Lesion of The Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex Eliminates The Aversiveness of Spontaneous Neuropathic Pain Following Partial or Complete Axotomy

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PAIN 152 (2011) 16411648


Lesion of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex eliminates the aversiveness

of spontaneous neuropathic pain following partial or complete axotomy
Chaoling Qu a,1,2, Tamara King a,1, Alec Okun a, Josephine Lai a, Howard L. Fields b, Frank Porreca a,
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA
Ernest Gallo Clinic & Research Center, University of California San Francisco, Emeryville, CA, USA

Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at the end of this article

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Neuropathic pain is often spontaneous or stimulus-independent. Such pain may result from sponta-
Received 24 November 2010 neous discharge in primary afferent nociceptors in injured peripheral nerves. However, whether axotom-
Received in revised form 3 February 2011 ized primary afferent nociceptors give rise to pain is unclear. The rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC)
Accepted 2 March 2011
mediates the negative affective component of inammatory pain. Whether the rACC integrates the aver-
sive component of chronic spontaneous pain arising from nerve injury is not known. Here, we used the
principle of negative reinforcement to show that axotomy produces an aversive state reecting sponta-
neous pain driven from injured nerves. Additionally, we investigated whether the rACC contributes to the
Spontaneous pain
aversiveness of nerve injury-induced spontaneous pain. Partial or complete hind paw denervation was
Nerve injury produced by sciatic or sciatic/saphenous axotomy, respectively. Conditioned place preference resulting
Anterior cingulate cortex from presumed pain relief was observed following spinal clonidine in animals with sciatic axotomy
Negative reinforcement but not in sham-operated controls. Similarly, lidocaine administration into the rostral ventromedial
medulla (RVM) produced place preference selectively in animals with sciatic/saphenous axotomy. In rats
with spinal nerve ligation (SNL) injury, lesion of the rACC blocked the reward elicited by RVM lidocaine
but did not alter acute stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity. Lesion of the rACC did not block cocaine-
induced reward, indicating that rACC blockade did not impair memory encoding or retrieval but did
impair spontaneous aversiveness. These data indicate that spontaneous pain arising from injured nerve
bers produces a tonic aversive state that is mediated by the rACC. Identication of the circuits mediating
aversiveness of chronic pain should facilitate the development of improved therapies.
2011 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Nerve injury-induced spontaneous pain has recently been

shown to be demonstrable through negative reinforcement [28].
Many patients with pain due to nerve injury exhibit enhanced Importantly, agents and manipulations that are clinically effective
sensitivity to normally innocuous stimuli of touch or cold (allo- in alleviating neuropathic pain in patients, such as clonidine, pro-
dynia), and most current preclinical models use enhanced re- duced conditioned place preference in nerve-injured, but not
sponses to evoked stimuli as the primary measure of neuropathic sham-operated, rats. Moreover, administration of lidocaine into
pain [5,28,42,50]. However, most patients with neuropathic pain the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) induced conditioned place
report that it has either a continuous or paroxysmal component preference in nerve-injured rats, indicating that blocking descend-
that is not related to any applied somatic stimulus. Because the ing facilitation alleviates nerve-injury-induced spontaneous pain
measurement of nonevoked pain in animals has been difcult, its [28]. Importantly, these treatments elicited conditioned place pref-
underlying mechanisms are poorly understood, and this represents erence when administered at sites (eg, spinally or within the RVM)
a major barrier to the development of effective treatments. that are not a part of the reward pathways [28]. Critically, the stud-
ies conrm that partial injury to peripheral nerves in rats elicits
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Pharmacology, College of spontaneous pain and support place conditioning as a valid ap-
Medicine, University of Arizona HSC, 1501N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85724, proach to study the clinically important problem of neuropathic
USA. Tel.: +1 520 626 7421; fax: +1 520 626 4182. pain and to assess the efcacy of treatments for it.
E-mail address: frankp@u.arizona.edu (F. Porreca). One prominent mechanistic hypothesis of neuropathic pain is
These authors contributed equally to this work.
2 that it results from ectopic discharge produced following injury
Present address: Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Key Laboratory
of Environment and Genes Related to Diseases, Ministry of Education, Xian Jiaotong to peripheral nerves [14,15]. However, whether the pain state is
University School of Medicine, Xian, Shaanxi 710061, PR China. a consequence of increased activity in injured bers, or in adjacent

