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Monster Slayer

- 6th level Climbing and Jumping

- 10th level Falling and Recovery
- Abilities based on large monsters defeated.
- 14th level capstone abilities.

Monster Types
- Humanoids
- Plants
- Undead
- Fey
- Constructs
- Giants
- Monstrosities
- Aberrations
- Dragons
- Beast
- Ooze
- Fiend
- Celestial
- Elemental

You have advantage when defending against attacks from creatures two or
more sizes larger than you.

You are immune to charm and fear effects while raging.

During your turn when an opponent you can reach is on rough terrain you
may make a basic melee attack to attempt to knock them down. This attack
deals no damage, but the target must succeed on a constitution saving
throw(the DC is 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus) throw
or be knocked back 5 feet and knocked prone. Additionally, you may add
your proficiency bonus to any skill check or unarmed attack that attempts to
knock a target prone.
+1 strength bonus to maximum throw and carry weight per type of huge or
larger creature killed, up to your proficiency bonus. Your total bonus from
strength (including your modifier) may not exceed 8.

+1 strength bonus to grapple checks per type of huge or larger creature

killed, up to your proficiency bonus. Your total bonus from strength (including
your modifier) may not exceed 8.

+1 constitution bonus to health per level per type of huge or larger creature
killed, up to your proficiency bonus. Your total bonus from constitution
(including your modifier) may not exceed 8.

+1 charisma bonus or spellcasting bonus to intimidate checks and fear spells

per huge or larger creature killed, up to your proficiency bonus. Your total
bonus from charisma or spell casting attribute (including your modifier) may
not exceed 8.

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