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You are on page 1of 47 ENSES TEACH YOURSELF ENGLISH SERIES—BOOK I (All Rights Reserved) TENSES MADE EASY x by ZS 5 : EFZAL ANWARE MUFTI B.A,, B.T., Panjab), A.CP. Cane feels ‘Modern Academy, ——————— : RieviseD & ENLARGED f oe St oe Published by _QAUMI KUTUB KHANA 19, FEROZEPUR ROAD, LAHORE March 1997' 1 ane’ pices) aon |. Parts of Speech (Made Easy) , Analysis (Made Easy) |. Twelve Less 9 in Basic English, i g pore as BOOKS 8Y THE SAME AUTHOR ; ack Pick-Me-Up— PRIMER Pick-Me-Up Book 1 {for class V1) Pick-Me-Up Book’ li {for class VII) | Pick-Me-Up Book 111 (for dass Vit) Tenses (Made Easy) Translation (Made Easy) J ‘we f BE Avr) 2 Sa om eb eae ae Ew es Bose SEY er ee PAS 2Shn Sone oF et ott Wea! SOF gat Laks S Tenses x ot og By a Sobbs dhs! pee, ‘ a WF spl Og sKe whee Cola 2 Sarre Slab i ih asta 5 a sh sine see SAE S ot ot 9. rs “2 Bes pS 6 dy at Lite AN ve & Passive Voice (Made Easy) Direct & Indirect Narration (Made Easy) k ‘The Verbs & Related words (Made Easy). ? We Semtences & Proverbs in every day use Good Hand Writing (Made Easy) a oF shh on to) B Pak Translation SPIT ee eal 4 tay Pak Secondary School English Grammar Composition. Pak English Composition for Every Body: Iblished by $M. AHSAN for Quam Kutub Khas, Panted by Tamer Printing Pen, 19, Ferezapur Road, te Sone ng (Dalal CONTENTS GOOD HANDwaitiNG ; MADE Easy ; Subject c aE Ae Goer hee oe 2 a te! SUS z Bale one ‘Fiesent Indefinite Tense : . Sag 5 Far ae ot 5 te OE FS Goal lll WBS alti a sorb 2 ae eee Present Conti aD t Continuous - WS netendbet a duh Fate Exercise 2 Present Perfect Tense S WS te dbo ” bE 18 Bxercise 3 Present Perfect Contiouous Tense Bis.S cl eet LL agh et 2 Exercise 4 | Revision of the Present Tense e . Exercise 5 Past Indefinite Tente QsUMI KUruB KHANA Sirewlar Road o/, shati Gate, - AOE balkali Subject No. Subject : Exercise 6 es teas Ceara Tereey 6 Voture Perfest Continuous Teme i Bb Sule. Shead ae as Wefan’ Exercise 7 i Hi 1, Past Perfect Tease 4 9. 10. 12 13, Revision of the Future Teose BS. Wee Ske} Belrdde 8 xercae 15 Past Ferfea Continvons Tease 5, eee See $e eee Miscellaneous Exercise ae Questions of Objective Pattern Revision of the Past Ten: e ‘Three Forms of about 200 Verbs Beercite 10 IN QUESTIONS Falite Indefinite Tease é | EXAMINATION Q a aed aha D cps 5 ahs ah aE Vee Z Temes A ah ee Exercise 11 i Qe lh wee ered Sela cae 22 LAUT st oth Syl Future Continuous Tense OS glee ea Exercise 12 Future Perfect Tense. OS. alle lead Page ar ‘ Lo 33 3 F j TENSES MADE EASY } DE 2G? ey Lily” ger F Tense we wn! yee NIN e) sal lag US (9) 6 athe) WS Jo? cae 25T pat Prevent Tense one 53,630 55 12.3 Past Tense ene in. 851 95 Lj yp eS” — ge Ula PAG; Ny 2? ig CES MoU Sala sf yl Pe ial gs iN utiie Teaalla Ge oat ss FEE Sli eye SS) Fuge Aert) HW SHY at 4 i FBS Wane aan, 9 we 4 ES Opis 4 412985 i cally Lhe ge BS oat Bor em Jy Sh 3s Ey Me HV S55) rele od Soo gh O95 ay orig FeO SHS os HF Ode C49 Ke yal Sat le eed ok dle 23 Foi i ME oe re TO oy © oS ot + aH ES Nha ow old g FE aoil dai Dh wg Var Verb con Sd” eens Gta BG ce BI EG eg Bid ey al ST La ole Verb ee 5 Saeges ol BL YY lige” & US” BO r Pee US Action Word 57 Tense Sil ao cme Tenses sig Vi weyace ene sie sit (p) Continuous (¢) Indefinite (4) rey et sly ake SF “ee ah sSrmy> co us OI «Perfect Continuous (c) 531 Perfect WS rere ge aK yeh! Se LS VEE SS crc alee IS OL AB ay Solel Sy pay? cx Moe GAL Moy gid? pe oe oy BE IS 2 Usteegend (EOL pt be, A? ng DE Oly eye 6A St WOE eB ona gay iqbalkalm 710 TENSES MADE EASY ‘THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE ib LER IN - . % Wh ge L ‘dle ei” ee gayi ye) Tense a ere INTRODU - - * s S t dee gee Ete. Ming Seed asses IB enye fg OS WRT z a ‘ See LAs Eosly FE Stree (1 pr Ea HEL Seta eae SNE a ee ea Gly 15 Past Participle (y) 31 Past (,) Present (,) tise SUSY ingow sl SiForm de othe EOL (reading ead y5! going x so ‘ Fores, vile = dh Be cae ee We AY PreseniPactisiple eal Fees le Lgl 2 op Fl sal La Forms oy: PVs Tce Big ix Gor distal sab come 98 Tenses 5 we a oF deel eel geet slay SoA ESE CN Stl gh AGel Soak a ace OF Sheed ef sat ty 5 9 Bt yy S Tense Sly, FEE Ole oe Mad eat dee be pe Wan vi 3b Jaki (Bltst Form) Suze he S Verb «Sal xp Been wae Sor Ue! Present Indefinite Tence Baise bal ‘1 TOW She ly He & Singular Noun ds Subject But 51 eee os EM en eee een Dee PLOW EL dyed phy ber oh () ‘The Muslims bury the Jead. ; ‘We embrace one another, after saying the “Eid prayers. ‘The bride leaves her parents’ house with tears ia her eyes, Sb ee | AL Oe E080 ST £ ort (ow) 1. The sun rises in the east Water keeps its level. ‘God helps those who help themselves. 2 £ Be E (Vaiversal Teathy ale silo 4S” (9) ree 1. Honesty is the best policy. 2, Two and two make four. ; -igbalkali -o TENSES MADE EASy ee ne aa 13 a = ‘Sentemses ‘Seatenses he DEOL 38 oF Fos (a) z 1. The duck s in | play cricket, I catch the ball. cae ‘We play cricket. ‘We catch the ball, 2. The snake bites man. : 30 eterd lave eatinace M You play ticker. You cateh the ball, He plays cricket, He catcles the ball. She plays cricket. ‘She catélles the ball.” ~ It plays cricket. Teeatehes the hall. They play cricket. They catch ; eF Ble Sob Ti ett ag Mae say Bene tel cal by 1. Colwhibus discovers America, 7 7%, Mabinud of Ghazoi anacks India 18 times, ny The boy plays cricket, “The boy catches the ball, en The girl plays cricket. Boys catch the ball. ane |Qisid- Aram tocos the dream of Aland j Boys play cricket. The girl eatches 1 into a reality. : ; : Childréa play cricket. Girls catch the b ball. 62 LES F156 Quotation ou) gts oF ee ee) BELG lly Noga 092 C tenet H 91 393+ cele ol il Form Je S Verb £1 (1) “a We cat sweets, mar) 242 8 donot gle, x uf “Whey do cx They go home \ We do not ext sweets "= (pot go home. Pot bya B05 4 5 ce stl Form eS Verb S1.(2) ) Be? 8 does not gle ao ol Fy oS es ly We goct l She does not eat tice 2 She eats rice + (He does not go home << home 1s (wl) nterrogative 95 yah" Teuse ul ; Me me Ie Briere ao cde Jol 54! Form be S Verd 1 (1) 1 The Quran sayy: doing. God is aware of what we are” 2 The Holy Prophet says: advice sou 10 truth, (Sellatioh-o- Alait-i:Wasallani) fear God and to speak the y ‘THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 3 “4 poe aimen oalel che nallae nest utjat Dou ey Lat Dé we eat cz We eat tweets cor) 269 BI (8) = (sweets ? Foi Bes bs ae ATE Fotm de J Verb 51 Q) Il, Correct the folloniig, If necessary :— £ vist Dos inert Sak 7 Sets 1. The cow do not give milk ? 2. . He does not tells He goes home coin) 42 B(1) che wally exe x5 lie.” 3. Dees you go to thjs cap? 4. Do the = (Does he g0 home? ze’, “fnins falls io July? §, Tt take two o make a quarrel. © 6. The stars shines ia ibe sky, 7, Do you prays five JS usse Tatervogative 331 Negative Tense od “times 2 day? 8 She does not likes sweets. 9. My = 56 ake 2459 3 L oils father love me, 10. Do the policeman catches the thief? £ GAS 21 Gee ysl Teh Said neni ecole, ie ae ee aS bee ae glee ah 2, THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE + obble 5 (Ue Exercises Bl pis 2 og ao sips Soe Prescot Participiet E24 Teme a emrmemceter cold water, $. My wate gains time. 6. She speaks he teush. 7. They fly kites, 8 The snake bites the Horse. 9, Thes/ceceive the guests. 10, Hens lay eggs. : én ree. ( wencise 1 Bea) cout aie int oh le Paste 1. | Rewrite the following as Negative Seutences :— « is sitting & are sitting & am sitting 1. He seiddithe Holy Quran every ky.|2 4 ip Hejl JUL Ja Gee gagh ges) Tens w inthis house. 3, Dogs cat meat. 4, My uncle I that house. 5. The sun rises at 6 o'clgck. 6. to school on foot. 7, She reads the newsparer with fail. 8. Lwind the watch at noo. 9. We travel class. 