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City of Flint, Michigan

Third Floor City Hall

1101 S. Saginaw Street
Flint; Michigan 48502
www. cityofflint. corn

Meeting Agenda Final -

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

5:00 PM

Committee Room


Scott Kincaid, Chairperson, Ward 9

Eric Mays, Ward I Jacqueline Poplai, Ward 2

Kerry L. Nelson, Ward 3 Kate Fields, Ward 4
Wantwaz D. Davis, Ward 5 Herbert J. Winfrey, Ward 6
Monica Galloway, Ward 7 Vicki VanBuren, Ward 8

lnez M. Brown, City Clerk

FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting Agenda Final
- February 22, 2017



170096 Special Order/Question & Answer Session/City Water System

A Special Order to allow John Smith, City of Flint Water System Advisor; Steve
Wolsfeld, a Vice President from CDM Smith; and Chris Hill, Vice President of
Arcadis, to answer questions from City Council members about the change in the
Arcadis contract approved by City Council on February 13, 2017.


170097 CO#3/Contractmilliam E. Walter/HVAC Support Services

Resolution resolving that the proper City Official are hereby authorized to enter into
change order #3 to the contract with William E. Walter for additional HVAC support
services, as requested by Utilities and Maintenance, in the amount of $15,000.00,
for a total aggregate amount of $338,000.00 [General Fund Acct. No.
101-753.200-801.000]. [Administration Submission No. CA347201 7.]

170098 Argus-Hazco/Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

Resolution authorizing the Department of Purchases & Supplies, upon City

Councils approval, to issue a purchase order to Argus-Hazco for Self-Contained
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), as requested by the Fire Department, in an amount
NOT-TO-EXCEED $251,390.00 [General Fund Acct. No. 101-338.201-977.000].
[Administration Submission No. CA3482016.]

170099 Public Hearing Date/Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate/615 S.

Saginaw Street

Resolution resolving that the appropriate officials do all things necessary to set a
Public Hearing date of March 27, 2017, to consider the approval of a Commercial
Rehabilitation (Exemption Certificate) application for the Flint Ferris Building,
located at 615 S. Saginaw Street, with said hearing to be held at 5:30 p.m. in City
Council Chambers, City Hall, 1101 5. Saginaw Street, Flint, as requested by the
Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), and that notice of
the hearing shall be published in an official paper of general circulation not less
than ten (10) days prior to said hearing. lAdministration Submission No.
CA349201 7.]

170082 Attendance Request/Aracadis/CDM/John Young

Attendance request made by Councilperson Mays, re: He would like for John
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FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting Agenda Final
- February 22, 2017

Young, City of Flint water treatment advisor, and representatives of Arcadis of

Michigan LLC and CDM Smith to attend the next Finance Committee Meeting,
scheduled for 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 22, 2017, to discuss water issues.


170067 Referral/CDM Smith Contract

Referral by Councilperson Poplar to ADMIN/ENGINEERING, re: She would like to

know who hired CDM Smith, who authorized their contract and how they are being
paid. [Referral Action Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170066 Referral/Business Customers/Legal Action/Multi-U nit Developments

Referral by Councilperson Mays to ADM IN/LEGAL, re: He would like the law
department to provide information on how to pursue action against owners of
multi-unit developments when the renters pay their water bills but the landlord does
not, and if that can be written into an ordinance. [Referral Action Date: 1/18/2011
@ Finance Committee Meeting]

170065 Referral/Business Customers/Late Water Payments

Referral by Councilperson Galloway to ADMIN/FINANCE, re: She would like to

know why business customers are allowed to get so far behind in water payments.
[Referral Action Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170064 Referral/Fast Start Program Dollars

Referral by Councilperson Fields to ADMIN/FINANCE, re: She would like to know

what the first two million in the Fast Start program was used for, and what the last
$741,000.00 was used for. [Referral Action Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee

170063 Referral/Fringe Benefits Paid/201 6

Referral by Councilperson Fields to ADMIN/FINANCE, re: She would like a printout

of all fringe benefits paid in 2016, including who it was paid to, amount and for what
purpose. [Referral Action Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170062 Referral/677 Payments/November & December 2016

