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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Volume 124, Issue 138 Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The conscience of the country

Alumni One of those speakers was
1949 UNC graduate Allard
Lowenstein, who represented
reflect on New York in Congress.
According to Goldstein,

activism, Lowenstein said On college

campus after college campus,
including this one, that if
past and students can lead a protest,
they can unseat a sitting

In November 1969,
Goldstein said more than a
By Jenni Ciesielski hundred buses went from
Chapel Hill to Washington
Senior Writer
D.C. as students across the
The estimated 2.9 million nation gathered at an anti-
people in the U.S. who took Vietnam War demonstration.
part in Januarys Womens There were hundreds of
March made it the largest thousands of people nation-
protest in American his- wide, so it kind of rolled out
tory. This months HKonJ from campus to the country,
in Raleigh had its highest he said. And whats interest-
attendance ever. In the first ing in retrospect is that one
two months of 2017, UNC of the leaders then was this
students have protested the soldier who came back from
inauguration, controversial Vietnam and was extremely
Cabinet picks and a Trump eloquent and who had testi-
travel ban. fied before Congress, and
Students have a long tradi- became one of the spokespeo-
tion of being the conscience ple for that movement that
of the country. They have, you was John Kerry.
might argue, a little less to lose But not everyone on cam-
by taking a risk, said UNC pus supported the demon-
Entrepreneur in Residence strations. Jeffress said there
Buck Goldstein. I think was a group called Young
students generally have this Americans for Freedom who
responsibility to push the older vocally supported the war.
generations into questioning. Goldstein said it was easy to
dents have always done. the war just by taking a walk
Some UNC graduates see similarities between todays protests and marches against the Vietnam War and for civil rights years ago.
Goldstein, who gradu- across campus.
ated in 1970, is no stranger The biggest difference Charles Jeffress, who also Lyndon B. Johnson, and the Jeffress said. We at Carolina Politically, it was, are you
to campus protests he led is that students, classmates, graduated in 1970, said he anti-war campaign. hosted a lot of speakers who for the war or against the
anti-Vietnam War protests at were being drafted and was involved with Black I would say a significant talked about the war and the war? Culturally, it was, did
UNC. He said one major fac- killed, Goldstein said. That Student Movement, the percentage of students on injustices of that war, and you wear bell-bottom blue
tor made those protests dif- created a different dynamic Dump Johnson campaign campus were sympathetic why the United States should
ferent from todays. than even what we have now. to unseat then-President to the anti-war movement, not be involved. SEE ACTIVISM, PAGE 6

Government split on ballot ICE raids

Leaders across student
government say they expect
this issue of student representation on
our campus, Russell said.
Student Body Treasurer Harry
I dont anticipate anyone
campaigning against the
expected to rise
the referendum will pass.
Edwards said he is happy with the com-
promises made by the different parties.
referendum being passed. Trumps immigration Robert Brown Immigration
Law, said one of the major
I think the best thing about the Cole Simons enforcement policy shifts in raids under the new
By Danielle Bush plan that has been put forward, that Speaker of Student Congress administration has been in
Staff Writer the student body will be able to vote differs from Obamas. priorities.
on, is that its been agreed on by a stu- Simons said this was a deal worked The Obama administra-
A referendum on the plan to split dent government and by the Graduate and agreed upon by Student Congress By Charlotte Harris tion put much more emphasis
student government will appear on the and Professional Student Federation, members, executive branch members Staff Writer on trying to track down and
spring general election ballot on March 2. two parties that have had an enormous and GPSF members. He is confident the remove folks that are in the
The plan in the referendum was a amount of disagreement over the last referendum is going to be a good way to U.S. Immigration and country that had criminal
product of discussions between Vice couple of years on this issue, he said. move forward. Customs Enforcement made convictions, that had fraud,
Chancellor for Student Affairs Winston But have finally, after many, many I definitely think it will pass, he said. 680 arrests in the second that were recent immigra-
Crisp and student leaders, and it has hours of negotiations, managed to reach We have buy in from all portions of week of February, and 84 peo- tion violators (not) folks
been approved by GPSF and Student a point where we all agreed on some- student government including GPSF, so ple were detained in North that had been in the country
Congress. thing we are OK with. I dont anticipate anyone campaigning Carolina alone after the first for a longer period of time
GPSF President Dylan Russell said he Russell said that with Two for Two, against the referendum being passed. I major ICE raids in the new that didnt have any criminal
is feeling optimistic for the future of stu- the older proposal for split governance, could be wrong, but with the leadership administration. issues, he said.
dent self-governance with the upcoming GPSF had to put it on the ballot them- from all of the branches being in favor ICE raids have occurred for Oza compared the Obama
referendum. selves, which required a two-thirds vote of it, it should have a good chance of decades, but under the Trump administrations prosecutorial
This has been by far one of the most threshold to pass. He said hes confident passing. administration, they may discretion policy to speeding.
engaged senates, engaged cabinets, the new proposal will pass because the If the referendum passes, student gov- become more aggressive and The government is less con-
engaged executive boards and graduate threshold is 50 percent plus one. frequent.
professional students deeply care about Speaker of Student Congress Cole SEE GPSF, PAGE 6 Rishi Oza, an attorney with SEE RAIDS, PAGE 6

Student Supreme Court says no to disqualification appeal

The Nail campaign is deciding how to punish candidates
for campaign violations, which is all
modify decisions of the BOE.
I think the main point is that
figuring out its next steps done through a point system.
Though the Plaintiff may dis-
the Supreme Court absolutely could
have heard this appeal if they want-
after a late-night decision. agree with the Boards determina- ed to, the way it is written, he said.
tion of severity, the Boards authority This could very much be that they
By Jamie Gwaltney to determine severity and allocate just didnt want to hear it.
Assistant University Editor points accordingly is firmly rooted in Paul Kushner, chairperson of the
law, the courts order said. BOE, said he was glad to see that the
Sophomore Joe Nails candidacy The order comes just one day courts decisions showed the BOE
for student body president may not after Nail was disqualified by the was right. He said the court and the
recover after the latest blow to his BOE. BOE did what they were supposed
campaign late Tuesday. Harry Edwards, a member of the to do.
Nail, who was disqualified by the Nail campaign, said late Tuesday Every time something like this
UNC Board of Elections Monday, that the campaign isnt sure what its comes up, youre glad that your ini-
appealed that decision in the UNC next steps will be. tial reasoning was upheld, he said.
Student Supreme Court Tuesday. I think it is very strange that The election timeline, which
The court announced its refusal they arent even willing to consider schedules the general election for
to hear his appeal at 10:15 p.m. the possibility of wrongdoing by the March 2, wont be affected by this,
Tuesday. Board of Elections, Edwards said. Kushner said.
The courts two-page rejection He called the courts decision Edwards said he thinks the court DTH FILE/BRINLEY LOWE
said the Student Code gives the absolutely extraordinary and said The UNC Student Supreme Court declined to hear Joe Nails appeal late Tuesday
Board of Elections wide latitude in theres precedent for the court to SEE NAIL, PAGE 6 night. Nail appealed after he was disqualified in the student body president race.

