Rothstein, a German Catholic, is the only member of this secret 15 man task force who has survived (most were
terminated with extreme prejudice by the CIA) to suppress what they found out. Detective Rothstein is one of the greatest
American Heroes in Law Enforcement we have ever had anywhere in America.

His investigations led to more prosecutions of CIA pedophiles, their pedophile murders, and the CIA drug dealers than any
other LE person in the history of America and his record still stands.
None of this ever was allowed into the CMMM of course. Rothsteins astoundingly frank book is expected to be published
this year and it will be very interesting. His long term efforts to bring St. Johns Abbey to justice for the pedophile sheep-
dipped, rat-lined ex-Nazi priests that have been kept there and protected from prosecution are well known, and he is still at

Too bad the local police are crooked, and the FBI continues to look the other way and do their usual assigned job, cover up
for the Process.

So this Worlds largest organized Crime Syndicate the Khazarian Mafia is truly capable of untold evil against the American
people as well as the whole World as long as it is allowed to exist and occupy and parasitize the USG for its own purposes.

Every large urban police dept. and the alphabets, especially the FBI has an Intel plant embedded there to run cover-ups for
the Process Satanic Cult and the CIA drug trafficking, both protected by being deputized as agents of National Security.

Inside America the Khazarian Mafia has controlled the Alphabets including the FBI, its main cover up agency and
entrapment/setup agency and the BATF, as well as the CIA; and they have always done a lot of the Khazarian Mafias illegal
dirty work.
And of course after the Khazarian Mafia attacked America on 9-11-01 to create a New Pearl Harbor event, they were now in
a position to establish Homeland Security (DHS) the foundation of the long planned American Police State.

This plan to establish DHS was already written and ready to push through Congress awaiting a major catalytic event such
as the major terrorist attack of 9-11-01 which was run by the Khazarian Mafia and its stateside assets deep inside the
Administration and the Pentagon.

The attack on America of 9-11-01 was designed to consolidate all American Law Enforcement under one central command
directly controlled by the Khazarian Mafia, a known foreign based power, and justify becoming a nation based on
preemptive wars of aggression.

The secret agenda of DHS is to transform America into a total surveillance society, a Police State rivaling East Germany
under the Stasi. That is why Marcus Wolfe (former head of the Stasi) was hired as a consultant to set up DHS two years
before he mysteriously died.

The ultimate end game here is for the Khazarian Mafia to use DHS to transform America into GAZA II, the Worlds largest
open-air prison camp and to make Americans the New Palestinians. This is all part of the Greater Israel Plan which is no
longer theory but established fact.
And the Greater Israel Plan is the cover story used by the Khazarian Mafias top leadership (aka the Select Few) to use
its Cutouts and main action agent the American-Israeli Israeli-first Dual Citizen Traitors and the Likudists in Israel to do
their dirty work.

The American Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) has been losing its credibility for years, and its popularity is at an all-
time low.

Since the CMMM is the main mouthpiece and propaganda/mind-kontrol agent for the Khazarian Mafia, its demise poses a
big loss of power for the Khazarian Mafia. And we now know for certain its demise is being engendered by the increasing
popularity of the Alternative News of the Internet.

The Khazarian Mafia is now cornered and you can bet that Homeland Security (DHS) is busy at work creating smear reports
at their fusion centers to send to local police with the instructions to increase the harassment of suspected domestic

Expect greatly increased surveillance and spying on all Americans even the Khazarian Mafias underling yes men and
women and major doofuses who have been appointed to high positions of power and to provide a twisted sort of inside
humor to the very top controllers that run the Khazarian Mafia System.

Spying and Intel collection has become remarkably advanced and will continue to increase in frequency, scope and
Much of it is used for banal entertainment by bored no longer give a damn NSA and NRO employees who dig watching
and listening to bedroom type scenes. The NSA and NRO are collecting far more raw data than they can adequately
process effectively, and it has become mostly a money-making means to asset strip more and more money from We The
People and make a big show of power by the Khazarian Mafia.

Some deep black and top secret technologies include; use of ones own AC house wiring, smart TVs, personal especially
laptop and handheld computers, cell phones, wired phones, remote phones, smart TVs and smart appliances; remote
outdoor to indoor thermometers and weather meters and stations for homeowners; some TV remote controls with voice
activation; really spooky new methods like driving by and shooting a special micro-transceiver nail in the siding that is
matched for color and texture; wall penetrating drive-by radar systems (also used along major highways in unmarked white
step vans and 18-wheelers; vehicle, aircraft, and satellite based special infrared sensors); high powered close-by receivers
for picking up brain waves and decoding thought and emotional states;
embedded transceiver chips in all cell phones ad auto GPS and blue-tooth communication and seek help systems which
can be remotely activated and easily traced and used a GPS tracking and used for microphones; orbital super HD electronic
day and night vision cameras than can sense an ant on the ground and many license plates; deep black variable and
synthetic aperture ground penetrating radar, advance gamma ray and neutron particle sensors and other even more secret
means involved ground, truck, tower and satellite antennas designed to pick up brainwave transmissions which have been
altered by ingested nano-particles in the atmospherically sprayed aerosol chem-trails and gasoline which include nano-
particles of aluminum and barium and other magnetic and electrical compounds which can be flashed, ided and used to
alter brainwave transmissions for external monitoring (referred to as the prime freak).

There are other even more advance psi-power means that are so far down the rabbit-hole they would be too discrediting to
discuss in this article. But they do exist and can be effective in many situations.

More on those in another article perhaps.

But even worse DHS uses the special deniable contractor squads and retired miltel, FBI and CIA to gang-stalk, do personal
surveillance, walk-bys, and moving in next door or as close as possible to key targeted individuals who are deemed as first
line threat to their system of lies.
Paranoid yet? Haha

And as if that wasnt enough, these special squads have specialists that deploy advanced psychotronic warfare against
USG, Intel, military and corporate whistle-blowers on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia kingpins that is designed to cause
chronic health problems, lethal medical disorders and suppression of thinking and acting.

Mark Novitsky

Some of these devices are cell tower activated, some by doppler weather radar, some closely custom placed transmitters
triangulated in from close-by spy cell and corporate proprietaries. For those that claim this is all pure fantasy and bs I can
strongly reply you are wrong, dead wrong. How can I say that?

Well I have personally swept Mark Novitskys residence with sensors used by the German Health Department and found it
way over the allowable European accepted limits with some equipment red-lined. Some sources inside the home were
disabled or removed, and we found strong external sources.

As we started tracing and triangulating their location of external transmissions, they were suddenly turned off preventing
location. Novitsky is as important in what he knows and has attempted to disclose as Snowden. 60 Minutes was going to do
a big story on him but backed out at the last minute because they said it had become too complicated.
Other top Federal and Intel whistle-blowers have told Novitsky what he knows about is above their pay grade. Most avoid
him like the plague. All his local Senators and Congresspersons were notified by Novitsky (evidence in writing I have seen)
and all deny it and did nothing, except for Governor Mark Dayton who was a Senator at the time.

Dayton has a good reputation with his staff and when terrorism struck in DC he immediately placed the safety of his staff
first. He did what he could for Novitsky and We The People but was stepped on hard.

Now Dayton is the Governor of Minnesota and appears to be doing his best to get the the states decaying infrastructure
repaired. Novitsky has been placed on the top secret DHS No Work under any Circumstances List by the FBI, which
follows him around and tells any employer where he applies that he is a Domestic Terrorist, please do not hire him, he is on
our Domestic Terror Watch List and under surveillance - you wouldnt want to be put on our Watch List now, would you?

The one good job Novitsky had in a non-Intel related area after leaving the Teletech Holdings related company he worked
for was ruined when the FBI showed up and delivered a National Security Letter (NSL) which his employer was allowed to
read but not keep, and which threatened a $10,000 fine and up to 10 years in a federal prison if he ever disclosed anything
about this NSL letter or why he was going to have to separate Novitsky.

And Mark has had strange but very real recent medical problems and his first doctors were either dirty, Khazarian Mafia
worker bees, Sayanims or just plain uncaring and medically lousy.

The lab was either dirty or had folks inside that tampered with his blood work. Finally, he was able to find a top physician
who is 100% ethical with a top academic reputation and will not kowtow to illegal government manipulations.
And who are DHSs listed domestic terrorists? Gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, Veterans, libertarians, Christians,
Islamics, Patriots, anti-war activists, dissidents and alternative media reporters and journalists and many many more
individuals and groups that can be placed on the list by any supervisory agent after even one complaint of any kind and
these watch lists have no oversight or appeal process. Once you are on these Watch Lists you are doomed to be on forever.

Even Senator Ted Kennedy was put on the No Fly List by mistake and despite expensive legal efforts and big political
muscle he could never get off of it. Why you wonder?

Because these Terror Watch lists are creations of the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins. They are visible indicators of their
unbridled twisted, sick, evil power produced by their infiltration and hijacking of America through their private pernicious
usury debt-note private Fiat counterfeit Ponzi-type central banking system.

We may see increased harassment and abuse of phony domestic terror watch lists.

We may see increased harassment by local police, alphabets as ordered by DHS, according to their whacked out watch
lists that include almost everyone but the real domestic terrorists who are the Khazarian Mafia leaders and the top officials
of DHS, whose job is to terrorize Americans into subservience and compliance and take away all our Constitutional Rights.
On the other hand, we may see such a rapid loss of functional day to day power by the Khazarian Mafia and their police
state mechanism, DHS, that we do not see a big increase in surveillance and harassment. Maybe we will even see less now
that the Khazarian Mafia is cornered and being pressed from all sides by the World and by We The People.

The confidential domestic terror Watch Lists lists were personally prepared under the watchful direction of Janet
Napolitano while she was head of DHS.

These were leaked and published on the Internet by DHS insiders who thought she and DHS was a joke but wanted to keep
their pay and benefits, so we know for certain they exist and what is on them. Even though she resigned her position at
DHS, she is being sued by subordinate men for sexual harassment and for moving their office into the mens lavatory,
among other things.

A couple of nights ago while driving at night in the early evening, I was pulled over and needlessly rousted by a local police
Officer, who claimed I crossed over the line three times on a stretch of road with no other traffic close by.
This fine very young lady police officer tailed me for a couple miles and then pulled me over. I dont drink, use drugs, speed
or drive carelessly, nor did I did not cross over any lines.

After the usual license and insurance check, the Officer let me go with no ticket. But she asked me a question about
something irrelevant that could she have only known about from information gained by a local stingray tap or from the local
DHS Fusion Center. Not very professional. She was rousting me, and it was a message that I received and am now
responding to.

A Deal with the Devil at Langley?

In this same Department some years back, the prior Police Chief was provided a free trip to Langley for a special meeting.
During that meeting, he was asked by the CIA to sign a secret Jurisdictional Agreement on behalf of his Department in
which he agreed to submit jurisdiction on any case to the Feds that they requested.
Major amounts of military grade equipment was to be provided in exchange, including two armored cars, grenade launchers,
full-auto real assault rifles and machine guns, body armor, bullet proof barriers and lots of military grade ammo.

The Chief was an honorable man with integrity and refused to sign the agreement. Did he develop a strange neurological
condition soon after that and have to resign?

Did the CIA keep secretly working with a couple corrupt officers to distribute illegal drugs to high school kids from DEA
controlled deliveries, a local smaller feeder airport through a seafood import proprietary, with a local drug task force (with
special license plates to identify each other) either looking the other way or involved. Betcha this hasnt stopped.
The department got a new Chief and now has the equipment offered. You can be sure that this secret transaction has
already been successfully made in almost every large Urban Police Department. So far, a significant number of Sheriffs
offices have refused. The County Sheriff is the supreme law enforcement officer in any county and has authority even over
the Feds.

Be clear about this, these deals with the Devil at Langley to get jurisdiction over your local police are all driven by the
Khazarian Mafia Kingpins who are Neo-Bolsheviks who plan to use DHS and our local Police to terrorize us, tyrannize us,
completely asset strip us and then mass-murder us.
Supposedly all these 1033 Program military equipment transfers for the big stuff have been stopped. Dont believe it, that
is mere propaganda, and the only big stuff going back is for updated electronic warfare systems, new advanced weaponry
or for repair and major maintenance.

For now until the Khazarian Mafias back is broken, expect increased surveillance and harassment by local police if you are
in one of the categories on their watch lists (which is about half of the American people).

This is the kind of surveillance and increased harassment Gun owners, Ron Paul supporters, Veterans, libertarians,
Christians, Islamics, Patriots, anti-war activists, dissidents and alternative media reporters and journalists can expect more
of as the Khazarian Mafias power is choked off by the whole World that is now ganging up on it.
DHS is here to militarize the American Police and turn America into a Neo-Bolshevik Stasi-style Police State and transform it
into GAZA II with all Americans the New Palestinians. Once that is accomplished the Khazarian Mafia plans to treat
Americans the same way Bolsheviks treated innocent Russian civilians.

It raped, tortured and mass murdered 100 million of them. The Khazarian Mafia is Neo-Bolshevik and its top Policy-Makers
are from the same age old bloodlines. They have recorded their intentions in stone at the Georgia Guidestones so we know
this for certain.

But heres the deal. America is not Russia in 1917 and is the most armed up populace in the World. Despite all the recent
efforts of the Khazarian Mafia to force our so-called elected politicians to disarm Americans, it will never happen.
Americans have been buying guns at an increasing rate ever since the Khazarian Mafia deployed all these mass-shootings
in gun free zones and major efforts to grab our guns began in earnest.

Of course, most County Sheriffs in America are populist oriented and part of their local communities and elected because of
the respect they have gained and maintained. But even large urban police are starting to wake up.
They have a dangerous enough job already thanks to the CIA drug trafficking into urban cities for black ops money and
theirs and the BATFs continuing gun sales to gangs, especially MS 13 and the Las Zetas who were trained by the US
Military inside the USA.

Most American urban police officers have no intention of going door to door to fulfill some crazy unConstitutional
Presidential PDD or even a new Congressional law passed. They do not want to turn honest law-abiding American Gun-
owners, hunters and Veterans into a Solzenitzen-type spontaneously erupting vigilante counter-force that shoots with bigger
bore, more accurate, longer reaching rifles than they can.

Most police officers want to go home to their families at the end of the day, and they know that the anger of the average
American is now growing against the out of control militarized swat teams that attack the wrong homes and often kill and
maim innocent women and young children.

Smart Officers and chiefs want to establish good community relations and be seen as the community as helpers and public
servants, not their oppressors working for the ADL and DHS. By the way, most large urban police departments are trained
by the ADL to view the average civilian as real or potential domestic terrorists, especially gun owners.

Now because of the recent public concern for increased mass-shootings and terrorism, many police are changing their
minds on gun control and actually favor conceal-carry by law abiding citizens who have met the standards and have proper
Too many Chiefs of big urban departments are given free junkets to Israel for such training, and while there are served
some very special Koolaide in their drinks and given some sophisticated psychotronic mind-kontrol indoctrination training.

Take the recent case when a dumb swat team broke in the wrong home with no proper warrant and threw a stun grenade
into a babys crib, burning and blowing off part of the young childs face. Or the many cases where the wrong homes are
stormed by out of control savage swat looking for a few $10 rocks, and innocent life is criminally taken in an instant.

Or all the illegal, unConstitutional seizures of cash and autos from innocent non-drug dealers, taken and placed into police
and Federal coffers often into the private pockets of corrupt supervisors and chiefs and judges.

Related: Censorship Shock: Bans Investigative Book Nobody Died At Sandy Hook

And many Americans are starting to catch on to the fact that some of these mass-shootings in gun-free zones are real with
real dead victims, while others like Sandy Hook are faked.
But that all are engineered, staged false-flag attacks on the Second Amendment. This has kept folks confused up until now,
but thanks to the efforts of hundreds of tireless researchers the truth is now being published all over the Internet and is now
readily available for all.


One thing is certain, the Khazarian Mafia is now cornered and its hegemony is rapidly being eroded. Its false-flag efforts to
disarm Americans and any other efforts to do so will fail.

The Khazarian Mafia is now doomed by the whole World which is building massive financial firewalls against it and ganging-
up on it. The Khazarian Mafia is being deconstructed bit by bit and you can expect they will have a hard landing and
because they are such two-faced psychopaths, they will keep lying and murdering until the end.

Undoubtedly the Big Squeeze is now on the Khazarian Mafia, they are cornered and increasingly desperate and their private
Fiat pernicious usury debt-based counterfeit money system has become a Ponzi scheme nearing collapse.

And the BRICS System is just one of many new financial firewalls being built up against the Khazarian Mafias financial
hegemony which is now destined to fail.

There are certain factions in the Pentagon and American Intel which have so far been strong enough to place strong limits
on what the Khazarian Mafia can do to retaliate, and they have been blocked from starting a nuclear WW3 with Russia as

Efforts by Senator John McCain and other Traitors like the retired General commanding ISIS have also failed.

And all their recent efforts to attack Russia through Crimea and to destroy Syria and Iran have also failed because of the
new military power and technological supremacy of the Russian Federation under the dynamic leadership of President
If these reports are true that China is severely restricting their container shipping companies until the Khazarian Mafia
honors the Secret Reset Agreement, this is indeed a very interesting development. And if true it suggests that all the hype in
the CMMM that Chinas economy is worse than ours is likely exaggerated.

A better guess is that China has prepared for this for quite a while and is no longer so dependent on American sales,
perhaps already having established some lucrative new markets with Russia, South America, Malaysia and other trading
partners. Is this part of a major economic trap for the Khazarian Mafia and its US Petro Dollar? In time we shall find out, and
it make not take too long.

How The Oil Industry Conquered Medicine, Finance And Agriculture

January 22 2016 | From: Mercola

"How Big Oil Conquered the World" is a brilliant piece of investigative journalism presented by
James Corbett, revealing the immense extent to which the oil industry has shaped and is ruling the
world as we know it.
"From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an
area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the petrochemical industry."

"The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and
how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself."

Corbett carefully details the sordid back story of today's "oiligarchy." While most people are well-acquainted with the
Rockefeller name, few probably know the true history of the Rockefellers' rise to power.

Big Oil - An Industry Founded on Treachery and Deceit

As noted by Corbett, certain details of the Big Oil story are well known. Others are more obscure. The story begins in rural
New York state in the early 19th century, with William Avery Rockefeller, an authentic "snake oil salesman" going by the
fictional name of "Dr. Bill Livingston.

While neither a doctor nor a cancer specialist, Rockefeller, aka "Dr. Livingston," aka "Devil Bill," traveled the country's back
roads conning people into buying his "Rock Oil" tonic for cancer - "a useless mixture of laxative and petroleum that had no
effect whatsoever," according to Corbett

William Avery Rockefeller fathered numerous children with three women, and took the name Livingston after being indicted
for rape in 1849. One of those children was John D. Rockefeller, who became the world's first billionaire after founding
Standard Oil.

As noted by Corbett:

When he wasn't running away from them or disappearing for years at a time, [William Avery Rockefeller] would
teach his children the tricks of his treacherous trade. He once bragged of his parenting technique: 'I cheat my boys
every chance I get. I want to make 'em sharp' ..
The world we live in today is the world created in 'Devil' Bill's image. It's a world founded on treachery, deceit, and
the navet of a public that has never wised up to the parlor tricks that the Rockefellers and their ilk have been
using to shape the world for the past century and a half."

The Birth of the Oil Industry

Another character with a similarly dubious background is "Colonel" Edwin Drake, an unemployed railroad conductor who
managed to secure himself a job with the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company after running into the founders, George Bissell
and James Townsend, at a hotel.

The title "Colonel" was bestowed on him by Bissell and Townsend, who thought it might help him "win the respect of the
locals" as he went about the company's business, collecting Seneca oil, which the company distilled into kerosene (lamp

His mission was to collect enough Seneca oil to make the business profitable - a task that turned out to be more difficult
than expected, as mere gallons could be collected using the standard collection methods.

Eventually, he tried drilling through the shale bedrock to reach greater reservoirs of oil, and on August 28, 1859 - literally the
day he'd used up the last of his funds - the oil began to flow from the ground. And with that, a new industry was born.

It didn't take long before homes and factories around the world were using lamp oil refined from crude, and prospectors from
around the country flocked to Pennsylvania in search of the "black gold.
Among them was John D. Rockefeller, a Cleveland bookkeeper who, according to Corbett, had two ambitions in life: "To
make $100,000 and to live to 100 years old." With a $1,000 loan from his father, "Devil Bill," John D. Rockefeller set off to
make his fortune.

The Standard Oil Monopoly

After a series of partnerships and mergers over a seven-year period, John D. Rockefeller eventually incorporated Standard
Oil of Ohio in 1870. According to the report.

The next year, he quietly put what he called 'our plan' - his campaign to dominate the volatile oil industry - into
devastating effect. Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest transportation cost could bring rivals to their

He entered into a secret alliance with the railroads, called the South Improvement Company. In exchange for large,
regular shipments, Rockefeller and his allies secured transport rates far lower than those of their bewildered

Ida Tarbell, the daughter of an oil man, later remembered how men like her father struggled to make sense of
events: 'An uneasy rumor began running up and down the Oil Regions,' she wrote.
'Freight rates were going up. Moreover all members of the South Improvement Company - a company
unheard of until now - were exempt. On every lip there was but one word and that was 'conspiracy.'

By the time he was 40, John D. Rockefeller controlled 90 percent of the global oil refineries. Within another few years (early
1880s), he also controlled 90 percent of the marketing of oil, and one-third of all oil wells. His power and influence cannot be
overstated at this point.

He had an international monopoly on what was to become the most important commodity in the world economy.

Following in Rockefeller's footsteps were a handful of other wealthy families, including the Nobels, the Rothschilds, the
Dutch Royal family, and millionaire William Knox D'arcy, who was the first to strike oil in Persia.

These early "oil barons" became enormously wealthy. And as billions of people became increasingly dependent on oil for
virtually every aspect of life, they gained tremendous power and influence.

However, oil could have been replaced by other resources, were it not for the shrewd manipulation by these early

The Death of the Electric Car, and Other Lucky Breaks

.The advent of the electric light bulb took a good chunk out of the lamp oil market and temporarily threatened the oil
monopoly. But lamp oil was quickly replaced by the need for gasoline to run the two-stroke internal combustion engine,
invented by German engineer Karl Benz.
In 1888, Benz Motorwagen became the first commercially available automobile, and with that, the petroleum industry's
profits were again secured. But even then their ongoing monopoly was not guaranteed. The first electric car had been built
in 1884, and by 1897, electric cars were gaining popularity in London. In the early 20th century, 28 percent of cars sold in
the U.S. were also electric. As noted by Corbett:

The electrics had advantages over the internal combustion engine: they required no gear shifting or hand
cranking, and had none of the vibration, smell or noise associated with gasoline-powered cars. Lady Luck
intervened again on January 10, 1901, when prospectors struck oil at Spindletop in East Texas.

The gusher blew 100,000 barrels a day and set off the next great oil boom, providing cheap, plentiful oil to the
American market and driving down gas prices. It wasn't long before the expensive, low range electric engines were
abandoned altogether and big, loud, gas-guzzling engines came to dominate the road ..."

Interestingly, the event that made John D. Rockefeller into the world's first billionaire was supposed to rein in his unbridled
power. He'd come under intense scrutiny as his wealth increased and, on May 15, 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court declared
Standard Oil a monopoly "in restraint of trade" and ordered its dissolution.

But by dissolving the company into multiple entities, shares of Standard Oil tripled in value, and in a few short years,
Rockefeller's worth equaled nearly 2 percent of the total U.S. economy.

For the oiligarchy, the lesson of the rise and rise of Rockefeller was obvious: the more ruthlessly that monopoly
was pursued, the tighter that control was grasped, the greater the lust for power and money, the greater the reward
would be in the end. From now on, no invention would derail the oil majors from their quest for total control. No
competition would be tolerated. No threat to the oiligarchs would be allowed to rise."
The Continued Squashing of Competition

While the electric car had been successfully eliminated, thereby securing Big Oil profits, another competing resource was on
the horizon: alcohol.

Henry Ford designed his Model T automobile to run on either gasoline or alcohol, stating that just about anything that could
be fermented could be used for fuel, predicting the future of fuel was wide open to a number of alternatives. However, the oil
industry succeeded in eliminating the competition yet again, this time by supporting the anti-alcohol movements and the
formation of the Prohibition Party in 1869.

While Rockefeller avoided alcohol, his chief concern was not to uphold morality in the U.S. The prohibition served his
agenda by creating burdensome restrictions on ethanol producers, and as ethanol became more costly, its attraction as an
alternate fuel ceased.

Also, as detailed in my previous article about Clair Patterson's fight to eliminate leaded gasoline, once the high compression
engine was invented, car manufacturers started running into performance problems. General Motors diagnosed the
problem, realizing that the problem originated with the fuel. General Motors tried about 15,000 different combinations of
elements to find a solution to the engine knocking.
Adding benzene from coal to gasoline was found to work. Ditto for adding grain alcohol. Adding 10 percent alcohol to
gasoline raised the quality of the fuel, causing less knocking in the engine. It also had other benefits, including clean
combustion, which eliminated soot emissions, and increased horsepower without engine knocking.

But as research continued, General Motors determined that adding lead to the gasoline produced "an ideal anti-knock fuel" -
ideal mostly because manufacturing the lead additive, tetraethyl lead, would allow them to make the greatest profits. Were
they to add alcohol to the gasoline, the oil industry stood to lose a large amount of petroleum sales, anywhere from 10 to 20
percent, depending on how much alcohol was added.

By adding lead, the oil industry had a product it could again control in its entirety. So Standard Oil partnered with General
Motors, creating a joint corporation known as Ethyl Corporation. Leaded gasoline became the norm, and over the next 80
years, countless people were sickened and harmed by this neurotoxic fuel additive, thrust upon the people for no other
reason than it created the greatest profits.

Big Oil Secretly Buys Up and Dismantles Public Transportation System

In 1936, Standard Oil and General Motors also took part in the reformation of public transportation. Only 10 percent of
Americans owned a car, and most city dwellers relied on electric trolley networks. By replacing the electric streetcars with
gasoline-guzzling buses, the oil industry secured an even greater foothold within the U.S. economy. As detailed in Corbett's

The cartel had been careful to hide their involvement in National City Lines, but it was revealed to the public in
1946 by ... Edwin J. Quinby ... He uncovered the oiligarchs' stock ownership of National City Lines and its
subsidiaries and detailed how they had step by step bought up and destroyed the public transportation lines in
Baltimore, Los Angeles, St. Louis and other major urban centres...

[I]n 1947 National City Lines was indicted for conspiring to form a transportation monopoly and conspiring to
monopolize sales of buses and supplies. In 1949, GM, Firestone, Standard Oil of California and their officers and
corporate associates were convicted on the second count of conspiracy.

The punishment for buying up and dismantling America's public transportation infrastructure? A $5,000 fine. H. C.
Grossman, who had been the director of Pacific City Lines when it oversaw the scrapping of LA's $100 million
Pacific Electric system, was fined exactly $1."

Next came the undermining of the railway system. In 1953, General Motor President Charles Wilson was appointed
Secretary of Defense, and Wilson, along with Francis DuPont, Chief Administrator of Federal Highways, set into motion the
largest public works project in U.S. history with the creation of the interstate highway system.

As a result, railway travel declined by 84 percent between 1945 and 1964, while private car ownership soared, and along
with it, gasoline sales, which rose 300 percent in that same time frame. Similar social engineering feats took place in
Europe, further securing the future of the oil business as a primary force to be reckoned with.

The report also goes into the details behind the gas shortages that sent the U.S. into a financial tailspin in the early 1970s,
revealing how the secretive Bilderberg Group, created by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1954, successfully created
a new financial system based on the petrodollar - a system that granted the oiligarchs unprecedented control over the

The Rockefeller Transformation

In his day, John D. Rockefeller was a despised man. This all changed when he hired Ivy Ledbetter Lee, who essentially
invented the public relations industry as we now know it. John D. was filmed handing out dimes to the poor, and was
publicly portrayed as a kind and warm-hearted man. While hokey by today's standards, such simple stunts worked. Yet,
Rockefeller needed to go even further to truly gain the public's trust.

As Corbett notes:

In order to win the public over, he was going to have to give them what they wanted. And what they wanted wasn't
difficult to understand: money. But just as his father, Devil Bill, had taught him to do in all his business dealings,
Rockefeller made sure to get the better end of the bargain. He would 'donate' his great wealth to the creation of
public institutions, but those institutions would be used to bend society to his will.

As every would-be ruler throughout history has realized, society has to be transformed from the ground up.
Americans in the 19th century still prized education and intellectual pursuits ... with a remarkable 93 to 100 percent
literacy rate.

Before the first compulsory schooling laws in Massachusetts in 1852, education was private and decentralized,
and as a result ... a solid grounding in history and science was widespread. But a nation of individuals who could
think for themselves was an anathema to the monopolists. The oiligarchs needed a mass of obedient workers..."

The Takeover of Education

John D. Rockefeller's first great act of charity was the establishment of the University of Chicago, followed later by a $180
million donation to the establishment of the General Education Board.

But contrary to what you might think, these acts of generosity were not to further education, but to control and
impoverish it.

Frederick Taylor Gates became a trusted ally, and in "The Country School of Tomorrow," Gates lays out Rockefeller's plan
for the education of future Americans:

In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding
hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own
good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into
philosophers or men of learning or science.

We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo
great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them
lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply."

The Effective Strategy That Eliminated Natural Medicine

Other oil-backed schemes to mold and reshape the American education system followed, including a scheme to alter the
teaching of American history to promote a view of collectivism, as well as a program culminating in the transformation of the
practice of medicine.
Naturopathic-based herbal medicine was the norm, and Rockefeller set out to shift the medical industry toward using oil-
derived pharmaceuticals. To this end, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established in 1901, headed up by
Simon Flexner.

His brother, Abraham, was an educator who was contracted by the Carnegie Foundation to write a report on the
state of the American medical education system. His study, 'The Flexner Report,' along with the hundreds of
millions of dollars that the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations were to shower on medical research in the
coming years, resulted in a sweeping overhaul of the American medical system.

Naturopathic and homeopathic medicine, medical care focused on unpatentable, uncontrollable natural remedies
and cures was now dismissed as quackery; only drug-based allopathic medicine requiring expensive medical
procedures and lengthy hospital stays was to be taken seriously ...

The fortunes of Carnegie, Morgan and Rockefeller financed surgery, radiation and synthetic drugs. They were to
become the economic foundations of the new medical economy ... The oiligarchy birthed entire medical industries
from their own research centers and then sold their own products from their own petrochemical companies as the

The Takeover of America's Financial System and the Creation of a Food Monopoly

The financial power of these oil industry giants is by now near-unfathomable, but the aim was to control the entire financial
system. This was effectively accomplished with the creation of the Federal Reserve, established in 1913 following a secret
meeting on Jekyll Island, during which the details were ironed out. Attendants at this meeting included John D. Rockefeller
Jr.'s father-in-law, Senator Nelson Aldrich, and various banking representatives.
Related: The Creature from Jekyll Island

Later, in the 1950s, James Stillman Rockefeller, the grandson of John D.'s brother, became the head of National City Bank,
while David Rockefeller, John D.'s grandson, took over Chase Manhattan Bank. Still, they were not satisfied.

Springboarding from success to success as they consolidated monopolies across every field of human activity,
the oiligarchs' ambitions became even larger.

This time, their goal was to consolidate control over the very food supply of the world itself, and once again they
would use philanthropy as the cover for their business takeover,"Corbett explains.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Green Revolution that led to the introduction of petroleum-based agricultural
chemicals, which quickly transformed agriculture, both in the U.S. and abroad.
President Lyndon Johnson's "Food for Peace" program actually mandated the use of petroleum-dependent technologies
and chemicals by aid recipients, and countries that could not afford it were granted loans from the International Monetary
Fund and the World Bank.

The "Gene Revolution" was next, and as noted by Corbett:

The players involved in this 'Gene Revolution' are almost identical to the players in the Green Revolution, with I.G.
Farben offshoots Bayer CropScience and BASF Plant Science mingling with traditional oiligarch associate
companies like Dow AgroScience, DuPont Biotechnology and, of course, Monsanto, all funded by the Rockefeller
Foundation ..."
The Final End Game: Monopolising Life

In his usual style, Corbett manages to squeeze in an incredible amount of information in as compact a timeframe as is
humanly possible, and I highly recommend taking the time to watch the video in full. What I've included here is but a
summary overview of the many details he brings forth in this fascinating report.

Those who are ignorant of history are bound to repeat it, and if this story tells us anything, it is that unless we realize what
has been done, we'll be deceived again and again, because the oil oligarchy's end game is yet to be realized - if we let
them. As Corbett notes in closing:

The takeover of education, of medicine, of the monetary system, of the food supply itself, showed that the aim
was much greater than a mere oil monopoly: it was the quest to monopolize all aspects of life, to erect the perfect
system of control over every aspect of society, every sector from which any threat of competition to their power
could emerge ... But the oiligarchs are not done yet.

Their next project, launched in the late 20th century, is almost too ambitious to be comprehended ... It is about the
monopolization of life itself. They have spent decades preparing the path for this takeover and marshaled their
mind-boggling resources in service of the task. And the vast majority of the world's population, still playing the shell
game that the oiligarchs perfected and abandoned long ago, are about to fall right into their hands yet again."

Shocker: Hillary Email Blows Cover Off Massive Obama Plot To Promote Terrorism
January 14 2016 | From: BeforeItsNews

What a crazy election season its been so far, and we are not even a quarter of the way through the
first round yet.

Expect what you once considered unthinkable as an American to become the ordinary, as the campaigns on
both sides continue to progress. Allow me to explain why the news about Barack and Hillarys plot to promote
terrorism should not come as a surprise to anyone.

In addition to all the allegations being levied against the President in a Drafted Resolution Consisting of 48 Separate
Criminal Charges Drafted For Obamas Impeachment, it should have been obvious to everyone a over a week ago when
the news originally broke that Obama Defied a Judges Order and Covered For Clinton. This act alone should have landed
him in the slammer, especially since it is the third time Obama has defied a judges order.

It is significantly important that we fully understand why Obama is covering for Hillary. It is my belief that you
would have to trace the Hillary email and personal server story all the way back to its origins.

It has been reported that within Washingtons inner circles it is well known that the devastating leaks about Clintons server
came from none other than Valerie Jarrett. That means you KNOW the leaks were done with the full knowledge and
approval of Barack Obama.
Ask yourself something. Why on earth would Obama be leaking devastating information about the only viable Democrat
candidate running? What could he POSSIBLY gain from that, because there is no way Bernie Sanders will win the

That means one of two scenarios would play out. Most people would agree it is likely the House and Senate will remain
under GOP control. So, by sinking Hillary, Obama is either:

1. Perfectly willing to let a Republican president succeed him, and watch his presidency and his
lifes work unwind almost within hours of his replacement taking office.

Think about it: Obamas executive orders could be undone with the stroke of a pen, and the first day Congress is in session,
the new president will have a bill to repeal Obamacare on their desk. When has Mr. Ill just go around Congress EVER let
something go, let alone his lifes work?
Furthermore, it CANNOT be forgotten that it was Obama himself who has personally put Hillary in this position with the leaks
in the first place. So, were supposed to believe Obama would sabotage his own lifes work on purpose? PLEASE!


2.Sinking Hillary is Proof Obama Has No Plans of Leaving Office, and His Third Term Is Unfolding
Right Before Us. People say thats not possible. Why not? Obama cant do that because its not

Uh, when has that stopped him before? Neither is going around Congress. Furthermore, when has ANYONE, Republican
or Democrat, EVER stood up to this president and seriously tried to stop him before? EXACTLY! Have you stopped and
asked yourself why the<Pentagon Says They Are Preparing For Huge Civil Unrest in the U.S.?

Civil unrest? Over what? What do they know that we dont? It might be time for you to think about these things.
At this point, it has been reported that everyone from Obamas OWN APPOINTEE for Director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn, to Four Star Navy Admiral Lyons, Lieutenant General
ThomasMcInerney, Former a CIA Director James Woolsey, and Former FBI assistant director James Kallstrom, have
all gone on record either directly accusing Obama of treason or implying as much, and then tomorrow the RNC votes on
whether to take up Resolution Drafted For Obamas Impeachment Consisting of 48 Separate Criminal Charges.

So, tell me, if Obama wasnt up to something horrible, why else would he be taking out Hillary, UNLESS he has a backup
plan already in place!

Keeping all that in mind, up until Obama Defied a Judges Order Last Week, and Covered For Clinton, it seemed pretty
obvious which direction things were heading. Why the sudden about face.
As the author of that article points out, after leaking all this information and getting Hillary in THIS much hot water, what
reason could Obama possibly have to reverse course and cover for her now?

Simply put, the author suggests;

The answer is becoming increasingly clear: whats on that hard drive could possibly take down both Clinton and
Obama, and it has to be sanitized and obfuscated before its released to the courts.

And there you have it. Barack and Hillary are both very bad actors, and are both unfit for Presidential Office!

The Right Scoop Writes:

The Free Beacon caught a pretty remarkable email that went to Hillary and recommended that she sparked fake protests
among Palestinians in order to pressure Israel:

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton considered a secret plan created by her then-advisers to foment unrest
among Palestinian citizens and spark protests in order to push the Israeli government back to the negotiating table,
according to emails released as part of the investigation into the Democratic presidential frontrunners private email

In a Dec, 18, 2011, email, former U.S. ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering suggested that Clinton consider a
plan to restart then-stalled peace negotiations by kickstarting Palestinian demonstrations against Israel.

Pickering described the effort as a potential game changer in the region, recommending that the United States
undertake a clandestine campaign to generate unrest. Clinton requested that his email be printed.
What will change the situation is a major effort to use non-violent protests and demonstrations to put peace back in
the center of peoples aspirations as well as their thoughts, and use that to influence the political
leadership, Pickering wrote.

This is far from a sure thing, but far, in my humble view, from hopeless, he continued. Women can and ought to
be at the center of these demonstrations. Many men and others will denigrate the idea. I dont and I dont think that
was your message.

Palestinian women, he noted, are less likely than men to resort to violence.

It must be all and only women. Why? On the Palestinian side the male culture is to use force, Pickering wrote,
comparing the effort to the protests in Egypt that deposed former leader Hosni Mubarak.

Palestinian men will not for long patiently demonstrate - they will be inclined over time and much too soon to be
frustrated and use force. Their male culture comes close to requiring it.

Hillary simply asks for the email to be printed, but doesnt say anything about it via electronic correspondence.

So this begs the question of what OTHER unrest the State Department might be sparking in order to pressure others to do
Hillarys will.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air adds more interesting but frightening possible consequences to this email:

Gee, I wonder how many other foreign protests were facilitated by the State Department? Were any others
sparked against American allies in that region?

One has to wonder after reading this how much the State Department might have had to do with some of the Arab
Spring protests, too. (In fact, at one point Pickering says that the effort must be just like Tahrir Square, a mention
that might interest our allies in Egypt.)

This e-mail thread doesnt indicate whether Hillary took Pickerings advice, but she certainly appeared to take it
under advisement. And while the e-mail itself wasnt classified, its yet another example of how these kinds of
communications can harm American interests when transmitted in the open.

This would be enough to create a massive backlash among our allies, and in fact may still do so."

Consider one mystery in light of this new information why was Hillary so insistent the attack on Benghazi wasnt
coordinated, but just some guys walking down the street who decided itd be a good time to kill some Americans?

Now how long will it take for the left-loving media to actually get of their Obamas and ask Hillary about this? Dont hold your

New Hillary Emails Reveal Propaganda, Executions, Coveting Libyan Oil And Gold
January 13 2016 | From: LevantReport

Throughout the Libyan War there were widespread reports of field executions and torture of black
Libyans carried out by militias aligned with the National Transition Council (some NTC aligned
fighters shown below.
Comment: The important point this article raises is that any country that attempts to implement a gold / physical
asset - backed (i.e. NOT a FIAT) based currency is summarily attacked by the United States under the guise of
some manufactured bullshit threat.

This is because the cabal can only keep control of the world by having their FIAT currency system employed in
every country.

Related: The Truth Of Libya & Gaddafi: What NATO Really Did

New Emails Expose Hillarys Dirty War in Libya

The New Years Eve release of over 3000 new Hillary Clinton emails from the State Department has CNN abuzz over
gossipy text messages, the who gets to ride with Hillary selection process set up by her staff, and how a cute Hillary
photo fared on Facebook.
But historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few of the truly explosive confirmations contained in
the new emails: admissions of rebel war crimes, special ops trainers inside Libya from nearly the start of protests, Al Qaeda
embedded in the U.S. backed opposition, Western nations jockeying for access to Libyan oil, the nefarious origins of the
absurd Viagra mass rape claim, and concern over Gaddafis gold and silver reserves threatening European currency.

Hillarys Death Squads

A March 27, 2011 intelligence brief on Libya, sent by long time close adviser to the Clintons and Hillarys unofficial
intelligence gatherer, Sidney Blumenthal, contains clear evidence of war crimes on the part of NATO-backed rebels. Citing
a rebel commander source speaking in strict confidence Blumenthal reports to Hillary [emphasis mine]:

Under attack from allied Air and Naval forces, the Libyan Army troops have begun to desert to the rebel side in
increasing numbers. The rebels are making an effort to greet these troops as fellow Libyans, in an effort to
encourage additional defections.

(Source Comment: Speaking in strict confidence, one rebel commander stated that his troops continue to
summarily execute all foreign mercenaries captured in the fighting).

While the illegality of extra-judicial killings is easy to recognize (groups engaged in such are conventionally termed death
squads), the sinister reality behind the foreign mercenaries reference might not be as immediately evident to most.

While over the decades Gaddafi was known to make use of European and other international security and infrastructural
contractors, there is no evidence to suggest that these were targeted by the Libyan rebels.
There is however, ample documentation by journalists, academics, and human rights groups demonstrating that black
Libyan civilians and sub-Saharan contract workers, a population favored by Gaddafi in his pro-African Union policies, were
targets of racial cleansing by rebels who saw black Libyans as tied closely with the regime.[1]

Black Libyans were commonly branded as foreign mercenaries by the rebel opposition for their perceived general loyalty to
Gaddafi as a community and subjected to torture, executions, and their towns liberated by ethnic cleansing. This is
demonstrated in the most well-documented example of Tawergha, an entire town of 30,000 black and dark-skinned
Libyans which vanished by August 2011 after its takeover by NATO-backed NTC Misratan brigades.

These attacks were well-known as late as 2012 and often filmed, as this report from The Telegraph confirms:

After Muammar Gaddafi was killed, hundreds of migrant workers from neighboring states were imprisoned by
fighters allied to the new interim authorities. They accuse the black Africans of having been mercenaries for the
late ruler. Thousands of sub-Saharan Africans have been rounded up since Gaddafi fell in August."

It appears that Clinton was getting personally briefed on the battlefield crimes of her beloved anti-Gaddafi fighters long
before some of the worst of these genocidal crimes took place.

Al-Qaeda and Western Special Forces Inside Libya

The same intelligence email from Sydney Blumenthal also confirms what has become a well known theme of Western
supported insurgencies in the Middle East: the contradiction of special forces training militias that are simultaneously
suspected of links to Al Qaeda.
Blumenthal relates that an extremely sensitive source confirmed that British, French, and Egyptian special operations units
were training Libyan militants along the Egyptian-Libyan border, as well as in Benghazi suburbs.

While analysts have long speculated as to the when and where of Western ground troop presence in the Libyan War, this
email serves as definitive proof that special forces were on the ground only within a month of the earliest protests which
broke out in the middle to end of February 2011 in Benghazi.
By March 27 of what was commonly assumed a simple popular uprising external special operatives were already
overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels including a seemingly endless supply of AK47 assault rifles
and ammunition.

Yet only a few paragraphs after this admission, caution is voiced about the very militias these Western special forces were
training because of concern that, radical/terrorist groups such as the Libyan Fighting Groups and Al Qaida in the Islamic
Maghreb (AQIM) are infiltrating the NLC and its military command.

The Threat of Libyas Oil and Gold to French Interests

Though the French-proposed U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 claimed the no-fly zone implemented over Libya was to
protect civilians, an April 2011 email sent to Hillary with the subject line Frances client and Qaddafis gold tells of less
noble ambitions.
The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind:

To obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozys reputation domestically, assert
French military power, and to prevent Gaddafis influence in what is considered Francophone Africa.

Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafis gold and silver reserves, estimated at 143
tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver, posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency. In
place of the noble sounding Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine fed to the public, there is this confidential
explanation of what was really driving the war [emphasis mine]:

This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African
currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries
with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).

(Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than
$7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was
one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozys decision to commit France to the attack on

Though this internal email aims to summarize the motivating factors driving Frances (and by implication NATOs)
intervention in Libya, it is interesting to note that saving civilian lives is conspicuously absent from the briefing.
Instead, the great fear reported is that Libya might lead North Africa into a high degree of economic independence with a
new pan-African currency.

French intelligence discovered a Libyan initiative to freely compete with European currency through a local alternative, and
this had to be subverted through military aggression.

The Ease of Floating Crude Propaganda

Early in the Libyan conflict Secretary of State Clinton formally accused Gaddafi and his army of using mass rape as a tool of
war. Though numerous international organizations, like Amnesty International, quickly debunked these claims, the charges
were uncritically echoed by Western politicians and major media.

It seemed no matter how bizarre the conspiracy theory, as long as it painted Gaddafi and his supporters as monsters, and
so long as it served the cause of prolonged military action in Libya, it was deemed credible by network news.
Two foremost examples are referenced in the latest batch of emails:

The sensational claim that Gaddafi issued Viagra to his troops for mass rape, and the claim that bodies were staged by the
Libyan government at NATO bombing sites to give the appearance of the Western coalition bombing civilians.

In a late March 2011 email, Blumenthal confesses to Hillary that,

I communicated more than a week ago on this storyQaddafi placing bodies to create PR stunts about supposed
civilian casualties as a result of Allied bombingthough underlining it was a rumor. But now, as you know, Robert
Gates gives credence to it. (See story below.)

Sources now say, again rumor (that is, this information comes from the rebel side and is unconfirmed
independently by Western intelligence), that Qaddafi has adopted a rape policy and has even distributed Viagra to
troops. The incident at the Tripoli press conference involving a woman claiming to be raped is likely to be part of a
much larger outrage. Will seek further confirmation."

Not only did Defense Secretary Robert Gates promote his bizarre staged bodies theory on CBS News Face The Nation,
but the even stranger Viagra rape fiction made international headlines as U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice made a
formal charge against Libya in front of the UN Security Council.

What this new email confirms is that not only was the State Department aware of the spurious nature of what Blumenthal
calls rumors originating solely with the rebels, but did nothing to stop false information from rising to top officials who then
gave them credence.
It appears, furthermore, that the Viagra mass rape hoax likely originated with Sidney Blumenthal himself.

[1] The most comprehensive and well-documented study of the plight of black Libyans is contained in Slouching Towards
Sirte: NATOs War on Libya and Africa (publ. 2012, Baraka Books) by Maximilian Forte, Professor Anthropology and
Sociology at Concordia University in Montral, Qubec.

Related: Afghan Ghost Soldiers: Just One of Many War on Terror Scams

The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human
January 12 2016 | From: Infowars

Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial
jurisdiction of US courts over foreign activities
Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over
the sovereignty of nations.

Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial jurisdiction of US courts over
foreign activities of which Washington or American interest groups disapprove. Perhaps the worst results of Washingtons
disregard for the sovereignty of countries is the power Washington has exercised over foreign nationals solely on the basis
of terrorism charges devoid of any evidence.

Consider a few examples. Washington first forced the Swiss government to violate its own banking laws. Then Washington
forced Switzerland to repeal its bank secrecy laws. Allegedly, Switzerland is a democracy, but the countrys laws are
determined in Washington by people not elected by the Swiss to represent them.
Consider the soccer scandal that Washington concocted, apparently for the purpose of embarrassing Russia. The soccer
organizations home is Switzerland, but this did not stop Washington from sending FBI agents into Switzerland to arrest
Swiss citizens. Try to imagine Switzerland sending Swiss federal agents into the US to arrest Americans.

Consider the $9 billion fine that Washington imposed on a French bank for failure to fully comply with Washingtons
sanctions against Iran.

This assertion of Washingtons control over a foreign financial institution is even more audaciously illegal in view of the fact
that the sanctions Washington imposed on Iran and requires other sovereign countries to obey are themselves strictly
illegal. Indeed, in this case we have a case of triple illegality as the sanctions were imposed on the basis of concocted and
fabricated charges that were lies.

Or consider that Washington asserted its authority over the contract between a French shipbuilder and the Russian
government and forced the French company to violate a contract at the expense of billions of dollars to the French company
and a large number of jobs to the French economy. This was a part of Washington teaching the Russians a lesson for not
following Washingtons orders in Crimea.
Try to imagine a world in which every country asserted the extra-territoriality of its law. The planet would be in permanent
chaos with world GDP expended in legal and military battles.

Neoconned Washington claims that as History chose America to exercise its hegemony over the world, no other law is
relevant. Only Washingtons will counts. Law itself is not even needed as Washington often substitutes orders for laws as
when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State (an unelected position) told the President of Pakistan to do as he is told
or we will bomb you into the stone age.

Try to image the Presidents of Russia or China giving such an order to a soverign nation.

In fact, Washington did bomb large areas of Pakistan, murdering thousands of women, children, and village elders.
Washingtons justification was the assertion of the extra-territoriality of US military actions in other countries with which
Washington is not at war.
As horrendous as all of this is, the worst of Washingtons crimes against other peoples is when Washington kidnaps citizens
of other countries and renditions them to Guantanamo in Cuba or to secret dungeons in criminal states such as Egypt and
Poland to be held and tortured in violation both of US law and international law. These egregious crimes prove beyond any
doubt that the US government is the worst criminal enterprise that has ever existed on Earth.

When the criminal neoconservative George W. Bush regime launched its illegal invasion of Afghanistan, the criminal regime
in Washington desperately needed terrorists in order to provide a justification for an illegal invasion that constitutes a war
crime under international law.

However, there were not any terrorists.

So Washington dropped leaflets over warlord territories offering thousands in dollars in bounty money for terrorists.

The warlords responded to the opportunity and captured every unprotected person and sold them to the Americans for the

The only evidence that the terrorists were terrorists is that the innocent people were sold to the Americans by warlords as

Yesterday Fayez Mohammed Ahmed Al-Kandari was released after 14 years of torture by freedom and democracy

The United States military officer, Col. Barry Wingard, who represented Al-Kandari said that:

There simply is no evidence other than he is a Muslim in Afghanistan at the wrong time, other than double and
triple hearsay statements, something I have never seen as justification for incarceration.

Much less, said Col. Wingard, was there cause for a litany of multi-year torture in an effort to force a confession to the
alleged offenses.
Do not expect the Western prostitute media to report these facts to you. To find out, you must go to RT or to Stephen
Lendman or here to this site.

The presstitute Western media are part of Washingtons criminal operation.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street
Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many
university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez
Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.

Criminal Roots: A Shocking Expos On The Clinton Family And Their Rise To Power
January 8 2016 | From: Intellihub

Clinton family secrets revealed in shocking and damning essay.

A plethora of controversy and allegations of steamy sexcapades, treasonous business scandals, illicit criminal
activity, drug trafficking, and even a number of mysterious deaths has surrounded the Clinton family for years.

In fact, these scandals, many of which have been documented, may be some of the best kept secrets hidden from the
American people to this day.

According to an underrated documentary film titled The Clinton Chronicles, which contains scores of multiple eyewitness
testimonies, the Clinton family is sick and may be one of the biggest criminal syndicates to have ever occupied the White
House, aside from maybe the Obama Administration.

The film points out just how energetic and inspirational former U.S. President and Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton was in
his younger years before he started trafficking cocaine and successfully laundering drug money from the illicit operations
conducted through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA) and other channels to the tune of millions of

Larry Nichols, former Director of Marketing for the ADFA, was brought in by Clinton in 1988 to help with loan operations
when he stumbled upon what Bill Clinton had previously touted to Nichols as the best kept secret in Arkansas at the time.

Nichols spoke a little about his time at the ADFA, about a month into his employment:

"I was literally working, setting, in the middle of Bill Clintons political machine. It was where he made payoffs,
where he repaid favors for campaign support. I was in an interesting seat and I knew it.

Nichols said the ADFA was the epicenter of the Clintons money laundering operations.

Doc DeLaughter, a former Arkansas police investigator, also came forward in the film, detailing how law enforcement had a
grand jury case with witnesses built who would confirm that Dan Lassiter was indeed involved in cocaine trafficking and was
one of Clintons largest financiers and best friends.

According to Larry Nichols, Dan Lassiter and the Clinton crew would give piles and piles of cocaine [] ashtray after
ashtray full at parties and they were giving it to young girls, including a 14-year-old girl who eventually became devirginized
after the group had a physician place her on birth control.
Nichols also reported that both Bill and Hillary were complicit in the money laundering scheme, which used a state program,
the ADFA, that was ostensibly set up to provide low-interest bond loans to churches, schools, and colleges. Moreover,
Nichols also reported that Bill Clintons signature had to be on every single loan, which would theoretically empirically link
the former U.S. president to the alleged scandal.

Additionally, Nichols said that both Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton, who at the time worked for the Rose Law Firm, had a
hand in the illicit operation and even helped get ADFA approved by drafting legislation Act 1062 and more.

Interestingly, it turns out Webb Hubbell also received the first loan from the ADFA. Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton also did
the audit and evaluation of the loan application they were employed at Rose Law Firm, according to Nichols.

"The first loan was $2.85 million, and never was a penny of that paid back.

Nichols also noted that the same cast of characters were smuggling in loads of narcotics into Mena, Arkansas back in
1982 as Bill Clintons ego and drug use slowly got out of hand. At one point, according to a reporter, Bill Clinton was
admitted into the hospital for sinus problems related to his cocaine abuse and overdose.

One woman even claimed that she had sex and did cocaine at toga parties with Clintons crew and other prominent
members of government and the police department on a number of occasions when Hillary, Bills wife, was nowhere to be
At one point the criminal activity became so blatant that it was said to be commonly known throughout certain circles exactly
what had been taking place, people even ended up dead. Many were awaiting indictments but the Clinton family tentacles
were just too long and the path taken by investigators led to nowhere.

As the documentary points out there were two kids who witnessed low-flying aircraft drop narcotics in Mena on several
occasions who were later found with their bodies placed on train tracks to be ran over after being killed because:

"They saw something they shouldnt have seen, said the mother of one victim.

Their deaths were ruled accidental though the victims bodies showed signs of a stab wound and blunt-force
trauma which was later proven to have taken place before the two were hit by the train.

The fact is we know who killed these kids, said one man who was involved with the case. Everyone who covered-
up the case was promoted by Bill himself. All in all a total of six people with information about the boys murders
were eventually murdered as well, the films narrator said.

Eventually it was discovered by the former head of Arkansas Drug Task Force, Jean Duffy, that drug trafficking in Arkansas
was linked to government officials in frightening proportions and a grand jury was being built.

Duffy said;

"Although there was an abundance of evidence and word kept reaching me from members of the grand jury that
they were ready to indict, no indictments came because the U.S. District Attorney at the time blocked all

Out of the ten years the smuggling ring was operating not one single load was busted and not one single arrest was made.
To top it all off its been said that the operations continued for years to come and yet still nothing has really come of it.

All of this seems to only be a small snippet of what the Clinton family has actually had their hands in. In fact, I exposed
another one of Bills escapades back in January in an article titled St. James Island exposed: The elites best kept secret,
until now.

Jet-setters from around the world meet on private island for orgies and other sexual acts with young, sometimes
underage, women

If you can name it - it has likely taken place on the lavish private island off the coast of Puerto Rico which boasts a
beautifully landscaped plush luxury estate complete with its own helipad, privy only to certain members of the global elite.

Owned by Jeffery Epstein, a wealthy American financier and convicted sex offender, Little St. James Island appears to be
somewhat of a gathering place and is a well desired hangout among key figureheads, actors, and royalty including the likes
of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and even Prince Andrew.

However, the people attending the lavish residence are likely not there to discuss cutting edge scientific and medical
research as the Epstein VI Foundation would like you to believe, but rather to experience full-on sexual encounters with
underage girls as young as fourteen.

Thats right, just like a scene out of the Hollywood blockbuster film Eyes Wide Shut, wild parties, prostitution, orgies, and
even underage sex all reportedly occur at Little St. James.
Back in 2005 police conducted an 11 month-long undercover investigation into Epstein and his estate after the mother of a
14-year-old girl went to police after suspecting her daughter was paid $300 for at least one sexual act on the island in which
she was ordered to strip, leaving on just her panties, while giving Epstein a massage.

Although police found tons of photos of young women on the island and even interviewed eyewitnesses, Epstein was hit
with a mere slap on the wrist after pleading to a single charge of prostitution. Epstein later served 13-months of his 18-
month service in jail.

In 2008, Epstein was hit again, this time with a $50 million civil suit after another victim filed in federal court claiming that she
was recruited by Epstein to give him a massage but was essentially forced into having sexual intercourse with him for
$200 which was payable upon completion. The women were coming out of the woodwork.

Now Bill Clinton is back in the press and not for his controversial relationship with Monica Lewinsky, but rather his friendship
with Epstein. In fact, flight records indicate that Bill would frequent the island paradise during the 2002 and 2005 era while
Hillary, Bills wife, was a Senator in New York.
I remember asking Jeffrey whats Bill Clinton doing here kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said well he owes me a
favor, one unidentified woman said in the lawsuit, which was filed in Palm Beach Circuit Court.

The woman went on to say how orgies were a regular occurrence and that she recalled two young girls from New York who
were always seen around the five-house compound but their personal back-stories were never revealed.

At least one woman on the compound was there unwillingly, reported the Daily Mail in a recent article. The woman was
allegedly forced to have sex with politicians, businessmen, royalty, academicians at the retreat. Just one of more than 40
women that have come forth with claims against Epstein, showing the vast scale of the mans dark operations, which arent
limited only to Little St. James.
Moreover, Epstein was invited to Chelsea Clintons wedding in 2010 amongst 400 other guests, demonstrating his close
friendship with the Clinton family.

To top it all off blue blood, Prince Andrew was allegedly one of the houses visitors. On Friday, the Duke of
York was named in a federal lawsuit filed against Epstein, whom the FBI once reportedly linked to 40 young women. Filed in
2008 in the Southern District of Florida, the $50 million lawsuit claimed Epstein had a:

"Sexual preference and obsession for underage minor girls gained access to primarily economically
disadvantaged minor girls in his home and sexually assaulted these girls, reported the Washington Post.

Additionally it was also reported that Donald Trump used to hangout with Epstein back in the day. In fact the Trumpanator
himself has even commented previously on Epsteins taste for younger women and also pointed out that Epstein is fun to
be around.

While its unknown how deep Trump was in with Epstein, pardon the pun, Trumps friendship demonstrates the type of
personalities which surround Epstein, with money being the common tie.
Keep in mind all of this was going on the whole time and now Hillary is running on the Democratic ticket for the 2016

And on one last note, did you know that over 90 people surrounding the Clinton family have mysteriously ended up dead?

The Biggest Leak In History Reaches New Zealand

January 7 2016 | From: Converge / NickyHager

During 2015 the Edward Snowden leaks relating to New Zealand finally reached the news, the
largest number of secret intelligence documents about New Zealand ever to reach the public.
Snowden revelations had been appearing country by country for two years before they arrived
here, so there is a risk that they might be taken a bit for granted.
But we do well to remember that leaks like this are not at all the normal state of affairs. The usual state with
intelligence agencies is simply silence: no information, no news and no debate, unless of course the agencies
themselves have chosen to release some self-justifying public relations.

It is inevitable that we will return to that silence before too long, so we should make the most of the rare insights that Edward
Snowden has given us.

What follows is an overview of what we've learned; first the global picture and then about New Zealand in the Five Eyes
alliance (US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ). The most well-publicised and shocking news in the Snowden documents was the
scale of surveillance by the US-UK intelligence agencies:

Tapping undersea cables, eavesdropping covertly from embassy buildings in numerous foreign capitals, intercepting the
Internet in numerous ways, hacking into computer and telecom networks, routinely accessing US-based companies like
Google and Facebook and much, much more.

Related: Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald & David Miranda Call For Global Privacy Treaty

No, Everyone Doesnt Do It

Some apologists say "everyone does it". But that isn't factually true.

The Anglo-American surveillance network outstrips all other big powers in trying to spy on the whole Internet and all the
communications on earth. It is a bizarre, science fiction-like mission. Two things have driven the massive expansion of
surveillance. The most important is the growth of digital electronics.

Sixty five years ago when the Five Eyes alliance began, the primary target of electronic spying was long distance radio. The
five agencies used every technical opportunity to monitor and extract usable intelligence from this sole medium of

Twenty years ago - early in the digital age - when New Zealand intelligence staff told me about the alliance-wide mass
surveillance systems used at the Waihopai station, the bulk communications of the world were relayed via satellites and
these were the focus of the electronic spy agencies. This intelligence source was exploited to the maximum extent possible.
But today there are thousands of different digital systems and networks that communicate and store information. Each tiny
detail of the booting of a computer, each aspect of a social media platform, each component of a mobile phone: they all
provide potential vulnerabilities and access points for the teams of the electronic spies.

This is what the Snowden documents revealed. This is why the scale of surveillance has increased so much. The Anglo-
American intelligence agencies continue to believe they should spy to the maximum extent possible and technology has
hugely increased what is possible.

Technical opportunity combined fatefully with political opportunity. The September 11, 2001 attacks gave the intelligence
agencies greatly increased resources and political support to expand their operations. Now, 14 years later, the September
11 attacks are in the past and many people understand the mess created by the War on Terror. But all the main elements of
the mass surveillance regime built in those years remains.
The electronic spy agencies have a profound effect on world politics. The primary purpose of intelligence agencies is to help
their countries to have power and influence over other countries; much the same role as military force. Intelligence agencies
are the unseen influences in every international issue and dispute. This is, at heart, what it means to be a Five Eyes
intelligence ally: taking sides in these international issues and disputes.

Some publicity of the Snowden revelations has made it seem as though the main casualties of mass surveillance systems
were Americans and allied citizens, as national security intelligence gathering systems were secretly turned against
domestic populations.

There is more on this subject below. But the main use by far of the Five Eyes intelligence systems is spying on the rest of
the world. That is what the agencies are for, that is where the vast majority of the casualties are and that is the subject that
most deserves our concern.

NZ Spies On Friends

The New Zealand-related Snowden revelations instantly made this clear. As the headline of the first newspaper story said:
"The Price Of The Five Eyes Club: Mass Spying On Friendly Nations". A Government Communications Security Bureau
(GCSB) report, obtained by Snowden from the computers of the National Security Agency (NSA), showed the New Zealand
agency routinely spying on Samoa, Tuvalu, Nauru, Kiribati and all our other Pacific neighbours.
Private information on their governments, diplomats, economic negotiation positions and everything else from these
supposed friends is handed on to the Five Eyes partners. The details are here.

Some commentators argued that New Zealand needs to know the secrets of these nations for national security reasons, but
that is weak and missed the point. The reason why New Zealand spies on these countries is as a long-term duty within the
Anglo-American intelligence alliance.

The world is divided up between the US and its allies and New Zealand's agency got the job of spying on every country from
French Polynesia to the Solomon Islands.

Old alliance obligations are put ahead of everything else. It is worth remembering that agencies like the GCSB get their
legitimacy from the idea that they are fighting threats to the very security of the country.

That is how they built up their powers: Cold War-type spying justified for dire Cold War-type threats. But there has been
endless mission drift and normalising of the use of national security-type capabilities against targets that are not a serious
threat at all. The South Pacific microstates are a sad example of this.
Other leaked documents showed GCSB staff used the NSA's XKeyscore system to monitor the emails of senior public
servants in the Solomon Islands government. New Zealand was running inconsistent public and private foreign policies. In
one, New Zealand is friendly to, and supports, the Solomons; in the other, New Zealand sells out the Solomons to gain
political benefits in its US and UK relations.

The GCSB duties in the alliance cover many other countries too, as listed in an April 2013 NSA profile of the GCSB in a
section headed What Partner Provides to NSA. The review said the GCSB continues to be especially helpful in its ability
to provide NSA ready access to areas and countries difficult for the US to access.

It said the GCSB provides collection on China, Japanese/North Korean/Vietnamese/South American diplomatic
communications, South Pacific island nations, Pakistan, India, Iran and Antarctica.

These targets are largely disconnected from the rest of New Zealand's foreign policies and are not really about New
Zealand's relations with those countries and territories at all. They are mainly about contributing to the intelligence alliance in
its mission of spying on the whole world.

A strange example of this is New Zealand helping to spy on Bangladesh. The main security threat by far to Bangladesh is
flooding because of climate change. New Zealand could be helping. We could give aid. But, unbeknown to the New Zealand
Parliament and public, New Zealand's main (in fact, practically only) interaction with that country is helping spy on it, as part
of the US war on terror. The story can be read here.

Spying On Chinese Consulate

Some of the GCSB spying has more direct and serious implications for New Zealand. The most striking example of this is
about whether it is sensible for New Zealand to spy on its possibly most important trading partner to show its loyalty to old
colonial intelligence ties.


This is about China. In public, the National government professes close and friendly relations with China. Many of the
Government's economic plans revolve around increasing exports to that country. And it is strongly in New Zealand's
interests not to get caught in big power rivalry between the US and China. But in secret, within the spy agencies, China
comes first on the list of intelligence targets that New Zealand takes on for the US-led intelligence alliance.

Probably the most surprising thing we found in the Snowden papers was plans for a joint GCSB-NSA operation to hack into
the communications of the Chinese Consulate in Auckland.

This seems almost crazy, with little practical gain likely compared to the obvious risks. But up until 2013, when Snowden left
the NSA with his trove of internal documents, planning was full steam ahead for breaking international law and tapping into
the Consulate communications. We wrote the story carefully, because Snowden's access to documents stopped before
there was time to see that that the Consulate spying was underway.

But my view was that it was such a sensitive subject that the Government would quickly deny the story if the spying had not
gone ahead. When the story was published, the Government said nothing.


Intelligence agencies like to hint about the remarkable intelligence that New Zealand receives in exchange for contributing to
the Five Eyes alliance. However the leaked GCSB and NSA documents contained far more about what New Zealand gives
to the NSA than what it gets in return. The main benefit to New Zealand appears to be that New Zealand spies get access to
high-tech NSA surveillance and analysis technology: setting up and training New Zealand staff to be able to contribute to the
alliance-wide intelligence missions.

Spying For Tim Groser

There was only one story about New Zealand using its access to the international intelligence systems to get a particular
benefit for New Zealand. It's a grubby and embarrassing story.
The story dates from early 2013, when Trade Minister Tim Groser was frantically travelling the world lobbying to
be appointed as Director General of the World Trade Organisation.

Candidates from eight other countries - Indonesia, Mexico, South Korea, Brazil, Kenya, Ghana, Jordan and Costa Rica -
were also going for the job. The National government used the Five Eyes Internet mass surveillance systems to spy on the
other candidates' emails.

In other words, it cheated, using the intelligence agency to do a favour for a mate. It is hard to imagine a more petty use of
national security systems. That's what they got in return for spying on our friends, trading partners and neighbours. The final
revelations worth mentioning are about the Waihopai station. Internal GCSB documents revealed for the first time precisely
what systems are used there. I recommend this article, or here with the illustrations.

Waihopais Odd Codenames

The Snowden-leaked documents reveal that the Waihopai staff use all of the following systems:

Apparition - finds position of isolated "VSAT" satellite users

Darkquest - analyses satellite communications

Fallowhaunt - targets VSAT" satellite communications

Juggernaut - targets and processes cellphone communications

Latentheat - breaks the intercepted satellite signals down into individual messages

Legalreptile - collects text messages and call metadata

Lopers - searches for phone numbers in intercepted messages

Semitone - processes fax and voice messages

Stonegate - collects and processes dial-up and fax modem data

Surfboard - targets land-line phones

Venusaffect - "command and control" of other systems

Wealthycluster - processes digital comms, especially voice over Internet protocol (VoiP)

Xkeyscore - targets and processes bulk Internet traffic.

Plus others with equally odd names for which we could not figure out the function. These are not GCSB or New Zealand
systems. They are NSA systems, standard equipment in one of the standardised Five Eyes satellite interception stations
dotted around the world.

They are a reminder of how thoroughly un-New Zealand the Waihopai operation is.

The final subject raised by the Snowden revelations is how much the Five Eyes intelligence systems have been turned
against these countries' own citizens.

Spying On New Zealanders

Back when I was interviewing a range of GCSB staff in the 1990s, they assured me that there were strict rules against any
of the Five Eyes agencies spying on their own or one of the other four countries' citizens. Except in exceptional situations, I
think this was true.

It is now clear that technological change and the War on Terror politics have changed this. I think it is very important to be
as precise as possible on this subject.

The idea of mass surveillance (whether it is correct or not) has an insidious and damaging effect on people. It corrodes our
sense of private space and of private thoughts, and our sense of self. This means that people speaking publicly about the
effects of intelligence activities have to be careful not to create needless fear. I will run through what I think is, and is not,
going on.

First, following the Snowden revelations there have been claims that everyone is being monitored all the time: every time
they take out a library book, speak on the phone or go on the Internet. This is not true and it's vital that we reassure people.
The principle underlying mass surveillance systems is that they do try to catch everyone's communications in a giant spy
net, so that when they want to target someone or some subject, the data is available.

But this does not mean that everyone is being actively watched; that some shadowy intelligence officer somewhere
is actually monitoring those library books and emails.

Something like 99.99% of people caught in the electronic net will never be actively monitored. Sometimes their Internet
browsing may be incidentally caught in an overseas Internet capture system, but it will almost certainly remain an
unexamined piece of hay in a huge intelligence haystack.

We should be concerned about the real target groups (for instance currently some Muslim people) but we should not spread
unnecessary fear to others. Nearly everyone who ever worries that they might be a target of mass surveillance systems is
luckily wrong. They can live their lives feeling unviolated because it is genuinely alright.

The next point is that there is no evidence of mass surveillance systems in New Zealand. What I mean is that there is no
evidence that internal New Zealand communications are intercepted en masse and processed into metadata or other
intelligence. That is what the GCSB helps do to other countries, but not what happens here.

When Police or other Government agencies want to monitor a New Zealander or person within New Zealand, they mostly
use a completely separate system. These systems are known in the trade as "LI" (lawful interception) systems.

A 2004 law (the Telecommunications (Interception Capability) Act) made it obligatory for all telcos, Internet service providers
(ISPs) and network companies to install interception-capable equipment.
This means that when the Police or other agencies want to monitor an individual or group, they can get a warrant, plug into
the company's servers via the LI back doors and extract all the specified people's data.

This is the same law enforcement arrangement seen in many similar countries which, like New Zealand, were lobbied in the
1990s and early 2000s by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to introduce the systems. But it is designed for
targeted monitoring with a warrant. That's how it is mostly done in New Zealand. It has bad aspects, but nonetheless is more
like traditional phone tapping than mass surveillance.

Thus the way it is supposed to work is that the GCSB/Five Eyes systems are used on other countries, but only the LI
systems are used within New Zealand for investigating crimes and so on.

Stay Tuned For A Convenient Law Change

Then came the War on Terror, when increasingly the US and allied intelligence agencies turned their national security-style
systems onto their own citizens. At the same time the growth of the Internet has meant that New Zealanders'
communications can often be caught in the spy nets far away.

Nowadays, hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders' Internet traffic will be caught in Five Eyes Internet surveillance as it
passes over US and British territory and automatically "ingested" into gigantic databases of Internet metadata (a record of
who was communicating with whom, when and where.)

This doesn't mean New Zealanders are being actively targeted and it doesn't mean that anyone will actively look at most
people's data.

But it does mean that it is a lie that New Zealanders are not being monitored in GCSB-aided mass surveillance systems.

When John Key assured the public that there was no mass surveillance of New Zealanders, he was referring to tapping of
undersea cables. But the place that the GCSB definitely does mass surveillance is satellite communications monitored at
Waihopai and that is where New Zealanders are being caught.
This is an issue right now. Large numbers of New Zealanders are being inadvertently caught in GCSB mass surveillance
systems and by law this should not be occurring. So despite rewriting its laws to legalise the last round of unlawful GCSB
monitoring, it appears the GCSB is still unlawfully monitoring a large number of New Zealanders (such as those
communicating in the Pacific region).

Following the New Zealand Snowden revelations, the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security is currently
investigating this situation. The GCSB will be looking for a way to legalise these latest unlawful operations. I suspect that the
agencies will use the current far-from-independent Intelligence Review to get a recommendation for a convenient law

So, sadly, New Zealand has in part caught up with the rest of the world. Our citizens are affected by the Five Eyes
surveillance systems like people in all the rest of the world.

No Controls Or Limits On Foreign Spying

But, as I said, if we care about minimising the harm to people we will not overstate it. These systems affect people
everywhere but least of all in the Five Eyes nations, including New Zealand. Even where New Zealanders are caught in the
net, this is not the same as active targeting and monitoring.
We should care far more about the publics and governments of other countries, who are constant targets of the Five Eyes
harvest. For them there are no controls and no limits, and in our region it is silently aided by New Zealand through the

Empire Files With Abby Martin Launches First Show: America's Occupation Of The World
January 6 2016 | From: TheRealNews

Abby Martin debuts teleSUR's The Empire Files exploring the U.S. Empire and its rise to world
teleSUR's The Empire Files airs every Friday night at 9:00 pm EST / 6:00 PST. Watch live here.

Comment: Of course, the 'American occupation' is really just the front used by the Khazarian - Nazi - Zionists that have been
running the show for so long. They hide behind America as a front, as they do with Judaism. The vast majority of Americans
and Jews are good people who want nothing to do with the evil machinations of the 'Illuminati' psychopaths.
Major Disclosures Are Seeds For A Global Revolution
January 5 2016 | From: Geopolitics

Just for 2015 alone, there were at least three major disclosures being made. From the actual killers
of Princes Diana, to the 911 WTC controlled demolition, and the definitive Hitler Vatican Ratline
Escape to Argentina via History Channel.

These major disclosures are not meant to entertain its audience, but the producers of these information are doing
great effort and expending great amount of resources hoping to wake up as many people as possible to the
madness perpetrated against them by the Oligarchical Elite.

Most importantly, the people casting these documentaries are risking their lives just to bring the Whole Truth to the
mainstream consciousness. They are all planting the seeds for a global revolution.

The purported speech by Vladimir Putin to defeat the Illuminati was a cordial invitation for us to join in. Recall, it was the
Russians who hoisted their national flag first in Berlin during WW2 to declare the defeat of the Nazis, or so they believe.

Are we going to see them do a rerun from our couches once again?

The ongoing massive disclosures were formally inaugurated last May 2001 at the National Press Club Conference on the
Disclosure Project.

Since then, other disclosure events followed.

Related: History Channel - Ancient Aliens

Hunting Hitler

Related: FBI Document Confirms Hitler Fled To Argentina In 1945

Our earlier information was that Hitler survived through the war in 1945 and fled to Juan Perons Argentina.

That information came from Hitlers own bodyguard, Otto Skorzeny, who said in a deathbed confession that they fled Berlin
through a five-seater unmarked airplane which would tie up pretty nicely to History Channels epic documentary, Hunting
Hitler, that is based on the FBIs Hitler disclosure back in 2014.
Related: FBI Doc Confirms Hitler Fled to Argentina in 1945

Among the highlights of the said documentary are direct first-hand witnesses to seeing Hitler inside a Spanish convent after
being flown into the country through a small German plane with 4 other passengers.
The Vatican Ratline did serve the Nazis so well, as tens of thousands of them have effectively assimilated themselves into
the American society barely 2 years after the Second World War ended.

The Hunting Hitler on location documentary is still running as of this writing and you can watch all broadcasted episodes so
far from the link below.

Related: Hunting Hitler

Another disclosure that hit the mainstream newspaper last year is the revelation of the Windsor queen sporting her snappy
Nazi salute

Related: Video of Queen Liz in Snappy Nazi Salute Exposed on MSM

In addition to a damning documentary by Keith Allen detailing the last few minutes of Princess Diana and subsequent
assassination cover up that followed.

Unlawful Killing The Film The British Wont Get To See | Keith Allen

My documentary about the Diana inquest will be shown everywhere but the UK. Heres why.

The internet is a global lavatory wall, a Rabelaisian mixture of truth, lies, insanity and humour. I felt its power and madness
this week, when an excerpt from my new film, Unlawful Killing, was leaked on to YouTube and seized on by US conspiracy
theorists, who immediately began claiming that the CIA had murdered Princess Diana, thereby allowing others to dismiss
my documentary as mad.

Deriding its critics as mad is an age-old British establishment trick. My inquest of the inquest film contains footage of Diana
recalling how the royals wanted her consigned to a mental institution, and the inquest coroner repeatedly questioning the
sanity of anyone who wondered if the crash was more than an accident.

His chief target was Mohamed Al Fayed, a man I once profiled for a Channel 4 documentary.
Before I met him, Id half-believed the media caricature of him as a madman, driven nuts by the death of his son, and wildly
accusing the Windsors of having planned the 1997 crash.

However, I found a man who was sane and funny but frustrated that Britain wouldnt hold an inquest into his sons death.
Michael Mansfield QC thought it unfair too, and fought for one to be held; which was why the longest inquest in British legal
history eventually began in 2007.

Long before the inquest started, the eminently sane Mansfield had persuaded me that there were suspicious circumstances
surrounding the crash, and signs of a cover-up by the authorities.

Many journalists agreed, but as the inquest drew near, I noticed that British newspapers (several of which had regularly run
Was Diana Murdered? pieces) suddenly fell into line, and started insisting that the inquest was a waste of time.

They raised no protest when virtually all the key French witnesses refused to participate, nor did they find it odd that not one
senior royal was ordered to appear, even though Diana had stated in a lawyers note that the Windsors were planning an
accident to her car.

Nor did they raise the issue of possible bias when legal proceedings involving the integrity of the royal family were to be
heard in the royal courts of justice before a coroner whod sworn an oath of allegiance to the Queen.
I felt the need to raise it, so I asked every major UK broadcaster (BBC, ITV, C4, Five, Sky) to commission a TV documentary
about the inquest. But they refused even to contemplate such a suggestion, so Associated Rediffusion and I began filming
and financing it ourselves.

Shortly before the inquest began, Fayed offered to fund our project, so we could make a feature-length cinema documentary
instead. We agreed, on condition that we would report events in the way we saw them, and the deal was struck.

Unlawful Killing is not about a conspiracy before the crash, but a provable conspiracy after the crash. A conspiracy
organised not by a single scheming arch-fiend, but collectively by the British establishment judges, lawyers,
politicians, police chiefs, secret services, even newspaper editors all of whom have been appointed to their
positions because they are a safe pair of hands.

Just as compass needles all point north without being told to, so these people instinctively know what is expected of them
when the states interests are under threat and they act accordingly, quietly suppressing uncomfortable evidence or
undermining the credibility of witnesses whose evidence contradicts the official narrative.

Consider just a fraction of what transpired. Over 100 significant witnesses were not called to the inquest, or refused to
appear. Blood tests allegedly proving the drunkenness of the driver Henri Paul were deemed biologically inexplicable by a
toxicologist. A British crash expert found that Dianas seat belt had not been working. And so on.
Strangest of all was the media coverage of the verdict. Inquest evidence showed conclusively that the crash was caused by
an unidentified white Fiat Uno and several unidentified motorcycles, vehicles that were certainly not paparazzi, because
uncontested police evidence confirmed that the paparazzi were nowhere near the tunnel at the time of the crash.

The jury understood this, bringing in a verdict of unlawful killing by unidentified following vehicles; yet within seconds,
the BBC was misreporting that the jury had blamed the paparazzi, and the rest of the media meekly followed suit. Which is
why three years on barely anyone realises what the jurys troubling verdict really was.

Why is the film being premiered next week at Cannes, three years after the inquest ended? Because British lawyers insisted
on 87 cuts before any UK release could be contemplated. So rather than butcher the film, or risk legal action, were showing
it in France, then the US, and everywhere except the UK. Pity, because at a time when the mindless sugar rush of the royal
wedding has been sending British Republicans into a diabetic coma, it could act as a welcome antidote.

Related: The Guardian: Unlawful Killing the film the British won't get to see

Whats the significance of the above disclosures? All these stuffs belong to the past already.

If thats the view, then it may interest the reader to know that they are still here.

Merkel is No Angel But a Hitler

Is Merkel a CIA Asset?

Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

The battle against evil are still ongoing.

Read more at: Geopolitics

Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship

January 3 2016 | From: OathKeepers

We have always said that Science is a two-edged blade, i.e. it can be used to cut off ignorance or
sever the head altogether.
When Science is used for the good of the people, progress is assured, but when it falls into the wrong hands, the
rest will suffer.

We have first known about the systematic use of Science for our assured enslavement through the document Silent
Weapons for Quite Wars [here]. That is a must read for everyone seeking knowledge of the very details of the weapons used
to systematically turn all of us into satisfied slaves.


The government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.

Who would have realized that electrical engineering theories can be used just the same in the world of Banking and Finance,
and worse, Social Engineering in general?

But they did and are still doing it even today.

Interestingly, John has shared with us a link from the Oathkeepers that talks about the concept of Technocracy which is
similar and congruent to the use of Science for the economic advantage of the Elite. You need to watch the embedded video
in the article below in order to fully understand how Technocracy was being used all along.

The foundation of Technocracy is Scientism, that is in turn defined as:

1. The application of scientific methods to social and political modeling

2. Science is the absolute and only access to truth and reality about man and the universe

3. Scientism is specifically opposed to the Holy Bible as truth

4. Scientism upholds Atheism there is no God

5. Scientism purports to be predictive, able to foretell the future

6. Scientism rejects any opposing inquiry

7. Scientism demands acceptance by non-scientists

We have advocated the full use of Science and Technology for the benefit of man, however we disagree with some of their
definition which is really intended to malign the entire field.

Scientism Upholds Atheism There is no God

This is a very sweeping, shallow and contentious assertion because theres a variety of understanding of what God truly is. If
the God thats being referred to here is the vengeful Bible God then this statement is correct.

Atheism is defined as the absence of belief in any god. How about the understanding that Nature is the Most Supreme Being
of All, would that qualify one as an atheist simply because he went beyond the bible?

The practice of simplistic labeling a position or concept limits the scope of the discussion disabling us from acquiring a
complete understanding of a particular subject. To illustrate, the mere conversation about conspiracy theories would now
qualify one to be labelled as terrorist.

Those who believe in this definition are justifying the destruction they have inflicted upon the population and the environment.

Scientism Rejects any Opposing Inquiry

This is a misapplication of Science. Real science is open ended, i.e. the prevailing theory will only last until another one is
widely proven and accepted.

Those who subscribe to this definition dont accept alternate ideas that work a lot better than the conventions of the day, e.g.
medical associations, energy department, all priesthoods, fraternities, and gangsterism.

Scientism as defined above is just a myopic faith-based utilization of Science. This is probably why Vatican branded their
telescope Lucifer
"As Popular Science explains, LUCIFER is an acronym for the instruments lengthy title, Large Binocular
Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.

This instrument is attached to the University of Arizonas Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) located on Mt. Graham
in south eastern Arizona. The Vatican-owned Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) is right next door.


The Large Binocular Telescope observatory on Mt. Graham.

Cloak and Dagger

As you can see from their definition of the word Scientism, there is a mixture of good and questionable premises
characterizing a far more sinister agenda.

Compartmentalization and redefinition of terms really are always in the menu of the Dark Masters intent on fooling the simple
minded. Theres a need to carefully sift through all the things theyve been throwing us along the way.

What we are not sure at this point is the position of the BRICS with regards to these Cabalist concepts, although Ben Fulford
had assured us that Science will only be used for the Common Good, i.e. greening the deserts, cleaning the oceans, clean
energy, poverty alleviation, longevity, and similar activities.
So far, the actions from the BRICS are very positive and along the way they have condemned the likes of Rockefeller,
Brzezinski and Pope Benedict XVI through Ben Fulford. In 2013, the papal resignation shocked the Sheeples around the

But are these developments enough to convince us that we are not navigating all along the bigger plan of the enemy?

The article below will surely clash with the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement. In the end, it would just be a matter of
changing who will be in direct control of the entire planet, the geopoliticians or the progressive technicians.

Who would you prefer?

Technology Rising: Patrick Wood On Caravan To Midnight

A Video Review From Elias Alias, Editor

"The C.F.R. is the American branch of a society which originated in England. Internationalistic in viewpoint, the
C.F.R., along with the Atlantic Union Movement, and the Atlantic Council of the U.S., believes national boundaries
should be obliterated and one-world rule established

What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political government
of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the world

In my view, the Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the
four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.

- With No Apologies, [1979], the auto-biography by Senator Barry Goldwater, pp. 128, 284
The New International Economic Order

Patrick Wood has been in the trenches fighting for America for many years. He was co-author with the late Antony C. Sutton
of the two-volume classic, Trilaterals Over Washington. His original August Review has morphed into the August Forecast.
He speaks at events, such as the upcoming Arizona Freedom Fest. Patricks latest book is Technocracy Rising.

This video is three and a half hours in length. Below the video are some points of interest for readers who are reluctant to
start into a film that long. I hope that the text below will influence motivated readers to make time to enjoy seeing Patrick
Wood and John B. Wells on the screen they deliver a great show, with a great ending.

Super-revelations from Patrick Wood

In late March, 2015, John B. Wells of Caravan To Midnight hosted for three and a half hours a man who is Americas foremost
researcher on the Trilateral Commission. Many in the Liberty movement already know that Patrick Wood co-authored with
Antony C. Sutton the now-famous Trilaterals Over Washington (in two volumes).

Personally, I began to follow Patrick Wood about ten years ago when I discovered at his website a fascinating article he had
written about the Bank for International Settlements. I began subscribing to his newsletter, and that is how I received notice
that Patrick Wood was interviewed by John B. Wells.

Related: The Trilateral Commission

From his interview with John B. Wells I have taken down a few notes to share with readers here. Mr. Woods latest
book, Technocracy Rising, is packed with facts and information, and its contents are the focus in this video interview.

The interview gets started early by discussion of the Trilateral Commissions employment of Technocracys principles and
their New International Economic Order, with mention of the Trilateral Commissions goal of transforming government.
By about 24 minutes into the video we see that more than just government is being transformed. Wood lists seven of their
primary targets as being:

1. Economics

2. Government

3. Religion

4. Law

5. Energy

6. Humanity

7. Christianity
Who is to do all this transforming?

1) the Trilateral Commission;

2) Technocracy;

3) the United Nations; and

4) Non-Government Organizations (NGOs).

We note that neither the American People nor the Congress of the United States of America are party to the transformation.
Technocracy and Trilateralism and the United Nations and Non-governmental organizations are the four horses on which the
New International Economic Order is riding into our lives. Keep that in mind as we go.

Mr. Wood gives us things to notice, things being used by Technocracy to transform us:

1. Agenda 21

2. Sustainable development

3. Smart meters

4. Climate change

5. Cap and trade

6. The Green Economy

7. Human enhancement (Trans-Humanism: the merger of man and machine, literally)

As John B. Wells allows Mr. Wood to lay it all out in full, supporting knowledge is provided to the viewer to flesh-out the above
listings, plus more. John B. and Patrick discuss Scientism, and Patrick Wood offers a passage by the father of
Technocracy, Henri de Saint-Simon:

A scientist, my dear friends, is a man who foresees; it is because science provides the means to predict that it is
useful, and the scientists are superior to all other men."

Scientism Is Central To Technocracy

Science shall tell us what to do, as evidenced by myriad manifestations ranging from regulating how long one may spend in
ones shower at home to the EPAs wish to outlaw wood-burning stoves to central regulation of ones thermostat from
downtown, to the elimination of privately-owned single-dwelling homes and private automobiles as called for by the United
Nations Agenda 21.
Scientism is at the base of Technocracy. Here are some notes from Patrick Wood regarding Scientism:

1. The application of scientific methods to social and political modeling

2. Science is the absolute and only access to truth and reality about man and the universe

3. Scientism is specifically opposed to the Holy Bible as truth

4. Scientism upholds Atheism there is no God

5. Scientism purports to be predictive, able to foretell the future

6. Scientism rejects any opposing inquiry

7. Scientism demands acceptance by non-scientists

Scientism is defined at Wikipedia this way:

Scientism is belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the view that empirical
science constitutes the most authoritative worldview or most valuable part of human learning to the exclusion of
other viewpoints.

In the three and one-half hour video interview by John B. Wells of Caravan To Midnight Patrick Wood points out that Ray
Kurzweil, a senior scientist for Google, is a trans-humanist. Kurzweil wrote the 2005 book entitled The Singularity Is Near:
When Humans Transcend Biology.
Kurzweil, being a Google hotshot, works with the Chair of the Google corporation, Eric Emerson Schmidt, who is a Trilateral
Commission member.

From Wikipedia in Eric Schmidt:

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin interviewed Schmidt. Impressed by him, they recruited Schmidt to
run their company in 2001 under the guidance of venture capitalists John Doerr and Michael Moritz.
Schmidt joined Googles board of directors as chairman in March 2001, and became the companys CEO in
August 2001.

In 2013 Schmidt stated that the government surveillance in the United States was the nature of our society and
that he was not going to pass judgment on that.

However, on the revelation that the NSA has been secretly spying on Googles data centers worldwide, he called
the practice outrageous and criticized the NSAs collection of Americans phone records.

Schmidt was a campaign advisor and major donor to Barack Obama and served on Googles government relations
team. Obama considered him for Commerce Secretary. Schmidt was an informal advisor to the Obama
presidential campaign and began campaigning the week of October 19, 2008, on behalf of the candidate.

He was mentioned as a possible candidate for the Chief Technology Officer position, which Obama created in his
administration. After Obama won in 2008, Schmidt became a member of President Obamas transition advisory

He proposed that the easiest way to solve all of the problems of the United States at once, at least in domestic
policies, is by a stimulus program that rewards renewable energy and, over time, attempts to replace fossil fuels
with renewable energy.

Schmidt and Kurzweil work together at Google and Schmidt is a member in the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral
Commission is the chariot for Technocracys scientism. Bear that in mind.

Technocracy: The 1930s to Present

Technocracy originated in 1932 at Columbia University. It was founded by M. King Hubbert and Howard Scott in 1933. In
1934 they were booted from Columbia, but carried forth their Technocracy by writing the Technocracy Study Course.

In 1954 Hubbert created Peak Oil Theory, [FARCE] and later became known as the father of the eco movement.

Patrick Wood gives some characteristics of Technocracy:

By nature it produces volumes of inviolable regulations which are science based.

It creates totalitarian control in the end, but is not socialism or communism.

Technocracy seeks to replace price-based economic system with energy-based system - (energy credits).

Communism, Marxism, Socialism, and Fascism are all based on a price-based economic system. Technocracy
shifts away from that, so it is neither."

Did we catch that third characteristic of Technocracy above? Seeks to replace price-based economic system with energy-
based economic system.

That is positively huge! Technocracy is talking about doing away with our way of doing business, our system of money, of
monetary exchange, replacing it with energy credits, which we may not find authorized in the Constitution - a far cry from
coining silver and gold.

But of course Scientism, Technocracy, and the thusly-directed geniuses of the Trilateral Commission care not one whit about
our Constitution.

At 55 minutes into the video Wood gives us some requirements necessary to make Technocracy work.

1. Register on a continuing basis the 24 hour-per-day basis of the total net conversion of energy.

2. By means of registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

3. Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption. [Scott, Howard, et al, Technocracy Study
Course, p. 232] Think: datamining.

4.Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc, of all goods and services, where produced and where used.

5. Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the

Today, Mr. Wood notes, we have the technology to do these things. Hence Obamacare, the NSA spying on all Americans,
Common Core, fitting students into a master plan, etc., etc. - data collection gone wild. Combined with the Trilateral
Commissions strong-armed reach into seats of governmental power, Technocracy is quite literally transforming [not just]

Trilaterals Over Washington

At about the 01:02:35 point in the video were given a bit of a timeline regarding the Trilateral Commission:

1. The idea was floated at the 1972 Bilderberg meeting

2. It was created in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

3. It had 289 hand-picked members.

4. Its three economic regions of primary focus were Japan, North America, and Europe.

5. There were 97 U.S. members, both Rs and Ds.

6. Members are primarily bankers, industrialists, academics, politicians, media, law firms, and NGOs.

In 1976 the Trilateral Commission hijacked the White House / Executive Office. Brzezinski had picked Carter for the White
House, and according to Barry Goldwaters autobiography both Rockefeller and Brzezinski groomed Carter and helped get
him in.

Then as the American people blinked Carter appointed Brzezinski to be his National Security Adviser. Carter then appointed
almost a third of the American Trilateral membership to top Cabinet and Administration posts.

They took over government on behalf of economic policies for International consolidation which would foster:

1. A New International Economic Order

2. Promote interdependence

3. Promote free trade by dismantling tariffs and trade barriers.

Wood: (quote): It was an economic takeover but they needed the political machinery to pull it off. Technocracy is not a
political system it is an economic system. (end quote)

In June 1992 Bush-41 attended the Earth Summit where the Agenda 21 was born.

In March of 1993 Clinton announced his National Partnership For Reinventing Government.

In April of 1993 the Agenda 21 book was published.

In June of 1993 Clinton signed Executive Order 12852 creating the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development.

On September 11, 1993 Clinton signed Executive Order 12862, the National Performance Review/Reinventing

In April of 2005 Bush-43 created the National Intelligence Agency, seating for its first Director John Negroponte, a

I grew quite excited when next Patrick Wood brought up, at about the 01:11:30 mark in the interview, Brzezinskis book from
back in 1970. Wood says that Between Two Ages: Americas Role In The Technetronic Era is the book which launched the
Technocracy and Trilateral movement. I do not really know Patrick Wood, but have been following his work for about ten
years, having first appreciated his writing on the Bank for International Settlements at his website.
He chances to be the only man I know of, beside myself,
who has a copy of Brzezinskis Between Two Ages:
Americas Role In The Technetronic Era.

I had run across a copy after viewing Michael C. Rupperts

9/11 video in 2002. In 2007 I took my copy of this book to the
State capitol of Montana and held it up while speaking
before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding some bill
which was going through at that time.

I showed the Committee members the book and read them a

few passages from the book. I will share with you now the
passages I read out loud to the Committee.

The technetronic era involves the gradual

appearance of a more controlled society. Such a
society would be dominated by an elite,
unrestrained by traditional values

Today we are again witnessing the emergence

of transnational elites[whose] ties cut across
national boundaries

It is likely that before long the social elites of

most of the more advanced countries will be
highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and

Within a few years the rebels in the more advanced countries who today have the most visibility will be
joined by a new generation making its claim to power in government and business

accepting as routine managerial processes current innovations such as planning-programming-budgeting

systems (PPBS)

A national information grid that will integrate existing electronic data banks is already being developed.
The projected world information grid, for which Japan, Western Europe, and the United States are most
suited, could create the basis for a common educational program, for the adoption of common academic

The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty.

In the economic-technological field, some international cooperation has already been achieved, but further
progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary
structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable
American position.

Can you believe that? Brzezinski wrote that forty-five years ago in 1970. He could see what was coming in scientific fields,
and David Rockefeller could see that Brzezinski was seeing just what the globalist elite had been seein g in the political field.
Rockefeller tapped Brzezinski quickly and they co-founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973.
Brzezinski is a very bright mind, but one which leans toward Technocracy and scientism, which ultimately leads to a one-
world government system in the political realm and a one-world economic grid with which to control the populations of the

Oddly enough, Brzezinski was a professor at the very campus where Technocracy was born in 1932, Columbia University,
when Rockefeller (in Rush Limbaughs word for it) plucked Brzezinski. (As Rush was meaning it, Rockefeller hand-picked

Brzezinski had used the word technetronic in the title of his book. Patrick Wood notes that Technetronic and Technocracy
are closely linked, practically interchangeable. So let me interject something here please -
Brzezinski was envisioning in 1970 a gradual appearance of a more controlled society. He called it the Technetronic Era for
Technocracy, in which his book is heavily immersed. He co-founded the Trilateral Commission with that sort of ideology in

Let us pause for about four minutes to allow Mr. Brzezinski to explain himself, courtesy of C-SPAN:

Is Americas so-called war on terror, which is now turning inward on the American people ourselves, really just a massive
promotion by governmental and private sector players who seek to regulate and control the patterns of traditional American
behavior toward the policies desired by an Elite, who are internationalists who believe in the power of a totally surveilled
societal structure?

That aside, Patrick Wood notes that the U.S. President appoints the head of the World Bank, and that of the eight heads of
the World Bank since its inception six have been Trilateralists.

Six out of the eight heads of the World Bank is a staggering percentage. But Patrick Wood goes much deeper in looking into
Technocracys grip on the inner workings of our government.

He lists all Presidents and Vice Presidents since Carter who are Trilateralists. He lists all Presidentially-appointed U.S. Trade
Representatives who are Trilateralists. He lists the ten out of seventeen National Security Advisers who are/were
Trilateralists. All are named in the video interview by John B. Wells.

The Trilateral Commission is such a small elite group, but they manage to permeate our Federal offices in departments and
agencies. They are heavily tied in with the representatives of the military-industrial complex, the machinery of war.

So What Is The New International Economic Order?

According to Patrick Wood, this new order is:

1. The Technetronic Era

2. A controlled society in which the Elite rule

3. Primary actors and planners of economic life will be

global banks and multi-national corporations

4. A continuous surveillance of every citizen

5. Files containing all information about every citizen will

be instantaneously available to authorities

At about two hours into the interview Mr. Wood moves the
mark even further. He reminds us of something from UNEP,
(the UNs Environment Programme), called the Green
Economy Initiative

He tells us that The Green Economy is Technocracy. According to Wood, a green economy implies a de-coupling of
resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth. He reminds us that UNEP says:

These initiatives, both public and private, provide the mechanism for reconfiguration of businesses, infrastructure
and institutions, and for the adoption of sustainable consumption and production processes.

Reconfiguring businesses, infrastructure and institutions means overhauling our very society, our way of life, for openers, and
it can and will get much worse as control by the Elite is expanded. Bill Clinton, a failed Rhodes Scholar, did say he would
reinvent government.

This is what he had in mind. Recall, when G.H.W. Bush could not get NAFTA through Congress, Bill Clinton did, and that was
just a beginning.

Patrick Wood next reports that the World Council of Churches, at their 2014 Interfaith Summit on Climate Change said
proudly, the Worlds faiths will declare themselves, irrevocably, as Green Faiths.

Next we learn about Reflexive Law as Legal Paradigm For Sustainable Development.

At the same time, sustainable developments broad sweep strains our intellectual grasp of its meaning andoutruns
the capacity of our current legal and political systems to channel societys activities toward itsachievement

there is no doubt that sustainable development needs new paradigms to transform it from visionary rhetoric to a
viable political goal. The World Summit on Sustainable Development showed a world desperately seeking effective
sustainable development policies and strategies.

The desperation was reflected in the new mantra of governance and the shifting emphasis in sustainable
development measures from Type 1 traditional regulation and government programs to Type 2non-regulatory
private or public-private partnership initiatives

This essay will consider whether the sociological construct reflexive law, which comes out of the German
sociology of law tradition, and some American offshoots such as democratic experiments with non-regulatory
schemes, might help sustainable development resolve its conceptual dilemmas.
Reflexive law has immediate appeal because it speaks to the sustainable development mandate for integrated
decision making: it normatively urges social systems or subsystems (such as science, economics, themarketplace,
politics, and law itself) to communicate and to interact.

Moreover, reflexive law teaches that law works best by specifying procedures for regulated entities to observe in
striving for a complex objective like sustainable development,..


So Technocracy will put an end to rigid law and transform it into reflexive law, all the better to suit the needs of their global
government. Remember, Sustainable Development is a UN phrase originating in Agenda 21.

So now we see that Mr. Wood was correct in his opening assessments, in which he said that the Trilateral Commissions
Technocracy would transform not only government and economics and religion, but also would transform law.

But he also said the Trilaterals want to transform energy, humanity, and Christianity. He has laid in the fact that Agenda
21 is being used by Technocracy to transform things, so lets see what he says about transforming energy.

At about 02:15:00 we learn that the Global Smart Grid is both national and international. Mr. Wood points out that the 2009
stimulus money went to energy companies globally to kick-start Smart Grid. At this link we can read:

There is a new world wide web emerging right before our eyes. It is a global energy network and, like the internet,
it will change our culture, society and how we do business. More importantly, it will alter how we use, transform
and exchange energy.

There is no energy supply problem, there is an energy distribution problem - and the emerging solution is a new
world wide web of electricity.
In Kerry Cassidys interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, Ms Fitts has indicated that trillions of stimulus dollars were
dispersed globally.

The topic of that interview was the Black Budget, which itself is yet another tool in the globalists tool chest. We may write
and read non-stop into all this madness, only to find that the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper, branches infinitely into a
web of incredible overwhelm.

So I will force myself to break this off at this point, in agreeing that we all can see that trans-humanism is a threat to human
life as weve known it, and that Christianity is indeed under attack in America today.

I do not think any reader at Oath Keepers national will want to dispute that.

So in summation, let me simply urge every Oath Keeper to get Patrick Woods book, view John B. Wells interview with Mr.
Wood, above, and reassure oneself that while our problems are giants at the national and international level, they are quite
controllable at the local level.

In harmony with the philosophy of Stewart Rhodes, founder and president of Oath Keepers, acting locally while thinking
globally is the best perspective for the preservation of freedom.

Mr. Patrick Wood says the same thing in his offered


1. Act Local

2. Educate and advocate locally.

3. Saturate meetings of City Council, School Boards,

planning/zoning meetings, transportation meetings, etc.

4. Support and educate local Sheriffs.

5. Name and shame those who practice un-American

thinking and activity.

6. Serve Misprision of Treason wherever appropriate.

That falls hand-in-hand with Oath Keepers Community

Preparedness Team concept as well as with our central
mission of educating police and military and firefighter
personnel to the meaning in their Oath.

Get the book Technocracy Rising


Stay in touch with Patrick Woods


Tune in to Caravan To Midnight with John B.


Support the production of MIDNIGHT RIDE by James

Jaeger and Edwin Vieira:

And no matter whatever else one does, by all means read

this book by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.:
THREE RIGHTS by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.; copyright 2013 by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.; printed by BookMasters, Inc., Ashland,
Ohio; ISBN: (10) 0-9671759-6-8; ISBN: (13) 978-0-9671759-6-6
Willie Jackson, Whanau Ora & The Jewish Child Abuse Rings
January 1 2016 | From: FourthReichWatch

One thing you will never hear Willie Jackson admit- is that the primary cause of poverty in New
Zealand is Government income taxes. Closely followed by the welfare industry trap the
Government uses to catch all of the fall out.

Despite the fact that Willie has traveled extensively, he has apparently failed to notice that all nations that have low
income taxes have full employment and little need for Government welfare.

South Korea is one good example, with income taxes at 5% or less, their economy booms, with very little unemployment or
need for welfare. The very simple truth that government taxes destroy economies and create poverty has been documented
and proven in economics text books dating back 100 years.

The Government taxes the poor at 75%, then hand back a % of that money in the form of WINZ payments- keeping around
half of it for themselves and guaranteeing that a section of the economy remains poor, for ever, under their full control. Its
called communism.
The non threatening, friendly Uncle Willie Jackson

The reason Willie Jackson fails to observe of mention those facts is two fold. Firstly, Willie is (in our opinion) a top class
moron. Like a child in an adults body, Willie is 98% made up of social and government propaganda bullshit, and the
remaining 2% is a lost child, swimming around in the dark looking for his soul.

Secondly- Willie is one of the biggest government welfare whores in NZs history. In fact he is probably hands down the
biggest welfare whore in NZs history. Sitting like a giant blood sucking leech on top of poor and struggling Maori who are
trapped in the Government taxation and welfare cycle.
Willie Jackson rules over the Whanau Ora welfare rort receiving millions every year from successive Governments to hand
out to those who suffer under an abusive / communist government system of around 75% net taxes.

Kiwis pay 20-40% income taxes, 15% gst on everything they buy, 300-3000% on tobacco and alcohol, 74c per liter
on petrol, rates, car rego, ACC and on and on.

Up to 75% of peoples incomes are stolen by the communist/ Jewish banker run NZ government- crippling our
economy and small business and creating unemployment and poverty around the Nation.

Willie Jackson is in fact the exact type of moron that the Government looks to promote as a poster boy for poverty
because he is incapable of thinking for himself and greedy enough to help abuse his own people, helping to steal their
futures off them by working to keep them all in welfare slavery, generation after generation.
The solution to poverty is very simple- you simply remove taxes and let people and the economy work and thrive.