10. She likes mangoes. spon DDL dod coil (q. B = OM uyemae hy on TS EO ee ei whan a a de et) Uiag Deel LT Sye'am oe Tense ol He & She It & Singular Noun pS whyeq is +{I am sitting ert) = sz hy T Subject yobs ea yee — DE You & We tyr are )3! (Shahwar is sitting 4 He is sitting Ul, Rewrite the following as Interrogative Sentences 1, The cow gived milk. 2. Itrains here almost day. 3, They play atthe cards at noob. 4 1 RAS es aE Sale S Present Participle * /. ee a r iqbalkalmati. 16 ‘TENSES MADE EASY Su eS see = IE Ploral Noun GF They » You are sitting met) —~ 90 by +4 deco! Subject sya ue nieoh wesicida SS whe ot eh oy Eainl raves BE Achueldete tenet so ROSE | + Ble gy oti Person Sentences Sentences: Lam sitting, 1am playing Rockey We are sitting. ‘We are plavins hockey. HM Youare sitting. You are playing hockey He is sicting. He is playing hockey. UL, She is sitting, She is playing hockey I is sitting Itis playing hockey They are sitting. They ure playing hockes Nasi is iting. Tahir is playing hockey Javeid is sitting. _Najma is playing hockey Boys ure sitting. Boys are platiniz hockey The cows are siting. Girls are pluvine hockey. Wam 2 ly (ail Negative 35° oy Z Tense > They are playing nen) #42 Snot ay, © are w i (They ate nor playing hockes a hockes PELs (alga) Imterrogative 9 ay 38 Tense! oe ALE, Me we Subject 223 ST Are UL Am JOGSPOt.GORMent contmuous Tense LE He is’sleeping govt) te? ©) (2) eke ile eee sl (is he sleeping ? ax usila,s” Suss3 Incerrogative ys! Negative £ Tense vl 9 Sune 8 IE EXERCISE 2 1. Rewrite the folloning as Negative Sentéecs :— 1, The horte is eating grass. 2. My brothers are poing to Karachi, 3. Heis ringing the bell now. 4. 1 am taking the ckamination, 5. Birds are flying in the air, 6. The radios playing: 7, Lam doing my duty. 3. ‘They re wartiog for you. 9. Dogs are barking a them. 10.. She is taking 2 beth. IL. Rewrite the following as Snterrogative “szieaces -— i The stars are shiningin tbe sky. 2. He is swioa- ming in the tank. 3, Lam learning my lesson. 4. You fare tellin a lie. 5. They are baving tea. 6, Tam wash- ing my bands and face. 7. She is dressing ier 8, We are learning this poem by heart. 9. 1 am drink: EL, Correct the folloming > 1, They running on the road. 2. MY father are steeping now, 3. Tam tive with a ftiend of mine. 4. She 18 * yexses xcsenr pexrect TENSE f wash my shirt. 3, Is sitting te on the’ ge 6 Boys are playing not hockey on our ground, 7: falling the ruin outside 2° 8. The train are runing fast, 9. Am taking! the craminstion? 10. He gol alles go ast oh FO 2s A oF od poh atl Seal 6 Tense ut FE s Person Sentences {tosebool 65 foot, Ihave spt, Lhave gone home © We have slept. We have gone home. ave : re T TENSE -- 11 You havesiept. You have gdbe bome: : anak be has slept. He'aas gone home Save Sr S Si 2 EEG Tense» wewseensnes She has slept. She has gone home. We 8 tase Ube ce = (Tai Form) RES uit feharepe Aub gtbe home. ~ (have gor ‘They have slept. They have gone home, el has cone men) aU Bashir has slept, » The doctor has gone home. The peon has slept, The patient has gone bome: Peons have slept. Nurses have gone home, Boysihave slept, Visitors bave gone home. eS eb Se al ae sigh Sen) Th we 2) Tetsem serge SEY EEE in EU) goes ete Le 1b He bas killed the snake sorb denpile oS gt 3h Dean . Singular & Plues) Nouns We bas co) Zils (iW) Negative 55 unit Z Tense ue} ‘Phey = They have goneycivet) <4? Gi not an have = (have not gone, Singular WS It b She & He wtany -b nse 91 4 TSubject isl aaah or se oad The cow has eaten He hus seen them Zan) 2 liye Sheu Plural y=S° They be You's We wiaeg have" od - (gra Ys or DEA Subject se) care aS es on gil < Noa (The dog bas’ eaten ‘ineat ¥ They have gond ao) 94 se Oy Sal gi £ aka (allan) lnterrogatine 9F unjit £ Tense vi} we EAT Sy de & Subject oF Have & Has @ He-has gone home on) 24? 8 (2) Oe ~ (Has he gone home ? eeesiqbalkalmati JS Sond Interrogative 531 Neestive £ Tense wt 786 ole 2055 IF ane exeRcIgE 3 J. Rewrite i Stoning a oie Sener 4. *She has milked the air of shoss, Tees lost ber. crise 6. He com. 2, He hes bought» doi watch. 3, Thave boughs this ed OBS. 4. She 1 have sent bim o telegram, "leave. 7. Thete doctors Te ots Mf atighbou’s horse has “aict 2, LBAVE polished your shoes. 4a. ‘The guard has blown he whist, ‘Rewrite the folowing 3 litettogative Sentence Pe Eat locked the dood Geos Ge Verb oy = did aot bay's BOOK. a wha Edo) AT — (Pom a, ig Set Se PPast tndenn US alee GSU" ne sf an) Tense «1 i wala tS al Msn ol soho (qe eh MP Shen Case St wep shea eB antsl BES Ket LOG fe pte We've tay tac for af age Src Oy 2 £2 8a interrogate 3 wast A Tense ot ke gil ew Setel Form by Sunt Se S Form 6-32 Nye oe ATE oA Did ey ce Subjere Sa 4 Big you You ertea eter or) cx? 81) =e © = (write a letter ? ve Soy Interrogatice jal Negative Tense ob | ST ome G2 BL aslo EXERCISE 6 ‘entite the following ws Negative Sentences :— ee oat caren Es oe e fds BES ch cael Weed © Tense of ort ‘Senteaces Sentences | 1. She wrote a letter to ber mother. 2, I gave the ‘Lloughed. Fens ‘pesgare rupee, 3. The train slopped near the bridee. < keaphats We wept, ‘The doctor tested his eyes. 5. Many customers stood You lug, en front orbivshon, 6, Hewolsber orosmeats. 7. Se He iuphed is Hoke the jug. 8. The villagers caught the chief, 9. T unr She laughed, er ook the exarsivation last year, 10. We prayed. for ir Tc lavehed. Sie vept. fecovery. They laughed. + They aa i a8 ss eS They wept 1. Rewsite,the following as Interrogative Sentences :— 52 Shima utytea a wep 1 -He drove the cer. 2: They swam seron te B ‘Boys lau pops is i ‘The sap shone A Be pai net 3. She palled te chai, 4, Toes shone ery 4 Chllaren's Siete a brighsly, 5, The doctor felt my polse. 6. He. punted A his son for teiliog a lies 7, 1 showed bio my ticket. iqbalkal 28 ‘TENSES MADE EASY §. We helped our poor neighbour in his distess, washed hec hands and face. 10. I sent hici «tt 1. He did not wrote the letter. 2. Killed snake? 3. I did not weated to wy school, shethe cup? 5. The stranger did not 1old a ties 6 the arpevter repaired the chair” 7... Did aot Keeper refused to sell rice? 3, 1 did not filled 9. Brought the postinaa any letter today? 10. you Jaughed at them ? 7. THY PAST CONTINUOUS TEA: LLB Tenses 7) & Beta were Wes cin + (wore playing \ was BE She ole a” ex ish 2) Tease pg) E Singular Subjeet (gi! EK. ‘ee Form) Uy wat wie—Pronoun 854 None 29) (aldar was going He was going Dn). Usa) ~Provoun 5; Noun vas — 23 5° Plural Sunject They co) Uy Ube ex (form gb ly were ad) 28 SS - (The cons were coming § were ct Oke 22 2s £ dats S Preset Partcple hey were sit potieomr conristous rans: ster oy — Plural & 54 Singular ols — 335 You ee Gy ded cxiforn) oil dls We were praying. You were praying. He was prayins ‘She was praying. It-was pr They were prayi Farhat was praying, Rabat was praying, Children were praying. People were praying. F ost Bia ehst oa dye a tonte lal nr che lent Tense oto oxy Sob Seatnces 1 vas toboing We were rensline, ‘You wee tenbiny. He was embioy. She was tentig. 1 was venting ‘They ware tenting ‘The dogvas venting. Doge wer tenting ‘The lam} wa trendling. Lambs vae vemblng. is PLL (itl) Negative S 0958 £ Tasee! idle ne) 249 8 notes E vee = (Theywere notsitin th. 24 (rally) Interrogative 5X oy 85 Tasey! ye ire ee Subject L eyit ere We TENSE” w Tenses 3408 ¢ybalkal gspot.conrss == ; ae ny? Tay wee i ot ‘He was weeping cer) 26s 6 (9). edly on Siig shea <2 a, roy ene Murree. 9. = (Was he weeping 9 z fenot tell fe. Sh des eee 3 pn RADDA RPE EALI OAS, Sh oie 2595.20 5 oy The east PenRECT TENSE} 1. Rewrite the following as Negatire Sentences Jes) Form S Verb: gf et Tense nt were, 1. The sun was shining im thesky: 2, Iwas prayi caren cont ge He WO hed Oe = = (had see0 & "his safe return. 3: The wolf was dtiakios water, ‘Was trying to catch the thief ced-handed. 