Referral by Councilperson Fields to ADMIN/FINANCE, re: She would like all 677
payments made in November and December 2016. [Referral Action Date:
1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170061 Referral/Copy/Public Relations Contract

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FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting Agenda Final
- February 22, 2017

Referral by Councilperson Fields to ADMIN/LEGAL, re: She would like a copy of

the public relations contract that was entered into with pipe replacement funding.
[Referral Action Date: 1/1 8/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170060 Referral/Severance Packages/Former Department Heads

Referral by Councilperson Fields to ADMIN/LEGAL, re: She would like a legal

opinion on why the severance packages for former Interim City Attorney Anthony
Chubb and former Police Chief James Tolbert were not brought before City
Council. [Referral Action Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170059 Referral/RFP/Street Restoration

Referral by Councilperson Fields to ADMIN/FINANCE, re: She would like to see

the separate RFP for road restoration after pipe replacement. [Referral Action
Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170058 Referral/Street Repair Dollars

Referral by Councilperson Nelson to ADMIN/FINANCE, re: He would like to know

what streets were repaired with the extra $466,000.00 in the street maintenance
fund (see Resolution 170023). [Referral Action Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance
Committee Meeting]

170057 Referral/Status/Grants

Referral by Councilperson Poplar to ADMIN/PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT, re:

She would like the status of all grants received by Planning & Development for
2016- amount, who got them and what they were for. [Referral Action Date:
1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170056 Referral/Status/Revolving Loan Fund

Referral by Councilperson Poplar to ADMIN/PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT, re:

She would like the status of the revolving loan fund for 2016 who got them, what

they were for, how much they received and how much they owe. [Referral Action
Date: 1/18/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting]

170032 Referral/2016-17 Annual Action Plan Disbursement/My Brothers Keeper

Referral by Councilperson Poplar to ADMIN/PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT, re:

She wants to know if My Brothers Keeper has received its allocated 2016-17
Action Plan funding (an expected $8,000) from the City and, if not, what has
caused the delay in disbursement. [Referral Action Date: 1/09/2017 @ City Council

170011 Status/Leases/Flint Golf Courses

Referral by Councilperson Galloway to CITY ADMINISTRATOR/FINANCE/

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FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting Agenda Final
- February 22, 2017

PURCHASING, re: What is the status of the leases for each of the golf courses.
Please provide a written response for all councilpersons. [Referral Action Date:
1/4/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting].

170010 Water Meter Installation vs. Estimated Water Bills

Referral by Councilperson Galloway to CITY

ADMINISTRATOR/FINANCE,WATER, re: The city received a supply of water
meters in late 2015. She would like to know when the city ran out and stopped
installing them and when workers began estimating bills. Please provide a written
response for all councilpersons. [Referral Action Date: 1/4/2017 @ Finance
Committee Meeting].

170009 Ordinance Request/Limitations on Retroactive Payments/Estimated Meters

Referral by Councilperson Mays to CITY ADMINISTRATOR/FINANCE/LEGAL, re:

He would like a draft ordinance that limits the amount of time that the city can
retroactively collect money from customers with estimated water bills (for example,
six months). Please provide a written response for all councilpersons. [Referral
Action Date: 1/4/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting].

170008 Request for Help/Water Crisis Attorney Fees/State of Michigan

Referral by Councilperson Galloway to CITY ADMINISTRATOR/FINANCE, re: She

asks the administration to seek help from Rep. Sheldon Neeley and Sen. Jim
Ananich in requesting payment of attorney bills for those charged in the water crisis
from the State of Michigan. Please provide a written response for all
councilpersons. [Referral Action Date: 1/4/2017 @ Finance Committee Meeting].