0304-3959/$36.00 2011 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1642 C. Qu et al. / PAIN 152 (2011) 16411648

uninjured but abnormal bers remains unresolved, with conict- 2.1.3. Axotomy
ing data in the literature [32,45,59]. A related question is whether Sciatic nerve axotomy resulting in partial denervation was per-
complete axotomy induces pain or simply produces numbness, and formed as previously described [1,51] 7 days following implanta-
whether the autotomy behaviors following axotomy are a measure tion of intrathecal catheters. Rats were anaesthetized with
of pain [44]. These questions remain unresolved, as denervation isourane (dose: 23 L/min, 4%/vol until anesthetized, then 2.5%/
prevents the assessment of evoked behavioral responses as well vol) throughout the surgical procedure. A 1-cm incision was made
as classication of the primary afferent bers that are ectopically and the sciatic nerve was exposed and sectioned proximal to its
active. Here, we have used the principle of negative reinforcement bifurcation into the tibial and peroneal divisions. A 5- to 10-mm
to determine whether animals with axotomy, producing partial or segment of nerve was removed to prevent regeneration. Separate
complete hind paw denervation, exhibit tonic pain. groups of rats received axotomy of both the sciatic and saphenous
The use of negative reinforcement to reveal spontaneous pain nerves for total denervation of the hind paw, as previously de-
relies on the aversive motivational properties of the affective com- scribed [1,51]. For saphenous nerve axotomy, a 1-cm incision
ponent of pain. Both human and preclinical studies implicate the was made along the inner thigh and a 5- to 10-mm segment of
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in processing the affective compo- the nerve was removed to prevent regeneration. Sham controls
nent of pain [6,24,26,41]. In the current work we investigated underwent surgery in which the sciatic nerve or the sciatic and
whether the tonic aversive state resulting from injuries to periph- saphenous nerves were exposed, but not severed. All rats received
eral nerves is mediated by the ACC. gentamicin following surgery.