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February 22 (WED)
February 23 (THUR)
Great Hall in the Student Union
Rams Head Recreation Center

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If you want to know about a culture, spend a night in its bars.

2 Wednesday, February 22, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

Established 1893
123 years of editorial
Event addresses issues with Oscars
JANE WESTER #OscarsSoWhite was is not really a reaction to the
#OscarsSoWhite, Schaevitz
Now, many of the
EDITOR@DAILYTARHEEL.COM discussed at the UNC said. (Disney) movies are
preview event.
The Academy recently
extended invitations to 683
featuring strong
MANAGING.EDITOR@DAILYTARHEEL.COM new members. Of these 683, female characters
DANNY NETT By Krupa Kaneria 46 percent are women and 41
Dana Coen
ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR Staff Writer percent are people of color.
ONLINE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM However, the entirety of the Adjunct assistant professor
JOS VALLE Lights. Camera. Action. academy is only 27 percent
VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR The fourth Oscars Preview female and 11 percent people Now, many of the movies
VISUALS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Night, sponsored by the of color with these additions. are featuring strong female
ALISON KRUG Program in the Humanities This years central topic characters, not damsels in
NEWSROOM DIRECTOR and the General Alumni is our divided political distress.
DTH@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Association, took place last environment, Coen said. Schaevitz said critics believe
SARA SALINAS night at the Varsity Theater. Corporate Hollywood is the shift to strong indepen-
DIRECTOR OF PROJECTS AND At least 70 attendees listened becoming increasingly skittish dent, female leads reflect
INVESTIGATIONS to UNC faculty members on stories that examine peoples desires to accomplish
Dana Coen and Rachel sociopolitical contexts. their hopes and dreams,
ACY JACKSON Schaevitz discuss and Schaevitz and Coen despite hardships. She used DTH/STELLA RENEKE
UNIVERSITY EDITOR critique the film industry and dicussed the role of women the female lead in the film
UNIVERSITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM UNC faculty members Rachel Schaevitz (left) and Dana Coen
the Oscars. and people of color in the Zootopia as an example. spoke at Oscars Preview Night at the Varsity Theater Tuesday.
JANE LITTLE Although the Academy industry, while analyzing the Judy Hopps has to work
CITY EDITOR hardships that these groups twice as hard to prove that audience if they want There were many biopics
CITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Awards have turned into more
of a horror story, we are here face in the film business. bunnies can be cops, too, to watch content that made in 2016. There were
COREY RISINGER to enlighten more than to Women are grossly she said. challenges them. stories about Barack Obama,
STATE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM handicap, Coen said. underrepresented in film, They also discussed films In response to Coens Ray Kroc, Nat Turner,
Schaevitz started the Schaevtiz said. In 2015, only focused around the issue question, some audience Jacqueline Kennedy, and
SARAH VASSELLO of racism, like Hidden
discussion by saying the 31.4 percent of the roles were members expressed that they many of them got made for
SWERVE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM roles written for actors and available to women, she said. Figures, Loving, I Am Not felt consumers preferences Oscar bait.
actresses of color were just Schaevitz also discussed Your Negro, OJ: Made in and habits for films most likely The truth is, Hollywood
SPORTS EDITOR not there. However, she said the shift in film patterns America and more. would not change; they will rarely trusts originality, Coen
SPORTS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM this situation has seemingly for movie giants, such as These films focus on still watch the fun, comedy said. Expect biopics to come
improved. Disney. the absence of films in the films and films that are not off the assembly line faster
DESIGN & GRAPHICS EDITOR We have the most diverse Disney is a megalithic industry that narrate the seen as thought-provoking or than you can say Jesus Christ
DESIGN@DAILYTARHEEL.COM nomination list this year, company based on princesses, racial issues in the country, challenging. pun intended.
SARAH DWYER, she said. However, its damsels in distress with Coen said. We are being overrun
ALEX KORMANN important to note that this love interests, she said. Coen also asked the about biopics, Coen said.

Someone found property reports state. Scratches were found on Chapel Hill police reports. Chapel Hill police reports.
ASHLEN RENNER on the 1700 block of Legion the Toyota vehicle, causing The person stole a wallet,
VIDEO EDITOR Road at 4:25 p.m. Feb. 14, Someone reported $200 in damage, reports state. worth $10, with $117 of cash Someone reported the
according to Chapel Hill damage to property on the and credit and debit cards larceny of the tip jar at the
police reports. 800 block of Martin Luther Someone reported inside of it, reports state. Yogurt Pump at 1129 Weaver
The person found a wallet King Jr. Boulevard at 8:03 larceny on the 300 block of Dairy Road at 5:08 p.m.
Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St.
and an assortment of credit, p.m. Feb. 14, according to South Estes Drive at 1:06 Someone reported a Monday, according to Chapel
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 debit and identification cards, Chapel Hill police reports. a.m. Wednesday, according to suspicious person on the 800 Hill police reports.
Jane Wester, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086 block of Market Street at 11:31
Advertising & Business, 962-1163
a.m. Wednesday, according to Someone reported
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245
Distribution, 962-4115
CORRECTIONS Chapel Hill police reports. breaking and entering and
One copy per person; larceny from a vehicle at 4:15
additional copies may be purchased The Daily Tar Heel reports any inaccurate information published as soon as the error is discovered.
Someone reported an p.m. Monday, according to
at The Daily Tar Heel for $0.25 each. Editorial corrections will be printed on this page. Errors committed on the Opinion Page have corrections
Please report suspicious activity at argument and assault over an Chapel Hill police reports.
printed on that page. Corrections also are noted in the online versions of our stories.
our distribution racks by emailing attempted larceny of a dog on Someone took a video Contact Managing Editor Hannah Smoot at with issues about this policy.
the 600 block of Sykes Street at game system valued at
2015 DTH Media Corp.
All rights reserved Like: Follow: @dailytarheel on Twitter Follow: dailytarheel on Instagram 4:18 p.m. Monday, according to $379.96, reports state.

Please join us in welcoming

thousands of first-year admitted
students to the UNC campus for
Admitted Student Day.
These events will take place on:
Sunday, February 26
Saturday, March 25
Sunday, April 9
Thank you to the academic departments,
our campus partners, and all of you for
representing our community with pride.
In the Carolina Spirit,
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3