5. T ws t off the tap: <6. He was posting. the jeder, 7. The was adsairing bis horns. 8. They were praising my writing, 9. We were running after tne pickpocket ‘The dog was barking at then cae st gon) Tease ot eee De ol Ge RR Me nS dee en Efe a a Be sari ei lore be Soto cue. 2-7 Sy 9 age £ dyed £ Tense ot a sy ah 4 ay II. Rewrite the following as Intertozative Sentences J. She was esting rice. 2’ we were swimmi thetank, 3. Thecow was'stting inthe field. 4, wore playihg football. 3. . The cock was crowing. 6, ‘was standing near my office. 7. ‘The dos was barkin him. 8. We were writing in iok. 9. She was deawi ‘map of Pakistan, 10. The stars were shining in the 4 Ss Epi ae AO we eo . we Gada RS, gaitlge B dbeal £ Tense ult ot Tage tate Sy, Sass Tense LE aba dX de A) Sy deed Pee We past Inde 9 (8 Mam eter 4 og Ui, Correct the following where necessary :— = faite Tease 1. He did not going to the bazar. ‘2. Was applied the brakes? 3. Was vou looking’ at the 4, Breakios the thief the lock ? 5. The birds were Bot io ait. 6. She was not chosing a ring for het £ Tense vt Me ectad Blas dE ele Oe aa ae cha! ee of SIS ae a oh U/ —. USES MACE pal; al Skew er 3 ol Tense ls 3 “ Senter 2k Tati wpe Set a bly uae = pee ees 1 We hill already ttt for Karachi t F ‘THE PAST PERFECT TENSE B od eo nestascoe eel & jax He bad already stolen my pen c=») gia? 6! not Apna saves vate my i “tS ay LL ts (allyn) Iaterrogative Say, £ Teoec! & 4+ Thad not see5 theo. iit sig? we Lot Ss de a Subject Had ' APS he had already stolen my pen pase) 269 MS) ke : Zt Up gia) et ete Siren ir Mob cel dbl © tee Sy - (Ffad be already stolen my pen. x S ep Interrogane ssi Negative E Tense rl se Siento 240s BE oil . Sentesces EXERCISE § - | Rewrite the following as Nepative Sentences — You had é Won the tact before the r the belt rang, 1. He had gone before i setwened. 2. She bad He had won the Face tnt She bad won he race rane a a ihe ae sown te son ke 3 Tainan bd (4 Tthied won the before the bell rang, Ssiready steamedin, A. The wolf bad killed. many 2p They haa won he race ees ll ne smd «2 T06¢ before the bell rag hen we left the chop. 6 . The poles had surrov ued bis £3 Stl bad won the race before the bel Pouse before he could run away. 7 We had heard ste 22 Sea von theres baton eee ews oo: the vidi, before ce newspaper cd = ¢ bell rang. “Bhe had sold her car defore she left. for Saudi 4 ..bia These boys had won 4 These horses had wor te Face hefore the bell fan ae tH rae before the belle 9, 1 had bought « television set before my brother passed the B.A. examination, 10. ‘Thee had reached: Morree yefore the snow began 19 fal tenses maigpbalkalmati, 1 Rewcite the following as Intertogative Sentences ;— “L_ The train bad stopped before she pulled the ch 2 That shop had been closed be there, 3. The meeting bad started before we entered hall. 4, He bud already. eaten doctor had already exemined the ps had taken off before their car entered the gate of the a drome 7, Mr neighoour had died’ betore the sum ru 8: 1 had completed m» work before the clock sttuci fo “9. Histhut had caught fire 20. We fi etlanged our et cfore the police Shy, bananas. 5. atient. 6, The pl before he go: up, othes berore we 100k tea, ML Correct the fotlowing where aecessary ~~ 1. My uacte had sold his house 2. The police ts ‘opped the pratéssion. 3. Ske had got up belpre L setup. 4. The wolf had killed-the sleep. before he. fi Miled the Shephe.. 5. posed the eter before | boul thois cnvélapes.. 6 The Fain stepped befare it was 6 Thad knocked at the door before he He jumped out of the boat before it sant F clined the tee before it fell down, 10. «She ba Hoeu a uekss for Peshawoe on March 28 O'clock, 7, 9 penn Anne a Tne Past PERRECT CONTINU pe eee ficiple® LL 214 Tense yor Be vi eet peor Dee eae rae had =e) (aad been working Bs sus TENSE, seoje tude! a of cx) Tene =O Wes ETD Bont Se = ee 5! ge ene Se ok jar ae tt Sop vien $c tee AO) sree tj? a yh E Ne AP oy rns tl iE ei me 7ee) oe o£ Pn of Ti) es 9 20 OE BS er Go dle bad bees cainiog a : ZT since (oF JE tense ot 21 6 “By oe ee : ce ge) Ma pes, Comune TO tevin 8 gy sgh ap i E00 50 eee a pe imag vey bey yee me ae sas us uk aK ee TO Sees sr ies AS pegeeete sees (DE Sas Present ParcietPe 36 TENSES MADE ead palkatny Fes Sets Semone : 1 had tes, wor i working =F had been working § ae ‘morning. six ours, * le ‘been working We Ss ‘inte mevsiog ee ty, Youhad been working since morning. YS bad: beet “wor fot sx hous He bad been working r ‘since morning a cee 8. for six hours, 4 stad teen voring ste bade) soa inte moe tors toa fad ean working: nd tent ee : since morniag. six hours, as ; They had been working They ba sce morning, xy bad been work «_ fo kix hours, My son hed been work- ing since morning My ‘sens had been My son bad been wot ng for six bours. waite gree My soas had been wor Bg), Gyles more: ing fore tours BE The peon ha 2 G2 working ue itt The pron bd been mor mre ing for six hours Beons had been work Prons ha ing since morning. pa oie Soca \ for six hours, {THE PAST’ PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE 37 Ithad been = (ithad not been taining since morning = morning GF Had 3 £2. interrogate oF oz E Temes tle ae et Let Sy he = Subject S a He had been swimming for ow) 2e> S(t) Se 1 (ind he been swimming for two Hours? two bours UKs S558 Interrogative 53! Negati & Tense ol te +39 wate aXe J Eos EXERCISE 9 1. Remrte the following as Negative Sentences :— ‘bad been playiag for thtee hours. 2 Snow had been falling since midnight, 3. He bed been milking the cow for Sfteen minutes, 4, The guests bad been pour Tngin ince 11 A.M. 5. Tad been waiting for the post- man for tong. 6. My fatber had been reading the Holy Quran for balf an hour, 7. The peon bad been rimgiog the bell since 8 o'clock. 8. We bad been siiting bere ince sunset, 9, He bad been catching Osh for two hours, 10. Birds bad been chirping since early morajog. {1 Rewrite the following as Ioterrogatire Seotentes = | 1. Those oye had beea quarreling for an, hour. J, He bad been working in bis office since 5 p.m, 3. They | had beem learning this poem by heart for several days. 4. 1 | nad been thiaking over the matter for Jong. 5. He bac iqbalkalmati ere been fying this kite for more thin tito 38 had been preparing for the examination fe ee ot any mat 7. She bod en playing. wih be B12 bea ig Gr iaeaeie eure glint ero eh nar sce i str 9 ben pollshing thes cits fortwo dave en MIL Cotrect the following where neces sary 1. This boy was reading that Fock ‘since sun 4 SH ms tl ming tec or earn arn 0 not sleeping he in thar hee Sse ae ie bad been play for morning. 8, "The da ‘ing since many minutes,, i I 10. REVISION OF THE‘PaST TENSE } eet Arla aan (ates ies J Chan f Sine dhe wie Sil ny od GES BL ath CoM cil a ont Ss See Ste EXERCISE 10 Rewrite the falling 38 Ne 1 ine Seatenees ‘She wrote a letter hoine. sum: 3. He hed taken a bath befor ree “ bath beforebe 10k tad ten playing wit tere doll forse Boor 3) ¥en REVISION OF THE PAST TENSE 39 itkiman was knocking at bis'door. 6. We had won the milkayejore you came, 7 Hebad been swimming in the roe ace noon, 8: They vieited ws yesterday. 9. YOu Winged a double game, 10. My friend was running fe Daepiekposket. 1t- They bd been taking the examination fer many days 12. ‘His servant told a | ia baton oe eon Sate he. The snake was running after bint. 2, Head been steeping since evening, 2. The prom bad rung the Bel ferere the clock struck two. 4, The sus fose at$.30, S. They bad cone away before 1 reached home. 0. The ‘hier wns breaking the lock of my neighbour's shop at dhe tegd of night, 7. E missed the bus, 8, {received fategrai vom my farber lasteveniog, 9. She bad beep Teasing this poem by heart for two days. 10 They travel: Tea fist cle, 11, bad bought a tieket before | tied to ech the train, 12, He was baving tea with bis friends, IIE Coptect the following, Hf necessar 1, Did he veading the semspaper! 