You will never hear Willie Jackson say that of course because he is a lazy, corrupt welfare whore. And probably the worst
one at that. Stuffing is pockets more and more each year that poverty and its related crimes and child abuse increase.
Creating a never ended stream of work for corrupt child abusing lawyers and judges the so called Synagogue of Satan.

He bleats on all day about poverty , child abuse and his people, oblivious to the fact that he is one of the biggest parts
of the problem.

Now if that aint bad enough here is where it gets worse.

Willie Jackson came out recently and declared he was Jewish. It is a well known fact that the Jewish mafia owns most of
the DNA testing companies around the World and use them to fake the DNA tests for murder trials (eg, the Bain case which
was a government murder and the DNA faked to frame David Bain) , so whether or not Willie Jackson is a Jew or not
remains a mystery.

It is likely the global communist mafia have simply made that story up and sold it to Willie a man who obviously has/ or had
very little idea who he was or where he comes from.

Either way- we now have the biggest welfare whore in NZs history parading around like the naked emperor, proudly telling
everyone he is Jewish and that he cares for the poor , when in fact he is complicit in one of the biggest causes of poverty in
our Country. That being welfare and handouts.
The irony is sickening really. The Jews [Khazarian Zionist Satanists hiding within Jewry ] have been behind every
communist revolution in history, including Karl Marx, Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin, who together ended up murdering
over 200 million poor people.

All for the Jewish bankers who had decided genocide was the only solution to the non cooperation of the people with the
Jewish banker owned state and its never ending taxes and rules.

Ring any bells?

This is oddly enough where NZ is now headed. With a Jewish prime minister, Jewish owned banks in control of almost
everything, a corrupt Jewish Freemason controlled judiciary (whose primary role is to protect pedophiles) and the now
Jewish owned media namely Media Works and Radio Live, owned by Jewish billionaire Howard Marks and his Oaktree
Capital fund.
We have had around 100% inflation in the past few years, with food and rent up by 100% or more, as welfare payments and
wages all stay the same- pushing record numbers of people into poverty and destitution.

Maori are being killed off via taxes, welfare and inflation grinding poverty which creates domestic abuse, child abuse,
illnesses and death, and Willie Jackson is too stupid, cowardly and/or corrupt to speak out and simply demand an end to
income taxes which would solve the problem within 12 months.

Not to mention taking GST off healthy foods. Not only does this socially retarded moron help prop up the welfare industry
which keeps everyone poor, he is a highly paid mouth piece for the inbred Jewish criminals who run all of the
Government propaganda to keep it all in place.

If there was ever a story about a low life sell out of his own people - it is surely Willie Jackson. A hypocrite of the highest
order. One wonders if Willie Jackson was abused as a child, to grow into such a hypocrite who does so much damage to
his own people Maori- and others.

And this brings us neatly onto the next issue. Jewish sacrificial child abuse.

Willie Jackson was recently bleating on about the Oprah Winfrey visit to to New Zealand but he is too cowardly and lazy to
do any research and report this piece by Oprah Winfrey - where she exposed Jewish pedophile rings on her American

We have recently seen the same thing in England, where the Jewish Freemason controlled House of Westminster has been
exposed as a giant child abuse ring - with over 100,000 children alleged to have been abused by Freemason Lords and
MPs - and still not one arrest.

Here in New Zealand our own Government recently announced that 1000 children have disappeared from Child Youth
and Family. And 1100 kids abused in state care are now seeking damages for the abuse they suffered. We clearly have the
same problem.
That problem being state sanctioned and covered up child abuse and child sacrifice. Even as we type up this post, NZ
Judge Philippa Cunningham has just given permanent name suppression to a 50 year old Auckland businessman who was
caught trading 1000s of child abuse images. The Government in NZ, much like the UK is arguably run by pedophiles, for
pedophiles, with the Synagogue of Satan judges apparently protecting them all and covering it up.

Which poses the question- if the Government uses their various agencies to help them better groom children to abuse, and
hires and promotes pedophiles into positions of power, such as MPs Judges and commissioners is it fair to be a little
suspicious of Whanua Ora and its CEO Willie Jackson?

Whanau Ora is paid to bring Maori into the system- gathering their data and habits and giving the government information
and access to their children. If we conclude from the evidence above that the Government is a giant child abuse ring run by
pedophiles for pedophiles- one wonders how Willie Jackson fits into all of that given he never speaks out about the true
cause of poverty and instead helps keep the welfare abuse rolling on.

We have no evidence that Willie Jackson is involved in any of these Government child abuse rings but given his position
sucking money from tax payers to help keep Maori poor perhaps it is a fair and indeed important question to ask?
Is Willie Jackson aware of any Government pedophile rings operating in New Zealand and can he give an assurance that no
such things exist in the Whanau Ora organization?

Perhaps we should be asking this question of all our MPs, Judges and large welfare handout vampires such as Willie
Jackson? We know the judges and Government are always heavily involved in child abuse and child abuse rings so
should we be asking all such government agents and workers:

a) if they are Freemasons and/or Jewish [Khazarian Zionist Satanists] and

b) are they involved in any way in these Government and Judiciary protected pedophile rings?

Our opinion is that given all evidence of state sanctioned child abuse we see these days- it is not only fair to ask such
questions of Willie Jackson and Whanau Ora - but an important duty.

Bus load of Jewish Rabbis rounded up in New Jersey for trading in human and child body parts and organs [2014]:

More information on Jewish child rape and sacrifice traditions:

Is the God of the Jews Satan and does he demand that they rape & murder children?

Legal: - The opinions in this article are those of the Author of this blog and those of the third party references quoted. We
have stated very clearly that we have seen no evidence that Willie Jackson and/or Whanau Ora are involved in anyway in
any government child abuse rings, but have suggested that the people of NZ should be asking those questions &
demanding assurances, given all of the evidence quoted of state sanctioned child abuse rings and the fact that in our
opinion, Whanau Ora is not what it says it is ie) helping the poor.

We maintain that the only way to help the poor is to remove taxes off their incomes and food and rents - and that the only
outcome of the handouts Willie Jackson campaigns for is to perpetuate the dependency of so many poor - leading to their
eventual and inevitable enslavement and demise - a crime against the Maori people on a grand scale - and aided and
abetted by Willie Jackson as he stuffs his own pockets in the process. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Willie Jackson or any of his
agents are welcomed and encouraged to reply below, answer our questions, and give such assurances.

Worst Anti-Privacy Bill Since The Patriot Act, Passes Hidden In A Budget Bill And Media Is
December 22 2015 | From: ActivistPost / Various

On Friday, Congress passed a $1.15 trillion omnibus spending package to continue funding the
federal government, which included an already defeated, and extremely controversial cyber
security bill, that was inserted into the spending package as a means of assuring its passage.
Sorry, they got their way this time

In spite of this massive revelation and horrific blow to privacy, the mainstream media remains mum. While many
outlets are covering the passage of the spending bill, they are completely omitting anything about CISA.

Related: CISA Quietly Passed by Congress thru Sleight of Hand

The New York Times, for example, broke the story Friday morning about Congress passing the omnibus measure. However,
they conveniently left out any mention of CISA.

Aside from the tech sites who know about the dangers of this measure, the entire realm of mainstream media is choosing to
remain silent.

The Cyber Information Sharing Act (CISA), quietly pushed back in 2014 before being shut down by civil rights and privacy
advocates, was added into the Omnibus Appropriations Bill by House Speaker Paul Ryan as a means circumventing
rampant opposition to the anti-privacy legislation.

First it was SOPA, but they couldn't get that through:

SOPA Related: The TPPA Is Worse Than We Thought: Environmental Risks, Runaway Corporate Power, Weakened
Democracy: A Total Corporate Power Grab Nightmare

Then they came up with CISPA, but they couldn't get that through.

CISPA Related: SOPAs Evil Twin Sister CISPA

If they can't get what they want through in one bill, they morph it into another and keep on truckin' until they do:
The CISA legislation, which Rep. Justin Amash called the worst anti-privacy legislation since the USA PATRIOT Act, has
now been passed by Congress and will be signed into law by President Obama as part of the government spending

Advocates of the CISA provisions say their aim is to help prevent cyber threats, but critics say that the legislation essentially
gives corporations legal immunity when sharing consumers private data about hacks and digital breaches with the
Department of Homeland Security.

According to a report by Wired:

It creates the ability for the president to set up portals for agencies like the FBI and the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence, so that companies hand information directly to law enforcement and intelligence agencies
instead of to the Department of Homeland Security.

And it also changes when information shared for cybersecurity reasons can be used for law enforcement
investigations. The earlier bill had only allowed that backchannel use of the data for law enforcement in cases of
imminent threats, while the new bill requires just a specific threat, potentially allowing the search of the data for
any specific terms regardless of timeliness."

Originally, the CISA anti-privacy legislation was shelved after a public outcry against the bill, but corporations soon realized
the bill would provide them with legal immunity for sharing customers private data with the government and began a
renewed effort to pass CISA.

And miraculously, even in defeat, a bad bill became worse, and a crisis became an opportunity.

They took a bad bill, and they made it worse, Robyn Greene, policy counsel for the Open Technology Institute,
told Wired.
Theyve got this bill thats kicked around for years and had been too controversial to pass, so theyve
seen an opportunity to push it through without debate. And theyre taking that opportunity.

By including CISA into the governments overall spending package, it meant that for anti-privacy legislation to be defeated
the spending bill had to also be defeated, which would have meant a government shutdown beginning next week.

Unfortunately, this misguided cyber legislation does little to protect Americans security and a great deal more to
threaten our privacy than the flawed Senate version.

Americans demand real solutions that will protect them from foreign hackers, not knee-jerk responses that allow
companies to fork over huge amounts of their customers private data with only cursory review. Sen. Ron Wyden
said of the insertion of the CISA into the spending bill."

Its a shameful testament to the power of corporations and the intelligence community, to craft legislation that the American
people clearly dont support and then hide it within a budget bill to gain passage of the legislation, due to the fact that the
public would never support it otherwise. Whats more is that the Praetorian guard, also known as the mainstream media is
choosing to keep it out of the publics eye.

Theres plenty wrong with this omnibus, but theres nothing more egregious than the cyber language they secretly
slipped in, Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) told The Hill by email.

Sadly, this seems to be business as usual in Washington, D.C.

When corporations and government craft and push their own legislation, which by large measure individuals and the public
dont support, corporate fascism is clearly at the doorstep. A dangerous stage is being set for turnkey totalitarianism in the
United States.

Please share this article with your friends and family who will most assuredly not hear about it on the TV or radio.

Brought to you by: Full Disclosure: The Internet Dark Age - Five Eyes Sources And Methods Uncovered Disabling

Gordon Campbell On The Police Harassment Of Nicky Hager

December 21 2015 | From: Scoop

So now we know. If youve done something to really annoy the Establishment hello, Kim Dotcom,
Heather Du Plessis Allen, Nicky Hager and teapot tapes photographer Bradley Ambrose

Not only will you rocket to the top of the priority list for the Police and their scant resources, but chances are theyll
overstep their lawful authority while turning you over.

Meanwhile the dodgy behaviours and payments documented in Hagers book Dirty Politics will go un- investigated. How
many more examples of Police partiality in the use of its investigative discretion do we need?

The Police are a tool. Cross their political masters and youll pay the price.

In the case of the Hager investigation there are several disturbing aspects. Beforehand, the Police knew they were unlikely
to find any evidence relevant to the identity of the hacker they were trying to find. Hager was officially not a suspect. Justice
Cliffords decision says that this was a mission motivated by little more than hope.
Secondly, what the judge called the Polices fundamental error was that they failed to reveal to the District Court judge
issuing the search warrant that the target of their warrant was a journalist and therefore someone likely to enjoy the
protections afforded to journalists under the Evidence Act.

This looks particularly suspicious when at 8.30am in a search that went on to 6pm the Police actually asked Hager
whether he wanted to invoke his journalistic privilege. Which Hager immediately did. As a result, this prevented the Police
from examining the material they were gathering.

It became evidence that had to be bagged and sealed, and could be opened subsequently only at the order of (another)
judge. Therefore, if this was a raid designed to get evidence that would quickly uncover the hackers identity, it had become
pointless almost as soon as the Police gained entry to Hagers house.

The more important point being: If the Police knew about the probability of journalistic privilege being invoked, why didnt
they tell the District Court judge beforehand in which case, the judge might have asked them some awkward questions.
With hindsight, it looks like a willful lack of disclosure by the Police officers concerned. (Lets leave aside for now the issue of
how the Police managed to find a judge who must be the only person in New Zealand unaware that this Nicholas Alfred
Hager bloke named on the warrant was, in fact, a journalist.

Did it not occur to the judge to ask any questions at all? Given that the scrutiny of the judge is supposed to be a check and
balance on Police getting search warrants willy nilly, this part of the story isnt very re-assuring, either.)

So, where are we now? Hager has had his belongings (some of them the basic tools of his trade) held in Police custody for
well over a year. Hopefully if the Police dont appeal the decision those belongings will now be returned, and lets hope
that the inconvenience gets added to the compensation and damages payment Hager is now surely liable to receive, after
being on the receiving end of an unlawful Police warrant and search.
Already there has been a lot of talk about how Justice Cliffords decision has set a precedent and raised the bar on
journalistic privilege. I dont really think so. The rules were already there in black and white in the Evidence Act, and the
Police broke them at will.

If sufficiently motivated, they will do so again. The next time someone royally pisses off the political Establishment, its a safe
bet that the Police will come knocking on their door.

In this case, the Police were hoping to find something that might criminalise Hager, and shut him up for good. If that didnt
happen, they could at least harass him, inconvenience him and disrupt his ability to do his work for months and months on

That goal has been achieved. Ultimately, you can bet no Police officer will be sanctioned over this affair. And as always, the
taxpayers will pick up the compensation tab for the Police incompetence (and/or malice) that has marked their behavior on
this occasion.

COP21 Revealed: Read Full Text Of Climate Summit Plan Designed To Break Smaller Nations
December 20 2015 | From: IntelliHub

Full text of COP21 agreement shows worldly plan to keep smaller nations indebted.
Carbon reduction plans will be put in place by all 196 participating countries who reached an agreement during

Additionally $100 billion in loan guarantees to smaller nations will be made available in the latest multi-pronged global scam
that continues to perpetuate the use of nuclear power worldwide.

In Paris, American Nuclear Society President Gene Grecheck said that policymakers need to not be afraid to say
they support nuclear technology at conferences such as COP21 because every serious look at the energy
technologies required to mitigate climate change has concluded that large amounts of nuclear energy must be part
of the mix, Forbes reported.

Do you see what the powers-that-be are doing here? They are essentially forcing smaller nations to go nuclear and larger
ones to upgrade their current nuclear facilities. These tyrannical masterminds behind the curtain are operating in a mafiaesk
manner and are using a union-like blueprint to salt unwitty nations.
To learn more please watch a very important documentary film called Shade, now available on DVD video.

Below is the full text of the 2016 agreement.

COP21 Agreement Final Text

The Federal Reserve Has Lifted Interest Rates: What Does This Rate Hike Mean?
December 18 2015 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

The Federal Reserve raised the interbank borrowing rate today by one quarter of one percent or 25
basis points. Readers are asking, what does that mean?
It means that the Fed has had time to figure out that the effect of the small rate hike would essentially be zero. In
other words, the small increase in the target rate from a range of 0 to 0.25% to 0.25 to 0.50% is insufficient to set off
problems in the interest-rate derivatives market or to send stock and bond prices into decline.

Related: Rip-Off by the Federal Reserve

Prior to todays Fed announcement, the interbank borrowing rate was averaging 0.13% over the period since the beginning
of Quantitative Easing. In other words, there has not been enough demand from banks for the available liquidity to push the
rate up to the 0.25% limit.

Similarly, after todays announced rate hike, the rate might settle at 0.25%, the max of the previous rate and the bottom
range of the new rate.

Comment: Multiple sources have long warned of the signs of a monumental financial crash; Lindsay Williams'
insider told him that the derivatives crash would signal the time was close at hand. A rise in interest rates will
cause a derivatives crash...

However, the fact of the matter is that the available liquidity exceeded demand in the old rate range. The purpose of raising
interest rates is to choke off credit demand, but there was no need to choke off credit demand when the demand for credit
was only sufficient to keep the average rate in the midpoint of the old range.

This rate hike is a fraud. It is only for the idiots in the financial media who have been going on about a rate hike forever and
the need for the Fed to protect its credibility by raising interest rates.

Look at it this way. The banking system as a whole does not need to borrow as it is sitting on $2.42 trillion in excess
reserves. The negative impact of the rate hike affects only smaller banks that are lending to businesses and consumers.
If these banks find themselves fully loaned up and in need of overnight reserves to meet their reserve requirements, they will
need to borrow from a bank with excess reserves. Thus, the rate hike has the effect of making smaller banks pay higher
interest expense to the mega-banks favored by the Federal Reserve.

A different way of putting it is that the rate hike favors banks sitting on excess reserves over banks who are lending to
businesses and consumers in their community.

In other words, the rate hike just facilitates more looting by the One Percent.

The Fundamental Flaw Of Mainstream Economics

December 15 2015 | From: GoldSurvivalGuide

Hugo Salinas Price casts his eye back a few hundred years to see what is wrong with modern
mainstream economics
Bacon's thinking had a profound influence upon the development of Western civilization, because he founded what
is known as the scientific method. All the scientific advances of mankind up to the present day, are based on this
method, which is - in a few words - controlled experimentation upon things of the natural (physical) world in order
to arrive at a truth. He was the first to outline the bases of the methodology to discover physical truths.

In contrast to his way of approaching reality, we have the example of alchemy, the forerunner of chemistry. For the
alchemist, there was not a clear separation between the physical and the spiritual properties of matter.

Francis Bacon, an Englishman, was born in 1561 and died in 1626. Problems in mainstream economics begin with using Francis Bacons scientific
methodology to determine human behaviour where conscious choice is involved.

Thus, the alchemist was typically fascinated by the possibility of manipulating the spiritual properties of metals, in order to
transmute a metal of very low value, such as lead, into the metal of highest possible value, gold. Infinite riches would be the
prize for discovering that method.

The processes were mysterious and thought to be hidden in codes provided by earlier alchemists. Even the great physicist,
Sir Isaac Newton (1642 -1726) still dabbled in alchemy, while doing his enormous work in astronomy.

Sir Isaac Newton

Logicians tell us that the process of arriving at a truth through prior experimentation is inductive reasoning, where the mind
is led into the truth through experiment. If you put a fresh egg into boiling water for, say, 12 minutes, your egg will be a hard-
boiled egg.

Repeat this experiment as many times as you want, and you have a physical law: "Fresh egg boiled for 12 minutes
produces hard-boiled egg." Such is Physics.

The truth expressed by the aforementioned Law is arrived at through induction.

The huge and unquestioned successes which the world has enjoyed through the application of the scientific method
founded by Francis Bacon have led to an overvaluation of the scientific method and to its abuse.

For while this method is the correct method for the investigation of the natural world and knowledge of its characteristics,
both down to the sub-atomic level and up to the level of knowing what the landscape of Pluto looks like, it is not the only
scientific method of acquiring knowledge.

The other method of acquiring scientific knowledge is not based on prior experimentation and is not based on induction.

I do not know what to call this alternative method of acquiring scientific knowledge - perhaps an indication of the more
humble position which it enjoys, in our highly materialistic world.
However, there exist examples of this alternative method of acquiring scientific knowledge: One of them is Logic and
another is Mathematics.

Logic is not born of experience and experimentation. It is inborn in the human being. Where Bacon's scientific method
reveals truths a posteriori, that is to say, after experimentation, Logic is a priori - inborn in us, and exists in
us before experience. The same holds for Mathematics: the science of number is independent of prior experience.

The truths derived from Logic and from Mathematics are a priori, and all further truths arrived at in Logic and in Mathematics
are arrived at by an intellectual process which is different from that applied in Bacon's scientific method: they are arrived at
by deduction, and not by induction.
There is a third field in which scientific knowledge is obtained through deduction. I refer to Economics. Economics is the
study of the Logic of Human Action.

It is an a priori science, whose postulates are arrived at through a deductive process from the initial a priori truth - a truth
within each human being - that human beings act; from which we deduce that human beings choose, from which we deduce
that the human being prefers one thing to another. From which I deduce that the reader is preferring to read this article
rather than doing something else with his time. And so on and so forth.

Thus Economics is the study of conscious human behavior.

Such is the hold which Bacon's scientific method for the study of the natural world exerts upon mankind, that in our day all
"mainstream economists" are trained to study human events through the methodology of induction, which is by its nature
based on experiment.

This is highly unfortunate, for induction through experiment is logically inapplicable in the field of human events,
because controlled experiment, the foundation of Bacon's scientific method, is impossible when studying how humans
behave. Atoms have no choice, they must always behave in the same manner under similar conditions.
Planets have no choice, they follow their orbits without fail. On the other hand, human choice, whether individual or
collective, varies from instant to instant. You, the reader, have the choice to continue reading, or not, for instance.

All true Economics is based on an undeniable fact: humans act, from which we deduce another undeniable fact:
humans choose.

True Economics applies a different methodology - the methodology of deduction - to the study of human affairs; this
methodology is radically different from the methodology which is appropriate for the study of the natural world.

All the present woes, uncertainty, unjustified speculation and enrichment of a few to the detriment of whole nations, the utter
madness of ZIRP and now NIRP, the call for the banning of cash, and so on and so forth, all the anomalies which now
plague our world are due to the false methodology upon which "mainstream economics" operates.
The High Priests of the Fed and the ECB, of the Central Banks of China, of Russia, of the whole world in fact, are doing
nothing more than experimenting upon mankind. They are "Sorcerer's Apprentices" and attempt one policy after another,
hoping that the next experiment will provide the success they wish for.

They are all looking at numbers, at graphs, at percentages of change, at trend-lines, at the results of prior experiments in
past years, attempting to derive some knowledge of what they must do. But a posteriori information is useless - it only can
show what happened in the past, and not what they desperately need: scientific certainty of what they must do now to
achieve the ends which they seek.

"Mainstream Economics" functions on the basis of an inappropriate method. The inductive method cannot apply in the realm
of human affairs, where each situation, individual or collective, is unique and not repeatable; no matter how well-intentioned
"mainstream economists" may be, their methodology - induction - must fail to solve the problems they face.

In order to de-throne these impostors, it would seem advisable to undercut their presumptuous airs with the argument that
they really do not know what they are doing, because they are basing their policies on the wrong methodology and cannot
possible achieve any success. This argument attacks the very foundation upon which "Mainstream Economics" has built its

The most influential and prestigious universities of the world, such as Stanford, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, MIT, and
the London School of Economics, are all training would-be economists in the wrong methodology:

In the scientific method which is applicable to the natural world, induction through experimentation, which is,
however, utterly useless and counter-productive when applied in the realm of human behavior, where only
deduction from a priori knowledge, as taught by the New Austrian School of Economics, is the correct
All we can expect from these young men and women who will graduate from their studies as "accredited
economists" will have to be further chaos and disorder, and further breakdown of prosperity, which will end in the
complete impoverishment of humanity.

For more on this subject and the misguided efforts of "Mainstream Economics" I refer to you Ludwig von Mises' fascinating
book, "Epstemological Problems of Economics" and to the work of Professor Antal E. Fekete, founder of the New Austrian
School of Economics, whose work can be found at

The TPPA: New Zealands Democracy

December 10 2015 | From: Scoop

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) negotiations are concluded, and have shifted to
the next phase - ratification by parliaments. The government is spinning like a top telling us how
wonderful it will be for New Zealand. Forget the figures of $2.7 billion.

They are mere guesstimates, and carefully avoid the costs. The Government's negotiated access to overseas dairy
markets are continually trumpeted as some sort of economic panacea. They are a delusion to anyone but those
with a narrow vision that extends no farther than the commission or the closing of the 'deal'.

Related: What Is The Real Agenda Behind John Key's Drive To Change The New Zealand Flag: Due Authority - A
Very Silent Coup?

They are a delusion because there is no way Japan or Canada want to kill their family farm dairy operations in the interests
of industrial production from New Zealand. There are very good economic, environmental and social reasons for that. Its the
same reason the French wont kill off their rural communities by allowing factory dairy products in, and see the dispossessed
move to the slums of Lyon and vote for extremist parties in their despair.

We and the Anglo-American west are about the only countries who think industrial agriculture is a sane approach, and I
dont know why production of dross with an ever-larger factory, rather than creation of multiple co-values. Other than State
Communist collective farms, of course. Now there's a similarity in authoritarian hierarchical thinking worth examining.

And then theyre the increased costs for medicine and the impact on our local communities and businesses forgotten in
the haste to get a dairy deal that will never happen. Other governments are not that nave.

So whats it for, this so-called trade partnership.

Well, they are careful not to discuss that. Trade Minister Tim Grocer wont mention the fact that only some five out of over 20
clauses deal with trade and the rest are about the investment rights of mega-corporations including the ability to sue both
our central and our local government thats you and me.

Heres what Nobel prize economist Joseph Stiglitz says

"The reality is that this is an agreement to manage trade and investment relations and to do so on behalf of each
countrys most powerful business lobbies."

Bryan Gould argues there is a need for an agreement on managing trade. He thinks and I agree that we should look
very carefully at the activities of corporate investors across national boundaries to ensure they comply with our laws, protect
our people and avoid damage to our environment.

The TPPA does the very opposite. It reverses our democracy. It extends their interests without having to bother to consider
ours. We the people now have to be mindful of their corporate interests in making our laws or else.

Or else they can sue. "How dare you reduce our profits for the public good."
It happened when Australia wanted plain packaging on cigarettes. It happened when Egypt wanted to improve labour laws.

If you believe in Adam Smiths village local enterprise with no powerful outside exploiters coming in the make our lives
worse then you should be against this deal.

This deal goes to the core of our democracy. Prof Jane Kelsey issued a challenge to our government that needs to be

"Who gave the Prime Minister and Trade Minister the right to sacrifice our rights to affordable medicine, to regulate
foreign investment, to decide our own copyright laws, to set up new SOEs, and whatever else they have agreed to
in this secret deal and present it to us as a fait accompli?"

This is far from over. The dealmakers havent disclosed the details they should immediately but when they do, expect
outrage. The US congress may be our greatest ally.

Donald Sutherland Explains The Real Meaning Of 'The Hunger Games' And Why Its Message
Must Be Understood
December 1 2015 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject

There are some inside Hollywood, who are trying to wake up the world - Donald Sutherland is one
of them.
Hollywood actor, Donald Sutherland just dropped a bombshell on the military industrial complex. Sutherland, who
plays President Coriolanus Snow in the blockbuster movie series Hunger Games, was recently asked what the
movie was really about he held no punches in his answer.

The young people who see this film must recognize that for the future blind faith in their leaders, as Bruce
Springsteen said, will get you dead.'

Comment: It is interesting to note that the family 'Sutherland' is listed as one of the top 300 family bloodlines of the
Illuminati. However this does not mean that Donald is Illuminati, although his significance in the enterainment industry is

The point is though, that just because a person has the surname of an Illuminati bloodline family does not necessarily mean
that any such particular individual is "Illuminati".

My family name is on that same list also, and while I know there are some in my family line that are "Illuminati", I most
certainly am not.

Sutherland continued:

If theres any question as to what its an allegory for I will tell you.

It is the powers that be in the United States of America. Its profiteers.

War is for profit. Its not to save the world for democracy or for king and country.

No, bulls**t.

Its for the profit of the top 10%, and the young people who see this film must recognize that for the future
blind faith in their leaders, as Bruce Springsteen said, will get you dead.
Those who are awake to the war machine, and have watched the movies or read the books, have undoubtedly seen the
underlying anti-establishment theme within. However, those who do not notice it should heed Sutherlands words.

It is no question that war is for the profit of very few people. In fact, as the famous, two-time Medal of Honor recipient, Major
General Smedley Butler of the USMC said;

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope.
It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a
small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the
very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and
billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in
their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew
what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights,
ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy?
How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?"

Sutherland does get one thing wrong, however, and that is the percentage that he assigns to those who profit from war. It is
nowhere near 10% as he states. Those who profit from war, as Smedley Butler points out above, are a tiny group of people.
The ruling elite.
Its the weapons manufacturers, the arms dealers, the inside politicians, and the state itself. Everyone else involved in war,
including those who die for it, are merely pawns. They are cogs in the machine whose only purpose is to spread death and

Please share this article and video so that others, who may have missed the point of this movie series, may see its true
purpose calling out the elite for the criminals that they are.

Netanyahu Admits ISIS Are Israeli Soldiers

November 30 2015 | From: PressTV

Netanyahu to punish Syrians who attacked ISIL terrorists

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to punish a group of Syrian Druze individuals in the
occupied Golan Heights who attacked injured ISIL Takfiri militants en route to a hospital in Israel.

We will not allow anyone to take the law into their own hands. We will not allow anyone to disrupt Israeli soldiers
in their missions, Netanyahu said on Tuesday.

He called the incident very serious and said those behind it would be located and held to account.

Meanwhile, Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Moshe Yaalon has also pledged to track down the Druze individuals. We
wont be able to ignore it, and law enforcement authorities will deal with it heavy-handedly, he said in a statement.

Reports say Israeli police made several arrest from the Druze community on Wednesday.

Around 200 people from the Druze community in the town of Majdal Shams, which lies in the southern foothills of Mount
Hermon and north of the Golan Heights, pelted an Israeli military ambulance with stones on Monday night, forcing it to stop.

The Druze individuals then dragged two wounded ISIL extremists out of the vehicle and beat them up. One of the injured
militants died afterwards, while the second is in a serious condition. An Israeli soldier and an officer onboard the vehicle also
sustained slight wounds as a result of the assault.
The photo shows the Israeli military ambulance that was carrying ISIL Takfiri terrorists, which came under attack in the occupied Golan Heights on
June 22, 2015.

On May 23, a Takfiri terrorist wounded during fierce clashes with Syrian government forces was transferred to the Baruch
Padeh Medical Center in the northern Israeli settlement of Poriya, located approximately 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) south of
the coastal Israeli city of Tiberias, and received medical treatment there.

According to the documents from Israeli hospitals, until last September, Israels military had spent USD 10 million for the
treatment of the terrorists injured in fighting with Syrian government forces.

The documents further revealed that a total of 398 injured militants had also been treated at Galil Hospital in Israels
northern coastal city of Nahariya in the past couple of years. Another hospital in the city of Safed had provided treatment for
hundreds of other Takfiri terrorists.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits a militant wounded in Syria at a field hospital in northern Israel, February 18, 2014.

Damascus says Tel Aviv and its Western and regional allies are aiding the Takfiri militant groups operating inside Syria.

The Syrian army has seized huge quantities of Israeli-made weapons and advanced military equipment from the foreign-
backed militants inside Syria on numerous occasions.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fueled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the
lives of more than 230,000 people, including almost 11,500 children, according to reports.

What You're Not Being Told About Booz Allen Hamilton And Edward Snowden
November 30 2015 | From: Truthloader

Edward Snowden didn't actually work for the NSA, he worked for a contractor called Booz Allen

How did it come to be that Snowden, working for a private company, was able to leak information about a top
secret surveillance program?

Truthloader is a channel dedicated to citizen journalism. We find the best examples of crowd-sourced video and
independent content, then use our expertise to add context and analysis. We respond to the stories you're interested in, so if
you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment -
and perhaps check out our reddit.
John Kerry Admits They're Making 'Order Out Of Chaos' For 'World Order'
November 29 2015 | From: TruthStreamMedia / Channel4

John Kerry just told everyone exactly what the true goals are in the Middle East. They are creating
chaos [See "Ordo Ab Chao" for context below] to bring order to it, their order, a "world order". It
doesn't get any more blatant than this.

The US Secretary of State told Channel 4 News that the crisis gripping Europe is a human catastrophe but cannot
be solved by taking in people.

In an exclusive interview, he told Jon Snow that the US and Russia shared the same goal in "ridding the region of Isil" and
that the problem was President Assad acting as a "magnet" for foreign fighters in the region.

See the full interview here.

Order Out Of Chaos: Order Ab Chao

From: GnosticWarrior / Various

Order Ab Chao is Latin for "Order Out of Chaos or Order from Disorder." This term was invented by Freemasons and is the
actual motto of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

Secret Societies have a great motto Ordo Ab Chao meaning Order Out of Chaos. Agendas are formulated
designed to give the powerful more power. Chaos is created, and media blitzed. Then cries go out for solution.
Laws are passed which could never have been passed without the chaos. The order, has reigned through
deception of the masses, and the agenda is accomplished.

- James Arthur, Mushrooms and Mankind (38)

The Latin inscription on the banner around the Judaic eagle's head (below the Star of David) E Pluribus Unum
("From the Many the One") In other words, first they combined all the ancient stellar cults, now theyre going to
combine the worlds governments, militaries, currencies, banks.

- Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology

The name Scottish or Scotland is derived from the Latin, from Greek skotia, from feminine of skotios, dark, shadowy (from
the shadow it casts), from skotos, darkness.

In ancient Egypt there was a temple of Venus Scotia and it is said that the country of Scotland had derived its name from an
Egyptian Pharaoh Queen named Scota.
Ordo ab Chao or Order out of Chaos - A motto of the Thirty-third Degree, and having the same allusion as lux e
tenebris, which see.

The invention of this motto is to be attributed to the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite at
Charleston, and it is first met with in the Patent of Count de Grasse, dated February 1, 1802.

When De Grasse afterward carried the Rite over to France and established a Supreme Council there, he changed
the motto, and, according to Lenning, Ordo ab hoc was used by him and his Council in all the documents issued by
them. If so, it was simply a blunder.

The chaos (CHAO) is the society we see around us today and it is the builders who influence the leaders to manufacture
this chaos so that they can conceal their creations in darkness while they work towards the light (ORDO). Without chaos
there would never be order.

Without darkness, there can be no light and without light there can be no darkness. What is the AS ABOVE, is the SO
BELOW of this Secret Brotherhood.
The Grand Architects of CHAO (hell or illusion) become the masters of ORDO (Heaven on earth). The torch bearers who
carry the light in the dark will now be the light bearers who usher in the new dawn of a new day.

FIAT LUX (Let there be light). What was once dark, now becomes light and what was once light now becomes dark.
Here is a generic description of ORDO AB CHAO in, "An encyclopdia of freemasonry and its kindred sciences - Volume 2"
by 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Gallatin Mackey, and William James Hughan.

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think were being run by maniacs for manical ends and
I think Im liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. Thats whats insane about it.

- John Lennon

Drudge Sends The Biggest Secret Viral: America Has Been Arming ISIS
November 28 2015 | From: SHTFplan

The biggest open secret in the world has just been tweeted by the worlds biggest news
Matt Drudge drives so much web traffic that he basically has his own gravity, and now the often-reclusive figure
has sent out a message that should be a wake-up call for those who have been broadcasting news about the threat
that ISIS poses.

Following their mass murder spree in Paris, the terrorist group is supposedly planning attacking inside America, all while
taking supposedly also taking on the biggest military powers in the world during their protracted struggle for an Islamic State
caliphate inside Syria and Iraq.

What would the world do if it realized the truth that ISIS is the creation of Western forces, and that the United States has in
fact been arming and supporting their own worst enemy?:

A shocking truth is unfolding: America has been arming ISIS

- MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) November 24, 2015

This bombshell tweet echoes numerous reports from inside the alternative media pointing out the sick truth behind the
shocking resurgence of terrorism.

Barry Donegan of Truth in Media wrote:

"Influential conservative news aggregator Matt Drudge issued a tweet on Tuesday acknowledging the growing
body of evidence that suggests that the U.S. has participated in arming the terror group ISIS.
Drudges realization follows nearly two years of Truth in Media coverage of how U.S. foreign policy is enabling
terrorism in Syria and Iraq and has led to the rise of ISIS.

In September of 2013, Ben Swann reported on how U.S. efforts to arm radical Islamist rebel groups against
secular Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad were empowering extremists who were planning to create what he
described at the time as an al-Qaeda super state, comprised of Iraq and Syria.

In addition to numerous data points hinting at the U.S. support for terrorists in order to undermine and destabilize Bashar al-
Assad, an important memo has come to the surface.

The declassified Pentagon/Defense Intelligence Agency memo from 2012 [see PDF] reveals that Turkey as well as the
Western and Arab states who are overtly backing the Free Syrian Army rebels have also been sponsoring a burgeoning
Islamic State that stands to take over Syria and Iraq for the interests of the Sunni Muslim factions that dominate much of the
Middle East and who oppose Shiite Muslim strongholds at all costs.

The document should be world news, but has failed to gain headlines and major coverage in any mainstream media news
outlets. Perhaps with Drudges fresh spotlighting of the important issue, some Americans will understand how their leaders
have been breathing life into the ISIS monster, and that this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want

Here is one of Ben Swanns reports on the secret behind ISIS and their sponsors:
Censorship Shock: Bans Investigative Book Nobody Died At Sandy Hook
Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened
November 28 2015 | From: NaturalNews

In a stunning demonstration of online book burning, has just banned a book because
of its contents.

The book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook consists of analysis from a dozen contributor authors, and its edited by Jim
Fetzer, Ph.D. The book concludes that Sandy Hook was a staged FEMA drill carried out by the government to push
an agenda of nationwide gun control.

Use hashtag #StopAmazonCensorship to Tweet this story.

We have a full download of the book below in PDF form, so keep reading if you want to find out what's so "dangerous" about
this book that Amazon had to ban it...

Whether the authors' conclusions are well-founded or complete lunacy isn't the point here. has selectively
targeted this book for censorship due to the political incorrectness of the author's conclusions.

Remember, went out of its way to ban Confederate flags in the aftermath of another shooting, enforcing a
grotesque, almost Stalinist political correctness in its decision to pull Confederate flag merchandise from its online store
(including children's toys like the General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzard).
Yet at the same time, Amazon sells tens of thousands of books asserting all sorts of bizarre things, from authors who
believe the Earth is literally flat to Adolf Hitler's pro-genocidal Mein Kampf.

"If you Disagree with the Government, Amazon can Pull your Book..."

Amazon's banning of Fetzer's book is a dangerous precedent of banning books based on their non-conformity with political
correctness. "Amazon gave me no reason," Fetzer told Natural News.

The situation is completely absurd... if you disagree with a government version of anything, Amazon can pull your

This brings up the possibility that Amazon might soon ban U.S. history books that show the country's Founding Fathers in a
positive light, for example. Will books on Thomas Jefferson soon be memory holed by the Amazon Ministry of Truth?

What about books that question the cancer industry or Monsanto's GMOs? Notably, Jeff Bezos is both the founder of and the owner of the Washington Post, a highly politicized paper whose "science" writers parrot Monsanto
talking points with absolute obedience.

On Fetzer's blog, he further explains that had already accepted his book for publication, then reversed its
position when sales began to take off:

Create Space and review every submission for its suitability for publication and conformity to their
guidelines before they are accepted for publication. They accepted and published NOBODY DIED AT SANDY
HOOK on 22 October 2015, nearly a month ago.
There is no good reason for this book to now be taken down for further review other than that it has become a
sensation and has the potential to embarrass the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama, which
appears to be the underlying problem.

Click here to search for "Sandy Hook." Good Gopher is the indy media search engine I created as an
alternative to the Google censorship now experienced by nearly everyone across the independent media.

What's so Dangerous About a Book that most Americans think is Complete Fiction Anyway?

According to, selling a pro-genocide book by Adolf Hitler seems perfectly acceptable, yet something in Jim
Fetzer's "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" is so incredibly offensive (or dangerous) that it must be banned at all costs.

It begs the obvious question: What is so dangerous about Fetzer's book that must banish it from retail?

Perhaps 90% of Americans would take one look at the title and consider the book to be a complete joke from the start.
They'd call it "loony conspiracy theory" material and wouldn't give it a second thought. So why bother banning it? Or is the
book so compelling that it runs the risk of making "believers" out of former skeptics?

If "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" is filled with complete nonsense, then why risk making it a sensation from the censorship
angle alone? (See the latest indy media headlines on censorship at sells all sorts of books filled with complete nonsense, including the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5. If a book's factual basis is the determining factor for whether it should be carried by the
online retailer, then half of's inventory must now be reviewed and possibly pulled.

Clearly, something in "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" has the powers that be so frightened that they are desperately trying to
memory hole the book.

What if Sandy Hook were Totally Staged?

I haven't read the book, and school shootings are not my investigative focus, so I'm not yet informed enough to make any
conclusive statements on this topic. But my curiosity is raised, and there are some things we already know about the
fraud of staged news events and political events taking place right now.

For example, we know the mainstream media is largely fake and staged. We know CNN uses "crisis actors" and that a
few of these crisis actors were also on location at the Sandy Hook event, crying on cue and playing out their roles for the TV
cameras (see the video links below).
We also know that some of these same crisis actors appear multiple times on camera at different staged events such as the
Boston Bombing and the Umpqua Community College shooting.

See the following videos for examples of footage on these "crisis actors." (I can't vouch for the authenticity of all these
videos, by the way. This is just a sampling of what's out there on this topic...)

Same crisis actor at Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing

Sandy Hook crisis actors read cue cards for the cameras

Crisis actors busted: Fake Sandy Hook eyewitness

Sandy Hook hoax and lies

And this one from just six days ago: Sandy Hook crisis actors pose as Paris attack victims!

We also know for a fact that Sandy Hook was seized upon by gun control opponents in an attempt to destroy the Second
Amendment rights of all Americans. The crisis appears to have been ready made for precisely such a political push,
complete with the imagery of children's bodies and sobbing parents which, according to Fetzer, was nothing more than
elaborate theater.

That's the basis of his book, after all: That the entire "shooting" was staged as a drill. Nobody really died at Sandy Hook, he
says, and a quick glance at his book definitely raises some interesting questions.

5-Star Ratings from Readers... Soo Why was it Banned?

As the screen shot shows below, this book was receiving 5-star reviews from Amazon readers. (h/t to for the
screen shot.)
And you can click here for a cached image proving the book was being sold on Amazon.

If readers were loving the book -- and even if they weren't -- why would pull it from retail?

Download the Book here and View for Yourself

We have permission from the author to post the full copy of this book as a PDF.

Click this link to download the entire book (PDF).

We're also interviewing Fetzer and will be posting the interview on tomorrow, during the Health Ranger
Report show which airs at 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern. Listen in at
Censoring Unpopular Thought

Amazon's censorship effort should be disturbing to all of us, regardless of whether we agree or disagree with the
conclusions of the author of this banned book.

By banning this book because of its speech, now believes it has a right to determine "truth" in books and
ban those books that contradict the company's opinions on current events., in other words, has just become your Big Brother, and it's going to decide what you can and cannot read. To
me, that's far more alarming than anything we might find in the pages of "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook," regardless of
whether it's truth or fiction.
If is now the arbiter of what kind of political information you're allowed to read, then we're already deep into the
corporatocracy of a police state society... and it all gives even more credence to the possibility that Fetzer's book rings true
with an increasing number of Americans who are waking up to what's really happening.

Divided Loyalties Inside The Pentagon

November 25 2015 | From: VeteransToday

There is growing dissent inside the Pentagon associated with the divided political loyalties of
various factions.
Note: This is a long article and bold print can be read to give a quick summary. Anyone interested in more can read more.

Slowly but surely more and more Pentagon officials and their subordinates are beginning to wake up and
understand that they have been seduced to fight foreign wars of aggression for the Worlds largest Organized Crime

And that they have done this for the large Wall Street Banks, their associated no bid defense contractors, and for the state
of Israel.

And they are beginning to understand that all this has been a big trick pulled on them by Traitors within their ranks who used
Gladio-style, inside-job, engineered synthetic terror on 9-11-01 to attack America and then wrongly blamed it on innocent
foreign Mideast nations.

And they did all this on 9-11-01 in order to deceive America to fight more illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked, unjust wars to
generate massive war profits for what President Eisenhower called the Military Industrial Complex.

Not only do these foreign wars of aggression violate the Geneva Conventions but constitute crimes
against humanity under International Law besides being completely illegal and unConstitutional.

Many folk inside the Pentagon are now just beginning to understand that the American Military has served as the policemen,
enforcers and cannon-fodder for these Banks and their associated defense contractors.

And that this has all been done to generate obscene profits and gain cheap access to other nations natural resources with
absolutely no concern for the lives or welfare of heroic American Soldiers or their families. And much of the medical care
provided by the VA is insufficient and in too many cases disgraceful with lost and missing records.

Some insiders have even suggested that the Top Policy-Makers that really have been running the American Military want lots
of dead and wounded American Soldiers coming home with ongoing disabilities and a high suicide count.
There is no Al-Qaeda

"The so-called Al-Qaeda that we see are actually Kharjees along with Mossad, CIA and RAW led and
trained mercenary gangs like TTP who pose as Islamic Jihadists and create justufucation for global
information war and propaganda to launch a new war against another Muslim country.

The truth is there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. And any informed intelligence
officer knows this.

But, there is apropaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity
representing the 'devil' only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a
war against terrorism. The country behind this is the US..."

- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, Inter-Services Intelligence

Robin Cook died while hiking in the Scottish Highlands soon after making this statement.

And that various high tech eugenics have been used to provide this intended result including contaminated, debased
vaccines, exposure to depleted uranium, known to be able to cause reproductive / genetic damage and earlier death from
higher rates of cancer.

It is becoming more and more clear that there is a high level plot to kill, wound and disable Americas best youth and weaken
their military by busing them as cannon fodder to fight wars for israel and the Banksters. It can actually be shown quite
conclusively that all wars are bankers wars in the final analysis.

This disgusting realization that General Smedley Butler was correct when he claimed that all war is a racket for Wall
Street shocks the conscience into life for many able to gain such an understanding and have not lost their souls.
Naturally most Pentagon Officials, Officers of high rank and
civilian employees enjoy the high positions and status they
have attained.

This motivates them to stay true believers of the party lines

and ideologies their superiors expect.

And we know for sure that the majority of Pentagon

Officers would stop serving the *Khazarian Mafia who
hijacked the Pentagon if they actually understood that
this is what happened, that is that the pentagon was
infiltrated and hijacked by highly connected individuals who
had divided loyalties and were serving another nation more
than America.

What has been lacking has been access to the truth of who
really runs the Pentagon and how they infiltrated it and
hijacked and under what power they were able to do so.

All these facts are now coming out for the first time
after being forbidden and suppressed for many years
thanks to a new faction of America-firsters which has
emerged within the Pentagon and American Intel.

These America-firsters have worked very hard for a number

if years to get the real truth out about this infiltration and
hijacking of the pentagon and the USGs hijacking too which
has been done by the same groups of Traitors who serve
the Worlds biggest Organized crime Syndicate.

Finally their work is attaining serious results.

The American masses as well as many Pentagon Officials are now learning how our nations highest echelons were
infiltrated and hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia and its subordinates the Bush Crime Cabal (aka the BCC) and the Israeli-
American Israeli-first Dual Citizen Traitors (aka the Zios).

As this hidden truth is now becoming known and obvious to all, it can no longer be denied that High Treason has
been committed in the Pentagons High Command Structure surround 9-11-01 and all the subsequent wars it
triggered. Nor can it be denied that thousands of the best American Soldiers have been needlessly sacrificed, killed, horribly
wounded and disabled for nothing but the evil profits of the Banksters and their war contractors.

As you can imagine as this truth sweeps through the Pentagon and the US Military, dissidence and rage grows by
the day. And this realization is now spreading throughout the Pentagon at breakneck speed.

The truth that the Pentagon High Command and the US Administration were deeply involved in the attack on America and
managed the stand-down on 9-11-01 is so clear cut, so definite, and so compelling that it can no longer be denied by anyone
that takes the time to carefully consider that basic evidence.
The Pentagon High Command has worked very hard with the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), the
Administration and Congress to contain these terrible deep dark secrets and prevent the American masses and
American Military from finding them out. To learn of the specifics of either of these secrets is usually a mind-boggling shock
to the system for anyone that finds out, especially the second secret.

The first dark secret is that the Pentagon High Command has been infiltrated and hijacked by the Worlds largest
Opium Cartel and manipulated into helping the CIA and the Mossad, using the DEA and US Customs as cover to
become the Worlds largest illegal drug traffickers.

The second deep dark secret even more terrible for America if you can imagine that is that the Pentagon High
Command assisted the Mossad and the Israeli-American Israeli-first Dual Citizens and the US Administration in
their attack on America on 9-11-01.

On this terrible day, about 3,000 innocent civilians were mass-murdered, with about 39,000 later dying of the radiation fallout
and asbestos poisoning and strange cancers. Right now about 70,000 are fighting for their very lives from this after-pollution
and fallout of this Gladio-style, False-flag, Inside-job attack on NYC.

This kind of corruption in the Pentagon is nothing new, it got quite dirtied up in the Vietnam war with drug
trafficking, search and destroy missions, and other mass-assassinations under Operation Phoenix.

We now know for certain based on declassified documents that the Naval Intel and the US Administration had already
cracked the purple code and and had numerous spotters who knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor.
There were even newspaper articles saying such before hand suggesting an attack was imminent. What did the US Navy
do? They pulled the carriers out of port and left the old ships as targets. And Naval Intel went to the mountains in Hawaii with
their families for an early annual picnic.

The Pentagon has protected the opium crop in Afghanistan for the Khazarian Mafia and the USAF has flown them out
using remote controlled Global hawks. That is one of the main reasons the US Military was used to invade Afghanistan, but
there are more.

Of course we know that the Taliban did not allow any opium growing and executed any farmer doing such. Geraldo Rivera
pulled a fast one by slipping this story through the Controlled Major Mass Medias censorship filters. Good work Geraldo.

Another reason is to provide cheap access to the Lithium needed for high tech batteries. Another reason was to help
protect the Mideastern oil suppliers and the US Petro Dollar. Another was to aid the Khazarian Mafia in their plan to use
NATO and the US Military to encircle and weaken the Russian Federation.

When President Obama approved the P5+1 Agreement to let Iran develop nuclear power and the USG failed to attack Syria
and Iran with a major air and ground war as the Israeli Likudists had demanded, Bibi Netanyahu was furious. He resorted to
his back up plan which was to manipulate his allies in the Pentagons High Military Command to leave massive stockpiles

This would be done to help Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey train ISIS, ISIL, Daesh and Al Nusra to form the New Islamic
State that could be targeted as the Worlds largest extremist Islamic Terror State that would have to be later destroyed by the
American Military and NATO.
And we know that these forces have turned out to be little more than a band of savage, soulless mercenaries who were
deployed to create torture, rape, sex trafficking, mass death and chaos which could then be turned against Syria first to
destroy it and then turned against Iran to destroy it too.

In the process it was planned that Saudi Arabia would be conned into attacking Yemen which would then be turned around
and use later to destroy both Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

After accomplishing the destruction of Syria and Iran and their Balkanization, the US Military and NATO would be forced into
waging a major air and ground war against these mercenaries or face destruction of Europe and supposedly frequent major
Islamic extremest terror attacks inside the Continental USA.

The plan was to displace millions from their Syrian homes and give them travel money to migrate to Europe, with lots of
mercenaries sheep-dipped into these refugees which could be used to later generate mass chaos and make Europeans
hate Islamics in general. This mass migration is already well underway. If press reports are accurate and they seem to be,
George Soros admitting giving these refugees travel money.
How interesting it is that none of these mercenary synthetic terrorist groups never seem interested in attacking Israel which
gives one an idea who is the main element behind this. And besides the fact that so many of the wounded Mercenary
synthetic terrorists have been treated in Israeli hospitals should be a big tip off.

The Bush Crime Cabal is deeply embedded into the USG, the Judiciary, Congress, the CIA and the Pentagon at
every level.

Bush1 had fifty years to infiltrate his gang into the CIA, the Pentagon, the Judiciary and Congress and even pick most
Presidents. Even though the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) was caught and exposed publicly using drugs, pedophilia and honey-
traps to entrap and control officials and corporate leaders, the general public largely ignored this, far too wrapped up in their
own lives and basic survival to just get-by.

The CIAs Franklin Credit Union / Barney Frank / Craig Spence / White House Page Boy scandal deployed by the BCC was
certainly a new low point for the USG. American Law Enforcement had already been so compromised by the BCC and its
CIA that it suppressed any investigations and hundreds of pedophile crimes and murders of children and numerous related
Satanic Cult crimes went unpunished.

And we now know for certain that every major police department has had an American Intel contact, usually CIA (sometimes
other US Intel), with top secret credentials, often a NOC, that runs cover ups. The embedded Intel ops typically run cover-ups
for any activities associated with the CIA, including setting up stand-down Arkensides (murders made to appear as
suicides) to get rid of whistle-blowers and dissidents.
These embedded Intel Agents run cover-ups for the CIA / DEA / Mossad controlled deliveries of narcotics for black ops
money which are supposed to catch the Mr. Big drug traffickers but never do. And they suppress any serious investigations
or recognition of the numerous and serious crimes and violence of the Satanic Cult Network known as the Process.
Obviously these men are Traitors and are functioning as a part of a major RICO crime syndicate.

It is time they are exposed and brought to justice. Anyone committing these crimes using National Security as False cover
obviously has lost their soul and humanness if they ever had one in the first place.

The invocation of so-called National Security to cover murder, drug trafficking, pedophilia, human compromise is
in this case a separate RICO crime in an of itself, besides all the other major felonies involved.

We now know from those that have been close to the Worlds largest Satanic Cult called the Process that it started out as
an MI-6 type operation based on the teaching of John Dee, Aleister Crowley and Alice Bailey.
This massive Worlds largest cult is based on ancient Baal Worship, child
and human sacrifice and deployment of wars and mass death eugenics.

Sadly this Satanic cult the Process has been deputized as an agent of
US National Security and given complete immunity and protection for all
its activities including human sex trafficking, organ trafficking, pedophilia,
drug trafficking and various other criminal cult activities.

We know now for certain that this satanic cult forms the central and main
belief system of the Khazarian Mafias Top Policy-Makers. We also know
for certain that this Process cult is a modern derivative of ancient Baal
Worship and provides twisted motivations and rationalizations for the
incredible evil that the Khazarian Mafia does all mover the World.

Also deputized as agents of US National Security have been the

major International Oil Corporations, at least one Tobacco
Company, at least one big pharma manufacturers of vaccines.

Even foreign Intel agencies like the Mossad and Saudi Intel are so
deputized and provided absolute cover by American Law Enforcement,
American Intel and the Controlled major Mass Media (CMMM).

Many Internet Social Media corporations have been deputized as agents

of national security and promised financial success as long as they play
ball and follow directives. One search engine associated service is pure
Fourth Reich DVD like the BCC and is now run out of Germany, can you
imagine that.

A growing number of Intel insiders believe that Merkel is Hitlers daughter

by Eva Brauns sister and is now functioning as a hard core Globalist,
self-destructing Germany once again like her father seemed to have
Symbol of Baal, the God of the Process Church and
another name for Lucifer or Satan as worshipped in the Wouldnt that be major news if these rumors turn out to be true? That
Process Church. This is the hidden God of High would mean she has Rothschild blood and is just another illustration of
Freemasonry which is kept secret from most how the ruling Bloodline families continue their matrix of power. If one
Freemasons. compares their photos the similarities seem remarkable.

Merkel is allowing so many Mideast refugees in the Germans are beginning to revolt. She has allowed an embargo
against Russia which has shut off German farmers selling produce and German auto makers from selling car and truck parts
to the Russian Republic, major sources of German revenue.

We now know for certain that Hitler was a British agent, fully mind-kontrolled at Tavistock Institute in England and that
explains why Generals Kammler, Gehlen and Mueller and his top Intel abandoned him and made a secret treaty with
American Intel and British in 1943. Merkel is apparently conflicted, torn between her NWO Globalist commitments to the
Khazarian mafia and yet angry about being manipulated by the USG into cutting off much needed sales to the Russian
In order to understand the power of CMMM based and psychotronic mind-kontrol on the leaders of most nations,
consider what Merkel has done regarding Mideast refugees. Also consider the fact that Swedish leaders are now telling
their citizens that any resistance to all the Mideast refugees is pure racism and their Islamic culture is superior.

Can you imagine that. One of the ways you can always tell if a leader is mind-kontrolled is if he or she acts in ways
completely upside down, calling black white, and evil good.

The Vietnam war provided cover for massive drug trafficking by the Khazarian Mafia through the Pentagon and the
CIA for off the books black ops money.

Once this World Largest Opium Cartel which goes all the way back to the Opium Wars got a foothold inside the Pentagon it
just kept expanding it influence and power until it has almost completely hijacked the Pentagon and was able to embezzle
several trillion dollars with no accounting trails left.

Donald Rumsfeld announced that this money was missing the day before the 9-11-01 attack which destroyed most of the
accounting records and mass-murdered 25 of the 40 Able Danger investigators.
During the Vietnam war which was just another engineered, staged war for Bankster and defense contractor profits,
significant dissidence and rebellion in the ranks rapidly emerged. GIs began to catch on to this big lie of the Domino Theory
and came to understand that they were they to make profits for the banks and Defense Contractors and not to win a war
which had not even been properly declared.

More pentagon officials and subordinates are beginning to figure out they are there to be manipulated to serve the Worlds
largest Organized Crime and opium Cartel and to serve as cannon fodder as necessary.

They are also figuring out when deployed in the Mideast wars they were poorly supplied and there was no serious effort to
really win the war in the Top Echelons of the Pentagon and the Administration. It is easy to understand why great dissonance
is now growing inside the Pentagon and the US Military in general.

Many thought the extreme Vietnam War Protests and rebellion within the Military in Vietnam would forever stop US
Military Aggression, but that has not turned out to be the case.

And the protests at home from the College students that began to understand the true dynamics of the Military Industrial
complex as mainly a profit operation for the banks and defense contractors, street protests increased and began to get major
press. And of course the publics knowledge about Daniel Ellsbergs Pentagon papers did not help either but confirmed all
the doubts about the real value of the war to the average American.

As the this dissatisfaction about the war peaked for the American Soldiers deployed there on the front lines, officers and staff
at the rear enjoyed great lives of pleasure, good food and plenty of willing girlfriends.

But at the highest command level in the rear areas Drugs were knowingly trafficked into America in the body cavities of dead
American Soldiers Killed in Action.

And when good honest Soldiers found this out and went to their commanders the commanders played along but then
arranged for a deadly and strange jeep accident.
This was not an isolated event but a regularity toward the end of the war. These commanders had been compromised the
the Worlds largest Opium Cartel that infiltrated and hijacked the Pentagon and the CIA. There are hundreds of great men
and women soldiers and civilians that have been murdered to keep this secret covered up forever. (eg Gary Webb, ect.).

A new strategy within the Pentagon High Command was developed to neutralize dissidence within the military itself
and in the American public.

All the dissonance and outright rebellion over the Vietnam war created such a concern in the Pentagon high command and
the various Congressional committees responsible that a new strategy for wars of aggression was developed.

It was decided that the draft would be discontinued and the American Military would be converted to a pure mercenary force
based on Madison Avenue advertising and image management to draw recruits. National Guard would be sent into active
combat instead of being the weekend warriors they were hired as, and were enslaved and stop-lossed as often as necessary
to keep troop counts up in the Mideast theater of war.

A new war-making strategy based on engineered and deployed synthetic terror and pre-emptive war was
developed by those Israeli-American Israeli-first Dual Citizen Traitors that infiltrated and ended up being able to
completely hijack the pentagon.
Soon the Top Policy-makers formed an alliance with the
Fourth Reich (aka the DVD, the folks who ran the Gladio
left-behind army terror operations).

These Top Policy-makers have come to be known as the

PNACers and the Top NeoCons. these were the folks that
had infiltrated and hijacked the Pentagon on behalf of the
Khazarian Mafia (Worlds largest Opium Cartel and the folks
that run almost all the private central banks around the

These Top Policy-makers who controlled the Pentagon

were a mixture of Israeli-American Israeli-first Dual Citizen
Traitors (the Zios) and members of the Bush Crime Cabal
(the BCCs which many refer to as the Fourth Reich).

Many were of course members of the CFR, a tool of the

Khazarian Mafia City of London Banksters, part of their
roundtable system of advisory councils and non-profit
think tanks and foundations.Of course not all members of
the CFR understand who set it up or runs it and for what
purposes either.

It was a strange partnership between the Zios and the BCCers but can be more easily understood if one realizes that both
groups actually worked for and were empowered by the same chieftains who ran the Khazarian Mafia (aka the Banksters
who run almost all private central money creation and also the Opium Cartel).

And as most VT readers now realize these City of London Khazarian Mafia Banksters and were empowered by their ability to
create all the money they needed out of thin air and lend it for use to the masses at interest, and have had so much money
that they have been able to buy or bribe almost every single government officials in most nations, especially in America.
The decision was made by the top several Policy-Makers who really control the Pentagon and the USG that the only
way to continue illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared, perpetual wars was to create a new imaginary enemy that
could be redefined at any time.

This enemy (The Terrorists) must be able to modified and expanded or refocused at any time to include any nation that
they needed to destroy and gain access to their natural resources cheaply. Thus the ideas of the DVD (Fourth Reich or
Abwehr) to deploy Gladio-style, False-flag, inside-job engineered synthetic terror were accepted.

But even worse the Khazarian Mafia decided that the definition of what a terrorist is would be expanded to include any
American citizen who asked too many questions, was a whistle-blower of any kind, or did not immediately comply with any
government or police order.

Related: 72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered Potential Terrorists In Official Government Documents

They proceeded to consolidate all American Law Enforcement into a Khazarian Mafia Secret Police, Homeland Security
(DHS) using Pentagon weapons and technology and Israeli anti-terrorist training given for free by the ADL to almost every
large Police Department.

Their plan was to merge the American Police, the NSA and the Pentagon with those who were in control of
Homeland Security, the Israeli-American Israeli-first Dual Citizens which they had direct control over. In this way they
could create a master control grid and quickly identify any dissident ant any level, and then label them domestic terrorists to
be harassed, psychotronically corrected, gang stalked or arrested and imprisoned.
The PNACers then proceeded to create an all encompassing plan to not only build a greater Israel for the Khazarian Mafia
Banksters, but to use the Pentagon to propel the American Khazarian Mafia Proxy state to be the worlds supreme power
that could never again be challenged in any way by any other nation.

The whole World could then be destroyed nation by nation as a Khazarian Mafia NWO Globalist one-world government could
be assembled from the ruins, like the Phoenix Bird of Greek Mythology.

To do this they realized they had to create a catalyzing event, a new Pearl Harbor with at least 2500 dead Americans in
order to blood shock the American masses, to elicit their extreme anger and a rage with a need for complete revenge. They
new that this anger if properly elicited in the masses and the US Military would be sufficient to motivate America to attack the
sovereign nation-states that the USG and CMMM had claimed attacked America on 9-11-01.

The Folks running this attack on America realized that they had to make sure that the Big Lies, false-narratives and
propaganda of the CMMM continued and were sufficient to keep the masses and the military motivated to conduct these
illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked Mideast wars of aggression for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia.
They knew that engineering their attack on America on 9-11-01 and defining it as a terrorist attack by an arrogant foreign
Arab state that supposedly hated American Freedom and the American way of life would enrage the American masses and
the American military and motivate them to be willing to make total war against that Arab perp which they wrongly blamed.

Of course this whole foreign war to gain obscene profits and to gain land and resources of other nations was dependent on
having complete control over the Major Mass Media which they did. Only recently has a significant portion of mainstream
America began to understand that the Major Mass Media is filled with lies and deception. One recent study showed that most
Americans now view cockroaches more favorably than members of Congress.

Millions are abandoning TV Network News and going to the Alternative news sites on the Worldwide Web. And the
Khazarian Mafia has responded by setting up hundreds of sock-puppet/stooge website that use limited hangout to lure

Limited hangout is the use of partial truths to gain credibility in order to later deliver a bad payload. But the average
alternative media user is becoming far too sophisticated for this and grabs the truth nuggets and ignores the bad payload
while connecting these truth nuggets in their head ti form fairly accurate perceptions of what is actually going on.
As Hillary Clinton remarked in a private speech, We are losing the information war. Truth is very powerful and once it gets
out is resonates with the masses and then takes on a life of its own that cannot be stopped.

Different Factions in the Pentagon:

There are different factions in the Pentagon and dissonance is growing by the day.

There are the Bushies (the BCC folks). These are the holdovers from Bush1s 50 year penetration into the USG at the
highest levels. He was able to appoint his own at every level and corrupt the courts and much of the Pentagon and take over
the CIA.

Then you have the Israeli-American Israeli-first Dual Citizen Traitors (the Zios). Both of these factions knowingly or
unknowingly serve the City of London Khazarian Mafia Banksters.

And then you have a growing faction of American-firsters, some who have been independent and some who have
psychologically abandoned the BCC since they see it waning in power. Many of these folks were previously conned,
manipulated and mind-kontrolled by their overseers to believe that it was Americas job to fight the terrorists in the Mideast
before they came to America.
What these America-firsters have just been starting to fully comprehend is that all terrorism is synthetically engineered and
deployed by the major power factions which include the BCC/DVD and the Dual Citizen Zios using the resources of the
nations that they have infiltrated and hijacked.

So now we have an essentially new faction that is waking up and beginning to understand that the USG and the top
Pentagon Command structure has been infiltrated and hijacked by foreign espionage groups, the BCC/DVD and the
Israeli-American Dual Citizen Zios.

This new up and coming faction of America-firsters in the Pentagon is now realizing that American soldiers have
been sacrificed as mere cannon fodder in all these phony wars to make vast profits for the Military Industrial Complex (the
Khazarian Banksters and their associated corporations).

The growing rage is becoming so thick you can cut it with a knife. But they also realize that some in the Pentagon High
Command have been having special ops assassinated after they complete dangerous assignments or try to retire to keep
them quiet.

Many of these special ops are now considered threats to the existing order in the Pentagon High Command after
their missions are completed. It is feared that they are stand-up heroes that will speak out and testify against the BCC and
the Zios (which are both major RICO crime syndicates in and of themselves) if they are ever subpoenaed once a new and
real investigation of 9-11-01 begins.
Especially now since so many are becoming informed that
9-11-01 was a Gladio-style, inside-job False-flag attack on
America by Israel, assisted by Traitors in the Pentagon and
US Administration.

Many are beginning to realize what has been done to

America by these Traitors in high positions of power and
they are becoming quite angry about it and feel personally
betrayed by the US Administration and the Pentagon High
Military Command who they are trusting less and less as
each day passes.

And add to that, the Pentagon has now been completely

exposed for their part in creating training, supporting
and paying ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda (AL
CIA Duh). etc.

And they have been completely checkmated so far in Syria by President Putin and the Russian Federation after being invited
by their long time ally the Syrian Government to help defend Syria from terrorists. This has exposed the traitors in the top
pentagon command structure for what they are and has made the Pentagons military capability look very weak.

But the folks that often do the heavy lifting with dangerous special missions and very little gratitude in return are the Special
operations Soldiers including the Seal Teams, the Green Berets, Delta Force and the various Spooky teams. these Soldiers
have traditionally had the highest degree of motivation and patriotism to America of an of the US Military and many are now
finding out it has been misguided and abused by the pentagon high command structure.

The most vicious type of Treason and betrayal.

Not only do these special operations folks take on the most dangerous missions but they have been mistreated afterwards in
many cases. Many now realize that the Seal Team that participated in the fake assassination of Osama bin Laden (CIA
Trade-craft name Colonel Tim Osman) who actually died in late 2001 were all assassinated upon orders of the Pentagon
High Command and the Administration to keep them from talking. Some of their surviving family members know this, others
suspect it.

This is the same kind of dark treachery and treason that

occurred when the Administration and Pentagon High
Command abandoned all the POWs and MIAs in
Vietnam to keep them from talking about the secret wars in
Laos and Cambodia and all the CIA drug trafficking,
including operation Whitestar which was a very, very
sensitive operation involving UFO landings at night and
opium trafficking.

Most VT readers know it was Senator john McCain that

worked hard to make sure the POWs and MIAs were left
behind, just like his father covered up the Israeli False-flag
attack on the USS Liberty Ship.

But many US Special Forces of different units are also finding out that 11 of the 12 spooky teams in deployed to South
America were all murdered to keep them from talking about the Pentagon and CIAs massive drug trafficking and that the
new norm is for the pentagon High Command to order the assassination of special ops when they are done with them so
they can never talk.

Many in the Pentagon now blame President Obama for allowing America to be completely checkmated in Syria by
the Russian Federation and believe this was a major stand-down situation. This is especially true for the Zios who see all
their gains from their attack on America on 9-11-01 rapidly slipping away.

Being that much of President Obamas campaign funding came from the Zios who make a lot of money off of their defense
corporate investments and more war, it is understandable why they may resent his reluctance to go into another total air and
ground war for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia.
Others see President Obamas lack of willingness to enter into a full scale air and ground war basically a response
to new pressure coming from a saner element that is now arising within the Pentagons High Military Command that is
perhaps linked to a certain faction of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) responsible for handling the Alien ET/crashed
UFO issues. This group impressively powerful group is a new wild card that is beginning to apply major pressure to take back
the Pentagon from the foreign based infiltrators, hijackers, Dual Citizen Traitors and sell-outs.

Others see President Obamas resistance to go beyond an apparent symbolic show of special ops and drone
warfare due to financial advisers who have instructed him that the USG just plain does not have enough money to wage a
total air and ground war which would have to be very long term in order to be successful. And he may now fully understand
that such a total air and ground war would just be another war for Israel to fulfill their greater Israel plan and is resistant to
serving as Israels puppet like Bush2 did. But it could also be a combination of all these considerations.


Dissidence inside the Pentagon is growing by the day as more and more of the ranks find out that Israel and Traitors in
the high Pentagon Command structure betrayed all Americans by attacking America on 9-11-01.

This realization sends shock waves through the mind and begs for resolution and pay back. It is far too late to put the
genie back in the bottle or close Pandoras Box because the truth about 9-11-01 being an engineered synthetic act of Gladio-
style, False-flag, inside-job terror can not be extinguished and is spreading by the day. Soon everyone will understand how
our own Administration and Pentagon High command betrayed us on that terrible day.

Right now everything is in flux inside the Pentagon and its High Command. Which faction will predominate as the BCC
and the Zios fight for total control? Will the new emerging faction of America-firsters assert themselves and take control and
will they be extremely motivated by the realization that the BCC and the Zios attacked America on 9-11-01?

As the BCC and the Zios become more and more exposed every day for their treason and espionage against America, their
power base wanes. Can they be neutralized fast enough to save America? That is the question.

A close examination suggests that the BCC is using the CMMM to leak disparaging information that will weaken the
hold of the Dual Citizen Zios on the Pentagon. But it also seems evident that the Zios are using the CMMM to leak
disparaging facts that will discredit the Bush Crime Cabal and Jebs chances for election to the Presidency.
Right now Donald Trump is a wild card, no one seems to have a grasp what he would do as President as far as the
Pentagon and warfare. But some suspect that he is the Pentagons America-firsters choice to represent their interests. It is
too soon to tell but we will find out soon enough.

And what might the BCC or the Zios do to increase their power? In the past they have had to collaborate in order to
deploy major False-flag attacks like the Murrah bombing of the attack on America on 9-11-01. Are they in too much conflict
right now to even do that? Or can they patch up their differences enough to deploy some kind of cooperation to ignite a
nuclear WW3 which would certainly provide a covering situation for the degrading American economy as the whole World
builds a financial firewall against the US Petro Dollar.

Unless cooler heads start prevailing we could see America drawn into a hot WW3 involving intercontinental nuclear
detonations in major cities. It is high time to clean both the Bush holdouts (the BCCers) and the Dual Citizen Zios out of the
Pentagon before America is completely destroyed and start making sure the Pentagon Defends the USA and its borders
here and does not get entangled in foreign wars as our Founding Fathers warned against.
That means closing down all these wasteful military bases around the World and sealing our Borders and
controlling immigration. It also means making sure that the Pentagon is dedicated to defense not offense and attacking
other nations for the Khazarian Mafia Banksters and Drug Traffickers and their associated defense corporations who then
feed back huge bribes and perks to compromised Members of Congress. It is necessary to rout out all these Globalist
Khazarian Mafia infil-Traitors and hijackers of the American System and putting America and American Citizens first.

Until the American Masses rise up and arrest and jail the large Too Big To Fail Wall Street Banksters like they did in Iceland
and cut off the elastic money supply which funds their matrix of bribery and human compromise of the USG and the
Pentagon, America is doomed. But a good informed guess is that such a day is likely approaching.

And unless the masses start understanding that all these USG officials that are constantly crying wolf over Mideast
Terrorists are actually the real terrorists themselves that created all these mercenaries in the first place, we are
* The Khazarian Mafia is an abbreviation to represent the organized crime group that later morphed into the Rothschild
Khazarian Mafia. VT Financial Editor Mike Harris coined the term Khazarian Mafia. His VT radio, The Short End of the
Stick show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 PM CST. Mike Harris started using this descriptive term Khazarian Mafia
after extensively researching the true but hidden history of the nation of Khazaria and its connection to Rothschild World
Zionism now centered in the City of London.

He also discovered the long held hatred that the RKM has harbored since about 1020 AD for the non-Khazarian Russians
that is still a major motive for the Khazarian Mafia today in its quest to destroy Persia (Iran) and then encircle and once again
destroy Russia. Their goal? To steal all Russias its assets like in 1917, and mass-murdering any non-Khazarian Russians
remaining alive, as a replay of their Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Are You Confused By The Middle East? Here Are Some Things You Should Know
November 22 2015 | From: WilliamBlum
(But youll probably still be confused).

The US, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, and the Gulf monarchies have all in the recent past supported al Qaeda
and/or the Islamic State (ISIS) with arms, money, and/or manpower.

The first example of this was in 1979 when the United States began covert operations in Afghanistan, six months before
the Russians arrived, promoting Islamic fundamentalism across the southern tier of the Soviet Union against godless
communism. All the al-Qaeda/Taliban shit then followed.

In addition to Afghanistan, the United States has provided support to Islamic militants in Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya, the
Caucasus, and Syria.

The United States overthrew the secular governments of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya and is trying to do the same with
Syria, thus giving great impetus to the rise of ISIS. Said Barack Obama in March of this year: ISIS is a direct outgrowth of
al-Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion. Which is an example of unintended consequences. Which is why we should
generally aim before we shoot.

More than a million refugees from these wars of Washington are currently over-running Europe and North Africa. God
Bless American exceptionalism.
The Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish Kurds have all fought against ISIS, but Turkey close US ally and member of NATO has
fought against each of them.

Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Lebanese factions have each supported the Syrian government in various ways in Damascuss
struggle against ISIS and other terrorist groups, including the (much celebrated but seldom seen) moderate ones. For this
all four countries have been sharply criticized by Washington.

The United States has bombed ISIS in Syria, but has used the same occasions to damage Syrias infrastructure and oil-
producing capacity.

Russia has bombed ISIS in Syria, but has used the same occasions to attack Syrias other enemies.

The mainstream media almost never mentions the proposed Qatar natural-gas pipelines whose path to Europe Syria has
stood in the way of for years as a reason for much of the hostility toward Syria. The pipelines could dethrone Russia as
Europes dominant source of energy.

In Libya, during the beginning of the 2011 civil war, anti-Gaddafi rebels, many of whom were al-Qaeda affiliated militias,
were protected by NATO in no-fly zones.
US policy in Syria in the years leading up to the 2011 uprising against Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, which began the
whole current mess, was designed to promote sectarianism, which in turn led to civil war with the goal of regime change.

US Secretary of State John Kerry declared on October 22 that in resolving Syrias civil war the country should not be
broken up, that it must remain secular, and that Syrians should choose their future leader. (All of which actually describes
Syria under Assad.) Then Kerry said: One thing stands in the way of being able to rapidly move to implement that, and its a
person called Assad, Bashar Assad.

Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such

Is it because, as were told, hes a brutal dictator? But how can that be the reason for the hatred? It would be difficult indeed
to name a brutal dictatorship of the second half of the 20th Century or of the 21st century that was not supported by the
United States; not only supported, but often put into power and kept in power against the wishes of the population; at
present the list would include Saudi Arabia, Honduras, Indonesia, Egypt, Colombia, Qatar, and Israel.
The United States, I suggest, is hostile to the Syrian government for the same reason it has been hostile to Cuba for more
than half a century; and hostile to Venezuela for the past 15 years; and earlier to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia; and to
Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Chile; and so on continuing through the world atlas and history books.

What these governments have had in common can be summarized in a single word independence independence from
American foreign policy; the refusal to be a client state of Washington; the refusal to be continuously hostile to Washingtons
Officially Designated Enemies; insufficient respect and zeal for the capitalist way of life.

Democratic Socialism

The candidacy of Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist, for the US presidency has produced an unprecedented barrage
of discussion in the American media about just what is this thing called socialism. Most of the discussion centers around
the question of government ownership and control of the economy versus private ownership and control. This is, of course,
a very old question; the meat and potatoes of the Cold War ideological competition.
Whats markedly different now is that a few centuries of uninhibited free enterprise have finally laid painfully bare the basic
anti-social nature of capitalism, forcing many of even the most committed true believers to concede the inherent harm the
system brings to the lives of all but the richest.

But regardless of what the intellects of these true believers tell them, they still find it very difficult emotionally to completely
cut the umbilical cord to the system they were carefully raised to place the greatest of faith in.

Thus, they may finally concede that we have to eliminate, or at least strictly minimize, the role of the profit motive in health
care and education and maybe one or two other indispensable social needs, but they insist that the government should
should keep its bureaucratic hands off everything else; they favor as much decentralization as possible.

The most commonly proposed alternative to both government or private control is worker-owned cooperatives or publicly
owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Sanders has expressed his support for worker-
owned cooperatives.

There is much to be said about such systems, but the problem I find is that they will still operate within a capitalist society,
which means competition, survival of the fittest; which means that if you cant sell more than your competitors, if you cant
make a sufficient net profit on your sales, you will likely be forced to go out of business; and to prevent such a fate, at some
point you may very well be forced to do illegal or immoral things against the public; which means back to the present.
You cannot follow the mass media without being confronted every day with story after story of one corporation or another
trying to swindle the public in one way or another; the latest egregious case being that of the much revered Volkswagen,
recently revealed to have manipulated the measurement of the cars pollution emission.

The fact that half of the companys Supervisory Board responsible for monitoring the Management and approving
important corporate decisions consists of employee representatives elected by the employees did not prevent this
egregious fraud; the company is still obliged to strive to maximize profit and the firms stock-market value. Its the nature of
the corporate beast within a capitalist jungle.

Only removal of the profit motive will correct such behavior, and also keep us from drowning in a sea of advertising and my
phone ringing several times each day to sell me something I dont need and which may not even exist.

The market. How can we determine the proper value, the proper price, of goods and services without the magic of the
marketplace? Lets look at something most people have to pay for rent.

Who or what designed this system where in 2015 11.8 million households in the US are paying more than 50 percent of their
income to keep a roof over their head, while rent is considered affordable if it totals some 30 percent or less of ones
What is the sense of this? It causes more hardship than any other expense people are confronted with; all kinds of important
needs go unmet because of the obligation to pay a huge amount for rent each month; it is the main cause of homelessness.
Who benefits from it other than the landlords? What is magical about that?

Above and beyond any other consideration, there is climate change; i.e., survival of the planet, the quality of our lives. What
keeps corporations from modifying their behavior so as to be kinder to our environment? It is of course the good old bottom
line again. What can we do to convince the corporations to consistently behave like good citizens? Nothing that hasnt
already been tried and failed. Except one thing. Unmentionable in a capitalist society. Nationalization. There, I said it. Now
Ill be getting letters damning me as an Old Stalinist.

But nationalization is not a panacea either, at least for the environment. Theres the greatest single source of environmental
damage in the world The United States military.

And its already been nationalized. But doing away with private corporations will reduce the drive toward imperialism
sufficiently that before long the need for a military will fade away and we can live like Costa Rica. If you think that would put
the United States in danger of attack, please tell me who would attack, and why.
Most Americans, like other developed peoples, worship the capitalism they were raised with. But do they? See the chapter
in my book Rogue State: A Guide to the Worlds Only Superpower: The United States invades, bombs, and kills for it but do
Americans really believe in free enterprise? Written in 2000 / 2005, the examples given in the chapter may need some
updating, but the ideas expressed are as valid as ever.

Nationalization, hand-in-hand with a planned society, would of course not preclude elections. On the contrary, wed have
elections not ruled by money. What a breath of fresh air. Professor Cornel West has suggested that its become difficult to
even imagine what a free and democratic society, without great concentrations of corporate power, would look like, or how it
would operate.

Who are you going to believe? Me or Dick Cheney?

Ive spent about 30 years compiling the details of the criminal record of US foreign policy into concise lists, and Im always
looking for suitable occasions to present the information to new readers. The new book by Dick Cheney and his adoring
daughter is just such an occasion.
We are, as a matter of empirical fact and undeniable history, the greatest force for good the world has ever
known. security and freedom for millions of people around the globe have depended on Americas military,
economic, political, and diplomatic might.

- Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney, Why the world needs a powerful America

Well nothing short of a brain and soul transplant would change the welt anschauung of Dr. Strangelove and his carefully-
conditioned offspring, but for all of you out there who still live in a world of facts, logic, human rights, and human empathy,
heres the ammunition to use if you should happen to find yourself ensnared in the embrace of the likes of the Cheney
reptiles (including mother Lynne who once set up a website solely to attack me and seven others for holding a teach-in on
September 18, 2001 in which we spoke of US foreign policy as the main provocation of what had happened exactly a week
These are the lists: Since the end of World War 2, the United States has:

Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.

Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.

Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.

Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.

Plus although not easily quantified more involved in the practice of torture than any other country in the world for
over a century not just performing the actual torture, but teaching it, providing the manuals, and furnishing the equipment.

Open Letter to the War Politicians of the World

Jrgen Todenhfer is a German journalist and former media manager; from 1972 to 1990 he was a member of parliament
for the Christian Democrats (CDU). He was one of Germanys most ardent supporters of the US-sponsored Mujahideen and
their guerrilla war against the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.
Several times he traveled to combat zones with Afghan Mujahideen groups. After 2001 Todenhfer became an outspoken
critic of the US interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. He has published several books about visits he made to war zones. In
recent years he twice interviewed Syrias President Bashar al-Assad and in 2015 he was the first German journalist to visit
the Islamic State.

Dear Presidents and Heads of Governments!

Through decades of a policy of war and exploitation you have pushed millions people in the Middle East and Africa
into misery. Because of your policies refugees have to flee all over the world. One out every three refugees in
Germany comes from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. From Africa comes one out of five refugees.

Your wars are also the cause of global terrorism. Instead of some 100 international terrorists like 15 years ago, we
now are faced with more than 100,000 terrorists. Your cynical ruthlessness now strikes back at us like a

As usual, you do not even consider to really change your policy. You care only about the symptoms. The security
situation gets more dangerous and chaotic by the day. More and more wars, waves of terror and refugee crises will
determine the future of our planet.

Even in Europe, the war will one day knock again at Europes door. Any businessman that would act like you
would be fired or be in prison by now. You are total failures.

The peoples of the Middle East and Africa, whose countries you have destroyed and plundered and the people of
Europe, who now accommodate the countless desperate refugees, have to pay a high price for your policies. But
you wash your hands of responsibility. You should stand trial in front of the International Criminal Court. And each
of your political followers should actually take care of at least 100 refugee families.

Basically, the people of the world should rise up and resist you as the warmongers and exploiters you are. As once
Gandhi did it - in nonviolence, in civil disobedience. We should create new movements and parties. Movements
for justice and humanity. Make wars in other countries just as punishable as murder and manslaughter in ones
own country. And you who are responsible for war and exploitation, you should go to hell forever. It is enough! Get
lost! The world would be much nicer without you."

Jrgen Todenhfer

Plus a change, plus cest la mme chose

The annual vote in the United Nations General Assembly on the resolution which reads: Necessity of ending the economic,
commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba was just held. This year set a
new record for yes votes, with the addition of the Marshall Islands and Palau (heretofore each voting no or abstaining)
and Micronesia (heretofore abstaining).

All three countries had established diplomatic relations with Cuba earlier this year, which of course the United States had
also done, but without any change in Washingtons vote. Here is how the vote has gone in the past (not including

Year Votes (Yes-No) No Votes

1992 59-2 US, Israel

1993 88-4 US, Israel, Albania, Paraguay

1994 101-2 US, Israel

1995 117-3 US, Israel, Uzbekistan

1996 138-3 US, Israel, Uzbekistan

1997 143-3 US, Israel, Uzbekistan

1998 157-2 US, Israel

1999 155-2 US, Israel

2000 167-3 US, Israel, Marshall Islands

2001 167-3 US, Israel, Marshall Islands

2002 173-3 US, Israel, Marshall Islands

2003 179-3 US, Israel, Marshall Islands

2004 179-4 US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau

2005 182-4 US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau

2006 183-4 US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau

2007 184-4 US, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau

2008 185-3 US, Israel, Palau

2009 187-3 US, Israel, Palau

2010 187-2 US, Israel

2011 186-2 US, Israel

2012 188-3 US, Israel, Palau

2013 188-2 US, Israel

2014 188-2 US, Israel

2015 191-2 US, Israel

Each fall the UN vote is a welcome reminder that the world has not completely lost its senses and that the American empire
does not completely control the opinion of all other governments.

The real reason for Washingtons eternal hostility toward Cuba has not changed since the revolution in 1959 The fear of a
good example; the fear of an alternative to the capitalist model; a fear that has been validated repeatedly over the years as
many Third World countries have expressed their admiration and gratitude toward Cuba.

How the embargo began: On April 6, 1960, Lester D. Mallory, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American
Affairs, wrote in an internal memorandum:

The majority of Cubans support Castro The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through
disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship. every possible means should
be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba.

Mallory proposed a line of action which makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease
monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.
Later that year, the Eisenhower administration instituted its suffocating embargo against its everlasting enemy.

Nothing of any real importance has changed recently. Guantnamo Prison still exists in all its imperialist beauty and torture.
The US has not renounced its regime-change policies toward Cuba. Not a penny of Cubas near-trillion-dollar lawsuit for
compensation has been paid. Washington has recently threatened to revoke the tax exempt status of IFCO/Pastors for
Peace, one of the most respected and experienced Cuba advocacy groups.

I still cant go to Cuba as a tourist, or to present a book of mine at a Cuban Book Fair (for which Ive been blocked in the
past). And the United States still does not relax its death grip on the embargo, including continuing to prohibit the sale of
medicines to Cuba.

A note to readers

A number of you have remarked to me about Killing Hope being unavailable in stores and, usually, from Amazon, and often
from myself. This is because one of the books publishers, Common Courage (Maine), and its editor Greg Bates, have
blocked publication and distribution of the book by a new US publisher.

Common Courage is essentially out of business but refuses to face up to the fact. Bates stole a royalty payment sent to me
by my British publisher via Common Courage. This theft, among other things, nullified my contract with Common Courage.
Its complicated, but I feel obliged to offer some explanation to those of you who have been unable to find a copy of the

Paris-Syria Timeline Of Terror

November 20 2015 | From: PeterDrew
On November 13th, 2015 Paris was hit by a deadly terrorist attack. Western governments and
Western media informed the world almost immediately who had committed the attacks, where they
had emanated from, and what the required response needed to be.

The world was told that the attacks were committed by 8 Islamic extremists representing ISIL, and that Syria was
the location of the hub of this problem. President Hollande told the world that France was at war, and within just
one day of the attacks the world was informed that bombing raids of Syria would begin.

Prior to the events of November 13th, the bombing of Syria would have been illegal under international law, except for
Russia who had recently been asked by the Syrian government to provide military support to fight what they have said are al
Qaeda/ISIL terrorists attempting to overthrow the government.

The Western media strongly laid out the case for the Paris attacks being the result of an ideological and religious clash of
cultures between radical Muslims and everyone else. The world needed to prepare for more of the same anywhere and
everywhere. This message has been pushed out to the world in mass production ever since by Western governments and
Western media.

But are we being told the truth on this? Who really is ISIL? How did they suddenly become such an influential force in the
world, and what is the Western militarys real association with ISIL and other terrorist or rebel groups in Syria? What links
did French intelligence have with the alleged ISIL attackers in Paris, and did they know an attack was coming?
Were the Paris attacks actually allowed to occur by Western intelligence agencies, or even worse, were they in fact a false
flag attack under the direction of Western intelligence agencies as part of a much bigger geo-political picture that we are not
being told about?

The timeline below does not answer all of these questions, but it does help to paint a much bigger picture around
these events, and does help to paint a quite different picture to what our Western governments and Western media
have been telling us:

Sept 2000: PNAC (Project for a New American Century), a major Washington think tank, documents its intention for
driving through regime change and taking control of 7 specific countries in the Middle East over the next few years, including
Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Lebanon, and Iran.

Dec 2001: 4-Star General Wesley Clarke visits the Pentagon and is shown an internal memo outlining the US militarys
plans to overthrow 7 Middle East countries over the next few years (the same 7 countries as highlighted in the PNAC
report). In 2007 General Clarke will make a public announcement about seeing these plans and his shock at what they
2002: Afghanistan is invaded and regime change implemented.

2003: Iraq is invaded and regime change implemented (President executed) on the back of now officially acknowledged
fraudulent intelligence reports about alleged weapons of mass destruction and deliberate deception of the public.

2003-2015: More than one million innocent civilians are killed in Iraq.

2011: Libya bombed to destruction by the US military (in breach of international law) and regime change is achieved
(President executed).

2011: Western governments and the western media report that the Syrian government is murdering its own citizens and
that so called rebel forces are rising up against the Syrian government in protest. No evidence is provided to support these
2011: Western intelligence agencies begin covertly arming, funding and training the so called Syrian rebels (while this is
denied by Western governments at the time, in 2015 this will be confirmed through the release of de-classified US defence

In 2015 it will also be confirmed that the rebel fighters that are being armed, funded, and trained by the West are in fact
affiliates of al Qaeda who the US military had previously been fighting against in Iraq and who supposedly were responsible
for 9/11. But now the US and Western military are working together in partnership with these extremist terrorist groups.
2011-12: Despite the Syrian rebels (al Qaeda affiliates) being armed, funded, and trained by Western intelligence
agencies, the Syrian military has successfully kept them at bay, although at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent Syrian
lives killed by the Syrian rebels (al Qaeda affiliates).

2013: Western governments and Western media accuse the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against their
own citizens. A United Nations investigation later confirms that the chemical weapons were in fact not used by the Syrian
government and were in fact more likely to have been used by the Syrian rebels/al Qaeda.

Sept 2013: On the back of the alleged chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government, President Obama and Prime
Minister Cameron take recommendations to US Congress and UK Parliament to begin a major bombing campaign to
supposedly protect the Syrian people from their own government.

In events that are almost unprecedented in history, the UK Parliament votes down David Camerons recommendation for
bombing Syria. US Congress subsequently does the same.

Jan 2014: Just 4 months after the historic NO BOMBING VOTE, and seemingly from out of nowhere, Western military and
Western media begin reporting the emergence of a new Islamic extremist group in Syria and Iraq which is described as
having huge numbers, huge financial and military resources, and is described as a grave threat to the entire Western world.
It is given the name ISIL.

2014: US Congress and UK Parliament informally raise the issue of a need to conduct bombing raids in Syria in order to
tackle the rising threat of ISIL. It is clear that there is not the public or political support to formally take this recommendation
to Congress and Parliament and risk being voted down a second time on bombing Syria.

2014: A United Nations investigation into the alleged chemical weapons attack by the Syrian government found that the
attack was instead more likely to have come from the al Qaeda affiliated Syrian rebels, thus seriously calling into question
the entire case for military action and requested bombing campaigns against the Syrian government (Iraq weapons of mass
destruction all over again).
2014-15: Many countries, including Russia, now begin supporting Syrian President Assads plea to the rest of the world to
support them in their desperate fight against the terrorist extremists (al Qaeda/ISIL) who are attacking them using weapons,
training, and support from Western military and Western intelligence (now confirmed in de-classified documents).

Sept 2015: President Putin addresses the United Nations and asks why Western military and Western intelligence have
supported the rise of Islamic extremists in Syria and Iraq in an effort to overthrow the Syrian government. He declares that
Russia is going to draw a line in the sand and take a stance on this issue.

Sept 2015: The President of Syria formally requests military assistance from Russia to help in the fight against the
Western backed al Qaeda/ISIL affiliated rebels.

Oct 2015: On President Putins orders, Russia launches a mass bombing campaign against al Qaeda/ISIL strongholds in
Syria and within three days has seriously compromised their capacity and casts serious questions about why the entire
weaponry and intelligence of the Western military had been unable to achieve any meaningful impact on ISIL over the
preceding nearly 2 years.
Russia has now taken the controlling military role in Syria in support of the Syrian government, a situation that is a huge
embarrassment for the Western military and Western governments.

Oct 2015: A Russian airliner is brought down in a terrorist attack. Although Western intelligence states that ISIL have
claimed responsibility, many military experts make counter claims that this would have been impossible to achieve by ISIL.
This opens up the unconfirmed discussion and suggestions of a possible Western backed false flag attack against Russia.

Nov 13, 2015: Paris is hit by a massive terrorist attack.

Nov 14, 2015: Within just hours of the attack, and before detailed investigations and analysis can be properly conducted,
Western governments and Western media are reporting that they know exactly who committed the crime and exactly where
the problem emanated from ie. Syria.
Nov 15, 2015: Western military begins mass bombing raids on Syria. Prior to the events of November 13th, these bombing
raids in Syria would have been illegal under international law, but with President Hollande immediately stating to the world
that France was at war, they deemed the bombing raids of Syria to now be a matter of self-defence under international law.

So this was now the third different type of justification put forward in the last two years by Western governments for bombing

1. In retaliation of alleged chemical weapon attacks (which was proven false),

2. To help defeat ISIL because they were killing people in the Middle East (ISIL are now confirmed to be fully supported by
Western military and intelligence), 3. To help defeat ISIL in self defence against ISIL terrorist attacks in Europe.

Nov 14 2015: Evidence emerges of French intelligence being aware that a terrorist attack was imminent and that they
were aware of and familiar with at least some of the alleged ISIL terrorists in the Paris attacks.

2016? The Syrian government is overthrown and/or President Assad assassinated or executed? Washingtons PNAC plan
from 2000 achieves the second last of its list of 7 countries (only Iran remaining) for regime change and control. Like
Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, Syria becomes a nation of complete carnage, death, and destruction.


2016? Russia and other nations continue to make a stand and support the Syrian government leading to dramatically
escalating global tensions and significant steps towards World War 3.

2016? The people of the Western world and the rest of the world stand up in mass against PNACs plans for total
destabilisation and takeover of the Middle East, refuse to support further Western backed death and destruction in the
Middle East, and refuse to engage in divisive hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims.

While exactly who did what and how in the Paris attacks is still very much uncertain, we can say with absolute certainty now
that ISIL, whatever that group really is, has been armed and trained by Western military and Western intelligence.

We can say with certainty that back in 2,000 there were plans put in place for the United States military and their Western
affiliates to take down 7 specific Middle East countries, including Syria.

We can say for certain that certain events have been manipulated and falsely reported to try to create a justification for
Western military action against Syria. We can say for certain that multiple failed efforts have been put forward by Western
governments to justify bombing and military action against Syria.

Finally, we can say for certain that up until November 13th, 2015, all of those attempts to justify bombing and military action
against Syria had been unsuccessful and were illegal under international law, but within one day of the attacks in Paris, the
Western bombing of Syria had finally commenced.

The First Question To Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It A False Flag?
November 19 2015 | From: WashingtonsBlog

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False
Flag Terror.

Related: Putin Put the G20 on Notice: We know you are financing Islamic State
In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an
attack) admit to it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos:

Related: Hollande, Cameron Selling We are at War with ISIS After Ignoring Global Intel Before Terror Attack

1. Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an
invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the Mukden Incident or the Manchurian Incident.
The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking
Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and have stated that the object of the
Incident was to afford an excuse for the occupation of Manchuria by the Kwantung Army . And see this.

2. A major with the Nazi SS admitted at the Nuremberg trials that under orders from the chief of the Gestapo he and
some other Nazi operatives faked attacks on their own people and resources which they blamed on the Poles, to justify the
invasion of Poland.

3. Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting
fire to the German parliament building in 1933, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson.
4. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Unions Red Army shelled the Russian village of
Mainila in 1939 while blaming the attack on Finland as a basis for launching the Winter War against Finland. Russian
president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor in the Winter War.

5. The Russian Parliament, current Russian president Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet
leader Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, and then falsely
blamed it on the Nazis.
6. The British government admits that between 1946 and 1948 it bombed 5 ships carrying Jews attempting to flee the
Holocaust to seek safety in Palestine, set up a fake group called Defenders of Arab Palestine, and then had the psuedo-
group falsely claim responsibility for the bombings (and see this, this and this).

7. Israel admits that in 1954, an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S.
diplomatic facilities, then left behind evidence implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated
prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and
see this and this).

8. The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950's to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn
the country against its democratically-elected prime minister.
9. The Turkish Prime Minister admitted that the Turkish government carried out the 1955 bombing on a Turkish consulate
in Greece also damaging the nearby birthplace of the founder of modern Turkey and blamed it on Greece, for the
purpose of inciting and justifying anti-Greek violence.

10. The British Prime Minister admitted to his defense secretary that he and American president Dwight Eisenhower
approved a plan in 1957 to carry out attacks in Syria and blame it on the Syrian government as a way to effect regime
11. The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO,
with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s and
blamed the communists, in order to rally peoples support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.

As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated:

You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any
political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn
to the state to ask for greater security

(and see this) (Italy and other European countries subject to the terror campaign had joined NATO before the bombings
And watch this BBC special. They also allegedly carried out terror attacks in France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece,
the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the UK, and other countries.

False flag attacks carried out pursuant to this program include by way of example only:

The murder of the Turkish Prime Minister (1960)

Bombings in Portugal (1966)

The Piazza Fontana massacre in Italy (1969)

Terror attacks in Turkey (1971)

The Peteano bombing in Italy (1972)

Shootings in Brescia, Italy and a bombing on an Italian train (1974)

Shootings in Istanbul, Turkey (1977)

The Atocha massacre in Madrid, Spain (1977)

The abduction and murder of the Italian Prime Minister (1978)

The bombing of the Bologna railway station in Italy (1980)

Shooting and killing 28 shoppers in Brabant county, Belgium (1985)

12. In 1960, American Senator George Smathers suggested that the U.S. launch a false attack made on Guantanamo
Bay which would give us the excuse of actually fomenting a fight which would then give us the excuse to go in and
[overthrow Castro].
13. Official State Department documents show that, in 1961, the head of the Joint Chiefs and other high-level
officials discussed blowing up a consulate in the Dominican Republic in order to justify an invasion of that country. The plans
were not carried out, but they were all discussed as serious proposals.

14. As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in 1962, the American Joint Chiefs of
Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes),
and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of
See the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington
Investigative Producer for ABCs World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

15. In 1963, the U.S. Department of Defense wrote a paper promoting attacks on nations within the Organization of
American States such as Trinidad-Tobago or Jamaica and then falsely blaming them on Cuba.

16. The U.S. Department of Defense even suggested covertly paying a person in the Castro government to attack the
United States:

The only area remaining for consideration then would be to bribe one of Castros subordinate commanders to
initiate an attack on Guantanamo.

17. The NSA admits that it lied about what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 manipulating data to
make it look like North Vietnamese boats fired on a U.S. ship so as to create a false justification for the Vietnam war.

18. A U.S. Congressional committee admitted that as part of its Cointelpro campaign the FBI had used many
provocateurs in the 1950s through 1970s to carry out violent acts and falsely blame them on political activists.

19. A top Turkish general admitted that Turkish forces burned down a mosque on Cyprus in the 1970s and blamed it on
their enemy. He explained:
In Special War, certain acts of sabotage are staged and blamed on the enemy to increase public resistance. We
did this on Cyprus; we even burnt down a mosque. In response to the surprised correspondents incredulous look
the general said, I am giving an example.

20. A declassified 1973 CIA document reveals a program to train foreign police and troops on how to make booby traps,
pretending that they were training them on how to investigate terrorist acts:

The Agency maintains liaison in varying degrees with foreign police/security organizations through its field stations

[CIA provides training sessions as follows:]

a. Providing trainees with basic knowledge in the uses of commercial and military demolitions and
incendiaries as they may be applied in terrorism and industrial sabotage operations.

b. Introducing the trainees to commercially available materials and home laboratory techniques, likely to he
used in the manufacture of explosives and incendiaries by terrorists or saboteurs.

c. Familiarizing the trainees with the concept of target analysis and operational planning that a saboteur or
terrorist must employ.

d. Introducing the trainees to booby trapping devices and techniques giving practical experience with both
manufactured and improvised devices through actual fabrication.


The program provides the trainees with ample opportunity to develop basic familiarity and use proficiently
through handling, preparing and applying the various explosive charges, incendiary agents, terrorist
devices and sabotage techniques.

21. The German government admitted (and see this) that, in 1978, the German secret service detonated a bomb in the
outer wall of a prison and planted escape tools on a prisoner a member of the Red Army Faction which the secret
service wished to frame the bombing on.

22. A Mossad agent admits that, in 1984, Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Gaddaffis compound in Tripoli, Libya
which broadcast fake terrorist trasmissions recorded by Mossad, in order to frame Gaddaffi as a terrorist supporter. Ronald
Reagan bombed Libya immediately thereafter.
23. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Council found that, in 1989, the Civil Cooperation Bureau (a covert branch
of the South African Defense Force) approached an explosives expert and asked him:

"To participate in an operation aimed at discrediting the ANC [the African National Congress] by bombing the
police vehicle of the investigating officer into the murder incident, thus framing the ANC for the bombing.

24. An Algerian diplomat and several officers in the Algerian army admit that, in the 1990s, the Algerian army frequently
massacred Algerian civilians and then blamed Islamic militants for the killings (and see this video; and Agence France-
Presse, 9/27/2002, French Court Dismisses Algerian Defamation Suit Against Author).

25. The United States Armys 1994 publication Special Forces Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and
Procedures for Special Forces updated in 2004 recommends employing terrorists and using false flag operations to
destabilize leftist regimes in Latin America. False flag terrorist attacks were carried out in Latin America and other regions as
part of the CIAs Dirty Wars. And see this.

26. Similarly, a CIA psychological operations manual prepared by a CIA contractor for the Nicaraguan Contra
rebels noted the value of assassinating someone on your own side to create a martyr for the cause.
The manual was authenticated by the U.S. government. The manual received so much publicity from Associated Press,
Washington Post and other news coverage that during the 1984 presidential debate President Reagan
was confronted with the following on national television:

"At this moment, we are confronted with the extraordinary story of a CIA guerrilla manual for the anti-Sandinista
contras whom we are backing, which advocates not only assassinations of Sandinistas but the hiring of criminals
to assassinate the guerrillas we are supporting in order to create martyrs."

27. An Indonesian fact-finding team investigated violent riots which occurred in 1998, and determined that elements of the
military had been involved in the riots, some of which were deliberately provoked.

28. Senior Russian Senior military and intelligence officers admit that the KGB blew up Russian apartment buildings in
1999 and falsely blamed it on Chechens, in order to justify an invasion of Chechnya (and see this report and this
29. As reported by BBC, the New York Times, and Associated Press, Macedonian officials admit that the government
murdered 7 innocent immigrants in cold blood and pretended that they were Al Qaeda soldiers attempting to assassinate
Macedonian police, in order to join the war on terror.

30. At the July 2001 G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, black-clad thugs were videotaped getting out of police cars, and
were seen by an Italian MP carrying iron bars inside the police station. Subsequently, senior police officials in
Genoa admitted that police planted two Molotov cocktails and faked the stabbing of a police officer at the G8 Summit, in
order to justify a violent crackdown against protesters.

31. The U.S. falsely blamed Iraq for playing a role in the 9/11 attacks as shown by a memo from the defense secretary
as one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq war.
Even after the 9/11 Commission admitted that there was no connection, Dick Cheney said that the evidence is
overwhelming that al Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Husseins regime, that Cheney probably had information
unavailable to the Commission, and that the media was not doing their homework in reporting such ties.

Related: 9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)

Top U.S. government officials now admit that the Iraq war was really launched for oil not 9/11 or weapons of mass
destruction. Despite previous lone wolf claims, many U.S. government officials now say that 9/11 was state-sponsored
terror; but Iraq was not the state which backed the hijackers.
Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

(Many U.S. officials have alleged that 9/11 was a false flag operation by rogue elements of the U.S. government; but such a
claim is beyond the scope of this discussion. The key point is that the U.S. falsely blamed it on Iraq, when it knew Iraq
had nothing to do with it.).