2.1.4. Spinal nerve ligation

2. Materials and methods The surgical procedure for L5/L6 spinal nerve ligation was per-
formed according to that described previously [27]. Sham-operated
Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan Sprague-Dawley, Indianapo- control rats were prepared in an identical manner except that the
lis, IN, USA), 250350 g at the time of testing, were maintained in a L5/L6 spinal nerves were not ligated. The behavior of the rats was
climate-controlled room on a 12-hour light/dark cycle (lights on at monitored carefully for any visual indication of motor disorders or
7:00 am), and food and water were available ad libitum. All exper- change in weight or general health.
iments were performed in accordance with the policies and recom-
mendations of the International Association for the Study of Pain 2.2. Rostral anterior cingulate cortex lesions
and the National Institutes of Health guidelines for the handling
and use of laboratory animals and received approval from the Insti- Rats underwent rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) lesions
tutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of Ari- immediately followed by RVM cannulation to diminish the number
zona. All efforts were made to minimize animal suffering and of surgeries performed. Ibotenic acid lesions of the rostral ACC
reduce the number of animals used. were performed as previously described [26]. Ibotenic acid
(0.5 mg/mL) was dissolved in 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline
2.1. Surgical procedures (PBS) and adjusted to pH 7.27.4. Animals were anesthetized with
injection of ketaminexylazine (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) and
2.1.1. Intrathecal catheterization placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. An injection cannula (30-gauge
Rats underwent surgery for implantation of an intrathecal cath- stainless steel tubing) lled with the ibotenic acid or 0.1 M PBS
eter under halothane anesthesia (polyethylene-10 tubing; 7.5 cm) was connected to a microinfusion pump (Stoelting Co; Wood Dale,
as described previously [58] for drug administration at the level IL, USA) via polyethylene-10 tubing. The cannula was directed to-
of the lumbar cord. Rats then received gentamicin and were al- wards the rostral ACC (anteroposterior +2.6 mm from bregma, dor-
lowed to recover 7 days before any behavioral testing and under- soventral 2.5 mm, mediolateral 0.6 mm [35]). Six minutes after
going axotomy or sham axotomy surgeries. Pilot studies lowering the cannula to rostral ACC, 0.6 lL ibotenic acid or PBS was
demonstrated that shorter recovery times resulted in reduced slowly microinjected over a period of 6 minutes. Following micro-
exploration of conditioned place preference (CPP) chambers and injection, the cannula remained in the rostral ACC for 7 minutes to
resultant preconditioning chamber bias, likely due to incomplete allow diffusion of the drug. This procedure was then repeated in
recovery from the surgery. The behavior of the rats was monitored the opposite hemisphere. While the rats were still anesthetized,
carefully for any visual indication of motor disorders or change in bilateral cannulation of the RVM was performed as previously de-
weight or general health. Any rats showing any signs of motor dis- scribed [3]. Two 26-gauge guide cannulas separated by 1.2 mm
orders or severe change in weight were immediately euthanized (Plastics One) were directed toward the lateral portions of the
(<10% of the rats). RVM (anteroposterior, 11.0 mm from bregma; lateral, 0.6 mm;
dorsoventral, 7.5 mm from the dura mater [35]). The guide cann-
2.1.2. RVM cannulation ulas were cemented in place and secured to the skull by small
Animals were anesthetized with injection of ketaminexylazine stainless steel machine screws. Rats then received gentamicin
(100 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. and were allowed to recover 7 days before SNL or SNL sham sur-
Bilateral cannulation of the RVM was performed as previously de- geries. No overt signs of distress (eg, prolonged lethargy, weight
scribed [3]. Two 26-gauge guide cannulas separated by 1.2 mm loss) were observed in any animals following these surgeries. Ani-
(Plastics One, Roanoke, VA, USA) were directed toward the lateral mals recovered for 7 days before any behavioral tests were
portions of the RVM (anteroposterior, 11.0 mm from bregma; lat- performed.
eral, 0.6 mm; dorsoventral, 7.5 mm from the dura mater [35]).
The guide cannulas were cemented in place and secured to the 2.3. Drug administration
skull by small stainless-steel machine screws. Rats then received
gentamicin and were allowed to recover 7 days before any behav- Spinal drug administration was performed by injection of 5 lL
ioral testing and undergoing surgeries for spinal nerve ligation saline or 10 lg clonidine in 5 lL saline followed by a 9-lL saline
(SNL), axotomy, and their respective sham-operated controls. No ush, as previously demonstrated to elicit CPP in rats with nerve
signs of weight loss or distress were observed following cannula- injury [28]. Drug administration into the RVM was performed by
tion surgeries. slowly expelling 0.5 lL of saline or lidocaine (4% w/v) through a

C. Qu et al. / PAIN 152 (2011) 16411648 1643

33-gauge injection cannula inserted through the guide cannula and of 50% and at least 30% damage in the least damaged hemisphere.
protruding an additional 1 mm into fresh brain tissue to prevent As previously reported, histological processing produced unavoid-
backow of drug into the guide cannula, as previously demon- able tearing in the lesioned area in some sections across all exper-
strated to elicit CPP in rats with nerve injury [28]. Cocaine (1 mg/ imental groups [26]. Only animals with veried cannula placement
kg) was administered into awake rats by intravenous injection into within the RVM were included in the data analysis.
the tail vein. All injections were delivered in a separate room, and
rats were placed into the CPP chambers within 2 minutes of 2.8. Statistical analysis
For analysis of evoked pain behaviors, signicant changes from
2.4. Tactile hypersensitivity presurgery baseline control values were detected by analysis of
variance, followed by Bonferroni post test. These evaluations were
Rats were placed in suspended wire-mesh cages and allowed to all performed using GraphPad Prism 5.03 for Windows (GraphPad
acclimate for 30 minutes. The withdrawal threshold of the hind Software, San Diego CA, USA: www.graphpad.com). For CPP exper-
paw was measured in response to probing of the plantar surface iments, data were analyzed before conditioning (baseline) and
with a series of calibrated von Frey laments (Stoelting Co) in after conditioning using 2-factor analysis of variance (chambers
logarithmically spaced increments ranging from 0.41 to 15 gm vs treatment) followed by Bonferroni test. Difference from baseline
(4150 N). Withdrawal threshold was determined by sequentially scores were calculated for each rat using the formula: test time in
increasing and decreasing the stimulus strength (up and down chamber preconditioning time spent in chamber. Difference
method) and analyzed using a Dixon nonparametric test [9,16]. scores from baseline for the drug-paired chamber between
nerve-injured and sham-operated rats were analyzed using paired
2.5. Thermal hypersensitivity t tests. For all analyses, signicance was set at P < 0.05.