Columbia Street lane closed until Friday

The lane
closure is
part of the
Porthole Alley
By Molly Horak
Staff Writer

One northbound lane on South

Columbia Street will be closed today
through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
as part of an ongoing construction
project to renovate Porthole Alley.
The road closure is the next phase
of a project to improve pedestrian
safety, said Jill Coleman, design
manager for the project. The project
will close Porthole Alley and only
allow pedestrian and bicycle traffic to
enter and exit on Franklin Street.
To remove vehicles from the
alley, a driveway is being built
between the Ackland Art Museum
and The Top of the Hill Restaurant
that will connect South Columbia
Street and the parking lot adjacent
to Porthole Alley.
Its been something that I
think people have been interested
in for many years, Coleman said.
Comments about safety and lighting
in that area have been coming up for
many years, and besides just the safety
aspect of it, I think people would
like to make (Porthole Alley) more
The projected budget for the
Porthole Alley project is $2.85 million.
UNC junior Kayla Seiffert said she
is glad the alley will be pedestrian- DTH/CALLIE WILLIAMS
only. Ongoing construction at Porthole Alley will shut down part of South Columbia Street. The road closure will be in place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today until Friday.
I dont see a lot of cars that come
through here, but when they do, Coleman said. Were monitoring it building they tend to think the Theyre starting to close off that come up and we just work to resolve
theyre definitely trying to battle with carefully, well respond to any issues building is closed or that there isnt area but it hasnt been too bad. I just them, Coleman said. We tried to be
the pedestrians, Seiffert said. and make the duration of that closure an easy way to get around to it, she walk around it, Philipp said. very thoughtful in the phasing of the
The road closure on South as short as possible. said. We decided to put signs up Coleman said they are working project and working with the people
Columbia will allow construction Pankti Patel, a manager at Top of right under the sidewalk closed signs closely with the North Carolina in the immediate area to make them
workers to have space to work on the the Hill, said they have taken extra that say that TOPO is open, so thats Department of Transportation, the aware of what were doing and if they
edge of the driveway where it meets steps to make sure customers know helping. town of Chapel Hill and UNC to put have issues that they have a place to
the main road, Coleman said. they are open during construction. Ian Philipp, a graduate student up detour signs and communicate get them resolved.
I cant predict what the impacts A lot of times when people see at UNC, said so far he hasnt been with local businesses. @molly_horak
will be, but it is a coordinated effort, construction going on around a affected by the construction. With construction projects, issues

Meantime makes first donation for gap year program

The coffee shop will spent a gap year between
high school and college doing
Bridge Year program with
some of the profits they have
Gap Fellowship, we were
familiar with the program.
donate $7,500 for a research and teaching English
in the Galapagos, volunteering
made this school year.
This could be a cool way
Its really well-run and they
already have the infrastructure
Bridge Year program. on an organic farm in Costa for The Meantime to invest in place to allocate the
Rica, working as a camp in a concept that has been money properly toward a
By Jacob Hancock counselor for a YMCA in Peru, really important to me and new scholarship. It made a
Staff Writer walking 500 miles across a program that has changed lot of sense to make our first
Spain along El Camino de the lives of a lot of students, donation toward something
The Meantime Coffee Co. Santiago and working for a but also something new that we could trust and know
has been serving coffee in the youth civic engagement NGO makes it more accessible for theyll use it properly.
Campus Y since September, in Budapest, Hungary. other students, McBride said. Sarah Smith, director of the
but now theyre offering I think the gap year was an Scott Diekema, a Global Gap Year Fellowship,
something else for students. experience that really changed co-founder of The Meantime, said she believes the program
The Meantime is partnering my trajectory at Carolina and also took a gap year. will be beneficial for students.
with UNCs Global Gap Year really beyond that, McBride Each of us benefited What weve seen with
Fellowship to fund a Bridge said. I think for a lot of from that time abroad and the gap year model is that DTH/GABRIELLE THOMPSON
Year a new program for incoming first-years, the gap we each saw a lot of merit students come back with this The Meantime is donating money to fund a scholarship for a
second semester sophomores year is not always something in taking that time away real-world experience, Smith student to travel for a gap year and do global service projects.
who want to take a year off thats on their radar. I think from classes and away from said. Theyre more confident,
from school to engage in for a lot of people, they come a formal academic setting to theyre more independent and Year program. further that through this
social service projects. Before, to Carolina and they realize learn in different capacities, often theyre more focused Were looking for a opportunity.
fellowships were only offered that maybe a gap year is Diekema said. on their studies because they student who is intellectually The application is due
for gap years between high something they could have That was kind of just have a clearer idea of what curious, Smith said. March 15 and is open to any
school and college. used, but at that point its hard something on the side we both they want to do. Somebody who already sophomore who is in good
Keegan McBride, one of the to find the resources. had experienced. With us Smith said they are has a commitment to social academic standing.
co-founders of The Meantime, The Meantime will fund working in the Campus Y and currently accepting justice and serving the
was a Gap Year Fellow. He a $7,500 fellowship for the Keegan being in the Global applications for the Bridge community and wants to

Cooper withdraws voter ID appeal Light rail funding raises concerns

Orange and Durham counties will (an extension) could be done, Slade said. That
The U.S. Supreme Court can still would reject the withdrawal. was written after the early presentations of this
Roy Coopers and Josh Steins desperate need to pay for some of the project. plan. I asked if they could speak to how it may
choose to hear the appeal. and politically-motivated stunt to derail connect to Carrboro in the future, so they wrote
North Carolinas voter ID law is not only By Erik Beene the white paper showing how that could happen.
By Sam Killenberg and Caroline Metzler illegal; it also raises serious questions about Staff Writer Board of Aldermen member Randee Haven-
Assistant State & National Editors whether theyve allowed their own personal ODonnell expressed concerns about the light rail
and political prejudices and conflicts of Carrboro and much of Orange County will not due to the change in the funding.
On Tuesday, N.C. Gov. Roy Cooper and interest to cloud their professional judgment, have stops on the Durham-Orange Light Rail My responsibility is to Carrboro citizens, and I
Attorney General Josh Stein announced their the statement said. Transit Project. want to be sure they know what has changed, she
intent to withdraw an appeal of a federal Mitch Kokai, spokesperson for the John They will, however, help to pay for it. said. Because many most of the folks in Orange
ruling that overturned the states voter ID law. Locke Foundation, said the General Assembly The proposed 17.7-mile-long project has 18 County voted for the transit tax. But the half-
The law, passed in 2013, was found by the hired private attorneys to work on its behalf stops none of which will serve Carrboro or cent transit tax would have to be augmented with
4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to target for this case. western Orange County. a sales tax and with a vehicle tax in order for the
African Americans with almost surgical Legislative leaders are arguing that There will be four stops in Orange County county to pay its share.
precision. After key provisions of the law Gov. Cooper and Attorney General Stein UNC Hospitals, Mason Farm Road, Hamilton Haven-ODonnell said the benefits to Carrboro
were struck down last July, the ruling was do not have a legal right to discharge those Road and Friday Center Drive according to from the light rail project would be indirect.
appealed by then-Gov. Pat McCrory to the attorneys, he said. Geoffrey Green, a transit planner with GoTriangle. She said bus service may increase, along with
U.S. Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court does not decide to Sammy Slade, a member of the Carrboro Board frequency and length of service.
But Cooper and Stein sent a letter hear the case, Kokai said legislators could of Aldermen, said he was concerned with the I wanna be sure that folks know what it is that
discharging outside legal counsel on draft another voter ID law. funding structure after the state decreased funding they will be paying for, and if its okay with them,
Tuesday and formally withdrew the requests N.C. Democratic Party Chairperson Wayne of light rail projects from 25 percent to 10 percent thats fine, she said. But they need to be informed
from the executive branch and the N.C. Goodwin released a statement Tuesday of the total cost. and not feel, after the decision is made and the
Department of Justice for the Court to applauding the decision. Now, 40 percent of the costs will be paid for by county moves forward, that they were not well-
review the case. A wide body of evidence, including a local funds from Durham and Orange counties, informed.
Its time for North Carolina to stop federal court ruling, has conclusively shown Green said, meaning it could be factored into sales Carrboro resident Erin Miller said she liked the
fighting for this unfair, unconstitutional law that the voting law passed by the General tax or vehicle registration fees which Orange idea in theory but was concerned by the cost.
and work instead to improve equal access for Assembly was racially targeted and motivated County voters approved in 2012. I wonder if (the money) would be better used
voters, Cooper said in a statement. solely by a desire to consolidate political Im just wanting to make sure that whatever to expand more of our bus systems for those
Laura Brewer, a N.C. DOJ spokesperson, power, he said in the statement. is identified, as to how that gap will be filled, is (taxpayers) to go more places or more frequently
said the U.S. Supreme Court has the choice to Jacob Smith, a doctoral candidate in the as accurate and as trustworthy as possible, Slade to places they normally go between, she said.
either grant the petition for withdrawal or to Department of Political Science at UNC, said said. The new analysis depends on a bright future Despite the concerns, Green said hes been
hear the case. the withdrawal signals a change in direction for sales tax, and its not clear to me if they are pleased by the communitys response.
Some Republican legislative leaders from the McCrory administration. assessing the worst-case scenario along with that The light rail project is probably the largest
decried the move by Cooper and Stein. While Roy Cooper has to deal with a veto- bright scenario. single infrastructure project in Chapel Hills
Sen. Phil Berger, R-Rockingham, proof General Assembly, he does have some- Slade, however, said he thinks the project will history, and as with any major infrastructure
president pro tempore of the N.C. Senate, one in the attorney generals office who may be good for Carrboro in the long run and hopes project, there are a wide range of opinions about it,
and Rep. Tim Moore, R-Cleveland, speaker be helpful and on the same page, Smith said. the light rail service can one day be extended to including both excitement and concern, he said.
of the N.C. House of Representatives, said Carrboro. @The_Beene
in a joint statement they expect the courts Theres been a white paper written about how
4 Wednesday, February 22, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