32.) Although the FBI now admits that the 2001 anthrax attacks were carried out by one or more U.S. government
scientists, a senior FBI official says that the FBI was actually (remember what the anthrax letters looked like). Government
officials also confirm that the white House tried to link the anthrax to Iraq as a justification for regime change in that country.
33. According to the Washington Post, Indonesian police admit that the Indonesian military killed American teachers in
Papua in 2002 and blamed the murders on a Papuan separatist group in order to get that group listed as a terrorist

34. The well-respected former Indonesian president also admits that the government probably had a role in the Bali

35. Police outside of a 2003 European Union summit in Greece were filmed planting Molotov cocktails on a peaceful

36. Former Department of Justice lawyer John Yoo suggested in 2005 that the US should go on the offensive against al-
Qaeda, having our intelligence agencies create a false terrorist organization. It could have its own websites, recruitment
centers, training camps, and fundraising operations.
It could launch fake terrorist operations and claim credit for real terrorist strikes, helping to sow confusion within al-
Qaedas ranks, causing operatives to doubt others identities and to question the validity of communications.

37. Similarly, in 2005, Professor John Arquilla of the Naval Postgraduate School a renowned US defense analyst
credited with developing the concept of netwar called for western intelligence services to create new pseudo gang
terrorist groups, as a way of undermining real terror networks.

According to Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh, Arquillas pseudo-gang strategy was, Hersh
reported, already being implemented by the Pentagon:

Under Rumsfelds new approach, I was told, US military operatives would be permitted to pose abroad as corrupt
foreign businessmen seeking to buy contraband items that could be used in nuclear-weapons systems. In some
cases, according to the Pentagon advisers, local citizens could be recruited and asked to join up with
guerrillas or terrorists

The new rules will enable the Special Forces community to set up what it calls action teams in the target countries
overseas which can be used to find and eliminate terrorist organizations.

Do you remember the right-wing execution squads in El Salvador? the former high-level intelligence
official asked me, referring to the military-led gangs that committed atrocities in the early nineteen-
eighties. We founded them and we financed them, he said.

The objective now is to recruit locals in any area we want. And we arent going to tell Congress about it.
A former military officer, who has knowledge of the Pentagons commando capabilities, said, Were going
to be riding with the bad boys.

38. United Press International reported in June 2005:

"U.S. intelligence officers are reporting that some of the insurgents in Iraq are using recent-model Beretta 92
pistols, but the pistols seem to have had their serial numbers erased. The numbers do not appear to have been
physically removed; the pistols seem to have come off a production line without any serial numbers.

Analysts suggest the lack of serial numbers indicates that the weapons were intended for intelligence operations or
terrorist cells with substantial government backing. Analysts speculate that these guns are probably from either
Mossad or the CIA.

Analysts speculate that agent provocateurs may be using the untraceable weapons even as U.S. authorities use
insurgent attacks against civilians as evidence of the illegitimacy of the resistance".

39. Undercover Israeli soldiers admitted in 2005 to throwing stones at other Israeli soldiers so they could blame it on
Palestinians, as an excuse to crack down on peaceful protests by the Palestinians.
40. Quebec police admitted that, in 2007, thugs carrying rocks to a peaceful protest were actually undercover Quebec
police officers (and see this).

41. A 2008 US Army special operations field manual recommends that the U.S. military use surrogate non-state groups
such as paramilitary forces, individuals, businesses, foreign political organizations, resistant or insurgent organizations,
expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries, disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and
other social or political undesirables.
The manual specifically acknowledged that U.S. special operations can involve both counterterrorism and Terrorism (as
well as transnational criminal activities, including narco-trafficking, illicit arms-dealing, and illegal financial transactions.)

42. The former head of Secret Services and Head of State of Italy (Francesco Cossiga) advised the 2008 minister in
charge of the police, on how to deal with protests from teachers and students:

"He should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior infiltrate the movement with agents provocateurs
inclined to do anything . And after that, with the strength of the gained population consent, beat them for
blood and beat for blood also those teachers that incite them.

Especially the teachers. Not the elderly, of course, but the girl teachers yes".

43. At the G20 protests in London in 2009, a British member of parliament saw plain clothes police officers attempting to
incite the crowd to violence.

44. Egyptian politicians admitted (and see this) that government employees looted priceless museum artifacts in 2011 to
try to discredit the protesters.

45. Rioters who discredited the peaceful protests against the swearing in of the Mexican president in 2012 admitted that
they were paid 300 pesos each to destroy everything in their path. According to Wikipedia, photos also show the vandals
waiting in groups behind police lines prior to the violence.
46. A Colombian army colonel has admitted that his unit murdered 57 civilians, then dressed them in uniforms and claimed
they were rebels killed in combat.

47. On November 20, 2014, Mexican agent provocateurs were transported by army vehicles to participate in the 2014
Iguala mass kidnapping protests, as was shown by videos and pictures distributed via social networks.

48. The highly-respected writer for the Telegraph Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says that the head of Saudi intelligence
Prince Bandar recently admitted that the Saudi government controls Chechen terrorists.
49. High-level American sources admitted that the Turkish government a fellow NATO country carried out the chemical
weapons attacks blamed on the Syrian government; and high-ranking Turkish government admitted on tape plans to carry
out attacks and blame it on the Syrian government.

50. The Ukrainian security chief admits that the sniper attacks which started the Ukrainian coup were carried out in order to
frame others. Ukrainian officials admit that the Ukrainian snipers fired on both sides, to create maximum chaos.

51. Britains spy agency has admitted (and see this) that it carries out digital false flag attacks on targets, framing
people by writing offensive or unlawful material and blaming it on the target.

52. U.S. soldiers have admitted that if they kill innocent Iraqis and Afghanis, they then drop automatic weapons near their
body so they can pretend they were militants

53. Similarly, police frame innocent people for crimes they didnt commit. The practice is so well-known that the New York
Times noted in 1981:

In police jargon, a throwdown is a weapon planted on a victim.

Newsweek reported in 1999:

"Perez, himself a former [Los Angeles Police Department] cop, was caught stealing eight pounds of cocaine from
police evidence lockers. After pleading guilty in September, he bargained for a lighter sentence by telling an
appalling story of attempted murder and a throwdown police slang for a weapon planted by cops to make
a shooting legally justifiable.

Perez said he and his partner, Officer Nino Durden, shot an unarmed 18th Street Gang member named Javier
Ovando, then planted a semiautomatic rifle on the unconscious suspect and claimed that Ovando had tried
to shoot them during a stakeout".

Wikipedia notes:

"As part of his plea bargain, Prez implicated scores of officers from the Rampart Divisions anti-gang unit,
describing routinely beating gang members, planting evidence on suspects, falsifying reports and covering
up unprovoked shootings".

(As a side note and while not technically false flag attacks police have been busted framing innocent people in many
other ways, as well.)

54. A former U.S. intelligence officer recently alleged:

"Most terrorists are false flag terrorists or are created by our own security services".

55. The head and special agent in charge of the FBIs Los Angeles office said that most terror attacks are committed by
the CIA and FBI as false flags.

Similarly, the director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan Lt. General William Odom said:

"By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In 78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against
international terrorism in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation".

(audio here).

56. Leaders throughout history have acknowledged the benefits of of false flags to justify their political agenda:

Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.

Adolph Hitler
Why of course the people dont want war But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy,
and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a
parliament, or a communist dictatorship

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do
is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
to danger. It works the same in any country.

Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws
if their personal security is threatened.

Josef Stalin

Postscript: Private parties such as NBC News, as well as Muslims, Jews, Scientologists, African-Americans and Neo-
Nazis play this game as well.

Related: Paris Attacks: The Bigger Picture

Good Hearts, Fooled Minds: 4 Fallacies Of The (Hijacked) Environmental Movement

November 17 2015 | From: WakeUpWorld

The hijacked environmental movement is a symptom of the current general, collective state of
humanity: good hearted but ignorant.

Many people in the environmental movement are in it for the right reasons: they see the ongoing poisoning and
destruction of the planet, led by corporations, and are determined to defend and speak out for the Earth.

Yet, in spite of their good intentions, they have unwittingly allowed themselves to be channeled in a direction that is not
really going to help the Earth, unintentionally supporting the very forces that are responsible for the pillaging of it.

By continuing to push notions that carbon dioxide is a poison, that global warming exists and all of mankind is responsible
for it, that we need a worldwide carbon tax and that we require Agenda 21-style global governance, these people are
unknowingly promoting the New World Order program and unwittingly placing elite controllers in power who dont care
about the environment and view it merely as a resource to be exploited.

It has even gotten to the point where those opposing popular beliefs about climate change (another Rothschild-Rockefeller
creation) are being treated like criminal extremists there have even been calls in the US for Obama to prosecute them!

Welcome to Planet Earth. If your opinion diverges too much from the mainstream, you could get locked up for thinking

With the current focus being on the outcomes of the recent 2015 UN Summit, the hackneyed buzzword of sustainability is
being thrown around like theres no tomorrow. In this context, its worth revisiting how the environmental movement came to
be so hijacked and co-opted.

Basis for the Hijack: Conspiracy Reports from The Iron Mountain and The Club of Rome

The basis for the hijacked environment movement lies within formerly secret military reports, and one of the elite Round
Table groups that run the world: the Club of Rome.
The Club of Rome meeting in Salzburg in 1972. "The Club of Rome, the prestigious think tank founded in 1968, is for the first time meeting in the
Dutch capital Amsterdam. Key guest is former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachov, who is to speak on Monday. Other guests include Queen
Beatrix, former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers and Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer.The think tank, which comprises economists,
scientists, politicians and business people, meets once a year to discuss environmental pollution, the depletion of natural resources and the growth of
the world population." As pointed out by an astute reader, the man fifth from the left is the Prime Minister of Canada - Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves
Elliot Trudeau.

I wonder if those who believe in AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) or Manmade Global Warming have any idea that the
elite came up with the idea of using mankind itself as the global threat against which we are all supposed to gather behind a
One World Government?

The 1966 Report from the Iron Mountain was commissioned by John F. Kennedy and considered by Lyndon B. Johnson as
too dangerous to reveal to the public at the time when it was completed. This excerpt from it discusses how a global
government could be imposed without war, and suggests the threat could instead be environmental pollution:

The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in
power An effective political substitute for war would require alternate enemies, some of which might seem
equally farfetched in the context of the current war system.

It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass
destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species.

Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first
glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social
organization and political power.

But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution,
however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis [however] the rate of
pollution could be increased selectively for this purpose.
The Club of Rome is one of 6 groups that are close to the center of the Rhodesian Round Table (ultimately funded
by Rothschild) which also includes The Bilderberg Group, the CFR, the RIIA, the United Nations and The Trilateral

The Club of Romes 1991 document entitled The First Global Revolution? contains this passage:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat
of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions
these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together

all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes
and behavior that they can be overcome.

The real enemy then is humanity itself.

Are You Being Green Washed?

The current environmental movement we see today was hijacked a long time ago. Lets take a look at the top 4 fallacies the
NWO conspirators have managed to get greenies to believe.
The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #1: Carbon Dioxide is a Poison

Lets start with the basics: carbon dioxide (CO2) is a nutrient, not a poison. We breathe out carbon dioxide every breath, but
we also take some of it in on the inbreath. According to the IPCC (Interplanetary Panel on Climate Change), we are
therefore poisoning ourselves every breath!

Think about it if CO2 were really a poison, why does it help plants grow so much?

Why is it a key part of the fundamental equation of biology: sugar + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + heat?

How is it that those in the environmental movement are ignorant of basic biology?

As the website states, the more CO2 around, the better plants grow:
In Idso and Idsos (1994) analysis of soil nutrient limitations, the percentage growth enhancement due to a 300-
ppm rise in the airs CO2 content actually did exhibit a slight (but statistically non-significant) decline, dropping from
51% to 45% when nutrients went from non-growth-limiting to limiting in a group of 70 experiments.

But when the atmospheric CO2 enrichment was 600 ppm, this slight negative trend reversed itself, going from a
CO2-induced growth stimulation of 43% when nutrients were present in abundance to a 52% enhancement when
their supply was sub-optimal.

And for a 1200-ppm increase in atmospheric CO2, the percentage growth enhancement jumped from 60% when
the soil nutrient supply was adequate to 207% when it was less-than-adequate.

Its a simple equation: the more CO2 you have, the more the plants like it, and the faster they will grow.

The demonization of carbon dioxide is not about helping the environment.

The NWO idea has always been to attach the worsening condition of the environment to an individuals energy usage and
even his or her breathing so as to introduce a carbon tax.The Government literally wants to tax you for breathing for
merely being alive.

The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #2: The Manmade Global Warming Hoax

AGW or man-made global warming has been exposed as a giant scam. It still remains an open question whether the
world is actually warming or cooling, given all the fakery and fudging of data, such as ClimateGate, where hackers found
that scientists at the UKs East Anglia University had deliberately distorted the figures. (See the work of Ian
Plimer, Christopher Monckton and others in exposing this.)

Related: Top Scientist Resigns From His Post At The University Of California Admitting Global Warming Is A Big
That is why the term global warming got changed to climate change this way, no matter what happens with the weather,
the IPCC can say the climate is changing. But climate change is a slick truism you cant argue against it. Of course the
climate is changing. When has it not changed?

The great documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle years ago exposed the lies behind the very political climate
change agenda. More than 1,000 dissenting scientists from around the globe have challenged the man-made global
warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), undermined its claims of
scientific consensus, and shredded its credibility in the process.
Furthermore, changes in climate (whether human behavior is causing them or not) are not necessarily bad; in some
cases studies have suggested recent changes in climatic conditions are responsible for re-greening parts of the world and
changing lives for the better. (see Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD

The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #3: The Carbon Tax and Global Governance as

As pointed out above, all this focus on carbon is for one reason: taxation. The whole scheme to get people and
corporations fixated on their carbon footprint rather than how much actual benefit or harm they are doing the environment
is to pave the way for more taxation and centralization of power.

To have a worldwide carbon tax, of course, you need a One World Government to enforce and collect it. The UN, ICLEI and
its other subdivisions are constantly talking about global governance for this very reason.

In this context, global governance means centralizing vast amounts of power into a body destined to become the World
Government, under the pretext of fighting man-made global warming or climate change.

It also means extending the reach of the United Nations so that local bodies such as local councils and municipalities that
belong to ICLEI, (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, created in 1990 as a non-governmental spin-
off of the United Nations) can implement its global directives and make it look grassroots, or like it was locally decided.

For further information on this topic, check out George Hunts work in exposing how Evelyn Rothschild and David
Rockefeller were cooking up the cap-and-trade scheme in the 1980s. Hunt was present at some of the meetings where the
carbon tax was first being discussed.

The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #4: Overpopulation

Mahatma Gandhi once said: Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need, but not every mans greed. There is no
doubt that rising populations can put a strain on resources, yet where is the proof that the Earth cannot support 7 billion
people? Or 9 billion people? Is it really population that is the problem here, or is it rather self-centered greed and destructive
environmental practices and technologies?

We can accept the worlds rising population not as a threat or a reason to justify killing (which goes by the euphemism of
depopulation) but rather as a challenge. It can propel us into living more from the heart, to having more compassion for
those less well off than us, to doing a better job of sharing, of distributing resources equitably.

It can stimulate us into better modes of efficiency. Could the rising population help a critical mass of people awake to the
truth of free energy, and the fact that free energy or over unity devices already exist which provide practically unlimited
energy for free or very cheaply?

It has been known in many countries for a long time that as you increase education, you decrease population, naturally.
There is no need for stealth sterilization programs, introducing contraceptives through vaccines or other depopulation
murder programs.

When people gain a higher education, they organically choose to have less kids. If the conspirators really cared about the
planets population, why not use their money to help everyone access better education? The answer is, of course, that they
Underpinning the propaganda of overpopulation is eugenics. Its the idea that some humans are superior to others, and that
some humans dont deserve to be here.

This is really the philosophical and spiritual basis of the hijacking. As they have confessed, the conspirators in their
delusions view the rest of the population as a virus that must be rid from the planet. Yet, the real virus is the fear mindset
that runs the show in the brains of the elite controllers.

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to
solve overpopulation.

- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

The Real Problem Isnt Climate Change or Carbon

The real problem with the environment isnt climate change or carbon, its that we as a collective species are trashing and
degrading it. We spill oil in our oceans and rivers. We kill off species faster than we can even classify them. We
make substances that dont biodegrade and end up in giant landfills.
We cut down forests without taking enough care to replace them. We use an economic system which incentivizes planned
obsolescence and economically encourages us to throw things away rather than repair them. We let maniacal men rule out-
of-control Governments that spray toxic weather-altering chemicals like barium, aluminum and strontium chemtrails all over
the world and get away with it.

What does any of this have to do with climate change or carbon? These 2 terms are a huge distraction and a deliberate way
to trick people who genuinely care for the environment.

Solution: Get Informed Before You Demonstrate

Do you deeply care for the environment? Great! Then do your research first before joining any
protests. Oppose fracking, GMOs, toxic energy systems, geoengineering, and corporate welfare to military companies (the
Pentagon is the biggest polluter on planet).
Last year, in September 2014, around 400,000 people turned up in New York for the Peoples Climate March but what is
the point of this activism if it gets diverted?

As journalist Naomi Klein wrote in an article for The Nation:

Some of the most powerful and wealthiest environmental organizations have led the climate movement down
various dead ends: carbon trading, carbon offsets, natural gas as a bridge fuel - what these policies all held in
common is that they created the illusion of progress while allowing the fossil fuel companies to keep mining, drilling
and fracking with abandon.

We always knew that the groups pushing hardest for these false solutions took donations from, and formed
corporate partnerships with, the big emitters. But this was explained away as an attempt at constructive
engagement - using the power of the market to fix market failures. Now it turns out that some green groups
are literally part owners of the industry causing the crisis they are purportedly trying to solve.

When it comes to our environment, as David Icke says, we need streetwise spirituality.

We need to have our hearts in the right places, but also put our thinking caps on, otherwise we will easily by led
astray by tricksters.

Only once the leaders of the environmental movement have their hearts and brains in alignment can we effect real
change on the ecosystems of Planet Earth.
Vladimir Putin Quoting Russian Intelligence: The Islamic State (ISIS) Is Financed From 40
Countries, Including G20 Members
November 18 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

President Vladimir Putin says hes shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with
his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20
member states.

During the summit, I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly
ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are
some of the G20 members among them, Putin told the journalists.

Related: Russia Tells The World About The NWO/CIA/MOSAD/MI6 Plan for Massacre in Paris

Putin also spoke of the urgent need to curb the illegal oil trade by IS.

Ive shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the
illegal trade in oil and petroleum products, he said.

The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000
meters they stretch beyond the horizon, Putin added, comparing the convoy to gas and oil pipeline systems.

Its not the right time to try and figure out which country is more and which is less effective in the battle with Islamic State, as
now a united international effort is needed against the terrorist group, Putin said.
Putin reiterated Russias readiness to support armed opposition in Syria in its efforts to fight Islamic State.

Some armed opposition groups consider it possible to begin active operations against IS with Russias support.
And we are ready to provide such support from the air. If it happens it could become a good basis for the
subsequent work on a political settlement, he said.

The Truth: Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International

Putin pointed out the change in Washingtons stance on cooperation with Moscow in the fight against the terrorists.

We need to organize work specifically concentrated on the prevention of terrorist attacks and tackling terrorism on
a global scale. We offered to cooperate [with the US] in anti-IS efforts. Unfortunately, our American partners
refused. They just sent a written note and it says: we reject your offer, Putin said.

But life is always evolving and at a very fast pace, often teaching us lessons. And I think that now the realization
that an effective fight [against terror] can only be staged together is coming to everybody, the Russian leader said.

According to Putin, first of all it should be decided which groups in Syria can be considered terrorist organizations and which
can be attributed to an armed, but still legitimate part of the Syrian opposition.

Our efforts must be concentrated on the battle with terrorist organizations.

Putin also disagreed with Western criticism of Russias actions in Syria, where the country has been carrying out a large-
scale air campaign against Islamic State and other terror groups since September 30.

Its really difficult to criticize us, he said, adding that Russia has repeatedly asked its foreign partners to provide
data on terrorist targets in Syria.

Theyre afraid to inform us on the territories which we shouldnt strike, fearing that it is precisely where well strike;
that we are going to cheat everybody, the president said.

Apparently, their opinion of us is based on their own concept of human decency, he added.

Putin told the media that Russia has already established contact with the Syrian opposition, which has asked Moscow not to
carry out airstrikes in the territories it controls.

Still no conclusion on what caused Sinai plane crash

Its too early to make conclusions about the reasons for the crash of the Russian A321 jet over Egypts Sinai Peninsula in
late October, as all possible reasons are still being considered by the investigators, Putin said.
We know about all the possible scenarios, all of the scenarios are being considered. The final conclusion can only
be made after the implementation and completion of the inspection, he stressed.

If there was an explosion, the traces of explosives would have remained on the liners cover and on the
belongings of the passengers. Its inevitable. And we have enough equipment and skilled, world class experts,
capable of finding those traces. Only then would it be possible to speak about the reasons for this tragedy, the
president added.

With 224 people dying in the crash, Putin said that its a huge emotional pain for all of us; for all Russian people,
no matter what the cause of the crash was.

Israel - A Nation Founded Upon A Monumental Lie

November 16 2015 | From: MaltaNow / Various

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago, there was an extraordinarily evil kingdom. A land ruled
by a wicked king who filled his court with practitioners of ancient Babylonian black arts, and occult
oligarchs. A land inhabited by an aggressive demented race of thieves, murder.
The citizens of neighbouring lands lived in constant fear and trepidation of this menacing realm, its criminal
population, and its warlike tendencies..

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that the above opening is the prologue to a mythical fable from times past, but such a
sinister country, complete with its equally terrorizing inhabitants did exist. The country was called Khazaria, and its populace
Khazars. A land to the north of Georgia and the south of Bulgaria, between the Black and Caspian seas.

The history of the Khazars, has been almost completely excised from history books and public records, and many hours of
intense research were required to reconstruct this purposely hidden secret history of the Khazars. The following is the true
history of Khazaria, its evolution, and its present day influences on our society.

The Khazars originally were an Asiatic Mongoloid nation. From time immemorial the homeland of the Khazars was in the
heart of Asia. It was a very hostile nation, constantly at war with its neighbours. The Khazars were finally driven out of Asia
by neighbouring countries in Asia with whom they were continually at war. The Khazars fled their Asian homeland and
invaded eastern Europe to escape further defeats in Asia.
Khazarian King Vladimir

The very hostile Khazars did not find it difficult to subdue and conquer the 25 peaceful agricultural nations occupying
approximately 1,000,000 square miles in eastern Europe. In a comparatively short period the Khazars established the
largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe, and probably the wealthiest also.

Between 100 and 800AD an incredibly evil society evolved in Khazaria. During this time, Khazars become known to
surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travellers they murdered
as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

The Khazars were a pagan nation when they invaded eastern Europe. Their historical religious doctrines were a mixture of
phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous reverence practiced in Asia by several pagan nations. The vile forms of sexual
excess indulged in by the Khazars as their form of religious worship degenerated into a degree of debauched moral
decadence unparalleled by any other nation of the time.
This form of decadent worship continued until the 7th century until it could no longer be endured by the Khazarian king of
the time.

King Bulan, ruler at that time of the Khazarian Kingdom, decided to abolish the practice of phallic worship and other forms of
idolatrous worship and make one of the three monotheistic religions, about which he knew very little, the new state religion.

After a documented historic session with representatives of the three monotheistic religions King Bulan eventually decided
against Christianity and Islam and selected Judaism as the future state religion of the Khazarian nation. It was decreed that
every man woman and child of Khazaria must convert to Judaism and practice its philosophy.

King Bulan and his 4000 feudal nobles were promptly converted by rabbis imported from Babylonia specifically for that
event. Phallic worship and other forms of idolatry were thereafter forbidden.

The Khazarian king then invited large numbers of rabbis to come and open synagogues and schools to instruct the
population in the new form of religious worship. It was now the state religion. The converted Khazars were the first
population of so-called or self-styled Jews in eastern Europe.

After the conversion of King Bulan none other than a so-called or self-styled Jew could occupy the Khazar throne. The
Khazar Kingdom became a virtual theocracy. The religious leaders were the civil administrators also.

The religious leaders imposed the teachings of the Talmud upon the population as their guide to living. The ideologies of the
Talmud became the axis of political, cultural, economic and social attitudes and activities throughout the Khazar kingdom.
The Talmud provided both civil and religious law.
Despite this mass conversion by the king and his subjects there remained a select secret circle of oligarchs who continued
practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism .

This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after bleeding them out, drinking their blood and
eating their hearts.

The deep dark secret of those occult practices was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as
worship of the Owl. In order to deceive the Khazarian king this clandestine group melded these Luciferian black magic
practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism.

This occult form of Judaism was surreptitiously practiced in Khazaria, and it nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known
for previously.
During the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries the rapidly expanding new Russian empire gradually swallowed up the
Khazar kingdom, its neighbour directly to the south. The conquest of the Khazar Kingdom by the Russians provides history
with the explanation for the presence after the 13th century, of the large number of so-called Jews in Russia.

This huge number of self-styled Jews, both in Russia and in many other eastern European nations after the destruction of
the Khazar Kingdom, were thereafter no longer known as Khazars but as the Yiddish populations of these many countries.
The term Yiddish is taken directly from the spoken and written language of the Khazarian Jews.

When the Khazars in the 1st century B.C. invaded eastern Europe their mother-tongue was an ancient Asiatic language.

They spoke primitive Asiatic dialects without any alphabet or written form. When King Bulan was converted in the 7th
century he decreed that the Hebrew characters he saw in the Talmud and other Hebrew documents was thereafter to
become the official alphabet of the Khazar language.

The Hebrew characters were adapted to the phonetics of the spoken Khazar language. The Khazars employed the
characters of the ancient Hebrew language in order to provide a means of accomplishing a written account of their spoken

It is interesting to note that although the Yiddish and ancient Hebrew languages share the exact same characters in their
alphabets, Yiddish must not be confused with Hebrew. There is not a single word of Yiddish in ancient Hebrew nor is
there one word of ancient Hebrew in Yiddish.

They are as totally different as spoken and written Swedish and Spanish, yet which both likewise share the same Latin
based characters for their alphabets.

Whilst many textbooks and web-pages will attempt to assert that modern Hebrew and Yiddish both have roots in ancient
biblical Hebrew, this claim can easily be debunked by both historians and linguists.
The real reason that modern Hebrew has some similarities to Yiddish is because the inventors of modern Hebrew although
attempting to revive and modernise ancient biblical Hebrew, couldnt completely eradicate their Yiddish linguistic roots.

In the many wars with her neighbours in Europe since the 13th century, Russia was required to cede to her victors large
areas which were originally part of the Khazar Kingdom. In this manner Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Hungary, Rumania, and
Austria were acquired from Russian territory which was originally a part of the Khazar Kingdom.

Together with this territory these nations acquired a segment of the population of so-called or self-styled Jews descended
from the Khazars who once occupied the territory. These frequent boundary changes by the nations in eastern Europe
explains the presence today of many Jews in all of these countries, all whose ancestry can be traced back to the converted

Their common language, their common culture, their common religion, and their common racial characteristics classify them
all beyond any question of doubt with the Khazars who invaded eastern Europe in the 1st century B.C. and who were
converted to Judaism in the 7th century.
The picture above isof a Menorah or in Hebrew. A Menorah is a is a sen-branched candelabrum which has been a symbol of Judaism for
almost 3000 years. It is also the emblam of Israel. The Menorah is also believed to be one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish people,One may
argue that it is the oldest symbol. It is said to symbolize the burning bush as seen by Moses on Mount Horeb.

These so-called Jews of eastern European origin make up at least 90% of the worlds present total population of Jews.
Judaism was given the greatest stimulus in all its history with the conversion of the large pagan Khazar population in the 7th
century. Without the conversion of the Khazar population it is doubtful if Judaism could have survived.

It would have disappeared with all of its contemporary creeds and cults but for the conversion of the Khazars in the 7th
century. At that time Judaism was well on its way towards complete oblivion, but the conversion of the Khazarian empire
gave it a new lease of life.

From the 13th to the beginning of the 20th century Khazarian Jews spread to the four corners of the globe, integrating into
communities worldwide, having nowhere they could call their homeland. Khazaria no longer existed and Judea, the original
homeland of the biblical Jews was long gone, following their expulsion from their native soil by the Romans some 2,000
years previous.
It should be made clear that Judaism is a religion and Zionism is a political movement. Being one of these does not necessarily mean one is also the

During this period Khazarian Jews either lost or abandoned their true heritage, instead preferring to falsely believe that they
were actually native Jews of biblical origin who descended from Israelite - Canaanite tribes who left the Holy Land for
Europe in the seventh century, following the Muslim conquest of Palestine. They came to be known as Ashkenazi Jews.

Although Ashkenazi Jews are professed to be of Germanic/European origin, and descendants of native biblical Jews, there
is very little evidence in support of this claim. In fact recent DNA analysis has concluded that Ashkenazi Jews are genetically
descended from the Khazars.

In the late 19th century came the advent of the Zionist movement in Europe. Zionism is a political movement amongst Jews
(although supported by many non Jews), which maintains that the Jewish people constitute a nation and are entitled to a
national homeland.
The Genetic Ancestry of Jews

About 80%-90% from Ashkanazi Jew, converted around 760 A.D. from Khazar, Georgia, about 800 miles from

They converted and were not Semites. The actual Semitic genes are the same tribe as the Palestinians.

That awkward moment, when you realise Zionism, the state of Israel, and the genocide of the Palestinians
are based upon lies created by Britain and America, committing the same atrocities as the Holocaust to
profit from conflict in the Middle East.

Formally founded in 1897, Zionism embraced a variety of opinions in its early years on where that homeland might be
established. From 1917 it focused on the establishment of a Jewish national homeland or state in Palestine, the original
location of the ancient Kingdom of Israel/Judea. However, even the claim that Palestine is the native home of the Jewish
people is not totally supported by fact.

Related: Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

According to the bible, this land was first inhabited by Canaanites, known to be the descendents of Noah. The Nation of
Israel appeared on this land centuries later when they were brought out of the land of Egypt. They remained here for a few
centuries until their exile by Assyrians and then by Babylonians. Finding favour with the Persians, they returned to this land,
only to be swept away once again by Romans and Greeks.

The principles of the Zionist movement began to permeate throughout Ashkenazi/Khazarian Jewish communities
worldwide and many became enthralled by the notion of returning to their alleged historical, biblical homeland, even
though in reality it was not.
The image above is called "The Star of David" or, in Hebrew. The Star of David is named after King David of ancient Israel. It is in the shape
of Hexagram. Israels flag has this symbol on it.

Then, on 2nd November 1917 came the Balfour Declaration. The Balfour Declaration was a formal statement of policy by
the British government stating that:

His Majestys government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish
people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood
that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in
Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

On 14th May 1948 the Balfour Declaration was realised and the modern state of Israel was founded.
Eradication of the People of Palestine

Ashkenazi Jews flocked to their new found homeland in droves and rapidly expanded their borders beyond their intended
limits. Since the inception of the state of Israel in 1948, and especially since 1967, Israel has relentlessly, brutally, and
uncompromisingly expanded their borders into Palestinian land.
These Jewish usurpers have seized land, stolen farms, and demolished Palestinian homes with unrelenting ruthlessness
and unforgiving vindictiveness. They have reduced the Palestinian nation to nothing more than the wretched, pitiful strip of
dessert the Gaza strip, effectively making the Palestinians prisoners in their own land, and they will stop at nothing until
they have either removed or annihilated all Palestinians.

These usurpers believe they have a right to this land as they are Gods chosen people.

They profess to be of the lineage of Abraham so therefore have an ancestral entitlement to displace its present inhabitants,
and replace them with their own. They claim the ancient land of Canaan (now Palestine) as their legacy because they are
descendents of the 12 tribes. This is their God given birthright, based upon their ancestry.

Yet this is a monumental lie.

90% of the inhabitants of modern day Israel are not descendents of Abraham, or any other biblical predecessor. In fact they
have next to no middle eastern blood in their veins.
Ashkenazi Jews have no hereditary right whatsoever to the land they now inhabit. They have stolen this territory from its
rightful inhabitants and are now obliterating them, just as the Khazars obliterated the former populace of Khazaria when they
invaded from Asia.
The Khazarian Satanist Zionists have hidden within the benign Jewish population, using Judaism as a cover and anti-semitism as a shield. As seen
above, many Jewish are now rejecting the Zionists hiding within their midst and who have absolutely no real regard for them.

They may have changed their religion in years gone by, but their decadent bloodthirsty conquests have remained!

Related: The Israeli Government Is The Most Anti-Semitic Organisation On The Face Of The Earth: Enough Of The
Zionist Satanism

The Jewish Encyclopaedia:

Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first
century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian
nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the
great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia:

The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the
fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz in the early
medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim About 92 percent of all Jews or
approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.

Encyclopaedia Americana:

Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German landsit was among Ashkenazi
Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel In
the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population.

The American Peoples Encyclopaedia:

In the year 740 A.D. the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were crushed by the
incoming Slavic-speaking people and were scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews."

The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume 6.

Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century A.D. established a major
commercial empire covering the south-eastern section of modern European Russia

but the most striking characteristic of the Khazars was the adoption of Judaism by the Kagan and the greater part
of the ruling class in about 740

The fact itself, however, is undisputed and unparalleled in the history of Central Eurasia. A few scholars have
ascertained that the Judaized Khazars were the remote ancestors of many of the Jews of Eastern Europe and

When Corporatocracy Is Disguised As Rule Of Law

November 16 2015 | From: Geopolitics

Politicians and policemen love to use the phrase rule of law when they argue for their positions
on certain issues such as criminality and economics.

Ordained by God, the Rule of Law is supreme and it should be the binding force that unites civilized men, We all

The problem is, rule of law does not always mean social justice.

Most of the time, the rule of law just mask the tyranny out of the moneyed class for they have the monopoly to hire experts
of the law to defend them in times of aggression, their own aggression against the poor.

Therefore, in the end, the rule of law only favours tyranny and oppression, it is a sheer delusion to think otherwise.

The rule of law that we are discussing so far is called commercial law, that kind of rule set that gives the semblaneu and
colour of law, i.e. those rules and statutes crafted by our representatives without our full approval.
They have assumed full authority to make whatever rules
they, or their campaign financiers / puppetmasters, deemed
fit for a given situation from the day we elected them and for
the entire duration of their term of office.

Representation or the use of proxy is replete in all facets of

the Corporatocracy to keep the masses from seeing the big

This also falls to the same category as

compartmentalization that is replete in school curricula and
mass media.

When our lifetime interaction with the government and all

other corporate entities require us our birth certificate, social
security number, and tax account number thats when we
know we are deeply controlled by a system of forced

Our birth certificate became our proxy.

The entire government is the effective proxy of the

Oligarchy. So, when they said that we must be ruled by law,
they actually mean bend down to our will, whims and

A strange lady bearing the corporate name of KAREN

HUDES has had a long spat with common law practitioner,
Anna Von Reitz, and it is interesting where these two ladies
stand as it would shed light more on the former as a person
and her real role as World Bank whistleblower and should
Click here to read more about your Birth Certificate also provide as a good review of how Corporatocracy

We have been made aware also of a PDF document where HUDES accused us as a CIA front, just like she accused Neil
Keenan and Ben Fulford of the same crime much earlier. We, of course, consider HUDES a nuisance and of no value to the
global freedom movement whatsoever. The Jesuits should have silenced her a long time ago for poor acting performance.
We were born and raised with deep resentment against anything having to do with the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] and
the Jesuit Hierarchy including, but not limited to, their complicit involvement in the Low Intensity Conflict [LIC] being waged
for decades here in the Philippines.

Our earliest articles and published work on this site reflect this character, and we will continue onward based on the same
principles that our parents before us were espousing.

Yes, this is a family tradition, but is never exclusive. Our neighbors and teachers were for decades nurturing the same views.
During most evenings with an AM radio receiver on one corner, we would overhear them chatting about secret government
and occult stuffs as early as the 70s.

Of course, we didnt have a complete understanding of what was going on then. Only much later when we realized
conspiracy is the only explanation.

We will continue to dig deeper on relevant geopolitical issues of the day, along with other allied issues, and will make our
views known to contribute to the global discussion enhancing our collective awareness. You are, of course, free to participate
through the comment section at the bottom of every page.

We will also share other peoples work we consider very important, like the work of one Anna Von Reitz

Every day, babies are born in hospitals and are registered as chattel belonging to privately owned and operated
corporations masquerading as our government.

These corporations patent and trademark our bodies and our names and create citizens for themselves that they
ultimately control as slaves. This practice of enslavement by proxy is no less repugnant than physical
enslavement and it has the same results.

They have accomplished this by obtaining undisclosed contracts under conditions of coercion and
misrepresentation and by blatant fraud upon the probate courts and falsification of the civil records. They have had
each one of us declared legally dead - Missing, presumed lost at sea - and have seized upon our estates as
presumed secondary beneficiaries.
This legal chicanery has been assisted and expedited by a few evil politicians who literally conspired to sell their
countrymen into slavery for profit.

They seize upon our property by presuming that it is abandoned. This is what has happened to every so-called
mortgage payment you have ever made. It has been seized by the banks as abandoned property belonging to
your own estate.

They take title to our land, homes, businesses, and other private property and public property interests under color
of law. They disguise installment leases as land sales.

They disguise repurchase agreements as loans.

T hey disguise security notes as promissory notes. And they steal us blind, taking their pay out of our treasury
and otherwise using and abusing our own assets to do it.

Just as they have seized upon our private property via a process of fraud and deceit, they have attempted to seize
upon our entire nation and claim that it is abandoned property.

Read more from Anna Von Reitz here.

Anna Von Reitz vs. Karen Hudes

Judge Anna von Reitz has been dueling with former World Bank attorney Karen Hudes for some time. Ms. Hudes claims to
be a truther.

The Judge has also been setting us straight on the Constitution and the Law as it was, as it was intended, and as it was
manipulated by the corrupt government to ensnare, rob and prosecute The People.

If you are not aware that the government of the USA (to use those terms loosely) came up with their own language and
meanings in official documents then this may come as a shock to you, but I think youll like this sassy lady.

Every word in every legal document, statute, etc. is carefully crafted to mislead, incriminate and deceive the public. The
courts are corrupt, even the Supreme Court in the majority of cases, and that includes judges, administrators and clerks,
bailiffs, lawyers bribery is rampant.
The goal is to generate as much money as possible and throw as many people into jail as possible.

The good news is, once we oust this corrupt government, we will go back to common law, or natural law, and victimless
crimes will not mean jail, but simple and just restitution.

This update from Judge von Reitz shared by Drake is from Facebook, and some of you will find it very interesting. Its all
about words.

All the millions of people jailed over income taxes? All the millions foreclosed upon? All those who have been
kidnapped and kept under false arrest for victimless crimes? All those who have lost custody of their children?
All the billions upon billions of dollars charged each year against our public purse to keep innocent Americans

And it is all based on semantic deceit fraud that began in 1864

Congress is corrupt, and pretty much always HAS been corrupt. The government has always been working for themselves,
not for The People. They are criminals, and its time we rounded them up, stripped them of their assets and locked them up
in their own prisons.

This is November 9, 2015 [Anna Von Reitz]

For those who dont know, I had a major league donnybrook right here on Facebook with Karen Hudes two years
ago in July. I told her that we, the living American people, are the primary creditors, that the gold her banker
bosses received as their part of the 1933 bankruptcy fraud belongs to the American people.

She didnt like it, but World Bank and IBRD are in the same position as a Pawn Shop Broker in knowing receipt of
stolen goods - she and they are just fudging around for a means to give it back to the people they schemed to
defraud without admitting to the crime. Their primary concern is to avoid criminal convictions and public dishonor.
Well, too bad. Better not to practice to deceive and manipulate and defraud people in the first place, no?

It is what it is - blatant as a manure pile behind a barn.

The Big Picture of the fraud that has been practiced against us is becoming clearer and more damning by the
minute, so of course, everyone concerned is claiming immunity and trying to cover their rumps with whatever fig
leaves they can find.

Now Karen is claiming that it is precisely this need for immunity that is two-blocking remedy. The rats are copping
a plea bargain, in other words, but they arent finding anyone with both the authority and the willingness to absolve

Indeed, the disclosure of MORE deliberate long term fraud on the part of those fronting the United States, Inc.
has left the entire Federal Court System on its back, all four legs in the air and twitching.

Those who read our affidavit, You Know Something Is Wrong When..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause
(available on Amazon) already learned how the Corporate Congress conspired to change the meaning of a
crucial word - the word person to mean corporation.

Researchers in the Lufkin Case discovered another Motherlode of evidence involving more deliberate corporate
semantic deceit and fraud. (Southern District of Texas, Houston Division No. 4:14-CV-0027 and Eastern District of
Texas, Lufkin Division No. 9:14-CV-138 - the Lufkin Case).

I am not sure who to credit for this snippet of case analysis, so will just point out that the next three paragraphs are
quotes from a discussion of the case and they present the source of an absolutely crucial bit of information:

In Congress on June 30, 1864 (described in detail in both the Houston and Lufkin Record):

On that date, Congress quietly decreed that the word state (and shortly thereafter State and United States)
means the territories and the District of Columbia (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864 [Go to
Turn to image 306]) - but ultimately translates to the District of Columbia only and excludes by design all
commonwealths united by and under authority of the Constitution and admitted into the Union .

Since June 30, 1864, any Joint Tenant in the Sovereignty (you) who innocently believes or admits that he resides
in a state, State, or the United States, unwittingly confesses or concedes that he is a resident of the District of
Columbia - and subject to the absolute, exclusive legislative power of Congress and jurisdiction of District of
Columbia executive and bench officers (Department of Justice attorneys and United States District Judges and

The upshot of all this is that no US District Court has jurisdiction outside the actual District of Columbia. And
never did. And, by corollary, if the federal courts at the district level are limited in this way, so are the federal
state courts and federal county courts.

It is just a matter of time before the entire federal court system is recognized as a crime syndicate and

All the millions of people jailed over income taxes? All the millions foreclosed upon? All those who have been
kidnapped and kept under false arrest for victimless crimes? All those who have lost custody of their children? All
the billions upon billions of dollars charged each year against our public purse to keep innocent Americans

And it is all based on semantic deceit fraud that began in 1864..

The Judges and Attorneys who have used this venal system to protect the perpetrators are now under pressure
themselves. All their secrets are being dug out of that giant manure pile mentioned earlier and not only do they and
their buddies the bankers NOT have immunity, their friends in Congress are going to be held accountable, too.

What does all this have to do with my beef with Karen Hudes?

Its simply this - these banks and the Bar Associations - ALL of them worldwide - are at the bottom of the
dogpile, the root cause of all the destruction, theft, criminality, and misery we and many other nations
have suffered for over a hundred years.

The Congress has functioned as their handmaiden and the Vatican has been their concubine. Now the jig is up
and the facts are rolling in like ocean breakers.

Those who have had no mercy on any of us, are now demanding mercy, exoneration, and a Get Out Of Jail
Free Card.

These people have a million excuses for their behavior: they didnt know, the dog ate it, it was necessary for the
war effort. They stand around like cows waggling their ears at us, uh, gee, Boss, I dont know anything about the
manure pile out back.

Generations of Congressional Delegations have sold Americans into slavery - literally - then come home and
smiled and led the Fourth of July Parade.

Generations of bankers have advertised personal bank accounts under false pretenses, advertised home loans
that dont exist, land sales that dont exist, securities that dont exist.

Generations of lawyers have defended and perpetuated and profited from all this abusive bunko and all the while,
claimed to be among the educated and elite members of our society, responsible for maintaining The Rule of

How can anyone in their right mind look at what has gone on here and still babble about the rule of law?

Karen Hudes is now advocating The Rule of Law and claiming that failure to maintain The Rule of Law will land
us back in the Dark Ages.

Where in Heavens name does she think we have been?

Americans have clearly and forever stated that we dont live under The Rule of Law. We live under the Rule of
the People - of the people, by the people, and for people. Someoneseriously needs to inform Ms. Hudes of this

Related: How Congress Conspired Against The People and Changed the Wording of Legal Documents

An Open Letter to General Dunsford and the Joint Chiefs of Staff

November 12, 2015

The Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Dunsford, Chief of Staff
9999 Joint Staff
Washington, DC 20318-9999

Dear General Dunsford and Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Today, it is our sad duty to reiterate the facts. Our nation has been all but overrun by British-backed inland pirates
making war upon innocent civilian non-combatants who are owed the Good Faith and Service of both the British
Monarch who is supposed to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways and the City-State of
Westminster aka Inner City of London, which promised us amity in perpetuity under the Treaty of Westminster

These Breaches of Trust and Treaty by declared friends and allies and the criminality involved in their secretive
execution of agreements revealed by the Secret Treaty of Verona (1845) led to the issuance of private privateers
licenses to Bar Association Members including Members of the American Bar Association.

It should also be clear that the resulting theft of our resources and labor and the abuse of our Armed Forces has
occurred on the watch of your predecessors, all of whom have taken their paychecks from our treasury while
turning a blind eye to the corruption in which they have participated and benefited from.

The jig, Sirs, is up.

Your duty is clearly to the American People and failure to perform will not be excused.

The false legal proceedings which have allowed the criminals responsible to redefine freeborn Americans as debt
slaves belonging to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and to falsify the probate court records is now
fully exposed and has been published worldwide.

Similar mechanisms of fraud simulating legal process have been employed throughout Great Britain, the
Commonwealth, Western Europe, and Japan.

A popular press article entitled So What Does All This Mean? elucidating the legal fraud mechanism and
documenting the way in which it was put in place is attached.

An original wet-ink signed copy of the referenced Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and Sovereign Letters Patent
submitted to the UN Trust Committee-North America and to the UN Security Council is attached, as is an original
wet-ink signed copy of our published, printed, and bound affidavit of probable cause, You Know Something Is
Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause.

Your offices are already in receipt of the General Civil Orders issued by the American People acting under the Last
Man Standing Rule of our Lawful Constitution.

Your duty and the duty of the International Trustees to protect us and to protect our assets both public and private
has been clearly enunciated along with our intention to live our lives in peace and our determination to stop this
criminality in its tracks.

Its our credit that has been abused to pay your salaries and buy your toys and it is our sons and daughters who
fill your ranks and give your offices meaning. You will obey us and you will perform your duty to protect our
currency and protect our national trust or we will fire you and hire someone else.

We are the lawful beneficiaries and inheritors of the American National Trust(s) and we are speaking in that
capacity as Beneficiaries making demand upon the Trustees to act in our favor and according to our direct

No presumption that any incorporated entity other than our long-established States of America represents us may
be maintained and no claim presented by any Member of the American Bar Association may be deemed credible.

These con men have been waging a form of commercial war against innocent Third Parties, entrapping
and entangling innocent non-combatant civilians in their private abusive bankruptcies.

Not all lawyers and bankers are bad people and many have participated unknowingly in this rape and pillaging of
America. Those that have known and have willfully participated in these nefarious acts have operated as
Undeclared Foreign Agents and have committed capital crimes including press-ganging, inland piracy, conspiracy
against The Constitution, and unlawful conversion of National Trust assets.

They are Public Enemies of the highest order, as they have abused positions of Public Trust in order to carry out
their actions.

They have also committed numerous lesser crimes including personage, barratry, impersonating elected officials,
simulating legal process, reverse and secondary trust fraud, fraud by semantic deceit, and constructive fraud.
If your Oath means anything to you, if your country means anything to you, these crimes and those committing
them must be brought to a stop. This continuing criminality is our Number One National Security issue.


Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved.

Nazionists Are On Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

November 14 2015 | From: Geopolitics

There are a lot of indications that the losing Cabalists are experiencing the death throes of a
collapsing empire. Be it in active theaters of proxy wars like Syria, or in the realm of banking and
finance, the signs of shifting powercenters are evident.

The fall of the Islamic State is just a matter of time, and considering that it is probably the Cabalists last straw, global
reforms should be underway in short order.

But, whether we the people would benefit from such power brokered changes, or not, is another matter altogether.

One thing is for sure, nothing positive will ever happen unless we get our asses up together and do something, if we have not
already done so. Because, there is now some shifting viewpoints as far as the active participation of the Jesuits in the
forthcoming move towards all-inclusive economic system.
You may have noticed that the latest Keenan video update suggested that our only choices are wither working with Illuminati,
or the Jesuits [This is actually incorrect, only Fulford made that comment - NK]. Ben Fulford basically made the same
revelations much earlier in one of his updates about prevailing alliances.

Thats probably the reason why Putin visited the Pope just a few months before the final assault on Syrias enemies was

But who are we to complain about the unremoval of the Jesuits from power when we could not even kick out a few erring
politicians right at our own doorsteps?

The Luciferians are proud of their YouTube videos praising Amen to Lucifers continued reign upon the Earthlings because the
Cosmic Alliance doesnt allow the use of violence to get rid of violence.

This is why the likes of Bibi Netanyahu is still roaming around. Yes, he just visited his American friends once again, you know,
to inform everyone that Iran has completed 99.99% of its nuclear bomb already and some more military aid is imperative, and
still nothing dramatic has happened except for the poor old Obama being labeled as anti-Semitic .

Baratz, a conservative Israeli journalist, was appointed last week as the head of Israels public diplomacy
campaign in the prime ministers office, a position that effectively makes him Israels national spokesman. It took
just seconds for a collection of his learned opinions on the issues of the day to begin making the rounds of the
Israeli media.

He likened Obama to the modern face of anti-Semitism and suggested that Secretary of State John Kerry take up
a career as a standup comic. The only consolation for senior American officials was that this was nothing
compared to his comments about Israeli President Reuven Rivlin (I think he could be sent in a paraglider to the
Syrian Golan [Heights] controlled by [the Islamic State]). [here]

Not even a single rotten egg was thrown along Bibis limo path to send a message that all is not well anymore with the US
taxpayers. Hmmm, the incentives of breaking bad.
However, the Canucks are kicking ass with their new foreign minister saying Its not business as usual with Israel.

Canadas New FM: Era of Special Relationship with Israel Is Over [here]

The environment for a feasible launching of the Second American Revolution is being offered. The establishment is at its
weakest at this point in time.

The fiat banking and financial system is bleeding as its massive rigging in Treasury bond markets are being exposed, on top
of the Libor interest rates rigging scandal years before. Simply put, the fiat financial system is no more, from the Federal
System to the ECB and down the line.

What is going right now in the fiat world is, as Varoufakis would say, just a grand extend and pretend game that even the
players themselves are already wary of playing, they have stopped giving out fat bonuses for the first time in 4 years!

Wall Street Braces For Drop In Bonuses, In Some Cases Up To 60%, For The First Time Since 2011 [here]

Although, your hardworking lawmakers did manage to tuck covertly a few billions into the Highway Bill for the bankers, you
know, to help them move through some rough times ahead.

How Hundreds Of Lawmakers Ended Up Voting To Give Banks $17 Billion [here]

The massive banking sector layoffs are underway as announced early this year.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) will fire 5,000

Deutsche Bank aims to cut roughly 23,000 jobs, or about one quarter of total staff, through layoffs mainly in
technology activities and by spinning off its PostBank division [here];

HSBC announced on Tuesday plans to lay off up to 50,000 employees by 2017 [here] at the same time that
authorities conducted a raid on Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, on suspicions of fraud related to
securities transactions. This comes just two days after the resignation of both Deutsche Bank co-chief executives,
Anshu Jain and Juergen Fitschen;
The Federal Reserves Multi-Trillion Dollar Dilemma [here]

This kind of situation is what drives men in Washington as to look for ways to generate sources of funds for the banking
masters. And what better ways for them to do than to recycle threats of Russian invasion even when there really is no reason
for the latter to do so.

Russia has for its own security accumulated considerable amount of gold bars for the last 10 years [here, here], and so are
the Chinese,In fact, China has just announced the discovery of undersea gold deposits amounting to as much as 1,600 metric
tons in the country.

China Discovers Huge Undersea Gold Deposit [here]

While the West has only a few hundred tons to its name. The US is yet to have its own physical auditing regarding the fully
guarded Fort Knox gold bars as Texas is already moving to repatriate its gold bars deposited at the Federal Reserve Bank
[here]. Other countries are also in the process of recovering their gold deposits from the Federal Reserve [here].

So, whats the motivation for a Russian invasion? Who has the real motivation to initiate a Samson Option?

Who has the need to justify the mass production of 5th generation F-35s so they could put their fingers on the cookie jar to
sustain themselves a bit more? This is the only game left in town for them because the Earth Alliance have already cut off
their drugs, human and arms trafficking business.
The Aegis Missile Defense System is worthless with Russias and Chinas mobile EMP transmitters. All these Asston Carter
rethorics on China and Russia are nothing but deathbed tantrums of a defeated empire bleeding from its self-inflicted wounds.

Nobody is listening to Carter anymore except the Jesuit slaves in Japan and the Philippines, you know, Pres. BS Aquino. But
for the Taiwan Kuomintang Party which is connected to the Dragon Family, theres only one China and no outsiders will ever
be allowed to meddle in their own internal affairs.

Should they drop nuclear warheads again into China once again?

Dont really think they can get a second shot at this time after the Tianjin and Bangkok blasts. But who knows? These people
are psychopaths and maniacs.
One can only admire at the sheer amount of patience from the leaderships of those countries whose people are being killed
en masse as desperation reached sky high, i.e the recent victims of earthquakes, flooding, wildfires and droughts in Asia.

These deadly, officially unacknowledged provocations which only few have understood are enough to start a world war a
hundred fold and yet, patience and reason prevailed. But for those who dont have the slightest idea of the real cost on
countries waging these fights, ridicule seems a pretty good way of dyeing oneself of the verifiable accomplishments made so
Whats funny about some of them though is their knocking on Russian doors and even their own well decorated retired Army
Colonel Douglas Macgregor admitted, This Stryker parade wont fool anyone in Moscow, fully admitting that should war erupt
between the two superpowers Russia would annihilate Us forces without a wink.

This scenario, of course, is based on the fact that American forces have not really experienced fighting a well-equipped
military like Russias, and if the Vietnam record is of any value, the war against the communist was lost altogether.

On one side is Macgregor, an outspoken and controversial advocate for reform of the Army - whose weapons he
describes as obsolescent, its senior leaders as self-interested, and its spending as wasteful.

In early September he circulated a PowerPoint presentation showing that in a head-to-head confrontation pitting
the equivalent of a U.S. armored division against a likely Russian adversary, the U.S. division would be defeated.
Defeated isnt the right word, Macgregor told me last week. The right word is annihilated.

Inside the Pentagons fight over Russia

Elsewhere in Europe, socialist parties are also gaining ground in Portugal, and Catalonia is already on the process of
proclaiming independence from Spain. They are regaining their freedoms because they are taking the necessary actions to

Anyway, we can help eliminate this last game theyre playing by doing something to pressure our lawmakers from wasting our
hard earned tax money for good. The Earth Alliance are counting on our active participation in this aspect. Calling our
representatives now and urge them stop the flow of money to wars, mass surveillance and useless cancer research, etc.
might be the best idea.

Together, let us remove all motivations to continue bleeding the public at large. The only source of money they have right now
is the taxpayers.
Let them know, especially the Bilderbergers, that we are everywhere looking at what they are doing. When the supply of
money has been cut-off, these people are as good as dead.

By then, they can either pick a shovel up to plant food for themselves, or carve a hole on Earth for their own final resting crib.
In the final analysis, we always deserve the kind of corporate governments we have through our own inaction.

Just bear in mind, the Cabalists are still moving forward with their planned corporate government takeovers through TPP,
CISA, and mass surveillance upgrade even as it is losing influence in the Middle East and South Asia.

Read more at: Geopolitics

Hungary Kills The Rothschild Banks: Ordered To Vacate Country

November 14 2015 | From: PoliticalVelCraft

Hungary is making history of the first order along with Iceland & Russia.
Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the
Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels.

This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial

Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold
the nations people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state
of Israel.

Those earlier administrations were riddled with Israelis in high places, to the fury of the masses, who finally elected
Orbns Fidesz party in response.
Hungarys Orban & Russias Putin

According to a report on the German-language website National Journal, Orbn has now moved to unseat the usurers
from their throne.

The popular, nationalistic prime minister told the IMF that Hungary neither wants nor needs further assistance from that
proxy of the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve Bank.

No longer will Hungarians be forced to pay usurious interest to private, unaccountable central bankers

Instead, the Hungarian government has assumed sovereignty over its own currency and now issues money debt free, as it
is needed. The results have been nothing short of remarkable.

The nations economy, formerly staggering under deep indebtedness, has recovered rapidly and by means not seen since
The Hungarian Economic Ministry announced that it has, thanks to a disciplined budget policy, repaid on August 12, 2013,
the remaining 2.2B owed to the IMF - well before the March 2014 due date.

Orbn declared: Hungary enjoys the trust of investors, by which is not meant the IMF, the Fed or any other tentacle of the
Rothschild financial empire. Rather, he was referring to investors who produce something in Hungary for Hungarians and
cause true economic growth.

This is not the paper prosperity of plutocratic pirates, but the sort of production that actually employs people and improves
their lives.
With Hungary now free from the shackles of servitude to debt slavers, it is no wonder that the president of the Hungarian
central bank, operated by the government for the public welfare and not private enrichment, has demanded that the IMF
close its offices in that ancient European land.

In addition, the state attorney general, echoing Icelands efforts, has brought charges against the last three previous prime
ministers because of the criminal amount of debt into which they plunged the nation.

The only step remaining, which would completely destroy the power of the banksters in Hungary, is for that country to
implement a barter system for foreign exchange, as existed in Germany under the National Socialists and exists today in the
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or BRICS, international economic coalition.

And if the United States would follow the lead of Hungary, Americans could be freed from the usurers tyranny and likewise
hope for a return to peaceful prosperity.

The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts
November 12 2015 | From: TheMindUnleashed

The purpose of this article is to shed light on some topics that have garnered considerable
attention over the years and to identify the underlying thread, that surprisingly connects them all.
With the facts that will be presented, we can move forward with hope and optimism that there are indeed great
things happening in our world and that there are those out there continuing to ensure the truth is known. Great
times for us are at hand.

On November 22nd, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, one of the most beloved and famous US presidents was assassinated
in Dallas, Texas. Though there are many theories as to who killed him, to get closer to the truth we must ask why he was
killed. In any murder investigation, the victims enemies are often looked at first. In this respect, it was well known that
Kennedy strongly opposed the military-industrial complex, which included The Federal Reserve and the C.I.A.

In a speech on April 27th, 1961 before the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New York City, Mr. Kennedy
openly stated opposition to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. He stated further opposition to
a ruthless conspiracya highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and
political operations.

Creating considerable dissent with the status quo and more specifically with The Federal Reserve and C.I.A.,
Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 into law on June 4th, 1963, which gave the president the right to issue gold-backed
currency, and completely without permission from The Federal Reserve. But where was Kennedy going to receive such
large amounts of gold to back a new Treasury note?

A Little History

In the 1930's, royal Asian families had seen that some of their gold and silver holdings in Southeast Asia were being
plundered by the Japanese and needed to do something about it. In 1938, the Chinese Kuomintang government sent 7
warships loaded with gold and silver to the US Federal Reserve for safekeeping.

In return, the Chinese were given 60 year gold bondsa subject we will return to further down. A few years later in 1944, the
infamous Bretton Woods Conference took place in which the US, France and Britain were given a 50 year mandate to
modernize and transform the world for the better. Backing this new global financial system that had just been set up was a
now estimated 2 million metric tons of gold, held by this group of royal Asian families, which is also known as the Dragon

By August 17th, 1945, President Soekarno of Indonesia had been elected M1 or Monetary Controller of this large cache of
assets, granted under United Nations Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom.
These assets are better known as the Global Collateral Accounts and were originally intended to be used for the
modernization of the world through several humanitarian projects. The Dragon Family are the legitimate Depositors of these

By 1955, it was shown that the International Monetary Fund, which was also created at Bretton Woods, was not living up to
its word and was instead serving only the interest of the banking and political elite. It was at this time that a growing alliance
began to see that these funds were being used to fuel the Cold War tension and decided to strongly oppose the shady
banking cabal.

By 1963, this alliance pooled their financial resources together to create the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which was
signed by John F. Kennedy and President Skoearno and was finished on November 14, 1963.

This agreement was to utilize the Global Collateral Accounts for global development and humanitarian projects (along with a
new US Treasury Note, a new supernational/international note backed by gold and would bring an end to The Federal
Reserve system and the CIA). Just 8 days later, JFK was assassinated.
The above pictures show The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement and signatures of President Soekarno and President John F. Kennedy along with
several others with listed amounts of gold-backed certificates.

A short time following Kennedys passing, President Soekarno was driven from power by way of a coup. By 1968, the Bush,
Kissinger, Rockefeller and other influential families created a fake heir to the rights of the Global Collateral Accounts. Up
until the writing of this article in November of 2015, these accounts have been illegally and fraudulently used by the central
banking system.

The 9/11 Connection

In 1998, 60 years after the Federal Reserve Board and the Chinese swapped gold for gold bonds, the Chinese requested
their gold back. After refusal from the Fed, the Chinese Kuomintang government followed with a lawsuit. The International
Court of Justice ruled that the Fed needed to return the gold, which was later agreed upon by the Fed. The first payment
was scheduled to be delivered September 12th, 2001.

Interestingly, on September 10th, 2001, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars went
missing from the Pentagon defense budget. Even more conspicuous, Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, the company that was
handling the paper work for the gold to be delivered back to the Chinese, was inside One World Trade Center on floors 101-
105. All 658 of their employees were murdered on that day as the towers fell and the gold was not returned to the Chinese.

The Monaco Accords, The Trillion Dollar Lawsuit and the BRICS

In August of 2011, representatives from 57 nations (none were invited from the West) came together off the coast of
Monaco to create an alliance designed to legally take down the central banking cabal and create a new global financial
system using the Global Collateral Accounts for many development and humanitarian projects.

Neil Keenan (right) with Count Albert of the Dragon Family

Reports from Neil Keenan, who helped arrange this historic meeting and has been entrusted with protecting and restoring
the legal rights back to the Dragon Family and settling the Global Collateral Accounts for the benefit of humanity, has stated
that this Monaco meeting alliance has now swelled to 182 countries and is being spearheaded by the BRICS nations (Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa).
Neil also filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York on November 23, 2011 to the tune of over a trillion dollars
against the United Nations, the Office of International Treasury Control, Silvio Berlusconi, Ban Ki-Moon, the World Economic
Forum and several others.

For those that want proof of this lawsuit, here is a screenshot of the filed case. This comes from, which is used to look up filed cases. Take
a look at the plaintiff and defendants.

Since that time, Neil has withdrawn the suit (Obamas economic advisors brother became the judge and he previously had
never been a judge before) to refile in an even more effective jurisdiction and plans to do this in the very near future. This
new lawsuit will be bigger and will expose the EU, the Federal Reserve and all the parties mentioned above, plus much

Neil Keenan has also filed liens and a Cease and Desist order against all twelve central banks in the U.S. and a Cease and
Desist order on behalf of the Dragon Family against names like Queen Elizabeth II, Hilary Clinton, George Herbert Walker
Bush, George W. Bush, David Rockefeller and several other well known names.
Above is the official Cease and Desist order. To download this pdf file, click here

Is Our World to Be Set Free?

Is this massive alliance about to make its move on the banking and political cabal? Is Neil Keenan and his team about to
finish what JFK, President Sukarno and many others were trying to accomplish? Will the 9/11 connection to the Global
Collateral Accounts finally come to light? To these questions, Neil Keenan has a statement for the world:

JFK, Soekarno, 9-11 and everything surrounding it all boils down to one and the same groups or organizations
etc., that being what is known as the Cabal or NWO. Look no further than Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and on a
lesser scale Bushs, Netanyahus etc. We must always remember that according to these people we the goyim
are the enemy and furthermore we must understand not only are they Khazars (read Khazars and their empire) but
Satanists and clearly want us all dead.

They want the world, this planet and everything they touch. They taint everything they make, put together,
manufacture, and one way or another are taking precious seconds and minutes away from our lives. They go so
far as to poison baby food (Johnson and Johnsons most recently caught, simply stated we are sorry and will take
the toxins out of the baby food) but when caught they simply walk away leaving a path of utter destruction for many

It is time we defend our families, our planet, our friends and those who will soon be life long friends. It is time to
bring our planet together as one, to fight these evil criminals disguising themselves as politicians. It is time to fight
them as they fight us and stop talking about it.

The road to the collateral accounts was initially filled with litter. From OITC (Ray Dam), OPPT (Heather Tucci),
Swiss Indo (Sino), Karen Hudes (who never did understand the collateral accounts and had never heard of the
Dragon Family when she requested my help), Red Dragon Family, World Economic Forum (Davos and Giancarlo
Bruno), the UN, and many others I have never mentioned all decided at one time or another they owned or
managed the accounts when in fact not a one ever had any of the DEPOSITORS permissions to represent said

We took them all down and we laid them to rest but similar to a film script they often return to life and take a
second shot at things after taking a deep breath but they are all just fiction.

We are on the road to the accounts. The litter has been tossed into the garbage where it belongs and upon
completing this road the accounts will be open. The big question, even one from the Dragon Family is will I be
able to move the notes and the answer is YES! We will be able to complete this impossible task and release the
funds as initially planned for humanitarian purposes. I need a little more time to get to where we must be but we
will be there and when so, the Cabal is finished... FRODO LIVES... ha ha


The TPPA Is Worse Than We Thought: Environmental Risks, Runaway Corporate Power,
Weakened Democracy: A Total Corporate Power Grab Nightmare
November 8 2015 | From: MFAT / GlobalResearch / Various

If ratified, the TPP will sneak in SOPA-like attacks on Internet freedom, overturn protections
against Wall Street recklessness, and allow corporations to sue sovereign nations to overturn the
decisions of democratically elected officials.
The New Zealand government has released the full text of the TPP here.

And just as we thought, it's full of giveaways for big business. The TPP still has to be ratified to become law, but were
running out of time to stop it.

The TPP is a disaster for jobs, and environment and our democracy. It is the latest stage in the corporate capture
of our society, said Global Justice Now Director Nick Dearden in response to the release of the text.

In fact, the text of the deal reveals new and expanded rights for corporations to take such legal action against governments.
Analysts say the rules will empower fossil fuel companies and other corporate giants to challenge environmental and other
regulations, and ultimately worsen climate change.

According to Global Justice Nows Dearden, the TPP is a turbo-charged NAFTA, referring to the 1994 trade deal between
Canada, Mexico, and the United States that resulted in more inequality and major job losses in the U.S.

TPP has less to do with selling more goods, than with rewriting the rules of the global economy is favor of big
business, said Dearden.

Like the North American Free Trade Agreement, 20 years ago, it will be very good for the very richest, and a
disaster for everything and everyone else.

Whats more, Wikileaks has shown that the TPP will crack down on whistleblowing and make investigative journalism even
more difficult. According to Wikileaks, the TPP text also reveals a NSA-friendly provision regarding telecommunications.

Section J, which addresses Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is one of the worst sections that impacts the openness of the
Internet, according to the digital rights group, which explained further:
This section requires Internet Service Providers to play copyright cops and assist in the enforcement of copyright takedown
requests - but it does not require countries to have a system for counter-notices, so a U.S company could order a website to
be taken down in another country, and there would be no way for the person running that website to refute their claims if,
say, it was a political criticism website using copyrighted content in a manner consistent with fair use.

Section J makes it so ISPs are not liable for any wrongdoing when they take down content - incentivizing them to err on the
side of copyright holders rather than on the side of free speech.

Public Review Is Needed.

Full analysis of the TPPA text is underway:

Do you want to get the facts minus the spin? Sign up here to receive a notification when our expert, independent and peer-
reviewed analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement text becomes available.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) New Zealand Protests Nationwide

"These agreements are negotiated in secret because the public would be horrified by their implications"

Are You Ready To Give Up Water?

November 7 2015 | From: NZCPR

Yes, its really come to this. While youve been debating whether or not to give up your flag, your
governments been preparing to give up control of your drinking water.
On Waitangi Day, iwi leaders issued an ultimatum to the government to surrender control of the nations fresh
water to Maori tribes within a year.

And believe it or not, your government is complying!

Co-governance. No comeback.

In April, the government met with iwi leaders to work out how to manage the surrender. Together, they decided to hand over
control of fresh water to iwi at regional council level. Catchment by catchment. Council by council.

Those regional councils and unitary authorities will then appoint unelected iwi representatives, and give them voting rights to
control water. Iwi want priority rights to water in perpetuity.

Memorandum says Iwi trumps Kiwi.

It gets worse. While iwi leaders have been busy consulting their people about the plan, your governments been hiding it
from you. Their trick: to let councils sneak iwi water control clauses into complex fresh water management plans.

In August, Local Government New Zealand agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding with the Iwi Chairs Forum that they
acknowledge the mana and kaitiakitanga status of iwi over the nations land and natural resources.

Is that fine with you?

How can this be happening?

Since 2008, the Maori Party, supported by 1% of New Zealanders, has effectively held the balance of power in Parliament.
And with it, the power to demand 50% co-governance of our natural resources.
And what has been your governments response to this outrageous assault on the democratic rights of all New Zealanders?
Five ways to fight back.

1. Get the full details (yes, theres more) by visiting

2. Phone or write to your local MP, government MPs, opposition MPs and the Prime Minister. Tell them: You dont have my
permission to give away my water! Ask them: If its OK to have a binding referendum on which flag we fly, why cant we
vote on who controls the water we drink? Then ask: Where do youstand?

3. Do the same with your regional councillors. Theyre the ones who are voting to give unelected iwi the power to control
your water. Demand a local referendum to get ratepayers approval before doing such deals.

4. Tell your family and friends to do the same in person, by email and on Facebook and Twitter. Show them this ad.

5. Ads like this cost big money donate so we can run more.

Comment: This is the same thing playing out worldwide, the privatisation of water. Except in the case of New
Zealand it is the crown operatiing in collusion with corrupt iwi corporations (run by the 'Maori elite') who are willing
to screw over not only their own tribes but the whole country. This is absolutely despickable and needs to be

Why Do We Allow Private Banks & Families To Control The Worlds Money?
+The Truth Is Out: "Money" Is Just An IOU, And The Banks Are Rolling In It
November 6 2015 | From: RiseEarth / TheGuardian

The masses can no longer escape the knowledge that theyre being taken for a walk down a dark
alley. The way money is created in our global society benefits the so-called elite at the expense of
the 99.9%. It doesnt have to be this way though, all we have to do is stand up and demand that it
Jacob Rothschild with David Rockefeller

Money is no longer backed by anything concrete. It used to be, when it was attached to the gold standard, but for
the last several decades if you and I were to get a loan from a bank were not actually being loaned anything that
they physically have. Instead, they punch numbers into a computer, which creates new money that is placed
directly into our bank accounts.

Thats right they create new cash out of nothing. They dont get it from their vault, or borrow it from another source, they
just create it on their computer.

This begs the question: why do we allow private stakeholders, such as the banking families that control the worlds financial
and political spheres, to profit from money that was created out of thin air?

Cant we just generate new funds for the benefit of the people and direct the profits back into the community?

Apparently NO! Under their psychopathic regime! - lest they lose control -

Of course we can. If so, we could genuinely attempt to finally overcome poverty, homelessness and other socioeconomic
disadvantage. In fact, there are some places on earth that have already taken the lead in transforming the way money is
created and distributed in their society.
First of course is Iceland, who not only jailed 26 bankers for their fraudulent behavior that contributed to their economic
meltdown during the GFC, but they are also initiating massive reforms to their banking sector. Additionally, they are going
to give every citizen a share of the profit from the sale of one of their biggest banks.

Its only the beginning, but well done Iceland, youre killing it (the monetary-madness, that is).

Another example is North Dakota, who operates under a public-banking model. They have designed their state-owned bank
in a way that was essentially immune to the 2008 GFC. It has also outperformed the private banking industry in terms of

Many matrix-media explanations focus on excess deposits or the oil boom for its success, however that is simply not true.
As explained in a Global Research article:

"To what, then, are the remarkable achievements of this lone public bank attributable? The answer is something
the privately-owned major media have tried to sweep under the rug: the public banking model is simply more
profitable and efficient than the private model.

Profits, rather than being siphoned into offshore tax havens, are recycled back into the bank, the state and the
When some people hear that a system like banking can be re-designed to actually benefit society, they automatically hear
socialism, and it offends them. The reality is, the celebration of the capitalist structure and the contempt towards socialism
and communism achieves nothing. Just have a look at where capitalism has gotten us, regardless if it was taken over
by crony capitalism and socialism for the rich.

The simple fact remains that going backwards is not an option, and right now humanity is being controlled by a
monetary system that is, to put it bluntly, a joke.

We need new approaches and innovative designs to move forward to build real peace and prosperity on planet earth, so as
a collective we should make it a fundamental priority to seriously look at the available short and long term solutions that we
could potentially implement, to once and for all put an end to being ruled by the banking oligarchy.

For examples of how to truly move forward read, This is How to Create True Freedom for Humanity.

If you want to contribute to the cause, sign and share the petition, here. And finally, watch this five minute video:

The Truth Is Out: Money Is Just An IOU, And The Banks Are Rolling In It

The Bank of England's dose of honesty throws the theoretical basis for austerity out the window
'The central bank can print as much money as it wishes.' Photograph: Alamy 1930s, Henry Ford is supposed to
have remarked that it was a good thing that most Americans didn't know how banking really works, because if they
did, "there'd be a revolution before tomorrow morning".

Last week, something remarkable happened;

The Bank of England let the cat out of the bag. In a paper called "Money Creation in the Modern Economy", co-authored by
three economists from the Bank's Monetary Analysis Directorate, they stated outright that most common assumptions of
how banking works are simply wrong, and that the kind of populist, heterodox positions more ordinarily associated with
groups such as Occupy Wall Street are correct. In doing so, they have effectively thrown the entire theoretical basis for
austerity out of the window.
To get a sense of how radical the Bank's new position is, consider the conventional view, which continues to be the basis of
all respectable debate on public policy. People put their money in banks. Banks then lend that money out at interest - either
to consumers, or to entrepreneurs willing to invest it in some profitable enterprise.

True, the fractional reserve system does allow banks to lend out considerably more than they hold in reserve, and true, if
savings don't suffice, private banks can seek to borrow more from the central bank.

The central bank can print as much money as it wishes. But it is also careful not to print too much. In fact, we are often told
this is why independent central banks exist in the first place. If governments could print money themselves, they would
surely put out too much of it, and the resulting inflation would throw the economy into chaos.
Institutions such as the Bank of England or US Federal Reserve were created to carefully regulate the money supply to
prevent inflation. This is why they are forbidden to directly fund the government, say, by buying treasury bonds, but instead
fund private economic activity that the government merely taxes.

It's this understanding that allows us to continue to talk about money as if it were a limited resource like bauxite or
petroleum, to say "there's just not enough money" to fund social programmes, to speak of the immorality of government debt
or of public spending "crowding out" the private sector.

What the Bank of England admitted this week is that none of this is really true. To quote from its own initial summary:

"Rather than banks receiving deposits when households save and then lending them out, bank lending creates

"In normal times, the central bank does not fix the amount of money in circulation, nor is central bank money
'multiplied up' into more loans and deposits."

In other words, everything we know is not just wrong it's backwards.

When banks make loans, they create money. This is because money is really just an IOU.

The role of the central bank is to preside over a legal order that effectively grants banks the exclusive right to create IOUs of
a certain kind, ones that the government will recognise as legal tender by its willingness to accept them in payment of

There's really no limit on how much banks could create, provided they can find someone willing to borrow it.

They will never get caught short, for the simple reason that borrowers do not, generally speaking, take the cash and put it
under their mattresses; ultimately, any money a bank loans out will just end up back in some bank again.

So for the banking system as a whole, every loan just becomes another deposit. What's more, insofar as banks do need to
acquire funds from the central bank, they can borrow as much as they like; all the latter really does is set the rate of interest,
the cost of money, not its quantity.

Since the beginning of the recession, the US and British central banks have reduced that cost to almost nothing.

In fact, with "quantitative easing" they've been effectively pumping as much money as they can into the banks, without
producing any inflationary effects.

Money created out of thin air - the debts you owe - your mortgage - DO NOT EXIST - and the elite 'banksters' are FUCKING YOU

What this means is that the real limit on the amount of money in circulation is not how much the central bank is willing to
lend, but how much government, firms, and ordinary citizens, are willing to borrow.

Government spending is the main driver in all this (and the paper does admit, if you read it carefully, that the central bank
does fund the government after all). So there's no question of public spending "crowding out" private investment. It's exactly
the opposite.

Why did the Bank of England suddenly admit all this? Well, one reason is because it's obviously true.

The Bank's job is to actually run the system, and of late, the system has not been running especially well. It's possible that it
decided that maintaining the fantasy-land version of economics that has proved so convenient to the rich is simply a luxury it
can no longer afford.

MORTGAGE = DEATH PLEDGE: Latin words Mort-Gage Literally Translated Mort Means (Death) Gage Means
(Pledge) Debt Slavery=Human Mortgages=Debt Till Death.

The word mortgage comes from the French mort-gage, literally death-pledge. The French peasants were
working until they died for the privilege of owning a house. Same Game! Same People! Different Time!
But politically, this is taking an enormous risk. Just consider what might happen if mortgage holders realised the money the
bank lent them is not, really, the life savings of some thrifty pensioner, but something the bank just whisked into existence
through its possession of a magic wand which we, the public, handed over to it.

Historically, the Bank of England has tended to be a bellwether, staking out seeming radical positions that ultimately become
new orthodoxies. If that's what's happening here, we might soon be in a position to learn if Henry Ford was right.

Young People Feel Betrayed By New Zealand Government

November 6 2015 | From: Stuff

Young people feel betrayed by Government over zero-hour contracts

The youth network of the Public Service Association (PSA), New Zealands largest union, says young people feel
betrayed by the Government who have entrenched unfair zero-hour contracts instead of keeping their promise to
get rid of them.

"Everybody deserves to have secure work that they can plan their life around," said Caleb Gordon, co-convenor of
the PSA Youth network".

"The Government promised to ban zero-hour contracts, but instead theyve proposed this law change which
entrenches them".
"Our young people have been totally let down by the Governments U-turn on zero-hour contracts.

"Unreliable hours and insecure work means not knowing each week if youll be able to pay the rent, let alone live a
good life".

"Work should be a part of our lives - but secure work means our lives can be so much more," said Caleb Gordon".

New Zealands Zionist Diplomacy In The UN Security Council: Israel Has A Right To Defend
November 5 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

The reprehensible draft resolution circulated by New Zealand (NZ), the present chair of the UN
Security Council, is so blatantly biased against the Palestinian people that it proffers, in this
instance, the correct diplomatic protocol to mind its own business.

Related: Israeli General Captured in Iraq Confesses to Israel-Isis Coalition

Particularly as NZ is an on-the-record, apologist and morally blind supporter of Israel. On July 22, 2014 as Israels
vicious war on the people of Gaza raged relentlessly, Prime Minister John Key, repeated the zionist mantra that
Israel has a right to defend itself.
Related: Israeli pilot turned activist Says: I was part of a terror organization.

In June this year, during a visit to Israel, NZs Foreign Minister Murray McCully ran the idea of the resolution by Netanyahu.
So, sure enough, NZ, like all western governments, obsequiously replicated zionist propaganda in the resolution:

NZ normalises Israeli atrocities by falsely presenting Israel and Palestine as equal perpetrators and equal victims and

By pushing the demand that Palestine gives up its endeavour for justice in the International Criminal Court thus letting
Israel off scott free for its monstrous war crimes and crimes against humanity.

While NZ demands that Israel freezes its rapacious settlement expansion (in which NZ invests..see below), it absurdly
promotes the farce of negotiations that expand settlements. There is no demand by NZ that the zionist infiltrators leave the
present settlements that have illegally expropriated half of the remaining Palestinian West Bank.

NZ obediently keeps up the pretence of a two state solution when Netanyahu has repeatedly ruled out Palestinian

At the height of the 2014 Gaza war, Netanyahu revealed that he doesnt envision Palestinian sovereignty in the West Bank
anytime soon. I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any
agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan, he said at a press conference in
Jerusalem. In other words: no withdrawal and no Palestinian sovereignty, which means no state of Palestine.

A few months later, Netanyahu said, in a much quoted interviewon the eve of the March 17election, that, indeed, no
Palestinian state would be created under his leadership.

To add insult to hypocrisy, NZ does not act on its recommendations it will not make a move to first recognise the
Palestinian state.

Then loading more inanity on the ridiculous, NZ calls on the same incompetent clowns the Quartet (United States, Russia,
United Nations and European Union), Security Council members and Arab states to maintain the posturing of the nihilistic

So what can the people of Palestine expect from a flunkey state that belongs to the Impunity- for- Israels- War- Crimes

A state furthermore that owns a government body, the New Zealand Super Fund that invests in and profits from a number of
Israeli companies integrally connected to the illegal settlements and/or Israels arms industry such as Israel Chemicals
which supplies white phosphorus to the USA which in turn sells its white phosphorous munitions back to Israel which then
fires them illegally on innocent Gaza children such as little Hamza Almidani, 3.

Palestinians can expect the same old bystander impunity that exacerbates their suffering caused by the ongoing betrayal of
NZs own obligations as a High Contracting Party to the Geneva Conventions to protect and uphold Palestinian political and
human rights.

This resolution comes at a crucial time when Palestinian children and youth are being extrajudicially executed in the street
for their courageous efforts to uphold their rights while NZ fails them and, in doing so, shames the decency of the people of
New Zealand.

Related: Captured ISIS Leaders in Iraq Confess to Receiving Military and Intelligence Support from the United States

[Sellout Globalist] Minister Open To More GMO's

November 3 2015 | From: 3News

Environment Minister Nick Smith says more genetically modified organisms may get approval for
use in New Zealand and he has dismissed as impractical local councils' opposition to them.
The Environmental Protection Agency this week approved the importation of the Pexa-Vec virus, which is used to
combat liver cancer. It is the first GMO to get New Zealand approval as a human medicine.

[Bought-and-paid for piece of shit] Dr Smith told The Nation today the scientific advice was that there was little chance the
virus would spread or survive outside a tumorous liver.

About 180 New Zealanders died from liver cancer each year, he said.

"We do not want to deny people access to life-saving treatments on the basis of knee-jerk political reactions,
slogans like 'GM-free'."

Dr Smith admitted he was leaving the door open for the threshold for approval of GM changing.
There was an international argument about what was a GMO and what was not.

"When you're bringing in foreign DNA into an organism there's no question in my view that that's a genetically
modified organism."Where it gets more tricky is when there are alterations to the genes of an organism within it."

Humans had been selectively breeding, using techniques to enhance mutations for decades, he said.

"When you use those older techniques of enhancements of the mutations that occur naturally within an organism,
at what point, where is that line?"

There was a wide range of definitions of the line but New Zealand needed to be cautious, he said.

"New Zealand does have an important brain for natural products, we earn a lot of our living from food products, but
also we are a country that has got a pretty proud heritage of leading in science."

Earlier this year, Hastings District Council declared itself a GMO-free food-producing region, but Dr Smith said it
was "impractical and wrong for councils to try and regulate this separately".

"It is impractical to have 86 different councils rules around GM. If you get in a car and you drive from Hastings to
Gisborne or to Wairarapa, if you had trees that are GM, there is no biological barrier for those to spread."
Councils were welcome to submit to the EPA, and he had confidence in its robust and thorough processes.

Did The CIA & Mossad Shoot Down Russian Flight 7K9268?
November 2 2015 | From: Geopolitics

It is technically difficult to target a plane on that level, Ismail told reporters, saying its too early
to give a reason for the crash. Its not clear that the Islamic State group in Sinai has weapons
capable of downing aircraft at such a height. We have no evidence that anything unusual was
happening on the plane before it crashed.

We didnt receive any SOS signals from the plane, Hossam Kamal, the minister, told reporters.

Those are the facts gathered by Bloomberg from different sources which could lead us to some intelligent conclusions when
superimposed with what we have already known from the last few days.

Another fact emerges that the Egyptian flight control tower confirmed that the pilot was trying to control the planes descent
but have no prior complaint about any trouble.

Q1. If the Russian plane was technically sound prior to flight, why were the pilots deterred to send an SOS call on
time? What made the whole system completely disabled to make such call impossible in case when a technical
malfunction was detected mid-flight?

Theres only one possible logical answer: the damage to the whole system was quick and abrupt. Mechanical and electrical
troubles are out of the picture considering the redundancy of any system such as aviation.

Even the Egyptian authorities are confirming tha tt the pilots did not mention any technical or mechanical troubles mid-flight.
And for the pilot to have tried to control its descent suggest that indeed the communication system was completely severed
early on, possible only by an external force hitting behind the pilots cockpit, and only those at the control tower could
visually determine that while the flight crew were struggling to control its descent, the flight was already doomed.

The only time a plane crashes on its own is when it is depleted of fuel. Crashes due to deteriorating mechanical integrity can
be anticipated beforehand and ignored at the same time, both of which do not result to the pilots being unable to call for

Q2. What caused the plane to experience a total system failure in such a short time as to prevent the pilots from
sending out SOS call?

Externally induced failure either by electronic means or kinetic.

When both mechanical and electrical troubles happen at the same and such a short time, rendering the plane totally
unmaneuverable, only one thing is certain: the plane was subjected to a high velocity projectile, or a surface to air missile

Q3. If Russian flight 7K9268 was attacked, who and what motivated the attack?

Regular readers of this blog are fully aware that theres an ongoing multi-pronged covert war being waged between the
BRICS and the Khazarian organized crime syndicate and they may have already formed intelligent conclusions as to who
and why such senseless attack was done.

Obviously, when Russia made the noble call to help Syria in its fight against extremism, the Russian authorities have
already made prior contingencies. In fact, the whole establishment has been on constant alert amidst prior attacks on civilian
targets in the recent past, e.g. Beslan School Siege, and especially with the events in Ukraine. But the Russians are
obviously only limited in their own sphere as far as alert level preparations are concerned.

When other countries are involved, Russian civilian security is at the mercy of that country.

So, when Egypt participated in the repulsion of the Islamic State, considering that the latter is just composed in part of
recycled Muslim Brotherhood fanatics that the present Sisi government has toppled years ago, the country is to some level
might have made the necessary security measures.

But what boggles the mind is why a similar flight path was permitted as that of the Malaysian MH17 in Ukraine, i.e. over a
territory of ongoing conflict?
REUTERS/StringerEgypts Prime Minister Sherif Ismail (2nd L) and Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou look at the remains of a Russian airliner which
crashed in

Were both Russia and Egypt have become too complacent because of their earlier successes inside Syria where Russian
Sukhoi S-34s have destroyed highly valuable ISIS positions, including this bridge that was cut-off just a few days ago.

Related: Russian Air Force cuts off ISIS supply lines by bombing bridge over Euphrates
Or, were both countries fully aware of the fact that the ISIS militants in the area of the Sinai Peninsula have no capability to
launch such an attack.

Another major event prior to the plane crash was Russia flight maneuvers in the South China Sea which we interpreted as a
response to the Aegis destroyer USS Lassen maneuver within 12 miles of Chinese artificial islands turned airstrips in the

Russian TU-142 Long Range SpyCrafts Fly 1 Mile of USS Ronald Reagan

Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:24

TEHRAN (FNA)- The USS Ronald Reagan reportedly scrambled fighter jets to escort Russian naval surveillance
aircraft flying through the area east of the Korean Peninsula.

The US Navys Seventh Fleet said on Thursday that the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier scrambled four fighter
jets after two Russian Tu-142 anti-ship reconnaissance aircraft were spotted in the area, Stars and Stripes

These successions of provocation and counter-provocation are dangerously courting a major exchange of firepower that we
already know would result to ELE for mankind. We are closely monitoring how the Eastern Alliance would respond to the
deaths of Russian civilians without causing a major escalation of this covert hybrid geopolitical conflict.

With the obvious rejection of Israels and Saudi Arabias request to Russia for the immediate removal of Assad, and the
close proximity of Israel to the area of the incident, it is highly probable that if such missile attack was indeed done, only
entities based in Israel could have actually done it, considering the fact that ISIS itself is disabled.

So that when somebody uploaded the original video of the purported attack and subsequently, deleted the account, the
actual perpetrator may have decided to cover its own tracks before forensic analyst could determine who really uploaded the
Who Were The Victims?

Said recovery of the victims will last several more days. This further supports the notion that the spread of the explosion
covered at least 5 mile radius, i.e. the plane did not crash down in one piece.

Theres a huge plausibility that the ill-fated Russian flight 9268 was a very special flight considering the exclusivity of the
passengers. The all Russian flight could be composed of personnel engaging in mutual economic arrangements as the
BRICS nations are trying to redevelop Eurasia, Africa and the Middle East through the economic blueprint of the New Silk
Road led by China.

We have been expecting the first infrastructure loans to be awarded by the AIIB at the end of the year or early next year.
Three financial institutions are being organized and put into operation to accomodate the requirements of Third World
countries not properly served by the IMF and World Bank.

China is even planning to make huge investments into Israel as part of the whole Silk Road program. And for Israel to have
initiated the Russian plane crash is a clear sign that the whole Khazarian Gangster Club is still not abandoning their global
totalitarian ambition.

Latest developments would strongly support that theory

US Special Forces deployed as human shields to salvage terror assets in Syria

Finian Cunningham (born 1963) has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages.
Originally from Belfast, Ireland, he is a Masters graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism.

For over 20 years he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organizations, including The Mirror, Irish Times
and Independent. Now a freelance journalist based in East Africa, his columns appear on RT, Sputnik, Strategic Culture
Foundation and Press TV.

Obamas decision to send Special Forces into Syria is being widely viewed as a US military escalation in the country. The
troop dispatch also signals that the US trying to forestall Russian successes in wiping out Washingtons regime-change
assets in Syria.

In short, the US Special Forces are being used as human shields to curb Russian air strikes against anti-government
mercenaries, many of whom are instrumental in Washingtons regime-change objective in Syria.
Watershed moment: UK starts building new permanent navy base in Bahrain

The UK has begun the construction of a new Royal Navy facility in Bahrain, which will become the first permanent British
military base in the Middle East in over four decades. It is designed to assert influence over the Gulf and to fight extremist
elements in the region.

The British Foreign Secretary, accompanied by navy personnel, attended the grand ceremony at Bahrains Mina Salman
Port, marking the beginning of construction works at the new Royal Navy base.

The beginning of construction work at Mina Salman Port marks a watershed moment in the UKs commitment to
the region, Philip Hammond said at the ceremony. The presence of the Royal Navy in Bahrain is guaranteed into
the future, ensuring Britains sustained presence east of Suez.


The events leading to the Russian Flight 7K9268 crash are hard to ignore:

The critical destruction of the supply lines to ISIS militants which should have angered the CIA,

The reported injury of ISIS leader Al Baghdadi in the earlier period of the Russian assault on the terror group,

The total destruction to ISIS arms and ammunition depots,

The rejection of Netanyahus requests for Assad to go at the Kremlin,

The rejection of the House of Sauds request for closer collaboration with the Russians amidst IMF projection of
bankruptcy by 2020,

The recent foiling of Saudi Arabias elaborate plan to capture and occupy the Syrian capital of Damascus [here];

The recent Russian reconnaissance flyby within a mile away of USS Ronald Reagan,
The rising 90% popularity rating of Vladimir Putin,

The overwhelmingly positive reception of the entire Russian efforts throughout the globe,

The successful recovery of at least 70% of the Chinese Collateral Accounts [here],

Tthe massive resignations of not less than 2,500 central bankers and CEOs worldwide in 2012 [here], and subsequent
murder of several bankers that could have served as potential witnesses to the massive rigging of the global financial

The resignation of WB president Zoellick and Pedophile Pope Benedict in 2013, and;

The expos of their plan to occupy a New Zealand territory as part of their escape plan [here].

are all hard for Khazarians to accept.

It is not a delusion, therefore, to say that the world of these hardliners is shrinking by the minute and they are not going
quietly in to the night. They will bring as many casualties as possible just to satisfy their lust for death and destruction even
to the very end.

We have been expecting this to happen as the endgame is progressing, although, we wish the Good Guys should have
neutralized them for good already as opposed to making peace with irredeemable breed of animals.

As always, we implore everyone to take necessary precautions wherever you are today. Be very vigilant.

12 Days Before 08 Crash, Congress Was Secretly Told To Sell Off Their Stocks
October 31 2015 | From: ActivistPost

Earlier this month, it was reported that less than two weeks before the economic collapse of 2008,
several members of Congress took their money out of the stock market.
Many high-ranking government employees were given a heads-up about the impending market crash in secret
meetings with the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department. Then they used that information to engage in
insider trading.

It was revealed that Senator Shelley Capito and her husband sold $350,000 worth of Citigroup stock at $83 per share, just
one day before the stock dropped to $64 per share. Another shady trader was Congressman Jim Moran, who had his
biggest trading day of the year days after the secret meeting, sellings stock in nearly 100 different companies.

These actions would be illegal for any American in any other circumstance, but members of Congress and high-ranking
government officials are actually exempt from insider trading laws.

Years later, a 60 Minutes investigation aired on television which highlighted the governments deep history of insider trading.
The investigation sparked outrage, prompting Congress to pass the STOCK Act which was said to hold members of the
government to the same standards as any American when it came to insider trading.

However, Congress watered down the bill and changed key elements that would hold them accountable, allowing them to
return to business as usual, and escape any consequences for their prior crimes.

In an interview during the 60 Minutes investigation, Peter Schweizer of the Hoover Institute told Steve Kroft that:

Its really the way the rules have been defined. And the people who make the rules are the political class in
Washington and theyve conveniently written them in such a way that they dont apply to themselves.

These meetings were so sensitive - that they would actually confiscate cell phones and Blackberries going into
those meetings. What we know is that those meetings were held one day and literally the next day Congressman
Bachus would engage in buying stock options based on apocalyptic briefings he had the day before from the Fed
chairman and treasury secretary. I mean, talk about a stock tip, he added.

Since it was passed, the STOCK Act has been more or less worthless. Whenever a politician is accused of anything, they
are defended by other politicians and the investigation is immediately stonewalled.

For example, a former staffer for the House Ways and Means Committee, Brian Stutter was guilty of insider trading.
However, he avoided charges because House Speaker John Boehner refused to hand over the evidence, and claimed that
Sutter had legal immunity.
It seems that America operates on two different sets of laws one set for those who claim to rule us, and another for
everyone else.

Snowden Reveals First Ever Public Disclosure Of Secret Black Budget Programs
October 30 2015 | From: CollectiveEvolution

Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor has leaked the very first documentation that
proves the existence of clandestine black budget operations (programs that are extremely
classified dealing with technology, information and more.)

Did we really need this leak in order to believe that black budget programs operate in secrecy? No, many people will
tell you that the existence of black budget programs was obvious and that we didnt need any official
documentation to prove it, but this still helps.

Related: Evidence Grows For Secret Space Program Disclosures & Crimes Against Humanity Trials

The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA)
was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance
Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.
We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These
programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as deep black programs.

A 1997 US Senate report described them as so sensitive that they are exempt
from standard reporting requirements to the Congress. The Washington Post
revealed that the black-budget documents report a staggering 52.6 billion dollars
that was set aside for operations in the fiscal year 2013.

Although its great to have this type of documentation in the public domain proving
the existence of these black budget programs, the numbers seem to be off
according to some statements made by some very prominent people who have
been involved in the defense sector for years.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that these programs are not using billions of
dollars, but trillions of dollars that are unaccounted for. Here is a statement given
by Canadas former Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer in 2008:

It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when
the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard.

It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those
countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of
billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief no nothing about."

We are talking about large amounts of unaccounted-for money going into programs we know nothing about. There have
been several congressional inquiries that have noted billions, and even trillions of dollars that have gone missing from the
federal reserve system. On July 16, 2001, in front of the house appropriations committee, Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld stated:

The financial systems of the department of defence are so snarled up that we cant account for some $2.6 trillion
in transactions that exist, if thats believable."

We dont really hear about black budget programs, or about people who have actually looked into them. However, the topic
was discussed in 2010 by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin. Their investigation lasted
approximately two years and concluded that Americas classified world has:

Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it
employes, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work."

Another person was aviation journalist Bill Sweetman. Within the Pentagon, he estimated that approximately 150 special
access programs existed that werent even acknowledged.

These programs are not known about by the highest members of government and the highest ranking officials in the military.

He determined that most of these programs were dominated by private contractors (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, etc.) and that
he had no idea as to how these programs were funded.
The above are some of those understood to be members of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate branch of the secret space program. It is
interesting to note the space travel themes in these logos. There are likely to be some weapons manufacturers in the ICC too.

Dwight Eisenhower, former 5 star U.S. general (highest possible rank) and President of the United States also warned us
about secrecy and the acquisition of unwarranted influence within the department of defence with his farewell speech:
In the council of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or
unsought, by the military industrial complex.

The potential disaster of the rise of mis placed power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this
combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes."

He warns us about the influence of the military industrial complex, and the influence and power its capable of. After
Eisenhower the next and only other president that blew the whistle on secrecy beyond the government was president John F.
Kennedy in one of his most famous speeches, he is also referring to the military industrial complex:

The very word secrecy is repugnant, in a free and open society. And we are as a people inherently and historically
opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of
excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions.

Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it.

And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those
anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.

That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. We are opposed around the world by a monolithic
and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. On Infiltration
instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night
instead of armies by day.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly
efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its
preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not
praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed."

The amount that the US sets aside for sensitive operations each year is not allowed to be published for eyes outside of the
intelligence community.

Click here to open a larger version of this image in a new window

We are in an age where the US is having a difficult time keeping sensitive information under wraps, and although there is an
abundance of blatant information for the world to wake up to, that which is still kept under tight wraps has also become more
transparent. Many phenomena previously labelled as merely a conspiracy theory are now surfacing as true and verifiable
day after day.

Could some of these black budget programs be dealing with UFOs? There is a large amount of evidence to suggest that they
do, and possibly even extraterrestrials. Documents from the NSA prove that UFOs and extraterrestrials are of high interest to
the agency.
In fact I would like to mention that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest that these black budget programs
deal with matters beyond our world.

Garry McKinnon has also shed light on this fact, as have thousands of previously classified documents and statements from
high level government and military personnel. The world within our own world must be quite fascinating, the fact that we are
living in the time of transparency must mean that the truth cannot stay hidden forever.

Worlds Within Worlds

Excerpt from the book A.D. After Disclosure written by Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel (8).

Richard Dolans Thoughts on the Breakaway Civilization

By now, the classified world has moved far beyond the reach of the public world, and far beyond in its power and

Consider the story of a former NSA scientist who spoke with the authors. According to this individual, the NSA was operating
computers during the mid-1960s with a processing clock-speed of roughly 650 megahertz(MHZ).

To put that in perspective, it took 35 years for personal computers in the consumer market to reach that speed.

Indeed, in 1965 there were no personal computers at all. Immediately, the near-fatal Apollo 13 mission in 1971 comes to
mind, with its reliance on slide-rulers by mission specialist to guide the damaged NASA spacecraft back to Earth.

When presented with this image, the NSA scientist shrugged and stated that secret computational capabilities were too
important to share with NASA.
So in, in computing, the National Security Agency was an amazing 35 years ahead of the rest of the world. This leads one to
wonder what its computational powers are today.

Another example was the U.S. air strike against Libya in 1986. The raid employed f-111 fighter aircraft. Left out of the
mission, however, was the F-117A Nighthawk, better known as the stealth fighter.

It had been operational since 1983, but was still classified in 1986. In a form of logic both perverse and rational, the F-117A
was so radically advanced that keeping it secret was more important than using it for this military mission.

Given the mixture of a treasure chest of government money, and private connections, the likelihood exists that six
decades later there is a clandestine group that possesses:

Technology that is vastly superior to that of the mainstream world

The ability to explore areas of our world and surroundings presently unavailable to the rest of us

Scientific and cosmological understandings that give them greater insights into the nature of our world

A significant built off the grid infrastructure, partially underground, that affords them a high degree of secrecy
and independence of action

This might well qualify them as a separate civilization one that has broken away from our own, in effect, a breakaway
civilization. Still interacting with our own, its members probably move back and forth between the official reality of what we
are supposed to believe, and the other reality which encompasses new truths and challenges.
First It Was The Christchurch City Rebuild, Now Its The Skycity Convention Centre Contract:
John Key Fattening His Masters Again
October 28 2015 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

In light of Fletcher winning the bid to build the Auckland Casino expansion here is what I wrote on
December 2011; in order to understand what is happening you need this information

What it basically boils down to is that John Key has presented his banking masters with a $477 million bonus by
giving the contract to Fletcher Construction.

Last week Christchurch rapper Trillion drew my attention to a list of shareholders in Fletcher Construction relating to the
news media writing about the old boys network finding cushy jobs for their offspring.

I thought it was time I brought out the information I was able to put together, which shows exactly how incestuous the upper
echelons of the international elite are, how connected John Key is to all this - and why we should not be surprised to see
nepotism rear its ugly head in Christchurch.

Trillion asked on his facebook page 'who owns Fletcher building' and wondered intoning my facebook page (which I thought
was very flattering) as to which of those shareholders, the majority of which were banks, John Key would have shares?

The questiong posited was: could John Key have benefited indirectly from the Christchurch earthquake rebuild and have a
possible conflict of interest in appointing Fletcher building as a lead company in rebuilding Christchurch?

Related: Who Owns New Zealands Banks?

Here is what I found, the shareholders of Fletcher building are according to the Companies Register:

2. JP MORGAN NOMINEES AUSTRALIA LTD with 43521538 shares




6. COGENT NOMINEES PTY LTD with 11165996 shares

7. CITICORP NOMINEES PTY LIMITED with 10882102 shares

8. UBS Nominees Pty Ltd with 5391125 shares

9. CITICORP NOMINEES PTY LIMITED with 4866790 shares


Bear in mind this is only the 10 biggest share holders and it might be interesting to ask for Fletcher buildings entire list of
share holders but for the purpose of this post the list above is enough.

Next I want to give you another list. The list of the biggest shareholders of Bank of America in which John Key holds a large
chunk in shares according to the government site pertaining to personal interests of Politicians.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

As you see the lists share some of the names. Dont let the Australia extension fool you because technically that might
mean they are a different financial entity but in reality it just means its the same company with branches in Australia.

So lets go over the first list one by one shall we?


This company is none other than a branch of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and while most people still think that this is
just a benign separate entity invented to help the incompetent NZ government to manage our funds - this is of course a
branch of the Rothschild banking empire which incidentally also controls the Bank of America and the Bank of England


In August 2007 a small news paper article appeared in the Waikato times if I remember correctly announcing that JP
Morgan Chase had opened a branch in New Zealand. They announced at the same time that they would not be open to the
wider public but would only be handling larger industrial projects.

JP Morgan is notorious for financing mountain top removal and is also a major share holder in Bank of America.


National Nominees Ltd (A NAB (National Australia Bank) entity - which also has a shareholding in BNZ and itself!) is what is
commonly referred to as an Agent Bank which means it operates on behalf of other banks making this shareholder a bit of a
mysterious grey horse as it is not clear who really holds the shares and what made it even more intriguing was the fact that
their website was not accessible.



Dexia is a Franco Belgian bank whose biggest trading partners are Goldman Sachs and Morgan chase. The bank received
$6 billion in the 2008 crisis and was recently the first European bank called too big to fail and was bailed out a la A.I.G and
the US banks.


HSBC is another fine example of banking rectitude. It is the biggest issuer of credit cards in the US were they charge loan
shark interests and they have just been convicted of scamming thousands of vulnerable old age pensioners out of their
savings on products which would mature well after their deaths.

Together with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Societe General they were also the biggest bank to Mohammar

COGENT NOMINEES PTY LTD with 11165996 shares

A group which also holds huge shares in Rio Tinto and Sirtex medical (about which more later)

CITICORP NOMINEES PTY LIMITED with 10882102 shares and -


Citicorp is the old name of what is after a merger now called Citigroup and the bank like Morgan chase is also one of the
biggest shareholders in Bank of America.

When John Key was part of the Foreign Exchange committee he shared that honour with James Kemp from Citigroup.

UBS Nominees Pty Ltd with 5391125 shares

Is a Branch of the Swiss bank UBS AG. This bank is also heavily exposed to the international derivatives trade. No personel
has been recorded and no profile for clients has been given. I could serve as a front for other banks and also shows up on
other corporation shareholders list indicating it could be involved in the privatisation of ACC (more on that later)
The fact that two banks hold more than 1 lot of shares could indicate that these are divided into to investor groups.

In fact it could be that all these banks just service large groups of investors with these shares as investment funds. In fact it
is more than likely.

However it must be remembered that while these investors themselves are not the bad guys as all they want is just the
biggest return on their money as they can get but that the corporations servicing these funds are bound by law to give their
investors the biggest return on their money as they can and they do so in a psychopathic manner. If you doubt this I suggest
you watch the film The Corporation.

But what has John Key has to do with this you ask?