Rats were allowed to acclimate for 30 minutes in a Plexiglas 3. Results

enclosure on a glass plate maintained at room temperature on a
plantar test analgesia meter Hargreaves Apparatus (Ugo Basile; 3.1. Sciatic axotomy (partial hind paw denervation) induces
Comerio, Italy). An infrared radiant heat source was directed onto spontaneous pain
the plantar surface of the hind paw. A motion detector halted both
infrared source and timer when the paw was withdrawn. Baseline Axotomy of the sciatic nerve results in denervation of the plan-
latencies were established at 1725 seconds to allow a sufcient tar and lateral portions of the hind paw [51], as well as ectopic dis-
window for the detection of possible hyperalgesia. A maximal cut- charge from the injured bers [20] and development of autotomy
off of 33 seconds was used to prevent tissue damage. starting approximately 2 weeks following injury [52,53]. Therefore,
all rats underwent CPP, with conditioning day occurring 8 days fol-
2.6. Conditioned place preference lowing axotomy, a time-point prior to observable autotomy behav-
iors. Axotomized and sham axotomy rats showed equivalent
The single trial conditioned place preference protocol was per- preconditioning time in the saline- and clonidine-paired chambers,
formed as previously described [28]. Starting 7 days post nerve in- indicating no preconditioning bias for either group, so data were
jury/sham surgery, all rats underwent a 2-day habituation period pooled for graphical representation (Fig. 1A). The number of cham-
in which they were exposed to the environment with full access ber crossings was slightly decreased in the axotomy group, but this
to all chambers for 30 minutes. Behavior was recorded for 15 min- difference did not reach statistical signicance (13 2 for sham vs
utes on day 3 and analyzed to verify no preconditioning chamber 9 2 for axotomized rats, P > 0.1). Spinal administration of cloni-
preference. The following day, rats received the appropriate control dine (10 lg) resulted in a robust increase in time spent in the clo-
(ie, vehicle) paired with a randomly chosen chamber in the morn- nidine-paired chamber in the axotomized rats (Fig. 1A, P < 0.05 vs
ing, and the appropriate drug treatment paired with the other preconditioning). Difference from baseline score conrmed that
chamber 4 hours later in the afternoon. Chamber pairings were axotomized, but not sham control rats, increased time spent in
counterbalanced. On test day, 2024 hours following the afternoon the clonidine-paired chamber compared to baseline (Fig. 1B,
pairing, rats were placed in the CPP box with access to all chambers P < 0.05 vs sham).
and their behavior recorded for 15 minutes for analysis of chamber
preference. 3.2. Sciatic and saphenous (complete hind paw denervation) axotomy
induces spontaneous pain
2.7. Tissue verication
Axotomy of the sciatic and saphenous nerves results in dener-
Following behavioral testing, 0.5 lL Indian ink was injected vation of the entire hind paw [51], as well as ectopic discharge
bilaterally into the RVM for verication of cannula placement, as from injured bers [20] and autotomy behaviors that are observed
previously described [3,56]. Rats were perfused transcardially with earlier than sciatic nerve axotomy alone [52]. All rats were tested
0.9% 100150 mL saline followed by 10% formalin solution; brains with conditioning day at 8 days following axotomy, a time point
were rapidly removed and postxed in 10% formalin. Following that preceded observable autotomy. Full denervation of the hind
cryopreservation by immersion into 30% sucrose solution over- paw in the rats included in the study was veried by lack of re-
night at 4 C, RVM sections were cut serially into 30-lm thick coro- sponse to administration of radiant heat to the hind paw, with
nal sections on a freezing microtome (HM 525; Microm all axotomized rats reaching cutoff latencies of 32 seconds on this
International GmbH, Walldorf, Germany). Data from animals with test (data not shown). Axotomized and sham axotomy rats showed
incorrectly placed cannulae were not included within the data equivalent preconditioning time in the saline- and lidocaine-paired
analysis and were used as off-site controls. For rACC lesion veri- chambers, indicating no preconditioning bias for either group, so
cation, 30-mm thick coronal sections were stained with cresyl data were pooled for graphical representation (Fig. 2A). There were
violet. Lesions were indicated by neuronal cell loss and glial cell no differences in the total number of chamber crossings (16 1 for
proliferation that was especially apparent around the lesion bor- sham vs 14 2 for axotomized rats, P > 0.05), indicating that axot-
ders. Inclusion criteria had a minimum percent bilateral damage omy did not impair the ability of these animals to explore the