University Career Services presents


February 22 (WED)
3:00-6:00pm February 23 (THUR)
Great Hall in the 12:00-4:00pm
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Recreation Center
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The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5

Matchup zone awaits North Carolina

By Jeremy Vernon UNC-LOUISVILLE points the sixth time hes
scored 20-plus in a game
there is a common thread
that ties them together.
Assistant Sports Editor
Time: 9 p.m. tonight this season. In its five losses,
The No. 8 North Carolina Location: Smith Center Over his last 13 games, Louisville has shot a
mens basketball team hosts the guard from Greenwich, combined 21-of-90 (23.3
No. 7 Louisville at 9 p.m. Info: Conn., is averaging 19.5 percent) from 3-point
tonight in the Smith Center. and follow us on Twitter points per game and range, including a 2-for-
The Cardinals trail the Tar @DTHSports knocking down 44.4 percent 14 performance against
Heels by one game in the of his 3-point attempts. Virginia and a 2-for-13
ACC standings, and theyll percentage and second in Mitchell also ranks first in outing at Florida State.
look to pull even with a the conference in blocks per the ACC in steals, racking up For the season, the
victory. game (2.1). 2.1 per game. Cardinals rank 12th in the
The two teams met just But Louisville is no slouch Mitchells backcourt mate, ACC in 3-point percentage
once last year a 71-65 on the offensive end, either Quentin Snider, is picking (36.5 percent). All of their
Louisville win that handed a trait head coach Rick up where he left off after volume outside shooters
North Carolina its first Pitinos team showed in its missing six games in the players who have attempted
conference loss of the 2015- 94-90 win over Virginia middle of the season with a at least 100 threes on the
16 season. Tech on Saturday. hip flexor injury. season are making less
In that game, the Hes scored at least 13 than 39 percent of their
How do they play? Cardinals shot a solid 51.5 points in each of his first attempts.
percent from the floor, three games back on the If the Tar Heels can
For the second game in turned the ball over a court, including a 19-point force Louisville to settle for
a row, the Tar Heels will season-low three times and outing against Virginia Tech outside shots, it could be a
match up with an opponent tied their season high with on Saturday. long day for the Cardinals.
whose strengths are on the 12 made 3-pointers. It was Snider is also the resident
defensive end of the floor. the fourth time in the past playmaker for the Cardinals, How could they win?
The Cardinals currently seven games Louisville has leading the team in assists
rank fifth in the country in hit 10 or more threes. (4.1 per game) and ranking Louisville has found the
adjusted defensive efficiency, second in the conference in most success in recent years
according to, Who stands out? assist-to-turnover ratio (2.7). when employing its infamous
and they are among the top- His teammates seem matchup zone defense. PHOTO COURTESY OF LAUREL SLAUGHTER/THE LOUISVILLE CARDINAL
15 teams in the nation in Donovan Mitchell paces to have followed his lead The strategy gave North Louisville guard Donovan Mitchell (45) goes up for a layup against
field goal (39.4) and 3-point the Cardinals on both the this season, as Louisville Carolina fits in the teams Clemson. The Tar Heels play the Cardinals at home tonight at 9 p.m.
percentage (30.2) defense. offensive and defensive ends ranks second in the ACC in meeting last season. In that
Louisville is also a terror of the floor. turnover margin. game, UNC shot 34.5 percent shot attempts on the night. a way to break the Cardinals
to score against inside. The The sophomore guard from the floor the lowest UNC has struggled this defense and play to their
Cardinals block opponents leads Louisville in scoring Whats their weakness? mark for the Tar Heels in a season when teams have strengths, namely getting
on 15.7 of their two- (15.6 points per game), game all season and went broken into zones an ugly the ball inside, they could
point attempts, and Anas minutes (31.4 per game) The Cardinals dont really 3-of-17 from three. North loss at Georgia Tech and a fall at home for the first time
Mahmoud a 7-foot junior and made 3-pointers (63). have a bad loss this season, Carolina bigs Brice Johnson nail-biting home win over this season.
from Cairo, Egypt ranks Against the Hokies on as all five of their defeats are and Kennedy Meeks were Pittsburgh showed that. If @jbo_vernon
fifth in the nation in block Saturday, Mitchell tallied 26 to current top-25 teams, but limited to just 10 combined the Tar Heels cant figure out