Apart from the fact that John Key has two trusts, one of which is 'blind' (of which both could be holding shares in said
investment funds which, would be a conflict of interest) he also has quite a substantial number of shares in the Bank of

The Bank of America is one of the five banks which are "too big to fail" and heavily exposed to the Derivatives trades
currently destroying the global economy.
If The Bank of America collapses John Key loses a lot of money and these banks are investing heavily in real world assets
with their soon to be worthless United States Dollars.

In order for John Key to protect his wealth he has to keep on supporting the system in which these banks operate.

Having shares in the company which does most of its restoration and rebuilding work in Christchurch, which is being given
the money by the New Zealand government to do so is one such operation.

In giving Fletcher Construction the job the National government helped John Key do just that.

In researching the names of the shareholders I also uncovered a series of PDFs and links to other companies
about which I will write at length in the coming days, connecting these same shareholders to Rio Tinto and several
Medical corporations - indicating the same conflict of interest with the coming privatisation of ACC and the mining
tsunami also coming our way.

Related: Who Owns New Zealands Banks?

US May Not Be Able To Pay Country's Bills After November 3 - White House
October 18 2015 | From: Sputnik

The United States will be unable to pay its bills if the US Congress does not increase the countrys
debt ceiling by November 3, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said in a briefing on
Previously, the US Treasury has set the deadline for the countrys debt limit increase for November 5.

"By November 3, the United States will exhaust our borrowing capacity andit would put the United States at real
risk, for the very first time in our history, of not being able to pay our bills, Earnest said.

On Wednesday, the US Congressional Budget Office said that the Treasury would face low cash balance in early November
and will exhaust its resources by the first half of the month if Congress does not raise the countrys debt ceiling.

Republicans and fiscal conservatives in Congress, which has the sole authority to raise the debt ceiling, have threatened
to cap the limit unless the White House agrees to budget spending cuts.

At present, the US debt stands at $18.4 trillion.

Auckland University Law Professor Jane Kelsey: Government Spin Won't Stop TPP Facts
October 14 2015 | From: NewZealandHerald

If governments want to play by secret squirrel rules they can hardly accuse those who raise alarms
based on best available information of scaremongering.
The post-Atlanta response by the government and cheerleaders for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
(TPPA) shows they still don't understand why people have opposed the deal and will continue to do so.

First, the secrecy of negotiations and the handcuffs the Agreement will place on future elected governments is a direct
assault on democracy and sovereignty. People don't want 'trust me' democracy where the Executive makes the law in secret
and presents a fait accompli.

The High Court's decision today that Trade Minister Groser acted unlawfully in refusing to release any information
to me under the Official Information Act should act as a wake up call for him and the government.

In his determination to keep everything secret, Minister Groser treated his legal obligations with contempt. He did not look at
a single document before deeming every piece of information too sensitive, or too anodyne, to release.
During the case the Minister's standard line, parroted by many politicians and media commentators, that 'negotiations are
always done this way' was abandoned in the face of evidence they are not.

The judge's statement that 'the Act plays a significant role in New Zealand's constitutional and democratic
arrangements' and its meaning and purpose must be fully honoured by those to whom it applies, is a clear rebuke to the
Minister. It also sends a clear message to the government more generally that the growing unaccountability of Executive
power is not acceptable in a democracy.

The opposition to the TPPA is also about substance. It became a mass movement because people understand this
is not about 'free trade', but that corporate interests are seeking to remake global rules in their interests.

Suggestions by pro-TPPA politicians and commentators that doctors, parliamentarians, lawyers, and local communities,
here and around the world, are dupes of myself and a couple of fellow-travellers beggars belief. As Minister Groser
discovered, such insults backfire when the targets have more credibility than politicians.
I take my role as a public intellectual seriously. Always have. For more than six years, at considerable personal expense, I
closely monitored the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations. With a handful of others, I continued to attend
negotiating meetings when they went underground two years ago, as the already inadequate 'stakeholder' process stopped
without any explanation.

Two books, many academic articles and conference papers, keynote addresses, briefings to politicians and professional
bodies, commentaries on leaked texts, opinion pieces, speeches and press releases, sought to give people some insights
into what was happening behind closed doors. Most of the technical papers written to assist negotiators will never see the
light of day.

I stand by everything I have said about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) over the past six years (especially
if it is quoted accurately).

Once the text becomes public, it will become clear that some of the excesses were beaten back (and opposition to
the deal can take considerable credit for that), but many of the dangers that I and others pointed to are still there.

We always knew the government and its allies would have a two-pronged strategy if they finalised the deal - to spin like
crazy before people could see the facts, and to launch a counter-offensive to discredit opponents. I guess it's flattering that
the government apparently pre-scripted counters to every point they thought I would raise.
Personal attacks and character assassination, epitomised by Rodney Hide's vitriol in the Herald on Sunday, are the resort of
people who lack convincing arguments.

It's time for the post-Atlanta debate to focus on the substance, which requires release of the text and the background
documents, and for the parties to revoke their secrecy pact to keep negotiating documents secret for four years after
the agreement comes into force.

Work has already begun, with support from the Law Foundation, on a series of expert analyses that will enable New
Zealanders to judge for themselves what they think of the final deal.

That is what democracy requires. New Zealanders deserve nothing less.

Auckland University Law Professor Jane Kelsey: Government Spin Won't Stop TPP Facts
October 14 2015 | From: NewZealandHerald

If governments want to play by secret squirrel rules they can hardly accuse those who raise alarms
based on best available information of scaremongering.
The post-Atlanta response by the government and cheerleaders for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
(TPPA) shows they still don't understand why people have opposed the deal and will continue to do so.

First, the secrecy of negotiations and the handcuffs the Agreement will place on future elected governments is a direct
assault on democracy and sovereignty. People don't want 'trust me' democracy where the Executive makes the law in secret
and presents a fait accompli.

The High Court's decision today that Trade Minister Groser acted unlawfully in refusing to release any information
to me under the Official Information Act should act as a wake up call for him and the government.

In his determination to keep everything secret, Minister Groser treated his legal obligations with contempt. He did not look at
a single document before deeming every piece of information too sensitive, or too anodyne, to release.
During the case the Minister's standard line, parroted by many politicians and media commentators, that 'negotiations are
always done this way' was abandoned in the face of evidence they are not.

The judge's statement that 'the Act plays a significant role in New Zealand's constitutional and democratic
arrangements' and its meaning and purpose must be fully honoured by those to whom it applies, is a clear rebuke to the
Minister. It also sends a clear message to the government more generally that the growing unaccountability of Executive
power is not acceptable in a democracy.

The opposition to the TPPA is also about substance. It became a mass movement because people understand this
is not about 'free trade', but that corporate interests are seeking to remake global rules in their interests.

Suggestions by pro-TPPA politicians and commentators that doctors, parliamentarians, lawyers, and local communities,
here and around the world, are dupes of myself and a couple of fellow-travellers beggars belief. As Minister Groser
discovered, such insults backfire when the targets have more credibility than politicians.
I take my role as a public intellectual seriously. Always have. For more than six years, at considerable personal expense, I
closely monitored the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations. With a handful of others, I continued to attend
negotiating meetings when they went underground two years ago, as the already inadequate 'stakeholder' process stopped
without any explanation.

Two books, many academic articles and conference papers, keynote addresses, briefings to politicians and professional
bodies, commentaries on leaked texts, opinion pieces, speeches and press releases, sought to give people some insights
into what was happening behind closed doors. Most of the technical papers written to assist negotiators will never see the
light of day.

I stand by everything I have said about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) over the past six years (especially
if it is quoted accurately).

Once the text becomes public, it will become clear that some of the excesses were beaten back (and opposition to
the deal can take considerable credit for that), but many of the dangers that I and others pointed to are still there.

We always knew the government and its allies would have a two-pronged strategy if they finalised the deal - to spin like
crazy before people could see the facts, and to launch a counter-offensive to discredit opponents. I guess it's flattering that
the government apparently pre-scripted counters to every point they thought I would raise.
Personal attacks and character assassination, epitomised by Rodney Hide's vitriol in the Herald on Sunday, are the resort of
people who lack convincing arguments.

It's time for the post-Atlanta debate to focus on the substance, which requires release of the text and the background
documents, and for the parties to revoke their secrecy pact to keep negotiating documents secret for four years after
the agreement comes into force.

Work has already begun, with support from the Law Foundation, on a series of expert analyses that will enable New
Zealanders to judge for themselves what they think of the final deal.

That is what democracy requires. New Zealanders deserve nothing less.

The Final Leaked TPP Text Is All That We Feared / What We Always Knew: The TPPA Is
An Attack On Sovereignty, Intellectual Property And Healthcare Just For Starters
October 13 2015 | From: Scoop / NewAmerican / ActivistPost / Geopolitics

In every sense of the term, it is a corporate seizure at the expense of a citizens worth, because
obviously, having extended copyright terms, paying more for pharmaceuticals, extending the
length of patents, and attacking the generic drugs industry is exactly what the general public need
Diplomats, trade officials and delegations of the twelve negotiating countries behind the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Agreement were always doing one thing even as their respective masters were doing another.

Related: "The Biggest Protest This Country Has Seen In Years" - 250,000 Germans Protest Obama "Free Trade"

As the boardroom was carving out democracy and sovereignty, the executives were selling vassalage as well worth it. As
President Barack Obama, mask off, was insisting on taking the globe, as far as it he could, further into an American trade
orbit, free trade was being sold in all signatory countries as an automatic godsend.

This is about increasing the ability of global corporations to source wherever they can at the lowest cost.

- Michael Wessel, The Guardian, Oct 9, 2015

Secret during the entire phase of negotiations, it has only been the workings of WikiLeaks that has enabled global citizens to
get a glimpse about what exactly we are in for. The intellectual property chapter has now been released in three phases, the
first in November 2013, and the final on October 9, 2015.
The latter version, dated October 5, is the near, if not actual final product, one which will be sold to the twelve respective
parliaments when respective ratification and domestic legislation will have to be enacted.

In every sense of the term, it is a corporate seizure at the expense of a citizens worth, because obviously, having extended
copyright terms, paying more for pharmaceuticals, extending the length of patents, and attacking the generic drugs industry
is exactly what the general public need.

As the Electronic Frontier Foundation noted, the IP chapter confirms our worst fears about the agreement, and dashes few
hopes we held out that its most onerous provisions wouldnt survive to the end of the negotiations.

Related: The Final Leaked TPP Text is All That We Feared (See important excerpt below)

Regarding The Takedown of Alternative Media Websites Such as WakeUpKiwi;

ISP Liability:

The provisions on ISP liability (Appendix Section I), as we previously found in the last leaked text, are not quite as
permissive as we hoped. It will still require most countries to adopt a version of the flawed U.S. DMCA notice-and-
takedown system, albeit with a few safeguards such as penalties for those who issue wrongful takedown notices,
and allowing (but not requiring) a Japanese-style system of verification of takedown notices by an independent
body of ISPs and rightsholders.

It is true that Canadas notice-and-notice regime is also allowed, but effectively only for Canada - no other country
that did not have an equivalent system as of the date of the agreement is allowed to benefit from that flexibility.
Even in Canadas case, this largesse is only afforded because of the other enforcement measures that
rightsholders enjoy there - such as a tough regime of secondary liability for authorization of copyright infringement.

Similarly Chiles system under which ISPs are not required to take down content without a judicial order is explicitly
grandfathered in, but no other country joining the TPP in the future will be allowed to have a similar system.

In addition, although there is no explicit requirement for a graduated response regime of copyright penalties
against users, ISPs are still roped in as copyright enforcers with the vague requirement (Appendix Section 1) that
they be given legal incentivesto cooperate with copyright owners to deter the unauthorized storage and
transmission of copyrighted materials or, in the alternative, to take other action to deter the unauthorized storage
and transmission of copyright materials.

Coming to the chapter with fresh eyes allows for an initially easy deception. The language in parts is bland and general,
taking cognisance of the IP rules for the mutual advantage of producers and users to facilitate the diffusion of information.
All this, it is suggested, is to aid access to the wonderful world of diversity that is the public domain.

The public domain, however, is evidently seen to be one heavily circumscribed by both the State and its corporate partners.

The treaty entitles signatories to restrict information, for instance, through trial proceedings that would be detrimental to a
partys economic interests, international relations, or national defence or national security.

Signatory states already have similar domestic restrictions designed to curb such information mechanisms as
freedom of information.

Privacy is also shot through, be it in instances when authorities in signatory states can provide names and addresses of
importers in violation to owners of that intellectual property.

The entire chain of production and use is targeted, with information including any person involved in any aspects of the
infringement or alleged infringement. Third persons said to be involved in the production and distribution of such goods or
services and of their channels of distribution are also netted.

As the text is chewed further, the restrictions, notably in terms of public use, start mounting. In fact, the public seem to be a
defanged, inconsequential presence.
Copyright, for instance, is said to be matter for the parties to balance within their domestic regulations, but the agreement
does not bind parties to aim for that goal. There is no mandatory fair use model provision to speak of.

As for how long such copyright terms would run, a protection period of 70 years is offered after performance or publication,
and if not published within 25 years after creation, for 70 years after that creation. Better, though not by much, than the
absurdly lengthy 120 year period initially proposed by the US Trade Representative.

Related: The Pacific Trade Agreement is an Attack on Sovereignty


In 2004, Mike Nattrass, a leader of Britains United Kingdom Independence Party, thundered, The EU was sold to
the British people as a trading agreement and turned into a political union which is changing our basic laws and

And in 2007, former German President Roman Herzog lamented: 84 percent of the legal acts in Germany
stemmed from [EU headquarters in] Brussels.

He concluded that his country should no longer be considered an independent nation .

In 2000, Mikhail Gorbachev, the former ruler of the USSR, had raised a different type of red flag. While in Britain,
he described the EU as the new European Soviet.

Few took that revealing remark seriously.

It is now 2015. Led by President Obama, the United States has agreed to link arms in a trade agreement with 11
Pacific Rim nations. Labeled the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the proposal has been promoted as a beneficial
trade agreement that will enhance U.S. trade, counter Chinas exports, create jobs here at home, protect the
environment, enforce human rights, and more.

But a close examination of what is known about this pact (no copies have been made available, other than what
has leaked out) reveals that it is far more than a mere trade pact.

Instead, it should be viewed as the beginning of a process similar to the one employed to create the
European Union.

Negotiations leading to completion of this pact have been conducted in secrecy, even to the point of refusing to
provide members of Congress with copies. Congress is given 90 days to mull over passage or refusal but no
amendments are allowed because Congress has already given the president authority to forbid congressional

Not only that, but TPP negotiators want to keep portions of the document secret for at least four years
even if Congress okays it. Why any member of Congress would agree to all of this is somewhat mind-

Mr. Obama wont admit it, but TPP is designed to be the beginning step in a political and economic union
that will result in our doing to ourselves precisely what has been done to 28 nations in Europe.

Members of Congress, both House and Senate, must hear from voters about this.

And this is not just about America - the people of all 12 affected nations need to wake up and prevent the
ratification of this monstrous, globalist, NWO machination.

If TPP isnt rejected, a huge chunk of our collective nations' independence will have been traded away.

If asked, Gorbachev might even refer to a ratified TPP as the new Pacific Soviet.
Reduced then, to its barest form, only a few provisions identified by the EFF can be deemed to be less inhibitive than what
was found in initial drafts. Extending copyright protections to buffer copies in a computer system was eventually dropped
by the USTR. The parallel importation of cheaper versions of copyright works will be permitted, complemented by an
express authorisation of devices that bypass regions (EFF, Oct 9).

Leaving aside the evident influence of Hollywood in the entire affair, the heft of the pharmaceutical industries was also made
apparent. Stifling innovation in its name, the chapter effectively entrenches the most anti-competitive practices of all by
enforcing oligopolies with the grace, or gracelessness, of law.

The TPP, argues Peter Maybarduk, Public Citizens Global Access to Medicines Program Director, would cost lives.

The implications are extensive, but a few points should be noted. Patent Term adjustments (Article QQ.E.14), extensions
which delay the entry of generic medicines while also limiting access to cheaper medicines, looms large.

Speed is of the essence, with parties undertaking to make best efforts to process applications for market approval of
pharmaceutical products in an efficient and timely manner, with a view to avoiding unreasonable and unnecessary delays.
The state parties are given considerable leeway in terms of making available a period of additional sui generis protection to
compensate for unreasonable curtailment of the effective patent term as a result of the marketing approval process.

Stifling measures regarding the release of generic drugs into the market is provided by QQ.E.15, which enables parties
to adopt or maintain a regulatory review exception for pharmaceutical products.

In theory, this replicates provision in states where generic drugs are permitted as exceptions which enable them to be made
in small quantities before the patent expires. Well and good, but for the fact that any such review must be mindful that the
legitimate interests of the patent owner shall not be unreasonably prejudiced.

Related: The TPP Chapter on Drug Patents Will Kill Drug Dependents


"The passage of the final version of the secretive TPP a few days ago will literally kill any drug dependent today
because it would raise up the prices of even the now cheaper generic versions of an antibiotic, or take them out of
the market altogether due to intellectual property infringement."

Furthermore, market exclusivity is granted for pharmaceutical products for at least five years a means of ensuring that
generic drug registration will be delayed for a designated period of time.

Related: Big Pharma Revealed As Puppetmaster Behind TPP Secrecy

Third parties are not permitted to market the same or similar product using the same or other data regarding the safety and
efficacy of that product.

Even if the parties accept applications for generic medicines within those five years, marketing approval can only take place
after the five year period has expired.
The insidious linking between the market, marketing approval and the patent, gleams with nefarious consequence before
the sickbed of humanity. It will also be distressing to some US Democrats who had hoped to build upon the May 10, 2007
deal made under the Bush administration. The May 10 Agreement had taken umbrage with patent term extensions and
longer marketing exclusivities.

At this point in time, as the clock ticks over respective domestic enactments by the 12 parliaments and congressional
bodies, the political classes within the party states will have to consider whether a corporate dictated subservience, legally
sanctioned, is better than such alternatives where the commonwealth can prevail.

Related: Read The TPPA Agreement

Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan

October 12 2015 | From: VeteransToday

Kevin Barrett: "It is worth noting that Russia and Iran the two nations most successfully resisting
NWO regime change are doing so in the name of God. Putins reference to Satanism was a
pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who though they push militant secularism on the
societies they are trying to undermine are closet Satanists."
So, you want to worship Satan? By all means, but leave Russia out of it. Rest assured that I will be your worst nightmare. You can quote me on

Related: A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred - Paul Craig Roberts

"The world is beginning to realize that a seachange in world affairs occured on September 28 when President
Putin of Russia stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washingtons vicious, stupid, and failed
policies that have unleashed chaos, which is engulfing the Middle East and now Europe.

Two days later, Russia took over the military situation in Syria and began the destruction of the Islamic State

During the Cold War, the United States and much of the West argued that the Soviet Union was a godless
nation. Last year, Vladimir Putin took that pendulum, swung it on the other direction, and landed it on the Zionist
regime. As Patrick Buchanan put it then, In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on Gods
side. The West is Gomorrah. Putin said:

Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being
pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in
Satan. This is the path to degradation.

The Washington Times reported then:

In his state of the nation address, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of traditional values
against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer
insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into chaotic darkness.

As part of this defense of Christian values, Russia has adopted a law banning homosexual propaganda and
another that makes it a criminal offense to insult the religious sensibilities of believers

Although Mr. Putin has never made a secret of what he says is his deep Christian faith, his first decade in power
was largely free of overtly religious rhetoric. Little or no attempt was made to impose a set of values on Russians
or lecture to the West on morals."

Certainly Putin put the moral equation back on the table. Kevin Barrett declared that Putin here was trying to put the fear of
God in the New World Order.

Barrett moved on to make the forceful argument that much of the Zionist establishment in the West is afraid of Putin
because the establishment leaves in fear.
Russian President Putin is resisting, said Barrett. That is why the Western propaganda machine is calling him
names. Barrett continued to argue cogently:

Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being
pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in
Satan. This is the path to degradation.

It is worth noting that Russia and Iran the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change
are doing so in the name of God. Putins reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World
Order elites, who though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine
are closet Satanists.

Anyone who doubts this should run the name Lt. Col. Michael Aquino through a search engine. Aquino, an
avowed Satanist and credibly-accused mass child abuser, was rewarded for his crimes against children with an
appointment as Chief of Psychological Warfare for the US military.

The shock troops of the NWOs war against religion and tradition (and Russia and Iran) are the neoconservatives.
Operation Gladio terrorist Michael Ledeen explains:

Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our society and abroad. We tear down the old order every
day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have
always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and
shames them for their inability to keep pace We must destroy them to advance our historic mission.

Putin is stopping New World Order creative destruction in Syria and Ukraine. He is part of a growing
coalition opposing the NWO not just religious traditionalists, but also progressive anti-globalization
forces, including Hugo Chavez inspired anti-imperialists in Latin America.

Kudos for Barrett here. The regime proved Putin right by applauding the Pussy Riot, a Trotskyite group that ended up having
sex (literal pornography) at the Moscow National Museum. (We have discussed this issue in the past.) As always, Neocons
like Seth Mandel of Commentary were on the front line defending their brethren.

But the crucial point here is that Putin, like Emmanuel Kant and even John Adams and others, understands that a nation
cannot exist without objective morality, and objective morality cannot exist without Logos, the essence and sustainer of the
moral universe.
In that sense, and whether he notices it or not, Putin was implicitly or indirectly attacking the Neo-Darwinian ideology, which
states that objective morality is an illusion and has no metaphysical basis. It is here that we find again that Neo-Darwinian
metaphysics is intellectually useless and worthless because it denies the very essence of a moral universe.

As we have noted in the past, serious Darwinists agree that objective morality is an illusion. The noted biology philosopher
Michael Ruse once again said that there are no grounds whatsoever for being good. Morality is flimflam. Yet like his
intellectual antecedent Charles Darwin, Ruse ends up contradicting himself in the very next sentence by saying;

Does this mean that you can just go out and rape and pillage, behave like an ancient Roman grabbing Sabine
women? Not at all. I said that there are no grounds for being good. It doesnt follow that you should be bad."

Well, duh! If there are no grounds for objective morality, then good and bad are also illusion. There is not such a thing as
rape or bad behavior. What is good for you may not be good for me, and there is no way of adjudicating competing
explanations. In that kind of world, might makes right. Ruse does not really have a problem with this argument here. In fact,
he moves on to say that morality:

Is something forged in the struggle for existence and reproduction, something fashioned by natural selection. It is
as much a natural human adaptation as our ears or noses or teeth or penises or vaginas. It works and it has no
meaning over and above this. If all future food were Pablum, we would probably be better off without teeth."
Morality is just a matter of emotions, like liking ice cream and sex and hating toothache and marking student
papers. But it is, and has to be, a funny kind of emotion. It has to pretend that it is not that at all! If we thought that
morality was no more than liking or not liking spinach, then pretty quickly it would break down."

Before long, we would find ourselves saying something like: Well, morality is a jolly good thing from a personal
point of view. When I am hungry or sick, I can rely on my fellow humans to help me. But really it is all bullshit, so
when they need help I can and should avoid putting myself out. There is nothing there for me. The trouble is that
everyone would start saying this, and so very quickly there would be no morality and society would collapse and
each and every one of us would suffer."

So morality has to come across as something that is more than emotion. It has to appear to be objective,
even though really it is subjective.

Ruse, like some genetic theorists, really believes that morality is an illusion put in place by your genes to make you a
social cooperator

This, by the way, is logically congruent with Darwins survival of the fittest. And survival of the fittest is logically congruent
with Zionism. If evolutionary theory explains how warfare contributed to fitness in the course of the evolution of Homo
sapiens, as scholar Bradley A. Thayer maintains, then how can a serious Darwinist say that social Darwinism or even
Zionism is really bad on a consistent and logical basis?

Thayer, of course, struggles mightily to rationally defend the thesis that Warfare contributes to fitness and that people
wage war to gain and defend resources while maintaining that social Darwinists were wrong in taking social Darwinism to
its logical conclusion. He says that social Darwinists perverted Charles Darwins argument and:
Distorted evolutionary explanations because they misunderstood Darwins ideas and were ignorant of or
consciously chose to ignore the naturalistic fallacy. Those who use evolutionary theory to explain aspects of
human behavior must recall the social Darwinists errors. Doing so makes it possible not only to avoid repeating
errors but also to advance scientific understanding.

But Thayer moves on to make this argument:

The ultimate causation for warfare is anchored in Darwinian natural selection and inclusive fitness.
warfare can increase both the absolute and relative fitness of humans From the classical Darwinian
perspective, warfare contributes to fitness because individuals who wage war successfully are better able
to survive and reproduce.

Thayer repeats this thesis over and over in the course of the book:

An ultimate causal explanation for warfare based in evolutionary theory begins with the recognition that warfare
contributes to fitness in certain circumstances because successful warfare lets the winner acquire resources".

For evolutionary biology, a resource is any material substance that has the potential to increase the individuals
ability to survive or reproduce. As such it may be food, shelter, or territory, especially high-quality soil or wild foods;
abundant firewood; or territory free of dangerous animals, such as lions, or insect infestations, or disease; and
also status coalition allies, and members of the opposite sex.

And then this: Warfare might be necessary then for offensive purposes, to plunder resources from others. In these
circumstances, an individual becomes fitter if he can successfully attack to take the resources of others.

Thayer cites evolutionary theorist William Durham saying that:

War is one means by which individuals may improve the material conditions of their lives and thereby increae
their ability to survive and reproduceThus successful warfare would help the tribe gain resources, and for a
swidden agricultural economy land is critically important.

So, is Thayer really against social Darwinism? Ideologically, yes. Consistently and logically? No. I honestly dont blame him,
for his intellectual grandfather could not solve that problem either and had to live in contradiction until his dying day. Darwin
declared at the end of his Origin of Species:

Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving,
namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows.
Correct me if I am wrong here: Isnt he saying that war and famine and death are things that will get the higher animals

Scholars of all stripes agree that this is Darwin at his best. Yet when social Darwinists took his thesis and spread it across
the political spectrum, Darwin disagreed!

If the Dreadful Few are in the struggle for survival, then the Goyim must swiftly be eliminated. That is certainly consistent
with Darwins grand scheme. If people cannot see this and try to avoid this vital contradiction, then you can be sure that they
are not to be taken seriously or they do not understand logic.

So, when people are trying to maintain an objective morality by either appealing to the so-called evolutionary theory or
even DNA, then you can be sure that those people either are out of touch with the scholarly literature, are not well equipped
to understand or articulate their own position, or are just deliberately lying.

Furthermore, to appeal to reciprocal altruism to prove objective morality, a central protocol in Darwins grand scheme, is also
a dead end because the life of Mother Theresa and countless other examples prove that this idea will not work. I was hoping
that modern Darwinists would make some good improvement on this warfare theory, but so far virtually everyone has failed.

I am certainly not asking people to drop their cherished belief. In fact, there are many people who believe in the tooth fairy.
But so long that this neo-Darwinian ideology remains intellectually stupid and morally indefensible, they can leave me out of

Going back to Putin, he said in 2013:

People in many European countries are ashamed, and are afraid of talking about their religious convictions.
[Religious] holidays are being taken away or called something else, shamefully hiding the essence of the holiday.

The Zionist regime, of course, made the false accusation that Putin was persecuting homosexuals. But Putin moved on to
diffuse the regimes silly argument this way: We need to respect the rights of minorities to be different, but the rights of the
majority should not be in question.
So, yes, Patrick Buchanan. Putin is one of us. Any serious politician who stands against the Mephistophelian establishment
is one of us. As Friedrich Hansen of Asia Times put it;

Make no mistake, Putin is not targeting homosexuals, as he made clear with his welcoming them to the Sotchi
Olympics. It also seems only fair to remind Western readers that ever since the 1980s, Sotchi has been the center
of Russia with a vibrant homosexual subculture.

Rather, Putin is addressing the whole gamut of post-modern incarnations of the sex and drugs revolution:

Binge drinking of both genders until the doctors move in, elite illicit drug use, unmanageable crime rates, surging
divorce numbers, Hook-Up sex on campus, out of wedlock births, fathers and mothers in puberty, abortion on
demand, public nudism and human copulation in parks, gay promiscuity with a good conscience, swinger clubs
and darkrooms, ruthless Internet dating and pornography and what have you.

How does the regime respond? Well, you know the drill. Owen Matthews, a useful idiot, declared in the Spectator that Putin
has a new plan for world domination!

In order to slander Putin, Matthews indirectly linked him with Willi Munzenberg, a revolutionary Jew who wanted to take the
Western world to perdition at any cost. Munzenberg was so passionate about his revolutionary goal that he wrote:

We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western Civilization stink! Only then, after they
have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.

When Putin said that Russia will defend traditional values that have made up the spiritual and moral foundation of
civilisation in every nation for thousands of years, Matthews declared that Putin is on to something. What is it? Matthews
told us:

Putins new mission goes deeper than political opportunism. Like the old Communist International, or Comintern,
in its day, Moscow is again building an international ideological alliance.

He again emphasized this point so that readers could get it: And again, like the Comintern, Putin appears convinced that he
is embarking on a world-historical mission. He moved on to talking about Putins conservative Comintern.
At the other end of the political spectrum, David Cameron likened Putin to Hitler. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, among
other usual suspects, have all placed Putin and Hitler on equal footing.

Historian Paul Johnson (sad to say) even went so far as to say that Putin and Hitler are basically two sides of the same coin.
Johnson said that Putin;

Believes in a strong Stalinist state. His goal is to reverse the events of 1989the end of the Soviet state and
dissolution of its enormous empire. He seeks to do this by using what remains of Russias Stalinist heritage: the
military, a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons and immense resources of natural gas and other forms of energy.

Johnson is sad because there is no Churchillian voice to sound the alarm and call the democratic world to action.

Johnson has got to be kidding. What he ends up saying is that someone like Churchill needs to step up and start lying to the
West about Putin. It is so sad to read silly comments such as this by a good historian like Johnson.

But the real question is this: Why do the regime and their puppets hate Putin so much?

Well, Putin suggested back in 2013 the Soviet government was guided by a dark force whose ideological goggles
and faulty ideological perceptions collapsed.

The first Soviet government, Putin added, was 80-85 percent Jewish.

Sounds like Putin has read Alexander Solzhenitsyns Two Hundred Years Together. If so, then it seems clear that
he will continue to challenge the Zionist regime. Perhaps Putin has been encouraged by Solzhenitsyns bravery. It
was Solzhenitsyn who said:
And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: will he remain a witting servant of the lies, or
has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and

Perhaps Putin is saying enough is enough. And this maybe one reason why nearly all the major news outlets have
been relentlessly slandered him.

Kevin Barrett ended up his excellent article saying, God bless President Putin, who is putting the fear of God into the New
World Order.

Let us hope that he will never be weary in well doing, for in due season he shall reap, if he faints not.

Agenda 2030 Translator: Decoding The UNs New Sustainable Development Goals
September 30 2015 | From: 21stCenturyWire

The new UN program for global technocratic management is being unveiled this week at the 70th
United Nations General Assembly in New York City.
Would you believe it even has branding and informative graphics?

Their new agenda (this one is newer than than old one) hopes to transform our world for the better by 2030, and
yet, few if any Americans or Western Europeans reallyunderstand what Agenda 2030 is all about.

Related: The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under
the boot of corporate masters

Michael Snyder from the The End of The American Dream blog explains:

"Did you know that the UN is planning to launch a new universal agenda for humanity in September 2015? That
phrase does not come from me it is actually right in the very first paragraph of the official document that every
UN member nation will formally approve at a conference later this month.

The entire planet is going to be committing to work toward 17 sustainable development goals and 169 specific
sustainable development targets, and yet there has been almost a total media blackout about this here in the
United States.

The UN document promises that this plan will transform our world for the better by 2030, and yet very
few Americans have even heard of the 2030 Agenda at this point.

Thanks for the ones who do understand, and can share their findings with the rest of us
Truthstream Media

Its that time again: the United Nations is officially releasing the all new Agenda 2030 sustainable development
plan, or what some have hailed as the new Agenda 21 on steroids, at the United Nations Sustainable
Development Summit kicking off today in New York City.

You can even read all about it on the White House Website: FACT SHEET: U.S. Global Development Policy and
Agenda 2030

Since these supposedly non-binding international agreements can sometimes be a bit tricky to decode, what with all the
weaponized buzz terms and semantics games, weve prepared a handy dandy translator on the 17 new Agenda 2030 goals

Click in the image to see a larger version in a new window

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances, digital one world currency in a cashless

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Translation: GMO

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Translation: Population control through forced Family Planning

Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Translation: Privatize all water sources, dont forget to add fluoride

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for
Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy like a mutant octopus

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Translation: Forced austerity

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes (aka Al Gores wet dream)

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build
effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Translation: UN peacekeeping missions (ex 1, ex 2), the International Court of (blind) Justice, force people together via
fake refugee crises and then mediate with more UN peacekeeping when tension breaks out to gain more control over a
region, remove 2nd Amendment in USA

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide, promote globalism under the authority and bloated, Orwellian
bureaucracy of the UN
And dont forget the One World Religion under the One World Pope!

NZ TPP Activists Claim Refusal To Release Negotiating Texts 'Unlawful'

September 29 2015 | From: NationalBusinessReview

Ministers can't make blanket refusals to release documents under the Official Information Act
without reviewing them first or by arguing the only information that could be made public would be
"anodyne," the High Court at Wellington has been told.
Several organisations concerned at the secrecy surrounding negotiation of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade and
investment agreement are seeking a declaration from the court that would require Trade Minister Tim Groser to
reconsider earlier decisions to withhold documents relating to the negotiations.

Related: Were afraid of the TPPA

Matthew Palmer QC is representing the claimants, Consumer NZ, Ngati Kahungunu, Greenpeace, Oxfam, the Association
of Salaried Medical Specialists, the NZ Nurses Organisation, and the Tertiary Education Union in an action initiated by the
University of Auckland law school's TPP critic, Professor Jane Kelsey, who claim the process of deciding to withhold
information requested so far has been unlawful.

Justice David Collins, who is hearing the application, reacted rarely during Dr Palmer's submissions but asked him before
the lunch break to reflect on a recent decision "about the extent to which courts should give direction."
Dr Palmer argued the New Zealand government should not be "contracting out" its legal obligations under the OIA by
making it subservient to the requirements of a strict confidentiality agreement between the 12 TPP nations.

Justice Collins observed that such a decision "could be consistent" with the act.

Dr Palmer responded:

"Our submission is that if there was no other reason for information to be withheld, that agreement cannot provide
an additional reason."

Much of the morning's arguments revolved around the fact that neither the minister nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had
undertaken a full review of the documents in question to determine whether parts that were either in the public domain
already or were "anodyne" and uncontroversial and could be released.

"The minister failed to undertake a basic element by failing to assess the information itself," said Palmer.

" That's the basis of a request for a determination. Blanket refusals are not contemplated by the act."

Dr Palmer also dwelled on the approach being taken by the European Union, which has been willing to allow release of
negotiating texts relating to the European-US equivalent of TPP, known as TTIP, and comments by the European
Ombudsman suggesting the traditional secrecy surrounding trade negotiations is counter-productive to public trust in such
processes. The hearing is continuing.

Related: Gordon Campbell on the PMs TPP concessions on medicines

Anger Over 'Nazi Swastika' New Zealand Flag Entry
September 26 2015 | From: TheIndependent / OneNews

A New Zealand First MP has used tonight's urgent reading of a bill to include Red Peak in the flag
referendum, to draw attention to what he says are similarities to Nazi war symbols.

Related: Petition For [Illuminati-Esque] 'Red Peak' Flag Next Move In The Uprising Against Panel's Four Flags

A wildcard entry in New Zealands flag referendum has been likened to the Nazi Swastika symbol by politicians.

Related: What Is The Real Agenda Behind John Key's Drive To Change The New Zealand Flag: Due Authority - A
Very Silent Coup?

Prime Minister John Key had previously refused to add the new 'Red Peak' design to the contest, which already comprised
of four entries.
But the inverted V-shape flag will now been included in the referendum due to take place in November after 52,000 people
called for it to be allowed, the BBC reported.

And the news will add to the fury felt by the New Zealand First party, who suggested the design could be misappropriated as
a symbol of Adolf Hitler's evil regime.

During an occasionally bizarre debate in parliament on Wednesday, Denis ORourke MP demonstrated how the design
could be made to resemble the Nazi Swastika if four of the flags were placed together.

The deputy leader of the party, Ron Mark, also compared the design to insignia painted on the side of Nazi sentry boxes.
The BBC reported that he said:

How offensive is that to veterans? It's going from farcical to ridiculous. We don't want a bar of it."

The unofficial Godwins Law of Nazi Analogies was developed by Mike Godwin in the 1990s as a counter-meme. The theory
behind the so-called law is that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of comparison involving Nazis or Hitler
approaches one".

Red Peak was designed Aaron Dustin, who said on his website that the "the 'First To The Light' flag was intended to be a
'new' symbol that expressed our NZ identity".

Three of the other flags in the contest feature a fern which is a national icon. The fourth design features a koru, which is
frequently seen in Maori art.

Have You Ever Heard Of The "Wellington Declaration"?

September 21 2015 | From: TheContrail

Well neither had I, until now that is. Not for any particular reason mind you. Just there it was,
inconspicuously mentioned in a NZ Herald article.

Well, of course this made me interested. Here is one of the worlds most powerful women, meeting in Wellington to
sign a "significant" agreement / declaration between NZ and the US and I never heard about it.
"Mrs Clinton's 2010 trip was hugely significant in terms of restoring full diplomatic relations with New Zealand.

While here she signed a new partnership document known as the Wellington Declaration, that covered areas of
co-operation including non-nuclear proliferation, the Pacific, and Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.

The declaration is thought to have been proposed by Washington as a tangible symbol of the restoration of the
relationship since its decision in 2007 to accept New Zealand's anti-nuclear stance as permanent."

- NZ Herald

Perhaps I had my head under a rock and simply missed this significant moment. Most likely though it would be their tried-
and-tested method of "Hiding in plain sight." By this I mean, slipping in a news article here or a small mention on the news
and then pretend like it didn't happen. If people later find out about it - like me - they simply say "We ain't hiding anything.
Didn't you see the news?" and make us feel stupid.

So yet again, here is a semi-secret agreement, being signed without our knowledge. Of course, they will tell you it's just a
harmless, warm-fuzzy back-rub amongst old friends and a quick reach-around just to let each-other know, no hard feelings
about that NO-NUKES business. After all, that was that 'other party', not us.

Then they'll point you in the direction of the declaration itself:

Wellington Declaration on a new strategic partnership between New Zealand and the United States
of America

The Wellington Declaration was signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully and US Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton during her visit to Wellington on 4 November 2010.

Minister of Foreign Affairs for New Zealand Murray McCully and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of the United
States of America met today to reaffirm the close ties between their two nations and to establish the framework of a new
United States- New Zealand strategic partnership to shape future practical cooperation and political dialogue.

New Zealand and the United States are both Pacific nations. Our governments and peoples share a deep and abiding
interest in maintaining peace, prosperity, and stability in the region, expanding the benefits of freer and more open trade,
and promoting and protecting freedom, democracy and human rights worldwide. We recall the long history of shared United
States and New Zealand sacrifice in battle and we honor those, past and present, who have borne that sacrifice.

As we look to the challenges of the 21st century, our shared democratic values and common interests will continue to guide
our collective efforts.

The United States-New Zealand strategic partnership is to have two fundamental elements: a new focus on practical
cooperation in the Pacific region; and enhanced political and subject-matter expert dialogue including regular Foreign
Ministers meetings and political-military discussions.

We resolve to further our two nations joint cooperation in addressing broader regional and global challenges, such as
climate change, nuclear proliferation, and extremism.

We resolve also to develop new joint initiatives that confront the challenges faced by the Pacific. Particular areas of focus
are to include renewable energy and disaster response management. We recognize that climate change adaptation in the
Pacific is also a priority for both countries and is an issue to which the United States and New Zealand are committed. We
intend also to work closely to enhance dialogue on regional security issues.

We endeavour to develop deeper and broader people-to-people ties between the United States and New Zealand,
encouraging innovation, and expanding our commercial and trade relations, building on the creativity and rich diversity of
our societies.

To ensure the broadest participation of our citizens in strengthening the relationship between our two nations, we should
focus efforts across our societies, including women, youth, minorities and future leaders.

We are dedicated to working together to address trade, security and development issues through APEC, the East Asia
Summit, the United Nations, and other regional and multilateral institutions.

Our goal is a partnership for the 21st Century that is flexible, dynamic, and reflects our fundamental beliefs and aspirations.

Signed at Wellington, in duplicate, this 4th day of November, 2010.

For New Zealand: Murray McCully Minister of Foreign Affairs

For the United States of America: Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State

You're telling me the Devils own mistress, travels all the way to little ol' NZ to sign a 'declaration' to say let's all play nice and
look after the Pacific? YEAH RIGHT!

So I dug a little deeper and the best info I could find, was straight from the US Embassy's own website. As you can imagine
I'm a little reluctant to copy / paste that straight here so click the link and check for yourself. But with the usual US rhetoric,
man-hugs and reminiscing about that time in Iwo Jima where those Kiwis were on the beaches with us [choke], it's pretty
plain to see that this agreement is all about MILITARY COOPERATION.

The signed declaration that they show us, sure as hell won't be the same one they signed behind closed doors.
Clinton doesn't do warm-fuzzies. Clinton does war. Clinton does drones strikes. Clinton does 5-Eyes and world wide

Of course it was great to see on the US Embassy's own website just how much high-level access our own Dear Leader has
been given in Washington:

The Prime Minister worked through the highest-level schedule one could have in Washington, including discussions with
President Obama, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Secretary of Homeland
Security Janet Napolitano, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Benjamin Bernanke,
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen, and Senators John Kerry, Richard Lugar, and John McCain, among
To my knowledge, there has never been a higher-level working reception accorded a Kiwi official. And that was just the tip of
the iceberg. Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully and Defence Minister Dr Wayne Mapp also had busy working visits to
Washington during the year, and other officials traveled to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, Honolulu, and Pago

The traffic has not been one way.

In the year since Secretary Clinton touched down in Wellington, more than 1,100 American officials have come to New
Zealand to meet with their counterparts. That is, by several orders of magnitude, the largest number of U.S. Government
officials ever to visit in a 12-month period.

Well John. You don't impress me. You just freak the shit out of me!

So if you've been wondering about the increased US military action in NZ and all the fun [sarcasm] toys they play with to
make our lives HELL! well, there's your reason.

Bring back Lange I say. Clone him in a test-tube. Before it's too late.

Channel 9 Australia Bans TPPA-Exposing Ad From Airing During Prime Time News
September 14 2015 | From: GetUp

We just received word that Channel 9 has banned our new TV ad from airing during the evening
news - and they refuse to say why.
The ad simply shows, in irreverent fashion, what the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement will mean for Australian
families. The Abbott government is trying to keep this deal secret from Australians, and now Channel 9 is joining

But we won't give up. We're scrambling right now for ad spots during the news on other networks, before next Saturday's
critical Canning by-election (Channel 10 says they'll air it!).

US Intelligence Confirms US Deliberately Helping ISIS: Bomb The Kurds Not ISIS +
26 Things About The Islamic State (ISIL) That Obama Does Not Want You To Know About
September 12 2015 | From: GreenMedInfo / GlobalResearch / Various

Former Defense Intelligence Agency head Gen. Michael Flynn is not backing down from his claims
that elements of the US government were aware of and supported the rise of jihadists in Syria as a
means by which to overthrow its president, Bashar Assad.
As the US moves ever closer to a full-out invasion of Syria the lack of media interest in Flynns story is reminiscent
of the one-sided (pro-war) coverage of the run up to the 2003 Iraq War.

Related: The Insidious Relationship between Washington and ISIS: The Evidence

More on the disturbing new revelations in a special edition of the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Comment: While Tony Abbott and John Key are making noises about extending military efforts in Syria at the behest
of their 'cabal -up-lines', the general public seems to be blind to the fact that the ongoing destruction of Syria is a
long-planned strategy to cause societal chaos by flooding Europe and other areas with refugees. And now we have
demonstrations demanding that the governments increase their refugee quotas. Problem, Reaction, Solution.

26 Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About

Related: ISIS is Americas New Terror Brand: Endless Propaganda Fuels War on Terror

This article was first published in November 2014.

"Recent developments confirm what is known and documented: Washington is behind the Islamic State (ISIS) and
at the same time it is behind the moderate Al Qaeda terrorists, which the Obama administration is supporting as
part of Americas campaign against the Islamic State (ISIS). And they expect us to believe that they are committed
to waging a campaign against terrorists

The Islamic State (ISIS) was until 2014 called al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

Al Nusra is an al Qaeda affiliate which has committed countless atrocities in Syria. It is now considered by the
Obama administration as the Moderate Opposition.

Americas anti-terrorist campaign consists in supporting a so-called moderate Al Qaeda entity (Al Nusra) with a
view to going after another al Qaeda entity entitled The Islamic State, formerly designated as Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Al Qaeda is going after Al Qaeda, and both wings of al Qaeda are supported covertly by US intelligence. Both
ISIS and Al Nusra are protected by the Western military alliance. Both Al Qaeda entities are used to destroy Syria
and Iraq. The air campaign allegedly against ISIS does not target ISIS, it targets Syria and Iraq, schools, hospitals,
factories, residential areas, government buildings, roads, bridges, etc.

Both Al Qaeda affiliated entities are being used to destroy Iraq and Syria as nation states.

The terrorists are the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance.

US-NATO-Israel are state sponsors of terrorism, providing training, weapons and money to various terrorist

The endgame is regime change in Syria and the fragmentation of Iraq."

- Michel Chossudovsky, September 03, 2015

The US led war against the Islamic State is a big lie

Related: Staged ISIS Beheading Video Hacked from McCain Staffer

Going after Islamic terrorists, carrying out a worldwide pre-emptive war to Protect the American Homeland are used to
justify a military agenda.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a creation of US intelligence. Washingtons Counter-terrorism Agenda
in Iraq and Syria consists in Supporting the Terrorists.

Related: Delivery of US Weapons and Ammunition to ISIS: Iraqi Commander Wiretaps ISIS Communications with US
The incursion of the Islamic State (IS) brigades into Iraq starting in June 2014 was part of a carefully planned military-
intelligence operation supported covertly by the US, NATO and Israel.

The counter-terrorism mandate is a fiction. America is the Number One State Sponsor of Terrorism

The Islamic State is protected by the US and its allies. If they had wanted to eliminate the Islamic State brigades, they
could have carpet bombed their convoys of Toyota pickup trucks when they crossed the desert from Syria into
Iraq in June.
The Syro-Arabian Desert is open territory (see map below). With state of the art jet fighter aircraft (F15, F22 Raptor, CF-18) it
would have been -from a military standpoint- a rapid and expedient surgical operation

In this article, we address 26 concepts which refute the big lie. Portrayed by the media as a humanitarian undertaking, this
large scale military operation directed against Syria and Iraq has resulted in countless civilian deaths.

It could not have been undertaken without the unbending support of the Western media which has upheld Obamas initiative
as a counter-terrorism operation.

The Historical Origins of Al Qaeda

1. The US has supported Al Qaeda and its affiliated organizations for almost half a century since the heyday of the
Soviet Afghan war.

2. CIA training camps were set up in Pakistan. In the ten year period from 1982 to 1992, some 35,000 jihadists from 43
Islamic countries were recruited by the CIA to fight in the Afghan jihad.

Advertisements, paid for from CIA funds, were placed in newspapers and newsletters around the world offering
inducements and motivations to join the Jihad.

3. Since the Reagan Administration, Washington has supported the Islamic terror network.

Ronald Reagan called the terrorists freedom fighters. The US supplied weapons to the Islamic brigades. It was all for a
good cause: fighting the Soviet Union and regime change, leading to the demise of a secular government in Afghanistan.

Ronald Reagan meets Afghan Mujahideen Commanders at the White House in 1985 (Reagan Archives)

4. Jihadist textbooks were published by the University of Nebraska. .

The United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent
images and militant Islamic teachings

5. Osama bin Laden, Americas bogyman and founder of Al Qaeda was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the very outset of
the US sponsored jihadist war against Afghanistan. He was 22 years old and was trained in a CIA sponsored guerilla training
camp. Al Qaeda was not behind the 9/11 Attacks.

September 11, 2001 provided a justification for waging a war against Afghanistan on the grounds that Afghanistan was a
state sponsor of terrorism, supportive of Al Qaeda. The 9/11 attacks were instrumental in the formulation of the Global War
on Terrorism.

The Islamic State (ISIL)

6. The Islamic State (ISIL) was originally an Al Qaeda affiliated entity created by US intelligence with the support of
Britains MI6, Israels Mossad, Pakistans Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Saudi Arabias General Intelligence Presidency
(GIP), Risat Al-Istikhbrt Al-mah.
7. The ISIL brigades were involved in the US-NATO supported insurgency in Syria directed against the government
of Bashar al Assad.
8. NATO and the Turkish High Command were
responsible for the recruitment of ISIL and Al Nusrah
mercenaries from the outset of the Syrian insurgency in
March 2011. According to Israeli intelligence sources, this
initiative consisted in:

"A campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim

volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim
world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels.

The Turkish army would house these volunteers,

train them and secure their passage into
Syria". (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank
weapons, August 14, 2011.)

At what point will all of the governments carefully

drawn plans for dealing with civil unrest, homegrown
terrorism and targeting pre-crime become a unified
blueprint for locking down the nation?

For instance, whats the rationale behind turning

government agencies into military outposts? There has
been a notable buildup in recent years of SWAT teams
within non-security-related federal agencies such as
Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board,

the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service and the Education Department.

As of 2008, 73 federal law enforcement agencies [employ] approximately 120,000 armed full-time on-duty officers with
arrest authority.

9.There are Western Special Forces and Western intelligence operatives within the ranks of the ISIL. British Special
Forces and MI6 have been involved in training jihadist rebels in Syria.

10. Western military specialists on contract to the Pentagon have trained the terrorists in the use of chemical

The United States and some European allies are using defense contractors to train Syrian rebels on how
to secure chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria, a senior U.S. official and several senior diplomats told
CNN Sunday. (CNN Report, December 9, 2012)

11. The ISILs practice of beheadings is part of the US sponsored terrorist training programs implemented in Saudi
Arabia and Qatar.

12. Recruited by Americas ally, a large number of ISIL mercenaries are convicted criminals released from Saudi
prisons on condition they join the ISIL. Saudi death row inmates were recruited to join the terror brigades.

13. Israel has supported the ISIL and Al Nusrah brigades out of the Golan Heights.
Jihadist fighters have met Israeli IDF officers as well as Prime Minister Netanyahu. The IDF top brass tacitly
acknowledges that global jihad elements inside Syria [ISIL and Al Nusrah] are supported by Israel. See image below:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon next to a wounded mercenary, Israeli military field hospital at the
occupied Golan Heights border with Syria, 18 February 2014

Syria and Iraq

14 The ISIL are the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance. Their unspoken mandate is to wreck havoc and
destruction in Syria and Iraq, acting on behalf of their US sponsors.

15. US Senator John McCain has met up with jihadist terrorist leaders in Syria.
16 The Islamic State (IS) militia, which is currently the alleged target of a US-NATO bombing campaign under a counter-
terrorism mandate, continues to be supported covertly by the US. Washington and its allies continue to provide military
aid to the Islamic State.

17. US and allied bombings are not targeting the ISIL, they are bombing the economic infrastructure of Iraq and Syria
including factories and oil refineries.

18. The IS caliphate project is part of a longstanding US foreign policy agenda to carve up Iraq and Syria into separate
territories: A Sunni Islamist Caliphate, an Arab Shia Republic, a Republic of Kurdistan.

The Global War on Terror (GWOT)

19. The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) is presented as a Clash of Civilizations, a war between competing values
and religions, when in reality it is an outright war of conquest, guided by strategic and economic objectives.

20 U.S. sponsored Al Qaeda terror brigades (covertly supported by Western intelligence) have been deployed in Mali,
Niger, Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Somalia and Yemen.
These various affiliated Al Qaeda entities in the Middle East, sub-Saharan
Africa and Asia are CIA sponsored intelligence assets. They are used by
Washington to wreck havoc, create internal conflicts and destabilize
sovereign countries.

21 Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Shabab in Somalia, the Libya Islamic Fighting

Group (LIFG) (supported by NATO in 2011), Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
(AQIM), Jemaah Islamiah (JI) in Indonesia, among other Al Qaeda affiliated
groups are supported covertly by Western intelligence.

22. The US is also supporting Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations in

the Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region of China. The underlying objective is to
trigger political instability in Western China.

Chinese jihadists are reported to have received terrorist training from the Islamic
State in order to conduct attacks in China. The declared objective of these
Chinese-based jihadist entities (which serves the interests of the US) is to
establish a Islamic caliphate extending into Western China.

(Michel Chossudovsky, Americas War on Terrorism, Global Research, Montreal,

2005, Chapter 2).
Americas War on Terrorism
By Mchel Chossudovsky

Homegrown Terrorists

23 The Terrorists R Us: While the US is the unspoken architect of the Islamic State, Obamas holy mandate is to protect
America against ISIL attacks.

24 The homegrown terrorist threat is a fabrication. It is promoted by Western governments and the media with a view to
repealing civil liberties and installing a police state. The terror attacks by alleged jihadists and terror warnings are invariably
staged events. They are used to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
In turn, the arrests, trials and sentences of Islamic terrorists sustain the legitimacy of Americas Homeland Security State
and law enforcement apparatus, which has become increasingly militarized.

The ultimate objective is to instill in the minds of millions of Americans that the enemy is real and the U.S. Administration will
protect the lives of its citizens.

25. The counter-terrorism campaign against the Islamic State has contributed to the demonization of
Muslims, who in the eyes of Western public opinion are increasingly associated with the jihadists.

26 Anybody who dares to question the validity of the Global War on Terrorism is branded a terrorist and subjected
to the anti-terrorist laws.

The ultimate objective of the Global War on Terrorism is to subdue the citizens, totally depoliticize social life in America [and
the world over], prevent people from thinking and conceptualizing, from analyzing facts and challenging the legitimacy of the
inquisitorial social order which rules America.

The Obama Administration has imposed a diabolical consensus with the support of its allies, not to mention the complicit role
of the United Nations Security Council. The Western media has embraced the consensus; it has described the Islamic State
as an independent entity, an outside enemy which threatens the Western World.

Petition For [Illuminati-Esque] 'Red Peak' Flag Next Move In The Uprising Against Panel's Four
September 9 2015 | From: Stuff
The chorus of voices rejecting the four alternate flags in favour of 'Red Peak' is getting louder, with
a petition the latest act in the revolution

Related: What Is The Real Agenda Behind John Key's Drive To Change The New Zealand Flag: Due
Authority - A Very Silent Coup?

The 'Red Peak' flag will not be an option in the flag referendum despite growing support for the fifth flag alternative

On Friday, opposition to the four New Zealand flag choices on offer began to coalesce around a single design: the
'Red Peak' flag by Aaron Dustin.

Related: Flag Conspiracy Gets Kiwis Curious

By Sunday, a petition had emerged, begging the Prime Minister to add the geometric flag to the referendum.

"Prime Minister John Key, please make Red Peak the fifth flag option for New Zealand," it reads.

Within three days of launching, the petition had more than 16,800 signatures. It aimed to reach 25,000. Support for the
geometric 'Red Peak' flag grew rapidly since the final four flags were selected on Tuesday.

On Sunday, a spokeswoman for the Flag Panel said that the shortlist was out of the panel's hands.

The panel was appointed by government to select the alternative which it has done and cabinet has approved
those alternatives so they will go forward," she said.

"It's out of the panel's mandate and is now part of an official government process."

A spokesman for Flag minister Bill English confirmed there would be no changes to the shortlist.
After a thorough transparent process the independent flag consideration panel recommended four alternative
designs be put forward to referendum and the Cabinet has accepted the Panel's recommendations and a
referendum on the four recommended designs will go to referendum as per the legislation."

But electoral law expert Graeme Edgeler said it would not be difficult for the government to add Red Peak to the ballot, if it
wanted to.

They can't just add a fifth flag, but if the government wanted to it could change its mind really quite easily," he

"Cabinet could just issue a new order in council and change the alternative flags if it really wanted to."

But Edgeler didn't think that was likely unless an extraordinary groundswell of support for the flag was shown.

"Perhaps if there were a million people in a march, but I think it's highly unlikely anything could change the
government's mind in time for the printing of ballot."

Instead, Edgeler suggested if people love 'Red Peak', they should start flying it, hope the referendum for a new flag fails,
and slowly ease the flag into the public consciousness.

"They should get out there and start flying it, embroider it on their backpacks on their OEs.

"If that is the one, there is nothing to stop people from starting to use it now, that's possibly how a flag change
should happen anyway."

Writer Toby Manhire and artist Dick Frizzell have both spoken in support of 'Red Peak's' simple, non-illustrative approach,
and a Facebook page supporting the flag had 14,000 likes by Sunday.

The design, by Xero product design director Dustin, 42, was selected for the long list of 40 flags, but did not make the short
list of four.

The simplistic design intentionally evokes the Maori myth of Ranginui and Papatuanuku, the sky father and earth mother
who lie locked together.

It also refers to New Zealand's geographic uniqueness, in that we are the first country to see the dawn.
The black on the left represents the night sky, while the the blue on the right represents the coming day.

Supporter Frizzell, whose work has extensively explored Kiwi iconography, said on Friday he found the four flags the panel
offered lame, particularly the near identical fern designs.

"'They're so f------ tragic I can't believe it. I'm sure Kyle [Lockwood, designer of two of the fern flags] is a lovely boy
but that is such an aunty flag, such a nanny flag." he said.

Dustin has been interested in New Zealand identity as long as he has studied design, and felt something like an obligation to

Like most of his supporters, he found the four shortlisted flags disappointing.

'"I appreciate the ideas and thoughts of the designers and panel but I think where we've ended up does not capture
the hearts and minds of New Zealand."

In a poll of 16,890 readers, 39 per cent of readers voted to keep the current flag rather than change it.

Kyle Lockwood's Silver Fern (black, white and blue) was the most popular alternate flag design, with 27 per cent of the vote,
while his other design, Silver Fern (red, white and blue), got 23 per cent. This meant, if Lockwood fans rallied around one of
his flags, they could vote one in.
Flags designed by Alofi Kanter the black and white fern and Andrew Fyfe each got 6 per cent or less of the vote.

Who Owns New Zealand's Water?

September 5 2015 | From: 3News

Who owns our water? The official line from the Government is: no one. That's been made very
clear lately as the Prime Minister and senior Cabinet ministers have been in closed-door
discussions with iwi leaders about water rights.

In our regions, there's growing demand for water, with more intensive farming, changing weather patterns and
overseas demand for our superior drinking water.

Hawke's Bay in particular is really feeling that. On top of water restrictions over dry summers, Chinese-owned bottling plants
are about to send ships full of local water to China.
JFK To 911: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
September 5 2015 | From: Youtube

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting
around world war 1 leading to present day
We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run
Breaking The Fear Factor - Defeating The Criminal Elite & Neoliberal Dictators
September 4 2015 | From: InformationClearingHouse

We are living in a (western) world dominated by neoliberal dictators, criminals and crooks. And
many of us, impregnated with the human idiocy, as so well described by Andre Vltcheck (The West
Spreads Intellectual Idiocy) are every day deeper and deeper immersed into fear fear of action, fear
of whats next fear of losing our comfort zone.

The western propaganda machine paid for by the corporate and financial oligarchy through the presstitute media is
constantly indoctrinating the little we have left of our free-thinking brains.

Fear is everywhere. People who are afraid can easily be manipulated. People who are afraid obey. The system needs people
who dont resist.

Renegades are potential drone targets. The Big Constant that pervades our western world with ambitions to also infiltrate Asia
is terrorism. Man-made terrorism or better elite-made terrorism; George Orwell would have called it Big Brother-made
terrorism; terrorism with a particular purpose: spreading fear and submission.
On Friday, 21 August 2015, on a train from Amsterdam to Paris, according to the New York Times;

A heavily armed gunman opened fire aboard a packed high-speed train, traveling from Amsterdam to Paris [....]
wounding several passengers before he was tackled and subdued by two American military servicemen (on
leave), who were helped by a third American. According to French officials, they averted a mass killing.

The gunman was armed with an automatic pistol, an AK47 and a knife (NYT annotation: AK47 is Al Qaedas preferred
weapon). The Americans were coincidentally and suitably near to subdue the shooting 26 year-old Moroccan, a convenient
Arab, who was taken into custody when the train stopped in Arras, France, just beyond the French-Belgian border. No doubt,
he will be squeezed for confession. He may try to escape and then may be shot death. Amen.

The French anti-terrorist unit took immediately charge of the investigation. The unit is known to work in utmost secrecy.
Whatever news comes out of it is most likely cooked to suit the system.
The NYT proclaims that the three Americans saved the train from a massacre. Nobody was killed. Just one of the American
heroes was injured. Hollande thanked Obama for the brave Americans exemplary behavior and for preventing a train
carnage. Propaganda all over. In America we trust is dogma number one; dogma number two is there is no save place on

Fear everywhere, but America is there to help. Danger lingers at every corner. A terrorist may be just next door. Just give
yourself up to Big Brother and he wont let you down.

The first step towards sub-doing fear is asking yourself: Who invented and fabricated terrorism in the first place? In countries
and entire regions ravaged by Washington incited wars and conflicts, terrorism is the expression of hopelessness, of wrath
of fighting back, when there is nothing left to lose.
Look at the Middle East. A battlefield of nations destroyed by years of war people living in ruins, in miserable squalor; some
escape and become the endless and EU loathed stream of refugees. According to the UN High Commissioner, there are
more than 50 million refugees worldwide.

People take-up arms in self-defense. The west calls them terrorists. A term popularized by the media. A term that instills fear.
Imagine a world where the Judo-Christian aggressors would suddenly see the light and stop spreading wars and conflicts
and subjugating the world peace would break out and settle in terrorism, one of the key reasons for fear, would have no
purpose to persist fear would die, trust and solidarity would grow. The empires worst enemy: solidarity, friendship, and trust
among people.

All wars and conflicts are multi-purpose. They boost the elite-dominated war industry; in the US more than 50% of GDP; they
help dominate and subjugate people, exploit their resources, and are trailblazing a path towards Full Spectrum Dominance
world hegemony.

They also help one of the elites key objective depopulating the world, so the elite may live longer with the ever scarcer
resources of our gradually depleted planet.
Reducing world population is a key objective of the Bilderberg Society voiced by Henry Kissinger already in the 1960s.
Recently I overheard one buddy telling another: I hate wars; but the only good thing about wars is they reduce world

That is the horrendous level of immorality and greed to which humanity has sunk. We the over-fed west may not get enough
in an overpopulated world (sic), therefore lets reduce the human stock by killing off the under-people.

According to FAO the UN Food and Agriculture Organization with the current available agricultural technology Mother
Earth could aliment at least 12 billion people, almost double of todays world population. Fear and greed decimate our rational

The me-me-me of abject western consumerism and the fear of losing it overwhelms our innate sense of human solidarity.

Remember the infamous Christmas Day 2009 underwear bomber on a Northwest Airliner approaching Detroit wanting to
detonate a plastic bomb sewed into his undies? He was suitably identified as a Nigerian Al Qaeda fighter and also
conveniently and par hazard filmed by a passenger in the back row - This was such an amateurish attempt to spread fear, that
after a short while even the media didnt want to lose their credibility (sic) and shut up.

Is there ever a thought among the fearful that such terrorists might be planted by those who are served by the fear they
A former CIA official recently admitted that virtually all so-called terror acts in the US and most of those in other
parts of the world since (and including added by me) 9/11 are false flags.

With every false flag, the system can tighten its grip on the population under the pretext of protection and security. The
populace literally asks for it please protect us, please come to our houses, put them upside down and see whether there are
terrorists hiding in our closets thats how the Boston people reacted after the April 2013 false-flag Marathon bombing.

Since 9/11 US citizens have lost more than 90% of their civil rights; first through the Patriot Act, then by subsequent
extensions of police protective measures.
Most US citizens are not even aware of the power they gave up to the police which has now the authority to invade peoples
homes at will, without search warrant or explanation and then find anything justifying the arrest and indefinite confinement
without trial of an inconvenient person.

The suspects are mostly Moslems. These days its easy selling to the brainwashed western world a Moslem as a criminal or

Yet, the Boston Marathon false flag was of such low grade that anybody with a little bit of reason left, could recognize that the
bombs were detonated by special forces with the mere purpose of implanting the notion that even a relatively progressive
thinking university town like Boston is in danger of terrorism. Therefore lets control the people, lets not this intellectual
Boston crowd choose its own ways, abandoning the sinking ship. All sheep must be kept together in false solidarity, of

The two Chechnyan brothers were pre-identified, they had no clue what may eventually happen to them. They conveniently
had a police record, maybe fabricated, to also hurt Russia, hitting two flies with the same stone. The Chechnyan
malfeasance could easily be sold to the public. One of the two alleged suspects was killed and silenced in an artificially
created shootout. The other one is in solidarity confinement and is not allowed to talk, not even in court condemned to die
soon to be silenced too.

Public events henceforth project fear. People, please stand up against police and state-sponsored violence and terrorism!
Analyze for yourselves! Dont believe the lies spread by the mainstream media.

Yes, it takes a little effort, seeking out the truth and reading the news on internet Global Research, Information Clearing
House, Sputnik News, VNN, RT, TeleSUR, PressTV, CounterPunch, New Easter Outlook, The Saker and many more but
it is one of the few chances you have to see the light and stand up for your rights and get rid of fear.
The Boston false flag bombing, was followed by a similar horror event in Paris, in January this year. The Hebdo Charlie and
related supermarket assault killed 17 people. It was opportunely planned at a notoriously anti-Muslim cartoon magazine,
executed by CIA-Mossad forces in full connivance with the French secret service.

Two plus one suspects with previous police records, were pre-identified. One of them forgets or loses casually his ID in the
get-away car the only link the police has to the terrorists they find two, kill them at sight so they wont talk anymore. The
third related alleged assassin of a Jewish supermarket at the outskirts of Paris awaited the same fate: death by a police
barrage of bullets.

A blurred amateur video (maybe by now taken off internet) shows how a hand-cuffed individual is thrown before the wolves
outside of the supermarket, to be riddled mercilessly with bullets. Nobody to talk.

The truth remains ugly propaganda propaganda for the system a system that prevails over and feeds on terrorism. Millions
of people, dulled by the event, walked the streets of European cities, solemnly parading placards lettered with I am Charlie
millions of people submitted and still do to a miserable lie spreading and perpetuating fear.
Hollande had a justification to tighten the grip around France and within Paris police everywhere, reducing civil liberties just
a tad more orders from the Washington masters. Being a nominal socialist (sic), the emperor doesnt quite trust him as he
may resent having been forced by the White House to abrogate his countrys lucrative sale of two Mistral type amphibious
assault ships to Russia.

To dampen any lingering sympathy for Russian President Putin, Hollande had to be reined in; and the spineless French leader
(sic) did indeed cave in.

Fear is everywhere. European politicians are all afraid they may be in the crosshairs of the CIA or Pentagon or other US
mercenary hit men if they dont behave. A couple of days ago it was reported that Hollande is now also planning preventive
drone assassinations, mimicking his brother-in-crime, Peace Nobel Laureate, Barack Obama.

Imagine! How far can you sink to lick ehhh the naked toes of the naked emperor. How far has our western civilization
sunk in only the last 30 years the onset of neoliberalism!
Fear commands everyone almost. Fear is the public enemy number One but it can be overcome with courage, an open
mind and foremost an awakened consciousness.

People feel reasonably happy. They feel protected. They gladly trade their civil rights for police and military protection.
Terrorism is horrible and it is so unpredictable. It lurks everywhere. And nobody dares to question these bloody fabricated
horror events. Nobody dares ask: what motivates the terrorists?

How come their number has increased exponentially in the last 15 years? Terror sows more terror. Fear disseminates more
fear. More fear facilitates more oppression and manipulation of people and eventually more terrorism.

Take the massive flood of refugees engulfing Europe. The EU laments the refugee crisis; seemingly not realizing that they
helped making it. The Eurocrats cannot deal with the overwhelming influx of refugees. They use the bought media to make
people afraid of them.
The refugees come from these Arab countries the west is fighting for freedom and democracy. They are dark-skinned, poor
and no-good. They steal our jobs, food and women.

The human touch and solidarity of westerners has been annihilated long ago by the neoliberal doctrine that knows no
mercy, only profit and power.

Western powers dont want these poor homeless beggars within their frontiers. What to do with them? They are a costly
nuisance. Most of them are Moslems anyway. There is no space for them.

Would it ever occur to one of those high-flying, arrogant never elected Maastricht politicians to ask why is this onslaught of
refugees increasing by the day? They may find the answer in front of their nose, in case they still have some left-over
ticking brains.
We, Europeans, in full complicity with war-mongering hegemonic Washington have helped destroy their countries, their
economies, their jobs, torn apart their families, killed their children, have bombed their very homes to ashes now they come
to seek help from us.

These poor people have no choice but asking their hangmen for a bit of mercy, for some crumbs of bread, for some
rudimentary shelter. The raped seeks alms from the rapist. Its the Stockholm syndrome. Its fear from dying. Maybe the
criminals who almost killed them have some humanity left, a bit of mercy please.

What makes them tick these criminal hegemonic politicians? Why are they so inhumanly selfish, greedy and violent?

The public at large is afraid to even ask. Asking could produce answers that may derange ones comfort zone. Better dont ask
and follow the rules. Let fear continue to rule.

The NYT also reports, Stock prices around the world continued to plunge on Friday, threatening to end one of the longest bull
runs in the history of the United States stock market. Fear of losing money is spread. Such market fluctuations, as most of
us know, have little to do with markets, be it share or money markets. Money is fabricated by a mouse-click of a bank dishing
out debt.
Markets are manipulated by banks and political powers for monetary profit and political gains and to sow fear fear that
something horrendously drastic may happen, may affect our fragile economy and may foremost affect our stolen well-being.

Yes, stolen. Our western riches have been stolen during hundreds of years of abject, murderous colonization of the southern

And we continue colonizing them with our modern weapon MONEY. When banks spread fear, it is to steal the money,
pension funds, social systems from us, their faithful clients. Stealing from abroad is not enough.

Rather than fearfully shutting up wake up! Dare stand up fellow citizen against the white collar onslaught of fraud and
exploitation, against corruption of our elitist neoliberal system! Get rid of those deceiving politicians the scum of greed and
power. Expose them. Neutralize them.
The US as well as the European Commission just enacted laws, allowing banks, effective immediately to rescue
themselves by so-called bail-ins meaning, a bank that has overstretched and over-speculated itself into bankruptcy may
literally save itself by stealing the money from its depositors and shareholders.

Why does such an edict not really a law because those who designed the rule are unelected Eurocrats not prompt an
immediate run on the banks? Why does nobody even protest? Because people dont know? Maybe.

But Fear sheer fear from being punished for disobedience is a better explanation.

Instead, our fear makes us trust that such bail-ins will always happen to others. We so easily forget what happened only two
years ago, in March 2013 to the people of Cyprus, when their deposits were decimated by the infamous haircut, administered
by the highly indebted Cypriot banks, by order of the BCE, with full complicity of the Cypriot elites, who first transferred their
fortunes abroad.

It was like a trial run. How much would the populace swallow without (too much) protesting?
It worked. The rule is now institutionalized and nobody says beep. For fear that worse may follow? Or for sheer comfort of
not moving our butts.

The famous late Howard Zinn said civil disobedience is our as in we the people strongest weapon against corporate and
state injustice and abuse.

Todays version of this wisdom might be for the 99.99% of us, the people, to organize and infiltrate the reigning
criminal system and breaking it down from within.
Howard Zinn

Much like did and do the State Department funded Washington-based thinktanks (sic) initiating the deadly and destructive
Arab Spring, intruding and subverting the European Parliament with bought proxies and fake NGOs and what they attempt
to do in Russia and China, albeit unsuccessfully.

Back to the NYT article on the plunge of the US stock exchange. Finger-pointing of the guilty is of the order. The fear factor
has to be substantiated and enhanced by fault of an outsider in this case China which according to the NYT has
unexpectedly devalued its currency, a sign of a troubled economy and a bleak outlook for the economy of other large
developing countries.

Lets fear the Evil East. No good may come from the east. The NYT has of course no explanation of truth. Namely that the
Chinese Yuan had been artificially over-valued under pressure of the US, and kept within a 2% band of fluctuation by the
Chinese authorities. This was also in line with Chinas huge dollar reserves, some 1.6 trillion dollars.

Relaxation of the fluctuation letting the rate slide naturally to an expected 3% margin, would not only make China more
competitive, but might enhance the currencys international standing to eventually becoming a new currency in the IMFs
basket constituting the SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights.
The SDR is an international virtual money that may be lent to countries which so desire, hence, better balancing the currency
exchange risk of the loan. The current SDR basket is composed of only four world currencies; the US dollar, the British
Pound, the Euro and the Japanese Yen.

If the Yuan can keep its own by floating against other major currencies, chances are it may be admitted by the west-
dominated IMF as the fifth currency to the SDR basket, thereby opening the door for the Chinese Yuan to become a major
official world reserve currency.

Washington may not like it, but may have little choice preventing the currency of the worlds strongest economy to become an
officially admitted reserve currency.

Fear may [was] also be the main reason for the Greek Tsipras Government 180 degree U-turn after the 62% NO vote on July
5 No to austerity, No to more strangulation by the infamous troika European Central Bank (ECB), European Commission
(EC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Not Germany, not the troika, are Greeces strongest enemies; fear is. The Syriza government was pressured, blackmailed,
coerced and possibly even corrupted into accepting an even more nefarious austerity package than the one against which
Greeks voted with an overwhelming NO.

If indeed enacted, the new debt commitment of 86 billion will drive Greeces debt to GDP ratio way above 200 % and not
one euro will flow into Greeces economy, her social system, fighting unemployment, bringing back public hospitals, schools,
water and electricity.
The Syriza Tsipras Government has committed an illegal act against Greeces own Constitution which puts the people above
parliament and above the executive as a true democracy should. Tsipras anti-democratic act could be undone any time by
a simple decision of the Supreme Court.

According to international standards, Greeces accumulated debt is fully illegal and could be erased by a mouse
click, the same way it was created.

Any contract in this case debt concluded under duress, coercion, corruption and / or blackmail does not stand up before
an international court of law. This must have been known to the Tsipras government.

Yet, Tsipras and his inner circle went to Brussels to negotiate ignoring this chance. Instead they sold out their country to the
banksters, let themselves be humiliated, ridiculed in the face of their own people, let alone the rest of the world.
While the last Greek fFinance Minister and Prime Minister were accused of being moles and turncoats - the reality is that they really wanted to help
their country but the threats against their families became so severe that they had no choice but to buckle, or lose their loved ones.

Fear was most likely the engine for Tsipras behavior. Many of his Syriza colleagues left the government coalition. Ministers
who didnt agree with his politics were fired. He preferred succumbing to fear fear of the potential wrath that might emanate
from the corrupt and criminal EU; from greedy Germany whose neoliberalism is rapidly taking on the colors of Nazism.
German supremacy over Europe again? Maybe there were death-threats involved, who knows. It is common practice
when power and resources are at stake.

However, a true leader has no fear. He or she stands tall with the moral and ethical obligation to defend the interests of the
people who elected him or her. As did Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Cristina Kirchner, Lula, Dilma
Rousseff and many more.

Traveling recently all over Greece fear was visible everywhere. When asked, why their inaction in the face of this shameful
treason of their PM no protests, the streets remained calm the answer was almost uniformly we are afraid. Afraid of
what? Of the police; they shoot at us with rubber bullets, with water cannons and we dont know when the military will
In Delphi, the very town where democracy was born some 2,500 years ago, a shop owner confessed, democracy is dead, not
only in Greece but in Europe, in the world. With this backdrop, a new military takeover was according to him not far-fetched.
The Tsipras betrayal was a boon for the rightwing, the Nazi-like Golden Dawn a perfect backing for a new military regime.

After the 1967 US-supported so-called Coup of the Colonels, Greece suffered seven years of a most repressive right wing
military dictatorship, where full obedience was of the order, where people disappeared, where the communist party was
forbidden and communists were prosecuted and killed, where anything resembling left-wing literature was censured, during
which miniskirts, pop-music, long hair, the peace sign and the like were prohibited.

This repressive regime has deeply marked the Greek population. They are afraid it may return. They are aware of their
countrys vulnerability due to its importance for Washington, hosting the southern-most strategic NATO base. Any deviation of
the Washington made and EC imposed rule may bring back the military horror reminiscent of Costa Cavras 1969
extraordinary docudrama Z.

Now, the Tsipras Government has resigned for fear of the domestic consequences of its actions? A new interim
government is to be prepared before the announced 20 September election. Will the radical break-away Syriza faction, the
new Unity Party, be able to form a viable coalition and gather the necessary trust to win the coming September elections?

Will Greece after all be able to break the paralyzing streak of fear?
Will Greece set the new standard of fearlessness for the rest of Europe to follow? Will Greece dare to go the only practical
way exit the unviable euro go back to her drachma and revamp their economy with public banking for the benefit of the
Greek people? I trust Greece will dare take back her sovereignty, breaking the all-permeating Fear Factor and become a
flagship of courage for Europe and for the world.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around
the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik News,
TeleSur, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites.

He is the author of Implosion An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed fiction
based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and
Revolution! Essays from the Resistance.

Are You Misinformed About The TPPA?

September 4 2015 | From: ActionStation / GisborneHerald

I didn't think so, but John Key and Tim Groser have spent two days telling the New Zealand media
that all of us who have been taking action and fighting against this corporate power grab disguised
as a trade deal are a bunch of misinformed rent-a-crowds

Related: Ex-Minister Seeks to Outlaw TPP

We think John and Tim are missing the point. 25,000 people marched through the streets last Saturday and 100,000
people have signed petitions opposed to the TPPA. Our very real concerns will not be dismissed with a few glib
words, we deserve a high level conversation on the issues we care about regarding the TPPA.

Related: Why TPPA & 3 Trojan Horses Could Rob our Children of a Truly Prosperous Future

Thats why were challenging John Key and Tim Groser to a public debate on the TPPA on national television.

Will you click here to add your name to the challenge?

Weve teamed up with our friends at SumOfUs to put this challenge to a debate to the Prime Minister and his Minister of
Trade. If were so misinformed and theyre so confident, then why dont they prove it in a public debate where we can talk
openly and candidly about the multitude of issues that concern Kiwis on the TPPA.

Together we can crowdsource the questions and content for the debate, we can elect our own expert spokesperson or
spokespeople to debate on our behalf and we can drag this contentious issue into the limelight for a genuine nationwide
conversation that represents all of our concerns, not just the lines our Government keep trying to spin about who we are and
what we care about.
The 25,000 people who marched last Saturday are in good company sitting alongside 300+ small and medium-sized
business owners, economist Gareth Morgan, business journalist Bernard Hickey, the Libraries Association of New Zealand,
Consumer NZ and Internet NZ. All of whom are among those who have expressed concerns.

Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz, prominent economists Jeffrey Sachs and Princeton University professor Dani
Rodrik are also among those who have condemned the proposed agreement as increasing inequality and corporate power
when they should be reversed.

Hundreds of doctors and other health experts are clear that proposed changes in intellectual property rules will push up
medicine prices, slow down innovation and make public health campaigns more difficult. Many local software innovators are
furious at the protectionist intellectual property rules being negotiated.
This kind of broad coalition is anything but anti-trade rent-a-crowd breathless children.

John and Tim will only get away with this kind of glib rhetoric if we let them. Many of us who protested are not against trade.
We are against trading away our freedoms as part of the deal.

Help us challenge John Key and Tim Groser to a public debate on the TPPA on national television. Power to the people!

Related: TPP Could Block Copyright Fair Use

Patriotism And The TPP

If our worst fears regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership are realised, the Government will have sold our national
sovereignty to overseas corporations, free to exploit New Zealand and New Zealanders without any moral or even legal
constraint. Arguably, the ceding of national sovereignty by secret agreement between its elected representatives and
overseas organisations comes within the definition of treason.

I say if because it is possible that when the interests of corporations and citizens are in conflict, we should trust John Key
and Tim Groser to put the interests of New Zealanders first. After all, that is what we elect our politicians to do. On the other
hand, since we have to rely on leaks for our information, we are justified in being deeply suspicious.

Some people are seeing the proposed new national flag as a way of diverting public attention from the potential loss of our
nationhood. Mr Keys appeal to patriotism on TVNZ news reminds one of Samuel Johnsons remark that Patriotism is the
last refuge of the scoundrel.

Martin Hanson, Nelson

When The Nations Permanent Interests Override Its Impermanent Politicians

September 3 2015 | From: Stuff
Submissions to the Independent Review of Intelligence and Security have closed. No doubt the
"independent reviewers", Sir Michael Cullen and Dame Patsy Reddy, are already up to their elbows
in the earnest recommendations of their fellow citizens. By March of next year we will learn what
they have made of them.

SIS director Rebecca Kitteridge knows how difficult her job will become if her fellow citizens are unwilling to concede the legitimacy of the SIS's role.

In all probability, neither Cullen nor Reddy will end up recommending much more than a little tweaking here and
there to New Zealand's national security apparatus. The terms of reference of their inquiry were extremely narrowly
set always an indicaItion that nothing too dramatic is expected by the politicians who set the process in motion.

A few judicious redefinitions of the scope and powers of the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) and the Government
Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) is the most we should anticipate. (Especially after the prime minister has strongly
and publicly hinted that this is what his government is expecting!)
Indeed, any government attempting to make more than minor changes to either institution is asking for trouble. In 1977, the
National prime minister, Robert Muldoon, ignited a firestorm of nationwide protests when he announced his intention to
legislate a substantial increase in the powers of the SIS.

The New Zealand Security Intelligence Service Amendment Bill, which dramatically expanded the Service's capacity to
intercept private communications, and forbade the public identification of its agents, was passed by Parliament, but only at
the cost of a significant portion of the citizenry's trust and goodwill.

That New Zealand's so-called "intelligence community" is anxious to retain and build public trust and goodwill has been
evident over the past fortnight in the substantive public relations campaign it has waged in advance of the independent
review. SIS director Rebecca Kitteridge knows how difficult her job will become if her fellow citizens are unwilling to concede
the legitimacy of the SIS's role.

But, if losing the trust and goodwill of New Zealand's citizens is a bad thing, losing the trust and confidence of New
Zealand's allies would be much, much worse. This would, however, be the most likely outcome if the recommendations of
those who made submissions to the Independent Review from the left were ever to be taken up and implemented by a
future left-leaning government.

The submission from the Anti-Bases Campaign, for example (whose spokesperson is the redoubtable left-wing activist
Murray Horton) has recommended to Cullen and Reddy that: "New Zealand immediately exits the Five Eyes regime."
The reviewers will, of course, ignore this demand if only because it falls outside the scope of their inquiry. But, what if a
future Labour-Green government was persuaded to withdraw from the UKUSA Agreement to which New Zealand has been
party for more than 60 years?

It is precisely in circumstances such as these that the true function of our national security apparatus would be

It was the United States secretary of state Henry Kissinger who infamously remarked of the democratically elected socialist
government of Chile:

I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own
people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves."

On September 11, 1973, that government was overthrown by the Chilean armed forces.

On November 10, 1975, outraged that his government was under CIA surveillance, the Australian Labour prime minister
Gough Whitlam let it be known that he would be closing down the joint CIA/National Security Agency's satellite tracking
station at Pine Gap near Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.

The following day, Whitlam's government was dismissed by Sir John Kerr, the Australian governor-general. (The Pine Gap
station was critical to the effectiveness of the "Five Eyes regime".)

In the eyes of both the Chilean armed forces, and Australia's national security apparatus, the permanent national interests of
their respective states had been placed at serious risk by political figures who either did not understand, or were hostile to,
those interests. In arriving at these conclusions, both institutions relied upon the intelligence and advice of their nation's
principal military and economic ally, the United States.

Although neither Cullen or Reddy will admit it, "national security" is all about identifying which permanent national
interests are best kept beyond the reach of democracy's impermanent practitioners.
Experts Have Confirmed The Tianjin Blast Was Nuclear
September 2 2015 | From: Geopolitics

Our Nuclear Speculation about the recent Tianjin Blast is confirmed

When we said that the Tianjin Port Area was nuked after China was successively devaluing her Yuan currency for
days [abruptly halted on the 3rd day, although we were expecting that it could have been a sustained devaluation
purposely to shut down the fiat economy of the West], we were of course ridiculed and frowned upon for having
jumped too early with nuclear conclusions.

But we saw what we saw and the common signatures of ordinary chemical explosions were not present, although the fire
prior to the two explosions may have been chemical in nature.

Instead, the second/main explosion was preceded by a huge ultra-bright light and its delayed electromagnetic shockwave
were the giveaways that a nuclear bomb was used.

Add to this event is the strong motivation of the perpetrators, i.e. to end Chinas covert financial attack against the fiat stock
market of the West which was resumed on Monday and it was said that all these events are just part of the first round.
Was it a false flag operation by China?

China is not in need of a war on terror scenario by hurting her own people and her economy because the Chinese
government has no unaccounted US$ 2 trillion defense budget just like the US defense secretarys disclosure prior to WTC

In fact, China has been very busy establishing multiple global development banks purposely for financing the economic
infrastructure needs of the BRICS, Eurasian countries and the rest of the world.
Those who have perpetrated the twin attacks on Chinas economic infrastructures are from that same group which brought
down the twin towers at the WTC on September 11, 2001, using exactly the same ordnance.

The Veterans Today analysis below of the Tianjin Nuclear Blast is very detailed but obviously cant include the possible
motivations of the attack. However, it does present a very strong case for a proactive measure to prevent the proliferation of
such attacks in the future.

For the full story see: Geopolitics

Financial Times Calls For Abolishing Cash In Order "To Give More Power To Central Banks"
September 1 2015 | From: Sott

The Financial Times has published an anonymous article which calls for the abolition of cash in
order to give central banks and governments more power
Entitled The case for retiring another 'barbarous relic', the article laments the fact that people are stockpiling cash
in anticipation of another economic collapse, a factor which is causing, "a lot of distortion to the economic

Related: Secret War On Cash: Discussions At Bilderberg Centered Around Capital Controls, Abolition of Cash

Related: Bankers Plan Secret London Meeting To End Cash

Comment: People should be stockpiling cash, precious metals and all sorts of supplies in anticipation of a
probable economic collapse. The only "distortion to the economic system" will be in the distorted minds of
individuals who experience a sense of loss of control over individuals who would seek to protect themselves and
persevere through the turmoil to come.

Related: Why The Powers That Be Are Pushing A Cashless Society

"The existence of cash - a bearer instrument with a zero interest rate - limits central banks' ability to stimulate a
depressed economy. The worry is that people will change their deposits for cash if a central bank moves rates into
negative territory," states the article.

Complaining that cash cannot be tracked and traced, the writer argues that its abolition would:
"Make life easier for a government set on squeezing the informal economy out of

Comment: What about the government making life easier for the people that they are supposed to serve? But that
doesn't quite enter the equation does it? 'Informal' economies, or black markets as they are sometimes called, are
the only way the vast majority of normal people can make it through the really tough times.

Have a listen to Dmitry Orlov a Russian engineer who's lived through Soviet Russia's collapse in the early 90's:

SOTT Talk Radio #66 - Lessons from collapse of USSR for USA: Interview with Dmitry Orlov

And read: Dmitry Orlov interview: Are Americans prepared for a Soviet style collapse?

Abolishing cash would also give governments more power to lift taxes directly from people's bank accounts, the author
argues, noting how "Value added tax, for example, could be automatically levied - and reimbursed - in real time on
transactions between liable bank accounts."

The writer also calls for punishing people who use cash by making users "pay for the privilege of anonymity" so
they will, "remain affected by monetary policy." Dated bank notes would lose their value over time, while people would also
be charged by banks for swapping electronic reserves for physical cash and vice versa.

Comment: Wonderful. As though being subject in any way, shape or form to the bankers, financiers - and the
politicians who are in bed with them - isn't already punishing enough! In the meantime many of these arch
criminals are making moves behind the backs of 99% of the world's population in utter anonymity themselves...

If your blood isn't boiling at the complete arrogance and malevolence behind this pathological shite, then it darned
well should be!

The article echoes an argument made by Kenneth Rogoff, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, who
has called for high denomination banks notes such as the 100 and 500 notes to be phased out of existence.

As we previously reported, Rogoff attended a meeting in London earlier this year where he met representatives from the
Federal Reserve, the ECB as well as participants from the Swiss and Danish central banks. The issue of banning cash
was at the forefront of the agenda.

Last year, Rogoff also called for "abolishing physical currency" in order to stop "tax evasion and illegal activity" as
well as preventing people from withdrawing money when interest rates are close to zero.

The agenda to ban cash was also discussed at this year's secretive Bilderberg Group meeting, which
was attended by the Financial Times' chief economics commentator Martin Wolf.

Comment: And that's how it works: An IMF guy (who's probably gotten his orders from some BIS member,
Rothschild or some other 'Master of the Universe') talks to a bunch of Fed and ECB guys, gets them on board, and
then talks to his Bilderberg clubhouse cronies where he gets everyone on board:

Including some sycophantic nitwit from an elitist financial publication like the Financial Times or The
Economist. Then everyone in that world who wants to continue being in that world "gets with the program". Though
this particular mode of control - a cashless system - has no doubt been in the works for a very long time.

Former Bank of England economist Jim Leaviss penned an article for the London Telegraph earlier this year in which he
said a cashless society would only be achieved by" "forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account
held at a government-run bank," which would be, "monitored, or even directly controlled by the government."

In the UK, banks are treating the withdrawal of cash in amounts as low as 5,000 as a suspicious activity, while in France,
citizens will be banned from making cash payments over 1,000 euros from Tuesday onwards.

The withdrawal and deposit of cash over the amount of 1,000 euros will also be subject to ID verification.

"There is no more egregious anti-liberty economic policy imaginable than banning cash," writes Michael Krieger

"Of course, if cash were involuntarily "ended," there would be a surge in demand for physical gold and silver, which
would then necessitate a ban on those items. Then the cycle of economic and financial tyranny would be complete,
and crawling our way out of it, nearly impossible."

Comment: Have a listen also to Fernando "Ferfal" Aguirre to get a sense of just how indispensable cash is during
an economic disaster - even after its buying power has been severely reduced:

SOTT Radio - The Truth Perspective #16: Surviving the Economic Collapse, with Fernando Aguirre

You do not need to buy in to the biblical interpretations of the following video to see that some valid dots are, indeed, being

Related: 'It's Time To Hold Physical Cash,' Says One Of Britain's Most Senior Fund Managers
Nelson Woman Faces Hefty Power Bill Because Of Smart Meter - Contact Now In Damage
September 1 2015 | From: Stuff

A Nelson beneficiary was shocked to receive a monthly power bill for more than $800 for her two
bedroom house despite her efforts to use less power.

Kelly Stewart of Nelson with a $821.85 power bill from Contact Energy. Stewart says she won't be using her heater till the power bill has been paid

Since Kelly Stewart posted about her situation on the Nelson Pay it Forward Facebook page on Tuesday, over 250
people have commented with some saying they had similar experiences with unexpectedly large power bills and
problems after the installation of smart meters.

Related: Kiwis Lose $871 Million From Power Company Privatisations

Stewart, who receives a sickness benefit due to ongoing health issues and also works two part time jobs is worried about
how she will be able to pay the bill.
A graph showing Kelly Stewart's electricity usage over the last 16 months.

I have cried for two days over this account because where the hell am I going to come up with this money?" said

She lives in a rented house that was insulated earlier this month as part of the Warmer Healthier Homes project which
meant she hadn't needed to use her heater as much.

"I'm not a power user as such, I've got that many blankets on my bed to keep it warm," said Stewart. "I'm on a
benefit so I have to watch every single cent that I spend."

She has not started using any new appliances, doesn't have a heat pump, had a plumber in to check the thermostat in the
hot water cylinder and is unsure of why her bill has almost doubled from one month to the next. Her power bill for the
previous month was $421.

Stewart had a smart meter installed on August 13.

I don't get it, the only thing I have done differently is drop my heater (turn it down)," said Stewart.

She said power companies should be responsible for letting customers know when their usage is uncharacteristically high.

You know a courtesy call to say hey your power is way higher than it has ever been, is there something new in
your home? Just to make people aware instead of just getting a bill like this," she said.
But she was keen to speak up about her experience after becoming aware through the huge public response on Facebook
that there were many others in who were in a similar situation.

Honestly it doesn't just hurt me to see what I'm getting, it hurts me more to see what everyone else is getting
too,"said Stewart.

"This is robbery, I feel damn sorry for those low income earners, those families with solo mothers. How
the hell do they do it?"

When she first called Contact Energy to query the bill she was told it showed the amount of power she had used and there
was nothing that could be done about it but to pay it off.

A customer service representative told Kelly her energy use was between 47 and 49 kWh per day and it was likely to be her
heater. Stewart has organised for an electrician to test her appliances.

A spokeswoman for Contact Energy said they had made contact with Kelly and were working with her to find a resolution to
the issues.

Stewart said she had since heard back from Contact Energy who had offered her a discount and said they would change
her plan from a low user to standard which would save money

Nelson budget service adviser Rosalie Grant said it was reasonably common for power bills to sharply increase over winter.

What we normally advise is for people to pay their bills weekly or to consider pre-pay power, it takes away the
surprise of a big bill," she said.

She also advised people who were faced with significantly increased power bills to contact their power provider in the first
instance to arrange a pre-payment.

Hot water tank leaks, or a lack of insulation in a home was a common cause of a significantly increased power bill during the
winter, she said.
Terrifying Global Events: Triggers For Mass Awakening?
August 28 2015 | From: DivineCosmos

The Alliance vs. Cabal battle for disclosure is really heating up. China just had a second "chemical
explosion" right as the market is sliding into free-fall

The Dow dropped over 530 points on Friday and another 588 points on Monday's close. These events are starting
to produce the huge headlines many different insiders have been forecasting.

Intelligent galactic energy may ultimately be pushing us through a mass awakening.

This socio-economic analysis of recent events is a gateway into a much greater cosmic drama that is playing itself out at this

We Are Frickin' Done

Enough is enough. We have been beaten and abused for too long. We are tired and fed up. It is time for a change. No more
violence, pain and fear. This is it. We are finally learning what is wrong.

Many, if not most of us are now pulling together, in whatever way we can, to help solve the problem.

The NSA disclosures were just the beginning. How does some guy peeping through your cyber-cameras help to defeat
"Arabs with Box Cutters?"

As I said to a supporter in the health food store the other day, if you are working to help spread the truth to others, you are
part of the Alliance.

It is that simple.

Events Are Accelerating

Events are accelerating on earth now at a tremendous pace. Here are the most recent top internet headlines just since
This Looks Very Similar to the Beginning of the 2008 Collapse

This is looking an awful lot like the beginning of the 2008 collapse, which basically wiped out everyone's assets by half - if
they had any to begin with. As a personal example, a family inheritance that would have given me a decent little extra
income was utterly destroyed by the 2008 crash.

Now whenever one of the checks come in, it is worth little more than laughter and paper airplanes. Many people are already
suffering so badly that these headlines may seem far away from anything they care about.

In a case like this, it does seem that those with "something to lose" will be hit much harder than those who have already lost

This Will Create a Healing

These economic headlines are only a very small part of all the wild stuff going on - which we will be discussing.

Given the overall series of events and how they are lining up, it is unlikely that this is going to just go away, though the ups
and downs may be dramatic. Either way, these disconcerting events are actually steering us into a solution.

As strange and upsetting as many of these events can appear, there is every reason to believe that something positive will
come out of all this. We can't change the fact that there are some very negative people on earth. People who want to kill
billions of us. Literally.

They are out there. They are real. And they have been working very, very hard to achieve their goals - with an astonishing
scope and depth of power.

These events are precisely what we need to finally expose and defeat the negative agenda once and for all.

Everyone Goes Through Resistance as they Learn this

Everyone has initial resistance as they are confronted with this information. It is very natural, if not inevitable. I certainly went
through it myself. I spent weeks, if not months, feeling deeply saddened and traumatized - not to mention extremely
paranoid and fearful.

However, once you break through and really get it, you are amazed you didn't see it before -- as the signs are all around us.

The evidence is voluminous, overwhelming and obvious. Fear is what holds us back from accepting reality.

There is a hidden thread weaving together the trail of "beads" left behind in so many headlines we see every day. Learning
and accepting the truth, and doing whatever you can to counteract it, is a key part of the awakening process.

A Final Biting Through

Some of what you are about to read may seem terrifying. I would strongly encourage you to stay with me and not click away
until you hear it all out. We may be witnessing a final "biting through" phase that will need to take place, globally, in order to
sever the leash that has been choking us for so long.

Now is not the time to say "I know something is wrong, but somebody else is going to deal with it."

If you haven't figured it out by now, we are it. That somebody is you. It is us.Now is the time for unity, not division...
particularly when we are this close.

The presence of organized crime on such a vast scale requires us to sort out our differences and work towards a mutually
beneficial solution.

It is Becoming Obvious

The heretofore-covert economic battle between the secret earth government syndicates, or "Cabal," and an international
alliance working for peace is becoming very obvious.

There are multiple negative factions with differing agendas. The one thing they have always agreed upon is secrecy. They
duke it out behind the scenes, but none of them want the game to end. And once the public discovers the truth, they have
run out of time.
Now, members of formerly-compromised groups and factions have broken away and are fighting to restore peace and
prosperity on earth.

When people say there is "no evidence" for this escalating insider war, they simply have not put the time in to
connect the dots.

We have been quietly building a robust collection of evidence for some time now. Waiting for the right moment. With the
events that have just taken place in the last few weeks, it became obvious that the time is now.

There is a Common Theme - It's Dark but so is the Reality of the Situation

The common theme in this investigation is that the Western financial and political system has been under the control of a
Luciferian cabal. Other cabal factions consider themselves Christian, and vociferously oppose the Luciferian factions, but
they themselves have still done very negative things.
You may feel ambivalent about Christianity and religion in general. However, the Luciferian factions are very devoted to their
own belief system. They feel Lucifer is the good guy. They deeply and fervently believe this.

They feel the Universe is a cruel and terrifying place, and that God abandoned us. Lucifer, in their religion, teaches us to
become God where none existed. And once you are a God, all others not within your elite circle are worthless enemies.

We are being bombarded with their propaganda in video games, movies and music videos, as well as public ceremonies like
the Super Bowl halftime show.

Yep it's Cheesy, but it's Still the Truth

Once the truth comes out on a widespread level, people will truly be shocked that such groups actually existed - and had
gained so much power. It seems like a really bad B movie. I get that. It's almost cheesy. But it's true. This is what is really
going on.

And standing up to these people can get you killed. Very easily. That makes it all the more exciting.

You may think this is all ridiculous, but some part of you also wants to make damn sure they don't try to murder you - "just in
case" it's true, you know. There are plenty of terrifying movies that have programmed you to be deeply afraid of "the monster
under the bed" that is "the government."
Thankfully, there is spiritual protection for those who live a virtuous life. The Cabal would have killed me, and others doing
what I'm doing, a long time ago if they could. However, they can only do what they are authorized to do.

There are "bigger kids" on the playground who consistently stop them from stepping over the line.

The Cabal's members all know this, and they call it "The Rules."

They Have Sinister Goals, but are Being Successfully Opposed

These various Cabal groups, which the Alliance calls "secret earth government syndicates," have been creating false
disasters to gain power.

They create the problem, study the reaction and then present us with a solution that furthers their goals .

Let's say they want to take away our guns. They create a mass shooting, harness the outrage and demand that no one but
the government has guns.

Another classic example would be when Hitler bombed his own radio station and blamed it on Poland. He then used this as
a pretext to invade them. During the Nuremberg trials, Nazi soldiers spilled the beans on the whole thing. It is known as The
Gleiwitz Incident.

Weather Warfare is Another Example of their Strategies in Action

These negative strategies work very well. They are being used constantly. The Cabal worships death and fear, and creates
disasters to get the results they want. Their manufactured catastrophes can take a variety of forms, including faked terrorist

Weather warfare is another key aspect of what they are doing - creating hurricanes, typhoons and earthquakes through the
use of advanced technology. This may seem like "pseudoscience" to you, but it is very real. It has remained classified for
many years, but the basic principles are simple enough for children to understand.
We will summarize some of the evidence in Section Two, linked at the bottom of this page.

An International Alliance has Bankrupted the Cabal

Thankfully, the Cabal is effectively bankrupt. That will be another key part of our story in this investigation.

An international alliance has been making a quiet but systematic effort to cut off every avenue of financing available to the
Cabal. Russia is leading the pack. The highly bizarre drop in gas prices last winter was yet another epic Cabal attempt to
destroy them that failed.

We have some links describing that event coming up here in just a minute.

I knew things were really heating up when the pump prices plunged, because it was a suicide leap for the Cabal. They
desperately needed that oil money too.

Insiders told me Putin and the Chinese both had spent years building up a gold reserve in case something like this
happened - and it did.

A Brief Collection of Headlines

So enough talk. Let's have the first round of data and get on with it. We will start you out with a tasting menu of some hors
d'oeuvres you can use in your blogs, posts, videos and shifty-eyed quiet conversations.
These are some of the most notable headlines we collected between late September 2014 to mid-February 2015, revealing
what is going on.

If you are interested in all the back-story and context behind these links, I explain them in our current and upcoming
episodes of Wisdom Teachings on Gaiam TV.

The visible public war between the Alliance and the Cabal really picked up beginning in June 2015, as we will discuss after
this introductory section.

We will keep these data points in chronological order except for the fourth link down, right here in the beginning.

Some of what you will be seeing are headlines that the Alliance was able to push through the formerly-impenetrable media
firewall built up by the Cabal:

9/21: NY Times: Are ISIS and CIA United?

9/24: Terrorism Financed by HSBC and JP Morgan

9/24: Video Evidence Turkish TV Staged ISIS Beheadings

7/11/15: Staged ISIS Beheading Video Leaked From McCain Staffer (You Must See It To Believe It!)

9/25: Greenwald Exposes NSA Agenda to Destroy Journalists

In his most recent article, Greenwald explains how JTRIG utilizes false flag operations to inject all sorts of false material
onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets.
The intelligence operation posts falsely attributed material to undermine reputations, creates fake victim blog posts
(pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posts negative information on
forums and message boards.

Other tactics include arranging sexual honey traps, changing photos of social networking sites, and sending email and text
to colleagues, neighbors and friends of targeted individuals.

9/30: Fed Borrowing [Printing] 8 Trillion a Year to Survive

I know that headline sounds completely outrageous. But it is actually true.

The U.S. government is borrowing about 8 trillion dollars a year, and you are about to see the hard numbers that
prove this.

When discussing the national debt, most people tend to only focus on the amount that it increases each 12 months.

And as I wrote about recently, the U.S. national debt has increased by more than a trillion dollars in fiscal year 2014.

10/3: Hacker Attack Cracked 10 Financial Firms in Major Assault

The huge cyberattack on JPMorgan Chase that touched more than 83 million households and businesses was one of the
most serious computer intrusions into an American corporation....
Also troubling is that about nine other financial institutions a number that has not been previously reported were
also infiltrated by the same group of overseas hackers, according to people briefed on the matter.

The hackers are thought to be operating from Russia and appear to have at least loose connections with officials of the
Russian government, the people briefed on the matter said.

10/4: Weather Warfare Assault on California Intensifies

The climate engineers continue to hammer California with record heat and drought. Meteorologically speaking maps like the
one below are historically unprecedented.

This is what climate engineering can do: fry one location while temporarily cooling another. The geoengineers can and are
continuing to cook California under a virtual target of heat and drought.

Meteorologists have coined the term ridiculously resilient ridge to describe the engineered HAARP-induced high pressure
that is being kept locked in place over the West.

Are maps like the one below also meant to send a message with their bullseye of blazing heat centered exactly over the
once golden state like a target?

10/5: Ben Affleck: Hollywood is Full of CIA Agents

10/5: Hidden Government Group Linking JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra and 9/11

10/7: Leading German Journalist Reveals He Worked for CIA, Pushing World War
Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, admits
he worked for the CIA.

Ive been a journalist for about 25 years, and Ive been educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public,
Ulfkotte told Russia Today. I was supported by the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. Why? Because I am pro-
American. He decided to tell the truth about corporate media controlled by the financial class because he fears war in

The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. "This is a point of no
return, and I am going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make
propaganda against Russia.

10/8: Michael Hastings Was Murdered Because He Was About to Expose 19,000 Swiss Bank
Accounts that Fund Terrorism [Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot Interviews Insider Scott Bennett]
10/9: Did Satan Signal in S&P Futures Give the All-Clear for Selling to Begin?