1644 C. Qu et al. / PAIN 152 (2011) 16411648

Fig. 1. Spinal clonidine blocks sciatic axotomy-induced spontaneous pain. (A)

Axotomized and sham rats showed equivalent time in the pairing chambers prior to
Fig. 2. Rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) lidocaine blocks sciatic and saphenous
conditioning day. As no differences were observed between axotomized and sham-
axotomy-induced spontaneous pain. (A) Axotomized and sham rats showed
operated rats, preconditioning values were pooled for graphical representation.
equivalent time in the pairing chambers prior to conditioning day. As no differences
Axotomized, but not sham-operated rats showed clear preference for the chamber
were observed between axotomized and sham-operated rats, preconditioning
paired with spinal clonidine (10 lg). Indicates signicant difference from precon-
values were pooled for graphical representation. Axotomized, but not sham-
ditioning time; P < 0.05. (B) Difference scores, calculated as test time precondi-
operated rats spent more time in the lidocaine-paired chamber. Indicates
tioning time spent in the clonidine-paired chamber conrm that axotomized, but
signicant difference from preconditioning time, P < 0.05. (B) Difference scores
not sham-operated rats increased time spent in the clonidine-paired chamber.

conrm that axotomized, but not sham-operated rats increased time spent in the
Indicates signicant difference from shams; P < 0.05. Graphs depict means SEM,
RVM lidocaine-paired chamber. Indicates signicant difference from shams,
n = 5.
P < 0.05. Graphs depict means SEM, n = 6.

chambers. RVM administration of lidocaine induced a signicant were determined 7 days following SNL or sham SNL surgeries in
preference for the lidocaine-paired chamber (Fig. 2A, P < 0.05 vs animals with rACC lesion or sham rACC lesion (Fig. 4, A and B,
preconditioning). Difference from baseline score conrmed that respectively). Following SNL, both rACC lesioned and rACC sham
the axotomized, but not sham control, rats increased time spent animals demonstrated reduced withdrawal thresholds to von Frey
in the RVM lidocaine-paired chamber (Fig. 2B, P < 0.05 vs sham). laments (Fig. 4A, P < 0.05 vs rACC sham/sham) and reduced
withdrawal latencies to noxious thermal stimulation (Fig. 4B,
3.3. Histological verication of rostral ACC lesion P < 0.05 vs rACC sham/sham). Direct comparison of post-SNL val-
ues in rats with rACC sham and rACC lesion shows no difference
Consistent with previous reports [26], bilateral infusions of (P > 0.05), indicating that lesions of the rACC failed to alter SNL-in-
ibotenic acid (0.5 lg/mL) into the rostral ACC (rACC) produced duced tactile allodynia or thermal hyperalgesia. No changes in sen-
neuronal cell loss and proliferation of small glial cells with clearly sory thresholds were observed in animals with sham SNL and
denable borders between lesioned and healthy areas (Fig. 3). Le- either sham rACC or lesion or the rACC.
sion areas were mapped as demonstrated in Fig. 3, showing the
smallest (dark gray) and largest (light gray) lesions of the rACC. 3.5. Rostral ACC lesions block CPP from pain relief
All animals included in analyses met lesion inclusion criteria as de-
scribed in Materials and methods. The week following testing of SNL-induced thermal and tactile
allodynia, rats underwent the single-trial CPP procedure in which
3.4. Rostral ACC lesions do not block evoked pain RVM administration of lidocaine was paired with a distinct cham-
ber as detailed in Materials and methods. Preconditioning times
The paw withdrawal thresholds to probing with von Frey la- spent in the saline- or lidocaine-paired chambers were equivalent
ments and the withdrawal latencies from noxious radiant heat across all treatment groups (P > 0.05). As no group differences were