Opinions on club Schools react to executive order

benefit nights vary An open letter sent by
Duke alumni opposes
so its a little difficult to find
ways to feel useful, she said.
Obviously my views are con-
trary to Stephen Millers, and
I think its not so much what (universities)
should do, as much as what they can do.
By Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez Although students have Trumps order. so its kind of difficult to find
Carol Apollonio
Duke professor of Russian literature
Staff Writer had good experiences, some ways to sort of usefully express
have doubts about the profit- By CJ Farris dissent, so it was nice to see
Many students have helped ability of benefit nights for Senior Writer one that was close to home. order. The letter responded obligation to speak up for the
raise money for UNC student student organizations. On Feb. 13, Duke University to a message from Folt that people of North Carolina, she
organizations through benefit Kate Schneider, senior In the wake of President and 16 other private universi- acknowledged the importance said.
nights at a restaurant or bar business major and manager Donald Trumps executive ties joined a lawsuit in federal of the international members But responding to Trumps
on Franklin Street. of fundraising and merchan- order on immigration court in New York by filing of the Chapel Hill community. executive order and future
While many organizations dising for the all-female a which limits entry from seven an amicus brief informing the Kathryn Sabbeth, a actions might be easier for a
on campus have used this capella group the Loreleis, majority-Muslim countries court of the hardship the order professor at the UNC School private university like Duke,
fundraising strategy, some said some people question the there is uncertainty about the places on international stu- of Law who signed this letter, Apollonio said.
people question who benefits amount of money raised at role universities should play in dents, faculty and scholars. said it is essential to remember I think its not so much
most from this sort of rela- benefit nights. public discourse about political Carol Apollonio, a Duke there are UNC students, what they should do, as much
tionship. Ive heard from some peo- issues. professor and UNC graduate faculty, staff and their families as what they can do, she said.
For the most part, rep- ple that they think theyre In response to the executive who signed the Duke letter that are affected by the I think UNC is probably less
resentatives from student like Oh, well maybe its not order, Duke University alumni early on, said people have executive order. free in terms of what it can
organizations and business that much money, or Youre wrote an open letter to Trumps the ability to influence Although the letter from do. Its funded by the state,
owners have had a positive not making much money senior adviser Stephen Miller, their universities to take the administration did taxpayers, and youve got a
experience participating in at a benefit night as you are a Duke graduate. The letter, action when something is in mention how important these different set of rules that the
benefit nights. maybe doing something else, which has more than 3,300 opposition to their values. community members are, I institution has to follow.
Jacob Suggs, a senior she said. signatures, said Millers role I think that its not was hoping to see something Apollonio stressed the
media production major and Wilson Rogers, owner of in writing the order shows he institutions that are right and from the administration importance of institutions
co-director of Relay For Life Artisan Pizza Kitchen, said he does not share the Universitys wrong, but the individuals that took a position that was protecting free speech and
at UNC, said managers are takes issue with people stand- values. who run them and who speak somewhat more critical of speaking up against injustice.
always careful to alert their ing at the door and notifying Jordan Schermerhorn, a up and make administrators the executive order and the The only reason to have
staff about any upcoming normal customers about a 2015 Duke graduate, signed listen, she said. activities surrounding the a tenure system is to enable
events and that local bars like benefit night taking place at the letter because it unites the Earlier this month, UNC executive order, Sabbeth said. people to speak up without
Country Fried Duck have also that moment. voices of people who oppose faculty members signed an UNCs position as a public being afraid of losing their
been very good at communi- I dont think it is the spirit the executive order and its open letter to Chancellor institution comes with a jobs, she said.
cating their benefit nights to of the deal for someone to effects. Carol Folt calling for a greater greater responsibility to stand
customers. stand in front of the door and Im living abroad right now response to the executive up for university values and an
At bars theyre really good say How about doing this
about knowing what night when you go in there, he said.
is what benefit night like
we just had a benefit night at
CFD and they actually, under
their drink specials, had writ-
ten out, like, Relay For Life
Although representatives
from student organizations
and business owners have
some concerns about benefit
night partnerships, most
TAR HEEL sponsored monthly by Bob Young 57 in
The DTH Mobile App
benefit, he said. believe that both parties ben- honor of his wife, Pat, and the 1957 UNC
Business owners have also efit equally from these agree- National Championship basketball team.
had good experiences work- ments.
ing with student groups. The way I see it is, the
Miki Bryant, bar manager at restaurant is offering to
TRU Deli & Wine Bar said
she loves working with UNC
just give you some of their
proceeds there, Schneider IV Tube
organizations. said. All were really doing is
People might spend a little advertising for them and then Kate Boyer
bit more, which is ultimately showing up and eating the
going to be positive for the food which we would pay for
bar, but then its also going anyways. Delicate and cylindrical,
to help them out as well, she about six feet long.
Shiny and transparent enough
to watch the steady stream of the oncologists venom.
Its path drapes from the bag to your arm,

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6 Wednesday, February 22, 2017 From Page One The Daily Tar Heel

ACTIVISM fire on the crowd.

UNC history professor
The shooting happened
around exam time and Cohen
It wasnt the kind of name-calling and the kind Bonds for organizing the
event and said people in her
FROM PAGE 1 Benjamin Waterhouse said led a movement to get the of sometimes ugly violence that we see today. generation dont often hear
jeans or tassel loafers and that there is still no general University to cancel finals. about protests.
Charles Jeffress
khakis? he said. consensus on how the shoot- Within a couple of days, Bonds said she thinks
UNC 1970 graduate
Jeffress said the differences ings affected the college cam- most of the area between younger generations leave out
in political opinion didnt cre- pus protest movement. South Building and Wilson older ones.
ate the hostility that accom- Theres debate, and Im Library was filled with people that very seriously, he said. the silver lining to our current They have insights to what
panies political debates today. not sure if its resolved, over who slept there, he said. It Cohen said as his class- situation is that its reener- works, the best tactics when it
It wasnt the kind of name- whether Kent State revital- was a long time coming in a mates graduated, many of gized students on issues that comes to protesting, the other
calling and the kind of some- ized campus protest culture or place that has a strong tradi- them prioritized jobs and they thought had been settled areas of activism like writing
times ugly violence that we see stomped on its neck, he said. tion of having a sense of civic families over college ideals. long ago, Goldstein said. to lawmakers, things like that,
today, Jeffress said. It seemed There are plenty of people duty and engagement in the Waterhouse said this shift led Cohen said he believes col- she said. Thats why we need
to be a difference of opinion, who are outraged and sad- issues that were important in to a sharp decline in campus lege students have the same to reach across the generation-
and treated as such; not, dened and horrified on behalf whatever the era was. protests, despite events like ideals as him and his peers, al gap because they have the
Youre a bad person because of the protesters, and yet at Cohen said he believes stu- the oil crisis, the Pentagon but technology allows students know-how that we dont.
you think that way, which we the same time theres a very dents have that strong sense papers and Watergate. to come together in a new way. Goldstein said the cross-
hear too much of today. vocal group that basically of civic duty because college is People werent in the Sophomore Mistyre Bonds, generational respect is mutual.
But differences in opinion backs the government, backs where students discover what streets over oil prices they who led an anti-Trump pro- I thought the Womens
did turn violent a few states the National Guard and says they want to do and who they were ticked, they were really test on Franklin Street, said March began a process that
away on May 4, 1970, days these kids had it coming, you want to be, which involves upset about it, but it was that while technology has hopefully will lead to a lot of
after then-President Richard dont disrespect authority, you envisioning what kind of almost a collective giving up, been a way to mobilize stu- political change too, he said.
Nixon announced the U.S. dont throw rocks and bottles world they want to live in. Waterhouse said. dents, it also has drawbacks. I have a lot of confidence
would invade Cambodia. at armed soldiers who are So when they see dis- Both Waterhouse and She didnt fully real- in students and their ability to
Four students at Kent there for you. crimination, when they see Goldstein said campus activ- ize those drawbacks until figure out whats gonna work
State University in Ohio were 1971 graduate Todd Cohen violence and tolerance and ism has been recently revital- the protest, when an older in the current environment.
killed during a protest when remembers its effect on dishonesty and hypocrisy and ized on a grand scale. woman got out of her car to
National Guardsmen opened UNCs campus. corruption and war, they take If theres any good news, join the march. She thanked