After a notably weak start to the day, a curious thing happened... "someone" canceled-and-replaced orders for 666
contracts 26 times in the 1130ET to 1200ET period... and selling accelerated lower, no reversal, to close at the lows
on heavy volume.

We are sure this is nothing... just pure coincidence that on the 4th most active trading day in history and on following a
huge surge day in stocks not trusted by any other asset class, someone would send -- 26 separate times in a few minutes --
orders for 666 contracts.

Only a tin-foil-hat-wearing digital dickweed would see anything odd about that: for everyone else this is merely yet another
market anomaly that is best left unmentioned.

10/26: In Cold War, US Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis

WASHINGTON i In the decades after World War II, the C.I.A. and other United States agencies employed at least a
thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants.
As recently as the 1990s, [they] concealed the governments ties to some still living in America, newly disclosed records and
interviews show.

10/28: Suspicious Cyber Activity on White House Network Detected, Addressed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Suspicious cyber activity has been detected on the computer network used by the White House
and measures have been taken to address it, a White House official disclosed on Tuesday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, would not say who might have been responsible for the activity on what
was described as an unclassified computer network used by employees of the Executive Office of the President.

11/8: Nazis Helped Get Us To the Moon. The Reagan White House Helped Keep Them in the US

WASHINGTON - They lived within our borders for years, thousands of miles away from the lives they helped ruin.
Serving as cornerstones of Americas post-World War II scientific advancement, they worked for NASA and helped develop
our rockets, quietly burying their horrific pasts under accolades from the U.S. aeronautics community.

These were Americas Nazi transplants: scientists, academics and thinkers who were employed by the U.S.
government, despite rsums full of horrid atrocities.

And, as New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau reveals in a new book, their genius was considered so valuable
that Washington worked to protect them from the consequences of their horrible pasts.

11/9: UBS Settles Over Gold Rigging, Many Other Banks to Follow

Remember when everyone decried wholesale Libor manipulation as a crazy conspiracy theory (Zero Hedge: January
2009: "This Makes No Sense: LIBOR By Bank")...?

Why, none other than ICAP chief Michael Spencer said they all thought Libor was "unmanipulable."

As it turns out, not only is Libor manipulable(sic), and a vast rate-rigging "conspiracy theory" is quite possible when
everyone's interests are aligned, but it also was massively profitable....

And finally, there was the precious metals market: a market which all the Keynesian fanatic paper bugs said was immune
from manipulation, be it of the central or commercial bank kind....

Sadly this too conspiracy theory just was crushed into the reality of conspiracy fact.

Moments ago the FT reported that alongside admissions of rigging every other market, UBS -- always the proverbial
first rat in the coalmine, to mix and match metaphors -- is about to "settle" allegations of gold and silver rigging.

In other words: it admits it had rigged the gold and silver markets, without of course "admitting or denying" it did so.

11/18: Germany Begins Direct Trading in Chinese Yuan Instead of Dollars

European companies now have the opportunity to settle trading accounts in Chinese yuan. The Bank of China in Frankfurt
has become the first to operate European yuan clearing.
Trading costs will be cut as there will be no dollar exchange first. [All transactions had to be traded in and out of dollars
since World War II -- until now.]

More than 10 German regional and international banks including Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, DZ Bank AG, and
Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen Girozentrale, have opened accounts at Bank of China in Frankfurt.

12/3: The US Government Has a Secret System for Intercepting Patents

Entrepreneurs and established companies alike depend on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to legally protect their

But the Patent Office has been using a secret system to withhold the approval of some applications.

Newly released documents reveal that the office, tasked with evaluating and protecting the rights to intellectual property, has
a covert system for delaying controversial or inconvenient patents.

[DW: This validates insider testimony that we are in a techno-tyranny and only "approved" inventions ever see the light of

12/25: Falling Oil Prices are Badly Hurting Americas Adversaries

BRUSSELS A plunge in oil prices has sent tremors through the global political and economic order, setting off an
abrupt shift in fortunes.

[This price plunge] has bolstered the interests of the United States and pushed several big oil-exporting nations
particularly those hostile to the West, like Russia, Iran and Venezuela to the brink of financial crisis.

The nearly 50 percent decline in oil prices since June has had the most conspicuous impact on the Russian
economy and President Vladimir V. Putin.

The former finance minister Aleksei L. Kudrin, a longtime friend of Mr. Putins, warned this week of a full-blown economic
crisis and called for better relations with Europe and the United States....

The price drop, said Edward N. Luttwak, a longtime Pentagon adviser and author of several books on geopolitical and
economic strategy, is knocking down Americas principal opponents without us even trying.
For Iran, which is estimated to be losing $1 billion a month because of the fall, it is as if Congress had passed the much
tougher sanctions that the White House lobbied against, he said....

But the biggest casualty so far has probably been Russia, where energy revenue accounts for more than half of the
governments budget.

Mr. Putin built up strong support by seeming to banish the economic turmoil that had afflicted the rule of his predecessor,
Boris N. Yeltsin.

Yet Russia was back on its heels last week, with the ruble going into such a steep dive that panicked
Russians thronged shops to spend what they had.

12/29: Megabanks May Steal US Taxpayer Money to Bail Themselves Out

The sudden dramatic collapse in the price of oil appears to be an act of geopolitical warfare against Russia.

The result could be trillions of dollars in oil derivative losses; and the FDIC could be liable, following repeal of key
portions of the Dodd-Frank Act last weekend....

The preamble to the Dodd-Frank Act claims "to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts."

But it does this through "bail-in": authorizing "systemically important" too-big-to-fail banks to expropriate [steal] the
assets of their creditors, including depositors.

2/10: Veterans Today Views Evidence Confirming Putin Preparing to Release Satellite Evidence of

(Editors note: Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using special
weapons was reviewed by a VT editor while in Moscow.
The article below was forwarded to us for publication in the US and translated from Russian [in Pravda]. It is 3 days old,
published on February 7, 2015.)

Moscow (Pravda): American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the
worst point since the Cold War, Putin delivered only minor troubles until Obama.

Analysts believe that this is the calm before the storm.

Putin is going to hit once, but hes going to hit hard.

Russia is preparing to release evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services in the
September 11 attacks.

The list of evidence includes satellite images.

This published material can prove the US government was complicit in the 9/11 attacks -- and successfully manipulated
public opinion.

The attack was planned by the US government, but exercised using her proxy, so that an attack on America and the
people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism.

The motive to deceive and murder its own citizens was intended to serve US oil interests and the Middle East state

The evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story supported by the US

[VT editor answers comment with additional info:]

Bruce Robinson: What, other than the absence of planes used in the destruction, would satellite photos easily portray?
That's enough!

Editor: Bruce Robinson ...We already met with them. They can prove not only nukes but they track them being moved.

Jeff met with them when they confirmed Shrimpton's story for us... or at least part of Shrimpton's story.

We Had Been Hearing the Same Thing

Before we continue, I would like to point out that our own insiders leaked the same data for well over two months before this
appeared on Veterans Today.

The overall gist of what was said here -- that Russia is leading an alliance preparing video evidence damning to the Cabal -
has been discussed on this site for about the last 2-3 years.

As we were told, the Alliance has meticulously pieced together video surveillance, audio surveillance, satellite photos and
other data to make this case - and many others.

Super-compromising videos of the elite - including satanic rituals - have also been systematically collected and archived to
prepare for this event.

In fact, we were told that 40 percent of the US military is working undercover as cyber-warriors, gathering and sorting this
surveillance data for an eventual disclosure.

Read the full story at: DivineCosmos

Exposed: The Atempt To Establish A Secret Court System In New Zealand

August 27 2015 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

You Run A Worm Farm Without A Permit? We Can Now Prosecute You In Secret! A late addition to
the new health and safety law reform worries the Law society. Funny that. It should worry the hell
out of every man, woman and child in New Zealand.
Secret courts if whatever they deem something to be of national security. Stalin who murdered millions of his own
people with secret courts and hard labour camps and torture would have a field day with this:

Tuesday, 25 August 2015, 3:46 pm | Press Release: New Zealand Law Society

Late Addition of National Security Provisions Concerns Law Society

The New Zealand Law Society has expressed its significant concerns at the last-minute addition to the Health and Safety
Reform Bill of provisions for a closed material procedure for court proceedings where national security is involved.

The Law Society has written to the Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety, saying the provisions should not have been
inserted at this late stage of the legislative process.

The provisions will allow a person to be tried and convicted of a criminal offence without seeing all the information
relied on by the Crown and without the right to be present (or to have their representative present) during all the

This is inconsistent with the fundamental right to a fair trial, the Law Society says.

We recommend removal of the provisions from the Bill, to await the outcome of an inquiry the Law Commission is
carrying out on National Security Information in Proceedings, Law Society President Chris Moore says.

The Law Commission has already identified significant issues about the matters covered by the provisions which
have been inserted in the Bill, and it does not appear that these have been taken into account."

The processes inserted by Schedule 2A directly impact on very significant constitutional rights. Because Schedule
2A was not in the Bill when introduced, it has not been subject to the Bill of Rights vetting process and will miss
public consultation and input.

Mr Moore says it appears that the Governments advisers believed there would be relatively few circumstances where
secure handling of classified information would be needed as part of any health and safety investigation or legal
proceedings where national security is involved.
However, Schedule 2A has a very wide definition of classified security information. The Law Commission
which, it is important to stress, has been actively researching this very matter has identified some major human
rights issues in this matter."

The Law Society has also advised the Minister that Schedule 2A attempts to remove the power of the courts to
review a determination that certain information is classified security information.

All New Zealanders should be very worried when the powers of our courts to review any decision made by civil
servants are curtailed, as could happen here.

The Law Society says that if the provisions are to be retained in the legislation, they should be more narrowly cast at a
minimum and it strongly urges that the outcome of the Law Commission review be awaited.

2015 Systemic Market Crash - Friday's 530-Point Market Crash Proves Why You Need To
Watch This Video
August 25 2015 | From: NaturalNews

Nearly all Natural News readers already understand that global stock markets are headed for a
massive systemic collapse, but this simple economic fact remains denied by most consumers of
the brain-dead mainstream media.
For weeks, months and even years, the leaders of the new media (independent media) have been warning about the
coming implosion of the global debt pyramid. I'm just one of many, and the larger group includes people
like Gregory Mannarino, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Dave Hodges, Susan Duclos, the Silver Doctors, the Liberty
Brothers, Steve Quayle, Mac Slavo from and many others.

Related: The Global Economy Is Officially Melting Down

All of us have taken the unique step of putting our reputations on the line by publicly warning you about the coming
stock market crash, often in the face of ridiculous denials and delusional thinking by the hypnotized masses (who are all
being led to the slaughter).

Several weeks ago, I released a hugely important mini-documentary called Systemic Market Crash.

This documentary was released entirely as a public service, to warn people about what's coming. There's nothing being
pitched in the video, it's simply a powerful economics lesson that every person desperately needs to learn right now,
BEFORE the S really HTF.

Now that the U.S. stock market has suddenly crashed more than 530 points in one day, suddenly a lot more people are
watching this video and realizing things like "Holy crap, he's right!" If you don't want to get absolutely slaughtered by the
systemic market crash that's coming, you need to watch this video and understand what I'm teaching here.

Related: Global Trade In Freefall: Container Freight Rates From Asia To Europe Crash 60% In Three Weeks
Are Ministers Selling State Housing To Themselves?
August 25 2015 | From: ManaNews

The Tamaki redevelopment company is broken up into three shareholders Auckland council, Bill
English and Nick Smith. Both English and Smith own 29.5% of the shares while Auckland council
own 41%.

On the companies office website the shareholders for The Tamaki redevelopment company limited click here. Is
this a blatant attempt by government ministers to enrich themselves by selling off state owned assets for personal

I reviewed the constitution of the Tamaki redevelopment company and was surprised to see the organisations values;

Sustainability (environmental, social and economic), Collaboration, Respectful, Consultation, Tikanga, Intergenerational /
lifecycle thinking, Cross silo assessment of project benefits, Evidence-based decision making, Innovation, Needs based
A homeless Tenant resisting eviction by the Tamaki redevelopment company

This eviction lacked consultation the family didnt want to be moved out of their home but were given no option to remain in
their community.

Former MP Hone Harawira being arrested in a protest over the removal of state houses in Glen Innes, Auckland
Police arrested a member of parliament on behalf of the Tamaki redevelopment company. Mana leader Hone Harawira
fearlessly used his vehicle to block the removal of the removal of a state house.

Below are realistic values of the Tamaki redevelopment company limited.

Intimidation, Police prosecutions, Destroying communities, Lack of Tikanga, Short term gains, Self
enrichment, Extortion, Disrespect, Unsustainable.

Strawman - The Nature Of The Cage

August 24 2015 | From: Youtube

Strawman - The Nature of the Cage is a cutting edge documentary like no other. It highlights the
truth around debt, the Legal Fiction, Lawful and Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, and modern day

The film gives a detailed overview as to how you can address these issues in your personal life, offering knowledge
on how to Lawfully deal with any kind of authority, if you haven't broken any Laws.

Drawing on the expertise of Trailblazers whom have risked everything to deliver this usually unavailable information,
Strawman will outline information that you would otherwise be completely unaware of.

John K Webster, who has spent 18 months researching and making this film, has one goal... having noticed the increase of
suicides in the UK that relate directly to monetary worries, he says:
"If this film saves one life, my work is done."

This film applies to everyone, regardless of your personal situation. It is important to know how the system works and more
importantly, how it is working you.

It is said, that you must first know that you are in a cage, before you can escape from that cage.

Germany Made 100 Billion Euros From The Greek Crisis + The Global Financial
System Swindle
August 13 2015 | From: Geopolitics / Sputnik

Heres one more item of proof that the whole financial system is one big swindle.
The paper-based monetary system started with nothing, literally. It came into life just by virtue of an imposed
agreement. Played with rosy promises, the whole system was put into action with deliberately complex layers of
paper shuffling and mind-numbing plethora of financial gobbledygook to cover its empty, shallow foundation.

When a country borrows money from a global development bank, the finance minister wont be coming home with crates
of printed money, or tons of gold, to back up the subsequent money printing. The minister will be travelling home with a
mutually signed paper giving instructions on how the borrowed sum plus interest would be paid in full before the next
borrowing will be entertained.

Normally, one would expect to have borrowed something of value which would then be repaid with something of much
greater value, but it doesnt work that way. The whole fiat system is based on a complex system of projecting value in order
to gain real value from your blood, sweat and tears.

When our finance minister went home with a paper instruction to pay, the actual payment of real value will then come from
the actual hard asset that the people has built, e.g. bridges, airports, sea ports, roads and highways, out of the borrowed
perceived value, i.e. loan, paper money, and bonds.
Any income from decades of collecting toll from every commuter, or users of such endemically constructed
facilities will go to the issuer of the paper instructions, i.e. the bank.

Modern Recent Fiat Currency Failures:

1922: Austria - Suffered inflation as high as 134%

1932: Argentina - 8th largegst economy before monetary collapse

1944: Greece - 8.5 billion / month - prices doubled every 28 hours

1946: Hungary - 4.19 quintillion percent inflation - it doubled every 15 hours

1984: Israel - 445% inflation rate

1990: Peru - 397% monthly inflation rate

1992: Norway - Experienced major problems with their fiat currency

1993-94: Yugoslavia - 5x10 to the 15th power inflation (requires mathematical equations)

1993-95: Ukraine - 1,400% inflation rate per month

1994: Mexico - Peso collapsed in what is known as the 'Tequila Hangover'

1997: Thailand - Bhat collapsed and the effects spread to other nations

1998: Russia - Ruble collapsed, similar to German Weimar Republic

2001: Turkey - 1 new Lira exchanged for 1,000,000 old Lira - reformed in 2005

2007: Zimbabwe - 11,250,000% inflation at it's highest in the worst month

This simple scheme has been replicated worldwide for centuries through incorporation, treaties, and closed door trade
agreements. And due to having born with it already in place, we normally think that the existence of the whole system is just
normal and even natural as the next mornings sunrise.

"Paper money eventually returns to it's intrinsic value - Zero"

- Voltaire, 1694 - 1778

We have learned to accept things as condemnable as the current financial system - to be the result of the normal course of
things because every institution that lives and breathes within the system says so. Thats how malleable our mind really is.
And when a borrower nation could not pay the loan principal and corresponding interest, i.e. percentage charges for using
the systems valueless paper instruments [principal], it must unload itself of its sovereign assets to pay for arrears.

This is a standard requirement before the borrower can borrow again from the lenders valueless instruments, more
precisely, to be permitted to print debt-based currency.

Worse, they can manipulate the interest rates at will so that they could benefit even further while their clients bleed
even more.

This is whats happening in Greece and elsewhere

Revealed: Germany Makes 100 Billion Euros From The Greek Crisis

The German government, which has taken a hard line on Greece, has saved some 100 billion euros ($109 billion) in
the countrys financial crisis thanks to lower borrowing costs, a study has found.
Germany saved through lower interest payments on funds the government borrowed amid investor flights to safety, the
German-based non-profit Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) said in its paper published Monday.

These savings exceed the costs of the crisis even if Greece were to default on its entire debt, the study said.

Germany has clearly benefited from the Greek crisis.

In the face of turmoil, investors seeking a safe haven for their money within the euro zone turned to export champion
Germany, which disproportionately benefited from that during the debt crisis, the IWH said.

Every time financial markets faced negative news on Greece in recent years, interest rates on German
government bonds fell, and every time there was good news, they rose.

Germany, the euro zones effective paymaster, has demanded fiscal discipline and tough economic reforms
in Greece in return for consenting to new aid from international creditors, Agence France-Presse reported.

Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has opposed a Greek debt write-down while pointing to his own governments
balanced budget.
Wolfgang Schaeuble

The balanced budget, however, was facilitated largely by Germanys interest savings amid the Greek debt crisis, according
to the study. The estimated 100 billion euros Germany saved since 2010 accounted for more than 3% of GDP, according
to the IHW.

Even if Greece doesnt pay back a single cent, the German public purse has benefited financially from the
crisis, said the paper.

At the same time, the bonds of other countries including the United States, France and the Netherlands also
benefited, but to a much smaller extent.

Greece and its creditors are working on the draft of a new bailout of up to 86 billion euros ($94 billion) in exchange
for further reforms, AFP reported. They are aiming for a deal before Greece must repay 3.4 billion euros to the European
Central Bank on August 20.

One would then ask why do we have to go abroad to borrow nothing, i.e. permission to print money, when we can
construct these critical facilities on our own, using home grown materials and know-how?
Of course, we can. We just need to agree on all the details, i.e.:

1. The local government / community will have to print IOU's or paper currency to reflect the actual value of the
project to be undertaken, i.e. farm to market roads, interconnecting highways;

2. The people will agree on the value of the project and will be willing to accept the value printed on the IOUs as
payment in exchange for their labor;

We can do and establish a separate system. But we need to armed ourselves first because all those who have
attempted to do so are now dead.

You would think that this hypnotic scheme would not go unperturbed by our 'smartest leaders' but they are part of the
whole game. They are already living and breathing within it.
Breaking from such well entrenched, well defined scheme takes a whole lot of courage and self-sacrifice, and most of these
people dont know how to survive off-grid.

Therefore, you alone can set yourself free from it all. You alone can pull yourself from the whole control structure and move
into real freedom.

Or, we can collectively eliminate all of them and regain control of the whole system.

Those are the choices.

The Coming Fall Of The House Of Windsor

August 8 2015 | From: Geopolitics / LaRouchePub

The rulers of the world are not used to being in a defensive position but sure they are and they
know not what to do.
Its pretty obvious that the royalties of Europe are scrambling for cover now that their deepest, dirtiest and soon
their darkest secrets, too, are all going mainstream. Yes, their satanic rituals are not out in the open yet, but soon it
will be.

Related: A Few Inconvenient Truths About The 'British Royal Family': The Queen's Speech - Decyphered

They are also sacrificing some of their friends just to save themselves. Only the fittest will survive, they are still saying.
The revelations of the deep affinity between numerous members of the British royal family and Adolf Hitler - in light of the
central role which British policy is playing both in the imposition of a brutal austerity policy on all of Europe, and in the
confrontation course with Russia and China - ranks among the most important strategic developments of today.

The quicker the House of Windsor lands in the rubbish heap of history, the better are the chances for reorganizing the totally
bankrupt trans - Atlantic financial system, and avoiding a new - this time thermonuclear - world war.

In that context, the publication of a 17 second-long video, in which the seven or eight year old Elizabeth - later Queen
Elizabeth II - is seen presenting a Hitler-salute, is only the tip of the iceberg.

Since then, hundreds of articles have been circulated in the English and American press and on the Internet, which shed
light on the open adulation of various members of the British Monarchy and British aristocracy for Hitler and the Nazis.
The sympathies of Elizabeth's uncle, former King Edward VIII, who, after his abdication was called the Duke of Windsor, are
well-known. More explosive is the role of Prince Philip, whose involvement, according to the British media, are to aired on
July 30 on Channel Four of British TV, in a documentary called "The Plot to Make a King."

King Edward VIII

In this, the close ties of Prince Philip to the Nazis are supposed to be uncovered, as well as the fact that his three sisters
were all married to leading members of the National Socialist Party and the SS, and much more.

The Times of Israel on July 19 published an extensive interview with German-British historian Karina Urbach of the
University of London, on the results of her research on this subject, which she has just published in a book with the title "Go-
Betweens for Hitler."

The book deals with the intense alliance between broad sections of the British Establishment and the Nazis, which alliance
played a central role in British geopolitics between the world wars.
A young Prince Philip, second from the right in the first row, marches in a funeral procession with SS friends in 1937. The picture, publicized in the
2006 book Royals and the Reich by Jonathan Petropoulos, has been widely publicized in recent days

How did this material, which until now had previously been kept under absolute lock and key in the British archives, now
become public in a way that can only be called a campaign?

The background is, among other things, a kind of blood feud among the Windsors concerning the line of succession to
Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, who are in the meantime considered too old to hold the British Empire together at a point in
time when the trans-Atlantic financial system is on the edge of a crash, compared to which the collapse of Lehman Brother
and AIG in 2008 was child's play.
Part of the Windsor clan wants to skip over Prince Charles in the succession, and make William King; another faction is
convinced that Great Britain can only save its relevance if it undergoes a fundamental restructuring of the whole
Commonwealth. This second faction is apparently behind the revelations.

Environmentalist Fascists

But in the current strategic situation, the significance of the exposure of the Nazi sympathies of the British royals does not lie
merely in hushed-up historical facts coming out, but in the meaning of this tradition for the political offensive which is using
the so-called anthropogenic climate change as a pretext for the "decarbonization of the world economy" - an offensive which
the British Monarchy is leading globally.

Because if the goal of this climate-lobby, the goal of supporting the energy consumption of the entire world exclusively with
so-called renewable energy sources - therefore excluding not only nuclear energy, but also all fossil fuel energy sources -
were reached, then the number of people who could be sustained on Earth would be reduced from today's approximate
seven billion, to one billion or less.

Because there is a direct connection between the energy flux density used in the production process, which, with
"renewable" energies is extremely low, and the potential population which can be supported.
The Prince visits his own organization dedicated to population reduction, the World Wildlife Fund. Here he visits the WWF Switzerland in 1965.

Prince Philip is infamous for his statement that, in his opinion, the Earth is only suitable for one billion people, and he wrote
in the foreword to his book If I Were an Animal, published in 1986, that he would like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus, in
order to make a contribution to the reduction of the world's population.

The same holds for the World Wildlife Fund and a whole number of other environmental organizations he founded, who,
over the past decades, have sabotaged innumerable infrastructure projects in all parts of the world, and thereby have
shortened the lives of millions of people.

At present a worldwide campaign is escalating, which would use the upcoming COP21 Climate Conference in December in
Paris for the conclusive erection of a world dictatorship, through which the prescribed climate goals would strangle all
development of those formerly called developing countries.
Joachim Schellnhuber

The fact that Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, who insists on being identified as "Commander of the British Empire," succeeded
in writing his population-reducing theses on the "Great Transformation of Decarbonization of the World Economy" into the
latest Encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si', represents a great catastrophe for the Catholic Church, of a sort that hasn't
occurred since the Inquisition.

Prince Philip's adviser for religion and climate questions, Martin Palmer, who, in preparation for the December Conference,
co-organized a so-called "Summit of Conscience" in Paris on July 21, in his role as general secretary of the "Alliance for
Religion and the Environment" (ARC), attacked the "anthropocentric gospel" there.

By this he means that religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have had difficulty understanding that man is simply
not that important. He believes there must be a debate between members of these religions, in order to stamp out the idea
that mankind represents something unique.
Here there comes to light the man-hating ideology which is the same as that of the Conservative Revolution, founded
against the "ideas of 1789," and of the Nazis and the Green movement: that man is only a higher beast, and therefore
human life should be no more sacrosanct than that of the animals; therefore, if required, the numbers of people could also
be reduced - as the helots were in ancient Sparta, or the "useless eaters" under the Nazis, or even up to six billion people,
who must be sacrificed to the goal of 'saving the climate."

Armin Mohler, the former chairman of the Siemens Foundation, already wrote in his 1949 book The Conservative
Revolution that the Conservative Revolution wanted to return to the pre-Christian Gaia-mythology, because the Christian
image of man brought with it the cultural optimism, which made possible the modern development of mankind.

The sooner the whole historical truth about the British Empire leads to its well-deserved end, the better.

The Indian opposition parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor performed a small, but important service July 24, in a brilliant speech
at the University of Oxford on the crimes of this British Empire in its 200-year colonial domination of India.

He pointed out that India's share of the world economy over this period was reduced from 23% to 4%, and that deliberately
triggered famines costing 15 to 29 million Indians their lives.
Indian parliamentarian Shashi Tharoors May 28 speech at the Oxford Union, detailing British genocide against India, has now gone viral. Here,
Tharoor at Chatham House on June 2, 2015.

For example, Winston Churchill deliberately ordered the removal of foodstuffs for the starving Bengali population, which cost
four million Bengalis their lives in 1943. When conscience-stricken British officials alluded to the dimensions of the tragedy
which his decision had caused, Churchill only answered: "Why hasn't Gandhi died yet?"

The same Churchill in 1937 said before the House of Commons:

"I did not suggest that, if I had to make a choice between communism and Nazism, I would choose communism."

The fall of the British monarchy would have a liberating effect for all Europe, but especially for Germany, because it would
break the continuity of geopolitical manipulation and world wars which has persisted from the dismissal of Otto von
Bismarck, deliberately arranged by the British manipulation, to the present day, and of which the tightening of austerity
policy toward Greece after the visit of the Queen to Berlin, and the sanctions against Russia are only the latest examples.
But let it be said to the court lackies of the likes of Palmer and Schellnhuber:

Mankind is a unique species, whose inviolable dignity lies in his creativity, which differentiates him from all animals .

Mankind is the only creative species known so far, whose capability for discovering ever new and progressing universal
principles, is capable of unlimited improvement, and which has explored the laws of the anti-entropically developing universe
ever more successfully.

And that applies in particular to the effects of the cycles of our Solar System and our Galaxy and their effect on the climate.

Therefore the creativity of all mankind will undergo a gargantuan qualitative leap forward - after the downfall of the British

Political Crimes & Criminals

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Part Five: Click here

Part Six: Click here

Part Seven: Click here

Part Eight: Click here

Political Crimes & Criminals

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Part Five: Click here

Part Six: Click here

Part Seven: Click here

Part Eight: Click here

Stalling The Trans-Pacific Partnership: The Failure Of The Hawaii Talks +
TPPA Ministerial Fails Time For NZ Government To Cut Losses
August 7 2015 | From: CounterPunch / Scoop

Anti-TPP activists and a bevy of other groups would have had reason to cheer the delays that
afflicted the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks in Hawaii last week. The obstacles seemed to loom so
large that they, in the end, were irreconcilable.

There are various takes on this. One is that the delay will force negotiators into a Damascus conversion in the name
of the public interest.

Related: New TPP leak shows Canada would be required to massively overhaul copyright, damaging free
expression and censoring Internet

In Ian Verrenders words, writing from the Australian perspective;

This break will steel the resolve of our negotiators to actually fight for our interests.
But this is wishful thinking, given that the entire philosophy of the TPP is corporate rather than individual, the executive
memoranda stemming from unelected individuals, rather than parliamentary scrutiny and representation.

Australia has already done well to destroy its own standing on various domestic policies in a desperate attempt to bend over
backwards to receive the mammon of free trade. It is willing to append its signature to a document that will abandon
reference pricing to peg medicines to a set low price as part of its traditional Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

Even as the Australian delegation is ready to slash the wrists of sovereign credibility, along with other colleagues in the TPP
circle, the litigation mounted by Philip Morris continues to take place against Canberra in secret.

Australias former treasurer Wayne Swan found himself in Singapore in February to provide evidence in that sizeable case,
in which the tobacco giant is suing for lost profits occasioned by the plain packaging regime for cigarettes sold in Australia.
Having had their case demolished in the High Court, the corporate giants swooped in on the provisions of the Hong Kong-
Australian trade deal which had, crucially, an Investor-State Dispute Settlements clause.

These have flowered like vicious weeds in trade deals since the 1990s, when they were deemed exceptional.

From the very beginning, the entire TPP negotiations came from a tilted plane, rather than an equal one. Partners are being
treated, less as equals than discomforted stakeholders. The release by WikiLeaks of its latest round of cables, this time on
the Tokyo-Washington relationship, continue to show that when it comes to treaties, economic agreements and commerce,
an intelligence agency is around the corner doing the hoovering.
The US delegation remained impregnable on the issue of its dairy market, preventing such states as Australia and New
Zealand from selling more milk, cheese and butter. In fact, the entire agricultural issue proved to be one of the most stubborn
of sticking points, with negotiators salivating about getting access to the large US market.

Another point of unmoving obstinacy is that of intellectual property. The TPP is Washingtons Trojan horse in this regards, an
attempt to insinuate pharmaceutical interests into several economies, thereby stifling the use of generic drugs and
maintaining the monopoly of data protection on biologics for up to 12 years.

The chairman of the US Senate Finance Committee, Orrin Hatch, has stated that support for a final deal could not be
guaranteed without it. In contrast, Chiles vice minister for trade, Andres Rebolledo, made it clear that his country wanted an
agreement that balances public policy goals for intellectual property in medicines.

This is not so much a case of free trade, as a form of globalised protectionism of medical knowledge. Such rules, asserts
Dani Rodrik of Harvards John F. Kennedy School of Government, tend to have an uncertain impact on innovation while
generating substantial rents for US patent and copyright holders.

It acts as a form of aggressive mercantilism: We will import less from you while our exports will be guaranteed access
and protection in recipient markets.

The positions of the various 12 states varies, with some parties taking the high stand, and others taking a much lower one.
Officials in Canberra have been pursuing tariff-free trade with an insentient, dogmatic insistence even as other countries
resist opening agricultural markets and keeping their doors shut. All this callow enthusiasm, despite the US-Australia free
trade arrangement resulting in the loss of $53 billion in trade, rather than the promised gain of $5.6 billion Canberras
fantasists promised.

In the words of a Crawford School of Public Policy report from the Australian National University;

"The evidence reveals [that the agreement] resulted in a fall in Australian and US regional trade with the rest of the
world that the agreement led to trade diversion.

Something in this may suggest why negotiations, and the entire process itself, has been cloaked in a secrecy that almost
seems venal in nature. Transparency would kill it, precisely because the propaganda of infinite benefits would not cut the
Again, the issue in such trade agreements lies less in the nature of what is free, so much as what is not. This has not
prevented the detractors from being optimistic. New Zealands Trade Minister, Tim Groser, suggested that much:

"Undergrowth has been cleared away in the course of the meeting in a manner that I would say is streets ahead of
any other ministerial meetings we have had.

May these delays continue to be chronic, extensive, and prolonged.

As long as they are, there may still be some lifeblood, however little, in the veins of democratic sensibility.

TPPA Ministerial Fails: Time For NZ Government To Cut Losses

The final ministerial meeting on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) in Maui has
Not opting to stay another day shows the gridlock is serious and potentially intractable, according to University of
Auckland law professor Jane Kelsey.

Everyone is blaming each other in Maui, Kelsey said. But the underlying reason for the gridlock is the domestic
opposition in almost all the TPPA countries.

People simply dont believe a deal that raises the price of medicines and handcuffs the right of governments to
regulate is in their national interests.

Despite erecting a shroud of secrecy around the negotiations, politicians know they cant sign a final deal that they
cant sell at home.

Professor Kelsey notes that Minister Grosers sales job got much harder this week.
After years of denial, he and the Prime Minister have now confessed that medicines will indeed cost more, that the TPPA will
prevent tighter restrictions foreign investments, and that foreign investors might indeed sue New Zealand and win under the

Those confessions raised the political price of the TPPA and meant the Minister couldnt accept a cosmetic deal.
Despite downgrading his ambitions from the initial full liberalisation to something commercially meaningful for
dairy, even that was not achievable.

Time has now almost run out. The US Fast Track law sets out a complicated process the US must follow. US consumer
organisation Public Citizen calculates the absolute minimum amount of time is about 3 months.

Under the more likely timeframe, if negotiations do not conclude until September the earliest Congress would vote on the
TPP is January 2016, when the path to passage will be more politically fraught. That is US election year. The last thing Hilary
Clinton, other Democrats and many Republicans want is a vote on a politically toxic deal mid-campaign.

Hopefully the groundswell of media coverage and discussion in New Zealand this week, along with a stronger
position from Labour and the Waitangi Tribunal claim, have created enough pressure on the government to cut its
losses and walk away, Kelsey said.

At the very least, before the negotiations resume we need to see the text and the options clearly laid out, and have
an independent and comprehensive cost benefit analysis that can be debated in an open and democratic way.

I and others will seek to advance that openness with the judicial review proceedings of the Ministers refusal to
release documents under the Official Information Act, to be filed early next week.
The Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Debt And The Bail-in: When You Deposit Funds In
A Bank, It Becomes Their Money
August 6 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

The world is awash with promises. Nearly everything we think of as having value is because of
a promise behind it. A few examples; your bank accounts, retirement funds, bonds and even the
dollar bills in your pocket.

Your bank account for example, once you deposit the money it is no longer yours. You can argue this if you wish
but we now know this is true for sure after recent bail in legislations passed throughout the west. When you
deposit funds into a bank, it then becomes their money held for you they owe it to you.

Comment: In New Zealand all of the NZ Reserve Bank registered banks are subject to the bail-in legislation. Credit
Unions are not all subject to the legislation; depending on their status and structure however it appears.

Do not take this lightly, lawmakers around the world have made this the new reality. A little known fact, in 1845 Britain
passed banking law that made depositors (unsecured creditors), this is still precedent to this day. When you deposit money
you accept a liability from your bank and are classified as an unsecured creditor. In other words, get in line with everyone

Same thing with many retirement accounts. Think about Social Security. When you get your annual statement form, it comes
with an asterisk. This is to inform you they might need to reduce benefits. With any retirement account you are relying on
the custodian to make payments to you upon retirement.
Think about state and municipal retirement accounts promising the good life, they are nearly ALL underfunded. Meaning
there is not enough money in there to make (promised) future payments unless some sort of magically higher returns are
realized. These are underfunded by the TRILLIONS of dollars!

Bonds are an obvious asset class where a promise is relied on. Dollars on the other hand seem the most misunderstood by
the public while being the biggest leap of faith in all asset classes. Dollars rely on the full faith and credit of the U.S.
government (a bankrupt entity) yet the populace sleeps through the night secure knowing they own dollars.

ALL non backed, fiat currencies in the past have failed. The dollar is the widest spread and widely owned fiat the
world has ever known, its failure will be spectacular upon arrival!

I wanted to point out the above promises as a basis to speak about trust or confidence. The financial world turns on the
axis of trust. This trust was nearly broken in 2008 and is the reason the Federal Reserve needed to secretly lend $16 trillion
all over the world.

If the Fed had not come up with these funds, failures would have spread and trust would have been broken amongst the
banks/other financial institutions and even between the central banks themselves! The Feds largesse worked and trust was

Now, I believe we are set for another test of trust. We have gone five+ years with QE this and QE that, the reality being
outright monetization. In fact, central banks today are buying more sovereign bonds than are even being issued.

The public and even the professional funds have backed away from the debt markets, you cant blame them because the
interest received does not even cover inflation not to mention a risk premium. Globally the pace of trade and business
activity is slowing or even declining which will bring to a head the difficulties in meeting debt service and other promises.
They even made a movie about it: Margin Call is a 2011 American independent drama film written and directed by J. C. Chandor. The story takes
place over a 36-hour period at a large Wall Street investment bank and highlights the initial stages of the financial crisis of 200708. In focus are the
actions taken by a group of employees during the subsequent financial collapse.

The fictional head of a Wall Street firm John Tuld (a composite character resembling Merrill Lynchs John Thain and Lehman Brothers Dick Fuld
and played by the wonderfully villainous Jeremy Irons) is told that the firm is drowning in toxic mortgage-backed securities. Tuld orders his traders to
rid the firms balance sheet of the junk by dumping it on unsuspecting counterparties and customers.

I ask, what will happen when inevitably trust begins to wane? Or even fully break? It is at this point the system goes into
The Great Call. Margin call? Of course, because nearly everything financial has leverage behind it but there is more to it
than this.

The call I am speaking of is for contracts of all sorts to perform. In particular I am thinking derivatives contracts will be
called on to perform their contractual duties.

All in all, there are over $1 quadrillion worth of derivatives outstanding. The problem with this is the tail is bigger than
the dog. In other words, the amount of derivatives outstanding dwarfs the total amount of money outstanding and thus the
ability to pay and make good on the contracts.

The other side of this coin are contracts promising to deliver something. Here I am thinking both gold and silver. There are
far more (100-1 or more) obligations outstanding than there are ounces or kilos available to deliver. This is a default just
waiting to happen.
If you listen to the Harry Dents of the world, the dollar will be the safe haven and where all fear capital will go. In a world
based on nothing but trust and promises, will fear capital really pile INTO a currency based ONLY on trust and promises
when trust is exactly what is come into question.

Actually, it can be said the dollar was originally set up in 1971 on a never pay model. The dollar (and bonds) only promise
to pay more dollars and nothing else. This game worked for many years, now it looks like the Saudis after doing many
deals with both Russia and China may be set to transact in currency other than dollars. Are they displaying confidence?

The Chinese are now net sellers of U.S. Treasuries. Ask yourself this question, if China could sell all of their Treasuries and
turn it all into gold, silver, oil, copper and other real tangible assets (without destroying the Treasury market or making gold
and silver go no offer), would they?

I say yes, they absolutely would love to be out from under their Treasury position. Apologetic others might say China is
comfortable, we will soon see.
Because confidence is the only thing at this point holding the game together and its fickle nature, it is important for you to
think this through. What will be standing when confidence breaks? Can banks globally survive runs when depositors come
calling? Can commodity exchanges deliver all they promise?

Can borrowers borrow more if they cannot redeem past issues with new debt? This is where we are headed both
systemically and globally!

Before finishing I want to tie two connected thoughts together. First, the great Paul Craig Roberts said last week he feared
precious metals could be suppressed forever. I received MANY fearful e-mails regarding this thought process. Mr. Roberts
would be entirely correct if it were not for one small detail, REAL gold and REAL silver must be available to deliver.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Otherwise the game comes to an end and the fraud is exposed. He is entirely correct, price can be jammed or rammed with
enough margin posted. Dan Norcini once upon a time had it correct when he said, nothing will unnerve the shorts more
than the longs standing for delivery and making a call for the product.

I would like to remind you, COMEX currently has only 11.7 tons of gold for delivery. This is roughly $400 million. If I were
short, this paltry sum would not add to my confidence.

Another thought going hand in hand with this is where we are now versus 2008. Back then we were within overnight hours of
the entire system coming down, this is fact. What has changed since then? Nothing, but in reality quite a bit. Nothing has
changed from the standpoint of tools used. We have not altered or changed anything that got us to the brink only done
more of it!

We have far more debt and more derivatives outstanding now. In fact, central banks and sovereign nations have even
sacrificed their balance sheets to prolong the game. It has worked so far.

The only problem is the entire arsenal of the central banks have already been tried and failed to provide the real
economy with any stimulus.

The result has been capital pushed into financial markets and blowing the bubble(s) far larger than they were. Now, we have
far larger markets with far more leverage than 2008.

These will need to be met with central banks and sovereign treasuries with weaker balance sheets and almost no ability to
borrow in an effort to reflate. It is a recipe for disaster.

We already know the sovereign debt markets are very thin on the bid side as liquidity has dried up. We also know equity
markets are displaying horrible internal breadth. China is actually nearing a 1929 scenario and will be there shortly if they
cannot steady.

Confidence is a fickle girl, if it breaks, then we go back to the 2008 scenario and well find out just how powerful the central
banks really are. I believe the coming Great Call cannot nor will be met and only then will we see what is left standing.

It is imperative here and now to position yourself in assets that do stand on their own, everything else will be a broken
The Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Debt And The Bail-in: When You Deposit Funds In
A Bank, It Becomes Their Money
August 6 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

The world is awash with promises. Nearly everything we think of as having value is because of
a promise behind it. A few examples; your bank accounts, retirement funds, bonds and even the
dollar bills in your pocket.

Your bank account for example, once you deposit the money it is no longer yours. You can argue this if you wish
but we now know this is true for sure after recent bail in legislations passed throughout the west. When you
deposit funds into a bank, it then becomes their money held for you they owe it to you.

Comment: In New Zealand all of the NZ Reserve Bank registered banks are subject to the bail-in legislation. Credit
Unions are not all subject to the legislation; depending on their status and structure however it appears.

Do not take this lightly, lawmakers around the world have made this the new reality. A little known fact, in 1845 Britain
passed banking law that made depositors (unsecured creditors), this is still precedent to this day. When you deposit money
you accept a liability from your bank and are classified as an unsecured creditor. In other words, get in line with everyone

Same thing with many retirement accounts. Think about Social Security. When you get your annual statement form, it comes
with an asterisk. This is to inform you they might need to reduce benefits. With any retirement account you are relying on
the custodian to make payments to you upon retirement.

Think about state and municipal retirement accounts promising the good life, they are nearly ALL underfunded. Meaning
there is not enough money in there to make (promised) future payments unless some sort of magically higher returns are
realized. These are underfunded by the TRILLIONS of dollars!
Bonds are an obvious asset class where a promise is relied on. Dollars on the other hand seem the most misunderstood by
the public while being the biggest leap of faith in all asset classes. Dollars rely on the full faith and credit of the U.S.
government (a bankrupt entity) yet the populace sleeps through the night secure knowing they own dollars.

ALL non backed, fiat currencies in the past have failed. The dollar is the widest spread and widely owned fiat the
world has ever known, its failure will be spectacular upon arrival!

I wanted to point out the above promises as a basis to speak about trust or confidence. The financial world turns on the
axis of trust. This trust was nearly broken in 2008 and is the reason the Federal Reserve needed to secretly lend $16 trillion
all over the world.

If the Fed had not come up with these funds, failures would have spread and trust would have been broken amongst the
banks/other financial institutions and even between the central banks themselves! The Feds largesse worked and trust was

Now, I believe we are set for another test of trust. We have gone five+ years with QE this and QE that, the reality being
outright monetization. In fact, central banks today are buying more sovereign bonds than are even being issued.

The public and even the professional funds have backed away from the debt markets, you cant blame them because the
interest received does not even cover inflation not to mention a risk premium. Globally the pace of trade and business
activity is slowing or even declining which will bring to a head the difficulties in meeting debt service and other promises.
They even made a movie about it: Margin Call is a 2011 American independent drama film written and directed by J. C. Chandor. The story takes
place over a 36-hour period at a large Wall Street investment bank and highlights the initial stages of the financial crisis of 200708. In focus are the
actions taken by a group of employees during the subsequent financial collapse.

The fictional head of a Wall Street firm John Tuld (a composite character resembling Merrill Lynchs John Thain and Lehman Brothers Dick Fuld
and played by the wonderfully villainous Jeremy Irons) is told that the firm is drowning in toxic mortgage-backed securities. Tuld orders his traders to
rid the firms balance sheet of the junk by dumping it on unsuspecting counterparties and customers.

I ask, what will happen when inevitably trust begins to wane? Or even fully break? It is at this point the system goes into
The Great Call. Margin call? Of course, because nearly everything financial has leverage behind it but there is more to it
than this.

The call I am speaking of is for contracts of all sorts to perform. In particular I am thinking derivatives contracts will be
called on to perform their contractual duties.

All in all, there are over $1 quadrillion worth of derivatives outstanding. The problem with this is the tail is bigger than
the dog. In other words, the amount of derivatives outstanding dwarfs the total amount of money outstanding and thus the
ability to pay and make good on the contracts.

The other side of this coin are contracts promising to deliver something. Here I am thinking both gold and silver. There are
far more (100-1 or more) obligations outstanding than there are ounces or kilos available to deliver. This is a default just
waiting to happen.
If you listen to the Harry Dents of the world, the dollar will be the safe haven and where all fear capital will go. In a world
based on nothing but trust and promises, will fear capital really pile INTO a currency based ONLY on trust and promises
when trust is exactly what is come into question.

Actually, it can be said the dollar was originally set up in 1971 on a never pay model. The dollar (and bonds) only promise
to pay more dollars and nothing else. This game worked for many years, now it looks like the Saudis after doing many
deals with both Russia and China may be set to transact in currency other than dollars. Are they displaying confidence?

The Chinese are now net sellers of U.S. Treasuries. Ask yourself this question, if China could sell all of their Treasuries and
turn it all into gold, silver, oil, copper and other real tangible assets (without destroying the Treasury market or making gold
and silver go no offer), would they?

I say yes, they absolutely would love to be out from under their Treasury position. Apologetic others might say China is
comfortable, we will soon see.
Because confidence is the only thing at this point holding the game together and its fickle nature, it is important for you to
think this through. What will be standing when confidence breaks? Can banks globally survive runs when depositors come
calling? Can commodity exchanges deliver all they promise?

Can borrowers borrow more if they cannot redeem past issues with new debt? This is where we are headed both
systemically and globally!

Before finishing I want to tie two connected thoughts together. First, the great Paul Craig Roberts said last week he feared
precious metals could be suppressed forever. I received MANY fearful e-mails regarding this thought process. Mr. Roberts
would be entirely correct if it were not for one small detail, REAL gold and REAL silver must be available to deliver.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Otherwise the game comes to an end and the fraud is exposed. He is entirely correct, price can be jammed or rammed with
enough margin posted. Dan Norcini once upon a time had it correct when he said, nothing will unnerve the shorts more
than the longs standing for delivery and making a call for the product.

I would like to remind you, COMEX currently has only 11.7 tons of gold for delivery. This is roughly $400 million. If I were
short, this paltry sum would not add to my confidence.

Another thought going hand in hand with this is where we are now versus 2008. Back then we were within overnight hours of
the entire system coming down, this is fact. What has changed since then? Nothing, but in reality quite a bit. Nothing has
changed from the standpoint of tools used. We have not altered or changed anything that got us to the brink only done
more of it!

We have far more debt and more derivatives outstanding now. In fact, central banks and sovereign nations have even
sacrificed their balance sheets to prolong the game. It has worked so far.

The only problem is the entire arsenal of the central banks have already been tried and failed to provide the real
economy with any stimulus.

The result has been capital pushed into financial markets and blowing the bubble(s) far larger than they were. Now, we have
far larger markets with far more leverage than 2008.

These will need to be met with central banks and sovereign treasuries with weaker balance sheets and almost no ability to
borrow in an effort to reflate. It is a recipe for disaster.

We already know the sovereign debt markets are very thin on the bid side as liquidity has dried up. We also know equity
markets are displaying horrible internal breadth. China is actually nearing a 1929 scenario and will be there shortly if they
cannot steady.

Confidence is a fickle girl, if it breaks, then we go back to the 2008 scenario and well find out just how powerful the central
banks really are. I believe the coming Great Call cannot nor will be met and only then will we see what is left standing.

It is imperative here and now to position yourself in assets that do stand on their own, everything else will be a broken
Global Derivatives: $1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb
August 6 2015 | From: Geopolitics

The glorified usury system of the West has superheated past its boiling point and is ready to
explode. Financial instruments of false value amounting to multiple trillions of US dollars that are
currently intoxicating the global economy are ready to vaporize.

China has been in the process of unleashing its Western treasury bonds in favor of harder currencies like gold, oil,
real estate and exotic technology.

Related: The Keiser Report: Debunking Economics

When investing becomes gambling, bad endings follow. The next credit crunch could make 2008-09 look mild by
comparison. Bank of International Settlements(BIS) data show around $700 trillion in global derivatives.

Along with credit default swaps and other exotic instruments, the total notional derivatives value is about $1.5 quadrillion
about 20% more than in 2008, beyond what anyone can conceive, let alone control if unexpected turmoil strikes.

The late Bob Chapman predicted it. So does Paul Craig Roberts. It could destroy Western civilization, he believes.
Financial deregulation turned Wall Street into a casino with no rules except unrestrained making money. Catastrophic failure
awaits. Its just a matter of time.

Ellen Brown calls the derivatives casinoa last-ditch attempt to prop up a private pyramid scheme slowly crumbling
under its own weight.

For years, Warren Buffett called derivatives financial time bombs for economies and ordinary people.
Warren Buffett

Unless collateralized or guaranteed, their worth depends on the creditworthiness of counter-parties. Earnings on derivatives
are wildly overstated, Buffett explains because theyre based on estimates whose inaccuracy may not be exposed for
many years.

When corporate bosses ask financial executives how profits look in any quarter, they, in turn, ask how much do you want,
then manipulate things to oblige when told.

Since 2008, too-big-to-fail banks consolidated to much greater size than ever. Theyre financial and political powerhouses
controlling world economies to their own advantage.

Civilizations only hope is smashing them dismantling them into small, impotent pieces, or ideally putting money
back in public hands where it belongs.

Its too important to be privately controlled. Financial predators entrap small/weak nations into unrepayable debt
peonage like Greece, bleed them dry, and thirdworldize developed ones into dystopian backwaters while they grow richer
and more powerful than ever ahead of the whole corrupt system going bust, decimating billions worldwide in greater human
misery than already.

Washington Post editors support what demands condemnation. Dont worry, be happy, they say. On July 23,
they headlined The Feds stance on banks and capital makes good sense.
Janet Yellen

Half-intelligent economics students know better. The Wall Street owned, controlled and operated Fed is the problem, not the

Monied interests buy politicians like toothpaste. They write business friendly legislation, getting Congress to pass it in return
for generous campaign contributions and other special favors.

Americas economy and financial system are house-of-cards disasters waiting to happen. Not according to WaPo editors.

The US financial system has made significant progress toward being less bailout-prone since the dust settled on
the 2008-09 crisis, they said.

Big banks are considerably better capitalized than half a decade earlier enough to withstand (another) Great

The source: The Wall Street controlled Feds last stress test assessment made public in March ignoring the monstrous
derivatives ticking time bomb weighing them all down along with the entire financial system.
WaPo editors endorse too-big-to-fail banks. They tout so-called economies of scale and greater soft power for US foreign

Near the end of his tenure, Bill Clinton signed legislation repealing Glass-Steagall (the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
letting insurance, investment and commercial banking merge) and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act (permitting
unregulated commodity and derivatives trading).

A casino culture of anything goes persists. When counter-parties dont have funds to pay on demand, bubbles begin
deflating. Its just a matter of time before current market mania ends.

For failing to fulfil its commitments to and for using the Collateral Accounts of the East for its own globalist
ambitions, the West is about to hear the loudest and most destructive explosion of its economy anytime soon.

When that happens the ignoramuses will panic, but those in the know will take over the reigns of power to restore order.
There will be hardships at the beginning but conditions will improve once a new system is put in place.

The Chinese people have, all this time, shown the world how collective labor and sacrifices can improve their economy.
Now, they are more than ready to use the capitalist own weapons against it.

The whole journey is all part of a greater education for everyone; lessons needed to be learned before we can classify
ourselves to be part of a thriving civilization.
Drugs & Hooker Video Forces House Of Lords Deputy Speaker To Resign
July 30 2015 | From: RT

Scotland Yard has been called in to investigate the deputy speaker of the House of Lords after a
video emerged of him allegedly snorting cocaine with prostitutes.

Lord Sewel resigned from his 84,500 per year post after the video was leaked to the Sun newspaper and published
in an expose on Sunday.

The Prime Minister backed his decision to resign amid "very serious allegations".

"I think it's right he has stood down from his committee posts and I'm sure further questions will be asked about
whether it is appropriate to have someone legislating and acting in the House of Lords if they have genuinely
behaved in this way" Cameron said.

"It's still going to take some time I suspect to get to the full truth."

Sewel, 69, is facing calls to quit parliament altogether, and he could become the first peer to be expelled under new rules he
was instrumental in implementing.
Police proceeded to search Sewels flat, entering the property with sniffer dogs and exiting with bags of evidence, according
to media reports.

So far no arrests have been made, police said.

A warrant under Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 was today granted at Westminster Magistrates
Court, Scotland Yard said in a statement. The warrant was executed at 6 pm at an address in central London by
officers from the Special Enquiry Team of the Homicide and Major Crime Command.

The footage shows Sewel naked with two women at his apartment in Dolphin Square, a luxury residence close to
parliament. Flats in the block, which are popular among MPs and Lords, are also being investigated as part of the inquiry into
alleged historic child sex abuse.

The video shows the Lord snorting white powder, which the paper alleges to be cocaine, from between the breasts of a
prostitute using a five pound note, which a different shot shows Sewel wearing a bra and leather jacket while smoking a
cigarette. He is further believed to have paid one of the women 200 for the night.

Lord Speaker Baroness D'Souza said:

Todays revelations about the behavior of Lord Sewel are both shocking and unacceptable. Lord Sewel has this
morning resigned as chairman of committees.

The House of Lords will continue to uphold standards in public life and will not tolerate departure from these

These serious allegations will be referred to the House of Lords Commissioner for Standards and the Metropolitan
Police for investigation as a matter of urgency,her statement read.

Sewel could be expelled under the House of Lords Suspension and Expulsion Act 2015, which was given Royal Assent in
March. The Act states peers may be barred if they do not stick to a strict code of conduct, and that they must always act on
their personal honor.

The Lords Privileges and Conduct Committee, which Lord Sewel chaired before the video emerged, will decide on a
punishment after the Lords Commissioner for Standards Paul Kernaghan has gathered evidence.

Police sources noted that drug allegations were difficult to investigate with only video evidence rather than physical
substances. Labour MP John Mann said Sewel should resign from the Lords before he is forced to go.

He chaired the committee that makes the decisions on discipline. It was his committee, the MP for Bassetlaw said.

He cannot possibly go in front of his own committee and expect a serious hearing."

"He is a disgrace. He should retire and resign immediately."

A lifetime ban would be the committees only option. He needs to save them and himself further embarrassment
and go now.

Murder On Queen Elizabeth II's Orders

July 28 2015 | From: Geopolitics / ExecutiveIntelligenceReview

July 16 - It was Queen Elizabeth II personally, who ordered German Finance Minister Schubles
virtual murder of the nation of Greece in Eurozone debt-summit negotiations over July 12-13.
The Greek debt negotiations had been proceeding in June. Germanys demands against Greece were much more
moderate at that time, according to an AP wire of today carried in the New York Times. But then, those negotiations
were adjourned on June 26, to await the results of the Greek referendum which was held on July 5. (In that
referendum, Greeks overwhelmingly rejected the austerity demands of Germany and the Eurozone countries.)

Comment: This is a very strange situation. People have chastised the Greek finance minister for resigning and also
the Greek PM for conceding to the new bailout. But the fact is that the finance minister was forced to resign and the
government forced to toe the line because of sever threats to their families and the families of the rest of the
government. The situation has become that serious. The Greek debt is manufactured yes, but if Greece defaults
then that will destroy the European Union and the Illuminati do not want that. Some say this is all a push for WWIII -
but that is a war that is never going to be allowed to take place.

Now during just the same period the negotiations were interrupted, Britains [Germany's] Queen Elizabeth made a rare state
visit to Germany over June 23-26, and met there with Chancellor Angela Merkel, among others. It is not known at this time
whether she also met with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schuble.

Related: A Few Inconvenient Truths About The 'British Royal Family'

But on June 25, during the Queens visit, Chancellor Merkel complained that Greek negotiations had lost ground, and
Schuble warned that the sides were moving apart.
Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) receives Queen Elizabeth II in Berlin, June 26, 2015.

Then, last Saturday, July 11, on the eve of the summit which resumed the broken-off negotiations, Schuble and the
German delegation showed up with new demands, the toughest ever, which even their allies said came out of the blue,
AP reports.

One summit participant said that the extra demands were immediately perceived as provocative. Schuble had received
and carried out the Queens orders.

He even demanded that Greece be thrown out of the eurozone. Although Greece was not thrown out at that time, the
violations of sovereignty and genocidal conditions were so brutal that they amounted to Greeces murder .

This makes it very clear, Lyndon LaRouche said today. Schuble is barking for the Queen.

Yet Schuble was still insisting on a Greek exit from the Euro today, even after Greece had signed on to his diktat. And hes
going to get the exit he wants, said LaRouche.

Its obvious hes going to get an exit. And thats when Greece will go to Russia. And once they go to Russia, at that
point what will happen is that the European continental region will go into a spin-dive downward. And that will then
shape everything".

This is where the British are counting on Obama, to set forth a casus belli, which will actually be a British casus
belli. Saving the situation will be the pretext for the war. Russia will get an ultimatum: either you submit to us, or we
will go to war with you. The British will create a confrontation between Russia and the Presidency of the United
States, and Obama, the President of the United States, will go to war with Russia."

Thats the scenario. And the game against China, is part of the same pattern. The case is clear. The question is:
whos got the guts to face the reality? And there are very few people who have the guts to face that reality.
Because, whats going to happen, is that suddenly the institutions of the United States government, will then launch

What Schuble has done on the Queens orders, will be part of the pretext. The British Empires policy will be,
then, to get the United States to launch warfare against Russia. For which Russia will be prepared. It means the
extermination of much of the human species, but the British Empire wants to reduce much of the human population

But thats the reality. Lets see what kinds of guts and brains people may have. Because theres nothing else we
can do beyond that. Weve got to make that the challenge, LaRouche concluded.

Comment: There are so many factions vying for control and various agendas at play here. One thing is for sure, the
Greece situation is pivotal and it will be an interesting drama to watch unfold, although our thoughts are with the
people of Greece, who are but pawns in the game.

Dissident Solutions: Whats Happening To Nicky Hager?

July 26 2015 | From: TheDailyBlog

The allegations levelled at the NZ Police are serious and deeply concerning. It is very difficult,
having read Martyns post, to avoid the conclusion that Nicky Hager may be the victim of deliberate
political persecution, and that among the principal agents of that persecution may be members of
the NZ Police Force.

Martyn Bradbury's latest posting on The Daily Blog should give every member of the democratic public serious
pause. The allegations levelled at the NZ Police are serious and deeply concerning. It is very difficult, having read
Martyns post, to avoid the conclusion that Nicky Hager may be the victim of deliberate political persecution, and
that among the principal agents of that persecution may be members of the NZ Police Force.

With the specifics of the actions taken against Mr Hager forming a significant part of active legal proceedings, it would be
improper to rehearse them on The Daily Blog.

What can be examined, however, is the enormous risk posed to the integrity of our democratic institutions by the merest
suspicion that senior politicians, senior civil servants, senior policemen and senior jurists might be involved in an effort to
both frighten and silence what used to be called, back in the days of the Cold War, political dissidents.

What distinguishes the political dissident from the more familiar political activist is their specificity. Activists may give
public voice to generalised complaints against individuals and institutions, but dissidents sharpen such complaints by
supplying the public with hard evidence of specific wrong-doing often supplied to them by a whistleblower or, in Mr Hagers
case, a hacker.

Alternatively, the evidence may simply have been uncovered by applying the techniques of good, old-fashioned,
investigative journalism.

Liberal democracies have very little to fear from activists. Objections to government policy and/or corporate behaviour
based on political ideology or religious belief constitute no real threat to the smooth unfolding of long-prepared strategies and
plans. After all, the actions of powerful institutions be they public or private are almost always undertaken within the law
and are, therefore, extremely difficult to stop.

Indeed, it is only when the placard-waving (but otherwise ineffective) activists avail themselves of a lawyer or two that they
graduate to dissident status at least in the eyes of their opponents.

Lawyers, like the best investigative journalists, have ways of extracting information the powers-that-be would rather they,
their clients, and/or the general public, didnt see. In the hands of a good team of lawyers, legal discovery can be an
immensely powerful weapon.

The constitutional separation of powers means that the Judiciary can require the Executive Branch of Government, or a
private corporation, to divulge all manner of secret material. Discovery cuts both ways, however, so those who go after the
secrets of the powerful must be prepared for the powerful to come after theirs.

But if lawyers pose a genuine threat to the secret dealings of the powerful, they are also extremely hazardous to their clients
bank balance. This enables the State, by dint of having its very own law firm Crown Law and a practically inexhaustible
supply of funds, to adopt a strategy of litigation attrition.
By extending and multiplying the mechanisms of the Law, the Crown is frequently able to wear down or financially exhaust
its opponents. If an out-of-court settlement is arrived at by the contending parties it will almost always contain a
comprehensive confidentiality clause. The dissident and his or her lawyers may win their case, but the States secrets
remain just that secrets.

What truly terrifies the wielders of public and private power are processes of discovery that owe nothing to the operation of
the courts.

Edward Snowden was able to use his privileged access to the secrets of the United States National Security Agency, to
expose its highly questionable (and in some cases illegal) activities to the whole world.

The specificity of the information he released (that the US eavesdropped on the conversations of the German Chancellor, for
example) produced the most acute diplomatic embarrassment. Likewise his detailed description of the architecture of mass
Nicky Hagers book, Dirty Politics, delivered an equally
destructive blow to the secret world of right-wing influence
peddling and political character assassination.

The hitherto unseen architecture of political manipulation in

New Zealand was laid bare in a way that caught the
subjects of Mr Hagers investigation completely off-guard.

It was the same with his earlier publications: Secret

Power, Secrets and Lies, Seeds of Distrust, The Hollow
Men and Other Peoples Wars. In every case those under
scrutiny had no idea that their activities were about to be

This ambush strategy has been criticised by Mr Hagers

opponents as unethical and contrary to the rules of good
journalism. What it achieves, however, is the unimpeded
distribution of his publications.

Had the subjects of Mr Hagers investigations been alerted

to the fact that a book was in preparation, or, about to be
published, it is highly likely that they would have attempted
to legally injunct its release.

Rather than offer his subjects the traditional right-of-reply,

therefore, Mr Hager exhaustively checks and re-checks his
facts to ensure that there is no possibility of legal restraint.
That he has never been successfully sued bears testimony
to the thoroughness of this pre-publication scrutiny.

What does a government do about a dissident of such consistent effectiveness as Nicky Hager? How reassuring it
would be if we could answer, simply, that the powers-that-be, both public and private, redouble their efforts to conduct
themselves ethically and openly. The revelations contained in Martyn Bradburys blogpost, however, strongly suggest that
their reaction has been very different.

Its as if someone, somewhere, has echoed the anguished cry of King Henry II.

When confronted with further evidence of the Archbishop of Canterburys, Thomas Beckets, political and religious defiance,
Henry bellowed: Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest! Did Henry know that four of his knights had taken him at his
word and were on their way to slay the Archbishop before his altar?

We shall never know. He always claimed ignorance of his men-at-arms intent, and did penance for the crime his words
inspired. At the end of the day, however, his problem had, actually, been solved.

Rogue elements in the Police Force? Or a carefully devised plan to bring down a dissident? Either way, the outlook
for the democratic public is grim.

CIA Is A Secret Government, Involved In Domestic Assassinations: Ron Paul

July 26 2015 | From: Geopolitics

This is former Congressman Ron Paul telling like it is. The CIA is an organization beyond public
and government oversight and it must be dismantled; a Nazi organization that involves itself in
drugs, arms smuggling and human trafficking worldwide.This Nazi organization has no place in a
civilized society.

Former US congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul has said that the Central Intelligence Agency is a
secret government that may be involved in domestic assassinations.

They are a secret government, he said during his program Ron Paul Liberty Report on Monday. The CIA is way
out of control.

Paul said Americans should recognize the corrosive nature of the CIA and what we dont know that theyre involved in.

He noted that when he was in Washington, there was a black budget, we never knew exactly how much money
was spent, that I imagine there is not one person that brings it all altogether.

Im not even sure the president is in charge, thats why I talk about a coup, he added.

There are certainly a lot of theories about the CIA being involved in even domestic assassinations, and they
certainly now are involved in presidential directed assassinations, he said.

In a true Republic, there is no place for an organization like the CIA, Paul cited former FBI agent Dan Smoot as
saying in 1980s. I think hes closer to the truth than a lot of whats going on today.

The former presidential candidate also hailed some senators who refused on Sunday to allow the National Security Agencys
domestic spying powers to be extended.

The Senate missed a deadline on Sunday to renew some provisions of the Patriot Act which allowed bulk collection of
Americans phone records.
I think its is necessary if we are to maintain our Republic, we will have to do something about NSA and the Patriot
Act because its absolutely contradictory to the cause of liberty.

The CIA and NSA are totally ignoring the Fourth Amendment, he added

The New Puritans And Their Vision Of Utopia - Karl du Fresne

July 25 2015 | From: BreakingViews

New Zealanders are under siege, bombarded almost weekly with warnings that were killing
ourselves, either by drinking too much, eating the wrong food or being too fond of sugar.

Last week a coterie of academics from Otago, Auckland and Oxford universities called for special taxes on fatty and
salty foods and government subsidies on fruit and vegetables. Luckily for them, they wouldnt have to work out the
nightmarish regulatory details such a proposal would entail, nor pay for the army of public servants that would be
required to administer it. Not their problem.
A couple of weeks earlier, at a conference in Wellington, the head of preventive and social medicine at Otago University,
who also happens to be a campaigner for stringent liquor controls, recited a slew of scary statistics linking alcohol
consumption with cancer.

Professor Jennie Connor said that for women, cancer was the most common fatal consequence of drinking, accounting for
44 per cent of all alcohol-related deaths. In 2007, according to her figures, 243 cancer deaths were attributed to drinking.

And just to frighten people more, she said that about one-third of alcohol-related cancer deaths occurred among women who
had fewer than two drinks a day.

In other words, forget all that reassuring stuff about drinking in moderation. Theres no safe level of consumption.
Now I admit Im just a dumb layman, but loose phrases such as attributed to drinking and related to drinking arouse my
journalists scepticism. They seem to fall short of a definitive statement that these women got cancer and died specifically as
a result of drinking.

Besides, I wondered how doctors could be so sure that it was alcohol that caused these fatal cancers and not some other
factor or, more likely, combination of factors. How can they so confidently rule out genes, for example, or general diet and

And why dont academic researchers also mention, just to prove theyre not ideologically biased, that many people drink in
moderation throughout their lives and are still healthy in their 80s and 90s? That might present a slightly more balanced

It would help, too, if the journalists reporting alarmist statements about diet and alcohol were a little less credulous. But were
conditioned to defer to people with titles like professor and to assume they speak with Olympian authority and strict
scientific neutrality. Their statements are generally reported unquestioningly.

Attempts by public health experts to scare us into changing our behaviour, and to bludgeon politicians into passing
restrictive laws, bear a striking similarity to the moral crusade waged by prohibitionists in the late 19th and early 20th
Many of those earlier crusaders were driven by religious convictions, but its not religion that motivates todays academics.
There may be a quasi-religious intensity in the way they push their message, but their motives are more ideological than

I suspect they have a vision of a perfect society, one that would be achievable if only people knew what was good for them.
But ordinary people are greedy, stupid and blind to reason, so other solutions must be found coercion by legislation, for
example, and dissuasion from bad habits through the introduction of higher taxes on products like liquor, sugar and fatty
foods, or restrictions on marketing, purchasing age and trading hours.

And their ideal of a Utopian society doesnt always involve denying people things. It can also mean giving them something,
whether they ask for it or not.

In one of the more extreme ideas to emerge from Dunedin-based academics, it was recently proposed that all teenage girls
should be fitted with contraceptive implants or intra-uterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) before they become sexually active.

The purpose, its backers say, would be to reduce teenage pregnancy rates. But according to a study by another university,
Waikato, these are coming down anyway, and have been since 2008.

Under the proposal, girls would automatically be given long-term contraceptives unless they chose to opt out in the same
way as children are vaccinated, as one of the ideas backers helpfully put it. He didnt say at what age he thought this
should happen: 12, perhaps? 13?
Brave New World is a novel published in 1932. Set in London of AD 2540 (632 A.F. - "After Ford" - in the book), the novel anticipates developments in
reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that combine profoundly to change society.

This is a form of social control that reads like something out of Aldous Huxleys dystopian novel Brave New W orld. It would
be another step in the creeping intrusion of the state into areas of life where people have traditionally made their own

The idea also has a moral dimension in that it suggests the liberated ideals of the swinging sixties are alive and well in the
universities. By assuming that its normal for girls to become sexually active while young, it would effectively encourage them
to do so. Liberals are very good at ignoring the damage done by the sexual revolution.

Its tempting to dismiss the backers of such ideas as control freaks, but perhaps we should give them the benefit of the doubt
and assume their intentions are good.

My problem with such people is twofold. First, they believe that the perfect society is attainable only through the intervention
of the state, and that this justifies laws that impinge heavily on individual choice. And second (which is closely related), they
have no trust in the wisdom of ordinary people.

They seem incapable of accepting that most of us are capable of behaving sensibly and in our own best interests
without coercion or interference by governments and bureaucrats.

Television Mind Control Exposed

July 25 2015 | From: Youtube

This video exposes a television commercial that the federal government aired. Hidden in the video
are some very disturbing hidden messages.
This short video analyses an example of undeniable television mind control. While this is a historic example, the
methods used these days are far more advanced.

The Corporation
July 24 2015 | From: TheCorporation

The Corporation is a Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark
Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-day corporation, considering
its legal status as a class of person and evaluating its behavior towards society and the world at
large as a psychiatrist might evaluate an ordinary person.
This is explored through specific examples. Bakan wrote the book, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of
Profit and Power, during the filming of the documentary.

Further to this, the documentary provides insighst into very poignant hostorical points, including the role of IBM in providing
computational hardware and services to the Nazis - and some very interesting truths about the Nazi creation of Coca Cola's
Fanta. Enjoy. If possible.

Revealed: Where Your KiwiSaver Cash Ends Up

July 23 2015 | From: Stuff

When your money goes into KiwiSaver it goes on a journey into the global financial system and
some of the places it ends up will surprise you.
Some KiwiSaver schemes invest a lot in New Zealand deposits, bonds and shares, but most have big chunks
invested in overseas companies and with overseas governments.

That means KiwiSavers fund a dizzying array of activity from building drones to owning Disney princesses.

And often, global headlines from deep sea oil exploration protests here, to Russian pressure on Ukraine have a direct
KiwiSaver link too.

Princesses and Bluebirds

Cinderella and her bluebirds are owned by Walt Disney, and Walt Disney is partly-owned by many KiwiSaver funds.

KiwiSaver funds invest a lot of their money in shares, many of them giant US companies. Walt Disney is among them, so
many KiwiSavers in effect own an entire battalion of princesses from the soapy, pre-feminist Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty
to feistier (though still frock and prince-obsessed) modern-day ones.

ANZ's KiwiSaver Growth fund was 0.65 per cent invested in Walt Disney at the end of March, its public annual disclosure
datafile shows. Westpac's Balanced fund had 0.44 per cent.

Deep Sea Oil Exploration in New Zealand

If you have seen those Stop Deep Sea Oil posters and car stickers around, or been stopped in the street by an activist with a
Greenpeace clipboard, you'll know some New Zealanders are nervous about ongoing deepwater oil prospecting in our seas.

They fear the impact a spill would have on our coasts and marine environments.

What you may not realise is that two of those prospectors, Chevron and Anadarko, are listed companies which are both
partially-owned by some KiwiSaver growth funds.

BNZ's Growth fund, for example, had 0.05 per cent of its assets in Chevronat the end of March. Westpac's Growth fund had
0.01 per cent of its money in Anadarko.

Hammer of the Ukrainian Economy

KiwiSavers unwittingly take part in global political affairs through their ownership or shares and bonds.

Russian company Gazprom stopped selling gas to Ukraine on July 1 and the Ukraine economy is hurting. Ukraine lost
Crimea to Russia last year. Tensions are high. Gazprom issues bonds to investors to fund its operations.

Some KiwiSaver funds by them. Westpac's balanced fund had a small stake in Gazprom.

Assassin's Creed

Violent video games may not be your thing, but some KiwiSaver funds invest in their makers.
London, 1868. The Industrial Revolution has brought in an age of invention, but the poor are little more than legalised slaves,
until assassin Jacob Frye decides to fight on their side.

KiwiSavers in BNZ's growth fund are among those who should be hoping that Frye will make Ubisoft, the games publisher a
heap of money.

It's another example of the stories buried away in the heart of KiwiSaver.

Funds within Funds

KiwiSaver schemes invest your money in stocks and shares. They often do that through other funds, which in turn may
invest in yet further funds.

KiwiSaver can feel a little like a set of Russian dolls that way.

Take the Westpac KiwiSaver Growth fund as an example.

At the end of March, its single biggest holding was with Ramius Alternative Solutions. It is a US hedge fund specialist which
was looking after 9.01 per cent of the Westpac Growth fund at that date. And its speciality is investing the money entrusted
to it with other fund managers.

The Vampire Squid

Goldman Sachs tower in New York from which global financial domination is plotted

KiwiSavers are, by default, passive players in the highest levels of global capitalism because KiwiSaver funds are
shareholders in some of the biggest names in financial services, including some that have been pinged with some enormous
fines and have agreed to pay enormous sums to end lawsuits.

Goldman Sachs is among them. It was described by Rolling Stone magazine in 2009 as "great vampire squid wrapped
around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

It's coughed up some staggering fines and settlements for its past actions.

It is also a staple of KiwiSaver portfolios.

AMP's growth fund owns a little, for example, and its not alone. Most big growth KiwiSaver funds also own other big banks
whose records are far from spotless like HSBC, Citibank, and JP Morgan Chase.

Droning on
Many KiwiSaver schemes are invested in companies that supply war machines. One example is giant US engineering firm
Honeywell. The BNZ KiwiSaver Growth fund owns a piece of it, and it is not alone.

Honeywell makes reaper drones which have made plenty of headlines for their use in the Middle East.

Ethical KiwiSaver funds do their best to exclude things like tobacco, pornography and arms manufacture, but it's hard.

Take Koinonia, the KiwiSaver scheme for Christians. It aims to do that, but its Growth fund's joint fifth largest holding at the
end of March was Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway, and it owns TTI, an electronics company, which in June was
awarded the title of "Military/Aerospace Distributor of the Year" by manufacturer Souriau. TTI is a small part of the Buffet
empire, but its still there.

Support their Veterans

KiwiSaver funds invest in hundreds of companies. Each has its own story, and some of them are fascinating. Take The
Kroger Company, which was a top 10 holding in Kiwibank's KiwiWealth KiwiSaver growth fund.

It's a US supermarket operator, which in 2014 did over US$108billion of sales, and its got a big drive on to support returning
US war veterans.

There's a parallel there to retailers here like The Warehouse and Z Energy raise funds for good causes.

Foreign Country Bonds

Slovenian government debt is a lesser known KiwiSaver asset.

Many of the world's countries are big debtors, and KiwiSavers are profiting from this.

Conservative and balanced funds buy government bonds. Income is earned off the interest they pay, but there can be capital

Take the example of the BNZ Conservative fund.

It's got US Treasury bills, British bonds alon with German, Kiwi, Irish, Mexican, Norwegian, Japanese, Danish, Malaysian,
Canadian, South African, Australian, Swedish, Polish, French, Slovenian, Finnish, Italian and Belgium bonds.

It's not just countries. Local councils are increasingly indebted. BNZ's Conservative fund has Dunedin City Council bonds
and Auckland Council bonds.

Merivale Mall

KiwiSaver schemes tend to hold "liquid" assets that are easy to sell. But, because they are huge, KiwiSaver funds are able to
hold illiquid assets.

An example is Growth Fund of the Fisher Funds Two scheme, which owns Christchurch's Merivale Mall.

60 Minutes Makes 'Special' On The United Kingdom's "VIP" Paedophiles

July 22 2015 | From: ExaroNews

Australias Channel 9 broadcast yesterday a special report on 60 Minutes about the Westminster
paedophile network. Richard Kerr, Esther Baker, and 'Darren' talk to Ross Coulthart about Britain's
big scandal.
Exaro helped 60 Minutes to make the half-hour, three-part film, which can be viewed below. The report, Spies,
Lords and Predators, was the main story on yesterdays programme.

Ross Coulthart, the reporter on the special investigation, described it as:

Britains biggest ever scandal, adding: This is the story that will rock the British establishment.

The programme features an interview with Richard Kerr, who lived as a boy at Kincora boys home in Belfast, Northern
Ireland. Earlier today, Exaro uploaded its own video interview with Richard Kerr, in which he says that child sex abuse at
Kincora was all about political leverage.

The programme also filmed an interview with Esther Baker, who alleges that she was sexually abused by two politicians.

And a man identified by Exaro only as Darren is interviewed anonymously in the programme. Darren became the third
witness to give an account to us of how prominent people carried out child sex abuse at Dolphin Square, the apartment
complex favoured by MPs.

In addition, Kevin Allen, brother of Martin, who disappeared as a 15-year-old in 1979, is interviewed for the programme.
Kevin believes that Martin was abducted and murdered by a member of the Westminster paedophile network.

When he raised his suspicions with police many years ago, he says that a senior officer told him:
You keep saying things like that, you could get hurt.

Zac Goldsmith, a Conservative MP who was part of the initial cross-party group of seven who last year called for an
overarching inquiry into child sex abuse, agrees with the programmes reporter that the Westminster paedophile network is
the biggest political scandal in British history.

Goldsmith tells 60 Minutes:

There is very compelling evidence that very senior people engaged in terrible acts and were then protected by the
establishment. I have no doubt at all about that.

But I think the genie is out of the bottle.

The special report on Australias 60 Minutes, one of the worlds leading current-affairs programmes, is another example of
how broadcasters around the globe are giving increasing attention to the Westminster paedophile network.

Mark Watts, Exaros Editor-in-Chief, appeared on Russia Today to discuss with George Galloway, a former MP, Exaros
exposure of the scandal.

Broadcasters around the world have followed up astonishing revelations from an investigation that has been running at
Exaro since October 2012.

In Britain, the BBC in particular is compromised because of its failures over the paedophilia of one of its biggest stars, Jimmy

LIST OF OTHER RELEVANT PIECES: Child sex abuse, Fernbridge and Fairbank: Exaro story thread

If you have information that might help our investigation into child sex abuse, please contact us. Keep re-visiting Exaro for
more on this investigation.

Commodities Crash Could Turn Australia Into A New Greece

July 22 2015 | From: TheTelegraph

The commodities boom made Australia the lucky country but rising debt and a slump in Chinese
demand for resources signal tough times ahead Down Under.
Last month Gina Rinehart, Australias richest woman and matriarch of Perths Hancock mining dynasty delivered an
unwelcome shock to her workers in Western Australia: accept a possible 10pc pay cut or face the risk of future

Ms Rinehart, whose family have accumulated vast wealth from iron ore mining, has seen her fortune dwindle since
commodity prices began their inexorable slide last year. The Australian mining mogul has seen her estimated wealth
collapse to around $11bn (7bn) from a fortune that was thought to be worth around $30bn just three years ago.

This colossal collapse in wealth is symptomatic of the wider economic problem now facing Australia, which for years has
been known as the lucky country due to its preponderance in natural resources such as iron ore, coal and gold. During the
boom years of the so-called commodities super cycle when China couldnt buy enough of everything that Australia dug out
of the ground, the countrys economy resembled oil-rich Saudi Arabia.
Gina Rinehart, Australias richest woman, has seen her fortune dwindle because of the fall in commodity prices

While the rest of the world suffered from the aftermath of the global financial crisis, Australias economy closely tied to
China appeared impervious, with full employment and a healthy trade surplus.

However, a collapse in iron ore and coal prices coupled with the impact of large international mining companies slashing
investment has exposed Australias true vulnerability. Just like Saudi Arabia, which is now burning its foreign reserves to
compensate for falling oil prices, Australia faces a collapse in export revenue.

Recently revised figures for April show that the countrys trade deficit with the rest of the world ballooned to a record
A$4.14bn (2bn). That gap between the value of exports and imports is expected to increase as the value of Australias most
important resources reaches new multi-year lows.

Iron ore is now trading at around $50 per tonne, compared with a peak of around $180 per tonne achieved in 2011. Thermal
coal has also suffered heavy losses, now trading at around $60 per tonne compared with around $150 per tonne four years

For an economy which in 2012 depended on resources for 65pc of its total trade in goods and services these dramatic falls
in prices are almost impossible to absorb without inflicting wider damage. The drop in foreign currency earnings has seen
Australia forced to borrow more in order to maintain government spending.

The respected Australian economist Stephen Koukoulas recently wrote of the dangers that escalating levels of foreign debt
could present for future generations. Could a prolonged period of depressed commodity prices even turn Australia into Asias
version of Greece, with China being its banker of last resort instead of the European Union.
Mr Koukoulas points out that by the end of the first quarter this year, Australias net foreign debt had climbed to a record
$955bn, equal to almost 60pc of gross domestic product. Although this is far behind the likes of Greece, which boasts an
unenviable ratio of over 175pc, it is nevertheless unsustainable, especially if it is allowed to widen further.

The government in Canberra and the Reserve Bank of Australia had bet that depreciation in the value of the countrys
currency would help to offset the decline in its overbearing mining industry. However, that hasnt happened to the extent they
would have wished.

Although recent surveys of business confidence have been encouraging, outside mining the economy appears hopelessly
weighted to the only other area of significant growth, real estate.

The problem is that Australia, after decades of effort to diversify, is looking ever more like a petrodollar economy of the
Middle East, but without the vast horde of foreign currency reserves to fall back on when commodity prices fall.
Instead, Australians must borrow to maintain the standards of living that the country has become accustomed to, which even
some Greeks will admit is unsustainable.

25 Signs That The Global Elites Ship Is About To Sink

July 18 2015 | From: TheMindUnleashed

Make no mistake about it. The tide has turned on the global elite and there will be no going back. A
new day is rising for humanity as those who have planned for complete control are now being
exposed, cornered and investigated from many different angles.

There is no need to buy into the fear-based propaganda the major media and even several alternative media outlets
dispense. Very good things are happening and even better things are coming. Lets take a look at some of the major
stories that have occurred in the last 8 weeks alone.

Research had previously shown that hand sanitizers cause the skin to absorb higher levels of chemicals, but this had not
previously been demonstrated with BPA.

"He cited the complete lack of any democratic scruples (displayed by) the supposed defenders of Europes
democracy. (V)ery powerful figures look you in the eye and say (y)oure right in what youre saying, but were going
to crunch you anyway.

Piecing the puzzle together, we see that the jig is up and the events surrounding it are growing in size and speed.

1. 57 Nations approved as founding members of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Notable
countries who signed on June 29th, 2015 include Russia, India, Iran, Switzerland, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, Australia,
Indonesia, the UK, Italy and Austria. Notables who did not join are the U.S. and Japan.

2. May 12th, 2015: Russia asks Greece to join the BRICS Alliance. Notice the BRICS trend in the stories to follow.
3. May 24th, 2015: The Pentagon released documents to Judicial Watch, a government watchdog law firm,
proving that the US Government played a central role in creating ISIL. Interestingly, the mainstream media failed to cover
this story. A few weeks later, ex US Intelligence officials confirm the report.

4. May 31st, 2015: Greeces Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras writes an open letter, warns European leaders they are making a
grave mistake, and suggests they re-read Hemingwayss For Whom The Bell Tolls.

5. June 2nd, 2015: The U.S. Federal Government was hacked as the personal data of 4 million current, former and
prospective employees believed to have been breached. 3 weeks later FBI Director James Comey told US Senators the
actual number could be 18 million. Some believe the hack was coordinated to gather further evidence
of crimes by certain government officials. More on that further down.

6. June 2nd, 2015: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul calls for the U.S. Government to declassify 28 pages in the 9/11 attack
report that the Bush Administration blacked out.

7. June 3rd, 2015: Famous musician Akon announces his Solar Academy will bring solar power to over 600 million people in
Africa. A major victory for clean energy and humanity.
8. June 4th, 2015: Whistle-blower Edward Snowden says a profound difference had occurred since releasing the NSA
documents and that the balance of power has shifted in our world. Is he referring to the BRICS Alliance?

9. June 5th, 2015: There Will Be A Reset of The Financial Industry. The International Monetary Fund says the Chinese
yuan is no longer undervalued. This sets the stage for the yuan to be recognized as a global reserve currency, something
the U.S. Dollar (which is backed by war and oil) does not like.

10. June 7, 2015: Deutsche Bank, one of the worlds largest banks, co-CEOs Jain and Fitschen resign. Two days
later, German prosecutors raided the Banks headquarters in a criminal tax-fraud probe.

11. June 15, 2015: China says the G-7 Summit in Germany was a gathering of debtors. They mean this literally as the
Bretton Woods western financial system is based on debt. And in fact, the entire western financial system has been running
illegally and is technically bankrupt. For more on the real history of Bretton Woods and its connection to JFK, The Global
Collateral Accounts and the gold standard, read here.

12. June 17th, 2015 is quite the day with the next four stories all being reported at that time. First, JP Morgans number 2,
the Vice Chairman Jimmy Lee, suddenly and unexpectedly passes over. Since late 2013, the list of high-level banking
officials to have passed over has grown to 70. Clearly, something is happening.
13. June 17, 2015: Russia and China announced that all natural gas and crude oil sales between
the two countries will now be done in Chinese yuan( formerly the U.S. Dollar) and will be convertible into Russian Rubles.
The U.S. Dollar hegemony is waning.

14. June 17, 2015: The State of Texas has signed a bill that calls for the repatriation of their gold from the Federal
Government. When asked what would happen if the government tried to steal back the gold, State Representative Giovanni
Capriglione said this: There is a motto in the office of almost every state legislator in Texas, and its a flag that we have [from
the Texas Revolution], its below a cannon and what the motto says is, Come and Take it.

15. June 17, 2015: Greeces Hellenic Parliaments Debt Truth Committee released a report stating that the debt Greece
owes is illegal, illegitimate and odious, according to international law. Further, they stated the IMF and ECB ( European
Central Bank) having illegally and knowingly imposed these illegitimate debts upon Greece and other nations. A direct call
out to the global banking cartel.

16. June 18th, 2015: Baron David de Rothschild has been indicted by a French court over financial fraud. French police
have been ordered by the court to track down Baron. The Rothschild family has long been viewed as the family sitting atop
the global financial ponzi scheme. Lawyer Antonio Flores told reporters, its a real breakthrough moment for everyone

17. June 18, 2015: In a 2-1 ruling, the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals says Bush era officials can be held liable for
detaining innocent people after the 9/11 attack. Will this lead to some major arrests?

18. June 19, 2015: While European leaders try to save face on the debt crisis, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras was in Russia and
gave a speech at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, stating that the economic center of the planet has already shifted
and that new powers are playing an important role on an economic and geopolitical level. * Reread story header number
8BRICS, anyone? Oh, and Greece and Russia signed a 2 billion gas pipeline deal that day tooa strategic economic
and geopolitical game-changer.

19. July 5th, 2015: Greece votes NO to the creditors bailout offer. This is a massive stance for humanity that Greece just
took against the banking elite. As of this writing, a deal has been reached but is expected to fall apart in the coming days.
Kicking the can down the road does not solve the issue, but rather speeds up the revolution mindset of many frustrated
Greek citizens. September/October is when many financial experts are saying that some fireworks are to be expected.

20. July 7th, 2015: The BRICS Bank officially opens for business.

21. July 8th, 2015: On this day, several strange events occurred. The NYSE was taken down for multiple hours, the Wall
Street Journal was taken offline just after the stock exchange went down, United Airlines was forced to ground all of its flights
nationwide due to computer issues, and 2,500 people losing power in Washington D.C. This whistle-blower journalist just
wrote that his Pentagon sources said the Pentagon/BRICS Alliance took it down as a dry run.

22. July 7th, 2015: Backing up one day we see that the hacking group Anonymous tweeted this on the evening prior to the
stock exchange hack: Wonder if tomorrow is going to be bad for Wall Street.we can only hope.
David Wilcock has previously written a detailed document stating that Anonymous is working with certain patriotic US Military
forces to legally take down the banking elite. This aligns nicely with what the whistle-blower journalist, Benjamin Fulford, just
wrote this week about the Pentagon and BRICS Alliance in the previous story.

23. July 14th, 2015: Iran, China, Russia, France, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. reach a historic deal on Irans nuclear
program. Entire books could be written on the geopolitical, financial and technological implications of this move. There are
also reports that the reality of this situation is that Iran has free energy technology and will be using this to help bring down
the banking/political/oil industry elite. This would make sense as the strongest opponents to this deal have been Israel and
its Prime Minister and several American politicians like the Bushes, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

24. July 15th, 2015: Santa Cruz County votes to stop doing business with 5 major banks, including JP Morgan Chase,
Barclays, Citigroup, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS. Watch this set off a chain reaction in those who will follow suit.

25. Now: You are here on the planet at this time to make a wonderful contribution. Please continue playing your role for the
benefit of us all.

It is clear that something big is happening. Use this information to move forward with optimism and hope. Share with your
friends. Discuss with your friends. Continue to search and dig for the truth.

Two people I strongly suggest the reader looking into are Benjamin Fulford, the whistleblower who was the Asia Pacific
Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine and is listed in stories number 21 and 22, and Neil Keenan, who is working with many
well connected sources to open up the global collateral accounts.
Presidents Kennedy and Soekarno - Read more here in: All Wars Are Bankers Wars

These accounts are what President Kennedy was assassinated over and are what the banking elite does not want the public
to know exists. This revolution WILL NOT be televised.

Greece: PM Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing Sellout to Creditors, Syriza Sharply Divided
July 18 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resigned after being pushed out replaced by Euclid
Yanis Varoufakis

After leaving, he said hes no longer under incredible pressure to negotiate for a position I find difficult to

Research had previously shown that hand sanitizers cause the skin to absorb higher levels of chemicals, but this had not
previously been demonstrated with BPA.

"He cited the complete lack of any democratic scruples (displayed by) the supposed defenders of Europes
democracy. (V)ery powerful figures look you in the eye and say (y)oure right in what youre saying, but were going
to crunch you anyway.

Paying dominant bankers and large creditors like Germany alone matters no matter the pain and suffering inflicted on
millions of Greeks helpless against the war on their well-being.

Make no mistake. Whats happening in Greece signifies whats ongoing throughout Europe, America, Canada, and other
countries, heading for getting much worse ending social justice to enrich monied interests more than ever, and at the same
time, destroy what remains of democratic rights. Financial tyranny rules!

Varoufakis said dealing with other finance ministers in Brussels was like talking to the wall. His reasoned analysis was
ignored. He was unwanted an annoyance to be humiliated and banished.

He might as well have sung the Swedish national anthem for all the good it did to present sensible arguments responded to
with blank stares. His involvement accomplished nothing.

Deputy Finance Nadia Valavani resigned. She called the mandated deal Greek agony, saying she was ready to serve in any
capacity to the end during challenges.

"However, when our delegation returned with liabilities that are stillborn measures and at such a price (demanded
by Troika bandits) once again when the dilemma appears of retreating or Grexit, it will be impossible for me to
remain a member of the government.

This capitulation is so overwhelming that it will not allow a regrouping of forces. With your signature there will be a
deterioration in the status of an already suffering population, and this will be a tombstone around their necks for
many years with little potential of redemption.

SYRIZA officials are sharply divided. Stiff opposition denounced Tsipras betrayal. Retired Greek diplomat Leonidas
Chrysanthopoulos called the deal too tough, too late, the death of Greeks.

These absurd measures do not reflect the EU we entered back in 1981. It has actually made Greece a colony of
Germany, not to say of the European Union. (D)espite the concessions the EU has made to Greece, the country is
far from being out of the crisis.

SYRIZA coalition partner Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos/current defense minister rejects Troika demands he
and other party members cannot agree with

SYRIZA parliamentary spokesman Nikos Filis said:

Germany unfortunately for a third time in 100 years is attempting to destroy Europe.

Overwhelming public sentiment opposes harsh Troika demands. Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis called on
Tsipras to reject the deal he agreed to in Brussels.

Greece had an alternative to the agreement, he said. The creditors dilemma: capitulation or destruction is fake. It
aims to terrorize and has caused the collapse of popular consciousness.

The agreement signed with the institutions is unacceptable and a radical party, such as SYRIZA, does not deserve to be
responsible for bringing such an agreement, after fighting to abolish the bailout programs and austerity measures.

He called German and other Eurozone negotiating partners financial assassins.

Perhaps more heads will roll before Greeces parliament votes on Troika demands late Wednesday evening Athens time.
Reports indicate Tsipras wants opposition ministers replaced so he can get parliamentary approval of what demands

Around three dozen or more SYRIZA deputies intend voting no including at least two ministers and House Speaker Zoe
Sources close to Tsipras say he intends doing whatever it takes to ram through parliament legislation already drafted
surrendering to Troika authority.

Public anger spilled into streets near parliament demanding rejection of what looks sure to pass. Civil servants and
pharmacists called a one-day anti-austerity strike. Betrayed pensioners plan their own demonstration.

Part of the deal calls for Greece to hand over 50 billion worth of public assets to a fund controlled by German KfW bank run
by Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to be sold at fire sale prices.

Germany is Europes economic powerhouse. It dominates Eurozone policy. What it says goes including writing Greeces
obituary as a sovereign country.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.

Collapse Of Eurozone Has Started - The Troika Swindle: Greeks Owe Nothing + Germany Is
The Country Thats Never Repaid Its Debts &Troika Lenders Are Terrorists!
July 16 2015 | From: Geopolitics / InfoWars / Sputnik / Geopolitics

Its Germany thats been pressuring the Greeks to pay up even though the former has dodged its
sovereign debts in the past. Now, even a German medium is predicting a dire scenario for the

Beginning of the End: Collapse of Eurozone Has Started German Media

Many international observers called the recent EU summit a humiliation of the Greeks. The talks which were the longest
in the history of the Union diminished all values for which the EU once stood, they said.
According to DWN, this is the end of the EU in its previous form - a political union, cherishing mutual trust and democratic
principles. The democracy is now becoming a marginal phenomenon. Strong states now give ultimatums to weak ones in a
way that was never done before.

On Monday, Greece and Eurozone leaders are finally reported to have reached a unanimous agreement, according to which
Greece may get 86 billion euros over the next three years if it conducts the necessary reforms.

The imposed economic policies, however, will destroy the Greek economy. The Greek banks will partially collapse, while
many savers will lose their money. The policy of austerity has not worked in the past five and a half years, and is unlikely
to work now, the newspaper wrote.

The consequences for Eurozone countries will be dramatic. The Greek banking panic could in seconds become a European
banking panic which would be uncontrollable. The solidarity in the EU is eroding, with countries acting in their own selfish
interests. The refugee crisis is likely to become the next failure in the EU, which will have members acting in their own
interests and not in the interests of the Union as a whole, the article said.

According to DWN, Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schuble have overnight transformed the EU into an entity that is no longer
held together by trust, but only by naked fear.

With the signing of the agreement with Greece the nightmare for the EU has begun. Life in Europe is no longer determined
by contracts, but by the law of the jungle, the newspaper wrote.

The Troika Swindle: Greeks Owe Nothing

245 billion debt was fraudulently dumped on the country. In June the Greek "Truth Committee on
Public Debt" established by Zoi Konstantopoulou the speaker of the Greek parliament came to the
conclusion that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious.
The establishment media has hidden from view the facts behind the debt and has sided with the banks in declaring
the population of Greece deserves austerity and its attendant poverty and misery because of the Greek
governments intransigence and refusal to accept the harsh conditions of the Troika, consisting of the IMF,
European Commission and European Central Bank.

Left unsaid is the fact a large portion of the debt totaling about 245 billion was fraudulently dumped on the country in the
course of huge bank bailouts in 2010 and 2012.

And since the huge bank bailouts, Greek debt exists only on the basis of the Wall Street practice for unpayable
debt, known as extend and pretend. Its interest and repayment terms have been so dramatically changed by the
creditors in a backhanded admission that it cannot be paid that in debt-market terms, it is nearly worthless,

- Paul Gallagher wrote in February.(source)

Gallagher explains that the Greek debt swindle is similar to the TARP scam foisted on the American people following the
subprime fiasco and a move by the Federal Reserve to print $4 trillion of new money to cover the gambling debt of the
financial class. Its political perpetrators are the same huge banks, and the European Central Bank working with the Federal
Reserve, he writes.

In the course of buying up toxic mortgage securities and derivatives from the United States, the European banks engaged in
their own subprime scam and made unrepayable loans to governments in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Hungary.

Big Wall Street banks were involved, particularly Goldman Sachs, which created magic derivatives in 2001: Take
a bank loan to Greece, make it look like a mere currency swap rather than a debt - but turn it into a much bigger
debt ten years later, Gallagher points out.

Related: Goldman Sachs could face lawsuit for helping hide Greek debt - report

But most of the loaned money did not stay in Greece. More than 90% went directly and immediately to Deutschebank,
HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, and their fellow sharks, with small amounts crumbling to the hedge funds swimming alongside.

Former Greek Labor and Social Security Minister and chair of the National Bank of Greece Louka Katseli said Greece
actually spent a meager 3% of the $275 billion loaned by the banksters.

One of the reasons that everybody is so determined to keep Greece in the euro is so that the banks do not have to
take a serious hit on their faulty lending policies"

- Nigel Farage, Member of the European Parliament from the UK Independent Party, told RT in 2011.

It is almost as if there is an unholy alliance of politicians and bankers versus ordinary people.

Germany Is The Country Thats Never Repaid Its Debts

According to pertinent records, only 10% of Greeks debt to the Troika actually went into the
national economy, i.e. as much as 90% went to German and French banks. They were bailing out
themselves in 2008 at the cost of the pensions of the elderly, and massive unemployment.

But thats not all. Those who were claiming to have the moral high ground to this issue come from a country that
has never repaid all its debts. In fact, is a beneficiary of a debt write-off.

German Hypocrisy: Never Repaid Own Debts, Forces Others to Pay Up

Thomas Piketty, a renowned French economist, pulled no punches with Germany and its harsh stance towards the Greek
debt, pointing out true hypocrisy on behalf of Berlin, since the Germans have never repaid their own debts.

When I hear the Germans say that they maintain a very moral stance about debt and strongly believe that debts
must be repaid, then I think: what a huge joke! Germany is the country that has never repaid its debts. It has no
standing to lecture other nations, Piketty told German newspaper Die Zeit in an interview.

Piketty noted that German debts were restructured or forgiven in some ways by its creditors after World War II, which helped
the country stabilize its economy and reach high rates of economic growth.

After the war ended in 1945, Germanys debt amounted to over 200% of its GDP. Ten years later, little of that
remained: public debt was less than 20% of GDP. Around the same time, France managed a similarly artful
turnaround. We never would have managed this unbelievably fast reduction in debt through the fiscal discipline that
we today recommend to Greece.
French economist Thomas Piketty

The French economist wasnt afraid to point out World War II and the German history of forcing other countries to repay their
debts, regardless of how hard it was for the economies of unfortunate nations at the time. For example, Germany made
France pay back reparation costs after the end of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.

At the same time, Piketty told Die Zeit about the importance of forgiveness, something that Germany seems to lack.

We cannot demand that new generations pay for the mistakes of their parents for decades If we [the French] told
you Germans in the 1950s that you have not properly recognized your failures, you would still be repaying your
debts. Luckily, we were more intelligent than that, Piketty reminded.

The French economist also urged the German government to soften its stance on the Greek debt, otherwise it could lead
to the destruction of Europe and the European idea of unity and forgiveness.

We need to look ahead. Europe was founded on debt forgiveness and investment in the future. Not on the idea
of endless penance. We need to remember this, the Frenchman stressed.
Greece is one of the countries hit worst by the 2007-2008 financial crisis. The country received financial help from the
European Union twice, in 2010 and 2012, but austerity caused a decline in GDP and as a result lead to the countrys inability
to resolve its debts in 2015.

Greece owes about $270 billion of its total $350-billion debt to the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank
and some Eurozone countries [Really?].

Troika Lenders Are Terrorists!

Greek Minister Compares Actions of International Creditors to Terrorism

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis referred to the actions of Athens international lenders as terrorism in an
interview with the Spanish El Mundo newspaper published Saturday.

There is a name for what they are doing to Greece: terrorism Why did they forced us to close banks? To strike
fear into people. And when we are talking about inciting fear, this phenomenon is called terrorism,

- Yanis Varoufakis

Brussels and Greeces major foreign lenders, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central
Bank, (ECB) want Greek voters to accept the bailout terms proposed to Athens by the creditors at the Sunday referendum.

But we will not allow them humiliate us, we will show that we have no fear, Varoufakis said.

Greeces overall debt to international creditors stands at about $350 billion, of which $270 billion is owed to the European
Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and eurozone countries.

On Sunday, Greek voters will take part in a referendum to decide whether Greece should accept its creditors demands
for spending cuts and tax increases in exchange for financial aid.
The Trail of the Troika: A must-see to understand the situation in Greece

What is happening in Europe in the name of the troika? A must-see for anyone who wants to understand the
situation in Greece.

The European Union and International Monetary Fund have lent more than 400 billion Euros to Greece, Portugal, Ireland
and Cyprus to keep these countries solvent. The lenders granted enormous power to the three institutions of the so called
troika: the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission.

Without any public accountability, the troika is forcing the crisis states to implement policies that are tearing the social fabric
of their countries apart. German journalist and best-selling author Harald Schumann travelled to Athens, Lisbon, Dublin,
Nicosia, Brussels, Washington, New York and London, in order to find out who has actually benefited from austerity

He puts this question to ministers, parliamentarians, economists, bankers, doctors and also to the victims of these policies,
the unemployed and the ill. Among the many people we meet are Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, IMF Director Paulo
Batista and Yanis Varoufakis, the newly elected Greek finance minister.

Schumanns revelations are often devastating and shocking. Given the negotiations currently taking place between the
newly elected Greek government and their European partners, this film is of great political and economic relevance.

The 75 Trillion Dollar Shadow Banking System Is In Danger Of Collapsing

July 15 2015 | From: TheEconomicCollapse

Keep an eye on the shadow banking system it is about to be shaken to the core. According to the
Financial Stability Board, the size of the global shadow banking system has reached an astounding
75 trillion dollars.
It has approximately tripled in size since 2002. In the U.S. alone, the size of the shadow banking system is
approximately 24 trillion dollars. At this point, shadow banking assets in the United States are even greater than
those of conventional banks.

Related: The Secret Bank Bailout

These shadow banks are largely unregulated, but governments around the world have been extremely hesitant to crack
down on them because these nonbank lenders have helped fuel economic growth. But in the end, we will all likely pay a very
great price for allowing these exceedingly reckless financial institutions to run wild.

If you are not familiar with the shadow banking system," this is a pretty good definition from

"The shadow banking system (or shadow financial system) is a network of financial institutions comprised
of non-depository banks - e.g., investment banks, structured investment vehicles (SIVs), conduits, hedge
funds, non-bank financial institutions and money market funds.

How it works / Example:

Shadow banking institutions generally serve as intermediaries between investors and borrowers, providing credit
and capital for investors, institutional investors, and corporations, and profiting from fees and/or from the arbitrage
in interest rates.

Because shadow banking institutions dont receive traditional deposits like a depository bank, they have escaped
most regulatory limits and laws imposed on the traditional banking system. Members are able to operate without
being subject to regulatory oversight for unregulated activities. An example of an unregulated activity is a credit
default swap (CDS)."

These institutions are extremely dangerous because they are highly leveraged and they are behaving very recklessly.
They played a major role during the financial crisis of 2008, and even the New York Fed admits that shadow banking
has increased the fragility of the entire financial system";

"The current financial crisis has highlighted the growing importance of the shadow banking system, which grew
out of the securitization of assets and the integration of banking with capital market developments.

This trend has been most pronounced in the United States, but it has had a profound influence on the global
financial system. In a market-based financial system, banking and capital market developments are inseparable:

Funding conditions are closely tied to fluctuations in the leverage of market-based financial intermediaries. Growth
in the balance sheets of these intermediaries provides a sense of the availability of credit, while contractions of
their balance sheets have tended to precede the onset of financial crises.

Securitization was intended as a way to transfer credit risk to those better able to absorb losses, but instead it
increased the fragility of the entire financial system by allowing banks and other intermediaries to
leverage up by buying one anothers securities".