2. She ia.not ate apples, 3. My once bad left for Karachi by the morn MerTRe. 4 ‘The poticeman did vot caught the thet Tr had been working in this factory from June 13. 6 Sua mene boys elled you not-naines? 7. Bird mete fiviog an the ait from early moroing. 8. You bad been not doing VourGuty sine thre days, 9. Had been be .90t Boing 10 wescl cioce Monday ? 10, He was speakiog tome. Me acer ion my parse tothe bos, 12. T'was knocking at Sour door since half an Bout. ‘igbalkalmat ‘TENSES MADE EASY eens. eee i 11. THE FUTURE INDEFINITE reser} Sey a First form 5 Verb zl erb oF Tense er) < HUE 8 i Wana) Roe Teeter (will go shall Bi NS A ad Ob Uy fuche oe ae Bi 2 ny Tune so Welt Subic al ce de oun hice 1st te 50 erton euT i &. Lied hf cory re le shall S Ver Shaan aigace te Gree © sy Singular «9 1px — 54 Pronot a dor uk=! (form yb dl er valle sok Fad Es - Loch asl lst Tense RL, Seotenses : Sentences sealing We shall ty 4 shall wou mallet Weshail work You will sin Hse You will wore He wail sin je She sult pe He will work evil so ‘he will work. They will sin Ie will work. 2 They wil) work Te apa Hi sults ‘That boy will work, Those boys will work Your son will work, Your sons will work (THE FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSE a san) 2 (od) Neqave 9S aa £ Teme a) Sia Sie sual come znery 260 8 not ts & il (shall not come. \p shail 22 £2 ty Interrogative 95 8 Tense ul oe ce gel EADS 0 dn = Subject £ eum oF will ao 8 () Ge (Will they some ? jst Negative Tense ut he DE oF ‘2 They will come z-#) JoSe Soo, Tmerrogative = 59 aie EXERCISE 1 Rewrite the following as Negative Sentences ‘— 1. We shall go" 10 sebosi xmorzow. 2. They wil 3. You will play swith, your frends. 4 S. Sbe wil pluck flowers. 6- 2) The fox will jump atthe fat the lamb, 9. The crow ‘They will fy kites im the win the match. ‘The horse will eat grass: shall have a cap. of: tea. grapes. & The wolf will & will fy fm search of water. 10 afteravon. Ti. Rebrite the following a5 Tnterrogative Seatences:— 1. Tue sun will disappear behind the clouds. 2 THe pontee will Bre at ibose bids. 3. The ein will A ac8.30. 4, Tshall post tbis letter in tbe morning ae play, 2 double tame, 6. The dog wll bark at hes yn Malt polith my shoes. 8 He wil fotzive You % {will not rain tonight. 10. She will turn off Be a> iqbalkalm ‘TENSES MADR Easy * : ‘am ruroms coariuosrese Correct the following where necessary :— ee we 3. Will eats the he er a0 4. fe ball, 5, Willhe catch not the ball? 6. ai ‘the snow tonight" 7. I shall seen not the a Tt See nt be iting AAT yp will be sittin: ey i ene CEO LD RPRR nag r Present Panivites oS 2b X te a eee ror FHSS wilted stall be de Mme ~ = (willbe sitting & shat be sitog coe) LF syle St Ua" ee y3gf Son) Tense oy weit JP a Bon dled Sy gal (gS We Glee Be S 1 Fe a oy ia ity (Form) 2h a shall be S Verb 9¥ 5a ly V Subject yale (We tT) Oat 99 0! Subject Si gg Ubset 47 Singular yk — 4, Pronoun Noun ga aS whe ee 1 shall be standing. Ushall written a letter ‘We shail be standing) { shall be siting: 1? qe shall be sitting. Hew n ‘she will be standing. i will be'standine They will be standing: pet So Zp cow will be sitting: ‘The hors “ag boy will be Horses will be standing: Cows pie x 2 canine aS “A shail nox be TuRPInE: aS Temseot al * shall “es Vahatl be tuosins <7) ive 35 08 4b 5 ele (oslye) Imertonatiee oe 4S will & Sh dn Ube (Form) 6 ly will be S Ver8 Phare y Sos oy ES gl ot Nhe ae yt 2b B y,8 fui a ae ai! Lo hb os OT Ch cael Tete POPS ‘ aes Xl Teme vi} Dewy ieeies See 2 £ Soe § Preseit Panicipiow iqbalkalm 44 TENSES MADE Easy EXERCISE 12 A. Rewrite the fotioni 1. He will be taking the exam: 2 shat be. SENDER sare 310 She wih Sevag Ake ap herself, 4 We shall be enjoying. the siowiais, 5, Prine inthe air. 6. He will ne texching qs English. 7, Th* Procession will be paysiog through rhe main streets, & We shall be seeing everything with our owe eves, 9, he moon will be shiding inthe sky. 10. we shall be Draving five times a day, t Ni Reorte the (cloming os Intesrogative Sentences 1 {r_ Tie haven wil be Ging with pain. 2. The ugh wil be setting ac6 pm.°3. The postman Will be corning These tt, She ill be teading the Holy Quean The snake willbe biting the spake-charmer, he Police Mil be fiting st the mob. 7. The horse will be cunning Fert 2 They win te praviog tor your siccae wa dittenet will be watering whe plants: 10. the i ‘will be roaring in the cage MIL: Correct the following where necessary :— sit MeO soe. 2.1 shall aor povide Covet. 3, Will be\ che policeman raising. alter the ict? 4. Will the servant washing be my. clothes? 5 WHI “not be, the cock crowing? 6. Will tbe ship Birds will be 45 PERFECT TENSE ers will be SitiNE 2. Te pment sea be? winning com me wi wmode OP sinking 1 ine will an the east spot on the pia 9. The sun risi eat gras E ‘UTURE PERFECT TENS! woe o£ nu on | EER SPT will have Wshll ve de RANTS Oe a aree wetn Ushall Be . “ill Ba bak 83h ere! yet BL ee re ml Pee Nee oe ; 5 rot Wil have ded before 77) sete Sf cc ; ror) cit ula shall hae S Yet en ee re ete ‘Singular — Prono eee Phe os due! Bord cab SP Lew ch ae eee i A qin vob > = ta deel ot 2 = Ot oun sBe a 1.20pm Foy Ba a eek Sad shall ho : plone BS o 4 ieee es 26 us a aie 6 Teme Tole os a Lf z say ee) Fee Se 1 at 1) nave reiched line tor comes. ; Tesh ye renee ome bes he doe You wit fice 1 ‘hate beta the dos Ne it he et me before she tor comes. ” He She will ae fetched Hos fre he ae IW sth hve eee ome before he doe They wl pave reac cd homie bere he will have teached home before ~ eee These sisi iris wil have ‘ached home. before the doctor comes, Sentences (shal ba ini work before avg Murree. a We se fave fst ce sek bea for Murree, ee XYGiait ne your wodt tetore lene tne foc Mower Me wiv nae ted Bis ork before ea tn fr Maree shew eased der ote ato ee te fr Mura nih ve faked is work befor vie Maree a "hey wal ther work Eton en ihr Male wee Bhs gia wil tare ihe ter work oe oe tee ‘These girls wil finished their work be- Fore leaving for Murree. logspoticoni™= =" te (osty Newntive Fn = Tense ax pe ee ae the z= before the sun fises = (sun (ser shat B24 He witt have died 7) ‘He wil not have died befo™ Ab Tense ere (othe) snterrogative 2° 5 2S FG, den swe A OY sh Soe Se ae Te ne cee an 2 rigaen befretow ge? pe ongh Negnee a Tauren = TS Hs Ey caueiae sa eee: exeRcise 15 sevste the flloing as Negus Sole 2. The fen before we Bet UP. 2: ve you wasn your bands and Ta eve Hnsbed ry work when YOu EEE oT ghan wilt have changed Ber clothes 55105 the ss vithe, clock wl have suck, fee beter you finish vec eerTue plane will bave tated you, Sai reach the airport. 7, Ne aa ae eee he raatch before che ug 2S te will bave pot out TRE Trubs before he goes to ed II. tewrte the following as Taterogative SSS 1. Thy sain will have stopped wen the $001 over. 4, ball Have ckammes. ny clotbes Before 78 ‘knock at ‘The sum vall have rs 1 ‘uit have stopped defo face. 3. home. saan) arcs eS en aoa tain eee ni year asf on) Tense ot OD on a” ae if eon) seseoee coke aed waft? eS ens ie lS! ag We an hocad = SI Lon sito z @ Eek of Time) Hoe? be beer 2. (Potiod of Time) “Sew!” ee aa alk have bees playing since morning <=) ia (aave been wating for you for to bowrs, ihe door. 3.” She will have regained hr senses, befor ine doctor enters thehouse. 4. He will have caught so Seo before tho gun rises. 5. The washerman will be Picsied your clothes, before you return. 6., The for. wall fave jumped many times at the grapes, before he sit hove. 7. The police will have‘ortved bere, ‘before you brehk the pate: of the factory. 8. 