160517 Referral/Information on Damage Claims

Referral by Councilpersons Fields and Kincaid to LEGAL, re: He would like to know
how many damage claims have been filed against the City since January 2016,
who filed those damage claims, and whether or not they were approved or denied -

with approved claims detailing the amounts paid and denied claims stating a
reason for denial. He also requests that the Chief Legal Officer explain, in writing,
under what authority she is allowed to approve or grant damage claims without
prior approval from the Flint City Council and/or Flint Receivership Transition
Advisory Board (RTAB). Ms. Fields asks that all investigative documents are
included for said damage claims, as well as a written final legal opinion for each.
[Referral Action Date: 11/14/2016 @ City Council Meeting]

160114 Discussion Item/Secondary Water Source

Discussion Item as requested by Councilperson Mays: re: A discussion concerning

a secondary (back-up) water source for the city.
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FINANCE COMMFrrEE Meeting Agenda Final
- February 22, 2017


City of Flint, Michigan Page 6 Printed on 2111/2017

(Proposal #15000552) SUBMISSION No.: C/i Syz 2017
PRESENTED: ___________________

ADOYflLD: ____________________




On January 11, 2017, the Proper City Officials were authorized to enter into contracts for
Utilities and change order #2 for Facilities Maintenance with William B. Walter, 1921 Howard Ave., Flint,
Michigan for the fmal year of a three year HVAC support services in an amount not to exceed $323,000.00
as requested by the Utilities Department and Mainenance and

Due to unforeseen boiler issues at City Hall, the Maintenance Department is requesting
additional services in the amount of $15,000.00. Funding for said services will come from the following
account: 101-753.200-801.000; and

IT IS RESOLVED, that the Proper City Offlci?b are hercby authorized to enter into change
order #3 to the contract with William E. Walter for additIonal HVAC support services in the amount of
$15,000.00 fora total aggregate amount of $338,000.00. (General Fund)

~~ASJNOOEfl.~ ~E~~c: _______________FORM:

Derrick Jonc~, Thircli Ianagcr wi 6 b. Sabuda, Chief Financial Officer

Chief Legal Officer

t~4~ ~a~oja
K,f~n V.. Weaver, Mayor



Kerry Nelson, Council President


DATE: February 16,2017

Agenda Item Title: William E. Walter

Prepared By: Kathryn Neumann for Sylvester Jones

Background/Summary of Proposed Action: Due to the age of Flint City Hall, and the
possible damage to the pipes because of the corrosive water, Maintenance has had an
unprecedented number of burst pipes and boiler issues. William E. Walter is the
approved contractor to fix plumbing issues. The current contract has been exhausted,
and more monies are needed to ensure any issues that may come up between now and
June 30 are fixed.

Financial Implications: Funding is available in the account listed beow.

Budgeted Expenditure? Yes ~ NoEl Please explain if no:

Account No.: 101-753.200-930.000

Pre-encumbered? Yes ~ No El Requisition # 147000142

Other lmDlications (i.e.. collectiye bargaining): None

Staff Recommendation: Recommend Approval

Staff Person: 02~C oJAU1~~~._ 9)

Lee Osborne, Supervisor
(Bid #17000049) SUBMISSION NO.: C43r12i/6
PRESENTED: a- ii~ -i7
ADOPTED: ____________________





The Department of Purchases & Supplies has solicited a bid for Self-Contained Breathing
Apparatus (SCBA) as requested by the Fire Department; and

Argus-Hazco, 46400 Continental Dr., Chesterfield, Michigan was the lowest responsive
bidder from two bids that were received for said requirements. Funding for said services will come from
account 101-338.201-977.000; and

IT IS RESOLVED, that the Department of Purchases & Supplies, upon City Councils
approval, are hereby authorized to issue a purchase order to Argus-Hazeo for Self-Contained Breathing
Apparatus (SCBA), in an amount not to exceed $251,390.00. (General Fund)


J es, Pur asing Manager Davi L. Sabuda, Chief Financial Officer Angel heeler
mien Chief Legal Officer

Karen W. %Veaver



Kerry Nelson, Council President


DATE: February 15, 2017

Agenda Item Title: Argus-Uazeo, Scott SCBA Equipment

(Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus)

Prepard By: II. Dunlap Fire Department

Backgroimdisummary of Proposed Action: The Fire Department is seeking approval for a

purchase order to replace aging equipment that is in excess of the National Fire Protection
Associations (NFPA) recommended years of service. The Department has also recently hired 36
fire fighters and trainees that need to be properly equipped to effectively perfbrm their job duties.