Over the past decade, shadow banking has become a truly worldwide phenomenon, and thus it is a major threat to the entire
global financial system.
In China, shadow banking has been growing by leaps and bounds, but this has the authorities deeply concerned. In
fact, according to Bloomberg one top Chinese regulator has referred to shadow banking as a Ponzi scheme";

"Their growth had caused the man who is now Chinas top securities regulator to label the off-balance-sheet
products a Ponzi scheme, because banks have to sell more each month to pay off those that are maturing."

And what happens to all Ponzi schemes eventually?

In the end, they always collapse.

And when this 75 trillion dollar Ponzi scheme collapses, the global devastation that it will cause will be absolutely

Bond expert Bill Gross, who is intimately familiar with the shadow banking system, has just come out with a major
warning about the lack of liquidity in the shadow banking system;

"Mutual funds, hedge funds, and ETFs, are part of the shadow banking system where these modern
banks are not required to maintain reserves or even emergency levels of cash. Since they in effect now are
the market, a rush for liquidity on the part of the investing public, whether they be individuals in 401Ks or
institutional pension funds and insurance companies, would find the market selling to itself with the Federal
Reserve severely limited in its ability to provide assistance."

As far as shadow banking is concerned, everything is just fine as long as markets just keep going up and up and up.
Bill Gross

But once they start falling, the whole system can start falling apart very rapidly. Here is more from Bill Gross on what might
cause a run on the shadow banks in the near future;

Long used to the inevitability of capital gains, investors and markets have not been tested during a stretch of time
when prices go down and policymakers hands are tied to perform their historical function of buyer of last resort. Its
then that liquidity will be tested.

And what might precipitate such a run on the shadow banks?

1) A central bank mistake leading to lower bond prices and a stronger dollar.

2) Greece, and if so, the inevitable aftermath of default/restructuring leading to additional concerns for Eurozone

3) China a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." It is the mystery meat of economic sandwiches
you never know whats in there. Credit has expanded more rapidly in recent years than any major economy in
history, a sure warning sign.

4) Emerging market crisis dollar denominated debt/overinvestment/commodity orientation take your pick of
potential culprits.

5) Geopolitical risks too numerous to mention and too sensitive to print.

6) A butterflys wing chaos theory suggests that a small change in non-linear systems could result in large
changes elsewhere. Call this kooky, but in a levered financial system, small changes can upset the status quo.
Keep that butterfly net handy.

Should that moment occur, a cold rather than a hot shower may be an investors reward and the view will be
something less than gorgeous." So what to do? Hold an appropriate amount of cash so that panic selling for
you is off the table.
In order to avoid a shadow banking crisis, what we need is for global financial markets to stabilize and to resume their
upward trends.

If stocks and bonds start crashing, which is precisely what I have projected will happen during the last half of 2015, the
shadow banking system is going to come under an extreme amount of stress. If the coming global financial crisis is even half
as bad as I believe it is going to be, there is no way that the shadow banking system is going to hold up.

So lets hope that the financial devastation that we have seen so far this week is not a preview of things to come. The global
financial system has been transformed into a delicately balanced pyramid of glass that is not designed to handle turbulent

We should have never allowed the shadow banks to run wild like this, but we did, and now in just a short while we are going
to get to witness a financial implosion unlike anything the world has ever seen before.

New Zealand Harmful Digital Communications Bill

July 12 2015 | From: J / NewZealandParliament

This draconian bill, under the guise of cracking down on cyber-bullying, was passed into law
here in New Zealand on Friday. It introduced wide-ranging police state powers that will criminalize
any online communications deemed deliberately harmful.

Unfortunately, there is no clear definition in the bill of what actually constitutes what is harmful and is a criminal
offence, yet it is punishable by up to two years in prison or a maximum fine of $50,000. It will now be a criminal
offence to send any messages or post any material online that is intended to cause harm, but what exactly is
considered harmful or offensive speech is not specifically mentioned and is so vague it could apply to almost
The Bill will also give the Government agency responsible for enforcing it the dictatorial power to force all Internet providers,
Facebook, Google and the like to remove any communication or posting that it considers is harmful and the person who has
posted the information on the web and is alleged to have committed an offence, effectively is presumed guilty and has no

In short, this Bill is even more evil and draconian than even Hitlers Nazi laws against free speech or any criticism of the
Third Reich.

So if you think the [intended] soon-coming New World Order and future for your children and grand children is fine rest
assured, it absolutely is not as they are going to be enslaved in a system of tyranny no less than the Germans were under

These laws are being introduced now quietly, while the mindless sheep and members of the general public are largely
mesmerized by sports and entertainment, and who all have no idea in the world what is soon coming.

If you are interested, go into this link and then read exactly what the NZ Law Societys submission on the Bill says simply
mind boggling! yet not a single mention about it by the New Zealand fascist media that have censored it
completely. And paradoxically, all this introduced by a New Zealand Jewish Prime Minister, John Key, whose mother was a
Holocaust survivor. What an utter disgrace. What a disgrace on all of us.

And by the way, the Bill passed into law in its Third Reading 116 votes in favour to 5 votes against, almost the entire
Parliament, including most members of all political parties, effectively proving theyre all professional criminals irrespective of
their party. As Ive said before, this is why I dont vote.

So now, effectively, if you criticize anyone, your neighbour, a company employee or boss, girlfriend or boyfriend, you open
yourself up to potentially being charged.

And worse, for example, if you criticize Auckland Super City Mayor Brown for having steamy sexual relations with his young
Hong Kong honey in his mayoral office all day as he has been doing, instead of praising him up for his 9 per cent annual
rates rise on the rate-paying sheep, or if you question the Prime Minister about his secret Blind Trust and why he holds
shares in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or any of his other business activities, you may be arrested forthwith, fined
$50,000 and thrown into the slammer for 2 years for simply asking why in any brief online comment?

JPMorgan Tech Workers Have New Conspiracy Theories

July 9 2015 | From: WallStreetOnParade

Since December 2013 there have been a rash of unusual deaths among workers at JPMorgan Chase,
including alleged leaps from buildings and two separate alleged murder-suicides in New Jersey.
JPMorgans European Headquarters at 25 Bank Street, London Where Technology Executive Gabriel Magee Died on Jan 27 or Jan 28, 2014

A noteworthy number of the deaths have been among technology workers. With the exception of Julian Knott, who
was a high level technology expert for JPMorgan in both London and later at the firms high tech Global Network
Operations Center in Whippany, New Jersey, all of the individuals were under 40. (See names and incidents below.)

Last Thursday, 29-year old Thomas Hughes allegedly took his life by jumping from a luxury apartment building at 1 West
Street in Manhattan. According to Hughes resume at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), he had previously
interned at JPMorgan Chase, as well as held jobs at Citigroup and UBS after graduation from Northwestern University.

Hughes was employed at investment bank, Moelis & Company LLC, at the time of his death. JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and
UBS pleaded guilty to criminal felony charges for conspiring to rig markets the week prior to Hughes alleged leap from the
The fact that JPMorgan Chase holds an estimated $179 billion in life insurance on its workers, and in some cases, prior
workers, whose death benefit pays to the bank not the family of the employee, has raised concerns of more than just trading
conspiracies at JPMorgan Chase.

Now, according to Sarah Butcher at EFinancialCareers, at least two executives at JPMorgan have forbidden their technology
workers from explaining exactly what they do at the bank on their LinkedIn profiles. One tech worker imagines that its a plot to
restrict their ability to market their skills to prospective competitors as JPMorgan moves tech workers from the glitter of London
to cheaper corporate digs in Bournemouth, England or Glasgow, Scotland. Says one worker, according to Butcher,

Weve been joking that the plan is to make us technologists invisible in the market and then forcing us to move to
Bournemouth or Glasgow.

JPMorgan Chase could have other reasons for restricting information as to just what its tech workers are up to. There are
ongoing lawsuits and investigations across Wall Street into the use of computerised trading to rig markets.

In his annual shareholders letter in 2014, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, said the firm had;

Nearly 30,000 programmers, application developers and information technology employees who keep our 7,200
applications, 32 data centers, 58,000 servers, 300,000 desk-tops and global network operating smoothly for all our

According to Anish Bhimani, Chief Information Risk Officer at JPMorgan Chase, in an interview published at the Information
Networking Institute (INI) at Carnegie Mellon, JPMorgan has;

More software developers than Google, and more technologists than Microsoft we get to build things at scale
that have never been done before.

One thing that JPMorgan has never before done in its 200-year history is to plead guilty to a criminal felony.

That occurred on May 20 while the bank was still under a two-year probation and a deferred prosecution agreement for two
felony counts in aiding and abetting the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. Its certainly a bank worth keeping an eye on from
many levels.

Following are the names of individuals who, at the time of their death or previously, were employed by JPMorgan Chase and
experienced unusual deaths since December 2013. With the exception of the Knotts, all of the individuals were under 40 at
their time of death a striking statistic.
The following list is re-published with respect to those whom have passed on under such unfortunate circumstances; and may
they rest in peace.

Joseph M. Ambrosio, age 34, of Sayreville, New Jersey, passed away on December 7, 2013 at Raritan Bay Medical Center,
Perth Amboy, New Jersey. He was employed as a Financial Analyst for J.P. Morgan Chase in Menlo Park. On March 18,
2014, Wall Street On Parade learned from an immediate member of the family that Joseph M. Ambrosio died suddenly from
Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

Jason Alan Salais, 34 years old, died December 15, 2013 outside a Walgreens in Pearland, Texas. A family member
confirmed that the cause of death was a heart attack. According to the LinkedIn profile for Salais, he was engaged in Client
Technology Service L3 Operate Support and previously FXO Operate L2 Support at JPMorgan. Prior to joining JPMorgan
in 2008, Salais had worked as a Client Software Technician at SunGard and a UNIX Systems Analyst at Logix

Gabriel Magee, 39,died on the evening of January 27, 2014 or the morning of January 28, 2014. Magee was discovered at
approximately 8:02 a.m. lying on a 9th level rooftop at the Canary Wharf European headquarters of JPMorgan Chase at 25
Bank Street, London. Hisspecific area of specialty at JPMorgan was Technical architecture oversight for planning,
development, and operation of systems for fixed income securities and interest rate derivatives. A coroners inquest in
London, which relied heavily on information provided by JPMorgan Chase, determined the cause of death to be suicide.

Ryan Crane, age 37, died February 3, 2014, at his home in Stamford, Connecticut. The Chief Medical Examiners eventually
ruled that the cause of death was ethanol toxicity/accident. Crane was an Executive Director involved in trading at JPMorgans
New York office. Cranes death on February 3 was not reported by any major media until February 13, ten days later, when
Bloomberg News ran a brief story.

Dennis Li (Junjie), 33 years old, died February 18, 2014 as a result of a purported fall from the 30-story Chater House office
building in Hong Kong where JPMorgan occupied the upper floors. Li is reported to have been an accounting major who
worked in the finance department of the bank.

Kenneth Bellando, age 28, was found outside his East Side Manhattan apartment building on March 12, 2014. The building
from which Bellando allegedly jumped was only six stories by no means ensuring that death would result. The young
Bellando had previously worked for JPMorgan Chase as an analyst and was the brother of JPMorgan employee John
Bellando, who was referenced in the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report on how JPMorgan had hid
losses and lied to regulators in the London Whale derivatives trading debacle that resulted in losses of at least $6.2 billion.

Andrew Jarzyk, age 27, went missing in the early hours of March 30, 2014 after leaving friends at a supper club in Hoboken,
New Jersey. His body was recovered from the Hudson River in Hoboken on April 28, 2014. According to police, there were no
signs of trauma to the body. Jarzyk was employed at PNC Financial at the time of his disappearance. He had worked
previously as a technology intern at JPMorgan.

The bodies of Julian Knott and his wife, Alita, ages 45 and 47, respectively, were discovered by police on July 6, 2014 at
approximately 1:12 a.m. in their home in the Lake Hopatcong section of Jefferson Township. After a two-day investigation,
police announced that they believed Julian Knott shot his wife repeatedly and then took his own life with the same gun. Knott
had worked on JPMorgan computer networks in London since 2001, initially as a subcontractor for Computer Science
Corporation and, later, IBM.

Knott formally joined JPMorgan Chase at its London operations in January 2006 and remained there until 2010 when he
transferred to JPMorgans large complex in Columbus, Ohio and rose to the rank of Technical Director of Global Tier 3
Network Operations. Knott was transferred again in 2012 and began work in JPMorgans high tech Global Network Operations
Center in Whippany, New Jersey. Six months before his death he was promoted to Executive Director.

Michael A. Tabacchi, 27 years old, and his wife, Iran Pars Tabacchi (who also went by the name Denise) were discovered
dead on Friday evening, February 7, 2015 in their home in Closter, New Jersey. Their infant son was in the home and
unharmed. A text message from the home had been sent to the father of Michael Tabacchi asking him to come to the home,
according to media reports.

The father found the couple. On the very evening the bodies were discovered, before any autopsy had been performed,
Bergen County, New Jersey Prosecutor John Molinelli characterized the deaths in a tweet as a probable murder
suicide. Michael Tabacchis LinkedIn profile lists him previously as an Operations Analyst at JPMorgan with the current
JPMorgan title of Associate.

Thomas J. Hughes, age 29, was found dead on May 28, 2015 outside his residence at 1 West St., Manhattan. A
spokeswoman for the NYPD said his injuries were consistent with a fall from an elevated location. Hughes death came the
week after JPMorgan Chase, Citi, and UBS each pleaded guilty to criminal felony charges of engaging in a conspiracy to rig
markets. Hughes had worked for all three firms previously. He was currently employed at the investment bank, Moelis &
Company LLC.

Man Rebuked For Claiming To Be 'Fictional Entity' In Court

July 9 2015 | From: NewZealandHerald

A man who fell off a moped and said his identity was a fiction created by the State has been rebuked
for trying to be "funny" in an unusual court judgement. [For a start, the headline is misleading. He
wasn't claiming to be a fictional entity rather that the so called 'State' has created one and assigned
it to him which is perfectly true].

Malcolm France fell off his moped in Auckland and refused to give his name and address to police, who later found
out he had no licence and was banned from driving.

[Comment: While it has become clear to many that the admiralty / maritime law system that has been imposed upon
us by the imperial corporations run by the "elite" are clearly an absolute legal farce; the precise measures by which
these circumstances must be challenged and exposed are still unclear to some.

While some approaches have proven to be successful, such undertakings must be considered very carefully indeed
as there are those within 'the system' who are very much aware of, and part of the current legal 'reality' and who have
vested interests in maintaining the status quo. And many "freeman" efforts have had terribly unfortunate outcomes
for some brave people with the best of intentions; operating with incorrect information and / or procedures.

There are also many clueless bureaucrats who will do what is prescribed to them no matter what. And then there are
those 'at the top' - who know and understand what they are part of; whether doing so willingly, under duress; as
sellouts - or a combination thereof.]

Related: The Birth Certificate Odyssey

A man who fell off a moped and said his identity was a fiction created by the State has been rebuked for trying to be "funny" in
an unusual court judgement.

Malcolm France fell off his moped in Auckland and refused to give his name and address to police, who later found out he had
no licence and was banned from driving.

Following a lengthy court battle, in which he appeared in court claiming to be someone else who was acting on his behalf,
France was rebuked by judges who were unimpressed by his "frivolous behaviour", and described it as a "mischievous attempt
to avoid or overturn a conviction", in a Court of Appeal decision released today.

France said he was angry about the decision and planned to appeal it again. He said he was quite serious about the argument
he had put forward in court.

"I'm quite angry to be honest. It proves my point that when people want to oppose what the state is doing ... the
state will use all its force and might to protect itself."

France said the decision was not about justice because he claimed he had no legal responsibility to hold a driver's licence,
because he rejected any authority the state of New Zealand held over him.

"I no longer accept the Government as lawful and valid."

This issue was a symbolic stand against his larger crusade against the state, Mr France said.
"This is a starting point of opposing the Government because the Government is actually being malicious and trying
to harm me," he said.

He said he had no intention to pay the fines.

"I'm going to find out my next avenue [to appeal], probably the Supreme Court."

France famously attacked Act Party candidate John Boscawen with a lamington in 2009, squashing the delicacy on the
politician's head during a speech.

After the cake attack, some activists referred to him as Lamington Steele. Following the moped incident, France was charged
with driving while forbidden and failing to provide information. He was convicted, fined and ordered to pay court costs in
October 2013.

The Court of Appeal said France had filed an affidavit, apparently claiming he was Malcolm Freeman, possessing "a right of
attorney, someone to represent Mr France".

According to the Court of Appeal, France began interrupting the district court and forced an adjournment as the Justices of the
Peace and a security officer sought to establish his identity.

It's understood France supported the Freeman-on-the-Land movement. Such a 'Freeman' can be someone in a common law
jurisdiction who refused to give consent to be governed and said no statutory obligations applied to them, according to one
Freeman's website.

France was declined a re-hearing in the District Court and filed a notice of appeal in the High Court.

"Mr France appeared in support of both appeals, but claiming he was Malcolm-Daniel, the man acting for Mr
France," the Court of Appeal said.

"He contended Mr France was a fictional entity, created by the state. He claimed Mr France was neither driving nor
travelling on the moped (he called it the 'travelling apparatus') involved in the incident on 29 June 2013."

Justice Brendan Brown dismissed France's first appeal.

"He was unable to detect, in the nonsensical argument Mr France had put to him on appeal, any question of law of
sufficient general or public importance to warrant a second appeal," the Court of Appeal said.

France then went to the Court of Appeal, but that court said there were procedural errors in France's application , which was
filed seven months' late.
The Court of Appeal said France offered an incomprehensible explanation for the delay. It said France appeared to be drawing
a distinction between himself and the affiant (affidavit-maker) who was referred to as "Malcolm Daniel AR".

"...This matter was appealed not by Mr France but by the Affiant, - the living man - in the form of leave of court/writ
of error to be taken to a common law court," France told the Court of Appeal.

The Court of Appeal judges were unimpressed.

"The courts are vexed by the occasional person who pretends not to be who he - or she - is. Some of these people
may have a genuine identity crisis, but more usually they are engaged in a mischievous attempt to avoid or overturn
a conviction. These people may think they are funny or clever, but they are not," the court said in a newly-released

"Courts are busy and serious places, and judges are busy people. This sort of frivolous behaviour is not wanted in

France could not immediately be reached for comment.

CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Collateral Accounts:

Taxes And Government Fraud Against Citizens Around The World
July 7 2015 | From: CAFR1

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town
Taxes are no longer necessary. This video exposes a deliberate and massive swindle that is perpetrated by every
government agency from your local school district all the way up to the State / Federal / National governments.

This brief video does an excellent job of exposing how the 'budget' scheme actually operates and how local and national
government has been systematically screwing us all since - forever. Warning: this will make you furious!

Below the video is an earlier article re-posted with more information. It is so critical that the public are aware of this information
- the governments and their sellout politicians know what they are doing and must be held accountable.

A key agenda behind the CAFR swindle is ensuring that communities and countries never make any real progress and in fact
degrade over time. It's all part of the Agenda 21 / NWO grand plan.

Unmasking The CAFR Scam In Your Country / City / Town / Council

August 11 2014 | From: Rense / RealityBlogger | See Update Below

It is perhaps not widely known that governments and councils use complicated accounting practices
to hide their wealth from the people, providing 'justification' for rates hikes and other methods of
wealth extraction.

In a world where council rates and infrastructure costs are conitinually on the increase, in most places the CAFR
(Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Accounting system is used, which hides wealth and provides the 'powers
that be' with more reason to financially rape and pillage the people.
While much of the content below pertains to the US, the principles in play with CAFR Accounting are used in most countries.

Examples include:

New Zealand Treasury Annual Report

Australia Treasury Annual Report

Melbourne City Annual Report

Australia Government - Department of Finance and De-regulation

Australia Future Funds ($100 billion) and Nation Building Fund

Government of Canada (Annual Financial Report)

Montreal, Canada (Annual Financial Report)

Ireland National Pension Reserve Fund scheme

Belfast City Council Annual Financial Report

The British Monarchy

City of London Police Department

Welsh Government

Japan Finance Corporation

What Are CAFRs?

First, what is a CAFR? A CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) is government's complete accounting of "Net

It has been reported that trillions of collective dollars not shown in government Budget reports are shown through Government
CAFR reports and they are virtually never openly-discussed by the syndicated NEWS media, both the Democratic and
Republican Party members, the House, Senate, and organized public education.

With, and being that the CAFR is "the" accounting document for every local government, and with it being effectively
"BLACKED OUT" for open mention over the last 60 years, that this fact of intentional omission of coverage is the biggest
conspiracy that has ever taken effect in the United States. Read more at: Rense

As more and more cities, counties, districts, and states across America falsely declare their near - insolubility, bankruptcy
warnings, fiscal deficits, and budgetary quandaries, I am left with the sinking feeling that the people just cant wrap their
heads around how to point out these misleading and downright fallacious claims made by their councils, mayors, and
professional con-men in places of public trust.

So today I want to share with you a simple way to factually stand before your local or state political leaders and give
indisputable proof that, when stating the facts about their own budget shortfalls, limited choices, and necessary raising of
your hard-earned monies as taxation (revenue) to balance the budget, your own little criminal syndicate of elected mayors
and council men and women are lying bold-faced to the entire citizenry through the act of subterfuge and omission.

This little factoid is uniform throughout the entirety of the financial structure of government, as reported in the audited
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and required by Federal and State laws. It is always reported in the same fashion
and under the same heading as all other governments (municipal corporations).

The figures are not disputable. The truth is unshakable. And yet the doublespeak will never end For even as you present
this one simple line item to the scoundrels themselves behind their raised and protective pedestals, they will still attempt to
deny what is undeniable, be it in ignorance or in deceit; usually a mix of both.

Read the full story at: RealityBlogger

Update: How The New Zealand [And Other Western Countries] Government Hides
Billions (Trillions) In Slush Funds
October 9 2014 | From Narkive

C.A.F.R. (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Hidden / Stolen 'Cream' - Trillions In Surplus

Globally, The Biggest Financial Scandal In History / Annals Of Mankind

Playing in the derivitives market John Key was selected to become NZ PM / US Federal Reserve Bank / Israeli operative

Billions (Trillions) in profitable investments

Convincing you that the government is financially in trouble when the government has trillions of dollars in slush funds

Budget reports: Only need to show what is necessary to meet obligations

Transactions for local governments are missing

Total investment revenue is missing

Total income figures are missing

Total worth is missing

Surplus cream ($) is not mentioned [exposure of manufactured debt = loss of control]

United Nations (1946) created CAFR to take over and steal wealth

Only shows shortfall of budgetary revenue versus annual operating costs for the year, never shows 'cream'

45% of revenues invested internationally best rate of return

Free trade agreements (NAFTA / GATT / TPPA) ultimate purpose: Governments investing in foreign corporations extending
their profits with slaves in China

Government agencies are lying to you when they say there is a need for taxation to pay for services already provided for

The New Zealand people NEVER profit from the investments - massive hidden surpluses
United States Statistics

Local and federal US Government owns approximately 70% of stock market listed companies

70% of Dow Jones (30) owned by composite government funds

Prison industry (Correctional Corporation of America) is the #1 industry in America. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key
moves towards that end in New Zealand

US Federal $30 Trillion cream at top not reported

Total non-signatory to the 1740 Waitangi Treaty (with amusing numerous versions), this Tainui Kiingitanga warrior demands
from the New Zealand government [the following]:

1. What Is The Total Cash Gross Receipts Income ?

2. What Are The Total Investments ?

3. What Is The Net Worth ?

4. What Is The Investment Growth ? 5, 10, 25 Years In The Future ?

5. What Are The Liquid Assets ? (Billions / Trillions)

We Know Know That The Constant Cries For More Taxation Are Entirely Bogus:

New Zealand CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) where literally hundreds of Billions of dollars are hidden or not
listed / discussed by the same banker controlled media.

Not Readily Listed:

Taxation and selling of government assets is the massive conspiracy, when the hidden surplus of Trillions of dollars
is not discussed by the bankers and government controlled media.

Capitalism Has Become Socially Dysfunctional

July 7 2015 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / TruthOut

If you have not read John Perkins book, Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man, you should. The
book is easy to read and explains clearly from the inside how US corporations deceive foreign
governments into debts that they cannot service or repay and then use the IMF and World Bank as
looting mechanisms and reduce the indebted countries to penury.
Capitalism has become a socially dysfunctional system focused on pillage and not on the growth of consumer
income that sustains and grows markets for goods and services. Once the last prospect is looted, there is nothing
left to sustain capitalism.

Related: Greeks Vote NO To EU-Imposed Austerity

In this interview John Perkins describes the looting process in Greece. Tomorrow the Greek people face the same decision
that the people in Iceland and Ireland faced. In Iceland the people rejected the debts and refused to pay them. Now Iceland is
recovering. Somehow the feisty Irish were brainwashed into accepting austerity programs so that the looting of Ireland could
continue, and Ireland continues to suffer. Sunday will tell us if Greeks have learned from the examples.

Related: Troika Lenders are Terrorists!

How Greece [And The World] Has Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"

"Greece is being 'hit', there's no doubt about it," exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an
Economic Hit Man, noting that "[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the
corporatocracy ... today we have a global empire, and it's not an American empire. It's not a national
empire... It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule."
John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, discusses how Greece and other eurozone countries
hve become the new victims of "economic hit men."

John Perkins is no stranger to making confessions. His well-known book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, revealed how
international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, while publicly professing to
"save" suffering countries and economies, instead pull a bait-and-switch on their governments:

Promising startling growth, gleaming new infrastructure projects and a future of economic prosperity - all of which would occur
if those countries borrow huge loans from those organizations .

Far from achieving runaway economic growth and success, however, these countries instead fall victim to a crippling
and unsustainable debt burden.

That's where the "economic hit men" come in: seemingly ordinary men, with ordinary backgrounds, who travel to these
countries and impose the harsh austerity policies prescribed by the IMF and World Bank as "solutions" to the
economic hardship they are now experiencing.
Men like Perkins were trained to squeeze every last drop of wealth and resources from these sputtering economies, and
continue to do so to this day. In this interview, which aired on Dialogos Radio, Perkins talks about how Greece and the
eurozone have become the new victims of such "economic hit men."

Michael Nevradakis: In your book, you write about how you were, for many years, a so-called "economic hit man."
Who are these economic hit men, and what do they do?

John Perkins: Essentially, my job was to identify countries that had resources that our corporations want, and that could be
things like oil - or it could be markets - it could be transportation systems. There're so many different things.

Once we identified these countries, we arranged huge loans to them, but the money would never actually go to the countries;
instead it would go to our own corporations to build infrastructure projects in those countries, things like power plants and
highways that benefitted a few wealthy people as well as our own corporations, but not the majority of people who couldn't
afford to buy into these things, and yet they were left holding a huge debt, very much like what Greece has today, a
phenomenal debt.

[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call the corporatocracy ... today we have a global empire, and it's
not an American empire. It's not a national empire ... It's a corporate empire, and the big corporations rule."

And once [they were] bound by that debt, we would go back, usually in the form of the IMF - and in the case of Greece
today, it's the IMF and the EU [European Union] - and make tremendous demands on the country:

Increase taxes, cut back on spending, sell public sector utilities to private companies, things like power companies and water
systems, transportation systems, privatize those, and basically become a slave to us, to the corporations, to the IMF, in your
case to the EU, and basically, organizations like the World Bank, the IMF, the EU, are tools of the big corporations, what I call
the "corporatocracy."
And before turning specifically to the case of Greece, let's talk a little bit more about the manner in which these
economic hit men and these organizations like the IMF operate. You mentioned, of course, how they go in and they
work to get these countries into massive debt, that money goes in and then goes straight back out. You also
mentioned in your book these overly optimistic growth forecasts that are sold to the politicians of these countries but
which really have no resemblance to reality.

Exactly, we'd show that if these investments were made in things like electric energy systems that the economy would grow at
phenomenally high rates. The fact of the matter is, when you invest in these big infrastructure projects, you do see economic
growth, however, most of that growth reflects the wealthy getting wealthier and wealthier; it doesn't reflect the majority of the
people, and we're seeing that in the United States today.

"In the case of Greece, my reaction was that 'Greece is being hit.' There's no question about it."

For example, where we can show economic growth, growth in the GDP, but at the same time unemployment may be going up
or staying level, and foreclosures on houses may be going up or staying stable. These numbers tend to reflect the very
wealthy, since they have a huge percentage of the economy, statistically speaking.

Nevertheless, we would show that when you invest in these infrastructure projects, your economy does grow, and yet, we
would even show it growing much faster than it ever conceivably would, and that was only used to justify these
horrendous, incredibly debilitating loans.

Is there a common theme with respect to the countries typically targeted? Are they, for instance, rich in resources or
do they typically possess some other strategic importance to the powers that be?
Yes, all of those. Resources can take many different

One is the material resources like minerals or oil; another

resource is strategic location; another resource is a big
marketplace or cheap labor.

So, different countries make different requirements. I think

what we're seeing in Europe today isn't any different, and
that includes Greece.

What happens once these countries that are targeted

are indebted? How do these major powers, these
economic hit men, these international organizations
come back and get their "pound of flesh," if you will,
from the countries that are heavily in debt?

By insisting that the countries adopt policies that will sell

their publicly owned utility companies, water and sewage
systems, maybe schools, transportation systems, even
jails, to the big corporations.

Privatize, privatize. Allow us to build military bases on

their soil. Many things can be done, but basically, they
become servants to what I call the corporatocracy.

You have to remember that today we have a global empire,

and it's not an American empire. It's not a national empire.
It doesn't help the American people very much. It's a
corporate empire, and the big corporations rule.

They control the politics of the United States, and to a large

degree they control a great deal of the policies of countries
like China, around the world.
John, looking specifically now at the case of Greece, of course you mentioned your belief that the country has
become the victim of economic hit men and these international organizations . . . what was your reaction when you
first heard about the crisis in Greece and the measures that were to be implemented in the country?

I've been following Greece for a long time. I was on Greek television. A Greek film company did a documentary called
"Apology of an Economic Hit Man," and I also spent a lot of time in Iceland and in Ireland.

I was invited to Iceland to help encourage the people there to vote on a referendum not to repay their debts, and I did that and
encouraged them not to, and they did vote no, and as a result, Iceland is doing quite well now economically compared to the
rest of Europe. Ireland, on the other hand: I tried to do the same thing there, but the Irish people apparently voted against the
referendum, though there's been many reports that there was a lot of corruption.

"That's part of the game: convince people that they're wrong, that they're inferior. The corporatocracy is incredibly
good at that."

In the case of Greece, my reaction was that "Greece is being hit." There's no question about it. Sure, Greece made mistakes,
your leaders made some mistakes, but the people didn't really make the mistakes, and now the people are being asked to pay
for the mistakes made by their leaders, often in cahoots with the big banks.

So, people make tremendous amounts of money off of these so-called "mistakes," and now, the people who didn't make the
mistakes are being asked to pay the price. That's consistent around the world: We've seen it in Latin America. We've seen it in
Asia. We've seen it in so many places around the world.

This leads directly to the next question I had: From my observation, at least in Greece, the crisis has been
accompanied by an increase in self-blame or self-loathing; there's this sentiment in Greece that many people have
that the country failed, that the people failed . . . there's hardly even protest in Greece anymore, and of course there's
a huge "brain drain" - there's a lot of people that are leaving the country. Does this all seem familiar to you when
comparing to other countries in which you've had personal experience?

Sure, that's part of the game: Convince people that they're wrong, that they're inferior. The corporatocracy is incredibly good at
that, whether it is back during the Vietnam War, convincing the world that the North Vietnamese were evil; today it's the

It's a [deliberately devisive] policy of them versus us:

We are good. We are right. We do everything right. You're wrong. And they play us like fools against one another.

And in this case, all of this energy has been directed at the Greek people to say "you're lazy; you didn't do the right thing; you
didn't follow the right policies," when in actuality, an awful lot of the blame needs to be laid on the financial community that
encouraged Greece to go down this route.

And I would say that we have something very similar going on in the United States, where people here are being led to believe
that because their house is being foreclosed that they were stupid, that they bought the wrong houses; they overspent

"We know that austerity does not work in these situations."

The fact of the matter is their bankers told them to do this, and around the world, we've come to trust bankers - or we used to.
In the United States, we never believed that a banker would tell us to buy a $500,000 house if in fact we could really only
afford a $300,000 house.
We thought it was in the bank's interest not to foreclose. But that changed a few years ago, and bankers told people who they
knew could only afford a $300,000 house to buy a $500,000 house.

"Tighten your belt, in a few years that house will be worth a million dollars; you'll make a lot of money" . . . in fact, the value of
the house went down; the market dropped out; the banks foreclosed on these houses, repackaged them, and sold them

Double whammy. The people were told, "you were stupid; you were greedy; why did you buy such an expensive house?"

But in actuality, the bankers told them to do this, and we've grown up to believe that we can trust our bankers. Something very
similar on a larger scale happened in so many countries around the world, including Greece.

In Greece, the traditional major political parties are, of course, overwhelmingly in favor of the harsh austerity
measures that have been imposed, but also we see that the major business and media interests are also
overwhelmingly in support. Does this surprise you in the slightest?

No, it doesn't surprise me and yet it's ridiculous because austerity does not work. We've proven that time and time
again, and perhaps the greatest proof was the opposite, in the United States during the Great Depression, when President
Roosevelt initiated all these policies to put people back to work, to pump money into the economy. That's what works. We
know that austerity does not work in these situations.

"What I didn't realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe."

We also have to understand that, in the United States for example, over the past 40 years, the middle class has been on the
decline on a real dollar basis, while the economy has been increasing. In fact, that's pretty much happened around the world
[and by design].

Globally, the middle class has been in decline. Big business needs to recognize - it hasn't yet, but it needs to recognize - that
that serves nobody's long-term interest, that the middle class is the market. And if the middle class continues to be in decline,
whether it's in Greece or the United States or globally, ultimately businesses will pay the price; they won't have customers
[which is great if your intention is to crash the system].
Henry Ford once said: "I want to pay all my workers enough money so they can go out and buy Ford cars." That's a very good
policy. That's wise. This austerity program moves in the opposite direction and it's a foolish policy.

In your book, which was written in 2004, you expressed hope that the euro would serve as a counterweight to
American global hegemony, to the hegemony of the US dollar. Did you ever expect that we would see in the European
Union what we are seeing today, with austerity that is not just in Greece but also in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and
also several other countries as well?

What I didn't realize during any of this period was how much corporatocracy does not want a united Europe. We need to
understand this. They may be happy enough with the euro, with one currency - they are happy to a certain degree by having it
united enough that markets are open - but they do not want standardized rules and regulations.

Let's face it, big corporations, the corporatocracy, take advantage of the fact that some countries in Europe have much more
lenient tax laws, some have much more lenient environmental and social laws, and they can pit them against each other.

"[Rafael Correa] ... has to be aware that if you stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are
not happy, if they don't get their way, then the jackals will come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup."

What would it be like for big corporations if they didn't have their tax havens in places like Malta or other places? I think we
need to recognize that what the corporatocracy saw at first, the solid euro, a European union seemed like a very good thing,
but as it moved forward, they could see that what was going to happen was that social and environmental laws and regulations
were going to be standardized.

They didn't want that, so to a certain degree what's been going on in Europe has been because the corporatocracy wants
Europe to fail, at least on a certain level.

You wrote about the examples of Ecuador and other countries, which after the collapse of oil prices in the late '80s
found themselves with huge debts and this, of course, led to massive austerity measures . . . sounds all very similar
to what we are now seeing in Greece. How did the people of Ecuador and other countries that found themselves in
similar situations eventually resist?

Ecuador elected a pretty remarkable president, Rafael Correa, who has a PhD in economics from a United States university.

He understands the system, and he understood that Ecuador took on these debts back when I was an economic hit man and
the country was ruled by a military junta that was under the control of the CIA and the US.
That junta took on these huge debts, put Ecuador in deep debt; the people didn't agree to that. When Rafael Correa was
democratically elected, he immediately said;

"We're not paying these debts; the people did not take on these debts; maybe the IMF should pay the debts and
maybe the junta, which of course was long gone - moved to Miami or someplace - should pay the debts,
maybeJohn Perkins and the other economic hit men should pay the debts, but the people shouldn't."

And since then, he's been renegotiating and bringing the debts way down and saying, "We might be willing to pay some of

That was a very smart move; it reflected similar things that had been done at different times in places like Brazil and Argentina,
and more recently, following that model, Iceland, with great success.

I have to say that Correa has had some real setbacks since then . . . he, like so many presidents, has to be aware that if you
stand up too strongly against the system, if the economic hit men are not happy, if they don't get their way, then the jackals will
come in and assassinate you or overthrow you in a coup.

There was an attempted coup against him; there was a successful coup in a country not too far away from him,
Honduras, because these presidents stood up.

We have to realize that these presidents are in very, very vulnerable positions, and ultimately we the people have to stand up,
because leaders can only do a certain amount. Today, in many places, leaders are not just vulnerable; it doesn't take a bullet
to bring down a leader anymore.
A scandal - a sex scandal, a drug scandal - can bring down a leader. We saw that happen to Bill Clinton, to Strauss-Kahn of
the IMF; we've seen it happen a number of times. These leaders are very aware that they are in very vulnerable positions:

If they stand up or go against the status quo too strongly, they're going to be taken out, one way or another.

They're aware of that, and it behooves we the people to really stand up for our own rights.

You mentioned the recent example of Iceland . . . other than the referendum that was held, what other measures did
the country adopt to get out of this spiral of austerity and to return to growth and to a much more positive outlook for
the country?

It's been investing money in programs that put people back to work and it's also been putting on trial some of the bankers that
caused the problems, which has been a big uplift in terms of morale for the people.

So Iceland has launched some programs that say;

"No, we're not going to go into austerity; we're not going to pay back these loans; we're going to put the money into
putting people back to work,"

- and ultimately that's what drives an economy, people working.

If you've got high unemployment, like you do in Greece today, extremely high unemployment, the country's always going to be
in trouble. You've got to bring down that unemployment, you've got to hire people.

It's so important to put people back to work. Your unemployment is about 28 percent; it's staggering, and disposable income
has dropped 40 percent and it's going to continue to drop if you have high unemployment.

So, the important thing for an economy is to get the employment up and get disposable income back up, so that people will
invest in their country and in goods and services.

In closing, what message would you like to share with the people of Greece, as they continue to experience and to
live through the very harsh results of the austerity policies that have been implemented in the country for the past
three years?

I want to draw upon Greece's history. You're a proud, strong country, a country of warriors. The mythology of the warrior to
some degree comes out of Greece, and so does democracy! And to realize that the marketplace is a democracy today, and
how we spend our money is casting our ballot.
Most political democracies are corrupt, including that of the United States. Democracy is not really working on a governmental
basis because the corporations are in charge. But it is working on a market basis. I would encourage the people of Greece to
stand up: Don't pay off those debts; have your own referendums; refuse to pay them off; go to the streets and strike.

And so, I would encourage the Greek people to continue to do this.

Don't accept this criticism that it's your fault, you're to blame, you've got to suffer austerity, austerity, austerity. That
only works for the rich people; it does not work for the average person or the middle class.

Build up that middle class; bring employment back; bring disposable income back to the average citizen of Greece. Fight for
that; make it happen; stand up for your rights; respect your history as fighters and leaders in democracy, and show the world!

The Emergence Of Orwellian Newspeak And The Death Of Free Speech

July 6 2015 | From: Rutherford

How do you change the way people think? You start by changing the words they use.
In totalitarian regimes - a.k.a. police states - where conformity and compliance are enforced at the end of a loaded
gun, the government dictates what words can and cannot be used. In countries where the police state hides behind
a benevolent mask and disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and
thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind.

If you dont want a man unhappy politically, dont give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one.
Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and
tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it.

Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals
or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of facts
they feel stuffed, but absolutely brilliant with information.

Then theyll feel theyre thinking, theyll get a sense of motion without moving. And theyll be happy, because facts
of that sort dont change.

- Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Even when the motives behind this rigidly calibrated reorientation of societal language appear well-intentioned - discouraging
racism, condemning violence, denouncing discrimination and hatred - inevitably, the end result is the same: intolerance,
indoctrination and infantilism.

Its political correctness disguised as tolerance, civility and love, but what it really amounts to is the chilling of free speech
and the demonizing of viewpoints that run counter to the cultural elite.

As a society, weve become fearfully polite, careful to avoid offense, and largely unwilling to be labeled intolerant, hateful,
closed-minded or any of the other toxic labels that carry a badge of shame today.

The result is a world where no one says what they really think anymore, at least if it runs counter to the prevailing views.
Intolerance is the new scarlet letter of our day, a badge to be worn in shame and humiliation, deserving of societys fear,
loathing and utter banishment from society.
For those haters who dare to voice a different opinion, retribution is swift: they will be shamed, shouted down, silenced,
censored, fired, cast out and generally relegated to the dust heap of ignorant, mean-spirited bullies who are guilty of various
word crimes.

We have entered a new age where, as commentator Mark Steyn notes;

We have to tiptoe around on ever thinner eggshells and the forces of tolerance are intolerant of anything less
than full-blown celebratory approval.

In such a climate of intolerance, there can be no freedom speech, expression or thought.

Yet what the forces of political correctness fail to realize is that they owe a debt to the so-called haters who have kept the
First Amendment robust. From swastika-wearing Neo-Nazis marching through Skokie, Illinois, and underaged cross
burners to God hates fags protesters assembled near military funerals, those who have inadvertently done the most to
preserve the right to freedom of speech for all have espoused views that were downright unpopular, if not hateful.

Until recently, the U.S. Supreme Court has reiterated that the First Amendment prevents the government from proscribing
speech, or even expressive conduct, because it disapproves of the ideas expressed.

However, that long-vaunted, Court-enforced tolerance for intolerant speech has now given way to a paradigm in which the
government can discriminate freely against First Amendment activity that takes place within a government forum. Justifying
such discrimination as government speech, the Court ruled that the Texas Dept. of Motor Vehicles could refuse to issue
specialty license plate designs featuring a Confederate battle flag. Why? Because it was deemed offensive.
The Courts ruling came on the heels of a shooting in which a 21-year-old white gunman killed nine African-Americans during
a Wednesday night Bible study at a church in Charleston, N.C. The two events, coupled with the fact that gunman Dylann
Roof was reportedly pictured on several social media sites with a Confederate flag, have resulted in an emotionally charged
stampede to sanitize the nations public places of anything that smacks of racism, starting with the Confederate flag and
ballooning into a list that includes the removal of various Civil War monuments.

These tactics are nothing new. This nation, birthed from puritanical roots, has always struggled to balance its love of liberty
with its moralistic need to censor books, music, art, language, symbols etc. As author Ray Bradbury notes, There is more
than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.

Indeed, thanks to the rise of political correctness, the population of book burners, censors, and judges has greatly expanded
over the years so that they run the gamut from left-leaning to right-leaning and everything in between.

By eliminating words, phrases and symbols from public discourse, the powers-that-be are sowing hate, distrust and
paranoia. In this way, by bottling up dissent, they are creating a pressure cooker of stifled misery that will eventually blow.

For instance, the word Christmas is now taboo in the public schools, as is the word gun. Even childish drawings of
soldiers result in detention or suspension under rigid zero tolerance policies.

On college campuses, trigger warnings are being used to alert students to any material they might read, see or hear that
might upset them, while free speech zones restrict anyone wishing to communicate a particular viewpoint to a specially
designated area on campus. Things have gotten so bad that comedians such as Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld refuse to
perform stand-up routines to college crowds anymore.
Clearly, the world is undergoing a nervous breakdown, and the news media is helping to push us to the brink of insanity by
bombarding us with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles that change every few days.

In this way, its difficult to think or debate, let alone stay focused on one thing - namely, holding the government accountable
to abiding by the rule of law - and the powers-that-be understand this.

As I document in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, regularly scheduled trivia and/or
distractions keep the citizenry tuned into the various breaking news headlines and entertainment spectacles and tuned out to
the governments steady encroachments on our freedoms. These sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions are how you
control a population, either inadvertently or intentionally, advancing a political agenda agenda without much opposition from
the citizenry.

Professor Jacques Ellul studied this phenomenon of overwhelming news, short memories and the use of propaganda to
advance hidden agendas. One thought drives away another; old facts are chased by new ones, wrote Ellul.

Under these conditions there can be no thought. And, in fact, modern man does not think about current problems;
he feels them. He reacts, but he does not understand them any more than he takes responsibility for them.

He is even less capable of spotting any inconsistency between successive facts; mans capacity to forget is
unlimited. This is one of the most important and useful points for the propagandists, who can always be sure that a
particular propaganda theme, statement, or event will be forgotten within a few weeks.

Already, the outrage over the Charleston shooting and racism are fading from the news headlines, yet the determination to
censor the Confederate symbol remains. Before long, we will censor it from our thoughts, sanitize it from our history books,
and eradicate it from our monuments without even recalling why. The question, of course, is whats next on the list to be
It was for the sake of preserving individuality and independence that James Madison, the author of the Bill of Rights, fought
for a First Amendment that protected the minority against the majority, ensuring that even in the face of overwhelming
pressure, a minority of one - even one who espouses distasteful viewpoints - would still have the right to speak freely, pray
freely, assemble freely, challenge the government freely, and broadcast his views in the press freely.

This freedom for those in the unpopular minority constitutes the ultimate tolerance in a free society. Conversely, when we fail
to abide by Madisons dictates about greater tolerance for all viewpoints, no matter how distasteful, the end result is always
the same: an indoctrinated, infantilized citizenry that marches in lockstep with the governmental regime.

Some of this past centurys greatest dystopian literature shows what happens when the populace is transformed into
mindless automatons. In Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, reading is banned and books are burned in order to suppress
dissenting ideas, while televised entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and render them easily pacified,
distracted and controlled.
In Aldous Huxleys Brave New World, serious literature, scientific thinking and experimentation are banned as subversive,
while critical thinking is discouraged through the use of conditioning, social taboos and inferior education. Likewise,
expressions of individuality, independence and morality are viewed as vulgar and abnormal.

And in George Orwells 1984, Big Brother does away with all undesirable and unnecessary words and meanings, even going
so far as to routinely rewrite history and punish thoughtcrimes. In this dystopian vision of the future, the Thought Police
serve as the eyes and ears of Big Brother, while the Ministry of Peace deals with war and defense, the Ministry of Plenty
deals with economic affairs (rationing and starvation), the Ministry of Love deals with law and order (torture and
brainwashing), and the Ministry of Truth deals with news, entertainment, education and art (propaganda).

All three - Bradbury, Huxley and Orwell - had an uncanny knack for realizing the future, yet it is Orwell who best understood
the power of language to manipulate the masses. Orwells Big Brother relied on Newspeak to eliminate undesirable words,
strip such words as remained of unorthodox meanings and make independent, non-government-approved thought altogether
unnecessary. To give a single example, as psychologist Erich Fromm illustrates in his afterword to 1984:

The word free still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as "This dog is free from lice"
or "This field is free from weeds." It could not be used in its old sense of "politically free" or "intellectually free," since
political and intellectual freedom no longer existed as concepts...."

Where we stand now is at the juncture of OldSpeak (where words have meanings, and ideas can be dangerous) and
Newspeak (where only that which is safe and accepted by the majority is permitted). The power elite has made their
intentions clear:

They will pursue and prosecute any and all words, thoughts and expressions that challenge their authority.

This is the final link in the police state chain.

Having been reduced to a cowering citizenry - mute in the face of elected officials who refuse to represent us, helpless in the
face of police brutality, powerless in the face of militarized tactics and technology that treat us like enemy combatants on a
battlefield, and naked in the face of government surveillance that sees and hears all - we have nowhere left to go.

Our backs are to the walls. From this point on, we have only two options: go down fighting, or capitulate and betray our loved
ones, our friends and our selves by insisting that, as a brainwashed Winston Smith does at the end of Orwells 1984, yes,
2+2 does equal 5.
New Snowden Docs Reveal NSA, British Government Attacked Antivirus Companies
June 26 2015 | From: ExtremeTech

Ever since the Snowden leaks of two years ago, its been clear that a certain amount of tension
existed between some commercial security companies and government security agencies.

Kaspersky Labs is one company thats likely been a thorn in the NSAs side, given that it exposed and reported on a
sophisticated malware, dubbed EquationDrug. New information, however, has made it clear that Kaspersky and
government organizations in both Britain (the GCHQ) and the NSA have been playing a long game against each

The two organizations appear to have pursued somewhat different aims. The GCHQ (Government Communication
Headquarters) apparently focused on aggressively reverse-engineering Kasperskys anti-virus . In a filing from mid-2008, the
GCHQ requested renewal of warrants that would allow it to continue its research into Kaspersky Labs software, with the
long-term goal of creating malware that Kaspersky couldnt track.

The NSA did its own software investigation too, and found that the Kaspersky user-agent string that was transmitting data
back to Kasperskys could also be used to uniquely identify Kaspersky customers. The Intercept confirmed that, despite
Kasperskys denials, elements of its software continue to transmit personal information without encryption (Kaspersky Small
Business Security 4 was found to transmit a detailed report of hardware and installed software entirely in the clear).

Weve chastised Samsung and other companies repeatedly for transmitting plaintext information and the offense is even
worse coming from an anti-virus company. The fact that this flaw existed, however, also illustrates how the role of security
agencies has changed in the years since 9/11. Theres always been tension between finding ways to secure information
relevant to American interests and protecting American data security, but these are the kinds of product flaws that the NSA
and GCHQ ought to have informed Kaspersky of, in the name of better overall cybersecurity. Instead, both agencies appear
to have quietly buried the information, reserving it for potential use at a later date.

Emailing malware can get you on the NSAs list

Of particular interest is an NSA briefing from several years ago, in which the agency revealed that it actively tracks the
files submitted to anti-virus companies.
The Intercept spoke to the original author of the email, who confirmed that he never sent it to the NSA or any government

According to the NSA, however, the act of sending such emails is both an opportunity - it offers a chance to analyze the
malware and determine whether or not it can be used to slip target packages through existing defenses - but also can mark
the sender as a person of interest.
Lest you think the issue is somehow unique to Kaspersky, the NSA also enthusiastically published a list of additional AV
companies it wanted to target:
Over the past few years, antivirus companies have stepped up their identification of government created malware,
from Flame and Stuxnet to Regin and the aforementioned EquationDrug. These revelations seem to indicate it was the
government that kicked off the party with aggressive attempts to breach corporate security and identify security breaches
that could be exploited. US sources have hinted at inappropriate relations between Kaspersky and the FSB (the successor to
the KGB), but Kaspersky has shot back by noting the wide range of US companies that work directly with the US intelligence
community as well as refuting claims that it failed to identify Russian-backed malware or groups in an extensive blog post.

Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark Joins Lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, Et Al For
Illegal War In Iraq
June 26 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

A lawsuit against members of the Bush administration for their role in the invasion of Iraq recently
received noteworthy support from an internationally prominent group of lawyers - including a
former U.S. attorney general.
The group is asking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review the class action suit on grounds that the U.S.-led
war was an illegal act of aggression in violation of international guidelines as defined by the Nuremberg Tribunal
after World War II.

Iraqi mother Sundus Saleh filed the lawsuit on May 27 against former President George W. Bush, former Vice President
Richard Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, former
Secretary of State Colin Powell, and former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, stating they broke the law in
conspiring and committing the crime of aggression against the people of Iraq. Her complaint filed to the court reads:

Defendants planned the war against Iraq as early as 1998; manipulated the United States public to support the war
by scaring them with images of mushroom clouds and conflating the Hussein regime with al-Qaeda; and broke
international law by commencing the invasion without proper legal authorization.

More than sixty years ago, American prosecutors in Nuremberg, Germany convicted Nazi leaders of the crimes of
conspiring and waging wars of aggression. They found the Nazis guilty of planning and waging wars that had
no basis in law and which killed millions of innocents.[emphasis added]

It should be noted as well that the Nuremberg Tribunals findings were specifically quoted in the suit, which has been
undertaken as a pro bonocase by Comar Law, based in San Francisco:
[These] are charges of the utmost gravity. War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences [] affect the whole
world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international
crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the
whole.[emphasis added in the lawsuit]

Salehs previous attempt to sue the Bush administration in the California court system was met with resistance from the
governmentincluding Obama administration lawyersand was ultimately dismissed using the terms of the Westfall Act,
which grants immunity to federal employees who act within the scope of their employment.

But the amicus brief submitted on Salehs behalf by the group of attorneysincluding former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey
Clark, the president of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, the former president of the American-Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee, the former president of the National Lawyers Guild, a founding board member of the International
Commission for Labor Rights, and the co-chair of the International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild, among
othersstates that the previous court was forbidden to use Westfall protections to dismiss the charges because the
Nuremberg Tribunal established norms that prohibit the use of domestic laws as shields to allegations of aggression []
National leaders, even American leaders, do not have the authority to commit aggression and cannot be immune from
allegations they have done so. [emphasis added]

A second amicus brief was also filed by the nonprofit Planethood Foundationa compelling action in itself, considering the
organization was established in 1996 by the sole surviving Nuremberg chief prosecutor, Benjamin Ferencz. This brief
cautions that those in positions of power should not be allowed to subvert their influence to escape responsibility for their
crimes. This brief cites the U.N. statement given after Nuremberg proceedings that, planning, initiating, or waging a war of
aggression is a crime against humanity for which individuals as well as states shall be tried before the bar of international
justice. [emphasis added]

The significance of these briefs cannot be overstated amidst increasing international attention on the case. Calls to charge
the Bush administration for war crimes have grown intense as recent reports estimate well over one million people have died
as a result of the Iraq war.

Hopefully, there will be an appropriate answer from the federal appeals court for Salehs lawsuit; because, as Inder
Comar told Truthout,

This is a horror that continues to play itself out, daily, in Iraq; the architects of such chaos have yet to be
meaningfully questioned as to their role in this unmitigated tragedy.

Inder Comar is the Attorney of Sundus Saleh.

Secret War On Cash: Discussions At Bilderberg Centered Around Capital Controls, Abolition
of Cash
June 17 2015 | From: SHTFplan

According to some, a very quiet stealth war on cash has begun. May your bank account, debit card
and gold reserves be on guard
The worlds elite met in secret this week at the Bilderberg meeting, set at a luxury resort in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.

Investigative journalists have confirmed that the private discussions among top power brokers across the globe
include arrangements to restrict currency and penalize or ultimately even ban cash.

Read the attendees list real power and wealth are running with the movers and shakers. With bankers, equity giants and
financiers all present, the agenda is quite in line with recent reports, aslong reported.

Related: Expert Says Banning Cash The Only Solution to Negative Interest Market Problems

Related: Cash on Lockdown: Bankers Want Badly to Charge YOU Interest for Depositing YOUR Funds"

Related: Banned: Chase Bank Says You Can No Longer Store Cash or Precious Metals In Your Safe Deposit Box

The initiation of an coup on cash is underway:

The powerful Bilderberg Group will discuss imposing more capital controls on average citizens while HSBC, whose
Group Chairman will attend the conference, is set to pay more than $40 million dollars for illegal money laundering
involving arms dealers and helping the wealthy avoid taxes.

Its very much a case of do as we say, not as we do.


Ironic therefore it is that HSBC representatives will be party to discussions at Bilderberg centered around moving
towards the abolition of cash and the imposition of capital controls on ordinary citizens in the name of stopping tax
fraud and allowing more state control over peoples finances.
During the conference, Bilderberg will set the consensus for green lighting economic restrictions under the
justification of stopping financing for terror groups like ISIS. Bilderberg will also discuss new controls on the sale of
precious metals throughout Europe.

Numerous influential voices have recently called for eliminating physical currency altogether, giving central banks
and governments the power to directly control your finances under the justification of preventing an economic
collapse and bank runs.

If it involves too big to jail bankers and secrecy, it cant be good for ordinary people.

If cash is criminalized, then everyone will be forced to be on the grid, and using what is essentially a digital currency inside a
system controlled and watched from beginning to end by the banking industry.

The insiders will then have total power, information on and profit from every transaction.

That, surely, is the mark of the beast a world in which free men are outlawed, and compliance is the only acceptable form
of payment.

Related: Why The Powers That Be Are Pushing A Cashless Society

Related: Bankers Plan Secret London Meeting To End Cash

Reserve Bank Funding Agreement Ratified - But Who / What The Hell Is "The Reserve
Bank Of New Zealand"?
June 6 2015 | From: WakeUpKiwi / ReserveBankOfNewZealand

A new five-year Funding Agreement for the Reserve Bank was ratified by Parliament yesterday. But
what is the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, who owns it - and why are they selling us our own
What Do Central Banks Actually Do? Central banks all make convoluted cover statements in order to justify their
existence. That is not to say that all of the staff are in on it, but those who are at the top of each reserve bank know
exactly what they are doing.

They are either part of the cabal, or minions of it under bribery and or threat.

What Central Banks Say They Do:

Ensure that, throughout the economy, money works as well as possible as a mechanism for making transactions,
storing value, and keeping account.

The Bank also promotes a sound and efficient financial system. To fulfil these functions, the Bank carries out a wide
range of tasks, from operating monetary policy to monitoring and supervising the health of the financial system,
maintaining foreign reserves, operating in the financial markets if necessary, and issuing currency as required.

Quote excerpt from The Reserve Bank of New Zealand

The last thing that any of them want you to know is that they are not part of the government (governments are all actually
corporations anyway and as such cannot govern legally but that is another paper) as central banks are in fact privately
owned. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is officially listed as an asset of the crown, which is effectively the banksters
which run the City of London not the Queen of England.

The first and most important question that arises with regards to central banks is:
Why is a privately owned and run banking institution issuing and controlling the
currency of my country?

It is interesting to note that within the very large Reserve Bank of New Zealand coat of arms, located on the wall to the rear
of the reception area of said central bank, you will see a red shield. As we know, in old German, red shield translates to
Roth-schild (red-shield).

What Central Banks Actually Do:

Central banks do more harm than good. From obscuring the true cost of credit to causing confusion about good investments,
central bankers end up papering over economic problems. And when they send the wrong messages to savers and
consumers trying to coordinate their plans, boom and bust cycles lengthen and worsen.

In effect, the central banks have almost complete control of a countrys economy, and can create and control boom
and bust cycles.

There are a number of ways the Reserve Bank helps to maintain financial stability, including through the regulation
and supervision of banks, non-bank deposit takers and insurers, promoting the smooth operation of financial
markets, and building sound financial market infrastructure.

It is also important to understand developments that could make the financial system vulnerable to instability, and
respond appropriately. The Reserve Bank conducts regular surveillance of financial risks and reports on its
assessments in the six-monthly Financial Stability Report.

Quote excerpt from The Reserve Bank of New Zealand

This is an important point, because it ties us back into our shareholder investigation:

All of the financial institutions of virtually every country are registered with, regulated by and supervised by their local central

Central banks and central bankers are the reason why the world is in economic and martial turmoil and why many
millions of people languish in the pits of poverty and financial ruin.

Central banks are privately owned or controlled cartels which covertly run the world.

They operate for the exclusive profit of a small group of powerful families whose death grip on global finance can be traced
back generations. They control governments, monarchies, and multinational organisations like the UN, the WHO, the World
Bank, and a host of other influential bodies.

Using massive wealth accumulated fraudulently over generations theyve managed to co-opt or illicitly influence political
parties, trade unions, the law courts, medical associations, religious hierarchies, universities & academies, mass media, and
the like, to promote their policies and to eradicate all opposition.

They wield their inordinate global control by indoctrinating chosen leaders into powerful secret societies and insider groups
like the Freemasons, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, just to name a few.

Three essential pillars of their domination of the world economy and global finance are the World Bank, the International
Monetary Fund, and the Bank for International Settlements. The first two were set up at Bretton Woods in 1944 to plunder
and loot and enrich a handful of bankster dynasties.
The latter is known as the central bank to the worlds central banks. It was set up by British and American banksters in
conjunction with the Nazis in 1930 and was guilty of appalling war crimes for which it was never ever punished.

We were fortuitously alerted to the plot of Rothschild-controlled central banks ruling the world by Professor Caroll Quigley in
his 1966 book, Tragedy And Hope, a scholarly tome of almost 1,400 pages. Quigley was an insider in the exclusive world of
the corporatists and the international bankers and had access to private research material. For some unknown reason, the
original publisher Macmillan only printed 9,000 copies.

Professor Quigley wrote:

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of
financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world
as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in
concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

- Tragedy And Hope, (see Chapter 20).

Read more on dentral banking and how far it goes here.

And so the Reserve Bank of "New Zealand" press release continues;

The Funding Agreement ensures that the Bank has sufficient resources to meet its expanded role and obligations
while maintaining tight control of costs, Governor Graeme Wheeler said.
The Funding Agreement is an important instrument for maintaining the Banks operational independence in that it
provides multi-year funding and specifies how much of the Banks income may be used to fund the Banks
operating expenses. The new Funding Agreement is valid from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020.

The new agreement sees the Banks core operating expenditure increase marginally from $49.0 million in 2014-15
to $49.6 million in 2015-16, and then increase to $52.1 million by the final year, 2019-20. Funding for the direct
costs of issuing banknotes and coins is separate within the agreement, and amounts to $14.4 million in 2015-16
and $20.2 million in 2016-17 before reducing to $11.1 million in 2019-20.

The increase in core operating expenditure over the five years is modest, averaging 1.3 percent per year, said Mr

The Bank has a number of important projects underway, including those related to issuance of new banknotes,
development of the Banks treasury systems, and an upgrade of its payment and settlement systems.

Mr Wheeler said the new Funding Agreement has been made in an environment of fiscal constraint. Productivity
improvements, which include some reductions in staffing levels that began in February 2015, will restrain the growth
in costs.

The Reserve Banks responsibilities have expanded considerably since 2008, including prudential supervision of
insurers and anti-money laundering supervision, and it has developed its macro-prudential policy capabilities and

New Zealanders are taxed to fund the Corporate New Zealand Government [controlled by "The Crown'];

[The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has the government of New Zealand registered as a

Which in turn funds a privately owned central bank, that then creates the New Zealand dollar -

Which then proceeds to sell that currency to the New Zealand Corporate Government - WITH INTEREST CHARGED;

The hoodwinked New Zealand public are mostly oblivious to this and are fiscally raped by a malfeasant, degenerate
would-be 'elite ruling class'.

A set of 'leaders' that are so corrupt and compromised that they fall all over one another in their attempts to keep
their hideous transgressions from seeing the light of day; and thereby from being held to account for them.

But the inevitable time of publicised truth, is just about to arrive for these criminals.

And if you are stupid enough to still not see the smokescreen that they have put then shame on you.

Flying Sheep & Dodgy Deals: The NZ Government Paid $11 Million In Taxpayer Funded
Hush Money To An Influential Saudi Businessman To Prevent A Possible Lawsuit
June 5 2015 | From: Actionstation

The Government paid $11 million in taxpayer funded hush money to an influential Saudi
businessman to prevent a possible lawsuit over a false promise the National Party made to the
businessman before they were in Government.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Murray McCully, has been caught paying what looks very much like a bribe to a Saudi
businessman called Hamood Al-Ali Al-Khalaf whose live sheep exporting business was damaged by this countrys
ban on such exports back in 2003.

This demands a serious investigation by the Auditor-General to get to the bottom of what looks very much like a

Sign and share to demand an investigation into why $11 million was paid by the Minister to a Saudi businessman.

When the Labour-led government first banned the live exports of sheep, Al Khalaf allegedly contacted the National Party to
express his opposition to the change. The National Party then made a promise to Al Khalaf that once they were in
Government they would reverse the ban on live exports.

When National won the election in 2008, Al Khalaf is said to have invested tens of millions of dollars in New Zealand
farmland and a ship that could transport sheep to Saudi Arabia.

But National didnt change the law.

Using Cabinet papers obtained under the Official Information Act, NBRs Jamie Ball raised a number of questions about
whether proper processes had been followed. He has also uncovered evidence that appears to confirm that the deal
making has been carried out in order to advance negotiations for a trade deal with the Gulf states. [2]

As part of the deal the Minister even flouted NZ law and had 1000 live sheep flown over to the Middle East.

Only the Auditor-General can get to the bottom of this deal with a full investigation to work out how the Minister can
justify this highly unorthodox use of taxpayer money.

The Minister seems to be taking taxpayer money, giving it wholesale to private business in Saudi Arabia in order to smooth
the way for a trade deal. If this is completely true it sets a dangerous precedent for international business.

Ironically, Parliament has just passed the second reading of the Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Legislation Bill [4]. The
legislation includes new measures Making both fines and imprisonment available as sanctions for the offence of foreign

Sign now and tell everyone that we need a full investigation into this dodgy deal.

Click here for further reading in this topic.

Denmark The First Country To Ban Cash
June 5 2015 | From: Pravda

In the last few weeks there has emerged a great deal of chatter in both the alternative and
mainstream media about efforts to reduce the use of cash or ban it altogether - from many different
sources and countries. Denmark looks to be the first to ban cash.

The government has already declared it as part of cost-saving measures. It is directed at taxes securing and
preventing banks from complete collapse that is possible due to bank runs.

People should be ready that they won't be able to pay in cash in stores, restaurants and petrol stations within the
territory of the country in the near future. There will be also considered some measures in order to prevent the capital flight
from other countries. Otherwise, there may be a major capital disturbance unless all nations abolish cash simultaneously.

This appears to be the big issue that is likely to unfold with the ECM turning point at the end of September 2015.

Pravda.Ru has already reported on the economic totalitarian regime that will lead to the total control of money by the
state. No ability to buy or sell anything without government approval will be provided.

Freedom of movement and travel will be restricted in Rome, if you owe money to the state.

The USA has already introduced passport revocation practice in case you owe the government more than $50,000.


Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Read more on the subject here

Rule By The Corporations - Paul Craig Roberts
June 5 2015 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

"Free Trade" Agreements = The Corporate Empowerment Act. The Transatlantic and Transpacific
Trade and Investment Partnerships have nothing to do with free trade. Free trade is used as a
disguise to hide the power these agreements give to corporations to use law suits to overturn
sovereign laws of nations that regulate pollution, food safety, GMOs, and minimum wages.

The first thing to understand is that these so-called partnerships are not laws written by Congress. The US
Constitution gives Congress the authority to legislate, but these laws are being written without the participation of
Congress. The laws are being written by corporations solely in the interest of their power and profit. The office of
US Trade Representative was created in order to permit corporations to write law that serves only their interests.
This fraud on the Constitution and the people is covered up by calling trade laws treaties.

Related: Secret TISA Trade Deal Plans Exposed

Indeed, Congress is not even permitted to know what is in the laws and is limited to the ability to accept or refuse what is
handed to Congress for a vote. Normally, Congress accepts, because so much work has been done and free trade will
benefit us all.
The presstitutes have diverted attention from the content of the laws to fast track. When Congress votes fast track, it
means Congress accepts that corporations can write the trade laws without the participation of Congress. Even criticisms of
the partnerships are a smoke screen.

Countries accused of slave labor could be excluded but wont be. Super patriots complain that US sovereignty is violated by
foreign interests, but US sovereignty is violated by US corporations. Others claim yet more US jobs will be offshored. In
actual fact, the partnerships are unnecessary to advance the loss of American jobs as there is nothing that inhibits jobs
offshoring now.

What the partnerships do is to make private corporations immune to the laws of sovereign countries on the grounds that
laws of countries adversely impact corporate profits and constitute restraint of trade.

For example, under the Transatlantic Partnership, French laws against GMOs would be overturned as restraints on trade
by law suits filed by Monsanto.

Countries that require testing of imported food, such as pork for trichnosis, and fumigation would be subject to lawsuits from
corporations, because these regulations increase the cost of imports.

Countries that do not provide monopoly protection for brand name pharmaceuticals and chemical products, and allow
generics in their place, can be sued for damages by corporations.

Obama himself has no input into the process. Here is what is going on: The Trade Representative is a corporate stooge. He
serves the private corporations and will go on to a million dollar annual salary. The corporations have bribed the political
leaders in every country to sign away their sovereignty and the general welfare of their people to private corporations.

Corporations have paid US senators large sums for transferring Congress law-making powers to corporations.When these
partnerships pass, no country that signed will have any legislative authority to legislate or enforce any law that any
corporation regards as inimical to its bottom line.

Yes, the great promiser of change is bringing change. He is turning Asia, Europe, and the US over to rule by the

Only those who have sold their integrity for money sign these agreements. Apparently Merkel, a Washington vassal, is one
of them.

According to news reports, both of Frances main political parties have sold out to the corporations, but not Marine Le Pens
National Front Party. In the last EU elections, the dissident parties, such as Le Pen and Farages, prevailed over the
traditional parties, but the dissidents are yet to prevail in their own countries.

Marine Le Pen objects to the secrecy of the agreements that establishes corporate rule. As Europes only leader, she

It is vital that the French people know about TTIPs content and its motivations in order to be able to fight it.

Because our fellow countrymen must have the choice of their future, because they should impose a model for
society that suits them, and not one forced by multinational companies eager for profits, Brussels technocrats
bought by the lobbies, and politicians from the UMP [party of former president Nicolas Sarkozy] who are
subservient to these technocrats.

It is vital that the American public also know, but not even Congress is permitted to know.

How does it work, this freedom and democracy that we Americans allegedly have, when neither the people nor their
elected representatives are permitted to participate in the making of laws that enable private corporations to negate the law-
making functions of governments and place corporate profit above the general welfare?
What Is The Real Agenda Behind John Key's Drive To Change The New Zealand Flag:
Due Authority - A Very Silent Coup?
May 30 2015 | From: PostmanProductions

TPPA - Flags & The Assassination of the New Zealand Democracy. Fly the Red Blue White and Say
No to Prince John and the TPPA!

God of Nations at Thy feet, In the bonds of love we meet, God defend our free land. Hear our voices, we entreat, Guard Pacifics triple star From the
shafts of strife and war, Make her praises heard afar, God defend New Zealand

The current NZ Prime Minister has been asked (as have previous Prime Ministers) to remove the New Zealand flag
and replace it with their [the cabal's] own made up constitution. This would also take out the treaty as it would not
be recognised at all; and place corrupt Maori in the driver's seat with the cabal to prevent another land war.

What is not understood, because of the amount of infighting and mixed agendas within Maoridom is that they have
the tools in their hands to unpick the control of the British Empire / Cabal / Illuminati / Khazarian Zionists in New

The Cabal are very well aware of this and have killed people in New Zealand to try to stop it - because they know
that if their control is destroyed in New Zealand, the same process can be repeated WORLDWIDE.

The nature of heraldry dates back to feudal times when the flags where not just things you waved but a coat of arms stated
to whom you pledged allegiance to.

It showed what your rank was, entrenched your legal status from what power or Due authority your knight exercised his
rights and privileges, the Crown or the State. One of the frustrating things about the change being made to the NZ flag is that
no one has considered that change of heraldry and how it impacts on the very notion of DUE AUTHORITY.

As a graduate of both political science and history the flag issue has been gnawing away in my head for months. I knew that
the change had major legislation consequences but I could not put my finger on what the con being waged was exactly.

It was only when I went back and began to research what exactly was the aim of heraldry and of what it importance was to
the legislative nature of the states authority, that I came across the term DUE AUTHORITY which I recognised immediately.
It was at this point the penny clicked on just how dangerous any change to our flag is DUE AUTHORITY in a nation like NZ
is represented on the NZ flag by the Union Jack and signifies that we are a constitutional monarchy.

The point is underscored in the beehive sanctioned article New Zealands constitution past, present and future.

From the document on the link above:

Links and institutions inherited from the United Kingdom remain; some are core" to our current
system of government:
10.1 The Queen as head of state of New Zealand;

10.2 New Zealands status as a Realm, including the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau and the Ross Dependency;

10.3 Appointment of the Governor-General by the Queen;


12.4 The appearance of the Queen on New Zealand notes and coins; and

12.5 God save the Queen as one of New Zealands anthems.

13 These links could be reformed without changing New Zealands constitution in any fundamental way.

They are, however, important in reinforcing New Zealands national identity as a constitutional monarchy. For this reason,
any change to these links may evoke strong feelings in the community.

It is important to note that a constitution is not at end in itself it is simply the means by which a nation state is structured
and ordered.

Constitutional arrangements reflect a nations sense of identity.

For that reason, a change to any of the elements listed in paragraphs 10 and 12 above whether the change is large or
small is likely to require a lot of time, public involvement, education and discussion.

DUE AUTHORITY: Take off the Union Jack we remove the protection of monarch constitutional
system and the bill of rights and open our selves wide to the slavery of the TPPA.

A change of flag means not only that we have taken a major step to removing the DUE AUTHORITY of the crown. It also
means we take away the very power which enforces both the 1981 Bill of Rights Act (the closest thing NZ has to an
entrenched Constitution) and the founding plank upon which the Treaty of Waitangi has meaning.

It does not matter if your pro or anti monarchy but if you take away the DUE AUTHORITY of law (which includes our flag)
you then open the gates of hell, or to be precise the means in which John Key can legally sign the TPPA (Trans Pacific
Partnership Agreement). Currently if the matter was taken to court it would undoubtedly end up at the Supreme Court.

The Privy Council is our former chief court and unlike the new US-styled NZ supreme Court, has its legal interpretation
interpreted by Judges that are picked by the Law Lords of the Common Wealth.

In the new system those Judges are picked by parliament uh oh.

At the moment it is likely that a legal challenge could be mounted against the TPPA, even if John does sign it, even
with the Supreme Court Change, in that it breaches the 1981 Bill of Rights and the Crowns' obligation to Iwi as set
out in the Treaty of Waitangi.

However if the DUE AUTHORITY of the State can be removed then the TPPA can not only be signed but it then means that
once signed the DUE AUTHORITY of the TPPA would superseded the power of any NZ laws already in place. Such as the
1981 Bill of Rights etc.

This and the specific appoint of the 12 New Zealanders appointed as members of the Flag Consideration Panel who
will engage the public about a possible new New Zealand flag, all indicate that the flag change has a very sinister
element behind it.
John Key is effectively saying;

"Changing the flag is a constitutional matter that needs to be taken to the people".

"Whereas signing the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement has nothing to do with the people..."

The Flag Consideration Panel will be chaired by former deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Canterbury
Emeritus Professor John Burrows, ONZM, QC of Christchurch who was co-chair of the constitutional Advisory Panel
along with Sir Tipene ORegan, former Chairman of Nga Tahu and controversial ex mayor Peter Chin.

Emeritus Professor John Burrows, ONZM, QC

Former deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Canterbury Emeritus Professor John Burrows, ONZM, QC of
In a decidedly right wing leading body. The other 10 members are:

Lt Gen (Rtd) Rhys Jones, CNZM

Former Chief of NZ Defence Force.

Chris Trotter note how Jones also sit on the panel of John Keys Free thinkers which Key has drawn around him to act as
his personal advisers. Jones dedication to democracy is also underscored by his mishandling of Jon Stephenson who was
spied on for daring report the truth of NZ involvement in Afghanistan - a job which had NZDF writing manuals classifying
Investigative Journalists as subversives.
Related: Risk and Resilience: Introducing John Keys Free Thinkers

Nicky Bell
CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi NZ & board director, Auckland.

Bell is a Professional spin doctor.

Julie Christie, ONZM
Director of Julie Christie Inc. and board member, Auckland.

Christie also known as The Bitch of Broadcasting is famed as the creator of reality TV (and if that does not inspire you with
confidence) and is another professional spin doctor.

Ms Christie hit the new in the 1990s after verbally abusing Bill Ralston after a television crew pursued her and Ellis around
the TVNZ building last week after Ellis drug bust.

Her other close associates include entertainer legal Karen Soich famed of the Mr. Asia Heroin drug ring and the late Neil
Roberts, the CEO of TVNZ - who avoided jail despite being busted on the Auckland Harbour Bridge with a kilogram of

Peter Chin, CNZM

Former Mayor of Dunedin, director and trustee, Dunedin
Chin whose nick name in Dunedin is corruptchin pushed through the $400 million Dunedin Stadium as wanted by investors
(who sold the land for the Stadium to the council at 600% above government valuation) the Farry Family and Casino
Magnate Earl Hagerman.

At the time Chin was the Commissioner of Gambling. So he was in breach of his charter to never put himself in a position
where he could be accused of a conflict of interest. He was also a paid employee of Webb & Farry during his entire tenure as
Mayor of Dunedin.

At the 43rd Otago University School of Foreign Policy, on people power, China gave the key note speech in which he

I think public participation in the political process is sometime undesirable as it allows the silent majority to be
drowned out by the disgruntled and those with an grudge to bear.

So he is a communist?

Chin, who is known to have ambitions of making NZs top judges, maybe even the first of Key desired supreme court, has
also being appointed to ensure public participation on constitutional amendment [?!] - to make as the government
clearly wish; to become a republic which gives the TPPA more power than a constitutional monarchy built upon the Magna

Related: Radical forces plan to replace our constitution

Hana ORegan
Academic, Maori Flag Consideration Panel members announced studies and te reo Maori, Christchurch.
Her father Tipine ORegan sits on the same Constitutional amendment chair as Chin, is a senior Nga Tahu chief and can be
pretty much be anticipated to direct any ideas towards the interest of Ngai Tahu - an iwi which seems quite happy to run
rough shod over the interest of its lesser hapu to insure the new aristocracy get their silk boxer shirts.

Rod Drury
CEO of Xero and technology entrepreneur, Havelock North
Drury is of Ngai Tahu, he is vehemently anti-Greens and anti-Mana (he is also a violent opponent of Kimdotcom) and a pure
National zealot all the way. His position regarding National is recorded in the Northland paper the Standard where he is
quoted as saying of National:

What Id like to see is the Government have another term because theyve had two terms where they got the debt sorted

No bias there Yeah Right.

Related: Influentials: Fixers, lobbyists and networkers

Malcolm Mulholland

Academic and flag historian, Palmerston North

Also of Ngai Tahu that the panel is distinctly absent of any other major iwi, asides from Ngai Tahu, is proof of the dirty deal
unfolding between the tribe who made it way up the food chain massacring smaller tribes with European muskets and
European boats. Today they have swapped musket for pen but the principal remains the same.

The board also includes light weight sport heroes Beatrice Faumuina, ONZM Olympian, Commonwealth gold medalist an
All Black Sir Brian Lochore and people with no real political nouse such as youth Stephen Jones an Invercargill Youth
Councillor and Kate de Goldi a childrens author.

These are the people who will shape the DUE AUTHORITY of the new flag - shape it so it serves those who gain to
benefit from NZ signing the TPPA.

A treaty which will allow multinationals to poison our waters, risk our workers safety, rip up our race relations, in a
treaty which once singed will supersede all NZ laws and our rights. A treaty which will be entrenched whose due
authority will never be able to be removed by any legal means or public protest once signed.

Say good bye Magna Carta say hello to Neo feudalism as it heralds under, the DUE AUTHORITY of Prince John and
his hand picked henchmen, an age of corporate slavery which the blue background, four stars, an union jack, has
never being associated with.

Former Governor Of The Bank Of England Says Banking Fraud Is Threat To

May 21 2015 | From: PublicCreditOrBust

This document contains perhaps no greater insight of the international private banking pyramid
scam crime ring from perhaps no higher authority.
Former Governor of the Bank of England - Vincent C Vickers - ran the loan book for a global elite for a decade
before coming out against it until the day he died.

The document titled - Economic Tribulation - he wrote in 1939 outlines how the senior elements of private banking had made
record profits from the finance, military, industrial complex of World War 1 and the dangers to humanity if it were to continue.
I am puzzled at the lack of interest when compared to similar articles of evidence I have posted?

I am wondering if it is because the first 4 chapters are a bit heavy for all but the serious students of the history of money and
suggest that others might find it more palatable by reading first the note + forward then start reading from:

Chapter V Democracy or Financial Dictatorship

The full document may be read online here.

This document was published in 1941 - How many lives could have been saved if the warnings and solutions of this man had
got the attention they deserved?

Vincent Cartwright Vickers

"He was a Deputy Lieutenant of the City of London, a director of Vickers, Limited, for twenty-two years, and a director of the
London Assurance from which he resigned in January 1939. In 1910 he was made a governor of the Bank of England, and
resigned this appointment in 1919. Later, he became President of the Economic Reform Club and Institute.
I therefore decided to take the unprecedented course of offering to my readers my own qualifications for putting down before
the British people the very precarious condition of our monetary system as it exists in this country to-day; that this our money
system forms the most important part of our, economic system, and that the nations economic system forms part of our
social system.

Let us acknowledge the truth. Humanity is not suffering from unavoidable circumstances over which it has no control, but
from the results of deliberate and dishonest actions of its own creation and invention.

Fundamental laws, originally designed for the common welfare of the individuals of a community, have been broken
community laws which were never intended to permit the individual to grow fat upon the poverty of others; nor to permit him,
in pursuit of his own personal profit, to base his standard of honesty upon his own flexible conscience, consoling himself with
gratitude that he is within the law.

Nevertheless, just as man has brought, upon himself, or has permitted, this world tribulation, so can he play his part in
undoing the harm that has been done. But how is this possible? How can the ordinary individual change the world?

Shall the man in the street become an expert economist, or

a banker, or a cabinet minister and control the press and
public opinion?

How otherwise can he assist in the regulation of mankind?

What is meant by lack of economic equilibrium, sound

finance, stability of foreign exchanges, currency
restrictions, the creation of credit, the inverted pyramid of
credit, and a host of other such phrases?

They smell of long study, special technical ability, and great

learning. Surely, then, it is commonly felt, it is better that
ordinary individuals should leave economics to the
economists, finance to the bankers, and national policy to
the politicians?

But, alas, that is exactly what we have for too long been
doing. Look at the result! The experts have hopelessly
failed. What is needed is a little less economics and a little
more common sense.

Although it is the money system which is to be accused of

dishonesty, those who use and depend upon a dishonest
system, knowing that system to be dishonest, cannot
themselves be regarded as honest men.

Moreover, it may be that the present system, which international finance has forced our democratic government to adopt,
uphold, and protect by every possible means, has undermined the character of the people and forced them to alter their
definition of the word honesty so that it may be made to comply more nearly with modern practice.

No greater threat to humanity and the progress of civilisation can be conceived than the general spread of the Hitler regime
of brute force. To crush out that regime for all time even if it stood alone as our sole war aim, would seem enough in itself
without the necessity of searching for other objectives.
Although we recognise how serious and how immense is the task that we have undertaken, the vast majority of us gain
added strength from the knowledge that righteousness and justice are on our side. The nation has reached a state of
preparedness, both mentally and physically, both for offence and defence, which will render the sacrifices and hardships and
swift calamities that we must inevitably endure powerless to divert it from the set course which it has determined to pursue to
the end.

Yet even then, even when this first great objective shall have been gained, our labours will by no means be over. There is
still a long way to go before we can begin to contemplate that promised land of peace and justice for mankind which no
destructive war can ever of itself attain, and there remains vital work of preparation and reconstruction at home which cannot
be neglected or delayed.

Unless we can contrive to design and establish an improved and reformed financial system, which is the first essential
towards a new and better economy in our own country, no satisfactory outcome of the war is possible; for where there is still
widespread injustice and discontent there can be no ending to that war, unless it be a tangle of internal revolts and

How can we presume to hold up our own social System as a pattern for other nations to follow, whilst it breeds selfishness,
unrest, and dishonest competition amongst our own people, and whilst it is dominated by a decadent financial system in
which we possess an ever-diminishing confidence and which is not even under the unbiased control or management of
Government chosen by the will of the people?

How can we hold out to the German people or to the world, the promise of justice under a new and better economic system
that will eliminate poverty, malnutrition, and unemployment, whilst no such system exists, and whilst our own system is still
permeated with these same evils?

On the other hand it is unthinkable that we should pretend to ourselves that we can, first of all, and by the successes of our
arms, create in Germany an economic vacuum and, having done so, compel her to adopt a money lending system of
international finance, designed for the benefit of international financiers who will become more and more anxious to preserve
their monopoly and their immunity from governmental control.

Are we now fighting to uphold freedom and democracy, or are we fighting to uphold and strengthen the dictatorship of
international finance?

The Direction of Future Policy

State control and State issue of currency and credit through a central organisation managed and controlled by the State -
Stabilisation of the wholesale price level of commodities.

That is to say, a fixed and constant internal purchasing power of money; so that a pound will buy tomorrow what it bought
yesterday; an honest pound, not a fluctuating pound.

And this can be done by so issuing and regulating the volume of available credit and currency that it shall at all times be
adequate to permit of the purchasing power of the consumer being equated with the volume of production; not by limiting the
purchasing power, but by firstly increasing purchasing power more in proportion to the productive capacity of industry.

Any additional supply of money should be issued as a clear asset to the State; so that money will be spent into existence,
and not lent into existence.

The abolition of the Debt System where all credit is created by the banks and hired out at interest to the country."

Watchdog Starts Second Spy Probe / Spy Review Hobbled Before It Begins
May 21 2015 | From: NewZealandHerald / DominionPost

Herald story triggers look at agencys role in ministers bid for top world trade job +
Is it a whitewash from the outset?

A new inquiry into NZ's electronic surveillance service is being started as the country's intelligence watchdog tries
to find out if it makes good decisions about who to spy on, and how it stays politically neutral.

The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, Cheryl Gwyn, linked the inquiry to claims the Government
Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) spied on foreign diplomats competing against Trade Minister Tim Groser to lead
the World Trade Organisation.
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Cheryl Gwyn

But she said it was unlikely she would be able to probe the allegations. Instead, she said, the inquiry would study the way
the GCSB chose its targets, what its decision-making process was and how it stuck to its duty to be neutral in cases where
there might be political advantage.

The Groser claims were among a string of stories broken by the Herald in a collaborative reporting project with investigative
journalist Nicky Hager and The Intercept, the US news site with access to the trove of secret documents obtained by
intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Tim Groser

It is the second inquiry to be started after the Herald published stories based on top-secret GCSB and National Security
Agency documents. The first inquiry was into New Zealand spying in the Pacific.

Ms Gwyn said the new inquiry was instigated by her office;

"I consider the issues raised about the process followed when the GCSB considers undertaking particular
intelligence activity are of sufficient public importance to warrant an own-motion inquiry.

"While it is unlikely I will be able to publicly confirm or deny the specific allegations relating to this process, I can
inquire more generally into how the GCSB determines, within its statutory constraints, what intelligence activity to
undertake and what policies and procedures are in place to regulate its activities."

Ms Gwyn said the inquiry would study how the GCSB established whether a proposed spying job fitted its legal role and
New Zealand's needs.

It would also look at the GCSB analysis of benefits and risks, and how it handled situations in which there could be
perceptions of political advantage.

It would also consider how the GCSB kept its minister informed in situations where there was a "potentially contested
assessment" of the justification for the spying.

The Herald reported that the GCSB set up search filters to extract online references to those competing from other
countries for the WTO job.
Criticism was voiced after the story appeared over how this served New Zealand's interests as the WTO job is meant to
be administrative and neutral.

Editorial: Spy Review Hobbled Before It Begins?

The new committee carrying out a wide-ranging review of intelligence oversight is not equipped for
the task.

Sir Michael Cullen is part of the committee carrying out a review of intelligence oversight

Sir Michael Cullen served while an MP on the Intelligence and Security committee, a toothless watchdog which
meets for only a few hours a year and has no power to hold the spies or their political masters to account.

This committee is a constitutional monstrosity: it meets at the pleasure of the prime minister and he controls it. It is not a
select committee that can test the executive.

Cullen showed no inclination to question the role of the committee. He was, it seems, perfectly happy to serve on a
hollow and useless institution.

The Labour Party, in fact, [also] has in general been uninterested in reform of the spy services and their oversight.

The appointment of Dame Patsy Reddy as the other inquirer is even stranger. Reddy is a lawyer and businesswoman who
serves on many boards. She has no experience in the field of intelligence. She might, perhaps, have been a useful lay
member of a larger inquiry.

She certainly does not have the firepower to be one of only two investigators.
Dame Patsy Reddy, DNZM with the Governor-General of New Zealand, Lt Gen The Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae

Intelligence pundit Paul Buchanan says the committee needs truly independent members, preferably from overseas, and far
more than two.

He is right. This matters a great deal, because there have been successive scandals in the spy services and the public is in
desperate need of reassurance about the democratic accountability of those services. They won't get it from this committee.

It is true that the Inspector-General of Security, Cheryl Gwyn, has shown a genuine independence in her inquiries. Her
investigation of the spies' role in the Phil Goff affair was truly damning.
Phil Goff

She has also rightly launched an inquiry into the scandalous revelation that the GCSB spied on the overseas rivals
of Trade Minister Tim Groser in his failed bid to head the World Trade Organisation.

But the inspector can't do an independent investigation of the role of the politicians who appointed her and whom she
serves. For that, another agency is needed.

The best approach, as former prime minister Geoffrey Palmer has argued, is to set up a parliamentary select committee,
similar to the congressional oversight committees in the United States.
Former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer

For too long the spies have used the mystery of their profession to avoid proper democratic oversight. The various abuses
uncovered by Edward Snowden should have shattered this mystique forever. The spies have enormous powers and their
oversight has been lamentable.

Edward Snowden

Prime Minister John Key has dismissed Snowden's revelations as "just wrong".
All the evidence suggests that Snowden is right.

But Key's response in these matters is typically mere bluster, and so is Chris Finlayson's.

Chris Finlayson

The Minister in charge of the SIS and the GCSB responded to questions on radio in his usual waspish and unpleasant way.

Clearly Key and Finlayson won't hold the spies to account.

So somebody else needs to do it.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Is It The Death Of Democracy And The Birth
Of Corporatocracy?
May 19 2015 | From: Peter Drew - Independent Journalist

On May 16th the US Senate reversed their decision of two days prior and voted by a margin of 65-
33 to allow President Obama and the trans-national corporations to fast-track the authorisation of
the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the 12 nation trade deal between the US and Pacific Ring
partners, including New Zealand and Australia.
This highly controversial outcome in the US Senate may end up being one of the most significant votes in the
history of New Zealand and Australia. It may well be the beginning of an inevitable and unstoppable process of
global change where democracy, national governments, and national sovereignty become a quaint thing of the past
and the world moves headlong into a new world order of corporatocracy.

What is corporatocracy? It probably isnt even a real word yet. But perhaps the Oxford Dictionary needs to get it into its next
edition, with a definition something like this;

Corporatocracy: A global political system instigated in the early 21st century whereby the maximising of corporate
profit becomes the determining factor for all laws and human rights, even superseding those laws of the elected
national governments, and superseding the human rights of the people of those nations.

Does that sound impossible in New Zealand and Australia, in these bastions of freedom and democracy? The current TPP
process is literally the attempted birth of the above definition or corporatocracy.

How else could you describe it when the various governments involved in the TPP negotiations are being asked to authorise
the biggest trade agreement/legislation in global history and yet the MPs of the governments and the people of those
nations arent even allowed to know the content of that legislation.

The trans-national corporations have written the legislation and our governments are asked to authorise it, but arent allowed
to know what is in the legislation. Quite an incredible situation, and one that certainly fits our new definition of

Democratic governments around the world are already hugely influenced by the power of big corporations. We all know that.
But there is at least an illusion of governments still being somewhat in the drivers seat and making decisions.

If the New Zealand and Australian governments actually go ahead and authorise the TPP without even being allowed to
know exactly what is in the legislation, and without also sharing it with the public, then even the illusion of democratic
government of the people will be gone completely.

The world and the human race are at a crossroads right now, and what happens with the TPP may very well be the
determining factor as to which path the human race takes. In the medium to long term, the path of corporatocracy can have
only one possible outcome.

Destruction of the environment and destruction of the only home that we have to live on.
The corporatocracy pyramid - click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

That is a mathematical certainty because corporate growth and increasing profit can only ever be finite, and will
always be at the expense of the environment. We live on a finite planet, with finite resources. So with corporatocracy it
can only ever be a matter of how long before the cancer kills the patient.

What is now known about the TPP has only come to light through WikiLeaks, not by any disclosures to our governments by
the corporate architects of the TPP. So why are the architects of the TPP agreement so desperate to be so secretive?

What is now known about the TPP is that there will be a new international judgement panel formed where TPP disputes will
be resolved. This is not a judgement panel made up by the 12 participating nations. It is a panel formed independently by the
trans-national corporations involved in the TPP.

The TPP allows the trans-national corporations to sue the government of a nation if that government implements laws which
are deemed to be counterproductive to the profits of the corporations involved.

The outcome of that legal action against the government would then be determined by the TPP international judgement
panel. So the judicial systems of the 12 participating nations will be completely side stepped.

The specific environmental elements of the TPP legislation are of particular concern. Lets have a look at a working example
of how this could potentially impact New Zealand, a nation that has built an international image on a supposedly clean,
green, and pure scenic beauty.

Global oil companies such as Anadarko have spent the last few years trawling the New Zealand oceans and land
in search of significant oil fields. Lets say for example that an oil company identified a huge untapped oil field
directly beneath Milford Sound.

That company could make a request to the New Zealand government to set up and drill Milford Sound.

The New Zealand government would quite rightly inform the oil company that New Zealands environmental
protection laws do not allow for this, and that the New Zealand people would certainly not agree to this.

The oil company could then sue the New Zealand government for perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars of lost
The judgement on that legal action will not be heard by the New Zealand judicial system which is accountable to the
New Zealand people, in theory anyway.

It will instead be heard by the TPP international judgement panel.

If that panel decides that the laws of the New Zealand government have resulted in a loss of potential profit to the
oil company then the law suit can be upheld and the New Zealand government sued for potentially hundreds of
billions of dollars.

Essentially New Zealand law will be totally at the mercy of the corporations through the TPP.

This is perhaps a rather extreme example of the TPP in action, but we are already seeing this kind of thing happening with
the corporate led process of fracking whereby many governments around the world, including New Zealand and
Australia, are prepared to allow our liveable environment and our fresh water drinking reserves to be destroyed
literally from under our feet, all in the name of corporate profit for the gas companies.
At the moment there is at least still some kind of legal recourse against the fracking industry. But not under the TPP. So this
clearly demonstrates just how important the TPP will be and how it completely changes the entire fabric of our society.

What if a cigarette company decides that anti-smoking legislation is negatively impacting their profits?

What if laws allowing cheap, natural, herbal remedies were deemed to be counterproductive to the profits of the
big pharmaceutical drug companies?

Welcome to the world of the TPP and corporatocracy.

No wonder President Obama and his TPP associates have been so desperate to prevent our governments and the public
from knowing any detailed content and implications of the TPP, and why they have been so desperate to fast-track this
through the US Senate to allow for minimal scrutiny and challenge.

But it doesnt have to be like this.

The human race is at a cross roads, not a one way motorway to hell. We have a choice, and we can still make a collective
decision to take a different path that is more aligned with the good of the people and the planet. New Zealand has a proud
history of standing up to international intimidation and doing what is right, no matter what the risk, and no matter what the

New Zealand and Australia just recognised the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli where both countries lost a significant
percentage of their entire population.

Those who sacrificed their lives died at least in the belief that they were fighting for the freedom and future sovereignty of
their country.

In the 1980s New Zealand stood out like a beacon to the rest of the world when we refused to bow down to the international
terrorist attack on the Rainbow Warrior, and when we defiantly sent the US nuclear warships packing from our waters
despite the impact on the ANZUS agreement.
The Rainbow Warrior was a former fishing trawler Sir William Hardy, acquired by Greenpeace in 1978 and sunk in a state-sanctioned terrorist attack
by the French intelligence service in Wellington, New Zealand 1985

The New Zealand psyche and our history is defined by standing up to the world on these issues and saying no, because we
believe it is the right thing to do.

This trait seems to be in our DNA. That is the New Zealand way, and right now, perhaps more so than ever before in our
history, that attitude, conscience, and action needs to be found once again. Not just by the New Zealand public, but by our
MPs and by our media.

A line needs to be drawn in the sand somewhere. If that line is not drawn for the TPP, then our country and our
future freedom and sovereignty is at great risk.

So, with the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli still fresh in our minds, perhaps now is the time in New Zealand and Australia for
the 21st century ANZACs (Australians & New Zealanders Against Corporatocracy) to stand up and fight for our countries
and say no to the TPP and corporatocracy.

The Two-Faced John Key And The Hapless Andrew Little

May 19 2015 | From: Converge

Poor John Key. It must be hard for a Prime Minister to keep up a far-fetched faade for as long as
John Key has in denying GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau) involvement in
mass surveillance of New Zealanders.
Confusing and confounding the public with smelly red herrings is a normal part of his job but when Key has to
explain again and again, because his previous dishonesty has been exposed and new obfuscations are needed, it
gets tedious and frustrating.

In the face of incontrovertible evidence that the GCSB conducts mass surveillance of our Pacific neighbours and sends the
unprocessed data direct to the US National Security Agency (NSA) the Prime Minister was properly rattled. He offered no
counter argument or evidence but instead delivered strident attacks on the messengers Nicky Hager in particular who
were exposing his various fabrications.

Faced with calls for his resignation because hed previously said hed resign if claims of mass surveillance by the GCSB
were proven Key then created another. Its not mass surveillance says Key its mass collection of data! Like a burglar
who says its not theft its relieving people of burdensome property, Key is a two-faced manipulator of language.

You have to respect his gall and the ability of the mainstream media to sell his line to the rest of us. In the normal course of
politics a Prime Minister would be held to account for such lies and dissembling but Key has two important factors on his

Media & Labour Key Allies On GCSB Spying

Firstly, the mainstream media have poo-poohed the latest revelations of mass surveillance of Pacific nations.

Wedded as they are to US-dominated global capitalism they say it tells us nothing we didnt already know and we should just
shrug our shoulders alongside John Key and move on.

Leave it to the GCSB and the NSA to keep us safe.

Yeah right! So aside from widely reporting the Prime Ministers incredulous bluff and bluster there has been little deeper
Secondly, and just as important to Keys position, is that Labour has precisely the same policy and Labour Leader Andrew
Littles comments have simply added to the smokescreen John Key is doing his best to create around this issue.

[ Notice how in all of the political parties noted here - the main contenders are always a blue party versus a red
party - they are two masks on the same face ]

In my lifetime the Labour Party has been as tightly wedded to unquestioned support for US global surveillance as National.

Even when the rift over access to New Zealand ports for US nuclear warships came to a head in the mid-1980s under
Labour, and the US directed heavy criticism of New Zealands position, the flow of surveillance information to the US
continued untroubled.
It was under a Labour government that the Waihopai mass surveillance spy base was commissioned to ensure the New
Zealand deep state kept up business as usual with the NSA.

So while Labour expresses muted concern at indiscriminate mass surveillance it has no policy alternative to National.

The best it would come up with during the 2014 election campaign was support for a security review to ensure the GCSB
was following the law. In other words: business as usual.

And after the latest revelations of mass spying on our Pacific neighbours Labour Leader Andrew Little was given a private
briefing by the GCSB and emerged to tell us that as a result he is more assured about the activities of the GCSB.

What a pathetic comment.

Later in 2015 the Government will conduct a security review of our intelligence agencies with Labour on board and we can
be absolutely assured the outcome will ensure the GCSB can continue to provide unfettered support for global mass
surveillance by the US.

We owe a huge debt to people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Katharine Gun and Nicky Hager*
who have exposed global mass surveillance and in whose interests it operates.

It is over to us as citizens to act on it.

*All of those names will be familiar to readers, except maybe Katharine Gun. See Bob Leonards review of The Spy Who
Tried To Stop A War: Katharine Gun And The Secret Plot To Sanction The Iraq Invasion, by Marcia and Thomas Mitchell,
in Peace Researcher 39, January 2010, Ed.

Have You Ever Felt Like The Government Doesnt Really Care What You Think?
May 12 2015 | From:RepresentUs

Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University)
looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government
represent the people?
Their study [which took place in the US but which is equally applicable to all other western countries] took data
from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law.

In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely
unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans has essentially no impact at all.

This video gives a quick rundown of their findings it all boils down to one simple graph:

Read more at: RepresentUs

Uprooted & Evicted: World Bank-Funded Projects Force Millions Off Their Land
April 24 2015 | From: RT

World Bank ventures in less developed countries are hurting the people the organization has
sworn to protect, with almost four million people across the globe left homeless, forcefully evicted
and relocated as a result of World Bank-funded projects

A probe by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which examined World Bank's records in
14 countries, discovered that some 3.4 million of the most vulnerable people were forced off their land in the last

The World Bank has regularly failed to live up to its own policies for protecting people harmed by projects it finances, ICIJ
states as one of its key findings.
The World Bank as well as the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which distributes the funds, have invested $455
billion in nearly 7,200 projects between 2004 and 2013 in the developing world, ICIJ says. More than 400 were confirmed to
have caused the permanent displacement of local communities, while another 550 may have made locals homeless.

An ICIJ analysis found that between 20 and 30 percent of all projects the bank funded from 2004 to 2013 were
deemed likely to cause resettlement, reports summary reads.

The World Bank finances thousands of projects ranging from major oil pipelines and dams to small schools and clinics. In
some countries the organization reportedly closed its eyes to numerous human rights violations. The ICIJ investigation was
surprised to discover that in some instances, the World Bank continued to fund projects in undemocratic states even after
evidence of abuses such as rape and torture emerged.

For instance in Ethiopia, former officials told journalists that the state used millions of dollars from health and education
projects to fund a violent campaign of mass evictions of local populations. Yet despite numerous complaints from human
rights groups and the indigenous Anuak population, the World Bank disputed claims that their money has been misused or

Kenyan forest conservation project using World Bank cash is claimed to be another example where funds were used to
chase locals out of their ancestral homes.

The 11-month-long ICIJ investigation revealed that most of forced resettlement cases appear to take place in Asia and
Africa. In Asia almost 3 million people were either left homeless or resettled, while in Africa that number stands at over

The organizations investment in China resulted in the resettlement of at least 1 million people, the investigation said.

In Vietnam alone some 1.2 million people were displaced during the construction of dams and power plants by the

Research has shown that millions of people have lost their livelihood and have been pushed into conditions of
poverty because of large hydro-electric dams, environmental and human rights activist and director of Right and
Ecology, Annie Bird, told RT.

It is an investment which has not resulted in furthering the mandate of the World Bank, which is eliminating

The full list of affected countries also include Albania, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Honduras, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya,
Kosovo, Nigeria, Peru, Serbia, South Sudan and Uganda.

From 2009 to 2013, the study found, World Bank Group lenders pumped $50 billion into projects graded highest risk for
their irreversible or unprecedented' social or environmental impact. That numbers, the authors estimate, is twice as much
as the previous five-year span.

ICIJ informed World Bank of their discoveries in March, warning of systemic gaps.

We took a hard look at ourselves on resettlement and what we found caused me deep concern, Jim Yong Kim,
the World Banks president, said in a statement at the time.
One is that we havent done a good enough job in overseeing projects involving resettlement.

The organization also compiled a five page action plan that it said would improve its programs.

We must and will do better, said David Theis, a World Bank spokesman, in response to the reporting teams questions.

As the largest contributor to the Wold Bank, the US government is largely to blame for the organizations shortcomings, Bird

The Bank could take measures to find alternatives for people who are losing their livelihoods to large infrastructure
projects, it has just never been prioritized, she says.

I think a lot of responsibility for that lies with the member nations, particularly with the United States government
which has the largest share and voting power in the World Bank and therefore sets an important part of the Banks
lending agenda.

Learn more about what the real agenda of the World Bank here.

Some Inconvenient Truths About Work

March 26 2015 | From: BryanBruce

On John Key's website you will find the following quote:"We know children growing up in a home
where at least one parent is working are better off. That's why we have such a strong focus on
reforming the welfare system, to support more parents to find work and move off welfare.
We want parents to help themselves rise out of poverty. The way to do this is through paid work. Our reforms
invest in the potential of New Zealanders to work, better their situation and set a good example for their kids." (
source )

It's a clear statement of his ideology so let's examine it.

"We know children growing up in a home where at least one parent is working are better off."

No we don't.

What we know, from one of the Ministry Of Social Development's own reports , is that 2 out of every 5 children in poverty
live in families with at least one adult in full-time work. ( Source: B Perry Household Incomes In New Zealand : Trends In
Indicators of Inequality And Hardship 2011)

Clearly work on it's own is not a solution to poverty because we have Working Poor - people who work all week and cannot
meet the cost of the rent, food, electricity, transport and all the rest of life's essentials. So to "help parents help
themselves rise out of poverty " as John Key puts it , you not only have to create jobs you have to pay realistic wages. Low
wages simply keep the Poor - poor.

Just how unrealistic and unfair wages are in New Zealand can be seen in the above graph.