RAIDS able to handle this new influx

of individuals coming into
administration, he said.
What is happening now
tions is not extraordinary, but
they will continue to grow.
How much process is somebody due if they
FROM PAGE 1 the system unless we simply, is theyre returning to the (Trump) wants to triple are in the country without proper authority.
cerned with those who violate severely remove somebody implementation of the law the number of those law Rishi Oza
the speed limit by a few miles from the country without that is the responsibility of enforcement officers to go
Attorney with Robert Brown Immigration Law
per hour than those who vio- allowing them to go see an the immigration officials, after illegal immigrants inside
late it by 20, Oza said. Under immigration judge, Oza said. Martin said. the United States for deporta-
the same logic, an undocu- It depends on how much He said concern is largely tion, he said. And he wants deportation process. as these raids.
mented immigrant simply process is somebody due if contained within the U.S. to increase the number of ICE raids under Trump dif- I think it kind of reflects
living in the country illegally they are in the country with- immigrant population. customs and border protec- fer in the implementation of the importance of voting and
was not penalized the same out proper authority. And those are people who tion agents by about 5,000. collateral arrests, Nowrasteh deciding who is going to write
as one who had committed Jack Martin, a spokes- are in the country illegally U.S. Secretary of said. If ICE officers go into an the rules, because once the
crimes. person for the Federation and know that they are vio- Homeland Security John area with a warrant to arrest rules are written its kind of
Due to the extreme backlog for American Immigration lating the U.S. law and have Kelly released two memoran- a person, they can also arrest hard to demonize the folks
in immigration courts, the Reform, said if an immigration been aware of the fact that dums Tuesday on Trumps any unauthorized immigrant (whose) jobs are to go out
system will have to adapt to official encounters an undocu- theyre deportable, he said. executive orders which in the same location, even and enforce them, Oza said.
an influx of people, he said. mented immigrant, their job Alex Nowrasteh, an immi- called for strengthened bor- without a warrant, he said. Those guys are just doing
Youre going to create a is to start the deportation gration policy analyst with der enforcement and collabo- Oza said elected officials their jobs.
bottleneck somewhere where process. This policy wasnt fully the Cato Institute, said the ration with qualified state and have the authority to pass @charlie_anneh
the system isnt going to be enforced under the Obama recent number of deporta- local law enforcement in the immigration regulations such

NAIL On Monday, the BOE

found the Nail campaign
judicial matter in student
government, including hear-
(and it) turns to very, very
different punishment, I dont GPSF Simons said if the refer-
endum doesnt pass, GPSF
FROM PAGE 1 guilty of a false start violation, ings conducted by the Board think someone can argue with FROM PAGE 1 would have to come up with
may have not wanted to delay a technology violation and a of Elections, the courts order that, Edwards said before the ernment would continue to a new plan that all of the
the elections any further by falsification violation. All the said. courts order was released. have both undergraduates and branches agree upon.
hearing the appeal. Elections violations were brought up in The Nail campaigns appeal The courts order does graduate and professional stu- We would have to go back
were postponed by a two- a complaint from sophomore also said the BOE was not not mention the McKnight dents represented on the Board to the drawing board, which
week procedural freeze earlier Katharine Shriver. consistent in awarding points, campaign, but it repeatedly of Trustees through one stu- would be difficult because this
this month. The appeal said Shrivers as the Nail campaign received describes the freedom the BOE dent body president position. is the agreement we thought
The Nail campaigns complaint against the Nail more severe punishments for has under the Student Code to But the two groups of stu- would work for everybody, he
appeal provided the Student campaign was missing neces- falsification and false start distribute points as it sees fit. dents would also each have said. To try to come up with
Supreme Court with eight sary parts, such as an oath of violations than the campaign The BOE will announce their own presidents, their a completely new agreement
reasons why the BOE had honesty. of Matthew McKnight. which candidates gained own cabinets and their own would be a tall task, but Im
erred in disciplining Nail, insufficient form is I think that when you enough signatures to appear senates. A joint committee hopeful we wont have to go
and the courts order decided not sufficient grounds upon have a situation where two on the ballot on Thursday. with students from both leg- down that road.
those reasons werent enough which to dismiss complaints different candidates commit islative bodies would preside
to hear the appeal. in any judicial or quasi- very, very similar offenses over the two governments.

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The Daily Tar Heel News Wednesday, February 22, 2017 7

Hayley Carter serves against her opponent at No. 1 singles against Appalachian State on Tuesday.

Hayley Carter continues legacy at UNC

Madeline Coleman Despite sporting a right coach Brian Kalbas. To the
Staff Writer ankle brace in every match, senior, this fatherly figure has
Carter does not hold back become the ultimate person
After falling to No. 1 Florida when she plays she took a mentor and friend who
during the final round of the down both of her opponents believes in her more than she
ITA Indoor Championships a Tuesday in straight sets. She believes in herself. And he
little over a week ago, the No. leads by example as one of the could not be more proud.
2 North Carolina womens two seniors on the team. Shes been such a warrior
tennis team rallied during Right now, what Im doing for us, he said. She plays every
its first home dual outdoor well is being more aggressive top player of every team for us,
matches defeating Elon, 7-0, than I ever have been and everyone that she plays
and Appalachian State, 6-1, on she said. I tend to be a little against will be gunning for her.
Tuesday at the Cone-Kenfield defensive and kinda get far They have nothing to lose.
Tennis Center. behind the baseline and all Shes the most decorated,
As they have been all season, that. My coach and I have been most successful UNC womens
the Tar Heels (10-1) were led by working on it for four years tennis player of all time.
senior Hayley Carter. now, and its something I need Players are going to come at
She is ranked third to continue to improve. her with their best game.
nationally for singles and Carter is always found with This Tar Heel leader and
earned the No. 1 singles people, laughing and making captain may have a spot in the
spot for the ITA Indoor All- sure everyone feels good. In history books, but she wants
Tournament Team her person, it is hard to tell she is her legacy to be more than
teammate, first-year Sara the winningest womens tennis statistics and accolades.
Daavettila, took the No. 2 player in UNC history. As someone who did every
spot. When Carter found First-year Alexa Graham possible thing she could do to
out, she was elated. feels fortunate to play be the best student, the best
I had one of the biggest alongside her senior teammate. athlete, the best member of the
wins of my career in the Shes just inspired me Chapel Hill community, Carter
semifinals against Ohio State, to look at every match as a said, I try to live the UNC
Carter said. Its nice to see privilege to be out here, playing student-athlete experience to
hard work paying off. for Carolina, wearing Carolina the fullest. And I fortunately,
I dont care as much about Blue, Graham said. Were honestly, was able to do that.
the titles or the awards or all really lucky to be a part of I hope that the freshmen can
anything like that more just such a great team with a great learn from me and keep the
proving what Im doing, the coaching staff at such a great culture going here at UNC.
work that Im doing, is paying university. @mwc13_3
off. Thats reward enough. Carter looks up to head

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
(C)2012 Tribune Media
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Services, Inc.
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Who Can Participate?