Financial Implications:

13u&eted Exuendibire: Ycs~X_ No_ Please explain, ifno;

Account #: 101-338.201-977.000 in the amount of $251,390.00

Pre-encumberepi: Yes X No____ Requisition # 160000623

Other Implications (i.e.., collective bargaining): None

Staff Recommendation: Recommend Approval

Staff Person: _______________________

(D~pL cad/A zorizedstafi)

BID #17-049


46400 Continental Dr. 34740 Gratiot Ave.
Chesterfield, MI Clinton Twp, MI

$251,390.00 $170,179.00*

* Vendor bid on an alternate product that was not as specified.

/700 99
Resolution No. OASY?
Presented: &/~ -/7

Resolution Setting Hearing Date to Consider the Approval of a

Commercial Rehabilitation Application
(Flint Ferris Building, 615 S. Saginaw - P.A. 210 of 2005)
By the Mayor:

Owners of said properLy filed an application with the Flint City Clerk for a Commercial
Rehabilitation Exemption for a commercial facility located at 615 S. Saginaw and
located within the Commercial Rehabilitation District established on January 9, 2017,
legally described on the Attachment.

Before acting upon the request, the City of Flint, pursuant to Public Act 210 of 2005,
shall afford an opportunity for a hearing on the approval of the Commercial
Rehabilitation Exemption Application, at which time the owners and other interested
parties may appear and be heard.

IT IS RESOLVED, that the appropriate City officials do all things necessary to set a
public hearing date of March 27, 2017 to consider the approval of a Commercial
Rehabilitation application for the Flint Ferris Building located at 615 S. Saginaw St. The
Hearing is to be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of Flint City Hall, 1101 S.
Saginaw Street, Flint, Michigan. The notice of such hearing shall be published in an
official paper of general circulation not less than ten (10) days prior.


Legal Offf6er o~ Karen W. Weaver, Mayor


Kerry Nelson, President

February 13, 2017
AyeKda Item Title:
~. Resolution Setting Hearing Date to Consider Approval of a Commercial
Rehabilitation Exemption Application (Flint Ferris Building, L.L.C. P.A. 210 of 2005)

2. Resolution Approving the Application for a Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption

Certificate for the Flint Ferris Building (Flint Ferris Building P.A. 210 of 2005)

Prepared By
Community and Economic Development Division Planning and Development

To apply for the tax exemption, a Commercial Rehabilitation District must first be
established. Such district is established only after a public hearing is held to allow the
public, along with taxing jurisdictions, and the assessor, the opportunity to comment.
Once established, the owner/taxpayer of property proposed for rehabilitation and
located within the district can file an application for a Commercial Rehabilitation
Exemption Certificate. The district was established on January 9, 2017.
Commercial Rehabilitation Act 210 of 2005, encourages the rehab of commercial
property by freezing the taxable value of the building and exempting the taxes
generated by the new investment for a period of up to 10 years.
See attachment for additional information on a commercial Rehab exemption Certificate
and for the general description of the proposed rehab project.
Financial Implications (Analysis):
If granted, the Commercial Rehab Exemption Certificate will allow for an exemption of
ad valorem taxes on the building only, during the two (2) year exemption period. It will
also allow the owner/developer to leverage $1 .2M from the State of Ml for this project.
The buildings current taxable value listed in the assessors records will become the
frozen value at which the property will be taxed for the two year term of this exemption.
It is expected that once the building has been rehabbed, the Overall taxable value will
increase, thus generating a net gain in tax revenue after the expiration of the exemption
Staff Review Reso for Commercial Rehab Application Flint Ferris Bldg. L.L.C

February 13, 2017 Page Two

Tax revenue generated from the $134,400 property value during the most recent tax
year is as follows:
Tax Season Tax Revenue
Winter 2016 $558.63
Summer 2016 $7,002.88
TOTAL $7,561.51

Budgeted Expenditure: Yes____ No X Please explain, if no: N/A

Account #: N!A

Date reviewed and approved by Carissa Dotson N/A

Pre-encumbered: Yes ____ No Requisition # N/A

Other Implications (i.e., collective bargaining: There are no known implications

Staff Recommendation:
The Administration recommends approval.

The Land Situated in the City of Fllnt, County of Genesee, State of Michigan described
as follows:
Lot 3, BlockS of Village of Flint River, excepting therefrom the Southerly 22 feet thereof,
as recorded in Liber A of Plats, Page(s) 129, Genesee County Records.

Commonly known as: 6158. Saginaw St., Flint, Ml 48502

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