1- sbsil have finished reading the Holy Quran, before you sei un "TIL Correct the folloning where necessary for "They will 1 The dog will bave bitten him before be wilt run ee Fg Nill fave the bus stopped before you will ey reat ime it? 3. He wilt have not finished hic work Before the sun will set. 4, Will have not the thict ran Au Before the people will surround the Rouse. S." They BiH pot have done this sum before the time will) ove & Mill have boiled she cuss before the guests will becc * Some? 7. She will have wrote nor the letter when you Will reach There. &. Nave mor set the sun before _ ? eB eS B) * SB hoody te? Y Seda a Be oe ¢ ae a eh £ Fao Peet Continuous oh - coe oa pe WE SEL nie dye Shu B Continvons Future Perfect «3 © ios Te suturé Costiduois Tei a vagiinvanale ne ac ‘= (ing for you: YoU will cross the river? ‘They willbe w 34. THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ULI ue mew wens Prien Pariciple £24 Tensewe Warerererney Will have been U shall bave been gin so Penk wil have us shall have been playing am) | ths & él been pi Oa £ tay S Present Pyciplet ge Bag DEL pS ot Se Teme — 5 ie BN ol jaan ewer awe © ‘Ole, eae me rua TEaa shea tae Be lek oti wot bus! Wane iqbalkalmati ‘Soe TENOES MADE EASY rae re Be Hae prtes sth T shall bave been éw; ing. hours. le oe ours. He will have been work- ing since morning She will have been work. ing since morning. He will have beea swim: ‘ing for twenty hours She will have been Tt will have ber ah oe ‘morning, ming fort : They will have dec Aono he en They will the y" sking sidce mornic De FE cen working since pga tt il av tweaty hours. ‘THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE 51. sual) 3) 2 24 CaS) Neeatve 3F anid S Teste) te “The dug will have been goin) 249 8) not i Swill “The dog will not have Ocen 2 barking since midnight barking since idngbt. Eby ii) lateral 9° 234 L Tense ot LoS FAS) de a Subject Le will tall 228) (ete ue Al He will inve Been go) lace carl moesiag Will be have been <= swine (swimming since early: morning ? JSF casi Iterrgative 3! Negative Tense ut , cWinke ghe BE If EXERCISE 14 Le Rewrite the following as Negative Sentences — 2 We 1. He will have been steeping since morning. 2 shall have becu playing fer to hours. 3. Raia will have ‘been falling since 9pm. 4. The'cow will have beew ‘raringsince noon, S, The farmer will have been working in his field for moe hours, 6, The beggar will have been Sanding in the sun since long. 7. 1 shall have been. correcting you composition ior five minaces. %. MY. Servant will have been milking these cows for an) bout. 9. Boys. will buve been gwing 10 school since carly ‘morning. 10. They will have been playing the matct, Since 4 v’eloct. /. ' iqbalkalm: 2, c ‘TENSES MADE EASY IL Rewrite the following as Interrogstive Sentences ec aeehns cibe a The, policemen will bave been running after a for five minutes. 3. The E aa that hill for several hours. 4. We shall he “ ‘watchitg the television programme since & % Cop wi bests lo ae ‘ 4 re ‘will have been swimming in the tank since. 5 stir etna bn tg wage hens ty amennnnanne snanananen M ee ton OF THE FUTURE TENSE 5 a Ne ud -w dee ‘Tenses caste wat & Poteet OOS te i anh aE at PE es ot 6 eat a OH EXERCISE 15 1. write te following. Negative Sentensss TL Ala $C ata olen TEN BET ying away, 3: Th tata wl sane sopoed.a ie SALE Tet asa bape apes ator oak bone OS So 4 ris el uave been fain since moraine. 6. We waa baveielfed bem.” 7- She pil beailking Bet FO? fe We tual be doing” our datj. 9) My sine wil Bete TEN for Pestawaé tomorrow.” 10. Hs,logs Will be BAFESS 111, Correct the following where necessary 4 act Rea ee tage gun for. reali . He will have been not looking at these pictures sing two ours 3, They will have beea playing tennis feo o'lock. 4. Will have been tie dectos f ae he sont rat pasos atoms, ue one wil Biss SN u foc 10M? 5. Thesoy wll tare ee oot gta i aoa oe uevce.ninten, “AZ. Weeshal be eine FOC ME voree ours, 6, Shalt’ bave 1 sleepia ‘Hajj next year. ZH, Rewrite the foiloiog as Intetropative Semteness 1, Weshall be playing this mutch agai tomorrows - a, Birds will have been siging inthe nic since $08) We shall hires tonge to ge to- school. 1 be_peavingfor your success, §. He will thee a cast sie § S47 Bo a fl ). We shal ae shall been swimming in the tauk from soon, sporning, 3. 4. They wi 4 leveled teeth rsp kbs alm dg maa ‘The doctor wi They will be 9. She will be visiting her gr 10. The sun will have set When the me M1. They will heip the poor. falling on the bills next months, es before you ren, 8, to Murree by bus. tomorrow, ends, 12, Snow will ‘Correct the following where necessary :— ‘The show wil be start after sunset, 2, will be not going to the 200 ina taxi. 3." He will locked fis room’ before le will goes for a walk. 4, Will be wrote a letter co her mother, 5. Will have be the ‘chain to stop the train? 6. The policeman blow the whistie 10 stop the eyelist. 7. The barber be Wot shaving the new comer immediately. § Will bis be having acup of tea?” 9,, The old man wilt ied before: the doctor will come, 10, ought a ticket for his friend. 11. 1 shall have shecking: his’ accounts for a week or s0, 12. Will have the cashier paid hin Rs, $0 ? He will pot. ol «(AGirmative) ot SC Tense Sl 5 me) £.did 53! does 43! do uw ussii of Fil 35 Foy (Lnerrogative) ely jal (Negative) Bee i er erate elles £0 Beets atc o ed a ee 3 ‘ x aT bel eee es ee ko nnn FS a Sen ele ete lets Nate) s 4 3 + By the same Author : ECT NARRATION F mera E = Form of Bech Sk sont ox oF ud Fh Sly BLL dcx Forme Spach oo EN a TS oat ce oS Je ray ge he : a ee sal ott aie eth eset deel Ba = sft Slee 2a BT oe ont Sat) es NS he cae 924f co ge 9 Gee IT Oh Gl d Se Soren cab as eg & a alba EB Ae x a oan) ge nd LN STB esd % af Nbr eas eases g q QAUMI KUTUB KHANA Circular Road o/s Bhati Gate, LAHORE Sur TM AME MAE Re OED 56 iqbalkal TENSES MADE Z ‘TABLES OF TENSES si 1. The By - . resent Indediee 7 i ay ‘Negath . 4. Present’ Perfect Coatinaoas Tease ga eh : jemune | egete | one as vc win pons Thavesotbemans Hate T eet ete Somioae Poses View tan siete ey aren ‘She sos tome bet you, May 3. + May 13. May 3. seas TOC wen Sree cts Maren ne ‘going: ws every ai The 9 hema, we. Dow she oor tM wee eca going You bave not ban Hive yon ben acing ¢ ee i every Oy every day $i ede oo NG ed ees i ‘Ke has been going He as not eon Hes be been going 5 ‘every aay SIC going every day ‘every day since: tioce May 13 Mois T May 13. ‘has been going corny dey. ince May 13. fi hae’ been going everyday. since May3. ; ‘They have been goin every day since Abe thes 9 3. The ‘Afliomitive Presta Perfect Tease Mayis, Hace Mer 13. May'137 i Negative 5 ‘Tndefinite Teaze ere ene : 5, ‘The Past Indefinite ; Young” Welivent pe. jaro ‘Aftimative Negative Anterrogetive He bas gone, You have not gone, Have we, ‘E-went home. Taig of eo borne ‘Did I go home? She bas poue. He has not gone, AY YOU gine ‘We went bome- JeSidans some. Did we go home? Siegen. Sh Rane ‘Bas bb gone ‘Wow Wee," Youdierdagymeme. Did you sobeene? Savas harnerne Bana Xpoethone Fodid ac phone, - Did begotone? er have one peat pede ‘She went home. ‘Bhe did not go home, a Did ito nome cy ‘Hay it, of They tae not gous. aoa [t went home, Th did not gq home. Fete tome, Bid they so med Have they gone ‘went home, 7 iqbalkali 58 ‘TENSES MADE Easy §. The Past Cootiouons Tense iiemative Negative Interro tas ee Toast ing: "Wax going jewere going. Wer 5 | Wevwere not siog, Were me going) Yavin Yeon, el lewas going. twas seme, arceget, Sitic yan ve was not going! ‘Wes she going? ton Hons going. Wasi going? NS rsing: Thay werent sing. Wer iy gio, 7. The Past Perfect Tense Aficmative i Negative Tnterrogative bad gone, when had 006, 201 gone, when stem haere Mel om ‘shad gone, when = We had not fet ‘Chiral came ven Ghia soe, “Guta, A= ‘Youhad ge, whén You bid not gone, Ghats came when Ghratacame, He bad one, wien He mad ot. gone, haalcame ‘hen Ghia cme, Shehad gone, when She had ot gone eee ‘when Ghizala came. $008, whch tind not gone, Pic came, Ghizala came, oe had gone, Me) MA ote then They ad tot ome, ‘when Ghizaia came, ‘Had You gone; when ‘Ghizala came? ‘Had he gone, when ‘Chizala came? Hiad she gone, when Ghizale came? Mad it gone, when Chizals came 2 ‘Had they gone, whes. Ghizala came ? \ Tal 8, The Past ‘Atfiemative 1 pad beer soir tere fice May 3. We nad been s9ine “ner ree ‘Youhad been ging since MAY here since MAY 3. He had boon Boing hore since MAY 13. he bad been got Mere siace Mad been goin had beer ere since May ney bad been g0i98 “They bad H ere since May 13. 