Across family spoiler 21 Brewery kiln 48 Tunnel out, maybe
1 Spot for an AirPod 63 Pulitzer-winning 22 Input for a refinery 49 Many future presidents,
4 Chowder morsel novelist Jennifer 26 *Chard, by another as it turned out
Healthy men and women aged 18-55 8 Moscow currency 64 Renaissance painter __ name 50 Like Stranger Things,
13 Slept like __ della Francesca 28 Marine shade e.g.
Current cigarette smokers or users of nicotine-containing e-cigarettes 15 Color in a Spanish 65 Minute quantity 29 Portable Mongolian 51 Metaphorical moments
(can be using both) rainbow
16 Religion of Basra
66 Fish __
67 Family car
31 Simple dwelling
of time
53 Skin, but not bones
17 Corn Belt tower 68 __-Coburg: former 32 Shade of gray 54 Kind of evidence
18 Latin I verb Bavarian duchy 33 Angrily ignoring the 55 Ecclesiastical council
The definition of healthy for this study means that you feel well and can 19 Riyadh resident
20 *Fictional road material
69 Homers neighbor first half of the answers
to starred clues?
58 Word of amore
59 Fort with billions in
perform normal activities. If you have a chronic condition, such as high 23 Bookshelf bracket Down 35 Luck, pluck or duck bullion
shape 1 Class requiring little ending 61 ... man __ mouse?
blood pressure, healthy can also mean that you are being treated and the 24 Of a battery terminal effort 37 Part of D.A.: Abbr.
25 Necessity for a game of 2 Distant and then some 38 Prefix with con
condition is under control. Ultimate 3 Pal of Nancy, in comics 40 Shade of gray
27 History class 4 Barely advances 44 Jacobs wife before
assignment 5 Big name in vision care Rachel
30 Elec. or water 6 Slightly open 46 James with three NBA
For more information about this study, call 919-316-4976 31 __ a clue
34 Slangy pounds
7 Recurring theme
8 Go out on a limb

36 Financial help 9 Stars and Stripes land:

39 End __ Abbr.

Lead Researcher
40 Tomato product 10 *One with noble lineage
41 Preference indicator 11 Crock-Pot server
42 Religious prefix 12 French novelist Zola
Stavros Garantziotis, M.D. 43 Grub 14 *Floral papal ornament
44 Brought
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences about
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 45 Tenerife,
por ejemplo
National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services 47 Take the
Do you smoke cigarettes or use e-cigarettes? 49 Surface
52 Clogs from
order, briefly
57 *Cola flavor
60 Pop-up
8 Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Opinion The Daily Tar Heel

Established 1893, 123 years of editorial freedom

Students have a long tradition of being the
of what students have always done.
Buck Goldstein, on campus activism and student protests
Folks can receive federal financial aid to go
to religious colleges and universities, and yet-
Mejs Hasan wonder of wonders-UNC hasnt shut down.
Just a Crying Arab with a Violin
Michael Lewis, on Alexander Peeples column on public education
Graduate student in geology from
LETTERS TO front page of the DTH would
have a half-page article at


UNC should promote
the least.
This is what readers
have to put up with on a

faculty, civil discourse

supposedly progressive
campus 45 years after the
passage of Title IX.

youre all
Those on UNCs campus Please grow some gonads,
may have recently noticed which both women and
a flier that encouraged men have, by the way, and

stealing and burning Trump challenge the patriarchy
supporters Make America as we approach March
Great Again hats and Madness.
attacking fascists. Sincerely,

ast April, my adviser An image of it was
(thats, like, your boss posted on Overheard at Eliza Farren
in graduate school) EDITORIAL UNC, where members were Senior

HB2 is morally wrong

informed me that he didnt divided as to whether or not Global studies
think I had it in me to this constituted protected
finish a Ph.D. and that he was speech. Share your computer
washing his hands of me. He Chancellor Folt issues with the library
then ordered me out of his contributed to the
office with a grandiloquent, Lets take discourse segregation of public bath-
rooms by birth gender.
damaged state reputation.
His rhetoric says more
conversation, sending out TO THE EDITOR:
Thank you, Mejs! an email calling the flier the We at UNC Libraries were
In the fifth grade, I once about HB2 beyond This three-step about his opinion of the antithesis of the values that disheartened to read Zachary
common-sense Republican-controlled
forgot to do my spelling pre-
test. The teacher wrote my
the almighty dollar. compromise that we state legislatures interests,
are the foundation of our
Rothwells Feb. 20 letter,
Computers in Davis dont

name on the board. I nearly t buys our food, it propose today will work. It since they are the ones She went on to say it was work well.
toppled from mortification. pays for our (parents) will bring back the NCAA, who will have to approve meant to incite violence The library staffers strive
The good news is, I was Netflix and its often on it will bring back the ACC, any repeal plan. instead of discourse and had to make doing research,
not nearly as mortified at the our minds. And after listen- the NBA and it will bring Compromise is a no place at UNC. studying and learning easier
prospect of being kicked out ing to Gov. Roy Coopers back jobs. It will address necessary part of politics, It is in the interest of for students at Carolina,
of graduate school. I think this promoting the civil discourse and it is never enjoyable to
recent press conference the concerns of those who and we are glad to see
shows great personal growth. that Chancellor Folt called hear that we have missed the
But despite my Gods in in which he announced worry about bathroom Cooper reaching for for that the Carolina Liberty mark.
his Heaven, alls well with the a compromise to repeal safety, security, and privacy common ground with Foundation, working With more and more stu-
world approach, I was pretty House Bill 2, you would Cooper said. And Republicans in order with the UNC College dents bringing laptops and
sad. I was never going to be think money is all we this proposal will begin to to repeal HB2. Moving Republicans and Carolina other devices to campus, we
an expert on using satellites care about, too. Cooper repair the damage to North forward, though, we Review, has invited Dr. Mike have observed less reliance
to study rivers and coasts. I repeatedly emphasized the Carolinas reputation. would like to see all our Adams to speak at UNC. on the public computers.
wouldnt finish reading the economic costs of HB2 to The Governor must state politicians showing For those who are not But there will always be a
3,000-page journals of one of North Carolinas economy, assess our moral fiber as at least as much interest familiar with him, Dr. need for at least some public
my favorite authors (she who and barely addressed the pretty flimsy, if he believes in the good treatment Adams is a UNCW sociology workstations, and we do
wrote Anne of Green Gables) laws most troubling effects: the most appealing case to of our fellow North professor and free speech our best to keep them func-
on the eighth floor of Davis its abolition of local nondis- advocate. He has gone to tioning. Staff monitor the
repeal HB2 hinges on lost Carolinians as they do in
Library. The ragwort in Coker court to protect his right to computers regularly. It is also
Arboretum would still blow,
crimination measures and sports tournaments and a our gross state product. share his views at UNCW helpful when people notify
golden and tipsy, every spring several times, including us about broken machines so
but it wouldnt be mine. one occasion where he sued that we can try to repair or
And I would never again write EDITORIAL UNCW for denying him a replace them.