C. Qu et al. / PAIN 152 (2011) 16411648 1645

Fig. 3. Representations of the largest and smallest rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) lesions are depicted on map images representing slices at Bregma +2.20,+2.70,
and +3.20 mm. Photomicrographs of representative coronal sections through the rostral ACC at Bregma +2.70 mm. Sections from a rostral ACC sham lesion (left) and a rostral
ACC lesion (right) at the same anteroposterior level. Lesion areas are evidenced by neuronal cell loss and by proliferation of smaller glial cells, especially apparent around the
borders of the lesions. Sections were stained with cresyl violet.

observed, data were pooled across groups for graphical representa-

tion (Fig. 5A). Rats with SNL that had received sham rACC surgeries
(SNL/Sham) showed clear preference for the lidocaine-paired
chamber (Fig. 5A, P < 0.05 vs preconditioning). In contrast, SNL-
treated rats with rACC lesions (SNL/Lesion) showed no preference
for the lidocaine-paired chamber. Sham SNL rats had equivalent
postconditioning times spent in the saline- and lidocaine-paired
chambers irrespective of whether they received sham rACC lesion
(Sham/Sham) or rACC lesion (Sham/Lesion). Difference from base-
line scores veried that rACC lesions blocked RVM lidocaine-in-
duced CPP in the SNL rats, as only SNL rats with sham rACC
lesions demonstrated increased time spent in the lidocaine-paired
chamber (Fig. 5B, P < 0.05 vs sham/rACC sham).

3.6. Rostral ACC lesions do not block cocaine-induced reward

To verify that the rACC lesions did not block the ability of the
rats to acquire rewarding stimuli independent of noxious input,
we determined whether rACC lesions block cocaine-induced re-
ward. Systemic administration of 1 mg/kg cocaine (intravenous)
produces CPP in animals with sham rACC lesions. Similar levels
of CPP were demonstrated in rACC-lesioned rats, with time spent
in the cocaine-paired chamber elevated in both sham and rACC-le-
sioned rats (Fig. 6A, P < 0.05 vs preconditioning). Difference from
baseline scores veried that both the sham rACC and the lesioned
rACC rats demonstrated equivalent increased time spent in the
lidocaine-paired chamber (Fig. 6B, P > 0.05).

4. Discussion

Pain elicits an aversive state that can serve as a motivating force

to shape behavior. Our previous work demonstrated that relief of
the tonic component of nerve injury-induced pain elicits reward
Fig. 4. Lesions of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) did not block spinal manifested as a preference for a context associated with pain relief
nerve ligation (SNL)-induced evoked pain. SNL surgeries produced equivalent levels (ie, conditioned place preference) [28]. Here, we demonstrate that
of tactile allodynia (A) and thermal hyperalgesia (B) in rats with rACC sham and
rACC lesion when tested 7 days following surgery. Indicates signicant difference
(1) rACC lesion blocks aversiveness of chronic pain in a widely used
from pre-SNL values; P < 0.05. Rats that received SNL sham surgeries did not show model of experimental neuropathic pain; (2) aversiveness and
tactile allodynia or thermal hyperalgesia. Graphs depict means SEM, n = 913. evoked thresholds can be dissociated within the rACC; (3) axotomy

