Lesson Plan School Name: SMP 18 Semarang Subject: English Class / Semester: VIII/1 Time Allocation: 4 X 40 Minutes

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School Name : SMP 18 Semarang

Subject : English
Class / Semester : VIII/1
Time Allocation : 4 x 40 minutes


1. Listening

Understanding a meaning in simple transactional and interpersonal

conversation to interact with surronding environment

3. Speaking

Expressing a meaning in simple transactional and interpersonal conversation

orally to interact with surronding environment


1.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things
done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak
tutur: mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui,
memuji, dan memberi selamat
3.2 Memahami dan merespon percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan,
menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat
After learning process the students are able to:
1. Repeat instruction expression from the teacher
2. Understand and express transactional and interpersonal dialogue in expression of
Givind invitation, accepting and refusing an invitation

After the end learning process the students are able to:
1. Repeat instruction expression from the teacher
2. Understand and express transactional and interpersonal dialogue in expression
of giving invitation, accepting and refusing an invitation

F. Metodh : Contextual Language Teaching and Role Play

Grammatical (Future Tense)
(+) S + Will/Shall + V1 + O
(-) S + Wiil/Shall + not + V1 + O
(?) Will/Shall + S + V1 + O + ?

1. Inviting Someone

2. Accepting an invitation
Id love to
Thats very kind of you. Thank you very much
What a good idea
What a lovely idea
That will be great
Of course. Id like to
3. Refusing an invitation
Im sorry, its not possible, mybe another time?
Im sorry, Im not .....
Im sorry, I cant/ I couldnt ....
Im afraid I cant/ I couldnt ....
Im afraid not
Id rather not, (actually) ......
Im sorry, I dont think I can / could.

Example of the conversations:

First conversation
Andra : Hello Dian, how are you?

Dian : I am alright, what about you?

Andra : I am fine, too. I got a brochure that there will be Sheila on 7 concert on
next Sunday.

Dian : Whoah, I just knew that.

Andra : Yeah, thats why I tell you now, because you are a big fan of Sheila on 7.
I want you to come to the concert with me if you dont mind.

Dian : Sure. Its my pleasure. And please save me in the crowded

Andra : Of course, I will.

Second conversation
Dani : Do you have anything to do tonight, Deby?
Deby : I dont think so. Why Deby?
Dani : My Friend is going to celebrate his wedding party tonight. He invited me
and I dont want to go alone. I dont know with whom I should go there. Would
you like to accompany me, Dani?
Deby : I would love too, but what time, Dani?
Dani : How about at seven oclock? Ill pick you up.
Deby : Ok thats fine.
Dani : Thanks, Deby youre very kind.

Third conversation
Lili : Hey, Lina. I have a new story CD of sponge bob.
What about watching it together?
Lina : ......................... What time should I come?
Lili : What about 3 p.m?
Lina : okey
Fourth Conversation

Bunga : OSIS SMP N 18 Semarang will held many events to celebrate

independence day. Would you like to join?
Jhon : .................. (Accepting)

Fifth conversation
Sally : Hello Grace, I have a plan to go to bookstore next week.
Would you accompany me?
Grace : ............................ I have to help my mother next week

H. Learning Activities
First meeting
Activity Teachers description Students description Time
Pre 1 Teacher greets the students
2 Teacher checks the attendance list. Giving Response
3 Teacher check students dictionaries 10
Main Exploration Exploration:
1. Teacher asks the students about
activity 1. Answering teachers
anything related with material
2. Showing short conversation how

to invite, to accept, and to refuse 2. Pay attention to the short

an invitation. conversation and giving
3. Explaining language features responds
related to the material.(Present ,
and Future Tense). 3. Paying attention to
4. Showing kinds of expression teachers explanation
how to invite, to accept, and to and writing the material
refuse an invitation and Elaboration
1. Paying attention and
explaining the material. 15
Elaboration giving respond
1. Showing some conversations and 2. Answering the

discussing about it. conversation

2. Giving some conversations of
invitation and asking students to

1. Teacher gives an evaluation
Students pay attention to the
about the student activities
2. Teacher asks to the students to
look for another sources related
to this material
3. Teacher gives reinforcement

Post 1 Teacher asks the students about what 1. Students answer teachers
Activity they have got after learning activity. question
2. Students pay attention
2 Teacher motivate the students to
practice the material more

Second meeting
Activity Teacher Description Students description Time
Pre activities 1 Teacher greets the students
2 Teacher checks the Giving Response 10
Answering the question
attendance list.
3 Teacher asks to the students
4 Remaining about the last
Main activities Exploration
1. Giving question to the Answering the question 15
students about expression of
Gather with their group
1.Dividing the class into eight Discussing the picture with 30
groups their own group
2. Each group get a picture
3.Students should create a short
conversation related to How
to invite someone and
respond it (Accepting and 15
4 Each group should come
forward to practice their
Paying attention
conversation Giving responds
1. Teacher gives an evaluation
about the student activities
2. Teacher asks to the students
to look for another sources
related to this material
3. Teacher gives

Pos activities 1 Teacher asks the students

about what they have got
Paying attention
after learning activity. Giving responds
2 Teacher motivate the
students to practice the
material more


Learning sources : Lets express it in english (english book) and Internet
Media : Pictures
Equipment : Computer and LCD
a. Technique :Responding question & presentation
b. Form of instrument : Spoken test and performence
c. Instrument : Worksheet

Students worksheet
Please create dialog about how to invite someone and give the responds (accpting
and refusing) ! discuss with your group!
No Category Score Criteria
1. Repeating 3 Reapeating the whole text
very well
2 Repeating the text well
1 Conducting any mistakes
in repeating word
3 Pronounciation coming
close with native

2. Pronounciation

2 Pronounciation combining
with dialect, but
unchanging meaning

Conducting any mistakes

in pronounciacing word,
misunderstanding in
3 Students can speak
3. Fluency
2 Students can speak
although not fluently
1 Students speak hesitant

Score : Achievement X 100

Score Max

Mengetahui, Semarang, Agustus 2016

Guru Mapel Guru Praktikan

Verawati Indah L
Budi Siswanto, S.Pd (NIM. 133411116)
(NIP: 19760620 200801 1 008)

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