8 Affirmative 1 shall go. ‘We sulle: ‘You ill £0: He wil 0. ‘She will po. Tewill x0 ‘They will go wa inna act_boen .BLES OF TENSES Negative nad ot been si Mere snes MY Sbiog, there sinee May 1 He" had not be ping these sist aay 13. ‘She had mot beet wing, tree se Say 13. {ead not been going there snes AY a sahey had not been ting May 13. ‘Negative 1 shal not 6 ‘We shal not Bo. Youwil ots el ot he will mt 9: Ie wil nota “They will aot Ps * 9 1 Perfect Continwons TeHse Aoterrosstive ad 1 been gine Shere since MAY aa BT Ghee ‘May 13. a Fo oa oe Sete ae, vane ten sink there. since wm it been stint vi es Br ad hey een gE mince since MAY BP ‘The Future Todefinite Tense Interrogative silt? Shall we 7 i you ge? ‘willbe wo? ‘wishes? Willits? ‘whey 202 Afirmative Tahal! be goin, We shall be going. You willbe going. He wil be a. Affirmative F shall have: gone, when Ghizale We shall have gone, when “Ghizala ‘You sill have gone, when Ghlzala He will bave gone, hea Ghizala comes, She will ave gone, ‘when Ghizals comes. He wll have gave when’ Ghizala ‘They will bave gone, when" Ghizala~ ‘Tie Future Continuess Tense Negative Asbal ot be going. Weshal notbe gone. You wll ot be geg, Heewill ot be polog, Showin: be going. Teall ot be gong ‘Ther wil note glag ‘The Future Perfect Tense Negative 1 thal na have gone ‘when Ghai We shalt nots have gone, when Ghirala not have tone. when Ghivala He will not have gone, when -Ohizala She. wil not have ‘soe, when Ghizala i will not have gone, ‘when Ghizale They ill ot have se, hea Ghsale _Interrogative Shall 1b going ¢ Shall we be going ‘Will you be going? Will he be going ? Will he Be going ? Will it be going ? ‘Will they be going 2 Interrogative Shall J ave gone, whee Ona cones? Sha we ave ager whee Gis ‘Wt yeu have. gone, ‘when Ohi ore, Will he ave gone, Me Gens Wt he have sone, when Ghia Will it have soe, when Ghizals, somes? ‘Wil be Have goes fie ia comes? 2, Affiemative 1 shall ave: been ‘TABLES OF TENSES Negative shal aot hove been ‘working SIRE® 61 “The Future Perfest Coatinuons Tease Anerrogative Shall have been “working siace ee has. Masi? | have been We shall not ha wed Snead “ae oe er x have Wagon ve een ‘ell at i ‘you wil tave been You be ng ‘been wot working 1 ae fay 13. os (tt stm Wa be Bo ve born Howitontbivebem WL te bese Bae rect ence Mat ie aa ara Wil she uve beer ean tens of er bee WL TO Se ce ce vemwrkinesince —orklng ie ue ‘been Will it “have, beet el mae ee ec sacs Nott t1P oe BE oe ere | ve wots ‘ since working since we ince been woking ton mn ay Ba = senses he ple Easel Ze wh gg GeO Temses rhe sah goo Bai Stl deed Ev oS Tome a Fal gy SE ced ade 239 — ‘ qu ene tare Lu} 2b ng oe Sie ol dele ee 62 : iqbalkalmati. TENSES MADE EAsy Tanne y g = teers age eta ayo Be okay Mode ahs oe ore 2 oe $4 Sof es tT oer Sioa, i Oe can) Wy age itt 2s Se SUF IY a ast (OS dow Wee ee lng C 88 ii OE Bt. . He you a He nor iol, mien gO) the examine n° ACO 2 BY Uncle, Swat m0t (wring nko ee en write mist They did nog "d Khalid (byy He wan) the matep, MISCELLANEOUS HXB RCISE a ealted) you names? 8, She wi] not (knock ; knocked) at the door. 9. Will you (buy'srwaht) me sweets? 10. ‘We did not (play : played) cricket. U1. The peom (rns rang) the béll. 12, He (do ses) tot travel second class, 13. Did they (ffes fired) ac ihe thief? 14. Diamond (Gunz eupay diamond. 15, ‘They did not (WiC won) the foatch. 16. Did you (pase; post posted) fpat letter” C1 We (am ; ie: af) playing at the cards, 2. My father (am; ii are) going © Karachi. 3. (Wass Were) she laughing at us? 4, These boys will be (swim 5 olnming) in, the river, 5. Bicds are (fly; Sing) in the vain, 6. The sun was (Ger serting) behind the hills, 7. Tehall be (play : playing) with oy dolls. 8. (Has; Have ) the policeman-caught the thief’? 9. It bas been raining (for sineey daybrenk. 10, Had it been eaining (for + Sines) thres hours? HI, They will ave been swiouming fo the tank (for% Since) T6rty-eight hours. 12. He has been serving bis countty (for ; singe) 1970, 13. TRE dog had’ been barking (for: since) midaight, 14. | Baye been learning mylesson (for ;stace) 10 days. 1S Had be ‘been working, in’ thatofice (Jor sinceyseven yeats ? 16. Did vou net (call: called) him names? 17. My friend (dovidoes) nor. travels thitd classe 16, DVd abe (obtain: obtained) only pass-marks in English? 19. (Amis: Are) te acfool of tiousrsuwater] 20. Myyoathar (trie poing to Quetta tomorrow, 21, ‘Did you (forget forset) His name? 22. The postman (do ; does) aot get a.verd good salary. 23, (Has ; Have) your mother (lose; loose tat) hee putset 24, (Doq Doo; Did) the sermant igbalkal 64 TENSES MADE EASY : (@reak ; broke: 6 roken) the teapot? 25, He bas ‘sullering from fever (or; since ; from) a weck ? M1, Correct the follonieg . A. 1. Lam play footbball, 3. “She is live'with her aunt. on foot? 5. Does they sings'asong? 6. smokes, 7. She do not irons my clothes. 8, She Rot wrote a letter to hee brother. 9. Did Ne broke. yo a7 10. The dog did not: barked at the beagar. I ic is “work very hard these “days. 12," The police di Pot entered the Bouse by force, .13: Pareats are lov theit children. 14. ‘They are not live in this House, 1 ‘She do not learos ber lesson. B. 1. Twas fy a kite yesterday, 2, With his friends. 3. We bathing io the river. 4 Tp Ssberman vas catch sh. 5. ‘The old man ailking tg sow. 6 The villagers will running after the thieves, te They te not ell 4 te. 4. Will they working. ll the day long? 9. He sleeping in this room playing a matdh against the Friends Club, gr markiog our papers. 12. 1 shall doing ‘ny duty. 13. Is besfiy to"Londoa tomorrow ? 14, They are wee g0 with me to Karachi this month. 15,, 18 he afr Bis own shadow ? 16: Was the trainin to time ? © 1. We bave buy @ new house, 2, sfe0 much. 3. This boy has stole my watch, man has not bring any letter for me. 5, ied yesterday, 6, He is eaten lOGSPOt.COM, « sxeous exercise a casino in Mor . 7, The villager had pull the fein, 8 fe mil tll evening when be Bi oes ie. 9, She will not come to your house if you when the | Will not javite her. 10. The patient bad died whea Gocior bad come. U1: 1 had bought these shoes last month. 12. The wai willbe eaehed Pesarat when the il i Fioweew tate? 1S Soe wil have been falling here from 4 o'clock. as D. 1, They have been playing at one eee hours 2. His eighbour aeady ame yoverday. 31 had ‘mocking at your door from fifieen e vt mpteyoifyn minora ah 5, We Iretereadiog in that school for two years. 6. Had te Tain ured before you had scched the paform 2 Had they crossed the river by pee bese. thee ladies been ving from haleam =. 9 Wl Anca pk hse foes neces Weta? IE to hee Gill. je bas neat hit SM inte. Tey hve eA for Mens s ‘ready visited Murree. le crete ice at your door 18-Sbe will ave gone before nocked thei ‘you will come. IA. Revrite the following as directed : J. My brother plays cricket. en Set nes cred 1 portions cali Us ej oe che g Tien aie ety, (tac oh 66 TENSES MAbz Esq balkalmat ISPOFEOMrcovs exercise a Sir, 11. The Gisnermen eatehes fish. 12. You very boldly. 