It was supplied to me by Bill Rosenberg who is the Economist and Policy Director for The New Zealand Council Of Trade
Unions. Bill is one of the experts I consulted when making MIND THE GAP . He was patient with me as I struggled to
understand some aspects of our economic system and very generous with his knowledge. ( He has a B.Com in Economics,
a BSc in Mathematics and a PhD) .
The graph actually comes from a text book on the NZ Economy and tracks the real average hourly rate \ ( the yellow line)
against how much each of us is contributing the nations wealth - expressed as GDP percapita (the red line)

If you follow the two lines you will see that before 1984 (when we switched to Neo-liberal economics) workers received a far
greater share of the nation's wealth than today.

Using a second graph Bill explained to me that from 1990 to 2010 productivity rose 48% but the average wage rose only

So what neo-liberal economics has created (and what Treasury and John Key's government perpetuates) is a system that
increases profits for management , shareholders and business owners and lowered the wages of the workers (whose
labours helped create that profit) to the point where many bread winners cannot earn enough to meet their family's living

As for the last sentence in the John Key quote above:

"Our reforms invest in the potential of New Zealanders to work, better their situation and set a good example for
their kids."

The insinuation is that parents on welfare are there simply because they are lazy. This is certainly not true of the many
parents I have met who are struggling to get by. They want to work and most do, but there is a lack of jobs and those
jobs that do exist pay minimum wage ( which as comedian Chris Rock recently put it " Minimum wage means - I'd like to
pay you less but it's against the law.")

The other flaw in this ideology is that inference that the only valuable work is paid work.

Again not true.

A lot of the most important work done in our society involves no exchange of money. Parenting and bringing up the next
generation is a case in point.

To insist that a Mum stacks shelves in a supermarket to make a few dollars while someone else looks after her baby makes
absolutely no sense to me. We cannot build a "better future "for our country by short changing our children on the time, love
and attention of their Mums and Dads in the pre-school years.

In short, you cannot measure all human worth in dollars and cents - and we certainly cannot solve the problem of child
poverty by continuing with the poverty of mind and spirit that created it.

Analysis: The Questions The Government Must Answer About The Snowden
March 19 2015 | From: NewZealandHerald

Wrong, says the Prime Minister of the surveillance stories. But John Key won't say why. Don't
believe what you read in the newspaper, says the Foreign Minister of reports New Zealand was
spying on the Solomon Islands government.
Can we tell the public what the British public now know to be true about their own security agencies? asks David Fisher?

However, there's no benefit in having discussions about it through the media, says Murray McCully.

And those doing the spying at the Government Communications Security Bureau won't assist, saying it doesn't comment on
"operational" matters.

So, between the leaked top secret documents and the denials, how do we cut through to what's actually happening?

Broadly, the claim in relation to the GCSB is that it sucks up vast amounts of raw data from the Pacific which is then stored
with the United States' National Security Agency.

The data taken from the Pacific can be searched using a computer system called XKeyscore which is operated from access
points around the world including at Waihopei at the top of the South Island.

Is it true that there is bulk collection of people's data? And if so, is the information shared outside New Zealand?

The answer could be in the practices in some of the other countries with which we partner in the Five Eyes
intelligence grouping of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Five Eyes is a surveillance network with its roots in World War II, bound by a formal agreement called the UKUSA

For almost 70 years since then, it has seen the five countries cooperate on intelligence gathering and sharing.

There are many close similarities in the way the various bodies operate. The nations are close - we send staff to work with
them and likewise, their intelligence staff work out of New Zealand.

To operate effectively as a network, we have to cooperate effectively. Part of doing this is similar laws, methods and

So, when the UK's Intelligence and Security Committee released its report into its surveillance practices last Friday, there
was much in there which matches the allegations made here and gives credence to claims about how New Zealand
The UK inquiry, a historic event, followed the leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. It paid tribute to the close
links between the intelligence agencies and those abroad, stating:

"The (security) Agencies have long-standing intelligence-sharing agreements with many international partners."

It heard from the Government Communications Headquarters - it's partner to our GCSB - that "SIGINT (signals intelligence)
partners can receive intercepted material directly from each other".

The committee's report quoted GCHQ as saying "our default position is to make all our reported intelligence sharable with
our [Five-Eyes] partners".

Reported intelligence is that which has been developed beyond the raw feeds it has available but the report also covered the
sharing of "raw intercept", confirming that GCHQ did seek and receive such information from the NSA. It did so legally, and
did so without a warrant because on the occasions it did seek the raw data there was already a warrant in force.

On the issue of "raw intercept", the British committee signalled further safeguards would likely be needed.

The committee also found that metadata - what it called "who, when, where" information - was also provided by overseas
partners. This type of information included communications by email, land and mobile phones, social media communications
and other contacts between two or more points. In terms of value, this was considered greater than other means of

It would seem our partner agencies do both of the activities the GCSB is said to have done. That is, they provide information
between intelligence organisations, both fully formed "by default" and in its raw form. There is also metadata provided
between Five Eyes members.

There is sharing, but what then of the scale of the interceptions?

"Bulk collection" does occur, the British committee confirmed. It says while GCHQ has the capacity to intercept the
communications of individuals, it has to find those people first.

GCHQ needs to be able to conduct bulk collection "so that they can generate leads and obtain the information they
need to then target those individuals".

Using keywords for searching, the British GCHQ hunts across the internet stream searching for a match. Its report used the
analogy of hunting for a needle in a haystack with a magnet. The results are categorised, reduced again by algorithms and
search tools before producing a manageable list of material from which selections can be made to access actual

Bulk interception operates across a small percentage of those networks making up the internet, the committee was told.
Even though it collects "vast numbers of communications", the total accessed on a global scale was "a very small
percentage". It chose which to access based on the greatest likelihood of positive results. Yes, the tool could be turned
inwards and search for British citizens but GCHQ first needed authorisation from the UK Secretary of State.

That came with a complication, the committee found. The nature of the internet was such that communications involving
British people - protected as Kiwis are protected in relation to the GCSB - were often through offshore webservers and

Those communications would also be swept up. It questioned whether the British distinction of "internal" versus
"external" communications was still valid in the internet age.

The committee found bulk interception necessary, citing - as other US inquiries have been unable to - security threats which
would otherwise have been unknown.
But it also made "substantial recommendations for immediate improvements to the existing system of authorisation and
oversight". It also called for increased transparency, greater oversight and more protections for British citizens.

It seems then, that our partner agencies do engage in "bulk collection", of the sort described by former GCSB director Sir
Bruce Ferguson in his Radio New Zealand interview.

"You cannot these days just individually select people... you put out a big net, catch stuff, you throw out the stuff
you don't want ... and you keep the stuff you do want," he said.

The British committee also revealed for the first time by the committee that GCHQ and its sister agencies had acquired "bulk
personal datasets" of individuals - huge amounts of personal details about people which were subject to no oversight. The
report is silent on whether the datasets, gathered from commercial and government organisations, are shared with Five Eyes

On the type of collection, methods and scale, it is extremely likely we are walking in step with partners with which we have
shared intelligence aims and material for almost 70 years.

For us to do other than the British do - and the Americans - would create a level of dysfunction across a
collaborative network.

The British report- from a society and a committee not known for its openness - detailed the methods its agencies used and
gave the reasons why. It examined the safeguards and, in many areas, found they were lacking.

It also acknowledged there was "a legitimate public expectation of openness and transparency in today's society".
Intelligence agencies need secrecy, it said, but "the Government must make every effort to ensure that as much information
as possible is placed in the public domain".

New Zealand soon has its own review of the intelligence agencies, scheduled to begin before the middle of the year.

What a challenge for New Zealand. We, the smallest Five Eyes partner, have membership of the network through our history
as a former colony of the United Kingdom.

Can we produce an inquiry report at least as detailed as that released in the United Kingdom last Friday?

Can we tell the public what the British public now know to be true about their own security agencies?

And if not, why?

Prime Minister's Response To TPPA Protests 'Ignorant And Arrogant'

March 17 2015 | From: Yahoo

"The Prime Ministers response to yesterdays [March 7] mass protests against the Trans-Pacific
Partnership Agreement (TPPA) across 23 towns and cities was both ignorant and arrogant", says
Edward Miller, who coordinated the protests for Its Our Future network.
"First, Key says people are being misled over a deal, but he insists the details must remain secret. Then he says
people can trust him not to do anything bad for New Zealand, even though he wont tell them what hes doing."

Miller says:

"The Prime Minister is insulting ordinary Kiwis in communities across New Zealand. People instinctively distrust
secret deals. If the TPPAs really so good for us the Prime Minister needs to release the text now. He wont
because it isnt."

The evidence shows that Key is misleading people about what the deal means for New Zealand, according to Miller.

"There is nothing to suggest there will be real economic benefits to the country. But the leaked texts show that there
are real costs. More expensive medicines, special rights for foreign investors to sue the government, limits on
Internet freedom are all there", says Miller.

"Despite some truly horrendous weather in certain parts of the country, more than 10,000 people attended
yesterdays rallies around the country. New towns came on board and groups like Doctors for Healthy
Trade and medical students associations had a strong presence nationwide. That demonstrates how
incensed Kiwis are that these negotiations that affect their lives are continuing behind closed doors."
The [Cabal Controlled] American Empire Is A Threat To Every Nations Security
March 16 2015 | From: EmpireExposed

President Obama just declared Venezuela a threat to US national security, which is code word for
any smaller, less powerful nation possessing balls enough to thumb its nose at the Empire bully
America. The lie of accusing another sovereign nation as a threat to US national security like
clockwork is the first step toward levying economic sanctions. Cuba, Iran, Syria and Russia come
readily to mind.

This petty, tit for tat politics game comes only a week after Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro announced a
drastic downsizing of US Embassy employees and that tourist visas for any Americans traveling to his country
would be required, not exactly actions posing much of a threat" to America. In fact Maduro is exercising
remarkable restraint considering that Canada and the US attempted to overthrow the Venezuelan president on
Valentines Day last month. But with rejuvenated resolve and concerted focus the United States is once again intent
on bringing Maduro down.

Obama has been hypocritically playing the ethics card again, accusing the Maduro government of being corrupt and guilty of
egregious human rights violations, everything that the US is guilty of in spades. Again Obama can hardly take any higher
moral ground on human rights issues when he leads the nation that imprisons one quarter of the worlds prison
population despite comprising only 5% of the total global population.

Civil liberties are fast disappearing in the prison-industrial complex of America amidst an increasing hostile police state
where US law enforcements been steadily arming and militarizing to make war against its own citizens who risk death
from police bullets at a rate 55 times greater than from any so called terrorist and 100 times more likely to be killed by
police than citizens from any other industrialized nation.

Where half the current prison population is of the same race he is, Obama should be the last one to criticize any nation for its
human rights record when a stronger case can be argued that its the United States that is the worst human rights violator on
the planet. No other nation on earth has violated and destroyed more human lives and nations than US Empires killing

According to a study nearly a decade ago, the USA has accounted for an estimated 30 million deaths around the globe just
since World War II. With thousands more US inflicted casualties since that statistic was released, the murder capital of the
world with all its exceptionalism just keeps on killing. And no other nation on earth even remotely comes close to the dubious
distinction of being at war 93% of its time in existence.

Every single country in this world that in any way resists the Empires relentless onslaught to make it another indebted
globalist puppet state is targeted in its crosshairs.

While the neocon overthrow in Ukraine was unfolding last year, the double hat trick in-the-making to also remove from power
Venezuelas Maduro was barely being thwarted but successfully averted.

All the same subversive US tactics were being simultaneously deployed in both countries with different outcomes - pouring
unlimited cash into the nations (per Victoria Neuland $5 billion in Ukraine alone) through CIA and State Department NGOs,
inside false flag snipers murdering street protesters in order to blame government security forces, a steady feed of social
media lies and propaganda, and monetary manipulation through high inflation while creating acute food supply shortages.

It was close to a coup in Caracas but no cigar for the US neocon criminals last month or last year.

Similar to Syrias Bashir al Assad, Nicolas Maduros post- Chavez government has remained in power much to Empires
chagrin despite being permanently targeted for regime change. All the more reason a year later to hone in on twisting the
screws a little tighter on Venezuela.

With civil liberties and human rights declining across the boards globally, Venezuela has been the only nation close to
democracy with its own nationalized oil company. Up until his death two years ago, during his 14 years as head of state
despite a couple unsuccessful US sponsored coup attempts, Hugo Chavez brought significant economic and social progress
to his country.

Containing the worlds largest reserves of crude oil and owning the US company Citgo as its subsidiary, the big boys like
Exxon and Shell have been locked out of the richest oil nation on earth and for that reason alone, Chavez and Maduros
Venezuela has long been the biggest hemispheric thorn in Americas side. Under Hugo Chavez, oil profits went to the people
of Venezuela to build schools and hospitals and improve their quality of life rather than filling the filthy rich pockets of Big Oil
or OPEC allies that finance and sponsor terrorism.

And that made war criminals George W. and his pal Dick Cheney hopping mad, especially after Hugo addressing the United
Nations General Assembly nearly a decade ago brazenly yet accurately outed Bush as the devil. And ever since Chavez
successor replaced him, the United States has been gunning to overthrow Nicolas Maduro.

Be it Syria, Iran, Russia (though Putin has proven both smarter and stronger than US ever estimated), North Korea or Cuba,
all of these nations have shown far more resilience, self-sufficiency and defiant independence than the United States would
ever care to admit.

Despite years of economic sanctions, countless threats and demonizing propaganda, these stubborn nations have managed
to survive and in some cases even thrive despite the relentless brute force tactics displayed by the global village bully turned
self-anointed sole global superpower. At enormous risk of collapsing under continued Empire siege, all these nations are still
standing tall despite being targeted with nonstop superpower aggression.

Rarely has such open defiance against Empire imperialism survived. Look what happened to onetime US allies Iraq and
Libya. After dumping the US petrodollar, both Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi quickly fell victim to Empire
wrath that has willfully destroyed those two once stable, prosperous, oil producing giants. Crime partnering with the likes of
Israel, Saudi Arabia and al Qaeda-ISIS, the globalist Empire wrecking crew has chewed up and spit out Iraq and Libya onto
the heap of its growing failed state graveyard.

But now the geopolitics chessboard is tipping decidedly in favor of the East. With the hording gold run picking up momentum,
China and India have accumulated thousands of tons of gold. According to renowned geopolitical expert F. William Engdahl,
Russia is experiencing a surprisingly remarkable renaissance.

The formidable economic alliance of the emerging powerhouse BRICS nations coalescing behind the renewed partnership
strength of Russia and China are leading the way toward global independence from the Western central banking cabals US
dollar chokehold as standard international currency, and as a result, the global balance of power is dramatically shifting.

Upon high command order from western oligarchs, the US Empire is desperately lashing out as it rapidly freefalls towards
impending economic collapse.

Despot Netanyahu recently commanded a standing ovation on Capitol Hill from his enraptured captured audience
of treasonous pro-Zionist US Congress, threatening and demanding war against Iran (despite it not building or possessing
nuclear weapons).

Meanwhile, the Kiev governments being taken over by neo Nazi dual Israeli citizens (like the US already has
been) demanding war against Putin over Ukraine. These seemingly suicidal gestures risking nuclear annihilation underscore
the psychopathic severity of brain damage these megalomaniacs in control are truly suffering from.

With counterterrorism measures in the name of national security exponentially taking tyrannical hold throughout the Western
bloc - in North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Europe, globalized NWO totalitarianism is
moving in for its kill.

With a big bang the United States and Europe as the WWIII warfront appear to be going down as the Western ruling elites
sacrificial lambs. The Middle Eastern front of course is Iran and Syria where their alliance with Russia and China will bring
them into world war in the Gulf.

The sad but very sobering fact that if any sovereign nation on this planet dares to refuse to play this predatory internationalist
game bent on obliterating its autonomy actively opposing forced acquisition into Empire fiefdom, then bar none that nation
becomes a so called threat to US national security, now synonymous with New World Order.

Thats how Empiric imperialism operates as the big fish gobbles up the little fish in the increasingly toxic global pond

The might makes right, my dicks bigger than yours syndrome thats always characterized violence in human history is
nothing but political, economic and military Darwinism at its lowest and most base.

In the modern tradition of the British and American Empires, even the propaganda whitewash brainwash that always
perfumed the stench of murderous bullies spreading their lies of freedom and democracy no longer can possibly cover up
the sheer ugliness and brutality of globalized exploitation, mass genocide and world order slavery that currently has the
planet suffocating from a tightening NWO death grip.

With repeated calls for yet more oppression in the name of national security, Obama never fails to justify all his actions by
trumpeting Americas exceptionalism. The worlds only superpower is free to commit murder, war crimes, regime changes,
invasions, occupations and wars at will simply because it can get away with it.
Empire exceptionalism permits it to stand alone in violation of every known international law, treaty, UN Charter and Geneva
Convention rule in total defiance of every world court and tribunal only because it can. Obamas incessantly citing US
exceptionalism is always accompanied by his worn-out rhetoric and jingoistic masturbation touting the greatness of America
and its blessed people.

He never fails to emphasize the urgent need for the United States to take the lead in imparting its brand of democracy to the
waiting rest of the world.

Of course he must always also pay tribute to our brave young men and women in uniform loyally defending our coveted
freedom that the so called terrorists are always so jealous of.

This hubris of deception and hypocrisy behind his ad nauseam lies spewing forth is wearing ever so thin to the fast growing
crowd of outraged Americans joining the rest of the planet that for a long time have painfully known that its the United States
of America thats the real threat to every nations security on this earth and that its the current criminal syndicate of US
Empire posing as the rogue globalist government that urgently needs a complete regime change overhaul.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique
military experience entitled Dont Let The Bastards Getcha Down. It examines and focuses on US international relations,
leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and
worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing
and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com.
No Public Accountability For The GCSB, Prime Minister Goes Back On His Word
+ Documents Shine Light On Shadowy New Zealand Surveillance Base
March 14 2015 | From: EveningReport / TheIntercept / NewZealandHerald / TelevisionNewZealand

"You Shouldn't Worry If You've Got Nothing To Hide is one of the mantras trotted out when New
Zealanders complain about the GCSB having access to their private communications.

There is some speculation that the 'Fonterra 1080 poisoning threat' debacle is in fact a false flag
cook-up to distract the mainstream media from the ongoing NSA / GCSB / FVEY spying evidence
that is braising the Prime Ministers goose somewhat publicly.

Related: John Key On "Mass Collection" Versus "Mass Surveillance"

Lets turn that mantra around as ask those running the GCSB why the feel they have to hide from public everything
they do. Is it because, as recent revelations show, the agency is more about serving the interests of the US
government than that of New Zealanders?

No Public Accountability for the GCSB

March 9 2015 | EveningReport

When I [Keith Locke] was an MP I ran up against a brick wall when I asked any questions about the
GCSB, the Waihopai spy station or the Five Eyes. We dont comment on matters of national
security was the routine reply from the Prime Minister (Helen Clark followed by John Key).
The PMs stonewalling has become even more absurd now that the Snowden documents have shown that the
GCSB is intercepting and collecting virtually all the communications in Pacific Island states.

When asked whether former GCSB head Bruce Ferguson was right that the agency does engage in mass communications
data collection, the PM said he didnt know what Ferguson meant? He also said there was no obligation on the GCSB to
inform any New Zealander that details about their private communications were being collected.

Everything the GCSB does is lawful, Key, claimed, forgetting the Privacy Act and forgetting his previous assurance that the
GCSB Act does not allow for mass surveillance of New Zealanders

To me there doesnt seem any question that the GCSB is illegally engaged in the wholesale collection of the communications
of any New Zealander visiting or living in a Pacific Island, or any New Zealander emailing or phoning someone in the

The targeting of Pacific Island government communications (as mentioned in one NSA document) is also contrary to the
Vienna convention, and not what a good neighbour should do. The rejoinder of Key apologists, that all nations do it is
simply not true, and we would rightly be outraged if a foreign government was intercepting all of our government

Parliamentary oversight of the GCSB is a joke. There is an Intelligence and Security Committee, which operates in secret
and is now limited to National and Labour politicians. They are told very little as evidenced by the comments of a former
Intelligence and Security Committee member, Peter Dunne, who has expressed surprise that the GCSB is collecting
communications data wholesale and passing it on to the NSA.

Lets not accept the PMs obfuscations. Lets demand enough information to allow us to have a proper debate about what
GCSB is doing in our name. And let us have better parliamentary oversight of the agency through an all-party select
committee whose hearings are where possible in public, like other parliamentary committees.
Prime Minister Goes Back On His Word: Statement #1:

Key: I'll resign if GCSB conducts mass surveillance

10:51 AM Tuesday Aug 20, 2013 | New Zealand Herald

Prime Minister John Key says he and the head of GCSB would resign if the spy agency were found to have
conducted mass surveillance.

He made the comment to reporters at Parliament in the light of assurances that the changes to the GCSB Act 2003 would
not mean mass surveillance of New Zealanders. Asked if he and GCSB chief Ian Fletcher would resign if there were mass
surveillance, he said yes.

"But the facts of life are it won't happen."

For that to happen, the GCSB would have to undertake illegal activity.

He clarified later saying "both" would resign if there was mass surveillance.

"If I wholesale blatantly flout the law as Prime Minister I'm never going to survive anyway."

The Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill will be debated in Parliament
this afternoon.

Labour plans to move an amendment to try to get written into the law a policy statement by Mr Key last week in which he
said he said he would not grant warrants to the GCSB to look at the content of New Zealanders communications under the
cyber security function in the first instance, but if the agency detected a serious cyber intrusion, it would have to come back
to him for a second warrant.

Labour would require the leave of the House to introduce such an amendment because the part it relates to has already
been dealt with. Mr Key indicated that National would oppose leave for Labour to do that, saying it was not necessary.

Meanwhile, [now Ex] Justice Minister Judith Collins has confirmed that the police in the past have used the GCSB's
specialist capability to intercept the communications of paedophiles.

Such assistance to other agencies has been on hold since September last year, pending the current bill passing which will
unequivocally give the GCSB the legal power to spy on New Zealanders in certain circumstances.

Prime Minister Goes Back On His Word: Statement #2:

Key says he won't quit if mass collection of Kiwis' communications proved

17:27 Mon, 9 Mar 2015 | Television New Zealand

Prime Minister John Key says he would not resign if it is proved that the GCSB carries out mass collection of New
Zealanders' communications.

Mr Key has always insisted he would quit if it was proved that New Zealanders were subject to mass surveillance. He insists
the GCSB has told him that it is not capable of doing mass surveillance and is not legally allowed to do it.

Late last week former GCSB boss Sir Bruce Ferguson told Radio New Zealand that there was mass collection of New
Zealanders' data as part of spying operations in the Pacific.

Sir Bruce also maintained however that it was legal as it was collected inadvertently and that the information on Kiwis was
not used. When asked today about whether there was a difference between the terms "collection" and "surveillance", Mr Key
responded by saying he was "sure the lawyers would tell you there is a difference".

When pressed further, he refused to comment, saying he wasn't going to go into the GCSB's operational details.

Only the minister responsible for the GCSB would know for sure if that agency is conducting illegal mass
surveillance. John Key is the minister responsible for the GCSB.
Documents Shine Light on Shadowy New Zealand Surveillance Base
March 8 2015 | TheIntercept

Near the heartland of New Zealands renowned wine country, there is a place that visitors are not
allowed to go. The peculiar large white domes that protrude from the earth in the Waihopai Valley
are surrounded by razor wire and shrouded in secrecy.

But now, newly revealed documents from the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden shine a
light on what is behind the security perimeter. The buildings there are crammed with sophisticated NSA spying
technology, used by New Zealand to sweep up text messages, emails, phone calls, and other communications in
bulk across the Asia-Pacific.

The documents, revealed Saturday by the Sunday Star-Times in collaboration with The Intercept, show how closely New
Zealand has worked with the NSA to maintain surveillance coverage of the region. The files also offer an unprecedented
insight into the Waihopai base, exposing how its been integrated into a global eavesdropping network.

The spying station intercepts data from satellites, and is operated by Government Communications Security Bureau, or
GCSB, New Zealands equivalent of the NSA. Waihopai is part of a group of surveillance stations used by the so-called Five
Eyes, an alliance that New Zealand is part of alongside the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

The Snowden documents show that Waihopai relies heavily on NSA technology to conduct electronic eavesdropping. The
NSA tools and systems at the base include LATENTTHREAT, which breaks the intercepted satellite signals down into
individual communications; LEGALREPTILE, which collects text message and call metadata, showing who is contacting
whom and when; SEMITONE, which monitors fax and voice messages; FALLOWHAUNT, which targets communications
sent over small VSAT satellites; JUGGERNAUT, which processes intercepted calls from mobile phone networks (including
voice, fax, data and text messages); LOPERS and SURFBOARD, both used to snoop on phone calls; and XKEYSCORE, a
system used to gather intercepted Internet data, such as emails and details about peoples online browsing habits.

According to the NSA documents, the Waihopai station is codenamed IRONSAND. Its primary targets are large international
telecommunications satellites that provide communications to and from all of New Zealands Pacific Island neighbors and
other Asia-Pacific nations.
Waihopais principal target in 2005, a secret GCSB report from three years ago shows, was a satellite positioned high above
the Kiribati islands. This satellite was damaged and stopped operating after a power failure in mid-January 2005. Its work
was transferred to another satellite, named IS-701, and later to IS-18, which is now Waihopais main target.

GCSB is legally barred from spying on New Zealand citizens except under a warrant. But there is a secret exception that
allows the agency to spy on the governments of islands populated by New Zealand citizens.

Note: The governments of Cook Islands and Niue may be targeted, but not their citizens since they are entitled to
hold New Zealand passports,

- notes a secret 2012 NSA document on New Zealands surveillance policies.

In practice, this means politicians and public servants can be targeted for surveillance on the islands even if they
are New Zealand citizens.

Cook Island opposition leader William Heather told the Sunday Star-Times he was shocked to learn that the GCSB had
spied on the islands residents.

We are only a small dot in the Pacific, he said, questioning why New Zealand would spy on the family.

On Wednesday, The Intercept and the New Zealand Herald revealed how the Waihopai base was being used to spy on
communications across the Pacific Islands and share intercepted data in bulk with the NSA and the other Five Eyes.

Following the story, the Tongan prime minister said the spying was a breach of trust, the New Zealand Labour
party leader Andrew Little called the spying a mass invasion of privacy, and the Greens filed a legal
complaint against the surveillance, which the partys co-leader Russel Norman said amounted to crimes under
New Zealand law against entire countries.

New Zealands prime minister John Key insisted that the revelations were wrong, but then refused to
explain why, telling a press conference he had:

no intention of telling you about how we do things.

Meanwhile, former GCSB chief Sir Bruce Ferguson admitted that mass collection of data was indeed
being undertaken in the Pacific, and said it was mission impossible to eliminate New Zealanders
communications from the data being swept up.

Responding to the latest revelations on Saturday, GCSB declined to comment. In a statement issued to The Intercept and
the Sunday-Star Times, the agencys acting director, Una Jagose, said:
We do not comment on operational matters. Everything we do is authorized under legislation and subject to
independent oversight.

NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines said in a statement that the agency would not comment on specific, alleged foreign
intelligence activities.

Vines added: The National Security Agency works with foreign partners to address a wide array of serious threats, including
terrorist plots, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and foreign aggression.

NSAs activities with foreign partners comply with U.S. laws and the applicable laws under which our partners operate.

Key Must Explain How GCSB Spying On Citizens Is Lawful

+ Pacific Action Needed Against Spy Net
March 10 2015 | From: Pacific Freedom Forum / Green Party

John Key needs to come clean with New Zealanders and explain how it is lawful for the Government
Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) to spy, without a warrant, on New Zealand citizens who
are part of the governments of the Cook Islands and Niue, said the Green Party today.

Related: NSA Global Spy Stations Revealed: 'Sniff It All, Collect It All, Know It All, Process It All, Exploit It All'

Documentation revealed today by the Sunday Star Times show that the GCSBs targeting rules include New Zealand
citizens are part of the governments of the Cook Islands and Niue.

Key must explain how GCSB spying on citizens is lawful

The documents show the GCSB knew spying on New Zealanders from the Cook Island and Niue was illegal, but
they decided to ignore this anyway, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

What was the justification for spying on people when the GCSB knew it was illegal?"

Is John Key saying that New Zealanders in the Cook Islands and Niue are second class citizens who do not
deserve the protection of our spy laws?"

The facts show that there has been mass illegal spying on New Zealanders in the Pacific and John Key needs to
explain why it was done."

This spying agenda accelerated under his leadership, and he needs to tell the public if New Zealand, why he
allowed something so blatantly illegal to occur."

It is not good enough to refuse to engage with the issue as John Key has been doing."

Every other world leader has fronted and offered an explanation; John Key, on the other hand, thinks he is above
explaining this mess to New Zealanders."

The Green Party hopes the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security will be able to provide some answers to
this debacle following our request to her to start an inquiry into the matter, said Dr Norman."

Pacific Action Needed Against Spy Net - PFF

Pacific leaders need to take action against wholesale spying by foreign powers, warns the Pacific Freedom Forum.

"Freedom of speech includes secure, private communications," says PFF Chair Titi Gabi.

"This is true for not just journalists and their sources, but also for political leaders, community leaders, activists and

This week's news about the "full take" spying delivers details promised last year by investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald,
based on documents leaked by former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden.

Ten Pacific countries are listed in media reports as being targets of spying by New Zealand's GCSB, which gives the NSA full
access - and control - over the data.

The countries are given as Tuvalu, Nauru, Kiribati and Samoa, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga and
French Polynesia.

However another investigative journalist, Nick Hager, was quoted as saying the spying basically involves "all" Pacific Island

PFF co-Chair Monica Miller said that concerns about mass surveillance must now extend to the highest levels of power in the
"We are all familiar with concerns about the chilling effects on freedoms of speech of laws and threats from various

But now its the turn of the public to be concerned about those effects on their own governments."

PFF notes questions of outright illegality under New Zealand law given the fact that Niue and the Cook Islands people are New
Zealand citizens by birthright.

New Zealand got support from the entire Pacific in its campaign for a seat on the United Nations Security Council,
campaigning with the slogan "New Zealand stands up for small states".

PFF says the spying highlights the need for more regional awareness and action on cyber security.

NZ First Pulls Reins On TPP Trojan Horse Nightmare

March 9 2015 | From: New ZealandFirst

New Zealand First is taking emergency measures to axe the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreements
(TPPA) Trojan Horse provisions, which will allow foreign corporations to sue the New Zealand
government for billions of dollars.

New Zealand First is bringing forward the Fighting Foreign Corporate Control Bill to ban our government from
signing any treaty, which gives foreign corporates the right to seek compensation if they believe our laws affect their
business, says Fletcher Tabuteau, New Zealand First Spokesperson for Commerce and Trade.
Leaks from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations show its full of nasty details. One of the nastier
provisions puts the interests of foreign corporates ahead of the New Zealand public.

It is not just the TPPA but the National government signed us all up to the New Zealand-Korea Free Trade
Agreement which has an investor clause.

This is wrong. New Zealanders must rule our country, not foreign businesses. New Zealand absolutely relies on our
exports so trade is essential but the price of trade agreements shouldnt mean selling our soul.

New Zealand Firsts Bill will stop provisions known as investor-state dispute settlements.

It is wrong that the National government maintains a shroud of secrecy around TPPA negotiations, especially when
they go well beyond being just a trade agreement. National must do right by New Zealanders and let them know
just what this government is prepared to give away to overseas corporates.

New Zealand Firsts Fighting Foreign Corporate Control Bill will mitigate the worst of these new age trade deals,Mr
Tabuteau said.

Britains IoD: Smart Meters Are A Government IT Disaster Waiting To Happen

April 9 2015 | From: TakeBackYourPower

The UKs leading business network of company directors has issued a damning report and
warning against the UKs planned smart meter rollout.

IoD calls for Smart Meters scheme to be halted, altered or scrapped to avoid unjustified, over-engineered and
expensive mistake

The Governments rollout of Smart Meters, digital energy meters designed to provide real-time usage statistics, should be
halted, altered or scrapped to avoid a potentially catastrophic government IT disaster, the Institute of Directors warns today.
In a major new report entitled Not too clever: will Smart Meters be the next Government IT disaster? the IoD brands the
11bn scheme, the largest government IT project in history, unwanted by consumers, devoid of credibility and mind-
blowingly expensive. The business group calls on an incoming government to review the project and consider a fresh start.

View or download the IoD report:

Not too clever: Will Smart Meters be the next Government IT disaster?
(PDF, Released March 27, 2015)


Smart meters are the largest UK Government-run IT project in history, and the most expensive and complex
smart meter programme in the world.

The risks of such a huge programme with so much complexity are staggering.

The pace of technological innovation may well leave the current generation of meters behind and leave
consumers in a cycle of installation, de-installation and re-installation.

Three assessments of the programme by the Major Projects Authority have not been published. This is

It is imperative to move towards a cost-effective smart meter rollout by embracing one or all of the following cost-
saving and simplifying measures:

i) Halting the smart gas meter deployment;

ii) Removing the requirement for an in home display;

iii) Reduce rollout to only those homes that have a high energy usage;

iv) Abandon attempts to stretch the rollout to flats and tower blocks;

v) Make the programme genuinely voluntary;

vi) Abandon the programme altogether and develop a smartphone app that allows customers to take their own

Over the years, the ambition and scale of Government IT projects has not been matched by appropriate
management and planning.

80 per cent of surveyed IoD members believe Governments ability to deliver successful IT projects is poor.

The Smart Meter programme, which has the hugely ambitious target of installing 100 million new pieces of kit in homes and
business by 2020, was initiated by Ed Miliband as energy secretary in 2008, following an EU Directive, and confirmed by the
Coalition Agreement in 2010.

The reports author, Dan Lewis, Senior Infrastructure Advisor at the IoD, calls the political consensus a conspiracy of silence
among politicians in thrall to big ideas and even bigger budgets.

Lewis continues:

The professed aims of the Smart Meter programme are laudable, and we all recognise the benefits of reducing
consumption and increasing energy awareness. But there is little credible evidence to suggest that a scheme of this
size and complexity will achieve those goals.

The IoD report highlights a number of key concerns:

Despite the EU Directive, 11 nations have ruled out electricity smart meters and only 5 are pushing ahead with the 2020
target for gas meters. In contrast, as is so often is the case, the UK has gold-plated the Directive.

The government refuses to publish any of the reports on the programme by the Major Projects Authority.

The cost-benefit analysis conducted by the Department for Energy and Climate Change is so heavily redacted as to be
almost unreadable.

The Smart Meter network would be vulnerable to cyber-attack and disruption.

Introducing time-of-day pricing to shift consumer demand will only work with price increases that are not politically realistic.
Retail consumers really cant change their energy consumption that much.

The report places the rollout of Smart Meters within the context of previous large-scale IT fiascos, including the infamous
NHS National Programme for IT, the eBorders Programme and the BBCs disastrous Digital Media Initiative. Furthermore, a
recent survey shows that 80 per cent of IoD members rate the ability of government to manage large IT projects as poor or
very poor.

Dan Lewis adds:

This scheme is far from smart. The dishonourable roll call of government IT projects that have haemorrhaged vast
amounts of taxpayers money to no discernible effect needs no further additions.

Consumers will not forgive the already unpopular energy companies for a costly programme which fails to deliver
and ends up making them poorer. Without a change of direction, whoever wins the general election is at risk of
overseeing a spectacular failure in the next parliament. They would be well-advised to consider a fresh start."

Consumers do not want the meters, they have proved a costly mistake in countries where they have been rolled
out, and the Government is withholding key details about their costs and benefits. This makes for a programme
which is devoid of credibility, over-engineered and mind-blowingly expensive.

Perhaps the only reason why the cost and ambition of this project has not become a national scandal already is
because of a conspiracy of silence among politicians in thrall to big ideas and even bigger budgets.

A key area of concern outlined in the report is that the technology behind the scheme is untested and some parts will likely
be obsolete by the scheduled switch-on date of 2020.

The new wireless standard, ZigBee, which is being developed for Smart Meters is complex and expensive compared to the
better-known Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Each property will also get an in home display, but there is scant evidence of consumer
demand. British Gas found that only 60% of customers looked at their displays even once a month a year after installation.

An incoming government should consider the following changes:

Stop the smart gas meter deployment only a handful of EU nations are planning to deploy gas smart meters by 2020.
This would save billions of pounds.

Remove the requirement for an in home display expected to cost 800m in total, the displays will be out of date in a
few years. Far better to connect smart meters to peoples phones, tablets and PCs

Limit the rollout to homes with high energy usage those who use more than 5,100 kWh of electricity, and 23,000
kWh of gas a year have much more to gain. This would reduce the scale of the rollout by 80%.

Abandon attempts to stretch the rollout to tower blocks the most technically challenging aspect of the project with
the lowest potential returns. This would remove seven million homes from the scheme.

Make the programme genuinely voluntary offered to customers at their own expense, not subsidised by all.

Abandon the whole programme and develop a smart phone app instead look into developing a smart app which
would convert a photo of their current mechanical meter into a meaningful number for the suppliers. This would cost tens of
thousands of pounds rather than billions.

Lewis added:

We know that an incoming government will be under intense financial pressure, having to find further cuts to public
spending. This does not fit well with increasing energy bills for a project that has such unrealistic targets, such large
costs and such uncertain benefits.

View or download the IoD report:

Not too clever: Will Smart Meters be the next Government IT disaster?
(PDF, Released March 27, 2015)

President Putin Reveals Possession Of 9/11 Satellite Imagery Evidence Indicating US

Government Complicity In False Flag Attack
April 8 2015 | From: StateOfTheNation

Pravda: "Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11"

There is no story bigger than 9/11 as far as the U.S. Federal Government is concerned. Simply put, it is and has
been their lynchpin. When the American people come to understand that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were in
fact a false flag operation carried out by proxies of the U.S. Federal Government, everything changes.

The transparent U.S. Government complicity in the coordination and coverup of the 9/11 crimes against its own citizenry has
now been proven UNEQUIVOCALLY by mountains of scientific, circumstantial and anecdotal evidence.

Only because the Mainstream Media (MSM) has relentlessly covered up this crime against humanity, for well over 13 years
and counting, have the successive administrations been free from prosecution .

Thats all about to change in 2015

President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government have been pushed around and bullied, persecuted and prosecuted,
for only defending their Motherland and their citizenry.

The Western powers (a.k.a. the Anglo-American Axis or AAA) led by the USA and UK, Germany and France, Australia and
Canada, as well as Israel have participated in one scheme after another in order to falsely implicate Russia for their (AAA)
own crimes of genocide in the Ukriane, Palestine and elsewhere around the globe.

How many fraudulent false flag operations is the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD willing to carry out in order to falsely accuse

How many false flag attacks will the AAA criminal cabal conduct against the innocent Russian - speaking civilians of the
Eastern Ukraine? Or, against the innocent people from other countries like those nearly 300 passengers on Malaysian Flight
MH17 that Kiev military jets blew out of the sky.

How many coverups can they maintain before their delusions of grandeur and illusions of faded glory catch up with them?

U.S. Foreign Policy has been run by dangerous amateurs and shameless provocateurs for decades
President Obama and VP Biden, Secretaries Kerry and Clinton, Senators McCain and Graham have each contributed
majorly to the catastrophe that the Ukraine has become.

George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obamas illustrious unpaid foreign policy advisors have also substantially
contributed to the diplomatic disasters that led up to the Ukraine civil war. All of these same players have likewise played
significant roles in recklessly restarting the Cold War, as if the world doesnt have enough to deal with during these
tumultuous times.

Now they (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, etc.) have pushed the Russians too far. Lets see whats in store
for the the present and previous U.S. Administrations that have unrelentingly used and abused Russia since the breakup of
the Soviet Union.

The pattern of abusive statesmanship and economic terrorism began with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. That represents
over 25 years of exploitation and victimization that Russia has suffered at the hands of the AAA.

Putins Russia possesses indisputable scientific evidence of the real 9/11 crimes

How will these same AAA politicos and power-brokers respond when Putin starts disseminating authoritative evidence which
proves beyond any doubt that the U.S. Administration was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks?

What follows is a rather crude translation of an article which recently appeared in PRAVDA, a now independent Russian
news platform which is often used by the Kremlin to disseminate messages to the West. The title of the article has been
translated as follows:

US Fears Russian Publication Of Satellite Photos Of The 9/11 Tragedy

Moscow (Pravda): American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the
worst point since the Cold War, Putin caused Obama only small troubles so far. Analysts believe that this calm before the

Putin is going to hit once, but hes going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of
the US government and intelligence services in the September 11 attacks. In the list of evidence is included the satellite
images from 9/11.
Published material can prove the US Government complicity in the 9/11 attacks and the successful manipulation of public
opinion. The attack was planned by the US government, but executed by using proxies, so that an attack on
America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism.

The motive for deception and murder its own citizens served US oil interests and the Middle Eastern state

The evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story supported by the US government.

Russia proves that America is no stranger to using false flag terrorism against its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for
military intervention in foreign countries. In the case of the September 11 attacks, the evidence will be conclusive satellite

If successful, the consequences of Putins tactics would expose the US governments secret terrorist policies. The
governments credibility will be undermined and should bring about mass protests in the cities leading to an uprising,
according to American analysts.

And then, how will the United States look in the world political arena? The validity of Americas position as a leader in the
fight against international terrorism will be totally undermined thereby giving immediate advantage to the rogue states and
Islamic terrorists.

The actual development of the situation could be much worse, experts warn.

Obama And The Western Allied States' Fake War Against The Islamic State (ISIS):
The Islamic State Was Created And Is Protected By The U.S. And Its Allies
February 26 2015 | From: Global Research / SputnikNews / FarsNews / AotearoaAWiderPerspective

Also in this article:

ISIL Is Secret American Army In Middle East US Historian

Get Some Guts Says John Key As He Prepares To Send Other Peoples Kids To War!

Also See: The Corporate US Government Are The Terrorists - The Islamic State Is A Big Lie
Since August 2014, the US Air Force with the support of a coalition of 19 countries has relentlessly waged
an intensified air campaign against Syria and Iraq allegedly targeting the Islamic State brigades.

The Islamic State Was Created And Is Protected By The U.S. And Its Allies
Comment: It was disgusting to see John Key throw a faux-tantrum in parliament the other day in pathetic display of
bad acting, in an attempt to convince the country of the importance of our involvement in this fake war; but then he
has to in order to keep his handlers happy.

According to Defense News, over 16,000 airstrikes were carried out from August 2014 to mid January 2015. Sixty percent of
the air strikes were conducted by the US Air Force using advanced jet fighter and bombing capabilities (Aaron Mehta, A-10
Performing 11 Percent of Anti-ISIS Sorties. Defense News, January 19, 2015.)

The airstrikes have been casually described by the media as part of a soft counter-terrorism operation, rather than an act of
all out war directed against Syria and Iraq.

This large scale air campaign which has resulted in countless civilian casualties has been routinely misreported by the
mainstream media. According to Max Boot, senior fellow in national security at the Council on Foreign Relations. Obamas
strategy in Syria and Iraq is not working [ because] the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS has been remarkably
restrained. (Newsweek, February 17, 2015, emphasis added).

Americans are led to believe that the Islamic State constitutes a formidable force confronting the US military and threatening
Western Civilization. The thrust of media reporting is that the US Air Force has failed and that Obama should get his act
together in effectively confronting this Outside Enemy of America.

According to CFR Max Boot, military escalation is the answer: what is required is for the president to dispatch more aircraft,
military advisers, and special operations forces, while loosening the restrictions under which they operate. (Ibid)

What kind of aircraft are involved in the air campaign? The F-16 Fighting Falcon,(above right), The F-15E Strike Eagle (image
below) , The A-10 Warthog, not to mention Lockheed Martins F-22 Raptor stealth tactical fighter aircraft.

Question for Our Readers

Why has the US Air Force not been able to wipe out the Islamic State which at the outset was largely equipped with
conventional small arms not to mention state of the art Toyota pickup trucks?
From the very outset, this air campaign has NOT been directed against ISIS. The evidence confirms that the Islamic State is
not the target. Quite the opposite. The air raids are intended to destroy the economic infrastructure of Iraq and Syria.

We call on our readers to carefully reflect on the following image, which describes the Islamic State convoy of pickup trucks
entering Iraq and crossing a 200 km span of open desert which separates the two countries.

What would have been required from a military standpoint to wipe out an ISIS convoy with no effective anti-aircraft

Without an understanding of military issues, common sense prevails. If they had wanted to eliminate the Islamic State
brigades, they could have carpet bombed their convoys of Toyota pickup trucks when they crossed the desert from
Syria into Iraq in June.

The answer is pretty obvious, yet not a single mainstream media has acknowledged it.

The Syro-Arabian Desert is open territory (see map right). With state of the art jet fighter aircraft (F15, F22 Raptor, F16) it
would have been from a military standpoint a piece of cake, a rapid and expedient surgical operation, which would
have decimated the Islamic State convoys in a matter of hours.

Instead what we have witnessed is an ongoing drawn out six months of relentless air raids and bombings, and the terrorist
enemy is apparently still intact. (In comparison, the NATO bombing raids of Yugoslavia in 1999 lasted about three months
(March 24-June 10, 1999).

And we are led to believe that the Islamic State cannot be defeated by a powerful US led military coalition of 19

The air campaign was not intended to decimate the Islamic State.

The counter-terrorism mandate is a fiction. America is the Number One State Sponsor of Terrorism.

The Islamic State is not only protected by the US and its allies, it is trained and financed by US-NATO, with the support of
Israel and Washingtons Persian Gulf allies.

ISIL Is Secret American Army In Middle East US Historian

Also see: Iraqi Army Downs 2 UK Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL
(weapons made in the US, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL's control)
US historian Webster Tarpley says that the United States created the Islamic State and uses jihadists
as its secret army to destabilize the Middle East.

The Islamic State is a secret army of the United States and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a leader of the terrorist group, is a
close friend of US Senator John McCain, says US historian Webster Tarpley, according to Iranian News Agency IRNA.

The author, known for his book 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, said that all terrorism around the world is created and
facilitated by the US government.

These are not Tarpleys first comments in which he blames the United States for creating the Islamic State. Earlier, Press TV
had an interview with Tarpley during which he explained his rationale why he thinks the United States was behind the creation
of the terrorist group.

Shiite tribal fighters raise their weapons and chant slogans against the al-Qaida-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) in the northwest Baghdad's Shula neighborhood, Iraq, Monday, June 16, 2014. Sunni militants captured a key northern
Iraqi town along the highway to Syria early on Monday, compounding the woes of Iraq's Shiite-led government a week after it
lost a vast swath of territory to the insurgents in the country's north.

Tarpley began by saying that the money that supports the Islamic State and its operations comes from Saudi Arabia, a key US
ally in the Middle East. The main money donor of the Islamic State is allegedly Prince Abdul Rahman al-Faisal, the brother of
Saud bin Faisal Al Saud, Saudi Arabias Foreign Minister, and Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, the former Saudi Ambassador
to the United States.

Having said that, Tarpley concludes that if the United States really wanted to get rid of the Islamic State, it would have easily
issued an ultimatum to Saudi Arabia and told the Gulf Kingdom to stop sending arms and money to the terrorists in Iraq and

'Get Some Guts' Says John Key As He Prepares To Send Other Peoples Kids To War!
It seems that in the last two years from around the time John Key signed a brand spanking new partnership with
NATO the recruitment of new soldiers went into overdrive. Especially in predominantly Maori areas with sometimes
people being blackmailed into signing on with the threat of their welfare check being cut if they didnt.

I have heard of non stop recruitment videos playing in WINZ offices and I am sure that many of young Maori have chosen an
army career as this was considered an honourable path to take. That idea seems to be changing.

Now John Key tells Andrew Little to get some guts and get on the right side in a speech. The sentence reminds me of the if
youre not with us, youre with the terrorists speech of George Bush when he announced the attack on Afghanistan after 9/11.
After 15 years of ever spreading war with millions of victims John Keyhas the Gutspa to tell the lleader of the opposition to get
some guts. Well he wont have to wait long. The body bags full of guts and gore will begin to arrive as soon as those poor
soldiers land in Iraq to partake in the invasion of Mosul. Another thing we can be sure off is that he will not tell his son or
daughter to get some guts and lead by example. The rich and powerful never do.

Truth In Media: The Origin Of ISIS - Ben Swann Confronts Obama And Exposes Engineered War
February 29 2015 | From: BenSwann

In the latest episode of Truth in Media, Ben Swann investigates the origins of the militant group
referred to as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Comment: Ben Swann is amazing in that his roots were in the mainstream media and he still works part-time for RT,
but he also has his own channel online - where he reports the facts that the mainstream is not willing or able to. In
this report (with video) he blows the Islamic State sideshow right out of the water - and effectively calls the cabal
manipulators out on their game.

While it has been well established via multiple vectors and souces that the cabal employed two of their proxies, i.e.
the CIA and MOSSAD, to bring ISIS / ISIL to the fore in this faux-war - Swann approaches this from a pragmatic
position; such that those who are newly awakened to the ruse will be able to process the information with a minimum
of shock.

The name ISIS is one that every American knows, Swann said The biggest threat to our national security since Al-
Qaeda, right? They are a brutal, savage group known for public beheadings and mass executions. They are the face
of the new war on terror.
Swann pointed out that while the U.S. Military is currently conducting airstrikes in Syria, in a supposed attempt to take out ISIS
targets, the White House and U.S. military leaders are discussing possible boots on the ground in Iraq. These talks are arising
just three years after President Obama declared that the war in Iraq was over.

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told USA Today that in order to defeat ISIS, he believes the United States is looking
at a 30-year-war.

As the U.S. goes to war in an attempt to defeat yet another terrorist group, the biggest question is: Who exactly is ISIS and
where did they come from?
Angela Keaton, the founder of, said that ISIS is entirely a creation of the United States behavior in Iraq.

Thats how we got to where we are, because of war, because of occupation, because of torture, Keaton said.

The United States government completely destabilized and wrecked Iraq. They caused it to fail miserably and that
is entirely the fault of the United States government. There is no one else to blame.

Swann explained that when the U.S. first invaded Iraq, it blew the country apart. By destroying the existing government,
toppling Saddam Hussein, and destroying the infrastructure, the U.S. left behind a power vacuum that would never have
existed under Hussein.

Daniel McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, said that the impact caused by the actions of the United
States is a historical fact that media just wont discuss.

This has to do with U.S. action in the region, which destroyed the infrastructure, which destroyed Iraq society,
which destroyed the Iraqi government,McAdams said.

He explained that while there were a lot of people who werent as happy as larks while living under
Saddam Hussein, they also werent at odds with Hussein in the same way they were with the government
established by the U.S.

The militant group ISIS was formed as a small insurgent group in Iraq in 2006. Swann noted that while they tried to create
problems for the U.S. military, they had no money and no real ability to recruit.
It wasnt until 2009 that ISIS shifted its focus from Iraq, where it was largely unsuccessful in developing a foothold,
and focused on the civil war in Syria, Swann said.

While in Syria, ISIS still struggled to gain a foothold. Swann attributed this to the fact that two larger groups fighting against
President Bashar al-Assad were overpowering them: al-Nusra Front or al-Qaeda and the Free Syrian Army.

Then, came a pivotal moment that most Americans arent even aware of,Swann said.

In June 2013, a Northern General for the Free Syrian Army spoke out on Al Jazeera Qatar and stated that if
international forces did not send weapons, the rebels attempting to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad
would lose their war within a month.

Swann noted that just months before this occurred he had personally confronted President Obama on the issue of why the
U.S. was covertly funding Syrian rebels.

Ben Swann confronts Barack Obama

Although Obama acted as if he was proceeding with caution, politicians such as Senator John McCain demanded action.

Within a matter of weeks of the Syrian general making his plea for international help, the U.S., the Saudis, Jordan,
Qatar, Turkey and Israel began providing weapons, training and money to so-called rebel groups like the Free
Syrian Army, Swann said.
In September 2013, American media outlets began reporting that weapons were being given to Syrian rebels. CNN reported
that while the weapons are not American-made, they were funded and organized by the CIA.

However, Swann said that things began to fall apart when less than one year after the U.S. supplied Syrian freedom fighters
with weapons, those weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters.

Those ISIS fighters came from the group McCain insisted would help the U.S. overthrow Assad: the Free Syrian
Army. Swann explained that the army was not only sending the Islamic State weapons, it was also sending them

The Free Syrian Army has lost most of the land that it ever claimed and its entirely incompetent, Keaton said.

The only thing that it has been good at is currying favor with western leaders.

Swann said that it wasnt until June 2014 that ISIS went from being a no-name group in Syria to a group that was heavily
armed and trained by U.S. and Coalition Special Forces.

This revitalized group made a dramatic entrance by crossing back over the Syrian border into Iraq and capturing Mosul and
much of the northern part of the country.

One of the most important facts that mainstream media ignores time and time again is that ISIS was able
to grow so fast, because of all the U.S. military equipment they were able to seize equipment that our
military left in Iraq, said Swann.

Truckloads of Humvees, tanks and weaponry that instead of taking or destroying, the U.S. government
simply decided to leave behind.

However, even when the U.S. government became aware that ISIS fighters were capturing U.S. equipment, it did nothing.

Swann attributed the lack of action to the fact that ISIS fighters were taking the equipment back into Syria to continue fighting
Assad, which was what the U.S. government wanted.

How is it that the United States, with all of its intelligence capabilities, didnt know this threat was
coming?McAdams said.

How many billions did we spend, maybe a hundred billion on total intelligence community budge over the year?
How did they have no idea?

Swann said that the answer is simple:

The U.S. did know who ISIS was, but the so-called Islamic State was doing what the Obama administration wanted.

The ISIS fighters continued to do what the Obama administration wanted, and in late summer 2014, they were labeled
what Swann called, the new boogeyman in the war on terror.
Over the past few months, the U.S. government, who acted like they had never even heard of ISIS, suddenly, with
the help of media has turned the Islamic State into the new focus of the war on terror, Swann said.

Now, as ISIS has continued its rise, recruitment is exploding and the group is becoming stunningly wealthy.

Swann noted that in response to the ISIS threat, the U.S. began conducting airstrikes on Syrian oil fields, instead
of going after those buying the oil.

McAdams pointed out that ISIS makes $2 million a day off of selling oil, and the United States response, of
undercutting the competition by blowing up oil fields makes no sense.

He questioned why the U.S., which is known for sanctioning anything that moves, when its angry, is not placing
sanctions on the banks or the oil companies that are involved.

Swann added that in addition to those questions, Americans should also be asking, Why is the U.S. sending $500
million to the Free Syrian Army to fight ISIS when the FSA is one of the biggest suppliers of fighters and weapons to
ISIS? and Why are we sending new and more powerful weapons to the FSA like anti-aircraft missiles weapons
that we know will be in the hands of ISIS?

Swann maintained that while the mainstream media will say that ISIS is the creation of American inaction, the
reality is that they are the product of direct action.

This direct action started with the action of creating a power vacuum in Iraq and manifested into the arming violent Jihadists,
hoping they would overthrow a leader in a neighboring Middle Eastern country.

McAdams described the U.S. government as a victim of its own insane policies, due to the fact that it is very good at
blowing things up, but really bad at putting them back together.

In determining whether or not McAdams statement was true, Swann listed three facts:

Fact #1: Our government armed Osama bin Laden and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and created al-Qaeda.

Fact #2: Our government put Saddam Hussein into power we helped supply and create chemical
weapons for him to use against Iran in 1980 and then we overthrew him in 2003.

Fact #3: Our government trained rebel fighters in Syria who would become the group today known as ISIS.
We have watched them commit every violent atrocity you can imagine to people living in Iraq and Syria,
and now we want American taxpayers to fund a 30-year war with them.

Swann came to the conclusion that it isnt the U.S. government being held hostage by crazy policies; rather it is the American

It is time that we reject the destruction of people groups around the world for the sake of foreign policy that makes
so-called defense contractors rich, and perpetuates violence, death, and the destruction of entire people
groups, Swann said.

This is the central issue of our time because humanity is greater than politics.

John Minto And Liz Gordon: Charter Schools 'Failing' Worldwide

February 19 2015 | From: NewZealandHerald

When the Government changed the Education Act to allow for charter schools, it bet that a bunch of
non-educators using their own untested theories of education could run schools for our most
disadvantaged students and achieve better results than state schools.

Not only that, it stacked the decks by deliberately removing the charter schools from the checks and balances that all
state schools must face and gave them more money (as a series of set-up grants). For example, these schools are
exempt from making disclosures under the Official Information Act, despite the fact that they are government-funded.

The policy was always ideological, always about neo-liberal thinking rather than straight thinking. In Sweden and the UK,
charter school models (free schools) are contributing to the decline of educational outcomes. There are calls for change in
both countries.

In the US, scandal after scandal has swept charter schools: poor teaching, poor facilities, financial scams, corruption,
profiteering, abrupt closures of failed schools, political patronage, abuse ... Almost everything that could go wrong in these
schools has done so, often over and over again.
The Quality Public Education Coalition (QPEC) has been tracking US charter schools daily for more than two years ago now,
and not only are many of them an educational disgrace but they continue to contribute to the overall educational collapse of
the US in world educational rankings. Per dollar spent, US schools are the world's worst.

The public was told things would be different in New Zealand (despite depressingly similar policy settings).

But our own tiny number of such schools have already suffered from student loss, concerns over quality and now a new school
has recently had a principla resign as a result of being under investigation by the Teachers Council for potential serious
misconduct at another school.

This is a clear example of deregulation leading to poor practice. The Minister calls these "teething troubles".

QPEC calls them an educational disaster in the making, and calls on this Government to stop this experiment, which is
following the worst practices of schools internationally and will not improve outcomes for the most disadvantaged.

There is no empirical research that supports this model of charter schools, and plenty of evidence against the model. It is
being driven by the first-term, right-wing Act MP, David Seymour, who promises to support these schools through thick, thin
and very expensive, success or failure - competition at all costs, and the taxpayer must pay.

-John Minto and Liz Gordon are the national spokespeople for the Quality Public Education Coalition (QPEC)

TPPA Would Be Bad For New Zealand - Check Out The Real Story Behind The TPPA
February 4 2015 | From: SumOfUs

Top secret negotiations for the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement are wrapping up in
New York City today. World leaders claim they made major progress - and Prime Minister John Key
has just been reported saying that we could be just months away from passing this devastating
The TPPA will have massive implications for all of us - handing corporations new powers to sue governments for
passing laws and regulations that protect workers and the environment.

With talks rapidly nearing completion, its more important than ever to understand the problems with this dangerous deal.

Weve teamed up with a group of organizations, including Action Station, to make a video that explains one of the most serious
issues with the TPPA - investor state dispute settlement (ISDS), allowing big corporations to sue governments for billions.

John Key and other leaders behind the deal know that most people wouldnt like the TPPA if they knew more about

Thats why theyre going out of their way to keep the talks secret - like changing the location of the talks at the last
minute, and stopping media from getting proper information.

The only real facts we have about the deal have come from leaks published online.But heres what we do know: the TPPA
could have a huge impact on our lives. It could make vital medicines more expensive, threaten our Internet freedom, and make
it harder for governments to make laws that protect citizens -- and easier for corporations to do things that help corporate

Its vital that people get the facts fast -- so we can make our governments to do the right thing.

The United States Dictatorship And Its Free Fall

January 26 2015 | From: VeteransToday

New information on the 2000 election, information now in the hands of top military officials in the
US, conclusively proves that Americas government is in free fall.
(L-R) US President Barack Obama, and former presidents of the US George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Jimmy Carter

In 2000, a criminal conspiracy overthrew the government of the United States through violence, threats of violence
and massive fraud.

In light of what many believe to be the upcoming collapse, world war, economic meltdown, climate sabotage, global
pandemics and radiation threats, key evidence has been brought forward.

The oft spoken of New World Order is now much more than conspiracy or myth. The United States is now and has been little
more than a colony, to be bled dry.

It is now clearly recognized that this organization stands ready to destroy the last vestiges of human civilization in service of
some indiscernible goal. Ascribing the term reptilian to these machinations is an insult to a viper.

Some Have Had Enough

In recognition of the current state of emergency, leaders of Americas military and intelligence community loyal to constitutional
authority have taken exception with the continuity of governmental and command authority.

This is not a specific challenge to the Obama presidency but rather a clear recognition of the seizure of political authority in the
US (and most other western nations) has ended all representative government.

By this standard, all governmental actions of the United States since that time will be null and void. However, the dead will
still be dead, the maimed and despondent, countless in number, may look for what solace they can.

The old dialectic, republic or democracy is pass, much of the world exists under the slavery of a New World Order or is
awaiting doom. Not all will pass into the darkness as sheep, as happened in America and her allies.

The People against the New World Order

Legally, George W. Bush was never the President of the United States, according to legal opinions now under broad
acceptance with Americas top commanders.

Authorities now cite the election of former Vice President Al Gore. The same authorities demand both the restoration of the
Gore presidency and the impeachment of Gore for failure to assume office though legally elected.

Records of Supreme Court deliberations during their bizarre move against the constitution in 2000 show that they were aware,
not just of broad electronic vote rigging but that five court members were fully involved in a plot against the United States,
knowingly complicit in a coup that involved broad threats of violence, blackmail and bribery on a massive scale.

New information on the 2000 election, information now in the hands of top military officials in the US, conclusively proves that
Americas government is in free fall.

The evidence, leaked by top Pentagon commanders, tells a story now very easy to believe, a story of hate, of greed and,
especially of brutal totalitarian intent.


A group closely aligned with a not so hidden world government made up of financial criminals, oil and defense corporations,
groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderbergers and extremist groups that penetrated all
western military and intelligence commands exercised a violent overthrow of the government of the United States.

The operational planning group was the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), tasked with rigging the 2000 election,
organizing the corporate media behind the coup.
As some may remember, the Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush as president, on a 5/4 vote on pure party lines.
Retired Justice Sandra Day OConnor, in recent public revelations has strongly hinted at the courts legal misconduct in

Less publicly, secret deliberations, now in the hands of key leaders, penetrate the secrecy behind this critical time. The
Supreme Court, led by a five-member cabal at the heart of the coup, knowingly abrogated states rights, separation of powers
and equal protection provisions of the constitution to empower a criminal conspiracy intent on unleashing an American
dictatorship on the world as a super-cop.

As early as 1999, PNAC had announced the need for a new Pearl Harbor to condition the American people to accept a
consolidation of totalitarian authority and a permanent state of warfare.

The subsequent planning and execution of 9/11 was only one aspect of the broader plan; seizing the government, 9/11,
suspending civil rights, rigging congressional districts, instill true believers in military and government and setting up a multi-
national world government to manage a quasi-global slave state.

Experts in nearly every field all agree on one thing, collapse is imminent.

Correcting Course

Restoration of constitutional authority, the basis of all oaths of allegiance for those serving with the authority of the republic
requires the restoration of said republic and its last elected president. Thus, Albert Gore is the last legally elected president
and must, by law, fulfill his term of office.

Two branches of government are, technically, in rebellion against the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States
has strayed, an understatement of Olympic proportions.

Evidence of a conspiracy against the court to overthrow the government exists. Dissenting members of the court were subject
to threats of violence against their persons and families as was President Gore.

This has been confirmed.

Subsequent acts of the court, the utter and absolute failure to uphold constitutional guarantees time and time again has been a
travesty. It has been treasonous, from Citizens United to the congressional redistricting which denied equal protection and
representation to over 100 million Americans.

When the Supreme Court allowed suspension of habeas corpus, all semblance of representative government ended.

When they allowed murder, kidnapping and torture, ending all due process, they became war criminals.

The Horrible House

The US House of Representatives is now a tyranny controlled entirely by minority party under the control of criminal elements.
Nearly half the members of the majority party would lose their seats but for bizarre gerrymandered districts, some
geographies of phantasmagorical mien.

The 2012 Mob Ploy

During the 2012 election, drug cartel kingpin Mitt Romney received over $1 billion in contributions, much from narcotics,
human trafficking and gambling backers.

Gambling boss, Sheldon Adelson spent $100 million, a number personal cited by President Obama.

Prior to the election, documents were released by sources within the FBI and Mexican intelligence agencies revealing that Mitt
Romney, working closely with the Castro government and former members of Soviet intelligence services, managed hundreds
of secret slush fund offshore accounts for key government and military leaders.

These accounts were funded through the generous contributions of the Mexican drug cartels and the CIAs burgeoning
narcotics operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
This relationship, which some believed began with Carlos Salinas and Mitt Romney at Harvard, actually began generations
before. The Bush/Romney financial partnership, built, initially on profits from Nazi war industries, now dwarfs even the
Rothschild cartel for funds under management.

DHS, Neither Home Nor Secure

The Department of Homeland Security is an Israeli controlled organization tasked by the New World Order to infect every
aspect of American society in lieu of a declaration of full martial law.

[Note: Section on The Wanta, Reagan, Mitterand Protocols has been removed as this information is a red herring and
Gordon Duff should well know better].

At one time, speaking of a trillion dollars was considered absurd. In recent years, despite obfuscation, psychological
operations, disinformation, propaganda and simply corrupt news Imagineering, the public has learned that banks created
funny money, amounting to what is now estimated to be $5 quadrillion dollars.

That would be 5 million billion dollars or 5,000 trillion dollars.

Dont worry, none of it is real. We call this money derivatives. $10 trillion of the US national debt is money invented to keep
foreign banks alive that got confused, they were no longer able to tell their real from their phony cash.

They were considered too big to fail.

The Ticking Clock

There is a war within our own government and military. The forces that would ask President Obama to step down from office
voluntarily on constitutional grounds are, oddly enough, closely aligned with Secretary of Defense Hagel and Chairman of the
JCOS, General Martin Dempsey.

They are, in fact, Obama supporters. Against them are the very real forces of darkness, that vast conspiracy spoken of so
many years ago by First Lady Hillary Clinton.

The grand conspiracy, the New World Order, is playing a new game, inventing wild conspiracies over Benghazi, a wild
narrative of conjecture and fabrication intended to ensnare those who are stupid enough to accept facts from corporate
controlled media.

While this dance continues, America is either being dragged into world war over Syria or, through failure to show leadership,
will be supplanted throughout the Middle East and Central Asia by Russia and China.

America is, it seems, addicted to its own lies.

While the clock is ticking, maybe ticking away Americas final hours, will oaths be kept, will courage take hold, will bold and
daring action confront the monster that has been feeding off so many of us for so long?

Vast Experiments On Humans: A Forgotten Document

January 24 2015 | From: JonRappoport

People are unaware of the vast scope of human experimentation in the world today. While some of
the accounts below are historic, the insane cabal that is currently running the world continues with
such atrocities to this day. Make sure you keep drinking your Fluoride!
Here are just a few examples:

The entire field of psychiatry, which offers 300 so-called mental disorders for diagnosis and drugging, is a pseudoscience,
because none of those mental disorders has a defining physical diagnostic test. No blood test, no urine test, no brain scan, no
genetic assay.

The entire area of biotech manipulation of food crops, in which genes from one species are inserted into another; the FDA
originally approved GMO crops on the basis that it was the biotech industrys responsibility to assure safety and no health risk.

Every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. (See B. Starfield, JAMA, July 26, 2000, Is US health really the
best in the world?) Of those 225,000 deaths, 106,000 are caused by FDA-approved drugs. This means that, once the drugs
are approved, everything that then happens to the public is one grand uncontrolled experiment.

The entire area of vaccines; although numerous experts proclaim serious adverse reactions are rare, the system for counting
reactions is broken. Barbara Loe Fisher, of the National Vaccine Information Center, has reasonably pegged the annual
number of severe adverse effects at between 100,000 and 1.2 million.

As I said, these are just a few examples. There are others. For instance, the entire experiment involving spraying chemical
substances near the ground and high above the ground, which includes weather control and manipulation.

Here is a largely forgotten 1994 document that adds fuel to this conflagration:

United States General Accounting Office Testimony Before the Legislation and National Security Subcommittee, Committee
on Government Operations, House of Representative

For Release on Delivery
Expected at
10:00 a.m. EST
September 28, 1994
Human Experimentation - An Overview on Cold War Era Programs

Statement of Frank C. Conahan, Assistant Comptroller General, National Security and International Affairs Division

I offer selected quotes below. This is, I assure you, mind-boggling material. Read it carefully. The testimony speaks for itself. It
also provides historical context for what is happening now in America, the land of guinea pigs:

We are pleased to be here today to discuss the use of humans in tests and experiments conducted for national
security purposes by the Department of Defense (DOD) and other agencies between 1940 and 1974.

As you requested, we focused our work on defense-affiliated programs that used human test subjects between
1940 and 1974. The programs included tests and experiments conducted or sponsored by the Departments of the
Army, the Navy, and the Air Force; the Defense Nuclear Agency; the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the
Department of Energy; and the Department of Health and Human Services. The tests and experiments involved
radiological, chemical, and biological research

we have identified hundreds of radiological, chemical, and biological tests and experiments in which hundreds of
thousands of people were used as test subjects. These tests and experiments often involved hazardous substances
such as radiation, blister and nerve agents, biological agents, and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). In some cases,
basic safeguards to protect people were either not in place or not followed. For example, some tests and
experiments were conducted in secret; others involved the use of people without their knowledge or consent or their
full knowledge of the risks involved.

The effects of the tests and experiments are often difficult to determine. Although some participants suffered
immediate acute injuries, and some died, in other cases adverse health problems were not discovered until many
years lateroften 20 to 30 years or longer.

Government testing and experimentation with human subjects continues today because of its importance to
national security agencies. For example, the Armys Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease uses
volunteers in its tests of new vaccines for malaria, hepatitis, and other exotic diseases.

Since 1974, federal regulations have become more protective of research subjects and, in general, require (1) the
formation of institutional review boards and procedures and (2) researchers to obtain informed consent from human
subjects and ensure that their participation is voluntary and based on knowledge of the potential risks and benefits.
We are in the process of reviewing the effectiveness of these measures. A National Institutes of Health official has
stated that no mechanism exists to ensure implementation of the key federal policies in this area.

Precise information on the scope and magnitude of government tests and experiments involving human subjects is
not available, and exact numbers may never be known.

However, our review of available documentation and interviews with agency officials identified hundreds of tests
and experiments in which hundreds of thousands of people were used as subjects. Some of these tests and
experiments involved the intentional exposure of people to hazardous substances such as radiation, blister and
nerve agents, biological agents, LSD, and phencyclidine (PCP). These tests and experiments were conducted to
support weapon development programs, identify methods to protect the health of military personnel against a
variety of diseases and combat conditions, and analyze U.S. defense vulnerabilities.

Healthy adults, children, psychiatric patients, and prison inmates were used in these tests and experiments.
Documenting the precise number of tests and participants is difficult because government information is incomplete.
Some records have been lost or destroyed, and existing documentation contains limited information and often does
not identify names of participants.

The largest known test program was the atmospheric nuclear test program conducted from 1945 to 1962. The
purpose of this program was to develop weapons and to gain a better understanding of the tactical effect on troops.
Over this 17-year period, approximately 210,000 DOD-affiliated personnel, including civilian employees of DOD
contractors, scientists, technicians, maneuver and training troops, and support personnel, participated in 235
atmospheric nuclear tests. We reported on two of these tests, known as Operation Crossroads, in 1985.

According to DOD officials, as many as 150,000 of the 210,000 participants may have been exposed to fallout. In
addition, 195,000 U.S. service members may have been exposed to radiation during the occupation of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, and over 4,000 other service members may have been exposed during cleanups at Bikini,
Enewetak, and Johnston Atolls after nuclear tests were conducted. Some participants have alleged that they were
not fully informed or did not understand the potential health risks of exposure to radiation.

In a series of experiments conducted between the 1940s and 196Os, the Atomic Energy Commission and the U.S.
Public Health Service funded research of the potential medical effects on people from fallout after a nuclear attack
or accident. In some of the experiments, university researchers exposed mentally disabled children to low doses of
radiation. Years after the experiments were completed, a task force found that researchers failed to satisfactorily
inform the subjects families about the nature and risk of the experiments in order for them to make an informed
decision when they gave their consent. The president of one of the universities involved in the experiments later
apologized for the use of children and the failure to provide full information about the nature and risk. We are not
aware of what, if any, further action was taken in this case.

During World War II and the Cold War era, the Army and the Navy conducted two major chemical research
experiments in which thousands of service members were used as test subjects. An unknown number of other
chemical tests and experiments were conducted under contracts with universities, hospitals, and medical research
facilities. In some of the tests and experiments, healthy adults, psychiatric patients, and prison inmates were used
without their knowledge or consent or their full knowledge of the risks involved.

Similar to the Armys tests, the Navy conducted tests of clothing and equipment that exposed thousands to the
effects of mustard gas and lewisite agents [lewisite is a chemical weapon, blister agent, lung irritant, which causes
severe burns and can cause death]. These experiments involved (1) gas chamber tests, in which service members
were completely exposed to mustard and lewisite agents while wearing protective clothing, and (2) skin tests, in
which amounts of mustard agent and antivesicant ointments were applied to service members forearms. The Navy
has a list of the names of approximately 3,200 sailors who participated in mustard and lewisite agent tests
performed by the Naval Research Laboratory. Additionally, Navy officials told us that between 15,000 and 60,000
Navy recruits had participated in skin tests conducted by a contractor but that the Navy had no record of the
recruits names.

During the same period, the Army Chemical Corps contracted with various universities, state hospitals, and
medical foundations to research the disruptive influences that psychochemical agents could have on combat troops.
The Air Force also conducted experiments on the effects of LSD through contracts at five universities. According to
Air Force officials and records, approximately 100 people received LSD in these experiments. No effort has been
made by the Air Force to determine if the participants names are available in the universities records.

According to a CIA official, from 1553 to about 1964, the CIA conducted a series of experiments called MKULTRA
to test vulnerabilities to behavior modification drugs. As a part of these experiments, LSD and other psychochemical
drugs were administered to an undetermined number of people without their knowledge or consent. According to
the official, the names of those involved in the tests are not available because names were not recorded or the
records were subsequently destroyed. However, some tests were done under contract, and no effort has been
made by the CIA to determine if names are available in contractors records.

The Army conducted a series of biological warfare experiments and tests between 1949 and 1974. The purpose of
these tests was to determine U.S. vulnerabilities to biological warfare. For example, between 1949 and 1969, the
Army conducted several hundred biological warfare tests in which unaware populations were sprayed with bacterial
tracers or simulants that the Army thought were harmless at that time. Some of the tests involved spraying large
areas, such as the cities of St. Louis and San Francisco, and others involved spraying more focused areas, such as
the New York City subway system and Washington National Airport.

Available records show that people suffered immediate acute injuries in some tests and that people died in at least
two tests. For example, available records show that some participants in the Armys and the Navys mustard and
lewisite tests suffered burns and required hospitalization. Also, in a highly publicized case, an Army employee died
in 1953, a short time after participating in a CIA experiment using LSD.

some agencies have made little effort to assist test participants by identifying test locations and participants in
experiments conducted by contractors. The CIA, in fact, has not released the names of 15 of the approximately 80
organizations that conducted experiments under the previously discussed MKULTRA program because the
organizations do not want to be identified.
If youve grasped what youve just read, I dont need to highlight the horrendous facts. However, I would offer a coda:

Right now, on Maui, Monsanto and Dow are suing to nullify a citizens vote that blocked biotech GMO/pesticide
experimentation in that county.

These corporations are undertaking toxic experiments on the whole population in that area. The scientific data re GMOs and
pesticides are locked up as proprietary corporate property.

Yet another secret, yet another pronouncement that everything is safe.

No protection, no informed consent, no transparency, no independent review.

Even among corporate insiders, very few know the full extent and nature of the GMOs being deployed or the chemicals being
sprayed on the heads of the people.

Its in the grand tradition - human experimentation. RICO crime, war crime. Depraved indifference to human life, in the service
of helping the planet.

Turkish President Accuses 'The West' Of Being Behind Charlie Hebdo Attacks And Deliberately
'Blaming Muslims' As Conspiracy Theories Sweep The Internet Accusing Israel Of Orchestrating
January 16 2015 | From: DailyMail

Recep Tayyip Erdoan suggested French security forces knew of attack

Turkish President said the West is 'playing games with the Islamic world'
Said: 'French citizens carried out massacre, and Muslims pay the price'
The President of Turkey has suggested French security forces are to blame for the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris
last week, since the culprits had recently served prison sentences.

Recep Tayyip Erdoan accused the West of 'playing games with the Islamic world', warning fellow Muslims to be 'aware'.

Erdogan said Muslims are 'paying the price' for the attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish kosher
supermarket in Paris last week.

'French citizens carry out such a massacre, and Muslims pay the price,' Erdogan said yesterday.

'That's very meaningful ... Doesn't their intelligence organisation track those who leave prison?

'Games are being played with the Islamic world, we need to be aware of this.

'The West's hypocrisy is obvious. As Muslims, we've never taken part in terrorist massacres. Behind these lie
racism, hatespeech and Islamophobia,' Erdogan added.

Erdogan also denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for attending a solidarity rally in France on Sunday with
other world leaders after the Paris attacks.
'How can a man who has killed 2,500 people in Gaza with state terrorism wave his hand in Paris, like people are
waiting in excitement for him to do so? How dare he go there?' he said.

Erdogan did not attend the Sunday march, though Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu participated.

Erdogan is not the only senior Turkish politicianpublicly voicing conspiracy theories over the Paris attacks.

The Mayor of Ankara, Melih Gokcek, said he was convinced the Israeli intelligence service Mossad was behind the attacks,
linking them to France's recent move towards recognising Palestine as an independent state.

'Mossad is definitely behind such incidents it is boosting enmity towards Islam.' Mr Gokcek said,
according to Financial Times.

In Russia, several pro-Kremlin commentators blamed the United States and the CIA for the attack, the newspaper reported.

One, Alexei Martynov, director of the International Institute for New States, said 'I am sure that some American supervisors are
responsible for the terror attacks in Paris, or in any case the Islamists who carried them out.'

For the full story with video visit: DailyMail

Gordon Campbell On Ian Fletcher Resignation & GCSB's New Role

January 16 2015 | From: Scoop

Like most events in security intelligence, the resignation for family reasons of GCSB boss Ian
Fletcher has got (a) a simple straightforward explanation and (b) a complex, conspiratorial one.
It may well be that after being shoulder-tapped in Queensland for the GCSB job, three years of living in Wellington
has been enough for Fletcher and his family, given that the pending review of the GCSB would have required an even
longer commitment from him. Three years of Wellingtons weather is enough for anyone.

The more complex reason ? No one currently knows what the review of the security agencies is actually going to review.
Rather than a routine five yearly WOF process, it could well involve a total revamp : but at this point, the government isnt
saying anything about the scope of what it has in mind. Working backwards from Fletchers resignation though, one can
speculate that a merger of the SIS and GCSB is on the cards.

Perhaps Fletcher left because on his CV it looks a lot better to be leaving now as head of an existing organization than to
hang on and be the guy whose job has been disappeared in a corporate reshuffle. Old school chum of the PM that he may be,
Fletcher would be the underdog in any contest with SIS head Rebecca Kitteridge to head a re-configured spying mega-

The dubious rationale for a merger of the SIS and GCSB can wait for a later day, once it becomes clear whether that goal
really is on the governments agenda. Given that the SIS and GCSB have different roles one is supposed to protect domestic
security, the other is supposed to concentrate on international signals traffic a merger would be bound to add a round of
bureaucratic musical chairs to an already confusing mixture of terrorism, corporate espionage and state-to-state

A merger would not solve the basic problem that has dogged security services, here and overseas. Basically, the spooks dont
need more intrusive powers to gather information ; they need to be better at interpreting the information they already have. As
things stand they either create a threat where none exists (eg Ahmed Zaoui) or under-estimate the threat that does exist ( eg
the Kouachi brothers, Man Haron Monis).

The main problem is one of interpretation, not detection. Would merging the SIS and GCSB increase their ability to get it right
or would it just concentrate the capacity to get things wrong, in fewer hands ?

One thing we do know because SIS Minister Chris Finlayson said so is that while Ian Fletcher was at the helm of the
GCSB, he oversaw the installation of the Cortex cyber-security system.

His tenure has seen New Zealands national security enhanced with the approval and initial roll-out of the Cortex
cyber security programme for the New Zealand Government and critical infrastructure organisations.

Cortex is a menu of tools and services. What Fletcher has revealed about it so far is that it will engage the GCSB in providing
corporate security protections to the private sector that (a) the firms involved should be paying for themselves and not getting
the taxpayer to provide, via the GCSB and (b) that will inevitably entail the sharing of secret intelligence with the private
sector that will continue to be denied to ordinary citizens.

Fletcher says Cortex is a set of tools, rather than a single product, designed to protect key organisations in the
public and private sector from cyber-attacks launched from overseas.

"I'd get into trouble if I said exactly what it does, butthat menu is adjusted to reflect the circumstances of the
organisation we are dealing with."

The criteria organisations need to meet to qualify for Cortex' protection are also secret, but it appears significant
economic targets as well as vital network utilities may come under its umbrella. "We have looked very broadly," is
all Fletcher will say.

Vital network utilities? Like say.. Spark? Kiwirail? Chorus ? Fonterra? If the GCSB really is well down the track to becoming a
kind of mega cyber-security firm offering tailored services on a confidential basis to selected corporates deemed to be of vital
national importance and with whom security intelligence will presumably be shared shouldnt there have been some
debate about this beforehand?

In practice with Cortex, how will the GCSB decide what security services its corporate clients should pay for, and in what
circumstances the state, via the taxpayer, should pick up the tab? Will a joint payment system apply, for services rendered ?
When did Parliament get to sanction this new entrepreneurial role for the GCSB? Normally, the centre-right gets very upset
whenever the state crowds out private enterprise.

Not a peep so far though about this example of the process. And Cortex really is breaking new ground, beyond business as
usual for the GCSB:

"The approach we have taken has been a New Zealand specific-one," [Fletcher] says. "New Zealand does not have
a big indigenous defence supply chain so we have been in a position where we have been able to think broadly
from the outset.

"But everyone I talk to, both our close partners and others, are really focused on answering the question of how
governments provide the 'public good' that is called 'defence' over what are broadly privatised networks and global
flows of data".

And thus, private enterprise gets treated as being synonymous with the public good. Too big to fail became too big to be left to
defend itself. Its a brand new notion, as Fletcher intimates, of what constitutes defence. And as we approach the 100th
anniversary of Gallipolli, it seems we are all soldiers in the service of the likes of Spark, now.

CFRs RAND Corporation: Terror From Everywhere Requires More Surveillance

January 15 2015 | From: InfoWars

The end game is to monitor every citizen in real-time.

Three suspected French terrorists and a fourth who allegedly crossed the border into Syria have provided ample
opportunity to ramp up the police and surveillance state.

Stephanie Pezard, a RAND Corporation political scientist with a specialty in French policy, told CBC News there is:

only so much you can do to prevent attacks that basically can come from everywhere. Its going to be mostly
intelligence services that will have to make sure that everyone on their watch list is being watched.

In the United States, the terrorist watch list is massive. The FBIs terrorist Screening Database or TSDB as of 2008 consisted
of 400,000 unique names and over 1,000,000 records. Names are provided by the Department of Homeland Security, the
State Department, the Justice Department, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.

Monitoring a small percentage of the names included would require a sprawling intelligence apparatus that would rival East
Germanys Stasi, Nazi Germanys Gestapo or the KGB in the Soviet Union.

The NSA is currently the largest and most powerful intelligence organization in the world.

The NSA will play an integral part in permanent surveillance, writes David Hamilton for the WikiLeaks Press.
Technological advancements will upgrade the NSAs surveillance capabilities to real time surveillance.

Millions of innocent people have been the subject of surveillance and millions more will become subjects of

Not surprisingly, RAND is behind the propaganda effort to radically expand the size and scope of the surveillance grid.

Real-time monitoring of terrorists, that is say all who pose a serious threat to the establishment, is a primary objective of the
global elite.

The end game for the NSA is not merely to monitor a million or so people included in a terror database, but the entire

The RAND National Defense Research Institute is a federally-funded Council on Foreign Relations think-tank
sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense and headed by Council on Foreign Relations member Michael
D. Rich. Clients include the Pentagon, AT&T, Chase Manhattan Bank, IBM, Republican Party, U.S. Air Force, U.S.
Department of Energy and NASA.

The interlocking leadership between the trustees at RAND, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations is
a classic case of Bilderberg modus operandi, writes Daniel Estulin in his book on the Bilderberg Group.

French President Says On National TV That The Illuminati Is Attacking Paris

January 12 2015 | From: AnonymousMags

This video is only 2 minutes long and contains the television clip in French along with English
Those who have committed those actions: those terrorists, those illuminati, those fanatics, have nothing to do with

Political Crimes & Criminals

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Part Five: Click here

Part Six: Click here

Part Seven: Click here

Part Eight: Click here

Political Crimes & Criminals

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Part Five: Click here

Part Six: Click here

Part Seven: Click here

Part Eight: Click here

New York Times Editorial Calls For Cheney, Bush Officials To Be Investigated And Prosecuted
For Torture
December 23 2014 | From: RawStory

In a blistering editorial published in the Monday edition of the New York Times, the editorial page
editors are calling upon the Justice Department to open an investigation into the torture practices
committed during the administration of President George W. Bush with an eye towards prosecuting
those who committed torture and other serious crimes, along with former Vice President Dick
Cheney and other major administration officials.

Under a headline reading, Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses, the board criticizes the administration of current
President Barack Obama for failing to bring to justice anyone responsible for the torture of terrorism suspects,
during the period following the attack on 9/11.

The editorial notes that the American Civil Liberties Union will present a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. on Monday
calling for appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate what appears to be a vast criminal conspiracy, under color of
law, to commit torture and other serious crimes.

Saying it is hard to imagine the current administration having the political courage to order an investigation, the board calls
for a full investigation that will include major figures in the Bush administration, including Cheney, and former CIA director
George Tenet.
any credible investigation should include former Vice President Dick Cheney; Mr. Cheneys chief of staff, David
Addington; the former C.I.A. director George Tenet; and John Yoo and Jay Bybee, the Office of Legal Counsel
lawyers who drafted what became known as the torture memos, the editorial reads. There are many more names
that could be considered, including Jose Rodriguez Jr., the C.I.A. official who ordered the destruction of the
videotapes; the psychologists who devised the torture regimen; and the C.I.A. employees who carried out that

The call for the Justice Department to proceed follows the release of the so-called Torture Report released over a week ago.

Noting confirmation of reports of rectal feeding, waterboarding, detainees hung by their wrists, confined to coffins, beaten,
and threatened with death, the board calls the acts criminal offenses.

These are, simply, crimes. They are prohibited by federal law, which defines torture as the intentional infliction of
severe physical or mental pain or suffering. They are also banned by the Convention Against Torture, the
international treaty that the United States ratified in 1994 and that requires prosecution of any acts of torture,they

The board concludes, Starting a criminal investigation is not about payback; it is about ensuring that this never
happens again and regaining the moral credibility to rebuke torture by other governments. Because of the Senates
report, we now know the distance officials in the executive branch went to rationalize, and conceal, the crimes they
wanted to commit. The question is whether the nation will stand by and allow the perpetrators of torture to have
perpetual immunity for their actions.

ISIL Completely Fabricated Enemy By USA - Former CIA Contractor

December 18 2014 | From: PressTV

Former CIA contractor, Steven D. Kelley, says that the ISIL terrorist group is a completely fabricated
enemy created and funded by the United States.
This is a completely fabricated enemy, he said in a phone interview with Press TV from Anaheim, California on

The funding is completely from the United States and its allies and for people to think that this enemy is something
that needs to be attacked in Syria or Iraq is a farce because obviously this is something that we create it, we
control and only now it has become inconvenient for us to attack this group as a legitimate enemy, Kelley added.

He made the remarks as US President Barack Obama is under pressure to seek congressional approval before expanding
Washingtons military air campaign against ISIL targets from Iraq into neighboring Syria.

The Pentagon has already launched at least 100 airstrikes on ISIL positions in northern Iraq since Obama authorized the use
of force against the terrorist group earlier this month.

The White House insists it does not need explicit congressional authorization for those operations because they are intended
to protect American personnel and interests inside the Arab country.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that Obama will not hesitate to use his authority to keep Americans
safe, but added that the president was committed to coordinating and consulting with Congress on a decision to hit ISIL
targets in Syria.
If you want to get to the root of the problem and remove this organization, the first thing they need to do is to
remove the funding and take care of entities responsible for the creation of this group, Kelley said.

I believe that this ISIS group would probably go away, would be easily defeated by the armies of [Syrian
President] Bashar Assad, he said.

A Short History Lesson: From 9/11 To Warrantless Spying In New Zealand

December 12 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

I found myself writing a comment on The Standard this morning in reaction to their publishing Brian
Goulds piece explaining why Labour outsmarted National when they voted with them to allow
warrantless spying on Kiwis.

I found myself writing about New Zealands Labour party lead by Andrew Little compromising on the right of New
Zealanders to be free of unlimited Governmental spying on them and the history leading up to these law changes.

I found myself writing about Andrew Littles and Labours reprehensible and dangerous lack of insight in the Geopolitical
developments over the last 13 years. In fact since the events of 9/11.

Let me explain what I mean with unlimited spying:

When you allow a Government even the tiniest window of unwarranted (= uncontrolled by the third arm of Government =
Elite using police or other spy agencies for their own ends) spying on its population you might as well give them unlimited spy
time. Spying is done in secret and you can count on it the clock will only start ticking when somebody finds out they are being
spied on.

History is filled with examples of what happens if a people accept the fact that their Government spies on them.
It always ends bad and it is always used to crush dissent. It is also always brought in under the exact same motivation:

There is an enemy in our midst and we are in danger. In order to make sure the enemy doesnt hurt us we have to be
able to spy on everyone.

The difference between what populations hear and what Governments mean by this is also always the same.

The populations hears: We, the Government and you, the righteous, solid, law abiding citizens of this country, are under
thread from the enemy within (Communists, Catholics, Protestants, Capitalists, Jews, Muslims, take your pick throughout
history). As solid, law abiding citizens you have nothing to fear. This is your Government protecting you.

What the Government is actually saying: We (the Government) are under thread and the enemy could be who ever we are
saying it is. And yes, that could be you, the solid, law abiding citizen who finally cracks after enforced austerity, also known as
looting by the elite represented by the aforementioned Government, erosion of civil liberties, endless wars perpetrated by
the Government and other things that drive normal, solid, law abiding people to a breaking point.

The population subjected to this kind of behaviour always finds out what the Government actually meant when their family
members and loved ones start to disappear. Because the consequence of allowing your Government to spy on its
population. It is always more repression as the population starts to wake up to their new reality and starts to protest when
innocents die or disappear.

So here is what wrote on the Standard:

Just a bit of history (I know, who needs history but you know history repeats itself if you dont learn from it so bear with me
Iprent). Around 1999 a thesis was published. It was called Rebuilding Americas defenses. It was published by a group of what
we now know to be dual citizen neo-liberals calling themselves the Project for a New American Century. In it they called for a
New Pearl Harbor.

They got their New Pearl Harbor on 9/11 and a law was quickly rolled out and pushed through under urgency. It was called
the Patriot law. Turns out that law was written long before 9/11 happened.

The result was wholesale spying, TSA groin groping at airports, a no fly list, the wholesale militarization of the US police to
name a few of the changes in the US.

Now what does that have to do with Andrew Littles and Labours stance on the illegal spy at will laws (Being safe from
governmental spying in your own home is a very basic human right) they just voted in, you ask?

Their compliance with the law changes proposed by our US sock puppet prime Minister show that they are dangerously naive
in assuming that the law will only be used to spy on possible Muslim terrorists.

It shows that they are dangerously naive and still suffer from We are Islands very far away from everything else so we dont
have to learn about global politics and what happened in other countries that have so far accepted unwarranted spying on
their own citizens as a result of what happened on 9/11itis.

Even if you believe the claptrap of what we have been told about who perpetrated 9/11 and why, it behooves the party Brian
Gould calls THE OPPOSITION to be aware of how spy laws and no fly lists have affected the populations of other countries. If
they cant look over the border and see the bigger picture they have no place in our government!

Additionally you might want to ask yourself why Brian Gould as a member of the MSM is grooming his audience to once again
look at the other head of the same dragon as the SOLE opposition party. It seems to me to be a clear case of you will elect
the people we have chosen for you to elect.

Perhaps our puppet masters are aware that the Teflon on John Key is wearing thin and they know the populace is restless
and wants a change.

At least they now know that in Andrew Little they are getting a reasonable man willing to compromise the privacy of the
people of New Zealand away in favor of safety.

It all reminds me of a quote from Benjamin Franklin: Those who are willing to give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
We have just taken the next step on Naomi Wolfs list towards Fascism and nobody seems to notice. Least of all Andrew Little
and the Labour party.

New Zealand Public Health: The Silent Crisis

December 10 2014 | From: Werewolf

How the public health system is being driven into the ground. New Zealands public health system
has been in crisis for so long that its failings and deteriorating performance vis a vis other
developed countries now tend to be treated as its normal mode of being.

Unmet needs are rife. In 2013, a major survey of the health systems unmet needs reported that some 170,000 Kiwis
are being turned down every year from getting onto public health waiting lists. While 280,000 Kiwis a year met the
clinical threshold for elective surgery, only 110,000 were being placed on the waiting list.

To function at all, the public health system has become increasingly reliant on internationally trained medical graduates
(IMGs) to cope with senior doctor shortages, while also proving increasingly unable to retain them here. (New Zealands
dependency on IMGs to meet its health needs is the highest in the OECD.)

As the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) pointed out in a major report released in August, overseas trained
senior doctors had comprised 35% of the public health workforce in 2000 (already a high proportion by international
standards) and this has risen to 42%, on 2012 figures.

Even so, these foreign doctors and specialists are leaving at an accelerating rate apparently in response to the toxic
combination of high clinical workloads, relatively poor wages and conditions, and chronic delays in the provision of essential
equipment. Judging by the ASMS figures, of those IMGs who first registered in 2011, nearly 40% were no longer practising in
New Zealand one year later, which is more than double the percentage loss of five years earlier.

Much of the disturbing trends charted in the ASMS report and more on them later are a reflection of the funding shortages
imposed by central government through the DHB system, under both Labour-led and National-led governments. The current
shortages are also a reflection of the current governments ideologically-driven goal of getting the books into surplus, come
what may.

The result is a DHB managerial culture that places a high value on short-term cost-cutting and the deferral of investment
with a reluctance to plan long term, despite the efficiencies this could deliver.

There are few signs of improvement on the horizon. Quite the contrary. The staffing levels in New Zealands public health
system are set to deteriorate, via a vis Australia. To take just one example : Australia is on track to meet its target of 1.5
specialists per 1,000 people by 2021. As the ASMS report indicates (p.31) to do likewise in New Zealand would require a net
increase of 300 specialists a year, or roughly 80 a year above what New Zealand has managed over the past three years.

Unless the current growth rate improves significantly, New Zealands total (public and private) specialist workforce target for
2021 will fall short by a headcount of approximately 560 specialists. While the ambit and precision of some of these figures
are still in dispute, the ASMS confirmed to Werewolf that the specialist workforce in the DHB system is currently running at
around 100 a year below what would be needed to reach parity with Australia by 2021.

One reason why the state of public health is not a bigger political issue is that an informal level of bi-partisan agreement exists
between National and Labour about some of the public health systems worst features. For example : the current six month
waiting list system implemented by the Clark government, and tightened under National is a major reason for the levels of
unmet need.

Getting sick people onto the waiting list forces everyone (patients, GPs and specialists alike) to game the system and
exaggerate the symptoms, in order to ascend the priority ladder and gain access to treatment. Routinely, the old and the sick
are being forced into competition with each other, in a bid for attention.

The other reasons why the state of the public health system is rarely in the headlines is due to (a) the professionalism of
healthcare staff and (b) the internalisation by the public of the view that their public hospitals are chronically in crisis, so they
shouldnt ask for very much. As the ASMS report concludes, health professionals can be their own worst enemies in that
respect :

"While the consequences of senior medical officer (SMO) shortages are far reaching, they go largely unnoticed
by the public, in part because the shortages are so entrenched.

They have become the norm in many areas. Incursion of clinical workloads into important non-clinical [teaching
and training] time has become an accepted and unavoidable fact of life for many SMOs.

This, and the high use of locums [a short-term and significantly more expensive fix] to fill service gaps temporarily,
have saved many services from becoming dysfunctional have largely kept the negative effects of shortages out
of the newspapers.

Ignoring the issue, however, simply means the issue grows and the consequences become more severe further
down the track."

Signs of the underlying malaise do occasionally become apparent. Every now and then, highly trained and capable clinicians
will throw up their hands and leave New Zealand, generating newspaper headlines such as Top Specialist Quits in Disgust.

In mid-November, one such departure highlighted some of the issues behind the negative trends. Wellington Hospital lost its
leading cardio-electrophysiologist, Dr Alejandro Jimenez Restrepo. Born in Colombia and trained in the US, Jimenez had
arrived here in 2012 with his wife and young family, intending to settle permanently in New Zealand.

Within two and a half years, he was gone. In late November, Werewolf contacted Jimenez at his new post in Abu Dhabi, to
discuss the reasons for his departure.

Read the full story at: Werewolf

Wellington Supercity Proposed By 2016 - The Agenda 21 'Supercity' Rollout Continues
December 5 2014 | From: NationalBusinessReview

The Local Government Commissions report on Wellingtons supercity proposes a new council and
mayor by November 2016.

Comment: While the Auckland 'Supercity' adventure has been a PR-whitewashed abject failure that
costs more, and diverts funding to vested interests - most do not realise the details and that they are
irrelevant so long as the UN Agenda 21 gets implemented.

Comment: I once knew a person who worked in the Audit Office of the Auckland City Council who told me that if the
people knew the amount of fraud, overspending and inefficency going on there would be an uproar that would topple
the council.

The report was released at noon today, despite Wellington city councillor Helene Ritchie already spilling the news.

The commission has suggested the establishment of one Wellington council with eight local boards. This would mean one
mayor, 21 councillors, and 60 local board members.

It forecasts financial savings of just over $30 million a year through amalgamation.

The commission says in its report it expects the Wellington local boards will have greater power than Auckland local boards
for non-regulatory functions such as development consents. It also says councillors will be appointed to boards unlike
Auckland, to improve communication.

The report acknowledges the case for change is not as compelling as it was in Auckland due to population figures. The
proposed Great Wellington Council will serve a population comparable to Auckland City Council before the 2010
amalgamation, it says.
Wellington does not face the growth pressures of Auckland."

Nor does it have the level of dysfunction between current councils that was evident in Auckland prior to
amalgamation, - the report says.

The report notes that, in the 10 years to 2013, the Wellington region performed worse than the national economy on all
indicators except employment growth and business unit growth.

The Wellington economy is dominated by the government sector. To perform better it needs to diversify and
significantly lift its national and international competitiveness."

Leadership and the ability to deliver a single plan for the region will be critical to improved competitiveness and
better economic outcomes."

The proposal is now open for submissions.

On "Free Trade" Agreements: This Pertains To All Of The "Free Trade Agreements" The Cabal
Is Currently Attempting To Roll Out Globally - Russell Brand & Who Does David Cameron Really
Work For?
December 2 2014 | From: TheTrews

And it's all about a few people meeting in secret, with no recourse - and no accountability to the
people. Sounds legit?
I'm joined by writer and activist George Monbiot as we discuss the TTIP - a treaty backed by David Cameron that
would let rapacious companies subvert our laws, rights and national sovereignty.

You can subscribe to their channel here and send links to video news items of topical stories that you'd like me to analyse.

Former Presidents Warn About The Invisible Government Running The United States
December 1 2014 | From: WakingTimes

And again, this is not just about the United States. Everyone is so tired with everything always being
about Amerika, but the fact remains; ad nauseum, that it is one of our biggest powderkegs.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.- George Santayana

Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the
last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an invisible government owing no allegiance and
acknowledging no responsibility to the people."

This is not just about "America". This concerns the whole world, and given this type of evidence - when are "the
people" actucally going to wake up, grow some balls; say that enough is enough and reclaim their freedom from the
psychopaths that are running our world? This must be done legally and with due process of course.
According to six of our former presidents, one vice-president, and a myriad of other high profile political leaders, an invisible
government that is incredibly evil in intent has been in control of the U.S. government ever since the days of Andrew
Jackson (since at least 1836).

This is about the corruption that has taken over the world and if you are a kid in Hamilton (or anywhere else), New Zealand
and you think that you can actually pay off that loan on your VTEC Honda and try to buy a house; sub-prime II. Forget it fool.

They virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties It
operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts,
newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.

As a result, we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments
in the civilized worldno longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the
majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.

The sources for the above quotes (and more) are listed below. All of the quotes in this article have been verified as authentic
and have associated links to the source materials. Also included below are statements made by David Rockefeller, Sr, former
director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Federal Reserve Chairmans Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke that
appear to confirm some of the warnings.

Warnings About the Invisible Government Running the U.S.

The warnings listed below, which appear in chronological order, began with our first president George Washington. The last
president to speak out was JFK, who was assassinated. Read what they and other political leaders have said about the
invisible government.

George Washington wrote that the Illuminati want to separate the People from their Government

It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread
in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as
Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they
are susceptible of seperation).

That Individuals of them may actually had a seperation [sic] of the People from their Government in
view, is too evident to be questioned. George Washington, 1st President of the United States (1789
1797), from a letter that Washington wrote on October 24, 1798, which can be found in the Library of Congress.

For an analysis of Washingtons warning, see the article Library of Congress: George Washington Warns of

I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States (18011809) and principal author of the United States
Declaration of Independence (1776), in a letter written to John Taylor on May 28, 1816

A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and
various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast
surplus in banks. John C. Calhoun, Vice President (1825-1832) and U.S. Senator, from a speech given on
May 27, 1836

Note that it appears that Washingtons and Jeffersons concerns regarding bankers and separation of the people from the
government was realized by 1836. This fact was confirmed in a letter written by FDR in 1933 (see below) in which he wrote
that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew
Jackson. Jackson was the seventh president of the United States (1829-1937). Calhoun served as Jacksons vice-
president from 1829-1832.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and
acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt
politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day. Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United
States, Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography, 1913 (Appendix B)

A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated.
The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men

[W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated,
governments in the civilized world - no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by
conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of
dominant men. Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the
United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is
a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that
they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Woodrow Wilson,
28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913

The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs
over our cities, states and nation The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United
States government for their own selfish purposes.

They practically control both parties, and control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this
country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who
refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under
cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts,
newspapers and every agency created for the public protection. New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, New
York Times, March 26, 1922

Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer
to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government
board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough
money to pay the national debt

Mr. Chairman, when the Federal Reserve act was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a
world system was being set up here and thatthis country was to supply financial power to an
international superstate a superstate controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting
together toenslave the world for their own pleasure. Congressman Louis T. McFadden, from a
speech delivered to the House of Representatives on June 10, 1932

The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the
government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the
United States (19331945), in a letter to Colonel Edward M House dated November 21, 1933, as quoted in F.D.R.:
His Personal Letters, 1928-1945.

Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means We have a well-organized
political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party
state It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government This ruthless power-
seeking elite is a disease of our century This groupis answerable neither to the President, the
Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable. Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it
exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into
our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must
ultimately destroy all that is good and decent. J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, 1956

The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and
historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings

Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the
globe no war ever posed a greater threat to our security.

If you are awaiting a finding of clear and present danger, then I can only saythat the danger has never been
more clear and its presence has never been more imminent For we are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of
influenceon infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of
free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.I

t is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit,
highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political
operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters
are silenced, not praised.

No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. John F Kennedy, 35th President of
the United States, from a speech delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961
and known as the Secret Society speech (click here for full transcript and audio).

The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their
economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean
conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in
planning, and incredibly evil in intent. Congressman Larry P. McDonald, November 1975, from the introduction
to a book titled The Rockefeller File.

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism,
and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free
from the law itself. Daniel K. Inouye, US Senator from Hawaii, testimony at the Iran Contra Hearings, 1986

The Federal Reserve

A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves John C. Calhoun

owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. Theodore Roosevelt

one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the
Federal Reserve Bank. Louis T. McFadden

In an interview with Jim Lehrer that was aired on PBS News Hour on September 18, 2007 that you can watch on YouTube,
formal Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, essentially, that the Federal Reserve was above the law and that no
agency of government can overrule their actions:

Jim Lehrer: What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the
Fed and a president of the United States?

Alan Greenspan: Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically,
that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in
place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do
things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are dont frankly matter.

The fact that the Fed is above the law was demonstrated by current Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, during his appearance
before Congress on March 4, 2009 (as shown in this video). Senator Bernie Sanders asked Bernanke about $2.2 trillion in
American tax dollars that was lent out by Federal Reserve. Bernanke refused to provide an answer:

Senator Sanders: Will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars? Can
you tell us who they are?

Bernanke: No

David Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and
establish a one-party state William Jenner

The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic
power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world. Larry P. McDonald

In 1921 the stockholders of the Federal Reserve financed an organization called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). A
full discussion on the CFR is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say that the CFR likely plays a prominent role in the
invisible government that we have been warned about.

