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How To Be A Transformational Leader

1. Pauls example of leadership:

How did God transform leaders:

1. Through his example
2. Through his exhortation
3. Through his encouragement.

Pauls example was that of:

1. Sacrifice
2. Service not a leader by name.
3. Selflessness.

Fathers do not fight with their children, teachers do not fight with their students,
doctors do not fight with their patients. They take care of
them no matter what.

2. Timothys example of faithful leadership

Timothy was:
1. was available and valuable
2. Humble, teachable, and trustworthy
3. Transformed and transferable.
4. Likeminded and dependable
5. Selfless and single-minded
6. Consecrated and committed.
7. Willing and ready for service as a son

3. Laboring with a tried and tireless leader. Epaphoditus

Epaphroditus was:
1. Sick yet serving
2. Dying yet dedicated
3. Weakened yet working
4. Feeble yet faithful
5. Suffered yet single-minded
6. Tested yet tenacious
7. Tried yet tireless

What qualities are lacking in your life?

May God help you perfect them in Jesus name.

Curled from a teaching by Pastor W.F. Kumuyi.

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