13, The rebbers kill the travellers ate. 14, ft rains very heavily in Murree in August. pray five times a day. 5 ‘B FIM ie the blanks with wis", “are, “w rete, till be” oF “aha Be”: ‘ 1. Shet4- singiog us a sag yesterdi 2. WeDscicaving for Karachi tonight. 3, | SiMbsuffering frors fever tomorrow. 4. The policeman—running after the thief last night $. Ist+lauybing at my own mistakes now. * 6 Javeid+takiog the examination today. She beats her children off and on, 2.” My friend very nicely. 3. You do not speak the truth. jove you finished your work in time? 5. We take S o'clock. 6 He does not back out of hill promise ricir friend does not like taking a bath io the evening. you want to go to the pictures today? 9. They een working since morning. 10. Ido mot want to him out. 11, She speaks the truth, 12, He will et yeu gohome, 13, Iam learning this prem by |, 14+ Do you wantto sleep in this room? 15. We call p'spade & spade.” C. Fill inthe blanks with the comert words selected fr those given within brackets :—— 1. The servact has——a cop. . (breaking, broke, brok. 2. We bad alieady——tes, 3, The old man will bave—- rt. ded), 4. raining since worming. Gs, ners $. You are——a lie, Grell, tellig, told). 6, She-——eryiag for an hour, (was, had b¢en). [A) Rewrite the following seitences, chawging the Verb in the Present Tense in each case :— Ttook a beth in the morsing. 2. She pulled’ the to stop the train. 3, Hekept quiet, 4. He swore he would help me, 5, Aslam did dot knock at_my this motning. 6. The beggar bad been sitting here je sun since noon. 7. Did siie teach you Bugiish 2 t= sould not be playing with those boys. 9. Tae 0 milked his coms before suarise, 10, Had at been ig siuee’midnigat ? 11. I did not let her change het 12. Was the peon ripging the bell 1% The broke into the house ia their absence. 4, Was the playing? 15, He went to Islamabad every day. IV, Renate the flloniog seatenes, casatog the Verb the Past Tense in each case :— ae a /. iqbalkalmaiti.| cs “TENSES MADE EASY ONS ON OPJECTIVE PATTERN 69 UR: {B) Rewrite the foilowiag seateuees chagging the the Fatere Tense in each ease wl pe gen ee ce (help). 72 Were they——for ae Kal mee oes only. yesterday: (polish). dna Li, The sun- oe 1 The potisenian avshn tbe ret. 2 We him. 3. The servant stole may wrisewatch Je 4. She ea'stiew every day. 5.” They are playing cards. 6 Has he eft for Queia? 7. The dog * these boys. 8, You failed in Engtnd, 31 my 2b Fa Ee he match (wn polish why shoes, 10, Docs be call you nameshave ibe) We——the examine shiiaien. af ot rnking a nole. 12. Wa. tke MM for tom minutes. (eal), 18 Ne OE ay 13, Shs won a prite for saving-his life. .14, This llyext year. (lake). 15. Al Keeper give ws ashort metsus, 15, Ho ealed enmnnnnnennen doctor at once. ARNT “om ye UESTIONS ON OBJECTIVE PATT SY. Complete the following sentences by using thé ys?- Q' eee RTECS ATS fora of the Verb given in brackets at the end of effpnwowmntwwnere die of = S-Je ao : jap Le She—— ior Karachi last week. (leave), : a Pattero : WS ae oe eee Say gitsle 7) uncle ‘onsorrow, (se8). 3. He—-—4 bath the mersing wvery day, (toke) 4. Have yous even by iene? learn). 5. He bas——in Bagi ve marks aly. (/ail). 6. 11 hag been——since (rain). 7) The tell——when Centered the ch (go), 8. The pol'seman—-ibe thief before he alin. (cule), 9. He lice (felt). 10. fe given under eaci sentence, free suagested Negatives ore 8 ed below in bold type. Choose # er Medode ny re ‘He did not broke my ev? (0, He ge got break 2 e) He did not broken my pes. tbas——tee orggar. (bite). il. Th: old man is Slowly. (work). 12) The postmac——tbis leiter £9 yesterday. (bring). 13. Was he—--his servant 2 14 The tain—~—--before we reuched Multan Has she——two eggs since long ? (boil), he. correct one ax your ‘ (B). 1. Sbe——her clothes betore we go , out waik. (change). 2. The baby had —sinee me QUESTIONS ON OBJECTIVE PATTERN mW iqbalkal 70 TENSES MADE EAsy (®) He did not steal my pen (©) He did not stolen my pen. 9. Lwas learning my lesson. (a) 4 was not learnt my lesson. (@) { did not learnt my lesson. (©) {was not learning my lesson. 10, She has been working since morning. i (@) She had been not working-since morning. (0) She had not been working since morning — (€) She not had been working since morning. 1S, We shall ge home, (@) We shalll not go home () We shall go not home. {@) We-not shall go home. 12. The dog will be barking. (a) The dog will be not barking. 46) The dog will not be barkinge— {e) The dog not will be barkiag. ‘13, She will have milked the cow before suas. (2) She will not have milked the cow before sunset. (8) She will bave not milked-the cow before sunset_— (©) She will not have milk the cow before sunset. 2 She sings «song. (@) She do not sing a song (©) She dots not sing « song, (6) She does not sings a song, 3. Tsleep in this room, (@) 10 not steep in this room, ~ (@) 1 do not sleeps in this room, (©) 1 does not steep in this room, 4 Weare going home, (2) We do not going home, (6) We are not g0 home. (€) We are not going home, ~ ‘5. He bave bought this com, (a) We bave not bought this com — 4 (0) We have not buy this cow, ~ (© We are not bought this 5. ‘They have been working since.moraing, (a) They have been tiot working since motni (©) They bave been not work siuce morning. (@) They have not been working since mor 7. She left for Karachi, (a) She left not for Karachi (8) She did not lent for Karacki,” (6) She did not leave for Karachi. a) 1t will have not been raining for an hour. (6) 11 will bave been not raining:for an hour. He stole my pen. (a) He did not stole my pen, iqbalkali n ‘TENSES MADE EASY 6, The doctor hd already tested is eves. (@), Hed already tested the doctor his eyes ? (0) Had telted the doctor his eyes already ? {c) Had the doctor already tested his eyes 4. We toad not boon iearalng this poss for two days. (a) Mad aot we been leavaing the poem for two days ? [®) Had we not been learning this poem for two days 9 i) Had we been not learning this poem for two days ? ‘8. The peoa will be ioging the bell: {@) Will the peon be ringing the bell ? {) Will be the peon raig the bell 7 (c) Will the peoa be ringe the bell? IL, Rewrite as Taterrogetive sentences :— Tiree suggested Interrogatine forms are given ach sentence, pried blow bold type, Chon the 1. Soom falls in Seoaary 2): Do snow falls ia Jancary ? (6) Does snow faits in January * (©) Does snow fail in January > 2 Binds My ithe au. : (@) Do birds fy in the aie 2 (@) Does birds fy in the aie! () Are birds fy ia the 3. ‘They are singing a song. (0) Are they singing 2 song 2 (®) Do they singing a song > (©) Does they sinsing a song’ (i Has been ber boby ery “{c) Has her baby been eryjog since midnight 2 20, She eill’be swicnmting tn the tank, (a) Will be she swim inthe tank ? ‘You hare cheated thes. (6) Will be che swan in the tank? Ce) WWil she be swiroming in the tank 40) Have cheated them you ? * : ‘@) Are sou cheated them ? p LN. He won a prize. (@) Did be won a prize t (®) Did be win a prize? (©) Had he win prize ? 