1646 C. Qu et al. / PAIN 152 (2011) 16411648

Fig. 5. Lesions of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) blocked conditioned
place preference (CPP) induced by rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) adminis- Fig. 6. Systemic (intravenous) administration of cocaine (1 mg/kg) produced
tration of lidocaine. (A) Spinal nerve ligation (SNL)-treated rats showed increased signicant place preference as indicated by increased time spent in the cocaine-
time spent in the RVM lidocaine-paired chamber (SNL/Sham), whereas rats that had paired chamber. Indicates difference from preconditioning time; P < 0.05. Differ-
rACC lesions did not show preference to the RVM lidocaine paired chamber (SNL/ ence from baseline scores conrmed that rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC)
Lesion). Indicates difference from preconditioning time; P < 0.05. (B) Difference sham and rACC lesion-treated rats demonstrated equivalent increased time spent in
scores, calculated as test time preconditioning time spent in the RVM lidocaine- the cocaine-paired chamber. Graphs depict means SEM, n = 11: 7ACC lesion and 4
paired chamber conrms that SNL rat with sham rACC lesions increased time spent ACC sham.
in the RVM lidocaine-paired chamber, whereas rACC lesions failed to increase time
spent in the RVM lidocaine-paired chamber. Indicates difference from SNL sham
with rACC sham; P < 0.05. Graphs depict means SEM, n = 6. To date, pain resulting from axotomy of peripheral nerves has
not been conclusively demonstrated, as (1) ectopically discharging
elicits spontaneous pain; and (4) such pain results from injured axons in a neuroma are not identied as nociceptors; (2) evoked
nerves. Thus, peripheral nerve injury elicits a tonic aversive state behavioral hypersensitivity following axotomy is difcult or
that likely results from increased activity of injured nerve bers impossible to measure; (3) autotomy or self-mutilation that occurs
and that requires neuronal activity in the rACC. after axotomy may reect the presence of pain but might also sug-
Peripheral nerve injury is characterized by increased excitabil- gest lack of sensation, or numbness [12,44]; and (4) there were no
ity and ectopic discharge in primary afferent nociceptors, thought validated models of spontaneous pain. The present studies evalu-
to contribute to pain by direct activation of pain pathways and/ ated reward from pain relief in animals with either partial or com-
or by establishing and maintaining a state of central sensitization plete hind paw denervation, allowing for direct assessment of the
[13,51]. However, the contribution of specic classes of injured role of injured bers in promoting spontaneous neuropathic pain.
or uninjured primary afferent bers in these processes remains un- Our data indicate selective place preference to either spinal cloni-
clear. Partial nerve injury models reveal increased activity in in- dine or RVM lidocaine in animals with sciatic or sciatic/saphenous
jured, myelinated A bers, but not in C nociceptors [55]. axotomy, suggesting that spontaneous pain arises from injured
However, such injuries are accompanied by increased discharge nerve bers, consistent with ndings in humans. Notably, place
of uninjured C bers from neighboring ganglia (for review, see preference occurs with a single pairing to pain relief, a nding con-
[43]). Studies employing dorsal rhizotomy have led to conicting sistent with severe and sustained aversiveness resulting from
data with support for both injured and uninjured bers in mediat- peripheral nerve injury. Our observations in animals with com-
ing pain [32,45,59], and evidence exists that dorsal rhizotomy itself plete denervation of the hind paw also provide an important con-
can elicit pain [33]. However, clinical observations have consis- trol, eliminating concerns for pain resulting from tactile
tently supported the idea that injured bers are important in driv- stimulation potentially arising from ambulation within the testing
ing pain, as stimulation of a neuroma produces pain and apparatus. These data cannot address, however, whether addi-
inltration with local anesthetics relieves both ongoing pain and tional contributions to spontaneous pain, or evoked hypersensitiv-
evoked hyperalgesia [21,36]. ity, may result from uninjured, but abnormal adjacent bers.

