Individual Task - 02-21-17

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Roxanna Walker

February 21, 2017

RHET 1312
Professor Foster
Individual Task
Which of the following questions will lead to reasonable arguments and which will lead to only
to pseudo-arguments? Imagining someone who disagrees with you, explain why you think the
question is arguable (or not) in a short written passage.
1. Are the Star Wars films good science fiction?
Pseudo-argument: This is considered a pseudo-argument because the answers
would vary based on an individuals opinions on the topic.
2. Is it ethically justifiable to capture dolphins or orca whales and train them for
human entertainment?
Reasonable argument: This is a reasonable argument question because the topic
touches on the ethics of an issue that could have multiple answers that could be
supported with facts.
3. Should cities subsidize professional sports venues?
Pseudo-argument: This can be considered a pseudo argument question because,
although there are opposing sides, if there is no commonality on the issue then the
argument cant become a reasonable argument.
4. Is this abstract oil painting created by a monkey smearing paint on a canvas a true
work of art?
Pseudo-argument: This is considered a pseudo-argument because, the answers
would not be shared amongst those who are conversing, without a shared
foundation the argument cannot be reasonable.
5. Are nose rings and tongue rings attractive?
Pseudo-argument: This is considered a pseudo-argument question because this
question is opinion-based, although you can take surveys to figure out who finds
piercing attractive, the options would consist of those who find them attractive
and those who dont.

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