12, Birds were ying in the air. (@) Were bieds fying inthe sic 2— E _{b) Were birds flown in the air ? (@ Had bieds beeo fying inthe ait ? (6) Have you cheated them 2 5. She will pray foros. (0) Will she pray for us 2 (6) Will pray she for us? (6) Will she prayed for as 7 F igbalkali av “ ‘TENSES MADE EASY <> rise remme sons oF THE veRB (75. er 3 HIE. Only one senteoce ia each of the following growpe 10.” (a) We are live in this House. ae correct. Writedowa the corzeet sentences from each : 1. () He go to sthool on Foon 4) Re ab in ecbcal oh foo, {@) He goer shoo! on fa. 2 (@) Law play football 18) Lave play Football 1 pay fotos 3, (a) Seo nor sendin ts clas. (8) She does aot read i this lass (6) She doesnot cea ia is clans, 46) Did you By kites 8) We live inthis howse>— (@.We hive fn the house 20° 11, (@) He has aten sweets. (6) He bas ate sweets. * {e) Hehas eat sweets 12. (@) Girls had gone when the boys find entered the hall. {(@) Girls were gone whea the boys entered the ball. (6) Girls had gone when the boys evtered the Ball IV. Complete these words by Sling ia the blacks : (6) Bie You few kites 2 1 (@ Cha (0) chose, (©) che e (©) Did you flowin kites 7 2. (6) Beatevecn-n (8) Bes (6) best. 5. (@) Was be broke the jug? ©) Did he broke the jug ? Se {e) Di be break the jug? 4 (@) Hoag. 6 (@ Iwas aining fom 5 pm. £ @ tie (@) Ithad been raining since § pum. 5 te) Ride (6) Tt had been raining from 5 p.m. eae, 7 eee ne he Wha forge (©) She will have forgot your fame. *%. @) AS (i. She’ will have Corgoten your nate) fee tels: 6 (6) wr 8. (a) Did he call sou names 2 (0) Dvd he mei? ‘ 10 a) Keon ‘1 Did he called vou mimes ? Ne @ Shes 9. ai You vid nox spoke the ruth, 12, @ Sins. (8) You dis not speak the truth. (@) You dia not spoken the ieuth, 6 ‘TENSES MADE FASY. DNAS tn 99 iy OF on 98 et oF rl ae 2S Gye Form v. 29 (spelling) yey 9 Seezed orl ~ go le ges 957 Jar? aly 8 £69 CASI nya oe Kine op) Se Gh} anes ile 9 Sa NS i 85) I ee LF hy Cat Sat Sas SES Presem: Post ‘Pest Pettelple 4 ada CS pe added sided silow ys ofiel allowed allowed aa ay was bees alee bef aioe arisen ask eepat ashed saked = Ste 2 store borue ai Le bore bern vedi beat” Beaten become Up decane become begin (Won) US pre began begun belong Liss ESL. belonged’ belonged 2 bite SS 2 aysts it bites blac 42 (ll blamed biomed temas >, USstY Bipka broken bring BY brought brought alld US pers ty built but cover aie aig do doubt draw dream rink ative * drown eat fal feel Past buirot, bought called caught 3 changed ign we UF Sale deal ua ce by ctia ay us us Se ep wae ole by (Sol - Ghy bash Us vf US gant cheated, chose. climbed ‘came ‘covered cut dealt. died de oid doubted drew dreamt drank grove érowned ate fell felt” ‘VERP 7 Past Partie ue » bought ated onus chadged cote ee ‘climbed cone coved ‘eat ¥ sia ae ieee oxi ioe Sees dex ines drowaed ows falen felt ie 8 + manss WADE SY jQbalkal Present tal as Past Porticiple aoe ae fen, IS Oe sete felled aa ty hone os fght- UP. US 3B fought fought Mier: find, UF Goeth found found fut BF aye ge footed i join BS ESA UA. janes, oy igh UT Rew owe ee ES Gli joked joked foebia 8S Ge forbade forbidden : ae : ui forget Sida Forgot w forgotten ae ee ae: forgive US les forgave Aorsiven a ear ee pals Oe ke Wis eee eo mt et get UF doe got gor xin af killed sive tus pave sven ve = i oye cae keel Sine wae pelted wor St stew. | prowe know . are Tard US obtn guarded suarded flag ie Eas ah a 8 eu 6, guide US say guided _ aided ead WS sy ea hung nog esp tay NWagl leapt bs o Bea pists tigeeed ‘hanged earn “US 5 lgSe~ teatae carat See (sty tt esse Shag ie ee US oi hated hated Jead tye yal teat Jeot (GED OED 4 have et le * Ongsarnasss Me a “i é & hear te heated bears pais + tide oe ae ie Lies ied it COs hit ae ight Iitighied ——Wlighted —* oat lotded leaded hold WR held held 0 logspotecortr: PRN oF THE VERE 8 rae ee Past ast Porieiple ih rupted tabbed oh ruled rine eo 2 a meet UF Sethe met = baa melt KGS melted Ne ee 9 murder SS minded pees parrate CS Ole narrated iB fe oe offer US poe offered mies eer = . Bias. ntl oder ta Se ordered oo 2 pardon 6,5 itu pardoned meee cee, Patt US Ung A paste eee ee ‘pay bb paid ae pene Sup prited 8 pray SL tas. 6,5 leo prayed - ey proee SU ewoma tee 10. poll LeaS pulled i. push Seo pushed a put 855 pe * ost auacrel —USee_guareled = read linha read = ‘a eeu "at ting. te tle rang, = < rise Wyn gslh Yel rose pees shown iqbalkalmati. lOgsSpot.cOM nas rons (OFTHE VERB Argan : Past Past Part . Past Participle sleep Ue = slept ee Present re smell “Sip smelt fay —. be told told smile Th sited ae gar ty thom teva ee : smile sey throwo getored ae We Sn toew eee speak Yn spoke a toveh eo oy spoken 2 Gye washed was 13. spell OS ca, aa a 15. wash ta Leon ae spend GIF UF ee pent te ‘waste oe = spread Whetg - Wey spread spread ; at i woven spring esl sprang oes ; ‘a stand cat, EE Sood ee | Gay wert Bly fet Saly tes saat a cgevker won vn state reuiet: oe te ap wisled wished Stay Cnet tanst stayed staged wole us worked worked seal Ube US Gye stole stolen wasn ae ta aaa eee sting BULGE stung du "4 thee wre wrung fie Wick rack ae wy! wae ‘writen “aioe tas poten Stricken r 44. sweep tjeealles Tevens a rae a swell Gay p39 Leo swelled swollen | Bo ae oe x svin is ’ é : a ae swam sum TEACH YOURSELF ENGLISH iJ took takea t 3 SERIES talk Uy - 65 SSF athe talked 2 ; tear 3 . = ee Corp tora j BOOKS 1.224 &5,6 a: ‘ 3 en nnn Sa nnnmnnnn Jaen pire, a Tiss wave sasy iqgbalkall { SMWINATION QUESTIONS } (8 MD[TRSCHOOL EXAMINATIONS FG teniteth ovning in the Present Tense :— 1. fh toipeicnt. 2. Did te open the 3. Lea pniestel elena. 4. Hecariod oat the ord:rs:llismaser S$ He bought a ticket.’ op 1. be te bby voring ? 2. Tieara my 3. Thisilfvesatarwith ber dolls. 4. This book ont miWe-use. £ How do you de ? {© Beniotutaivig in the Future Tense -— |. tan meetings week with i veck with my uncle. 2, Ae speats tetits 3. they run very fast: 4. He has been worirg mey-a:d "i. Twant a book, ts th ‘loving im the Past Teast (0) Jew de‘oliip as Negative Sentences :— A itttine mwineerday. 2, You'write a let te yourtake, 1 hte inthe room. a He Sseh ‘Sswex srg $. th:y:0 school. ie (b tarte teblevig as Interrogative Sentences 1. He mecitebtr 2 Tseea lion. 3, She orks el 4k hed tired. 5. We obey one * EKAMINA"ION DESTIONS 85 (By “SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS (@) Give the Past Tense of the following and then ase ‘each in a sentence {= : se; beat : break; nds ‘Speak ; forgive: hold ; learn ¢ de Ayal lye — Thane Wf Se oe of ere ed i ae oe eee Cb ule week a s DT cb tel US by sd 92 eal foo pe Tame 6H wy OF Si i Sa) SA nl att GU ES oa ash Si thn A oe oF sl gent ile Tene =e See LV Ho ooh tel Fo 1S eye Teost jy a 3) ‘po Bo ee dee ga ee = =n 2 3 is ZY (4) Be Fah Tease UT > Goel ( gies Sa aaa eee BENE soon sat git sls Yee vlytl (5) 15h al Tes si as Ot Ue ad By Cu aah ae Temsayte. De che) ant Tenet Lor £8 E ost uni chee 02 0 (ee el las att 2! 90 TENSES MADE EASY SPOS ch ol a Tenses he SAT adsl hy OF OE SE OF dn —8 omit) HL pe Sy phe a) alas 9 tennes FL 61 3s) 60 659 6581 67 686 She way 1) Lao aa de ah yh oF (ose 8) oF 7: 7 225) O12 F Tenses) BS Gast ellen sal all ody EOL) oT : SS CE eclt WaT OSS Verbs OW erd 836 76 cake win @) oat aS ob Gig — le gal Os — 595 Forms 2 ee) By Bled by gag Sai, cs ts OB ae Usd ws WF eased igh oot S Verbs CRS Rel Sle Se sy Sek de sa90 4S Exercise Spfagil & Tense Sly Baerclies 850 sol a ep wily ee Tos eo Selle Sol ge — os pee GY LS” Brera SN Si ed aE Sd aaa IF ue get eel WF Salle SF oT Cy 2 ey, i yo Beercise 2F Brcicie Jl Uap ol gon 2 OT oF ane Goh BUSTS ee AE al SF) si Go Correspondence Lye C34 jm (ea) 23 oA 10,80 els ent DL ce (ple th GES 5 he) Student stm Hig ee Correction S Brercises — oa 6 = Spr lhe Che S 445) oi Sit iqbalkalmat PAK ENGLISH COMPOSITION FOR EVERYBODY aoe hee SHAE ME ow Gel 6p Ki e 5S ie BE ste’ pled eben ao eet VS geil dar tee a te serie Sls ae Oitage ole eal ae OEE el EU oll biewlie ne WF Si sacle 160 OsiSe 78 Loe wie © ln Gy oS Peale gal oil ABI 29k ant ofthe! Sct Gas Ui sk (otis Set Sl) LISS cay bbs AE hag te RSG OU Ole LF oT oe SAS at ae eB See Sot = tps eae Eft Weal a site bis! oa a) oo es i Sh sls jhe oF pase gh p29) eh Set way AB a EB E 21 SS west SLL JET Ge sin BG Kany 9 SB Doe Dy QAUMI KUTUB KHANA Cirenlar Rend, o/s Bbati Gate, Lahore.

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