Thank you, Merritts

a Daily Tar Heel column, and promotion on the basis of his We have reached out to
I think that made me most political views. The courts Mr. Rothwell to ask about
miserable of all. have always sided with the specific problems he
I had to find new advisers Adams. encountered. In the mean-
or else. I went through the list Dr. Adams is a thought- time, we invite any students
of professors I could possibly
ask and shrank within myself.
Businesses formally close the business
last Thursday, they hardly
businesses that closed
on Feb. 16 for the strike
provoking speaker who
I believe will promote
who experience computing
difficulties in the libraries to
At least one of them knew me
only as the weird one who
shouldnt hesitate wouldve been able to not only validated their dialogue on this critical
issue. I hope as many
notify a staff member.
Students also have a direct
operate without 95 political stances, but also
never opens her mouth. to take a stance. percent of their staff. the personal worth of what people members of the conduit to the UNC Libraries

And what if they felt student body, faculty and through the Student Library
n Feb. 15, Merritts Other local businesses each immigrant brings to
insulted that a failing student local community alike as Advisory Board (http://
would actually aspire to Store and Grill similarly shut down Feb. the community. possible will show up.
receive time and effort from stood in solidarity 16 to allow their employees So thank you, Merritts, This is an issue that slab/) which represents both
them? Maybe they would say with their Hispanic to participate in the strike, for coming out so strongly affects us all. The event is on undergraduate and graduate
things like: If it didnt work staff by announcing on which illustrated the against discrimination in March 6 at 7 p.m. in room students.
with your last adviser, why Facebook that they would importance of immigrants your Facebook post last 2420 of the Student Union.
would it work with me? close the restaurant so in our everyday lives. Wednesday. And, given the Judy Panitch
Even if I stayed up all hours they could take part in These establishments current political climate, we Alec Dent Director of Library
of the night working; even the nationally organized should be lauded for hope you and your fellow CEO, Carolina Liberty Communications
if I listened to that cheesy Day Without Immigrants not only taking a stance local businesses will take Foundation
Whitney Houston/Mariah strike the following day. against xenophobia, but similar steps in the future Students can raise
Carey song about miracles Editor-in-chief, Carolina
nonstop; none of that mattered
Merritts took a moral also reminding their whenever necessary. money to help others
stance against changing patrons of the often-over- Even though we hardly Review
if I couldnt find new advisers. TO THE EDITOR:
So I had to ask, and they didnt immigration policies and looked role that immi- needed yet another Last weekend, I had the
have to say yes. unjust deportations, grants play in our society. reason to eat your BLTs, DTH needs to treat pleasure of visiting the quad
But they did right away. but even if they didnt Furthermore, the we appreciate it. womens sports fairly for the first time. I noted
I didnt even have to wait in with pleasure my ancestors
suspense. They didnt eyeball name on the monument
me as though I was really COLUMN Im writing because
The Daily Tar Heels sexist listing the original trustees
stupid, didnt sigh as though of UNC.

You Asked for It

sports coverage has gone far
dumping my situation on them While there, I picked
was a big imposition. of a copy of The Daily Tar
The UNC womens
Instead, they read my Heel and noted the article
basketball team won by one
papers, sorted through my about the pie throw to assist
point in the final seconds of
statistical methods, helped
me plot my next steps. They
In which we raise the funds and raise the fun and fund raises. a great game against Georgia undocumented youngsters
with tuition. While that is
Tech, and the DTH put a
were happy for me when Alison Krug (smart) fiction to you (or mail it to the admirable, I wondered, hav-
quarter-page article on the
things went well, paused their and Kiana Cole (Morehead UNCelebrity of your choice). ing spent many years in the
back page ... underneath a
lab experiments to talk when Pain) are the writers of Frat Bros of YAFI: For service, if the students might
half-page fluff piece about
things didnt. UNCs premier (only!) $800.05, YAFI will write a not want to help the children
a shortstop on the mens
Every time I got hauled into satirical advice column. letter of recommendation of servicemen and women
baseball team and just above
the offices of the higher-ups Results may vary. for you for the Order of killed or maimed in combat.
a quarter-page analysis
to explain myself, they had Gimghoul (or a UNCecret Failing that, perhaps they
You: Im a part of an almost of the next days mens
to come, too, and never said: Society of equal or lesser can help the children of some
124-year-old newspaper that Kiana Cole and Alison Krug basketball game.
Really? I really have to deal value). Actually, delivery of of the lower-salaried folks
I care about a lot. How do I Assistant City Editor and
Speaking of the mens
with this? said letter is not guaranteed, who work at the University.
keep it financially stable? basketball team, imagine
When I worried I would fail Newsroom Director.
and YAFI will require a Just one persons
for a second that it was the
all over again, they just said: You Asked for It: Its important Submit questions to donation of stamps, stationery thoughts.
mens basketball team with
Dont relax completely, but to get creative when you find and an oil lamp with a a narrow victory and a star
dont stress, either! yourself, or the newspaper flickering flame to write by. Tom Griffin
player like Jamie Cherry: the
In the thick of it, I was you spend 80 percent of Theyre the same as regular Enemies of YAFI: For Goldsboro
sitting in one of their offices, your life dedicated to, in shot glasses, flasks, thermoses $1,895, YAFI will engage in
thinking I really need to financial distress. Sure, and Tervis Tumblers, just a long-running blood feud
thank this person. I was going
for, Thanks for helping me
there are business classes with our smiling faces and a with you. For a $5 million SPEAK OUT
right here at UNC that say big ol thumbs up. bonus, we will spend three WRITING GUIDELINES
when Im a big loser, but all strategic three times for a Acquaintances of YAFI: years cultivating a deep and Please type. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
I managed was, Thanks for magic genie to appear and For $12.75, Alison will cross meaningful friendship with Sign and date. No more than two people should sign letters.
helping me when you didnt dish out those really big stitch the UNC crest on the you before beginning to sow Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
even have to. That professor checks, but weve created our front of the course pack of the seeds of discontent. After Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
just said, Well, thats what own fundraising initiative. your choosing. rumblings of disaffection are Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
were supposed to do. Pick a donation level from Class Friends of YAFI: abrewing, we will move into letters to 250 words.
Knowing one person like below and contribute to For $7, Kiana will write an the full-fledged period of
that is worth 70 million of any SUBMISSION
the proliferation of UNCs acrostic poem about you. character assassination and
other kind of person. Drop off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
premier (only!) now sellout Suitemates of YAFI: For compliments youll be, like, NC 27514
UNC faculty, youre all right. satirical advice column. $40, Alison will read one 80 percent sure we dont Email:
Friends of YAFI: Buy our chapter of her Shaquille really mean. Next well burn
merch! For $20, you can buy ONeal fan fiction about your crops, make barren

2/23: ANNIE GET YOUR PEN EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily rep-
a YAFI shot glass, a YAFI flask Shaquille ONeal writing fan your fields and refuse to resent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
Annie Kiyonaga writes about in three sizes, a YAFI thermos fiction about Shaquille ONeal share our Google doc study opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises 11 board
culture and politics. or a YAFI Tervis Tumbler. writing Space Jam fan guides with you. members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.

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