C. Qu et al. / PAIN 152 (2011) 16411648 1647

Use of negative reinforcement to demonstrate ongoing pain The rACC is known to mediate the emotional-affective component
[28] relies on the presumption that such pain elicits a tonic aver- of pain whereas the caudal ACC mediates cognitive tasks, including
sive motivational state. The rACC has been implicated in processing attention [4]. Importantly, the role of the rACC was determined to
of the aversive consequences of noxious stimulation that motivates be specic to the affective component of the formalin-induced pain
avoidance learning [11,25,26]. Human studies have implicated the as systemic injection of a kappa agonist, known to produce dys-
ACC in the processing of acute painful stimuli. Altered perception phoria in humans [40], produced conditioned place avoidance in
of pain-related unpleasantness in the absence of changes in stimu- both rACC-lesioned and rACC sham-lesioned rats [26]. The present
lus intensity has been demonstrated to correlate with activity in studies are dependent on reward induced by pain relief, rather
the ACC, but not the somatosensory cortex [41]. Although imaging than aversion induced by pain. Therefore, it remains possible that
studies have investigated changes in brain activity in response to these lesions block the animals ability to associate the context to
acute noxious stimulation across a variety of modalities [2,6 the reward induced by pain relief rather than reecting a reduction
8,10,46,48], studies of changes in the brain associated with clinical in the primary aversive quality of the tonic pain per se. To address
pain, such as neuropathic pain, have occurred relatively recently this, consistent with previous reports, we showed that rACC lesions
[34,47]. Neuropathic pain patients show increased activity in the did not reduce the animals ability to acquire place preference to
insula and ACC without signicant changes in the thalamus and the positive reinforcer, cocaine [49]. These data support the con-
somatosensory cortices (S1 and S2) [34]. In contrast, brain activity clusion that rACC lesions do not have a general disruptive effect
changes to brush-evoked allodynia indicate that dynamic allodynia on reward learning, but instead reect a decit specically relating
is predominately associated with changes in lateral thalamus, and to the acquisition or expression of pain-relief-induced negative
S1, S2 regions rather than the ACC and insula [18,37,39,54]. reinforcement. This is in line with studies indicating that ACC neu-
Preclinical studies have shown that lesion of the rACC pre- rons can acquire responses to environmental cues predicting a
vented conditioned place aversion to a chamber paired with for- painful stimulus [29,30]. Moreover, this is also consistent with
malin, whereas formalin-induced acute pain-related behaviors, studies implicating the rACC in opioid analgesia and expectation
which require the localization of the stimulus and its identication of pain relief (ie, the placebo effect) [38]. Such studies implicate
as painful (eg, lifting, licking, and inching the stimulated paw) the rACC in both the acute response to noxious stimulation and
were unaffected [26]. Fuchs and colleagues demonstrated that to the learning that underlies recognition of pain-predictive cues
rACC lesions block avoidance learning in nerve-injured rats while [26] and cues predictive of pain relief [38].
not altering mechanical hyperalgesia [17,31]. These studies sup- In summary, we have demonstrated that nerve injury produces
port the role of the rACC in mediating the aversive component of spontaneous pain mediated by injured afferent bers. Additionally,
chronic pain. Importantly, the above studies focus on avoidance rACC lesion blocked the aversiveness of pain resulting from periph-
of the aversive motivational state of evoked pain, rather than on eral nerve injury in spite of maintained evoked hypersensitivity. Ef-
the rewarding properties of relief of spontaneous pain. To date, forts focusing on mechanisms underlying nerve-injury-induced
no studies have directly assessed the role of the ACC in spontane- spontaneous pain and the circuits that elicit the aversiveness of this
ous pain resulting from nerve injury or in the mechanism of nega- condition may yield insights into molecular targets with transla-
tive reinforcement. Our studies demonstrate that the rACC is tional relevance for treatment of neuropathic pain. Additionally, as
required for the reward associated with relief from nerve-injury- a subset of patients with neuropathic pain also suffer from tactile
induced spontaneous pain. Thus, RVM lidocaine, previously dem- and cold allodynia, further exploration of differences in mechanisms
onstrated to block nerve injury-induced evoked hypersensitivity underlying spontaneous pain and allodynia are critical, as treatment
and to produce place preference selectively in animals with nerve for each of these components of neuropathic pain likely differ.
injury [28], no longer produced reward. One interpretation of these
data is that rACC lesions remove the tonic aversive state resulting Conict of interest statement
from the peripheral nerve injury, thus removing the motivational
drive to achieve pain relief. Importantly, evoked hypersensitivity The authors have no conict of interest to declare.
remained following rACC lesion, consistent with previous observa-
tions [31]. This nding is critical because it indicates that evoked Acknowledgement
pain resulting from spontaneous movement of the affected limb
is insufcient to fully account for the aversive state of the animal. This work was supported by NIH NS 066958.
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