The CFR is alleged to be the arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States. Most influential politicians, academics and media
personalities are members. The CFR uses its influence to push their New World Order agenda on the American people.

David Rockefeller, Sr is the current patriarch of the Rockefeller family. He is the only surviving grandchild of oil tycoon John D.
Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil. Rockefeller began a lifelong association with the CFR when he joined as a director in
1949. In Rockefellers 2002 autobiography Memoirs he wrote:
For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-
publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence
they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to
build a more integrated global political and economic structure one world, if you will. If thats the
charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

James Warburg, son of CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] founder Paul Warburg, delivered blunt testimony before the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950:

We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be
achieved by consent or by conquest.

Cognitive Dissonance

The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It
rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all
that is good and decent. J. Edgar Hoover

Because of a deep rooted beliefs that the U.S. government is for the people and the protector of the free world, many will
reject the notion of an evil shadow government. When our beliefs are challenged or when two beliefs are
inconsistent, cognitive dissonance is created. Its human nature to try to hold our beliefs in harmony with our world view and
avoid disharmony (or dissonance).

For those of you who having difficulty believing the information presented in this article, I fully understand. For the first 57
years of my life, I would not have believed in the possibility that a shadow government could exist. Three years ago my world
view changed. While on vacation in Mount Shasta, I came across a book titled Global Conspiracy that seemed strangely out
of place in a metaphysical book store.

I had never heard of the author before some guy named David Icke. I scanned through the book and frankly didnt believe
99% of what I read. But, I saw one thing that caught my attention in that I knew that I could easily verify Ickes assertion. I did
my own research and turned out what Icke had stated was true. That led me down a rabbit hole and many, many hundreds of
hours of independent research.

So, keep an open mind, do your own research, and use discernment. Beware that there is a ton of disinformation on the
internet, much of which is intentionally placed to confuse the public. At a CFR meeting on geoengineering (see the article
Millions Spent to Confuse Public About Geoengineering), M. Granger Morgan stated (its captured on video for you to see
and hear for yourself):

First of all, of course, there is a lot of money getting spent to make sure that a very substantial portion of
the public stays totally confused about this. And, I mean, its been really quite pernicious. But theres been
literally tens of millions of dollars spent on every little thing that comes along that might, you know, relate to some

What Can We Do?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing
that ever has. Margaret Mead

In addition to doing your own research, please spread the word, and get involved. The Thrive Solutions Hub is an excellent
place to join with others who are taking positive action steps expose corruption and to create a world in which we can all
thrive. You can watch the full Thrive movie on YouTube here.

Study: US Is An Oligarchy, Not A Democracy

November 28 2014 | From: BBC

And it is the same wherever you are reading this, in case you had not figured that out yet.
The US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite. So concludes a recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin
Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin I Page.

This is not news, you say.

Perhaps, but the two professors have conducted exhaustive research to try to present data-driven support for this conclusion.
Here's how they explain it:

Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have
substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups
have little or no independent influence.

In English: the wealthy few move policy, while the average American has little power.

The two professors came to this conclusion after reviewing answers to 1,779 survey questions asked between 1981 and 2002
on public policy issues. They broke the responses down by income level, and then determined how often certain income
levels and organised interest groups saw their policy preferences enacted.

A proposed policy change with low support among economically elite Americans (one-out-of-five in favour) is
adopted only about 18% of the time," they write, "while a proposed change with high support (four-out-of-five in
favour) is adopted about 45% of the time."

On the other hand:

When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and / or with organised interests, they generally lose.
Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities
of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it."

They conclude:

Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of
speech and association and a widespread (if still contested) franchise. But we believe that if policymaking is
dominated by powerful business organisations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America's claims to
being a democratic society are seriously threatened."

Eric Zuess, writing in Counterpunch, isn't surprised by the survey's results.

"American democracy is a sham, no matter how much it's pumped by the oligarchs who run the country (and who
control the nation's "news" media)," he writes. "The US, in other words, is basically similar to Russia or most other
dubious 'electoral' 'democratic' countries. We weren't formerly, but we clearly are now."

This is the "Duh Report", says Death and Taxes magazine's Robyn Pennacchia. Maybe, she writes, Americans should just
accept their fate.

"Perhaps we ought to suck it up, admit we have a classist society and do like England where we have a House of
Lords and a House of Commoners," she writes, "instead of pretending as though we all have some kind of equal
opportunity here."

The Real Inconvenient Truth & A Call For Critical Thinking By The 99%
November 19 2014 | From: BerkeleyDailyPlanet

A person might be stoned for heresy in Berkeley if they were to question belief in global warming.
But, as a decades long, left leaning, KPFA listening and sponsoring, commuter bike riding,
composting, plastic avoiding, bring your own cloth grocery bag environmental activist, I am seeing
too much hypocrisy and closed minded smugness, and a lack of critical thinking on the part of
those who I have always thought of as my people.
I have come to the conclusion that those with liberal roots like me, have been sent on a fools errand, sucked into an
unquestioning group-think and religiosity by a well-funded corporatised environmental establishment, that is scaring
us into accepting top-down, pre-prescribed faux solutions that have never had public input and are designed to
enrich bankers, diminish the rights of ordinary people, and funnel us into a controlled technocratic society.

We hear plenty of talk about lowering parts per million of carbon while basic principles of environmentalism are violated, such
as, dont pollute, do no harm, local control, conservation, recycle, reuse, live simply, less technology, not more.

The Democratic left has been hijacked and infiltrated, our ideals and beliefs distorted and twisted into a disciplinary social
agenda, which demonises rank and file humanity, and deflects responsibility away from the real perpetrators of the destruction
of our natural world.

Al Gore, the man charged with popularising the global warming theory, uses 20 times the energy of the average person in just
one of his multi-million dollar homes, yet his carbon footprint is never put under a spot light.

Few remember how as Vice President he used his Earth in the Balance environmental cred to stump for passage of NAFTA
and Free Trade policies, which started the environmental race to the bottom and the wholesale giving away of local power
over land and laws to multinational corporations.

Now Gore is investing with partners like Goldman Sachs in carbon trading schemes, espousing the self-enriching solution to a
problem he defines. It would seem subscribers to the theory of global warming never question the designation of CO2, as the
root of our environmental problems and its convenient, consequent value as a global taxable trading currency founded on the
commodification of nature and a newly invented right to pollute.

This unverifiable system run by bankers will accelerate, not slow, the pillaging of the planet.

It is my observation that all aspects of the left alternative media from the progressive weeklies to KPFA radio, are conducting
the environmental wing of the global war on terror, never missing an opportunity to frighten and guilt trip us that we will cause
game over for the planet if we dont vote for climate change legislation, aka, carbon taxes and carbon trading, and support
smart growth policies.

We are schooled that only crazy right-wingers could possibly question the settled science and the settled
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is always cited as the trusted go-to body of expertise, even though
their integrity was discredited with the Climategate scandal based on leaked emails, in which head scientists at the IPCC,
Michael Mann of Penn State and Phil Jones of East Anglia University discussed doctoring the data on the hockey stick graph
created by Mann, and punishing scientists and scientific journals that print contradictory evidence to the theory of global

So many are now feeding at the trough of climate change disaster capitalism that a rational open debate is almost
impossible. City councils throughout the land are curiously all subscribing to the same developer, banker- enriching, land-
grabbing policies of smart growth.

Unelected, unaccountable regional boards, made up of selected local officials, along with corporations and non governmental
organizations are drawing up dictatorial regional plans for growth that supercede city governments, depriving citizens of the
right to affect their own local land use policy.

In the name of climate change remediation, we are told we must pack more people into smaller areas of land, as our towns
are being transformed into mega Manhattanized cities with tall multi-unit apartment buildings that take our sunlight, and
ultimately our connection to the land and nature.

Old buildings, neighborhoods, and communities are wastefully being torn down and made over to fit the vision of elite
ideologue urban planners. In the upheaval, small local independent businesses are lost and replaced with national chains.

This is not protection of nature, but a transfer of wealth, power, property ownership, and autonomy of cities, towns
and rural areas, away from ordinary citizens.

Todays "environmentalists" are working towards increased government and corporate control and surveillance over our lives
through bio-hazardous technology, ie. smart grid and smart meters, with no regard for thousands of independent scientific
studies proving that digital microwave radiation damages biology.

Instead of a call to decentralise, simplify and conserve, citizens worldwide are being forced to apply smart meters to their
homes, even as they are complaining of heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, mental confusion, sleeplessness, headaches, ear
ringing, dizziness and more.

A technology is neither green nor sustainable if its byproduct harms humans, insects, plants and animals. This unseen
pollution from smart meters and smart grid infrastructure is increasing exponentially with no objections from official

Unlike the old meters, smart meters use energy to power themselves 24/7. They are only advantageous to a centralized
corporate model of energy control.

Most shockingly, the left, who claim to have the corner on environmental stewardship, are the ones giving credence to
geoengineering-solar radiation management, (the spraying of chemical nanoparticle pollution, such as aluminum oxide and
sulphur dioxide via jet aircraft into the atmosphere in order to block the sun), as a solution for global warming.

On May 9, 2013, the Earth Island Institute sponsored a debate cavalierly dubbed, Hack the Sky? at the Brower Center in
Berkeley CA. The purported adversaries were Stanford geoengineer, Ken Caldiera, and so called ethicist, Clive Hamilton,
who belongs to the same geoengineering promoting, Solar Radiation Management Governance Group with Caldiera and
other geoengineers. That very morning the two debaters made an appearance on liberal KALWs Your Call.

A few months later the apprentices on Progressive radio KPFAs Full Circle hosted the same performance duo. Why are
environmental groups and left media putting on rigged debates legitimising and normalising a preposterous technology, which
poisons and desecrates nature, and can only cause irreparable harm, when they should be screaming warnings from the
rafters that scientists are recklessly playing God with our world.

These left media outlets are unconscionably frightening their following into accepting what amounts to nothing less than the
corporate scientific intervention into our natural weather and climate systems.

The environmental establishment chooses to ignore a whole area of inquiry relevant and crucial to the climate change
equation; that of scientific, military, university, and governmental, (NASA and NOAA) experimentation with our atmosphere
and weather, which has been going on for many decades.

The book Angels Dont Play This HAARP by Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning, documents the history of military
experimentation with the earths atmosphere, and chronicles the development (including twelve patents) of the High
Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, (HAARP), a field of giant antennas which can boil the upper atmosphere with a
focused steerable billion watt electromagnetic beam, sending electromagnetic waves back onto a target on earth, causing
changes in the jet stream and weather.
The Department of Defense and their military contractors operate outside of all laws that protect the environment.

Ironically, the climate change activists of today are listening to and trusting the very moneyed, powerful entities who have
brought us to the brink of ecological collapse and forced us into fossil fuel dependency, for diagnosis and treatment of our
environmental calamities.

The Rockefellers, one of the biggest funders and grant givers to the current environmental movement, have throughout the
decades, used their wealth and influence derived from BIG OIL to remain in control of energy.

They financed Prohibition in the 1920s and '30s to keep farmers from making their own alcohol fuel, and worked to criminalize
hemp, from which fuel was made. They killed the electric car and the municipal electric railways and influenced our
government to suppress more than 5000 energy technology patents, which have potential to end our energy crisis.

The rhetoric we hear of creating economic and environmental equity among people and nations, rings hollow when you realize
that the environmental establishment is being bought and commandeered by the richest fat cats in the world, who have the
inordinate means to create equity overnight, and to stop their destructive environmental practices, if that were their true

Instead they are financing and manufacturing a phony grassroots campaign to pin the blame for environmental devastation on
the everyman who is living in a world choreographed by the corporate financial elite.

Their message is that the future of the planet is impossible unless we the little people submit to the measures
outlined by them. They have frightened, panicked, and demoralized the very people who would be fighting them with every
breath into being the enforcement arm for their vision of our future.

Fear of climate change is being manipulated to get the left to aid in the stealing of citizen rights and the corporatization of our
local government, land, business, nature and weather.
While the environmentalists are stuck on climate change, the nuclear accidents, toxic spills, pesticide contamination, deep sea
oil drilling, fracking, tree cutting, electromagnetic radiation, introduction into the ecosystem of new dangerous technological
compounds and organisms like GMOS, synthetic biology, nanoparticles, the geoengineering of our skies, destructive war and
weapons, and much more, continue unabated.

Now left wing pundits like The Nations, Mark Hertsgaard, tell us to be impressed, that the big time financial fleecers and
scammers, Hank Paulsen, hedgefund billionaire, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg have come on board with climate
change, as if they havent always been. The War On Climate Change has gone publicly mainstream as the likes of BP,
Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Dow Chemical bankrolled the Peoples climate march in New York City in Sept. 2014.

No. It is way past time for the left to question where blind belief in billionaire, banker funded environmentalism is
taking us.

Warning - Rothschild G20 Bloodsuckers: On November 16 2014 Personal Bank Deposits To Be

Re-Classified: Not As Your Savings But As Paper Investments In Corporate Banks
November 17 2014 | From: PoliticalVelCraft / Examiner / ZeroHedge
Get Into Your Local Credit Unions Now: On November 16, the G20 will implement a new policy that
makes bank deposits on par with paper investments, subjecting account holders to declines that
one might experience from holding a stock or other security when the next financial banking crisis

Also See: New G20 Financial Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Confiscate Bank Deposits and Pension Funds

Additionally, all member nations of the G20 will immediately submit and pass legislation that will fulfill this program,
creating a new paradigm where banks no longer recognize your deposits as money, but as liabilities and securitized
capital owned and controlled by the bank or institution.
Which Cities & States Will Be The First To Default When The Economy Rolls Over?

Central Bankers & US Government Now Preparing For Dodd Frank Basel III Bail-Ins.

Iceland Dismantles The Corrupt, Arrests 10 Rothschild Bankers, Then Issues Interpol Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Banker
Sigurdur Einarsson.

In essence, the Cyprus template of 2011 will be fully implemented in every major economy, and place bank depositors as the
primary instrument of the next bailouts when the next crisis occur

Rothschilds Attacks Russian Cyprus Holdings: Russia Launches Surprise Large-Scale, 36 Warship Military Exercise In The
Black Sea

For most Americans with savings or checking accounts in federally insured banks, normal FDIC rules on deposit insurance
are still in play, but anyone with over $250,000 in any one account, or held offshore, will have their money automatically
subject to bankruptcy dispursements from the courts based on a much lower rank of priority, and a much lower percentage of

This also includes business accounts, money market accounts, and any depository investments such as a certificate of
deposit (CD).

After Sunday at the G20 meeting, the risks of holding any cash in a bank or financial institution will have to be weighed as
heavily and with as much determination of risk as if you were holding a stock or municipal bond, which could decline in an
instant should the financial environment bring a crisis even remotely similar to that of 2008.

From a technical perspective, this is moving in line with Murray Rothbards perspective on bank deposit insurance, which he
saw as a scam:

Fractional reserve banking proved shaky, and so the New Deal, in 1933, added the lie of bank deposit insurance,
using the benign word insurance to mask an arrant hoax.

When the savings and loan system went down the tubes in the late 1980s, the deposit insurance of the federal
FSLIC [Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation] was unmasked as sheer fraud.

The insurance was simply the smoke-and-mirrors term for the unbacked name of the federal government.
The poor taxpayers finally bailed out the S&Ls, but now we are left with the formerly sainted FDIC [Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation], for commercial banks, which is now increasingly seen to be shaky, since the FDIC itself
has less than one percent of the huge number of deposits it insures.

The very idea of deposit insurance is a swindle; how does one insure an institution (fractional reserve banking)
that is inherently insolvent, and which will fall apart whenever the public finally understands the swindle?

Suppose that, tomorrow, the American public suddenly became aware of the banking swindle, and went to the
banks tomorrow morning and in unison demanded cash. What would happen?

The banks would be instantly insolvent, since they could only muster 10 percent of the cash they owe their
befuddled customers.

Neither would the enormous tax increase needed to bail everyone out be at all palatable.

No: the only thing the Fed could do and this would be in their power, would be to print enough money to pay off all
the bank depositors.

Unfortunately, in the present state of the banking system, the result would be an immediate plunge into the horrors
of hyperinflation.
Thus, the removal of protection for large depositors is eliminating the scam at this tier. It is, in other words, cutting down on
moral hazard.

I suspect what is going on here is that the government is fully aware that this change will create a separation between bank
deposits and government securities.

Government securities, especially short-term paper, will become a safer investment than large banks deposits. This will drive
funds away from banks, private sector lending, and push funds into the direction of government sponsored debt (where there
will be continued back up for such debt of the money printing presses).

Also See: Warning: Bank Deposits Will Soon No Longer Be Seen As Money But Paper Investments

Rothschilds Federal Reserve Printed Fiat Dollars 4Xs The Value Of The Global Gold Supply In 2013 Alone

Multinational Corporate Tyranny: Draconian New Zealand Health And Supplementary Products
Bill Soon To Be Introduced
November 16 2014 | From: Jack @ TheContrail

Ive closely read this Draft Bill this morning and it is much worse than I ever could have imagined! It
is nothing less than a rubber stamp for corrupt, multinational drug companies in collusion with
WHO and our own Government to highly regulate, register and licence all natural products.
Over 5,500 Ive been told are on the Draft List already - which I cant find in this Draft Bill here that is a huge number
of products) and effectively ban private people from using or promoting all natural products unless big pharma
corporates or their agents have tested and approved them.

This will particularly apply to any natural products that are claimed to promote health, prevent or cure disease that compete
with their own products and will turn all natural health product producers, distributors, users and advocates into common

This horrendous Bill is currently going through its Third Reading in the NZ Parliament, and it looks like it will be introduced
early in the New Year in 2015. Of course, it is part of a similar legislative regime of tyranny happening all round the world at
present promoted by the global multinational drug and pharmaceutical mafia, but it doesnt excuse us here in New Zealand to
apathetically just sit back and allow such tyrannical and oppressive legislation to pass.

If you visit the Ministry of Health Natural health and supplementary products page, then click on the The Natural Health and
Supplementary Bill and the go to the Bill itself, to appreciate what incredibly, draconian, all-encompassing fascist tyranny they
propose. Go to sub-section, 40C Offence to publish certain advertisements relating to natural health and supplementary

Here you will read, to my mind, the greatest abomination I have ever read. (Bear in mind that many of these products to which
these contemptible psychopaths refer are in fact, common natural foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals etc. which mankind has
freely used or eaten for thousands of years! And now they want to licence, register and own the rights to them!

Do read the whole sub-section to get the full picture of what really, is indescribable greed and wickedness. Here is a quick

Sub-section 40C (1) A person must not publish or cause to be published (either on that persons own account or
as the agent or employee of the person seeking to promote the sale) any advertisement that -

a) directly or by implication states or suggests that a natural health and supplementary product for sale in New
Zealand may be administered by- 1) injection or parental infusion; or 2) application to the eye;

b) includes any health benefit claim that directly or by implication states or suggests that a natural health and
supplementary product for sale in New Zealand is able to treat or can assist in the treatment of a named condition.

(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding- a)
$250,000, in the case of a body corporate; b) $50,000, in the case of an individual

(4) In subsection (1), - advertisement means any words, whether written, printed or spoken, and any pictorial
representation or design, used or appearing to be used to promote the sale of any natural health and
supplementary product and includes any trade circular, any label, and any advertisement in a trade journal
publish means -

a) insert in any newspaper or other periodical publication printed or published in New Zealand; or

b) send to any person by post or otherwise; or

c) deliver to any person or leave upon premises occupied by any person; or

d) broadcast within the meaning of the Broadcasting Act 1989; or

e) bring to the notice of the public in New Zealand in any other manner.

This friends, is only a small part of the Bill. At least in my view, it is the most tyrannical, far-reaching, draconian, dictatorial and
contemptible legislation ever to be introduced in our countys history.

The terminology itself, because it is so wide and all-encompassing,(for example, the phrase, bring to the notice of the public
in any other manner) brings in other Acts and penalties as well, for example, the New Zealand Misuse of Drugs Regulations

Its not generally an issue I have had a lot to do with myself, and I admit Im certainly not an expert on the general subject of
health supplements at all. However, based on this draft legislation in hand, and it looks like it is going to be passed before
Parliament winds up for the Parliamentary Christmas recess. All I can say is, God help us all!

What an utter disgrace that there has hardly been a murmur from the general public! Of course the media have largely been to
blame too, as they have been very quite about it as well, not surprising, as they generally are owned by the same global
banks that control the drug companies.

I mean, really though, what an utter shocker, that these impertinent, money-hungry, pharmaceutical and medical corporate
charlatans (with their subservient bureaucratic puppets drafting this destructive legislation) even have the cheek and gall to tell
us ordinary, law-abiding, thinking citizens that now the best ingredients in the very food we all eat, most of which have been
commonly promoted for good health for thousands of years, now have to be officially registered, licenced or banned by an
increasingly totalitarian State, in collusion with a powerful gang of fascist UN agencies and global multi-national corporate
pirates, and if we dont all comply, we soon will be prosecuted as common criminals and liars.

What an utter disgrace that almost the entire nation is just sitting back and putting up with this nonsense.

To my mind, if I cant freely and openly express my personal opinion to others, make a statement or recommend, for example,
to my friend next door, that Vitamin C will help cure his common flu or whatever, without any dictatorial government approval,
licence, regulation or fear of criminal prosecution I am no longer living in a free and open democracy.

The Dirtiest Deal You've Never Heard Of: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
November 12 2014 | From: ActionStation
Minister of Trade: Make TPPA Negotiations Public

To the Rt. Hon John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Rt. Hon Tim Groser, Minister of Trade, and the New
Zealand Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement negotiators:

Im concerned that you are negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement in secret, without public
consultation. All I can find out about the TPPA is based on leaked documents and detective work.

This is not acceptable. New Zealand is a democracy, which means that Kiwis have the right to know what is done
in our name and to have a say.

The TPPA will have a huge impact on New Zealanders, and we want to have a say.

Make the negotiations public, and dont trade away our future."

For more information on the TPPA, please visit:

Also see: TPP Conclusion In 2015 Still 'Challenging', Says Power

Infectious Disease Controls Bill Debated
November 7 2014 | From: Scoop

A bill which allows more control over those who pose risks due to infectious diseases has been sent
to select committee with wide agreement.

Health Minister Jonathan Coleman said the Health (Protection) Amendment Bill would amend outdated legislation
creating protections from those carrying infectious diseases.

Dr Coleman said the Health Act did allow for some powers to protect from diseases such as Ebola these would remain, but
the changes would allow for more protections and other things such as contact tracing.

There would be powers to direct for testing and in extreme cases quarantine and travel restrictions with safeguards for human
rights. Enforced treatment orders would be possibly, but this would not be able to be physically enforced.

The bill also stops the commercial provision of sun bed tanning for those under the age of 18.

Annette King said Labour would support the legislation. The changes had been proposed in 2007 in wider amendments to the
Health Act but these had languished due to opposition from National.

The changes would strengthen the current fragmented regime, she said.

Green MP Kevin Hague said these sorts of laws were a balancing act of protecting liberty and protection of the public.

If the balance tipped too far people who were ill or possibly ill might not present themselves for treatment because they feared
the consequences, he said.

The bill was sent to the Health Committee for consideration on a voice vote.
New Zealand Prime Minister Uses Bogus Islamic State Threat As Excuse To Ramp Up National
Security And Surveillance Powers
November 6 2014 | From: NewZealandHerald

It is well known outside the cabal-run corporate media that the "Islamic State" is in fact a CIA /
MOSSAD run front used as a problem-reaction-solution vehicle to further the globalist, fasacist
Zionist agenda. Also see: US Allies Against ISIS Are Actually ISIS Main Allies

On the watch list

Government agencies had a watch list of between 30 and 40 people of concern in the "foreign fighter'' context, he said.

These are people in or from New Zealand who are in various ways participating in extremist behaviour."

In addition to those on the watch list, another 30 or 40 were on a list of people requiring further investigation.

He said five New Zealand citizens or residents were known to be fighting in Syria but the number fighting in the region could
be larger because dual citizens or New Zealanders could have left from other countries.

Others were Isis supporters who had tried to travel to Iraq and Syria to fight and who had had their passports cancelled.

Mr Key also announced a funding boost of $7 million for Security Intelligence Service across the current and next financial
year to increase the number of staff to monitor and investigate foreign fighters.
He set out plans to change the law to give SIS greater powers of surveillance including video surveillance on private property,
with a warrant, which the police but the SIS cannot do.

He also want the SIS to have the ability to conduct surveillance without a warrant for 48 hours in situations deemed urgent. It
can take at least 48 hours to prepare paperwork for a warrant.

Game changer

Mr Key said in such cases, if the warrant was not granted, any material collected would be destroyed.

New legislation would also give the Minister of Internal Affairs power to cancel passports for up to three years, and temporarily
suspend passports for up to 10 working days in urgent cases.

Mr Key described the changes as "responsible and narrow" and said they would be subject to a sunset clause.

He said the rise of such a well-resourced, globally-focused terrorist group which was highly skilled in social media recruitment
was a "game changer" for this country. "ISIL exposes us to a type of threat that we lack both the legislative tools and
resources to combat."

He was limited in what information he could reveal, but said there were individuals here who were attracted to carrying out
similar attacks to those seen in Australia and Canada.

Mr Key said he wanted to stress that none of the people causing concern in New Zealand were representative of the Muslim
community as a whole.

"The Muslim community is a peaceful one, which makes a valuable contribution to New Zealand.

"I know the vast majority of Muslim New Zealanders are as distressed by the actions of ISIL and its violent
extremist message as anyone else."

Parliament this afternoon debated Mr Key's speech and proposed law changes.

Acting Labour leader Annette King said Labour broadly supported the law changes and said they "appear to be justified".

She warned that the 48-hour pre-warrant surveillance power by the SIS should not become the norm, however.

The law changes will have a sunset clause, pending a major review of intelligence agencies and their powers in the middle of
next year.

She welcome the fact that the bill, once introduced, would be going to a select committee where, she said, the law would be
closely examined to see if it was workable, necessary and framed appropriately.

Comment: The reality that history proves is that government never relinquish power once gained. Most of the
underling politicians involved in this mess are too lowly to even be aware of what they are putting together. The
draconian march towards fascism is being implemented piece by piece, leveraged by inventedfalse-flag threats.

While most of the sheeple are still seemingly incapable of thinking for themselves, behaving like 'deer in the
headlights' - the tide is turning and more and more are starting to realise that these sorts of powers, as history
shows, are intended by 'those at the top' to one day be deployed indiscriminately, carte blanche - across the board.

Read the full story at: NewZealandHerald

The Former Head Of The NSA And CIA Makes Statements That Imply John Key Is Lying About
Mass Surveillance
November 6 2014 | From: TV3

In a 3rd Degree report from TV3 that goes right inside both the NSA and GCSB, spies respond to
mass surveillance allegations. The NSA confirms it has operatives working in New Zealand.

The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) has responded to election week allegations it carries out
mass surveillance on New Zealanders, denying its programmes are for anything other than cyber security.

Senior spies at the GCSB's headquarters in Wellington came forward this week, speaking with 3rd Degree, because of
concerns of what they see as misconceptions among the New Zealand public.

Allegations by American whistleblower Edward Snowden, a former worker at US spy organisation the National Security
Agency (NSA), claim the NSA maintains bases in New Zealand, collects metadata about New Zealanders and has worked
with the GCSB to tap the Southern Cross internet cable to extract data.

For the full story and video click here.

Draconian New Zealand Natural Health And Supplementary Products Bill

November 4 2014 | From: Jack @ TheContrail

I dont know if you saw the propaganda on the Rethink program on TV3 this morning about the
draconian Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill (modelled on Australias) thats presently
going through Parliaments legislative process at present which is expected to be implemented in
early 2015.
Dr Shaun Holt, an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University was on the TV panel as he is on the committee also
preparing the Bill. Basically this will mean in about 2 or 3 months time it will be the end of private people like us
bringing in natural health supplements from overseas as all these products including all ingredients are going to be
regulated and put on a Permitted Ingredients List.

Basically the Ministry of Health is to set up a Natural Health and Supplementary Products Authority to oversee and manage
the new legislation, where all Natural Health Supplementary Products (NHSPs) being imported, distributed or sold in New
Zealand must have a Product Notifier either the manufacturer or the importer.

The authority will prepare and maintain a list of all the permitted ingredients, at present about 5,500 are on the draft list. This is
real Nazi-style legislation, because if you want to use any ingredient that is not on the list of approved ingredients the
notifier must apply to the Authority.

This is the culmination of about 9 years work by the multi-national big Pharma Mafia to get all vitamins, minerals and natural
health supplements regulated, thanks to the general apathy and ignorance of almost the entire nation. The game is now just
about up is it not! Obviously now is the time to stock up.

By the way, Dr Shaun Holt, just happens to control a medical trials company, P3 Research, and he sees himself and his
company as one of the foremost successful candidates to review and test these products in the new regime! Money again!
They cant help themselves can they?

Legislated Theft: Why Banks Pay Local Body Rates Arrears, Then Charge Customer
November 4 2014 | From: Scoop

New quick guide on why banks pay local body rates arrears, then charge customer - Or how to
legalise theft by the banking industry. If a person has a problem with their rates bill, it is NOT up to
the nanny state to step in with thievery legislation.
Why banks can take money from customer bank accounts to pay their council rates arrears is explained in a new
Banking Ombudsman Scheme quick guide on payment of overdue rates.

"We receive complaints every year from property owners with a mortgage complaining their bank paid off their
rates arrears to the local council and then took the amount from their account, said Banking Ombudsman Deborah

Legislation permits local authorities to demand a bank pay its customers rates debt. Under the customers contract with the
bank, the bank is able to deduct the amount from the customers account. It is standard for this provision to be covered in
banks lending documentation.

"It affects a relatively small number of people but ratepayers sometimes contact us because they are already
under considerable financial pressure. Seeing their account debited for rates arrears can be a shock, said Ms

Complaints to the scheme usually stem from bank customers saying:

They havent authorised the debit

Tthe bank failed to notify them
Non-payment of rates is part of wider dispute with their local authority.

Our investigations into these complaints consider whether bank communication and information is adequate. It is
usual bank practice to inform customers about the debit."

We are not generally able to overturn payments but if we find the bank has done something wrong we will
consider whether compensation for distress or inconvenience is warranted, Ms Battell said.

Why Are Our Economies In So Much Trouble?

November 3 2014 | From: TomatoBubble

Ever wonder about why our economy is in trouble? How can so many people can be in so much
debt at the same time? Does it seem strange to you no matter how hard one works, and in spite of
all the advances in society, most hard working people cannot escape the treadmill of perpetual

While this is an American article, the principles are global. Why are so many families losing their homes to
foreclosure? Why are many households dependent upon credit cards to supplement their income? Why does it take
TWO spouses to maintain a household when it used to take just one? Why have so many retirement savings been
wiped out? Why do prices always creep up?

Did you know that close to 1/3 of all income taxes are consumed just to pay interest on the Federal Debt? (National Debt
currently 17.5 TRILLION DOLLARS , or about $170,000 per household.)

Think about it. Every penny that you pay in income tax from January 1 - April 1 is consumed just to pay interest on Federal
debt; much of it to foreign banking families! And let's not forget the Government's unfunded future liabilities, estimated at 75
TRILLION. (an additional $750,000+ per household.)

Add those staggering sums to the 11 Trillion in total consumer debt (mortgages, car loans debt, credit cards, etc), student loan
debt (1 Trillion more), State debt, County debt, City/Town debt, small business debt, big business debt, and you will see that
the total of these debts actually exceeds (BY FAR) the amount of money supply in circulation.

So, how can such astronomical debt ever be repaid? Well, if you haven't figured it out yet - It can't.

The only way for society to service just the interest on these monstrous debts is to constantly inject new debts into
the system.

Finally, on top of all your Federal, State, gasoline, and local taxes, (30% - 40% of your gross income) and on top of your
personal debt service burden (another 25%-50%), there's this thing called "inflation", or "the cost of living." What exactly is
"the cost of living?" What causes it? Why does a dollar buy less and less each year while wages stay flat?

Is the stress of perpetual debt and rising prices keeping you up at night? How many strokes, heart attacks, and even suicides
are induced by financial stress each year? Money and debt may even have led to your drinking problem, or perhaps even to
depression. Debt may have been the underlying cause of your divorce or that of some couple that you know.

You know in your gut that something isn't right in this country. But you don't have the "Economics education" to figure it out. It
all seems too complicated for you to put your finger on, so you just keep slaving away to pay interest and taxes as your dollar
buys less and less. All you can do is keep working like a dog and leave the matter to the Wall Street "experts" and politicians
to handle for you.

But it's all quite simple really. So simple in fact, even a dummy can understand it when it is broken down to basic elements.

So then, how exactly did you all become such debt/tax/inflation slaves? Well, I'll let you in on my little secret. You will be
amazed at how easy it is to understand.

Continue reading here.

On Tea Breaks, Wage Docking And Job Insecurity: John Keys National Unleashed The Four
Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
October 31 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

So what if you have to negotiate for every tea break in the future. According to Mike Hostings youre
in the wrong job if you hang out for your cuppa as the highlight of your day!

That was how the change in labour law was framed in the compliant and complicit mainstream media. But was has
really been achieved by John Keys National party? Here is my take on it.

To start with these changes are not unrelated. They are very smart changes which will completely gut whatever rights workers
have enjoyed because of union power and here is why:

What employers (exceptions not withstanding) want in general is more work done by and less responsibility for their workers
wellbeing. They want to be able to punish and reward and in that sequence and they want to get rid of troublesome workers
with ease and they hate people organising themselves to make a fist for better conditions. Understanding that is the easy part!
How to achieve this without starting a revolution is what is the difficult part but they did and here is how:

They used the Switch and Bait trick every conman uses if he want something youve got and he wants!

First put something (relatively) innocuous in the bill you are proposing. That is the tea break part of it. So why put that in

Everybody I know who works has had times s/he would forgo their coffee break or lunch because something or other needs
finishing. And most people will oblige if asked to do so. Most people like to cooperate and be members of a team and if you
can get your tea break later there is usually not much of a problem.

A tea break is an important moment of the day for people. It gives you a change to relax a little and talk to your colleagues
for a bit of human bonding and it was guaranteed to cause a ruckus which could then be used to frame workers as small
minded, lazy and uncooperative. See for some of that framing the article of Mike Hoskins I link to above.

Once you have that in place the rest, the punish and reward and easy firing become a whole lot easier because while the tea
break features high in the MSM and the cafeterias of workplaces around the country not a lot else makes it out there.

So what else did they get through?

The next item on the list is the means to punish workers who, perhaps upset that their tea break is no longer guaranteed,
might contemplate industrial action. It is now legal for bosses to dock peoples pay if they so much as work a tad bit slower
because they are upset. That is a massively powerful tool to have at your disposal and it will affect everybody directly as
wages are down and getting lower making even a $ 0.10 per hour reduction a liability.

So if you think about fighting back you now have to face a direct and tangible punishment for doing so.

So if you cant have a break merely because your boss doesnt want you to have one and you are upset what would be your
next port of call? The Union. Think again because this law also brought in effect that there is no longer an obligation to
conclude collective bargaining. Bet you did not hear about that in the MSM? So that means that if Fonterra wants to start
breaking up the Union protecting their workers all they have to do is refuse to conclude negotiations with the union

I envision the following. You systematically refuse certain workers their tea breaks. Perhaps Union reps and people with more
outspoken opinions. That denies them down time with their colleagues and their ability to inform and educate people. If they
get upset and become less inclined to follow orders you dock their pay.

If that gets them up in arms that is even better because other people who are not so outspoken or part of the union will get
scared of what is happening to their colleagues and will move away from them to protect themselves. When time comes to
negotiate you have a small group of angry people and a large group of scared people and all you have to do is say no to the
demands of the angry people and the law is with you so no worries!

This is what will happen in the bigger corporate kinds of environments.

It will destroy workers rights and will to fight for them as long as they still have something to loose but what will happen in the
small businesses who don't have much of a Union problem?

Until this law change was accepted there was a very important workers protection. If a boss sold a business he could only do
so with the workers continuing to have their jobs. That made it harder to sell a business that wasnt as profitable as it could be
with say less workers or moved to another place.

Under the current law it is very hard to fire people. The 90 day trial period made it a lot easier to weed out undesirables such
as people deemed lazy or incapable of doing the job they where hired to do already and it was also used to hire and fire
people in jobs where a low level of education such as MacDonald outlets etc.

Rather than keeping employees until you cant fire them any more you just get rid of them and hire new ones. Quickly train
them up in the very simple job they have to do and Bobs your uncle.

In comes another very important law change: Workers at small businesses are no longer guaranteed continued
employment if their company is sold.
This is perhaps the most insidious law change of the lot because with this one you can circumvent every other labour law still
in place!

Here are some scenarios:

Continue reading at: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

US Federal Reserve Ends Quantative Easing Stimulus Programme

October 31 2014 | From: BBC

The US Federal Reserve has announced it is ending its quantitative easing (QE) stimulus
programme begun in 2008.

Also See: A Global House Of Cards

The Fed said it was confident the US economic recovery would continue, despite a global economic slowdown.

Comment: And so the news is now official that the cabal are about to turn off their funny-money printing presses in
the US. No matter what the spin they might try to put on this, nobody really knows for sure how this will impact the

However; it is well known that the QE programme was the only thing keeping the US economy afloat; whilst further
ushering the value of the 'Fed Dollar' to the inevitable (and engineered) point of value = zero.
There has been no such thing as the "US Dollar" since the Rothschild-instigated private banking-family owned cartel
that formed the international Reserve Banking system was designed in 1913. What has been since referred to as the
"US Dollar" and subsequently enforced as the global Reserve Currency, (or the 'Petrodollar') has never been
anything other than a baseless, ever depreciating debt reference record.

With many other nations (including but not limited to the BRICS Alliance nations) now aborting that criminal and
private Reserve Banking cartel standard 'currency' - the playing field is no longer tilted in terms of the favour of the
Khazarian Nazionists.

And so there will be more reports of 'flying banksters', deceased heads' of criminal family empires - and scuttling,
formerly well paid-off corporate and government underlings, coming to light as events continue to unfold - and more
publicly than ever before.

The targets for inflation and reduction in unemployment were on track, the Fed said in a statement.

The central bank, which also said it would not raise interest rates for a "considerable time", has gradually cut back QE since
last year.

'Sufficient strength'

The statement suggested that although the jobs market is strengthening, it is still not back to normal, which is why interest
rates are being held.

"The Committee continues to see sufficient underlying strength in the broader economy to support ongoing
progress toward maximum employment in a context of price stability," the Fed said.

Analysts said the news was in line with expectations.

"The Fed's announcement is exactly what everyone expected," said Wayne Kaufman, chief market analyst at
Phoenix Financial, in New York.

"The Fed sees enough improvement in economic activity to end QE, but at the same time, it will keep low rates
because it isn't yet seeing what it wants to see as far as inflation goes," he said.

Several analysts seized on the Fed's comments about slack in the labour market. Previous policy statements have referred to
"significant underutilization of labor resources".

Wednesday's statement left out the word "significant".

Paul Ashworth, chief US economist at Capital Economics, said: "In light of the latest drop in the unemployment rate to below
6%, the dropping of "significant" could be, well... significant."

Brian Jacobsen, strategist at Wells Fargo Funds Management, added: "I was pleasantly surprised that they removed the
reference to there being significant underutilization of labour resources. I think that is a hat tip to some of the progress being
made in the labour market." [Which is a load of BS as the figures are cooked].

US shares were down ahead of the statement and continued to drift lower after the news was announced.


QE started in November 2008 amid the financial crisis and fears that the US, and the rest of the world, might be facing
another great depression.
The Fed's traditional ammunition, cutting interest rates, was running low - there was one more cut the following month, taking
the main interest rate target down to practically zero.

So the central bank began buying financial assets and creating new money to pay for them.

In total, the Fed has added $3.7tn worth of assets to its holdings, about an eightfold increase.

BBC economics correspondent Andrew Walker said that although the US economy is improving, the moderate unemployment
rate does not tell the whole story.

"There are still many people working part-time who would rather have longer hours, and many people not looking
for jobs who are not counted as unemployed but would actually like to work. And long term unemployment is still a
serious problem."

"The end of QE will nonetheless be an important milestone in the repair of the US economy," he said.

Recent data has pointed to increase spending by consumers and businesses. However, the housing market is still struggling
and pay is stagnant.

There is concern about the long-term impact of the US's persistent low inflation, which risks undermining consumer spending
as people delay purchases in the hope that prices will fall further.

Also see: How Will THe Stock Market React To The End Of Quantitative Easing?

Five Eyes Spy Fee: NZ Annually Forks Out Over $100 Million For Intelligence Funding
October 22 2014 | From: RT

The taxpayers in New Zealand are spending $103 million a year on intelligence as a kind of
membership fee for the country to be part of the Five Eyes surveillance club together with the US,
UK, Australia and Canada, a declassified report said.
The so-called Murdoch Report from 2009 was made public on the request of the New Zealand Herald newspaper
under the countrys Official Information Act.

The document, which was put together by former Zealands Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Simon Murdoch, reviewed
the operations of the countrys spy agencies after 9/11 when their intelligence-sharing relations with the US were undergoing a
major transformation.

The report indicated that since September 11, 2001 the New Zealands intelligence community had doubled in staff
numbers and more than tripled in funding, reaching to $103 million.

According to Murdoch, this money should be viewed:

In the context of the annual subscription paid by New Zealand to belong to the 5-Eyes community whose annual
capital investment and operating outlays would dwarf ours".

"It helps explain why the niche contributions that we can make to 5-Eyes burden sharing are so important and why
agency heads strive to be responsive to partner demand," he added.

The issue of New Zealand Intelligence Corps (NZIC) working hard on behalf of its Five Eyes partners is raised in
several places in the report.

New Zealand had to prove itself as a niche contributor with capacity constraints, but some high quality
competencies, Murdoch said.

The document listed a range of security challenges faced by New Zealand, including cyber threats to IT
infrastructure, "imported or homegrown Islamic militancy" as well as the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Threats also included "trans-boundary criminality, civilizational friction, and resource rivalry and energy

New Zealand Herald said that large sections of the report it received were blanked out, particularly, the areas, which appear to
focus on the relationships with Five Eyes partners.
The countrys intelligence agencies have always tried to avoid disclosure of the contribution they make to the Five Eyes

However, there is speculation that New Zealand is involved in satellite interception due to its favorable geographical
positioning in the Pacific Ocean.

The island states humble reputation is also believed to have been used as a staging point for electronic spying on countries
that are less friendly towards the US or UK.

The Five Eyes alliance was formed after World War II so that the British Commonwealth and the US could share intelligence
information on the Soviet Union and its allies.

The Five Eyes term has its origins as a shorthand for the "AUS/CAN/NZ/UK/US EYES ONLY" classification level.

After 9/11, the alliance further expanded its surveillance capabilities, making monitoring the Internet one of its top priorities.

To All Mainstream Media Journalists: If You Dont Use It You Lose It!
October 20 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

'There are no public interest or free speech exemptions. Criminalisation of disclosure would apply
to journalists working for commercial media organisations or wherever the leak was considered
harmful to the economic interests of any TPP country'.

Here a nice little snippet from the newly leaked Snowden papers. You think what happened to Nicky Hager (Now a
Gobal Fund raiser you cant give money too) was bad? Think again. Were talking a total shut down of investigative
journalism here.

This from No Right Turn:

TPPA Would Criminalise Journalism

Wikileaks leaked the latest version of the TPPA intellectual property chapter last night. Theres some nasty surprises from the
US, including its efforts to revive the defunct Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement by the backdoor and its efforts to ensure
poor countries fighting, say, ebola cant violate patents to save lives and prevent an epidemic (because in American eyes, the
profits of big pharmaceutical companies come before human lives). But theres another nasty sting: the TPPA
would criminalise investigative journalism:

The draft text provides that TPP countries will introduce criminal penalties for unauthorised access to,
misappropriation or disclosure of trade secrets, defined as information that has commercial value because it is
secret, by any person using a computer system.

TPP countries may criminalise all such disclosures or, if they wish, limit criminal penalties to cases that
involve commercial advantage or financial gain; are directed by or benefit a foreign economic entity; or
are detrimental to a [TPP] partys economic interests, international relations, or national defence or national

There are no public interest or free speech exemptions. Criminalisation of disclosure would apply to journalists
working for commercial media organisations or wherever the leak was considered harmful to the economic
interests of any TPP country.

Unmentioned: It also criminalises leaks which are detrimental to a partys international relations or international security. So,
the US is trying to US the TPPA as a backdoor to silence WikiLeaks, the Snowden files, and the entire enterprise of
journalistic criticism of power.

The TPPA was bad enough when it was merely a secret deal being negotiated against our interests. But now its actively anti-
democratic as well. Which I think shows us the danger of allowing our governments to negotiate such deals in secret: because
we may find out at the end of it that theyve signed away our democracy.

The Lie Machine

October 20 2014 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

I have come to the conclusion that the West is a vast lie machine for the secret agendas of vested
interests. Consider, for example, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the
Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnership.
Click on the graphic above to open the whole infographic in a new window >>>

These so-called partnerships are in fact vehicles by which US corporations make themselves immune to the
sovereign laws of foreign countries in which they do business. A sovereign country that attempts to enforce its laws
against an American corporation can be sued by the corporation for restraint of trade.

For example, if Monsanto wants to sell GMO seeds in France or US corporations wish to sell genetically-modified foods in
France, and France enforces its laws against GMOs, the Transatlantic Trade Partnership allows France to be sued in
jurisdictions outside the courts of France for restraint of trade. In other words, preventing the entry into France of a prohibited
product constitutes restraint of trade.

This is the reason that the US has insisted that the Transatlantic and Transpacific Partnerships be totally secretive and
negotiated outside the democratic process. Not even the US Congress has been permitted knowledge of the negotiations.

Obviously, the Europeans and Asians who are agreeing with the terms of these partnerships are the bought-and-paid-for
agents of the US corporations. If the partnerships go through, the only law in Europe and Asia will be US law. The European
and Asian government officials who agree to the hegemony of US corporations over the laws of their countries will be so
handsomely paid that they could enter the realm of the One Percent.

It is interesting to compare the BBCs coverage (October 10) with that of RT (October 11). The BBC reports that the aim of the
Transatlantic Partnership is to remove barriers to bilateral commerce and to stimulate more trade and investment, economic
growth and employment. The BBC does not report that the removal of barriers includes barriers against GMO products.

Everyone knows that the European Commission is corrupt. Who would be surprised if its members hope to be enriched by the
American corporations? Little wonder the European Commission declared that concerns that the Transatlantic partnership
would impact the sovereignty of countries is misplaced.

RT, which is restrained in reporting truth because it operates inside the US, still manages to come to the point in its headline:
No TTIP: Mass protests slam US-EU trade deal as Corporate power grab.
All over Europe people are in the streets in mass rallies against secret agreements by their corrupt governments for
Washington to take over their lives and businesses. RT reports that social networks have been mobilized for a mass
campaign that has been calling on Europeans and Americans to take action against the biggest corporate power grab in a

RT quotes a leader of the demonstration in Berlin who says the secret agreements give corporations more rights theyve ever
had in history. As we all know, corporations already have too many rights.

Protests are planned in 22 countries across Europemarches, rallies and other public eventsin over 1,000
locations in UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, The Czech Republic and
Scandinavian countries.

Did you hear about this latest American corporate power grab from Fox News, CNN, New York Times, London Times, ABC?
Of course not. Did you hear about the massive protests against it? Of course not. You only hear what the interest groups
permit you to hear.

RT reports that the main aim of the international protests is to reclaim democracy and to put an end to the secret deals that
are destroying life for everyone but the American corporations, organizations now regarded worldwide as the epitome of evil.

These phony trade agreements are advocated as free trade removal of tariffs, but what they remove are the sovereignties
of countries. America is already ruled by corporations. If these faux trade agreements go through, Europe and Asia will also
be ruled by American corporations.

New Zealand: Another "Five Eyes" Country On The UN Security Counsel And One More Step
Closer To War?
October 18 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective / Stuff

World affairs: Containing the madness of Islamic State militants, preventing a repeat of what has
occurred in Gaza this year, and finding a lasting solution to tensions in the Ukraine are among New
Zealands priorities if elected. New Zealands priorities as a security counsel member.
With the election of New Zealand, sold to us like we actually have an independent vote, another five eye country hell
bent on war in the Middle East has ascended to the Security Counsel.

Our Priorities? Yep, fighting the mad Muslims, more bombs on Gaza cause they are mad there too, NATO to the rescue of
Ukraine and getting rid of Veto rights for the bad guys hidden under the All veto states are culpable meme so read China
and Russia.

We will be a good little state serving the Empire where countries such as Spain and Venezuela will give the US some serious
headaches I hope. World war III here we come!

In a vote at the UNs New York headquarters on Thursday local time (Friday morning NZT), New Zealand picked up 145
votes, claiming one of the Western Europe and other nations seats ahead of Turkey and Spain in the first round of

New Zealand will take its seat on the council for two years, starting on January 1, 2015. The last time New Zealand sat on the
council was 1993-94. It had earlier stints in 1953/54 and 1966.

It has been hailed a victory for small states by Prime Minister John Key, who said it came after hard work over a decade
lobbying for the seat.

We have worked very hard on the bid for close to a decade because we believe that New Zealand can make a
positive difference to world affairs and provide a unique and independent voice at the worlds top table."

It has been more than 20 years since New Zealand was last on the Council and we are ready to contribute again."
It was a tough campaign against Spain and Turkey, two much bigger countries and close friends.

Read more at: Stuff

Is John Key An American? Will You Help Us Find Out?

October 16 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

An interesting question was raised by a lady who sent me a letter she received from the department
of Justice. Anita Boccino, now and for many years a New Zealander but originally a US citizen
wanted an answer to a very simple question and decided to request a freedom of information
request to the department of Justice just after the last elections and the response was baffling. The
Question: Does John Key have dual citizenship and is the other citizenship that of the United

UPDATED: See end of article for the Justice Department response from an additional question

By Travellerev in cooperation with Ben Vidgen: First of all, my knowledge of New Zealand law is limited so I decided
to share the information (with permission from Anita whose name I also divulge here with her permission also) with
non other than investigative Journalist Ben Vidgen from the Postman.
The letter is in contravention with NZ law as the ministry who received the letter is required to forward it to the ministry or
person responsible within the government who is tasked with the task of maintaining the knowledge with regards to the
request. In this case that would have been the Ministry for Immigration or John Key himself as the official in Government most
likely to have that information.

The letter was send out on the 19th day of the 20 day period in which they are required to respond to OIA requests.
The delay technique which John Key admitted to using today but which has been known to us as investigative
Bloggers/Journalists for a long time indicates that they wanted to put as much time as they legally could between the request
and the response. John Key stated the government uses this technique if it is deemed in the best interest of the government
but in this case it must surely mean in the best interest of John Key himself which begs the question: What is he hiding?

The letter was signed by Tania Warburton who is the Acting Chief Legal Council. For those who dont know that is the office
embedded in the ministry of Justice which advises the government in matters legal. Tania Warburton has many skills and has
had many positions very close to the epicentre of power. Here is her resum according to Linkedin:
Tania Warburtons Experience
Acting Chief Legal Counsel
New Zealand Ministry of Justice

Government Agency; 1001-5000 employees; Government Administration industry

January 2014 Present (10 months)

Deputy Chief Legal Counsel

New Zealand Ministry of Justice

Government Agency; 1001-5000 employees; Government Administration industry

April 2013 Present (1 year 7 months) Wellington

Acting Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet

Cabinet Office, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

October 2012 April 2013 (7 months) Wellington

On secondment from Crown Law

Crown Counsel
Crown Law

Legal Services industry

June 1999 April 2013 (13 years 11 months) Crown Law Office

Judges Clerk
High Court

January 1997 May 1999 (2 years 5 months) Wellington\

Worked for Sir Thomas Eichelbaum, Chief Justice

That is a very powerful lady responding to a very simple OIA request. What is more Anita had been put through to her when
she tried to enquire as how to go about the request without telling her what the request would be and Mrs Warburton
explained to Anita in detail how to go about it.

So what she did was instruct Anita to write to her and she responded with a letter 19 days later while breaking the law with
regards to OIA requests depending on Anitas limited knowledge. She specifically broke the laws section 13 which reads as

" Assistance: It is the duty of every department, Minister of the Crown, and organisation to give reasonable
assistance to a person, who

(a)wishes to make a request in accordance with section 12; or

(b)in making a request under section 12, has not made that request in accordance with that section; or

(c)has not made his request to the appropriate department or Minister of the Crown or organisation or local
authority, -

to make a request in a manner that is in accordance with that section or to direct his request to the appropriate
department or Minister of the Crown or organisation or local authority.

So her response: I have no grounds for believing that information is held by another department or minister in its/his or official
capacity. In fact lets zoom in even further its/his or official capacity - is disingenuous at a bare minimum but also in
contravention of the law with regards to OIAs.

Not only that but with this answer she also gives away who she might have approached for an answer if she had followed the
law. No less than the Prime Minister, John Key would have been obliged to answer that question honestly if she had followed
the law and forwarded the OIA request to him.

Ben Vidgen in his piece details his research in to the right to own property in the US if not a US citizen and there clearly is
space for foreigners to own property in the US under certain conditions which for a rich man like John Key can easily be met
so owning a place in Hawaii is not necessarily an indication he might be a dual citizen.

Please honour the content and not Bens writing style. Dyslexia is a horrible affliction and ridiculing him for his writing rather
than taking in the content says more about those doing the ridiculing than Bens sharp investigative mind!

One word of warning: If John Key has double citizenship he might not be breaking New Zealand law although I would love to
hear from someone about this who is in the know but he may very well be breaking US law which states clearly that US
citizens are not allowed to serve in or conspire with foreign governments.

I think that Anita raised a valid question. I think the New Zealand population has a right to an answer. If John Key has sworn
allegiance to another country we should know. Especially with New Zealand turning into the 51 state of the US at an
alarming rate it might very well be us who have to fear betrayal if John Key does have dual citizenship and not the US.

So here is what you can do:

You can write a freedom of information request:

Here is a sample to copy and paste as written by Ben Vidgen:

To the Ministry of Justice (,

To the Ministry of Immigration (Street address:15 Stout Street, Wellington 6011 New Zealand).
To Ministry of Internal Affairs (

Under the official information Act 1982 (the Act) I seek information as to whether the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon John Key,
holds dual US citizenship and Or is a citizen of the United States.

As pursuant to the Act I require this question is answered within twenty working days, in accordance with section 13 of the Act
(to make a request in a manner that is in accordance with that section or to direct his request to the appropriate department
or Minister of the Crown or organisation or local authority)..

Yours Sincerely (insert name).

Here is a letter you can send to the Ombudsman:

To the Ombudsman

Dear Mam

In accordance with Ombudsman Act 1975 I seek assistance in the Ministry of Justices refusal to answer an Official
Information Act made 27 September, by Anita Bocchino, to the Ministry of Justice and replied on October 13 (subsequently
released for public dissemination by Anita Bocchino), as follows;

Dear Ms Bocchhino

Thanks you for your email of 27 September 2014 requesting under the official information Act 1982 (the Act) information about
the Prime Minister the Rt Hon John Key. You asked whether Mr Key holds dual US citizenship and is also a citizen of the
United States.

I am refusing to answer your question under section 18(g) of the act on the basis that the ministry does not hold this
information and we have no grounds for believing that information is held by another department or minister in its/his or official

Yours Sincerely
Tania Warburton Acting Chief Legal Counsel.

I believe in accordance with the Electoral Act (Ministry of Internal Affairs), the Immigration Act, the Official Information Act, the
reply is in incorrect, misleading and contravene Section 13 of the Official Information Act 1982.

Your assistance in this matter and getting the required ministry or bodies to answer this OIA, in accordance with the Act,
would be greatly Appreciated.

Yours Sincerely (insert name).

UPDATED: See this response from the Justice Department with regards to an explanation as to why they refused the request.
It seems fanciful that the Department of Internal Affairs - that issues passports, would not be aware of the immigration status
of any New Zealand citizen.

John Key: You Want To Spy? You Make The Business Plan, Ill Change The Law!
September 16 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

When David Farrar on Kiwi blog alleges that Sir Bruce Ferguson Agrees with John Key and that the
GCSB never collected whole sale data on all New Zealanders and that is saying something because
Ferguson is not a fan of the Prime Minister and therefor it must mean Kim Dotcom, Glen Greenwald
and Snowden must be full of shit he is doing what he has alwasy done: Lying Spinning.

You see, Sir Bruce Ferguson was the GCSB chef until 2011. By the time the GCSB illegally spied on Kim Dotcom he
had left the building and it was Hugh Wolfensohn who was acting director at the time who had authorized the
illegal probes. Not just on Kim Dotcom but also on around 80 other New Zealanders.
What Snowden is testifying too is the fact that John Key presided over the development of a Business plan for whole sale
data collection in 2012 AFTER Sir Bruce Ferguson had left and before the date of 8 May 2013 at which John Key presented
the change in law required to enable wholesale spying legally

Mr Key said cyber attacks in 2011 led the Cabinet to approve an investigation into wider cyber protection which he stopped in
March 2013.

Wider cyber protection I hope you will agree with me is just a spin name for wholesale spying on an entire population.

Leading up to the Moment of truth event John Key at first denied that there was wholesale data gathering going but that is
not the issue here.

The issue is that the Prime minister of this country was involved in organizing wholesale spying on his population by a
FOREIGN and very controversial spying agency (NSA) with the help of a NSA financed group (GCSB) to whom he appointed
a hand picked dare I say it HENCHMAN and former schoolmate Ian Fletcher in what Sir Bruce Ferguson said was a very
disturbing manner at a time this was highly illegal and without telling his population.

He also told his population that there would be not way the amendment to the law would enable anybody to collect wholesale
data while he knew very well that it would.

The amendment was passed under urgency which is essentially a very nasty way of bullying laws into existence without due
process in the manner used by the National party.

You have to ask yourself the question as to why John Key who came here to help New Zealand or so he said, made it
possible for foreign intelligence gatherers to collect large amounts of data from people who are not accused of being engaged
in any criminal activities. It is clearly not in New Zealands interest to have their privacy being invaded in such a wholesale

In Holland we have a saying: U vraagt, wij draaien. It essentially stands for: you tell me what you want me to do and Ill jump.
The question is who asked and who did John Key jump for?

Justice Minister Collins Caught Lying - On Her Last Chance Says Key
August 20 2014 | From: NationalBusinessReview

Justice Minister Judith Collins is on her last chance, Prime Minister John Key says.

Comment: A somewhat ironic situation of pot-calling-kettle-black over blatant lying on a criminal

scale - but hey it couldn't have happened to a nicer, more deserving person.
Lame: New Zealand Justice Minister Judith Collins is targeting companies who publish photos without permission that have been sourced from the

Mr Keys comment came after the new screen shots were posted by Whaledump, who claims to be the source of the stolen
emails and documents that form the basis of Nicky Hager's Dirty Politics. The hacker's latest posts to Twitter include an email
in which Ms Collins sends Cameron Slater phone contacts for Internal Affairs official Simon Pleasants.

Ms Collins has previously said she only forwarded Mr Slater the civil servants job title.

On his Whale Oil blog, Mr Slater accused Mr Pleasants of leaking details of Bill English's accommodation allowance to Labour
in 2009. Mr Pleasants denied leaking the information, and said he received death threats following his "outing".

"I think the passing of the private information, in terms of phone numbers, was unwise, it was unwise of a minister.
Look in the end it's one of those things," Mr Key told journalists at a stand up press conference after the Maori
Kings anniversary event in Ngaruawahia.

"What she's on is on her last chance after what happened last time. But at the end of the day she's also subjected
to a left-wing smear campaign. And people will actually see that as well for what it is."

Labour leader David Cunliffe said Ms Collins had violated her judicial responsibilities, and that civil servants could not function
effectively if they fear the political layer of the day they cant provide free and frank advice.

Another final warning

Five months ago, after the Oravida controversy, the PM said Ms Collins was on her final warning.

In May, the Justice Minister went on a weeks leave after first accusing reporter Katie Bradford of requesting help for her
(then) husbands bid to get into Police College, then apologising and withdrawing the accusation.

English distances himself from Collins

Pundits are split on whether Mr Key will risk sanctioning Ms Collins ahead of the September 20 election. But at least one of
her colleagues is already distancing himself from the Justice Minister.
Talking to reporters after his pre-election economic and fiscal update yesterday, Finance Minister Bill English said it was not
his style to leak information to bloggers and he wouldn't do it.

""It's not a style I like. I don't participate in it. I wouldn't do it - it's not my style of politics, it's certainly not John Key's
style, Mr English said.

NZ Kauri Sent To China In Black Gold Rush

September 4 2014 | From: 3News

Kauri logs that have been preserved for tens of thousands of years are now being sold offshore by
the shipload. These irreplaceable treasures are going mostly to China in a black gold rush.

One massive yard just outside Whangarei is leased by Oravida Kauri Limited a subsidiary of dairy exporter
Oravida Limited.

A director of both companies is David Wong-Tung, the husband of [ex] Justice Minister Judith Collins.

The timber in the yard is estimated to be worth at least $50 million.

No other country in the world has anything like New Zealand's Kauri to offer.
After felling the forests, then digging up the kauri gum, out comes black gold that is worth more and more every day. It mostly
heads to China.

"Its rape and pillage on a grand scale," says Dr John Allen, a geologist and member of the Northland
Environmental Protection Society.

There is little wonder perhaps that the industrys bitter disputes have boiled over into violence.

It is the story of a gold rush, with all the usual drama effectively mining a valuable and finite resource and selling it to the
highest bidder in this case, China.

Swamp kauri exporter Gary Beckham says the attraction for the Chinese is the amazing age of the timber.

"This piece of wood here is probably between 35,000 and 45,000 years old; the maximum age is about 110,000
years old," says Mr Beckham.

"In the yard at the moment theres probably about $1 million worth of wood stock sitting here ready for processing.
I think theres definitely a rush on, definitely."

See video and read the full story at: 3News

Judith Collins Resigns As New Serious Fraud Office Allegations Emerge

August 30 2014 | From: NewZealandHerald

Ms Collins has confirmed she is resigning as a Minister from Cabinet.

"A new allegation has come to light from an email conversation from 2011 between Cameron Slater and others
suggesting I was undermining the then Director of the Serious Fraud Office," she said in a statement.

"I was not party to this email or discussion and have only today been made aware of it."

She strongly denied the claim and any suggestion of inappropriate behaviour.

"I am restrained in clearing my name while I am still a Minister inside Cabinet and I believe the right thing to do is
to resign as a Minister so I am able to clear my name."

"I have asked the Prime Minister for an Inquiry into these serious allegations so that my name can be cleared. I
will, of course, cooperate with any Inquiry."

Read the full story at: NewZealandHerald

The Latest WhaleDump: The Hotchin Files
September 4 2014 | From: Blogs / NationalBusinessReview

More substantive previous tweets by @Whaledump have led to new questions about the actions of
various players in Nicky Hager's Dirty Politics, including Mr Slater, ex-Justice Minister Judith
Collins, Mark Hotchin, former PM staffer Jason Ede, Food & Grocery Council CEO Katherine Rich
and PR operator Carrick Graham.

Click here for a larger version of the sample comments above. "Cactus Kate" is reportedly Judith Collins

The conversations shown in these emails contain some pretty filthly remarks and deplorable attitudes towards 'gays' along
with supreme arrogance - Slater stating that:

"... we now own herald [New Zealand Herald] and nbr [National Business Review] ..."

Twitter suspended Whaledump but the hacker returned just hours later with new account. It's interesting that Twitter has
actively waded into the political and legal controversy.

Mr Slater also complained to Twitter, on the basis that Whaledump's posts of screen shots of his email were a "breach of
copyright and breach of privacy ... both against Twitter's rules".

You can see the screen shots of the emails here.

Prime Minister Is Lying Over Nicky Hager's SIS Allegation - Phil Goff
August 17 2014 | From: NationalBusinessReview

Labour front bencher Phil Goff says Prime Minister John Key is lying over allegations involving the
SIS made in Nicky Hager's Dirty Politics.
The book claims Whale Oil blogger Cameron Slater was tipped off to ask the Security Intelligence Service for confidential
documents about a briefing Mr Goff was given in 2011 (after controvesy over whether the then Labour leader had been
briefed, or not, over an affair involving alleged spying by Israeli backpackers).

Mr Key says he didnt have anything to do with the briefing papers being handed over afer an Official Information Act request,
and that he didnt speed up the process.

Asked if he took the PM at his word, Mr Goff replied;

"No. I regret to have to say that, but the prime ministers lying. Every OIA request to the SIS will go across John
Keys desk. Now, theres some other factors that are pertinent to this. I was rung up by the head of the SIS to say
hed had an OIA release and he was telling me that he was going to release it.

I said, Whos it from? He said, A Mr Slater. I said, Whats his first name? Cameron Slater. I said, You know
who Cameron Slater is, dont you? Oh, yes, I do. When did you get it? I got it today. When are you intending to
release it? Today.

That is unheard of. Ive been in politics for 30 years. I dont know of anyone who has had an OIA returned in less
than 20 days, and I dont know anybody thats got an OIA released from the SIS in that way."

When The Nation interviewer Lisa Owen put it to Mr Goff that , "You were in a war of words with [then SIS head Warren]
Tucker at that time. It was clear that there was a degree of animosity there. Wouldnt it be in his interest to get that information
out to embarrass you?", he replied:

"Warren Tucker is a civil servant. As head of the SIS he does nothing that is inconsistent with what John Key or
whoever is prime minister of the day asks him to do.

Other people, including the Dominion Post and Radio New Zealand, put in identical OIAs. They did not receive that
for a long time. The fact that Slater received this is clearly under instruction from John Key, and its disingenuous of
him to deny that. Its dishonest."
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TPP To Live On In Other Acronyms Even If It Fails: Groser
June 7 2014 | From: Scoop

The negotiated positions of parties to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement will be crucial
in developing other free trade pacts that are either emerging or on the table now, even if the current
negotiations fail, says International Trade Minister Tim Groser.

Speaking in the Philippines as part of a business delegation in the capital, Manila, Groser said the TPP negotiations were now
"at a crucial stage", but that if the talks were to fail, the developments they achieved would still prove useful for the ultimate
liberalised trade zone, the Free Trade Area in the Asia-Pacific, otherwise known as FTAAP.

Groser described an era of "competitive liberalisation" in which many of the parties to the TPP negotiations might still pursue
trade liberalisation through the Chinese-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP.

The rules negotiations are extremely advanced," said Groser of the TPP negotiations.

That includes in the contentious area of intellectual property, along with e-commerce, new rules for state-owned
enterprises, competition policy, government procurement, and the movement of businesspeople "as part of a
Services outcome."

Only market access issues remained, and it was not possible to "sign off 21st century rules and ignore 20th century
unresolved market access issues", many of them in agriculture.

The 'TPP bus', if we complete the negotiation, will carry on to other destinations in the Asia Pacific," said Groser.

"Though TPP may yet still stumble if governments finally lack the courage to take the final decisive decisions to
confront their highly protected sectors, there is every reason to believe TPP will be the decisive influence in
creating the entire FTAAP."

The other "mega-regional deal" in play is between the US and Europe, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,
or TTIP.

The RCEP initiative represents an alternative to the TPP negotiations but includes the huge emerging economies of both
China and India, neither of which are part of TPP, while leaving out the US and taking in all of ASEAN, Japan and Australasia.

"If TPP falters, RCEP, either in its current full form or some 'slimmed down' version is likely to take leadership of
the process of Asia Pacific integration," Groser said.

John Banks Found Guilty In Kim Dotcom Donations Case

June 5 2014 | From: NBR

John Banks had denied knowingly receiving campaign donations from Kim Dotcom. Not even his
knights of Malta cross could help Banks, The Masons call it getting thrown the sour grape.
John Banks says he is surprised and disappointed by a guilty verdict against him delivered today.

The MP, found guilty of filing a false electoral return, gave a brief statement outside court today about the verdict delivered by
Justice Ed Wylie.

Mr Banks, facing a media scrum of about 30, referenced a 1930s song, saying in life a little rain must fall.

Rain is still falling on him, he told media outside the Auckland High Court.

Mr Banks says his legal team will review the decision and consider all options.

He was found guilty of transmitting a return of electoral expenses knowing that it was false in a material particular.

The charge relates to entries on the electoral returns for Banks failed 2010 Auckland Super City mayoral campaign.

The Crown alleges Mr Banks knew that a $15,000 donation was from SkyCity and two $25,000 donations were from Kim
Dotcom. The donations were recorded as anonymous on a signed declaration.

Mr Banks now faces a fine of up to $10,000 and/or two years in jail. His next court appearance for sentence is scheduled
August 1.

Having been found guilty of an offence punishable by prison, he will now have to resign his seat, whether or not he is actually
sent to prison. His one out would be if he was discharged without conviction.

Justice Wylie told the court he believed the evidence of Dotcom witnesses in the John Banks' trial.

Read the full story at: NBR

Scrap Foreign Investment Rules, For Country's Sake Think Tank
May 1 2014 | From: NBR

We need to beware of globalist-aligned 'think tanks' that are staffed by the local leadership of multi-
national corporations who attempt to coerce people that throwing away barriers to international
investment is a good thing. It only serves the globalist fascists and their agenda - at the espense of
the people.

A think tank [ The New Zealand Initiative ] has called for restrictions on foreign direct investment (FDI) to be removed, saying
the country risks driving away overseas capital that could otherwise be invested in business.

[It should be noted that this 'think tank' evolved out of a merger of the New Zealand Business Round Table and the New
Zealand Institute. Business round table groups are a long established vehicle of the Illuminati; with such 'round table'
organisations being present in many countries].

The report, Open for Business: Removing the barriers to foreign investment, is the final in The New Zealand Initiatives series
on FDI regulation. It says New Zealand has an overly restrictive regulatory structure on inward capital flows, particularly
relating to rural land.

The Overseas Investment Act 2005 requires overseas investors to prove they are of good character, willing to provide an
ongoing financial commitment, as well as demonstrate their business acumen and experience. They also must become
residents in New Zealand in order to acquire any rural land over five hectares rural land covers 99.2% of the countrys land

"One of the curiosities is that the 'home country' [the UK] doesn't have any opposition to foreigners buying land, the US has no
screening programme and post-purchase rules only," co-author Bryce Wilkinson told the launch event in Auckland.

[Is it not blatantly obvious what a stupid approach this is - and just because another country has already started to retard it's
safeguards against multi-national interests, this is an argument that New Zealand should too?]

"We want to have a public debate about thether there is an issue of substance about foreign investment. It's hard to find a
solution to an unidentified problem."

In their report, Dr Wilkinson and researcher Khyaati Acharya say New Zealand already has a robust set of laws relating to
immigration, business activity and financial and national security that are not enhanced by the additional protections provided
by the act.

The OECD ranks New Zealand as having one of the most restrictive FDI environments in the developed world.

Foreign investors in New Zealand employ people, and contribute to the economy and increase our tax base. They are a
benefit to our country but we subject them to the most onerous bureaucratic hurdles," Dr Wilkinson says.
If similar restrictions were placed on New Zealanders investing overseas, we would be outraged, and yet we have no qualms
at using this double-standard at home.

More specific recommendations are to:

Eliminate the general prior approval screening requirement;

Amend the act to recognise the gain to the New Zealand vendor as a national benefit;

Narrow the definition of sensitive land; and

Abolish the requirement to demonstrate business acumen or financial commitment.

[ Seriously, do these points not raise alarm bells? -

"Evidence of a political and financial spider's web involving Cabinet Ministers, millionaire businessmen, senior journalists and
newspaper editors in a plan to manipulate public opinion has emerged in a pile of explosive documents leaked to Investigate
magazine. The documents, pictured on the following pages, show tentacles of influence spreading out from New Zealand
Business Roundtable CEO Roger Kerr across virtually all the main sectors of NZ society."

- referencing an Investigate Magazine story from 2008. ]

Read the full story at: NBR

Princeton Researchers Conclude United States Political System Has Been Almost Completely
April 22 2014 | From: Infowars

A recent scientific study by Princeton and Northwestern universities, which has gone somewhat under reported in the
mainstream media, concludes that the US is now a fully fledged oligarchy.
The paper, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens, notes that America is
no longer even a Democracy, which begs the question, how far removed is the country from being the Republic envisioned
and painstakingly established by Benjamin Franklin and the founding fathers.

The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business
interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average
citizens have little or no independent influence, the study notes.

In other words, powerful elites have taken over the country and effectively run the government, it is official. Of the people, by
the people, for the people is now a thing of the distant past. The research undertaken by the universities included the study of
close to two thousand government policies enacted over a 21 year period between 1981 and 2002.

Using a framework of political models Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic Elite Domination, Majoritarian Pluralism
and Biased Pluralism researchers found that the majority of those US policies were specifically designed to benefit wealthy

Read the full story at: Infowars

John Key Exposed

July 12 2014 | From: VincentEastwood

This is by the far the most important interview to watch BEFORE the New Zealand election.
The truth about New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key will make your draw drop.
In 1995 John Key became Merrill Lynch's Head of Asian foreign exchange in Singapore, where later in that same year he was
promoted to the Head of Foreign Exchange of Merrill Lynch Global in London.

He was also Head of Bonds and Derivatives, Merill Lynch (around 2001 - according to his own website).

Key was a Member of the Foreign Exchange Committee of the New York Federal Reserve Bank from 1999 to 2001.

Membership is by appointment only.

Secret Trade Agreement Covering 68 Percent Of World Services Published By WikiLeaks

June 21 2014| From: RT

The text of a 19-page, international trade agreement being drafted in secret was published by WikiLeaks on Thursday
as the transparency groups editor commemorated his two-year anniversary confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy in

Fifty countries around the globe have already signed on to the Trade in Service Agreement, or TISA, including the United
States, Australia and the European Union. Despite vast international ties, however, details about the deal have been
negotiated behind closed-doors and largely ignored by the press.

In a statement published by the group alongside the leaked draft this week, WikiLeaks said proponents of TISA aim to further
deregulate global financial services markets, and have participated in a significant anti-transparency manoeuvre by working
secretly on a deal that covers more than 68 percent of world trade in services, according to the Swiss National Center for
Competence in Research.
Touting the deal earlier this year, the United States Chamber of Commerce said a successful TISA agreement would benefit
Americas services industry and its 96 million, or 84 percent, of the nations private sector workers.

As its chief goals, the TISA should expand access to foreign markets for US service industries and ensure they
receive national and most-favored nation treatment, the chamber said of the deal in February.

It should also lift foreign governments sectoral limits on investment in services," eliminate regulatory
inconsistencies that at times loom as trade barriers and prohibit restrictions on legitimate cross border
information flows and bar local infrastructure mandates relating to data storage.

WikiLeaks warns that this largely important trade deal has been hardly discussed in public, however, notwithstanding
evidence showing that the policy makers involved want to establish rules that would pertain to services used by billions

Read the full story at: RT

Liu-Labour Ties Deepen: Files Contradict Cunliffes Earlier Denials

June 18 2014| From: TheNationalBusinessReview

UPDATE: "I simply do not recall writing that letter," David Cunliffe said at a 1.45pm stand-up press conference at
The Labour leader also faced needling in the House. Finance Minister Bill English asked during general debate: "How do we
know one of the donors [to David Cunliffe's secret trust for donations to his leadership campaign] is not Mr Donghua Liu?"

EARLIER: Labour leader David Cunliffe is coming under further pressure after documents show he lobbied for Chinese
migrant and political donor Donghua Liu.

The New Zealand Herald is reporting it has a letter which shows Mr Cunliffe advocated for Mr Liu to be granted residency in
New Zealand contradicting earlier denials of having had anything to do with the wealthy Chinese migrant and serial political
donor. (See letter attached below.)

National minister Maurice Williamson was forced to resign eight weeks ago after it emerged he had called the police about Mr
Lius charges for assault against a woman. Mr Liu had been a large National Party donor at the last election.

It transpired that before the change of government in 2008 Mr Liu was also a large donor to the Labour Party, although some
of these donations do not appear to have been recorded by Labour.
Mr Cunliffe earlier this week denied helping Mr Liu or advocating for him to be granted residency, saying he had never met

The latest gaffe from Mr Cunliffe follows weeks of bad polling. He is performing lower as preferred prime minister than
predecessor David Shearer ever did, and Labour has failed to make any major inroads into Nationals lead.

More accusations are likely this afternoon in Parliament: as well as question time which starts at 2pm there is the bi-monthly
general debate, in which members of Parliament can raise any issue they like.
If any National MP has further revelations to make against Mr Cunliffe, they are likely to be made this afternoon under
parliamentary privilege.

Privatisation Is A Ramp For Corruption And Insouciance Is A Ramp For War

April 20 2014 | From: PaulGraigRoberts

Libertarian ideology favors privatization. However, in practice privatization is usually very different in result than libertarian
ideology postulates. Almost always, privatization becomes a way for well-connected private interests to loot both the public
purse and the general welfare.

Most privatizations, such as those that have

occurred in France and UK during the
neoliberal era, and in Greece today and
Ukraine tomorrow, are lootings of public
assets by politically-connected private

Another form of privatization is to turn

traditional government functions, such as
prison operation and many supply functions
of the armed services, such as feeding the
troops, over to private companies at a large
increase in cost to the public.

Essentially, the libertarian ideology is used to

provide lucrative public contracts to a few
favored persons who then reward the
politicians. This is called free enterprise.

The privatization of prisons in the US is an example of the extraordinary cost and injustice of privatization. Privatization of
prisons requires ever higher rates of incarceration in order to build profitability. The US, supposedly a land of liberty has by
far the highest incarceration rates of all countries. The free US has not only the highest percentage of its population in prison
but also the highest absolute number. Authoritarian China with four times the US population has fewer citizens in prison.

Read the full story at: PaulCraigRoberts

The Sky City Conference Centre / Poker Machine Debacle: Not an Isolated Event - It is
Iconic in Terms of the Corruption Flooding New Zealand and the Rest of the Globe
18 April 2012 | From AoteaAWiderPerspective

Sky city is not an isolated event, it is iconic for the corruption flooding New Zealand and the rest of the globe

The Sky City gambling palace is what it is; a shiny seductive trap to scam people out of their hard earned money with the
promise of a good time and the chance to win some money. Everybody knows that 99.9% of all people gambling go home a
great deal of money lighter and possibly closer to a bankruptcy or trouble at home.

Its owners are like drug pushers. They seduce, corrupt and
suck the life out of their victims.

It doesnt make a jot of difference whether it happens on a

street corner or in a posh ritzy place or if it happens in the
plush seductive offices of an investment banker
specialised in classy sounding financial instruments.

The selling of those instruments requires the same

predatory mentality the result is the same.

Financially broken people, institutions, countries and a

broken global financial system are the end result.

So why anybody should be incensed to find John Key

embroiled in the shady deals surrounding the pokies of the
Sky City gambling den is beyond me because that is

what dealers in vices do! They get together to monopolise their ability to scam their victims.

Read the story at: AoteaAWiderPerspective

Ireland, Banksters and Merrill Lynch Or Why John Key Has No Place In Kiwi Politics
April 14 2012 | From AotearoaAWiderPerspective

In Ireland the people are paying for their banks gambles. John Key once said he thought that Ireland was a great example of
where he would like to take New Zealand and he should know. He was deeply involved in the derivatives trade and in the
process of moving large sums to Ireland on behalf of Merrill Lynch in Ireland now crippling the Ireland population.

Here is an interview with John Perkins, a self confessed economic hitman talking about Ireland and what they should do about
the debt they can never pay off.

Washington Is Humanitys Worst Enemy

April 13 2014 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

How does Washington get away with the claim that the country it rules is a democracy and has
freedom? This absurd claim ranks as one of the most unsubstantiated claims in history.

There is no democracy whatsoever. Voting is a mask for rule by a few powerful interest groups. In two 21st century rulings
(Citizens United and McCutcheon), the US Supreme Court has ruled that the purchase of the US government by private
interest groups is merely the exercise of free speech. These rulings allow powerful corporate and financial interests to use
their money-power to elect a government that serves their interests at the expense of the general welfare.

The control private interests exercise over the government is so complete that private interests have immunity to prosecution
for crimes. At his retirement party on March 27, Securities and Exchange Commission prosecutor James Kidney stated that
his prosecutions of Goldman Sachs and other banks too big to fail were blocked by superiors who were focused on getting
high-paying jobs after their government service.

The SECs top brass, Kidney said, did not believe in afflicting the comfortable and powerful. In his report on Kidneys
retirement speech, Eric Zuesse points out that the Obama regime released false statistics in order to claim prosecutions that
did not take place in order to convince a gullible public that Wall Street crooks were being punished.

Democracy and freedom require an independent and aggressive media, an independent and aggressive judiciary, and an
independent and aggressive Congress. The United States has none of the above.

The US media consistently lies for the government. Reuters continues to report, falsely, that Russia invaded and annexed
Crimea. The Washington Post ran an obviously false story planted on the paper by the Obama regime that the massive
protests in former Russian territories of Ukraine are rent-a-mobs instigated by the Russian government.

Read the full story at: PaulCraigRoberts

We Dont Colonise Anymore: Now We Have Free Markets

April 12 2012 | From AotearoaAWiderPerspective

John Key our bankster Prime Minister and his National government do not want to tell us what is in the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP). I suggest to you that while it would be better to know what we are being sold for so we can refuse out right,
the secrecy our public servants owners use to push through unfavourable neo-colonial policies will be our legal ground upon
which we can declare the trade agreement null and void in the future.

Will this be easy? Well the fact that for the second time in a short period American soldiers/marines are training Kiwi soldiers
might indicate that our owners may not be convinced of our compliance with their pending dictates.

Relax And Do Some Yoga, Moscow Tells Sanctions-Waving US Leaders

April 9 2014 | From: RT

Russias barrage of sarcastic comments to the Obama administration, which is seeking to impose sanctions to
change Moscows stance on Ukraine, has been enriched with a piece of advice to relax and look for inner tranquility.
Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square in Moscow (RIA Novosti/Yu. Levyant)

The comments came from Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, who was speaking with Interfax news agency about the
worst period of tension between Russia and the US over the past two decades.

The American leadership is apparently stuck, and they just cant accept the new situation, which arose to a great
degree as a result of the deliberate effort of the US and their European allies to bring anti-Russian forces to power in
Ukraine, the diplomat stated.

What can we advise our American colleagues to do? Spend more time outdoors, do some yoga, have healthy food,
probably, watch more comedy series on TV. That would be better than working yourselves and others up, knowing that
the train is already departed and that no tantrums, crying and hysterics can help, he added.

Ryabkov was referring to a string of US sanctions against Russia, which harmed low-level interactions between American and
Russian officials, but have no effect whatsoever on Russias foreign policy.

The sanctions are a response to Moscows acceptance of Crimea, a former Ukrainian region, as a new part of Russia. Crimea
held a referendum and voted to declare independence from Kiev and join Russia, following an armed coup in the Ukrainian

The public part of the sanctions, which include travel bans and foreign assets freezes, targets Russian politicians and
businessmen, who the US considers part of President Putins inner circle. So far, sanctions have only managed to provoke
sarcastic requests from Russian politicians, not included in the US blacklist, to add them as well.

The less-publicized part of the sanctions includes severing cooperation with Russia in many spheres, from trade talks to space
exploration. Those seem to avoid areas, where the US would be hurt by such a breakup, like the delivery of NASA astronauts
to the International Space Station on Russian spacecraft, or Russian transit of NATOs military shipments to Afghanistan.
Genesis Fire Sale: Asset Sales Net Under $5billion
March 28 2014 | From: Scoop

Ignore the bipartisan spin - But could anyone that does not have their eyes painted on; and who was not sucked into
the disgusting mainstream media line - possibly not have seen this as the desired outcome all along?


The predictable next televised statement from John Key "Oh look, now........."

The last of Nationals failed asset sales is yet another fire sale with this time the Government ruining the books of
Genesis,Labours SOE spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove says.

It is now official: Nationals asset sales policy has failed. At the last election John Key promised Kiwis the sales would raise
between $5 billion and $7 billion.

This is the infrastructure that was already supposedly owned by the people of new Zealand, not the Corporate Government that the clammy banker
Prime Sinister is selling off for cents on the dollar. It has happened over and over again...

Selling Genesis off at $1.55 a share will raise little more than $700 million, leaving John Key more than $300 million dollars
short of his $5 billion to $7 billion asset sales target. Thats failure by any standards, especially given Morningstar valued 50
per cent of Genesis at $900 million.

The brokerage, legal and PR fees run into well over $100 million.

Asset sales were mad economics driven by political vanity. To top it off the Government has used the sales as a slush fund,
linking them to every new policy while spending it on the likes of failed SOE Solid Energy, advertising materials for the sales
themselves, more money for the failing UFB project and the bonus scheme for Mighty River Power.

National promised the sales would pay for new assets. Instead they have been used to pay for the Governments mistakes.
Nationals other broken promise was to put Mum and Dad investors at the front of the queue. Now we know that just nine per
cent of shares are going to normal Kiwi families the rest are going to institutions here and overseas.

John Key promised the world to Kiwis from asset sales. Kiwis trusted him then they will be much more cautious now,
Clayton Cosgrove says.

New Zealand Eyes Free Trade Deal With EU, Key Says
March 26 2014 | From: NBR

New Zealand and the European Union will look at ways to deepen their relationship, which may lead to a free trade
deal, Prime Minister John Key says.

The EU, which covers 28 states in Europe, has opened the door for a free trade agreement for the first time, among options to
deepen its trade and economic relationship with New Zealand to consider over the coming year. Key met with European
Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and European Council President Herman van Rompuy during the Nuclear
Security Summit in The Hague.

"This is a significant development. We've always said a free trade agreement is the obvious next step," Key said. "We're not
there yet, but the issue is now on the agenda - and that's a step forward. We're going to come back to this in 2015 to take
decisions on what to do next."

New Zealand lifted exports to the EU 3.7 percent to $4.72 billion in the year ended Jan. 31, while imports from the region rose
11 percent to $8.2 billion in the same period, according to government figures.

The EU will also upgrade its diplomatic mission in Wellington, New Zealand with its first resident ambassador.
The overtures come as New Zealand deepens its economic relations in Asia and China in particular. New Zealand is engaged
in two pan-Asia free trade negotiations, the Trans Pacific Partnership and the Regional Comprehensive Economic

Also see: The Truth About Free Trade And Free Trade Agreements

Treasury Head Of Asset Sales John Crawford Calls It Quits

March 25 2014 | From: NBR

The head of the Treasury unit in charge of the partial privatisation process is leaving to pursue roles in the private sector on
the eve of the last of the four asset sales undertaken over the past 13 months.

John Crawford will leave the Treasury at the end of this

week after almost six years as a public servant and told
Business Desk he had looked for but not found other
opportunities in the public sector.

Genesis shares will be priced at the end of this week and

list on the NZX and ASX on April 17.

Crawford initially served in the Department of Prime Minister

and Cabinet first under Prime Minister Helen Clark and then
John Key.

He headed the reintegration of the Crown Operating

Monitoring Unit, formerly a standalone entity known as the
Crown Company Monitoring and Advisory Unit, into the
Image credit: Treasury, and was placed in charge of the transactions arm
of the unit.

That led him not only into the privatisation process, but also into the management of the Crown's interest in the receivership of
collapsed finance company South Canterbury Finance and the rescue package for the state-owned coal miner Solid Energy...

...Prior to joining DPMC and then Treasury, Crawford worked in corporate advisory roles at Boston Consulting Group and in
merchant banking for Deutsche Bank in New Zealand.
Nationalised Online ID - Here Now
February 14 2014 | From: Aaron Livingston

[ This article can also be downloaded from here in PDF format. Click here for 2mb Low Res Version or click here for High Res
11mb version. Please share far and wide. ]

Well ladies and gentlemen its here thanks to the New World Order and its radical laws under Agenda 21; set to
control a wide range of resources. This includes a worldwide identification system, in different countries like USA,
UK, Australia, New Zealand, and India. The globalist ID concept that has incarnated itself in New Zealand as "RealMe"
will affect everyone rich and poor; including you!

RealMe is a fully operational Online ID for everyone, and of course Work and Income[1] have gladly been the first ones to
implement this ID from its inception, forcing everyone who wants an online account to sign up.

It seems to me that WINZ clients are always at the receiving end of some new implementation, restricting freedom. Also
information from a reliable source told me they were forced to sign up to RealMe if they wanted to do an online tertiary course,
and apply for a student loan online.

According to a pamphlet[2] I collected at my local Post Shop it states the following: If you want to do anything important
online, like getting a new bank account or a copy of your birth certificate, you need to head down to your local branch with
identity documents. Not ideal when youre busy...

Below is a screen shot of the RealMe ID application landing page on the New Zealand post website at:
...The New Zealand government and New Zealand Post have created the RealMe service to help solve this problem. RealMe
is the easy and secure way to prove who you are online. It will soon make applying for things on the internet simpler, faster,
and easier with participating organisations.

Below is a screen shot of the RealMe home page at:

To an un-aware mind, this all sounds great! Who wouldnt love a much simpler way for proving who you are online
nationwide? All perks aside, warning bells should be ringing in your ears.

This sounds like the same thing that Nazi Germany was doing back in the 40s, yet this ID is very similar to the American
biometrics system that will identify who I am, to many organisations, institutions, banks and more, according to the official
organisation list[3] on the RealMe website.

Below is a screen shot of the key content from the "About RealMe" page on the RealMe website:
Where on earth did RealMe come from?

Our government has made this 'thing' appear without any official warning or transparency, however stated by a RealMe
article[4] this is all in aid of the new Anti-Laundering bill that has been passed.

This ID system has only just begun, yet by the end of the year (2014) we will see it being more fully implemented and it could
even be used as ID for offline measures. Importantly, in light of the latest NSA Whistleblower reports, it is safe to say that this
type of ID cannot be proven to be 100% secure.

Given the wider context and implications of the implementation of a "National Identification" system such as this (and the
general awareness level of the public at large) it is apparent that not a lot of people in New Zealand will 'get' the concept
enough to question it, let aloe be aware enough to figure out how evil this thing really is.

Will you take the Red or Blue Pill?

The choice is yours.




2 Pamphlet photos:



Related Articles:









The New Zealand Government: A United States SEC Registered Corporation

Why A Corporation May Not Legally Govern; Corporatised Governments of Other Countries
& An Investigation into the Reserve Bank of New Zealand 'Corporation'

Would you be surprised to discover that a company with the same name as
your country is registered with the Security and Exchange Commission
(SEC) in Washington DC?

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has the

government of New Zealand registered as a corporation under the name of

This PDF research paper provides the detail and evidence for this and other
associated facts; such as why New Zealand government agencies and
departments are registered with the United States Securities and Exchange
commission, Dun & Bradstreet and the New York Stock Exchange.

This paper also delves into the relevant legalse terminology, implications of
the TPP, the quandry of government departments that seem to obfuscate
reality - and a conclusion which does it's best to clarify the ridiculous
contradictions of the Reserve Bank and the central banking system in

This is not a book, it is a 10 page long paper with illustrations, written in

(hopefully) an easy to digest magazine-style format. The file size is 17MB in
order to provide quality for printing. We hope that it serves as an important
thought-starter in terms of inspiring 'the people' to take an interest and
Please copy, distribute and transmit this some action in terms of reclaiming their power back from those who have
PDF and / or the download URL under these clearly absconded with it.
conditions: That the PDF may not be edited
This is important factual information that affects everyone. Please take the
or amended in any way nor may it be used time to download and read it. If you feel that this work could be of benefit to
for commercial purposes. others then we would encourage you to share this URL.

Click Here to go to the Download Page

New Zealand Asset Sales Policy Began On Wall Street

April 8 2012 | From AotearoaAWiderPerspective and Scoop

And another Kiwi gets it. Clutha river is also on the block for more destruction and dam building but what makes it clear in this
article is that just like with the planned West coast seabed mining, fracking, Christchurch's rebuilding monopoly of Fletcher all
roads lead back to John Key's connection with Wall street and his spectacular and suspect rise in NZ politics.

NZ Asset Sales Policy Began On Wall Street

The Key government's asset sales agenda is derived from the Washington Consensus a set of Wall Street-driven policies
that were pronounced dead after the global financial meltdown in 2008. The New Zealand government, however, remains
loyal to this failed ideology.

Why? The obvious link is Prime Minister John Key a former investment banker for Merrill Lynch, the world's largest
brokerage failure.

In most other countries, state asset sales have become a last resort on the road to poverty and ruin, but for the Key
government, asset sales are business as usual.

So what's really behind asset sales?

All wealth extraction is facilitated by international and national economic policies, coupled with the private banking system,
which together deliver benefits to the financial elite by transferring wealth upward within and between nations.

The state asset sales policy is just one of several reforms under the Washington Consensus, a set of monetary and economic
policies designed to allow: the privatization of public resources and utilities, the removal of barriers to foreign investment and
ownership, the sale of state assets, trade liberalization, deregulation, the lowering of business taxes, and cuts to public

These free market reforms are collectively termed neoliberalism. Simply, they provide big business with improved legal
access to markets and assets worldwide.
Read the full story at Scoop

Globalist Agenda Entities 'New Zealand Business Roundtable' and 'New Zealand
Institute' Merge to Form Super New "Liberterian" Think Tank
April 4 2012

Business 'roundtables' and think-tank institues, staffed by CEO's and various central government lackeys have emerged
worldwide and have been outed to be little more than globalist / elitist fronts; ensuring that the bidding of multinational
corporations, controlling & banking interests are implemented in every country possible.

Take a look at the parliamentary debates that the New Zealand Business Roundtable has been mentioned in.

"Leading the new organisation will be German-born economist Oliver Hartwich, a research fellow at the Australian Centre for
Independent Studies, a Roundtable-equivalent organisation that at one stage had operations in New Zealand."
- TheNationalBusinessReview

A comprehensive introduction to the topic of such "think tanks" (and lobby groups) may be found here. We would thoroughly
recommend that you undertake your own research into some of the key globalist think tanks that have been exposed:

The Tavistock Institute, The Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission being some of the most written

This type of organisation will always espouse a public facade 'agenda' in order to detract from their actual hidden aims.

"The country's newest libertarian think tank, The New Zealand Initiative, was launched last night in Wellington, merging the
New Zealand Business Roundtable and the New Zealand Institute into a new body to lobby for pro-market economic and
social policies."

You only need to look at the company and representative member lists and the CEO's and politicians who are 'invited' to join
such organisations to get a feel for the nefarious elitist / globalist undertones. They are generally a bunch of illuminists or
bought-off 'wannabes' who think they are actually 'made men' and as such have become part of the elite - until such time as
they are cast-off, as inevitably will transpire when they have fulfilled and [often abruptly] come to their useful end.

"Evidence of a political and financial spider's web involving Cabinet Ministers, millionaire businessmen, senior journalists and
newspaper editors in a plan to manipulate public opinion has emerged in a pile of explosive documents leaked to Investigate
magazine. The documents, pictured on the following pages, show tentacles of influence spreading out from New Zealand
Business Roundtable CEO Roger Kerr across virtually all the main sectors of NZ society."
- referencing an Investigate Magazine story from 2008.
Some outstanding members of the new 'New Zealand Initiative' organisation include: Former National Party Finance Minister
Ruth Richardson... Geoff Ricketts former director of Fay Richwhite merchant bank... Roger Partridge chariman of law firm Bell

"The roundtable was founded in 1985 and was an early private sector advocate of the economic reforms of the fourth Labour
government. It was led throughout its history by former Treasury economist Roger Kerr, who died last year "

Any person who is or has been a treasury economist (or Governor) of any [Federal Reserve System - Rothschild] Reserve
Bank must unequivocably be; by definition an insider, and will know all too well of the true nature of the faux legal and
financial enslavement systems imposed upon the world by the 'banksters'.

People in such positions have also developed a tendency of late, in terms of moving on or resigning (including New Zealand
Reserve Bank 'Governor' Alan Bollard). Over 450 key management figures within banking, finance and related industries have
resigned worldwide over the last few months.

Whether this manifestation is the beginning "telegraph" signal of a take down of the globalist cabal power structure -
or whether it is a 'playing dead' maneouver by the Khazarian Illuminati, designed to fool the world whilst the powers that be
dispose of their expendable middle and lower management underlings - before an even more sinister hand is played; remains
to be seen.

Roger Kerr was revered in a send off by the likes of Prime Minister John Key who banged on about what a fantastic chap he
was. Sorry to say it, but the more of them that expire the better off the world will be.

Some of these people are probably very nice to their families and friends. That does not mitigate the fact however, that they
are, and have been complicit in attempting to enslave and destroy the world as part of a New World Order agenda that is so
dark it is almost incomprehensible to the average unaware person.

John Key Has a Conflict of Interest. No Kidding!

April 4 2012 | From AotearoaAWiderPerspective

Today Labours broadcasting spokeswoman, Clare Curran pointed out that John Key had a conflict of interest because he
chaired a committee which appointed his electorate chairman to the board of NZ On Air.

While of course this is a real conflict of interest it is only one of many and it should come as no surprise that John Key as the
appointed NWO stooge has his fingers in as many pies as psoobile to assure the smoothest takeo ver of this countrys

This is after all the last stand of TPTB and if they dont get a hold of our real world resources for their collapsing dollar they will
never (Or for a very long time) have that chance again.

So here are a few more conflicts of interest I would like to point out to you:

Read the full story at AotearoaAWiderPerspective

The National Bank Collects Tax for the New Zealand Government and its City Councils
February 15 2012 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective
Last year I was notified that if I did not pay my rates I Waikato council would force National bank where I have my mortgage
account to pay the rates for me. This was a condition I was forced to signed when we applied for our mortgage. I admit I was
in arrears in paying my rates but also annoyed about having to pay rent to the council on top of my mortgage and while I don't
object to paying our fair share of tax (we do and willingly so even though our government is borrowing like hell and the money
doesn't go to good public works but instead to pay the interest on the loans ) I decided to let it run its course.

About two weeks ago I received a pleasant enough letter on a Friday from National bank that they had indeed paid the rates
for me as per required by the 2003 act demanding that they do. No threads no warning about what might occur should I refuse
to pay, nothing.

In response to this I send a fax on Wednesday to the arrears department of the National bank requesting information as to
what would happen if I refused to pay the rates which I now owed to them. I received no response

This Sunday afternoon I received a telephone call from a lady who told me that I was two weeks in arrears with my mortgage
and that if I did not make good on this within those two weeks they would start collecting procedures. I told the lady that I
thought that calling people to threaten them on their Sunday was outrageous and that I send a letter requesting her threat in
writing to the arrears department. She told me that she would send an email to my local bank and that they would respond.

I will not wait for this but fax them a written request for clarity myself. I intend to build a paper trail so I can take the matter to
the citizens and rate payers association in Hamilton.

Now we will be able to make good on those payments so I presume this is where it will stop for us at the moment but imagine
a situation in which someone has lost his job and is unable to find a new one because he is unskilled or too old and him and
his wife and two children live on what his wife is able to make with a minimum wage of $ 13.50 working at the checkout
counter of Pack and Save? What if you have a conflict with your local council and refuse to pay your rates because they
refuse to mend the road in front of your house or you pay twice as much for water than people in another district in the same

In fact in Raglan people who lived their whole live in a house their ancestors build and which is on freehold and who have
seen their rates rise spectacularly because of the temporary house pricing boom of the last fifteen years are being forced out
of their properties because their retirement funds don't suffice for paying their rates. these people are than forced to take up
residency elsewhere for which they have to pay rent forcing them in a downward spiral and while there are provisions in place
to apply for exemption it seems no a lot of people are knowledgeable enough or willing to beg for leniency.

And let's go back to the whole Forcing the bank to pay the tax issue! Since when has anybody ever been able to force a
bank to do anything. Most of all pay a private tax bill of one of its customers? And an international giant bank at that.

What if John Key our borrowing bankster Prime minister is told its payback time by his international bankster mates and they
decide the entire population has to pay 30% tax or more while getting a 22% minimum wage cut ?

Don't think that would happen? Well here is forbes actually writing about how the Federal Reserve wants to devalue the
international reserve currency with 33% . that's your tax rise right there because if you think the price hikes and the GST on
food are anything other than the result of the devaluation of the Reserve currency and price manipulation of the ultra rich you
are sadly mistaken especially since the price of oil has gone down and not up at the point of origin.

So here you have it: Your elected representatives have put an unelected unaccountable International financial giant who can
print money out of nowhere between you and them and since there is simply no way for a citizen to take an international bank
to task the government and you local council can use your private bank account as their personal ATM machine while the
bank can hold you to ransom with your house and safety at stake. If this doesn't scare the shit out of you I don't know what

More to follow on this subject.

From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective
Who Is Going To Be The Next Unelected Rothschild Representative Running Our Money
January 31st 2012 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

Bollard who has been the unelected Rothschild representative running this countrys money supply needs to be replaced

So here are the contenders. Anyone with knowledge about these individuals such as connections with the trilateral
commission or Bilderbergers is cordially invited to leave links here.

Reserve Bank chairman Arthur Grimes or former central bank deputy Murray Sherwin could be strong contenders to replace
governor Alan Bollard, who will step down later this year, former governor Don Brash says.

But there is likely to be a strong field to take on the $600,000-a-year job that Bollard, 60, is leaving after 10 years.

Read the full story at: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

Alex Jones Names the New Zealand Prime Minister as a Bankster Plant
From AotearoaAWiderPerspective

Here is an interview with Max Keiser in which the New Zealand Prime minister is named as one of the international banker
plants. Just in case you still think that we are actually a democracy it is more and more clear that Europe the US and Anglo
Saxon countries such as New Zealand are part of an oligarchical global system and it should come as no surprise that like in
the US and Europe that Oligarchical elite gets richer and richer while you and I get poorer and poorer.

Fast-Tracked Oil Consents Bypass Gisborne Mayor, Public

January 29th 2012 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective and Stuff

Gisborne Council officials have already granted exploration consents to Canadian oil companies without seeking public
approval or consulting their own mayor.

The Sunday Star-Times revealed two weeks ago that a joint-venture between TAG Oil and Apache believed there was
potential to build "thousands" of onshore wells on the East Coast of the North Island and pump "billions of barrels" of oil.

Documents written by TAG said the area was "literally leaking oil and gas", and the joint venture was prepared to undertake
an "aggressive East Coast Basin programme".

A Gisborne District Council document, obtained by the Sunday Star-Times, reveals officials have allowed some of the
exploration developments without giving the public opportunity to raise any objections.
Read the full story at: Stuff

New Zealand Asset Sales Policy Began On Wall Street

January 18th 2012 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

One thing not mentioned in this otherwise excellent article is the fact that John Key has most of his paper wealth still in what is
easily the most corrupt and hated bank; Bank of America and is as such seriously compromised.

The Key governments asset sales agenda is derived from the Washington Consensus a set of Wall Street-driven policies
that were pronounced dead after the global financial meltdown in 2008.[1] The New Zealand government, however, remains
loyal to this failed ideology.

Why? The obvious link is Prime Minister John Key a former investment banker for Merrill Lynch, the worlds largest
brokerage failure.

In most other countries, state asset sales have become a last resort on the road to poverty and ruin, but for the Key
government, asset sales are business as usual.

Read the full story at AotearoaAWiderPerspective

SOPA & PIPA: Threats to New Zealand's National Interests

January 16th 2012 | From: TheNationalBusinessReview

Kiwis get all upset at the slightest suggestion of a foreign government trying to influence our domestic law-making. The US
government and others do so to further their national interests. We now have the mirror opposite situation.

Id like to see the NZ government work within accepted diplomatic boundaries to at least express concerns at two US laws in
the making- SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act before the House of Representatives) and PIPA or the PROTECT IP Act
(Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act before the Senate).

Not that expressing our concerns are going to make much of a difference. These two Acts are typical examples of the
corruption destroying the United States democratic foundations that Lawrence Lessig spoke about at last years NetHui. He
was referring to laws written by powerful corporates and expeditiously passed into law word-for-word.

With New Zealand being the least corrupt country in the world, we have the moral right to do so. We need to stand up against
the export of corrupt US politics to democracies around the world. Lawrence Lessig put it even more strongly- we have the
duty to do so. Further, as Ill explain later in this post, our vital national interests are under threat.

Read the full story at : TheNationalBusinessReview

Bilderberg Chairman: Bilderberg helped create the Euro
Thursday, April 2, 2009

According to Belgian viscount and current Bilderberg-chairman tienne Davignon, the Euro was helped created by the
Bilderberg Group in the 1990s. He admitted this in an interview to the EUobserver online newspaper on March 16 2009.

Read the full article at

Political Crimes & Criminals

Part One: Click here

Part Two: Click here

Part Three: Click here

Part Four: Click here

Part Five: Click here

Part Six: Click here

Part Seven: Click here

Part Eight: Click here

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